#levi mems
Levi: I would say "get help"
Levi: But that would make me a hypocrite
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levmada · 19 days
levi when the 104th acts up
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askglassanon · 1 year
* gives blank stare*
Really, Love save it for later or for a friend, maybe you could give them to Pri - Glass
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autism-corner · 6 months
yayy all the cards i want are in one box <33
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the-memoirs-of-a · 1 year
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Erwin….. everyone is looking at us.
No one is looking at us I promise. Everyone one is too wrapped up in their own worlds to notice us.
Sure Commander….What the hell did Pixis put in this bottle anyways?
I was told it’s an innovative home blend, but
Innovative! You’re lucky it’s not poison or horse piss.
I wouldn’t know. Someone else seems to be enjoying it so much that I haven’t had a single drop yet.
Damn straight! You’ve been drinking all day with those fat cats and MP pigs. You’re cut off. Just look at you, swaying back and forth. Hold still.
Why Levi, pray tell. Whatever do you mean?
You have that look like you wanna kiss me…..Are you gonna kiss me?
Do you want me to kiss you…… Levi?
Tch….. you wish!…………………………………I’ve haven’t made up my mind just yet.
Just look at these two drunk fools. This year I commissioned the talented @yelenhol for my eruri holiday card. 🙇‍♀️
Wishing you and your loved once a festive holiday and safe New Year. ~Mems
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cantseemtohide · 5 months
What I read in 2023, pretty good going 👍 (apologies for long non sims post)
1. Middlemarch by George Eliot
2. Capitalism in the Twenty-First Century: Through the Prism of Value by Guglielmo Carchedi and Michael Roberts
3. The Temple House Vanishing by Rachel Donohue
4. The Book of Tokyo: A City in Short Fiction edited by Michael Emmerich, Jim Hinks & Masashi Matsuie
5. Clipped Coins, Abused Words, and Civil Government: John Locke's Philosophy of Money by George Caffentzis
6. Crashed: How a Decade of Financial Crises Changed the World by Adam Tooze
7. Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno-Garcia
8. Civilizing Money: Hume, his Monetary Project and the Scottish Enlightenment by George Caffentzis
9. An Untouched House by Willem Frederik Hermans
10. Life Ceremony by Sayaka Murata
11. Act of Oblivion by Robert Harris
12. Fireheart Tiger by Aliette de Bodard
13. Exiles from European Revolutions: Refugees in Mid-Victorian England edited by Sabina Freitag
14. The Apprenticeship of Big Toe P by Rieko Matsuura
15. A Civil War: A History of the Italian Resistance by Claudio Pavone
16. Mrs Caliban by Rachel Ingalls
17. Dracula by Bram Stoker
18. The Silent Dead by Tetsuya Honda
19. Lady Susan by Jane Austen
20. Adam Smith in Beijing: Lineages of the Twenty-First Century by Giovanni Arrighi
21. This Should be Written in the Present Tense by Helle Helle
22. The Citadel of Weeping Pearls by Aliette de Bodard
23. The Invention of Art: A Cultural History by Larry Shiner
24. Sister, Maiden, Monster by Lucy A. Snyder
25. The Mismeasure of Man by Stephen Jay Gould
26. Ninety-Three by Victor Hugo
27. Carol by Patricia Highsmith
28. Victorian Women Writers and the Woman Question edited by Nicola Diane Thompson
29. Some Recent Attacks: Essays Cultural & Political by James Kelman
30. Mem by Bethany C. Morrow
31. Russia Under Yeltsin and Putin by Boris Kagarlitsky
32. Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel
33. The History of the British Film 1918-1929 by Rachael Low
34. The Law of Accumulation and Breakdown of the Capitalist System by Henryk Grossman
35. Mayhem & Death by Helen McClory
36. White by Marie Darrieussecq
37. Dream Houses by Genevieve Valentine
38. The Vanishers' Palace by Aliette de Bodard
39. Maigret Takes a Room by Georges Simenon
40. The Lodger, That Summer by Levi Huxton
41. Mistakes Were Made by Meryl Wilsner
42. Grundrisse by Karl Marx
43. A Marvellous Light by Freya Marske
44. Our Wives Under the Sea by Julia Armfield
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peachymilkandcream · 8 months
Levi roughly fucks her mouth because she was talking back too much.
