#let’s show more love to our small dicked friends
misfitgirlwrites · 2 days
Lucifer Having A Crush On You/How Would He React?
I'm not biased, I'm not biased, I'm not biased, I'm not biased, I'M NOT--
It's time for my fictional love and life and all I hold dear in my daydreams. Bitches, bros, nonbinary hoes, and genderfluid fucks, I present to you the Big Dick in Charge
I may reference works that I've read and when I do I'll drop their @ and link to their story it is law that you read it if you read mine, I don't make the rules
CW: none, slightly angsty but nothing too intense!
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Alright, doves, this is post-season one. Lucifer now resides in the hotel with everyone and is slowly adjusting to being graced with Alejandro's Alastor's presence every day.
Let's be honest, our baby pays attention but puts in minimal effort. Saying that the days went by in a blur would be an understatement. Even conversations would be forgotten after a few short moments. On to the next task. Full focus on this thing. Once that's done? Well onto the next task! No tasks? Free time to spend with Charlie!
Things would start slow, and to really interact, you'd most likely start to approach him first. Maybe you've spent long enough watching the blond anxiously bounce around the hotel and graciously give himself a bit too much for even the Big Boss of Hell.
A timid approach from you, offering to help with whatever he's currently doing. Maybe you make snacks for everyone in the hotel and hand him his personally :)
And so it begins! A greeting here, a greeting there, slightly awkward conversations that slowly start to feel less forced with the little information you learn about each other along the way.
It's...nice! Refreshing! Lucifer would be more excited than anything and talking to you would become a part of his regular routine without much thought on the matter. You'd occasionally be on his mind just a little more, and he'd start to seek you out himself too.
I know you're already seeking him out. Bitch I'M seeking him out.
Helping with chores around the hotel quickly turns into simply enjoying the other's company.
One day you gift him his very own ceramic duck! You could have paid for it from somewhere or made it yourself.
Either way, he'd fucking LOVE it! Honestly, if you decide to try your hand at making it, he'd love it even more with all the rough edges and little bumps (it was made out of love for my babies who never touched clay in their lives)
In response, please expect many gifts in return. I like to think it's been a while since he's gotten a genuine gift like this
(Bonus headcanon: Charlie will see this and will come to you the next day with a list of things she wants to gift him and you two are unofficially officially the Buy Lucifer Anything Duck-Themed duo)
Lucifer loves how you react when he gifts you your very own rubber duck. Your smile and happiness always seemed contagious to him. It only led to him making/getting you more things.
You will have a rubber duck collection by the end of this, but what can you really say? Each one of them is based on something you mentioned before. A movie character, a book character, a cartoon character, even friends or family members if they were mentioned. The gesture is way too sweet for you to turn down, even if it is the 30th duck you've received.
Now prepare for what I like to call the "get along t-shirt" phase but both parties are willing LMAO.
Lucifer will be by your side as long as you'll accept the company and if you're reading this and we brain the same, that will be all the time.
I love the GenZ!Reader memes and fics. Someone show this man bacon pancakes and if it was already done, SHOW ME.
Between his relationship with Charlie and with you, Lucifer actually feels the need and wants to be a little more present bit by bit. He notices that he is spending less time in his head, but he continues on in fear of fucking it up if he thinks too hard about it.
So instead he'll 100% focus on the little familiarity of happiness, as small as those moments may be sometimes. This is EXACTLY why the thought of him potentially feeling romantic interest again goes right over his head.
Who notices first, you ask? Charlie, of course. You slowly but surely became one of his main topics in conversation, it wasn't hard for her to pick up on it and ask.
Baby boy would straight up deny it at first. Him?? Liking someone else??? LMAO, am I right? Of course, after he does this, he'll have the time to actually pay attention to his actions.
So then he'll notice how excited he is every morning knowing that you'll be the first face he sees. He'll notice how he managed to fit you into any task he had to do. When he'd get lunch for himself and Charlie he'd have the automatic thought of making something for you as well. Even when the day was over, he'd be thinking about spending the next day with you. To be frank, you were constantly on his mind. 
Once he notices it's a big mental "fuck". Nothing about you is wrong of course, it's him, or so he thinks.
Let's start with the elephant in the room, or shall I say the ring on his finger lmao
In Lucifer's mind, he's still married technically. Even thinking about it in a technical term was a new development and it made him feel absolutely horrible. Lilith left, sure, but who knows what happened? Regardless of how he felt, he didn't want to hurt her.
But at the same time what about him? Lucifer hasn't been happy in a long time and he's finally building that again, not just with Charlie, but with you as well. He didn't want to just cut you out, he didn't want to hurt you either.
Plus, did you even like him? How would he even approach you? If he wanted to, even after thinking about everything.
Who was he kidding, of course, he still wanted you!
@liveontelevision *drops to my knees and bows* they worded it extremely well here and if you're reading this but you haven't read this already or you clicked the link then clicked back here, go back and read it. I don't care how long it is. Do the thing then come back.
Welcome back. It was good, wasn't it? I know.
The only awkward period for you two is the week-long contemplation of everything (half him attempting not to do what he always does when stressed but by the time he realizes he already made like 30 ducks--)
He would clearly go out of his way to either try and talk to you or avoid you. Or a cute mixture of both where he makes a scene approaching you, realizes he's not ready yet, then makes a scene so he can disappear *finger guns*
A little crisis here, a few little rubber ducks there, and a looooonnnggg conversation with Charlie and Maggie Vaggie.
Those are the ingredients to a semi-stable Lucifer with enough bravado to talk to you normally again.
He'd apologize for the times he basically pulled a Houdini in your face and he'd explain himself fully, all while also confessing his love for you.
It's choppy, it's fast-paced in some areas, and the poor blond was ready to disappear at any given moment, but that's what made it so real for you.
The weight that's lifted off of him couldn't be described, and neither could the joy that welled in him the moment he saw your beautiful smile and heard nothing but your acceptance and love.
What an emotional roller-coaster, am I right?
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Lucifer Taglist: @alastorssimp @saints-wrapped-in-plastic @heart-of-the-morningstar
Requests are open! If you'd like to be tagged in future Lucifer or Hazbin Hotel content, please let me know! My asks and DMs are open to all!
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violet3006 · 2 days
Accident 2/2
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Dick and Y/n hated each other with passion, but with Jason's death, Dick began to regret so many things, but with Y/n by his side, he realized the only one there for him was Y/n, making him a little obsessed.
Part 1
 Robin [Dick Grayson] X Teammate reader
The step I took that day was small. I was worried about my future and how my teammates would treat me. It wasn’t like I wanted to join; I was forced to join when Wally convinced my father to add me to the team.
And my father, a man who was concerned about me, decided it was a great idea.
Now Wally and I were cousins while he was flash I was just a normal kid—a kid who didn’t have any power. I was taught to fight so that I could be a hero one day. It wasn’t my dream to be a hero, but my father, who has always looked up to his brother, who had power, trained his hardest to be a hero but retired shortly after he got married.
When Wally was born, he spoiled Wally rotten while I was cast to the side. He didn’t mean to do it, but when he found out that Wally also had power, that made him so excited.
But that didn’t mean he never loved me. He just never knows how to show it.
Which led him to think that training me would improve our relationship, but it only made it worse when he saw that I wasn’t as quick as Wally and I was just a normal kid.
Day after day, I would train, but he was never satisfied.
After turning thirteen, Wally joined the young justice team, which made my father so proud that he would brag about it every day.
After two years of Wally joining the justice team, he asked my father to let me in.
My father, who had no hope for me, wasn’t sure, but Wally was able to convince him.
So with his connection to Batman, who was in the same position as him, and seeing how they both learned to fight without power, he was happy to help out a close friend.
And that was how I was forced to be in the group, and the moment I stepped in, I hated it.
I hated everything, and oh, how I hated him.
The moment we met, he came up to me, watching my every movement. While he smirked, he turned to Wally.
“I thought you said she was good." With his arm crossed, he turned back to me.
“But she looks like a disappointment.” 
I knew I wasn’t liked. I knew it was going to be hard, but I didn’t need someone to tell me in front of my face.
His fucking smile and stare while he looked at me, watching me like he knew what he said was true
“I can say the same to you, bitch.” With so little confidence, I spoke up. All the anger I had the moment I stepped in was just flying out.
He seems a little taken aback before his face changes to one of disapproval. “What did you just say, kid?” As he came closer to me, he was an inch away from my face as he stared down at me.
“You heard me, asshole. I don’t see you being a big benefit to the team.” I look up at him while he looks down at me.
“I’m more help than a disappointment like you,” he said as his hand tightened while my face felt so hot that it also made the tears come out, but I wasn’t a crybaby.
“Disappointment isn’t nothing because I’m not getting replaced like you." a twitch in his right eye, and I knew he wanted to punch the shit out of me.
I knew I wasn’t a replacement for him, but I wanted to piss him off so bad that I didn’t care.
We would have fought that day if Batman never came in and gave a whole speech about how teammates are our family and friends, but that day, me and Robin knew that “friend” would never be used for our relationship. That day, we both made up our minds that we were each other's "enemies.”
We fought for a long time while he ran off to be Nightwing. I decided to split from the team, but I still help out when needed.
Dick and I both knew fighting wasn’t going to do anything; it wasn’t going to benefit us, so we kept away from each other.
It would have stayed that way too, but his hatred for me grew when Jason was brought in. He despised Jason, thinking that he was his replacement, while I loved Jason.
Jason, a small young boy who was always smiling, had a big mouth, but he was a sunshine to me. I hated Dick for treating him like trash. I hated him for always blaming Jason. I just hated Dick Grayson so much that I never wanted to stay even close to him.
But with "luck,” they teamed us up and told us to work as a team.
“Why can’t you fucking drop dead dick just seeing your face disgusting me?”
“I can say the same about you!” After saying that, he kicked Y/N off the seat.
Y/N, who was kicked, was already pissed off that she was going to punch Dick back, but he caught her hand before she could reach his face.
“Unlike you, I can’t have my face bruised.”
“Like I care! Let me fucking go." Dick released her hand, turning away from her as he constructed the mission in front of him, while Y/N decided to text Jason, trying to ignore the blue boy.
-What are you doing?
1 minute (seen)
-going to go on a mission soon.
-a mission? Bat is giving you a mission?
-What is it about?
-He didn’t give it to me.
-I'm going to go alone.
-That doesn’t sound good.
-When did anything sound good to you?
-you right
-Ok, then what is the “mission” about?
-I can't say much.
-but I’m going to go look for the joker.
15 minutes (seen)
Dick looked over at Y/N while she looked at him. "What's your ugly ass looking at?” she said. He gave her a glare while she continued texting Jason.
-find him!
-Wish me luck. Y/n
-Jason! That doesn’t sound safe.
-Jason answered me.
-I'll be okay! I know how to handle this. I was trained by Batman.
-and! I was trained by my father, and I’m still getting fucked out there every day.
-that you
-I'm not you😒
-It will be okay! You know what I text you when I’m done.
-I'll be alright.
-See you in 2 hours after I beat up Joker.
-But if you don’t text in 2 hours, I’m setting up a funeral for you.
-yeah yeah
Last seen: 2 hours ago.
"Dick, you don’t understand that the plan is not going to work if you do that." After 2 hours, Y/N was now arguing with Dick about the plan he came up with.
"Well, I don’t see you planning shit,” he says, pushing her out of the way as he types in the code.
“Dick listen! You're going to get us fucking killed." y/n grab Dick's hand, trying to stop him from doing something stupid, but Dick just slaps her hand as he continues his work. Y/N, dissatisfied by this, decided to leave him alone.
“Why do you hate me so much, huh?”
A little startled by the question, Dick stopped what he was doing and actually thought about it.
Why did he hate her so much? He knew he was the reason they weren’t friends, and he also knew he was rude as fuck to her when they first met.
But he never wanted to admit it was his fault. The moment he saw Y/N that day, something in him just bloomed, something he didn’t like, and it was all her fault, but why?
Why did he blame her? Was it because he never felt that way before and he felt like she bewitched him?
“Fuck damn, you can just say you didn’t like me at all and let it go; you didn’t need to think so hard about it.”
"Shush, I’m still thinking.”
Dick, now deep in thought, put his hand away from the keyboard.
At least that stopped him. Y/n thought
“A little too long; it's not that serious." Y/N checked her phone, and her eyes landed on the text with Jason.
It's been 2 hours, and this kid still didn’t text or call her back. She was a little concerned but didn’t think too much of it.
Dick, who was deep in thought, was getting more confused about the “hate” he felt for Y/N; he didn’t even notice the small sound from his pocket.
Hearing her voice, he looked up at her. She looked down at him while pointing to his pocket.
Noticing what she meant, he picked up the call; it was a call from Bruce, which is weird because he doesn’t keep in contact with him.
On the other side, Dick could hear a husky voice. Picking up the phone, he listens to the voice.
“Dick…J-Jason he-”
A few minutes passed, but it felt like an hour.
Dick's heart stops. He sat there for awhile while he tried to process what Bruce just said.
Dick looked up at Y/N while she stared back at him with a nervous face the moment he started talking with a shaking voice.
Y/N was just too tired to listen to everything he said, but she couldn’t take in every word as she felt tears coming down.
Y/N and Dick look at each other, not knowing what to do.
Dick stood up with shaking legs as he hugged her.
While she was still processing, he tried to promise her that Jason would be fine and everything would be okay, but he himself couldn’t handle it. He felt like his words were empty promises. He felt like this was his fault. As regret came flooding in, he couldn’t help but cry as he remembered all the hateful words he had told the young boy.
That day, both Y/N and Dick, who swore that they were enemies, weren’t sure how to feel at the moment, but they knew they just needed support as they hugged each other silently, crying.
A year passed, and Jason's death was confirmed.
Dick fell into depression after recalling so many memories of Jason. This made him stay at his apartment all day while he stayed in bed, crying himself to sleep. Each night, he would hallucinate that Jason was there, asking him what he had done wrong.
Dick would jump up, trying to hug Jason, trying to apologize, telling him he didn't do anything wrong, that he was a good kid, and that he himself was in the wrong, not the young boy, but every time he tried, there was nothing; it was just him and no one else.
A tiny knock came by.
A small sound that Dick would have ignored if it wasn’t for the voice
“Dick it me, Y/N. I know you don’t want to hear or see me right now, but I’m here to check up on you.” She slowly knocked again, waiting for a reply. After a few minutes of no reply, she was going to knock again, but before she could, the door opened, and there stood Dick.
The confident dick who always picked a fight with her was standing in front of her, looking like a dead man who just came out of the grave.
“Y-y/n…” After months of staying in his apartment, he was happy to hear another voice—a voice that was actually real.
The person he hates so much, the one he considers his enemies, the moment they met, but right now her annoying voice sounds so different.
Maybe he always finds her voice angelic but has hidden it to ignore his growing feelings for her, but right now, as he stares at her, he just wants to break down. He wants her to comfort him.
He lost a lot of weight; she can see the bone when he reaches out to her, begging her to come in and comfort him. Before she knew it, she was pulled in.
In the tiny apartment, the window was open as cold air flowed through the moonlight shine upon them.
As he cuddled her in the bed of his apartment, she patted his head, but, becoming a bit bored, she started playing with his hair.
“Dick, you know Jason will never blame you." She whispered, her hand still playing with his hair. She wasn’t sure what she was supposed to be doing.
“But I treated her so badly. Y/n… I hated him so much that I always told him he was my replacement." Y/N felt his tears as he came closer to her, hiding his face in her neck.
“I know, but we are talking about Jason here, the young boy who was always looking up to you; he loved you, Dick,” she patted him.
“I know you regret a lot, but right now we need to be strong for him. You don’t want him to see you like this; he will blame himself.”
After some talk later, Dick, who couldn’t sleep all month, was finally sleeping. He hugged Y/N, begging her to stay, and he was finally able to sleep. When he was about to close his eyes, he thought of Y/N's first meeting and the “hate” he felt for her. After realizing that, he closed his eyes in peace while Y/N thought about all the memories they shared.
She hated him, but when Bruce mentioned what he was doing to himself, she couldn’t leave him alone. She wasn’t sure how he would react to seeing her, but now she's kind of happy.
He was so quiet as he cuddled the shit out of her. She wanted him to let go, but she didn’t want him to let go at the same time they both cuddled that night, holding each other.
Dick completely changed after that, and everyone who was around him could see it.
That night, Dick realized his feelings for Y/N were actually a crush, but unlike his young side, he wasn’t going to hide his feelings for her; he wanted to show the world his feelings for her.
Now it “where y/n” or “would y/n like this." He couldn’t go one second without Y/N always searching for her. Every time he found her, he would hug her, using the excuse that they were friends, so they should always support each other.
He would always try to find her, and she couldn’t even use the bathroom without him panicking. One time, he cried when Y/N told him that he was being annoying. Y/N felt so bad when he told her he just wanted a friend because he felt bad for everything he had done in the past. That day, he didn’t let her go anywhere as she tried to comfort him.
Y/N wasn’t sure how to feel about this new Dick; she kind of missed all the fighting they would do, but now he treated her like she was a doll that would break any second.
Lately, Y/N wanted to settle down. She wanted to get married and leave her whole life. She attended all the blind dates, but when she finally found someone she liked, they would reject her because she already had a "boyfriend,” they said after leaving her.
Confused, she knew that it was Dick, but when she confronted him, he would guilt-trap her. “I didn’t know; I just wanted to find the right one for you, and he had a bad background. I was just trying to help," and then she would forgive him after he kept reasoning about why he did it.
After some years of finding nobody, Dick suggested that she should settle down with him because he could actually take care of her while supporting her in everything.
“I mean, not every day you get Wayne as your boyfriend,” he smirked at her.
She laughed at it but thought about it. She did like Dick, but she wasn’t sure if he was her one. “That might not be a bad idea,” she whispered, but Dick still heard.
“Yeah! So what is your decision?” He scooted closer to her.
"Ok, let's give it a go,” she said, turning to him and holding out her hand.
“So does that mean we are dating now?” he asked, holding her hand.
“Yes, it seems so.” She felt a squeeze before she was pulled closer to him.
“Then can I kiss you?” Right now, they were inches away from each other.
But with a nod from Y/N
Dick attacked her lips. He kissed her like he was starving, like she was the air he needed. She pushed him away, trying to gather some air before she was attacked again. He licked her bottom lips, then bit them, trying to tell himself that this was her. This was the girl he always wanted. She was the one he needed.
“I finally have you." With a deep breath, he kissed her again, holding her hand tighter. “I can’t let you go, for now; you are mine. If you try to leave, I will not be hesitant to break your pretty legs.”
She felt chills down her back as he continued to go further down to kiss her neck. She wasn’t sure if it was a good idea, but right now she just wanted comfort.
"Wally, do Y/n like sliver or gold?” Dick was picking out a ring for Y/N for their two-month anniversary.
“Isn’t it too early in y'all's relationship for that?” Wally, who was being dragged by Dick, was barely awake.
“I drag you here to help me not to question me." Looking to the side, he saw a perfect diamond ring. It looked more like an engagement ring, but he knew that Y/N would be overwhelmed by it. But wouldn’t it be amazing? The ring would be a sign that she was his, a sign that she loved him, and nobody could have her but him.
But no, Y/N loves him, and he doesn’t need a ring to tell him that he only needs her; just her dating him will satisfy him.
"Dick, buddy, are you good?” Wally pushed Dick a bit, trying to get his attention.
Dick, who was still in his thoughts, started questioning if she really did like him.
“Y/N love me right,” they stood there staring at the ring as Wally struggled to answer him.
“She didn’t say yes just because she just needed somebody to love her, right?" Dick has a habit of questioning Y/n love for him, and anybody could see it.
Y/N accepted his confession, but it seems she didn’t really answer him fully as he questioned her love. Anyone watching them could see that Y/N loved Dick, but Dick, who is always anxious about her love, can’t seem to see it.
"Dude, you are the only one who can’t see that she loves you." Wally wasn't sure how to cheer Dick up, but at the same time, he wasn’t sure if Dick would even listen.
“I mean, you are the oldest soon of Wayne. You are handsome, hot, and understanding. She would brag that her boyfriend is one of a kind, and she would never leave him even if he asked her to." Wally nodded at himself proudly, stating the obvious, and Dick, who was down just a minute ago, was now a smiling freak. 
He was smiling so much that his jaw hurt, but hearing what Wally said made him question if Y/N actually thought of him that way. 
Of course Y/N didn’t say that, but Wally just needed an excuse so that Dick wouldn’t be down all day. He was trying to help a buddy out. 
"Ok, Wally, let me pick a ring so I can return to Y/n” Dick picked a bright blue ring shape like a diamond. He picked a bright one so that people could see the ring, that will soon be placed on Y/N.
After buying the ring, he said goodbye to Wally and raced to the apartment that he bought for Y/N. When she decided to leave home, he offered her the apartment. She rejected his offer at first, but with some begging, she agreed. 
The apartment was a place for them; it was like a nest. Dick would think of it as a nest where his future wife was waiting for him as he hugged her from behind and thought of their future together. 
He wanted everyone to know that she was his and that he was her.
Stepping into their apartment, Dick started searching for her. He still can’t believe the girl he once thought he hated was his only true love. What was the young him thinking? She was a beauty. She was an angel who was made just for him and only him.
The moment she accepted, he swears he will never let her go, even if she begs for it. Right now and forever, she will be his. 
Finally finding her, he hugs her from behind, recalls all the memories of their past, and shows her the ring while kissing her. She smiles as they both sit there. Talking about their future and confessing their love again 
After all that time, he now understands what that man meant; he knows why he fell first, and now he understands who he truly loves.
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mingwrites · 1 month
how big are ateez
yunho ~ 19cm / 7.5in + THICK
mingi ~ 16.5cm / 6.5in + pretty
yeosang ~ 15.5cm / 6in + huge balls
jongho ~ 15cm / 6in + veiny
seonghwa ~ 13cm / 5in + the prettiest
sannie ~ 13cm / 5in + big balls
hongjoong ~ 10cm / 4in + curved
wooyoung ~ 9cm / 3.5in + it’s just small :)
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obscure-imagines · 9 months
what you really want - Mihawk
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👹 staring. Dracule Mihawk x afab!Reader
⚔️ preview. Some days you wish he’d settle down, wish he’d just choose an island and stay with you forever, but you know his first love will always be the sea. He’s a pirate, through and through, and you suppose you can’t blame him for that.
tw/cw. unprotected sex, quickie, multiple reader orgasms, big dick Mihawk, begging, dirty talk, breeding kink, fullness kink, slight cum kink, choking, manhandling, roughhousing, using a table hanging from the ceiling as a sex swing, instructed masturbation?, deep penetration, overstimulation crying, hair pulling, etc… I pet names: (hers) darling, good girl. (his) Captain.
🔞 rating. 18+ explicit I SMUT I wc. 3.2k
⚔️ aus. One Piece Live Action, established relationship, pwp, etc…
🎈 mlist + an. It's the way I haven't been active on this blog in 3 years and then this stupid pirate show comes out and now I'm sinning again- I honestly couldn't help myself with this one
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You’re in the kitchen rolling out dough when you feel a body press against your back. There’s only one person with the balls to touch you like this. As a girlfriend to one of the seven warlords of the sea, and the greatest swordsman in the entire world, everyone knows your body is off-limits to anyone but Mihawk.
“When did you get in?” you ask, pressing your ass back against him, enjoying the feeling of his breath on your throat.
“Just now.” His hands trace the curves of your hips, and you have to fight the groan that threatens to slip out of your mouth at his touch.
“Did anyone see you?” It’s definitely interesting being a member of the Strawhats while being involved with Mihawk. He’ll show up out of the blue, completely unannounced, and it’s clear to everyone what he’s here for.
You often feel very sinful any time he leaves, when you exit your cabin or the bathroom or wherever he just fucked your brains out, only to find the crew watching you with unreadable expressions.
“Your cook-”
“Sanji,” you interject, doing your best to teach Mihawk the names of your friends in the hopes that he’ll be more sociable with them.
“Sanji,” your boyfriend repeats with a sigh. “I bumped into him on the deck, he said the kitchen is all ours.”
“This should be fun.” You grin, releasing the dough and wiping your flour covered hands on your apron. “I’m guessing you didn’t show up to talk.”
“Definitely not.”
“So the question is…” you grind your ass back against him, “is that a sword in your pants, or are you just happy to see me, Captain?” 
He lets out a small laugh, digging his fingers into your hips to pull you flush to his chest. Mihawk is always amused when you refer to him as Captain. It’s always in a sexual capacity, and even though he’s a crewless pirate, the title feels fitting. On top of everything else, the ‘sword in your pants line’ is somewhat comical, as his sword, Yoru, is absolutely unmistakable when pressed against your body. 
“I guess I’m just happy to see you,” Mihawk sighs. He’s not the best with praise or dirty talk, preferring a more silent approach, but it’s always rewarding to work admissions of interest out of him. 
“So why are we still talking?” you ask.
It’s as easy as anything for him to turn you in his embrace, one hand reaching up to pinch your chin as he presses his lips to yours. Your arms wrap around the back of his neck, and you press your chests together, enjoying the feeling of your breasts against his muscles. 
The kiss is almost gentle at first, but it quickly becomes heated, with his tongue dipping into your mouth. You sigh at the feeling. You’ve missed Mihawk. Some days you wish he’d settle down, wish he’d just choose an island and stay with you forever, but you know his first love will always be the sea. He’s a pirate, through and through, and you suppose you can’t blame him for that.
His hands slip down your body, squeezing your breasts, toying with your nipples through the thin fabric of your shirt. He pulls away from your mouth, staring down at you with Hawk eyes full of lust. “Turn around, and bend over the table, darling.”
You swallow thickly at the command, grabbing his jaw and pressing one final kiss to his lips before following through. The solid cooking table has more than enough space for you to flatten your chest against it without having to worry about messing up the dough or getting flour on your shirt. In fact, it’s probably one of the sturdiest locations for Mihawk to fuck you from behind. 
A soft sigh escapes you as his hand trails down your body, then he’s roughly gripping your trousers, tearing them down until they pool at your feet. He’s discarded your panties as well, and your skin tingles at the cool air that brushes over your hot, exposed core.
You hear Mihawk dealing with his own pants, and you wiggle your ass as an invitation, impatience getting the best of you. It’s been over a week since you’ve seen your boyfriend, over a week since anyone has touched you, or kissed you, or filled you up to the brim until you were crying-
“I missed you,” you tell him, relaxing your cheek against the wood of the table as he rubs his cock through your pussy lips, coating himself in the wetness already beginning to drip out of you.
