#lev cosplay
lastofusfan13 · 5 months
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"Just...think about the good parts to fear. You run faster. You're more focused. You don't feel pain as much. Every bad feeling...your palms sweating, your heart racing....They're all signs you're actually stronger."
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propsbyred · 1 year
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Making Lev’s knife from the Last of Us for my boyfriend. He left his at a convention, so I decided to make another for him!
Made out of eva foam, foam clay and a bamboo stick in the middle for stability/strength. Low-cost, using things I already had.
Started off by using a template to outline onto eva foam. As you can’t see the full knife and there aren’t many reference photos for it, I used the shape of the holster as a guideline and did the paint work based on aged knife refs.
I cut the template out, glued them together and cut out a section for the bamboo stick. Glued it all together again, waited for it to dry and used a dremel to sand down and shape. I then used foam clay to cover any imperfections and the lines from the layers of eva foam. After a bit more sanding with the dremel to get some details, I primed and sealed before painting, then sealed again once I’d weathered it.
As the Last of Us is a post-apocalyptic environment, I wanted it to look quite weathered, rusty and old and I’m really happy with the outcome!
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grabowskibeepboop · 3 months
Guys I think I know why I ship levken and not kuroken (other than me not liking Kuroo's creepy face)
They have sidlink enegry (even their shipnames sound a little similar)
Lev literally has an older sister
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conceptofjoy · 4 months
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the scariest fucking john appeared. i love it so fucking much they said they had the cosplay for 10 years and it barely fits them anymore lmfaoo we’re all on the same boat. my 8estie’s @lev-laugh-love aaaaand… i’ll remember the john’s insta @ in a second..
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blackvahana · 12 days
Reminded of my ramblings in response to magical girl stuff and I think I understand my feelings towards astral magical girl things more now. As with any opinion I'm not saying I'm right, and to be honest as much as I'm realising I can't stand this, I'm very, very aware people also can't stand me in the way that we're all programmed to be annoyed by shit other people do and we all have extensive reasons for why we think others are wrong, but that doesn't actually make us right. I can list my reasons here, doesn't mean I'm right. Maybe one day I'll completely change my mind! But for now, no, uh, yeah. Oh, and also worth noting no, I'm sure not everyone under this label fits my issues, this (an opinion) can only ever be about what I've seen and if the shoe doesn't fit then you're not included in this post
I already have issues with pop culture stuff bleeding into violence because you have to be real, real sure that the cause you're hurting other living beings for even exists let alone is what you think it is. Usual "I spent 5 years channelling and taking part in astral stuff with PC spirits who proved they were real - then I found out the hard way through them having their faces torn off by Divine Fucking Intervention that they were completely lying and using my connection to a video game to get me to be a part of their cult" shit, but you know. that's mostly a me thing, and that's not really something the average person is able to prove, because you know. spirits will prove they're real to you and will show you firsthand memories of fictional locations and people, have other fictional characters show up, and so on to prove to you they're real and uh.... the average person doesn't know about memory forming and mask forming and multiple bodies with multiple personalities and how to dissect the difference between holes in channelling and holes in the spirits lies and so on and so forth. But also this point is not against magical girls so much as its just a uh. yeah. oh boy. And this point is also relegated to PC pagan work
The general issue I have is that it's such a... trivialisation of war and violence. Here's the thing: Soldiers can lean into aesthetics, sure. Lev and I can be seen showing up with terrifying flashy entrances lmfao and Beastly(tm) forms, on occasions. Much less so for him nowadays because of how serious war fucking is and how little the enemy is dissuaded by fear. There's a lot to be gained from picking a persona to interact with war, too: war is a fact of life, but flight/freeze/fawn reactions don't have to be a counter factor if you engage personas. But here's the thing: I work with soldiers outside this incarnation. If fucking any of them showed up in an aesthetic outfit and treated the violence like it was their Moment To Shine and their opportunity to become a magical (gender) and we're acting like they're being pretty while bonking people on the head I'd bite their own fucking head off, possibly literally if soldiers weren't more important than my disgust
There's something actually twisted about treating violence as a magical cutesy fashion thing, an opportunity to get dressed up and be a Magical (Gender) Fighting Evil or Fighting Demons or whatever else dehunanisation of the enemy is going on. Not in a "take my sphere of warfare more seriously way", not in a "show up more seriously way". I don't care about you. I care more about the enemy that has to deal with people showing up in cosplay being cutesy for you to enact violence on them. Show respect to the enemy, show them you actually see them as a being instead of treating them like their blood is just in a jar waiting to be smashed so they can add it to your aesthetics.
