#let me ramble okay if i dont get the thoughts out of my head i will Perish
randomwords247 · 2 years
Guys please I’m begging you the only reason no one knows how to pronounce Worcestershire sauce is because the pronounciations are very much British English naming pronouncation conventions
Like people here in the uk know how to pronounce it because for one it is very much a county (worcestershire), and for two because it has basic naming conventions that are found in a lot of countys in the country!
Like, Leicestershire is not Leicester shire its le-ster-sher. The cester is usually said as a ster and the shire is sher. Not Shire not Cester.
It is Wo-ster-sher sauce. Not war-chester-shire.
This is not a new thing in the UK, it is how names are. It makes sense to us and its a pronouncation naming convention. America does not have this, you guys pronounce the shire as Shire all the time (as far as I have heard) in these names, when that is just not the case
That is why everyone complains about it making no sense and being difficult to pronounce - Not because it actually is, but because America doesn’t have the same conventions that are just Known by people.
So there u go now you know how to pronounce worcestershire sauce :) as Wo-ster-sher sauce ur welcome scincerely a British Person
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our-lady-of-mcr · 1 month
everytime i think im done ranting i remember something else LMFAO this one is extra long i hit tag limit god mf damn
#self#for instance.....my mom wants me to cut off everyone who is still tied to the school#and im so mad at myself for feeling a certain type of way when the campus manager called me not too long ago basically to tell me she doesnt#trust the girl who did this shit and she wasnt mad at me but was also mad at me for bringing her to her dads house#for reference we were trying to get a cat from the campus managers dads house LMFAO#and i honestly cannot wait to speak to her again and be like 😔 god dammit you were right like you were every single time#i just dont understand the wiring in her head to think the shit she says and does to people is normal and okay and how she doesnt realize it#is literally a mental health break. when i finally told my mom the first thing she said was shes probably off her medication#which.....probably isnt wrong sadly coming from someone who has borderline and very easily can lose it#but the difference is i dont give in to the urges to try to hurt everyone around me in every way i can#and me and her have said before that we thought she might also have borderline because we were very similar#but god damn does she love proving that if she has it its extremely severe or its something else entirely#on an honest note. shes incredibly narcissistic and i know her mom is part of the reason shes that way bc she was given princess treatment#her entire fucking life and then doesnt understand when other people dont treat her the same way#i hate rambling about this and i hate it that it is bothering me so fucking bad but like ???#if youre going to decide that you can put our past aside period and move on then fucking do that and stop bringing the past up as a way to#hurt me and the people around you???? she acts like shes not done horrible fucking things to people. so sorry i wrote a letter that was very#honest at the time. so sorry that when you found out i apologized for it and said i regret it because 2 weeks after my apology i no longer#regret writing it. if its making school a living hell for you....theres probably a reason for that girlfriend#i am not the person who put that shit in your folder#though i seriously fucking doubt its actually in her folder shes probably assuming it is#and youre the one who made a complete ass of yourself to every educator that ever stepped foot in that building#that has nothing to do with me that you are a literal warning given to every new educator!!!! i havent even been in school there in months#yet IM the problem??? how am i the problem when i graduated in fucking january???? everything since then falls on you#AND YET AGAIN! MIGHT I MENTION! IT IS NOT JUST MY LETTER!!! THERES AT LEAST 2 OTHER ONES!!!!!#BECAUSE IM NOT THE ONLY PERSON SHE DOES THIS SHIT TO!!!!#god sometimes i sit back and realize that theres a reason she regresses as a person and i do not#im not going to sit still anymore and let someone walk all over me and she can thank herself for that#shes who taught me that blocking and running as fast as i can doesnt fix anything#so here we are bitch. youre not blocked and im sure youre sitting at home thinking about how youre right about everything
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hannieehaee · 2 months
GOSH im in love with your writing like YOU HAVE NO IDEA SWEETHEART
And I'm desperate for some friends to lovers with seokmin who begs to taste you, his bff, after you joked about how your friends are saying he would be the best in eating a girl out bc of his nose🫦
18+ / mdi
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content: simp!seokmin, bffs2lovers, smut, afab reader, eating out, seokmin's nose, etc.
wc: 682
a/n: HEHE THANK U SO MUCH<33 had to choose these pics bc his nose looked soo good in these i cry T-T
"seokmin, fuck, just forget i said anything," you groaned, covering your face with your hands in embarrassment.
why did you think it was a good idea to bring up your drunken ramblings to seokmin completely unprovoked?
"n-no! don't be embarrassed. you just surprised me, that's all," he sat next to you on the couch, encouraging you to remove your hands from your face.
"it is embarrassing. i dont want you to think of me as some horny loser lusting after her best friend. i swear, i didnt even bring it up! they were just talking about guys with big noses and you were the first guy that i thought of and-"
"my nose? you thought about how my nose would feel?"
"n-no, i-"
"i, i mean, it's okay if you did," he said, scooting closer to you despite his eyes looking everywhere but into yours.
you decided to take a plunge, turning your body to face his as you looked to him in wonderment.
"what do you mean?"
"i mean, uh, i mean that it wouldn't bother me if ... if you thought about me in that way," seokmin winced at himself as the words left him, still unable to look at you.
gulping, you got closer to him, nudging him to turn to you also.
"do you mean that, seokmin? i ... do you-"
"yes," he was firm in his answer, finally looking at you.
"oh ... do you wanna ..."
"yes," he practically whined.
"o-oh, fuck! m-minnie, just like that ... yes!"
"'sso good, shit. so warm ..."
it hadn't taken much encouragement for you to jump seokmin after he'd given you confirmation that he did, in fact, want you in the same way you did him. after aggressively making out for a good ten minutes or so, seokmin had pleaded for you to please open your legs for him and let him have a taste of you. you, being you, needed no convincing to open your legs and guide him where you wanted him most.
by now he had spent the past ten minutes alternating between licking at you and suckling on your clit, but he was yet to show you what his nose would feel like as it slid against your folds.
before you could beg for it, seokmin's strong arms grabbed a hold of your hips and tilted you a bit in order to position his nose in a way that would grace your bundle of nerves just right all the while his tongue continued to explore you.
you screamed the moment you felt his sharp nose drag up and down your cunt, falling in love with its straight shape and the slight slope of it. the sharpness and rough exterior of his nose made you cry out in pleasure. it wasnt long until you began grinding against his face like a maniac, completely ignoring his attempts at guiding you against his face.
grabbing his head, you rubbed him against you while you canted your cunt against his face, tears flowing down your face at the pleasure.
"y-your nose, minnie! o-oh ... so good, fuck. so fucking good ..." you breathed out, followed by many other praised and curses at the pretty boy below you.
he was unable to speak due to the way you had taken over the entirety of his mouth, but his groans of pleasure were enough to get you crying even harder for him.
seokmin continued savagely eating you out while you ground against his nose all the way until your high, somehow managing to speed up his movements the closer you got to your orgasm.
with a silent scream, your fists closed in on seokmin's hair one last time before you dropped limp against your bed.
the room was silent for a few moments while both you and seokmin caught your breaths. but the moment the two of you were apt to speak, seokmin climbed on the bed and began kissing his way up to your lips, giggling at your fucked out state.
"so my nose, huh?" he teased, face scrunched up due to his pretty smile.
"shut up."
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princessbrunette · 2 months
bbf!rafe eeeeek!!! 💞 imagine if you ever invited a boy over while rafe and your brother are chilling!! Man would be angrier than your own family ! heck, he’d probably throw him out himself !!
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the two of them are lounging in the living room when he watches you pass by, a boy he’s never seen before being lead by your hand— the two of you headed upstairs. rafe does a double take, staring in disbelief as your brother totally ignores it — too focused on the game.
“you—you see that shit, man? your little sister is taking some low-life up to her bedroom, alone.” rafe leans over to him urgently, jutting a thumb over his shoulder in reference. your brother offers him no more than a glance, shrugging a shoulder as he brings his beer bottle to his mouth.
“so? she’s grown. can do what she wants, i don’t care.”
rafe’s eyes flutter in irritation as he licks his lips, shifting impatiently on the couch. “so? so she’s allowed to just have any guy round? she’s your little sister, man you’re meant to be protecting her. you think i just let sarah march in with whoever the fuck she wants? no, because— because i’m the man of the house. you gotta get that shit in check bro, or she’s not gonna respect you.” rafe manipulates. truthfully, he didn’t give a shit who sarah brought home as long as it wasn’t a guy he had beef with. that was simply an excuse to get your brother to see eye to eye with him.
it seems rafe’s rambling was starting to get on his nerves, distracting him from the game. he rolls his eyes, turning to him.
“shit, you care so much why don’t you go kick the guy out then?” he snaps and rafe sits back, thinking.
“yeah… yeah okay. i think i will.”
the door to your bedroom swings open a moment later, your head whipping round from where you sat on the bed. he leans on the doorframe, staring the guy down with his arms crossed over his chest.
“rafe!” you exclaim, horrified and he doesn’t even spare you a glance.
“out.” he orders to your company, the guy glancing between you and rafe.
“uh— wh…”
“am i speaking another language, bro? get out of her room before i come over there and drag you out myself. go.” he speaks slowly, aggressively, condescendingly like the dumbest man on earth was sat on your bed. the guy offers you an apologetic glance and scurries off.
rafe stares him down until he’s out of sight before casually swinging your door shut, shutting you in with him.
“rafe why the hell did you—”
“bet you thought that shit was real cute, huh?” he asks, beginning to pace as he scratches at his cheek, barking out a quiet malicious laugh. “yeah… yeah this had to be some… some ruse to make me, what? jealous?”
“he was my friend.” you avert your eyes, not even bothering to sound convincing anymore. he scoffs, shaking his head before blowing air out his mouth. slowly, his lips forming the ‘o’ shape as he does so audibly.
“friend, right. okay… you think i won’t beat the hell out of any guy that touches you? like — like i- i care who’s watching? nah, nah… maybe i should let your brother know what you’ve been lettin’ me do to you on the sly.”
“rafe.” you pout as he draws closer.