Mihawk doesn’t return your sentiment, he only lets out a small grunt, grabbing your hip roughly as he begins to push into your core.
There’d been hardly any foreplay, so the stretch of his thick cock against your inner walls has you crying out and grabbing the edge of the table. You kind of like the pain though- being with a warlord of the sea is just like that sometimes. It’s quickies, and roughhousing, gasping into each others mouths and stripping naked the moment you get each other alone.
Your boyfriend can be kind though. He doesn’t push all the way into you, doesnt sink balls deep- he thrusts shallowly, and you can feel his gaze fixed on your tight pussy as you swallow more of him up, inch by inch-
“Fuck,” you groan, clawing at the wood. 
“Good, darling?”
“So good,” you whimper, feeling your toes curl when he’s finally pushed all the way inside of you, the tip of his cock just kissing your cervix. “Oh my god, you better fuck me stupid-”
“I intend to,” he promises, grabbing your waist with both hands to keep you presses to the table. His first thrust is rough, making you cry out and wiggle in his grasp. Your hips are pushed uncomfortably against the edge of the table, and as Mihawk finds a fast pace, each rut of his hips sends you forward.
It’s not very painful, although, you might bruise tomorrow. Part of you almost wishes you do. You love reminders of him, marks that make you think of him balls deep in your aching core-
“Captain-” you whimper, panting against the wooden surface of the table as he fucks you harder and harder, making you almost dizzy. 
“Let me hear you,” he instructs.
His hand finds the back of your neck only for his fingers to slip around the front of your throat and pull- he makes you arch your back, body contorted for him. The sensation makes you gasp, deep groans escaping you. Each smack of his hips against your ass has whimpers leaving your lips. Your eyes are closed, mind entirely focused on the feeling of his perfect cock filling you up and destroying you for any other man.
“Mi-Mihawk,” you stutter, lower lip warbling with effort, your body nearly overwhelmed already.
“Touch yourself. I want you to cum.”
You swallow thickly while he pulls you up from the table, tightening his grip on your throat and  giving you the space to slip your hand down to your pussy while he fucks you in a half standing position. You can feel his breath against the nape of your neck, can hear him panting-
Even small sounds are such a turn on for you. You can’t see his face right now, but it’s sexy to know that he might be as effected as you are by all of this. 
Your fingers brush by your clit and you cry out at the sensation, clenching your eyes shut while your pussy throbs around his cock. “Oh my god-”
“That’s it, darling. You’re close.”
You can only nod, applying more pressure to the sensitive bud while he continues fucking you stupid. His grip on your throat doesn’t help the situation- it makes you lightheaded in the best possible way, your stomach muscles tensing as your orgasm builds in the pit of your stomach.
“I’d like to hear you beg for this first one.”
You moan loudly, the throbbing intensifying between your legs. “Please, Captain, please-”
“You can do better than that,” he scoffs, lips finding the side of your throat before his teeth bite at your shoulder.
“I’m so close, please make me cum- only you can make me cum this way, oh my god, your cock- it’s so deep- it’s so good-” 
You feel a tear slip down your cheek, and your core clenches unbelievably tight around him- you’re on the edge, but you can’t cum without permission. Mihawk has trained you well, and by the satisfied sound he lets out, you think he knows it.
“Good girl,” he praises, and it goes straight to your pussy, making your legs quake with effort- “Cum.”
It’s the one word you need to fall over the edge, and as your pussy practically explodes with pleasure, you find yourself being pushed down to the table again. Mihawk’s hand leaves your throat, fingers digging into your hips as he fucks you through your orgasm. 
You can feel your juices dripping our around his cock, making a mess of your thighs- all you can do is claw at the wooden surface and take what he gives you, cries of ecstasy leaving you uncensored. 
He fucks you until you’re shaking, fucks you until your core stops throbbing around his thick length, then he pushes into you completely, holding you flush to his front. “Take a breather, darling,” Mihawk tells you, “I’m sure your Captain wouldn’t be pleased if I leave you completely broken.”
You can’t believe he’s bringing up  Luffy at a time like this- can’t believe he sounds so nonchalant, as if your pussy didn’t just try to milk him for everything he’s worth. Mihawk is just like this, you suppose. He’s always controlled, and it’s one of the sexiest things about him.
“You’re my Captain,” you whisper, heart still thundering in your rib cage. “You can leave me however you want.”
His hand caresses your ass, squeezing the flesh and making you twitch around him. 
“Turn around, I want to see your face.” He pulls out of your pussy and you moan at the loss. Your legs are shaky, you can hardly stand as you move to face him, leaning back against the table. 
Mihawk is too handsome for his own good. His facial hair is immaculate, and his eyes are bewitching. 
He cups your cheek and you lean against his hand, enjoying the soft moment of reprieve before the next round that you know is coming. 
“Beautiful,” he tells you, leaning in to kiss you gently. 
You reach for his hat, taking it off his head to place on yours, and it makes his lips stop. He pulls away and looks down at you darkly. You can only grin up at him. “Am I still beautiful?” you prompt.
“Always,” Mihawk responds easily, reaching own to cup your ass and lift you off the ground, prompting you to wrap your legs around his strong hips, trousers now discarded on the ground.
Your lips find each other, and you kiss him deeply while he carries you through the kitchen. When you’re set down, you find yourself on top of a wooden table platform hanging from the ceiling on four chains- you’ve never realized before that this is practically a sex swing.
This wooden platform that Zoro laid on while recovering from wounds your boyfriend gave him, is now going to be the very tool used to fuck you absolutely stupid. You’ll never be able to look at it the same way again, and you don’t want to. 
Mihawk pulls away from your lips, and you watch him take off his jacket. He places the duster and his beloved sword on the cooking table just behind you, taking the hat off your head to discard it with the rest of his clothes. You take the opportunity to remove your shirt, leaving you completely bare for your boyfriend, whose gaze takes in every inch of your body now that you’re exposed.
“I missed you too,” he says softly, reaching up a hand to grab at your breast, teasing your nipple between two fingers. 
You arch your back, legs quivering around his hips from the stimulus as well as his words. “Then fuck me,” you tell him. “Fuck me full of your cum until I’m dripping. Fuck me so deep that I’ll have a part of you with me even after you leave- I want to feel you inside for a week.”
Mihawk gives you baby fever like no other man you’ve ever met, and staring at him now- knowing he’ll leave you soon after this, it makes you even more desparate. You love him more than you’ll ever be able to say- but maybe if you gave him a baby, you’d be able to show him that he’s the only man that will ever have your heart. 
You watch his adam’s apple bob with effort, his hands slipping down to your thighs. He massages your skin, pulling you forward, his aching cock teasing between your pussy lips-
“You’ve always had such a dirty mouth, darling,” he tuts.
“You love it,” you insist, leaning back down against the wooden platform. “You love how dirty you make me. Love it when I’m begging for you.”
The tip of his cock pushes into your core and you both let out sounds of pleasure. You’re so wet, it’s the easiest thing for him to sink into you, and the swinging platform allows him to pull you close, only to push you away a little, using the hanging table to his advantage. 
With one hand, he can control the table, and with the other, his thumb can find your clit. 
Your legs shake around his hips, the sensitive bud is still trying to recover from your first orgasm, and the stimulation isn’t helping. 
“Mihawk,” you moan, already feeling desperate again. 
“You’re pretty like this, darling,” he tells you. “If you start to beg, I might just give you what you want.”
He’s not applying enough pressure to your clit to make you cum and you both know it. He’s just teasing you, gently rocking you onto his cock while your toes curl and your body nearly shakes. He’s such a fuck, but you love him so much.
“Please, you know what I want,” you whimper. “It’s the same thing I always want.”
“Go on.”
“I want you to fuck me rough. Want you to feel good. Want you to cum deep inside.”
“There’s more too it though. Don’t deny it, darling. I know what you want. What you really want.”
You blink at him in confusion, and he begins to rock into you harder, faster. His thumb applies more pressure to your clit, working it in tight circles that have your pussy clenching tightly around his cock.
“You want me to fuck a baby into you, don’t you?” he asks, although, the question definitely feels rhetorical. “You want me to give you the one thing I’ve never given anyone. You want me to make you mine, completely. To do the one thing that would show everyone who you really belong to.” 
“Mihawk-” you whimper, body tingling with overwhelm from his words alone.
“This is why you’re always begging for my cum like a whore in heat, why you always want me to cum inside since the first time we fucked.” Mihawk lets out a small chuckle, grinning. “Bet you thought I had no idea, but trust me darling, I know your games.”
“They’re not games,” you try to insist, but your words are broken and whimpered as he fucks you more intensely, the wooden platform swinging almost aggressively now with each rough thrusts. 
“Tell me what you really want.”
You gasp as he pinches your clit between two fingers, your body contorting against the tabletop. Your eyes clench shut and you feel your skin heating with your impending orgasms. “I want you to give me babies!” you admit, feeling a wave of relief to finally say what’s been on your mind for months. “I want to swell with your cum and have your children- I want to be with you forever-” 
Mihawk lets out a sound that’s nearly animalistic, and then he’s hauling you off your back, leaning over your body and forcing his lips against yours while your hands grab at his shoulders. 
It’s the most intense kiss you’ve ever shared with him, all tongues and growls- 
Your pussy throbs around him, and you eat up his sounds, trailing your fingers through his beautiful dark hair and pulling gently-
Mihawk lets out another groan, fingers unrelenting on your clit. 
“Please cum for me,” you mumble desperately, the cord in the pit of your stomach pulled achingly tight. “Please, Mihawk, I need it- I’m so close-”
He pulls his lips away from yours, your foreheads touching while he stares deep into your soul. You can feel tears of pleasure already building against your lashline, and the way he’s panting has your stomach twisting into even tighter knots-
Then he’s smashing his lips against yours again, fingers digging into your hip as he pulls you flush to his front, cock burried as deep as it can possibly go inside of you. 
You can feel him cumming, and it triggers your own orgasm, which jitters through you like electric ecstasy, making your hair stand on end and your skin tingle. You’re gasping against his lips, enjoying his moans and returning them with sounds of your own.
Your arms are wrapped tightly around him while your pussy milks him for all he’s worth, your tits pressed against his strong chest. His hand moves from between your bodies to flatten against the small of your back, embracing you tightly.
You’ve never felt closer to him in your entire life.
There’s never been a moment like this one. 
You can taste the love he has for you on his tongue as it invades your mouth, tracing your lips and teeth-
Even though he’s still inside of you, hips flush to your own, it’s one of the longest orgasms you’ve ever had. There’s nothing like this type of closeness, nothing like being stretched to nearly your breaking point while he fills you completely with his cum, cock so deep you can feel him painting your cervix. 
It feels almost like a promise. As if he’s as dedicated to knocking you up as you are. He’s not said it explicitly, but you get the sense that he wouldn’t mind starting a family with you. In fact, he might even enjoy it.
You can imagine him teaching your child to use a sword, can imagine a three year old running around with the tiny little dagger Mihawk wears around his neck-
“I love you,” you whisper, tightening your grip on the warlord.
He lets out a groan. “I love you too.”
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☀️ mlist + an. thank you for reading! I'm honestly considering doing more One Piece stuff on this blog, but I guess we'll see. My main account right now is kpop blog, which you can find here or @smileysuh
🍭 support me by. sending a tip here or here
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© obscure-imagines — all rights reserved. reposting/modifying of any fic, reaction, or piece of original writing posted on this blog is not allowed. Translations not allowed.
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hearts4chriss · 4 months
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bad boy! Chris x nerd! Poc reader
prompt: Chris notices you, just a regular girl, pretty nerd, focused on her studies and nothing else, Chris has this attraction to you, his goal is to get ur attention and absolutely destroy you and ur innocence all together, a school project just might be his trick
inspired by: @luv4kozume my mama and talented queen go read her shit now
Part 7
warnings: reader is on BC!! overstimulation, rough sex ( p in v ), degrading, hair pulling, use of pet names ( good girl, sweetheart, baby ), ass slapping, teasing, manipulation ??, aftercare tho!!
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“Fucking hell” I say to myself, I had a project with the nerd. Now ur probably like “Chris she’s just a nerd come on” She’s not ur regular nerd, she’s just innocent as shit, never had sex, never received head or pleasure from anyone focussed on her studies but I’ve heard her talk to her friends, she’s got a dirty mouth one i'd love to put to good use.
the second we got assigned partners for a chemistry project a smirk curved across my lips. I see her turn back to me and give me an innocent welcoming smile. fuck that was enough to make cum in my pants. the way her clear glasses sit on her cute little nose, her plump lips with a layer of gloss on them. and damn that uniform on her.
the way her skirt rides up when she sits down allowing me to get a good look at her ass, I see her light purple panties from here just a bit. Nobody else was looking at her, more focused on the basic ass bitches whose asses were purposely exposed. whores.
Fuck I couldn't take my eyes off her, the way she pulled her skirt down in the back, she could bare the fact the school's skirts were so short her ass was poking out. Her stockings climb up her thighs and her dress shoes dangle off her feet, the blazer fits perfectly around her skirt, and the white button-up shirt school rules top two buttons for all girls must be undone, Fuck- her tits sat so perfectly in it,
And then shit don't get me started on the tie. I've always pictured me putting mine around her pulling it as I fucked her. She was so damn innocent, the way she'd look back every now and then to see me because we were partners and give me that same smile innocent smile, as I was thinking about ruining her pussy. The only thing stopping me was the fact we were in class, but shit- I swear when I have her alone I was gonna fuck her so good, ruin her innocence entirely.
Eventually class was over and so was school, which meant It was about to just us.
Your Pov now
I got up from my seat and made my way out of class to wait for chris, I readjust my glasses and apply some more lip gloss.
The boy walks out and I give him a small smile and he gives me a smirk looking down at me and biting his lip, I just shrug it off and he opens his car door for me and we start driving back to his house
"Are you excited about our project Chris?" I asked him softly trying to kill the silence
Fuck her voice, it was so soft and sweet. just imaging her moaning was even better, I let out a soft groan feeling my dick press against my pants before I respond to her.
“Oh yeah for sure I cant wait.” to fuck ur brains out till you can't take it anymore.
We arrived at his house and we walked inside and his parents weren't home so he offered to work in his room and I nodded and we walked. upstairs into it and sat on his bed.
I smiled and took my computer out and laid on my stomach and began to start a slide show.
Fuck- does she know what she's doing? I felt my dick get even harder a small wet spot appearing on my pants.
I sat and watched this hot nerd on my bed and realized.
We were not gonna get anything done tonight.
I began to un do my belt and slip my pants and boxers down, I tossed my blazer on the floor and my shirt and tie approaching her.
I slowly lifted up her skirt and pull her light purple panties down staring at her bare ass, she had no idea. Fuck the surprise she was in for.
I press my dick against her sliding into her as she let out a moan fuck she was so tight.
“Chris- wh- o-oh god”- she moaned, it rang in my ears.
“is this okay?” I asked, I wanted to make sure she was okay with what I was about to do to her.
“mmph- y-yes- she stutters” I could hear her struggling it was pretty cute.
I took her skirt off and blazer allowing me to grip her hips and thrust in her quickly, her moans growing louder as I moved her computer to my nightstand.
“Ur pussy's so tight baby fuck-“ I groan as her wetness coated my dick allowing me to start pounding into her, her moans got louder as she moans my name and fuck did it turn me.
“Fuck c'mere-“I say impatiently arching her back and pushing her face into the pillow before pounding into her again.
“C-chris o-oh god-“ she cries out gripping my sheets as I saw her glasses fogging up from her heavy breathing, I knew this was probably a lot for her but I was dying to fuck her.
My hips snapping with hers sounded euphoric as she cried out my name, I did what she least expected.
I pulled her hair and thrusted into her harshly my hips snapped harshly on her ass and she squealed at the sudden roughness.
“Oh God- I-chris-“ She cries out and I decide to opt for slower and deep thrusts knocking the wind out of her lunges.
“Not so innocent now are you sweetheart.” I said with a smirk getting impatient at the pace so I shoved her face into the pillow starting to pound in her again the moans and heavy breathing of this innocent girl grew louder again.
“Shit shit shit-“ curses leave her mouth and I chuckle darkly
“hm, you've got a dirty mouth, don't you?” I whisper into her ear and she moans in response, she sounds so beautiful like this.
she fits so snug around me. I felt her squeeze tightly around my dick and I groan in response at how quickly I was about to make her cum and me as well as I twitch inside her.
“You on the pill baby?” I asked her and she nodded and I pull her hair roughly
“Use ur words princess.” I say still pounding into her.
“I-I-am- f-fuck-“ she stutters out and moans my lips curling into a playful smile.
“Good girl, you can cum now.l I say as I harshly snap my hips feeling her cum on my cock and I release inside of her.
I pulled out watching our cum drip out of her pussy thats when I realized, I was nowhere near finished with her.
“On ur stomach for me?” i asked her and she immediately complied.
I unbottoned her shirt leaving her tie on seeing her fully naked wearing just a tie makes my dick perk up again.
I slap my tip on her folds and she whimpered.
I spread her legs pushing them against her chest and slip inside her easily and she cries out at me pounding into her with force rocking her small body on the bed.
watched her stomach seeing my bulge and I chuckled seeing her eyes squeeze shut and her glasses start slipping from her face.
“Ugh F-fuck- my glasses-“ she cries out as they started falling off onto her body from how hard I was fucking her.
“fuck- push em up for me yeah?” I sighed deeply and she reached a shaken hand pushing the frames back on her face.
She looks so hot like this, all fucked out on my bed for me and she has no idea this was only the beginning
“C-Chris ngh- I-c-can’t-“ she stutters as I watch the tears form in her eyes from the overwhelming pleasure I was giving her, the way her tits were pressed up against her body as I held her legs up easily slipping in and out of her wet pussy.
“come on baby, your taking me so well- shit-“ I grunted angling my hips to come in contact with hers more quickly and harshly and hearing her whimpers was so fucking hot.
I attach my thumb to her clit rubbing it in circles and she squealed at the sudden contact from her sensitivity.
“Shit Chris- I-t-the project!” She screams out my name and I smirk at her innocence, I had never thought about the damn project.
“oh princess you really think that’s what I care about?” I say snapping my hips with hers once more pounding her pretty pussy and she curses my name.
“I’ve only been thinking about fucking that pretty ass of yours for days, shit you and that skirt-“ I chuckle drawing figure 8s on her swollen clit and her thighs tremble in my hands.
“Fuck- mphm oh g-god-“ she cries out, her body trembling in my hands her body covered in a thin layer of sweat, her cute classes now discarded.
“Hm? What was that sweetheart?” I smirk pulling her tie making her gulp and her eyes widen as I pull it and thrust into her roughly, the sounds of my hips and her thighs slapping fuck- I could’ve cum right there.
“CHRIS- p-please-“ she stutters gripping the sheets and my finger tips needing her plush thighs as she begs for an orgasm.
“You need to cum?” I say leaning over in her ear.
“Y-yes god-“ she whimpers arching her back.
I decided I would let her cum under one condition.
“princess I’m the only one who’s aloud to fuck you from now on got it?” I say placing my tongue around her nipple sucking softly and she groans.
“Y-yes I-i got it-“ she cries out and I rocked her body harder rubbing her clit and she tightens around me before beginning to squirt, she didn’t stop.
“Fuck you just squirted all over me-“ I chuckle slowing my thrusts.
“Mmph- I’m sorry- I-“ she stutters and I shake my head and chuckle.
“It’s okay honey I’ll take care of you”. I smile and pull out of her smirking seeing proudly at the mess I made of this girl, her thighs shake a bit, our cum dripping out of her and the wet patch on my sheets from her squirting just now. Her face a little teary and fuck she looked so hot all fucked out for me.
I picked up her body and ran her a bath and sat her on the counter for a second
“Spread ur legs for me mama.” I ask her calmly and she does so and I take a warm cloth and rub slowly between her legs and she winces.
“S-sensitive”- she whimpers and I stop and place her in the warm water
“Sorry.” I smile putting her braids in a bun and she sighs in the water.
“thank you for taking care me-“ she sighs smiling at me innocently.
the rest of the night consists of me making sure she was okay
Oh and the project? She, yes ms nerdy herself, asked for an extension
tag list !
@mattsleftnipple03 @bernardsleftbootycheek @sturniolopowers @gdsvhtwa @rac00ns-are-c00l4 @alexoslurr @worldlxvlys @chrisslut25 @princessbetsy123-blog @mattslolita @guccifrog @blahbel668 @mattsneezing @trickywritters @hearts4chris
@nonamegirlxsturniolo @luvmxtt @theyluv-meee @mattsnymphette @hoesformatt @luv4kozume @iiheartstef @kikisturnioloo @itzdarling @pepsiimaxx @babyddolly @junnniiieee07 @st7rnioioss
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mochinomnoms · 5 months
I love all your stuff, it fuels my Octatrio brain rot!
After reading your post on the Azul explaining that marriage contract post, I couldn't help but think of how the tweels would react to seeing people tease yuu about their "engagement" (I'm sure octavinelle students complained to their friends I the other dorm about the very loud mating happening) and some who don't believe it and are stupid enough to flirt with/bully Yuu.
Like Ace would tease them and say "should we call you Mx. Leech from now on?~" while Deuce is "WHAT ARE YOU THINKING?! BLINK TWICE IF THIS IS AGAINST YOUR WILL" and Grim wondering how they can use this to get more tuna
Meanwhile an idiot from Savannahclaw or Diasmonia approaches you and says something like "So your whoring yourself out to non-humans? When's my turn with the magicless bi-" then his body is found at the bottom of a lake somewhere the next day.
Thank you for being a place for us octasimps to gather and spill our thoughts!
(yessss octasimps take residence with meeeee~)
Oh, word gets around soooo quick, no matter how much the twins scare the dorm, Octavinelle students like to gossip. Besides, it's not like the tweels care, they want everyone to know that you're taken! Must be a merfolk thing, because you're trying to hide from the embarrassment of being known as the one who fucked not one, but both Leech twins.
You spend the entire first period ignoring Ace's jests and prodding, while Deuce continuously checked in. He wasn't convinced that you weren't swindled into a contract, please help calm him down, he looks like he's going to cry. Grim is actually disgusted, until he receives a platter of fancy tuna at lunch from an “anonymous” benefactor. Now he's down for anything as long as Jade and Floyd provide him with the most decedent seafood.
You eventually have to run an errand for Crowley during your study period, so you leave Grim with Jack to run it faster without the familiar's interruptions. That's when the scenario above happens:
You're cornered in a hallway by a small group of students, one from each dorm minus Octavinelle. They may gossip, but they certainly know better than the others. The group is jeering and whistling, a Scarabia and Diasomnia student reaching to pinch at your arms and thighs, while a Pomefiore cat beastman croons.
“Aw what's wrong? I thought you liked nonhumans? Huh, no? Well, then maybe you shouldn't have been such a whore for merman dick!”
A few more hands move to grab and push you, intending to take out their long festering anger with the twins on you instead. Intended is the key word here; two towering shadows cover you and the group when two pairs of hands reach for the group leader, the cat from Pomefiore. He screamed before being cut off by a crunch, collapsing on the ground as he groaned and clutched his ribs.
Floyd terrifying when angry, but it's not an unfamiliar sight. But Jade's always had a polite, soft expression. So seeing him with a blank face, but fury filled eyes was like looking into the eyes of the devil himself. Combined that with each other, the twins were like the antichrist given form in the shape of 6'2” sharped tooth mermen. Your mates made quick work of the group, growling insults and promising them that they're being much more merciful than they deserved.
After the whole ordeal, you find yourself being accompanied by Floyd draping his arm around your shoulders as you finish your task. Jade walked off, letting you know that he needed to make sure he reported back the students' behavior to their housewardens. Omitting their latest “scuffle” of course. They should consider themselves lucky that they only walked away with bruised ribs, black eyes, and only one hand and nose were broken! They really went easy!
Everyone knows not to mess with you after that. Everyone should know how protective nonhumans get over their humans, especially moray eels. The sharp teeth aren't for show, you know.
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shuashuagirl · 2 months
Round and Round
Part of the Two Birds Universe
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Warnings: noncon, toxictoxictoxic, unprotected sex, vaginal fingering, creampie, hella degradation, big dick shua, impact play, dacryphilia, rough sex, there's kind of a plot in this one?, jealousy cause why not,  Доброе утро!
Joshua goes away for a week
“So… At college, there’s this guy,” you started.
“ooooh,” your friends all cooed at you. You rolled your eyes, a smile pulling at your lips.
“You don’t even know anything yet,” you reprimanded lightly. The four of them giggled in response but didn’t try to speak again so you continued.
“And I think I like him more than he likes me.”
“Boooooo,” Hanbin interrupted, making your other friends laugh again. “This is 2024 and you are letting a man wrap you around his finger?”
“Hanbin has a great point,” Sooa agreed, tapping the table in thought. She pursed her lips. “And you y/n, are the last person I thought would be obsessed over some guy.”
If only she had any clue.
“We all have our downfalls,” you jested lightly. You shrugged off their disbelief. “But this guy so… He seems like he likes me. And-“
“Seems like he likes you,” Beomseok parroted. “How does he seem like it?”
Your cheeks dusted pink and Sooa let out an excited exclamation, slapping your arm.
“Oh my god, you fucked him.”
You laughed and shushed Sooa, physically putting your hand over her mouth. Your friends all laughed as you looked around the little café to make sure no one had overheard her. It didn’t seem like anyone was listening.
“Yes, okay, I fucked him,” you said lightly back. “Multiple times…”
Sooa excitedly poked at your side.
“But,” you hissed, trying to get a hold of the conversation again. “He never stays.”
Your friends fell silent.
“It’s like… He comes into my room… my dorm room-” Smooth. “And he pushes my limits and makes me feel amazing and makes me like him more and more, but he leaves, and he keeps me a secret…”
There was a solemn expression on your friends faces now, so you dropped your eyes to the table.
“But he comes back,” Sooa finished, with a small sigh. “So, it feels different.”
“It feels like he is in love with me,” you insisted. “I mean, he acts like it when it’s just the two of us and…”
“Y/n,” Hanbin interrupted, a sad expression on his face. It was a bit different than the way that your other friends were looking at you. While they mirrored their feelings, he had a more serious expression. “It sounds like he’s just using you.”
