#leticia spellman
addiemilfgomery · 5 months
incorrect madam spellman
lilith: my darling witch?
zelda, facing away from lilith to coo at baby leticia: yes, my queen?
lilith: breast or thighs?
zelda: honestly, lilith. you are the QUEEN of hell, must i really remind you how sexist that question is? women are not objects. we have a daughter. is that what you want her to-(faces lilith) oh...
lilith, holding a cleaver in one hand and a chicken in the other: :>
zelda: TT
lilith: you were saying?
zelda: breast.
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*Casually makes Spellwood video in hopes it will bring joy to all my fellow sad caos fans*
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frizz22 · 4 years
“Clay boy got the signatures.” Lilith snarled, pacing.
Head still not fully awake and in need of coffee, Zelda raised a brow. “What?”
Impatient and irritated, Lilith threw a hand into the air. “The signatures, the ones to challenge my reign, the ones to mock me, the ones to undermine and humiliate me. Those signatures.” She ranted, too worked up to have even spared Zelda a glance.
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singofsolace · 5 years
Me, refusing to ever call Leticia “Judith” in my fics: 
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Peekaboo! I see you!
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riverdale-caos · 5 years
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incorrectspellmans · 6 years
Zelda: I never understood why people liked having babies so much until I had a baby of my own. I’ve only been looking after Leticia for half an episode but if anything happened to her I would kill everybody in this room and then myself.
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pretttybxby · 6 years
can’t believe that they let Zelda be a mom for an episode and then just ripped it away, don’t do her dirty like that you cowards
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heavenjadwiga · 6 years
Just finished watching Sabrina's 'A Midwinter's Tale' and all I have to say is that I better see Leticia Spellman throughout season 2. Zelda is a great mom for her. I really like how enamored Zelda is by her. The peek a boo scene was so cute. The panic and terror Zelda had of something happening to Leticia. 
And that baby is so beautiful. The way she let her pacifier fall out her mouth so the audience can see her adorable smile-ah my heart. Give her an Oscar! 
We are keeping her. She's a Spellman. That's final. 
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backlandsofbutter · 5 years
Prudence you better save baby Leticia asap! (And the other baby too... I guess)(BUT BABY LETICIA IS THE PRIORITY)
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ajaasiopaoo · 6 years
Green doesn’t suit you
Summary: A very close friend of Zelda comes to Greendale to congratulate her on her engagement. Lilith’s possessive side comes out while the other Spellmans sit back amused.
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Zelda Spellman still couldn’t believe that she’s engaged, and to the mother of demons! Honestly, after living in this world for so long she thought that marriage wasn’t really meant for her, she have given up hope that she would find a lifelong partner but then came Lilith. The demon queen who stole her heart, who stuck by her when Zelda felt heartbroken after her baby brother’s death, who helped her get through all the pain and suffering, who helped her raised Sabrina to be the young witch she is now.
Their relationship wasn’t easy, it was hard at first. But Zelda slowly started to break down her walls around the demoness and Lilith did the same.
In their relationship, they had to face many bumps and trials but they all got through of them together. What they have encountered only made them stronger as a couple and Zelda is surprise that even with the craziness of her family, the demon queen still choose to stay.
After that night of celebration for their engagement, the next morning Sabrina bombarded her aunt with suggestions of wedding dresses and wedding themes. Zelda sat down beside her niece in the breakfast table looking amused at Sabrina’s excitement.
Zelda felt grateful to have Hilda, Sabrina and Vivian to help her with the preparation, because of the two women’s schedule it is hard for both of them to plan the wedding but with the help of the three, they didn’t have any problem.
Today though all of Zelda and Lilith’s works are set aside so that they only have one focus only and it is the preparation for their special day. “How about Carlotta Redirick, aunt Zee? Should we send her an invitation? Sabrina asked her aunt who was enjoying a cup of tea.
“Carlotta? Hmm, she’s always been a bitch and I couldn’t stand being near that woman so no. Don’t send her an invitation, she will only try to make the moment about her,” Zelda rolled her eyes as she remembered her old classmate from the Academy.
Sabrina nodded, “Okay then. So she’s cross out from the list.”
“Oh by the way, Viv, did you send the invitations already? The first batch that we made?” Sabrina asked her cousin who was yawning every now and then, clearly tired from whatever she did last night.
“Yes I did, Sabrina.” The redhead replied. “Oh and someone replied to one of the invitations already, I forgot to give it to you last night,” Vivian added.
“What were you even doing last night for you to be so tired,” Vivian only shrug in reply to Sabrina.
“The question is not what she was doing last night Sabrina, it’s who she was doing last night,” Ambrose gave his cousin a knowing smirk that made Vivian blushed in embarrassment. “Oh did you have a visitor last night, dear?” Lilith joined in, finding Vivian’s embarrassment amusing.
“That is quite enough. I’ll have you two know that the cain pit will gladly accept two new bodies if you won’t stop,” Vivian stated sharply. Ambrose raised both of his hands in surrender, chuckling at his cousin. “I think I’ll have to visit the cain pit some other time, Luke and I made plans for today.” Ambrose grinned, he stood up from where he was sitting and walked out of the house.
Vivian rolled her eyes and handed Zelda the letter, “I’m going upstairs to get more sleep,” she announced and before Zelda could even ask her daughter what Ambrose meant about what she did last night Vivian was already out of the kitchen. Leaving the three women alone.