“what, you scared? the kid doesn’t give a shit who’s shovin’ his dick in you. made that crystal clear downstairs. so why should it matter if it’s me, huh?” he tugs at your jaw, dragging a thumb messily over your bottom lip. you let out a whine of disagreement and his eyes roll back before leaning down into your space. “you dont see me whorin’ myself out to randoms the same way you do, do you? why would i? my best friends little sister spreads her legs for me whenever i want it. would be a waste, right? i don’t wanna see you bringing home any more guests. is that understood?”
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sourlove · 2 months
"Listen, I know this might seem sudden, but I have to get this off my chest. I think I've fallen in love with you."
Slowly, you turn to face owner of the heterochromatic eyes gazing up at you. From where he was tied up. On a chair. In your basement.
"...come again?"
The man you had just kidnapped, with the intent of holding for ransom, blushed. "I think- no, I know I've fallen in love with you."
You smiled faintly, emphasis on 'faint' because there was nothing you wanted to do more than pass out and wake up from this nightmare. Todoroki Shoto was nothing but a spoiled, rich kid on paper. Sure, his father had significant power but that also meant you could charge much more for his release when you kidnapped him.
Unfortunately, hindsight was a coldhearted bitch. How were you supposed to know that he had his own fucking gang? What 23 year old man had that kind of power?? Why is it that the one time you decide to test your luck to get some extra cash, you kidnap a mafia boss???
"From the moment you tried to use that chloroform on me, I-I felt something," Todoroki rambled, interrupting your thoughts. "I was confused at first at the audacity but once I pretended to faint and you dragged me, very painfully I must say, to your van, I knew it had to be fate. I had read about fate before, but I never imagined that it would be this..." He trailed off and stared at your face in dreamlike wonder. "...beautiful."
You laughed awkwardly, silently noting the possibility of brain damage from when you moved him. "That's great man, but look-"
"It's more than great!" He leaned forward, his eyes gleaming excitedly as the ropes strained against him. "Nothing has ever made me feel this way before: flowers, money, the works, but the moment you tied me up, I knew we were-!"
"Look the whole kidnapping thing was a mistake. okay?" You interrupted abruptly. You ran your hands through your hair in frustration. Who knows how long you had until someone found you?
Todoroki's smile melted of his face. "A...mistake?"
"Yes! Exactly! It was just a wrong place, wrong time kind of situation! And I am sooooo sorry so let's just forget this ever happened and I'll even drop you off wherever you need to go." You finished with a nice 'im-so-sorry-for-kidnapping-you-please-dont-kill-me' smile.
He stared at you blankly for a full minute, making you sweat nervously. There was obviously a screw loose in his head and you really hoped you hadn't provoked him too badly.
"So you mean you never planned to kidnap me?" he asked quietly.
You shook your head. "I didn't. I'm sorry? I think..."
The silence echoed throughout the basement as precious seconds ticked by. Your hands itched to do something, but what? You weren't a murderer and there was no way you wouldn't face some kind of consequence so the only way out was to convince him to let the matter slide.
Todoroki chuckled at your dumbfounded expression. "Do you really I would believe that you kidnapped me, Shoto Todoroki, for a mere ransom?" He smiled adoringly up at you and you felt a chill run down your spine. "You wouldn't do something like this," he nodded down at his binds "For someone you don't love."
You backed away slowly. "Hey, you've got the wrong idea, I-"
"No, no I don't have wrong ideas," Todoroki drawled. "In fact I think I might be very right about this one soon."
"W-what...?" Suddenly, a loud pounding came from your front door above the basement. Loud, angry voices spilled into your home and stomped around, obviously looking for something. Or someone.
Todoroki looked almost apologetic as he smiled. "It looks like you'll have to make your choice now, my love. You just ran out of time."
You swore and hastily began cutting at his rope bindings as he watched in amusement. Fuck it. It was better to hang off the arm of this psycho than get caught by his men as his kidnapper. And he knew it too. You wanted to punch his stupidly pretty smug face.
"I'm so glad you decided to see thing my way, darling," Todoroki sighed, wrapping his arms around you. "And since you wanted me so badly, I'll give you exactly what you desire." He pressed your foreheads together just as the basement door splintered open.
"From now on, I'm never letting you out of my sight~"
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antiwhores · 2 years
Bakugou feeling guilt for being perverted to you:
Bakugou starts to ignore you out of pure guilt and disgust in himself for his perverted thoughts about you. But you will not take anything less of a permanent friendship with Katsuki as an answer.
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When he first met you, he’d had barely ever masturbated. He never really felt that urge unless to blow off some steam so he never found himself indulging in it.
Of course, that was all ruined when he started liking you. Its like he was a switch that you only had the remore to.
He hated it so much. He hated how easily he would get hard. He hated how perverted he had become. He hated how he started to notice the slight lift of your shirt or how he hyper focused on the simple touches you provided him.
He had tried to avoid you at first, cause he felt so bad about how nearly everyday he was fisting himself raw to the thought of you. You broke him though with your continuous nagging for the loss attention:
“Bakugou,” you repeated after the 20th time. He clicked his tongue, “Don’t you ever fuck off? You’re a damn nusence.” You put your hands on your hips, “Alright, tell me whats up. Your acting like a bitch.”
He scoffs, attempting to walk away but being stopped once you got in front of him. “Yeah, I am a bitch, you’ve told me many damn times. Fuck off since you can’t deal with it anymore.”
A momentary silence is caught between yall as he glares at you. Then it seems something clicks in your head. “Is this because I call you colorful names? Ifit bothers you that much I can try to stop. I mean, I can always stick to my good ole people skills-“ He slaps a hand over your mouth, “Shut up! Its not cause of that.” You tear his hand off, “Than why?”
He looks around, no one but you occupy the room you’re in. Your close proximity and gentle touch of his hands is making his face turn pink. He starts to loose his patience, looking for a way out when you start to repeatedly ask “Why? Why? Why?” over and over again to piss him off.
He finally looses his chill after you yell “WHY” right in his face. “BECAUSE IM A FUCKING CREEP WHEN IM AROUND YOU!” You stared with a blank face as he started to ramble. “You just make me into a fucking pervert! And I hate it! I’m just taking advantage of our friendship at this point! I’m doing a good thing by leaving you alone so let me! If you knew how many times I’ve jerked off to you, you would be disgusted too!”
There were a few couple a seconds of just painful silence between the two of you. Bakugou’s eyes trailed to his feet, tense as he waited for you to call him disgusting or a creep or tell him to never talk to you again. But it never came, and somehow the silence was worse than outright insults.
“Are you serious?” He clenched his fists at the comment. But a snort out of your mouth had him snapping his head back up to look at you. You looked at him in a dismissive, normal way. Not as a disgusting dirtbag. It confused him.
“You’re ignoring me cause of that? I literally couldnt careless, just keep being my friend for real.”
He just stared at you as you stared back. “Did you not just hear what I said? I’m a pervert you idiot! I fucking masturbate to you!” You roll your eyes, “Okay? And I masturbate to you.” His whole body freezes and goes blank. He never thought about that.
“I do the same thing to you as you do to me. It’s no biggy to me. Don’t get me wrong, if you were anyone else I’d be a bit more creeped out but Bakugou I do not care. Beat your shit to me all you want, just dont publish fanfiction about me or something.”
You turned around the leave and he couldnt even stop you because he was just to stunned to speak. “Oh and also,” you yelled just as you were almost out of the door. “I’m guessing this means you’re madly in love with me. But I want an actual confession so I’m gonna forget this until I get one. I wanted it to be more romantic.”
He could only utter “what the fuck” as he watched you walk away.
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satoruhour · 9 months
gggOoooOOOOD MORNING ‼️‼️ ive been eating up your masterlist esp your racer au UGHHHH that was the last thought in my head before sleep and the first when i woke racer!geto was just. so. fking. h o t. u dont understand like that has a G R I P on me rn UGHHHH I LOVE IT SM do u have any spare hc for geto in this racer!au? if u dont thats okay! just know i ate that fic up 🫶🏻🫶🏻🥺🥺
a/n: thank u anon 4 the support im glad u liked the racer!au hehe. the original au here, how did you meet and geto’s own elaboration post for context. tagging @na-t0 @crysugu @omgeto @slttygeto / 2.4k
warnings: (in second half of post) mentions + discussions of semi-public sex, filming, fingering while driving, oral (f and m receiving), protected and unprotected sex, f and m masturbation, phone / webcam sex, sharing with gojo & nanami
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AAHHH i might have !!! racer!geto has a special place in my heart huhu i would love to develop more
to start off i would say that he’s just… such a good bf. like i know it’s obvious but also the next day after your late night drifting he texted you to ask if you wanted to go back to the cafe :D
he paid for everything again and he was so happy seeing u get another cinnamoroll trinket !!
so when the cafe has another sanrio event you BET hes bringing you there again. it just so happened that it was a berry and cherry event too ahhhh geto’s so cute getting all excited and stuff
he got you two matching coffees with berry and cherry foam art
that cafe has become a monument in your relationship — your first date, the place where geto officially asks you to be his partner with a big bouquet of flowers that you’re hiding ur face wherever you go for the rest of the day cause it’s huge 😭 he brings you there with his racer friends as well (gojo cheers and nanami scoffs that these things weren’t for him but he loved their pastries wheeee)
attentive, attentive! always leaves his jacket in the car for you if you get cold in his Mazda. resorts to a jacket he doesnt like to wear much but bc he always puts you first, he doesn’t mind :(
geto doesnt like to race with outerwear on him so he always loves seeing you greet him after a successful race with a big grin on your face, jacket swallowing ur physique as u keep urself protected against the tokyo chill !!!
said this before but he looooves seeing you in his car. it just ignites something in him, seeing you propped up on the leather seats and looking out the window when you’re driving. it just gets him sort of feral
ALSO also bc his Mazda was his first proper and real racing car he’s very selective of who he lets touch it / sit in it etc
so when gojo does it he swats him away like a fly and asks him not to dirty his finishing as also geto is the only one to be seen in his car until you come along and gojo sees you sitting on the hood
hes reaching forward to tell you to get off bc he knows suguru doesnt like it but your bf only walks up between your legs to greet you with a big smile. the betrayal gojo felt 💀
overall the relationship with geto is quiet and calming. no need for talking if you dont feel like !!! all racer geto needs is his hand on your thigh that’s always stroking the skin there and you
but loves it when you do talk! he tries so hard not to turn to you cause if he does he’d crash the car 😭😭 he just loves ur beauty and the way you ramble so much !!