Hurt panged through your body, and your mouth ran dry.
“N-No,” you managed to get out. “You don’t get it. When he comes to see me-”
“If you texted, would he show up?”
You were silent because in all the years that you had known Joshua, you had never gotten his phone number.
Hanbin seemed to read your mind.
“We have a schedule,” you said weakly.
“He’s using you,” Hanbin said more surely. “You shouldn’t let him treat you like that.”
It was Sooa who broke the awkward silence with a laugh and a joke, and you took the change in pace in stride, but Hanbin was staring at you a long time before he let himself rejoin the conversation. It made your heart thump in your chest.
“Hey, y/n!” Hanbin called after you, jogging to catch up to you on your side of the road. You smiled at him over your shoulder.
“Hanbin, why are you headed this way?” You asked him lightly. He smiled at you.
“I can’t just let you walk home alone,” Hanbin said.
You stared at Hanbin, suddenly thinking that he looked really, really good in this light. You sucked in a small sharp breath.
“You’ve got… Something on your shirt,” you mumbled softly. Hanbin looked down, making a small noise when he realized that there was a stain on it. Then he looked back at you, and he shrugged.
“Well, it’s just a shirt, isn’t it?”
Your mind swirled with thoughts about that shirt- Specifically getting it off Hanbin but you tried to shake the thoughts away. Not appropriate. Hanbin was your friend.
But even as you were thinking that Hanbin was suddenly a lot closer to you than before, his fingers ghosting your back.
“How far away is your place?” He asked softly, and you felt so stupid because it was a little hard to breathe with him being so close.
“We’re so close we can see it,” you replied softly, pointing down the street to your driveway. Hanbin hummed his surprise.
“You live in the same house,” he commented lightly. You frowned, laughing a little.
“Don’t you?”
He mirrored that smile.
“Yeah, but…” He let the question roll over him with a small shrug that had you laughing because Hanbin in all the years you had known him hadn’t ever really changed. You were wondering why it had taken you this long to actually look at him.
He was so… Maybe he had changed since you all had gone off to college. Maybe he looked older, and his brown eyes looked kinder, and that hair was longer so you could drag your fingers through it more easily while he kissed you-
Again, you had to look away from Hanbin. Why did he have to get so fucking hot all of a sudden?
“Well…” You looked up at your front door, wondering how the fuck you two had gotten here so quickly. You stared at your front door and dug into your pockets for your keys. Once you had them out, you were fumbling to get them into the lock. Once the keys were in the door and it was open you were staring into your empty house kicking your feet on the carpet awkwardly.
“My brother isn’t home,” you said, mentally kicking yourself as you did. God what were you doing?
Hanbin shrugged.
“The house will be quiet.”
Your face was burning because if this was Joshua? You wouldn’t have to say what you were going to say next: “Come in.”
Hanbin grinned.
“Well, if you insist.”
You weren’t sure what it was- Well, you did know what it was. Hanbin was so hot, and he was so strong, and you could tell he liked you, and who wouldn’t like him? So, you weren’t really surprised that you brought him to your room, and you were in his lap, and his hands were on your hips.
You leaned forward, tentatively pressing your lips to Hanbin’s. His hand came to the back of your head, gently applying pressure to press you closer. The kiss was warm, and gentle, and it felt different than it did with Joshua because with Joshua all you could think about was how you had to be quiet and quick and secretive, but you didn’t have to be like that with Hanbin.
Because Joshua was gone, and no one would think you were wrong to be with Hanbin. And in this moment at least you wanted to be with Hanbin.
And yet, your kiss was short lived.
The door creaked open behind you, and you realized suddenly that you were in Hanbin’s lap, on your bed kissing him. You broke the kiss, your face burning red, as you buried it in his shoulder. God, this was going to be so embarrassing. Soonyoung was going to tease you so much for this.
Instead, Hanbin’s fingers squeezed your hips lightly.
“Joshua?” He asked. “I don’t think Soonyoung’s home right now.”
Your heart stopped, your eyes widening. You scrambled off of Hanbin’s lap, turning to face who was standing in your doorway.
The shock on Joshua’s face was evident, but it in no way mirrored the shame on yours. Your first instinct was to deflect, like a younger sister who was absolutely tired of her older brother’s friend invading her space.
“How many times do you have to come over here before you get it through your thick skull?” You blurted out. You got to your feet and rushed towards the door, your hands slapping Joshua’s chest so that he would step back. He did, and you stepped just out of view of Hanbin, pointing at Soonyoung’s door.
“Soonyoung’s bedroom is over there you idiot,” you blurted. Joshua stared at you, shock in his eyes, seeming like he was completely unable to even fathom what he had just seen. Your face was red, your hair a bit messy because of the way Hanbin had been playing with it. Joshua was silent, Hanbin was silent.
Joshua let your door creak closed a little bit, and he took you by your hip pulling you into a deep, and possessive kiss. His fingers buried into your hair, and his grip on your roots was how he successfully kept you in place while you melted under his touch. When he pulled away, he searched your eyes and then rolled his own.
“Yeah, I’m pretty stupid for getting the wrong room again,” he mumbled. You tore away from him, your face burning as you pushed your bedroom door open again. Hanbin looked a little confused, but also a bit amused. Obviously, he hadn’t seen the kiss.
You went to apologize to Hanbin but before you could, your attention was being dragged back to Joshua. He leaned on your doorframe.
“Well, if Soonyoung isn’t here than what am I supposed to do?” He asked. You sent him a very long glare.
“Wait for him in his room,” you replied, your voice constrained.
“And what am I supposed to do there?” He continued, his lips turning up in a smile. “Don’t you think that you have some obligations? To entertain me, since no one is around.”
Those same words that he had used what felt like a million times before and they did the same to you now that they always did to you. You wanted nothing more than to feel Joshua’s hands on you. To feel him push you down in your bed and to corrupt you for anyone else.
You remembered what he had said last time. About how he had used every hole on your body so that no matter who fucked you and no matter where they fucked you, you would remember that Joshua had always been your first.
You looked over at Hanbin, who didn’t seem to think anything was odd about you and Joshua’s conversation. Maybe he just wasn’t paying enough attention.
You also liked Hanbin’s hands on you. You liked that he was gentle when handling you but still strong. You liked the way that he asked you about your feelings and seemed to really care about you. You liked that he wasn’t afraid to let anyone else know that he was interested in you.
You wondered if there was a world like that with Joshua. A world where he didn’t care what Soonyoung thought. After all, Soonyoung would get over it. No matter how much you two had toyed with the fact that he wouldn’t. If Joshua just treated you well, there was nothing to worry about.
And if Joshua didn’t treat you well and Soonyoung found out… Well, that was more detrimental to their relationship than what was mentioned before.
You sighed, conflicted.
“If you want to hang out with y/n and I we were just about to watch a show I was telling her about,” Hanbin offered up. You two looked over at him.
“It didn’t seem like you two were about to watch a show,” Joshua mumbled. A flicker of confusion crossed through Hanbin’s eyes.
“Well, when you like a girl, and she lets you kiss her-” You were going to scream into a pillow later- for one reason or another. “Then you’re going to kiss her.”
“Yeah,” Joshua said blankly. “In her bedroom. Door closed. Her in your lap.”
Hanbin’s eyebrows furrowed further.
“What are you trying to insinuate?” Hanbin asked, his voice deeper than before.
“What aren’t you saying?” Joshua pressed.
Hanbin stared at Joshua, a bit angry, a bit confused. His eyes flickered over to you, and then back to Joshua, and then back to you. He took a deep sigh, gritting his teeth ever-so-slightly.
“Some guy at college, huh?” He asked you. Your face burned red at the question.
“It’s just-”
Hanbin stood up and placed a hand on your shoulder. He pressed his palm into it, so you had to look at him full on. He smiled.
“Why don’t you figure out all… This.” He looked Joshua’s way, and the look he gave Joshua (though unseen by you) was evidently… not friendly (if you were to take in consideration the death glare that Joshua sent him right back).
Hanbin looked back at you, and his lips formed a smile that pressed dimples into his cheeks.
“And then we’ll talk.”
You couldn’t help but frown a little bit. Hanbin smiled at this, and his hand briefly brushed your cheek, his thumb tugging at the corner of your lips.
“Good night,” he said. You nodded wordlessly, and then Hanbin was waving over his shoulder at you as he left the room. Neither you nor Joshua moved. In fact, you didn’t even breathe until you heard the faint sound of the front door closing, and then Joshua was on you.
His hand found the base of your neck, squeezing lightly as he pulled you into a rough kiss. You immediately moaned into it, the way that his thumb pressed into the dip of your neck made you remember why you had missed him so badly.
Your lips parted for him as soon as his lips were on yours and then his other hand was on your cheek. As Joshua kissed you, he was walking you backwards, his fingers digging into you so that you couldn’t move away even if you wanted to- and you didn’t want to move away.
Your back hit the wall and then Joshua’s hands were moving. His hands fell down to your hips. His fingers pushed at your shirt. He seemed like he was trying to get it off with one hand, but with his other hand he was pushing under your bra, grabbing a handful of your boobs.
Your head hit the back of the wall and your back arched into his touch. It made him laugh dryly against your lips.
“You are mine,” he mumbled into your mouth.
“Jo- Joshua,” you whimpered, and he was pulling away from you. His lips were red from kissing you, his chest heaving as he breathed.
“Take your shirt off.”
As soon as take was out of his mouth, your hands were on the hem of your shirt, and by the time that he was done speaking it was on the floor. Joshua was back on you again, breathing every moan that left your mouth as he unhooked your bra, and pushed down your pants and shoved his hands into your panties.
You whined as his fingers slid past your clit into your soaked panties. Joshua practically growled against your lips.
“What the fuck is your pussy so wet for?” He asked, his voice deep. He pushed two fingers into you without warning and you cried out in surprise. The stretch of his fingers after not having been touched for so long sent waves of pain and pleasure through your body. Your fingers wrapped around Joshua’s wrist.
“You are mine; this cunt doesn’t get wet for anyone but me,” Joshua grunted, and he started to roughly fuck you on his fingers. They were moving so fast that your whole body was shaking. Your other hand grabbed Joshua’s wrist.
“Fuck, fuck, fu-” You babbled incoherently. Joshua’s palm slapped hard against your clit, and you began to crumble under him. Joshua’s other hand dug into your hip, pressing you into the wall. He continued to finger you, watching you with dark eyes as you could barely keep yours open.
You couldn’t even get out a warning before your orgasm started to rip through your body. You were crying as he fucked your pussy through your orgasm, but you cried even harder when he pulled his hand out of your panties in the middle of it. Joshua let you fall to your knees, and you barely caught yourself from face planting.
Your orgasm had your heart pounding in your chest, your pussy felt so empty, and your clit was screaming at you from just how unsatisfying the orgasm felt when Joshua had ripped his fingers out of you just after it started.
As you tried to catch your breath Joshua grabbed your chin, tugging your face up so that he could look in your eyes.
“Did he make you cum like that?” Joshua asked bluntly. You shook your head, your face red and his fingers dug into it. “Did you think that he would make you cum like that?”
You opened your mouth to say you had no clue what but then Joshua was stepping back again. He started to unbuckle his pants and you fell back on your feet as you watched him, your mouth open. Joshua snorted as he ripped his belt off of his pants and snapped it in the air. You jumped at the crack it made.
“Look at you,” Joshua chided. “On your knees, drooling for me.”
He let the belt drop to the floor.
“You need me,” he said, and his pants dropped next. “Now turn around and present to me like a bitch in heat.”
You quickly moved to do what he asked. You rolled over onto your hands and knees, pressing your ass up into the air. Joshua was on you in seconds, dragging your panties down and then the tip of his cock was dragging through your soaked pussy.
“Your so wet it’s crazy,” he said. “And what for? That boy.”
“Hanbin is not-”
Joshua’s cock was pressed fully inside of you before you could finish your sentence. Your forehead hit the floor and your toes curled as you tried to adjust to the feeling of him splitting you open.
“Say another mans name, I dare you.”
You whined stupidly, your fingers pressing into balls on the floor.
“Y-You’re going to br- break me,” you stammered stupidly, and in response Joshua’s hand came down on your ass. The sharp hit bounced your body forward.
“If I break you, I break you,” Joshua said nonchalantly. He grabbed you by your hips and pulled his cock almost entirely out of you. Your pussy clenched around the tip of his cock, begging for him to press himself back into you. “You’re mine so I can do whatever I want to you.”
He shoved himself all the way back into you, his balls hitting your clit. You cried out in pleasure as his cock reached deeper inside of you then you even thought was possible.
“You like it anyways,” he drawled as he started to set a cruel pace. Fucking you so hard that every time his cock was buried deep inside of you, you swore you were seeing stars. He grabbed you by the upper part of your arm and dragged it behind your back so that he could press you into the floor better. You were drooling all over your chin and the carpet, but you didn’t care as he drove himself into you again and again and without warning he was dumping every drop of his hot cum deep inside of your pussy.
You were so close to coming again, the feeling of his hot cum so deep inside of you made your whole body burn, but he was pulling out as soon as he was done, slapping your clit with his hands as he did.
“Joshua… Please.”
“No,” Joshua gritted back. He grabbed you by the hair, but you were so oversensitive that you were having trouble keeping your eyes open. Joshua patted your face, forcing your attention on him. “Do you like that boy?”
You whined.
“He actually cares about me,” you said back. “He doesn’t just use me as some kind of cum dumpster and then leave.”
“I love you,” Joshua said back. “And you fucking know that.”
Your face burned as Joshua’s grip in your hair loosened. His fingers came to your neck, his fingers suddenly just barely brushing your skin.
“When I leave you for a week, I expect you to be waiting for me to come back.
“You… Love me?” You asked, your voice shaking a little bit.
“You know that,” Joshua gritted back like it was the most obvious thing in the world. “And even if I didn’t: You. Are. Mine.”
As if to emphasize his point, Joshua’s hands gripped at your cheeks, tugging you into a suffocating kiss. It lasted seconds, but it still left you gasping for air.
“See this?” He said pointedly. “You are mine.”
He got to his feet, pulling his pants back up.
“I’ll be here tomorrow.”
You gasped for air, your mind trying to catch up to what happened.
You looked up at him, confusion riddled across your face.
“Say you love me back.”
You stared at him, and a glop of his cum dripped out of your pussy.
“I-I… I love you.”
A smile flickered across his face and then he was shoving his hands into his pants pockets, and he was leaving you all over again.
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miumyo · 11 months
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synopsis: nagi has a special gift for your birthday.  nagi x f!reader  warning: smut , minors/ ageless blogs  dni , use of pet names , oral f!receiving.
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it was you birthday and as per you boyfriend’s wish you wore the pink short dress , nagi loved it at first glance and wanted you to to wear it to your birthday party , he didn’t like hanging out much so it was a small party in the backyard of his house and only few close friends were invited. 
“i got this for you” isagi handed you his gift as he waited for you to open it. “wow a candle, how thoughtful” chigiri said sarcastically. everyone handed you the gift but you were the most excited about nagi’s gift , he has been going on and on about how special he is going to make your birthday gift as , finally nagi stepped towards you as he handed you a small box “i hope you love it” he said as a smirk took over his face. 
you opened the box just to find it filled with condoms , you cheeks turned red as you quickly slammed the box shut hoping no one saw it “what is it? a ring? chigiri already gave her that , nagi you didn’t put any effort into this huh?”reo said as he hang his arms around nagi. “yeah it’s a ring” you said trying to sound normal “well show it-“ bachira stepped forward to grasp the box but you quickly dodged it “let’s focus on the cake” you said as you looked over nagi looking all amused. 
nagi made excuse for you both to escape to his room “nagi what the hell were you thinking gifting me condoms in front of everyone-“ you couldn’t even finish getting angry at him as he pulled you by your waist and he bit your lips “i just thought nothing would be better than seeing you all pink in that dress” he said as he ripped the chain trying to undress you “we can’t right now babe..i” he started kissing your neck “i promise this will be quick besides we have the whole night to finish the box” nagi but you on your neck as a sweet moan slipped from your mouth. 
he squeezed your ass  as he elevated you up to wrap your legs around his torso. nagi was a athlete and you were more than thankful to have this muscular baby as your boyfriend. nagi usually is lazy and basically a pillow prince but when he do get in mood he makes sure you are sore enough to take a day off work. 
nagi sucks your nipples as his hands traveled down to your clit which was wet , he made circles on your clothed cunt as he bites your nipples “stop-p” nagi let out a breathy moan as he pulled your panties and licked the glistening folds. he quickly dived in the juices as he licked and fingered you into seer pleasure. he had all the knowledge about your body , even the ones you don’t know about. “going to cum … don’t stop ahh” nagi pulled away as you pout in dissatisfaction , he chuckled as he kissed your pout , and flipped you over so your ass faced his face , he bit your ass as moved up to slowly put his dick inside you “doll you’re so tight for me , look at how lewdly your hole is squeezing me , all our friends are down , wondering where we are and look at you , whimper and looking so beautiful” nagi said as he held your waist and pumped into you.
“there they are, y/n where were you guys? cut the cake, i’m hungry” chirigi said as he handed you the knife “is that a new dress”reo asked eyeing you up and down “yeah the pink one had a hole in it” lies lies he ripped it apart “i love the anklet y/n” isagi chimed in as he pointed to the anklet nagi put on you after fucking you to the oblivion “yeah nagi got it for me” 
“that anklet would look good on when your legs are on my shoulder tonight” nagi whispered as you walk over with everyone to cut that cake. 
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fayre 💬. hi lovies :))
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queensunshinee · 10 days
Time Of Our Lives || Part 13
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warnings: SMUT! 18+!, dirty talk, handjob, mention of oral sex, mention of anal, mourning and grief.
Part 13
Patrick was frustrated. No, to be precise, it wasn't just frustration; it was anger bubbling inside him for two months. Maybe half a lifetime if he wanted to be dramatic, but he wasn’t a dramatic person. He was a practical person.
Now, with Liana above him, moving her small hand up and down his dick in gentle motions that made him moan occasionally, he was utterly frustrated. More than that, he wanted to fight with her. Just like that, while she was literally holding him by the balls.
This wasn't Liana. He knew it wasn’t Liana because he knew her. He knew she was someone who got embarrassed and blushed easily and bit her lips almost simultaneously with every action she took. Liana loved to bite her lips to avoid saying too much.
He knew Liana felt things absolutely. If she felt one thing, then she felt everything. She wouldn't miss any color in the shades of the rainbow. She would look directly at the sun until her eyes burned.
But now, she was doing everything to avoid looking at him. Giving him a handjob as if it were a task she needed to tick off her to-do list. As if it was perfectly okay that any moment now, he would cum on her hand, with her beautiful manicure and red polish, and she would fake a smile. Go to the bathroom to clean herself up, then put on a random movie until he fell asleep.
When he fell asleep, she would leave. That was their routine for two months since he pinched her ass and told her he was hers. Now, he was quite sure she was his out of obligation. That she didn’t want to be in his apartment at all. Maybe some animalistic side of him, the possessive and disgusting side he’d been trying to control for years, forced her to sit on top of him and move her hand in perfect motions on his dick.
"Liana, fuck." Greedy bastard. Any self-respecting man would tell her to stop. She’s not even looking at you. His brain screamed at him. You're pathetic. But she’s so beautiful. So clean. So sweet. She’s like a reward for hard work. A bonus point for Patrick for working so hard at practice today. A bonus point for Patrick for not grabbing her by the sides and shaking her until she told him what she needed from him. A bonus point for Patrick for not flipping her over his knee and spanking her ass until it was red, and she revealed what the problem was. He groaned at that thought. His dream girl giving him a handjob, and he was imagining making her beg for him to stop punishing her.
He knew that the second they had an actual conversation about this situation, she might walk out of his crappy apartment, which often had ants, as she predicted, and never come back. She had friends in London. She had her own room. She didn’t want to sleep with him even wh— “Fuck, Li.” Her movement interrupted his train of thought, and a guttural moan escaped him. He placed a rough hand on the side of her head, turning it so she would look at him while he came. “Please.” He begged.
A new low. Patrick Zweig begging for a girl to look at him while he came. Patrick Zweig who once was drunk and put his foot on a girl’s face while she went down on him (he apologized afterward, but she said it actually matched the vibe. He did it with that same girl again; he doesn’t remember her name). Patrick Zweig who once fingered a girl while she was on her period. Patrick Zweig who loved anal. Patrick Zweig who let a guy he met online fuck him a week before he moved to London. Patrick Zweig was begging for Liana Levi to look at him.
And she looked at him. After all, he asked so nicely. He felt her tense up for a moment, doing everything not to furrow her brows and show the panic that making eye contact with him caused her.
“Okay, that's enough.” He moved her away from him with a slight shove, seeing her surprised expression. “I'm going to the bathroom.” He mumbled and stood up. He had to cum but couldn’t take whatever this is anymore.
Liana couldn’t move from the moment Patrick went into the bathroom. She was pretty sure she was shaking. So embarrassing. So fucking embarrassing. Just put on a shirt and leave his house. He clearly doesn’t want you here. But she couldn’t get up from the bed to reach for her shirt, and her eyes filled with uncontrollable tears. How is this happening to her again?
Patrick came out of the bathroom, and the first thing he did, before even looking at her, was hand her a shirt from the closet. He was dressed, and the only fair thing was that she shouldn’t be sitting there in just her bra and underwear.
“Li, I need you to talk to me.” He sat down in front of her on the bed, seeing her tear-filled eyes and feeling guilty. Could it be that he pressured her? Could she be a virgin? they hadn’t even had sex yet. They’d only made out and fumbled with shy touches. Art made it seem as if they fucked. Did he lie?
“I’m sorry. Do you want me to leave?” Her voice was so quiet as she put on his green t-shirt. “No, I want you to stay.” He sighed, feeling defeated. How was he supposed to explain to her that if he could, he would put her in a glass bottle and take her with him everywhere? “I think I need to go.” She mumbled, wiping away the few tears that had escaped and standing up quickly as if she had gathered strength from the air.
Patrick’s frustration intensified. He felt he was too close to exploding, something he wasn’t ready to do in front of her. Explode. “Did I misinterpret everything? Did I imagine a sexual tension that doesn’t exist?” He asked in the calmest voice he could muster. “What? No!” Her eyes widened. “Then what the fuck is going on, Liana?” His voice rose, and he saw her flinch for a moment.
“I’m just…” She swallowed. “You’re what? Are you a virgin? Because I don’t care if you are. I’d be happy to—” He started a monologue he had rehearsed in his head numerous times over the past two months.
“No!” Liana almost screamed from the accusation he threw at her. She didn’t know how to explain to him what was going on in her head. She didn’t know how to show him how much she really wanted him without being desperate. Without repeating all the things she had done with Art. She didn’t want him to think she was cheap and slutty. She didn’t want him to disrespect her. She wanted to show him she could be restrained and rational and take care of what he needed without being greedy about what she wanted. She didn’t know what to do or how to be intimate with him without him judging her afterward. “So what’s the issue, Liana? Because I feel like you’re disgusted by touching me. By even thinking about touching me, and as much as I want you, and it’s a lot, I don’t want to force you to do things you don’t want to—” He mumbled uncontrollably. He didn’t know what was happening anymore.
“Hey,” she moved closer to him. “I want to.” She swallowed and tried to give him the sincerest look she could find. “Okay. Do you want to stay the night?” He asked with the last of his strength, once again sourly winning over his ego. “Yes, please.” She smiled and lay down on the bed as if nothing had happened a minute ago. “If you’ve developed a snoring problem, that’s a deal-breaker, Amanda.” Patrick decided to go with the flow. He wasn’t ready to lose her before she was truly his. He wasn’t Art.
Jessica Passed Away. Liana's father called to inform her that Jessica had passed away. She found herself crying for three hours straight. She knew this day would come; Jessica was an elderly and sick woman. But she hadn't thought she would be so far away. She hadn't imagined she wouldn't be able to attend the funeral or be there for the Donaldson family. Specifically, Liana never imagined that on the day she found out Art's grandmother had passed away, she wouldn't be by Art's side.
Even before everything that happened, her family was so intertwined with his that her heart ached at the thought of not being there with them.
Patrick was at a tournament in southern England and was supposed to return the day after tomorrow. She spent some of his tournament days at his apartment because it was more convenient for her to study there and he didn’t mind. His home was quieter than the dorms, and she didn't have distractions like Melissa's stories about her casual flings.
So she lay on Patrick's bed, listening to her phone dial. It wasn't even intentional. She was just sad and knew only one person who was probably as sad as she was. "Liana." Art's voice sounded small, broken, and unfamiliar, yet so familiar at the same time. It was as if no months had passed since the last time they spoke. As if she had heard his voice just an hour ago.
"Hey," she said, and for a moment, she felt foolish about her decision. After all, why was she calling him at all? He was no longer a part of her life. For Jessica. Of course. For Jessica.
"Hey." Art couldn't breathe. He felt the remaining air in his lungs emptying. This day weighed heavily on him. To be honest, this year weighed heavily on him. But today, he received the news about his grandmother, and he didn't know if Liana would call. But he hoped. He hoped she would give him this. Give him a moment of compassion that perhaps he didn't deserve but needed like a fish needs water. He didn't see himself getting through this day without hearing her voice, and he wasn't a believer, but he thanked God for this call. For a few minutes of grace.
"I'm so sorry, Art. I'll miss her terribly." She sounded as broken as he did. He found solace in their shared grief. He closed his eyes because he knew no one could see him, in the sanctuary of his room. A hiding place where, right now, only Liana and he existed. He hoped his tears weren't visible to her. Although he didn't think there was much he could hide from her anyway.
"She was the best of us," he said, meaning every word. "Yes, she was amazing," Liana agreed. Art wondered if the crack in her voice held the same months of separation that he knew his voice conveyed. He wondered if she carried a deep sadness she couldn't put into words, just like him. He wanted to ask her so many questions and tell her so many things. But in reality, there was nothing to say. The silence was deafening, filling him with a mortal fear that she would hang up and his source of oxygen would disappear along with her heavy breaths on the other end of the line.
"Tell me something good, Li," he finally said. He didn't know why he said it, but whenever he felt he had nothing to talk about with Liana, whenever she did everything to avoid speaking with him, he asked her for a story. Like a child eager to absorb the world through an adult's eyes, he thirsted for what she could reveal to him. As if every word she said was a secret shared just between them.
