#ler lucas
veryblushyswitch · 1 year
could you please do prompt 97 with ler!Lucas and Lee!Max from stranger things? Thanks+I love your work🩷
Max & Lucas ~ (tickle fic)
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Summary: Lucas takes Max down a few pegs after she keeps saying she’s not ticklish.
Lee: Max & a little lee Lucas
Ler: Lucas & a little ler Max
Authors Note: I’m so happy to be writing requests again!! Thank you to everyone who has sent one in!! I’m getting to them when I can and I appreciate your patience 💖
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"Hm, but I thought you weren't ticklish?" Lucas sarcastically remarked over his girlfriend’s giggles.
Max could never live down the fact that she was ticklish. Even though Lucas was 100 times more sensitive than she was, she couldn’t escape the fact that tickling made her lose all control and submit to laughter.
And maybe she didn’t really mind that. Not that she would ever tell anyone. But she didn’t need to. Lucas saw through her tough girl façade and made sure to indulge her in tickle fights every now and then.
The whole situation had started when Lucas was the victim of a tickle attack himself. He was unable to do anything but laugh as Max massaged his ribs and poked his neck.
After he surrendered, she proclaimed how she couldn’t believe anyone could be that ticklish. Even going as far to say, “I couldn’t imagine being that ticklish. Not that I’m ticklish anyway.”
This sparked that revenge nerve inside Lucas. He eyed his prey and pounced before giving it a second thought. Without time to process his sudden counterattack, Max yelped as Lucas pinned her to the floor and started squeezing her sides.
“Luhucahahahahahas! Stahahahahahap!” Max scrambled to grab at his hands. She failed in the long run as he would switch to her underarms or ribs and back to her sides. This kept her on high alert and unable to predict his next move.
"Hm, but I thought you weren't ticklish?" Lucas smirked, moving to do the same technique she used on him just a moment ago.
“NAHAHA! NOHOHOHO! LUCAHAHAHAHAHAS! NOHOT THEHEHERE!” She pushed at the hand attacking her ribs and scrunched her shoulders when the hand tickling her neck skimmed her ear.
“What’s wrong? Can’t take what you dish out? Sucks for you, Mad Max~” Lucas teased. Max kicked her legs and soon came to the conclusion that she wasn’t going to get out of this by squirming.
She reached out and tweaked Lucas’ side. A high pitched squeal, that Lucas would never admit to being the source of, echoed through the air before he pinned the offending hand down with his knee.
“Oh you are so in for it now, Mayfield!” He moved his wiggling fingers to her underarm and watched as she screeched and erupted once again into laughter. Her other hand tried hard to protect the area, but all efforts were futile.
“STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! NOHOHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Max pulled at her wrist and even let out a snort. To which Lucas struggled to keep upright as he was sent into hysterics at the sound.
“SHUHUHUHUT *snort* UHUHUHUHUP!” Lucas laughed so hard at the second snort that he completely fell over onto his side. Max immediately curled into a ball and grasped her sides. Giggles rang through the air as Max recovered from the tickles and Lucas calmed down.
“You’re soho mehean.” Max playfully whined, kicking at Lucas’ arm while he controlled his giggles.
“Sahays the one who tickled me first!” He pushed at her foot and even gave it a few scribbles making her squeal and pull her legs to her chest.
They continued to giggle and lay on the floor, telling stories and eventually getting up when it was time for Max to leave. She placed a kiss to his forehead before Lucas cupped her face and kissed her lips.
They melted into each others embrace as they hugged. Lucas waved goodbye and smiled at the memory of recent events. Yet another memorable date for the books.
Oh my gosh I haven’t done requests in forever!! Hope you enjoyed this and thank you everyone for your patience 💖
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lopsicle · 2 years
Guess whose back and extremely behind on tktober. Because of this, the fics will be slightly shorter as I try and catch up cause I don’t really wanna fall more behind, considered by this I’d my first and I’m really excited!