Zelda scanned the letter in her hand and as she read who the letter was from, a smile curved into her lips as she eagerly open the letter.
“Who’s it from, aunt Zelda?” Sabrina eyed her aunt.
“It’s from Cassia, a very good friend of mine back when I was still a student from the Academy,” Zelda smiled brightly as she read the letter. “It says here that she will be coming here to Greendale tomorrow!” The ginger exclaimed making the demoness beside her raised an eyebrow.
“And how close are you with this Cassia woman?” Lilith cleared her throat, trying to sound neutral as if she wasn’t affected by her lover’s excited mood. “Did somebody say Cassia?” Hilda entered the kitchen with baby Letty in her arms.
“You know her, Hilda?” Lilith asked, “Oh yeah I do. She’s like Zelda’s best friend in the Academy, they were so close together to the point that they were always mistaken as lovers,” Hilda chuckled.
Lilith’s jaw began clenched at the idea of Zelda being so close to another woman and something inside the demoness wants to keep her lover away from this Cassia woman. Turning to look at Zelda, the demon queen inhaled sharply, “I don’t like her.” She blurted out.
Sabrina shared an amused glance with her aunt Hilda, knowing very well that the demon queen was jealous. The young witch had to bit her lip to contain her laughter at Lilith’s reaction, “Oh don’t be silly, Lilith. You haven’t met Cassia yet, I’m sure you’ll get along with her.” Zelda said which only made the demon queen huffed.
“Whatever. I don’t like her,” Lilith grumbled out. Zelda rolled her eyes and stood up, her newspaper in hand. “I don’t have time for your childish behavior,” Zelda walked out of the kitchen and went upstairs to her room.
Lilith mumbled some incoherent words before turning her attention to the two other Spellmans who were giving her amused looks. “What?” The demoness snapped.
Hilda snorted, “There’s no need for you to be jealous, dear. Cassia is just a close friend of Zelda.”
“I’m not jealous,” the demon queen denied. “Yeah right,” Sabrina mocked, still chuckling at the demoness. “Well enough of the talking already, we have work to do!” Lilith changed the subject and the two Spellmans let the subject be change. For now.
The next morning as Lilith entered the Spellman house, she was surprised to see everyone so busy. It was a first time for her to see Sabrina and Ambrose clean in the house while Vivian look after Leticia.
“What’s going on?” The demoness asked her lover’s daughter making Vivian look at her with a confused look, “I thought you knew that one of mom’s friends are coming here to visit?”
“I do know! What I don’t understand is why is everyone running around acting like the Dark Lord himself is coming for a visit.”
“Mother wants the house to be spotless before her friend arrives,” Vivian shrugged. Turning at her soon to be stepdaughter, she forced a smile on her lips “And where is your mother?” The demoness asked.
“In her room getting ready,” Vivian replied. Lilith nodded her head and dragged herself upstairs to the witch’s room. She knocked softly and after hearing her lover say “come in” she entered the room and stared at Zelda.
“This friend of yours must be so special for you to dress up so nicely,” Lilith muttered.
Zelda turn around to look at Lilith, slowly approaching the demon queen she held her face in her hands before giving her a small smile. “There’s nothing for you to be worried about. Cassia is just a friend of mine, one I haven’t seen for a very long time.” Zelda explained.
“Please behave when she arrives,” Zelda pleaded. Lilith gazed into Zelda eyes and sighed, she couldn’t really say no to the woman she love. “Fine.” Lilith muttered out, earning herself a peck in the lips. Before Zelda could walk away, Lilith pulled Zelda back into her arms for a proper kiss.
The witch sighed into the kiss as their lips move together in sync and also loving the feeling of Lilith’s warm body so close to her. “We should stop,” Zelda said softly, still kissing the demoness.
“Or we could just forget your friend that’s coming and stay here in your bedroom,” Lilith suggested as she slowly backed Zelda against a wall. The demon queen pulled away from the kiss and started to kiss her way down the witch’s pale neck, sucking and licking the soft skin.
Zelda gasped, “Stop distracting me.” Zelda softly pushed the demoness by her shoulders and gave her one last kiss before pulling away. “If you behave today, I’ll give you a reward in the end of the day.” Lilith smirked.
“I can’t wait for this day to end,” Lilith mumbled making Zelda chuckle. The two lovers got outside the room and made their way downstairs to the front hall then the doorbell rang, Sabrina opened the door and it revealed a petite woman with auburn brown hair and sparkling jade green eyes. Well Lilith had to admit, the woman is beautiful which made her even more cautious.
This woman in front of her could instantly take her Zelda away from her and she couldn’t let that happen. This witch had to fight her first and the demoness has no plan on losing.
“Cassia Morticia Bonavich, you still have a horrible taste in fashion I see,” Zelda said, a playful smile on her lips.
“Zelda Phiona Spellman, you haven’t changed at all. You’re still a bitch.” With that, the two women laughed and greeted each other with one tight hug.
Lilith’s eyes almost fell out of it’s sockets as she stare at her lover being hug by another woman. Lilith clenched her fist, trying to simmer down her burning rage towards Zelda’s friend.
Zelda was the one to pull away first from the hug, “Cassia, this is Hilda, my sister.” Hilda approached them and gave the brunette a smile, “Oh you don’t need to introduce us Zelds, we know each other already.”
Cassia gasped, “Hilda! Oh it’s so nice to see you again,” the woman pulled Hilda in for a hug. The blonde chuckled and returned the hug before pulling away. “And this is Ambrose, my nephew and Sabrina my niece,” Ambrose and Sabrina greeted their aunt’s friend with a smile.