"Art..." she sighed. A sad sigh he didn't know how to handle. He didn't know how to continue this conversation. His logic screamed at him that she called out of politeness, out of respect for his grandmother. Because she loves his grandmother. Loved his grandmother. She called to express condolences like mature people do. Put aside the anger and share in the grief.
"Okay," he said. He hated how broken he sounded. "It's okay, Li. You don't have to. It was stupid to ask," he said, not wanting to make her uncomfortable. God knows he had done enough of that.
"The buildings here are so beautiful," she said suddenly. "Oh." He couldn't hide his surprise. "You don't understand, it's like the entire history of the continent is here in the architecture. Every building has character, Art. I've never seen anything like it," she sounded as if she had met a fairy. He closed his eyes and could imagine her wandering through Europe, absorbing the buildings, delighting in a culture foreign to her but so beautiful in her eyes.
"It sounds beautiful when you describe it," he mused aloud. He physically hit himself on the forehead. Why did he have to say that? In his eyes, everything Liana described took on beauty. That was the truth. He knew it. He thought she probably knew it too by now.
"There's a small restaurant under Patrick's apartment that serves fish and chips, and if we meet, you won't recognize me because that's all I eat," Liana said suddenly. She felt that the moment she couldn't find something to tell him, she would have to hang up. Her mind screamed at her to hang up. End the call. She had expressed her sorrow and heard that he was coping, it was time to end the conversation. But the thought of hanging up and not speaking to him again for months burned her inside. It was as if his voice gave her a hold on something old that had no chance. Something that began and ended at Christmas a little over a year ago.
"When you come back to America, we'll get you back on track. You'll eat lettuce and broccoli all day like you love," Art tried to joke, but it wasn't funny. Nothing about this conversation was funny.
"I don't know if I'm coming back," she said. She didn't know why she was telling him this. It was a conversation she and Patrick had been having for a while. Art wasn't supposed to be a part of this conversation. He was supposed to find out during a family dinner when her mother complained about it or when his mother mentioned casually that Liana wasn't coming back.
"Oh." Art didn't know what to say. He felt the urge to laugh and cry simultaneously, but he did everything to show he was just listening out of fear that she would hang up and that would be the end of their last conversation. Maybe that would be better than the last time they met when he had groveled, begging for forgiveness. It didn't help him much; she didn't forgive him. She probably never would.
"I'm not sure yet, it's not final," she panicked. "It's okay, Lia," he sighed. Lia. His grandmother called her Lia. His grandmother, who wholeheartedly believed that one day they would get married. She talked to him about it a lot. Before there was even a spark. Before Art saw Liana so clearly. Before he noticed the light she radiated. His grandmother knew he was already captivated. That he was already hers. She had hope that one day Liana would agree to be his.
"You don't have to know yet," he continued the sentence. "I'm exploring the option of finishing my degree here... It's just complicated, you know what my mother thinks about it..." she tried to talk normally. As if she were telling this to Melissa or Jeremy, friends she had met in London. As if it were a conversation they were having daily.
As if she wasn't talking to Art Donaldson. As if he wasn't a complete stranger. But one whose favorite food she knew, could tell when he was angry by the way he rubbed his neck, by the way he played with his fingers. Knew when he was happy. Knew he hated being pitied but was willing to grovel if something was truly important to him. As if he wasn't someone she knew the taste of his dick. As if she hadn't lain beneath him, so completely his that she was willing to give him all of her.
"Do you miss America?" he asked. And they both knew he was asking if she missed him. And her mind kept screaming at her to hang up and continue the life she had started building for herself without him burning back into her memory. "Sometimes," she answered and could guess he was nodding. That he was furrowing his brows and deepening the crease forming on his forehead because he was thinking too deeply about her answer.
"Are you at Patrick's apartment a lot?" Art asked another question, and his heart raced. Because he didn't want to know the answer. And he didn't want her to hang up, but on the other hand, if she hung up now, he wouldn't know. And he knew he was exaggerating. That he was pushing her to the edge. That she wouldn't want to tell him. "My boyfriend has his own apartment. I'm there every time I have a free moment," she answered. He knew. He knew that's what she would answer. He knew from the moment Patrick said he was flying to London with her. Art didn't stand a chance. He lost in a chess game simply because he forgot he was playing against a professional.
And he hated Patrick. He was almost certain of it. Except for the moments he missed Patrick. And he missed him like he missed a good summer vacation. He missed him like a first kiss. Like you miss staring at a full moon. Sometimes he missed Patrick more than he missed Liana. He thinks he missed playing tennis with Patrick. He couldn't understand why they hadn't played for so long. Even before he left for London. Even before everything that happened with Liana. So much wasted time.
He missed telling Patrick about his day. Or about a girl who hit on him. Hearing about his problems. Drinking beer when they weren't supposed to. Telling him things he could only tell him because the rest of the world would think he was weird or disgusting. Sometimes he wanted to call him and ask him about Liana. Talk about her like Patrick talked about every other girl. To tell him how he touched her. How he kissed her. To tell him she was his in so many ways she would never be Art's. To tell him he could walk with her hand in hand through the streets of London and introduce her as his girlfriend. Art didn't have that privilege.
He hated him so much.
"Can you stay with me on the line a bit longer?" he suddenly asked. Because he realized they had nothing more to talk about, but if she agreed, he could find solace in her breaths. In another small gesture before she disappeared from his life almost as if he had invented her. "Sure," she said. Then silence. Just air going in and out, blending between them as if miles of foreign continents and months of heartbreak and disappointment didn't separate them.
Patrick lost in the third round of the tournament and came back even more disappointed and frustrated than when he left. When he entered the apartment, Liana was waiting for him. Everything was clean and a smell of food came from the kitchen.
"You're an angel," he said, and she jumped, not noticing he had arrived. He saw her smile widen as she approached him. Liana hadn't looked at him like that in months. "Hey," she said. "You look good." She added, and her lips landed on his as if they belong there. He didn't understand what was happening.
There were no complaints as his bag landed on the floor and his hands pinned her against the wall. Their kiss deepened. He felt his tongue mixing with hers to the point where he couldn't tell what his taste was and what was hers. Everything felt shared. Maybe even the dreams. A man can hope.
When they had to breathe for a moment, he pressed his forehead to hers and saw her gaze on him. Her green eyes sparkled.
"Hey," he replied, and they both giggled. "Are you hungry or can we skip that?" she asked. Patrick still didn't understand what was happening. Until a few weeks ago, she recoiled from touching him. "Is there another activity you planned, Amanda?" he asked, somewhat amused and very confused.
"I thought..." she started, standing on her toes and planting small kisses on his neck, causing him to let out a sound he didn't think he had in him, "you could show me what else your tongue can do." She bit her lip, not taking her eyes off him.
Patrick swallowed, and within seconds she found herself over his shoulder, her butt facing up as they both laughed.
"All you had to do was ask, Amanda." His free hand lightly smacked her ass before he threw her onto the mattress, ready to dedicate the entire evening to her, and if she behaved like that, he might dedicate his entire life to her.
Hey guys It's been 3 days, which is the longest I've been without an update, but here we are.  How are we all doing??? Not gonna lie, I loved hearing from you after the last part. Keep talking to me in the ask box. It's as fun as actually writing the story.  Talk to me if you want to join the taglist 💜
taglist: @lamoursansfin @marley1773 @ruyaas-world @apolloscastellan @primlovesdilfs @fangirl-kimora @serenadingtigers @imbabycowboy @do-it-for-kicks @izzywags478 @4deline08 @igotmajordaddyissues @jackierose902109 @ganana @yoitsme-04 @swetearss
116 notes · View notes
idyllcy · 11 months
don't miss me
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word count: 9.4k
warnings: smut, nsfw
summary: it's you. It's been you, and it'll be you.
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"uWAHHHHH!!" You sob, slamming your head into your hands.
"You have got to stop confessing to people who don't like you." Dick grumbles, sliding you the box of tissues on the table. "He's made it pretty clear that he has no interest."
"I'm bound to get to him at some point." You sit up, blowing your nose. "Come on."
"He's the school's hotshot."
"And you're captain of the varsity football team," You cough. "If I can tutor you and become friends with you, then the captain of the baseball team should be no big deal."
It's a strange place to find himself in. Dick had gone to you for help in one of his classes in exchange for enough money to fund your four years of college, and in exchange, you had taught him everything he needed for his classes. He went from risking the chance to stay on the team to having the best grade out of all of his teammates. He's thankful for you, he supposes, and he's the school's most wanted boy. He has more than enough of a fan club behind him.
He wonders why he was put in a public school instead of the private ones his brothers were put into. It wasn't as if Bruce lacked the money to put him into one.
"ANYWAY!" You toss the tissue into the trash behind you, stand up, and throw your fists in the air. "I will continue to confess!"
"Why not just go out with me?"
You pout at him, batting your lashes. "And potentially end up on a good chunk of the school's hit list? No thank you, Richard."
"Dick. Come on, it's not that bad."
You shrug, going back to the papers in your binder. "I'm not into you."
"We spend so much time together. We're bound to end up together, you know?"
"If you pull a psychology term on me I will punt you."
"You don't have the strength for that."
"I'll kill myself to change the trajectory of your life forever."
"That'd be very flattering for you to do."
But in the small classroom walls that confine the two of you, there's not much for the two of you to argue over. It's just a tutor-tutee relationship. There's nothing more. You don't understand why you rant out all of your frustrations to him when he has nothing to do with them, but you suppose it's not that much. Maybe it was silly to think that he would care. He probably doesn't. Dick was never your friend by choice, after all. It would be foolish to believe that he could care about you at all.
"I like you!" You yell from the bleachers, blowing a kiss, the rest of the school screaming along. The baseball captain shoots down your confession with a flick of his hand, and you pout.
It's fun to waste your youth pining over someone who doesn't love you back. It's not as if it mattered either. You would all scramble once you finished high school. Graduation was just around the corner. It didn't matter if he didn't like you back. It was so much funnier when they didn't.
You hear a chorus of screaming behind you, causing you to glance, just for a moment, at the reason for the screams.
"Oh, look who showed up." You smile. "Miss me already? Our session isn't until Wednesday."
"Don't flatter yourself." Dick's hands guide you to sit back down, standing next to you. "I came to scout out my competition."
"I thought you were still in that friends with benefits thing with Kori." You raise a brow at him.
"Broke it a while back." He hums. "How do you find this interesting?"
"I don't." You hum. "I'm here because he's here." You point at the baseball captain. "Obviously."
Dick clicks his tongue disdainfully. "I come all the way for you and you tell me that you're here for him?"
"I was here first, Dick." You wave happily as the captain stares at you. "I've been here."
"Well, I've come now. Let's get you home."
"I want to watch him finish his game."
"Why him and not me?"
You tilt your head at him. "No reason. I just think the baseball captain's hotter."
"Hotter than me?"
"Yes. Hotter than you."
"Did he reject you?"
"He waved down my kiss."
"I wouldn't do that to you."
"Yeah, but I don't want you."
It's funny. Dick hears all about how you got rejected again in the most delusional way possible, from the way of "oh he breathes the same air as me so surely he's in love with me" to something more mellow like "yeah I got rejected again lol". But that was something he got used to, he supposes. The empty classroom that the two of you always sat in but never got yelled at for was a staple in his life, especially when more than half of the time he was showing up to class with bruises all over his body. Maybe fighting crime at night wasn't something he should promise to do so often. Bruce would let him focus on school if he asked. Maybe.
"You look like shit as always," You click your tongue, raising a brow at the sight of Robin coughing up blood on your balcony.
"Sorry, pretty girl," He chuckles. "Bumped into someone awful today, as you can see. Care to lend me a hand?"
"The joker? The riddler? I don't even know who you fight anymore." You haul him onto the couch, pulling the curtains behind you. "How deep is it?"
"A little wrapping will do the trick." He mumbles. "Sorry for the problem."
"You're here more than I can count on one finger." You sigh. "I'm used to it. Where's Batman?"
"He went back."
"And left you alone?"
"Yes." Robin hisses as you press the alcohol to his wound. "I'm sorry, again."
"It doesn't matter. I was up, anyway." You pause. "How long have you been fighting crime again?"
"I don't know."
"Mm." Silence. "You should rebrand soon. I heard there are two Robins now."
"I'm close." He chuckles, lifting his shirt so you can wrap the bandage around his waist. "What do you think about Nightwing?"
You grumble. "Superman said something about that the other day in his interview. I stayed up all night drawing what I think his suit would look like."
"Can I see it?"
"If you want."
"You're graduating, right? Where are you going after?"
"New York City." You mumble. "Haven't told anyone yet, but I got into my dream school. I'm set."
"Yeah." You mumble. "I'm moving over summer, so don't crash here anymore unless you want to give my parents a heart attack, alright?"
"I'll miss you."
"That's cute. I can't imagine the number of people who would die to hear that from Robin from Teen Titans himself."
"I will."
You stare up at him. Maybe it was strange. It had been three years since Robin would crash land onto your balcony in the city and beg you for first aid. It had been two years since Dick Grayson had asked you for help in math, and even shorter than the time you had started designing suits for him to look at. Maybe that's why you had grown used to the way he would rest his chin on your shoulder and stare through the lazy sketches you had of what you thought he should change his outfit into. He likes the way you picture Nightwing. He's like some disco guy in the first draft and much more chill in the second.
"Can I take the pages?" He mumbles. "Please? I want it."
"So you can steal my design?"
"No. I like the disco suit you drew."
"That was a first draft." You groan.
"I can start with it."
"It's too flashy! It doesn't fit the whole Batman aesthetic!"
"Doesn't matter." He grins. "It looks like my current Robin one but in blue."
You raise a brow at him incredulously.
"I'll buy these off of you."
"With your legal account?"
"I'll send you money each month anonymously like a patent. Wait. I can't see you anymore."
"Yeah." You exhale. "You can take it, though. I can't let anyone know I've been drawing Robin's clothes. I would get targeted by too many villains."
"That's true." Robin pauses. "Has anyone seen it?"
"Can I take all of them?"
"How are you going to get all of them to Batman?"
"I'll figure out a way." He grins. "I am Robin, after all."
"Well, then, Robin," You rustle the papers, dropping them in his open hands. "I hope you keep all of them."
"I'll pin them in my room's wall."
"That's just creepy."
"Maybe to you."
Dick never expected you to let him in three years ago, in his defense. He expected you to cower in fear like the rest of people or even just slide him a first aid kit. He was not expecting you to drag him into your room and start disinfecting his wound. He learned so much more about who you were through his interactions with you as Robin than he did as Dick. All he hears from you during the day is how you got rejected by the captain of the baseball team again. He wonders if he should just woo you as Robin instead. You seem to like his separate identity more.
"You forgot the number in front of the integral."
"No way." He grumbles.
"Yeah." You point. "Minor mistakes. It'll be fixed with some practice. I'm sure."
"When are we stopping this?"
"Eager to get me out of your hair already? After senior finals, of course."
"Are you going to keep confessing to captain until then?"
"I'm suggesting you give me a chance, of course." Dick stares at you.
"There you go again with that," You yawn. "Are you sure it's not because I'm your type? Scratch that. I don't even think I'm your type."
"And if you were?"
"That would be very interesting considering your dating history." You grimace.
Dick grumbles in response. He didn't have something for that one.
It's ironic to think that someone else in the school would die to date the man in front of you. You wonder why you don't like him sometimes. You're sure he's someone straight out of a movie, a guy who everyone would want to be with at least once in their life. He almost reminds you of the other football boys on his team. Maybe this was a movie. The jock ends up with his tutor. Some sort of cliché love story that you would never touch, ever again.
Robin crash lands on your balcony again before you can think more of it.
"What brings you here today? Ivy?"
"Yeah! How'd you know?" He sits up, a grin on his face.
"You smell like herbs all over you." You grimace.
"Woah, sharp nose." Robin mumbles. "Can you ramble about your high school to me?"
"Oh. You wanna hear about how I have a crush on the captain of the football team? The guy I tutor?"
"yOU WHAT? I THOUGHT YOU SAID YOU LIKED THE BASEBALL GUY." Robin gasps, jaw dropped in shock.
"I changed my mind." You hum, fishing out the disinfectant from the first aid kit. "I won't admit it to his face, of course, but I think he's kind of fine. That man is infuratingly attractive. Who gave him his bone structure? He looks like a greek statue or something. I want him carnally."
"Are you going to ask him out?"
"And do long distance in this day and age?" You laugh. "No. I'm going to keep pretending that I like the baseball captain until the end of graduation. I'd like to be remembered as a fool. Besides, I don't think Dick actually likes me that way. I heard something about him and Kori in the halls and I don't want to be part of that. I heard he slept with a good chunk of the girls sports team captains too. I don't know. I'd prefer not to know. All I know is that I don't want to be part of that mess."
Robin peels his shirt up, pouting. "I thought you said confessing was the best form of closure."
"Not when dating your crush is going to get half of the school on your back. I've lived without being in the spotlight for long enough. I plan on doing that after school." You press the gauze to his wound, causing him to hiss. "You good?"
"I'm sure it does." You deadpan.
"Why not tell him?"
"You seem very invested in my love life with this dude."
"I'm bored. I keep getting beat up these days, so I have to listen to something to get it off my mind." Robin pouts as you wrap the bandage around his waist.
"Did you gain more muscle?"
"Does it look that way?"
"A little." You raise a brow.
"I work out more in my free time."
"You know, maybe I like the stupid football guy because he reminds me of you too much."
"You like me?"
"I thought you were a good detective."
"I am."
"And you didn't know?"
"I didn't want to point it out." He mumbles. "Maybe you'd get uncomfortable."
"Alright." You yawn, closing the first aid kit. "This is one of the last times you're crashing. ever."
"I go on vacation in a couple weeks and I'm going to start packing for moving. You aren't going to be able to see me in a long time."
"Can I get a goodbye kiss?" He pouts.
"You're a nightmare, Robin," You help him stand up, pressing your lips to his cheek. "I hope I see you as Nightwing one day."
"I can promise you that."
You wonder some days if you should just tell Dick that you have a crush on him. You call him his government for shits and giggles, and you barely pay enough attention to what he does in tutoring these days. Maybe you were just destined to be stuck with someone like him. Yet, even as graduation approaches, you find there's no use sticking close to those ideas. You'll never see him again. It's pointless to admit your crush now.
"So? What's your answer?"
"I'm still in love with the baseball guy," You sigh blissfully, eyes far away. "He's so... dreamy."
"The only difference between the two of us is that I have better grades." Dick raises his brow.
"Richard." You yawn. "I could fix him."
"You absolutely could not."
"You're right. I could not." You laugh. "Isn't it fun being delusional? I think it's great."
"It is absolutely not."
"Maybe to you, Richard." You yawn. "I find it quite amusing to daydream about myself with a person who would never look at me twice."
"If you ask me." He clicks his tongue. "I'd say he thinks about you a lot more now."
"Oh, really?" You tilt your head. "I still don't find myself believing that fact."
"It's hard to think about it." He grimaces. "He asked me for your number the other day."
"Did you give it to him?"
"You said to ask first. I forgot to ask."
"Are you sure you forgot?"
"I didn't give it to him on purpose." He grins.
"Sly, sly, boy." You chuckle. "Oh, right. I forgot to give you the worksheets."
"I was hoping you wouldn't notice."
"Too bad." You rummage through your bag, handing him a stack of papers. "I'll see you after school."
"You expect me to do this during practice?"
"You're off-season. You barely train." You stand up, dusting off your hands. "Have fun."
Dick glances at the papers. "Wait-"
The door clicks behind you, and Dick sits there, staring at the stack of papers.
Dick lets his curiosity get the best of him, flipping through the pages, reading through your sketches and messy notes. It's neat, uncrumpled, to the point. The drawings are messy, but each part of his suit as Robin has been noted down. His weapons have been detailed, and he wonders if you had been doing more than just checking out his gadgets whenever he crashed your apartment. Maybe you were carefully calculating everything just as you had with his math homework. Perhaps he would get separated from you years later and never see you again.
He finds himself at your final period of the day, knocking on the door.
"Come in."
"Ah, Mrs. Baker," He smiles. "My tutor left this during lunch, so I came to hand it back to her."
You stare at Dick, getting out of your seat to take the papers from him with the actual packet in your other hand. "My apologies. I will see you after school."
A girl in the class faints while the others scream.
You sit back in your seat, staring at the note he left in your stack.
There was no point in caring for things that would inevitably pass.
So, neither of you mention anything ever again. The tutoring goes on as normal, the confessions do as well. There's something consistently hanging in the air between the two of you that neither addresses. The elephant in the room is neither seen nor discussed. The stories of your youth no longer matter to you, and you graduate top of the class, valedictorian, going to the school of your choice. It didn't matter that you had just stopped pining after the baseball captain one day. No one would know why. Maybe. Except Dick.
Dick learns to move on with life, slowly. You sit in the back of his mind when he's bored while on patrol, staring down at the city, wondering if you had ever considered him to even be an option. But he finds no space in thinking about you. He had his own job. The two of you had grown up, maybe you before him. The two of you were just. High school friends. Maybe not even friends. He thinks about your signature in his yearbook often. Maybe he would find you one day. It would come slower. Maybe.
But he leaves your mind as quickly as he had been there, left behind with Gotham when you had stepped foot into your dream school. You find your success in life as easily as you had executed whatever plan it had been in high school. You're quickly where you want to be in life, top of the city, sipping margaritas with your friends when you grow bored. It's something that someone has dreamed of, and it's something that you have considered. Maybe you would consider staying where you are longer had it not been for the obscenely high crime rate lately.
"I heard Jessica got mugged the other weekend." One of your friends sighs. "Are you feeling better?"
"I am." Jessica mumbles. "Oh, but there was this super hot hero who saved me! I tried asking for his name, but he never told me. Black suit, blue bird thing on his chest. He was so... dreamy!"
"Jessica, darling," Another woman chimes in. "I'm sure you've gone delusional. New York City does not have people saving them. Our crime rate is just a nightmare in itself."
"Was it Nightwing? You know, the... superhero?" You furrow your brows. "I think that's what he is."
"Is that his name?!" She gushes. "He's sooo romantic!"
"Jessica, aren't you engaged?"
"Awh, it's not as if I'd ever get a chance with him."
You chuckle. "Did he look good?"
"So good. God. His black hair? I thought I was going to lose my mind."
"Darling," A woman reaches their hand for yours. "How do you know about Nightwing?"
"I read Gotham Daily for fun." You smile. "It's good to keep up with what's been going on in my home city."
"Right! Then surely you know Nightwing?"
"Know is a little bit of an overstatement." You grimace. "I don't know him personally. I know about him."
"Oh, well." Jessica chuckles. "I'm sure you'll get to know him so much more soon."
"He asked if I knew anyone by your name, so I told him your add-"
"You gave my house address to a random man who saved you?!" You yell. "That's stupid!"
"He was asking for you!"
"I don't know." Jessica holds back a laugh. "I told him your studio address."
"At least it wasn't my house address," You mumble. "But I'm holed up in that hellhole when I get bored, so I suppose it's the equivalent of giving him my house address."
"He's got real defined muscles-"
"Okay, Jessica, I think that's enough for the night. I'll call your fiancé for you."
"Ugh. He's so fine."
"We get it, darling."
You help her into her fiancé's car, watching as the two of them drive away. The other ladies all head off, and you stand there in the night. It's not half as cold as you're expecting it to be, but you suppose being alone at night is a little lonely. You purse your lips, clicking on your phone to call an Uber to your studio. You didn't feel like staying home. Maybe sketching your frustrations out in the studio would do something better.
"Alone at night, sweetheart?"
You turn to face the voice.
He's in the second design.
"Miss me?"
"I don't know, actually." You mumble. "I was just feeling a little betrayed that Jessica just gave you my address like that."
"I checked it out. It's a nice little studio. Are you still up to big things?"
You shrug. "I bet you read the magazines about me."
"I do." He chuckles. "I have your sketches pinned on my walls still, even when I moved." He leans in, breath tickling your ear. "Shall I take you home?"
"To the studio, if you will."
"Hold on tight." He wraps an arm around your waist, launching the grappling hook. "I don't remember if you've ever flown with me."
"I have not." You cling onto him, grimacing. "Please do not drop me. You aren't Spiderman."
"Should I be offended that you're comparing me to a fictional superhero?"
"I'm going to die if you do."
"We're here." He lands on the rooftop.
"Why the sudden move?"
"Am I not allowed to follow my favorite designer to the ends of the earth?"
"Yeah. It's a little creepy, honestly." You scrunch your nose. "Did something go wrong with your suit?"
"No." He mumbles. "Maybe. I don't know."
You raise a brow at him.
"Nothing went wrong. I just missed you."
"Missed me or having a place to patch up that wasn't Batman?"
"Both." He mumbles. "Can I see your designs?"
"So you can steal them?"
"Not fair. You're the one who let me steal them." Nightwing pouts. "I still have them on my wall, if you want to visit my place."
"That's a little too early." You imitate his pout, leaning back, his arm still around your waist. "Don't you think?"
"For someone who's caught you naked when you were in high school, I don't think so." He hums, hand leaving your waist. "Will you show me around?"
"Since you asked so nicely."
It's strange to see him again after so many years. You were sure that Robin — Nightwing — would come to forget you at some point. You had heard more stories about how he had been such a great protector of the city at dark alongside Batman, so you suppose that inevitably he probably had found someone on the way. You heard he had a thing with Batgirl at some point. You wonder why he didn't stay with her. The newspapers were just as shocked as you were when they found out they broke up.
"I heard you had a thing for redheads." You hum, opening the door on the rooftop. "You know. With the whole dating thing on the magazines."
"I suppose I am weak to them." He follows you down the stairs, pausing when you fish out a key and open the door. "Jealou-"
You cut him off. "Welcome to my studio."
"Are those superhero suits?"
"I was trying to figure out what fabrics would work to avoid acid burns." You shrug. "Old habits. I was thinking of visiting Gotham a little later and I was worried I'd get caught up in another attack."
"You'll be fine. Robin is surprisingly competent."
"Are you guys like one big family or something?"
"No." You catch the way he pauses in inhaling. "Nope."
"Sure." You yawn. "I'm crashing. Please be gone by morning."
"Aw, you don't want to see me?"
"I can't tailor anything for you. Go to bed."
"Superheros don't sleep."