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Day 5: Punishment
Characters: Lee Will, Ler Lucas
Warnings: Shouting, tickle fic,
A cacophony of passionate sound was cutting through the air over the dnd table, Dustin’s hands banging against the table, well more accurately his finger, as Mike held out his hands in front of him, gesturing to various pieces and notes which laid scattered around. Lucas and Will were at the other side, with Will anxiously fiddling with the dice between his hands. It’s not that the boy couldn’t handle the shouting, no, no, he didn’t mind that, he’d been friends with these nerds for years, Will was used to the shouting. It was only bad when he was trying to think, and he’s half heartedly make a random choice at that point.
Lucas brought his legs onto his chair, curling his knees to his chest with his arms in front of his arms pressed together. ‘Okay, listen, listen, shut up!’ He ordered, waving his arms towards the other two bickering before turning his attention back to Will. ‘Okay, we don’t know much about it, so attacking the creature would be the best way to learn of it, right?’ To which Will tilted his head, definitely confused at the leaps in logic to head immediately to violence. He closed his eyes, attempting to tune them all out but it really didn’t work. He opened them again, taking in a deep breath and glancing around the room before raising his hand with the dice held firm in it..before slowly bringing his hand back down on to the table and placing the dice on it.
‘I choose to the run,’ he stated, placing his elbows on the table, holding his hands together with his fingers interlocked. Mike and Dustin had a delayed reaction, blinking slowly for a few seconds, while Lucas calmly turned towards Will. ‘Hey, Byers, you have five seconds,’ he stated shakily, spinning his chair to face the basement door. The message instantly clicked in Will’s head, he pressed his hands at the side of the table and pushed away, scrambling to get up, knocking his own dice onto the floor as he ran and ran towards the door. His socks pounded against the stairs while he took in short, panicked breath.
‘Think I should be nice to him?’ Lucas tilted his head back to Dustin, tapping his fingertips mischievously as his chair. ‘Absolutely not,’ he responded, with a smirk, which caused Lucas to dart out his chair after Will. His hands pressed against the sides of the stair case as he pushed himself upwards, chasing after the youngest Byers sibling through the mostly empty house.
‘You can’t run from me, Will!’ He called out, as he caught just a glimpse of Will’s figure sprinting through the door. ‘Ah, you dick, that wasn’t five seconds!’ Will screeched in a panicked tone, sliding against the floors as his mind raced and raced in circles. Lucas’ eyes were shining with determination, he wanted to catch up to this boy if it was the last thing he ever did. Lucas was a natural athlete compared to Will and began quickly catching up with him, much to Will’s dismay. When Will was just out of his reach, Lucas made sure to lean back and plunge towards the artist, tackling him onto the ground.
Will pressed his palms into the hard, wooden floor, getting specks of dust and dirt on his fingers to try and push himself up, before feeling a weight pressing against his thighs. Lucas was sitting cross legged on the boy’s lower body, his own legs wrapped around him as he tapped his fingers against Will’s back to build anticipation. Will whined and and buried his forehead into his wrists, his waist shifting from side to side, just begging for the tickles already.
‘Lucas!’ He pleaded, the two didn’t need more words to understand what he meant. ‘Oh no, Byers, you brought this on yourself, I think you need to learn to listen to your party more, don’t ya think?’ The ranger smirked, stroking his fingers up and down Will’s sides, sliding his shirt up more and more until his torso was bared from the chest down. ‘Yohahahahu meahahahahn lihahahahahsten to yohahahahahu, rihahahaght?’ Being more and more exposed just made the youngest Byers want the attention more and more, but Lucas intended on making him wait just a little bit longer. ‘Obviously!’ He exclaimed, pressing his thumbs deep into Will’s hips and swiftly wiggling them around against his sensitive skin.