Again, I understand aesthetics in war, and I also understand dehumanising the enemy. But can you seriously imagine through my eyes for a second? Imagine a soldier showing up in heels and a fancy dress with charms on their weapon making peace signs at the camera and UwU killing people. That's what I'm seeing when I see this. You can do what you want at the end of the day, but if you value your aesthetics over taking violence seriously then spirits ruling over war and violence are gonna at the very least have 0 respect for you if not be pulled to tearing you down, not in terms of personal retribution (though there's no line between aspect/part of nature and personhood) but in terms of... if you push the ocean to recede, it is forced to return by its own physics. If you start playing with warfare and violence in the way that you completely disrespect it...
Like here's the thing. Lev and I? Especially Red Sky, half of Lev... We'll say Lev and her for a minute: They wear corpses, they skin what they hunt and kill and wear it, but they do so to see through their eyes and out of respect. It's ("shamans") making skin drums, it's journeying, it's opening up to the world letting it teach you... And this is important to me. Which is probably, actually, part of why I hate this so much, because magical girl shit is the opposite of what we as a group do - which is, yes, a more subjective reason to dislike this. We are war spirits, we are willing to wear the enemy's viewpoint, see them for what they are, and even in death they are in a way preserved even if we may personally hate them. Magical girl aesthetics... Enforcing and projecting your own aesthetics on to the world, on to the enemy, and fighting not even to preserve your micro-culture but as a part of it? Yeah. Not a fan
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Mc " What's the best part of Halloween?"
Belphie " being scary."
Beel " candy"
Mammon " free stuff."
Asmo " dressing sexy."
Satan " screams and crying."
Lev " cosplaying."
Lucifer " Diavolo is to busy with his birthday to give me any trouble."
Mc: wow that's a wide variety of answers
Lucifer: Halloween is one of the only times I have a consistent free day
Asmo: it's a very easy excuse for me to dress even better than usual!
Mc: you dress sexy everyday
Asmo: (blushing) oh you flatterer
Levi: I want a compliment too!
Levi: (embarrassed) uh... I mean...
Mc: you make cery good cosplays Levi, it's almost like the characters left their shows on their own
Levi: (embarrassed but happy)
Satan: I want a compliment too
Belphie: yeah
Mc: all of you want to terrify people, what should I say?
Satan: compliment
Mc: you do better work than normal on Halloween
Satan: bad one
Belphie: (lying on their lap) I want cuddles
Beel: (holding candy) want to trade candies?
Mc: sure want me to get mine?
Mammon: hey were is the compliment for the best of all!?
Mc: you are right
Mammon: (looking proud)
Mc: Beel you had a very cute costume and I'm proud of you for not stealing any
Mammon: (insulted) hey!
Mc: alright it was very sweet of you to give away the candy you got to some children
Mammon: (embarrassed) y-you saw that?
Mc: yep
Mammon: I have to go somewhere (running away)
Lucifer: did he actually do that?
Mc: you act like Mammon is incapable of being a sweetheart
Lucifer: we know it isn't impossible but very rare
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cinnamon-bunni · 10 months
levi/barbatos is currently rotating in my head rn and is tumbling like clothes in a dryer so you know what? headcanon list time lets go I thank you the total of like 5 people who will end up reading this they mean the world to me okay?
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Leviathan falling for Barb first, and man does he fall hard
He starts crushing on the butler when he fixes his cosplay; Levi had ordered it and it showed up damaged and ripped. Barbatos got around to fixing it before Levi could, and he hadn't even asked him to do so
It's just the idea of that Barb is so cool. Like cooler than anyone that Levi knows
He can bake, sew, he knows curses and spells, has wisdom on just about anything and everything--he's the cool type in dating sims. A kuudere, if you will, but even cooler
I don't think Levi has ever had a real crush on someone before. like don't get me wrong he has so many characters from his games and anime that he would do just about anything for, but I don't think he's really harbored those feelings for someone that is not in a computer screen
i like to think levi would then be so obvious about his crush on the butler, while the thinks he's being cool about it. everyone in a five mile radius knows about it lol
and ofc barbatos knows about it. like how could he not? levi isn't exactly secretive about it. the demon started to come over a lot more and try to find excuses to hang out with the butler
Barb humored him tho, because he did find him kinda cute. but more like in a way one would feel towards a sopping wet cat they found on the side of the street. he found it funny that levi was at times even willing to help him with things like baking or tending to the gardens, even when he wasn't good at either of those things
At some point it changed, though. Barbatos isn't sure when, but there is a point where it changes from him humoring Levi for the fun of it and into enjoying the other's company
Such an odd pair, tbh. They both know it but they are good for each other me thinks
Like??? As I've discussed Barb starts to genuinely enjoy Lev's company. He starts to laugh and smile more, acting less stoic even when Levi wasn't around
And Levi acting like a high school girl in love??? That's the good shit lol 💞💞 he is so much happier with life and the outside world and even came to terms with Barb being a normie! Because he is willing to learn <33
because!!! because Barb is open to learning about Levi's interests. Levi helps him interact kitchen (even though he isn't the best at baking) and he tends to the garden with him (even though he isn't all that knowledgeable on plants), and seeing as levi indulges in his hobbies, why not enjoy is free time in what levi likes?