"You're human. Night." You close the door to the bed in the studio, and Nightwing looks around at the papers scattered on the floor. New York could survive a day without him.
You wake up the next morning to Nightwing still in your studio, staring at the sketches on the floor.
"Did you end up giving this one to Kid Flash?"
"There's no use. He's dead." You yawn, opening your laptop.
"Didn't need to remind me like that."
"Nightwing. Don't you have a home to go to?"
"I'm exhausted, true." He yawns. "You're contagious."
"Whatever helps you sleep." You grumble. "Stupid emails. Go home."
"And if I want to stay?"
"I'll peel your mask off." You sigh. "Now go."
"Can I crash some other time?"
"If you can find my apartment."
"Shall I bet on it, sweetheart?"
You tilt your head at him, raising a brow. "Be my guest."
Sometime between where you are now and where you had left Dick, he had caught up. Maybe it had been a chase he was doing unconsciously. Maybe he missed the way you would patch him up in your apartment at night no matter how late he found himself in your room. Maybe he missed the way you would take him out for dinner if he did well on a test. Maybe he just missed you. He finds himself staring at you in the grocery store, lips parted in mild surprise. He wasn't expecting to run into you here. He thought you'd stay holed up in your studio for the day.
"Dick." He corrects.
"It is you!" You mumble. "What are you doing in New York? I thought you were working for law enforcement at Gotham."
"Change of plans, change of place." It wasn't exactly a lie. He needed to leave that place. He doesn't know why he picked your city of all places, though. "You?"
"I've been here."
"I suppose." he hums. "Is it nice here?"
"Safer than Gotham." You laugh dryly. "I can't believe Nightwing left that place."
You turn to stare at him. "I figured he'd want to stay close to Batman."
"The first always wants to leave and explore." Dick smiles.
"A psychology fact or just something small?"
"An observation not proven by experiments." He hums. "Why are you here?"
"Low on oat milk." You mumble, reaching for the fridge door.
"You're really living that New York City life, huh?"
"Do you miss Gotham?"
"Never." You pause. "I only miss it because someone used to crash my place."
"Secret." You smile at him. "Have fun in New York."
"If you don't mind." He mumbles. "Can we exchange numbers again?"
"I never changed my old one."
It never struck Dick that maybe you would keep your old number. You had no reason to keep it, after all. Yet, as he clicks open a conversation that he hadn't touched in years but still kept, he wonders if the two of you had just stopped in time. Maybe he had just chosen you from the start. It wasn't as if his high school life was conventional. The popularity at school meant nothing to him in retrospect.
So, he finds himself staring at the ice cream aisle for a little too long, staring at your favorite flavor an uncomfortable amount of time. Maybe it would be his housewarming gift for you as someone crashing into your room. He should go home soon, he supposes. The sun was setting quickly, and he had to do nightly patrol.
He wonders if he'll just crash into your apartment out of instinct.
So, after a quick clean-up and call to the police, he finds himself landing on a random balcony. He could be wrong. He was sure this could just be some complete stranger's balcony, but it could also be right. He had a feeling that you were inside, as he always did. He finds a strange sense of deja vu, especially as Nightwing. He wanted to pay you a visit on the first day in your super-suit, but you had taped the notice that you were already gone.
"I'm surprised you actually found this place." You tilt your head at him as you open the door. "Come in."
"Weird sense of deja vu, no?"
"Almost." You yawn, noticing a bag in his hand. "What's that?"
"I don't recall telling you my favorite ice cream flavor, ever."
"Lucky guess."
"Sure, hero." You hum. "I'm too tired to be a good host, so do what you want."
"Could you wrap me up? That's all I want."
"You're hurt?"
"It's not easy out on these streets."
"Better be no cuts."
"Just a handful of bruises."
"I'll get the ice." You sigh. "Why do you always come at the most unconventional times of day."
"Maybe I just like you when you're half drunk on sleep depravity, pretty girl."
"I'm going to punch you." You grumble, activating the ice pack from your first aid kid, and throwing it at him. Nightwing fails to notice the way your ears burn from the nickname.
"Is it just one bedroom?"
"Did you think I lived in a penthouse?"
"Kind of."
"I live alone. There's no need." You blink. "Knock yourself out. I'll be in bed."
"Have you ever considered me to be a man?"
"As in jump me? No." You hum. "I have security cameras in all four corners of the room. If you did, I would have the evidence to prove you as some creepy guy in my house."
"Even if I'm Nightwing?"
"Even if you're Nightwing."
Dick watches as you completely fall asleep in your bed, ignoring the way that he gets up to sit by you, staring at your sleeping form. You were always too vulnerable with the wrong people, maybe. You had handed him all of your designs in a heartbeat, spilling out everything that had ever plagued your mind in a breath. He rests his chin on the plush of your mattress, breathing matching yours, staring at you. He wonders if this was what he had moved to New York for. Crashing your room at the unholy hours of the night and catching up with you. It's a foolish dream of his. You could never love him back at himself, so he resorts to crashing your apartment and asking for patching up as Nightwing instead.
"Pretty girl." He mumbles, sitting up, pressing a kiss to a lock of your hair. "Missed you."
You wake up to Nightwing gone, the balcony door closed, thankfully, and a splitting headache. You wonder if your all-nighters have finally caught up with you. Maybe they have. You're caught between wondering if you should text a friend to bring food for you or just ordering off of some overpriced delivery app in the most overpriced city in the country. You decide against both, falling asleep in your bed covers as your fever rages on. How exhausting.
You wake up to the sound of your doorbell, tugging yourself out of bed, taking your gun with you.
"Who is it?"
"It's me."
You open the door to your apartment, squinting at the man.
"Come back another time. I feel like shit right now." You grumble, reaching to close the door on Dick.
"If you're sick, shouldn't you need someone to take care of you?"
"My secretary can."
"You have a secretary?"
You sniff. "Yeah."
"I heard she's on break from the twitter updates account. Let me in. I promise I won't burn your kitchen down." Dick mumbles.
You frown. "And you're not going to jump me?"
"Well, if you do." You mumble, showing him the gun in your other hand. "I have this bad boy."
"You have a gun?"
"You never know who's going to break in." You grumble, opening the door to let him in.
"Do you have groceries?"
"I was at the store yesterday. Make do with what I have. Or something." You blink, pulling the blanket further over yourself. "I feel like I've been struck in half by an axe."
"Go rest up." Dick places a hand on your forehead, resting his forehead on yours. "You're burning."
"I think I know that much." You shuffle back to your bed, laying flat on it.
"Do you have Advil?"
"Tylenol's in the cabinet. Might be expired. I've had it forever."
"It's not." He mumbles, getting a glass of water for you as well. "Come on."
You sit up, swallowing the pills with the water, head still spinning. "Thermometer's in the same cabinet."
Dick presses the infrared thermometer to your head, staring at your temperature. "You're awfully hot."
"Thanks." You grumble. "You haven't said that since high school."
"What do you usually do when sick?"
"I haven't been sick since I moved out." You blink slowly, lying back down. "Don't trash the place."
"I won't."
You pass out.
It's ironic. Dick was in your apartment less than twelve hours ago as Nightwing, and now he was in your apartment cooking you soup that he doesn't remember ever learning the recipe of. He missed this. He missed you. Maybe that was why all those women had looked at him at some point in their relationship and told him that he liked someone else. How pitiful of him. To love someone yet date someone else.
But you recover just as quick. Almost as if you were waiting for him to just enter your apartment and take care of you. It was as if your body just needed him once. You don't know. You wake up to Dick sprawled on your couch and your body all dehydrated. There's a bowl of soup next to you that's still warm, and you start eating it as you take your own temperature. It's day. You don't know if it's the same day or you slept through an entire day, but the sun is out, and you feel a little better.
"Do you want help?" Dick opens one of his eyes to stare at you, and you blink at him.
"I'll be fine. Thank you for staying overnight."
"Of course." He hums.
Nightwing crashes two nights later, tumbling down your fire escape. You clutch the gun in your hand and stare at the balcony.
"Just me, sweetheart."
"What a crash landing." You mumble, opening the window to let him in. "What is it this time? We really shouldn't have that many supervillains here."
"Less, that's true." Nightwing hums. "But I still got a good beating." He laughs.
"You're going to be permanently bruised at this rate." You haul him through the window, sighing. "What do you want this time? More bandages? Gauze? A trip to the ER? My soul?"
"Nope. Just checking to see how my favorite girl is doing."
"Now that's just creepy."
"That is not!"
"Oh, no it definitely is." You sigh.
"Are you feeling better?"
You tilt your head as Nightwing pulls his suit up to show you the bruise. "I had a splitting fever yesterday. I'm better now."
"That's good. You didn't answer when I knocked yesterday."
"So you guessed I was sick?"
"Greatest detective in Gotham, remember?"
"Yeah, but this is New York." You mumble, breaking another ice pack to press to his bruise. "I'm sure there's someone better than you."
"I'm sure of it."
Nightwing swings by your apartment every other night. You don't understand how he has the time for that, but you don't question it or anything else. Too many questions lead to too many thoughts. You try not to think of much when you're hanging out with him every other night.
"At this point, I'm going to become nocturnal." You grumble, hanging off the edge of the couch.
"Just for me?"
You raise a brow. "No."
"Are you still designing?"
"Here's a new sketch." You hand him a random paper from the ones all over the ground, and he stares at it.
"A new design for me?"
"No. Just an alternate outfit."
"Can't you get it sewn up for me?"
"I don't like you that much." You grumble.
Nightwing rests his chin on your shoulder huffing.
Somewhere between the crashing apartments and movie nights, you found yourself tangled in Nightwing's limbs, closer to him than you could have imagined in the past. You wonder if any traces of Robin are there, the bruises and scars littered all over his body. You wonder if he had ever liked you. In the empty nights that you had spent with Robin, you found yourself enamored by him. It was foolish for you to ever develop those feelings, so you wonder if Nightwing can read it off of you. He probably can.
"I can't make it in two days." Nightwing mumbles, adjusting the blanket draped over the two of you.
"Mm," You mumble. "Why not?"
Nightwing goes silent, staring at the screen. "Breach of privacy, don't you think, sweetheart?"
"So now I'm not allowed to hear about what you're doing in your free time?"
"Hero's secret." He rests his hand on your shin, tracing mindless circles on your skin. "You'll forgive me, right? Sweetheart?"
You grumble, looking to the side.
"I'm not going to be patroling that day, anyway."
"Oh, yeah." You mumble. "I'm not home that day either. I'm supposed to help Dick move into his new apartment."
"Cheating on me, pretty girl?"
"I was two timing you guys in high school, sure." You pause. "Speaking of Dick. I don't remember ever giving him my home address. How did he even find me?"
Nightwing taps your shin twice. "You sure you didn't text it to him?"
"I swear I didn't-" You pause when you see a conversation with Dick, sending him your full address. "Strange. I don't remember."
"Are you showing early signs of memory loss?"
"Don't be a dick," You pout. "Maybe I texted him while half delirious."
"I have to go, sweetheart," He mumbles, brushing your hair back and pressing a kiss to the corner of your eye. "The city calls."
"I was thinking about it," You tuck your legs back to your chest, staring at him as he clasps everything back onto his outfit. "We should really stop doing that."
"Doing what?"
"Whatever it is we are doing." You mumble. "The whole... situationship thing."
"Do you not want me anymore?"
"I'd prefer to actually find someone." You adjust the blanket on yourself, clicking to lower the tv volume. "That's not right. I can't date a superhero. I think that's more normal. I don't even know who you are."
Nightwing opens his mouth, closing it when he remembers he can't argue with you on it.
"Does that mean I can't crash anymore?"
"No." You huff. "No more cuddling."
"And if I ask you out?"
"No point." You grumble. "I'd be dating a superhero and not a human."
"I thought you said I was human?"
You pause. "But I don't know who you are. You could be some creepy forty year old for all I know."
"'Kay, now that's just rude, sweetheart. I am not forty."
"Yeah, yeah," You grumble. "Ask me out in your civilian form if you really want me that bad."
"Is that a deal?"
"As long as it isn't out of nowhere."
Nightwing disappears into the city, and you glance at the movie still playing in the background.
Dick thanks you for the help with moving apartments. You wonder how he managed to end up as your neighbor, but as he kicks the remaining boxes into the complex, you don't really complain. You could be sitting in your room drawing something insane for Nightwing right now. Maybe it was a healthy break from the guy you've been falling in love with. You wonder why he didn't just stop seeing you once he found out you liked him.
"You look like you're thinking hard."
"That's definitely not something you know how to do?"
"Ey. I'm not stupid. Remember? I was salutatorian." Dick raises a brow, opening one of the boxes.
"I forgot." You pause. "Wasn't your brother suspended?"
"Yeah. He was quite a handful."
"He was funny," You hum, opening another box. "I found him really amusing."
"Makes you think hard about family dynamics."
"Really does." You hand him decorations to go around the apartment from the floor, and you pause when you see a binder. "What's this?"
"Oh, you weren't supposed to see that." He takes it from your hands, holding it behind himself. "You were not supposed to see that."
You glance at the paper flutter out of the binder, and you reach for it, pausing at the familiarity.
"Did you... where did you get this?"
"I found it at a thrift store." He smiles.
"Thrift stores don't sell old sketches by people drawn during high school for superheros." You deadpan.
"An antique store?"
"Spit it out, Richard." You furrow your brows, pulling your lip up. "Are you Nightwing or did you rob him? I doubt both of them, so your explanation better be convincing."
"I like you."
"Let's go out."
"Where is this coming from?" You shake your head in confusion.
"Um. Two nights ago?"
You pause. "I didn't see-"
You blink at Dick tuck the paper back into the binder, placing it on the kitchen counter.
"I'd prefer if you kept that revelation to yourself. These walls aren't soundproof."
You gawk at him. "I was wrapping you up every single fucking night at Gotham?"
You sit there, hands lax, hanging from the box, questioning every single thing you had ever told him up to this point.
You slam your head into your hands, head spinning from the impact and realization. You told Nightwing you found him hot. You told Dick, who had crashed into your room almost every day at Gotham, all about how you thought he was attractive, but there was no point in telling him. You kissed him on the cheek in high school. The more you think about it, the more you question your presence in the room and the more you want to dig a hole and die in it. You were such an embarassment.
"I think I'm going to dig a hole and bury myself." You look up from your hands.
"Please don't do that." Dick mumbles, stepping next to you. "Do you hate me that much? You said you-"
"Yeah." You purse your lips. "Yes. But this is very out of the blue and I need a couple days to process all of this information."
"Your break ends in a couple of days."
"UGH!" You cry, dragging your hands down your face. "I would say yes but oh my god. This is embarassing. So embarassing."
You blink slowly.
"Is that a yes or a no?"
"It's a yes." You answer in a heartbeat. "Please give me a couple days to come to terms with it, though."
"Anything." He mumbles, kissing your forehead.
Dating Dick Grayson is an experience. He's quiet, slow, and he takes his time with you. You find yourself in his apartment more and more despite the ever-sinking knowledge that he's Nightwing. You forget sometimes — only for him to crash through his balcony and roll into your arms. It's worrying now that you're actually dating him. There's a fear that he'd go missing like his brother and maybe even die. The idea that he was returning to the police force wasn't any more comforting.
"Why here?" You mumble, peeling the suit off of his body. "We can go back to Gotham if you really want."
"Why would you move back to Gotham with me?"
"I've been working online for the past year." You sigh. "I never knew when you'd come crash landing into the house during night so I sold my studio. I'm always worried you'll go missing on me one day."
"You're willing to move back with me?"
You heave, picking the mask off of his face.
"Your family is there." You whisper, almost scared as though your voice would give out on you. "Mine is too."
"You'll go back with me?" He holds onto your forearms, eyes sparkling.
You don't know what prompts you to tell him that at the dead of the night only a month into dating him, but it just felt right. It was strange to believe that you had been so willing to move so quickly despite dating him for such a short time. You weren't even sure if you would be able to last past the three-month mark. Maybe it was a mistake of some sort. To move with Dick so quickly. You don't know how you're supposed to decide so fast.
"Sweetheart, what's wrong?" Dick grabs your wrist, causing you to stop with the wrapping. "You've wrapped four more layers than you usually do."
"Do you think we'll last past the three month mark?" You whisper, almost as if you were asking the wind and not him.
"Yeah." Dick hums, helping you rip the bandage. "It'll be fine."
"Yeah." He smiles. "I haven't lied to you before, love."
"Mhm." He kisses you gently, body warmth grounding you. "I promise."
You tuck the rest of the bandages back into the first aid kit, and Dick pulls you into his lap, peppering kisses over your face and neck. It causes you to giggle, smile erupting on your face as butterflies had when you had fallen for him the first time. The worries melt away as Dick runs his hand up and down your back soothingly. You were lucky. The wait was worth it, you think. He was an angel.
"Let me know when to stop," He mumbles against your lips before going back to making out with you, kisses light on your skin.
You squirm in his lap, his hands holding your hips down, giving you just enough space so that you don't bruise. His tongue slips into your mouth at some point, your eyes going half-lidded, welcoming him with fervor. Dick's hands trace circles on your hip, hands snuck underneath your shirt to tug at your bra, unclasping it with his free hand, lips never leaving yours. Your hands reach down for his shirt, tugging at the fabric, fiddling with the fabric. Dick smiles against your lips, pulling away.
A strand of saliva breaks from your lips as he does. "Struggling, pretty girl?"
"Yeah." You huff, watching as Dick pulls it over his head.
"Pretty baby," He laughs. "Feel better?"
"Yeah," You mumble, leaning down to bite his clavicle. You suck on it gently as Dick traces a hand past your shorts down to your clit, drawing lazy circles on your clit, humming lowly, vibrations traveling straight to your core.
"Pretty girl..." He sighs as you let go of his collar with a pop, sliding a finger from your clit into your cunt, sighing slowly as he slides his finger in further, earning a whimper from your lips. "Feel good?"
"Mhm." You gasp. "Yeah."
"I'm sorry you feel that way, pretty girl." He whispers against your skin. "Want me to help you out?"
"Yes, please," You mumble. "Please, Dick."
"Anything for you, sweetheart." His hands speed up, thumb trying to brush circles on your clit as his index finger curls inside of you. You wonder if he's teasing or if he really doesn't remember where your g spot is — You choke on your own thought as he finds it. "There it is."
Your fingers reach for his chest, nails digging into his pecs as he continues curling his finger, adding another one inside of you. He hisses quietly as your nails dig deep enough to draw blood, a trail of red following the scratch as he continues with his fingers inside of you.
"Pretty girl, on the back please."
"Sorry," You move your hands to his back, yelping as he starts again. You clench on his fingers as he curls them once more, your orgasm ripping through your skin; the sweat wraps your body in a thin sheen of white, reflecting the dim lighting of the apartment. You curl into him, your whole body shaking from the orgasm, lips parted in a silent cry. You blink to try and catch your breath, coughing.
"I get why you've had so many exes now." You mumble.
"I like you the best." He mumbles, pressing a kiss to the corner of your eye.
"I bet you say that to all of them."
"Only to my favorites." He hums. "Just you."
You look at him doubtfully.
"I promise."
You close your eyes, head ringing. "I'm sorry."
"Don't be."
You move to get rid of your shorts as Dick slides his boxers off, straddling him and sinking down slowly. You stay there to adjust, and wait, mind wandering slowly as Dick starts bouncing you. You keep your voice to yourself, only small whimpers and light gasps slipping past your lips. Your eyes cloud over as your brain goes on autopilot. Dick notices quickly, stopping altogether when you don't seem to respond.
You stare at him.
"What's wrong?"
"I'll be fine." You smile.
You count with fingers in your mind, from one hand to the next, then back to the original hand, changing so that one counts the fives and the other counts the other single digits, and then the tens and the single digits. You don't know why you're counting them, but it seems like a lot or too little — too little yet too much. Your mind spins gently, slowly, almost as if the thoughts were like murky water, pulling you down slowly, waiting for a moment to drown you wholeheartedly.
"Babe." Dick tries again, calloused fingers brushing over your hip. "Talk to me."
"I thought you were the one who sucked at communication." You blink back slowly, not registering your words. "You know?"
"I usually do, but I learn."
"I suppose you do." You stare at him. "I'm scared."
"Of us?"
"Yeah." You whisper. "It's in the back of my mind constantly. What if you return dead one day like you did to Barbara so many years ago?"
"I wasn't dead-"
"You were shot in the head." You whimper. "You." You go quiet, resting your head in the crook of his neck, closing your eyes. "I've done nothing with you."
"Pretty girl-"
"Your life as Nightwing was in Barb's hands." You start. "The two of you have done so much together. The news went insane when they found out you were engaged to her and set to marry her. I was so ready to see the news of a marriage, and then it seemed that you had just broken the engagement out of nowhere — and then I find out that you moved out of Blüdhaven and disappeared from the very city you poured your whole heart into and find you out here on the streets of New york? What — what kind of madness did I read in the morning newspaper, you, you left the city you fell in love with for the streets of New York?? Do you know how — how preposterous you sounded when you said that? It was as if I had been told that Batman was actually Bruce Wayne or something, it was so—"
"Babe." Dick whispers. "Babe."
"... insane of you to just do something — yeah?" You mumble. "Sorry. We're having sex and I'm—"
"I find it endearing," He laughs, resuming the circles on your hip. "But I'm with you now. Not with Babs." He smiles. "You. I moved here to New York after becoming Blüdhaven's billionaire savior because of you. I didn't move anywhere for any of my exes, right?"
You avoid his gaze, swallowing out of guilt.
"Don't feel bad for doubting me." He smiles. "I understand why."
"I guess that makes two trust issues havers in this relationship." You frown playfully.
"Well," He hums, standing up, switching positions to place you underneath him. "If you don't mind."
"God. I think I should get fucked silly. I hate my brain."
"Then what'll happen to all of my outfits?"
"Just find someone else." You grumble, kicking your legs over him. "I'm sure you can handle it."
"Really?" He thrusts into you sharply, causing you to gasp. "Really."
"Dick Grayson, just get on with it." You grumble.
You wonder sometimes where he had all the energy to patrol, work, and fuck you, but you suppose stamina training might've been part of the curriculum with Batman. Your nails dig into his shoulders as he pounds into you, mess of slick and cum following Dick's cock as he slides in and out of you, the sound of skin slapping skin filling the room. Dick pants into your ears, head spinning, drunk on the lust as he continues, fingers flying to your clit frantically, desperate to get you off. You're drunk off the same lust, hands moving to pull his lips to yours, mouth open and drool all over you two's chins.
It's messy.
You gasp and curl as you get closer, heels digging into the back of his thigh to try and have him deeper, his name slipping past your lips like a mantra, your mind melting into mush over him. Dick mumbles under his breath, marveling at how pretty you look with drool slipping down your chin and clouded eyes. You're gorgeous when you're reduced to a mess that can only gasp his name and pull at his hair. Crying lightly, you whimper about how you were close, spurring Dick to move impossibly faster. You cum with a clench of your walls and a cry caught in your throat, and Dick joins you, hips stuttering as he spills into you with a whimper.
Dick pulls out and collapses on top of you, a soft 'oof' slipping past your lips as he does.
"So... Gotham?"
"Give me two business days to recover from you."
"Yes babe."
The flight to the Wayne Manor is a little strange to you. You keep your apartment, and Dick ends his lease. You're told you get to fly back and forth whenever necessary, and you wonder if staying at the Wayne Manor and publicly getting involved with Dick was a great idea. Yet, you don't really care. You like sketching suit designs for the family in the Batcave. You also like going through the mess of Batman's closet and looking through every single design he has ever sported. Some of them were atrocious.
You turn to stare at the person enterring the Batcave.
"Pretty girl."
"Hey." You hum, leaning back to look at Dick.
"Drawing again?"
"I got bored and ended up here looking for inspiration."
"I figured." He sits next to you on the ground. "What are you drawing?"
"I was redrawing your original outfit as Nightwing," You smile. "The disco suit that you said reminded you of your parents."
"Does it look better now?"
"Slightly?" You raise a brow at the drawing. "There could be improvements."
"It's too flashy," You giggle. "I like my latter design better."
"What about the red one you hid in the back of the papers?"
"Oh, god, I'm embarassed about that one." You mumble. "But you did look good in it. Didn't it help you pull? I'm sure a good chunk of people were staring at your ass."
"You bet they were." He hums. "Didn't you like staring at me in it too?"
"Yeah. Your cape as Robin got in the way too often." You deadpan. "It had to be out there."
"It looked better out."
"Do you want anything to eat or drink? Alfred's upstairs preparing dinner."
"Just call me when he's ready."
You sigh as Dick presses a kiss to your cheek.
"Love you."
"Love you too."
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miyaur · 1 year
𝄞 — zhongli (gn!reader) — ❝ two is better than one! ❞
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summary: your calm, sensible, and handsome boyfriend wants to take your relationship to the next level, ready for slow intimate moments together, but what would you think if you saw what double digits he had like down under!
a/n: saw a lovely fanart of zhongli, gave me big idea for a fic and i love zhongli so much :)!
warnings: nsfw, mentions of double dick zhongli (LMAO), riding, doggy style(?), dom!zhongli, sub!reader this time, don't know what else, enjoy though!
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You and ZHONGLI have been dating for a bit, slowly and surely you both grow more deeply in love than before, Hu Tao mentions how horrifyingly you both looked like a cheesy teen couple in highschool on their first date.
Shopping, or getting some coffins from imported land with you and ZHONGLI is a nightmare, Hu Tao quoted. Both of you often glancing at each other and growing red, then looking away from each other once more, all wanted is for you both to just get the damn coffins into the carriage and back to home sweet home!!
Although this may have ticked Hu Tao off about how cheesy it all was, and as much as it is cheesy, it's nice seeing you, her close friend, finally getting along with your obvious crush for a bit now, aka ZHONGLI.
Finally putting the coffins back into the parlor, and in display, you both finally get "kicked out for being too cheesy", aka Hu Tao saying enjoy your date tonight!
Strolling through the streets of Liyue, small stares at each stall. You both fonally decided on just a small snack at Third Round Knockout to end off the day. ZHONGLI surprisingly paid this time though (must be a special night hmmm?)
Finally crashing down on the bed in ZHONGLI's home. Lying down, so tired from everything (eating and putting a coffin in a stroller and arranging it for display) that happened today. "Beloved, today I would like to.." he clears his throat, "Take our relationship to another level. "-We've been together for quite some time, and we both know we can't spend eternity with each other forever." You sat up looking confused, "So, what's the surprise, sweetheart?" you asked.
