#levi shower pic when
zephyrchama · 16 days
hi!! please can you spare a crumb of leviathan fluff please?
You knocked on the door to Leviathan’s room out of courtesy, but he was already calling for you to “come in.”
“No password?” you asked. You had been expecting a fun trivia question like always.
“No need. I could tell it was you.” From the sound of your approaching footsteps to the way you knock, and even the little pause between those two actions. Everyone seemed to know your distinctive traits better than you did.
“What’s up?” Leviathan didn’t look over. He was too preoccupied with his manga. He held it up in a way that obscured most of his face. His legs were sprawled out on the floor with his back against an ottoman and a stack of the latest releases by his side. Leviathan had a knack for lounging comfortably in the most inconvenient positions.
“I was looking for something to read. Mind if I browse your collection?” "Mmhmm.” Having unfiltered access to Leviathan’s collection was a rare privilege extended only to you, who could be trusted to borrow things without damaging or losing them. Or selling them, spilling food on them, bending the pages. There had been an extensive list of detailed rules you pledged to follow.
You spent a couple of minutes browsing the shelves. Honestly, nothing stood out. The room was silent, save for the occasional turn of a page and the humming of the lights. You were just bored and hoped to spend some quality time with a certain nerd, however, he was busy.
Giving up on the shelves, you decided to plop down in front of Leviathan. He was so immersed in his comic that he didn’t notice. A lead-up to a large-scale battle scene occupied so much of his attention, he failed to realize you were crawling over his legs like a spy in an action flick. You finally grabbed his attention by squeezing your shoulders between his arms, bumping your head against the book as you tried to worm under it.
“Hey! Ahh!” Leviathan was startled. He raised his hands in shock, or maybe to preserve his manga, but either way it created a wider path for you to take immediate advantage of. You snuggled up to his shoulder with the determination of a thousand shounen protagonists.
“What… what? What are…? Whu?” Leviathan was at a loss for words until he finally settled on demanding, “what is this?”
You were still trying to get comfortable, which was causing Leviathan a lot of discomfort. You rolled over to lay your back against his chest and bent your legs over his knees. Tugging his arms back down so you could see the manga, you explained, “I wanted to read this one.”
“It’s volume 18 though…?”
You nodded, “cool.”
“Did you even read the other volumes? You won’t get it at all.”
You tilted your head far back to look up at Leviathan, catching his eye for a brief moment before he glanced away. You felt him shudder. “I wanna read this one, though, so explain it to me.”
Far from the upcoming battle in his manga, Leviathan faced a raging battle in his mind. He couldn’t even remember what happened on the last few pages. He’d have to go back and re-read them.
“If it’s too much, just pretend like I’m not even here. I’ll figure it out on my own,” you said. The art looked good enough that you could admire that, even if you didn’t know anything about the plot.
“As if I could do that,” Leviathan complained. With a sigh, he hooked his arms under yours and brought his legs up so you fit better in his lap. Now you wouldn't slide down or constantly readjust your position. His movements were slow and deliberate attempts to make the both of you comfortable. He was cautious, as if you might jump up and run off at any moment.
“We can voice the lines out loud together,” you suggested, “but you’re gonna have to speak up or I won’t be able to hear you.” A chance to play voice actor sounded great to Leviathan. He was definitely interested. ”I’m right here though? What do you mean you can’t hear me?”
“Sorry, what was that? Come closer, the thumping in your chest is just so loud.”
With an embarrassed groan, he slapped the manga against his head and buried his blush-stained face into your hair where you couldn't see.
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astaroth1357 · 1 year
The OM Cast as Househusbands
Inspired by my recent rant about domestic Solomon.
Contents: Pure fluff and unhinged roasts.
A-tier. Generally a solid choice skill-wise.
Cooks decent, cleans well, budgets FANTASTICALLY, has a good list of connections/spells for all home repair, and even has a stern (but caring) parenting-style if so desired.
In short, Lucifer can run a house very well. He practically already does! Hope you like having a big, extended family because the brothers are coming with.
Really, the biggest downside to Lucifer is that you'll be constantly worried that he's bored... Man can run a house and then some. He probably has the daily chores done by noon, and then what?
He just has so much extra potential, is what I'm saying. Very "big, beautiful bird in a cramped cage" energy. But then again, maybe making him chill the fuck out and have a low-maintenance lifestyle for once is better for his blood pressure in the long run. Your call.
B-tier. He ain't perfect, but he can learn quick.
If you can give Mammon anything, it's that he's a capable guy when he wants to be. He may not be good at cleaning up, cooking, or anything like that on his own, but with some encouragement...?
Big improvements made practically overnight! Shower him in praise and "thank you's" for every little thing he does and he'll start get greedy for it. Then he'll do even MORE around the house and he gets better each time.
Show him how to cook what you like, and he'll never forget. Remind him to fold up the laundry, and he'll get it done. Praise him for keeping the floors clean, then suddenly he's nagging YOU about tracking dirt on the carpet...
And he'll get so proud about it too... Like, he's your first man and you NEED him now. What would you ever do without him?? Now hand over your shirts because he has some ironing to do, dammit!!
The only downside is you'll have to handle the finances... The words "Mammon" and "budget" go together about as well as "grainery" and "match." He'll blow through it and then some. Earners beware.
Hovers around C-D tier. Levi can play the role of good househusband for a VERY particular kind of partner, otherwise he's a lost cause.
He is a surprisingly decent househusband ONLY when sufficiently motivated and playing out his "domestic slice-of-life" fantasies are that motivation.
He can cook (anime-inspired dishes), he can clean (if you convince him to treat the house like he does his figurine collections), he can even sew/mend (though the majority of what he makes may be cosplay related)!
He won't leave the house to shop, but deliveries are fine. He also can't keep to a budget that doesn't include a MASSIVE chunk carved out to maintain his otaku lifestyle. He'll throw a fit otherwise.
Really, Levi's biggest problem is that once those "domestic fantasies" become mundane, he'll get bored and go back to his shows and games again.
Anyone with him would need to keep feeding into his role with new "quests" or different tropes to try out like a DM running an irl campaign. Could be fun for a little while, but it'll be too much trouble for you both long term. Best give him a skip.
S-tier. Very good choice, and he's proud of that fact.
Cooks well, very conscientious of your needs, knowledgeable on many topics from recipes to home repair, actually knows how to do laundry in a timely manner... a very good man indeed.
100% the kind of husband who sees that it's going to rain, so he treks out to wherever the hell you are to make sure you have an umbrella. Can't have you getting sick.
Get him a cat and the house will become his own slice of the Celestial Realm. He'll even text cute pics/updates on what your cat is doing like they're your literal child.
Only downside is cleaning. He's a book horder and will argue until he's blue in the face to keep Every. Last. Pamphlet. An in-house library is a MUST and expect to need expansions. Otherwise, perfect man. Much approval to be had.
B-A tier. Another decent choice, just a little eccentric at times.
Asmo is that partner who will happily play the part of the trophy househusband buuut he absolutely won't do anything too strenuous or dirty.
Cooking? Totally fine! He isn't amazing, but he's not awful either. Laundry? Say no more! Your clothes will never have a wrinkle again. But cleaning...? Like the floors, attic, or ESPECIALLY the bathroom??
Nope. Nuh-huh. His cute-ass hair and his cute-ass nails in his cute-ass clothes will not stand for it! He's going to beg for a maid immediately.
I guess in exchange you'll be hosting some killer dinner parties, though! Asmo has that "suburban wife who flaunts her amazing life" energy. Also keeping his influencer game alive with tutorials galore.
In short, Asmo is willing not just to spoil you, but elevate you as well. You just need to give him a little pampering in return, kay?
B-tier. Most of his problems are, predictably, food related...
Beel really, REALLY tries but you are probably never going to have a meal on time (if there's somehow any food left at all).
It isn't that he won't cooking, arguably, he spends TOO much time cooking because he'll spend just as much time eating! Or running to the store because he ate the ingredients again...
Surprisingly, though, he's actually very good at cleaning and caring for another person. That's because it's what he does for Belphie. You think the seventhborn is picking up their room AT ALL? Don't kid yourself...
Probably a good time to point out that another downside (or perk??) of husband!Beel is you also get Belphie! But he's just as spoiled as ever so... Hopefully Beel's overwhelming amazingness will make up for that.
If you like Belphie and don't mind an empty cabinet, Beel is a good choice. If not, there are better options available, I promise.
D-tier. Shit househusband. Doesn't even try.
Won't clean, won't cook, won't shop, can't fix, can't budget, and don't even get me STARTED on the state of the sheets!!-
He is a decorative plant of a househusband. Meant only to make the room look nicer by his presence. I've seen dogs more capable and self-motivated to maintain a household than this man will ever be.
Should you somehow get him to exert the effort, he will whine and complain the entire time. And even then, he won't do much more than put some things away and order takeout.
The only upside to Belphie is that since he's always asleep, it's not like he's making the house any dirtier. Vacuuming around his unconscious ass is home life now. At least you probably get Beel too.
C-B tier. What he lacks in experience, he makes up for in enthusiasm.
So... he basically can't do anything but since he's never had to, you can cut him some slack. He loves the idea of TRYING though, so you have an eager student!
He finds cooking to be a fun challenge and he isn't terrible at it. Cleaning is a drag but he likes to see you happy. You'll have to teach anything laundry/clothes related, unfortunately, and sending him to the grocery store without a very detailed list may result in him buying an entire aisle if he doesn't know what to get.
At least he'll genuinely love to hear about your day and have the biggest smile and warmest greeting for you every time you come home. He's like a big'ol puppy, just thrilled with your existence!