The sudden switching of spots lead Will to squealing loudly, swinging his small hips from side to side as he uselessly pushed against the floor, his nails scraping against it desperately. ‘Gahahahahahd, Luhahahahcas, gehahahahshahaht it ahahahahahahahver wihahahahahahahth!’ He shrieked, openly begging for the tickles without Lucas having to prompt him towards them, causing a gentle red blush to spread over his cheeks. ‘Get what over with?’ Lucas asked in a clueless tone, slowly pulling his hands away. Will giggled from the phantom tickles and shook them away, before tilting his head to Lucas, confused. ‘You heard me, what do you want me to do?’ Lucas rolled off the boy’s legs, completely freeing him, but he knew Will didn’t want to run at this point. He caught a slow mumble into the floor and crawled over to Will’s head. ‘What was that?’ He prompted, getting close to him, causing Will to bite at his tongue before blurting out ‘tickle me!’ He flinched slightly at his own words, feeling his face turn a deep red as he stared at Lucas.
A small part of Lucas wanted to keep teasing the boy, but he just didn’t have the heart to. He opened his arms, inviting Will closer to him, ‘oh, tickling? You want me to tickle your adorable little ticklish self?’ Okay, maybe he wasn’t all done with the teasing, but he didn’t want to be that mean with it. ‘S-stop saying that..’ he whined, but still inched closer towards the party’s ranger, curling up as Lucas held him close, tracing some fingers slowly up his back. Will’s breathing hitched slightly at the feeling of Lucas’ cold fingers, the wizard bit down into his lip to stop any giggles from escaping.
‘Aw, come on Will, let all these giggles pour out!’ Lucan encouraged, slowly walking his fingers up and up Will’s back until Will realised what was happening. Lucas was going for his death spot. The artist through for a moment, before realising their was no way out of this for him, Lucas’ fingers were so close and he quickly stated ‘be gentle!’ Lucas’ nails slowly inched at the bottom of Will’s neck, causing it to scrunch up already as he awkwardly shifted in the boy’s lap. ‘Eheheheheehhe, kihihihihihihihi!’
‘If you insist,’ Lucas obeyed, making sure to only gentle grace his fingers around the length of Will’s neck as the artist eventually tilted his chin up, giving Lucas’s soft fingers complete free reign over his neck. ‘Aw, how nice of you,’ Lucas whispered, scratching slowly and softly at the nape of his neck, causing Will to absolutely melt into a laughing fit.
‘A-abahahahaAHAHAHAHAhahahah, Luhahaahahahahacas!’ He attempted to pull his chin back down, but couldn’t. Lucas was using his other hand to keep his head pressed upwards, aimlessly looking at the ceiling as the ranger quickly used the opportunity to skitter his fingers all over Will’s exposed neck.
‘HAAHAHAHAAHAHAHA, NAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAHAHAH!’ The boy helplessly kicked his legs and pushed against Lucas’ chest, breaking away from him as he laid on the floor. Will took in slow deep breathes as Sinclair offered him a pat on the back, before standing up and beginning to walk aqua.
‘We’ll be waiting for you down there!’
This was way longer then expected ngl, I don’t think I’m gonna be able to get another one out today’ though, if you’re interested, it’s gonna be a gravity falls fic!
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Me after checking the Lumax tag hoping for Lumax content even though I knew damn well the posts weren't actually going to be about them in their own fucking tag
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jonathanbyersphd · 1 year
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lovelynim · 1 year
its so exciting to see nijisanji en in your fandom list sksjdjej!! can i request either any luxiem member x reader or something with a ship of your choice?? a drabble or fic or hcs whatever u want. im just deprived of niji en stuff here on tumblr
I don't have any good excuses for why it took me so long to finish this drabble, but I still hope you like this!
I kinda got the idea after Luca's new outfit reveal video so... yeah, heheh
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“Boss?” You said, raising an eyebrow as you looked at Luca slouching on the couch. Crossing your arms and wearing a frown on your face, you interrupted your previous line of thought. “Boss!! Are you even listening to me?!”
He nearly jumped off the couch, startled by the sound of your voice. “O-of course! Please, go on,” he chuckled nervously, trying to slightly adjust his posture as you stood close to his seat.
Letting out a sigh, you picked up the paper, continuing your reading from where you left it. It was just a briefing about how the last operation went, nothing much different from usual, but also not interesting enough to keep Luca’s attention.
