fluffystuffies · 2 years
I’m now going to shamelessly bring up this friendship I spontaneously made like a month ago that has not left my brain with tickle art-
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Yes, she does this often. :3
She also tries to be gentle because if she tickles him too much it sends him into a coughing fit-
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cutesmokes · 1 year
After some very obvious hints about more exciting challenges, Daddy long legs sets up a game of tag. Some of the contestants think it's childish, but for tissues, nothing could have been better.
Day 6: chase
The remaining contestants of “Burner” waited as the host muttered to themselves, trying to collect his thoughts. This challenge was going to be really great. He could feel it. The host had been hearing some of the contestants wonder if there really was a point to this whole show. There was. He just.. Took a while to come up with challenges. This one, however, was fairly simple, as well as fun. They had enjoyed this game himself when they were younger and he was sure the others did too. Once he had finished, he turned back to the group before announcing that the next challenge was ready. Kitkat just rolled her eyes, mumbling something under her breath. Daddy long legs either didn't hear, or didn't care because he just continued without acknowledging her.
“So.. uhm. Yeah. I have a great challenge for you guys today. You will participate in a game of tag.” A mix of excited comments and an odd mix of disdain was the reaction he received. With a nod, the host simply went over the rules, just to make sure everyone understood before leaving the teams to their bidding. Tissues was on their stomach, tracing images in the ground while Record paced back and forth. She was the nervous type, always had been, and she didn't really enjoy the idea of being chased around because a game told them so.
“I don't like this.. I don't think I can do this’” Tissues sat up, their lazy grin steady on their face as they looked up at the girl. Maybe it was because they didn't have the comprehension most people did, or maybe it was because they were just naturally laid back, but they just shrugged as they turned to face her.
“Itll be fine~! Just chase them before they chase you.” Record stopped in her tracks, looking off to the side as she rubbed her arm
“I couldn't.! That would be rude.." tissues just stood up, walking closer to her before gently poking her in the side, causing her to giggle and quickly brush their hands away.
"It's easy ~! I'll help you by encouraging you with tickles ~!" Their grin turned to a smirk as their fingers wriggled towards her. With a squeak, Record turned on her heels before bolting off with airy titters leaving her mouth. Tissues followed close behind, chuckling along with her. Back and forth, the two pursued each other. Eventually, however, tissues tripped over their own feet, tumbling to the ground while bringing Record along with them. Once the two stopped rolling and the amused snickers died down, tissues made eye contact, turning poor record's nerves to butterflies all over again. She tried backing away, but tissues quickly caught her, tracing the grooves in the black vinyl as they pulled her closer. Record's legs kicked out, circling in the air like she was peddling a bike as bubbly, childlike giggles pushed past her lips. She latches on to tissues' wrists, not really trying to fight them off as they chuckled in response.
"I've got you ~! See? I remembered how ticklish you were." They stated, half as a tease and half proud of themselves for remembering something so important.
In the distance, Pilly watched from afar, shaking his head. Pilly wasn't fond of such silliness. It made Pilly think, though. Somehow, it was always the silly ones who stayed safe. To be fair - they weren't very far into the competition, but it was a trend nonetheless. Pilly would have to pay closer attention to this little reoccurrence later.
I'm so sorry this is so short - I'm working on many more fics for the goobers and I'm PRAYING that they're a bit longer.
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Cheer Up, Dear
Request: I'd love it to be x reader, maybe girlfriend or partner reader to be specific? I'd really be happy with any plot, but some ideas would maybe be Agatha cheering the reader up from a bad day, accidental t words or a t word game if that makes sense? Maybe all 3 combined? It's honestly up to you, thank you so much!! (ler!Agatha x lee!Reader)
Note: Thank you so much for this request!! This is my first time writing for Agatha, so I hope I portrayed her well. This was an adorable idea and I hope you enjoy!
Word Count: 1448
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You had just gotten back from a long day of work. Normally you loved your job and enjoyed working with your patients. However, today felt like the longest day in your life. Every patient was rude and hostile towards you. Despite doing your best to remain professional, it was still very draining. 
You flopped onto your bed, taking some time to decompress. The comments you received that day played back in your head. You tried to think about something else, but your mind just kept wandering.
You heard a soft knock at the door, as Agatha, your girlfriend, asked if she could come in.
You went over and opened the door for her, silently leading her over to your bed. 
You laid face down, as Agatha gently rubbed your back, knowing that you had been crying. You softly sniffled into your pillow.
“I’m here if you want to rant,” Agatha soothed quietly.
You wiped away some snot and turned your head to face your girlfriend. 
“Everyone was so mean today, and it wasn’t even standard rudeness,” you explained.
“What do you mean?” Agatha inquired.
“I was told to go back to my home country, I was called a nurse when I’m a doctor, and all these old men kept calling me sweetie and asking me to be their wife,” you ranted, wiping tears from your eyes.
“Is that all I’m seen as? Some person to flirt with even though I’m at work and in a professional setting? Why don’t my male colleagues get this same treatment?” You said angrily.
Agatha continued to rub your back before responding. 
“I’m sorry you had to go through that. You are a highly skilled and educated individual that deserves respect from those you are helping. But I will say, unfortunately this is something you’ll have to experience in the field you work in. There are some people out there who are racist and sexist and will think of you as less than your peers,” Agatha stated.
“But what am I supposed to do? I’m supposed to remain professional and still give them the highest standard of care. Even if they don’t deserve it…” you trailed off. 
“While you should remain professional and do your job, I suggest you focus on the positive comments that you get. Think about all the comments that you get from people who you've helped. The ones who say ‘thank you, you saved my life’ or ‘I appreciate you taking care of me,” Agatha said. 
“I know, it’s just that the rude comments are more rare, so they stick with me longer,” you sighed. 
“It’s completely valid to feel upset since you were disrespected. It’s a hard field to work in, and on top of that with rude patients, but I promise you that you will make a strong impact in this world. Continue to work hard, and good things will come back to you,” Agatha said, as you nodded to show you understood what she said.
“Thank you, Agatha,” you said, wiping your nose with the tissues she had gotten you.
“You feeling any better?” Agatha asked softly.
“Hmm, maybe,” you said, while slyly wiping your snotty tissue on her arm.
Agatha yelped and quickly reached out to snatch the tissue from you, as you quickly dodged her hand. She grabbed for it, but missed. Instead she ended up grabbing your side, which now made you yelp.
“Oh, I’m so sorry,” Agatha apologized.
“What?” You asked, confused at her sudden apology. 
“Did I hurt you?” Agatha asked.
“Oh what no, you’re fine,” you said quickly.
“Then why did you yelp?” Agatha asked with concern.
“I…ummmm, just didn’t expect it,” you said shakily.
“Is that the reason? Or is it because you’re ticklish?” Agatha asked with an evil grin, reaching out to squeeze your side again, getting the same reaction as before.
“Baby!! Stahahap!” You giggled, pushing her away.
“I think you need some cheering up, don’t you agree darling?” Agatha teased, quickly using her magic to pin your arms above your head.
You shook your head in fear, not wanting to give in to her tickling.
“Can I see that smile?” Agatha asked, as you shook your head again.
“Well alrighty I guess we have to do it the hard way,” Agatha said, smirking down at you.
You struggled against her powers, but knew you were no match for your impending doom. 
“Come on, let me see that smile,” Agatha said while grinning, as she began to lightly tickle your sides.
You immediately held your breath, struggling to squirm away from her teasing nails.
“It’s okay to laugh baby,” Agatha cooed, spidering her fingers a little faster.
You let out a snort, pressing your lips together tighter.
“You wanna play the hard way? Fine, I will too,” Agatha said, as she quickly moved her hands up to tickle your ribs, causing you to squeal.
“Was that a little squeal I heard?” Agatha gasped, as you tried to clamp your mouth shut. Agatha knew she was close to getting you to break.
“How about if I do this?” Agatha questioned, as she leaned down to blow a raspberry on your belly.
“AHHH STAHAHAHAP,” you screamed, trying to kick her. 
“AWWW there’s that smile and laugh I’ve been waiting for!” Agatha exclaimed, now reaching down to squeeze your hips.
“NOHOHOT THEHEHERE AHAHAHA PLEHEHEASE,” you begged, shutting your eyes in ticklish agony. 
“Tickle tickle tickle my little ticklish lee,” Agatha cooed, grinning the entire time.
“IHIHIM NOHOT A LEHEHEHEE,” you cried out.
“Oh yeah? Wanna bet?” Agatha asked, reaching up to tickle your armpits.
“NO! DOHOHONT YOU DAHAHAHAHARE! STAHAHAHAP IHIHIT!” You screamed, desperately pulling at your arms.
“Oh my, I think I’ve found your worst spot, dear,” Agatha said, digging her thumbs in to make your laughter go silent.
“Oh no! Where did your laugh go? We better find it again,” Agatha said, pondering on where to tickle you next.
She scooted down and sat on your legs. 
“Are your feet ticklish?” She asked.
“NO!” You blurted out, before dissolving into more laughter, as she attacked your feet.
“PLEHEHEASE AGATHA THIS IHISNT FAHAHAIR!” You cried, as your legs and feet wiggled frantically. 
She slowed her tickling and got off of you, only to begin lightly dragging her nails over your shins, causing you to gasp.
“Ohohoho my gohohod thahahahat tihihihickles,” you squealed.
“You’re just so ticklish, aren’t you?” Agatha teased, now giving your knees some squeezes.
She slowly released her magical hold on you, allowing you to move your entire body, except for your arms, which were still pinned over your head.
“You know I just love seeing you smile and laugh, especially after a hard day. I enjoyed it so much, but now I want to also see how much you squirm,” Agatha said, with an evil glint in her eyes.
She sat beside you now and took one finger to tickle your belly button, making you gasp and jump at the touch.
“GAH AHAHAHA,” you laughed out, bucking up and down and sucking your stomach in, struggling to escape her evil finger.
She continued this for another minute until you were pink in the face.
“Alright, just one more thing and I’ll let you up. It’s my favorite tactic and I just love the suspense on my little lees face when I do this,” Agatha cooed, now sitting on your hips.
She took her evil nails and started to tickle your sides, slowly moving them up your torso. You burst into laughter, jerking from side to side. Your laughter went up an octave as her nails moved up to tickle your ribs, threatening to enter your armpits.
“NO! NOT AGAIN PLEASE! ANYWHERE BUT THERE!” You shouted, as her fingers continued to slowly climb your upper ribs.
“Any last words? Agatha asked.
You opened your mouth to speak, but it was too late. You were overcome with laughter as her nails entered your sensitive pits again. You screamed at her to stop, bucking against her.
“Oh that shriek of laughter is just wonderful,” Agatha said, tormenting you a little longer before finally letting you up.
“You’re the worst,” you said, giving her a playful shove.
“Are you cheered up now?” Your girlfriend asked.
“Yes,” you said with an eye roll.
“Hey, watch the attitude! Don’t make me have to tickle you again,” Agatha said with a warning tone.
“No! Don’t! I’m sorry!” You immediately apologized, moving away from her and curling up.
“You are so cute,” Agatha cooed, booping your nose to annoy you.
“Just wait till I get my revenge,” you threatened.
“Waiting,” Agatha teased.
With that, you began to chase her around the house, itching for revenge.
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tired-and-ticklish · 7 months
Please more hazbin hotel tk headcanons please, you can choose the character that you like (except Valentino please :)
Gotta go with my favorite spider then
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He's got four-six arms depending on what he's doing
Angel is actually very gentle for a ler, due to knowing how bad it can be when people go too far.
He'd get into tickle-fights with his twin sister Molly when they were alive
His favorite 'victims' are Charlie, Husk, and Cherri
He especially loves to tease Husk in Italian
"Aww, chi è un gattino carino e solletico~?" ("who's a cute, ticklish kitty~?")
Angel also loves to do the 'itsy bitsy spider' song while tickling someone's ribs or sides.
Loves to give raspberries too, either on the neck (with Husk) or stomachs. Or nibbles (calls them 'spider bites')
The only one besides Niffty and Husk brave/dumb enough to tickle Alastor, despite knowing he'll regret it later.
Besides Charlie, Angel is the second instigator of the hotel tickle fights.
Always makes sure there's a safeword and respects it
Won't restrain with anything other than his arms
Not opposed to using tools, but prefers more hands on methods
His worst spots are any of his underarms, his thighs, his back and his ribs
You know how he'll do the 'itsy bitsy spider' thing to you? He'll absolutely die if someone does it to him
"C-Come on, we can t-talk about this, right?"
How he found out he was still ticklish even in death is that, during one of the times Velvette was measuring him for an outfit, she scratched his side by accident and he snorted.
Velvette couldn't keep her mouth shut, so that's how the other Vees found out.
Cherri was the one who showed him tickling doesn't have to be intense or awful like how Val does it.
Too feather ticklish, will crumple like a wet tissue if feathers are used on him.
