#Luca tickle fic
veryblushyswitch · 5 months
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toast-is-ticklish · 2 years
You Belong Here
Lee! Alberto Ler! Massimo
Alberto has a rough day and a panic attack, then recieved affirmation and cheer up tickles from the dad man!
TW// description of panic attacks and self worth issues and shit + tickling
If that stuff bothers you stay safe and keep scrolling!! 💖💖💖
Yes I am out here posting ANOTHER hurt/comfort tickle fic! Yes I am gay with some daddy issues on the side. No I am not mentally stable.
Enjoy! 💖💖
Today was an awful day, Alberto decided.
His day was littered with small screw ups and he found himself feeling worse than he should about them. He hadn't even done that bad of a job today—all things considered.
He had just accidentally dropped people's food a ridiculous amount of times, accidentally hit poor old Bianca in the face with a fish, and accidentally tripped over himself approximately 8 times.
Oh boy, he really had screwed up today hadn't he?
And no he wasn't spatastrophizing or whatever that weird word Gulia had called him a few months ago was.
He was fine. Everyone has bad days like this. And he wasn't hiding in his room trying desperately not to cry because it's almost dinner time.
Who would cry about something like this? Definitely not Alberto, nope, no thanks.
But why would Massimo even want to keep him around if he kept screwing up like this? He wasn't earning any of this kindness, and he wasn't improving fast enough, and he had to get better better better before Massimo realized what everyone else already had—that he was sinking valuable resources into a lost cause.
Alberto had to work harder. He had to get better or get left behind.
Alberto was sitting with his knees to his chest, hands gripping his curly hair, and yep okay he was crying now.
The thing was Alberto was working hard. And he still wasn't good enough? Clearly, considering he failed over and over again at the most basic things.
Maybe that was his destiny? To try and try and try and never be good? Maybe he wasn't capable of being enough. Maybe that's why everyone left him.
But everyone hasn't left you! His mind tried. Massimo, Luca, Guilia, Luca's family, even the cat! They all stayed, they all care!
Pity, probably. They were all too charitable, too nice. Alberto knew he didn't deserve it. They probably did too.
No! Love, not pity!
If he realized he was a lost cause, it wouldn't be long before Massimo did too, Alberto realized, feeling panic crawl up his throat. This charade could only last so long. Massimo was getting rid of him soon soon soon.
Everything was feeling fuzzy and far away and so much all at the same time. He was gasping and gasping and gasping and getting no air. His lungs crashed up and down without his control. His fingers were suddenly yanking at his curls hard. The pain was supposed to be grounding but it quickly became another thing Alberto lost control over.
This was bad.
The steps up to Giulias old room creaked as a gruff sounding voice called out, "Alberto?"
This was worse.
Alberto clamped a hand over his useless gasping mouth.
What was he going to tell Massimo if he found him like this? Sorry, I just can't breathe because I know that you're going to get rid of me, it's no big deal though. Let's go have pasta! Yeah. That'd go great he bets.
Massimo would have to deal with another one of Albertos screw ups. Would this one push him over the edge?
Massimo called out a few more times, and Alberto sat in the corner of Guilias room, shaking, trying to desperately pull himself together.
Please don't come upstairs please don't come upstairs please dont—
So Massimo had come upstairs.
"Alberto..." He said, voice uncharacteristically soft.
Suddenly Massimo was crouched in front of Alberto, on the floor.
Alberto tried his best to be quiet, his dad before always got mad when he threw tantrums like this. He hated how whiney and annoying he sounded when he failed to hold back a gasping sob. He looked away from Massimo. He didn't want to see what face he was making.
"Look at me. You need to breathe, son." There was something incredibly comforting about Massimos way of speaking, and Albertos heart ached at being called son so easily. The fuzzy panic was still here, plaguing his insides, but it felt a little less oppressive. 'Dad is here, Dad is here, Dad is here,' his mind chanted.
Alberto looked up. Massimos face held nothing but concern and care and it made him want to cry for a whole other reason.
"Follow me." Massimo said, simply. He took slow deep breaths. Alberto tried his best to follow. I mean; he's gotta at least be able to breath right, yeah? Apparently not.
He choked on his breath. A few times. But Massimo looked at him with such encouragement that he just had to keep trying. And he did.
So now, Alberto was sitting here, feeling a lot more real and there, no longer drowning in the air. He would say that's a pretty good lifestyle improvement.
He was still shaking a little though, which wasn't very cool.
Suddenly he was wrapped up in warm, sturdy arms and he almoat started crying again. "What happened, my boy?"
Now was the hardest part. What was he supposed to say?
"I just...had a bad day, I guess." Alberto muttered into Massimos shoulder, cringing at the way his voice came out after crying. "M'sorry," he added lamely.
"There's nothing to be sorry for," Massimo said, in a way that made it sound like a simple fact. "Do you want to talk?"
Alberto nodded, and although Massimo pulled away from the hug, he kept a hand on the boys knee.
"Uhm—I just. I screwed a lot of things up. And I was thinking..." Alberto sucked in a sharp breath, "That you might not be a big fan of that? Or...really. Want me around? I know I'm not very—"
"Alberto. You belong here. That will not change."
"You are a hard worker. Smart. Funny. Kind. Good."
"I don't deserve this!" Alberto said, and it was a desperate, broken sound.
Massimos expression was suprised, then steady. "You do."
Something about that broke Alberto all over again, and he was leaning into the other man's shoulder, shuddering with tears. He felt bad for getting his shirt wet, but there wasn't much he could do.
They stayed for a while, Massimo rubbing small circles on the boys back. When Albertos neck was sore from the way he was straining it. And when he felt stable and tired and a little sweaty, he broke away.
"Thank you, Massimo," he said, though it didn't come close to conveying how he felt.
Massimo just nodded, as if it was the most normal thing in the world.
"You know what I used to do with Guilia when she had a bad day?"
"What?" Alberto said, suddenly eager. Stories from Massimo were a rare and treasured thing.
"This." And suddenly large, warm, hands were scribbling all over Albertos tummy.
"Ah! Ahah! Mahahahsihihimo! Wh—Ahahah!"
Tingles exploded in Albertos torso, and he finally understood what people meant when they talked about butterflies.
"Ihihit! Ihihihit TihiHihCklehehes! Hehahahaha!"
As he squirmed helplessly under his father figures fingers, he realized that this was actually really nice.
Just laughing. Without a care in the world.
Massimo attacked Albertos ribs with a dexterity that said experience, and Alberto threw his head back with a squeal bursting into a bout of squeaky laughter.
"Ahahahah! Dahahahad! Ihihihihi—Ihihihihi Cahahahant!"
"Can't what?" Somehow Massimos quiet, blunt teasing was making Alberto more flustered.
"Ihihihihi dohohohohohnt knohohohhohhow!"
He was met with a hum and fingers creeping up into Albertos armpits, scritch-scratching with blunt nails.
Alberto screeched before dissolving into boisterous laughter. His arms crashed down and he wiggled around like some kind of teen-boy-fish-worm.
"I'm stuck."
Massimo remained there a moment longer, before relenting. Instead, he brought his fingers up to skitter around Albertos neck and ears. Giggles poured out of Albertos mouth and he shook his head back and forth with mirth.
"Mhmhmh! Fahahahah! Ihihihihi—Ahahahaha!" Alberto didn't know what he was trying to say, but whatever it was it was beyond lost in translation. His brain was fizzling with giggles and butterflies.
If his eyes weren't squeezed shut with laughter, Alberto wouldve seen how Massimo was smiling down at him as if he were the most amazing thing in the world.
Massimo's fingers slowed, and Alberto caught his breath.
"You must be hungry."
"Yehe—" Alberto cleared his throat, "Yeah, I guess I am." He was still giggly and smiling with pink cheeks.
"Dinner is done." Massimo said, before getting up and offering a hand to the boy. Alberto took it, and was shocked to find himself not letting go after he was up.
"I...I love you papá," Alberto said, wearing an expression that looked so fragile, that Massimo was almost afraid to say anything at all.
"I love you too son. Don't forget."
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nhasablogg · 6 months
Dungeons and tickles
Fandom: Stranger Things
Characters: Lucas/Max, Eleven, Will, Dustin, Mike
Summary: Lucas is slightly too stressed and so his friends decide he needs a distraction.
A/N: Commission for anon! I hope you like it!
Words: 2.5k
None of them really thought Lucas was cheating, because how the hell was he even supposed to do that? Buying weighted dice in Hawkins of all places was a near impossibility, and Lucas just wasn’t a good enough liar to be lying about his hit points. Besides, it made no sense to cheat in Dungeons and Dragons, a game which relied on player choices, dice rolls and the interpretation of a world through the eyes of one single creator. Not to mention Lucas’ evident respect for the game. It was simply absurd.
But it was just way too much fun to pretend that Lucas was cheating, as that agitated him more. He’d been a bit of a pain in the ass recently, tryouts for the basketball team keeping him jumpy and snappy, only for him to turn around and apologize immediately after. Still, the constant mood swings weren’t canceled out by the apologies, even though they all appreciated them. Roping him into the game, while Max and El sat on the sidelines and watched, had been hard to begin with, but his mind seemed to be wandering anyway, and so they knew he needed a proper distraction to get him out of his funk. What better way than to mess with him a bit?