Not five minutes later, his eyes started to stare into the void, his eyelids weighting tenfold, making him struggle to keep it open. As your voice was getting more and more distant, he started to slowly doze off, dropping his head forward.
Almost at the land of dreams, Luca was barely aware of the moment you stopped talking. It shouldn’t be that important. It was just some boring reports, who care about them? Well, you did.
“I can’t believe you are ignoring me again!” You yelled at him, landing your hands on his shoulders. As your thumbs rubbed deep circles into the back of his shoulders, your other fingers tickled his neck and collarbone, waking him up in a blink of an eye.
“W-whAHAhahat?! I-I wahas noHOhot!!” He squealed, bringing his hands up and tugging on your wrists, trying to pry them off his shoulder as hard as he could, but he could barely lift them from his body.
The blonde arched his back, trying to squirm away from your thumbs, kicking his feet as he laughed out loudly. “P-pleheHEHase!! I-I’m sohohorry!”
“Hm? For what, if I may ask, boss? Didn’t you just say you weren’t ignoring me?” You teased, the annoyance clear on your voice. The only answer you got from Luca was another cry among his laughter when you decided to move your thumbs up, now targeting his nape.
“Should I remind you how important these reports are, boss?” You nagged at him, watching as he scrunched up his shoulders and moved his head around to try to protect himself. Well, a few more minutes should teach him to not sleep during important meetings, right?
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kiri-mikua · 2 years
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i just think the dads are in love c:
playful lucas and very confused yugo 🙈
he just saw him changing and wanted to mess w him 
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feathers-of-fluff · 5 months
Fighting Back The Giant
Summary: Lucas is on the run from his tormentor like usual, but things are suddenly different once he decides to finally face his fears and fight back, but he didn’t mean it literally when he accidentally lands on MX’s back. Little did Lucas know, he’d find out a playful weakness at this moment.
Lucas ran as fast as his legs could let him, even if they were begging for him to stop and rest. The ground beneath him shook as loud footsteps emitted from behind while a voice now recognizable enough yelled, making him refuse to look back in fear of falling in a pit or seeing his grinning face.
He jumped over a couple of stairs and pipes, sometimes even landed on the floating bricks, while MX rammed through the obstacles like they were nothing to him. This scared Lucas like hell since he was first lured inside the game, and it still does to this day.
“L-LEAVE ME ALONE ALREADY! I JU-JUST WANT OUT OF HERE!” Lucas begged whilst panting, almost tripping over but quickly regained his balance to jump over another one of the stair obstacles.
“YOU CAN’T ESCAPE FROM ME, LUCAS. YOU’LL JUST TIRE YOURSELF OUT AT ANY MOMENT.” The giant plumber responded, his last sentence somehow sounding correct. Then again, stopping would result in death- or in other words- stomped on like a Goomba.
Up ahead was a large pit, the same one where MX would always end up falling in, and Lucas knew very well from his unending experience. He jumps onto the three floating bricks that were nearby and over to the lined up ones that included a question block. Hearing the low-pitched sound of MX jumping had him sprinting to the edge of the pit out of panic to avoid going down with him.
Some of his worries went away when he heard the brute’s scream as he fell down to the bottom with a loud thud. Lucas puts his hand on a pipe as he catches his breath before leaning against it, sliding to the ground.
(It won’t be long before he comes back up again… what am I supposed to do now..?)
He knew there was no other way of leaving this place. He could’ve died from thirst or starvation, but no, it was like there was no heaven for him. He’d rather have the amount of lives you’d normally see than infinite.
He sat there silent until his hands were clutched into fists, slowly gaining bravery as he got up. He took a few deep breaths to get rid of some of his anxiety. “…You know what?”
“I’m n-not gonna be afraid of you anymore! S-Sure, I may be still am, but-but that doesn’t mean I’m gonna be running away from you all the time like a coward!” He spoke out, yelling down at the darkened pit assuming MX should be hearing him by now. “You hear me?! I’m not staying here any longer whether you like it o-or not!”
He turns around to the pipe he was leaning on before, jumping on top of it. He had to think of some plan to fight back without getting himself killed, but how when MX is that bigger than him?