Levi x Evelyn -> Shut your Mouth
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A/N: Sorry for not getting to this sooner! I was absolutely swamped this weekend, thanks for the prompt! ^^
WARNINGS: noncon, dubcon, manipulation, domestic abuse, yandere themes, forced marriage, forced pregnancy, stockholm syndrome, violence, mind breaking, misogyny, etc.
Levi was already behind on work, usually he enjoyed the meticulous nature of paperwork but being this far behind made him loathe it. In reality he only had himself to blame for getting behind but he could never admit that, it was always someone else's fault, he could never be in the wrong.
Since Evelyn always seemed to try and escape while he was at work, this time he brought her with him to ensure her security. Plus it also put people's minds at ease that she was doing well since to the younger Scouts she was a beloved veteran. Never did he regret it more when all she was doing was riding his ass over trivial things like consent.
"I can't believe I'm stuck here all day with you. Stuck in this confined room with a rapist. If anyone knew what you really were that shiny career of yours? Gone, poof. Into thin air."
"Can you shut the fuck up?" He buried his fingers into his temples.
"And why should I? Can't handle the truth? Can't handle hearing about the shit you really do to me? Trying to block it out like it never happened?"
"For fuck's sake woman I'm trying to get some work done and I'd appreciate if you shut your damn mouth so I don't have to hear your noise! If you think that because of where we are I'll not punish you you're horribly mistaken." He stayed staring daggers into her eyes for a moment before dropping them down again to his desk.
Evelyn went silent for a good long moment, Levi figured she must have gotten the picture and resigned herself to being a silent wife. However after a few moments she opened her mouth again with a mocking laugh.
"What? You thought I'd sit here like a prim princess content with being in the same room as my amazing and loving husband? You must be more stupid than I thought."
"That's it." Levi slammed his hands on the desk as he stood, crossing around to her quickly, now she was scared. She started to back up, her eyes wide as she looks up at him.
"Wait Levi- I'm-"
"Don't even think about it. You don't get to spew your shit and then expect me to forgive you with a simple I'm sorry you don't mean. If you're going to say something own up to it and take the consequences." He grabbed a fistful of her hair as she tried to slide away. "Now I think you only use your mouth to be an insufferable bitch, how about we find a better use for it." With his free hand he fumbles with his belt.
Now she struggles, crying, pleading saying she didn't mean it. The act was almost amusing, it was all tough talk until she was punished for it.
As her mouth is open while she cries he uses the opportunity to slide his whole length down her throat all at once. She gags, bringing more tears to her eyes as she tries to calm down before throwing up.
"That's right, suck on the dick of the man you hate, don't you eat that shit up in those novels you used to be so obsessed with?" He laughs, tightening his grip on her hair before rocking his hips towards her face.
Tears flow down her face, she wills herself to relax so that his dick slides in and out with a bit more ease. Drool drips down her chin from his thickness, it's in times like these she looks the most beautiful to him. Sitting and taking whatever he has to give like a good little wife.
"Good girl, just take it. Take it all." He moves his hips faster, making her close her eyes to focus on making her throat loose enough for him. He had to be impressed with her efforts at least.
Levi had fantasies and dreams of taking her in every place that had once held happy memories of their days before marriage. He knew all she had to cling onto were the good memories of times before, he wanted to stain anyplace with a good memory into a memory of her submitting to him.
The fact that this place, the one where they shared so many good memories of staying up late and talking, listening to her laugh over something funny she heard, hiding erections whenever she cleaned, read from one of those novels, or breathed. This place would now remind her of this moment, of him fucking her mouth good and hard, it made him twitch in her mouth.
"I'm going to cum, and you're going to take it all."
Evelyn cries, as if begging him not to, he barely bites back a grin. "I thought you'd have no objections."
He pushes himself all the way in before climaxing, hot cum dripping down her throat.
He stays like this for a moment, coming down from his high and making sure not a drop was wasted. When he pulled out he saw Evelyn was ready to spit the rest out so he shut her mouth and pinched her nose, closing off air.
"Swallow." His tone was commanding, when she refused he pinched harder. "Fucking swallow, I'm not going to let you breathe until you do."
He eventually won when he saw the bob in her throat as she swallowed, finally letting go of her so she could sputter and gasp for air.
"Good girl." He left her there on the floor, going back to his desk and sitting down, thankfully now he could work with a clear head.