Husk likes to tickle Angel with his wings due to this fact
While his feet are ticklish, they're not a worst spot and he hates having his feet touched.
Seriously he will kick you in the face if you try.
Doesn't like being restrained, he likes to be able to flail or cover his face.
Raspberries also kill him
Can't handle back massages
If you get a particularly good spot, he makes spider chirps
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itzsana-kiddingmenow · 10 months
May I ask a Lee! Know and Ler! Hyunjin- bro is tired of the airfryer and being stuffed with tissues 😂
Air Fryer:
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𝒍𝒆𝒆: Know
𝒍𝒆𝒓: Hyunjin
𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘧𝘪𝘤 𝘪𝘴 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘬𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘴𝘰 𝘪𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘪𝘴𝘯'𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘤𝘶𝘱 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘦𝘢 𝘪 𝘴𝘶𝘨𝘨𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘴𝘤𝘳𝘰𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨! 💗🧋
𝕥𝕒𝕘𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕥: @someone-who-loves-kpop-saranghae @jeonginsdiary @leeknowstan33@v--143@wereallgonnadieonedaybutnottoday@inkytornpages@lajanaa
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“180 degrees! 20 minutes!” Lee Know screeched when Hyunjin cackled again, holding Soonie captive. 
“Gimme my cat back! You’re a DOG person!” Minho squealed when Hyune bounced Soonie up and down, almost dropping the flailing cat every time. 
“I’m tired of the air fryer, hyung!” Hyunjin shrieked when Minho lunged at him, and he bounded away, laughing yet again. 
“Soonie! Come here!” Lino tried to bait his cat back to him, but turns out Soonie found that Hyunjin’s arms were a good place for a nap. 
“Awe look! Looks like he likes me better-” Hyunjim giggled at Lee Know’s desperate look, screeching when the older finally managed to catch him around the waist. 
Lino immediately slammed Hyune onto the couch, knocking Soonie off, and the cat ran away. 
Hyunjin immediately caught Minho’s wrists, suddenly overpowering the older and managing to pin him instead. 
The wrestle continued for a while, until Hyune decided to play dirty and squeezed at the older’s sides. 
“AI-ahaha hyuhuhunjihin!” Minho batted at Hyune’s hands. 
“You brought this on yourself, hyung.” Hyunjin shrugged as he continued to tickle the cat dad’s [mom’s] torso. 
“hahaha hyuhuhunjihihin plehehease!” Lino whined, throwing his head back from the ticklish heaven torture. 
Hyunjin said nothing, just continuing to tickle his hyung with a wide smile on his face. 
Minho bucked and squirmed as much as he could, the light tickling becoming unbearable. 
However, his sweet giggles continued to bounce off the walls in the room, giving the area an aura of warmth. 
“Want me to go harder?” Hyune asked after a while. He had a feeling that the older was enjoying this. 
Hyunjin grinned. He was so right. 
“So cute hyung! You’re like a cat. You looove your belly rubs~” 
Hyunjin stuck his fingers into Minho’s armpits, earning a loud scream and a pair of clamped arms. 
Lino flopped around like a fish on the bed, cackling his head off. 
Hyune just smiled fondly at his adorable hyung. He could tell Minho was enjoying this very much. 
He scribbled over Minho’s collarbone, eliciting strained peals of laughter. So, the older was still trying to hold it in…that would be fixed soon enough. 
Hyune scanned Lino’s body, looking for a new target. He adjusted his position so that his knees were holding Lee Know’s apart. 
Minho panted, catching his breath, he didn’t realize Hyunjin’s diabolical plan until it was too late. 
Fingers attacked in the inner part of his thighs, and that’s when Lino broke. 
Hysterical laughter flowed out of his mouth like a waterfall, natural and beautiful. 
Minho tried his hardest to close his legs, but Hyunjin’s legs made that impossible long ago. 
“HYUN-HYUHUHUNJIN! NAHAHAHAT THEHEHERE! PLEHEHEHEASEEE!” Minho shook his head and his cheeks reddened in embarrassment from the sheer volume of his laughter. 
“You just love this sooo much, don’t you, hyung?~” Hyunjin teased, loving the way Minho laughed louder and tried to curl in on himself. 
Hyune vibrated his fingers into Minho’s v-line, and that was enough to drive the older mad. 
“HYAAAAA! HYUNJIN-HAHAHA! IHIHIHIT’S SOHOHO BAHAHAHA-” And just like that, Lino’s voice was gone. 
He flip-flopped around the couch, Hyunjin smiling and digging deeper, which only elicited another ticklish screech. 
Finally, Hyunjin let up, giggling at the older as he let out a few more residual giggles and the cutest smile ever. 
“You. Are wayyy too cute.” Hyunjin squeezed Minho’s cheeks afterwards. 
“He is, isn’t he?” The spectator for the entire scene commented. 
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i hope you enjoyed! please check my intro post before interacting! love ya! 💕💗💖
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unnamable-lee · 9 months
How about some Ler!Tissues and Lee!Record
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soap143 · 9 months
OMG HIIII I had an idea for a fic :))
what if the members are waiting for chan at home but he's in the studio working late, so they all go to his studio and force him to work while they tickle him. (basically he's stuck in the chair trying to make a song while being tickled)
Hi, omg I love this idea! Such a great concept. I love lee!chan, I hope you do too. Enjoy!
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“Yah, where is Chan-hyung? He promised to show up.” Minho whined, opening up the last packet of chips and pouring its content into a bowl.
Stray Kids were supposed to have a movie night that evening. Felix and Seungmin bought all the snacks, Changbin, Jeongin and Han argued for hours choosing what to watch and Minho cooked up something nice and warm with Hyunjin. Everything was perfect and ready. There was only one thing missing…
“Chan should really stop being such a workaholic. He can’t live properly because of it!” Changbin agreed “Me, him and Bin agreed to finish up that last song and go. Obviuosly, Chan insisted on staying longer, adding some details to it. That was 3 hours ago!” Han angrily rambled.
“What, really? This needs to stop!” Hyunjin clenched his fists in anger “Guys, guys! Let’s not get angry here. Maybe we should help him instead of talking behind his back.” Felix suggested, changing the groups perspective.
“You’re right, I think we should go and comfort him. Our leader can’t miss another movie night. He didn’t participate last week either!” Seungmin joined in, agreeing with Lix’s idea “Right, we should do something about this. How about we pay him a visit?” said the maknae.
“Our noodles are getting cold. Let’s do this before it’s too late. To Channies studio!” Han yelled, leading the rest of the members towards the door.
•• ━━━━━━━ •• ❖ •• ━━━━━━━ ••
Soon, they arrived to their destination. During the short drive, the kids had come up with an idea. Minho knew that getting angry and mad at the older would only work out to their disadvantage. They had to solve the problem peacefully. And only one thing came to his mind…
“Let’s tickle him.” Lee Know calmly stated “What? Why?” Hyunjin asked “To cheer him up, stupid. Do you want to choke on tissues, or do you agree?” the bunny threatened. Let’s say that Stray Kids immediately accepted Minho’s idea.
You don’t see 7 men walking around at night very often. And these men were on a mission too. The screams that were heard later could’ve been mistaken for a very well planed murder.
The leader of skz was still working his head off in the studio. His laptop was about to explode because of the long, restless hours of work it had just gone thru.
“Bang Christopher Chan! Put that computer down or you’ll be in some serious trouble!” Jisung kicked the door open and immediately intimidated the said man.
“Hey, kids! What are you doing here? It’s late.” the kangaroo softly uttered, partly because he was tired and partly because he was just a calm, caring leader. “That’s a question for you, mister. What are you doing here, working on a MOVIE NIGHT!” Yongbok yelled, highlighting the activity that his hyung was about to miss out on.
“Tonight’s a movie night? Shit, sorry, guys. I genuinely forgot…” Chan murmured, rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment “Save those apologies for later, Channie-hyung. Stray Kids, let’s put our plan in action!” the second oldest exclaimed, launching himself towards his only hyung.
Before the wolf even had a chance to think, 14 pairs of hand restrained him onto the chair he was sitting on “W-what’s the plan, guys? Are you going to h-hurt me?” “Much worse. Hint: it doesn’t hurt but is impossible to handle.” Han teased, running a finger up his side.
Oh no.
Chan knew what they were talking about. And he wasn’t looking forward to it “Look, how about you don’t tickle me and we can all be happy and go back home to have our movie night. How does that sound?” the oldest aussie babbled in panic. “I don’t think so, you old man” Seungmin said, digging into his thigh.
“SeungmIHInie, plehehease DOHOHON’T!” the old man in question protested, trying to pry away at least one of the scary arms that were keeping him glued to his seat “No escaping! You deserve this, Channie-hyung. Give yourself a break for once.” Innie tormented the older by squeezing his knee.
“Since making music seems more interesting to you, then you should make us a beutiful song right now!” Minho suggested, innocently scribbling his finger on the wolf’s neck “Ihihi can’t do anythihihing like this!” Chan squirmed.
Suddenly Jisung pulled out a piece of paper “I wrote some lyrics on the way here. Even less work for you!” the quokka stated, placing the paper next to the aussies laptop. When Chan extended his arm to see what his first Stray Kid had written down, he felt a sharp poke in his armpit.
“HEHEY! That’s unfahahair, you cahahan’t poke me while I’m WOHOHORKING!” the leader’s arms quickly glued back onto his vulnerable torso “That seems like a you problem, hyung” Hyunjin commented, sneaking his hand under the poor boy’s shirt to claw his chest “JIHIHIHIHINIE NOHOHO”
“Do you accept the challenge or would you prefer to be wrecked by all of us until you pee yourself and pass out?” Changbin threatened, playfully wiggling his fingers and the oldest member of 3racha. Chan felt shivers running down his back just at the thought of that as he agressively shook his head in denial.
“Good. Now chop,chop, get to producing!” Han encouraged, poking his victim repeatedly “DohohoHOHn’t! Thihihs ihihs UHUnfahahaHAIR!” the poor leader complained for the 100th time.
Minho was getting fed up with the way the older kept on yelping and squeeling instead of getting to work. So, he finally decided to do something that would get his hyung operating.
He “walked” his fingers down Chan’s whole torso down to the are between his knee and thigh “Minnie. No. Please.” were the lee’s last words before decending into deep belly laughter. Lee Know used all five of his fingers, rapidly squeezing the sensitive spot.
“PLEHEHEHEHEASE HEHEHELP SOMEHEHEHONE!” the kangaroo cackled “I know how to help! Start. Making.The. Goddam. Song!” Jeongin encouraged, jabbing the older’s side “OHOHOHOK IHIHI WIHIHIHIHIHL JUHUHUHUST STOHOHOP!”
Everyone lifted their hands off the poor man, letting him at least take a look at the lyrics he was given “Whahahat is this? No wonder you wrote this in like 15 minutes…”
(Verse 1)
In the park where memories cling,
Old men share tales on a bench swing.
Silver hair, stories unfold,
Life's chapters etched in lines, untold.
Oh, the old men, eyes full of lore,
Walking through life, forevermore.
Laughter lines, wisdom's hold,
In their hearts, stories of old.
(Verse 2)
Weathered hands, a lifetime's trace,
Wrinkles echo time and grace.
Seasons pass, joy and pain,
Old men's stories, like a refrain.
Oh, the old men, eyes full of lore,
Walking through life, forevermore.
Laughter lines, wisdom's hold,
In their hearts, stories of old.
On the bench, shadows blend,
Old men's tales, a timeless trend.
As the sun sets, memories unfold,
In their hearts, stories of gold.
(I asked chatgpt to write this lol)
The rest of the members got curious, looking down at the piece of paper “HAHAHA no wahahay you wrote about him being so old!” Seungmin giggled, high-fiving Han “This so so stupid,there’s no way I am about to-” Channie soon changed his mind once the mischeviou’s bunnie’s torturous hand started going back down to the dreaded spot.
The kangaroo tried to get as close to his computer so he wouldn’t have to expose his armpits by stretching his arms out. He was just trying to open the editing app, but that ,obviously wasn’t going to be so easy.
“YAH! Stohohop prodding mehehe!” the wolf tried to contain his snickers “We don’t have time! Get back to work!” Changbin commanded, shacking his hands onto the producer’s ribs “PLEHEHEHEHEASE I-I CAHAHAHAHAHAN’T!”
The leader’s hands went back down to protect his sensitive body. There was no way he was about to complete this challenge.
“Hurry uppp! I just can’t wait to listen to this brand new song our amazing leader is about to make~” Hyunjin whined, blowing air into his ears.
Chan took a deep breath in. Maybe, just maybe he can ignore the insanely unbearable feeling and complete the dare.
He, once again, quickly reached out to his precious laptop. The kangaroo knew his armpits would soon be poked and prodded, but he had no other options.