An idea suddenly struck him. It’s somewhat of a death risk, but he’d do (almost) anything to get out of this hellhole.
“Okay… I can do this.” He breathed in and out a few times to prepare himself, attempting to encourage himself. “I can do this…”
Those same words of his repeated in his head as he waited for something to happen however quiet it may be.
…Maybe a bit too quiet.
…What’s taking him so lo-
The immediate moment he came jumping out, Lucas took the time to quickly jump off the pipe hoping to land right.
(Please on the hat, please on the hat, please on the hat, please on the hat, please on the hat-!)
The green plumber boy almost slipped off from the impact of the giant Mario ramming down the pipe, but managed to grab onto the hat.
…However, an eyebrow rose once Lucas felt whatever he had landed on, confused for a second until his eyes widened when he saw that it was actually the back of MX instead of his hat. Immediately, he felt like regretting his decision.
“You can’t hide forever, Lucas. Come out!” MX looked around searching for the boy. His loud voice brought fear back to Lucas, and to think he was actually going to be brave for once too.
He quieted his anxious breathing, trying not to look down before beginning to climb up to the top of MX’s head. As the brute searched though, he begins to feel something going up his back but luckily shrugged it off and went back to looking.
“Thank god…” He whispered with a sigh of relief, continuing his risky journey. It was almost like hiking on a mountain except if it were to be a walking beast unaware of his presence, and speaking of mountains, thinking about this makes him interested to go and see them someday… outside of the cartridge, of course. It felt somewhat nice in a way that wasn’t in the middle of a fight or flight situation.. sort of.
“WHoA-!” His thoughts were interrupted when MX randomly decided to jump back over to the starting edge of the pit he fell in, this time landing with success. Lucas began slowly sliding down again, now clawing his way back up not realizing his tormentor would notice. He did feel a flinch and hear him snicker however, which was… unexpected.
A large hand suddenly appeared out of nowhere, startling Lucas into moving out of the way to avoid getting squashed. It scratched the back for a moment before returning to wherever it came from. Turns out, that hand belonged to MX thinking it was just an itch.
An itch that felt a bit too… tickly.
(I-Is he actually..?) The boy thought to himself. He was feeling curious to find out, but at the same time he also had the feeling of this being a bad idea. But like they say, it wouldn’t hurt to try, right? Some small people are sometimes hard to find for big ones after all.
“Quit acting like a coward and come out already, LucaHAHAS-!” MX yelped, putting a hand over his mouth snickering as he suddenly felt a ticklish sensation. Lucas, being the cause of this, skittered his fingers around the back while holding onto the giant’s clothing with a surprised look on his face. He couldn’t believe what he was actually hearing, and he wasn’t even questioning if it was a dream. This was all real.
“T-Thahahat betteheher not behe yohohou on my fAHAHAcking back!” He yelled, trying to reach his hand for the green plumber. He would have easily grabbed him with no problem if it weren’t for him moving around like a spider.
“Wow, Ihi never knew that the big bad ‘Mario’ himself would be ticklish!” He chuckled, dodging the giant hand before continuing his tickle attack. He was still feeling hesitant due to worry, but at least this was distracting MX.
“Nohohot truhuhue, kihiddo! Now gehehet OhOHOHOFF-!” His voice cracked a little when Lucas started skittering at the spine area of his back.
“If that’s ’not true’, then maybe you wouldn’t mind this?” He smirked, now tracing his finger up and down getting some unexpected giggles out of him.
“IHIIHI DOHOHO MIND THAHAT-! KKHAAAHAHA! CUHUHUT IT OUHUHUT!” MX cackled, making a second attempt at grabbing the boy, but to no avail. It was a surprise for him that he’s this fast to avoid being torn apart at a certain point like this.