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oswaldsleftbicep · 2 months
headcanos for the college life of the boys, pls?😭 (+ what their major would be)
college life
,,,,,anon are you in my head?? i shit you not, this exact scenario has been sitting in my notes app for like a month jskdfnkjs that being said, this will all be based off my own experiences with american universities
i'm actually looking to go back to college! i reapplied for my university, and also applied to another just in case, but i'm anxious to get back to it
lots of changes have been happening lately.
genre: other, crack if you squint
cw: language, no beta we die like men
❧ most definitely majors in business or communications, but minors in political science (polisci)
❧ he joined a frat as a first year, got a little freaked out over the hazing part but was in too deep to back out, so he stuck it out
❧ idk how frats work, but he ended up becoming a big to a few freshies in his later years :,)
❧ does debate club/moot court as an extracurricular and comes up with the most bullshit arguments that,, surprisingly make sense
❧ since he has the means and the will, he goes to grad school for his masters degree but goes for something more to do with law or criminal justice, having been inspired by moot court
❧ however, he doesn't go for a phd and doesn't go to law school or anything, settling for a job in local government
❧ starts out as a regular history major, but by his second year he changes it to specifically military history, with a minor in medieval and early modern studies (mems)
❧ spends most of his time in the history building or at the campus library, where he has a part time job, but he also made it a point to join the university's polo team. anytime he's stress out about something, he'll go and care for the horses
❧ makes regular appointments with his advisor, but they became so frequent that the two of them end up getting coffee once a month and to catch up
❧ most definitely is on the dean's list and graduates with high honors
❧ starts being a ta in the second semester of his third year, and does it every semester following. he's the sort of ta that you either find annoying and insufferable, or you have a massive crush on
❧ goes on to get his masters and phd in military history, concentrating in some probably really obscure period of time
❧ kinda a mix between his brothers, he's a polisci and mems double major; he couldn't pick which he liked more so he double majored instead of making one a minor
❧ out of curiosity, he went to go see the theater department's production of the iliad and was enamored at the idea of putting on shows of ancient stories and plays, so he took it on as an extracurricular
❧ he tries to keep his newfound hobby a secret from his brothers, but they eventually find out and come to every one of his shows :,)
❧ he does well in class and participates enough so that the profs all know him by name and are fond of him, but mefy secretly hates most of them, save for his war history prof and the theater director
❧ carried on to grad school, focusing on the politics of war in early and medieval times, but doesn't pursue more than a masters
❧ started out as a geography and environmental science (ges) major, but unintentionally selected the bachelor of science path instead of the bachelor of arts path
❧ cue his horror when he sees that he has to take not just bio, but math up to calculus and physics
❧ he tries to push through, he really does, and he comes to enjoy a good chunk of his sciencey classes,,, but eventually it was too much, and he brought it up to his advisor, who suggested to switch to a ba, and poor mans was like "a what??"
❧ but he's doing much better now as a ba, and discovered a new passion for environmental justice!!
❧ got a job working with the campus maintenance crew and helps take care of the landscaping; he also joins the environmental club which helps keep the campus clean and safe, and they also get to work in the compost gardens!
❧ he unfortunately wasn't able to consider grad school due to funding, but with the help of his advisor, he was able to get a certificate and an internship in agriculture!
❧ ok it's so hard to imagine this man in college,, he just seems so old to me lol
❧ but we can all agree he most definitely attended an ivy league school, majoring in music and joining the campus orchestra
❧ he also found interest in the culinary program and got a little job with the campus event catering staff to help prepare the food and serve guests at fancy events, and he stuck with it for so long that he became part of their management!