He pins you down with his geo-scattered hands onto the bed frame. "I would like to be intimate with you, at least just once, if you would allow it my love?" He said, breathing a bit heavy, not so hard to carry though. "Sure, what could go wrong, right?" You giggled. ZHONGLI's breath slowly getting closer to your neck, biting it, marking you as his.
You moaned slightly, whimpering at the sudden bites, "Mmm, your neck is sensitive isn't it, honey?" he said muffled, but understandable, you nod in a bit of excitement. He bites a bit more and let's go. ZHONGLI lies himself down and lets you hover on top of him. (ok u both are naked at this point dont ask how) You turn your head to see his cock(s) (LMFAO), dripping with precum. "O-oh.. I kinda see you only wanna do this just now.." "You never fail to amuse me, love"
Inserting one of them up your hole, you whine as it struggled to fit. slowly riding him, you both moan out each other's names. hours go by, many rounds have taken place, you both are a mess, he has you hands pinned to the bedframe, fucking you senseless, slowly noticing the belly bulge forming in your stomach. "Feel that, babe? That's the mark. The mark that shows my ownership over you, got it?" Your fucked dumb hazy expression was enough for him, fucking into you more, "s' close again 'li, just a lil' m-more.." you moaned out about to cum for the last time, this time with ZHONGLI.
"Me too, honey. Just- haah.. just wait a little long- haah! longer baby." Hard thrusts went in and out, each getting harsher and faster. Both of you finally came, feeling his hot cum shoot up inside you. savoring this little intimate moments together.
"two is always better than one, no?"
i live and breathe for this man 🥰‼️
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roseharpermaxwell · 6 months
RWRB FirstPrince AU Recs - Part Two
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I'm such a fan of an AU, and I love how many there are in FirstPrince. Any situation you can put Alex and Henry in, I'm here for it.
Here are many of my favorites so far, 10k+ words. Give the authors some love and let me know if you find something you adore!
And they call it— by @clottedcreamfudge. T, 10k. "You're late, but at least you're wearing a more interesting tie this time," The Dog Sitter says as he opens the door, leaning against the doorframe like he's a GQ model and not a law student slash dog whisperer. Henry's mouth feels incredibly dry.
"Mishap with my socks," he says, then immediately wants to throw himself into oncoming traffic. "I mean, I didn't have any trouble getting them on or anything — I'm perfectly capable of dressing myself."
"Good to know," The Dog Sitter says, looking amused and devastatingly attractive, as always. "David get ahold of them again? He looks at mine like I look at freshly-brewed coffee."
"Yes," Henry says, relieved. "Yes, exactly that."
Creative Differences by @sparklepocalypse. E, 10k. Zahra tilts her head at him, a contemplative expression on her face. “How attached are you to the notion of being a solo artist?”
(AU; Alex is a failed solo musician and Henry's band needs a lead singer.)
Dick, Dick, Dick (You Down) by @everwitch-magiks. E, 10k. It is a truth universally acknowledged that Henry Fox is an absolute dick.
Henry Fox is an A-list movie star, Alex is in charge of the craft services trailer on Henry’s new romcom, and Alex just might be the only person on the crew who has his doubts about the world’s unfavorable assumptions about Henry. Why would Henry be a dick just because he doesn’t stop to talk to his fans every time they crowd him? Henry Fox is probably like most people: not his best self every second of his goddamn life, but decent on the whole.
As filming gets underway, Alex learns both how right and how wrong he is. Henry Fox, much like Alex’s well-stocked buffet at crafty, is a goddamn snack — but he’s definitely not like most people.
(Alex doesn’t feel this specific way about most people.)
You Came Out of Nowhere (And You Cut through All the Noise) by @affectionatelyrs. E, 10k. Alex starts to feel worse about how he reacted to the man earlier — he’s usually all bark and no bite, but how is the bartender supposed to know that? Alex can be snarky, but he’s never cruel.
Allowing his lips to quirk up into a small smile, he replies “Yeah. Yeah, I’m fine. Thank you, really.”
“Well,” he says with a smirk, “in the event that you are lying to me simply to placate our earlier interaction, my shift ends in 15 minutes. I don’t suppose you’d be willing to stick around to chat with a perfect stranger?”
Alex’s brain stutters for a moment at his facade being so transparent that it's all he can do to stutter out a “Yeah—um, yeah. Okay, sure.” Maybe he also gets stuck on the words perfect stranger, and the immediate thought of mmmm, perfect indeed that pops up in his brain as a result. He chooses to ignore that as well.
Or, Alex is feeling insecure after a bad date - Henry shows him that he doesn't have to be
Controlled Experiment by clottedcreamfudge. E, 10k. Basically, what it boils down to is this; Alex is mostly sober when he says - to a group of people he barely knows - "Yeah, I might be a little queer, but who knows? I'd kinda like to experiment though, y'know?"
This statement, which is actually something he's thought about a lot, is met by general bobbing of heads, in the kind of bros-trying-to-be-chill way that usually happens when a bunch of straight guys are trying very hard to be non-toxic. That is to say, it's kind of awkward, but they get mad props for trying.
The only person who isn't nodding is Henry, Pez's best friend and the only known gay man in this circle of people. Alex has no clue about the others, but he knows Henry's gay because Pez once introduced him as, "the most handsome man in all of Christendom — and before you ask, no we've never shagged, which is a damn shame. Not for lack of trying on my part, of course, but Henry's one of those gays who thinks it's bad manners to get drunk and have an inadvisable fumble with your best friend for larks."
kiss my collarbone, found my archetype by uptownwarblerr5. E, 10k. English literature teacher Henry starts a new job, and immediately meets law teacher Alex (and in the process, becomes a little bit obsessed). Alex is a clueless bisexual disaster as per usual. Nora and Pez love their stupid friends. Zahra wants to go home.
Arts and Minds by @orchidscript. T, 11k. Henry felt like he was holding the shreds of his career and dignity all in one. The most profound interaction between Henry and the colleague he respected the most – had respected and looked up to since beginning his master’s degree – was now posted online, trending across Twitter, and was now up to 23 million views. Alex showing off and Henry standing there, mouth open like a fish. He wanted to throw up. He wished he had argued back, had said anything. Instead, he had all but swallowed his tongue and sunk back to his laptop, floundering for how to push forward.
23 million views.
Henry should be angry. He wasn’t.
He was going to die of embarrassment. Zahra would make sure of it.
Art history professors go viral, then go to a conference... and there was only one bed ;) 
Fox Repairs (and Basic Construction) by floatingaway4. T, 11k. “Yes, so let me get your details and I’ll come over whenever it’s convenient for you,” says the voice. It’s dark and soft at the same time, kind of...velvety...and Alex curses his brain that can’t ask a simple question but can come up with a thousand adjectives for this guy’s voice.
“My details,” Alex repeats, while his brain is busy flipping through a list of similes that would get him fired if he ever put them into anything official. ‘Like honey...like molasses….like sunshine on a cloudy day…’ Nope, that’s a song lyric. He’d get charged with plagiarism for that one.
All Booked Up by @three-drink-amy. E, 11k. A book tearing up the Bestseller’s List is quickly shoved into Alex’s hands via June and Nora. Despite his resistance, he’s taken in by the book and its whirlwind romance. When Nora insists they all go to a reading with the mysterious author, Alex is drawn in by H. G. Fox, hanging on his every word. When they meet after the signing, it sets him on a path he’d thought was impossible.
Try Me On For Size by everwitch. E, 11k. "Yeah, I might be a little queer, but who knows? I'd kinda like to experiment though, y'know?"
Henry’s carefully orchestrated nonchalance melts away in an instant.
He’d been about to do what he always does at these shindigs when the topic of hypothetical queerness is brought up; come out. In this strange little pocket of humanity — this full-volume version of reality filled with red solo cups and many a youth exploring their sexuality — making his preferences known has always been Henry’s most successful first step on his path towards getting laid. And Henry does, truly, want to get laid tonight; he didn’t spend well over fifteen minutes on his hair for bloody Instagram clout. His discreet but unmistakable rainbow wristband isn’t meant to signify allyship.
The thing is, though, that Henry’s personal gay agenda for the night may just have taken an interesting turn; Alex wants to experiment.
In which Alex does experiment, and Henry is a most willing participant.
we've been here forever (here's the frozen proof) by @onward--upward. T, 12k. Objectively, I am aware that you – a stranger – cannot tell me my own sexuality any better than I can, however... Can you, please? Tell me? It’s 4am and I have been thinking about this for hours, and I can’t sleep.
Warmest regards,
It’s four in the morning, and Alex Claremont-Diaz has managed to follow a research spiral straight down into a personal crisis. It isn’t the first time.
Kinda think that I might be his type by @kiwiana-writes. E, 12k. “Bea.” He clambers onto his knees, grabbing her hands in his own. “Bea, take me to Thanksgiving with you.”
Bea blinks. Blinks again. “What?”
“Bea, I could terrorise your gran until she’s begging you to stay single forever.”
Or, Alex agrees to be his friend's fake boyfriend for a weekend. He is not prepared for his friend's brother.
Countermelody by @omgcmere. E, 12k. On an old tour bus, tucked into the corner of a bunk bed, there's a bit of wood that gets covered up when the particleboard shifts back and forth on the road. If you catch it just after the bus has gone over the right kind of bump, you can shine a light up and find a message etched there, with the tip of a key or maybe a Swiss Army knife.
Alex discovered it within his first week of the tour. He's never told anyone about it. It says:
Luckily for him, as a solo artist, he doesn't really have to worry about it.
Alex is opening for Henry on tour and, uh, hates him. A lot.
Elevator buttons and morning air by dollarstoreannabethchase. E, 12k. Last night, Alex hooked up with the most attractive man to ever exist after getting stuck together in the elevator of his apartment complex. He's incredible, but the second day of the job that will make or break his career is not the time to be starting a relationship; even if he kind of wants to scream every time he thinks about Henry. So you can imagine his fucking surprise when he walks into the office the next day and sees none other than his Henry—elevator Henry, blue-eyed, British, dreamy, with thighs for days Henry—standing and talking to Pez. It’s in that moment that it all clicks, and Alex realizes. He’s Henry, as in, Henry, his other boss. Henry, his boss, a.k.a. the man who was on his knees in Alex’s bedroom last night. He is so fucked.
Or: Alex and Henry get stuck in an elevator together; Chaos ensues.
coyote ugly series by @smc-27. E, 12k. The bartender, in his mesh tank top, towel tucked into the back pocket of a pair of jeans, leans on the bar, eyes twinkling, and asks, “What can I get you, sweetheart?”
You Are the Wave I Could Never Tame by bleedingballroomfloor. E, 12k. That should be it. Henry is doing his job; the pool is getting cleaned, and Alex shouldn’t think anything more of it. Then why does he feel the slightest bit of disappointment when he walks back to the pool house and Henry isn’t there?
Or, the pool boy Henry AU that I couldn't stop thinking about until I wrote it.
Count The Stars And Constellations by everwitch. E, 14k. Alex and Henry meet at their first Partner Summit. After a single night of warm smiles and intriguing conversation, Henry is more than ready to follow his heart and enter a Match with Alex. But Alex is not. 
Meet Your Match by allmylovesatonce. E, 14k. Alex had first learned about soulmarks when he was 10. June had just turned 13 and had woken up that morning with her soulmark. The two of them sat at the dinner table, in awe of the mark on her wrist. It was delicate and pretty. Three hearts intertwined like a triple infinity sign. Alex was almost envious. He wanted to know who his soulmate was so badly and he wouldn't get his mark for another 3 years.
Everybody needs good neighbours by @rmd-writes. E, 14k. To nora(9.37pm):
So a funny thing happened
My hot neighbour brought me the mcflurry i ordered and we fucked
From nora (9.38pm):
Which neighbour?
Wait, you only have one hot neighbour. Alex, did you fuck a guy?!?!?!
Alex meets a hot new neighbour. Shenanigans ensue.
Captious (calculated to confuse, entrap or entangle in argument) by lucky (revolutionbarbie). M, 14k. “I’m so sorry I’m late.”
Alex hadn't intended to be 45-minutes late to his blind date, he really hadn't.
Thankfully Henry - broad-shouldered, blond, British and downright beautiful - didn't seem to mind.
written in the stars by @indomitable-love. G, 15k. Henry has always been entranced by the transformative power of stories; the way a happy ending can heal an ache better than any medicine.
He never set out to run a bookshop, but when he’d ended up with an obscenely large inheritance and an expanding cavity in his chest before he was even old enough to drink, there was only one thing that he wanted to do, only one way he wanted to fill the void: he wanted to be surrounded by the one place that had always felt like home – between the covers of a book. No matter the time period or genre, Henry has always found a home in books.
falling in love (in the cruelest way) by @coffeecatsme. M, 15k. “Alex?”
The name makes Alex stop halfway to the register and look back. Henry is standing in the same spot, shifting from foot to foot, before he juts his chin out. He meets Alex’s eyes.
“Where are you traveling to?”
Or, Alex picks up a stranger on a road trip, only to realize too late he's the missing Prince of Wales.
Financial and Other Instruments by clottedcreamfudge. E, 15k. “I’m Alex,” Alex says quietly, and something in Henry’s stomach jolts. “I’m a trainee financial adviser — I think you know my mom?”
Financial instruments are assets that can be traded, or they can also be seen as packages of capital that may be traded... These assets can be cash, a contractual right to deliver or receive cash or another type of financial instrument, or evidence of one's ownership of an entity.
Alex has owned Henry since the second he laid eyes on him, whether Alex knows it or not.
maybe take me into your room by smc_27. T, 15k. “This is kinda boring, ma.”
She pats him on the cheek, leans in a little closer, and says, “Find something to do, darlin’. You live here. You can’t leave.”
She’s not exactly right, but he isn’t going to argue. Plus, her main advisor, Zahra, comes over. Alex is already a little afraid of her, so he doesn’t feel the need to draw attention to himself by smarting off at the mouth.
She’s still talking to him when he spots this really beautiful guy about his age, and fuck, wow. Okay.
“Not him,” his mom says into his ear, and he doesn’t even… Look, if she knows about the few guys he made out with at parties in Madrid last year when the opportunity arose, this is the first he’s hearing of it. “His dad is the British ambassador. I can’t have you breaking hearts and causing an international incident.”
OR: Ellen Claremont is the US ambassador to Canada. Arthur Fox is the British Ambassador to Canada.  
When The Time Is Right by everwitch. E, 16k. “Maybe I could challenge you more,” Henry suggests, his eyes carefully trained on Alex. “And hold you accountable for longer. How does that sound?”
“That sounds fucking amazing,” Alex tells him, the words coming out in a rush. “Yes. That. Please.”
“Alright, then.” Henry offers him a sly grin. “Alex, love. You just gave me a wonderful idea.”
It’s really something, how quickly Alex’s heartbeat picks up. “Oh? Do tell.”
Henry’s grin widens. He looks alarmingly pleased with himself. “How would you feel about a staycation?”
When Alex asks Henry for something a little more intense in the bedroom, they end up taking more than just their sex life to the next level.
you'll be right where i left you by smc_27. M, 17k. He wakes up to a weird noise and - once he realizes he’s not dreaming it - starts trying to figure out where it’s coming from.
He takes a steadying breath and opens the closet door, and the scream he lets out is like, practically not human at all.
He did not fucking expect there to be a man in his closet. A man who is also yelling. Who’s tall, and hot, and wearing what seems like a wool suit, some kind of medal around his neck, and a sash.
OR, a time traveling Henry AU
Tell Me All Your Secrets by everwitch. E, 17k. When Henry dates Liam, he inadvertently learns about June’s brother Alex’s not-so-heterosexual tendencies of the past. But Alex has explicitly told Henry he’s straight. If Alex had the slightest interest in being with Henry, he'd definitely have set the record straight (ha) in regards to his sexuality. Except with pride month just around the corner and Alex making another trip to New York, Henry finds himself reexamining parts of their friendship. Perhaps there is more to their connection than he's ever dared hope for?
Or: the one where Alex and Henry go to New York Pride.
Fate Marks the Spot by @preppymayhem. T, 17k. Alex Claremont-Diaz wants absolutely nothing to do with Prince Henry of Wales and would be completely happy to never speak or be in the same room with him again.
Except for the tiny fact that Henry bears his mark.
A/K/A: What if Alex and Henry were soulmates, literally.
The Art of Falling in Love by floatingaway4. M, 17k. Alex Claremont-Diaz is a struggling actor, but his next role might be his big break. To research the role, his agent connects him with her friend at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. The employee assigned to show him around annoys Alex before they even meet.
Will they ever learn to get along?
(Spoiler alert: Yes. Yes they will.)
Cursed is a State of Mind by @dustratcentral and @welcometololaland. E, 17k. Alex Claremont-Diaz is well aware that he’s an absolute catch. He’s intelligent and quick witted, has an ass that absolutely refuses to quit and was once voted ‘most attractive law student’ in a slightly irresponsible and probably unethical NYU student magazine poll.
Which is why he finds it super fucking weird that his new roommate, Henry, thinks his caffeine consumption habits are a bit off-putting. So what if he has some unconventional drink choices? It’s not like Alex can’t vehemently defend all of them.
5 times Henry has something to say about Alex’s coffee choices and 1 time he says nothing at all.
team henesmee series by @coffeecatsme. E, 18k. Henry isn’t home when Alex returns from his weeklong trip to his father’s lakehouse in Texas.
There is, however, a bat hanging from their fan, wings curled around its little body, a drop of drool clinging to his lips. Sleeping.
“Huh,” Alex says, tilting his head. “I didn’t know vampires could actually turn into bats.”
Or, 5 times Alex learns something new about Henry and 1 time Henry learns something new about Alex.
Luck of the Draw by LolaLand (Lola_di_Penates). T, 19k. Henry isn’t an artist, but he runs an art studio. Alex isn’t in a bridal party, but he’s arranging a bachelorette.
Neither of them are looking for love, but when life gives you lemons, you throw them in the fruit bowl and find yourself the man of your dreams.
The Beginner's Guide to Floristry by clottedcreamfudge. E, 19k. As if there's anything romantic about it; as if it's not the most humiliating death Alex can imagine. This is why he doesn't do relationships. This is why he never will. The risk, as far as he fucking sees it, is too great.
Hanahaki Disease is a fictional disease where the victim of unrequited or one-sided love begins to vomit or cough up the petals and flowers of a flowering plant growing in their lungs, which will eventually grow large enough to render breathing impossible.
Route 11 by LolaLand (Lola_di_Penates). E, 19k. Alex thought the New York City subway was a cursed public transport system. That was before he moved across the Atlantic and took the route 11 bus every day.
A public transport love story told in 11 parts.
My Songs Know Secrets You're Sick of Keeping by ma_lark_ey, paythe_piper. T, 19k. "How about this," Alex offered, "If I win AOTY, I announce Henry and I in my acceptance speech. If I don't, we do it your way."
OR: Alex is a world famous pop punk star, Henry is still the Prince of England, and the public is onto them.
A Practical Arrangement by @kiwiana-writes. E, 19k. “I know.” In fairness, he didn’t ask his mom to delay the wedding after the betrothal was made official when he turned eighteen. It wasn’t that she expected another option to materialise—he’s pretty sure she was trying to give him and Henry more time to get to know each other, maybe move past their open animosity a little. They’ve been pushed together every few months for the last three years, their marriage an inevitability. “I just… I still can’t quite get my head around it, you know? Married. To Henry.”
All the Old Showstoppers by @cha-melodius. E, 20k. “Dunno, kinda looks like you know what you’re doing. Are those macarons?” Alex asks incredulously after a little while, and a moment later Henry sees him start slowly approaching out of the corner of his eye. “I didn’t know princes could bake.”
“I’d wager not many of them can,” Henry replies as he works, letting one corner of his mouth tug upward.
(In a universe where Alex didn’t go to the royal wedding, three years later Alex and Henry find themselves both competing on an episode of The Great Celebrity Bake Off. Will old hostilities lead to disaster, or is there something else causing all that tension in the tent?)
i told myself don't get attached (but in my mind i play it back) by coffeecatsme. E, 20k. “I’m so sorry, Mr. Claremont-Diaz,” the woman behind the counter says, eyes wide and apologetic. Alex grits his teeth so he doesn’t say something inappropriate in a lobby full of scared families, crying kids, and the obscenely tall British guy that’s currently giving him a fucking migraine. “Due to the snowstorm warning, all the flights are cancelled, and unfortunately the room you’ve booked is currently occupied.”
“Occupied,” Alex repeats dumbly, nails digging into his palm. “I booked this room three months ago.”
“Yes, well, the previous occupant—”
“Should’ve been out of here by now.” Alex knows he sounds harsh, he knows the stupid blond is hovering somewhere behind him listening to the whole conversation, but he can’t help it. He’s not spending what’s supposed to be his vacation alone with another guy in his room.
Or, Alex and Henry are stuck in the same room in a hotel during a sudden blizzard
For all the world to see by everwitch. E, 20k. Henry Fox — bestselling author, mystery millionaire and infamous recluse — never gives interviews. So when June is tasked with writing a profile on Henry, Alex agrees to help her. How? By posing as Henry’s next-door neighbor, charming his way into Henry’s life for the purpose of obtaining some real substance for June’s article. Eat the rich, right? What could possibly go wrong?
i wake with your memory over me (that's a real fucking legacy) by coffeecatsme. E, 21k. The ski instructor stops in front of him, takes off his goggles, and Henry about stops breathing for another reason. “Hey,” Alexander says with a grin, his face distinctly lacking in wrinkles Henry was expecting from a renowned instructor. There’s a bright grin on his face that rivals the sun, rich brown curls spilling out of a red beanie, and Henry realizes he’s absolutely fucked for a whole other reason than his inability to figure out how to stay upright in skis. 
Or, the one in which Henry is hopeless at skiing despite his family's aspirations, and Mary hires Alex as an instructor to amend that.
we might just get away with it by smc_27. E, 21k. Henry is the most gorgeous man Alex has ever seen. And Alex has seen a lot of gorgeous men. He’s a fucking model.
“This is Henry Fox-Mountchristen,” Prada’s current PR lead says, and Alex smiles and pushes his hand out. “He’s a journalist covering the merger.”
Alex doesn’t know what merger or what it would have to do with Paris Fashion Week. But he does know that Henry holding a glass of champagne as he shakes Alex’s hand is maybe the sexiest thing ever, and there is just no explanation for that.
“Hi. I’m Alex.”
Henry says, “I know,” and then does this weird, forced smile at Bianca and walks away.
Alex doesn’t know how to like, not be completely obsessed with things he wants.
OR, Alex is a model. Henry is a journalist, and a bit of an asshole. Alex wants him anyway, even when it doesn’t feel good.
Fractured by clottedcreamfudge. E, 23k. Alex has been in the New York PPC for seven years, and it's seven years too long. He's not looking for his Half, because he isn't half a person. The Algorithm can kiss his sweet, Texan ass.
He doesn't need anyone - leggy, blond, or otherwise - trying to change that.
The Snow Prince by @orchidscript. M, 24k. Two little boys meet in a dream that isn't quite a dream.
Years later, two young men dance at a ball without touching.
A governor's son falls in love with an isolated prince who cannot be held.
A winter fairytale inspired by folktales, fairytales, and other stories. Alex and Henry meet twice, then fall in love a decades-old curse. When the threatened effects begin to come true, Alex endeavors to break it.
in summer air series by Standinginmoonlight. M, 25k. There’s something magnetic about Henry, though, and his feet feel like they’re rooted to the spot. He opens his mouth again and decides to just go with it. He’s on vacation, after all. Whatever fucking goes.
Or: the one Alex Claremont-Diaz flies halfway around the world to find himself and ends up finding Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor instead.
One Wild and Precious Life by @sprigsofviolets. T, 26k. In 2015, Arthur Fox was diagnosed with cancer. He went into surgery to have a tumor removed from his brain, and fell into a coma.
Nine years later, he wakes up.
Clue Me In by bleedingballroomfloor. E, 27k. Henry and Pez’s new shelter is opening in Brooklyn, and Henry is determined to spend the entire night avoiding Alex, while Alex is determined to do the exact opposite of that.
Cracked Heart by @absoluteaudacitywrites. E, 28k. Liam takes a deep breath in and out. “I’m so sorry, Alex. I’ve thought a lot about this and I don’t want to hurt you but it’s the right thing to do.” He pauses, taking another deep breath. “We need to break up.”
after hours by @dumbpeachjuice. M, 28k. “Spend the night with me. I’ll show you around the city, take you to all my favourite haunts. Give you a sample of what the real New York is like,” Alex explains, altogether far too casually to excuse the speed with which Henry’s heart has set off galloping. “Maybe you’ll even change your opinion that we Americans have no taste.”
Henry’s mouth feels sort of dry, so he swallows a large gulp of his new martini down and immediately chews through both olives to stall for time. “Why on earth would I do that?”
Alex shrugs. “It’ll be fun. I’m an excellent tour guide. I have references.”
The Byline by @rosetintednerdglasses. M, 28k. Press Secretary Alex Claremont-Diaz serves at the pleasure of the President, and he does it excellently until a new White House correspondent darkens his press room: Henry Fox, The Guardian.
Every Star That's Ever Fallen Knows the Way to Where We're Going by @dracowillhearaboutthis. G, 29k. When Henry’s family moved in next door when Alex was four years old, Alex was not a fan. 
In Your Orbit by everwitch. E, 30k. Alex, a third year student at the pilot academy — and more importantly the son of the First Commander of the Unified Systems — finds himself kidnapped by a duo of interstellar smugglers, Henry and Pez. The two space fugitives soon turn out to have a plethora of problems; between a severe illness, a freighter that keeps falling apart, and a meteoroid storm raging outside, they're in quite a pinch. Alex reluctantly comes to their aid, if only to make sure they all get out of this alive.
The thing about Henry, though, is that despite everything, he doesn’t actually seem cruel. He seems the exact opposite of cruel.
muscle memory by stutteringpeach. E, 30k. It's been ten years since Alex was in London to stage a PR friendship with Henry after ruining the royal wedding. It's also been ten years since Alex dropped to his knees in front of Henry in a Kensington Palace kitchen.
But now Henry's in the Hamptons for the summer, and who should he bump into? None other than Alex Claremont-Diaz, who happens to be working in New York all summer long.