“After all the times you’ve killed me? Hah! I doubt I’d be stopping anytime soon unless you promise to let me live!” He carefully moves down to the side of his overalls, wiggling his fingers over it. “Now I wonder if you’re ticklish here as well…”
“DOhon’t you try it, ohohor I swEHEHAHAHAHA-!” He bursted in laughter as the green plumber begins clawing at his side. He couldn’t help but wonder how a smaller victim’s fingers of theirs could tickle more than a regular-sized human’s, but it might have been due to how unknowingly sensitive he was. “Or you swear what, you’ll crush me into a pancake? Nice threat, but not enough to scare me!” Lucas replied with a smug.
Now digging his fingers in his ribs, the smug changes to more of a mischievous look as if he was thinking of playing a prank on someone, which he was except that wasn’t the point as he looked at the giant’s stomach with a playful idea on mind. Bellies were excellent spots to go for most of the time, so it should be the same for MX.
His focus quickly shifts when MX suddenly began slowly collapsing to the ground, alerting him into jumping over to the strap of his overalls without any hesitation before he could accidentally get himself crushed. A short thud emitted as he was now on his back cackling almost like a maniac which scared him a bit.
He shivered as he carefully removed his hands off the strap before hopping over to MX’s stomach, wiggling his fingers in the middle of the air with a chuckle. “Giving up yet?” He grinned.
“WHahahat mahakes you thihink that Ihi will? Ihif anything, it’s you who should be giving up, Lucahas.” His giggles remained due to the phantom tickles on his side, looking his head at him only to witness what he’s preparing to commit.
“…Don’t. You. Dare.” He threatened.
“Oh well then, suit yourself! Tickle tickle tickle~!” He teased, now spidering around what can now be considered as MX’s #1 tickle spot by the sound of him falling into hysterical laughter, closing his eye sockets shut while slamming his fist against the ground. He looked up at him to see his face surrounded by a blush. He snickered at the sight of it, seemingly having fun with this current experience.
“FFAAHAHAHACK! OHOHOKAY, OKAY, FIHIHINE! IHIHI GIVE UHUHUP, JUHUHUST STAHAHAHAP-!” He forfeited. Lucas gives his stomach one more tickle before stopping, crossing his arms like he’s been satisfied by victory. The giant plumber catches his breath for a few minutes or so before sitting up a bit with a grunt.
“…So,” he hesitated just by looking at his face, “promise n-not to put me.. through all that again?”
Seeing him hesitantly hold his hand out, MX thought for a second before responding. “…Sure, champ. Promise.” He shook Lucas’ hand with his finger because of how big he was.
By his tone he sounded somewhat… trusting, and he wasn’t so sure about it, but at least nowadays he’ll at least leave him be for once.
…Or so he thought.
A shriek came out of him as he was suddenly snatched up by the same hand he shook once they both let go, his fears slowly coming back to him. Lucas then hears chuckling from the giant.
Turns out he’s been crossing fingers without his awareness.
To be continued
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myreygn · 1 year
tkltober day 6: Chase
Stranger Things - ler!Max, lee!Lucas
“There’s no way you’re faster than me, Sinclair.”
Lucas felt his heartbeat grind to a hold at the sound of Max’ voice. He hadn’t intended for her to hear him bragging about his speed… he had been the fastest in the group, until she had joined them, and so far he had been pretty good at making fun of his other friends being slower than him without getting it back a thousand times from Max. But now she had caught him running his mouth… Dustin’s shit-eating grin told him that the bastard had already seen her and decided not to warn him; he was gonna get it later! First, he had to deal with this. He slowly turned around to the redhead. “And what if I am.”
Max scoffed and raised a single eyebrow. “Alright, we’ll see. You run over there, to the fence. If you reach it before I catch you, you win.”
Of course she would suggest a bet, he should’ve known. Lucas took a deep breath and grabbed her extended hand. He wasn’t one to turn down a challenge. “You’re on. What’s the bet?”
“If you outrun me, you get bragging rights.”
“And if I lose?”
“Then I get to punish you for bragging.” A slightly unnerving grin spread Max’ lips and Lucas felt a cold shiver run down his spine. “I’ll even give you a headstart. Ready, set…”
“Wait, how much-”
Immediately, his feet were off the ground and running. No matter how much of a headstart she’d give him, it wouldn’t be enough if he let himself get distracted. Running, just focus on running. Lucas tried his best to imagine that a Demogorgon was on his heels. It didn’t help much; at least he knew what to expect from a Demogorgon. Note to self: the next time you get chased by a monster, imagine Max Mayfield is on your- “WOAH!”