Zelda waved at Lilith to come over and the demon queen approached them with reluctance. “And this is Lilith, the love of my life,” Zelda smiled softly at her lover and Lilith couldn’t help but return one back at the ginger witch.
“Hi I’m Cassia,” the woman in front of her smiled. “I’m Lilith. Mother of Demons, Dawn of Doom, first witch and also Queen of Hell,” Lilith introduced herself.
Cassia chuckled, “You’ve got one powerful wife-to-be, Zee.”
Zelda cleared her throat and motion for Vivian, who was holding Leticia that was busy sucking on her pacifier. “And this is my two daughters, Vivian and baby Leticia.”
Cassia gasped as her eyes landed on Vivian, “Zelda, your daughter looks like the younger version of you!” Vivian forced a smile. “Oh and this little one is so adorable,” Cassia cooed down at little Letty and the youngest Spellman began to cry out for no reason.
“Oh did I upset her?” Cassia asked, “Oh no, she’s just hungry.” Vivian said while rocking the crying baby in her arms to calm her down.
Lilith had to hide a smug smirk that was plastered on her lips. Looks like Leticia and I share the same feelings towards the woman. Lilith thought.
Zelda led her friend inside the living room. Ambrose, Sabrina and Hilda following behind and before Vivian, Letty and Lilith followed them the demoness cooed down at the baby that was in her stepdaughter’s arms.
“Who’s a very good girl? Yes you’re a good girl! That’s right Letty, we do not like mommy’s friend, yes we don’t.” Leticia babble back making Vivian raised an eyebrow down at the baby.
It’s like Letty just agreed, Vivian thought. “Let’s go before someone sees you and Leticia talking bad about Cassia,” Vivian chuckled and the trio entered the living room.
Lilith took a seat close to Zelda and seeing the other woman’s eyes on her lover, Lilith wrapped her arm around Zelda and pulled the witch’s body closer to her. A smug smirked started to formed on the demon queen’s lips as Cassia look away.
“So Cassia, how much trouble did auntie Zee caused in the Academy?” Ambrose asked, eager to find out some of his aunt’s adventures.
Cassia sent a smirked on Zelda direction before turning to look at Ambrose, “Your aunt was such a huge troublemaker when she was young. Always challenging our professors, picking fights with other witches, even warlocks. I remember one time, a warlock was being a jerk to Eddie and Zelda over here, being the protective older sister that she is, punched the warlock and broke his nose.”
“Oh and she didn’t stop there, didn’t she Cass. Before she could inflict further more damage to the guy, the headmaster stopped her. Well your aunt wanted to hurt the guy more so she curse him.” Hilda added while sipping her cup of tea.
“What kind of curse?” Sabrina asked, intrigued. “Let’s just say the poor guy’s little ‘friend’ is well, not functioning anymore.” Cassia smirked.
Ambrose burst out laughing, “That’s a good one aunt Zee.”
Zelda shrugged her shoulders, “Serves him right for hurting Edward.” The ginger witch smirked.
“What else did aunt Zelda do?” Sabrina asked.
“Sneaking out from the Academy way pass the curfew. She would beat up girls that are bullying Hilda and she was also quite the heartbreaker. She would go to parties and drink like there’s no tomorrow, and would hook up with a witch or warlock every now and then,” Cassia told them.
“So Zelda Spellman wasn’t always proper, hmm?” Lilith gave her lover a teasing smirk which caused the witch beside her to roll her eyes. “That was a long time ago, I was young and wanted to live life.” Zelda shrugged.
“I can’t believe my mother was that wild,” Vivian muttered. “Oh child, believe me. Your mother was the wildest person in the Academy when we were young.”
“Like mother, like daughter.” Ambrose coughed out, sending a smirk on Vivian’s direction. Vivian glared at Ambrose and with her powers she moved away Ambrose’s chair as he was about to sit down. He groaned in pain as his butt met the hard floor, making Vivian smirked.
“Hilda says that you and Zelda were very close, to the point where you two were always mistaken as lovers,” Lilith said, staring at the woman.
“Oh yes, Zelda and I were always together when we were at the Academy.” Cassia smiled at Zelda which the ginger return back. “Yes and Cassia over here was the clingy one between us. Always kissing and hugging me,” Zelda chuckled.
The flames of the fireplace roared as it grew bigger because of the demon queen’s rage. Swallowing the lump in her throat, she forced a smile on her lips.
“Whatever do you mean, dear?” Lilith asked, trying not to sound icy. Hilda, Ambrose, Sabrina and Vivian watched in amusement as Lilith’s possessive side came out.
“Because of Cassia’s clingy self over here, she would always hug me or kiss me in the cheek out of nowhere. That’s why some students of the Academy thinks that we’re a couple,” Zelda explained.
“We were even proclaimed as couple of the year, weren’t we Zelds?” Cassia chuckled.
And that was enough information for the demon queen to hear. She ignored Zelda laughter with her friend and she stood up, making her way to the kitchen taking in deep breaths to calm herself down. The demon queen shook her head and poured herself a glass of whiskey.
“Mind if I join you?” A voice behind her say, she turn around to see Cassia smiling at her. The witch entered the kitchen and stood besides Lilith. The room was filled into an awkward silence, both women just standing there until Cassia sighed and turn to glance at the demoness.
“I’m not a threat to your relationship with Zelda,” Cassia started.
