#lee will
lopsicle · 2 years
Guess whose back and extremely behind on tktober. Because of this, the fics will be slightly shorter as I try and catch up cause I don’t really wanna fall more behind, considered by this I’d my first and I’m really excited!
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Day 5: Punishment
Characters: Lee Will, Ler Lucas
Warnings: Shouting, tickle fic,
A cacophony of passionate sound was cutting through the air over the dnd table, Dustin’s hands banging against the table, well more accurately his finger, as Mike held out his hands in front of him, gesturing to various pieces and notes which laid scattered around. Lucas and Will were at the other side, with Will anxiously fiddling with the dice between his hands. It’s not that the boy couldn’t handle the shouting, no, no, he didn’t mind that, he’d been friends with these nerds for years, Will was used to the shouting. It was only bad when he was trying to think, and he’s half heartedly make a random choice at that point.
Lucas brought his legs onto his chair, curling his knees to his chest with his arms in front of his arms pressed together. ‘Okay, listen, listen, shut up!’ He ordered, waving his arms towards the other two bickering before turning his attention back to Will. ‘Okay, we don’t know much about it, so attacking the creature would be the best way to learn of it, right?’ To which Will tilted his head, definitely confused at the leaps in logic to head immediately to violence. He closed his eyes, attempting to tune them all out but it really didn’t work. He opened them again, taking in a deep breath and glancing around the room before raising his hand with the dice held firm in it..before slowly bringing his hand back down on to the table and placing the dice on it.
‘I choose to the run,’ he stated, placing his elbows on the table, holding his hands together with his fingers interlocked. Mike and Dustin had a delayed reaction, blinking slowly for a few seconds, while Lucas calmly turned towards Will. ‘Hey, Byers, you have five seconds,’ he stated shakily, spinning his chair to face the basement door. The message instantly clicked in Will’s head, he pressed his hands at the side of the table and pushed away, scrambling to get up, knocking his own dice onto the floor as he ran and ran towards the door. His socks pounded against the stairs while he took in short, panicked breath.
‘Think I should be nice to him?’ Lucas tilted his head back to Dustin, tapping his fingertips mischievously as his chair. ‘Absolutely not,’ he responded, with a smirk, which caused Lucas to dart out his chair after Will. His hands pressed against the sides of the stair case as he pushed himself upwards, chasing after the youngest Byers sibling through the mostly empty house.
‘You can’t run from me, Will!’ He called out, as he caught just a glimpse of Will’s figure sprinting through the door. ‘Ah, you dick, that wasn’t five seconds!’ Will screeched in a panicked tone, sliding against the floors as his mind raced and raced in circles. Lucas’ eyes were shining with determination, he wanted to catch up to this boy if it was the last thing he ever did. Lucas was a natural athlete compared to Will and began quickly catching up with him, much to Will’s dismay. When Will was just out of his reach, Lucas made sure to lean back and plunge towards the artist, tackling him onto the ground.
Will pressed his palms into the hard, wooden floor, getting specks of dust and dirt on his fingers to try and push himself up, before feeling a weight pressing against his thighs. Lucas was sitting cross legged on the boy’s lower body, his own legs wrapped around him as he tapped his fingers against Will’s back to build anticipation. Will whined and and buried his forehead into his wrists, his waist shifting from side to side, just begging for the tickles already.
‘Lucas!’ He pleaded, the two didn’t need more words to understand what he meant. ‘Oh no, Byers, you brought this on yourself, I think you need to learn to listen to your party more, don’t ya think?’ The ranger smirked, stroking his fingers up and down Will’s sides, sliding his shirt up more and more until his torso was bared from the chest down. ‘Yohahahahu meahahahahn lihahahahahsten to yohahahahahu, rihahahaght?’ Being more and more exposed just made the youngest Byers want the attention more and more, but Lucas intended on making him wait just a little bit longer. ‘Obviously!’ He exclaimed, pressing his thumbs deep into Will’s hips and swiftly wiggling them around against his sensitive skin.