Lucas barely managed to bring his arms up so he didn’t fall flat on his face when he was tackled around the middle. He tried to look up at her over his shoulder. “Careful!”
“Stop whining.” Max grinned down at him, sitting comfortably on his lower back. “Loser.”
“I’m not a loser!”
“Yes, you are and now I get to punish you for it.”
“Pff.” Lucas groaned and buried his face in his arms. “What are you gonna do, hit meHEE-”
“Would you prefer me to hit you?” Max chuckled, her fingers dancing over his ribs and scratching at the spaces between the bones, making him shriek. “You look like you’re having fun though.”
“SHUHUHUHUT AHAHAP- NAHAHAHAHA!” He had his arms clamped to his sides as strongly as possible, but it didn’t do a damn thing. If anything, it added a sense of hopelessness to the situation which, in return, made a tickling a million times worse. “NAHAHAHAT THEHEHEHERE!”
“Not there? Alright, then how about… here?” A hand grabbed one of his wrists and pulled his arm to the side (which only worked because Max had the surprise effect on her side, definitely). By the time Lucas managed to free himself from her grasp and pull the arm back, she had already dug her evil fingers into his armpit.
Max let out a laugh and gave his skin one last scratch before stopping her attack. When she spoke again, her voice had taken on an uncharacteristically soft tone. “I know you won’t.”
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qprstobin · 1 year
I cry why is it so hard to find elumax centric fics feels like Soo many of the fics actually tagged with elumax are b*ler fics which is very much NOT what i want. Actually it's hard to find just plain old lumax centric fics too but at least i can manipulate the tags easier to find those
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ineffablelvrs · 1 year
hey girl what if i told you true blue by boygenius is lumax
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veryblushyswitch · 8 months
I see that you are asking ideas for Luca's tickle fic so, what if Luca, just learning in his human form, doesn't know what tickling is and Alberto teaches him what it means to be ticklish, i love this two boys 🩷
I absolutely adore this concept!! I love thinking that Luca ends up being so curious about it and Alberto being more than happy to help with that curiosity 💖 Not to mention Luca wouldn't be too flustered about loving it whereas Alberto crumbles when the tables turn!
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reikunrei · 2 years
wip wednesday is a thing, right? how about a little lumax in my hsm au :3c
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luizdominguesfan · 8 months
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A resenha sobre o livro: "101 crônicas para eu ler antes de morrer", obra escrita pelo grande músico e escritor, João Lucas, está disponível para a leitura no meu Blog 1!
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[2017] 29 de Abril | Sophie Hutchings | / Lucas | Livraria Ler Devagar - Lisboa
Cartaz [Alicia Billon]
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lovelynim · 1 year
Ohhh it was actually someone from Twitter I can show the user
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(Sorry idk how to link)
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Ahhh, I see
Thanks, I could find it and link it properly now, heheh ~
And gosh, it looks so good, look at Shu's face wahhh
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azaleadynasty · 2 years
i hate some el stans sm, like the amount i see who are like “will stans just wna steal everything on el (her bf, her dad, her bff, her powers, her trauma)” which is just so not true
byler is mostly built off of evidence and with respect to el n her character, it’s not meant to be taking it off of her
her dad (hop) is like a father figure to will too, n yous are alright “taking will’s mum off of him n giving it to el” 😭 like???? they are a family !!!
her bff (max), will n max knew each other first n got closer s2-s3,, like they are trio ma guy,, will, max n el 🫶 let them be,,, also they are fine with putting el n max with other ppl friends/bff wise but like when it has any mention of will they get all mad
the powers, like shut up, we can have our theories 🤭
the trauma??? never would i ever, will n el have separate traumas that are both v valid!
btw this is only abt the will hating el stans esp the 1s who say they don’t hate him when they acc do
el deserves better stans man ☹️
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