(Honestly, if something has him stumped, he'll call for Barbatos to help. He'll try to hide it because he wants to show that he can do things himself, but at the end of the day your happiness wins over his pride. Now let the butler fix your plumbing.)
SS-tier. So good, it's literally not fair.
He's been caring for another person for centuries. He has every possible skill he would need permanently etched into his DNA. He is the Grand Master of Domestic Life that all others should strive for.
Meals are at perfect temperature by the time you sit at the table. The house is so spotless that you could eat off the broom closet. Anything that breaks gets fixed/replaced within the day. He even leaves words of encouragement in the little notes packed up with your lunch. You'll start to wonder if he's an angel who's infiltrated too deep....
Barbs also seems to have a sixth sense for whenever you've had a bad day. You come back dragging from exhaustion? You favorite meal is already cooked, the bath is ready to be drawn, and would you like a shoulder rub on top of that? Feel free to vent, he loves to listen to whatever stories you have to share!
There are only two downsides to Barbatos: the first is that you are absolutely sharing him still with Diavolo and the young master is his top concern. So sorry.
The second is that moment he gets even the hint that there may be a rat in the house, he'll nuke the place with all of your stuff still in it. So keep some traps out and keep'em fresh, yeah? You'll be fine.
S-tier. He even comes with pre-installed parenting skills! (If you're into that kind of thing).
Simeon may not have Barbs' "live to serve" mentality, but he is truly an angel to a fault. The man already acts as Den Mother of Purgatory Hall, so what would you expect?
He cooks well enough to own his own business and you can't run a business without being good with your cash. He probably has book royalties too... Plus, he cleans up after Solomon's messy ass in canon, so-
He's gonna be that husband you take to the office party and nobody will leave you alone about him for the next week. People are going to ask if he has a brother or some shit (give them Raph's number, I dare you)
Admittedly, home repair (especially of the electronics he's guaranteed to break) should probably go to someone else. Also, he is a package deal with Luke. That child is your unspoken son now, and you'll just have to deal with that.
Otherwise, he's trophy material. Marry him and carry him over that threshold! He's worth it, truly.
I've already ranted about Solomon here. But if you aren't aware, he's D-tier saved only by the fact that he's really trying his best.
800 year-old bachelor be like: "Oh, you're supposed to change those...? They don't smell that bad after a month."
"Of course those dishes are clean! Yes, I can see that there's still food on them, but I washed them with soap. That's what makes them clean."
"What do you mean, 'Don't set the table with beakers on date night?' Isn't this one your favorite??"
"Dinner's almost done, honey! Just let me finish clubbing this octopus!" 😁
Disaster husband. Just leave him to his delusions and get used to takeout...
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cinellieroll · 3 months
☆ random obey me headcanons part 2!
asmodeus, levi and barbatos ♡
part one (lucifer, mammon and simeon)
part three (beelzebub, belphegor, solomon)
part four (satan and diavolo)
cw: some small nsfw on asmo's part :p
small note: thank you so much for the likes and reblogs! i never expected such a large majority of people to enjoy my content so it's very dear to me. once again, thank you!
☆ asmodeus:
- kinda bad at cooking. his way of slicing and dicing vegetables is very mediocre if not clumsy looking. there are days where his cooking is acceptable and days where it's to seasoned or too bland (always convinces himself its good tho and posts it on his devilgram)
- though he's kinda bad at cooking, his baking skills are okay! his favorite pastry to make are cookies because he can design them the most.
- "ofcourse mc! you'll always be the first one to try my desserts! unless you want to taste something else?~ ♡"
- he has a collection of sanrios, hironos and sonny angels in his room. ESPECIALLY sonny angels. crazy thing is he always gets them for free from his fans and its always the limited edition ones
- he really enjoys watching old movies from the human world especially the romcoms. mean girls, notting hill, pitch perfect. he will pester you to rewatch it with him even though you guys have seen it multiple times already.
- he keeps a small jewelry box in his room but instead of jewelry its full of pics of you and him and the gifts you give him. theres some pics in there where the other brothers were cut or crossed out so it'll be just you and him lmfao
- he is a yandere and i stand by this. it's not as obvious but if he's really into you he'll constantly mark you with his scent and the stuff he wears. he'll leave a hickey or a bite mark if you're lucky ;)
- the type of guy to only bring a purse to school. if you ask for a pencil the bitch is gonna open his bag and say "oopsie! i only brought my makeup pouch and mirror today. sorry babe!"
- has his own private concert in showers every goddamn day
- he'll either fangirl with you about celebrities or he'll get extremely jealous because you're simping for someone else.
☆ levi:
- sometimes his ass crack will be on display when he's sitting down on the floor
- wears booty shorts religiously. sometimes he'll casually just walk out his room wearing a hoodie and booty shorts with prints on it
- has a tumblr account where he posts a bunch of hc, drabbles and other shit and until now no one knows its him
- had an amino and discord phase where he always roleplayed with other people. till this day it haunts him at night
- he livestreams twice a week on twitch and has been scolded by lucifer on stream once. there was also a time where mammon barged in his room half naked and suddenly all the views went up 10x
- trolls on roblox like it's a 9 to 5 job
- every once in a while he'll stay in lucifers room while lucifer is doing paperwork. he'll just lay down on his bed, watch and play games and even fall asleep
- makes his own persona in every fandom he gets into and writes very detailed backstories (dw levi, same)
- only reads "x reader" fics for obvious reasons
- went insane because human world games and animes are better than the ones in devildom. dont get me started about aot. (his favorite is levi ackerman obvi)
☆ barbatos:
- wishes he could get piercings but since he's the demon prince's butler he obviously can't
- started tweakin when you said some humans keep rats and bugs as pets. like he stopped polishing some plates and looked at you like you just dog shitted diavolo's name
- really enjoys your spotify playlist filled with metalhead and grunge songs. he really likes slipknot
- likes to order those cute, fancy tea sets when he has the time. when you gifted him tea leaves and a limited edition teapot set his love for you sky rocketed.
- gets annoyed when solomon manspreads
- has a really good voice when he sings. he used to sing diavolo lullabies when his father would get angry at him
- scrolls through levi and mammon's post for educational purposes cuz he wants to learn slangs just incase diavolo asks him what a specific word means
- "barbatos, what does 'runnin from da opps' mean?"
- "my lord, 'runnin from da opps' is a slang made by the new generation. it means fleeing from your haters."
- loves to tailor and iron his bed sheets so he can have a peaceful rest after a long day of non stop errands.
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judeswhore · 5 months
nsfw alphabet
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
summary: nsfw alphabet
pairing: levi colwill x fem!reader
warnings: 18+, minors dni
notes: you can find my masterlist here. idk how i feel abt this but ask and u shall receive <3 i hope u enjoy it!!!
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
sweetest boy ever! gets a little sleepy but still makes sure ur taken care of before anything else. checks in that ur okay and just has to ask if it was good and ur staring at him all🤨🤨bc ur thighs are still shaking. will grab u water and something clean to change into, helps get u cleaned up and if u want he’ll run u the shower. he likes to just lay with u for a little after, fingers trailing over ur bare skin while he lets u recover, lips soft on ur shoulder while he mutters that he loves u
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and their partners)
on him he loves his arms just because of how feral u go over them and his tattoos. he’ll find u randomly staring at them throughout the day and he gets so cocky bc he’ll just flex his fingers or biceps and you’ll go all wide eyed and he can see how hot and bothered it gets u. he loves fingering u and feeling u dig ur nails into his forearm and it makes him so hard when ur gaze stays locked on his arm while he works u to ur orgasm but he’s a little shit sometimes so just as ur abt to cum he’ll be all “eyes up here, sweetheart” bc he wants u to look at him
on u he’s obsessed with ur hands and how small they are bc it reminds him how much smaller u are than him and that makes his head spin. he loves holding ur hand and seeing how his just engulfs urs and he’s obsessed w watching u touch him!!! handjobs r one of his favourite things ever and he’ll just sit and watch u work ur fist around him bc there’s something so hot abt how u cant wrap ur fingers completely around him. also he’s 100% and arse man so he’s definitely obsessed w ur arse and he’ll tell u it’s one of his favourite things abt u with no shame. loves fucking in doggy just so he can slap it and watch u get all teary eyed for him🤭🤭
C = Cum (anything to do with cum)
he definitely has a thing for coming on ur pussy/tummy/arse and taking pics of it😵‍💫has an album on his phone specifically for these pics that he looks at whenever ur apart and he’s feeling a little horny. will cum on u and then tell u how pretty and perfect u are and he knows that goes to ur head and he loves it. teases u tho and is so mean w it bc he knows u like when he cums inside of u (and he does too) but if you’ve been a brat or he’s just feeling extra mean even when ur begging him to fill u up he’ll pull out and cum on ur pussy just to see u get all pouty w him
D = Dirty secret (self explanatory, a secret of theirs)
he’s obsessed with fucking u in risky places or places where other people are around. the bathroom at a restaurant/club/friends house u best believe he’s dragging u in there even if it’s just to make u cum on his fingers like there’s just something so stupidly hot to him abt potentially getting caught. he’d be in ur ear the whole time as well talking abt how if ur not quiet someone’s gna come in and see what a dirty slut u are for him while trying his hardest to get u to be even louder w this cocky little smirk on his face. you’ve lost count of how many times you’ve almost been caught
E = Experience (how experienced are they)
in all things u he’s an expert. he made sure to learn every little thing that u like bc the first few times u slept together he was constantly asking u what u wanted from him/how u wanted it bc he wanted the experience to be as good as possible for u. and now he knows u like the back of his hand and can have u coming in record time just by utilising what he knows
F = Favorite position
cowgirl!!! he’s obsessed w getting u to ride him bc he loves watching u struggle to take him at first, hands on ur hips to help u while he tells u how good ur doing and how proud he is of u for taking it all😵‍💫😵‍💫loves having ur tits in his face tbh and will constantly be sucking on ur nipples and biting at ur skin bc he knows that’ll get u to finish quicker. and it gives him some sort of kick watching u get all tired and whiney, asking him to “just fuck me properly, levi. please” and then he’ll hold u still while he fucks up into u bc ofc he’ll take care of his best girl
G = Goofy (are they more serious or goofy in the moment?)