Besides, levi just looks so happy when barb offers to play a game or watch an anime with him. and yeah barb fucking sucks ass at the games and has to politely ask levi to stop pausing on each frame of the episode in order to get through it all, but its the quality time together that counts
do you think about how lucifer and the others would feel? because i think about that all the time
like again levi isn't able to keep his crush secret at all so i imagine all his brothers (sans lucifer) try and help him out. like they drop heavy hints towards barb about how levi is interested in him while levi fights off the urge to call lotan out of sheer embarrassment in order to get them to stop
mammon so takes credit for those two getting together; levi was late for his first date because asmo wouldnt let him leave until he approved of his outfit; lucifer is holed away in his office, demonous in hand, trying not to think about his brother going out with diavolo's butler
like. i am sure diavolo would support it and would be extremely happy for barbatos that he found someone that makes him happy. but lucifer? he is speaking through gritted teeth of how happy he is for levi. he is definitely fine about this decision because his brother is a grown demon and can make his own decisions but he will be processing his feelings with a bottle or two (or three) of demonous later that night
and just....Levi being so awkward on the first few dates?? i mean im sure he will always be awkward when he's around Barb but like?? poor thing is a mess lmao
idk man something something barb brings such a huge comforting feeling to levi and levi gives barb a breath of fresh air into his life and something something they give strength to each other to leave comfort zones and live for something that makes them happy
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Smitten Kitten (Lev Haiba x female!reader)
I think I’m going to post some of my old stories from a year or 2 ago. This one always stuck out to me because it was one of my more detailed stories. I believe I write this in about 4 days maybe? Anyway I know there’s not a lot of Lev Haiba fanfic out there so I thought I’d post it! Sorry if it’s terrible in advance lmao <3
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The final bell rang, signaling that class was done for the day. You scooped up your books and started to pack them away in your backpack, when you felt a small tap on your shoulder. You looked up to see a guy with spiky black hair, who looked like he just rolled out of bed. You stifled a giggle at how ridiculous he looked, “Can I help you?” You calmly asked him. “You’re a second year, right?” He asked. You sighed, you got this all the time. “Yes I’m a second year, and I’m in more advanced classes for my age.” You rolled your eyes and started to leave. “Wait! I was just wondering because we have a new member on the volleyball team who’s a second year and he needs a tutor.” You turned to face him “Why are you telling ME this?” The man sighed and rubbed the back of his head “Well, if he can’t get his grades up then he’s kicked off the team, and he’s part of Nekoma’s starting lineup so....I was wondering if you could tutor him?” You thought to yourself. You could use the extra cash to save up for that cosplay you wanted...”How much will I get paid?” You asked. “He’s loaded, so probably a decent amount.” The guy shrugged. “His name?” “Lev Haiba.” He replied. “Meet me in the gymnasium after school. You can meet him then. If they question you tell them Kuroo sent you. I’m the captain of the team so that should earn you entryway into the gym.” You nodded. With that the man (now known as Kuroo) gave you a wave and walked out of the classroom.
Later that day after all your classes were finished you headed over to the gym. You felt out of place walking through the building when school was out. The closer you got to the gymnasium the louder the squeaking of the shoes became. You slowly peaked around the door. Inside was a bunch of boys playing volleyball. They must be the school’s volleyball team. You never really paid attention to the sports world at school. I mean occasionally you would hear how someone got injured, but that was about it. “Oi! Katey! We’re over hear!” You glanced over to see Kuroo yelling across the gym to you. Does he have to be so loud? You walked over to him. You could feel peoples eyes all over you. “Woah! Who’s this babe?!” Some guy with a buzz cut yelled. You ignored him and pressed on towards Kuroo. “Hey, you came! I thought you weren’t gonna show.” Kuroo said. “Well I’m here. Where’s Lev?” “LEV GET OVER HERE!” Kuroo yelled. You winced at how loud his voice projected throughout the gym. You noticed a very tall, lanky boy make his way over to you two. “Y/n, this is Lev.” Kuroo said, introducing you to each other. “Oh! You must be my tutor!” Lev said. “Umm yeah.” You replied. You were a little shaken with his height. He was practically a giant! “Oh right, I forgot to introduce myself! I’m Lev Haiba!” He blushed, extending his hand out for you to shake. You took his hand and shook it “I’m Y/n Y/L/n.” “It’s nice to meet you! So, do you think you can help me?” He seemed nice enough..a little goofy though. “Of course.” You replied, nodding your head. “Great!” Lev cheered. “Do wanna meet at my place tomorrow night?” Lev asked. “I’d have to discuss it with my parents, but I’m sure it’s alright.” “Great! Can I put my number in your phone? That way you have my address?” “Oh sure!” You said, giving him your phone. You both swapped each other’s numbers. “Well, I should let you resume practice. Bye!” You said, Turing around and waving. “Thanks again!” Kuroo replied. “Byeee Y/n!” Lev yelled. You smiled to yourself, Lev seemed sweet..