“Hehehehehe plehehehease stohohop…” as expected, giggled started pouring out the ticklish man’s mouth. The dwaekki and ferret were both in charge of making the older’s job much more complicated by jabbing into the sensitive spot.
Chan had succesfully opened the editing app. He didn’t care about what song he was going to make, his vocals and overall results. The only thing on his mind was just to finish this.
“Youhuhuhuhu’re anohohohoying! Whoho’s touching my- agh!- SihiHIHDE? FEHEHELIX! STOHOHOHOP!” the younger aussie just snickered. He had gotten tired of his mate taking the tickles so well.
Chan was trying to find an unfinished draft that he could pair with the lyrics. Obviously, that would’ve been much easier without the constant unpredictable movements of his bandmate’s hands.
The talented producer didn’t even check what the incompleted beat sounded like, because someone’s hand or hands (he couldn’t even tell) dug into his lower body. Aka his thighs and knees.
“WHOHOHOHO’S DOHOHOING THAHAHAT?! PLEHEHEHEHEASE JUHUHUHST- UGH STOHOHOP!” poor Chanie’s knees crashed into one another as he fought the urge to lift his arms away from the keyboard “Come on~ Don’t let us torture you like that! Just bring your hands down, that’s all you need to do~” the fox taunted, only quickening his torturous fingers.
Their noble ruler shook his head side to side, his eyes shutting tighly as he refused to give in and defend his torso “P-Plehehease, d-doHOHOhohn’t! I cahaHaHAHAn’t…!” the poor man was shaking, trying to numb his ticklishness. He was doing pretty damn good, until Minho decided to attack his very sensitive ribs.
Lee Know’s idea definetly worked, as poor Channie’s arms glued right back to his body “THIHIHIHIHS IHIHIHIHISN’T FAHAHAHAIR! LEHEHEHEHEHET MEHEH GOHOHOHO!” too bad nobody listened…
If it weren’t for the rest of kid’s holding the wolf’s seat in place, Chan would’ve fallen over at least 10 times already. He was squiming in his chair, his melody long forgotten.
The lost children(lol) decided to slow down and actually let the eldest member at least get started with his song.
“Recording everything will take faaaar too long. How about you just play that cute little beat you’ve brewed up and sing the lyrics however you like? You know, intuitively.” Jisung thought out loud “You know, that’s an amazing idea! Let me just take out my phone and record it, so that we can listen later…” the younger aussie agreed, pulling out said device from his pocket.
“Wahahait, you’re not gonna film this, are you?” the leader muttered in fear “Oh, we are. And what are you gonna do about it? Threaten us? In this adorable position you’re in?” Felix tormented, poking his australian brother’s chest.
Chan turned red at the stament. He decided to play this draft of his at least one more time before adding the… amazing lyrics.
The funkiest, funniest beat echoed thru the room “Well, sing, aussie boy!” the dark rapper encouraged, shoving his hands into his hyung’s armpits.
“I juhuhust wanna listen to it ONE time! Please!” the kangaroo tried to bargain with the lers “Nuh-uh! Sing, now!” the puppy joined Changbin by wrapping his fingers around the older’s thigh.
Soon, the rest of the boys followed Binnie’s and Seungmin’s actions by teasingly placing their arms onto certain spots, getting ready to wreck them.
Jisung handed their commander the paper, skipping to the beggining of the melody
“In the park where memories cling, Old men share tales on a bench swing.” Chan sang the first lines, trying to match his voice with the playing song.
As he tried to sing the next lines, Minho scribbled his fingers on Channie’s neck.
“Sihihihilver hair, stohohories unfold, Mihihinho stohohop!” the wolf whisper-yelled the last part as he fought demons trying to hold his laugh.
“Lihihihfe's ch-chaptehehers etchehehd in lines, untoOHOHOHOLD CHAHAHANGBIN NOHOHO!” he tried to push out the last line before the chorus, which was nearly impossible as the third oldest dug into his very ticklish armpits.
“Oh, the ohohohold mEHEHEHEN, eyEHEHEHEs FUHUHUHUHLL OHOF LOhohoHORE” the leader howled once he felt both of the maknae’s digging mercilessly into the ticklish flesh of his armpits and kneecaps.
“walkiHIHIHIHIng THROHOHOHOugh life, forhohohoevermohohore” his screams died down.
“LAUGHTEHEHEHEHER LIHIHIHINES, wisdOHOHOHOm's hohohold, in their hearts, storiehehehes of ohohohold.” the poor victim cackled, snickered and wheezed, but eventually sang the chorus out.
It was pretty complicated to do so, considering that his whole body was being ticklishly violated every few seconds.
“You’re doing great, honey! Just push thru a few more lines!” Felix sheepishly smiled, drilling his fingers deeper into the kangaroo’s side.
At this point, Chan’s dongsaengs were making it impossible to get any understandable words out of his mouth. All that their poor leader could choke out were pleads of mercy and wild cackles.
“Come on, sing for us, hyungie~!” Seungmin teased, masaging deep circles into the back of the eldest’s member’s knees.
“IHIHIHIHIHI CAHAHAHAHAHAHAN’T! JUHUHUHUHUHUHST STOHOHOHOP!” to his disadvantage, none of his precious children listened.
Stray Kids saw no limit, pushing their fingers deeper in and quickening the already painfully fast pace. Chan was dying. He was thrashing around wildly in seat, unable of stopping the tingly sensation that had overtaken his whole body.
“Push out those last verses and we’ll let you go” the oldest rapper encouraged, seeing that his hyung was very close to his limit.
The truth is, Chan could handle tickling pretty well. Even with multiple members wrecking him at the same time. But, obviuosly, the amount was pretty limited.
“YAHAHAHAHAHAHAH J-JUHUHUHUHUHST SLOHOHOHOHOW- HAHAHAHAHAHA DOWN!” no matter how exhausted the aussie was, he was determined to finish what he had started.
He grabbed the paper with his shaky hands and just tried to read the lyrics out loud.
“WEHEHEHEHEath-theHEHEHEred han-HAHAHAHAHANDS, A li-LIHIHIfetIHIHIHImeHEHEHE's trahahah-” to be honest, nobody understood a singular word that left his mouth. But hey, at least he was singing the lyrics… Righ?
“SEHEHEHAHAHASONS PAHAHAHAHA-PLEHEHEHEHEASE STOHOHOHOHOP!” at this point, Chan had given up. He was much more focused on shaking his head and whole body side to side in ticklish agony while trying to pry everyone’s hands off him.
“Alright, now that you’re done we must reward you!” Han announced, peeling Chan’s hands away from his torso. He pulled his poor hyung’s shirt up and placed his lips on the very sensitive side.
Soon, everyone got the hint, fighting the kangaroo to get their lips on whatever exposed body part. At some point, Channie gave up and just went limp, waiting for the unberable feeling to come.
“Aww, look, he’s letting us give him raspberries~!” Innie teased, as he exposed the older’s knee. If only Chan knew that in a few moments he would be right back to squirming and thrashing like a maniac.
Stray Kids’ leader was in a concerning state. He was full on crying because of the ticklish feeling that had fully overtaken him. His cheeks were damp, neck and shirt collar soaking wet. Poor Channies was so red that it didn’t even seem funny. Nobody knew if it was from the teases or the intense tickling.
As expected, his dearest children didn’t wait much longer before crashing their lips onto Chan’s vulnerable body.
Jeongin and Seungmin were torturing the lee’s knees by, obviously, blowing raspberries on the top and squeezing the bottom. The sunshine twins were trying(keyword: trying) to blow some ticklish air onto Channie’s midriff. In the meantime, the other two eldest’s were busy tormenting the older’s neck and ears, which were beet-red. Hyunjin, on the other hand, sneaked around making the leader’s alredy miserable condition worse by squeezing or poking ramdom places.
“YAHAHAHAHAHAHA PLEHEHEHEHEASE P-PLEHEHEHEHEHEASE NOHOHOHO DOHOHOOHOHOHON’T!” begged Chan with the last ounces of strengh that he had left “WA-WAIHAHAHAIT IHIHIHIHI CA-CAHAHA-” soon enough, his laughther was cut short as he ran out of breath. His chest stopped rapidly rising up and down as he curled into himself the best he could.
The aussie simply went limp. That’s when Minho commanded everyone to stop “Hey, hyung, are you alright? We might have went too far…” Changbin asked with concern in his voice “Y-Yeahah… I’m ok. Just tired.” Chan breathed out.
“So… You’re not mad?” the maknae questioned, showing his best puppy eyes “Now that I think about it, I kind of liked it…” “OH MY GOD I GOT THAT ON CAMERA!” Lix screamed, scaring the hell out of basically everyone.
“No way! Give me that phone. Now. Don’t think that I won’t get revenge on every. single. one of you! Nobody is going to be safe this week!” Chan threatened, jumping out of his seat and pinning Felix down.
“That song was beautiful, you know. Must be one of your best melodies” Jisung teased “You’ll be my first victim! Wait, whose idea was this anyway…?” the leader pondered. Everyone’s gazes stuck to Minho like wasps to a pool of soda.
“Yah! Don’t call me out like that… Channie-hyung, please. You really don’t have to do this…” Lee Know whined “Watch your back…”
Even though the older was plotting his revenge mere seconds after his session, he couldn’t help but think about how much he loved being mercilessly wrecked by all of his younger brother’s. He had totally forgotten why he was tired or upset before…
•• ━━━━━━━ •• ❖ •• ━━━━━━━ ••
Hope you enjoyed! Maybe I will make a series of how Chan gets revenge on everyone… Sorry for not updating. Requests are open if you have any ideas! I’ll try to finish them asap.
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v--143 · 1 year
I’m going on a rampage with Lee Chan rn it’s tooo good I’m adoring it 😚 thank you for the request! And I’m SOO glad you liked the Hyune one! <3
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< Make Up, Makeup! >
[Lee! Chan]
[Ler! SKZ]
Skizji was discussing the best way to do Chan’s makeup for his Wolfgang performance. It was towards the end of the year and one of their biggest performances yet, making or breaking the end of their year and public view as a group. Needless to say, Chan as the leader was scared shitless about how it could go.
It all had to be perfect. The performance, the styling, the facial expressions, the lighting, the music… and especially the makeup. Skizji spent hours trying to figure out the best way to compliment his makeup to his clothing style. That is, having almost no clothes at all.. at least on his torso.
He was wearing an open wolf hair coat that hung from his shoulders, a single chain across the top at his chest to hold it together. Since his entire torso would be exposed, it needed some work to be done on it. They had to practice it now before the actual day of.
“Chan, we were thinking some sort of lightning strikes across the center of your abdomen for it to reflect with the light on the stage” A staff member suggested to a frustrated Chan.
“No that won’t look good. Lightning has nothing to do with the performance.” Chan said sternly.
The kids were in the breakroom along with the staff and Chan, listening to them bicker back and forth about what would look good and what wouldn’t.
“Yes, but it may be the best thing to do considering we won’t have too much time that day and it can’t be something too intricate in case-“
“No. It just doesn’t fit it. Can’t we try something like wolves eyes or fur or something?!!” Chan suggested.
“That’s too intricate and detailed, it just wouldn’t work out in the moment” Skizji tried their best to explain the situation to Chan, but his frustration and stress was getting the best of his attitude at the moment.
Staff sighed and looked to one another. “Well, we have a few days before the performance. Maybe you all can discuss what may or may not look best for the day of” Skizji said to nobody in particular. They quietly exited the room as Chan sighed and went to sit down on the floor.
The rest of the members just looked at each other in awkward silence, unsure of what to really say. They were dispersed around the room on couches, the floor, and really on top of one another. They just silently stared at Chan.
“So… no lightning huh” Han said, earning a smack to the arm from Lee Know.
“What are we even gonna do..” Chan said while grabbing at his hair.
“Hey there’s, like, a week left until the show. There’s plenty of time to figure something out” Changbin said.
“It just needs to be good, better than good” Chan said.
“It’ll be good just give yourself time to think it over and find the best choice-“
“There isn’t time is the problem. This show is one of our biggest and it’ll bite us in the ass soon if we don’t figure out the makeup for my very important stage part and-“
“Okay. Fine. Then let us do it” Seungmin said, standing up off the couch.
“You heard skizji, they said to let us pick something out, so let us! Hyunjin’s an artist, there may be actual potential there” Seungmin suggested.
“I’m not guaranteeing anything but I can try my best” An eager Hyunjin said.
“No that’s stupid. You guys don’t even know what you’ll make, there’s no point-“
“Oh shut up just take the damn shirt off and let us try” Lee Know told Chan.
“No. It’s dumb and gonna waste time and materials.”
“You’re dumb and wasting time and your voice. Come on” Seungmin said to the members as they got up and made their way over to Chan on the floor. IN went ahead and got a towel and some tissues while Hyunjin got the body paints.
“NO! They said DISCUSS what may look best, not to actually do it.” Chan said while scooting back away from them.