“I’m not cheating,” he said for the tenth time, throwing up his hands as Dustin pointed at him and doing a good job of not bursting into laughter through his fake accusation.
“You are,” he shot back. “Tell me how you’re doing well when you’re obviously not all here.”
“Maybe I’m just that good.”
“Oh, please.”
Lucas raised his eyebrows in a way that was dangerous. “Do you have something you wanna say?”
Dustin grinned innocently at him. “No, nothing at all.”
“We can all see that you’re cheating though,” Will said, and Lucas sighed loudly.
“Not you too,” he said, rubbing at his temples. “I’m too tired for this. I give in. I’m going home.”
“Oh, come on,” Max said, grabbing his hand before he could stand up. “Don’t go. We’re having fun, right?”
“I’m being accused of cheating. That’s not fun at all.”
“So stop cheating.” Mike’s words made Lucas turn to him, annoyance evident across his face. “It’s as simple as that.”
“You know damn well I’m not a cheater.”
“Do I?”
Lucas gritted his teeth. “I’m leaving.”
Max’s grip on his hand suddenly tightened. “No.”
Everything was a blur after that; voices mixing and limbs tangling, until Lucas found himself pinned to the floor by them all, with Max most prominently straddling his waist.
“What are you doing?” he asked, suddenly aware that maybe all the accusing fingers were simply there to mess with him. He felt his annoyance melt away, being replaced by nerves instead. From the prospect of this, with Max on his waist, Will and Dusting holding his hands and Mike sitting on his legs, his body was left slightly too exposed for his liking. Eleven, who’d been quiet throughout it all, was sitting beside Max, smiling at him in a way that made him all the more nervous.
“We’re getting you back for cheating,” Max said, quickly dropping her facade. “And helping you get rid of all that excess energy you always have when you’re nervous about something.”
Lucas pulled weakly at his arms. “You can help me in other ways, you know. I don’t remember deserving whatever you’re about to do.”
“Uh, remember being rude to me at lunch today?” Dustin said.
Lucas rolled his eyes. “I said I was sorry.”
“Yeah, but you’d been rude the previous period too.”
“I’m going through a lot right now-”
“Oh, we know. This is simply just a bit of revenge.”
Lucas knew deep down what they were about to do, and so he turned toward Max, knowing if anyone would show him mercy it would be her. But Max was looking determined and Lucas realized he was doomed.
“Please don’t,” he said as she pulled up his shirt to expose his belly to the cold air of the basement.
“I’m sorry, but we have to.” She moved over to let El scoot closer beside her, the two of them sharing a look which he couldn’t interpret but which he knew meant trouble. He realized what was about to happen when they both leaned down, their faces coming close to his skin, seeming giddy like children.
Lucas screamed as they started blowing raspberries into his skin on either side of his belly, as if their lives depended on it, over and over, sending ticklish shocks through him. The initial panic merely doubled as Will suddenly started blowing raspberries into his neck as well, just beneath his chin where Lucas couldn’t shield himself. He could feel them laughing into his skin, enjoying this, and one part of him relished in their enjoyment. They’d not been kids for a long time. Maybe having to endure this was worth it just for the laughter.
Mike was going to town on his feet, holding onto his ankles for dear life lest he wanted to get his teeth knocked out. He’d grown taller, stronger over the summer, although Lucas was still stronger and probably always would be. Still, their tickle fights, rare as they were now, were no different from the ones they’d had as kids. Chaotic. Merciless. So much belly laughter they nearly couldn’t breathe. They’d not gotten Will as often as they used to after he’d gone missing and come back, but the few times they had - careful pokes, gentle smiles - had been reminders of childhood. Dusting screaming bloody murder whenever they got him. Mike running away until Lucas tackled him. Lucas having to be pinned by all three of them if they wanted to even attempt to poke him.
But Max had mellowed him out. Max had shown him it was okay to be vulnerable. Max, with her nimble fingers and teasing grin, who was beaming up at him now between raspberries. Max kept him young as the world around them tried to literally kill them. And in turn, Lucas remained gentle despite it all.
Lucas snapped out of his brief daydream (how the hell could he daydream through tickling like this?) when Mike switched spots, latching onto his hips which made them all shuffle around. He protested as they all paused their tickling for a moment, but no one was listening to him. Will simply grabbed his thighs, as if ready to squeeze at any moment, while Dustin wormed his fingers into his armpits, making him squirm from simply the contact. Max remained at his belly while El moved upward to take Will’s old spot at his neck, and suddenly Lucas wondered if he was to survive this. Max still had him straddled, but she was sitting up properly now, gently caressing his stomach as if to calm him. It tickled, but not enough to make him laugh. The only reason he was giggling now to begin with was due to the anticipation. He was pinned. He was exposed. He knew how this would end.
Did he plead? Of course not. He had a, somewhat misguided, ego to think of.
He would, though. Eventually. He knew that too.
The world was still for a moment, and then they all started at the same time, turning him into a momentarily fumbling mess of confusion, not knowing what sensation to react to first, until it all suddenly exploded simultaneously in the form of hysterical laughter. He felt Max’s hands around his belly button, squeezing around it lightly while El was curling her fingers under his chin. Those two things would be enough to have him begging for mercy, only somewhere beneath that he could feel Will squeezing his thighs, kind enough not to be gentle at the very least. He wasn’t sure if he could handle gentle scratching on his legs right now, not when Dustin was succeeding more and more in prying his arms up so that he could tickle his armpits more properly. Behind Max, somehow fitting between her and Will, Mike was still latched onto his hips, squeezing them in all his might. It was a miracle Lucas hadn’t bucked Max off in his struggle to escape, but later, when he’d been granted his much needed mercy, he would realize she probably wasn’t the only one pinning him down.
He could picture it. El and Will and Max taking turns holding his flailing arms, while Will held his legs down so that Mike could reach his spot. Or maybe it was Mike who was holding him down so that Will could tickle his thighs? Lucas didn’t know. Lucas couldn’t know from where he was lying, on his back on the floor, eyes squeezed shut as he laughed and laughed. He felt another raspberry on his belly, just beneath his navel, and he didn’t need to open his eyes to know it was Max. A raspberry to his neck told him that Eleven was following suit, not necessarily a follower as much as being unsure of what was allowed. He was glad that, in the midst of it all, none of the others started blowing raspberries on other body parts. That would’ve been crossing several lines.
“Aha!” Dustin’s exclaim was heard through his laughter, but was mostly just noise to him now, busy as he was. He could tell his shout of triumph came from Dustin finally pinning one of his arms to the side, not fully above his head but enough so that he could wiggle his fingers in the hollow of his arm with no problem, making Lucas’ focus shift to him for a moment. It was probably the worst of it; how he couldn’t focus on one torture at a time, but was bouncing between them. One moment he was with Will, who was still squeezing his thighs as if his life depended on it, moving between spots at the speed of light. The next he was with Mike, who was tickling his hips at the same spot over and over, slowly driving him insane. Before he could notice anything else about it - if he was being gentle or not, how the hell could Lucas tell like this? - he was with Max again, who wasn’t blowing raspberries anymore but was instead circling a finger around his belly button, getting ready to dive in. Lucas would’ve asked her not to, would’ve screamed and pleaded and begged, had El not switched tactics in a drastic enough way that he noticed, transferring his ever moving focus to her.
“No!” he cried, possibly his first coherent word since this started. But El didn’t listen, because how could she even tell he was speaking to her? She simply tickled both sides of his neck at the same time, just below his ears, making it impossible for him to scrunch up for defense. And maybe that would’ve been his demise had Dustin not found the spot that connected his upper ribs to his armpit…
He didn’t know how he did it, only that Max was suddenly flying off of him and his foot had accidentally knocked into the side of Mike’s head, and maybe the sight would have been funny had he been in any other position. The momentary relief simply made for a worse continuation, when he’d tasted the lovely taste of a non-ticklish existence.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” he said when Max started poking him, although not straddling him again.
“You did that on purpose,” she was saying, laughing along with him.
“Where did you get your strength from anyway?” Mike asked, holding his head. “Maybe you should audition for the wrestling club or something instead.”
“Mike, they’re not called auditions.”
“You know what I meant.”
Their game of DnD was forgotten, as were the accusations of Lucas cheating. The tickling was turning into a tickle fight rather than pure torture, but Lucas was drained and had a hard time putting up a fight, and so it wasn’t hard for Mike to grab his feet again or for Max to claw at the back of his ribs when he tried to roll away. The other three stayed back this time, except for the brief poke Dustin aimed at his ribs when Lucas rolled closer to him.
“Please, mercy, oh my god-”
“You think he’s had enough?” Will asked.
“He can take a bit more, can’t you, Lucas?” Lucas managed to catch the moment Max’s face softened as she grinned down at him, maybe realizing he wasn’t able to handle much more. “But maybe we should round it off. Does anyone want one last tickle before we let him go?”