“I can see the way you look at her and that look is not the way you look at a friend.” Lilith said before gulping down her drink. “You love her,” Lilith whispered.
“I do,” the witch whispered back but before the demon queen could snap at witch she continued, “but she doesn’t love me.” Cassia whispered and gave the demoness a small smile.
“When we were at the Academy, I confessed my feelings for her you know. But she told me that she didn’t feel the same. She only sees me as a friend,” Cassia sighed.
“I wanted to change her mind, to give me a chance but I realized that it’ll only hurt me more If I gave my everything to her and the result is still the same. That she will still see me as a friend and nothing more,” Cassia turned to look at the demoness who was staring at her. “I don’t have any intentions to take her away from you. I can see that Zelda loves you very much and she’s very happy to be with you. That’s the effect that you and only you can bring out from Zelda. I couldn’t compete with that,” Cassia chuckled.
Lilith stayed silent and stared at the witch in front of her. Before the demon queen could even say anything, Zelda entered the kitchen. “There you are! What are you two doing here?” Zelda asked, looking back and forth between her lover and her best friend.
“Nothing dear, we’re just getting acquainted.” Lilith smiled.
“Yes, and Zelda I love to stay longer and chat but I have to go. I’m meeting with my old relatives and I can’t skip our family gathering,” Cassia said with an apologetic smile on her lips.
“It’s okay, Cassia. We can talk more next time,” Zelda smiled and gave her friend one last hug. “I’ll walk you to the door,” Lilith offered.
The witch only nodded her head and followed the demoness to the front hall.
“You know, you really aren’t that bad,” Lilith said making the witch chuckle. “Looks like I’m slowly getting on the mother of demon’s good side.” The two women chuckled.
Lilith opened the door for Cassia, “You are coming to the wedding right? Zelda will expect you to be there,” Cassia smiled.
“Of course I’ll be there. I wouldn’t miss the special day of my best friend,” Cassia said and Lilith nod her head in response.
“Lilith, take care of her.” Cassia said and the demon queen smiled, “I will.” She promised.
The demoness watched as the witch smile and walked out of the house. Lilith closed the door and headed towards the kitchen where Zelda is, her lover gave her a smile as soon as Zelda’s eyes landed on her. Wrapping her arms around the ginger’s waist, she sighed hugging her lover close and Zelda hugged her back.
“What did you and Cassia talked about?” Zelda asked, “Nothing. We were just talking about your rebellious self when you were young,” Zelda rolled her eyes and before she could retort back, her lips were covered with Lilith’s red ones. Kissing her softly which she returned.
Lilith slowly pulled away, forehead resting against Zelda’s, “I love you, my sweet, sweet Zelda.” The demoness whispered close to Zelda’s lips.
“And I love you too,” Zelda whispered back. “Lilith next time, please stop wearing green. It doesn’t suit you,” Zelda said as she pulled away from the hug to walk out of the kitchen.
Lilith couldn’t help but laugh at what her lover said. She may be wearing a green dress today but she was sure as hell that the dress wasn’t what Zelda meant. Shaking her head in amusement, Lilith followed her lover behind towards the living room to enjoy the rest of the day with Zelda and the other Spellmans.
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niightpriestess · 6 years
“Peek-a-boo, I see you.”
Smiling is one of the many things you will not see from the fiery, redheaded Spellman in a daily occurrence.  Well, maybe it’s debatable. She would smile around her family when she’s satisfied with Sabrina’s ever growing skills, or when Hilda says something utterly dumb and she’d rather keep much harsher comments to herself; but rarely so because of happiness.
In a span of few months, the babe all dressed up in black (as is every Child of Night especially one being raised as a Spellman should be) has become both the bane and light of her life. It was so easy to get utterly absorbed and invested in such a child. It was Hilda who did all the carrying and nurturing with Sabrina when she was little when Zelda herself had to be the disciplinarian, the iron-fist. Now, she has a chance to do both with Leticia.  The baby’s laughs became like a symphony that would easily warm her heart, and every time she wails, Zelda would frown, too. As if the soul of an umbilical cord permanently bound them.
However, time and time again, life has proven that happiness (especially hers) is short-lived.
“Peek-a-boo, I see you,”Zelda tries to say without her voice breaking and every tear that would roll down her cheek will be quickly wiped off. Zelda, you are doing this for Leticia to be safe. You cannot be selfish just because you’ve lost your ability to bear a child. Gryla’s attempt to take her daughter is something she will forever be daunted with after realizing that it’s better to give up than to lose—face flat and embarrassed. Besides, she will be well-taken care of. Her daughter will be taught the old ways as it is her birthright, and rightfully serves her heritage. She will visit, yes, but that will not be up to par when Leticia would rather sleep in her arms than her crib, and she will stay up all night, sitting with a precious bundle in hand only to wake up and see the beautiful child wide-eyed and staring at her with a smile. Visits will not compare to the way she would instantly smile when Leticia reaches for one of her fingers to hold. And it’s the thought of Leticia being in another’s arms that pains her more.
It will not be the same. And the loss, the grief, the pain is slowly weighing on her. Funny how in the most selfless of acts will one lose most.  
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frizz22 · 5 years
A story where Sabrina and Ambrose find out about Zelda stealing Leticia, we only got to see Hilda’s reaction I would love to see theirs
COMBO Prompt: One above and also–Sabrina actually calls Zelda mom, and it’s not just at her deathbed. Read on ao3
Notes: Okay, I cheated a little with these, since I had this scene in my You Always Say No fic and it fit so perfectly for both. I changed it up a little, though. Hope you still enjoy!