definitely a little goofy but it’s more bc he tries to make u feel as comfortable as possible and that comes out as him making little jokes to get u to laugh and relax for him. feel like he gets a little giggly sometimes while ur fucking bc you’ll make a certain noise or he will and it’ll have him hiding his face in ur neck while he tries to get it together. but his giggles will bleed into soft moans and u think it sounds so hot so ur always looking to make him laugh just to hear it
H = Hair (how well groomed are they)
keeps it all nice and neatly trimmed but it’s not really something he puts a load of effort into bc it’s hair it’s not a big deal to him
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment?)
all of his focus is on u and he makes sure that u get as much pleasure out of the experience as possible. foreplay is a huge deal for him bc he wants to get u all worked up and desperate for him and wants to make sure you’ve came at least once/twice before he fucks u bc he knows it’s sometimes a little difficult for u to cum from just penetration. and throughout the whole thing he’ll be talking u through it, praising u so much bc it’s important to him that u know how much he’s enjoying it and that u know how good ur doing for him
J = Jack Off (masturbation headcanon)
i feel like he’s a big fan of mutual masterbation🤭so he’ll sit opposite u on the bed or wtv and will get himself off while u touch urself and it drives him insane. doesn’t know where he wants to look more so his eyes are constantly bouncing over ur body and he’ll talk u through it, telling u how to touch urself and how fast to go while he’s moaning and fucking his own fist
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
idrk but i feel like he definitely has a thing for letting u take control every now and then like loves when u tie him to the bed and use him for ur own pleasure. he’s obsessed w cowgirl at the best of times but when u tie his hands back and just fuck him so slow he goes absolutely insane. loves hearing u call him a good boy and it takes everything in him not to cum on the spot when u do. also loves when u suck him off and tell him he can’t touch u bc you’ll tease him until he’s literally shaking and begging bc he needs to cum and then you’ll give him ur pretty little smile and tell him to “be patient” and it has him losing his mind
L = Location (favourite places to do the deed)
he’s obsessed w fucking in the car while it’s parked in stupidly risky places bc he can’t get over how hot the risk of it is. like he’ll just randomly pull over and park somewhere so u can fuck and there’ll be other cars around and it just makes it all so much more thrilling for him and it means whenever he’s in the car alone he can play out all the times you’ve spent together in there
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
he loves neck/jaw kisses and even if u do it with the intention of being innocent levi will still go a little silly. he’ll just grip ur hip a little harder and give this quiet little groan and it always makes u giggle bc it’s so simple? and here he is abt to lose his mind. he’s definitely the type as well to get turned on by a specific perfume u own bc it reminds him of a certain time u fucked so whenever u wear it and walk passed him he’s immediately hard bc now he’s thinking abt all those dirty memories
N = No (something they wouldn’t do)
he’s too sweet to do anything that wld hurt u so even if he’s a little rough and a little mean sometimes he’d never cross a line that wld really cause u pain. even when he’s slapping ur arse whenever he hears a little sob or sees u wince a little harder than normal he’s immediately stopping and shifting to press kisses to the skin while mumbling little apologies :(
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving)
he really likes receiving bc u give the best head he’s ever had. u love teasing and drawing it out as long as possible until he’s literally shaking and can’t stay still so when he finally cums it feels 100x better. loves when u wake him up w head too!!!! like it’s his favourite thing in the world and he’s always extra sensitive so just gives these soft little whimpers that drive u crazy. he still loves eating u out tho and wld do it for hours (and he definitely drags it out when he does) but there’s just something abt being in ur mouth that absolutely ruins him
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual?)
depends on the mood tbf. he loves a quickie (will literally fuck u anywhere at any time if given the chance) but also slow and loving is so so important to him!! especially if you’ve been apart for a little while he just really wants to take his time with u and drag everything out for as long as possible with u. so many kisses while he’s fucking u so slow, fingers stroking ur cheek while he mutters over and over that he’s missed u :(( eye contact is huge! for him so he’ll just grip ur chin and be all “eyes on me, sweetheart” and it just makes it so much more intense
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often)
loves them!!!! again, any time, any place. loves summer time so he can see u in ur pretty little dresses and he can just bend u over wherever he can, pull ur underwear to the side and fuck u stupid🤭the amount of times he’s fucked u in a changing room is insane bc he just can’t help himself when u look so pretty doing a little fashion show for him. just presses u up against the wall, hand over ur mouth to keep u quiet while he fucks u from behind. or like in the car before an event/meeting friends? he’s sooo down for it. just pulls u into his lap to ride him and it’s always so obvious when u finally go meet whoever u have plans with bc u both look so disheveled and fucked out
R = Risk (are they game to experiment, do they take risks)
loves experimenting with new things bc how else is he gna know what he likes? like the two of u have had so many conversations abt all the different things you’d like to try and he definitely has a list that youse check things off on. and he’s huge on fucking in risky places bc it’s just so hot to him!!! gets off on fucking u in semi public places while making u bite down on ur own underwear to keep quiet🤭
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for, how long do they last)
he’s insatiable tbf. he just gets into such a headspace that he can never just go for one round he needs to go for a least three before he even thinks abt giving u a break. mainly just bc he likes seeing u so wrecked and on the point of breaking bc he thinks u look so pretty like that🤭his favourite thing is to eat u out between rounds of fucking u bc then he gets to drag so many orgasms out of u and gets such a thrill out of seeing u all limp and fucked out on his bed
T = Toy (do they own toys? do they use them?)
he’s obsessed w toys!!!! loves using them on u and then mocking u abt how much it ruins u. i just have this idea of him loving those little remote control vibrators🤭🤭like u have one that he can control w his phone and he uses it whenever the two of u go to events or restaurants bc u both just love the thrill of it. he’ll just sit opposite u at the table all smirks while he’s controlling it and it gets him so worked up trying to see u keep ur cool and every time u get close to coming he switches it off just to watch u pout and whine. bonus points for if the waiter is obviously flirting with u he’ll switch it up to the highest speed to watch u struggle and get all high pitched
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
he’s awful when it comes it teasing to the point he sometimes has u crying bc u can’t take anymore. he just loves drawing things out bc he knows the end result will be so good even if ur getting frustrated w him. and in public he absolutely loves giving u little ass slaps or whispering dirty things in ur ear just to get u to squirm and sooooo many times he’ll try and get u off while ur sitting next to him but stops before u get anywhere near finishing while acting like nothings happening. and he knows u get all hot and bothered abt his hands so he’ll purposely do things to flex them and show them off then gets all cocky when he sees the way ur looking at him
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make)
oh he’s loud. and whiney. so so whiney. is always in ur ear giving u so much praise and babbling that he loves u and gets a little higher in pitch when he’s abt to cum and it’s just so so hot. loves to talk u through literally everything and whenever he talks u through head/handjobs it gets u soooo worked up bc he just sounds so hot
W = Wild Card (get a random headcanon for the person of your choice)
he loves taking polaroids during sex and has a whole photo album stuffed in his bottom draw that’s just full of dirty pictures. like he has a select few videos/pics on his phone that he looks at when he’s away but he mainly uses polaroids bc he just thinks it’s so much hotter? u can tell which pictures are his favourites too bc the corners are a little more rough and bent where he’s tugged them out. he also keeps one in his wallet tucked just behind one of his cards that he peeks at every now and then when no one’s paying attention and it’s a full shot of ur tits and face, covered in cum while ur grinning up at him and it’s genuinely one of his favourite pictures ever
X = X-Ray (let’s see what’s going on in those pants)
big. thick. it took a while to get used to his size and u still struggle to take all of him sometimes, especially if u haven’t had sex in a while but he always talks u through it and makes sure u know how good ur doing. strokes his fingers over ur cheek and peppers u in kisses while being all “just a bit more, sweetheart, i know u can take the rest f’me. good girl, look how well ur doing. knew u could take it all”
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
he’s horny all the time. he wants to fuck u all the time and it only gets worse when you’ve been apart for a few days. the second ur home he just has to have u bc it’s all he’s been thinking abt and he’ll just be kissing u senseless, burying himself completely into u while repeatedly mumbling little “missed you”s into ur skin
Z = ZZZ (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
sooo quickly bc he’s always so wrecked afterwards. he’ll help get u cleaned up and make sure ur okay but then he’s begging for cuddles and he’s already letting his eyes fall closed. will just pull u into him or will flop down on top of u and be all “just gimme ten minutes” but u know for a fact he’s gna have a full blown nap. it’s why he absolutely loves middle of the night sex bc it completely knocks him out
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quills-of-freedom · 1 year
Cock Canons ~
Reiner - Porco - Bertolt - Levi - Hange
Detailed descriptions of their junk, including pictures and links to buy one if you so wish... Lovehoney is NOT a sponsor. Although they should. I'd be happy to endorse sex toys.
Warnings: Well, Peni. 18+ only
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Reiner Braun 💥
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Reiner has a monster cock. It’s at least 9" and its girthy too. It slightly curves at the top, rendering it impossible to not have an orgasm while he’s inside of you, as his fat head prods at your G-Spot over and over.
Reiner’s cock has that clean salty taste. He showers often with all of the training he does so it’s never unpleasant to have in your mouth.
