#lesbian bkdk
habken · 1 year
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fem fantasy bkdk
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miauiz · 8 months
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two sillies doing the silly
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aceing-on-the-cake · 2 years
They’re Lesbians Your Honor
New Fic Idea
“Can I buy you a book?”
Izuku stops to process what just came out of her mouth and hopes that maybe the blonde didn’t hear her, but that doesn’t seem to be the case based on the look of absolute derision she is now sporting. Realizing she either needs to explain herself or  find a small hole to die in Izuku quickly upends every word he’s ever known.
“I mean, I know you work here, and I suppose I’m supposed to be the one who buys books but I just, I saw you, I mean I’ve seen you around, and I just, I’ve never done this before and god you’re so pretty and you work here so you probably like books and I couldn’t figure out any other way to start this conversation but I mean if a pretty girl walked up to me and offered to buy me a book I’d be intrigued, not that I’m saying I’m pretty especially compared to you because I mean, just, I mean that’s not the only reason I’m here but it’s not like you’re not pretty and at this point I should probably just find that ditch to go die in and I’ll probably never be able to come back here again after this which is unfortunate because I really like this store and..”
The blonde abruptly holds up her hand stopping her before she can dig herself any deeper in a trench. Izuku gulps and tries not to get lost in the red eyes that seem to be begging for her imminent death.
“If you have shitty taste I’m going to ban you from the store myself,” the blonde finally says.
“Wait, you mean, you...” Izuku starts before smiling entirely too bright for this world. The blonde squints her eyes.
“You wanted to buy me a book fucker, then buy me a book. I just work here, I don’t care what you do with your shitty money.”
Izuku’s smile gets impossibly brighter.
“Ok!” she exclaims, “I’ll just, I’ll be right back then.”
She starts to run off but is stopped by the blonde before she gets too far.
“And oy, freckles,” she yells out. Izuku stops turning around with a questioning look.
“Next time just ask me for my number like a normal fucker,” she states with a smirk.
“Eep!” Izuku blurts out before windmilling her arms in front of her face that’s now sporting a blush from the tips of her ears straight down to her neck.
“I mean, yes, that would’ve been, more normal but I mean I’ve never exactly been known for being normal which I suppose...”
“Freckles,” the blonde interrupts. “Don��t you have a book to find?”
“Yes, yep, I’ll just”, and with that Izuku dashes off to another aisle to die in peace. It takes her only a minute to calm down her heart enough to realize what exactly happened. She didn’t shut her down. I mean sure, she hadn’t gotten the gorgeous blondes’ number but I mean, she hadn’t turned her down. Smiling from ear to ear Izuku set about her new task of impressing the blonde so much that she doesn’t think she’s a total weirdo.
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rozaalright · 28 days
i HATE dudebros, they treat everything surface level it's so EXHAUSTING.
Its like if you get them to read The picture of Dorian Gray and they say "They're not gay! Basil said Dorian is his dearest friend, why can't two dudes be friends anymore!?!?"
maybe if the author stops giving them symbolic flowers of love in official art and subtle marriage proposals and quite literally confirms them to be soulmates THEN MAYBE
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hraeesvelgr · 2 months
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so.. costume epsilon, huh?
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hellohellowelcome · 2 months
ik it's just homophobia at work, but something that's always puzzled + bugged me is when fans can't apply the real-life complexities of romance, sexuality, and identity to fictional romance. I'll see a well-thought out analysis of how Ochako or Izuku are great examples of comphet, for example, and all of a sudden here comes a pack of dudebros shouting "MHA fans don't know how to read OCHAKO CANONICALLY LIKES MEN! IZUKU BLUSHES AROUND GIRLS! THEY ARE STRAIGHT!" from the rooftops....like.....okay? Should we clap? It's the same spirit that drives antis to rush to social media to say "bkdk and togachako are dead I prayed for times like these" instead of just enjoying their own ship 💀
It's "sexuality can be fluid and sometimes your understanding of the attraction you experience (or don't) changes over time and that's okay!" Unless, of course, you're talking about [insert character here who must be straight because it kinda seemed like it in these three panels from four years ago~] Like oh brother, give it a rest.
Again, there's nothing wrong w/ disagreeing with headcanons like these!! You might think, "well, I actually think Ochako's crush on Izuku is genuine and that they would make a cute couple!" That's great, love! Ship to your heart's content! My issue is when people act like any interpretations aside from heterosexuality are insane and the product of some inability to understand the source material. Especially when it doesn't affect your individual hcs or enjoyment of the series at all? And especially when most of these headcanons often come from actual queer fans seeing their experiences in these characters' journeys.
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bunnyathy · 3 months
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no one requested this but i just couldn’t take my mind off fem!bkdk so here’s a sketch ^—^
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poofbark · 11 months
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i also have this
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bicheetopuff · 2 months
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Happy birthday to this nerd i guess
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spinji · 8 days
Bkdk/fembkdk as that vintage pic of the two lesbians at the arcade... That picture saves lives man i need to find it
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Posting this here to redraw it later.
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rinriinn · 9 months
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habken · 2 years
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fem bkdk sketches
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bakuswift · 1 year
"I wouldn't marry me either"
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"I'd marry you with paper rings"
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obsessive-dumpling · 1 year
New update on my [anime only] sister. She saw the new Team Up Mission's cover and texted me about it:
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Slowly but surely, we are pulling her in gang.
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spid3rgrrrl · 5 months
Butch 4 Butch bkdk my beloved
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anifulll · 29 days
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herzuku shedoriya
shetsuki herkugou
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