“How about another raspberry?” El said, and Lucas could only close his eyes and lie there and take it as she, Max and somewhat surprisingly Will blew raspberries on his belly for another moment. It wasn’t as bad as the rest, but being all tickled out it was enough to send ticklish shocks through his body, although he did little to stop them.
“I knew you were still ticklish,” Dustin said when they’d helped him up again, hands rough against his skin to help rub out the residual tickles that they knew lingered on him.
“Did I ever say otherwise?” Lucas didn’t have the energy to sound annoyed.
“No, but it’s been a while since we tickled you.”
“You just tickled me enough to not have to do it again for the next ten years.”
“Or maybe we just caught up on what we’d missed.”
Dustin nudged him in the ribs and Lucas could only groan. “I’m so getting you back. I know how bad your belly is.”
“Big words from someone who was just begging for mercy.”
“And don’t think I’ve forgotten about your knees, Wheeler. You all better watch your backs.”
They all laughed, knowing full well he wasn’t kidding.
“Are you okay?” Max asked him later, the two of them curled up on the couch when they probably should’ve gone home ages ago. “Did we go overboard?”
“Yes to both.” Lucas softened, like he always did when he could smell sleep on her. “But it’s okay. I guess I deserved it.”
“That you did.” She ran a finger over his lower ribs, not tickling him necessarily but also not staying clear off his sensitive spots. He shivered, for various reasons. “And needed it.”
He felt himself flush. “I guess.”
“You guess, huh.” She grinned and he squeezed her tighter to him.
“Don’t get cocky. I can totally get you back.”
“But you won’t.”
“Not here, no.” He kissed her temple. “But you better be very very nice to me later when we’re alone.”
“I’m always nice.”
“Of course you are.” A pause, and, “I know none of you believed I was cheating.”
Max snorted. “Of course we didn’t.”
“That, if anything, deserves its own revenge, don’t you think?”
He heard Max gulp. Revenge would be oh so sweet. If he needed tickles, he needed to hear her laughter so much more.
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amazingmsme · 8 months
Such A Squealer
AN: Somehow managed to whip this up lickety split before I start on my homework. This was a really cute prompt, & lumax holds a special place in my heart. Hope y'all enjoy day 11!
Max considerer herself to be a good girlfriend, no, a great girlfriend. She shared the same interests with Lucas, she was funny, supportive, and even though she was hesitant to think so, she knew that some people would say she's pretty. (Her mom insisted on it, at least.) And to top it off, she was currently giving him a massage without even being asked.
"Okay, but it better not be some kinda trick," he teased, laying down on the bed. He rested his chin on his hands and shifted until he was comfortable. She straddled his waist and began working her palms over tense shoulders. He'd been complaining about being sore after practice, so this was the least she could do.
Her hands traveled the expanse of his back, over the rolling hills of his shoulders and the valley of his lower spine. She carried on for a few minutes before slipping her hands under his shirt to glide over bare skin. He let out pleased grunts and hums as she released the tight knots in his back, allowing his troubles to melt away.
And then her hands traveled too far down, veering off to the side and she happened to squeeze his hips. Lucas jolted as if he'd been electrocuted, and squealed. He clapped a hand to his mouth just as a grin tried to overtake his features. He'd been too late to muffle the sound, and Max's interest was piqued.
"Oh? What was that?" she asked, doing it again. Lucas jolted, arms pressing down against his sides.
"N-nothing," he said, voice at least two octaves higher. Max looked at the back of his head with skepticism and grinned.
"Mm, that didn't sound like nothing," she mused, idly drawing circles with her thumbs over his hipbones. He snorted, burying his face in a nearby pillow to muffle his laughter.
Max couldn't have that. She loved the way his laugh sounded. He didn't hold back, and it just sounded so bright it could light up a room. It was the sound of pure, unbridled joy- his joy. And she was the only making him happy. She decided she deserved to hear it and yanked the pillow away, tossing it aside.
He yelped when his shield was stolen before falling into endless giggles as Max kneaded his hips.
"Nohoho, plehehease!" he begged, curling up on his side. Max persisted and used his new position to roll him on his back. He was breathless, hair tussled and he had the biggest smile of his face she's ever seen.
"Is there a reason you've been hiding this tickle spot from me?" she asked, hands formed into claws and poised to strike. He giggled nervously and looked away.
"Ihi wasn't hiding it! You just didn't find it!" he defended himself. She arched a brow.
"You could've told me," she cooed. Lucas snorted.
"Yeah right. You just would've tortured me sooner!" he justified, unable to tear his eyes away from her hands.
"Guess I'll have to make up for lost time then," she said smugly and shrugged. His eyes widened and he tried to grab her hands and push them away, but she was too quick. Rapid squeezes to the hips assaulted his nerves and sent tiny shocks of electricity through his body. He shrieked, head thrown back against the mattress, mouth hanging open as cackles escaped. Max was glad her mom wasn't home, surely she'd think they were being killed. Now that she thought about it, maybe some of the neighbors did. Oh well, she'll be happy to explain the misunderstanding if any cops were to arrive. Hopper would certainly find it funny.
Lucas was thrashing around on the bed, laughing freely and most notably, not trying to stop her. Max grinned to herself, taking a deep breath before diving down. She blew a raspberry as hard as she could on his hipbone, and another loud squeal cut through the air. She kept going until she was smiling so wide, she couldn't get a good seal on his skin. She rose back up, so breathless and happy you'd think she was the one being tickled.
"Dude, you are such a squealer!" she teased, squeezing his hips so he couldn't protest, though he still tried.
"Ihihi aham nohohot!" he insisted through persistent giggles.
"Wanna bet?" she asked playfully, wiggling her brows at him before taking a large breath. Lucas shook his head, eyes wide and an overwhelming smile in place.
"Nonono wahahait!" She didn't wait, instead blowing another raspberry on his other hip. Needless to say, Max proved her point.
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ticklishraspberries · 2 years
Run (Lucas/Max)
Summary: Max is relentless and Lucas is smitten. (This was originally meant to be a drabble but I turned it into a full fic by accident. Based on the sentence prompt “I’ll give you five seconds to run” from anonymous!)
Lucas had learned long ago to not underestimate Max Mayfield.
Once you watch a girl put a baseball bat full of nails that close to another dude’s junk, you sort of realize that she isn’t messing around. Sure, Billy had deserved it, but Lucas feared what else she could be capable of when pushed to anger.
The moment she had walked into Mr. Clarke’s class, her fuck-it-all attitude and the rudeness with which she regarded Lucas and his friends had intrigued him. She was rougher around the edges than most of the spoiled rich girls of Hawkins, with her scabbed knees and beat-up sneakers.
Befriending Max had been a great call on his part. Dating her had been an even better one.
They had a very playful, rough-housing sort of relationship. Like children should, he figured. While El and Mike seemed to spend all their time kissing, Lucas and Max were more likely to be found engaged in a thumb war, arm wrestle, or fight to the metaphorical death over the last piece of candy (and even if Lucas won, he would give her the candy anyway).
Whether she won or not, Max always saw her battles to the end, and she always kept her promises for revenge. It had been three days since Lucas had tickled behind her knees until she let him pick the movie they would watch that evening, and he had made the mistake of letting his guard down, feeling too giddy as her head rested on his shoulder, both of them relaxed on his living room couch.
He was so relaxed, in fact, that Max’s voice breaking the silence actually made him jump in surprise.
Max looked up at him with those blue eyes and he just about melted. Her words, however, were far from sweet. “I’ll give you five seconds to run.”
It took about two seconds for her words to fully process, and Lucas was scrambling off the couch by the third, knowing that although he could run pretty fast, he was only prolonging the inevitable. Logical thinking be damned, he thought, and ran up the stairs towards his bedroom.
By the time he reached his room and shut the door, he could already hear Max’s socked feet coming up the stairs.
If he really wanted, he could lock the door. But knowing Max, she would just pick the lock, and knowing himself, he wasn’t that desperate to escape. He would never admit it to her, or even fully to himself, but he found their cat and mouse game fun, even if it was at his expense.
Lucas couldn’t help the grin of anticipation that grew on his face as he heard Max make her way down the hall. His door flung open a moment later, and he didn’t even have time to negotiate before she tackled him back onto the bed, and he was laughing before her fingers even reached his ribs.
“Way to find the most obvious hiding place,” she teased. “If I didn’t know better, I’d think that you wanted me to find you.”
Lucas hated that she was right. “Shut up!” he cried.
Max gave a faux gasp of offense. “That’s no way to speak to your girlfriend,” she scolded him, but the grin on her face proved she wasn’t offended at all.
Lucas would have said something sassy in return, but any words were lost in the cackling caused by her fingers crawling upwards and scribbling underneath his arms. His heels dug into the mattress, but he was purposefully restraining himself from pushing her away, not wanting to ruin the fun just yet.
Max just looked so happy, laughing along with him, mischief sparkling in her blue eyes, her face close enough that he could count each freckle on her cheeks, if only his eyes weren’t squeezed shut in mirth.