The next day after you had finished eating dinner with your family, you headed over to Lev’s house. His house was close enough that you could ride your bike and get there in 10 minutes. When you rode up to the house you thought there had been some mistake. This house was GIGANTIC! You then recalled that Monday Kuroo had said that Lev’s family was rich. “If only I had worn nicer clothes..” you mumbled to yourself, looking down at your favorite sweater with disdain. Realizing it was too late to change now, you made your way through the wrought iron gates and up the smooth cobblestone driveway. You felt a little intimidated by the large mansion looming infront of you. With a deep breath you rung the doorbell. A few moments later you could hear footsteps approaching the door. The door opened and there stood a girl who looked around 20, and was very dressed up. “Oh Lev! Your girlfriends here!” She yelled, while beckoning you inside the doorway. You blushed at her choice of words “I’m..uh..not his girlfriend.” You chuckled nervously. Before she could reply you saw Lev bounding down a set of stairs. “Oh, hey Y/n!”Lev said. He then turned to who you assumed was his sister “And she’s not my girlfriend, Y/n’s just here to help me study.” You didn’t know why but you felt your heart drop when he said that you weren’t his girlfriend, like it was merely a question of the weather. It’s not like you cared, obviously you had just met the man. But the way he almost seemed disgusted by that idea kind of stung. His sister rolled her eyes, and walked away. “Sorry about my sister..” he said, scratching the back of his neck. “Oh no, it’s fine.” You said. “So uhh nice place.” You said, surveying your surroundings. “Heh, thanks.” He blushed. “So uhh.. wanna go get started?” You asked. “Oh! Yeah right. Duh!” Lev said, playfully hitting himself on the head. “Follow me!” He said, leading you to the staircase. Wait! Were you gonna go IN his room!? He continued leading you up the rather large flight of stairs, and down a corridor till you stopped at a door at the end of the hall. “This is my room.” He said opening the door for you.
When you stepped inside Lev’s room, you noticed a lot of sports posters, books, trinkets, and a cat tower. “Do you have a cat?” You asked, nodding towards the tower. “Oh yeah! We have 4 actually, but the house is really big so they can be hard to spot sometimes.” You giggled. Lev smiled at you “You can have a seat on my bed.” He said walking over to sit on his bed. His BED!? Oooo boy... Every cliche Wattpad story you ever read racing through your mind. You cautiously took a seat at the edge of his bed, and opened up your backpack unloading your stuff on the bed. “Can you get out your last math assignment please?” You asked. Lev nodded and reached for a very crinkled sheet of paper. Oh boy. This was gonna be IMPOSSIBLE. You took the paper from him, and uncrumpled it the best you could. “Really?” You laughed, as you attempted to smooth it out on your textbook. Lev laughed and said “I know I’m not the neatest. You can probably see why I need a tutor!” Once you had finally made the paper readable again you started helping Lev. Turns out he was really bad at math. His score was horrible, he was a doodler, his notes were just chicken scratch, and he had a hard time concentrating. Somehow, you managed to get through the study session without losing your patience. When it was about 8:00 you and Lev had finished. “Do you understand it now?” You asked. “Kind of. But not really..” He awkwardly chuckled. You couldn’t help but laugh a little. “Yeah well keep practicing.” You gathered up your things, and Lev led you back downstairs to the front door. “I actually kind of enjoyed math tonight.” Lev said, smiling his goofy grin. You laughed “Well I’m glad you did!” “Hey, I have volleyball practice tomorrow, but do you think you could come over on Thursday to help me prep for the test?” You actually enjoyed yourself tonight, and you liked spending time with Lev. “Sure!” You said. “Great thanks! Bye Y/n!” He said, as you walked down the front porch steps. You turned and waved. As you made it back home safe, you saw your phone light up. It was a text message from Lev:
LEV: Goodnight, Y/n ;)
You blushed and giggled to yourself.