“Guuuys” Felix said while holding a long black strip of cloth, “they cut this off a tank top a while ago. I’m thinking blindfold” he said smirking.
“Absolutely not. What. No, Lix” Chan laughed at his idea but was getting gradually more annoyed by the members’ commitment to actually doing this, “put all the stuff away because it’s not happeni-“
Changbin and Lee Know suddenly jumped at Chan’s arms, each grabbing one wrist and stretching it out all the way to the side. Despite Chan’s efforts to keep them by his side, Bin and Minho were eventually sat comfortably on his wrists.
“You don’t want me to see or move?!” Chan said, irritated, “how bad is the makeup gonna turn out?!”
“Hey! That’s mean. We haven’t even started” Minho said with a quick scribble to his side.
“DOhon’t, quihit asshole”
“Oooh this is bad for you Chan” Bin giggled.
“Wait no I think this is a bad idea, let me up, please” Chan began to look nervous after Minho reminded him of his extreme sensitivity around his torso, especially with brushes. He tried to wiggle his way away or pull his wrists back but nothing was working.
“Oh my God. Fine. Just do the damn makeup” Chan said while trying to look annoyed when in reality he was nervous as shit anticipating what he knew was gonna be a long and loud laughing fit.
Han went up behind him unexpectedly and put the black strip around his eyes.
“There we go” he pat his head lovingly.
Hyunjin took a seat on Chan’s waist while the rest of the members sat around his torso area, paints ready and brushes in hand.
“Okay so, first step of the artistic process is sketching. I brought this black graphite chalk thingy to help us since it’s easy to draw on skin with. We could try to sketch out a rough idea” Hyunjin spoke.
“CHALK?! Will that not hurt..?” Chan said.
“No it won’t just let us do the work, relax and take this time to nap or something”
That’s gonna be really hard.. Chan thought, terrified.
Each member grabbed a piece of the graphite and got to work. Bin and Minho, still sat on his wrists, began to trace vines from his wrist down to his shoulders. Chan immediately tensed up and made fists.
“Yah! His veins are popping!” Lino laughed, “I could literally just trace these” he said as he went over his veins with the chalk.
“QUIHIT” Chan tried to pull at his arm as the leaned the opposite direction of Lino’s attack, later leaning in his direction as Changbin began to scribble the chalk right where his elbow met his underarm.
“STOP STOHOP” Chan yelled in a futile attempt to keep a straight face.
The members all looked at each other with the same idea in mind. Stressed nervous Chan + him being trapped and blindfolded + them having painthrushes and all the time in the world = Destressing Chan time.
“Hey Chan hey Chan how does this feel” Seungmin said as he traced down straight down his torso from his neck to his bellybutton.
The entire 5 second trip was excruciating.
“NAHAO WAIT SEUNGMIN STOHOP HEHAAHA” Chan laughed loudly while kicking at the floor behind Hyunjin. It didn’t help that Seungmin dragged the chalk slowly and at times would vibrate it into his abs.
“Oooo let’s trace the abs so we know what we’re working around” Felix said mischievously. He was one of the few that knew of Chan’s extreme sensitivity around his sides and chest area, and was determined to not let this moment go to waste.
“Fehehelix?!?!” Chan said, betrayed.
“Yes?” Felix said as he grabbed two bits of the chalk and began tracing around his abs.
“QUIHIT STOHop stop PLEHEASE I won’t live throhohough this AHA” Chan yelled out.
“Ooo Felix I think you messed up a bit on this part, here I brought a towel” IN said, handing Lix a small white towel he’s brought along with a cup of water to clean up any errors. The towel was soft yet had a spiky-rough texture… perfect.
“Thank you IN! I actually did mess up around his sides a bit didn’t I…”
“YOU DIHIDN’T EVEN DRAW ON MY SIDES YEHET?! Oh my GOHOD LEE KNOW QUIHIHIT, AAAHH” Chan screamed as Lee Know got a little too close to his underarm and he scrunched up his neck and legs.
“HAHAHA” Lee Know laughed at him, “look at him kicking awww” he cooed.
Meanwhile Lix was wetting a corner of the towel and spinning it around for it to have a sort of corner to it. While Chan was focused on his arms, Felix went ahead and dug the towel into his lower ribs and shook it back and forth.
He tried to turn his torso the other way until Hyunjin began to scribble his fingers on his other side and ribs.
Han, sat behind Chan’s head, lifted it and put it in his lap as he sat criss cross under it. He then began to flutter his fingers across the top of Chan’s shoulders and collarbones, driving him insane.
“EEAAHAHA NOOAHAhaha plehease eeEAAHAHaha” He squealed as he tried to shake the feeling off his chest.
“Guys, this is crucial to the artistic process. We all must draw the same design at the same time. I will do it first to demonstrate” Hyunjin said, grabbing some chalk, “this is called ‘stipling’ and it’s used to make kinds of abstract paintings. It takes forever since it’s a lot of tiny dots, but we could all try it for practice!”
“NOHOHO DO NOHOT TRY IT” Chan begged, “what design are youho guys even DOHAHAHING?!”
“Oh we’re still on a specific design? I just kinda hoped it’d look good in the end to be honest” Seungmin said.
“WHAT?! AHAHAA MINHO” Chan yelled as Lino, again, attacked his underarm.
“Okay let me demonstrate first” Hyunjin said. He grabbed a chalk and began to tap tap tap it around Chan’s bellybutton, making sure to vibrate it in certain spots.
“Youho are awful” Chan said. While it wasn’t that bad yet, the feeling of something coming down onto his stomach over and over again had his nerves hypersensitive, and the fact that they were all gonna be doing it made it 10x better worse.
“See? Easy. Everyone get to work!” Hyunjin clapped.
At once, the 7 began to tap on some part of Chan’s torso. Arms, neck, collarbones, abs, sides, anywhere and everywhere.
While the feeling in itself wouldn’t have been terrible had the kids done it normally, this wasn’t the case since Seungmin chose to dig the chalk into the spaces between his ribs while IN mischievously grabbed 2 and tazed his sides with them. Not to mention the rest of the members sneaking their wiggling fingers onto the canvas.
“NAAHAHAHA PLEHEASE GUYS GUHUHUYS I CAHEHE SHIHIHIT” Chan loudly laughed his beautiful laugh as the attack went on.
“Ay, watch that language” Felix said as he squeezed his hips.
“Okay my artists I think we’re ready for the next step” Hyunjin clapped his hands together.
Chan was already panting hard, tears formed and his torso had its nerves on fire. He wasn’t sure how he’d survive actual brushes.
“Waihit guys no let’s leave the rest for ahanother dahay” he tried to say sternly but instead came out all giggly and embarassed.
“Awww is he just now realizing he can’t take it” Han teased.
“Noho no no there’s still so much to do how about we work on thahat first and then-“
“Mmm no. There’s time. Later. Now you suffer” Hyunjin said matter-a-factly as he handed each member a different brush from the pack staff had handed him. Some were long and rectangular, others were softer and more flimsy, some were super long and thin… perfect!!
“I brought the makeup brushes too, they’re not made for body paint but we could use power to do shading!” IN suggested.
“That’s an amazing idea IN” Felix clapped.
“Okahay finish up…” Chan whispered.
“Patience patience” Lee Know said as he wiggled a makeup brush on his nose. Chan yelped and shook his head side to side, Changbin giggling at him.
“S- stohop! MINHOHO!”
“Sorry you’re so funny”
Chan jokingly went to bite at the makeup brush and Lino began to scribble it around his neck and collarbones.
“NAAHHA WAIT WAHAIF NEEAHA HAHAEEA EHAHEHEAHA” Chan scrunched up and shook his chest trying to get the awesome awful feeling of feathery brushes off of it.
The rest of the members got to work too. Since they weren’t focused on a particular design and just chose whatever color came to mind first, it gave lots of chance to tease at Chan.
Felix simply dipped his long thin brush in the water and began to swivel it inside and around Chan’s belly button. Hyunjin took two large brushes and used the ends of them to vibrate between Chan’s upper ribs. Seungmin and IN both had small fan brushes, which they used to lightly drag around his sides and abs with lots of paint.
Chan arched his back and laughed loudly as there was a mix of feelings on his torso. Cold wet paint, water, little and big brushes, he felt overstimulated in every way possible… yet distracted from all his prior worries and nerves.
“PLEHEHEASE” he begged, “I CAHAN- HAHAHEHEHEA AHAHA” tears ran down his neck as Lee Know and Changbin began to scribble at his underarms with the bigger brushes.
“Can you stop moving I’m trying to draw a tree branch swirling around your abs” Seungmin said.
“I MESSED UP. Oh my God Chan now I have to start over. Thanks a lot” Seungmin said, jokingly annoyed.
“IM SOHORRY PLEHEHAAE DON’T” Chan screamed as he heard Seungmin grab the towel and pass it roughly across the expanse of his stomach.
Chan jerked his head side to side with the widest smile plastered on his face, his honey like laughter filling the room as his members stared at him in awe. They hadn’t seen their leader so laid back and carefree for a while with all their work recently, so it was safe to say they all felt he was in for some well needed rest.
“The sun and moon are always nice. Lix, help me paint them?” Han looked to Felix as he pointed at Chan’s chest, his death spot.
Han and Lix grabbed some rectangular long brushes and got to work swirling circles on his chest and filling them in excruciatingly slow.
“NAHAHAHA HEHEHAH OH MYGOHohohod” Chan laughed deeply.
They continued to fill in the circles they made, one bright yellow and one gray.
“Hey, this is a sky isn’t it? We’re gonna need some stars” Lix said.
“So am I!! It’ll look ugly!” Felix teased as he grabbed a small brush and began drawing tiny stars across his collarbone.
“AAAAAHHHHHHHH” Chan screamed as the feeling of tiny bristles attacked his sensitive upper chest area. It felt like thousands of tiny feathers were getting at him. Felix and Han then saw it fit to do some shading with powdered makeup, making his situation even better worse. Not to mention the mixture of all other things on his body already.
“I CAHA- I CAHAahahan’t plehehease-“
“Guys I think we’re breaking him” IN said while painting a weird looking smiley face on his side.
Lee Know laughed loudly at Chan’s red face and teased him for being literally unable to form any coherent words. It was true that it got worse as time went on, he couldn’t even be poked now without screaming.
“I think our work here is done” Hyunjin said while lifting himself off Chan’s lap. Everyone lifted themselves up off the floor, except Changbin who was concerned as to why Chan was laid so still and decided to pull his arm out to the side and attack his top ribs to check for life.
“Yep he’s fine”
Chan removed his blindfold quickly and crossed his arms in an X form across his torso and curled into a giggling ball on the floor. Tears fell from his chin onto the ground as Felix kneeled behind him and massaged his shoulders.
“I cahant even- I cahan’g think strahahaight”
“Well that was kinda the point Chan” Han said laughing, “you needed to chill out. You’re welcome~” he said, scribbling his hand across his hip.
Chan swat at him. “Youho guys could have KIHILLED ME”
“But we didn’t! And look at our art” Hyunjin said while bringing a mirror over to a curled up Chan.
He looked at himself in it first and realized he hadn’t seen himself smile that way in weeks. He has crinkles next to his eyes along with the deepest dimples. His cheeks were rosy and wet from the tears while his hair was sopped over to the side, his eyes glinting with joy.
He then looked down at his torso. It was… a mess, to say the least. A large sun and moon on his chest, fandom smiley faces over his sides. A tree branch..? Across the center of his stomach, and random black chalk markings around his abs and arms. His arms also had some sort of design on them he tried to make out. They swirled around and had little leaves coming off. Vines.
“Wait, vines. Vines would be the perfect makeup idea for it! It goes with the theme and wouldn’t take too long to complete before the show” Chan said with a relieved sigh.
“Bingo” Changbin said with a clap.
“Seeee? We’re helpful. And you were all whiny with your ‘nO iTs GoNnA LoOk BaD’ pouty ass” Felix teased him.
“Yeah yeah okay, thahank you” Chan said, grabbing the little towel and wiping his torso clean of paint.
“Need help?” Hyunjin asked.
“NO.” Chans eyes widened, “No thank you.”
They all laughed and went to let skizji know the plans. Vines was the perfect design idea considering it went with the outdoor Wolfgang theme, wouldn’t take too long to complete, and looked good with the clothing he’d be wearing.
Chan was still sitting on the breakroom floor cleaning himself off. His face was red as he thought back to the brushes and hands all over him. It would be a lie to say he wasn’t grateful that they cared so deeply for him and found a way to both make him laugh carefree and solve his problem all at once. It also wouldn’t be false to say he didn’t entirely enjoy the last 20 minutes.
Skizji came in a few minutes later with a smile on their faces.
“So we heard about the vine idea, we love it. It’s the perfect design choice.”
“I’m glad you guys think so too! It just seemed like it went well with the theme.”