When it’s errect the veins are pretty protruding; having to keep such a large muscle supplied with plenty of blood as he fucks you into the other world.
His balls a large but not overly so. The skin around them is pretty tight and he likes to shave them because he doesn’t like the feeling of being over-grown. And he loves it when you sensually suck on them.
[ This ] is the closest pic I could find of what Reiner’s cock would look like. It would be a slighter darker shade but the heads shade of pink is pretty spot on.
His pre cum is super sweet, like corn syrup or something delightful.
His cum is more salty but still not bad. It’s extremely thick and ropey. This cock, with all of his testosterone, breeding kinks and his natural pheromones, is just designed to impregnate.
Porco Galliard 🥵
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Porco’s precious penis is shorter than Reiner’s but just as - if not more - girthy.
It’s more rounded at the top and oh so deliciously fat. Like his neck.
Porco also showers as often as he can, as he’s always pushing himself during training so his dick is usually nice and clean.
It’s still a fucking weapon so his also has a strong appearance of veins as it requires a lot of blood flow.
Porco has a hard time dealing with intense feelings of lust, often losing control and letting himself getting too fired up, so you’d better make sure the safety is on for this gun, pal.
The closest pic to Porco’s junk is [ this ]. But longer and more girthy. His balls are also larger than that.
Porco Galliard is an absolute animal in bed once he’s within his comfort zone with you, and this dick can deal a lot of damage.
His cum is sweeter than Reiner’s but is just as thick.
Bertoldt Hover 🌭
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Bertoldt’s banging baton his like him; long, slender and timid. But awaken it and… My god you’ll be sorry. Once this man gets fired up and slips into the mists of madness, there’s is no stopping him.
Bertoldt’s cock loves attention; start stroking it or touching it in any way, it won’t be long until every shy fiber in this boys being turns to cinders and ashes.
There’s a few pictures I found that’s pretty accurate. Let me know which one you like the best for this beast boy.
[ here ] , [ here ] and [ here ] .
Bert’s cum tastes the best out of anyone in this list. It’s almost like salt water taffy or sweet and salted popcorn.
His balls are tight, slightly smaller than his fellow warriors but that really doesn’t mean a thing. He will still absolutely ruin you with ease. Once he sees the red curtain he’s sure to perform well.
His cock is the twitchiest of the bunch. When it’s errect it can not stop still, almost like it’s trying to hurl itself into your hand or any part of you, really.
Levi Ackerman
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Oh boy.
O—h boy.
Levi Ackerman is one with his cock. It’s like it has its own consciousness and they meld into one. He knows just how to use it, what to do next to push you to the next level of ecstasy.
Levi’s dick is big and thick. Deliciously thick. He’s definitely packing down there. It’s got a nice shape to it to, and the closest pic i could find to do it any justice is [ this one here ] (except bigger)
If he’s not on an expedition, Levi’s hygiene practices are second to none. It’s always a pleasure to have him in your mouth.
His jet black pubic hairs are trimmed nice and neatly into a cosy little landing strip, beckoning you to descend onto the rolled out welcome mat.
Levi is short because of his malnutrition as a child. But that did not effect the growth of his manhood. It’s a nice clue to how well built he would have been, had circumstances been different.
He can go again and again and again with short intervals. He truly is one of the king’s of sex in this universe.
Hange Zoë
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Hange has a wide range of strap-ons and dildos she likes to use on her partner whether she’s being Dom or Sub.
When she’s feeling particularly dominating she likes to unleash [ this ] onto your poor, unsuspecting booty.
It vibrates and her womanhood is very sensitive, so when she’s unleashing this on you, she’s pretty much constantly cuming.
It helps that she has the sight of you being absolutely destroyed by her device .
Hange is loud during sex so with her repeating orgasms, you’d better prepare yourself for Levi to complain about the noise when she’s using it.
She’s a squirter so sex gets very fuckin messy when she’s using this.
She has a name for it too; “Titania”
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hyggehooligan · 7 months
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Idgie has always been the baby in the family, having come into our pack as a puppy when Sam and Levi (both ascended now) had already been a bonded pair for a decade by that point. The boys were about as bored by her as they were with any other dog but they accepted her anyway; but she LOVED them, always trying to touch butts while they were sleeping and doing run-by kisses when they weren't paying attention.
It's nice to have some more action in the house again with our foster puppies Charlie and Eureka and the most surprising thing is how much of a "big sister" Idgie has become. She is very nosey and bossy with them, but in an appropriate way, and they love it! She's 5 years old now (almost 6, wow!) and any chihuahua people will know what that means for her personality ;) It's very interesting to see how "mature" she has become (I never thought I'd say that about her) and I wonder what she'll be like when she's an old lady.
I took this pic last night when I wasn't feeling well; I had made some ramen and I was going to get into bed and watch The Walking Dead for the millionth time. None of the dogs are food aggressive but they do get all jazzed up about snacks and cuddle time so it wasn't unusual for Idgie to be doing her "fun police" routine (if you know, you know) while simultaneously showering the puppies with kisses. The boys were just happy to be included and looking for a place to snuggle. Eventually everyone settled down with Idgie right in the middle, as it should be.
Idgie (black, 5 year old Chihuahua mix)
Eureka and Charlie (tan, 7 month old Chihuahua? Dachshund??? mixes)
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montimer · 7 months
what qualities drew you in to your fave fictional characters?
Glad u asked :]
I'll try to explain it
My favs: Joker, spiderman,deadpool,jeff the killer,mad hatter,scarecrow,warden,puff puff,postal dude,toki,rei,sleepy ash, mae borowski,levi
Im gonna talk ab my number one fav
So i love almost all versions of him but my favourite one has to be the tnba ver
A lot of ppl dont like his design but i adore it
He looks adorable
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But he can look spooky too
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I just love his expressions, his voice.
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Ya know how theres a little bit of difference in every joker?
So in most of animated series joker wants to kill batman, and he does too. Ofc i know most other versions dont wanna kill him, instead wants to make him suffer.
And how other jokers don't care ab money. Well, hes pretty money hungry. You can see it in the ep 'joker's millions'.
Can't believe he pays rent when he can't find a hiding place 😭
He has his hyenas there too, so thats cute. He has also called them his children once.
Loved joker since i was little (at that time i only knew ab the btas one cus thats that went on tv) im not sure why, maybe cus i finded him funny.
I am also really impressed by ppl doing card tricks, so i loved when he did it. Even when he used it as his weapon.
His ego is all over. He believes stuff that actually aren't true.
His teeth is whiter than the others. The jokers does take care of themselves (hair,lipstick,probably showers) even tought this one doesn't bother w make up.
Love his hair, it looks so spikey, it also must be fluffy.
Hes scared of the IRS
The colors on him are amazing.
He looks so sad when he cant come up w a plan
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I just love everything ab him. I ordered a figure of him :] def make pics w him when he arrives lol (i also ordered more comics)
And most of the others, cus they are pretty relatable or silly (introverted,lonely etc.)
Heres a drawing i made of him
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spade-riddles · 11 months
Darcy Miller drew the KK and Levi pic. When you have a baby shower, it's usually about the mother and baby. It's not a gender reveal where both parents are there.
Historically, most baby showers have been women-only events. Baby shower invitations were usually held for key women in the mother's life like friends, family members, and select coworkers. That was, in part, due to gender roles of yesteryear. Childrearing still falls onto the mother more than the father
I think the anons are referring to him not being in any photos or drawings. Not so much that he wasn’t in attendance.
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the-scythes-pen · 2 years
Masturbation/NSFW Headcanons
Lucifer is always down to fuck. Anytime, anywhere. This man is always horny
BUT.... he never masturbates. Never.
He can. He could. But he doesn't want to. Just... doesn't feel like it.
He's got the willpower of a god, he really doesnt need to masturbate
Even if he's teasing his S/O over a call, he'll almost never actually touch himself, instead just purely focusing on his partner's pleasure, torture, and satisfaction
He'll only really ever touch himself if his S/O wants him to during phone sex or something. Or, if he really wants to tease his S/O, he'll send them pics of him with his hard cock in his hand, precum leaking from the tip as he thumbs his head
My mans got the libido of a teenage boy
He is CONSTANTLY horny, gets horny over the smallest things, is CONSTANTLY hiding boners from everyone (he's actually gotten really good at it) and is constantly jacking it
He's got his own toys he uses on himself
Everyone knows about his masturbation habits. Everyone. Nobody wants to, but unfortunately you get to know your housemates quite well when you live with them for a few centuries.
He's teased about how he's constantly jacking it. Mostly by Asmo, as everyone else just finds talking about it gross. But if Levi is especially mad, he'll target his bro's habits
He has gotten a boner from seeing/having huge piles of grimm before. He's jacked it to Goldie before. He is only slightly ashamed.
Has watched porn before, has recorded himself masturbating before, has done cam shows before
Oh, you know he's a little horny bitch (affectionate) <3
But he only ever masturbates to hentai, and usually he doesn't go out of his way to watch it
It'll just happen that theres sex in this anime he's watching.... or there's this NSFW audio by a voice actor that he has to listen to because he's a loyal fan....
He's got SO many fantasies, but one of his favourites has to be commanding tentacles to fuck you while he watches
.....or you sucking him off under his desk as he plays a game
He can and will get envy boners, where he had to run back to his room, get angry, and furiously jack off while complaining about how unfair everything is
Surprisingly has a lot of control over himself, but does occasionally masturbate anyway
Mostly does it when a book he's reading gets really, really good....
Then his mind wanders and he can't stop thinking about you :/ and he can't help himself....