one time he swerved and almost hit a car because he was watching you talk about the recent research you did on cars and also running back the terminology he’s been patiently teaching you
to hear his partner talk about cars >>> he’s so excited that you’re finally entering his world that he gets so engrossed and almost collides 😭
NO MORE pls omg he was more scared than you were
but also running off on that, geto is understanding when he teaches you about terminology about racing, abt the parts in a car. he took apart an old car in his garage just to teach you and he loved that you were trying your best to memorise everything 🥹
getting into an rs with geto also has given you more confidence, so he loves how you strut your stuff. he wasnt complicit in anything truly !!! didnt force you to wear anything or do anything you didnt want to, so he was very proud of you when you came out of your shell
geto would love you either way :3 hes just a sweet boy like that
i also relate him to han very closely from f&f… always eating his snacks in tokyo drift LMFAO - geto is chill, letting you feed him his snacks as you cuddle up on him on his hood and watch the new race
ok so, he LOVES racing and geeking out about them but he finds sometimes he watches you way more than the races and before then the race is already over 😭
“suguru! did you see how i crushed the other guy?” gojo emerges and shouts across the parking lot and geto is just like “huh? sorry i wasnt looking was too busy looking at my lover” LMAOOO
when you can’t attend his races you always make it a point to send a selfie with your cherry keychain and he sends one with his berry one back and its just soooo cute youre giving him so much wallpaper material!!
also likes to bring you on drives at night - if you need to rush something or study you bet he’ll be there. he’ll try not to interrupt you, looking at your knees tucked in your arms and memorising your notes
he plays those subliminal audios as a joke and annoys you in the process 💀 
and then just pecks your forehead in apology as he watches or helps you with assignments while occasionally looking out the window and smoking
geto always has a hand on you. it shows his possessive streak and just a general love for physical touch
like i said doesnt pressure u into anything but you’ve expressed interests in his tattoos before
you get a tramp stamp with him for your first one! the pain wasnt that bad, more from lying on your stomach for like 2.5h because of the shading lol. it’s a simple one, but a popular one because of the culture
geto offered to pay for you and you rejected, and he said “alright. half at least” and you didnt exactly oppose that because you were running low on jpn yen for your overseas exchange stay
the tattoo looked so good omfg geto was like . going INSANE it was lowkey funny
gojo and nanami wouldnt hear the end of it for like 3 weeks 😭😭😭
had the photo of you and your tramp stamp as his lockscreen for the longest time
as always tattoos are very addictive! you got a few more in the short span of 6 months (maybe 2-3 small ones) but what really made geto go like. clinically insane was this super big on on your thigh (peep the very first post of this au!!)
it’s a spider with chinese traditional ropes and it was by far your biggest one, taking a dent in your account that you had to lie and ask ur parents for more money after and promise to pay back by working part time
ok i need to preface this part first that geto adores your thighs - you didnt show much of it at first but when you start to be more comfortable with the racing scene he almost came in his pants when you first wore a miniskirt
so to see such beautiful ink on YOUR thighs oh my days felt like you were a goddess walking down the steps to his garage
has a little matching tattoo with you :( it’s not too obvious, but has features of berry and cherry on the both of you <3 down the line he would get other vague and subtle couple tats with you but if you want to mark up your body however you wanna he’d like that too :3
so i actually left the latest fic on a cliffhanger… bro was so heartbroken after you left :( couldnt race properly, couldnt focus in uni, poor boy
even gojo or nanami couldnt get thru to him, but over time he got used to the distance and timezones. moves his whole set-up to the garage just so he’d get better wifi there and also show the latest upgrades to his car !!! the webcam quality is pretty shitty on both ends though so you get disappointed more than once trying to talk to him bc the call isnt connecting well :/ 
continues to send those berry / cherry pics where you’re miles away, and more than once suguru has gone to bed crying :(( but i will keep these sad ones short bc i hate angst and also i might wanna write a next part uh… we’ll see
geto also mails things to you which take ages to ship and you only get the presents one month before you finish uni for good and 💀 it’s so funny seeing his shock at you having just received his gifts
a sweet, sweet bf who takes care of you immensely <3
n*sfw hc’s under divider
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now >:) i also dont want to go into too much detail because. i might. MIGHT. continue. do not ask for the next part explicitly tho that shit annoys me. but geto loves to see your body on his car and the risks that come with it
you guys fuck more in his car compared to his or your room looool.
fingers you when he drives sometimes. when you’re feeling needy all you need to do is drag his fingers to your throbbing core and let him feel how wet you are. 
he tries so hard not to look at you bc you know what happened the last time, so he relies purely on his touch and your hands, fingers slipping inside your panties and he grabs onto the steering wheel with the hardest grip
geto has the patience of a monk, however, letting you use him for your high and grinding down on his fingers. it’s usually not after the race or errand that he properly fucks you bc he knows if he starts he will. not. stop. not even lying
has adrenaline high after racing and will fuck you always unless he’s roughed up, but unlike gojo he probably will drive to a more secluded area. the car is there, the risk is there, it gets geto all riled up
one time he was pissed his opponent scratched his Mazda while racing and while he still won, he pushed you into his leather seats to slam into you. he was going so hard the car was shaking, and he teasingly shows you the brief video gojo sends you later, caressing your very sore legs (you were fine with the recording)
“guess i went too hard, huh?”
you shove him and tell him jokingly, “tell your pervert friend to stop filming us!”
“you like it. me showing everyone who you belong to.” geto is so possessive i swear
loves fucking you in the mountains bro is freaky asf. brings you on late night drives and lays on the hood with you to watch the stars - sometimes it ends cleanly but most times you’re feeling up each other until you’re bent over his Mazda letting him fuck you raw
has fucked you while in the driver’s seat, riding him. has given u oral as u lay on the hood of his car, done a full nelson in his backseat whew you name it he’s so gross and filthy. 
when u contrast it properly with how loving and generous he is and to him when it comes to you and your body the difference is insane. but it also sometimes seeps through when he can’t handle your cute outfits and just has to land a smack and squeeze to your ass
ok this isnt n*sfw but it’s so hot of him - he HAS done this before. made you sit in gojo’s car as he drifted around you in a quiet tokyo crossing late one night and oh my god you made sure he knew how attractive you thought he was. gojo left right away when you two started flirting 💀
likes to both give and receive, so the first time you go down on him was possibly just right after he’s done the drifting around you and you couldn’t resist palming him from the passenger’s seat. you asked him to pull over immediately went to the driver’s side and started pulling at his pants.
you didnt even think that your knees were going to be on gravel so before you could kneel down to suck him off he took his jacket from the back seat to put on the ground …. and then proceeded to get the best blowjob of his life LMFAOOOO
getos a little crazy it’s ok i can take him ! but yea hes filthy thru and thru and dude he missed you sm when you left back to your country.
of course, of COURSE has jerked off at the thought of you, to photos you’d send of a new outfit. also has proposed having phone sex. webcam sex is reserved for special occasions because the sight of you playing with yourself is enough for him to book a flight 😭 he possibly couldnt handle it so he settles for your voice only
he doesnt like to share you, but when you do ask if youve ever thought of getting gojo and nanami in on the fun …. ooh. good luck
again his possessiveness shows so he doesn’t let them fuck you raw lol but rather ask them to get their own condoms 💀💀
his friends r freaks too you realise but it’s time to time where the three of them will organise dates to have some fun with you, but only when youre comfortable. geto putting ur comfort first always 🙏
so sometimes you reject them bc you have an exam comin up etc and geto just treats you in his car or your bedroom alone and even with just him, hes already enough to make you go crazy and moan <3
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peep that op has that same exact spider tattoo on her thigh~ teehee
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julilovesyou444 · 11 months
hotel room ~ tom kaulitz
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background- you drank too much and ended up not feeling great. you asked bill if you could go back to his room and he said sure and handed you a key card. you went back to the hotel but couldn’t quite remember what room number he said. you scanned a couple rooms until one of them finally opened. someone comes into the room, but it isn’t who you are expecting.
warnings - mentions of drinking, just fluff ♡
english isnt my first language, I learned at 10 so please go easy on me lol
I stumbled down the hallway, holding my heels in my hand. my head was throbbing and I felt so sick. I had one too many at the bar. thankfully, my bestfriend gave me the key to his hotel room so I could go rest. if I hadn’t stopped drinking, I probably would’ve thrown up on someone’s shoes.
I got to the few doors I had narrowed it down to a few doors. bill had told me which room it was, but to be honest, I could barely hear him over the loud music. he had two keycards in his hand and he didn’t seem like he knew which was which. I walked up to the first door and put the card against the little sensor on the door. red light. fuck.
next door. red light. fuck again. I knew if I kept scanning the card on random doors it would eventually deactivate. I held my breath as I scanned it against another door.
green light! my luck was finally turning around. I pushed through the door and let it shut behind me. I dropped my heels and sighed as I made my way to the bathroom. I slipped off my tight dress that was pressing way too hard on my stomach. I looked at myself in the mirror. My makeup was smudged and my hair was messy. I walked back into the room and looked around for a suit case. I found a duffel bag beside the bed. My vision was blurry, I could barely see what I was looking through. After looking for a minute or two, I found pajama pants and a random white tee shirt. It didn’t really look like something Bill would wear, but I didn’t think too much of it. I also thought Bill wouldn’t mind if I took a pair of his pajamas, seeing as he borrowed my clothes all the time. I went back into the bathroom, washed my face, let my hair down, and used the mouth wash that was on the counter. I obviously wasn’t going to use his toothbrush, but I wanted my teeth to at least be a little clean. I grabbed my clothes and put them in a small pile on the floor before flopping onto the bed. I got under the sheets. I noticed that the bed didn’t really smell how Bill’s normally did. I was too tired to care. I fell asleep within minutes.
“shh, c’mon.”, a girl giggled.
“okay, okay, I’m coming.”, a guy responded. The hotel door shut.
“Um… who is that in your bed?”
“Oh shit. Bill gave her the wrong fucking key.”
“What do you mean?”
“Fuck, nothing, you just need to leave.”
“What?? Why?”
“We can’t do anything tonight, sorry.”