He could take a lifetime of being tickled if it meant seeing her smile like that.
But like all good things, it couldn’t last forever. Because apparently Erica hadn’t gone to the store with their parents, and was just down the hall. Lucas felt his face burn as his little sister stormed into the room and told them to take their “giggle fest” somewhere that she couldn’t hear.
“Sorry,” Max said, not sounding sorry at all.
“Lucas probably deserved it anyway,” Erica replied. “Have you found his worst spot yet?”
“Don’t you dare,” Lucas said.
“Where is it?” Max asked at the same time.
Erica grinned, and before she could open her mouth, Lucas was off the bed and chasing her back down the stairs that he had run up earlier, with Max right behind him.
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feathers-of-fluff · 2 months
Fighting Back The Giant
Summary: Lucas is on the run from his tormentor like usual, but things are suddenly different once he decides to finally face his fears and fight back, but he didn’t mean it literally when he accidentally lands on MX’s back. Little did Lucas know, he’d find out a playful weakness at this moment.
Lucas ran as fast as his legs could let him, even if they were begging for him to stop and rest. The ground beneath him shook as loud footsteps emitted from behind while a voice now recognizable enough yelled, making him refuse to look back in fear of falling in a pit or seeing his grinning face.
He jumped over a couple of stairs and pipes, sometimes even landed on the floating bricks, while MX rammed through the obstacles like they were nothing to him. This scared Lucas like hell since he was first lured inside the game, and it still does to this day.
“L-LEAVE ME ALONE ALREADY! I JU-JUST WANT OUT OF HERE!” Lucas begged whilst panting, almost tripping over but quickly regained his balance to jump over another one of the stair obstacles.
“YOU CAN’T ESCAPE FROM ME, LUCAS. YOU’LL JUST TIRE YOURSELF OUT AT ANY MOMENT.” The giant plumber responded, his last sentence somehow sounding correct. Then again, stopping would result in death- or in other words- stomped on like a Goomba.
Up ahead was a large pit, the same one where MX would always end up falling in, and Lucas knew very well from his unending experience. He jumps onto the three floating bricks that were nearby and over to the lined up ones that included a question block. Hearing the low-pitched sound of MX jumping had him sprinting to the edge of the pit out of panic to avoid going down with him.
Some of his worries went away when he heard the brute’s scream as he fell down to the bottom with a loud thud. Lucas puts his hand on a pipe as he catches his breath before leaning against it, sliding to the ground.
(It won’t be long before he comes back up again… what am I supposed to do now..?)
He knew there was no other way of leaving this place. He could’ve died from thirst or starvation, but no, it was like there was no heaven for him. He’d rather have the amount of lives you’d normally see than infinite.
He sat there silent until his hands were clutched into fists, slowly gaining bravery as he got up. He took a few deep breaths to get rid of some of his anxiety. “…You know what?”
“I’m n-not gonna be afraid of you anymore! S-Sure, I may be still am, but-but that doesn’t mean I’m gonna be running away from you all the time like a coward!” He spoke out, yelling down at the darkened pit assuming MX should be hearing him by now. “You hear me?! I’m not staying here any longer whether you like it o-or not!”
He turns around to the pipe he was leaning on before, jumping on top of it. He had to think of some plan to fight back without getting himself killed, but how when MX is that bigger than him?
An idea suddenly struck him. It’s somewhat of a death risk, but he’d do (almost) anything to get out of this hellhole.
“Okay… I can do this.” He breathed in and out a few times to prepare himself, attempting to encourage himself. “I can do this…”
Those same words of his repeated in his head as he waited for something to happen however quiet it may be.
…Maybe a bit too quiet.
…What’s taking him so lo-
The immediate moment he came jumping out, Lucas took the time to quickly jump off the pipe hoping to land right.
(Please on the hat, please on the hat, please on the hat, please on the hat, please on the hat-!)
The green plumber boy almost slipped off from the impact of the giant Mario ramming down the pipe, but managed to grab onto the hat.
…However, an eyebrow rose once Lucas felt whatever he had landed on, confused for a second until his eyes widened when he saw that it was actually the back of MX instead of his hat. Immediately, he felt like regretting his decision.
“You can’t hide forever, Lucas. Come out!” MX looked around searching for the boy. His loud voice brought fear back to Lucas, and to think he was actually going to be brave for once too.
He quieted his anxious breathing, trying not to look down before beginning to climb up to the top of MX’s head. As the brute searched though, he begins to feel something going up his back but luckily shrugged it off and went back to looking.
“Thank god…” He whispered with a sigh of relief, continuing his risky journey. It was almost like hiking on a mountain except if it were to be a walking beast unaware of his presence, and speaking of mountains, thinking about this makes him interested to go and see them someday… outside of the cartridge, of course. It felt somewhat nice in a way that wasn’t in the middle of a fight or flight situation.. sort of.
“WHoA-!” His thoughts were interrupted when MX randomly decided to jump back over to the starting edge of the pit he fell in, this time landing with success. Lucas began slowly sliding down again, now clawing his way back up not realizing his tormentor would notice. He did feel a flinch and hear him snicker however, which was… unexpected.
A large hand suddenly appeared out of nowhere, startling Lucas into moving out of the way to avoid getting squashed. It scratched the back for a moment before returning to wherever it came from. Turns out, that hand belonged to MX thinking it was just an itch.
An itch that felt a bit too… tickly.
(I-Is he actually..?) The boy thought to himself. He was feeling curious to find out, but at the same time he also had the feeling of this being a bad idea. But like they say, it wouldn’t hurt to try, right? Some small people are sometimes hard to find for big ones after all.
“Quit acting like a coward and come out already, LucaHAHAS-!” MX yelped, putting a hand over his mouth snickering as he suddenly felt a ticklish sensation. Lucas, being the cause of this, skittered his fingers around the back while holding onto the giant’s clothing with a surprised look on his face. He couldn’t believe what he was actually hearing, and he wasn’t even questioning if it was a dream. This was all real.
“T-Thahahat betteheher not behe yohohou on my fAHAHAcking back!” He yelled, trying to reach his hand for the green plumber. He would have easily grabbed him with no problem if it weren’t for him moving around like a spider.
“Wow, Ihi never knew that the big bad ‘Mario’ himself would be ticklish!” He chuckled, dodging the giant hand before continuing his tickle attack. He was still feeling hesitant due to worry, but at least this was distracting MX.
“Nohohot truhuhue, kihiddo! Now gehehet OhOHOHOFF-!” His voice cracked a little when Lucas started skittering at the spine area of his back.
“If that’s ’not true’, then maybe you wouldn’t mind this?” He smirked, now tracing his finger up and down getting some unexpected giggles out of him.
“IHIIHI DOHOHO MIND THAHAT-! KKHAAAHAHA! CUHUHUT IT OUHUHUT!” MX cackled, making a second attempt at grabbing the boy, but to no avail. It was a surprise for him that he’s this fast to avoid being torn apart at a certain point like this.
“After all the times you’ve killed me? Hah! I doubt I’d be stopping anytime soon unless you promise to let me live!” He carefully moves down to the side of his overalls, wiggling his fingers over it. “Now I wonder if you’re ticklish here as well…”
“DOhon’t you try it, ohohor I swEHEHAHAHAHA-!” He bursted in laughter as the green plumber begins clawing at his side. He couldn’t help but wonder how a smaller victim’s fingers of theirs could tickle more than a regular-sized human’s, but it might have been due to how unknowingly sensitive he was. “Or you swear what, you’ll crush me into a pancake? Nice threat, but not enough to scare me!” Lucas replied with a smug.
Now digging his fingers in his ribs, the smug changes to more of a mischievous look as if he was thinking of playing a prank on someone, which he was except that wasn’t the point as he looked at the giant’s stomach with a playful idea on mind. Bellies were excellent spots to go for most of the time, so it should be the same for MX.
His focus quickly shifts when MX suddenly began slowly collapsing to the ground, alerting him into jumping over to the strap of his overalls without any hesitation before he could accidentally get himself crushed. A short thud emitted as he was now on his back cackling almost like a maniac which scared him a bit.
He shivered as he carefully removed his hands off the strap before hopping over to MX’s stomach, wiggling his fingers in the middle of the air with a chuckle. “Giving up yet?” He grinned.
“WHahahat mahakes you thihink that Ihi will? Ihif anything, it’s you who should be giving up, Lucahas.” His giggles remained due to the phantom tickles on his side, looking his head at him only to witness what he’s preparing to commit.
“…Don’t. You. Dare.” He threatened.
“Oh well then, suit yourself! Tickle tickle tickle~!” He teased, now spidering around what can now be considered as MX’s #1 tickle spot by the sound of him falling into hysterical laughter, closing his eye sockets shut while slamming his fist against the ground. He looked up at him to see his face surrounded by a blush. He snickered at the sight of it, seemingly having fun with this current experience.
“FFAAHAHAHACK! OHOHOKAY, OKAY, FIHIHINE! IHIHI GIVE UHUHUP, JUHUHUST STAHAHAHAP-!” He forfeited. Lucas gives his stomach one more tickle before stopping, crossing his arms like he’s been satisfied by victory. The giant plumber catches his breath for a few minutes or so before sitting up a bit with a grunt.