❧ his experience with that job lead him to discover that his university offers a hospitality studies program, and he got his certificate in that
❧ he was also absolutely an ra and enforced his rules so much that he had to be moved to a majority upperclassmen hall because all the freshies loathed him and kept asking admin to change dorm halls lol
❧ got really good grades and made the deans list, and actually got scholarship money to go to grad school, but he just simply didn't want to and was content with his bachelors degree
❧ he majored in astronomy, with a minor in linguistics and ancient studies. he originally planned to major in astrophysics, but upon realizing just how much math would be involved, he was repulsed and settled for astronomy
❧ it's not that he can't do math, he very much knows how to and he's incredibly intelligent, he simply just doesn't want to do it lol
❧ he's sort of an enigma on campus, he's got this otherworldly air about him, like he's not from this time; whether that means he's a visitor from the past or future is up to interpretation, but it intimidates the hell out of everyone else that he's mostly left alone
❧ he attends all of the ancient studies and mems events, and he's also in the astronomy club; in fact, he's one of the only members of his club to attend every single meeting without fail, no matter how late in the night it is
❧ attends grad school and gets his masters in ancient linguistics, and later focuses on how ancient civilizations interpreted astronomy and how it affected their culture, which earns him his phd
❧ rubs his phd in lucia's face at any chance he gets, practically forces the man to call him dr. mikael
❧ tried his hardest to pick the easiest major, but none of the classes were interesting to him and his advisor all but begged this man to pick something he's actually interested in; so now he's a war history major lol
❧ he also joins a frat, influenced by media's portrayal of them and assuming that he's gonna party every night and get loads of bodies; however, he doesn't realize that he actually needs to keep a certain gpa to stay in the frat, and that he has rules he needs to follow, so he almost gets kicked out several times
❧ he shapes up pretty well by his second year, which is also when he looks into volunteering with campus police and eventually gets a part time job with them
❧ he does manage to graduate on time, and is more than content with just his bachelors; he told his advisor he'd rather shove a gun up his ass than go to grad school
❧ his advisor, along with all of his profs hated him, and are so happy to see him gone
❧ surprisingly, he majors in biology and is on the premed track for pharmaceuticals; he has an interest in the medical field, but doesn't want to be a doctor or nurse, so he figured working in a pharmacy or even making medicine would be the way to go
❧ also surprisingly, he's like really good at the more difficult subjects, like organic chemistry. he's flying through the work during discussions, to which his partners are all like "???? teach us???"
❧ unfortunately, he is not a good teacher. he knows the content, he really does, but he cannot for the life of him understand how he got there. "you just,,, do it? like write it all down, and convert it and you're done" i've never taken orgo
❧ it got to a point where the prof was convinced he was cheating, but when they tested him, he was even able to mental math that shit and he was left alone lol
❧ stumbled in on the cosmetology students working on their hair dressing, and was like "can i do that?", scaring the hell out of everyone when did he get here?? but they took him in and he helps them study and practice
❧ other than that, he spends his spare time hanging out in the wellness center or outdoor zen gardens, and he also joined the environmental club to help upkeep the gardens makes sure to hand the smelliest piles of compost to oswald
❧ double majors in art history and literature, so he spends a lot of time in the humanities and fine arts buildings
❧ at least five people in all of his classes have a massive crush on him; he's just so pretty and smart and he reads??? awooga!! but most of those crushes dissipate once they try and have a conversation with him, they just can't follow along with his train of thought
❧ speaking of which, his profs either love him or hate him. he'll come up with the most bizarre and elaborate interpretations of texts and art and still somehow have solid reasons to back it up. anytime they have socratic style discussions in class, no one can follow up or argue when he speaks because,,, what the hell did he even just say?
❧ but every now and then, he'll break through to them all and say something that, one, makes sense and, two, is so though provoking and interesting that it leads into an hour long discussion and research party
❧ decided to be an ra in his second year, but ultimately stepped down by the end of that year due to stress. now it's like he did a full 180, breaking every rule he ever enforced, especially the curfew one. it's so common to spot him walking around campus at ungodly hours of the night that he's essentially become a sort of cryptid
❧ he uses his free time volunteering in community service and activism. anytime there's a protest on campus that supports a good cause, he's there the entire time. he'll also help organize events like that, passing around and posting flyers across campus
❧ majors in zoology with a minor in environmental studies
❧ i keep picturing my physical geography prof who was so into birds, like a stupid amount, i think the two would get along well
❧ he starts a club that focuses on caring for campus wildlife and making a safe environment for them, be it picking up litter or putting up bird feeders
❧ he runs the campus shoot-your-shot page, and is surprisingly good and matching up submissions and helping people find their person
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ome-magical-ramblings · 11 months
The Crossing of magical currents, Egregores, and Transformation through Death.