“Just kick her out?!? Do you even know her?”
“Hey, i said get the fuck out, so leave!”, he whisper yelled.
“Whatever, so fucking weird.”
The hotel door shut again.
My eyes were still closed and I was still partially asleep, but I had heard part of the encounter. I lifted my head out of the pillow it had been resting on, eyes still shut and brows furrowed.
“Bill? Should I leave? You can bring her back. Im sorry, Bill.”, i sleepily and drunkenly rambled. I heard footsteps quickly make their way over to me. A soft hand gently pushed my face back down onto the pillow and shushed me.
“No, no, it’s okay. Just go back to sleep, it’s okay.”, he comforted me.
“Okay, im sorry Bill. I just felt so bad. I also borrowed your pajamas, i dont think I’ve ever seen this pair before, they’re comfy.”, i sleepily mumbled as his hand caressed my cheek.
“it’s okay, you can go back to sleep.”
“can you sleep with me? I don’t want to sleep alone tonight.”
there was no answer for a minute. I didn’t take much notice as I had my eyes closed and was on the brink of falling back asleep.
I listened as I heard him change into different clothes and brush his teeth. I felt the bed shift under his weight as he laid down next to me.
my eyes fluttered open for a split second, and I could somewhat tell that he was on top of the covers.
“you can get under the covers.”, I murmured.
it took a second, but he got under the covers next to me. I could feel his warmth, it was comforting.
I turned over and scooted myself closer to him, my head next to his chest. I wrapped my arm around him. Bill and I had been friends forever, and we were rather affectionate, in a purely platonic way.
“Goodnight.”, i whispered as i went to pet his hair. I immediately took my hand back and opened my eyes narrowly. I looked up and realized the man next to me was not in-fact Bill. It was Tom. I put the dots together. Bill gave me the key for Tom’s room on accident. I was wearing Tom’s clothes. I accidentally had Tom miss out on a fuck, one of the many things he was notorious for. I was surprised he wasn’t mad at me for ruining his night.
“Tom?”, i asked groggily. My arm still draped over him, but I was no longer touching his hair. His expression was soft, almost worried. His eyes searched mine for any discomfort.
“Is this okay?”, he asked quietly. I thought for a moment. I was always good friends with Tom, but there was always a sort of tension between us. Something that kept us from being able to do things like hug or stuff like that. We used to do it all the time when we were younger, but now? Never. Usually, I would barely touch Tom. We joked around and talked all the time. He probably knew me just as well as Bill knew me. I didn’t expect him to kick out his date for my sick-ass, though. This was new for me. But I liked it. I liked being this close to him, it felt nice.
I nodded.
“Are you okay?”, i asked, mainly referring to the fact I was right up on him. A very small smiled formed on his face as he nodded his head, gazing down at me.
I mumbled an okay before snuggling my head into his chest. I wondered why he was letting me do this. This wasn’t us. I wasn’t complaining, just a little confused. I took a breath in and immediately recognized that the smell from the bed was Tom’s smell. I just never got too close to him so I didn’t know. He snaked his hand around my waist and pulled me a little closer. I breathed in quickly, surprised by his little maneuver. His hand made slow circles on the small of my back.
“Are you feeling any better?”, he whispered. I didn’t even know that he knew I had left because I felt sick, let alone care.
“I am now.”, i replied, muffled into his shirt.
I couldn’t help but smile. He continued to rub my back until I fell asleep in his arms.
I sat up quicker than I ever had before. I gasped for air and opened my eyes. I started to catch my breath. I felt Tom sit up next to me, his hand on my back.
“Are you okay?? Are you sick again?”, he asked, concerned.
“No…no… bad dream… I had a really bad fucking dream.”, i said in between breaths. I held my face in my hands, feeling more embarrassed than ever. First I showed up in his room, ruined his one-night stand, and now i woke him up because of my stupid nightmare.
“I’m so sorry. I ruined your night, I should leave.”, i mumbled. I wanted to leave so he couldn’t see my face. I was so upset at myself. I began to overthink every single thing that had happened.
“What? No. Don’t go. Its way too late. How do you think you ruined my night?”, he moved himself closer to me. I felt embarrassed having to explain to him, but it didn’t seem like there was much of another choice.
“I came into your room, I made your date leave, I mean I stole your fucking pajamas, I probably forced you into sleeping next to me, we literally never touch so why now, and I just woke you up. I feel so stupid, I’m sorry.”, I apologized again. Maybe it was the alcohol that was making me so emotional.
“No, no, no. Its okay, i wasn’t that into her anyways. You can keep the pajamas, i dont really care. And I wanted to sleep with you, I wanted to touch you. I do want to touch you, I just get… shit, how do I say this? Fuck it, i get nervous, okay? It has nothing to do with me not wanting to touch you, trust me, i do. And Bill has told me about your nightmares before, it’s okay. Its not your fault. You are just still drunk and overthinking things. I want you here, so just lay back down. It’ll be okay.”, Tom responded, very lightly pushing me to lay back down. I resisted at first but very quickly gave into his warm touch. I was instantly reassured by his words, even though part of me still remained unsure. I turned onto my side, away from him. He positioned himself right behind me, practically spooning me. He started to run his fingers through my hair. It was quiet for a couple minutes, just peaceful. I felt okay.
“do you still like this?”, Tom whispered.
“Dont you remember? When we were kids and you would sleepover, most of the time you couldn’t fall asleep, so I would play with your hair until you did.”
“Oh, I hadn’t remembered until you reminded me. To be fair, you’re a rockstar now. You have different priorities, like the band and girls. I’ve read the articles and seen the pictures. We don’t hangout too much anymore.”, i laughed a tiny bit into the pillow. He kept stroking my hair, but he didn’t say anything. It made me nervous. Did I cross a line or something?
“You’re right. My life has changed. A lot. But I’m still me, and you’re still you. We are still the kids we used to be, even though I may not seem like it because of the way everyone views me. As long as that’s true, you’ll always be in my life, same with Bill’s.”
“Why are you so sweet, Tom? I kind of thought you weren’t based on your whole “womanizer” persona.”
“That’s how everyone sees me, so I figure why not live up to their expectations. It’s different with you. You actually know me for me. Not the me from the tabloids”
He pushed his arm underneath me and pulled me back, flush to him. His other hand, still playing with my hair. I felt so relaxed, but somehow still a little nervous, being this close to him.
“It’s late, you should go back to sleep. You’re okay, you aren’t going to have anymore nightmares or anything. I’m right here. If you need anything, you can wake up and tell me, i wont be upset.”
“Thank you.”
“You don’t have to thank me.”
“Goodnight, Tom.”
“Goodnight.”, he quietly replied.
I felt myself completely ease into his hold, and melt into his touch as he pushed his fingers through my hair, just like he did when we were kids. I was glad that I knew this version of him. His genuine, sweet, self. I knew things would probably go back to the way they were in the morning, so I savored everything second that I got to be with him. I forgot about my embarrassment and let myself fall asleep in his arms.
I wished we could stay like that forever.
a/n ~ first thing I’m writing on tumblr!! not rlly sure how this all works but if you read I hope you enjoyed !! more to come <3
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tender-rosiey · 2 years
I love possessive men so can I ask for jealousy headcanons with Nanami Sukuna and Gojo? What they do when someone gets a lil tooooo close with their crush/partner? Hehe 😜
includes Gojo, Nanami, and Sukuna
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ᴀ/ɴ: ohoho let us love possessive men together my dear also i am feeling silly send help
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he trusts you a ton (obviously)
and he is pretty secure in himself and knows that you love him 🫶
AND he is very secure about your relationship—
okay who the fuck is that
okay fuck acting unbothered and fuck that guy who is talking to you
what do you mean?
he is totally okay, what’s wrong about him suddenly slipping a hand around your waist and resting his head on you?
he is glaring at the “poor” boy?
but seriously he just gets sour that you aren’t paying attention to him, like screw the other person he doesn’t care about them
“y/n-san, I can always come back another time so we can discuss the details of the mission,” the man in front of you insists rather nervously.
you tilt your head, “it’s better if we discuss it now though? so we can be more prepared!”
the man fumbles with his words before finally blurting out, “a-actually I think I should go! B-BYE!” he squeals before sprinting out of your sight.
you sigh, head snapping behind you to the culprit of the man’s fright.
“satoru!” you scold.
said man takes his blindfold off, to look you directly in the eyes, “I did nothing! I swear on my dignity!”
“you don’t have any.”
gojo pouts preposterously before sighing and flinging his arms around theatrically, “oh how am I supposed to feel or act when my lover’s attention isn’t on me?”
“you could just wait until I am done,” you grumble and he waves his hand in dismissal.
“sugarboo—“ “don’t call me that.” “sugarboo, my need for attention is like thirst for water, it should be satisfied at the very same moment.”
your hand rests on your hip and gojo can sense a snarky and witty remark coming from a mile away, “if that’s the case then you shouldn’t be ‘thirsty’ for attention right now because we were cuddling an hour ago.”
“wait what.”
you give your back to him and wave your hand, mocking him, “I will see you in three days!”
you hear hurried steps getting closer to you before long arms wrap themselves around you, “oh come on, honey; don’t be so mean!”
you hold his chin, “thought you liked it when I am mean?”
“when did I ever say that?” he asks, eyes brimming with curiosity.
you turn to him, arms making their way around his neck, “lo and behold, one day when the great gojo satoru got drunk—“
“oh no,” he mumbles, knowing he is doomed.
“—he said, oh so passionately! ‘you’re like super hot when you cuss or be mean to me!‘“
gojo rolls his eyes, smirking, “got me thinkin’ you had something awful over me, sweets,” he hums.
he pulls you even closer and a grin makes its way to his face when you yelp, “I don’t mind admitting that when I am sober.”
“you’re so hot when you’re mean, makes me want to get on my knees and beg.”
at your speechless form, gojo lets go, satisfied with what he has done.