The sudden switching of spots lead Will to squealing loudly, swinging his small hips from side to side as he uselessly pushed against the floor, his nails scraping against it desperately. ‘Gahahahahahd, Luhahahahcas, gehahahahshahaht it ahahahahahahahver wihahahahahahahth!’ He shrieked, openly begging for the tickles without Lucas having to prompt him towards them, causing a gentle red blush to spread over his cheeks. ‘Get what over with?’ Lucas asked in a clueless tone, slowly pulling his hands away. Will giggled from the phantom tickles and shook them away, before tilting his head to Lucas, confused. ‘You heard me, what do you want me to do?’ Lucas rolled off the boy’s legs, completely freeing him, but he knew Will didn’t want to run at this point. He caught a slow mumble into the floor and crawled over to Will’s head. ‘What was that?’ He prompted, getting close to him, causing Will to bite at his tongue before blurting out ‘tickle me!’ He flinched slightly at his own words, feeling his face turn a deep red as he stared at Lucas.
A small part of Lucas wanted to keep teasing the boy, but he just didn’t have the heart to. He opened his arms, inviting Will closer to him, ‘oh, tickling? You want me to tickle your adorable little ticklish self?’ Okay, maybe he wasn’t all done with the teasing, but he didn’t want to be that mean with it. ‘S-stop saying that..’ he whined, but still inched closer towards the party’s ranger, curling up as Lucas held him close, tracing some fingers slowly up his back. Will’s breathing hitched slightly at the feeling of Lucas’ cold fingers, the wizard bit down into his lip to stop any giggles from escaping.
‘Aw, come on Will, let all these giggles pour out!’ Lucan encouraged, slowly walking his fingers up and up Will’s back until Will realised what was happening. Lucas was going for his death spot. The artist through for a moment, before realising their was no way out of this for him, Lucas’ fingers were so close and he quickly stated ‘be gentle!’ Lucas’ nails slowly inched at the bottom of Will’s neck, causing it to scrunch up already as he awkwardly shifted in the boy’s lap. ‘Eheheheheehhe, kihihihihihihihi!’
‘If you insist,’ Lucas obeyed, making sure to only gentle grace his fingers around the length of Will’s neck as the artist eventually tilted his chin up, giving Lucas’s soft fingers complete free reign over his neck. ‘Aw, how nice of you,’ Lucas whispered, scratching slowly and softly at the nape of his neck, causing Will to absolutely melt into a laughing fit.
‘A-abahahahaAHAHAHAHAhahahah, Luhahaahahahahacas!’ He attempted to pull his chin back down, but couldn’t. Lucas was using his other hand to keep his head pressed upwards, aimlessly looking at the ceiling as the ranger quickly used the opportunity to skitter his fingers all over Will’s exposed neck.
‘HAAHAHAHAAHAHAHA, NAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAHAHAH!’ The boy helplessly kicked his legs and pushed against Lucas’ chest, breaking away from him as he laid on the floor. Will took in slow deep breathes as Sinclair offered him a pat on the back, before standing up and beginning to walk aqua.
‘We’ll be waiting for you down there!’
This was way longer then expected ngl, I don’t think I’m gonna be able to get another one out today’ though, if you’re interested, it’s gonna be a gravity falls fic!
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okthatsgreat · 2 months
saw a video that was like “everybody comment what you did today so we can see how everyone experienced something different” and the comments have me tearing up on this train. what the fuckkkk. the human experience
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naggingatlas · 3 months
chAAAinnnnn walletz. shirts wiv Jack ssSSkellingtin that. bBoney Boney! BOYYyh :D Hau would you like to see! 👀 a INNNNN 🤤🥵flux of customehrs *big breath* SOLELY due to the ssssUDDEN rrRRrRR(😖🥵🥵🫨🤤🤤🤤👅🫦)RApid SUc-- 💦💦💦💦💥💥🤯😵-------cess 😮‍💨 Of. HAZZBEEN HOE-TELwe're!!!!!BACK !!!!!Baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! aaaaallll the freaky little "𝕲𝖔𝖙𝖍𝖘" who smellllllike 𝑭𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒐 Baaaaaaags Cummmm Trudging Thru our DOhwrs once more........... """ehdventure Tiiiiime""" ? eKhHhHN HN HMMM~~~ >:]]] 😈🦹🏻‍♂️ SPENNNNDINNNG TIIIIIME YOU SAUCY MINXXXXAH!
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ghost-of-diogenes · 3 months
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in fucking tears rn
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