ME: Goodnight Lev :)
You didn’t see Lev throughout the week, so by Thursday you were excited to see him again. When you rang the doorbell Lev answered it this time. “Hi Y/n! Come on in!” You smiled and squeezed past him into the house. “How was practice yesterday?” You asked, placing your shoes on the rack. “It was alright, Kuroo wouldn’t let up on my serves though.” He said, frustratedly. You gave him a sympathetic smile “Sorry about that.” He cheered right up “It’s fine! Let’s go to my room.” You once again followed Lev up the stairway, and to his bedroom. “Oh! I have a surprise for you!” Lev said, stopping right in front of his door. “What is it..?” You asked cautiously. Lev grinned “Don’t worry it’s a good surprise!” “If you say so..” You teased. When Lev let you inside his room you didn’t notice anything peculiar or out of order. “What is it?” You asked. “Over here!” Lev said. You turned to see Lev in the corner of his room kneeling over a basket of...KITTENS!? You rushed over “Awww! Their adorable!” You gushed. “Yeah, one of my cats gave birth a week ago.” Lev explained. He then scooped a little white kitten with brown spots, and set it in your arms. “Awww!” You whispered, cradling the kitty in your arms. Lev chuckled, and rubbed the kittie’s head. “Y’know we can’t keep ‘em all..do you want one?” Lev asked nervously. “Really!?” You asked, excitement flowing throughout your body. “Yeah! If your parents say it’s cool you can pick one out now and take it home in 2 weeks!” He explained. “I’ve always wanted a cat!” You said, snuggling the little kitten closer. “I can take a picture on your phone so you can show your parents?” Lev said. “That’s a great idea! Here.” You said, handing him your phone. Lev took the picture, and you sent it to your parents, who agreed if you paid for it with your own money. “They said yes!” You cheered. Lev laughed “Alright, how about we play with them for a bit, and you can pick out which one you would like?” Lev suggested. “That’s a great idea!” 
You and Lev were having a fun time playing with the kittens. You were about to pick up a feisty orange tabby cat, when a sharp pain jolted through your leg. “Owww!” You exclaimed. “What’s wrong?!” Lev asked, all panicky. “Calm down. It’s just a scratch.” You said, setting the cat down so you could inspect your wound. Sure enough, there on your calf was a deep scratch. “Do you have any bandaids?” You asked, covering the scratch so it wouldn’t bleed all over. “Oh yeah! Follow me.” Lev said, getting up and walking towards a door on the far side of his room. He opened the door and inside was a small bathroom. All of a sudden Lev picked you up by your waist and set you on the counter, then went back to digging for bandages. He did it so casually, while your heart beat quickened a bit at his actions. “We only have actually bandage wraps..so can I..?” He trailed off. You realized that he meant that he had to wrap the bandages on for you. “Oh! Yeah, of course.” You blushed a little. Lev slowly took your leg and carefully pressed a cotton ball on the wound to weaken the blood flow. Your skin grew hot where he touched it. You let out a little hiss when he pressed a little to firmly. “Sorry, I know this stings.” He said, removing the cotton ball and picking up the bandage wrap. He cautiously started to wrap your leg up. You were surprised at how gentle he was being, after all Lev could be a little clumsy at times. When he finished wrapping the bandages around your leg, he leaned down and planted a quick kiss on your knee. Then, as if realizing what he just did, he quickly blushed and chuckled nervously saying “Sorry! Our mom did that to me and my sister when we were kids!” You cold feel your face flush about 20 different shades of red and pink. “No.. it’s okay. It was really sweet actually..” You whispered the last part. You looked up and locked eyes with Lev’s emerald ones. You both stared into each other’s eyes before you cleared your throat and said “Well, uh we should probably get some studying in!” Lev cleared his throat to “Oh yeah! Right. I wanted to show you my score on the homework today.” Lev awkwardly helped you off the countertop, and you both headed back to his bed to work.
You deadpanned when Lev showed you his “good” score on the math homework. “I wouldn’t call this good, but it’s an improvement I guess.” You laughed. Unlike yesterday, this study session was filled with awkward silences. Was it because of the almost kiss? “Hey Y/n?” Lev asked, breaking your train of thought. “Huh? Yeah?” You blushed at your awkwardness. “What do you think is a good goal for me to get on this test tomorrow?” He asked. “Hmmm...” you pondered that for a moment. “I would say at least an 85%.” Lev nodded his head in agreement. “So if I get an 85% or higher, can you come to my game Friday afternoon?” He wanted YOU to watch him play?! “I think that’s a good plan!” You smiled warmly. Lev grinned back that goofy smile that you loved. “It’s 9:30, I should be heading home.” You said, loading up your book bag. Lev helped you gather your things, and walked you downstairs. Just as you had finished saying goodbye, and were walking out the door, you turned around “Oh, and I thought about what kitten I wanted.” You smiled. Lev grinned “Which one?” “That feisty orange tabby.” You laughed. Lev chuckled “It’s a deal!” He said. Then you rode into the night, back home to your own house.