Also, in this fic it’s customary for a witch to receive a gift from her mother on her dark baptism. Though the aunties didn’t tell Sabrina about this tradition, Zelda still went to lengths to get a family heirloom restored to give to Sabrina; only to have to hold onto it because of debacles. 
Zelda was cooing over Leticia, unable to help herself from fawning over the babe, when a door slammed down below, and she felt the rush of new magic pulsing in the air even floors above.
Turning in surprise, Zelda blinked. “She, she signed?” She murmured incredulously, though the signs were unmistakable.
Despite her confusion, Zelda quickly cast an alarm spell over Leticia—so she’d be alerted if the babe woke—and bent over her trunk to snag a small box out before stashing in her robe pocket.  
She eased the door open and shut it quietly behind her so as to no disturb Leticia and then made for Sabrina’s room. When Hilda didn’t emerge from her room as well, Zelda assumed her sister was already asleep—good, Hilda needed to recover from holding off the Thirteen and Red Angel; she’d expended enormous amounts of energy. There was no need to wake her sister, she’d find out in the morning. 
Besides, Zelda wanted to have this moment alone with her niece. 
Knocking tentatively, Zelda waited. Though she knew Sabrina was in her room, the magic palpable enough it would’ve given away the girl’s location anywhere in the house, she didn’t want to force anything.
After a moment, a quiet, “come in,” filtered through the door. Pushing it open slowly, Zelda took in Sabrina’s new appearance more fully than she’d been able to during her astral projection. Her niece was sitting cross-legged on the bed, already in her pajamas and cuddling her stuffed rabbit.
“Want to talk about it?” Zelda questioned softly, coming to sit next to Sabrina.
Sniffing, Sabrina’s chin trembled. “I signed the Book of the Beast.” She informed her unnecessarily, leaning into Zelda’s side. “Ms. Wardwell said it was the only way to stop the Thirteen and the Red Angel. I had to burn them with Hellfire, like in my vision from the Malum Malus. But I wasn’t strong enough, so I signed. I, I didn’t see any other way to save everyone.”
Zelda froze midway between wrapping her arm around Sabrina comfortingly. Badly wanting to leave right then and strangle Wardwell for coaxing Sabrina out of the safety of Hilda’s protection and into the woods.
Exhaling slowly to rid herself of the red that flooded her vision at the mention of Wardwell, Zelda hugged Sabrina against her. “Oh darling, we were already doing everything possible to protect the town. The coven was safe at the academy and the mortals at Baxter High. We only had to last an hour. It worked.”  
A few tears slipped down Sabrina’s face. “Not everyone was at the school, Auntie Zee. Roz, Susie… Harvey. They were all outside and in danger.”
It was a monumental feat, controlling herself. First Wardwell, and now the Kinkle boy? Zelda squeezed her eyes shut and pressed her lips together to not curse anything. Why, why was it that whenever something happened Harvey was somehow the inspiration or motivator?
Zelda knew, on some level, it wasn’t his fault her niece was so heedless in her pursuit of her wants, of what she’d deemed was right. But things certainly would have been much easier this past month and a half if Harvey Kinkle had never been part of Sabrina’s life.
“It’s not your job to protect everyone, sweetheart. That is a much too heavy burden to carry, let alone for a teenager. No matter your abilities.” She reached up and tucked some of Sabrina’s hair back. “I am sorry you felt you had to give up so much.” Sabrina just curled further into Zelda’s side. “What were you thinking? Leaving the protection of the school? Of your Aunt Hilda?” She admonished, though they’d all made it out in one piece, it very well could have ended differently.
Pulling back, Sabrina wiped some of her tears away. “I was thinking of what you would have done in my shoes.”
She stared at her niece, dumbfounded. “What?”
“I was just doing what I’ve seen you do all my life. Protect people. It’s not always crazy like summoning Hellfire,” Sabrina smiled sheepishly, “but it’s always been there. The harrowing, the feast, Batibat, the resurrection…” she trailed off, lip quivering at the reminder. “I also understand why you’ve been so keen on following the church’s lead. I felt the Dark Lord’s presence tonight; His true presence, not just a possession. It was chilling, terrifying. He’s really dangerous, Auntie.” Sabrina informed her, pale faced.
Though panic shot through her at the idea of the Dark Lord hovering over Sabrina as she signed, Zelda also felt relief that Sabrina understood where she was coming from. “I know He’s dangerous, Sabrina. Which is why your constant rebellion against Him has given me ulcers.” She half-teased, cupping Sabrina’s cheek for a moment. “I’m glad you finally understand. Though there is something I understand now as well. I was,” she took a deep breath. “I was letting my past experiences cloud how I raised you.
“I was stifling you, trying to force you down a certain path in order to keep you safe. My fears come from a genuine place, as you’ve realized. But my fears stem from more than just knowing the Dark Lord is dangerous, darling. He took something irreplaceable from me and in the process forced me to do something I was strongly against. A part of me broke, Sabrina.” She whispered, explicitly confessing for the first time how damaged she’d been after Edward’s murder; how she’d never really recovered from it fully. And she hated it, hated how the word ‘broke’ stuck in her throat, hated the implications of it, hated that she wasn’t strong enough to glue herself back together sufficiently enough that she was now confessing to her niece. But it needed to be done, she couldn’t continue as she had, holding it in until she’d purged it with whipping. It wasn’t an option anymore; which meant this… talking.