“I will see you later, sweet cheeks!”
you = 🤡
gojo = 🤡
🤡+🤡= 🫶
i dont think he is a jealous guy
sure he might get a little irritated when someone takes your attention away for a little too long but what can he do
your life your choices and he shouldn’t interfere unless someone is making you uncomfortable
speaking of which, his six sense of “a little bitch is approaching my lover” is tingling right now ✨
you were in a club, surprisingly enough to some people.
a rather difficult mission was finally completed and it was very much successful so you and nanami settled on going to a club to drink a little and have a change of mood.
he swears he could listen to you giggle and ramble for hours, “you look radiant today, love.”
nanami’s hand brushes the hair out of your face and you smile shyly, “thank you, kento! I wore the dress you got me last week!” you chirp and he nods.
he already knows that you will look great in anything, but seeing you in it was a different story; you are a treat to the eye, an absolute sight for sore eyes.
you hear him sigh, a smile on his face when you look at him which makes you smile back, “what’s got our reliable sorcerer nanami on cloud nine?”
“none other than you,” he replies swiftly before standing up leaving you flustered; he presses a light kiss to your forehead, “I will get a drink, give me a moment.”
sometimes he forgets, he isn’t the only one who thinks you’re stunning because once he turns once again to your direction, a man is already there, seemingly drunk, and is too close for comfort.
nanami walks back to your table, slamming the cup down, just loud enough to catch the guy’s attention but not the others.
“got a problem, punk?” the drunk man slurs and nanami sighs, what a night this has become.
he replies back nonetheless, “you’re making my lover uncomfortable; I would appreciate if you went away.”
the guy laughs, “what d’ya mean?” his arms aiming to wrap itself around you, “me and this cutie were actually having fun—“
he is yanked roughly by the collar and pulled to the ground; nanami is now right by your side, pushing your head gently to his chest and you wrap your arms around him.
“I am not one for words of this nature but, scram out of here.”
nanami = 🤺
you = 🛐
za guy = 🫃
it isn’t jealousy as much as it’s possessiveness
like my guy is so confident that you will never leave him and that he satisfied your every need 😭✋
big words for a guy who can’t use a phone without scratching it everywhere
speaking of said nails
i have lost count how many people they sliced
👏👏 example of said slicing ahead
“m-my lord, there has been—“
sukuna groans, “speak clearly.”
the servant jolts in place, “y-yes my lord!” he starts all over again, “there has been a situation with the new village?…”
sukuna is getting irritated and anyone with one braincell can sense that. sadly, our dear guy only has half and all its power was channeled to admiration at the moment.
sukuna isn’t dumb, he knows that guy is lovestruck by something, so he turns his head towards the direction the servant is looking at so speechless and is rendered silent himself.
for multiple reasons.
you were adorned in a kimono, the finest fabric wrapped neatly around your body, and your face void of makeup save for the slight redness on your lip.
“hey ‘kuna!” you greet him and he hums before patting your head.
he ,sparing a mere glance at the servant, slices him into 6 slices that fall to the ground.
the room is silent for a bit before you speak up, “dude seriously?”
sukuna, the feared king of curses, pouts, “don’t call me that.”
“no like seriously, do you know how many people you have sliced because they looked at me?”
he dismisses the question, “‘don’t care.”
“we could make an actually human salad at this point.”
he gags, “it will taste disgusting and filthy, I am warning you.”
“honey, that’s literally the last thing I am worried about.”
he pulls you to his lap, his hands resting on your waist, “don’t you look extravagant, today.”
“wow big words.”
“I will push you off; don’t test me.”
sukuna= 😐
the servant= 👱‍♂️🦵🦵💪💪
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taglist: @magenta-cat-drawingss @pompompurin1028 @scul-pted @dazaisdeathwish @requiem626k @nameless-shrimp @shinys-bsd-world-1 @sonder-paradise @ravenina14 @jessbeinme15s-notebook @todorokichills @missrown @shrynkk @simplyxsinned @beautiful-is-boring @bakugossanity @izukus-gf @irethepotato @thekaylahub @luciferspen @aeanya @sweetcloudsimp @fiona782 @ginneko @kisakitwister @iamjustasimpxd @psychopotatomeme
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copyright © 2020 tender-rosiey
do not copy or plagiarize or you will be reported
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thefatedthoughtofyou · 11 months
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Saw this meme and iiiiii did a thing... a steddie thing... obviously
( Eddie has a small dick in this if you don't like it don't read it. We support small dick supremacy in this house thank you for your time. 😊 )
I'm picturing them at a bar. I wanna say maybe Steve is the bar tender, and he's been seeing Eddie around. He comes in. Talks a little, he's kinda quiet. Like he's stuck in his head, like he comes there to think. He's always scribbling things on napkins. Steve thinks they might be song lyrics, the way Eddie hums and taps his fingers as he writes.
But Steve obviously sees him looking at him sometimes. It's a gay bar, it happens, but Eddie doesn't leer at him, or chat him up in that way. It's always just friendly conversation.
Steve kind of loves it. Loves being able to just chat and not worry about getting stalked out to his car by a creep. And then one day some drunk dude is hitting on Eddie HARD. Leaning into him and grabbing at his arm and just when Steve is about to say something the guy actually says the words,
"how big is that dick?" Like... in real life. Out loud. And grabs for Eddie's thigh, and Steve watches Eddie catch his wrist, easy, watches him shove the guys hand back at him, saying,
"small. Leave me alone." Without even looking at him. And Steve fucking barks a laugh because that was... fucking hilarious. But also... kinda hot. Like, he's known he likes Eddie for awhile but seeing someone come on to him had sealed the deal, jealousy crawling over his skin, but then seeing Eddie shut it down, in the funniest fucking way Steve had ever seen, had just slammed it into place.
The guy scowls, says something rude, and stalks off. But Eddie is looking at Steve cuz he's still chuckling. Doing that cough thing like he's trying to cover it up but the laugh is still extremely prominent through the coughing. And Eddie watches him with raised eyebrows cuz like... damn okay. Cute bar tender thinks he's funny. And Steve is like,
"Sorry man. That was just, fuckin hilarious. Not the guy grabbing you, obviously, just, how you delt with it. Like that was... the best thing I've seen in awhile. Just... just sayin." He shakes his head to stop himself rambling more, he needs more friends to hangout with besides Robin, she's rubbing off on him. So he just reaches into the cooler and grabs Eddie his usual beer, slides it over the bartop to him, tells him it's on the house.
"Thanks." Is all Eddie says, but he looks happy, small smile still on his face.
And when the bar's closing, and Eddie is still there, just idly talking to Steve all night. Steve takes a chance. Says some cheesey line about letting Eddie walk him home. And Eddie flushes red to his ears but nods, takes the last sip of his beer and helps Steve flip the chairs onto the tables so he can do a quick sweep. Steve's locking the door when he hears Eddie clear his throat awkwardly, like he wants to say something. Steve looks at him, waits.
"I uh... look I know you thought I was being funny... earlier." Eddie scratches his head, nods into the bar. Steve nods, lets him continue.
"But I uh- I was also being serious?" He grimaces, eyes on the ground.
"So if that's like... a deal breaker? That's- that's totally okay. I just uh... I dont know. Thought I should maybe warn you before- before anything...happens?" His eyes widen and he takes a step back.
"Not that anything was gonna happen! Like I wasn't expecting... THAT. I just... oh my god I don't know. People can be assholes about small dicks so I just wanted to be up-front about it in case you thought I was kidding when I told that guy that. Cuz I was being serious and I'm gonna stop talking. Jesus christ." He breathes the last part, shaking his head at himself, his face twisted in what looks like pain. Steve thinks he's fucking adorable.
He steps closer, puts his hands on Eddie's hips and pushes him gently against the brickwall of the bar. Rests his head against Eddie's as he laughs a little, Steve's fingers pressing into his hips tickling a bit.
"I don't care. Honestly I uh..." he pauses, pulls back to look at Eddie, his eyes are wide, his cheeks are a deep pink now.
"I was kinda hopin you weren't kidding." Steve tilts his head, smirks at Eddie, just a little. A light smirk. Not the full thing, doesn't wanna overwhelme him. Yet. Eddie sucks in air, blinks at him.
"Oh. Yeah?" He asks, his voice breathy, pitched higher than usual. Steve nods, sinks his teeth into his lip, and brushes his nose against Eddie's.
"Yeah. Still wanna walk me home?" Steve asks, staying close. Eddie nods, his hands moving to Steve's shoulders.
"Yeah. Yes absolutely. I'd love that. I'd love too." He rambles, swallowing hard.
And Steve can't help himself anymore, ducks forward and presses a soft kiss to his lips. Eddie makes a little sound in his throat and Steve fucking adores it. Already in so deep for this guy. But it's been months. Eddie's not a new thing in his life. Just, this part of it is new.
Eddie blinks at him when he pulls back, steps away from Eddie but holds out his hand. Eddie smiles, reaches out and takes it, lets Steve drag him away from the wall and down the sidewalk. Their fingers laced together, hands swaying between them as they walk through the dark.
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cherigu · 1 year
— ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ Lessons!
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Genre: smut, best friends / roommates to lovers Pairing: sub!jeongguk x softdom!reader Word Count: 2.3k Warnings: low-key fuckgirl!reader, inexperienced!jk, mutual pining, choking, corruption kink, voyeurism, mutual masturbation
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“So you want me to tell you how to..” you trailed off while still trying to process the question that was asked not even a minute ago. “How to finger someone, yes” Jeongguk mumbled, suddenly ashamed at the scandalous question. He began to fumble with the long sleeves of his white shirt, nervously speaking up again to ease the tension. “I mean.. Y-you don’t have to of course! Not if it makes you uncomfortable, y’know? Just found it easy to ask you.”
The thing is, you had no issue teaching him. He was your best friend and roommate so naturally he’d heard it all. You were pretty open about everything, including your sex life. You weren’t one to have shame in your game, especially with how many stories there were to tell. Ranging from one-night stands that had you drier than the Sahara desert, to hookups that left you seeing stars. Jeongguk was okay with this, never feeling uncomfortable with the taboo subject. You still decided to maintain boundaries, making sure to never bring anyone home.
Out of respect for Jeongguk and his precious sleep, you strictly fucked at the other person’s place, with no exceptions. Strangely enough, you stuck by this rule even when Jeongguk wasn’t home. The whole idea of another man entering your and Jeongguk’s space just felt odd to you. Part of you knew why, but that bit of information would be stored far in the back of your mind. Maybe if you were in denial for long enough you’d finally get rid of the feelings you had for Jeongguk.