“…So,” he hesitated just by looking at his face, “promise n-not to put me.. through all that again?”
Seeing him hesitantly hold his hand out, MX thought for a second before responding. “…Sure, champ. Promise.” He shook Lucas’ hand with his finger because of how big he was.
By his tone he sounded somewhat… trusting, and he wasn’t so sure about it, but at least nowadays he’ll at least leave him be for once.
…Or so he thought.
A shriek came out of him as he was suddenly snatched up by the same hand he shook once they both let go, his fears slowly coming back to him. Lucas then hears chuckling from the giant.
Turns out he’s been crossing fingers without his awareness.
To be continued
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bennyzblog · 2 years
I'm obsessed with Stranger Things at the moment sooo... Can i request lee!will and lers!mike, dustin, and lucas?
Call uncle!
Lee! Will , Lers! Mike, Dustin and Lucas
Warnings : swearing and tickling (takes place in s2 thought it would be more fitting)
It was a Saturday evening, and all the gang was collected in the basement planning a whole new campaign. Will was scribbling down character facts about the almighty 'will the wise' while Mike watched in wonder, he's always liked will's drawings and the amazing backstory he could always come up with for his characters. It was also really comforting to know he's back with them.
"Hey will what's that?" Lucas raised an eyebrow, leaning over the couch to see what will was drawing, which he hid from his view instantly.
"Heyy, I'm not done yet you can't see it!" Will grinned as a small chuckle fell from his mouth, and both Dustin and Lucas collectively rolled their eyes.
"But Mike's able to see it!" Dustin whined, turning to will now. Mike gave him a shit eating smirk, and he swore he would get him for that.
"Because he's a dungeon master, sorrrryyy dustin." Will stuck out his tongue, and both Lucas and Dustin turned to eachother then looked at will then Mike. Mike new exactly what was going on.
"Here will let me hide it for you real quick." Mike smiled while Will handed over his drawing, he bolted and quickly hid it in a spot only he and will knew about, though he was too late because, he already heard shrieks and giggles. He playfully rolled rolled his eyes as he walked back, seeing that Dustin and Lucas tag teamed Will, who was trying to squirm away.
"Call uncle!" Lucas shouted, a laugh coming from the Raven haired male.
"noho! ihim tohoho tough for thAhat!" Will giggled back, hope came to his eyes once he saw Mike kneel down. Though that hope was shattered one he placed his hands on his ribs.
"You gonna call uncle now?" Mike had an evil look on his face, Dustin and Lucas both looked confused. Only Mike knew that Will's death spot was on his ribs, Will squirmed even more which Mike giggled at. Mike dug in, and will threw his head back against Lucas's chest with a shriek and then laughter coming with it.
"TRAHAitohor!!!" (Traitor) Will said shaking his head, Lucas and Dustin paused and then turned towards Mike who gave the 'I know everything look', they gulped and went back to tickling Will, who was reduced to snorts and wild laughter.
"UNCLE!! UHUNCLE!!" Will eventually said, and they all instantly let off of Will, Mike seemed proud of himself! Will slowly sat up with a grin.
"Okayyy, maybe I can show you guys. But you'd have to get the hiding spot out of Mike, and I happen to know his secret too." Mike grinned sheepishly, not a moment to get away Lucas tackled him and once again the wheeler basement was screaming with laughter.
— — — — — —
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lopsicle · 2 years
Woo, I say it’s been looking then 2-3 business weeks, and I still haven’t written that Lumax tickle fic, so I suppose I should get onto that.
Pairings: Lumax (lee! Lucas, ler! Max
Warnings: Tickle fic,
Punishment fits the crime
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‘Luuuuucas~!’ A playful, yet threatening voice called out throughout the house. Lucas’ feet collided with the carpet as he made a mad dash through the corridors. His heart was beating out of his chest, as he heard a gentle, yet alarmingly fast presence approach. He anxiously looked around at his surroundings, his legs bouncy as his fingers dug into his palms. He practically pushed his body weight into the door to his left, stumbling as he looked around the bedroom. Hiding under the bed? Too obvious. Jumping out the window? She’d catch up with him. The closet? The closet. The closet! Lucas practically slammed the door behind him, as he rushed over to the dark brown closet. His hands anxiously fiddled with the knobs as he pried them open, hopping inside quickly. He shut the doors, a comforting darkness enveloping him as his body gently slid down until he was curled up on the floor, hugging his knees to his chest as he took in slow deep breaths, all the anticipation he had beginning to slowly leave him…
And come right back when had the door to the bedroom opening. ‘Luuuucas!’ A voice called out playfully in a sing songy tone. Lucas clasped his hands over his mouth, taking in slow, shaky breathes. ‘Let’s see..’ he heard slow, agonisingly slow footsteps as Max made sure to check every single area of the room; Lucas’ anticipation and anxiety built more and more.
‘What about here?’ Max said casually, taking slow, quiet steps as Lucas’s eyes darted around the small crack in the closet door, and he saw a bright blue hoodie on the other side of the door. His breathing hitched for a second, before the doors flung open quickly as Max stood over him with a wide smirk as Lucas let out a frightened squeal.
‘There you are!’ Max grinned to herself, as Lucas tried to push past her, but had Max’s arms quickly wrapped her arms around his waist. She sat in the floor cross legged, and brought the kicking Lucas into her lap, holding him just firm enough so that he couldn’t run away.
‘Now, are you going to tell me where you hid my skateboard or am I gonna have to tickle the living hell out of you?’ She said casually with a wide smile, as Lucas awkwardly shifted around in her lap, gently biting his lip and blushing madly at the tease, all his anticipation increasing ten fold. He kept his mouth shut as he gently buried his face in her neck as she grinned wider.
‘No? Okay then, don’t say I didn’t warn ya!’ She began gently spidering her fingers up and down his sides, the touch was gentle and quick, but it was enough to make Lucas’ squirm as small giggles escaped his lips.
‘M-mehehx, agh, p-pleahahse..’ he begged softly, his body twitching around at the light touches.
‘Please what? Please tickle me more? If you insist!’ Max smiled widely as her hands dug around under Lucas’s shirt, before rapidly scratching around against the bare, sensitive skin.
‘Ah! M-maahahahahax, cahahahahame on, eeep!’ Lucas squealed out, curling up slightly around Max’s arm as careless laughter poured out of his mouth.
‘Tickle, tickle, tickle, Lucas! You know how to get me to stop!’ Max cooed gently, dragging her nails up to his ribs. She began digging her nails into his ribs, before gently wiggling her fingers into them.
‘Ahhhh, nahahahahahaha, Mahahahahahahahahax!’ Lucas felt his face heat up each time Max said that god forsaken word. The intense feeling practically tour through his body as he twitched and squirmed about softly. ‘Swihahahaahahtch spahahahahahahts!’ He pleaded desperately.
‘Hm, if you insist!’ Max cooed, as she gently left Lucas on the floor to catch his breath, knowing he wouldn’t run away. She rummaged through the open closet and retrieved a very soft, bristly hairbrush.
‘Last chance, Lucas!’ She grinned widely, as she sat on his hips, rolling up his shirt to his chest. Lucas blushed and gulped, biting his lip as he shook his head.
‘Your funeral,’ she smirked, as she began sliding the brush up and down his sides, making her movements slow and careful, deeply scratching into the skin.
‘M-mahaahAHAHAHAHAHAahahahhahx, p-pleahahahahahahahae!’ He pleaded softly, his hips buckling up and down at the touch.
‘You know how to make me stop!’ She teases gently, moving the brush to his belly and tracing it around in circles.
‘N-nahahaAHAHAHAHAHAAH, PLEAHAHAHAHAHAHAHASE!’ He whined, his torso dancing from side to side as he felt the consistent, intense presence of the brush on his bare skin.
‘Aww, is your little tummy too ticklish?’ She baby talked him softly, before rapidly scrubbing the brush around all over his belly, sporadically so he had no way of knowing where she’d strike.
‘AHAHAHAHAHAHA, THAHEHEHEEHEHEH AHAHAAHAHAHAAHAHTTIC!’ He practically screamed, his body convulsing as his head shook with ticklish glee.
The brush was taken away almost instantly as Max stood up, leaving Lucas to catch his breath on the floor. She smirked at the state she left him in before leaning down to his face. ‘Next time you wanna be tickled, you can just ask me~!’ She whispered teasingly, causing Lucas to blush and curl up as she skipped out of the room.
Lucas breathing slowed and calmed, as he composed himself, leaning against the bed. God, he loved her so much.
So, my third tickle fic after a while, I’ve noticed that I can’t find a single Elmax tickle fic, so I may write one if y’all want me to, but I have a couple of asks I still need to get to.
Hope you enjoyed it!
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hello friend here is a potential lil thing for you: kas!eddie who’s a Good Boy for steve but is still growly at the others (think ‘it don’t bite’ ‘bitch yeS IT DOES’) (it’s a wip, steve is trying his best)
this ended up a lot...sweeter than i intended? and i'm not too sure about the ending but i had to stop it there or i'd end up trying to write a full fic (≧∀≦)ゞ hope you enjoy, friend!!