“Yes, about that… the vines they painted on you ended up really perfect. A great mixture between messy and clean and detailed in all the right places. Well, we wanted to ask… you mind if they help us on the day of?”
Lee Know and Changbin smirked at him from outside the room.
It was gonna be a long performance day.
My heart melts at Lee! Chan every. Single. Time.
Hope u enjoyed ^^
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sleepy--anon · 10 months
Sapnap’s Revenge Tickle Game
This is something I came up with inspired by @wishitweresummer 's Sap's tickle games
Reblog first, like later please, reblogs do more
Dream happened to be lucky today, he was at Punz's, helping him with some technical difficulties he had. When Sapnap was in a ler mood to this degree, nobody is safe and even so much as making eye contact is dangerous. However, since Dream was gone, George was gonna be his victim, and he had a thirst for revenge. He grabbed a tissue box and made long strides to George's room.
"We're playing a game~" He said as soon as he walked in the room. George had been lucky so far, never falling victim to ler moods like that yet, but he recognized the tone from when Dream fell victim to it on call with him. Dream had warned him after he moved in that running or fighting it will only make it worse for yourself, so all he did was back himself up on the bed a bit, squeaking out a noise of acknowledgment.
"Hold this above your head with both hands~ If you let go or your hands come down, you loose~ Understood~?" George nodded slowly, he knew this was gonna be hard but he feared the consequences of refusing more. He carefully took the tissue box out of Sapnap’s hands, adjusting it in his own, watching Sapnap’s fingers twitch.
"Up, come on~" He urged, climbing on the bed infront of George.
"How long until I win...?"
"If you can make it until I'm satisfied, I'll pay you $500~" While that would normally get George competitive, the time limit being until he was satisfied sent a chill down his spine. Sapnap quirked an impatient eyebrow at George, causing him to reluctantly raise the tissue box over his head.
"Ok~ go~!" Sapnap’s face split into a wide, evil grin as he jumped into action, drilling his thumbs into George’s armpits. Causing him to jump, shriek, somewhat curl in on himself and burst into hysterical laughter. Yet still keeping his arms up.
"Oh~? And your games with me are~? Wanna explain how fair tic-tac-toe was~?" George flushed dark red, the longer he stayed the worse the sensation got. And worse, because he was keeping his own hands up, he felt more vulnerable and in turn, more sensitive. When Sapnap walked his fingers down his ribs, one hand dropped to protect them.
"Ah ah ah~ both hands on the tissue box George~ Remember~?" George wanted to growl but he swallowed his pride and forced his hand back up onto the tissue box which was now sort of resting on top of his head. Sapnap resumed his journey, pressing circles into every rib, chuckling evilly at how George twisted and thrashed at the sensation. When Sapnap pressed into the bottom ribs George’s hands shot to Sapnap’s wrists. Letting the tissue box fall between their laps as he held his wrists out from him.
"Ohohohokay! Alrihihihight, yohohou wihihihin! Yohohou wihihihihin, I lohohohose." George heaved, trying to catch his breath as Sapnap tsked at him.
"You're right, you did loose George~ now you have to endure your punishment~" George’s blood went cold, looking at Sapnap with wide, terrified eyes.
"P-p-punishment?" His hands shook from where they were holding Sapnap’s wrists. He never mentioned a punishment when they started. Sapnap surged forward to press a kiss to George's nose before pulling him so that his back was against his chest.
"Yes George, punishment~ I really don't know how you thought I would be any nicer to you than you've been to me~" Sapnap pulled George’s wrists behind his own neck, tying them together with a belt. Pressing a kiss to his jaw before leaning backwards with his legs looped around his hips, stretching him out. George whimpered at the feeling, suddenly feeling a sense of dread when he noticed where Sapnap’s hands were hovering.
"NO! COME ON SAP THIS IS CRUEL!" Sapnap scoffed at him, dropping his clawed hand onto his lower ribs cage and his knuckles on the other side. Using two different unbearable techniques was driving George to insanity, especially with how trapped he was, he could only kick.
"STOHOHOP IHIHIHIHIT SAHAHAHAPNAHAHAP PLEHEHEHEASE!" George was starting to see stars. He got a few seconds of relief when Sapnap reached over, grabbed one arm and pulled it to stretch the one side more, to make his ribs poke out. Sapnap then honed in on that one rib that made him loose the challenge. Hyper focusing on that one, ignoring George’s intense thrashing, screaming, begging.
"SAHAHAHAP PLEHEHEHEASE NOHOHOT THEHEHERE! I CAHAHAHAN'T TAHAHAHAKE IHIHIHIHIT! PLEHEHEHEHEASE! STOHOHOHOP I'M GOHOHOHONNA WEHEHEHEE MYSELF PLEHEHEHEASE!" Sapnap finally took pity on George, feeling like he took him to the same limit. He released him and rubbed his ribs and chest.
"Sometimes you boys need a reality check on what you two have been dishing out, because it seems like you two are bitting off more than you can chew."
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@marshiestars I respectfully blame you for this brainrot but then again I thank you dsfgnhgfdsfgh
here we got the crackiest of crackships because honestly it's Tumblr, why not have some stupid fun?
Bill Cipher/The Once-Ler
Alastor/Double Trouble
is DT a Tumblr sexyman? No. Do I care? No.
Alastor: Bye DT! Bye Ghirahim! Bye Mordecai! Bye Bill! Bye DT! 
Once-Ler: You said ‘bye DT’ twice. 
Alastor: I like DT.
Ghirahim: Mordecai, you know how much I love you… 
Mordecai, sleep deprived with his New York accent coming out: Whaddya want? 
Ghirahim: A partner with some GODDAMN EMOTIONAL AVAILABILITY!
DT, handing a balloon to Mordecai: I have no soul. Have a good day! 
Mordecai, walking off: I don't have one either.
(*cue wheezing in the background*)
Alastor: *sees Mordecai and Ghirahim together* 
Alastor: They're cute. I would put them on a boat. 
DT: You mean... you ship them?
Once-Ler: Bill kissed me! 
Ghirahim: Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God! 
Once-Ler: It was unbelievable! 
Ghirahim: Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God! 
Alastor: Okay, we wanna hear everything. Ghirahim, get the wine and unplug the phone. Once-Ler, does this end well or do we need tissues? 
Once-Ler: Oh, it ended very well. 
Ghirahim: Do not start without me! Do not start without me! 
Alastor: Okay, alright, let’s hear about the kiss. Was it a soft brush against your lips or was it like a, you know, “I gotta have you now” kind of thing? 
Once-Ler: Well, at first it was really intense, you know? And then, oh God, and then we just sort of sunk into it. 
Alastor: Ohh... So, okay, was he holding you? Or were his hands on your back? 
Once-Ler: First they started out on my waist and then they slid up and then they were in my hair. 
Ghirahim and Alastor: Ohhh. 
Bill eating pizza in their house: And, uh, and then I kissed him. 
Mordecai: Tongue? 
Bill: Yeah. 
DT: Cool.
Alastor: Stressed. 
Mordecai: Depressed. 
Once-Ler: Possessed. 
Ghirahim: Obsessed. 
DT: Impressed. 
Bill: Chicken breast. 
Everyone: ...What? 
Bill: I just wanted to join in.
DT: Alastor is too tall for me to kiss him on the lips. What should I do?
Ghirahim: Punch him in the stomach. Then, when he doubles over in pain, kiss him.
Bill: Tackle him!
Mordecai: Dump him.
Once-Ler: Kick him in the shin!
Alastor: No to all of those! Just ask me to lean down!!
Ghirahim: Just be yourself. 
Bill: Really? Ghirahim, I have one day to win over Once-Ler’s parents. 
Bill: How long did it take for you guys to like me? 
DT: Couple of weeks. 
Alastor: Six months. 
Mordecai: Jury’s still out. 
Bill: See Ghirahim? ‘Just be yourself,’ what kind of garbage advice is that?!
Alastor: Subs are so fun to play with. All you have to do is hint at what you might do, back them into a corner with a look, or grab their wrist in a certain way and they're a wide-eyed mess. 
DT: What the fuck kind of Subway are you going to? 
Ghirahim: Substitute teachers deal with so much shit. 
Mordecai: Guys.
Mordecai: If I was married to you I would put poison in your coffee. 
Ghirahim: If I was married to you I’d drink it.
Mordecai: Ghirahim... Why did you draw a pentagram on the floor? 
Ghirahim: Your text told me to satanize the house before you returned. 
Mordecai: I wrote sanitize, Ghirahim.
Once-Ler: I sort of did something and I need some advice, but I don't want a lot of judgment and criticism. 
DT: And you came to me?
Once-Ler: Bill and I got married!! 
Mordecai: Don't share your personal problems with everyone.
Mordecai: I currently have 7 empty notebooks and I have no idea what to put in them. Any suggestions? 
Alastor: Put spaghetti in it. 
Mordecai: I am currently taking suggestions from everyone but you. 
Ghirahim: Put spaghetti in it. 
Mordecai: I am currently taking suggestions from everyone but you two. 
Bill: Put spaghetti in it. 
Mordecai: I am no longer taking suggestions.
*Mordecai is casually searching around the room* 
Bill: Hey Mordecai, what’re you looking for? 
Mordecai: My will to live. 
*Ghirahim walks into the room* 
Mordecai: Oh, there it is.
Once-Ler: *mixing different alcoholic beverages together* 
DT: What are you making? 
Once-Ler: A mistake.
Ghirahim: Hey, can I get a sip of that water? 
Alastor: It’s not water. 
Ghirahim: Vodka! I like your sty- 
Alastor: It’s vinegar. 
Ghirahim: …What? 
Alastor: It's vinegar, PUSSY.
Bill: *writing a letter* 
Bill: Dear Santa, 
I'm writing to let you know I've been naughty... 
And it was worth it you fat, judgemental bastard.
Alastor: Do you take constructive criticism? 
Ghirahim: Not without crying
DT: Hey Mordecai, Bill just broke my seashell lamp. 
Mordecai: Neat. I’m gonna die alone. 
DT: Okay, you win.
Mordecai: Go fuck yourself. 
Ghirahim: Come over here and fuck me yourself you coward!
Bill: *Laughs* Babe, you had a crush on me? That’s embarrassing— 
Once-Ler: We’re married.
Mordecai: I'm going to ask you to be respectful. 
Bill: I will politely decline.
Bill: Eat shit and die, Mordecai!!! 
Mordecai: Eat shit and live, Bill.
Mordecai: Life is like Bill. It's short.
Ghirahim: To everyone who has treated me poorly; I am sexier than you.
DT: I’m having salad for dinner! 
DT: Well, fruit salad. 
DT: Actually, it’s mostly grapes. 
DT: Okay, it’s all grapes. 
DT: Fermented grapes. 
DT: It’s wine. 
DT: I’m having wine for dinner.
Ghirahim: Change is inedible. 
Once-Ler: Don’t you mean inevitable? 
Ghirahim, spitting out a bunch of pennies: No, I really didn’t.
Bill: I don’t even use tubberware anymore. 
Once-Ler: What are you saying? Say it again. 
Bill: Tubberware. 
Once-Ler: Say it again. Slow. 
Bill: Tubberware. 
Once-Ler: Slow, very slow - actually, say the first syllable. 
Bill: Tub. 
Once-Ler: Wrong. 
Bill: What do you mean, wrong? 
Once-Ler: I thought I caught that. You’re saying tub. It’s P. 
Bill: What are you talking about? 
Once-Ler: Tupperware. Tupper. 
Bill: It’s tupper! 
Once-Ler: It’s tupper, always has been, always will be. 
Bill: I thought it was tubberware because it kind of looks like a tub.
(just another day for them huehe)
Ghirahim: Well, remember when Mordecai made a romantic dinner for me? 
Once-Ler: Ghirahim, he microwaved you a pizza.
Bill: A decision had to be made. 
Mordecai: And you fucked it up!
DT: Oh, to be a bored heir to the throne who keeps rejecting marriage proposals due to being secretly in love with the cute gardener. 
Mordecai: Oh, to be a cute gardener who secretly places roses in the heir’s room because they are in love with them. 
Once-Ler: Oh, to be the palace guard who discreetly helps to boost the cute gardener up the wall for their secret deliveries in the middle of the night. 
Alastor: Oh, to be the heir’s best friend witnessing the two fools dance around each other while knowing damn well that the two like each other. 
Ghirahim: Oh, to be the noble suitor from another royal family who comes to know of their love instantly and plans an entire plan to get them their happy ending. 
Bill: Oh, to be a medieval peasant who knows nothing about the heir’s personal life and who dies of dysentery at age 23.
Ghirahim: Talk dirty to me~ 
Mordecai: Inflation is a serious problem and lumber prices are at a high. 
Ghirahim: Wha- 
Mordecai: The economy is in shambles.
DT: It's pretty cold outside.. wanna hold hands? We should stay close. 
Alastor, blushing: Okay. 
Mordecai: It's fucking summer.