It sounds hypocritical to go on rambling about how many men you’ve fucked and then admit that you have a crush on your best friend, but who could blame you? He was so mesmerizing, the way his hair had grown out to frame his face beautifully, big brown eyes that glittered even in the darkest settings, matching the glint of the piercing on his lip. Speaking of which, his pretty pink lips were hard to not stare at while he talked, almost as if they were begging you to kiss them. You could go on but you’d never stop. If you would ever fuck anyone in your apartment, it’d have to be him 100%.
You knew this wasn’t an option though, you couldn’t risk over 10 years of friendship just because your pussy got wet with something as simple as him readjusting his glasses. Perhaps the casual one-night stands were your way of suppressing what you felt for him. But how successful could this coping mechanism really be if you found yourself imagining it was Jeongguk inside of you instead of a random man?
“I don’t mind, but can’t you just watch porn or something?” You cocked a brow, watching his cheeks suddenly grow pink. 
“I dont.. I’ve never watched it..” He dropped his head as if it were something he should’ve been ashamed of.
There was another reason his bold request had caught you off guard. Jeongguk was a virgin, making hookups fall out of the question. This suddenly made your chest bubble in jealousy as you wondered what he could possibly need fingering lessons for, or much rather for who. He didn’t have a girlfriend, but that was only as far as you knew. You were sure he’d tell you if he was seeing someone, right?  
“Why do you need to learn?” Your eyes redirect elsewhere, afraid of your shallow gaze letting him know you were slightly mad at the thought of him pleasuring someone else. His, however, were glued onto your face as he threw his hands up.
“Why so many questions n/n? ‘m just embarrassed.. feel like I should know this stuff at my age” He pouted. 
Feeling relief from the fact that there wasn’t someone else involved, you spoke to Jeongguk as his best friend again.
“Gukkie, you know there’s no pressure in becoming sexually active y’know? This stuff comes naturally, some quicker than others, but there’s no definite age at which you should learn this stuff.” You raised your hand to pat his head. "Learn it 'cause you want to and not because you feel like you should know it"
If Jeongguk were being honest, he had only exposed half of his truth to you. Sure, he can admit that he's a bit inexperienced for his age, but he had a reason. That reason being you. Ever since the day he met you, he swore he’d never met anyone else more perfect than you. You were so gentle with him, from the times you bandaged his knee after scraping it on the pavement as a kid, to the time you held him while he fake-cried about his ex-girlfriend cheating on him.
It’s not like he loved Jieun very much anyway, he’d only dated her as a poor attempt to get over you. Seeing as it had clearly not worked, the only option he had was to convince himself, and everyone else, that he had been truly in love with Jieun. So as soon as he heard that she’d hooked up with her dorm mate, he put on his best act and cried endlessly. Apart from doing it to seal the deal about Jieun, he had also secretly enjoyed being in your arms that whole time you comforted him. He strained his body to release every tear he could for the sake of staying as long as he could in your embrace.
Ever since then, he couldn’t muster up the courage to date again. You had ruined his life in the best and worst way possible. Yeah, he was a 23-year-old virgin who never had a legit girlfriend to gain experience with, but he was also Jeon Jeongguk who got coddled by his best friend every chance she got because she loved him very much. He knew you loved him, but maybe not in the way that he loved you.
He was no match for the men that ripped the moans out of your mouth at night while you desperately clutched the sheets, begging for release. He had to learn how to surpass them one way or another, and for that, he’d need to start from the root. He couldn’t learn from porn, no, those girls weren’t you. If he asked you directly how to pleasure someone, you’d subconsciously speak about how you prefer to be pleasured and to learn that was his goal. 
Sitting face to face with you, hand on his cheek, he couldn’t help but feel warm inside. His gaze dropped to your cherry-glossed lips, harshly gulping while resisting the urge to kiss you.
This didn’t go unnoticed by you, beginning to smirk at how obvious the boy in front of you was being at this very moment.
“Or how about..” your fingers caressed his cheek, slowly beginning to drop to his neck. “Instead of teaching you, I show you, hm?” you whispered, carefully testing the waters while slightly confused as to where the confidence came from, swearing you wouldn’t ruin the friendship only a few minutes ago.
The doubt in your mind was quick to subside when Jeongguk began to nod his head. The grip your hand had on the sides of his neck slightly tightened, whines already beginning to slip past his lips. His sounds alone made your imagination go wild, loving how sensitive and reactive he was to your touch. You couldn’t wait to see how fast he would get riled up, leaving you to enjoy every last bit of his neediness. The thought of being able to turn your sweet, innocent boy into a fucked out mess had arousal leaking into your underwear. 
“Sit here, m’kay? No touching, just watch, can you do that for me?” your body moved away from his, positioning yourself against the headboard with your legs in his direction. He hummed a quiet, “yes” and you smiled, “Good, good boy” Your legs began to part, exposing the wet patch in your white panties that his oversized tee previously concealed. Your delicate fingers traveled to your thighs, inching closer to your heat with slow movements. “Gotta feel her up first”
Four teasing fingers became two as your hand finally left your thigh and reached your clothed cunt. Your middle and ring fingers rubbed small circles in the middle, making sure to spread the arousal and collect new slick. Once the material became soaked and sticky enough, you began to slide the panties down your legs, fully exposing yourself to the wide-eyed boy in front of you.
“Like what you see?” 
Jeongguk didn’t even need to answer the question, his erect cock did all the talking for him. The grey sweatpants he wore only emphasized the size of his bulge, noticeably growing painfully hard. His tip began to throb at the sight of your two digits parting your lips, showing how wet you were.
“Rub slowly, like this” you demonstrated, sliding your fingers up and down your glistening cunt, “Never fast, unless she’s close. This isn’t a competition on how fast she can cum, take your time and focus on pleasing her.” your voice wavered towards the end as your lower body began to grow more sensitive by the second. Your eyes looked up at Jeongguk who frantically nodded, making sure to take mental notes despite the aching length inside of his pants. 
“Here’s the cli- mmm, t-the clit.” a moan escaped your mouth after your hand had traveled up to stimulate the perky nub. Heat began to build up in your stomach, letting you know that this lesson would soon turn into you focusing on your climax. 
“Can cum like this, or by touching down here, ah fuck” you whined, feeling the familiar stretch of your fingers entering your hole. Slowly pumping in, you tried to stay collected. Jeongguk needed your help, and you would provide it by all means necessary. That didn’t mean it wasn’t becoming increasingly hard for the both of you to not break, though. “D-don’t just ngh go in and out hmm, curl your f-fingers too, yea?”
Jeongguk was doing everything in his power to not lunge at you. His brain was going numb at the sight of your head thrown back, bottom lip caught in between your teeth as you struggled to swallow back your needy moans, doing everything you could to continue talking Jeongguk through the process. He was desperate for any sort of contact at this point, a hand immediately flying to cup his cock. Giving it a short squeeze, he began to softly palm it. Sitting at the foot of the bed, he felt so close to you yet so far. The squelching sound of your fingers pounding in and out of your pussy had him leaking enough pre-cum to make a patch of his grey sweatpants grow dark.
So caught up in your own pleasure, you had forgotten about the boy in front of you. His whimper was enough to make your eyes shoot open. Before you stood a desperate Jeongguk, tears welling up in his eyes due to the pain of the erection that wouldn’t stop growing impossibly harder. He was rutting against his hand, feeling so hot that his bangs were now stuck to the thin sheet of sweat forming on his forehead. You hummed at the sight, causing his rosy pink face to rise up. “Take off your pants, baby” you barely breathed out, more fucked out from your fingers than usual. 
Jeongguk wasted no time in stripping his lower half, excited cock hitting his lower abdomen with a slight smacking sound as he sat there waiting for your next instruction. Your head flew back again as your fingers uncontrollably quickened their pace at the sight of Jeongguk’s big, pretty cock. You regained enough composure to slow down your movements, not wanting to cum just yet. A free hand reached out to your side, grabbing at the sticky lace panties before throwing them at Jeongguk. “Touch yourself with them,” you ordered.
Jeongguk swore he could come from your words alone. His mind stuttered, already feeling so pussy-drunk despite not having touched it yet. He snapped back with the pain that shot through his eager cock, needing release. He grabbed your panties and quickly wrapped them around his cock. Moans flew out of his mouth as he slid the wet material up and down his cock. Pleasure fogged his mind causing everything around him to become a blur. 
You were quick to catch up with Jeongguk’s pace, drawing your curled fingers in and out of your gushing pussy as they grazed your g-spot. This was all overwhelming, a good overwhelming. On one hand, you had your shy boy with his cock out, desperately tugging at it and shamelessly jerking himself off in front of you. On the other hand, the coil in your stomach felt so close to bursting with the delicious pleasure your fingers offered you, leaving you wondering how Jeongguk’s would feel after the lesson. 
The boy was delirious, babbling an incoherent mix of curses as well as your name due to the scent of your sweet essence mixing with his own. His balls tightened, a sign that he was close until a whiny voice spoke out. “Cum with me baby, so c-close” You stared at his hooded eyes through your own. 
“Don’t know if I can” he cried.
“Wanna be good for me? Don’t cum til I say so, yea?”
He nodded frantically, his movements were becoming sloppy but he was determined to show you how obedient he could be. The only sounds that echoed through the room were those of skin slapping against each other with a mix of needy whines. That soon changed when your voice filled the room, giving him permission to cum as you reached your own orgasm. The both of you felt as if you had transcended into a different universe, seeing nothing but stars and feeling euphoria flow through your veins. The high was never-ending, white stripes shooting into the soiled panties while cum dripped down your entire hand.  Your spent bodies laid on the bed momentarily, shortly before wasting no time cleaning up in order to tangle your bodies together.
 Masturbation had never felt so heavenly.
A/N: omg this was literally written with no plan whatsoever i had to do some serious improv😭 kinda rushed the end because i typed this up with plans of sleeping at 12am but it is now close to 2am and my mind is a lil foggy >.< anyways hope u liked !! don't forget to leave feedback or requests<3
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t3ag3rs · 22 days
g e n s o - 1 3.
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you groan feeling a sudden pressure hit your head as you wake up slowly in the infirmary.
fluttering your eyes you look around to see bakugou asleep in the chair by your side.