The next day you couldn’t help but hope that Lev passed his test. After lunch when you were exiting the cafeteria, you heard someone yelling your name. You turned to see a tall guy with silver hair, approaching you. It was Lev! You could tell because he was 2 feet taller then the crowd. “Hey! I passed!” Lev yelled, excitedly. “What?! No way! Let me see the paper.” You said, holding your hand out. Lev reached into his book bag and pulled out a piece of paper. You looked at it. Sure enough, there on his paper in red ink was a 89%. “Great job Lev!” You squealed, giving him a high five. He grinned from ear to ear. “So I guess that means your coming to my game, right?” Lev said, rather smugly. You snorted “Don’t get a big head.” You joked, flicking him on the forehead. “Ouch.. Y/n!” He whined. “Speaking of pain, how is your leg?” You instantly blushed remembering the kiss. “O-oh it’s better! How’s my kitty?” You asked. “That’s good news! And your kittens doing great. You should pick out a name!” Lev replied. You thought about it for a moment “Hmm.. what about Tigger!” Lev chuckled “Haha, that’s cute!” “So you like it..?” “It’s perfect.” He smiled. The bell rang. “Oh I’ve gotta get to class! My game is at 3:00 in the gym!” Lev said, rushing off. “Got it!” You called after him. You giggled to yourself at how scatter brained he could be.
At around 2:45 you entered the gymnasium. The bleachers were filled with people. Most of them wearing your school’s team colors, red and black. As you walked across the gym to an open seat, you saw Lev setting up the net. “What a great view..” you sighed contentedly, staring at his thighs. Just then he turned and caught your eye. He smiled and waved. You face grew hot, and you nervously waved back. You felt like the entire gym was staring at you as you made your way to a seat. 
The game was tied. If Nekoma could make this final score they could win! The whistle blew, Nekoma was switching a player in. But who? You peered over the person in front of you to see. It was..LEV!? You knew Lev didn’t do great under pressure, so why would they send him in? It was up to Lev to win the game for Nekoma. You found yourself cheering “I BELIEVE IN YOU LEV!” You blushed when the people sitting next to you gave you some dirty looks. Oops! You held your breath as Lev was getting ready to set. It was too much pressure even for you! You squeezed your eyes shut, and crossed your fingers. A moment later the whistle blew, and you could hear the announcer saying “The game goes to Nekoma!” You opened your eyes to see the crowd going wild, and the team high-fiving one another. Joy rushed through your veins, as you jumped off the bleachers and ran to Lev. Before you could even stop running, Lev scooped you up in his arms and spun you around. “You did it!” You squealed. “I know! I can’t believe it!” He replied. Just then Kuroo came by informing Lev that they had to get their stuff from the locker room. “Oh, sorry Y/n! I have to go. Can you maybe meet me outside in 10 minutes?” Lev asked, getting ready to run. “Yeah, of course.” You said. “Thanks!” He replied, bolting off. You wondered what he wanted to speak with you about...Honestly you were a little surprised that he had won. Lev could be clumsy and a little headstrong at times, but I guess when it matters he really pulls through. 
You were leaning against the cobblestone wall, waiting for Lev. It had been 15 minutes and he still wasn’t ready yet. Just then you heard the sounds of someone’s feet slapping on the concrete. “Hey!” Lev said, a little out of breath. “Did you run a marathon in those 15 minutes?” You asked, laughing. Lev smiled “Ha.Ha. Very funny. So uhh wanna go for a walk?” He asked nervously. What was going on? Why was he so nervous? “Sure.” You replied. You guys started walking. “So...you were amazing out there!” You said, smiling up at him. “Heh, thanks!” Lev said, blushing and rubbing the back of his neck. “Y/n..I uhh..it was because of you.” “Because of me?” You questioned, very confused. “Yeah. I was worried but when you said you believed in me..I wasn’t anymore...Y/n I like you! And I was wondering if you wanted to maybe...go to the dance with me tomorrow?!” Lev blurted out nervously. You froze. Did he just say...? “Lev..I.. I like you too. I have since I met you actually..” You blushed, looking away. “And about that dance? I would love to go.” You said, smiling back at him. “Oh great! I was scared there..” Lev ranted. You giggled, and leaned into Lev as he put his arm around your shoulders. He walked you home that night. Just when you were climbing into bed, your phone chimed. It was a message from your now BOYFRIEND Lev:
LEV❤️: Hey, thanks again. I’ll meet you outside the school tomorrow. Goodnight! Sleep well!😘
ME: Can’t wait! I love you too!💖
The next night when your parents dropped you off at the school dance, you were nervous. What if Lev had changed his mind? What if he thought your dress was ugly? Just then you felt a light tap on your shoulder. You spun around to see Lev. “Wow..you look really beautiful!” He said. “I..uhh..thanks!” You giggled. “I like your tie.” You said, nodding towards his satin tie. “Oh! Thanks!” He said. “Are you ready?” He asked, taking your hand and kissing it. Your face flushed, and you nodded. Slowly Lev led you into the gymnasium, which was now turned into a ballroom. You had a fun time talking to his friends, and doing goofy dances to silly songs. The night was almost over when a slow song started playing. Lev looked at you, and grinned. You blushed. “Y/n? Can I ask you to dance with me?” Lev asked all dramatically, getting down on one knee. You smiled “Yes you may.” With that Lev wrapped his arms around your waist, as you attempted to reach
his shoulders the best you could. “Can you reach?” Lev chuckled, mocking your height. “In all honesty, not really!” You laughed. “Guess I’ll just have to do this..” Lev said, slowly leaning down towards you. You froze. Was he gonna KISS you?! You felt his lips meet yours, and your tongues collided. They danced around, exploring each cavern to behold.  And you and Lev spent the rest of the night dancing and laughing. That night was one of the best nights of your life. Why? Because it was the first time you kissed your husband.