Can and will get hate boners
His libido shoots through the roof when he gets furious, and sometimes all he can do is very aggressively jack it in his room to try and pacify himself and control his wild magic
He won't otherwise randomly get horny; only getting turned on by steamy books or roaming thoughts
Funny enough, he really doesn't seem to get horny all that often?
Although that's his secret cap, he's always horny
Can will a boner into existence if he so chooses, also can will it back down
He's gotten toys for Mammon as a joke before, only to realize that hey, these actually seem pretty nice- so he'll get some for himself too
Has a collection of toys he never uses
He almost never masturbates, as instead he gets laid enough to satisfy himself
Has done a cam show before though, but only once- he didn't like offering such a wonderful show to so many people at once when he barely received anything in return... (he's not Mammon, grimm isn't enough)
Reads porno magazines for fun. Recommends them to his brothers constantly
.....has loaned said magazines to his brothers if he sees they've been stressed out lately, slipping them under the door of their room only to find the magazine back in his room a little later
Specifically has hentai manga for Levi
Doesn't masturbate often at all purely because he doesn't get horny all that often
But he has and will jack it alone in the locker room post workout, covered in sweat or fresh from a shower wearing nothing but a tank top and a pair of pulled down shorts
You're more likely to get photos from him if he's in a horny mood. Usually he'll show off his muscles, glimmering with sweat or dripping from a shower
Other times, he may just straight up send a pic of himself in the locker room infront of a mirror with his dick out, hand wrapped tightly around the base
It's very rare he'll jerk it at home tbh, again, mostly just because he rarely gets horny
He's also worried Belphie may walk in on him, so if he does it at home it will probably be in the shower, or at least in the bathroom
Isn't afraid to palm himself after an especially lovely dream, no matter where he is
He's pretty unashamed, particularly because somehow he's never been caught?
He'll literally whip out his dick in the middle of the HOL library after waking up on the couch and nobody will even walk by
Although if he is caught- it's by you. And it's entirely on purpose. As in, not your purposeful doing- but his. He wanted you to catch him. He'll pause for a moment as you walk in, then shoot you a dangerous smirk before continuing, not even looking away from you
He can randomly get super horny even when he's awake though
So in that case, he'll usually go and do it in the attic, or in a bathroom stall at RAD if needed
I'd say.... perhaps he gets horny a healthy amount? But maybe his libido is a little on the low side. He doesn't masturbate often at all, and usually only does when he can't stand being horny any longer or needs some serious stress relief
Nobody has ever caught him. Not even Barbatos.
He only jerks it in his office at the castle or in his bedroom, but even still... you'd think Barbatos would have known what he was doing at least once in all the centuries he's been serving the prince... but nope. Never.
He's quite guilty of texting you while his cock is held tight in his hand, asking you about your day or how your studies are going while he continues
He won't even miss a beat when he cums. He'll respond aptly and appropriately
He's very good at hiding boners and recovering from such a state- so if something suddenly needs his attention, he can definitely handle it with little problem.
Another demon who almost never masturbates
Really.... he doesn't ever get horny?
He's always DTF, but never outright feels... horny. Like he needs relief.
Although he has jacked off once or twice when forced to take a day off, purely because he's aware he needs to relax a little more and this would be the perfect way to do so
He's got one toy he uses on said days off, but otherwise he just sticks to using his hands
Barbatos is also extremely good at recovering from such a state- being able to pad down his boner and tend to whatever emergency has risen
While Diavolo texts, Barbatos calls- he'll ask if he can call you for a small chat, just to pass the time or hear your voice, but he knows exactly what he's doing when he lets out a shaky breath into the microphone and speeds up the pacing of his hand to cause deliciously lewd wet sounds to seep their way into the call. He knows what he's doing, and he loves the way your breath hitches once you realize what's going on.
Sweet, sweet Simeon.... he's always so shy when it comes to touching himself
He rarely ever does it because of that- and he doesn't really ever get randomly horny, either.... but he's not one who's able to control rampaging thoughts when he sees you in quite a... revealing state
Really, he didn't mean to walk in on you after your shower! He apologizes profusely, genuinely regretful- but he'd be damned if he turned a blind eye to your body, dripping with water and absolutely dazzling.
He'll let out soft, small whimpers as he palms his cock through his pants, eventually giving in to desire as he can't help but picture your body underneath his as he worships every inch of your skin....
He's absolutely adorable when he masturbates; always so careful about how loud he is, where he is, who might come around.... and his face is flushed, he's sweating lightly and his voice is shaky as he lets out a small moan of your name
Sometimes you'll appear in his dreams as well, riding him oh-so gently and looking absolutely divine on top of him like that.... and he can't help but rub one out early in the morning before getting out of bed....
This sorcerer has been alive for so long, gone through so many different phases and levels of desire and so much more
And over the years his desires have faded; despite having such a close bond with Lust itself.
But that doesn't mean his own lust is gone- oh no. He meets you, gets to know you, talks to you more and more and more....
And before he knows it, his hand is lingering a little to long on your arm, a knee pressed against yours unnecessarily; he's pulling you into his body and out of the way of passing demons, he's hovering a little too close for being just a friend at a club-
Oh ho ho, you bring out all the dirty little fantasies in this sorcerer's head.
He still may not masturbate a lot, mostly because he doesn't have the time/desire to no matter how lustful he may feel, but that doesn't stop his thoughts from constantly being filled with all the different ways he could fuck you.
Literally; you have consumed this man; mind, body and soul. He's down bad for you, and he's got the dirtiest fantasies playing in his head when he jerks off.
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cactus-stories · 3 years
Hello there!!! since I noticed that you also write smut for obey me ,in your opinion how the demon brothers give hints to mc that their in the mood to have sex?
Thanks you and have a great day💗💗💗
Hii! This is my first ask, I'm so nervous TwT but I really liked your request, so I'll do my best!
TW: nsfw
Oh, don't worry, you'll know.
Because of how much work he has, the signs that he's overworking himself have also become signs for you to do something about it.
But, when that's not the case and he's just in the mood, he'll usually call you into his office and tell you that you two are going out somewhere nice for dinner.
Maybe he'll buy you some nice lingerie? Jewelry? Who knows? It's always a nice surprise with him.
He'll get possessive. Usuallly he's his clingy self, but he gives you as much space as you want. But when he's in the mood he clings to you like a koala.
Will bring out the big guns and start calling you his treasure, putting a great emphasis on the "mine" part, especially when you're around other people.
If you guys are cuddling, he'll start nibbling on your earlobs and neck, giving you his signature chuckle+smirk when you complain. (P.S.: He's completely aware it makes you melt.)
Poor boy has no idea how to act. How could he show you how he's feeling without exploding in shame before?!
He'll definitely try sending some more risqué messages, but nothing he can't play off as innocent/as a joke if you reject him.
When you two get comfortable, though, I feel like he'd be one to send you those sensual panels from manga, nothing explicit but enough for you to get his point across.
If you guys are hanging out together, he'll ask if you wanna sit on his lap while you guys play, wrapping his arms around your hips and holding you close.
Through the date he'll be a bit more flirty than normal, he'll offer you his coat on the way back and be sure to open all doors for you.
My man will send you an innocent invitation for a date. Maybe going to a cafe, a picnic, showing you different places you haven't been to before.
Will make sure that it goes all smoothly, compliment how cute you look wearing his coat, and then drop the bomb.
"I'd like to see how you look wearing just that"
Let's be honest here, he's always in the mood.
But when he wants to make it clear to you that he's in the mood, he'll have an entire routine.
Prepares his best bath bomb, massage oils and lights some candles with your favourite scent.
He'll invite you to a spa night and because it's you guys, one thing'll end up leading to another for sure.
He'll send you pics of him after working out, either on the changing room of the gym or after showering at home.
You can feel him looking at you more intently than usual, and if you look back, you'll notice him licking his lips, before giving you a sweet smile.
Other clear sign is when he invites you to watch something in his room and Belphie isn't there. Usually he uses the excuse of wanting to sleep in the attic, but you know the real reason.
He'll be blunt with you. For him, there's no point in making it more complicated than it has to be.
Will ask you via message to meet him in the attic to "cuddle". He'll be waiting for you half-awake, a lazy smile on his face.
Will pull you close to him and start kissing your neck/shoulders, humming happily as he grabs your hips and squeezes them.
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Thought of dis while in da shower: bros reacting to an MC dat is even shadier than da sorcerer when it comes to their sleep schedule-
Listen, he can't say anything about anyone's sleep schedule
Man is known to overwork himself
There's a chat pic of him asleep at his desk with a pen in his hand
The moment he tries to scold you about your bad sleep habits you just have to hit him with the, "oh yeah? Let's talk about YOUR sleep habits."
Uno reverse
He'd be speechless (and honestly offended)
He’d just stare at you in silence
On a more serious note, He would be a little worried
Humans need their sleep to be able to function. Please stop adding more stress to this man
I just know he would flip over your schedule because he’s so protective over you
Definitely send you texts like, “you better be asleep you human!” 
He attempts to lecture you about it but its Mammon we’re talking about. It’s just him being like go to sleep. Just sleep. Come on, go to sleep.
He tries to make you coffee in the morning to keep you awake during the day
Will offer to let you stay with him during the night 
He stays up watching anime and gaming
I feel like he also has a bad sleep schedule 
Probably uses it to his advantage to try and get you to game with him
You’re already wide awake? Why not come game or watch anime?
He texts you more at night because he knows you’re most likely still up and he needs someone to ramble to 
Will offer to read to you to help you fall asleep
Will read some sleep guides to see if he can find anything to help you fall asleep
Definitely gives you tips and tricks he has read to see if it’ll help
Makes you tea at night
Will definitely tease you about your sleep schedule
Do you know how bad that is for your skin?