Sabrina dropped her rabbit and lurched forward, wrapping her arms around Zelda fully. The gesture stunned Zelda, and after a moment she brought up a hand to stroke Sabrina’s hair; grateful her girl was staying quiet, as if she sensed that if she spoke Zelda would stop.  
Taking a shaky breath, Zelda continued. “I am relieved you’ve come to understand where I’ve been coming from… but you were right to work to change certain things as well. I’m sorry, sweetheart.”
With a vigorous shake of her head, Sabrina pulled back from their embrace but gripped Zelda’s forearm tightly. “No, Auntie Zelda, I’m sorry. A lot of pain could have been avoided if I’d just signed on my birthday.” She dropped her eyes, “you were right, everything has a price.” Sniffing, she lifted her gaze and there was a bit of that old spark in it again. “I’m not sorry for most of it, stopping the harrowing, the Feast of Feasts, helping Susie’s uncle….”  
Zelda restrained herself from pointing out that while her girl had the best of intentions, none of what she’d done had any lasting effect. Yes, the harrowing would stop for a little bit, Prudence and her sisters scared off. But that happened every now and then, but it would pick up again when a new group of witches wanted to hurt others the way they’d been hurt. And Sabrina had saved Prudence from a gruesome fate, certainly, but the Feast wasn’t ended by any means and would continue again the next year. As for Jesse Putnam… well, he was dead now even with their intervention.
But Sabrina’s heart was in the right place, she’d done those things to try and protect people, so Zelda wouldn’t admonish her beyond what she’d already done in the past. She just pressed her lips together and covered Sabrina’s hands with one of hers, squeezing slightly.
Sabrina curled into her side once more, a silence settling between them as they processed the conversation. Carefully, Zelda pulled the necklace out of her robe pocket with the hand not holding Sabrina against her. She was about to hand it over when her niece broke the silence.
“Are we going to talk about where you went? Why you disappeared?” And though there was no accusation in her tone, Zelda couldn’t help but feel they were both thinking if she’d been present tonight Sabrina might not have needed to sign—at the very least she’d never have allowed Sabrina to go off with Wardwell. Not that it mattered now, they couldn’t change the past.
Sliding the necklace back into her pocket, Zelda nodded slowly. Before she could explain, however, a thin wailing cry echoed down the hall, though it soon died down; Leticia likely just falling back to sleep.
Confused, Sabrina stiffened against her. “Was that a baby?!”
“Yes, I—”
“Why didn’t you say you had a baby here?” Sabrina demanded incredulously, pulling away from Zelda to stare at her.
A smile touched Zelda’s lips and she cupped Sabrina’s cheek for a moment. “I wanted to check on you first.”
Her niece softened at that and then remembered herself. “Well, now I want to talk about the baby.” She gestured towards the door, eyebrows raised expectantly as she adjusted her position, facing Zelda completely and tucking one leg underneath her.
Shaking her head affectionately, Zelda shifted on the bed to mirror Sabrina. “Her name is Leticia. She is the first born of Father Blackwood’s twins. That’s what I was going to tell you, why I disappeared earlier.” She clasped her hands in her lap to hide how she was twisting her fingers; anxiety was rolling through her, though why she was so nervous to tell Sabrina about Leticia she wasn’t sure. “I was summoned to the academy; Lady Blackwood had gone into premature labor and I was needed for the delivery. I tried to come back, Sabrina. I did, but—”
Sabrina waved a dismissive hand, “I know, Auntie, I know you wouldn’t have abandoned us. What about the baby?”
Huffing in amusement, Zelda went on to explain. “Lady Blackwood died. Her body under too much stress from her overuse of magic, from her pregnancy induced hysteria, the whole Thirteen and Red Angel situation… it was hardly an ideal time to give birth. She bled too much; I didn’t have my tools… I couldn’t help her. But both babes lived.”
Sagging in relief that the children were alright, Sabrina looked at her sharply then. “But why?” She gestured down to the door again.
“Leticia was born first, a surprise when all signs pointed to twin boys. I decided it was too dangerous for Faustus to claim her as his first born and there was no way to trick the coven into thinking her brother had been born first. You see, there are spells and—” Zelda went to explain but Sabrina headed her off.
“Spells and potions, yeah. I read about them for one of my classes.” Sabrina interrupted her impatiently, “why is Leticia here?”
Picking at the palm of her hand, Zelda swallowed. “I, I took Leticia for her own protection; to hide her and also raise her. The ways of our church can be cruelly archaic, sometimes Sabrina, and Faustus is bound to follow them as a High Priest. I was saving him the hardship of disposing of his child and Leticia by bringing her here.”
Sabrina licked her lips, “so, Leticia, she’ll, she’ll be your daughter?” She asked, voice a little high pitched.
She blinked, surprised this was the point Sabrina was focusing on and not on the fact that she’d taken the girl in the first place. “Well, I, yes. I suppose she will be. In every sense of the word at least.” And Zelda tried to mask how thrilled she was by the notion; especially when she saw how her niece’s face fell a bit.
“Oh, okay…” Sabrina murmured, nodding jerkily and clearing her throat.
Frowning in confusion, Zelda peered at her niece. Unsure why Sabrina seemed more upset by this than having to sign the book. But it wasn’t as if she could give Leticia to someone else, not that she could bear to part with the little girl in any case, so Sabrina would need to come to terms with another child being in the house.