"what..?" you groan feeling disoriented, looking down you see your leg in a cast. "oh cmon...." you whine, waking up bakugou.
"goddamn your loud..." he mutters as he stretches, "took you long enough to wake up.."
"what happened? why am i here?" you ask signaling to your body and around you.
"okay so... you made it to the finals in the 1v1's... fought against me and thats why you're here.." he pauses, "but- you did get third out of everyone"
"really bakugou." you reply with a deadpan expression, "you really had to put me back in a cast after i had just gotten out of one?"
"its not like i was trying to genso!" he shouts, "would you rather me go easy on you and show everyone that you still cant beat me, or fight you like i would with everyone else to show that you are strong?" he asks with a scowl.
you widen your eyes as you realize his reason, "oh..." you look down, "thanks then.. i guess.." you mutter before looking up at him, "okay but seriously though howd i end up in here?? every time i get injured i somehow end up in here but i have no idea how..."
he clears his throat, "thats not important... but now since your up ill be heading out.. damn shitty hair forced me to stay here until you woke up.." he mutters standing up.
"oh.." you sigh slightly looking down. why do i feel kind of disappointed that hes leaving...?
he stops right before he exits, "for what its worth.. i think a lot of pros were impressed by our fight. you did well genso." he states before opening the door.
"thanks.." you mumble with a slight blush covering your cheeks.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
you limp into class slowly the next day.
as soon as you open the door, your crushed by mina, "oh my gosh! are you okay?? are you feeling better?? i was so worried y/n!" she rambles pulling away and checking over your body.
"chill out mina... at this rate shes gonna get hurt from you.." chuckles kirishima walking up to you with a soft smile, "how you feeling?"
"way better.." you chuckle, "okay but seriously though.. who took me to the infirmary?? because whenever i get hurt i always end up there, but i dont know how..."
"okay babe.. get ready cause its quite shocking..." giggles mina, "its yours truly... mr. bakugou katsuki over there..." she whispers while jabbing her thumb in his direction.
you let out a laugh, "hah! thats a good one..! but no really.. who is it..?" you sigh as your laughter dies down.
"we're being serious.." repeats kirishima with a slight grin.
you widen your eyes, "no fucking way..." you look at mina, "but he hates me..!"
"well he must hate you soooo much that whenever you get injured during class he just has to pick you up and rush you to the infirmary..!" she says sarcastically.
"yeah.. he did that during entrace exams too! i honestly thought you two were a thing.. kinda like an old couple yknow?" kirishima quips in with a grin.
"yeah exactly!" mina agrees, bouncing on her heels. "im sure everyone in class thinks it too from the way you two act around each other..! theres just- so much tension!" she squeals.
you clasp your hand over her mouth, "shush..!" you blush, pulling her away from bakugous hearing range. "you two are so loud..!"
"is someone getting flusteredddd...?" teases kirishima with a dopey grin.
"kiri!" you gasp, "youre supposed to be on my side here..!" you grunt slapping his arm lightly.
"no way..! do you like him..?" she asks with a slight whisper. "cmon tell ussss..!" she repeats, poking your shoulder.
you blush heavily, "n-no..! i mean- i dont think so..! ughhh.. i dont know- im not sure..!" you respond frustrated.
"yknow what i just heard?" says mina with a grin, "i like him i just dont wanna accept it!!" she answers with enthusiasm.
right as you start to open your mouth mr. aizawa walks in. "this conversation isnt over..!" you whisper before sitting down in your seat.
"listen up everyone" sighs aizawa, "the hero offers for each one of you have came in..." he says before turning on the projector and presenting the results.
you widen your eyes as you find your name with 3632 offers, "geez... thats a lot.."
"now since you all have made a name for yourselves today you all will be figuring out your hero names." states aizawa, "to help with that midnight will be monitoring over you all" he says welcoming midnight to the front before walking out.
you look at the slate on your table. cmon... whats a hero name i can use..? you think groaning slightly.
"can you stop whining genso?! i cant concentrate!" barks bakugou as he hits you in the head with his slate.
huh. maybe genso isnt a bad hero name... you let out a small smile before quickly scribbling it on your board and raising your hand, "im ready..!"
midnight smiles beckoning you to the front, "okay.. im gonna be known as the elemental hero: genso" you state with a small smile.
"traditional japanese! i love it!" claps midnight with a happy smile on her face.
"well then... i guess i can thank you for your brilliant nicknames" you grin playfully, sitting down.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
you stare at the paper of offers with your eyebrows furrowed. which offer do i choose...? theres so many..!
soon the bell rings causing you to stand up and place the papers in your backpack. slinging it over your shoulder you head your way out.
"genso..!" calls a voice from behind you, "wait up."
you turn and see bakugou glaring at you, "what is it?" you ask slightly intrigued.
"where are you gonna go for your offer..?" he asks gruffly looking to the side.
"uhh.. im not sure yet. why..?" you ask slightly confused to why he wanted to know.
"you should go for endeavor... one of your weakest elements is fire no..?" he says walking beside you.
you nod a bit, "huh.. your right, maybe i might go for him then. what about you?"
"im going for best jeanist. he is the no. 4 hero for a reason so i might as well see what hes all about.." he mutters.
"really?" you ask incredulously, "i would never see you going for him to be honest... hes so reserved and well.. your so- not reserved..?" you say trying to sound as nice as possible about your true opinion.
"you calling me a mess genso?" he snarls, glaring at you.
"no..! not at all..!" you chuckle sheepishly. "okay well maybe i was..." you admit scratching your neck. he chortles slightly, causing you to widen your eyes in shock. "no way you just laughed..."
he suddenly snaps back to his original self, "the fuck you say..?" he says setting off mini sparks in his palm.
"well.. it was nice seeing you bakugou but ill be off- bye....!" you exclaim, quickly running away.
bakugou stared at you running off, chuckling to himself lightly.
what is this feeling...?
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previous parts: pt. 0 0 / pt. 0 1 / pt. 02 / pt. 03 / pt. 04 / pt. 05 / pt. 06 / pt. 07 / pt. 08 / pt. 09 / pt. 10 / pt. 11 / pt. 12 next part: your all caught up for now!
☆taglist! @katszumi @coolgirl458 @niktwazny303 @crumbycrumb3
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ballad-of-death · 1 year
Kissing the boo boo away
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;;PAIRING : Jake Peralta x cop!reader
;;SUMMARY : after getting shot, the last thing you expect is a confession from your colleague.
;;NOTES : HEHEHHEHEHHEHE JAKE BRAINROT ENSUES. Also yes very cliche blah blah blah. Anyways! First fic to post on here i hope you guys like it :)
Gettig shot is not like in the movies. You dont just calmly lay and hold the wound. Its loud. It pierces trough you. It makes you gasp for air and yelp in pain. Then there's the force of the blow throwing you back onto the floor and the warm feeling of the bullet going through your skin. The smell of burnt cloth and skin. The ringing in your ears after the shot.
The worried yells of your partners.
You try holding on to the wound but even the smallest bit of pressure makes you want to throw up.
The sound of steps and shots ringing in the background as a habd on your shoulder brings you back to reality.
"Hey! Hey! Dont close your eyes stay with me now! Its me Jake! Hey look at me!" The detective held your shoulder and tried keeping you awake as much as he could. He tried to put pressure on your wound but you just winced and groaned in pain. The bullet shot you theough the abdomen and you couldn't sit upright without immense pain.
"Dont worry everything will be okay just look at me. The medics are on their way just hold on a little longer!"
Jake said with obvious worry in his tone. You tried your best to open your eyes but the heavy feeling of tiredness washed over you. The warmth of your bosy as the blood pumped more and more seemed... comforting in a sense... just closing your eyes to rest wouldn't hurt right? The pain would still keep you awake right?
"No, No, No, No, No! Hey he look at me Hey! Dont "
The bliss of rest entwred your mind and all you could think about was... nothing. Just nothing. Pure nothingness. If it were a movie it would be a black screen, yet not in a bad ending way but a break between plots.
You woke up to the beeps of the ECG next to your bed. You look arounf the room but your eyes are still adjusting.
Yet, you can clearly make out the sillouette of a person to your right. They are holding your hand and seem to be sleeping. As your eyes finally adjust you see who it is. Jake.
You tap his hand a few times to try and wake him up and it works.
Hes gasps and jotls closer to you his eyes still slightly closed.
"Hm? What? Wait. Y/N! You're awake! Oh i thought you were going to sleep for like three days like in the movies oh my god you scared me to death!" He rambles on as you chuckled to yourself.
"Thanks Peralta, you know how to make someone feel better" you smile at him letting him know you were joking.
"Yes sorry. But are you okay? Should i call the nurse? Does it hurt? Are you okay? Do you need anything? Anything at all?" He seemed distressed, worried even. You never saw him like this. He wasnt his goofy self anymore. He was more serious.
"'M fine Jake. But you sound more worried the I am. Is everything okay with you?"
"Yes...no... maybe? I dont know but i doesnt matter. You cant do this to me! You cant be so brave ! When you got shot you worried me so so so so much Y/N! I thought i lost you! Like actually. This isnt like a monologue i put on because i had to. You actually scared me. I care about you so much and you just get shot like that." He held your hand tighter and looked you in the eyes. His voice was really serious.
Your hand reached for his head and cupped his face lightly.
"Jake... I'm sorry, although its not my fault i got shot but...im sorry. Dont be so worried about me though. No matter what i will be fine" you smile at him.
"No Y/N i will worry about you. I will. You mean so much to me and now when i thought i lost you... Y/N you seriously dont know how much you mean to me. I was so shit scared about you and it made me realize that... that i care about you. More than anything actually.... what im trying to say is—
When i thought you were gone i realized that a life without you would be hard. I love you Y/N. So so so sod so fucking much." He sighed, his eyes were glossy as if he was about to cry.
Your heart ached at this sight. He also meant much to you. The sight of him sad and worried was very rare. Infact you haven't seen him cry ever.
"No i know its stupid we're coworkers and like it wouldn't work out and you think im saying this because of your state. But im serious Y/N."
"I know you are, but let me finish. I care about you too Jake. And I think i care about you in the same way you do abiut me. I think i might love you too Peralta."
"You know how to ruin a moment using my last name dont you?" You both luaghed. You were relieved he was already back to his normal self.