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“And he’s here because?”
Steve pats Eddie’s head when he hands the paprika over, smiling at his goofy (and fanged) little grin. He starts to sprinkle the spices over the pan, not even looking over his shoulder to reply, “He likes to help me cook.”
There’s a long moment of silence so Steve switches off the heat and turns around, thanking Eddie when he gives him a dishcloth to wipe his hands with. When he looks back to the group seated at the island, he has to blink to register all their faces of disbelief.
“You took our Dungeon Master,” Mike starts patiently, which Steve will give him credit for. “Who has been accused of several crimes and then got turned into a terrifying, awesome bat-man with, like, wings and teeth and shit -”
Steve could have sworn Mike used to be better at description whenever they play their sessions.
“And you’ve turned him into your sous-chef?”
Blinking, Steve looks to Eddie, who gives him a preening smile and takes the dishcloth away, and looks back to Mike, whose face is getting paler every second. “Uh,” he shrugs. “Yeah, I guess.”
“Steve, I swear by all that is -”
Mike’s tirade is cut off by a growl and Steve lets out a sigh. “Hey,” he admonishes, nudging the rumbling bat-man with his elbow. “We talked about this, no growling at the kids.”
Eddie huffs and ducks his head down to bap his forehead against Steve’s shoulder. He moves his head from side to side so he’s basically rubbing his forehead into Steve and wisps of Eddie's hair brush against his neck, making Steve bite back a laugh.
Clearly, Eddie caught that and rubbed even harder into Steve’s shoulder until he broke into laughter, black eyes glancing up at him with a mischievous smile.
“You were right.”
Steve looks over to see Dustin staring at Mike’s fuming red face, deadpan. Eddie pauses.
“He’s tamed him.”
“What?” Steve sputters, choking out a laugh when Eddie moves in closer to nuzzle at his neck, hair now tickling at his nose. “Who tamed who?”
Mike sneers. “It’s whom, dumbass -”
And just like that, Steve is being held tightly against Eddie, who hisses at Mike. Thankfully, he's used to it by now and just rolls his eyes.
“Eds,” Steve pats the hand on his chest that presses him into Eddie. "It's okay, he's just having a Michael Moment."
"What the fuck did you just -"
Of course, the little shit can't keep his mouth shut and that just aggravates Eddie even further and well, time for damage control.
"No," Steve says firmly to Eddie, who blinks and stares at him. He then turns to the kids and points a finger at them. "What did we say about name-calling?"
"Bite me -"
"Dude," Lucas, golden child that he is, shakes his head and shoves at Mike's head. "Just shut up and eat your muffin."
"Thank you, Lucas," Steve grins and Eddie huffs, still holding Steve tightly against him. With a fond sigh, Steve wiggles around and manages to face Eddie, smiling at his fanged pout. "Thank you for trying to protect me, Eds."
It's something he started doing after a few days hiding out at Steve's place. At first, he was wary and would hiss whenever Steve got too close, only letting Dustin in his space, only really caring about Dustin at all. And it wasn't...unpleasant, Steve would rather he care about the kid more than anyone else than not at all. It did make cleaning him up difficult but having Dustin sit with him and ramble about whatever the hell he could seemed to help.
Then Dustin had to leave and it was just them.
And then Steve, eventually, figured out it was like trying to befriend a scared cat. Obviously, Eddie was terrified and just needed some time, space and a little bribery to adjust to the new...everything that he was.
So with some of that time and space, Steve got a chance to make his way into Eddie's exceptions and barely gets hissed at anymore, unless it's playful. Sometimes Steve hisses back, and the first time caught Eddie so off-guard that he held Steve down while sniffing around, like he was looking for whatever made the sound.
It made Steve laugh but just confused Eddie, so he did his best to imitate Eddie's chirp, the one he does whenever Dustin asks a question, and Eddie was so flabbergasted that he started chirping back without a thought. He looked half-insulted at the fact and that just set Steve off again.
Once Eddie figured out it was Steve making the noises, he got so excited that he'd always chirp at him, jumping into Steve's space and doing goofy things to make him laugh. It'd always work, duh, cause Eddie's a funny guy, even when he's half-Upside-Down-monster.
He also ended up liking Steve so much that he gets pretty overprotective, which - it's sweet, it makes Steve feel wiggly, but they're still working on who exactly Steve (and Dustin) need protecting from.
That one time when Eddie growled at Nancy for elbowing Steve would be hilarious if it wasn't so terrifying.
...It was pretty funny though.
"This is terrible." Mike says, and Will lets out a sigh. Mike gapes at him and throws his hands in Steve's general direction. "You can see how this is terrible, right?!"
"Brat," Eddie croaks under his breath, right next to Steve's ear and he doesn't even bother holding back, breaking into a bout of laughter that has him clenching at his stomach for relief. He can feel Eddie's excitement buzzing under his skin, right where his cheek rests against Steve's. "Snooty brat."
"Is he saying something?" Dustin asks excitedly and Steve has to wave him off half-heartedly, still reeling from the pain of laughing too hard. Dustin then sounds deadpan again as he says, "Oh, he's talking shit about us, isn't he?"
"Ressspect your elderrrrrs," Eddie hisses into the air with a grin and god damn, the look of pure devastation on Dustin's face -
"The first words he speaks to us since turning Demo-Eddie and it's about being respectful." Dustin hides his face in his hands. "What has the world become?"
"He gets his dramatics from you," Steve says to Eddie, who looks back at him smugly and nudges his nose into Steve's face. "Ow, hey, watch it -"
"Getsss hisss courrage f'om you," Eddie presses his lips to Steve's cheek and -
That's new.
Wait -
"Oh my god," Steve stares at Eddie, who preens under the attention. "I have a monster boyfriend."
The kitchen breaks out into chaos and all Steve can think about is how pretty Eddie's eyes are when he's smiling.
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mysteriawrites · 9 months
How They Comfort You
Ft. Luxiem
An: was planning on releasing this as a comfort for the recent graduation but since i cam up with it on the day of said graduation i hadn’t been able to get it out on time.
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Luca Kaneshiro
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Everyone’s favorite golden retriever would try his absolute best to cheer you up.
Sweet baby can’t stand when people are sad so he tries his best to turn the frown upside down :D
He will make you laugh in whatever ways he can: tickling, funny voices, jokes, and more!
Once he’s got you smiling again and calmed you down, he’ll ask if you wanna talk about your feelings. if you wanna talk about it then he’s all ears, but if not he’ll just cuddle you for the rest of the day till you’re ready to talk.
Sunshine just wants what’s best for you.
Shu Yamino
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Shu who is the kind of guy who would sit quietly while you rant.
He would hold you in his arms while you spill to him every that’s bothering you.
As you rant he would strong your hair or your back and let out little nods or mhms to let you know that he’s still listening.
Once you’re done ranting he’ll whisper sweet nothings to you and try to take your mind off it with a game or a movie.
Ike Eveland
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Ike is the kind of dude who would pamper you if you were feeling down.
You would come home all worn out and sad and immediately you would have his full attention.
He would spoil you with your favorite snacks and gifts and even run you a path like in those cliche fluff fan fics.
He just wants to take your pain away :(
Mysta Rias
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Mysta is more of a tough love typa guy.
If you had a problem or feeling down he’s more off the type of person who tells you what you need to hear instead of sweet nothings.
If your boss is overworking you he’d tell you to put yourself first, if you have a toxic friend he’d tell you to cut yourself off from them and stand up for yourself.
He just wants what’s best for you.
Vox Akuma
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Vox is a bit of a mix of all the boys
Like Ike he would also spoil youby cooking your favorite food.
Like Shu he would whisper sweet nothings to you and tell you everything is alright.
Like Mysta he would try and give you some advice to solve your problem
And like like Luca he would try and distract you by making you laugh.
Of course he still has his own way of doing things. After everything else he would smother you in affection. Kisses, cuddles, sex, you name it. He wants to make you feel loved.
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Food is served hope you enjoy!
May add a little drabble to these later like I did the last headcanon but im just tryna clear my drafts rn lol.
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mandu-17 · 1 year
Yours only | Song Yuqi x fem! reader
Requested by: Anonymous
Requests: 1) May I request a Yuqi x fem reader hurt comfort smut (top yuqi if your comfortable) where Reader gets jealous of Lucas so Yuqi assures her that she has nothing to worry about
2) when ur ready do u wanna do a yuqi fic for me? preferably suggestive or smut tbh cus her deep voice has been on my mind these days (when is it not)
Warnings: Curse words, jealousy
Genre: Smut
Wordcount: ~ 1,409
A/N: so i combined these two requests into one fic, i really like the dialogues here:)
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“This is fucking ridiculous.”
You couldn’t believe your own eyes, while peeking outside the window of your shared apartment with Yuqi.