Perhaps, perhaps she thought she was being replaced? Another adopted girl of a High Priest? Zelda had to admit, the parallels were somewhat disconcerting. But Leticia could never replace her girl.
Slowly, Zelda took the necklace back out of her pocket. “I have something for you.” She murmured, gripping the box tightly in her hands where they’d come to rest in her lap once more. “I, I intended to give it to you on your original Dark Baptism, but with everything…” Zelda raised a brow and chuckled slightly, and Sabrina gave her a wry smile in return, though there was still something akin to doubt in her eyes. “Well, anyway,” she handed the box over and waited for Sabrina to open it. “It belonged to my mother.” Zelda explained, as Sabrina admired the necklace, “and her mother before her and so on. It’s been passed down through Spellman women on their Dark Baptism for centuries. And I, I want you to have it.”
Sabrina carefully took the necklace from the box, tears in her eyes. “Your mom gave it to you?” She repeated tremulously.
Humming in the affirmative, Zelda placed a hand on Sabrina’s knee. “Yes, I wore it every day for a very long time. It means quite a lot to me, and I hope you come to value it as well.”
“Are you, are you sure you don’t want to save it for Leticia?” Sabrina whispered, running the chain through her hands and not meeting Zelda’s eye.
Taken aback, Zelda looked at Sabrina baffled. “Why would I save it for Leticia?” She inquired, the thought that Sabrina was trying to graciously reject her gift forcing itself into the forefront of her mind; her heart dropped at the idea.
Sniffing, Sabrina rolled her shoulders, eyes still downcast. “Because she’s your daughter.” Came a thick reply, “she’ll get to call you mom.” Several tears dripped off Sabrina’s nose. “And this is an heirloom that gets passed down from mother to daughter.”
The dark, sinking feeling that was threatening to pull Zelda under dissipated at Sabrina’s words. She wasn’t rejecting the gift, wasn’t rejecting Zelda. She truly thought she was being replaced and didn’t believe the necklace should go to her.
“Oh, my girl.” Zelda murmured, pulling Sabrina back into a tight embrace, her niece’s head tucked under her chin as Sabrina’s arms wound around her and fisted the material of her robe. “I never wanted to, to tell you this before.” She swallowed hard but forced herself to continue. “Because I didn’t want you to be uncomfortable or feel pressured or think I was trying to replace Diana. But I’ve loved you as a daughter. Always. You have always been, and always will be, my daughter.” She was crying now too, tears rolling down her cheeks.
Sabrina buried her face against Zelda’s shoulder. “No matter how many babies you take?” She asked tremulously, the question slightly muffled.
Zelda couldn’t help but laugh a little and hugged Sabrina tighter. “No matter how many babies I adopt.” She clarified, rocking the two of them on the bed gently. “Though I don’t plan on taking in anymore.” Zelda pulled back and framed her niece’s face, wiping the tears away with her thumbs.
A wide smile broke out on Sabrina’s face and she lurched forward and wrapped her arms around Zelda’s neck. “I never thought you were trying to replace Diana. I’m sorry for what I said the other night. You’re my mom in every way that counts…. I love you.” Sabrina murmured, sniffing once more.
Heart soaring at the words, Zelda clung to her girl tightly, and it took a moment for her to respond past the lump of emotions stuck in her throat. “I love you too, sweetheart.”
When Sabrina pulled back a minute later, she was chewing on her lip, suddenly shy. “Will, will you help me put it on?” She asked, already turning around and taking off the necklace Harvey had given her. Beaming, Zelda nodded and took the necklace and looped it around her girl’s neck before fastening it.
When she turned back around and let her hand drop from the pendant, Sabrina look at Zelda. “How does it look?”
“Lovely,” Zelda whispered, fussing with the chain, smoothing out a twist and gently touching a lock of Sabrina’s new platinum hair.
Not missing her aunt’s action, Sabrina’s hand came up to touch her hair as well. “Auntie Zee, does everyone’s hair change when they sign?” She asked, lightly tugging on the strand.
Reaching up and tucking a few stray locks behind Sabrina’s ear, Zelda shook her head. “No. It only happens in rare cases, when someone signs under extreme duress—which might be what happened to you tonight. Or when the witch or warlock signing is especially powerful. My hair did the same.” She reassured, smiling at the memory.
“Really?” Sabrina straightened and looked at her excitedly, “what did your hair look like before?” Her brow furrowed, as though she were trying to imagine her aunt with anything other than her fierce red locks.
Shifting on the bed to get more comfortable, Zelda huffed a little in amusement. “It was dark brown, like your father’s. We were so close in age and looked so alike people mistook us for twins at times. Thomas, Ambrose’s father, he had blonde hair like Hilda. Well, clearly Ambrose took after his mother, lucky for him; Thomas wasn’t much of a looker.”
“Auntie!” Sabrina playfully scolded, but she was smiling again. “But you had brown hair?” She asked, touching Zelda’s hair briefly before letting her hand fall.
Zelda nodded, “yes, and when I signed, it lightened and took on a reddish color. I was delighted, naturally, not only because of what the color change indicated about my powers, but also because I felt red hair fit my personality so much better.” She winked and Sabrina shook her head in amusement.
Sobering for a moment, Sabrina tugged at the ends of her own her. “So, it lasts forever then? The color change.”