In this post I will offer a pet theory I have that's not backed by any historically provable(? is that a word) way, I hope that by writing this that I offer different way to look at things in modern point of view but not so near our history. I hope that this view isn't seen as definitive and I hope people push it BEYOND it's sphere. I find people get too academic or too smug or too too too many too, even irony poisoned and damaged by the whole affair that they get too...insincere and if anything this posts I want to deliver forth is BE SINCERE that's it.
Apollonius and Levi
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I think there's this assumption of "oh Eliphas levi just scared himself when contacted Apollonius", an not everything is mentioned in the high magic book by Levi. I am personally of the belief that the whole idea of magical chain and egregore that Levi was conjuring up was all in effort to create a cord/chain to link the modern occult practices he had. That was the whole work in the his chapters to create a fulcrum for reviving magical practices. Was the whole necromantic evocation a sham, was it real? what was the plan of Levi? If we divide 22/2 then we find the middle point of the whole chapters and book that was his master plan, his book was a literal hypersigil for linking the practices of modern occultism to a chain reaching back to Apollonius, he warns about necromancy but then does it himself, he calls him a divine ghost but say that normal people shouldn't work necromancy. I can't in good faith look at this and tell you look, yeah he was just larping. Regardless of the whole process, Levi inevitably linked the whole practice with the Nuctemeron. My intention here is that the 12 hours of initiation of Papus. Are in background of all of this. Following Screencap with my highlight, Resurrection is Zayin(7, Chariot) combined with Mem(13, Necromancy) lead us to Resh(20, Thaumaturgy, Universal Medicine) and what do you think the title of the 20th chapter in that chapter...resurrectio
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Olive Pixely and British Occultism
Here we enter with a different whole character that barely have any online presence for people, and this is a funny contiuation to Levi because in this sense Olive is channeling christian mystical practices from her dead brother..The reach of Olive's teaching is immense, it jumped through the Atlantic and we see it in the writing of Geoff-Cobb's New Avatar Power in his Dee-Hay-Thooth ritual, Gareth Knight talked about the same ritual, and her Cosmic breathing was also found in the writings of Jacobus G. Swart. Sadly her system isn't known by a lot, and the ripple of her work went further than what she thought her work would touch many many people. The main point here is that the practice itself centered and start with the same fulcrum preceding by Levi. Death(of her brother) was the start which this transformation of her and other people took place! In this sense, we don't know how far her teachings, influences, and techniques reached but intuitively speaking on my part...I feel like she did cause major change in British occultism that's hidden in nature.
Stele of Revealing, Austin Spare, Crowley, Thelema, Chaos Magic and DEATH.
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The Stele of Revealing is an older text in this sense but it carried the same force and same momentum of other works above I talked about. Crowley had his book of the law after he saw this Stele:
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Austin Osman Spare created this Stele embodying the secret glyphs and sigils of the Cultus:
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AOS and Crowley are both definitely influenced by this Death Posture, by Transformation through Death. The Thelemic current is transformed and upraised by the funerary tablet of Stele of Revealing and when people do Liber Resh..Why Resh? Zyin + Mem = Resh, Resurrection of Death by Will Power. That's the whole of Liber Resh. The people telling you about it being related to Great Work or to some Thelemic concept aren't looking at the deeper symbol going on, Even AOS bring the topic of the death posture. I think it is in hsi book The Focus of Life he mentions: “By the Death Posture the body is allowed to manifest spontaneously and is arbitrary and impervious to action. Only he who is unconscious of his actions has courage beyond good and evil, and is pure in this wisdom of sound sleep.” The Death posture is a sympathetic magical representation of the thing that Stele of Revealing, Olive Pixely, and Eliphas Levi all did and shared in one form. The death posture for all intent and purposes is the sigil of the operation of conscious sacrifice toward transformation. In the book of Pleasure AOS mentions: “The new law shall be the arcana of the mystic unbalanced 'Does not matter-need not be'; there is no necessitation, 'please yourself' is its creed (the Belief ever striving for denial is kept free by retention in this state). Let's talk Crowley's channeled book of Law, specifically the sections that are important: Chapter 1: 12. Come forth, o children, under the stars, & take your fill of love! 13.I am above you and in you. My ecstasy is in yours. My joy is to see your joy 20. The key of the rituals is in the secret word which I have given unto him Chapter 2: 7. I am the Magician and the Exorcist. I am the axle of the wheel, and the cube in the circle. "Come unto me" is a foolish word: for it is I that go 13. for why? Because thou wast the knower, and me. 20. Beauty and strength, leaping laughter and delicious languor, force and fire, are of us