There she was in a white, elegant shirt with sunglasses pushed up on her hair glancing up at you from time to time, but in a way Lucas wouldn’t even notice. Besides, he was way too captivated by every word that escaped your girlfriend. There was no way you’d miss it throughout out the whole day. Frankly speaking, you were furious by now. Once all three of you arrived at your street, you excused yourself, refusing to spend any more time in the company of Chinese idols.
What was supposed to be a fun day out with Yuqi and her friend, turned out to be incredibly awkward. At first, you appreciated Lucas’ will to be the gentleman and open the door for two of you or how he had no problem with getting extra napkins for everyone. You took it as a sign that he was extremely well-mannered, but it didn’t change the fact that no matter how much you tried to, you had no idea how to talk to him. Lucas and you were from two totally different worlds. Only Yuqi was able to fill long moments of silence although with her social skills, it was probably a piece of cake for her.
The fact that Lucas kept on sending Yuqi these puppy eyes, whenever he thought she nor you weren’t looking or how his smile never disappeared while listening to her stories - it was getting out of hand. Even someone blind would see it.
The worst thing in this situation though, was that Yuqi seemed to know what was going on as well and didn’t react.
Your girlfriend was amused at the sight of your clenched jaw and how often you’d roll your eyes. She wanted to tease you, you quickly realized when her hand squeezed your thigh harshly under the table at a restaurant. You almost gasped in shock, but luckily were able to cover it up with cough causing her to smirk.
Now, two hours after dinner, Yuqi finally joined you upstairs in your apartment.
“Lucas wanted to ask about my opinion on his newest choreography, that’s why it took so long.” You heard your girlfriend explain from the entrance hall, where she was taking her shoes off.
Then, she happily marched into the living room and joined you on the couch. Uninterested, you only hummed.
“Did you enjoy today?” Yuqi raised her eyebrow, her face close to yours as she wanted to watch your expression carefully.
“Not really.” You crossed your arms with a frown, before willing to meet her big eyes. “And you know it.”
“Baby, you can’t be serious!” Yuqi’s head tilted to the side, mouth hanging slightly open. “Were you perhaps... jealous? Of me?”
Oh, how she was enjoying herself in that moment.
One glare from you was equal to an answer, you decided. You were far from laughing.
“Y/N, talk to me.” Suddenly Yuqi’s voice went few tones lower.
You gulped, surprised to hear it out of nowhere. Yuqi knew how you reacted to it, how your body reacted to it was especially her favorite part. She gave you shivers. Pleasant ones.
“Do I need to repeat myself, baby girl?” One of her hands started to trace small patterns on your inner thigh and the other circled around your waist.
“N-no.” Fuck, you shouldn’t stutter right now.
“Exactly, now tell me what’s going on in that pretty little head of yours?” Yuqi nibbled on the skin of your throat, her breaths tickling you.
“I... I was jealous. Lucas likes you a lot.” Your heartbeat quickened, you could feel hot blush spreading onto your cheeks. A part of you loathed that Yuqi was able to make you so flustered within few minutes, but another part- God, you were getting so turned on.
“He likes me, because we’re friends. There’s nothing more to this.” One of Yuqi’s fingers guided your chin to the side making your noses meet softly. “Got it, baby?”
You had two options.
One, to agree with her and finally feel her lips on yours.
Two, to stay stubborn and have some more fun.
Number two seemed more appealing.
“I don’t know, he wanted to impress you all day, even showed you his choreography. Are you sure he doesn’t have a crush on you or anything?” You sucked in your breath after finishing the sentence. You never knew what to expect from Yuqi whenever she used her deep voice. It was like she turned into a different person.
“He values my opinion. So does everybody else.” One corner of her lips raised a bit.
Bluffing Yuqi - probably your favorite kind of Yuqi.
“Now are we clear? Will you be a good girl from now on?”
How could you not be a good girl when she was swallowing you with her hungry eyes. Instead of replying, you closed the distance and sighed in relief when you felt Yuqi kissing you back. You just couldn’t help yourself.
“Come here.” Yuqi’s strong arms brought you closer, onto her lap. She squeezed your ass once you straddled her properly.
“Yuqi.” You moaned into her mouth, your back arched instinctively making you grind down on her lap.
“Not so fast, angel.” She grabbed your hips having you stop immediately.
“Yuqi, please.” You whined, her kiss-bitten lips barely a breath away.
“Please what, Y/N? You have to tell me what you want.” Yuqi’s dark eyes studied your form with satisfaction. This skin flushed, eyes wide and heavy breaths look on you was to die for.
“I need you, Yuqi. I need you inside me.”
She stopped for a second, before grinning like a Cheshire cat. She was insanely in love with you. Especially whenever you felt confident enough to talk dirty.
“Such a naughty girl.” She mumbled and leaned in to cover your neck with open mouthed kisses, she sucked the skin above your collar bones while making sure to leave dark marks. “You have no idea how much I love you.”
One of her impatient hands travelled south in order to tug at your shirt or more accurately, get rid of it. Yuqi hummed approvingly at the sight of your beautiful midriff. Her fingers traced your smooth skin, moving upwards until they reached your bra. She undid it with experts’ speed and closed her mouth around one of your hardened nipples.
Yuqi loved this intimate proximity that created between you, it’s always been far more than sex.
You mewled weakly, knowing how obsessed Yuqi often was about your breast. She used her hands to grip your butt once more and pressed you even closer against her. You cried out in pleasure, before throwing your arms around her neck. Subconsciously, you rolled your hips rolled into hers.
“Here, ride my fingers, baby.”
You heaved a sigh of relief when you felt Yuqi unzip your pants, her fingers made it past the waistband of your underwear in a hurry so she was able to satisfy your burning with lust core.
“Damn. You’re so wet, angel. So good for me.” Yuqi gasped, truly shocked at how incredibly you felt around her fingers.
Your warm walls welcomed her eagerly, as your hips rocked. You began to moan uncontrollably when she let herself go deeper. Yuqi had to silence you with her kisses - she didn’t doubt that you were actually able to make all the neighbors know what you two were doing. There was just no point in letting something so embarrassing happen.
Your knuckles turned white when you gripped onto Yuqi’s shoulders desperately. You needed something to ground yourself with. The feeling of your lover’s fingers buried deep inside you made you want to see all the stars. You were chasing after your sweet release, eyes shut tightly at the pure bliss you were bathing in.
Eventually, you did open them only to glance down between your bodies. Fascinated, you watched Yuqi’s hand disappear in your pants repeatedly. You shuddered, it only drove you closer to the edge and when Yuqi hit your g-spot you almost lost it. She knew your body excellent by now. She easily recognized from the way you were clenching her fingers how close you were.
“Come for me, baby girl. I know you want to.” She husked into your ear, biting your earlobe.
And how could you disobey?
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veryblushyswitch · 5 months
I see that you are asking ideas for Luca's tickle fic so, what if Luca, just learning in his human form, doesn't know what tickling is and Alberto teaches him what it means to be ticklish, i love this two boys 🩷
I absolutely adore this concept!! I love thinking that Luca ends up being so curious about it and Alberto being more than happy to help with that curiosity 💖 Not to mention Luca wouldn't be too flustered about loving it whereas Alberto crumbles when the tables turn!
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toast-is-ticklish · 2 years
Okay but I just watched ciao Alberto and oh my GOD as a gay with daddy issues I CRIED and anyway I might have to write some father son tickles with Alberto and Massimo bc goddamn MY HEART DUDE
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nhasablogg · 2 years
Mad Max And The Week Long Tickle War part 1
Fandom: Stranger Things
Characters: Max/Lucas, Will
Summary: Lucas beats Max in a game at the arcade and he’s being a little TOO gleeful about it.
A/N: Based on a prompt I got that has now turned into a whole collaborative project with @hypahticklish and @lesbian-byers! Stay tuned for six more parts with one fic a day for the rest of the week!
Words: 1 164
(Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Part 7)
At one point in their relationship they’d stopped going to the arcade together, although Max still went on her own from time to time, when she needed space, or when Lucas was busy playing DnD. Something about how she’d beat the boys before they even knew each other had become a sore spot and while she wasn’t one to avoid doing things just because others didn’t like that she was good at something, she found no reason to rub it in. It would just create tension, even if Lucas was a good sport about it now.
Sometimes she just ended up there anyway, her skateboard having steered her in the direction of the town, her hair tangled from the wind, her knees still scarred from accidents past, and she would stand outside as a 14 year old and enter as 11, hopeful and alone. Lucas caught her once, not asking her anything but if she’d had fun, pressing a kiss to her temple when she nodded.
“We should go,” Lucas said one day, pointing at the poster announcing the shiny new game that was coming to the arcade the following weekend.
“You think?” She watched his reaction and found only excitement. “Okay.”
She should’ve known it had all been in her own head. Lucas wasn’t insecure and never had been, especially not when it came to her, and so they eventually returned to the arcade, hand in hand, just for her to lose to him.
“You cheated,” she said automatically, knowing he didn’t and that she was only human. It didn’t even really matter. She wasn’t a sore loser, but the words had slipped out anyway, used to having to defend herself, and were probably what turned Lucas into a bad winner in return.