He stays on your case about your sleep schedule
He wants you to always be looking and feeling your best
He pesters you about your sleep schedule constantly
I feel like he would text you when it was bed time and tell you to go to sleep
Buys you products that are supposed to help with sleeping
Expect a lot of lavender scented things
Buys you face masks that help with dark circles and puffiness because a bad sleep schedule can cause bad skin
Because he works out and plays fangol, I feel like he has a pretty decent sleep schedule (minus him waking up to get food)
He would be slightly concerned because he knows sleep is important
Would invite you to work out with him to see if maybe it will make you sleepier at night
If he sees your light on during one of his late night snack runs he’ll drop in and eat with you
Another one that can’t really say anything about your sleep schedule whenever his is even more odd
Idk if this is canon but I had read somewhere that because he sleeps during the day its hard for him to sleep at night so going off that I feel like if you stayed up late into the night he would try and convince you to lay with him as an attempt to get the both of you to sleep at night
if that doesn’t work then you two are nap buddies for during the day because you’re gonna crash at some point and he wants cuddles
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romiantic · 3 years
𝐚𝐨𝐭 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐬/𝐨
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this includes eren, levi, armin, connie, and jean
reading: black!fem!reader
genre: fluff
a/n: decided to bring this back while I’m redoing my page so don’t mind
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━ 𝗘𝗿𝗲𝗻 𝗝𝗮𝗲𝗴𝗮𝗿
Y’all would definitely a power couple, the ones that rule the internet
You know those cute ones you find on Pinterest? That would be y’all, definitely De’arra and Ken vibes
Eren would be such a teaser, he would tease you like all the time, and definitely a tickler no matter how many times you tell him to stop
Every time you feel insecure about trying new colors or different hair styles, he’s gonna always convince you to do it
You would literally debate on big chopping your hair and he’ll convince you to go for it cause why? You’ll look beautiful no matter what
I feel his favorite old movie would be boyz in the hood
Randomly, he would scream that “RICKY!!” line like all the time
Eren would definitely let you braid his hair or let you try cute styles you find
Oh and you would do the style on yourself just to match and take pics, POWER COUPLE TINGZ 🥰
Eren would not take wash day seriously for his life 😭 mf would add either too much or too little of deep shampoo or keep splashing water around the shower, meanwhile you’re trying to deep condition your hair
Don’t worry, he’ll apologize after you beat his ass (you barely won though)
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━ 𝗟𝗲𝘃𝗶 𝗔𝗰𝗸𝗲𝗿𝗺𝗮𝗻
Y’all would definitely be one of those rich couples
You know those rich aunties that are living their best life in bora bora while sipping mimosa? That’s y’all
You and Levi would live in like a mid-size mansion or a beautiful penthouse that has a nice view
Y’all bed is nothing but fine black or royal blue silk
All you two both know is Chanel, Dolce and Gabana, Prada, Givenchy, Armani, the list goes on
You two don’t know the broke life, y’all wouldn’t even dare to touch or enter the Gucci store
Only the fanciest restaurants for the fanciest couples
Wash days would turn into a bubble bath with you laying on Levi’s chest and him washing your hair for you while you’re sipping wine and ranting on about anything
I KNOW Levi be giving some bomb ass scalp massages, feel like his fingers were sent from Heaven
Now when it comes to actually getting your hair done, he’s running background checks and doing the utmost to make sure your hair tech isn’t a scam
Let someone talk about his beautiful wife, him AND your security guards are beating their ass
Now if y’all had a kid, WHEW CHILE 🚶🏾‍♀️
I feel like the world would try levi and give him a bad ass baybay kid (hopefully y’all know what I’m talking about 😭) or a prissy kid with his attitude
Either way, the kid is getting their ass whooped from either you or him
Now don’t get me wrong, he would be very overprotective of his kid and only accept THE FINEST for his kid
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━ 𝗔𝗿𝗺𝗶𝗻 𝗔𝗿𝗹𝗲𝗿𝘁
You two would be those cute aesthetic couples, more so on the soft boy/indie vibes
You guys would have picnics dates like allll the time, of course, you don’t mind since this gives the chance to appreciate and learn more about one another
Everyday Armin would give you a fun fact he learned about us black folks, sometimes the fact would even shock you
Armin would definitely be a fan of the Black Panther Party
Wash days would just be him helping you and soft music playing in the background
Armin would take the time to do deep research about our culture
Your family would love him so much, he would always get snatched up by either your baby cousins or aunties every time you bring him to the cookout
Every time you get your hair or nails done, he’s always there next to you, chatting up a storm
The girlies in the salon shoot a glare cause of course they’re mad they didn’t bag a loving boyfriend like Armin
If he’s not there, he’s FaceTiming you or asking for pics in the end
Sometimes he’ll go above and beyond and wear outfits to match your new do and take pics
Every time you’ll feel down or not yourself, he would buy you small gifts like flowers or your favorite food to make it better
If that doesn’t work, he’ll let you sit or lay on his lap and listen to you rant, even if it’s about the most trivial thing
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━ 𝗖𝗼𝗻𝗻𝗶𝗲 𝗦𝗽𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗲𝗿
You two would be those goofy couples that roast each other all the time
You would say a minor thing like his shirt is inside out and he’ll joke about something about you, now y’all going back and forth till one of y’all almost die from laughing
You ever wonder why your bonnets go missing? It’s because of your boyfriend
The mf would walk around the house wearing it likes it’s nothing and misplace it
Until one day you catch him wearing it
You: Connie why are you wearing my bonnet?
Connie: They’re cute and I think I look good with them *insert lightskin face*
You: Boy give me my shit back, no wonder I keep losing them
Your biggest hype man EVER no matter what
You could just be washing the dishes in an oversized t-shirt, shorts, and a bonnet and he’ll hype you up
He just loves seeing your beautiful face 🥰
Now when you get your hair and nails done, he’s definitely showing you off, especially on Instagram
He’s taking multiple pics and multiple stories like a photographer and you’re out here feeling good about yourself
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━ 𝗝𝗲𝗮𝗻 𝗞𝗶𝗿𝘀𝗰𝗵𝘁𝗲𝗶𝗻
Y’all would a chill couple, those couples that just mind their business and love each other
Every once in a while you guys would update social media, barely though
You two definitely do y’all skincare routine together and take cute pictures
Super indecisive whenever you ask him what color or hairstyle you should try next
At first, he would be nervous to ask you to help wash your hair but washed over it and decided to ask you, of course, you said yes
Just like Levi, Jean definitely gives one of the best scalp massages EVER
Except his massages would send you to sleep and you’re just laying on his chest, lightly snoring, while his fingers work magic
I feel like he would talk about having a kid of his own a lot. He would be so happy to have a mini mixed him running around (not to the point where he’s fetishizing though)
Dates with him would mostly consist of something chill like visiting an aquarium or staying home and watching movies
Jean would definitely have thousands upon thousands of questions if you were to show him a black movie though (especially a tyler perry one)
At this point, you would have to tell him to write his questions down so he wouldn’t interrupt
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shoutout to anon cause this was my first ever request
decided to bring it back while I’m redoing my page
not to brag but it was my second biggest post also
bye babes, drink your water, stay hydrated, and remember that you are the baddest bitch on the planet 🥰 no matter what ANYONE says
𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐰 𝟓:𝟔 💗
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© 𝟤𝟢𝟤𝟣 𝗂𝗓𝗎𝗄𝗎𝗌𝖽𝖾𝗄𝗎. 𝖺𝗅𝗅 𝗋𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍𝗌 𝗋𝖾𝗌𝖾𝗋𝗏𝖾𝖽
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lordacex · 3 years
The greedy demon and a Chihuahua
Part 3 Bonus part : Jealousy
Character : Mammon // few of his brother // Simeon // luke
There are so many English mistake and ooc here 😍
Mams is currently standing in front of the place he call home and the place that trap him sometime
He took a deep long breath so he can be ready to whatever waiting for him on the the other side of the door. He slowly enter the house and it seem a bit silent probably because everyone is busy doing their own work at least that what he hope. He not really in the mood to see his brother rn
But after stepping in his 3 precious younger brother Beel asmo and Satan saw him they were in the living room pretty weird that they are together at time like this but mams decide to ignore it. Satan was the first to saw open his mouth...
"Oh...didn't expect you to go home early today" [Satan]
"yeaa...something come up and I decide to go home early today" [mams]
"What wrong did bad stuff happen..?" [Beel]
"he probably lost all his money while gambling again" [asmo]
"Yea I can see that happening Mammon is the only dumbass that would waste all his money in a second after all" [Satan]
Welp there they go again- didn't even wait for their older brother to say anything
Mams just sigh he a bit too tired to deal with this rn so he just turn around and left but accidentally dropping something form his pocket
. .The picture he took with Luke at the arcade
Beel saw the pic and pick it up to give to mammon back but for some reason he can't help but stare at the pic for a bit
"You..go to the arcade with Luke?" Beel Know where they took this pic cause he went there with Levi and belp once...
"Yea kinda found him on my way out and decide to take him there" Mams took the pic form beel and ready to leave he really wants to just take a shower and sleep right now
"Is that why you home early today? You were hanging out with the Chihuahua?" [Satan]
"Yea something like that..." Mams didn't realize the sudden change in the mood in the living room a few seconds ago they were having fun but rn they look a bit serious. It concern Mams
"If ya guys don't have anything else to say I'mma just leave" mams just rush out of the living room because it was getting hella awkward
Finally time for him to get some rest.