Double, Double, Acting Trouble by @welcometololaland. E, 30k. Due to no fault of his own, Alex Claremont-Diaz winds up in a theatre class.
Due to every fault of Percy Okonjo, Henry Fox Mountchristen-Windsor finds himself roped into the very last thing he ever wanted to do - following in his father’s footsteps by being thrust onto the stage. OR
Confusion now hath made his masterpiece as Alex and Henry fall in love while performing the Tragedy of Macfish.
Be Worthy Love, and Love Will Come by @sparklepocalypse. E, 30k. "For Christmas this year, all I would like is a best friend who doesn’t mind too much that I’m a prince. Most of my classmates poke fun because of who I am, or treat me like I’m too special to be their friend. I want a best friend who knows me as much as my family does and still likes me. I know that you can’t wrap a best friend up in a box and put it under the tree, but you’re magic so you know the best way to bring one."
(Movieverse canon divergence; Prince Henry, age 8, writes to Father Christmas wishing for a best friend. A few weeks later, he finds one.)
it's you and me by smc_27. M, 31k. He can’t fucking wait to see everyone. To hug Bea. To have Catherine tell him he’s handsome and tap his nose with her index finger like she’s always done. For Arthur to make some inevitably fucking terrible joke about Alex bringing two duffels and a carryon. He also honestly can’t wait to see his mom and Arthur together.
Alex just really needs this summer. He needs time away, outside of Texas, with his family and the people outside his family who know him best.
or, an indulgent summer fic in which Arthur and Ellen are best friends and their families summer together in California
Nebuchad-never had a friend like me by clottedcreamfudge. E, 32k. When the dragons came, it was like nothing the world had ever seen before – and it hadn’t been anything like the movies either. There weren’t great, leathery wings beating up hurricanes and pinpricks growing larger on the horizon until sharp, white teeth became visible; there were no screaming citizens or calls to arms; nobody saw them coming, because they didn’t come the way Hollywood had expected them to.
The dragons had, instead, crawled out of the earth, just hatched and hiccupping smoke, barely old enough to support their own heads.
The world had fallen in love in an instant.
Waiting in the Wings by DracoWillHearAboutThis. M, 33k. Henry had always known he would end up in an arranged marriage.
He had not expected, though, to end up in an arranged marriage with Prince Alex Claremont-Diaz, who he'd secretly been in love with for the past fifteen years.
when i need to get home by smc_27. E, 35k. He drives the car he’s rented up the lane and half wonders if he’s just exhausted or if the place actually looks as bad as it does.
Oh. Oh god. Christ. What’s he gotten himself into?
He can’t help thinking if Jean knew her home had fallen this far, she would’ve been heartbroken. He’s not going to let her home sit like this. He’s going to fix it. For her, yeah, but for him, too.
or: Alex inherits an English country home, and Henry lives in the cottage next door.
Seven Years by @welcometololaland. E, 35k. Seven different places, seven different timelines, seven different meetings, seven different Decembers.
And still, Alex and Henry find each other in every universe.
Take me where I cannot stand by clottedcreamfudge. E, 36k. Henry blinks at him. “Galactapol?”
“Yeah, you know – the Intergalactic Peace Force?”
“Yes, I know them,” Henry says drily, “but you said—”
“We don't have a lot of respect for them around here,” Alex informs him succinctly. “If that's the kind of line you wanna take, then maybe—”
“No, no,” Henry says hurriedly, straightening up. “Galactapol. I like it. Catchy, even.”
“Read the contract or don't, Fox,” Alex says firmly, pressing his own hand to the line of studs between the engine room and the lower corridor. “I can find another engineer if I need to, but you'll never – and I mean never – find a ship like this again in your life. Jackie's one of a kind.”
Space, smuggling, and a ship called Applejack. Everything's shiny.
Before This, After That by @orchidscript. M, 37k. Henry Fox is lost. After suffering a serious injury from horseback, he struggles through the pain, depression, and frustration inherent with long term healing. Giving up is easier.
Discontent to leave him so unmotivated, the Fox siblings go in on a new solution: a private, personal physical therapist. Enter Alex Claremont-Diaz. He comes with glowing referrals, top of his class in all his degree programs, a sparkling personality and dug-in stubbornness to match. If anyone could light a fire in Henry again, it would be him. Right?
Most People Exist by SprigsofViolets. T, 40k. Henry Fox is a nurse at the New York Cancer Center. He’s happy with his job, content enough with his life, but it all gets turned on its head when he connects with a patient with a brain tumor—Alex Claremont-Diaz.
into the spotlight by indomitablelove. E, 40k. Alex Claremont-Diaz is a star on the rise.
A wildcard up-and-coming new actor who finds himself thrust into the Hollywood limelight when he’s nominated for a Golden Globe for Best Actor for his small-budget indie movie. It’s his more than he could have imagined in his wildest dreams. That is, until he discovers that also in his category is his mortal enemy: Henry Fox – generically attractive, completely boring and part of an acting dynasty that stretches back generations. In short, everything Alex hates about Hollywood.
So when a comment Alex makes about Henry in an interview goes viral, and the two find themselves thrust together through awards season, Alex can’t help but think his dream has become his worst nightmare.
Except, maybe – just maybe – Henry isn’t quite what he seems.
Down For the Count by LolaLand (Lola_di_Penates). E, 40k. Alex came to Las Vegas to count cards, not feelings. Henry came to win it all.
Is it possible to find something real in Sin City, where nearly everything isn’t as it seems?
Goodbye reality, hello Vegas (the blackjack/poker AU).
What's Up, Danger? series by @cultofsappho. E, 41k. “How thick do you think I am, exactly?”
Alex mumbles something under his breath that sounds like, “Got away with it this long, didn’t I?”
Henry’s eyebrows shoot to his hairline. “I’m sorry, are you bragging about lying to me?”
After a long pause, Alex says, “...No.” slowly.
“Hm. Thought not.”
In which Henry can’t recognise the sound of his own boyfriend’s voice, Alex isn’t as good of a liar as he thinks he is, and living with a superhero is both exactly, and not at all, what Henry thought it would be.
In Any Universe by SprigsofViolets. T, 54k. Boy Meets Boy.
Boys Become Friends.
Boys Fall in Love.
The Red White and Royal Blue Heartstopper AU that no one asked for.
Camp Llwynywermod by bleedingballroomfloor. E, 56k. The first night of camp with Henry is always weird. Weird in the sense that they haven’t seen each other in nearly eleven months, but Alex knows that Henry has been thinking about him in the months leading up to camp. Alex is guilty of it too; often the first thing he thinks of after applying to be a counselor is seeing Henry, Henry and his stupid blond hair and stupid English accent and stupidly gorgeous face, and thinking about just how he could outdo him in pranks this year.
Alternatively, the camp counselor AU that nobody asked for.
Fall Into You by lucy_in_the_sky. E, 56k. Alex is smart and witty and kind and clever and driven…but graceful, he is not. Several stints in the ER within one semester can confirm this unfortunate fact. The only good thing to come out of wracking up his out of pocket co-pay is the gorgeous nurse with beautiful eyes and a killer smile. Maybe breaking several bones is kinda worth it.
Basically: several times Alex was a clumsy wreck and Henry had to patch him up.
The Arrangement by cmere. E, 58k. “Gran sat me down the day I finished my A levels and made it abundantly clear I was not to let anyone know about any deviant desires I might be beginning to harbor that might reflect poorly upon the crown, and there were appropriate channels to maintain appearances if necessary.”
Shaan approaches Henry with a deal from the Queen: agree to an arranged marriage with a woman to flaunt in public, and he can enjoy the services of a male escort in private. Alex comes storming into Henry’s life with sparkling brown eyes, a mischievous smirk, and a challenge, and Henry struggles to maintain control of his emotions as boundaries begin to blur.
Alex doesn’t actually care about him; it’s just a job. Right?
Down By The Water, I Saw You by @myheartalivewrites. E, 63k. “Henry straightens up, head snapping over to look at the new arrivals. Then there’s the sound of a voice he’s not heard in ten years, a voice he never thought he’d hear again.
“Fuck, I can’t cook tonight. I think I’d rather starve.”
Henry stares, mouth dropped open. A head of curly brown hair turns slowly his way and his heart explodes.
“Henry?” Alex says, and Henry can’t bring himself to reply, so he just keeps staring. Alex looks at him for a few more seconds, eyes wide, blinking furiously, before swiftly turning on the spot and walking away from him and into the woods, but not before Henry can see the distraught look on his face.”
Henry and Alex first met and fell in love as teenagers, while on holiday in Jamaica. Ten years later, they run into each other again, and have to deal with the emotional fallout of how things ended last time. And fall in love again along the way, of course.
With so much of my heart (that none is left to protest) by @kiwiana-writes. E, 65k. Alex is a former child star struggling to make the transition into being seen as a serious actor. He jumps at an opportunity to perform on stage in the UK, seeing it as a way to break free from the typecasting and show what he can really do. But he wasn’t prepared to star alongside someone he hates.
Henry is a recent theatre graduate who accepts an amazing role in a queer reimagining of Much Ado About Nothing. And then it turns out his co-star is none other than the man he’s been hopelessly pining after for years—even though Henry made a terrible first impression when they met.
It’s… well, it’s practically Shakespearean.
You Know I Love a London Boy series by @three-drink-amy. E, 66k. When Alex has a break off of work, he decides to get away and spend that time in London. On his first day there, he meets Henry and sparks immediately fly between them. As they spend the summer together, touring the city and enjoying each other, Alex continues to keep a very big secret about himself: who he really is.
Nova, Baby by chamel. E, 66k. Agent Henry Fox-Mountchristen is an asshole.
Alex is 90% sure those exact words are going in this mission report. Yeah, they’re supposed to be objective when writing this shit up, but that isn’t his opinion. It’s a fact.
(CIA agent Alex Claremont-Diaz and MI6 agent Henry Fox-Mountchristen don’t exactly get along, but that doesn’t keep their respective agencies from insisting they work together as partners. Then a mission in Colombia changes everything, and their relationship begins to shift and grow into something that neither of them ever expected… and something that could have deadly consequences.)
Shatter Me by @historicallysam. M, 67k. Henry is resigned to the life he's meant to lead until he meets a man so full of happiness and life that he's got no choice but to confront the secret he's been keeping for years.
Deep Blue by myheartalive. E, 76k. “I picture myself in a small house by the sea, overlooking the water. Writing and reading all day and taking David on long walks and swimming everyday. Somewhere really quiet, where there’s not a lot of people. And where nobody thinks of me as Henry Mountchristen.”
Fed up of working under his grandmother, Henry quits his job in London, dropping everything for a writer’s life by the sea. He’s desperate to focus on his work and produce something worthy, but a mouthy American with a beautiful smile and a chin dimple has other plans.
But I love him, whether or no. by @leaves-of-laurelin. E, 77k. Henry moves to New York City to help Pez with the opening of his new bar in the East Village. The location—fortunately for business, but unfortunately for Henry’s sanity—is directly across the street from a fire station. The sound of sirens is bad, Alex the gorgeous firefighter is worse. But when Alex helps Henry avoid a near catastrophe the night of the bar’s opening, the two form a tentative friendship that starts to develop into something more.
I'm Taking A Ride With My Best Friend by @cultofsappho. M, 79k. When Zahra, the leader of the Fireflies, makes a deal with Alex to smuggle some guy outside of the D.C. Quarantine Zone’s walls, Alex immediately says no. He doesn’t move people, not anymore. Not since his ridiculous, and definitely past-tense, savior complex got him into hot water with June.
What could possibly be so special about some scrawny refugee? When he had his gun pointed at Henry, the expression on Zahra’s face was not one he’d ever seen on her before. She desperately needs him alive. For once, just this once, Zahra isn’t the savior today. It’s Henry.
“What’s so important about him?”
“Nothing you need to worry about. He’s just cargo, Alex.”
Alternate Universe - The Last of Us
Never a Guarantee by clottedcreamfudge. E, 87k. Henry – Prince Henry, third in line for the throne of Windsor and Alex's goddamn betrothed – has very soft hands. Alex knows this because he is literally holding them in his, both of them standing in front of just about everyone with a title in either of their two kingdoms, while a man in an extremely large hat has them repeat oaths and other things Alex has been learning by heart since he got engaged.
Looking back on their time at the altar, Alex should maybe have read a little more into the way Henry kissed him like it was the last time.
the poem you make of me by cmere. E, 91k. "Just, you know," Henry says. "If your mum weren't the president and you were just a normal bloke living a normal life, what things might be like? What you'd be doing instead?"
After being discovered on Instagram as a teenager, Alex Diaz is thriving as a social media influencer and model who just landed a high profile, high fashion contract with Calvin Klein. Alex can get any girl he wants, and he’s loving it. Meanwhile, British poet Henry Fox has just arrived in L.A. to kick off a North American tour promoting his new, steamy book of gay erotic poetry, and he’s attracting a lot of attention.
Bad blood is immediately sparked between them when Henry blows Alex off at their first meeting. Several tabloid rumors and an Instagram tantrum later, Alex and Henry are reluctantly thrust together to make nice, resulting in a grudging friendship and a magnetism between them that Alex can't explain. Why is Henry's poetry making Alex feel like this? And just what is it about Henry Fox that gets to him so much?
(our last summer) memories that remain by bleedingballroomfloor. E, 91k. Fresh out of law school and fresh out of a relationship, what Alex Claremont-Diaz needs most is a goddamn vacation. He plans to spend his summer on a small island off the coast of Wales, three months of peace and relaxation and figuring out what the hell he actually wants to do with his life. But all that is thrown out the window when he runs into his ex-fling, Henry Fox, who just so happens to be running the hotel he's staying in for the next three months.
Four years prior, Henry Fox meets the most beautiful boy he's ever seen at an NYU party: Alex Claremont-Diaz. Henry soon finds himself whisked away to Texas with Alex, a summer full of poetry and skinny dipping and stolen kisses, and everything is perfect. Almost too perfect for a summer fling. Yet Henry can't stop himself from falling in love with Alex, falling for the lake house and everything Alex loves, even when he knows it's too good to last.
Two summers, two places of falling in love, one filled with memories of the last. It leaves Alex and Henry wondering: is this summer truly going to be their last one together?
A Long Way From the Playground by allmylovesatonce. E, 96k. Henry and Alex were best friends growing up until they went to separate colleges and they grew apart. When they see each other again as adults, against the odds, both living in the same city again, will it be a joyful reunion or will the pain of the years apart get in the way? How do you become friends again when there is so much of the past in the way?
Peaches and Cream do Sexy Murder series by @dumbpeachjuice and @clottedcreamfudge. E, 103k. There are precisely three things Henry knows for absolute certain:
1. There is nothing that can’t be solved by a good cup of tea.
2. His dog, David, is probably the person who loves him most in the world, and that is because Henry is the provider of sausages.
3. His sister would do anything for him, including, but not limited to, murdering his wanker of an ex-boyfriend.
Or, Henry is a witch with a slew of dead ex-boyfriends, and Alex has a badge and a gun.
The Consequences (Of our Actions) series by @anchoredarchangel. E, 135k. "I sort of came out as bisexual to both Nora and myself when we were watching that fucking snoozefest of a Royal Wedding years ago, and I told her with no hesitation that you were on my list.”
Suddenly, Henry looks very present in this previously one-sided conversation, eyes boring into him even if he sounds a little choked as he clarifies, “I was on-”
“My No Consequences sex list,” Alex confirms brazenly, “Yeah."
Or: During an inadvisable spot of dating years back, Alex and Nora made a game out of making extensive lists of celebrities they could hook up with without it being cheating. One breakup and several years later, Alex meets someone on his list for the very first time at a charity gala and decides it's appropriate to tell him all about it.
I only tag an author once per post, but I'm still figuring out firstprince author handles. If you see one I may not know or find a broken link, please give me a heads up!
RWRB FirstPrince AU Recs Part One
RWRB FirstPrince AU Recs Part Three
Master List of RWRB FirstPrince Recs
Master List of Recommendations
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faghubby · 5 months
Giving in to my desire
Me and my best friend Pete where sitting close to each other we had done this since we where in middle school. Now home for the first time since college we again found ourselves in my basement watching old points as we jerked each other off. Pete stopped moving his hand at one point and I didn't care. I swirled my hand and teased his balls. He shot his load all over his stomach. The difference this time was I leaned in and licked his stomach.
"What the fuck?" Even said surprised. I just licked up all his cum even off the tip of his dick.
"I am not doing that" Even told me, he no longer even jerked me off.
"I know, I just wondered what you tasted like" I told him
"Have you done that before?" He asked.
"Just my own" I admitted feeling ashamed for it. I looked at him for a second then licked his soft cock again taking it in my mouth.
"Paul, I'm not gay" he moaned his hand grabbing my hair but not pulling me away. he grew hard again in my mouth.
"That feels fucking amazing" he moaned. We where both virgins. I didn't want to stop even after my jaw started to hurt. I tried different things trying to take more of his cock like in all the old porno we had watched. Gagging over and over again. Suddenly Evan pulled my hair lifting me off his cock.
"Listen you want to be a fucking fag and suck my dick fine but you better stop trying to hump my leg" he told me. I had not even realized I had done that. I repositioned getting on my knees and took him back in my mouth. He seemed to just lean back and relax as I sucked him again. After another 15 minutes or so he grabbed my head with both hands as he pumped his load into my mouth. He was grunting loud I was afraid my mom would hear him. I couldn't swallow fast enough he let me go and shot the rest all over my face. I just smiled up at him. He quickly pulled his pants back up. And made an excuse to leave. I was afraid he might say something but then again he had never mentioned our little masterbating times together.
I went into the laundry room. Right there in the basement and cleaned up in the sink. I saw my mom had a pair of her panties soaking. From a stain or something. I'm not gay I thought. But I wanted to suck Pete again. Still horny as he'll not having cum after being so close. Maybe I was a woman? Thennit wouldn't be gay. Mom had several other pairs of panties and bras hanging up. Most where plain simple cotton in pastel colors. But one pair was white lace. They looked so femine. I tool them and stripped sliding them on. Then getting dressed again. They where very tight. My erection sticking out of the waist band.i suddenly had a thought, would Evam fuck me? What did it feel like? I
ed the feel of my mom's panties, the softness, the tightness. I tried to go about the rest of my day wearing them. I loved being so excited I wanted to jerk off. But also didn't want to wanted this felling to continue. Over the next two weeks I sucked Pete off everyday. I also wore my mother's panties, all the time. I had found she had a whole drawer full of "sexy things" she must wear for my father. It made me think if my mom sucked my Dad's cock? What positions they fucked in? Had mom ever experienced anal? I also found a wand vibrator in her drawer but was to freaked out to even touch it. Soon it was time to head back to school. I packed. I took two pairs of mom's panties the white pair I had worn that first time and a pink thong. That was way to small but made me feel so hot. Mom and Dad drove me back to school three hours away. Mom went as far as to "properly clean my dorm room" I just let her do it knowing it was her way. She worried I might get sick or something. She even cleaned my roommates side of the room. I didn't think about it till she went to put my clothes away. She must of seen the flash of pink. I saw as she cupped the tiny panties up in her hand before my Dad saw. Then sent my father on some errand.
"Paul?" She said. Showing me what was in her hand. I blushed a deep red.
"Well I guess they go in your underwear drawer" she smiled. "It's okay" my mother assured me. She finished up the room and insisted on taking me to dinner. Nothing fancy a buffet style place. My mother came right uo behind me as I scooped up a big scoop of Mac and cheese.
"Should watch your figure" my mother said with a smile. Switching her plate with mine. Her plate had a big salad on it. I blushed again and went and sat. My father looked at me odd as I ate my plate as he stuffed steak and potatoes in his mouth. After dinner my parents headed home. Now mom checked in usually every week. So when she called the next day I was surprised.
"Paul, would you like to talk?" She asked me.
"Sure mom, what's on your mind?" I replied
"Little pink panties" she said you could almost hear the smile thru the phone.
"Well, I um" I started
"Do you wear them often? Do you have a favorite color? Style? Would you like some more?" She rapid fired.
"Yes!" I said excited.
"Yes to what?" My mother asked.
"I only tried on a few pairs" I stated.
"Just mine?" She asked.
"Yes, I am sorry" I started
"It's okay, all GIRLS come to an age where they try new things, sexy things" my mother stated. Had she just called me a girl?
"Have you tried it her things?" She asked I was scared to mention Evan. When she added. "Make up? Or even a dress?" She asked. I was excited as I talked to my mom. I explained it was all recent only the past two weeks. I am not sure she believed me. And in truth when I was younger, first time I "helped" Evan I had tried on a dress and shoes. But no more. We had a the longest talk I could ever remember having with her. Afterwards I went and changed into panties. Walking around campus. And attending classes all while wearing panties was exciting. A secret no one knew about.i was careful to change before I went to bed so no chance my roommate would see. The next morning just before lunch my mother called me again.
"I am headed to your dorm" she said excitedly
"You're here?" I asked
"Yes now come let me in" my mother sang. I went down to let her in she had two huge bags with her. I grabbed them as we headed to my room.
"Where's Kevin?" She asked. As we entered the room. Speaking about my roommate.
"He has a class" I responded
"Good, I got you somethings" my mom stated excitedly as she started to pull things from the bag. "Just a few things, but thought I could take you shopping if you like?" she said as if afraid of what I might say.
She pulled out a makeup mirror and then lipstick.
"Not sure how much you want to wear, I mean like a Tom boy, or girlie girl" she giggled. I watched as she pulled out a ton of things I did not even know what they where neverless how to use them.
"Don't worry, I will teach you and if you don't want to that's okay as well. I just. Well I always wanted a daughter." Then as if a light went on.
"OH I never thought, I mean does anyone know? Do you want them too?" She asked as she looked at Kevin's bed.
"Only Evan" I told her. Not wanting to just came out.
"I see" she smiled. I blushed as she had guessed.
"Mom, this is great and all but I don't know" I started she smiled.
"Of course, I am sorry I got so swept up in it all" she told me. We hugged and I hid the makeup along with hair removal cream and pink razors. Blow dryer, curling iron all In my trunk. Mom took me to lunch.
"So Evan?" She smiled as we got our food.
"It's not like that" I told her again blushing. After lunch we wondered around before she had to head back home.
"Okay, now you can use this to buy online if you don't want to go to the store" my mother said handing me a Victoria Secret gift card. She then did something that shocked me. She pulled at the front of my pants. And smiled when she saw the flash of white lace from my panties.
"Mom!" I said totally embarrassed. She just smiled. Then pulled out lipstick from her purse and applied it to my lips right there on the street. I almost came in my pants as I tasted the light pink lipstick.
I was so mortified but also more excited then I had ever been in my life. My mother sensed this and led me straight into a woman's clothing store she looked at me for a second and picked out a simple yellow dress. She led me to the changing room. The clerk a woman of about 50 gave a smile as my mother asked if I could try it on. I didn't argue just went into the changing room and put it on. My mother didn't make me come out to show her. Instead opening the door to peek in to make sure it fit.
"Want ro wear it out of the store?" My mother asked. I just nodded no. She left me to get changed. I was so embarrassed and so happy at the same time. As we headed back to my dorm room.
"Mom, have you ever? I mean. Well anal does it really hurt?" I asked. I felt like I could ask her anything.
"Yes, it does the first time. I think it's more your partner" my mother explained. We talked about sex, something my father and I never has. As she dropped me off
"Paul, in those bags there is one more thing that might help you with your backdoor question" my mother said now she was the one embarrassed. I kissed my mother goodbye.
To be continued.....
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fairyofjaeyun · 1 year
p j s & s j y ➳ mommy is mine ꨄ
Tumblr media
[21:23] now playing: the boy is mine - brandy and monica
[warning] mommy kink, puppy/kitty kink, punishment, collar and leash, gagball, face slapping, spanking, rimjob (m receiving), fingering (m receiving), degrading, begging, brief nipple sucking, pegging, protected sex, train position? (reader in the middle), brief finger sucking, hints at cum eating, hints of corruption kink and dacryphilia, jay and jake being petty
1st person // 4.9k words
[a/n] finally what you’ve all been waiting for! I’m super glad I took my time with this because I love how it turned out ♡
⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙ ⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙
it was as expected; jay, my best friend since the beginning of college, developed feelings for me. classic cliché. why didn’t he confess sooner? I simply intimidated him. what was his arrangement with jake, exactly? I had no clue. I’d get my answer in due time.
this time around, word got to jake fairly quickly. how did I know? jake and jay’s competition to see who could be the clingiest was all the evidence I needed. constant texts and invites to meet up, with jake going as far as changing his contact name to your puppy <3. both of their faces contorting when the other’s name was mentioned.
so asking both of them to hangout at jake’s house was a recipe for disaster, but I thrive in chaos. besides, they were too geeked for me to say no, anyway.
in the meantime, they had both opened up to me about their new found submissiveness (well, technically, jay’s submissive side wasn’t new, it was just never expressed), and what intrigued them. their list of kinks and fantasies made me come up with a movie’s length of scenarios I’d replay before going to bed, with one instance of me just saying ‘fuck it’ and touching myself.
I knew today was going to be intense and I welcomed it with open arms. no matter what happened, it would go my way.
jay was driving me again. this time he was more chatty, but to be honest, what he was saying flew over my head. I couldn’t stop thinking about his list, the things that turn him on, and I let my impulsive thought of putting my hand on his thigh win. his words stammer a bit and his thigh tenses up, but he continues his story (something about math, I don’t know) as if nothing happened and I let out an occasionally ‘mhm’ when appropriate.
we parked in the same spot as last time in front of jake’s building. I followed jay up the steps with more confidence, even with that familiar tingle of nervousness in my stomach. the tension is strong as soon as jake opens the door. naturally, his eyes land on me first and he hits me with his warm smile and a polite welcome. his hair is still long and parted in the middle, looking as soft as ever. he had on a dark blue sweatshirt with our university logo on it paired with some light washed ripped jeans.
jake barely greeted jay. he glanced at him and flashed a thin smile, then stepped aside to let us in. I sat down at my usual spot—on the far right next to the arm rest— on jake’s couch after I removed my shoes, while jake grabbed some drinks. I patted the cushion next to me to invite jay to sit next to me, and he gladly accepts.
jay was wearing black sweats with a black, long sleeved shirt that was loose around his torso but still somehow showed off his waist every now and then. again, I rest my hand on his thigh, this time grabbing and squeezing it. jay’s thighs tense again and move away from my touch, but he puts his hand on mine and directs me towards his inner thigh, dangerously close to his dick.
jake’s eyes immediately land on my grip on jay’s thigh as he joins us with three cold cans of dr. pepper, unable to hide his small frown. “thank you, jakey.” I said after he hands me a can, unfazed. jake sets jay’s soda on the coffee table in front of him, then grabs the remote to the tv. he sets some distance between himself and jay as the tv comes to life, the netflix sound blaring through the speakers.
as expected, nobody could agree on what to watch. jay wanted to watch an action movie, while jake wanted to watch romance. I personally didn’t have a preference, but I voted for a scary movie just to stir the pot, which made jake practically whine in protest. it was honestly amusing to watch jake’s passive aggression effortlessly get shut down by jay’s direct and sharp tongue. I let them go back and forth for a few minutes before announcing I had to use the restroom, resulting in jake awkwardly giving directions. “o-oh, it’s, um, furtherest door to the right.”