"Also, the nurse asked me to ask you if you need someone to kiss your booboo away?"
"Not very smooth Peralta, if you want to kiss me just do it."
"Cool, cool cool cool cool cool cool cool"
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princessbrunette · 3 months
I’m a try again😂. I can just see Big Brother!JJ running after these two little hellions he loves so much. That he no doubt came close to killing Luke if Luke had ever laid a hand on them!
I can also see the kids being brutally honest in that kid sort of way if they are around when the Kooks and Pogues start to get into.
LITTLE SISTER MAYBANK*to Rafe*: “It’s okay, I don’t think my daddy loved me either-but it’s mean to be mean to people when you’re sad 😕.”
୧ ‧₊˚ 🫖 ⋅ 🦢 ⋆˙₊˚
if luke returned to the house, hiding from the cops, looking for a place to seek refuge and stock up (probably ask for money too) jj would actually stand on business and kick him out. the safety of his younger siblings means too much for him to be cowardly about it and let him push him about. he has to be brave, for them. when he sees the man heading up to the house, he’d send the kids to their room and tell them to not come out, no matter what. maybe he’d even pretend it was a game to convince them more.
so yeah, luke wouldn’t even get the chance to hurt them because jj wouldn’t even let him see them. they’re practically his now.
and the thought of rafe interacting with little sister maybank is so hilarious to me. maybe somewhere like the outdoor cinema where both pogues and kooks congregate— she’d accidentally strayed from jj’s side and ended up lost, accidentally running right into the legs of rafe cameron.
he hates jj, yeah — but she’s a kid, he can’t just leave her, he’s got enough on his conscience. he’s mean but he’s not totally evil. he sighs, reluctantly, helping her up when she falls, teary eyed.
“you’re fine, kid. where’s your idiot brother. what, he can’t look after two kids?” he shakes his head, not passing up on the opportunity to be on his high horse about this as he searches over all the heads for jj.
“i got lost.” her lip quivers and he sighs, scratching at his forehead.
“alright, it’s okay. don’t… cry or whatever. c’mon, let’s find him.”
“i know you.” she speaks wisely as he walks along side her. he snorts out a chuckle, looking down at her.
“oh yeah? who am i then.”
“i don’t remember your name. it’s rabie or something.”
“rafe.” he corrects, irritated at being compared to a literal disease.
“you are the boy that gets all red in the face. is — is it true you’re mean to people because your daddy doesn’t love you? mine doesn’t love me either. but i’m not mean.” she rambles happily, walking along side him. he squints, double taking at the blonde twin and shakes his head.
“the fuck did you get that from, kid?”
“thats a bad word.”
“yeah well, that’s the real world.” he drawls, running a hand through his hair before he spots a worried looking jj across the grass. he sighs in relief, taking a gentle hold of the little girls arm and briskly walking her over.
“think you lost something, pogue.” rafe sneers, patting the girls head before she runs off to her big brother. jj turns, watching the interaction in horror.
“are you kidding me?”
“keep an eye on your shit, jj. dont wanna have to call CPS on your ass.” the older boy jeers as he spins, walking away again.
“hes my friend now.” the young girl smiles simply and jj’s eyes widen.
“no, he is absolutely not.”
୧ ‧₊˚ 🫖 ⋅ 🦢 ⋆˙₊˚
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dexiiexox · 6 months
On tour with Matt!
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a/n: I’ve been gone for a whiiilleeeee… heh :,)) buuttt I tried my best at writing this, even though I feel like Matt and Chris would be pretty similar while on tour, but I tried making it kinda different :)
Matt Sturniolo x reader
warnings: kissing, not much more really?
summary: what I think Matt would be like on tour :>
First off I he would also have to beg you to come. Since you onbviously didnt want to ruin anything and you wanted Matt to have fun on tour.
"Babyy.. pleaasee, I promise you its no bother at all" Matt was sprawled over my bed, begging me to join him and his brothers on The versus Tour.
"But Matt I’m not so sur-"
"No but’s y/n, I genuenly want you to come, Chris and Nick dont mind at all!" he sat up, at the edge of my bed now.
I sighed.
"Please.. I need you to be there.." he was really begging. The way his doe eyes was pleading with you, made you finally give in to him.
"Alright.. Ill come with you Matt"
I stepped closer to him, in between his legs and he took a hold of my waist. I raked my hands through his hair for a little before my hands found their place on his cheeks before I bendt down and places a kiss on his lips.
Like we all know, Matt has anxiety and I feel like people might make it like such a big thing in their hc or fanfics. Dont get me wrong, anxiety can be different for different people.
But on tour I feel like Matt would need some ressurance or calling down before going on stage sometimes.
There would be a few times before one of the shows where he would get angsty, maybe overthink a few things or he’d straight up stressed (wether that is becuase he’s about to go on stage or some other stuff idk)
I also feel like Matt would be glued to your side, he’d be by your side every possible second (bro barely lets you get up go to the toilet)
Hand on your thigh when youre driving places or eating out, holding your hand, locking pinkies or having his arm over your shoulder when youre walking together, hugging you from behind and just random hugs in general (oh to be hugged by Matthew🥲💕) holding around you in bed, cuddling, spooning, you name it, he’s all for it🫶😘
I stod by the kitchen isle in the hotellroom we were staying in. I was making myself some tea (or any other profferes drink🌝). I was just standing there for a little, deep in thought, when suddenly two hands smaker around my waist, a familiar scent entered my nose and a head found its place on my shoulder.
"Hey Matt" I giggled.
"Hey sweetheart"
I felt his hot breath on my neck before he placed a kiss on my shoulder. We stod like that for a little while, enjoying the hug before sitting down by the table. Matt sat down with me and placed a hand on my thigh. I giggled slightly looking over at him.
"Are you okay Matt?" I asked, I always want to make sure nothing is bothering him.
"Yeah, just wanna spend time with my loving girlfriend" he smiled and kisses my cheek. I blused at his comment.
"Oh shush.." I mumbled taking a sip of my drink.
Like Chris, Matt would definetly pay for you everywhere you guys go, wether its some random plush at the thrift shop or youre going out for food. He is paying, no questions asked (treating you like the queen you are girl😘👑)
And of course he would make sure youre always comfertable with everything. And I mean everything. He wants everything to be perfect and that youre comfertable 110% of the time, that youre updated on plans so you know when everything is happening. (He’ll go to great lenghts for you babes, love Matt fr💕)
It would be the smallest things, and you’d hve to constantly reassure him its alright.
"Are you sure you want to sleep in these small bunks? I can figure out something else, more spacious and comfertab-" Matt had started rambling on about rearranging my sleeping space after I made the smallest comment about the tiny bunks in the tour bus.
"Matt its alright" I cut him off.
"The bunks are fine, they were just smaller than I expected" I laughed a little.
"Are you sure though? I can arrange something else if not you know" he rubbed the back of his neck and gave me a questioning look.
"Im sure Matt, dont worry, the bunks are fine" I smiled, walked over to him and gave his lips a little peck.
"If you say so" he chuckle lightly and just smiled at me.
Heyhey, just wrote this from the top of my head💀 so sorry if its terrible. Ive been busy lately sooo yeah. This was lowkey pretty short, but I hope you still enjoyed it :))👍
Anyways, I hope you had a good night or day and youre worth so much💕💕
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stiffyck · 5 months
I’ve been having a bit of a headache dealing with family giving me shit for being aro ace lol. If you have any qpr/aroace headcanons - desert duo or elven duo - it would rlly make my day, if you want! Feel free to answer this or not
Oh absolutely.
Desert duo:
Scar would realise he's aroace after he started dating Grian. He's always thought you sort of "pick" your crush. He'd see someone good looking and ask himself:
"Does this person give me butterflies in my stomach? Do I want to date them? Do I want to kiss them?" And he'd never really know the answer. The idea of dating the person usually didn't seem appealing and kissing them even less so. And he never knew what the butterflies in his stomach means. How would that feel like? How would he know that's what he's feeling?
So when he meets Grian and they become friends Scar thinks he might have a crush on him. He thinks that he's very close with Grian and that this is the closest feeling to what the others described as a crush.
So they start dating. But Scar doesn't really like that. He likes cuddling and holding hands but he doesn't like all the other romantic stuff.
They talk. Grian suggests Scar looks into what being aromantic and asexual means.
Maybe they stop dating, maybe they don't. That's honestly up to you!
Grian is fine with just cheek kisses and hand holding and cuddles. He doesn't need more from Scar. So they could still happily stay as partners.
I think Scar would love being on hermitcraft because the hermits value platonic relationships just as much as they do romantic ones.
Grian loves that too. Grian can be aroace too, depends on how you wanna see it.
QPP desert duo would hold hands and cuddle a lot. Scar is clingy.
Grian is usually stubborn and does not want to admit that hes clingy too. He likes when Scar randomly comes over and just hugs him from behind maybe or if hes sitting Scar will sit on his lap or lay across him. Scar just likes to spend time with Grian even if they dont talk- he'll just watch Grian work in silence. And if he can hold Grians hand or hug him or somehow cuddle him while he works? even better.
Grian loves playing with Scars hair.
Grian also loves to read-
he will lie on his bed with Scar holding onto his middle while he reads. if Scar is awake, Grian will read out loud to him.
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Grian loves when Scar presses kisses in his hair. Scar loves when Grian kisses his nose or his cheeks.
Elven duo:
they love gossipping while doing each others hair. Gem loves braiding Scars hair and Scar loves adding all sorts of accesories to Gems hair.
One of them will stop by the others base to ramble about one thing or another while the other listens and continues with their work.
They're not very keen on handholding but they will absolutely lean on one another and hug.
They like to fight! Scar might not be the best at pvp but he's getting better and fighting with Gem is awlays fun.
They both like to dress up together. Scar has plenty of fancy suits and dresses and he lets Gem raid his dresser occasionally so they can both dress up just for fun.
That also usually leads to them dancing. Scar constantly trips over his feet but is otherwise a great dancer. Gem finds it sweet.
They love watching movies all cuddled up together in a pile of blankets with Jellie. They comment on the stupid stuff that happens in the movie. They love complaining!
Okay thats all i got rn! I hope your family gets their heads out of their asses and i hope you survive the rest of the holidays!
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