"..." [Beel]
"What wrong beel?" [Asmo]
"I don't know..something about Mammon hanging out with Luke kinda.. bothering me"
"You saying you are... Jealous??" [Asmo]
"Yea maybe I don't really know" [Beel]
"how about you Satan? You been spacing out since you saw the pic did you got jealous too??" [Asmo]
"Why would I got jealous over small dumb stuff"
Satan seem to try so hard to hide the fact he a bit jealous I mean who won't feel jealous when you see your own brother hanging out with someone you know without you???
It was a silent moment for a bit till they hear a "What going here??" Form the shut in otaku aka Leviathan
"Ah is nothing Our little brother are just a bit jealous over something" [Asmo]
"Jealous? Over what???" [Levi]
"Mams when out to the arcade with Luke that all" [Satan]
Levi don't really need to say anything everyone can feel his envy aura It seem that even Levi got jealous over this type of stuff
Well-....is not a surprise for the avatar of envy to feel jealousy but to think even the avatar of sloth Belphie who have been quitely listen to their coversation for the past few minutes seem to be very uncomfortable knowing his brother is hanging out with some random angel.
For now on they all just decide to awkwardly go back to their room and think about this situation
The next day didn't went well the mood on the dinning table wasn't very good and some of the youngest brother is starting right into Mams soul. It was very awkward and non of them say anything about it Lucifer was confused with all this.
Time skip and they are at school Finally Mams got to escape form the awkward weird situation..
He hope this day won't be anymore worse until he hear a footsteps running toward him
Mams turn around after hearing a smoll cute voice calling his name and he saw Luke with a...lunch box??
"Oh hey Luke what up?" [Mams]
"well Uh- uh I uh this..I made it to thank you for y-yesterday you know-" Luke gave Mams the lunch box
Mams open the lunch box and there a cute cookies in it "Woah ya made this? It look so cute and good" [Mams]
"Y-yea I did it it..for you...if it wasn't for you I wouldn't even know how to talk to Simeon agaian..." [Luke]
"Aww Luke ya don't have to do that But thank I guess I eat it later" Mams Pat Luke head
Mams feel like today just went a bit better
"Y-you better do and a-after that you need to give me a comment about how it taste! And don't give it to anyone You must be the person that ate it Aight!" [Luke]
"aight then should we just have lunch together?" [Mams]
"eh- uh Well i-i don't mind but-" [Luke]
"Ok then it settle" [Mams] :)
Mams give Luke another head pat and both of them was having a nice coversation without realizing the other are looking at them...
"Did the Chihuahua just call mammon Mams??" [Asmo]
"They seem so close and mams keep patting his head.." [Beel]
"Since when do they got this close???" [Levi]
"Probably since yesterday..Idk what to feel about this but I guess is good that Luke have a friend now" [Simeon]
"I kinda don't like this..." [Belp]
"..." everyone was a bit unhappy with this new situation while Satan and Levi just stay silent and watch those two chatting
Mams seem happy so it shouldn't be a problem right? It not like he would replace them with Luke?? Right??? Right..?
The bonus part end here lmao
My hand hurt and I'm leaving you guys with this ending
Mams and Luke have start they good bestfriend siblings relationship
Simeon feeling concern and a bit happy cuz Luke made a friend
Mammon precious little brother being jealous
Lucifer being confused because he have no idea wtf happen
Sorry this is bad *cry*
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minteyeddevil · 3 years
Toni I am such a sucker for silly shoujo manga tropes. Today I had the idea of the traditional shoujo manga trope "the MC usually dresses super casually and doesn't take much care of their appearance and one day they have to get dressed up and OH NO THEY'RE HELLA HOT" (pre-relationship) for the obey me bros + dateables (or just Diavolo if you don't have time/desire, he's my fave!)
Btw every time you post a picture of Nito I have this intense urge to ruffle their hair.
Hope you're doing fantastic~
🌸 anon
(*screams in no fashion sense* I tried really hard on picking nice formal wear for the MC ;v; though I am annoyed, it wouldn't let me post a pic for Solomon, so I will describe what the clothing looks like for his! And please feel free to ruffle Nito's hair as much as you like lolol xD)
Note on the clothing: They are meant to be androgynous/non binary, despite how they are presented. I fully believe clothing is literally just that; fabric that covers your body!
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Considering he always would see MC just in their casual wear or in their RAD uniform, he didn't expect them to dress up too much for the outing he had planned with his brothers
They were going to Ristorante Six, a place that usually one would dress rather formally, but he didn't make it a point to emphasize that fact
Though when he saw them, he did a physical double check, his eyes genuinely widening a bit when he took them in
Their hair was fixed nicely instead of the usual bed head they would keep, clothes no where near what he was used to
And they looked absolutely stunning
His mouth went dry when they walked up to him and asked how they looked; he fought within himself to shower them with compliments and gave a small, "You look nice, MC."
You look nice? That's all? For the Avatar of Pride to have words fail him as such was quite a blow to his ego; but he made it a point to show MC his full attention for the rest of the night
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He tapped his foot in exasperation, looking at his wrist watch a few times before giving an annoyed sigh
What's was taking MC so long? They were going to be late to the get together with his friends at the Fall!
He wasn't used to them caring so much about how they looked; they would usually just throw on a hoodie and jeans, ready to go right away
That's pretty much what he was expecting; maybe they were just talking their time picking out a fancy hoodie they had or something, he figured on a shrug
But when the finally announced they were ready and stepped out of their room, his jaw dropped at the sight of them
Their golden clothes sparkled as they walked towards him, a smile gracing their features as they looked so neat and proper; they claimed they wanted to look good for his friends and not embarrass him with their usual baggy clothes
He had to stifle a growl as he gripped their hand tightly, walking with their arms linked, his hold almost possessive now
"With how you look, I'll have to keep my friends off ya with a stick. Better stay by my side so, ya know, no one messes with ya."
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He was bouncing around with excitement about the meet-up with his idol taking place today!
It was a semi-formal event, everyone required to dress up nicely in order to meet her, so he put on a decent suit, black and purple his colors
He had invited MC to join him, and told them they needed to dress nicely so they wouldn't embarrass him in front of his idol
They always dressed down so much and wore such baggy clothes, he was worried they would come off offensive
With a huff and roll of their eyes, MC went to their room to get dressed, and came back in a stunning number that made Levi freeze in his spot
Their style was on par with his idol, if not far more enticing, and he bit his tongue as a flush spread in his cheeks
They smirked seeing the look on his face, asking if what they were wearing was nice enough to impress his idol or not
He stuttered out an apology for his previous statement, and said they actually looked way better than his idol; though that part was more in a whisper than outloud
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As MC's tutor, he had promised to take them out to a nice dinner if they managed to ace their test that they had been studying over for weeks
When they proudly showed him their test with an A+ on it, he simply chuckled and told them to try and dress nicely, since he was taking them to Ristorante Six
He figured they would wear a baggy shirt and jeans, something he knew they always believed to be 'formal' considering their casual nature
But instead they showed up in a wonderful ensemble, and he had to blink a few times to register that he was looking at the usually casual MC
He found himself glancing and staring at them a lot through out the night, even becoming tongue-tied when he tried to speak to them like he normally would
He felt the flush rise in his cheeks when they would smile and laugh with him
Oh no, oh no, oh no, he was falling so hard
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He invited MC to a photoshoot he was doing for Majolish, taking the excuse as a way to try and get them to dress up a bit
He would tease them (lovingly) about the clothing they wore, always baggy and messy; something they would call 'comfortable' despite the slight eye roll he would give when they laughed
He was getting his make up done when MC stepped out of the dressing room, and he gasped loudly, taking them in
They looked absolutely amazing, so stylish and fashionable, as if they had just walked off the cover a magazine
He begged them to let him take pictures of them in their ensemble, and made sure to get copies of the pictures from the shoot to take home with him
Once he saw MC in something so amazing, he was determined to get them to wear clothing like that more often
(And also as an excuse for them to spend far more time with him at that)
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Beel really isn't one for formal dress either, used to wearing his tank tops and gym shorts often aside from his casual wear
When Lucifer announced they would be having dinner at Diavolo's castle, he knew he would have to dress up and was informed to let MC know they needed to dress up as well
He felt confined in the suit Asmo had picked out for him as he sat on MC's bed waiting for them to come out of their bathroom, constantly adjust the sleeves
But his attention drifted from his uncomfiness to staring slack-jawed at MC
The clothing they wore complimented them so well, and he found himself staring do much that MC asked if everything was okay
Ever the blunt demon, he said they looked absolutely amazing, and that they should dress up more often, making them fluster at his words
He smiled warmly and took their hand, holding it tightly as they walked up to meet with his brothers to head to the castle
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A formal celebration was being held at RAD, and Belphie begrudgingly dressed up in a blue and grey suit, shifting the collar uncomfortably as he waited outside MC's door
He was curious to see what they would pick to wear, snickering to himself that they would probably get a lecture from Lucifer for dressing down too much
So when they stepped out of their room, he was ready to start teasing them relentlessly, only for the words to die on his tongue
The ensemble they wore was nice and stylish, matching their aesthetic to a T; he found himself only able to mumble out a simple "ugh" as he stared at them
They smirked this time, and flicked his forehead to snap him out of his daze, asking him if the cat got his tongue
His own smirk returned and he called them a giant dork for actually dressing nice; though his hand stayed gripping theirs through the rest of the night
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He had invited the demon brothers and MC, plus the other transfer students to a ballroom dance at the castle
Of course he informed everyone to dress up for the event, though he found himself wondering what MC would wear
He was used to seeing them in their uniform more than anything, the jacket always unbuttoned and tie done up loosely; he was curious if they would look just disheveled as they did at school
When they walked in behind the brothers, however, he stopped in his tracks and stared at them
They looked elegant, carrying themselves highly and proudly instead of their usual laid back attitude; he couldn't help but find this side of them extremely attractive...