“Did not,” he said, grinning so smugly at her that she nearly forgot how much she adored his smile.
She huffed and flicked her hair over her shoulder, finding it easy to blame it for disrupting her concentration, easy to blame the lack of sleep from the night before, easy to blame the way he’d placed his fingers over the small of her back and kept them there. “Did so.”
“Oh, okay, and how exactly did I cheat?” He tilted his head at her in mock innocence, all raised eyebrows, all playfulness.
She shrugged. “I don’t know. Let’s play again and I’ll figure it out.”
“Mm, no. I don’t think so.”
“What, why not?”
“You think I’m stupid enough to play again when I won for once? Nuh uh. We’re leaving this place with me as the winner.” He then made the mistake of poking her, which made Max instinctively lunge for him, fingers on his ribs, digging in gently enough to have him howling, but he pushed her off quickly and much more easily than he tended to when they were alone.
“Don’t be a sore loser,” he said as they exited, the clouds ominous enough for them to pick up their pace, and Max was ready for the poke this time and evaded it.
“Better be careful, Sinclair,” she warned him. “Or I’ll go for the hips next.”
Only Lucas, naturally, wouldn’t stop gloating. Once they reached the Byers’ house, just about avoiding getting soaked, he’d told not only Will about his win, but also Jonathan, Joyce and Nancy, who happened to be there. 
He had it coming, really.
Will sat and watched them without interrupting as Max pinned Lucas to the floor, going straight for his hips with no mercy. Lucas missed his window of escaping and lay there in hysterics almost instantly, kicking his feet and shaking his head and calling out Max’s name without success. Max wrecked him anyway, claiming he deserved it for gloating. Claiming he had it coming when he’d first poked her.
But really, the most glaringly obvious reason, which she hoped neither he nor Will would figure out, was that she’d missed hearing his laughter like this; all high pitched, all vulnerable and open. All her doing.
And yeah, maybe she kinda wanted to take him down a notch too.
“Stop!” he cried, trying to grab her wrists. “Max, please!”
“Apologize for being a bad winner.”
“I’m sor-”
“I don’t believe you.”
Lucas squealed when she went for his neck, his hands flailing and his hips bucking so that she was nearly flung off. He was bigger than her and she’d not managed to trap him properly, so she knew this had the chance of ending too quickly for her liking.
Will was laughing from the couch, and when Max looked at him he was watching them intently, amusement so clearly written on his face. “You wanna help?”
Will seemed surprised. He was much more quiet nowadays, keeping to himself as if scared he wasn’t welcome anymore, even though they all still dropped into his house as if they lived there, which had apparently been something they used to do as children. Max found herself here more than her own home lately, what with everyone gravitating toward the house, the old house from before, as if to reassure themselves that, yes, the Byers were back and they were all okay.
“Sit on him,” she said, sliding off of Lucas ever so slightly. “And deal with his hands.”
Will didn’t protest. He didn’t say anything at all at first. Simply got up and took her place, placing his feet on each side of him. He wasn’t uncertain - he’d probably grown up with this - but he seemed timid, as if he’d forgotten how to act.
He only spoke when Lucas, gasping for air now that Max had stopped tickling him, met his eye pleadingly. “Better you than me.”
Lucas’ protests were drowned out by his own laughter when Max went for his neck again. Will quickly tried to grab his wrists, but Lucas, seemingly aware that he would be screwed if that happened, started struggling even more. It was only once they realized that there was no containing those hands that Will decided to join in by spidering his fingers up Lucas’ ribs, just a couple of times, just to make him scream.
It was enough. Lucas did scream. Lucas threw his head back and screamed, just one long sound, and they were all laughing afterward, Will shushing him through his giggles and Max retreating from his neck in order to let him breathe, and Lucas lay panting with a smile so beautiful etched on his lips that Max nearly wanted to scream herself.
“Are you gonna behave?” she asked him, catching Will’s eye just for long enough for him to grin knowingly at her, which embarrassingly enough embarrassed her.
“Y-yes,” he said, slapping at Will’s knee. “Get off of me you traitor.”
Will let out a laugh and did as he was told. “I’m just happy to be involved.”
“Oh, you’ll be involved all right when I get you.”
Something flickered across Will’s face; something briefly worried, but predominantly excited.
Oh Will.
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pookasluagh · 3 months
Zee whispered to Crowley, “I’m sure you looked incredible in eyeliner. Even imperfect eyeliner. Wish I could have seen it.”
“Never did figure out how to do it properly. Lucas had impossible standards.”
“His loss.”
The look Crowley gave him was almost startled. He blinked a few times and then crashed his lips into Zee’s.
After spending so much of his adult life trapped in enforced reserve, Zee was flustered by the sudden embrace. To have Crowley simply put their lips together and slide his tongue into his mouth, in public, in front of friends, without warning—it churned up a complicated mixture of feelings. Anxiety and giddiness, fear and longing, embarrassment and wonder. It wasn’t like he hadn’t kissed Crowley publicly, or even in front of some of these same people. He wasn’t ashamed. He was simply…unpracticed.
Crowley’s friends continued chatting, completely ignoring the two of them as the kiss lingered. Slowly, Zee’s body started to melt into something less guarded. He was soothed by the feeling of those long arms wrapped around him. Grounded by the familiar tickle of stray curls escaping from where Crowley had tied them back. Crowley brushed light fingers across his jaw as he pulled away and smiled.
“Hi, darling.”
Zee couldn’t stop himself from blushing. “Hi.”
“You’re gorgeous and I really like you.”
“You’re ridiculous and you’ve had too much to drink.”
“Haven’t. Only two glasses, see?” Crowley said, one arm gesturing toward the table with enough exuberance that he nearly knocked over Zee’s glass. Zee caught his hand before he did any damage, then raised an eyebrow at him. Crowley sat back, grumbling. “M’not drunk. Just clumsy and in love.”
***** Chapter 14 is up! Halfway through this book now.
Fic description: Zee (Aziraphale) Marsh is a widowed hermit who secretly writes bestselling romance novels under the pseudonym Bella Swansea. His life is rigorously controlled until his new downstairs neighbor arrives. Anthony Crowley causes something to come alive in Zee that he hasn't seen in over twenty years, but Crowley brings with him some of his own very dark secrets. // Human AU, dark fic, E rating.
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mayumiiyuu · 2 years
Adding onto the ABBA fic, imagine if it was the reader and Eddie in place of Lucas and Max. I’ve been thinking about this all day and it has me crYING
warnings: stranger things 4 vol. 2 spoilers, ANGST
“It’s okay, baby, I’ve got you, you’re gonna be okay, alright?” Eddie’s voice shook as he held you in his arms, stroking your forehead with the hand you loved to hold, kissing his knuckles when the two of you stayed side by side. Memories of you and Eddie, being by his side, laughing at his puns, smoothening out his hair with your fingers reverberated through your mind.
The thought of you never being able to do that again made your heart race with fear.
“Eddie, Eddie I’m scared.” You whisper as he cradled you in his arms. “I don’t want to die.”
“No, you won’t, don’t say that (Y/N). Remember what we said?” He intertwined his fingers with yours, but you can’t even sense it, can’t feel anything, see anything, can’t look into his warm brown eyes one last time.
You swallow, nodding.
“We were gonna run like hell out of here, remember? We’re gonna build ourselves a nice house, paint it your favorite color, adopt a dog, and have our own family.” He chokes out a sob, tears cascading down his cheeks.
You smile, softly, imagining the life you two would have built, how he would have wrapped his arms around you as you slowdanced in the kitchen, lit up only by a refrigerator light, how he would have been the best father, tickling your child’s sides, rocking them in his arms as he hummed a sweet lullaby.
You muster all the strength you have left within yourself, feeling your way through the darkness to hold onto his arm tightly, inhaling deeply, memorizing his scent.
“Sometimes I wish that I could freeze the picture..” you hum despite your labored breathing. A memory of Eddie teaching you how to play that song on the guitar filled your mind, smiling, even though Eddie had never quite been a fan of ABBA, he listened to them, learned to like them for you.
“..and save it from the funny tricks of time..” Eddie’s voice came, humming along with you as he closed his eyes, a tear running down his cheek as he too, recalled that quaint little memory. You struggled so much in learning the chords, complained that the tips of your fingers hurt from the harsh metal of the guitar strings, but he remained patient, placed his fingers atop yours to guide your hand to the correct chord, taught you the right strumming pattern.
“Slipping through my—” you breathed in, then exhaled for the last time as your heartbeat finally stilled.
“Fingers..” Eddie continued, his eyes snapping open as he realized your voice had faded. He shook you lightly, cupped your cheeks in his hands as he sobbed.
“Come on, (Y/N), please, please don’t leave me, not like this, please.”
He gazed at your face, murky eyes from Vecna’s cursed now devoid of the joy they were once filled with, but a soft smile remained on your lips, a sign that you had remembered only happy, light-filled memories of the two of you even in your darkest moments.
“I love you.” He whispered, pressing a kiss to your cold lips that were once so warm and gentle against his.
Eddie let out a mournful wail as he buried his head in the crook of your neck.
You were gone.
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