Pressing her lips together, Zelda sighed. “Mine did, though I am not sure about others in general. It is not a common phenomenon and little research has been done on the topic. If you dislike this color, there are potions and spells we can use.” She offered, seeing Sabrina was self-conscious about the new look. “But that is something we can explore later. We should both be in bed.” Zelda arched a brow and stood. “Night darling, damned dreams.” She kissed the top of Sabrina’s head and made for the door.
“Night, Auntie Zee, thank you for everything. Love you.” Sabrina smiled at her and crawled under the covers.
Trying to contain herself, Zelda smiled back. “Love you too,” she breathed, switching off the light and closing the door behind her. Once out in the hall, Zelda had to lean against the wall, attempting to stem the fresh flow of tears making their way down her cheeks; though these were from joy.
Sabrina loved her.
Her reaction to the statement was over the top, on some level she knew this. Of course, Sabrina loved her, they were family. But to hear her girl say it, after so many years of conflict, after the gap between seemed to have been stretching endlessly for so long… it was something else. And then, then Sabrina had said Zelda was like a mother to her in every way that mattered.
Emotions clogged Zelda’s throat at the recent memory, and she covered her mouth to hide the wide, teary smile on her face. Her girl, her girl…. Sniffing, Zelda collected herself and made for her bedroom. 
She woke the next morning to a crying babe. Rubbing the grogginess from her eyes, Zelda changed Leticia’s diaper before casting a quick spell to dress for the day and fix her hair. It was a late start for her, though she suspected it would be one for most of Greendale given how late they’d all stayed up because of the impending crises of the fake storm, the Thirteen and the Red Angel.
Just as she was about to go downstairs to feed Leticia, a knock sounded on her door. Surprised anyone else was up, Zelda opened the door and found her nephew standing there, looking a little anxious.
“I meant to come find you last night, after witching hour. But I was tethered to the academy, I—” Ambrose fell silent, having noticed the small bundle in her arms. “That’s a baby.” He remarked, eyes darting back and forth between her face and Leticia in confusion.
“Come,” she smiled, leading the way down the hall and past the closed doors of Sabrina and Hilda’s rooms—they were still asleep; understandably, given the magic they’d used the night before. Once in the kitchen, Zelda prepped a bottle for Leticia and explained to Ambrose what happened after she’d been summoned away from Baxter High the night before.
When the bottle was ready, Ambrose stood and took it from her and then he took Leticia as well, carefully balancing the babe as he started to feed her. “Eat, auntie,” he instructed when she blinked at him. “I already had breakfast.” He grinned and turned his attention back to Leticia; cooing at her and saying ridiculous things as he sat down in his usual spot.  
Zelda did her best to hold back her tears at the interaction and busied herself with making tea and toast to hide her sudden surge of emotions. Once her food was ready, Zelda settled across the table from Ambrose, sipping on tea and munching on slightly burnt toast while chatting amicably. When both she and Leticia finished eating, Ambrose burped the babe, stood, rounded the table and handed Leticia back. He smiled tenderly at them as Zelda adjusted her arms to better accommodate Leticia who was snuggling into her chest.
Touching her arm, Ambrose waited until Zelda lifted her eyes to him to speak. “If you need anything, anything, let me know.” He insisted, eyes imploring her to not take this on alone.
She nodded. “Of course, darling,” Zelda murmured, reaching up and cupping his cheek briefly before patting it; emotions welling up again. Heaven, one would think she was the who’d given birth with how hormonal she was acting…. Though it was nice to have so many positive emotions swirling through her for once.
“You deserve this,” Ambrose stated quietly, catching her hand as she pulled away and squeezing it. “To have a child of your own,” he elaborated at her confused expression. “And she deserves a mom like you.” With that, Ambrose kissed the top of Zelda’s head and retreated from the room before she could react other than more tears brimming in her eyes.
Perhaps, she thought as she blinked back the tears, perhaps her feeling that things were looking up for the Spellman family wasn’t wrong, just mistimed. A little early. Because surely her heart couldn’t get any fuller.
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caos-theories · 6 years
Theory: Blackwood isn’t the father of the twins
Though Constance was prone to miscarry and had some difficulties during her pregnancy, it doesn’t seem too far-fetched to think she might have indulged in an affair or two herself.
Thus, I wonder...
She went into labor “early” by witch standards, nearing the beginning of her third trimester of 13 months, which would have put her roughly around 9 months pregnant at the time the twins were born. Nine months is the normal gestation period for mortal children... perhaps Constance had a brief romance with a mortal man. Just to spite her voracious slut of a husband?
And she grew so desperate to protect them because she knew their lives were at risk for reasons that included, but also went beyond lineage for the seat of high priest. If she could get rid of the one known child of Blackwood (Prudence)... not only would it remove the threat of her usurping her children’s right to reign, but it may also provide protection for them should Blackwood find out the twins were not his. With his only other child gone, he would have to reveal to the entire coven the twins were not his and that his wife had disgraced the church by lying with a mortal man AND there would still be no proper heir. It would compromise his authority as High Priest to admit these failings as they would be his failings, too.
I know this is all over the place, but I could see this being a support plot to Sabrina’s story of being half witch/half mortal and her plans to overthrow the Dark Lord. If more and more half-witches/half-mortals exist, the stronger her case for shared duality becomes.
But like... it’s complicated. Probably too complicated. I just WONDER WHAT IF, ya know.
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Amandla Stenberg as young Leticia Spellman.
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ladyofriverrun · 4 years
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You have got yourself quite a few presents
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