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ask-half-blood-hill · 28 days
Is Q, L and N code names or is that their initials? Or is it there actual name?
They’re code names! Rules #1 of the Internet, never share your real names!
We all have pen names, which are Q, Lev, and Niko! Granted, none of them are our actual names! We all cosplay, so they’re also our go-to names in the community here.
Thanks for asking!
- Q
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Dia's birthday part 2
(This includes DiaLevi so if you don't like it, don't read it)
Diavolo : *at a balcony, away from his birthday party* *pouts* "Levi's the only one who didn't give me a gift."
Levi : *enters the balcony without knocking* "Lord Diavolo ?"
Diavolo : *beams* "Leviathan ! What brings you here ?"
Levi : *blushes and scratches his cheek* "Well, I was searching for you and Al said she saw you there."
Diavolo : "I see ! So is there anything you need from me ?"
Levi : *frowns* "I should be the one saying that."
Diavolo : "Huh ?"
Levi : *hands him a small package* "Happy birthday. I didn't want to give it to you in front of everybody. The normies would laugh at you."
Diavolo : *opens it then pull out the gift* "A keychain !"
Levi : *blushes more* "Well, I notice Al and I have a lot of matching accessories but you don't even though we're friends."
Diavolo : *misunderstands* *slighty disapointed* *fake smiles* "So Alex, you and I are matching now !"
Levi : "What ?! No ! The only ones matching are you and me !"
Diavolo : "Really ?!" *hugs him* "I'm so happy !"
Levi : *his entire body is a tomato but still hugs back*
Diavolo and Levi : *looks at each other, their faces nearing*
Lucifer : *knocks on the door of the balcony* "Diavolo, are you here ?"
Diavolo and Levi : *quickly separates*
Diavolo : *clears his throat* "Yes, Lucifer ! I'm here !"
Lucifer : *enters but sees Levi* "Levi, what are you doing here ?"
Levi : *panics* "I-i just want to give Lord Diavolo my gift ! I'm going now after all you don't want a yucky otaku like me here !" *runs away*
Diavolo : *frowns for 1 second before smiling again*
Lucifer : *sighs then looks at Diavolo* "Did he do something that may offend you ?"
Diavolo : *laughs* "Lucifer, you should really trust your brothers. Leviathan really gave me a gift. Look ! Isn't this keychain cute ?"
Lucifer : "It's childish."
Diavolo : *laughs* "Well, I like it so I'm keeping it." *puts it carefully inside his pocket* "Anyways, you came to bring me back to the party, right ?"
Lucifer : "Correct."
Diavolo : "Let's go then !"
The two : *leaves*
On a balcony near the one where Diavolo was
Alex : "Ugh ! We were so close !"
Barbatos : *frowns* "That's true. If only I could have seen Lucifer going there."
Alex : *sighs* "Don't blame yourself. It just wasn't the good timing."
Barbatos : *hums* "Oh. That reminds me, I put your second gift for the young master in his bedroom like you ask."
Alex : "Thanks."
Barbatos : "But it does make me wonder, how can you have this much photos of Leviathan cosplaying ? And in those sensual clothes, nevertheless."
Alex : *shrugs* "We're best friends. And Lev always forget Demonus doesn't work on me."
Barbatos : *chuckles* "Well, we need to go before the brothers start to panic because you're nowhere to be found."
Alex : *frowns at the thought* "Alright."
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alexis-royce · 1 year
R - A pairing you ship that you don’t think anyone else ships
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Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)
I've never quite been able to get into 40K, but I really really like listening to Livebait talk about it, and seeing his models and cosplay.
I think that Tsush and I did initially play New Vegas because of you Lev, so that's one we've ended up fully adopting.
I've got a pal who is really into Fromsoft stuff and I like hearing them infodump about their ships; it's great hearing about petty little asshole people in the middle of all that grandiose majesty.