Now I know it's weird that I would be quoting these specific sections but if you look at them you can start to see that Crowely just became a chain of this work, he become the ring in the chain of this Stele that's reaching until today. All the work we have of PGM related magic nowadays, Arabic magic, and so on is touched by this Stele metaphysically/astrally if you think about it. Anyway I am going a bit out there with my rambling, to sum it up. The Stele itself is an astral door(Daleth), Olive Pixely is a channel(Beth), and Eliphas Levi is a nail/peg/hook(Vau). As letter, they're all manifestation toward the Mem(Death), they are all qabbalistic gematria waiting to be unlocked and explaining each meaning of their manifestation: 2 + 13 4 + 13 6 + 13 The post is getting a bit too long but I hope with this I can offer some area for connecting and explaining the mysteries and a space for the manifestation of wisdom. Clearly, you the reader are currently thinking oh he must be saying that death or anything related to death is important. That's true, and more on that we see the most sacrifice in the figure 12-13 the sacrifice of the hanged man lead to the transformation of creation. It's by conscious sacrifice or by sacrificing our conscious that we transform the world. It's not JUSTICE, people think of a Just World but the world is Justified through Sacrifice. I almost forgot... BE SINCERE!
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sick-ada · 2 days
Also it’s not a part of the ask game, but what are ur oc’s thoughts on the idols! Like opinions on DEEPCUT/OTH/SQUIDSISTERS!!! And do they even listen to their music or do they prefer some of the non-idol splatbands?
the squisters:
proto is basically the third squid sister, even if they don't perform. they do a lot of the management, the advertising, organise stuff, the works. they do less of it after splat1 as they all start to drift apart, but they like the squid sisters in the "we are literal sisters" sense rather than just the music sense
as musicians, flora and bola don't really like them. they represent the tastes of wider inkadia and the more well-off parts of inkopolis, which is not at all what flora and bola are about. as people... it depends. in the canon where flora is agent 4, she's kind of indifferent to them. marie hands him a military grade gun and he didn't have hearing aids at the time so she just decided "yeah okay i'll start doing violence, whatever" and doesn't really care about saving callie or whatever. literally does not find out about it until later, when he finds out the hero headset work as hearing aids. bola doesn't trust them at all, but they're more focused on openly antagonising proto than on agents 1 and 2. HOWEVER.... there is also an au i wanna do more stuff for, called the odd1out au, where marie/callie swap and so do flora/bola. bola and callie work together to rescue marie, but it's less of a "you gave me a gun so sure i'll shoot people whatever" situation and more of an exchange: bola helps callie do this and she has to help them take down/generally harass Squidforce. bola's very abrasive as opposed to flora being very accepting and uncaring as agent 4, so they kinda force callie to grow and recognise a lot of the biases she's been carrying from craig (e.g., callie assumes bola is an octarian bc they're an octoling, makes a comment along the lines of oh aren't you glad you deserted them, and bola refuses to come back and help until callie comes and apologises (they also punch her in the face for that)). so in that au, callie kinda grows on bola and therefore flora too, once she comes to hang out with them to help w the squidforce stuff. marie is... rockier. after getting rescued, she's pretty bitter that callie is spending more time with someone she perceives as an octarian, the group that fucked her over, than with her own cousin. this is amplified when the eights join the leftovers, cause then she's hanging with Actual Octarian Soldiers, and bubbles being a sniper/scout means that marie has no place in the group. basically bc callie grew while marie didn't they grow apart and the leftovers don't really like her, and fully resent her once it comes out what proto and the squisters did in splat1 and she sides with proto over callie.
uh anyway i got carried away there. CB and bubbles' opinions change as they get more of their mem cakes, as they dont get them all the first time around and have to go back later for them. before, they're like "theyre famous ig? idk im trying to Survive here" but after they're like Oh Those Guys Caused A Large Amount Of Our Problems since they were directly responsible for causing the famine + desertion that was a catalyst to bubbles' parents abandoning him and CB getting Unethical Scienced on to make her a supersoldier. theres a reason they fight Inner Agents 1 & 2 rather than Inner Agent 3 and it's not just that proto is a weak ass fighter
pluto gives not a single shit. none. not one. levi (lil buddy, Leviathan's Flight Over Verdant Pastures, horrorboros, i need to mention them more) likes the squid sister's music well enough. would listen to it on the radio but wouldn't put on a playlist of it. doesnt really care about the people either
Off The Hook:
proto hadn't heard of them before octo expansion, and honestly doesn't super like either of them? they make a bad first impression on CB & bubbles, and therefore a bad impression on OTH, since the eights have the radio before meeting 3 and craig in this au. they never really recover from it bc theyre kinda rude in general and dont make a massive effort to redeem themselves to OTH. indifferent towards their music.