Ghirahim: Why do you not believe that ghosts are real? 
DT: Never seen one. 
Ghirahim: Okay, I mean, there’s a lot of things that you can’t see that are real. 
DT: What can’t I see? 
Ghirahim: You can’t see gravity. That’s real. 
DT: Yeah, I can drop an apple. 
Ghirahim: Fuck.
(average drunken conversation between these two)
Mordecai: I love you. 
Ghirahim: Me too.
Ghirahim: Uptown Funk would've made it into the Shrek Soundtrack. 
Once-Ler: That's the truest statement I've ever heard.
Bill, bursting into the room: You two are having sex! 
Mordecai, not looking up from their book: Really? Ghirahim, why didn’t you tell me? I would have put my book down.
Bill, gardening: Hey, can you bring me the hoe? 
Once-Ler: Yeah, sure. 
*A few minutes later* 
Once-Ler: Here you go. 
Ghirahim: Why am I here?
Mordecai: Wow, they really hate us. 
Ghirahim: Yes, perhaps they’re homophobic. 
Mordecai: But we’re not gay, Ghirahim. 
Ghirahim: We’re not?
DT: If I ever had a child, I imagine they would be a lot like you. 
Alastor: Aww, thanks— 
DT: Which is probably why I’ve never reproduced.
Ghirahim: Let’s watch Sharkboy and Lavagirl. 
Mordecai: Okay. 
Ghirahim: And make out during the scary parts. 
Mordecai: Th- 
Mordecai: The scary parts. 
 Mordecai: Of Sharkboy and Lavagirl.
Bill: Ah shit, I forgot. 
Once-Ler: Forgot what? 
Bill: How do you expect me to answer that?
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giggly-squiggily · 11 months
WAHHH-of course I’ll start sending through asks instead of dms lol! I thought of another thought two if you’d like :3
Dabi-his stitches? Where the skin and dead skin connect? DEAD if you touch them lol, they are so incredibly sensitive. Like-he can (almost) stand anywhere else, like hold his laugh in, if you so much as gently rub a finger over his stitches he’s already squealing 💀
Giyu-oh this sweet baby boy is so touch starved. Like-REALLY touch starved. He looks forward to the moments where Rengoku and Uzui pick on him lol. BUT. If he is E V E R. And I mean ever, I’m a ler mood, oh you better run for the hills. He is RUTHLESS when he’s in a ler mood. Surprisingly (not really lol), his favorite Lee to pick on (when he gets confident) is Sanemi. His others are usually Rengoku and Uzui, he likes getting them back after a while. But if he’s in a really bad ler mood he’ll pick on just about anyone. Like. Anyone. And he RECKS them lol.
I'm beyond late I'm so sorry TwT''' BUT AHH THESE ARE SO GOOD AHHHHHHH!!!!!
First of all: Any and all things Lee!Dabi are guaranteed to make me squeal! Him having such a weakness there is PERFECTION! That spot is especially sensitive to feathers- a certain bird man found that out one day when he traced his wings against Dabi's skin whoops ajerjaejkrajk! I feel like Dabi could only stand it for a few moments- anymore and he gets overstimulated and hates it. Once and awhile though? He doesn't entirely hate it...👀
(Also bonus thought: Dabi is a bit insecure about all the scar tissue so Hawks makes it a point to kiss all his stitched seams. This usually ends in him getting kicked out of the bed cause it tickles like nobody's business)
GIYU HELP!!! Him being such a dangerous ler is so good??? He learned all his techniques from both Sabito and Urokodaki- when you basically grow up with those two in your life, you're bound to get good at tickling! Sanemi is so used to it at this point (and his lee moods tend to line up with Giyu's ler moods so it all works out- even if he won't say it lols) I also like to think Giyu is a silent tickler- he quietly sneaks up on someone- usually Ren or Ten- tickles them and fades away, leading to a chain reaction of tickle fights.
Thank you for sharing and my deepest apologies for the delayed reply!
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revenant-coining · 2 years
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[ID: 2 rectangular flags with 6 equally-sized horizontal lines with a thick line in the middle. colors in this order reflected after the last listed color, red, light red, light orange, yellow off-white. End ID]
requested by anon
Igotmentalissueslyrica: a gender connected to the lyrics 'I got mental issues / Always fucking miss you / Tons of bloody tissues / All of over my room' from the song all I want is you by Rebzyyx. This could be the lyrics themself and/or how they were sung.
Etymology: i got mental issues, “lyrica” a suffix for genders connected to lyrics
Pronounced: i got men-tell issues ler-ick-a (i got mental issues lyrica)
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missamyrisa2 · 2 years
Hiya sweet pea! What are your thoughts on feather ticklish noses? Like specifically the nostrils? I love the feeling of a tickly, burning, but oh so itchy sneeze coming on but my Ler not allowing me to sneeze! It’s silly and a bit strange I know haha but I’d love for you to tease me about it hehe
Soooo first of all, you made me all blushy and giggly with that opening and then you had to mention nose tickling! Eeeee~ I actually loveee ticklish noses ~<333 Face tickles in general just don't get the loves~ I would most definitely have you scarved into a chair, that is, your wrists bound by colorful silky taunting scarves to where you can move them just a bit, just enough to tease you into thinking you can stop me. Your ankles will be nice and snug, and so will a sweet sash of restraint over your waist with one of my thick belts ~ not so much functional in bondage but just to taunt you a little further~
Scrawled across my sleeveless lightly cropped black top is a script bearing the elegant text "Just Keep Smiling" with the final word emblazoned in hot pink. I'll start by splitting my index and middle finger over your neck, sliding along that soft skin lovingly as I gently grip your chin and twirl a long white feather with my other hand. "Awwee~ now let's see that smile~~" I graze the soft tip up your cheek, tracing your sweet lips carefully. "Come ooon let's see ittt~" The tool glides along your jaw, fluttering up to an ear to probe along the curvature. "Does that tickle my darling? How about here? Does this tickle? Riiight on the lobe? I little lobey lobey lobey tickle tickle tickle?" I work the feather up playfully along your eyebrows, using the body of the feather to brush back and forth. "Coochie coooo are you even ticklish up here? Yeahhh? No? Ahh, you're pretending? You smile a lot for a pretender. What an adorable giggle you have. You must get tickled a lot~ all those giggles? Just from my little feather?"
I give you a similar giggle exploration on your opposite ear before moving towards the main event, chirping sweetly with nonsensical sounds as my tool retracts and waves and back forth towards your nose. "How about your nose? Is your honker ticklish? Oooh not there? Definitely right there, cutie pie!" I tease your upper lip, my tongue poking out in concentration, working the supple tip up to trace the skin between your mouth and nose before beginning that ultra light inquisition on the twin nostril arches. "Mmmhmm. Just as I suspected. You're hiding giggles up here. Ooh yes, we're gonna mine them out. Gotta get allll those giggles now. I'll take care of you ~ Just keep smiling~!" I chime, stroking the outer rim of each nostril with that white inquisitive feather tip. I giggle when you start getting the false sneezes, imitating your gasps and sounds. "Aww that sounded like it wanted to be a big one ~ such aspirations huh? Too bad your beeper is sooo ticklish huh? Yeah, your nose! It's adorably sensitive my darling, and guess what? We're gonna go exploring, ahhh yes, these cute little nostrils are just twitchin for some ticklin!"
I hold your chin firmly with my thumb and forefinger, positioning your as the feather tip starts twirling upward, lightly gliding into a nostril and stimulating the skin and little hairs inside. "Don't sneeze now~ if you do I'm realllly gonna punish youu~" I taunt, giggling playfully as I switch to the other nostril, probing in and out, and back in again. When you gasp and squirm and try to move away the feather just follows, dipping in to continue tormenting that sensitive zone. Once I have you good and giggly and gaspy, desperate to sneeze it out, I toss the feather aside and pull out a tissue box.
"Don't you worry that pretty little ticklish head. I came prepared today, let's get you alllll cleaned out, shall we?" I grin wickedly and daintily pluck a tissue, holding it up as I start twisting the corner slowly. I nod tauntingly as my harmless tissue is crafted into a weapon of teasing, the long snake of taunting teasy tickles. I scoot in and grasp your face by your cheek, working the tissue tip up into your nose. "Ah ah ah ~ hold still for mama Amy. We're gonna get your nose allll nice and clean~" I taunt, gliding the tip in and out and back in, carefully moving it to ensure all sides are grazed by the movement of the tissue material. "Tickle tickle nosey nosey" I push it further and further until I finally strike gold "Go ahead and let go my sugar plum, I'll take care of youu and the tickles aren't stopping" ~ triggering a wave of ticklish sneezes. "Ahh there we go, look at you." I keep the tool going through each sneeze, my fingers playfully tickling at your neck as I'm practically on your lap now following your every move.
"Awwwwee what a cute ticklish little beak. Are you my tickle bird? Singing me such a sneezy song? Oooh and we're not done yet ~ yessss I think we're going for some more sneeeeziesss!" I smirk, plucking another tissue and slowly crafting another weapon, this one twirled up in a U shape ~ with a wicked snicker, I start working it into both your nostrils with one hand, the other tracing your body to catch your belly as it rapidly dances through the reactions. "Coochie coochie coooo ~ I'm gonna sneeze tickle youuu~"
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Day 8: Truth
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𝖑𝖊𝖊: Chan 
𝖑𝖊𝖗: Jeongin
𝖙𝖜: major ler mood incoming
𝖙𝖆𝖌𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙: @someone-who-loves-kpop-saranghae @dandyboyseungmo @leeknowstan33 @vale-143 @wereallgonnadieonedaybutnottoday
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Jeongin was practically itching to get his hands on a good lee. 
He had been holding in all day, and he had only poked Minho twice before the older threatened him with tissues and the air fryer. Honestly a good record for him. 
He was normally the lee of the group, being the maknae and all. But he has his fair share of ler moods himself. At least, he needed to find a good hyung to torture
‘Felix? Nah, he’d flip the tables on me before I even get the chance. Changbin? his muscles are NOT for show. Chan? Wait. He’s too tired to get me back today. Perfect.’
Jeongin headed to the older’s room as he giggled to himself. The older was in for a biiig wrecking session. 
“Hi hyung!” Innie bounced into Chris’s room and immediately pinned the older down on his bed. 
“OOF-AH Innie what is it? Can you please get off of me?” A very confused Chan asked. 
“What’s your worst tickle spot hyung? And don’t lie, if you do, I might need to find out myself, and you don’t want that.” Jeongin theeatened, tapping the older’s waist while he spoke. 
“I-It’s my hips.” A very terrified Chris spoke. He gulped as Innie crawled and grabbed his hip bone, kneading circles into the sensitive skin. 
“ahaha plehease goho eheasy.” Chan whimpered, giggles mixing in with his speech. 
“And why would I do that?” Jeongin cooed as he scribbled lightly, jumping at the buck and squeal the older let out. 
“Pleaseeehahaa!” Chris laughed his squeaky laughter, dimple prominent. 
Jeongin decided to go for the kill quickly, knowing how sensitive the older was. 
He leaned down and lowered Chris’s pant line down to blow a long raspberry on the older’s hip. 
“NOAHAHAHAAAA!” Chan dissolved into boisterous laughter as he shook, arms trying to stay at his sides to let the younger continue. 
Jeongin soon let up, rubbing Chan’s hipbone as he fixed his hair. 
“Wait. Why’d you let me do that?” Jeongin asked, looking at the older with wide eyes. 
“Well, I’ve had my fair share of these moods myself.” Chan commented with a twinkle in his eye, as he stood up and left the room.
Huh. That was odd. 
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i hope you enjoyed this fic! have a spooky october! ✨🎃
i’m so sorry this is so messy, i have school tomorrow lol 😭
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awkwardtickleetoo · 2 years
Lee!Dream Month - Day 1
I am starting a day late BUT that doesn't mean I'm any less excited for this awesome event. thank you again @fluffallamaful for sharing this idea with everyone and letting us participate in this event with you :))
if you haven't seen the event post, you can click here to look at the prompt list/rules and check out llama's blog <3
lee!dream month prompt 1 - tummy tickles
lee!dream, ler!sapnap, 796 words
"Dream?" Sapnap spoke softly, voice barely above a whisper as he carded his fingers through the soft, slightly damp dark blonde hair in front of him. Dream grumbled in his sleep, nuzzling his face more into the pillow as he was reluctantly pulled from his slumber. "Dreamie, hey, wake up for a second." Sapnap gently sat on the bed, pushing away the strands of hair that had fallen in front of Dream's face just in time to see his eyes crack open.
"Hm?" He mumbled, blinking up at Sapnap.
"Good morning, pretty boy," Sapnap said in his same soft tone, continuing to scratch at Dream's head soothingly.