Watching the arcs of several musical acts and actors through Megan's reblogs is great; utterly wild to see her little blorbo actor Pedro Pascal become just the biggest star ever, whenever I see him I think "Oh that's Megan's funny little man"
I miss having the energy to follow a couple dozen webcomics, but I'm trying to be more clear-headed and aware of indie VNs in development, because I miss knowing about other folks' OCs. I'll never remember all the lore, but sometimes it feels like I can only remember the OCs of people who commission me frequently, and while that's nice, I hate that it's due to money and not just hanging out and vibin'. TmT
(Also special thanks to everyone who has said that Lupin is now their fandom-in-law because of Tsush and I, that's great, everyone should be vaguely aware of the monkey man, he lurks in the fabric of every anime and many cartoons)
O - Choose a song at random, which ship or character does it remind you of
Okay, opening my music folder, scrolling and clicking at random…
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lastofusfan13 · 4 months
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"When You Are Lost In The Darkness":
I know pain. Pain follows me through every day since you were gone. The nightmare continues on. It's not the monsters that roam the planet that makes you scared. It's the voice within that does. That same voice that says do it to survive. The same voice that doesn't want you to fail. The same voice that doesn't want you to feel pain. That is the voice to be scared of. Because you are unstoppable with that voice. You got lost in the darkness but you looked for the light. You looked for a reason to be. You looked for a reason to heal. You looked to become a better person. You overcame the darkness and eventually found the light within. Be your person. Be your light.
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nameless-brand · 1 year
Anyway, since I have the kids this weekend - ignoring Charles's comment that I'm not much older than a kid myself - there's been an anime convention I've been planning to go to. Might as well bring everyone - and since no one's going to be looking for us at D.C., it'll be good for keeping everyone under the radar.
I was...kinda hoping Lev would be back by now. I picked out the perfect cosplay which would've taken some cajoling for her to put on. Alas I will be without a Madoka. Maybe another time for the cosplays.
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saintlethanavir · 2 years
Hiya! You can call me Saint or Leviathan (Lev for short). I'm a white Mizrahi/Ashkenazi Jew, 25, they/xe/he, severely mentally ill, AuDHD, & chronic pain haver. I also happen to be a self taught character designer and illustrator! I sometimes write and cosplay too.
Here is where I post about my ocs from my original settings, D&D, videogames, and really anything RPG related. It's also the first place I post my art before it's reblogged onto my art only and main account.
My art tag is #draws
Keep in mind this blog can be 🔞 but I tag all spicy stuff with # nsft.
Pr0shippers/Zionists/racists/bigots are blocked on sight and not welcome here
#calliope lavellan
#ophelia hawke
#tzvi mahariel
#castor t'eana shepard
#scorpius ryder
#adriel wormwood
#ivor moonblight
#tathanien narris
#hazel coldbrook
#father robineau
#bellamy kaldwin
Ao3 is lyriumboy
@vvakarians (main, I follow from there)
@saintmalev (art and fic only blog)
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abyssalpriest · 1 year
actually god Lev was in my dream last night, said dream was very much... Him? He and his brothers have very weird and alien vivid dreams that just feel SO strange - though Lev's are nowhere near as alien and strange as Indra's.
I have no idea how to fully understand it yet but he seems to be very conscious in his unconscious states and I feel like usually - as in not this time it seemed like one of his dreams - he kind of actively daydreams dreams into existence? Like. He feels like hes always in each stage of consciousness in some perspective or way or another, like the times Ive spent watching one of his bodies fall asleep and he is ABSOLUTELY falling asleep. sleepy af. but then hes suddenly switched to another body or place that was doing something else... But i guess its the inverse of that where instead of letting one body sleep and going to another, hes in all forms of consciousness at all times. Probably not the inverse I guess its just another function of it where he knows how to navigate from falling asleep to awake in less than a moment. anyway. generally his unconscious mind tends to daydream up dreams when hes influencing my dreams or appearing in them, but HIS dreams are weirdly alienly vivid and strange in their energy, and it was one of those so. uh
point being. he wasnt just subtly influencing dreams (like his unconscious is daydreaming them) like he has been lately, ie hes been helping me stop having constant fucking nightmares about school, and was more so ACTUALLY IN the dream this time. point being. and hence why im writing this. i just had a flashback memory of someone in the dream coming up to him and handing him whats clearly a cosplay version of Micolash's school uniform thing, as in it was polyester and mass-made lmfao and this dream was set in some weird place on Earth so the context of Cosplay Existing was there, and they said something like... "Oh if youre going to be doing dreaming (as a practice) (or scrying? Or something), this will help you wont it?" when they gave it to him, and. he just laughed at it and sarcastically was like "uh huh yeah sure" in this super like "this means nothing to me" way
which is freeing.
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cookie-arts · 2 years
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Cosplayer Lev
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