flora and bola absolutely idolise OTH, since they run the announcements for the underground inksports scene rather than the official squidforce stuff (big inspiration from @worldsewage's stuff), which is what the two of them frequent. they like OTH for the same reasons they dislike the squisters; they represent the same parts and aspects of inkopolis culture that the leftovers do. they get closer with OTH thanks to the connection through CB and bubbles post-OE, and are even trusted to run the announcements for OTH while they're on tour! fun fact: off the hook concerts are probably one of the main contributors to flora's deafness. guy who did not wear hearing protection to the concert of "woman who destroys shit with her voice" and suffers the consequences
CB & bubbles are super close with OTH, since they're the first people they met other than each other after waking up without any memories. marina was also the first person to speak to them in octarian, which was the only language they could understand at first. they care for each other and they're great friends, CB and bubbles don't help the other leftovers with covering the announcements bc they go on tour with OTH, and even perform with them a couple times!
pluto has never heard of them and neither has levi. rip!
deep cut:
proto doesn't like them bc they're getting in the way of the NSS' goals in alterna. theres not really any redemption at the end, cause deep cut don't decide marie should be their boss in my au, they instead decide to side with pluto who also doesn't really give a shit about the NSS. doesnt listen to their music
the leftovers squad all likes their music, but flora and bola do like to play up the whole splatsville vs inkopolis thing whenever they're brought up since they're loyal to inkopolis. all in good fun tho. maybe if they get famous enough theyll do a collab w deep cut or smth i need to figure out where to put them in my lore. CB and bubbles never meet them i dont think
pluto likes their music, levi LOVES it. in alterna, though, theyre all "i want the treasure and will absolutely fight you for it" rather than fanboying (fangirling? fansalmoning?) over them. meeting them more as equals since they're both splatsland bandits trying to make a living. they do a lot of teamups post-alterna, though more in the banditry sense than the music sense. levi absolutely gets all of their autographs
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wabatle · 2 months
Fandoms and characters I will write for
Be warned, below is a long list
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Jujutsu Kaisen
Yuji Itadori
Nobara Kugisaki
Megumi Fushiguro
Satoru Gojo (I personally only think of him in a platonic way so any romantic stuff might be bad/ooc lmao)
Suguru Geto
Maki Zen'in
Toge Inumaki
Yuta Okkotsu
Kento Nanami
Ryomen Sukuna
Attack on Titan
Eren Yeager
Mikasa Ackerman
Armin Arlert
Levi Ackerman (same thing as gojo)
Pieck Finger
Annie Leonhart
Tokyo Ghoul
Ken Kaneki
Touka Kirishima
Ayato Kirishima
Shu Tsukiyama
Juzo Suzuya
Demon Slayer
Tanjiro Kamado
Zenitsu Agatsuma
Shinobu Kocho
Giyu Tomioka
Mitsuri Kanroji
Muichiro Tokito
Tengen Uzui
Kanao Tsuyuri
Blue Lock
Reo Mikage
Yoichi Isagi
Meguru Bachira
Hyoma Chigiri
Seishiro Nagi
Rin Itoshi
America (Alfred F. Jones)
England (Arthur Kirkland)
France (Francis Bonnefoy)
China (Yao Wang)
Russia (Ivan Braginsky)
Germany (Ludwig Beilschmidt)
North Italy/Italy (Feliciano Vargas)
Japan (Kiku Honda)
Canada (Matthew Williams)
Spain (Antonio Fernandez Carriedo)
South Italy/Romano (Lovino Vargas)
Prussia (Gilbert Beilschmidt)
Hungary (Elizabeta Héderváry)
Finland (Tino Väinämöinen)
Iceland (Emil Steilsson)
Norway (Lukas Bondevik)
Toilet-bound Hanako-kun
Hanako/Amane Yugi
Tsukasa Yugi
Nene Yashiro
Kou Minamoto
Teru Minamoto
Aoi Akane (girl)
Akane Aoi (boy)
Mitsuba Sosuke
Sakura Nanamine
Natsuhiko Hyuuga
Oshi No Ko
Ai Hoshino
Aquamarine Hoshino
Ruby Hoshino
Kana Arima
Akane Kurokawa
Mashle: Magic and Muscles
Mash Burnedead
Finn Ames
Rayne Ames
Lance Crown (same as gojo and levi)
Dot Barrett
Lemon Irvine
Project Sekai
Ichika Hoshino
Saki Tenma
Honami Mochizuki
Shiho Hinomori
Minori Hanasato
Haruka kiritani
Airi Momoi
Shizuku Hinomori
Kohane Azusawa