I thank him and grab my tote bag, because there’s no way I’m repeating the same mistake as last time. jay is too nosy.
the boys are silent as I head towards the hallway, causing me to smirk. the tension is probably unbearable for them. once I reach the bathroom, I double check my bag. I have everything I need. I smile victoriously in the mirror, quickly adjusting my hair and my makeup.
I left as quickly as I arrived. apparently, too quickly as jay and jake were conversing through their teeth as if I was still doing my business. “this isn’t what we agreed to.” jay says, agitated. “you had your fun, now back off.” the silence that follows is brutal. I almost continue to the living room, until jake speaks up.
“why? afraid she likes me more now?”
I could picture jay’s expression as clear as day, brows furrowed and he clenched with a stare that could burn into you. “are you fucking kidding me?” his voice is raised, and if I didn’t know any better, I would think he’s now standing up with balled fists.
jake butts in immediately, not backing down, “she’s mine now.”
I had heard enough. I rejoined them in the living room, my anger clear as day. they’re both sitting in the same position I left them. jay looks up from his phone, his brows softening. jake’s mouth is agape, ashamed. “y’all are ridiculous.” they remain silent. as they should. “have y’all even considered how I feel about all this?”
“I’m sorry, y/n…” jake says, softly.
“quiet,” I snap back at him. “I had planned something fun for us, but it looks like you both need to be punished, again.”
I briefly dig in my tote bag until my hand finds the pink leather. I catch jake’s eyes widen as I reveal the collar and leash and he barely has the chance to react as I throw the collar towards him. he catches it with both hands, and I watch him inspect it. he runs his fingers over the smooth material and then flips it over where a heart shaped pendant decorated the front.
his glittery eyes meet my smirk. he opens his mouth to speak but I’ve already moved on to jay, tossing him an all black gagball. as I predicted, his cat eyes rise up to challenge me. however, he could never hide the glimmer of excitement beneath his intimidating glare that exposed his love for a cat and mouse game, foolishly claiming to be the predator as if he wasn’t the prey.
“well, don’t just stare at me. put them on.” I say to both of them. jake immediately unbuckles his collar and puts it up to his neck. he struggles for a bit, his fingers slipping, but eventually the leather is wrapped firmly around his throat. jay has barely moved. only his lips have curled as the gagball remained on his lap. “don’t start,” I warn him.
“you put it on me,” he demands me, already being bratty. typical.
I walk over to him, eyes never leaving his. his cockiness slightly falters as I tower over him, and with no warning my hand strikes his cheek. the smack reverberates throughout the living room, nearly concealing jake’s soft gasp. “don’t test me, today,” I say as I grab the gag on his lap and then shove it in his mouth. his cheek beams an irritated red as I secure the gag and make sure it’s not too tight.
after I step back from jay, I look towards jake. his hand is palming his crotch, hips slightly rolling, and his lip caught in his teeth. he looks gorgeous with that collar on; the light baby pink complimenting his skin perfectly. only one thing was missing…
I take the matching leash and clip it onto his collar, right next to the customized pendent—‘SLUT’ engraved in bold letters. jake’s breath hitches when I tug on the leash, whispering a soft “please.” his eyes plead with me, twinkling and sparkling. he does everything but bat his eyelashes to get his way.
I pull him closer until our noses nearly touch. his breath is warm and slightly erratic as his lips part and his eyelids begin to droop. to his disappointment, I don’t kiss him. instead I grip his chin, lightly tracing my thumb along his jaw. “go to your room.”
his breath hitches, and he opens his eyes to find confirmation in my expression. then he practically speed walks to his room, making the pendent clink against the clip of the leash. cute.
jay looked up at me with his rare tint of compliance, wanting to follow. his lips were moist but drool hadn’t made its way down his chin just yet. I could also begin to see the outline of his bulge through his dark sweatpants, but hasn’t touched himself—again, yet. “well, don’t just sit there.”
with jay trailing behind me, I meet jake sitting impatiently on his bed, his jeans starting to look uncomfortable. “strip. both of you.” I commanded as soon as jay closes the door. instantly, clothes are discarded on the floor, and for the first time I see jay completely naked. his stomach is toned but softer than jake’s; his muscle more concentrated on his biceps and legs. in addition, his hips, legs (more specifically his thighs), and cock were thicker than jake’s, all perfect for grabbing onto. “sit next to jake,” I tell him, and he joins jake on the edge of his bed with some distance between them.
I pull my shirt off and reveal red lace bra. their eyes instantly land on my chest, admiring how perfectly sculpted my boobs were. my pants soon follow and the attention is shifted to my matching panties hugging my hips.
jake is shameless with how needy he is; never keeping his tongue away from his lips as his eyes plead. to his disappointment, I order them to turn around on their hands and knees. he listens, anyway. although with a small pout.
jay once again glares at me with that stupid, smug look on his face. his body is kept completely still in defiance. “don’t start,” I warn him, again, but as always, he doesn’t back down. this results in me forcefully turning him over by his hips and landing a harsh slap to his ass. jay lets out a shocked, muffled groan and jerks forward. I spank him once more out of frustration and to let him know that I wasn’t playing around, this time earning a borderline sob from him. “now stay.”
once I was sure jay was going to stay put, I grab my tote that I had tossed on the floor and then turn my attention back towards jake, who was waiting patiently. I noticed the tip of his cock already glistening with precum, a small pearl threatening to leak from his slit onto his comforter.
I run my hands along his ass and the softest gasp flies past his mouth. he slightly squirms and whines when I lower them down to his thighs from how sensitive he is, making me place a hand on the lower side of his back to keep him in place. the other hand goes back to his ass cheek, gripping and squeezing it so I could see his tight, virgin hole. for a moment I admired its pretty shade of brown and the way it clenched in anticipation before kneeling down and dragging my tongue across it.
jake releases a cute gasp that breaks out into a moan. I repeat my previous action and he moans again, “oh my god!” he starts squirming again, trying to close his legs. I push his back so he’s face up ass down and tell him, “stay,” sternly. I watch him tighten his grip on his bedding as I dive back in, momentarily teasing him by hovering over his rim. he starts whimpering again, slightly wiggling his ass towards me in anticipation before my tongue reunited with his hole.
jake’s moans become consistent as I start to get sloppy; spitting and placing wet kisses along his rim. his hands find their way to his cheeks and he spreads them for me, earning himself a quick praise. “there you go, puppy.”
my eyes are then drawn to the pastel leash draped over his tense shoulder and I don’t think twice before grabbing and tugging on it. jake gasps at the sudden tightness around his throat paired with me lapping at his asshole. “mommy, please.” he starts pleading, and that’s my cue to stop. this is a punishment after all.
I drop the leash and his head falls back onto the bed. he nearly cried at the loss of pleasure, and couldn’t stop himself from arching back into my touch in vain.
jay, who has been unusually quiet, was in the same position I left him. although I did catch him sneaking a few jerks of his cock. his tip is now fully covered with his arousal. “so you do know how to shut up,” I laugh, “that won’t last long.” I land a harsh slap on his ass and it’s so cute how he can’t hold back his reaction—a soft groan and his body jumping forward but still arching back for more after getting over the initial shock.
I spank him again, and again. just until his groans fill the room and he starts to get lost in the pleasure before I tell him, “count.” jay looks over his shoulder, an almost ditzy-like confusion on his face.
another slap echoes throughout the room, and jay has no choice but to mumble out the number one. he’s so pitiful as he counts for me. his head hangs low as he tries to pronounce the numbers; his ass getting redder and redder after each jiggle. he’s so embarrassed (and turned on), but I wasn’t going to stop there. “I’m sorry what was that?” I ask and pull him up by his hair, an evil smile tugging at my lips.
I heard him loud and clear as he could be. I was just obsessed with ripping him apart and breaking him down to the point he was nothing but a needy kitten for me.
jay sniffles and swallows the saliva that attempted to spill from the corners of his mouth, then says the number 18. satisfied, I spank him two more times, once on each cheek, and let go of his hair. I gently massage the hand prints that could potentially becoming bruises before a whimper shifts my focus.
jake couldn’t handle my lack of attention. he started humping the air like he was in heat, his cock twitching from the lack of stimulation.
“oh, you stupid puppy,” I chuckle, coldly, “can’t even handle not being touched for 5 minutes.”
jake whines and looks at me with starry eyes, “mommy, I just want your hands all over me.”
“alright,” I say then pull him closer to me and jay, “just don’t you dare cum.”
jake swears to me that he won’t, and I grab the bottle of lube from my bag. jake tenses up on e he hears the sound of the cap popping open and peers over his shoulder to watch me. his gaze is practically pornographic; pretty, compliant eyes focused on me and mouth ajar as he waits for me to pleasure him.
I warm the liquid between my fingers before rubbing it around his rim. his eyes instantly close and his jaw goes slack as I coat his hole. I feel him tense beneath my fingertips as he releases the prettiest moan.
I continue rubbing jake’s hole, teasing him by ever so slightly inserting my finger then pulling out, causing him to whimper. then I place my other hand on jay’s ass. he shivers from my warm breath tickling him, and groans when my tongue connects to his hole.
both of their noises fill up the room as I pleasure them—jake’s precious whines layered with jay’s muffled groans making my stomach flutter. I wanted more.
so finally I push myself fingers inside jake, and he nearly screams from the stretch, “oh, fuck!” he swallows them nicely for being inexperienced, and his walls clenched around the new feeling. “please,” jake starts to whine, arching into me.
I fight the urge to coo at him. instead I slowly start moving in and out of him. he hisses, but quickly gets used to it.
meanwhile, jay is practically melting from my tongue. I prod, suck, and kiss his hole until it’s dripping with my saliva. my core heats up everytime jay’s groans break off into a soft whine, and he tries to swallow his own saliva that’s most definitely coating his chin by now.
unconsciously, I start pumping my fingers in and out of jake faster, the lewd sound of lube increasing in volume along with jake’s moans. my tongue laps at jay’s asshole at the same speed, and he starts leaning towards me to meet my tongue.
“oh fuck, mommy! oh my god!!” jake cries when I found his prostate, his thighs beginning to tremble.
I can’t help pulling away from jay and smirking at him, “aww, looks like I found puppy’s g-spot,” I laugh as I continue rubbing his spot, making him squirm, “how cute.”
“mommy, I need to cum. please, please let me cum.” he looks at me over his shoulder, eyes red and glossed over with tears. I almost gave in because of how cute he looked begging for me—almost innocent—but I pulled out anyway, making his tears stream down his face. “no, please,” jake whines from the loss of pleasure, and his cock twitches from his denied orgasm.
I spank him, making him jerk, “lay on your back.” I watch jake pause then move his aching thighs, slightly struggling to turn over, before giving the same command to jay.
sitting back on my heels, I admire both of them. their cocks are an identical shade of red, and both of their swollen tips are leaking with precum.
jake’s chest is still softly heaving from the previous edging. the tears have dried down to faint, sticky streaks on his crimson cheeks. it was so precious that I couldn’t tell if I wanted to kiss them or create more.
jay looked a mess. as expected, drool had dribbled down his chin and his hair was ruffled in different directions. I snicker at him, leaning forward and trapping him between my arms, “you look so pathetic.” I see his eyes sparkle and soften—the glint of obedience making a reappearance—and if I didn’t know any better, I’d think those eyes were jake’s.
before jay could glare at me again, I attach my lips to his nipple. he hisses and curves his back as soon as I lick him, urging me to suck harder. I move my lips throughout his chest, leaving behind deep purple marks on his flushed skin. he wriggles beneath me, turning his head as he groans for me. I smile against his skin, giving the fresh hickey a gentle peck, then grab his chin to make him face me.
“you want this off?” I ask him, tapping the gag ball with my finger. I also take note of jake’s hips not so discreetly thrusting the air. jay nods without any hint of attitude, so I gently lift his head and unbuckle the gag.
by then, I felt like I was going to burst into flames because of how hot I was from wrecking them and not being touched. “jake, come take these off for me,” I tell him, running my finger underneath my bra strap. he rushes up to unhook my bra, “yes, mommy.”
it takes all but a second to have my bra sliding down my arms with my panties tossed alongside it. the cool air hits my nipples and my wetness hard, and as if he knew, jake eyed those areas, longingly, then looked at me for my approval.
“be a good puppy and mommy will reward you, okay?” I say. jake is disappointed, but nods anyways.
I slide off the bed, momentarily, to grab the strap on from my bag and adjust it on my hips. jake’s eyes practically light up, and his cock throbs. I know his mind is going back to the night he touched himself for me, moaning into the phone about how bad he wanted me to fuck his ass with me towering over him. how bad he wanted my hands wrapped around his neck as I corrupted his body.
jake starts to lift himself up on his elbows and turning his hips to change position but I stop him, “stay right there, babe. I wanna see your face while I ruin you.”
he stops in his tracks and hums from the image I’ve put in his head. still on his elbows, he looks up at me in awe as I take my place in between his legs. I place my thumb on his lips, rubbing them before pushing it into his mouth. he gladly accepts it and starts sucking, allowing himself to moan against me and his eyes to feel heavy.
“harder,” I tell him, the lust wrapped around my voice making him obey immediately. his plush lips and tongue feel good around me, my mind starts to drift and think about how good they’d be wrapped around my strap or kissing my pussy. I know he’d look up at me with the cutest puppy eyes as if he wasn’t doing anything naughty. I know he’d moan against me when he sees how good he’s pleasuring his mommy, eventually grinding against the mattress or his palm until I scold him and he tries to use his pretty eyes to get out of a punishment.
another whine from jake brings me back to reality, and I slowly remove my thumb from his mouth. I then drag my hand down his chest; wiping his saliva on himself during the process; brushing against his toned tummy and his cock, which makes him tremble and start to whimper out, “please, please. I’ve been good.”
I place my hands on his thighs and lift his legs up for easy access. jake gasps and his faces starts to burn from the vulnerable position he’s in.
“mommy, I’ve been good too. don’t do this again,” jays speaks up, however with a noticeable tremble in his voice. he’s never sound so gentle, it made me take pity on him. “come behind mommy.”
it was cute seeing how urgently he moved. the warmth lingering of his skin quickly embraced mine as he approached me. jay didn’t hesitate to wrap his arms around me, the feeling of my waist making his chest lean onto me.
jay rests his chin on my shoulder, his hands sneakily making their way towards my breast, “I wanna watch you put it in.”
his words took me by surprise and made my body ignite in flames. they seemed to have to same effect on jake judging by the way his cock abruptly twitches.
I chuckle and say, “me too, babe.” then I align the toy with jake’s hole, which is still generously coated with lube. he clenches when the tip touches him and bites his lip. I start pushing slowly, not wanting to hurt him. he groans when he feels himself stretching out and eventually begin to swallow the strap.
jay and I’s breath hitch almost simultaneously when I’m halfway in and jakes hands grip his ass to spread himself for me.
“good puppy, you’re taking me so well.”
he whimpers when I finally bottom out and he gets used to being so full, but momentarily he relaxes and gives me the okay to keep going. I start pulling out, slowly, then renter him.
jake’s lips form an ‘o’ as he watches me fill him up, moaning everytime my hips touch the back of his thighs.
“you can go faster, now,” jake says with urgency.
“is that how you ask,” I respond, halting my movements. my grip tightening on his thighs.
he’s quick to rush out an apology, “I’m sorry, mommy. can you please go faster?” he gives me those eyes again, and paired with his hands spreading himself open it was like he’d done this before.
however, he can’t trick me so easily. I pull out until the tip is barely inside him and smile down at him, “oh, yeah? anything else you wanna apologize for?” and then I slam into him, pushing his little body forward as he gasps.
“I-“ he starts before breaking off into a deep moan when I repeat my previous actions.
“aww, is my puppy being fucked dumb now?” I laugh so viciously at him, watching his eyes brim up with tears.
meanwhile, jay’s hands boldly grope at my breasts. his thumbs delicately trace around my nipples, causing me to sharply inhale. everytime I pulled out his hard cock would so gently brush against my ass, making my brain fuzzy as I watched jake fall apart beneath me.
“I-I’m sorry, mommy,” jake tries again, “puppy’s s-sorry for being a bad slut,” his voice breaks off into a mewl. all of his previous sultry moans have transitioned into high-pitched cries as I quicken my pace.
“so you’ve finally realized how slutty you are—just a dirty puppy for me to use how I please.” I groan softly as jay starts to nip at my neck, his body almost impossibly close. I needed him now.
“mmm, jay, you wanna be a good kitty and fuck me now?”
he releases my neck with a satisfying smack from his lips, breathlessly replying, “yes. fuck, yes.” I instruct him towards the condom in my bag. whether it was the same one he grabbed that day in his dorm, who knows, jay ripped it open without a care.
with a hand resting on my hip, he pushes inside of me, both of us moaning at the feel of each other. his thrusts are short and slow, giving me plenty of space to keep fucking jake.
all of our moans combined created such a sweet harmony. jays rich moans and groans and occasional whimpers mingled with jake’s mewls and sobs had me pushing towards the edge.
I lean forward and cage jake between my arms. his hands move from his ass to hold up his legs for me. his eyes shut when I start ramming into him, forcing tears to stream down his face. all his sweet sounds were muted as his brain turned to mush. the only sounds he could produce being sorry sniffles.
jay matched my rhythm effortlessly. hips pounding against mine and delicious moans in my ear sending shivers down my spine as I feel my climax approaching at any moment.
and jake, with incredible timing, finally cries out, “can’t hold it. mommy, please can I cum? I’ve been so good. been a good boy for you. please.”
the desperation that oozed from him was too precious, and in all fairness, he had been good. so, pulling firmly on his leash, I say, “wanna cum with mommy, baby?”
he nods immediately, almost comically fast, placing his hand gently on top of mine, “yes, thank you.”
“can I cum too, mommy?” jay asks, breathlessly. the slight tremble in his voice confirms to me that he’s also close as well.
after giving jay the okay, he fucks me faster, both hands gripping my breasts. I can’t help but moan as my core starts to flare up.
ultimately, it was jake who came first with a abrupt sob as his body spasms; trying so desperately to curl himself into a pathetic ball. I don’t catch it at first, but he does whisper a tiny “thank you” once the nearly endless wave of cum finished coating his flushed skin.
then, after seeing jake’s pretty orgasm, I came next. my thrusts nearly halt and my walls clenched tight around jay’s cock, causing him to release a shaky groan and curse behind me. my eyes close as I let the pleasure overcome me, resting the hand that was on jake’s leash on his chest. his cum smears on my hands but I don’t mind. I knew he would lick it up for me later.
“fuck, mommy. I- shit!” jay pushes himself as deep as he could go, making me completely topple onto jake from how sensitive I was. I plant my face near his neck, and he rests his hands so delicately over my hair while I let jay finish inside me.
I still lay on jake as jay pulls out of me, too burnt and too comfortable to move a muscle. jake’s hands traveling down to my waist to embrace me, carefully massaging my mid back. I unconsciously bury my myself into his neck, one hand reaching out to play with his silky hair.
jay loosens the harnesses on my strapon (even though jake and I weren’t going to be pulling ourselves apart anytime soon), before announcing that he was getting cloths to clean ourselves with, which is a shock within itself considering he’s the type to completely knock out after sex. therefore, I was nowhere near prepared to feel the cool wet cloth on my inner thighs, making me hiss but eventually relax.
I let the two of them pamper me—finally surrendering to their affection, and disconnecting myself from the haunting question that I would have to ask myself…
who am I choosing?
⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙ ⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙
@donghoonie-3 @femdomlieeh @sugar-petals @k-femdove @bookobsessedfreak @hello-stranger24 @lynanist @sobiood @yahaballa @imagine-this-motherfucker @enhypensunoostan
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bleedingcoffee42 · 25 days
Part 2- Day of Days
Wishlist of what should have been included
Forrest Guth!!! Show him landing in a field of cows and happy he didn't land on one. Then walking by a crashed plane, taking pictures and finding out after he gets them developed it was Meehan's plane.
Honestly more cows? General Ridgeway of the 82nd landed and had a "Flash!" -- "MOO" moment when he realized a cow was the one sneaking up on him when he landed. The cows were already there as extras, let them work. Cow POV sneaking up on paratrooper would have been hilarious.
Compton lost his gun on the drop, got a Thompson from Dog's Co. McMillian who broke his leg on the jump. (The gun's firing pin ended up being broken too and he doesn't find out until he goes to use it when facing two Germans and Guarnere saves him from getting shot) Almost got killed by a navy shell landing 50 ft away, but it didn't explode so he was good to go.
Speirs kicking a live grenade while capturing that fourth gun, it going off and knocking him on his ass, and catching his boot on fire and stomping to put out.
THE KNIFE. Those guys from the 82nd need to be snatching that thing instead of just being excited Dick is whipping something out of his pants in front of them. And show us how he gets it back!! You lost your gun on the drop, it's all you have, Dick. The custom engraved fighting knife from Lewis Nixon is all you have to fight with. GOD.
Dick yelling at Strayer, "Goddammit! When I send for ammunition and help, I mean now! Not when you get around to it!" YES! We love yelling!! And he's so pissed and filthy and imposing they just start laying bandoliers on him like it's Mardi Gras. Hester says he'll bring explosives, and does, and send Speirs with reinforcements. YES, make them answer to you Dick Winters!
Shifty and friends finding a downed glider with Jeep and deciding to take the Jeep. Needing to free it they use C-4, but don't realize the gas was leaking and end up blowing up the jeep and glider. Oops. Also Shifty running into Sobol later and having casual chit chat and talking about Popeye getting hit in the ass. "Serves him right" says Sobol. WTF does that mean? This would have pissed us viewers off so much. Gimme gimme.
Tipper, who should get more time come on, and his group getting shelled by the US Navy until they put up orange flags and smoke. The level of 'We're behind enemy lines and this massive hellstorm is hitting the beach' would have been a nod to just how chaotic it was to be paratroopers. Behind enemy lines is one thing, behind he enemy our lines are advancing on? Mmmmhmmm. Oh ! And they run into an English speaking guy who instantly gets shot by one of Tipper's compatriots and everyone is like ???? He was Speaking English and wearing a US paratrooper uniform? And the dude says "Look at his boots!" and they're German hobnailed boots. Like...more over Sherlock, give him a medal for the observation skills.
Lt. Col Billy Turner. He's not Easy Company, but he and Speirs had a personal civil war going on and we just get Lurker Speirs in Part 2 and we could have had some drama in the previous episode with Turner transferring him from Charlie to Dog eve of the invasion. In Normandy Sink told Turner to "Neutralize guns but be careful" so Turner tried to direct tank fire in Normandy, on a tank, and got shot by a sniper doing so. Ed Pepping, medic, got to him, pulled him out of the tank turret right before he died. Laments his loss. Says his death really held up the advance and rattled people. Seems like a good guy. Sink's comment? "His stature was small, his heart was big, his head was clear, his mind was sharp, his courage unlimited." Which sounds like a tribute for a warhorse, and Turner was cavalry so probably would have likes it, but BOB, really? Show Speirs walking by the guys dead body and saying "Well, Turner, by God, the krauts saved me the job!" Just some drama that could have been background noise. Sparky is already winning the morality Olympics this episode, pile on some more.
To be Continued....
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stabthroughme · 7 months
I think Damian should end up adopting the various pigeons of Gotham.
Like they were literally bred to be domesticated pets/working animals in the case of messenger pigeons. Here's some thoughts about it:
Damian started out with one particular pigeon who had a nicked wing and couldn't fly away from a confrontation with the villain of the week. He probably saw domesticated pigeons/messengers in the league (an animal subtle enough to carry a small message/drop and found in virtually every city in the world) and we know he's soft for injured/abandoned animals.
He takes the birb in and helps it heal and tries to check it over for various signs of ownership. He finds none, brings it into the vet (who is Very Familiar with Damian and his pets) thinking that they'd know how to find the owners and that's how he finds out that pigeons were cast out by society at large after being a point of pride for centuries.
The bird likes Damian and Damian leaves his window open (even in winter) for it to visit after it's all healed up. Damian purchases some ownership bands and pays the license fee out of his allowance to make sure the bird will be okay.
Birdy 1 comes back to the manor at least once a week and occasionally finds Damian on patrol with others, Damian decides to name it Lancelot (loyal friend, plus he just started reading Arthurian legends).
Lancelot starts showing up with it's broodmate and Damian names the broodmate Guinevere, bands and registers her and then their hatchlings who he helps hand-raise from his windowsill (where they built their nest)
He names every single pigeon that starts showing up on patrols after Arthurian legend characters (he runs out fairly quickly) and registers all of them.
Eventually it raises some red flags about possible illegal breeding operations and Jim ends up having to investigate and its literally the first time any of the bats are made aware of Damian's growing pigeon army.
Gordon of course goes back with a "he's a rich kid who loves animals and got incredibly passionate about how horrible it is that humanity turned our backs on such wonderful creatures." The thing under a sheet on his desk coos and the person he's talking to asks what it is.
Damian guilted Gordon into adopting a lone pigeon who needs more care (bc not bonded to a mate or to the flock) and you know, Babs is out on her own now and Gordon's an empty nester and pigeons are really quite affectionate-
Jason also ends up with a pigeon. So does Tim. Dick avoids it because he refuses to move back to Gotham from Blud and Damian refuses to let any pigeons experience the uprooting he had.
Anyways I love pigeons and the idea that they're "dirty" is stupid and they deserve to be taken care of k bye.
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