#lesbianposting on blog
gaygirlcity · 1 year
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stellarfoxian · 5 months
women are so beautiful....... i wish they were real..........
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trash-goblinblog · 2 years
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a-cat-in-toffee · 17 days
prime destroyers dash part 2 :3 (part 1, part 3)
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✍️brainrottingloser Follow
I think my favorite fandom phenomenon is wavelength vs w2. Like w2 has his own tag on ao3 lmao
🦎 stopstealingmytech Follow
✍️brainrottingloser Follow
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🦎 stopstealingmytech Follow
wait hold on i haven't checked ao3 in forever do i actually have 2 different tags now
🦎 stopstealingmytech Follow
[Two screenshots of black text on a white background, both with a dotted underline. The first screenshot says “Wavelength (Hero RPF)” and the second one says “W2 | Wavelength (Hero RPF)”]
this is so funny
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🍝 tide-apologist Follow
Okay can someone explain to me if stopstealingmytech is a rp blog or not. Because everyone treats her (?) like she isn't and im. So confused
🦎 stopstealingmytech Follow
[A selfie of Wavelength, in her suit with the hood pulled up so you can’t see any of her hair, holding up the peace sign. The background is too dark to discern anything.]
not a rp blog, just actually wavelength
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☣️ Villain-apologist Follow
Me and @/tide-apologist making out spades style
🍝 tide-apologist Follow
☣️ Villain-apologist Follow
we’re just like tidalwave
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💿 lesbianposting Follow
🎱 imgoingtoeatachaosdemon Follow
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📜 1m1ssor1gam1 Follow
Why are there so many villains and vigilantes on tumblr. What the fuck. There's like basically none on twitter??? Unless you count le frog
✍️brainrottingloser Follow
They just like it here i guess
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✍️brainrottingloser Follow
[🦎 stopstealingmytech Mutuals Started following brainrottingloser]
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skittlespizza · 4 months
for the blog game.
[gore art]
[art from some other fandom that i know nothing about]
[art from some other fandom that i know nothing about]
[art from some other fandom that i know nothing about]
[lesbianposting but violent]
[something jrwi related]
[anything as long as prev is fizzfags]
[batshit insane post about your eating habits]
[more gore art]
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important heads up about sexual assault help// RISEOUT
@seasonoftowers replied to my post saying “Anon, is si eu din Iasi. Imi pare foarte, foarte rau ca ai trecut prin asa ceva. Sunt membru al unei asociatii pt sustinerea persoanelor LGBTQ din Iasi numita RiseOut. Daca esti major, avem un grup de suport gratuit pt persoane LGBTQ, si iti putem de asemenea face legatura cu niste psihologi gay-friendly, probabil si acoperi macar partial costul unor sedinte, sa vad ce zice lumea cu bugetu’ :). Daca esti minor, se complica treaba dpdv a posibilitatii legale de a iti oferi suport psihologic fara permisiunea parintilor, dar 1) daca ai nevoie de a listening ear suntem aici, si 2) daca ai cum sa iti convingi parintii ca psihologu’ e o idee buna din orice motiv (eu, de ex, am folosit ca motivatzie notele mai proaste ca de obicei :)) ), rezolvam noi intr-un fel sau altul.
Also, toata admiratia mea pentru curajul pe care l-ai avut, si pentru faptul ca vrei sa-i aperi pe altii.
Hit me up,
It has been brought to my attention that RiseOut is a very helpful resource, so i reccomend everyone who submits stories to me, to check them out too. This is a blog for exposing the downright disturbing behaviour of some individuals. But dont dwell into sadness, reach out, because sometimes, lgbt people hurt lgbt people. But if we expose it, people will double-check who they trust. 
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puari · 4 years
i just linked my insta acc to my twt in HOPES of this cute mutual to notice and dm me and ask me out on a virtual date and share hobbies and hold hands through screen and eventually get to fly one of us out to each other and meet or maybe even live together in a comfy place like all the other lesbians do...........
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lesbianpikachuu · 6 years
anyways as i was saying before and almost put on my main. im tired im gay and all i want is for happy to hold me in her arms and sing to me and kiss me softly until i fall asleep
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von-eldritch · 3 years
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@raichoose​ said: 🔥
I’m in the mood to get mad about shit
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//BACK AT IT AGAIN we’ll see if this one gets hate too but probably not people only seem to get mad when I lesbianpost, funny that (I’m done throwing shade now lmao sorry I just like being petty)
SO this fandom or maybe just rpc in general? fuck if I know but anyways it REALLY seems to have a problem with reblogging the hell out of ask memes and stuff and just... not sending them in It’s really discouraging being the only one to reach out, the only one showing interest in how the other has developed their character, etc, etc, etc. Especially when it’s, like? really low effort stuff??? I mean if I rb a meme for, like, a starter or a drabble or our characters to do something IC and you don’t think anything will fit so you don’t send one, that I understand. But like... sending a symbol or a number to ask a question? Or have my character do something that yours doesn’t have to be roped into if they don’t want to? That shit takes like zero effort and yet people still don’t do it and it’s massively discouraging. Especially when people turn around and rb that meme from you ‘cause like.. then you #know they saw it but just don’t care lmao. Like, if I get a meme from someone else of that nature I almost always send one in because it takes no effort on my end and obviously it’ll brighten their day! But very few people seem to be willing to do the same and it’s just a :/// feeling all around
Then again I can think of a few blogs who do get anons and asks for things like this so maybe it’s just a me thing but I’m still :/ about it
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