"G'mornin'," Dream mumbled again, this time with a wide smile spreading across his face. He cracked his fingers before clasping his hands together, pushing his hands against the wall above his head and arching his back as he stretched. He let out a groan as he did so, hearing a few other joints crack before he went limp against the bed again, eyes properly opening to look at his housemate.
"How are you feeling?" Sapnap asked as he took the cold washcloth from the tray he'd brought in and folded it up, reaching out to dab it against Dream's forehead, cheeks, and the sides of his neck to help cool his body down.
"Still feel gross," Dream explained, letting Sapnap work his magic and letting out a happy sigh when the cool fabric touched his neck. Almost instantly, even though it wasn't true, he felt as if he was 10 degrees cooler. "M'all– like, I'm all sticky and sweaty even though I jus' took a bath… and I'm all stuffy and sniffly, but it's not even helping, y'know?" Dream emphasized his point with a pathetic sniffle, closing his eyes and relaxing against Sapnap's touch.
"Yeah, I hear you. And you're all cold and hot at the same time no matter how naked you are or how many blankets you have?"
"Mhm, yeah, exactly," Dream confirmed, eyes fluttering open when he felt Sapnap pull the cloth away and fold it back up on the tray.
"Mhm. Well, I wasn't sure what you would be willing to eat, so your mom said to bring you soup and water with ice and lemon, so… that's what this stuff is. There's also tissues, and ibuprofen, and I'll leave the wash cloth here too for you if you need it. I had it in the fridge so it should stay cold, but if you need me to re-wet it just shoot me a text and I will, or if you need anything reheated or refilled or anything. I think that covers all the bases, right?"
Dream nodded, smiling as he looked over at the tray as Sapnap gestured to it.
"Thank you, like seriously. I would be drowning if I had to deal with this stupid cold without you."
"Of course, anything for you, you little cutie," Sapnap punctuated his sentence with a pinch to Dream's cheek, earning a shy giggle from him. "Alright, I think that's everything. I guess I'll let you get back to sleep, you could definitely use the rest." Sapnap turned to walk toward the door, but before he could step away, he felt something grab onto his arm. "What's wrong, do you need something else?" He asked as he looked back at Dream, who wore a newfound nervous look on his face.
"No, s'just, um… can you… Ca-can you stay?" Dream asked with a hopeful tone, looking up at Sapnap. Sapnap swore he could feel his heart expand at the sight of Dream's big doe eyes, and he found that he would rather be slapped in the face than say no to such a request.
"Of course," He whispered instead, climbing into bed behind Dream and sliding under the covers, laying one arm over Dream's side. They both relaxed into the position, and within a few minutes, Sapnap's fingers were absent-mindedly trailing up and down the sides of Dream's tummy.
He didn't realize until he heard the giggling.
"Sahahap," Dream said, voice muffled by a pillow as he nuzzled back into it. "Tihickles-hehe…"
"Do you want me to stop?" Sapnap asked, and after a few seconds of giggle-filled silence, he saw Dream shake his head. "Okay then."
"Sh-shuhut uhup," Dream mumbled, wrapping his arms around his pillow and pulling it closer to shove his face into it.
Sapnap only chuckled in response, continuing his soft tickling until Dream's breathing evened out and his shoulders fully relaxed. He ended up falling asleep soon after, waking up a few hours later to see Dream's water half finished and his hand held loosely between the long fingers of his recovering best friend.
He wouldn't want to spend his Saturday any other way.
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~4700 words of ler!Bucky tickle fluff
I received this prompt from a lovely reader who would prefer to stay anon 💜 Would you be willing to write a Bucky x reader fic where they’re in an established relationship and they’re sparring or he’s helping her with her fighting skills? And maybe he finds out she’s ticklish somehow during that.
I leaned into TFATWS Bucky for this one, though Bucky is still an unfamiliar character for me to write. Hope I can do him justice !!
CW: Mentions of fighting/killing, swearing
Pairing: Bucky x gender neutral reader
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“Just basic self-defence,“ you promised earnestly, then laughed at his wary hesitance. “Bucky, I’m not trying to become an Avenger. I just think it would be good for me to know how to defend myself.”
Bucky pulled you closer against his side as you sat on your couch together, pressing a firm kiss into your temple. “What are you afraid of?”
“Living in New York City.” You looked at him and raised your eyebrows as if it were obvious. Bucky sighed and closed his eyes, a little resigned.
It was selfish, he knew it was, that he didn’t want to teach you any fighting skills. It’s not that he wanted to be needed, or that he wanted to be your hero, it’s that he loved how you felt so seperate from the whole world of violence. You were a strong person, and there was a softness and kindness to you, an innocence he didn’t see often.
His life, in the broken pieces he had lived it, had been the almost the opposite of yours.
His hands had taken countless lives, even before the serum. Sure, they were NAZI lives, though something about pulling a trigger and watching another person stop breathing just sticks with you. He sometimes remembered the people he killed as Sergeant James Barnes and not as a puppet, and wondered what had gone so horribly wrong for them to fight for something so evil.
You, on the other hand, had taken an oath to do no harm.
He met you in an army rehab clinic for amputees. He wasn’t a regular amputee, but you weren’t a regular doctor. Like many young people who didn’t grow up in a wealthy home, you signed up for the military to have your medical school costs covered in exchange for several years of service.
Four years into your degree you were topping all your classes and impressing every mentor you had, including the ones from the army. The US Military was desperate to keep you, so they gave you the best doctors to work under and, therefore, the most exciting and challenging patients to work on. So when you graduated you continued on helping out on the homeland; you preferred to work with veterans, and you were good enough to have your preferences catered to.
Bucky was good at reading people, good at seeing their intentions. After his pardon and the start of his reintegration into life, doctors and scientists were a part of his usual repertoire of appointments. He’d agreed to submit to tests regarding how the cryogenic freezing affected human life, how his metal arm was fused, anything that could assist in helping fellow soldiers who may be critically injured or needing a prosthetic. He refused, however, to submit to any testing which attempted to understand the serum. You seemed, Bucky read, outwardly uninterested in the serum and far more interested in how his body responded to his arm.
At first, Bucky hardly spoke to you as you worked with him and his prosthesis. You were focused, professional, gentle, deliberate with every movement. He could tell you were young, that perhaps you hadn’t been a doctor all that long, so he didn’t want to distract you. Besides, striking up a conversation would inevitably lead to questions and questions lead to frustration, guilt, regression. Thankfully, you had plenty to do and you never seemed phased by the silence in between your exchanges of medical information, the requests for how his body responded when you pressed here or there. Was that tender? Can you feel that?
Most of the tests were to make sure his muscle tissue wasn’t dying and that his bones were coping alright with the strain of the metal arm and its anchor plates. The results of which may help determine whether prosthetics such as his were safe enough to become standard issue.
One day, a couple month in, you were performing a scan to read his muscle mass to compare with his other arm and previous readings, pretty standard for his time on your tablle, and he was visited by a General while you were underway. Bucky noticed your jaw clench as the General tossed a mission file onto the exam table beside where Bucky was sitting upright.
“We need you, Sergeant,” the General said firmly, explaining there was a warlord holding a bunch of villagers hostage in a remote part of a South-East Asian country Bucky had never been to. “Those people may die without your help.”
“How much oil are they sitting on?” Bucky asked with an icy tone, opening the file with his right hand to take a look at the pictures meant to tug on his heartstrings.
“Sergeant, despite common misconceptions, the US government doesn’t invade every oil-rich country it its sights. These are lives, not barrels, that we’re looking to save.”
Bucky set his jaw and noticed your touch become a little more hesitant. You were listening. A glance from the corner of his eye told him you weren’t happy with what you were hearing. He’d have to get a better look at you to know if your tensed fingers were the result of the request, or his jab at his superior. Maybe you didn’t like conflict. That would be nice.
“I’ll think about it,” Bucky closed the file. “Let’s not distract the good doctor,” he tilted his head towards you and the General left. Bucky didn’t stand or salute. When you were alone with him again, Bucky chuckled once through his nose. “Got somethin’ to say?”
He didn’t turn his head to look at you, but you didn’t seem to react. “It’s your life,“ you’d said in a low voice as you turned and wrote some notes on his file. “No one has the right to tell you what to do. Certainly not me.”
“What if I’m interested in your professional opinion?”
You were silent as you looked at the closed Manila folder. “Tsinia?” He nodded. You nodded and wrote a few more notes. “My professional opinion is the Tsinian people have been living through a quasi-anarchy for nearly two decades and the United States has sent barely a million in aid. That’s less than twenty cents per capita,” you told him without looking up from your scribbling.
“The US government doesn’t give a shit about Tsinia,” you continued, your writing becoming more tense. “They probably do give a shit about the gold mines that they’re paying off journalists to ignore.”
“How do you know they’re paying off journalists?”
You relaxed, stopping writing, and shrugged with one shoulder. “The fringe outlets are reporting it. The ones with integrity,” you looked him dead in the eyes, then seemed to realise you didn’t really do that a lot. Bucky didn’t blame you. He knew his stare could be intense. “I’m out of line. My apologies, Sergeant.”
“At least you’re honest.”
“That’ll get me fired,” you smiled sadly and clicked your pen shut. “We’re done for today.”
Bucky started taking more notice of you after that day. He liked that you spoke your mind when he asked, he liked that you swore in front of him and shared your dead-honest opinion. He’d seen his fair share of doctors and specialists to pick out a polite bedside manner from a mile away, but he began to notice you didn’t have that same clinical gaze the others had, maybe because you were new. Your interest seemed genuine, but you didn’t bombarde him with the unanswered questions he knew you must have.
A few weeks later, when he entered, you smiled, “I’d like to make sure your nerves are still fully functioning,” you said as he sat down. He’d done some of this before, though most of your work had been with his muscles and bones. “I want to use this to send pinpoint electric signals through your skin,” you held up a small silver rod that looked not unlike a pen. “Is it okay if I proceed?”
When he first started his treatment with you, Bucky found himself a little impatient going through the weekly routine of you asking permission to carry out any test you wanted to do. One day, when he was particularly under the weather, he almost snapped and told you to get on with it and stop asking every damn time. He was glad he didn’t; he knew wasn’t frustrated at you, not at all, but it seemed like something he could pin his annoyance on. Besides, he had enough to amends to make without creating more to jot down in his notebook. When he calmed down later, he thought of all those times again, and he softened into a silent guilt.
You were the first person ever to ask for explicit permission to lay your hands on him. That had to count for something.
So he decided he would be thankful every time you made sure it was okay. His therapist routinely said he should express gratitude more, and you liked subjecting him to tests, so surely he’d be allowed to test such things on you to see if it would make him feel better.
So that day, after you’d sought his permission, he nodded and looked up at where you were standing next to him. “I appreciate you asking, Doc.”
Bucky bit back a smirk as your face flashed with surprise for a moment, then softened into a content and somewhat shy smile. “Of course,” you mumbled, then proceeded with disconnecting his metal arm and removing the anchor plates from his skin.
“This shouldn’t hurt,” you said as you pressed the device to the top of his shoulder. “So if it does - sing out. Something’s wrong. This may take a while,” you warned with an apologetic smile. “Let me know if at any point you stop feeling it.”
He nodded and relaxed as you placed a hand on his shoulder to identify the places you wanted to start.
A few months ago, the idea of being so comfortable with someone touching the mangled skin on his former arm seemed impossible. But you never grimaced, you never cringed or tried to make some funny joke about it or reassure him that there were so many other people like him (there weren’t). You just took it in stride. Yes, you were okay.
The device sent signals through his skin and touched his nerves in a way that felt as if it were blooming underneath his skin and spreading to the nerves around it. It wasn’t unpleasant, it certainly didn’t hurt, if anything it just made his arm feel a little tingly and fuzzy.
“I’m not going to Tsinia,” Bucky said, casting a glance up at you. “I did some reading after we talked,” he pulled the corners of his mouth downwards and shook his head with his tense frown. “I can’t be complicit.”
You were silent as you thought, shifting the device further down his shoulder area. “Wouldn’t that be violating direct orders, Sergeant?”
“I’m not active duty.”
“Someone should tell them that,” you said a little quickly, then seemed to bite your tongue. Bucky grinned and that seemed to ease you. Then, as you pressed the device against the skin just above his ribs he tensed and grimaced, not quite believing the super-soldier serum didn’t zap away all his little weaknesses.
“Is this hurting?” You asked with concern laced in your voice.
“No,” Bucky shook his head, not looking you in the eye.
“You have to tell me if it-“
”It tickles, alright?” He chuckled, a little embarrassed. Bucky bit his lip through a sheepish smile and ran his other hand through his hair as he tried to control the smile which the sensation was trying to tug into his cheeks.
“Sorry,” you smiled. You didn’t really look too sorry. You moved the device closer to the back of his arm and Bucky flinched quite hard, a small laugh escaping his lips before he pursed them shut. “I swear I’m not doing this on purpose. It’s good to know your nerves still work.”