An Shiraishi
Akito Shinonome
Toya Aoyagi (temporarily closed)
Wonderlands × Showtime
Tsukasa Tenma
Emu Otori
Nene Kusanagi
Rui Kamishiro
Nightcord at 25:00
Kanade Yoisaki
Mafuyu Asahina
Ena Shinonome
Mizuki Akiyama
Hatsune Miku
Rin Kagamine
Len Kagamine
Megurine Luka
Doki Doki Literature Club
Villains are Destined to Die
Penelope Eckhart
Reynold Eckhart
Derrick Eckhart
Winter Verdandi
Callisto Regulus
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Eren: Captain, why does the Commander call you 'babygirl'?
Levi: Why don't we stop talking.
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levmada · 4 months
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askglassanon · 1 year
* gives glass snackies*
You need snackiessss
It's okay, dear, I don't need to eat
Remember I don't usually have a mouth, this one's just for show
Thank you, tho it's a kind offer - Glass
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autism-corner · 10 months
im using lonely devil to replay this years valentine event bc i really want the levi UR but im at 200K points and have yet to get the mem ssr..... which in non-celestial-box-events you get at 132K. >:(
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fishrpg · 2 days
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2024-06-10: MEMS-6/Harfeld (High Density, Poor)
Phase III Construction, 30 Stories Tall, Pop 177,703
Though ill-equipped to serve as a retirement community, impoverished seniors flocked to Harfeld for its rock-bottom cost of living that still has the amenities of a place that's good enough to be almost lower middle class. The only hospital in Harfeld closed years ago, but NTK established a lot of goodwill among the residents by opening a gerontology center that provides a few services tailored to an aging populace. NTK also partnered with BerComm to perform a long-term "AR Rejuvenation" study.
Augmented reality headsets from BerComm are combined with individualized bioinformatic data aggregated by NTK to provide targeted muscle and joint pain relief for people, which is combined with the AR headsets to allow the participants to appear as younger versions of themselves. This effect is perceptible by the user in mirrors and reflections, as well, so long as the AR headset is still worn. The population acts at least a decade younger, and the popularity of the program means users seldom take off the headsets. It's the cheaper way to age in place, denying the ravages of aging until it can't be put off any longer.
Silver River Estates
NTK paid to relocate older people to some recently-renovated tower near the gerontology center in the name of promoting accessibility. It's a self-serving action that allows NTK to mine more information from the people who live inside NTK's housing.
The Pantheon/Church Street
In one of the more crumbling parts of Harfeld is the place where real-estate is cheap enough that unconventional religious organizations set up here. Cheap land is a necessity because all religious organizations lost their tax-exempt status years ago. A wide variety of faiths are represented here; more established ones are able to have buildings that work in semi-harmony with the belief systems, but many more are just emerging from the shadows of recent creation. The less reputable and newest movements (many just call them cults) practice in illegal squats and often try to convert members of other faiths from the alleys and sidewalks.
Ongoing Issue - Dead Lands
The oldest residents (as well as people who were priced out of places that still had plants) remember when cities had green spaces and soil that wasn't toxic. Many try to recapture that sense of life by painting trees and plants on walls and utility poles to seem more alive. Others set aside a few leaves of expensive lettuce and glue them to structures to have something green in the area. It never lasts long, and law enforcement is on the prowl for anyone attempting to vandalize the city's infrastructure in such a way. Of course the fine that is levied is disproportionate to the "vandalism" but that doesn't stop people who year to see real green spaces in public again.
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