Bucky groaned and laughed a little as he covered his eyes with his hand. “Any chance you could exclude this from your notes? I know Tony reads my files for the arm upgrades and I don’t need him coming up with any cute nicknames.”
He looked at you and you were still smiling, amused, and you nodded. “Of course, Sergeant.”
“Bucky,” he offered. You smiled politely and nodded again, then jumped back when he flinched a bit harder. “Ohokay, I think my nerves are fine,” he winced again, rubbing away the ticklish sensation.
“That they are,” you grinned and wrote some things down. “I’m happy with how your shoulder is responding,” you told him as you placed your notes down and reconnected the anchor plates. “My tests are done, so I think after next week we can move to quarterly check-ups to make sure your shoulder is holding up,” you smiled positively and reattached his arm, stepping aside to let him truly engage it with a full swinging rotation. “I’m guessing Dr Banner will be able to do those from the Compound. Save you a trip here,” you continued, picking up your notes again. “So I’ll see you next Thursday and then you’ll be rid of me, Bucky.”
When he left that day, he found himself disappointed at the sudden change. His therapist might say his brain needed routine to latch onto, so since you were a regular part of his week maybe his mind was just trying to cope with the upcoming change. But it seemed unfair that as soon as he opened up to first-name-basis that he probably wouldn’t see you again, and he found himself unwilling to probably not see you again. So, the next week as you bid him goodbye and thanked him for his patience, he asked you to dinner. You seemed surprised, but not unpleasantly so.
You’d told him you’d love to.
Five months later he was sitting in your apartment trying to dispel the foolish notion that it was a good idea for him to teach you how to fight.
As he got to know you better he found out that your bedside manner was a dam holding back a flood of tenacity and determination. You were strong and confident, but so unbelievably kind. You had a beautiful way of living out your caring nature that didn’t make him feel smothered or incapable or broken; you were reliably easy-going. And, like him, you were also stubborn.
“Fine,” Bucky sighed, tapping your waist where his hand had been holding you close. “Get up.”
“What, now?” You laughed, moving off the couch as he did. Bucky leaned down and pulled the coffee table out of the way and moved a few chairs aside to give you a wide open space on the large rug in the middle of your apartment.
“You’re in exercise clothes sitting on the couch,” he teased with a gesture to your activewear. “You’re clearly ready for this,” he smiled, then smirked as you gave him a look. “I‘ll show you how to escape a few simple grabs. Deal?”
“Deal,” you grinned and stood with him in the middle of the room.
“Alright, so you’re walking down the street and someone grabs your shoulders from behind. Try me,” Bucky turned, somewhat hesitantly.
You two hadn’t been together an exceptionally long time, but long enough that Bucky wasn’t still afraid of accidentally hurting you. Besides, if anyone knew how in-control of his arm and reflexes he was - it was you. You’d never been afraid of the metal.
So as he explained and manoeuvred your bodies to show you how to escape certain holds, he watched intently at the way you followed his instructions. Your movements, as always, were precise and methodical. They weren’t exactly swift, but they never missed their mark and never missed the gap they needed to exploit.
You escaped from one arm twisted behind your back and Bucky was confident you’d be able to do it should the need arise. His jaw clenched when a rage burned in his chest at the thought of the need arising, but he swallowed it and continued. The next move was to imitate if someone grabbed you from behind to drag you somewhere, perhaps a dark alley, to mug you. He didn’t use a knife in his demonstration, but mentioned in passing that there’d probably be one in an attacker’s hand. After that comment, he longed for this moment of falsified fear to be over, so he let himself flirt.
With one arm loosely around your neck and one around your waist he pressed his lips near your ear, knowing you could feel his smirk. “How would you get out of this one? You know, if you even want to.”
“Pfft,” you scoffed and tugged on his metal arm with your hands. It, of course, didn’t even budge. He let you squirm and struggle for several moments as you made noises of frustration. “Am I allowed to fight dirty?”
“Of course.”
“Well, if it was you I’d just do this,” you giggled and he felt you twist and latch all ten of your fingers latch onto his upper ribs below the fused metal, digging into his skin and wriggling around. He spluttered and flinched from the ticklish touch as you laughed cheekily at his reaction. He quickly moved his arm from around your neck to grab at your hands, holding both wrists in a firm grasp.
“That seemed to work,” you teased, pulling on your wrists and turning your head to shoot a grin up to him.
“But now you’re in a worse position,” Bucky lowered his voice dangerously and let a smirk tug at his lips. You raised an eyebrow.
“I no longer have an arm around my neck,” you countered. “That seems better to me.”
“Sure,” Bucky turned the corners of his mouth down and tilted his head, as if he were considering your point. “But now….” he started walking your trapped body over to the couch and watched as you kept struggling against him. “Now you’ve given me ideas to add a little adrenaline and desperation to your self-defence. You know, mimic the real thing,” he taunted. You seemed to understand where this was going.
“Wahait, Bucky- AH!” You yelped as he twisted and sat on the couch with you between his legs. He hooked his calves around your shins and used his grip on your wrists to pull you back against his chest. He heard your breathing and heart rate pick up as you started giggling nervously. He smirked and blew some air at your ear, making you squeak and flinch your head away. “Bucky!” You whined, then giggled harder as he rested his right hand at your side where it was still wrapped around your waist. “N-no, wahait, wait I’m sorry, I’ll lihisten,” you laughed hard for someone who wasn’t even being tickled yet.
“You brought this on yourself,” he chuckled and squeezed at your side, pulling a stream of bubbling laughter from your lips.
“B-Bucky!” You gasped. “Wahait I’m t-too, it’s- WAHAIT!” You laughed harder as his squeezing travelled up and down your side, looking for the places you were most sensitive. Bucky grinned at how you laughed and squirmed in his arms, still leaning into his body as he tickled you senseless.
“I had no idea you were ticklish,” he chuckled, giving an experimental pinch at your hipbone. You jolted and let out a loud bark of a laugh, which made Bucky laugh from surprise. “Very ticklish,” he corrected, pinching at your hipbone several more times as you let out hearty belly-laughter.
“B-BUHUCKY!” You squeaked. “I-hi cahan’t fihight this-s-s,” you gasped as his fingers slipped beneath your dishevelled shirt and skittered lightly along the bare skin of your lower belly. You erupted in another stream of desperate giggles and struggled harder against him, throwing your head back against his shoulder as he pulled a few squeals from you lips when his fingers danced around your navel.
“How ‘bout this,” Bucky smirked and stilled his hand, allowing you to catch your breath. “You’ve got ten seconds to get yourself out of this.”
“What!” You squeaked, pulling on your wrists. “Thahat’s impossible,” you whined a little, Bucky grinned at how you didn’t sound too displeased with the idea of staying trapped in his arms.
“No it’s not. Ten.”
“Nine… eight.”
“Ugh, come on… I- HEY!” You giggled when he tauntingly poked you halfway through his countdown.
“Five, here I’ll even let your arms go. Try now- three.”
“You missed four!” You cried, standing up shakily with his legs still around yours, twisting your body and legs but merely falling backwards. Bucky reached out to catch you but you managed to somewhat break your fall and let yourself down onto your backside. The way he had you trapped meant your knees were fully bent as his calves wrapped around yours, keeping you close, your shins were pressed securely against the front of the couch. You tried to push your toes against the bottom of the couch to break his hold but your time ran out.
“One… Zero,” Bucky sighed, as if it pained him, and then pounced. Feeling more like his previously cheeky self than he had in a while, he unwrapped his legs from around yours and surged forward, lightly tackling you fully down to the carpet. You gasped and laughed as he covered your body with his own and planted kisses at the place where your shoulder met your neck. It’s not as if he hadn’t kissed you there before, but he’d never done it with the intention to pull a little laughter. So he let his kisses become sloppier and let his stubble graze against your skin. You giggled and pressed against his shoulders, then took his jaw in your hands and ducked your head to catch his lips with your own.
He sighed in contentment at the familiar wonderful feeling of kissing you. God, he loved kissing you. You breathed out in bliss as you wrapped your arms around his neck and tugged him closer. Bucky was propped up by his elbows either side of your shoulders so he shifted them down a little further to rest by your waist. Because as much as he was enjoying this, he wasn’t quite done with dishing out a little playful torture.
Slowly, he poised to attack. Then, he slotted his fingers up into the soft spaces under your arms and wiggled them into every place he could reach. You squeaked against his lips, clamped your arms down over his hands and bucked your hips before your laughter burst from you once again, partially muffled by the kiss Bucky kept teasingly pretending was the only thing happening right now.
“MMMHBM-BUHUCKY!” You yelled and threw your head back, which only gave him the perfect chance to plant those ticklish kisses up your neck and onto your ear, which, he was delighted to see, brought some high-pitched giggles into the mix. “NO FAHAIR!” You laughed harder as Bucky relented his kissing, grinning down at your rosy cheeks and at the way you struggled underneath him as he prodded his fingers deeper and faster. “Mehercy,” you weakly gasped, laughter going silent as a few tears pooled against your shut eyes. Bucky laughed and pulled his hands back, immediately moving to rest his elbows either side of your head and smooth your hair away from your face.
You breathed deeply, catching air as a few residual giggles escaped and you opened your eyes to look up at him. “That was mean-mmmhm,” he cut you off with another kiss and you giggled into his lips once again. He felt your hands poise to launch into revenge so he pulled away and gave you a warning look.
“Ihi wouldn’t do that if I were you,” he chuckled and you blushed harder, pausing your hands in place.
“You should let me get revenge,” you argued.
“You tickled me first!” Bucky laughed and kissed you firmly once more before getting to his knees and swinging a leg off you.
“I was just evening the playing field,” you teased, rolling to your side and propping yourself up with an elbow. “But look,” you gestured to yourself lying next to him. “I’m free.”
“Because I let you go,” Bucky gave you a playfully firm look and you grinned at him.
“Sure,” you winked. Bucky scoffed and reached his hand out to latch onto the muscle above your knee, squeezing harshly as you yelped and tried to pull it away.
“You just love antagonising me, don’t you?” He laughed, playfully growled and got to his knees to let his other hand slide up your leg and knead at your hip.
“WAIT, WAHAIT!” You cackled and fell back trying to roll away, push at his hands.
“No, no,” Bucky taunted. “If you can escape without me letting you go, show me.” A grin spread to his cheeks at your yelping laughter as you writhed on the floor next to him.
“Okahay,” you squeaked and jolted when his fingers flitted behind your knee. “OKAY!” You laughed hard, submitting to Bucky’s ticklish torture as you tried to curl in on yourself to protect anything you could.
“I need to hear you surrender,” Bucky called, squeezing a little harder and faster at your hip.
“I surrender!” You managed to yell out between your laughter, still weakly batting at his hands. “I-hi gihive!!” After one final loud bout of laughter Bucky stilled his hands, sliding the one at your knee up to meet the other at your hip before pulling you up closer to him. You were still curled into a bit of a ball, and you struggled against his hold.
“I’m dohone,” He laughed. “Promise.”
A few more residual giggles left your lips as you stole a peek up at him. He once again reached down and brushed the hair from your eyes, smirking as you blushed at his discovery of your sensitivity. “I’m clearly no good at this whole self-defence thing,” you mumbled.
Bucky laughed and held out his hands, which you took, and he pulled you both to your feet. Tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, he smiled softly, then thoughtfully.
“What’s wrong?” Your eyes filled with concern at his moment of reflection. He knew he sometimes appeared to go a little blank, but he wasn’t falling in on himself today. Seeing how you looked up at him, your desire to be close, the way you’d already wrapped your arms around his waist and so comfortably settled into standing with your body pressed against his, Bucky had to fight the part of his mind that told him he didn’t deserve any of this.
“Nothings wrong,” he tried to reassure you. You nodded, but looked sceptical. “I just really love you, you know,” He laughed nervously. Your eyebrows shot up your forehead, and then Bucky realised he’d never said that out loud. Shit, maybe that was dumb. But his therapist said honesty was important in-
“And I really love you.”
A warm smile broke across your cheeks, reaching your eyes and making them sparkle with affection. Bucky looked down at his feet and nodded, knitting his eyebrows together, kind of forgetting what someone says after a mutual admittance of love.
“That’s… that’s really great,” he stammered, laughing nervously. He heard you laugh, then felt your arms unwrap from his waist and take both sides of his face in your hands.
“Now would be a good time to kiss me again,” you playfully nudged with a teasing edge. Bucky laughed once through his nose and obliged, lifting his head to place a tender kiss on your lips.
Bucky didn’t end up teaching you much self-defence that afternoon. He would have felt guiltier about it if you hadn’t seem to lose interested so quickly. He smiled as he kissed you, putting the pieces together that probably all you wanted was a playful wrestling match with your boyfriend. You knew, better than most, what he was capable of, how strong he was, how safe he could keep you.
Though, on the off chance that you truly did crave more protection, he promised himself, from now on, he’d hold just you a little bit tighter.
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