When they finally came up to say 'hello' to him, he refused to let them leave his side, hogging their dances and showering then with compliments the entire time
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Lord Diavolo had invited the brothers and MC to have dinner at Ristorante Six, a celebration for a successful festival at RAD
Ever the loyal butler, he informed them all to dress formally per Diavolo's request, a teasing emphasis at MC who always dressed down for everything
They huffed at him as he chuckled a bit, but nevertheless agreed to wear something 'nice'
When the night came for them to meet at the restaurant, Barbatos and Diavolo had arrived before everyone, reserving the space for them all the sit
They openly greet d them all when they showed up, though Barbatos found his stunned by how MC looked
He had to admit they had quite the charm to them with how they dressed, and something about their smile at him made his heart do backflips for some reason
He found himself taking glance after glance at them through out the night, though when their eyes locked with his, he almost fainted
Oh what had he gotten himself into...
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The students of Purgatory Hall were going out for dinner together, and Simeon found it would be nice to invite MC, since they all were becoming fast friends
They asked if they needed to dress up, and he of course said it was up to them, since he was used to them dressing casually and relaxed
He didn't want to make them feel obligated or anything; their company was more than enough
Though when they showed up to join them, he had to look away for a moment, a hand pressed to his mouth as he willed the flush away from his cheeks
They were stunning in their ensemble, looking so different than what he was used to that he had to keep his eyes from them until he could get his heart to calm down
When they asked if he was alright, he mumbled out an 'I'm fine', trying to make himself get involved in the conversation and distract himself from day dreaming about them
(Tumblr wouldn't let me include a picture for him which annoys me! But it was a red button up shirt with black slacks and black suspenders, leader boots and a wide brimmed black hat.)
He and Asmo had made plans to get dressed up and go to the Fall, inviting MC along since they hadn't been out much
He teased them relentlessly about actually dressing up for the outing, instead of hiding in their hoodie like they always were
They simply sassed him back, saying they would knock his socks off and he just rolled his eyes, "Yeah, sure, MC."
Though when the time came for them to head out, he was waiting with Asmo in the foyer, and a whistle left him when he saw MC walking towards them
Their stride was confident and a smirk on their face as they walked up, hands on their hips as they stood in front of the two of them
"Like what you see?" they teased, and Solomon's usual smirk crept back on his lips as he took their hand
"I kinda do. Might have to keep you to myself while we're there," he whispered to them, making Asmo giggle at the sight
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m-jelly · 2 years
For the Easter event, how about Levi introducing you to his mom and kenny during a family gathering? Your work is amazing 😻
Thank you <3
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The Ackermans
Pairing: Levi x Reader
Genre and tags: Romance, modern AU, cute, fluff, Kuchel and Kenny, flustered Levi.
Concept: Levi takes you over to his mother's house for Easter to introduce you both and his uncle. You are very nervous because you want Kuchel to like you because of how much she means to Levi. You bring over baked goods hoping you'll be accepted. When you arrive, you are blown away by how much Kuchel takes to you and loves you. Kuchel showers you in love and keeps you close to her.
You got out of Levi's car and felt your heart race in your chest as you stared at Kuchel's house. You gulped hard and looked over at Levi as he held flowers. "Levi?"
Levi put his arm around you and kissed the top of your head. "My mum will adore you."
You whined a little and hugged your chocolate Easter cake close. "You sure? I mean, I might put her off a bit."
"You won't." He led you to the house and pressed the bell. "She'll probably love you too much. I'm going to have to fight her for you."
You giggled. "Levi."
Kuchel opened her front door and gasped. "Levi!"
Levi smiled. "Hey, mum." He put his arm around you and rubbed your back. "This is my girlfriend." He said your name and smiled. "She's the love of my life."
You smiled and handed over the cake. "I umm baked you a cake. Happy Easter."
Kuchel took the cake and gazed at it. "Look at this. This is precious. Thank you!" She stepped back. "Come on in." She hurried into the kitchen, then ran back out and tackled you into a hug. "Oh, you are so cute!" She held you close and petted your head. "So very precious."
Levi pouted. "Mum, that's my girlfriend."
Kuchel squeezed you. "Mine."
You giggled. "You two are just like each other. Levi says mine all the time."
Kuchel hummed a laugh. "He's a cute thing, isn't he? He has the most precious chubby cheeks."
"He does."
Levi groaned. "I'm going to make a pot of tea. Mum, try not to steal my girlfriend."
Kuchel watched Levi leave, then looked at you in her arms. "Wanna see his baby pics?"
You nodded. "I really do."
She let you go and grabbed your hand, then pulled you along to the living room. She grabbed a photo album off the shelf and sat down with you. "Look at how cute he was as a baby."
You gasped at a picture of Levi being held by Kuchel. "Oh, he's so precious."
She turned the page to baby Levi in a bath. "Look at his cute bum!"
You laughed. "So chunky."
"I fed him well." She turned the page to toddler Levi sitting in the garden pouting hard. "He's always been a bit grumpy."
You giggled. "Cute."
Kuchel showed you more baby pics and reached Levi's first day at school picture. "Look at his little outfit. He looks so ready."
You laughed and admired Levi standing there with a proud look in his eyes as he held his bag straps. "He's so adorable. It must have been hard to let him go to school."
"It was. I just wanted to keep him home with me." She showed you more, then reached teenager Levi. "Look how handsome he is."
You hummed a laugh. "I would have had a crush on him in school."
She bumped against you. "He's a little stud."
You giggled. "He is."
She kept turning pages to Levi at 18. "Look at him! He's so handsome."
You blushed. "Wow, I would have loved him in university, but I would have no shot."
Levi put the tea and sliced cake down. "Tch, shut up brat. You would have every chance with me."
You looked up at Levi. "You were a stud and still are. You'd be so popular at school."
Kuchel hummed. "He was."
Levi sat with a blush on his cheeks. "Tch, well brat, I would have still wanted you and chased you."
"Oh, he's so charming." She giggled and grabbed her slice of cake and ate. "Damn girl! You are so good at baking."
You blushed. "Thank you."
Levi winked at you. "Told you she'd love it."
Kenny threw the front door open and stormed inside. "Kuchel! I saw the little shit's car outside." He stopped and smirked. "There ya are, you runt."
Kuchel pouted. "Don't call my son that! He's precious and handsome."
Kenny grumbled. "Lies."
Levi glared at his uncle. "Eat shit Kenny."
"That's not nice. Talking to your lovely uncle like that!" He flopped onto the sofa next to Levi. "Breaking my heart, kid."
Levi shifted away. "You stink of cigarettes."
Kuchel leaned over. "Sorry for these two. They love each other, but they butt heads often." She sat up. "Kenny! Levi! Enough. We have to set a good example."
Kenny eyed you. "Who's the hot brawd?"
Levi punched Kenny in his ribs making Kenny yelp. "That's my girlfriend. Be fucking respectful."
Kenny rubbed his side. "I'm always respectful, you little shit."
Kuchel pouted. "Stop it!" She blushed and laughed nervously as she turned to you and said your name. "I am so sorry."
You smiled softly. "It's alright. I'm having a wonderful time."
Kuchel welled up. "You're so cute." She hugged you tightly. "Stay for the night, please."
Kenny snorted. "The kid would hate that. I can imagine the short-arse is a horny fucker."
Kuchel kissed your cheek. "Excuse me a moment."
You nodded. "Sure."
She got up and walked over to her brother, then smacked him upside the head. "Pack it in!"
Kenny winced. "Sorry, sorry." She turned to you and smiled. "You'll stay for dinner and the night, right?"
You nodded. "I'd love to. Is that okay Levi?"
Levi smiled a little and loved that you and his mother were clicking. "Yes. It's perfect."
You got up and grabbed the tea things. "I'll clean this up."
Levi followed you into the kitchen and helped. "I'm so glad that you feel comfortable with my mum."
You turned and kissed Levi. "She's so wonderful. I love your mother and I want to take her out on a lunch date soon."
Levi pulled you against him. "I might be jealous of that."
You giggled. "You know I love you deeply. You're always the love of my life and my number one."
Levi kissed you over and over. He moaned in delight and pulled back a bit with a long sigh. "I love you so much."
"Love you too." You lightly pecked Levi on the lips and smiled at Kuchel watching. "Kuchel? Would you like to go on a lunch date with me soon?"
Kuchel gasped. "YES!"
You hummed a laugh. "We'll get that booked."
"I can't wait!"
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colossal-fallout · 3 years
Cock Canons
Reiner - Porco - Bertolt - Levi - Hange
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This is NSFW. You MUST be over 18 to be on this blog.
Graphic descriptions of characters cocks and prefered strap ons. Pics are included (Pictures are as close to what I imagine as possible)
- Feel free to request more characters for the cock Canons -
Reiner Braun 💥
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Reiner has a monster cock. It's at least 9" and its girthy too. It slightly curves at the top, rendering it impossible to not have an orgasm while he's inside of you, as his fat head prods at your G-Spot over and over.
Reiner's cock has that clean salty taste. He showers often with all of the training he does so it's never unpleasant to have in your mouth.
When it's errect the veins are pretty protruding; having to keep such a large muscle supplied with plenty of blood as he fucks you into the other world.
His balls a large but not overly so. The skin around them is pretty tight and he likes to shave them because he doesn't like the feeling of being over-grown. And he loves it when you sensually suck on them.
[ This ] is the closest pic I could find of what Reiner's cock would look like. It would be a slighter darker shade but the heads shade of pink is pretty spot on.
His pre cum is super sweet, like corn syrup or something delightful.
His cum is more salty but still not bad. It's extremely thick and ropey. This cock, with all of his testosterone, breeding kinks and his natural pheromones, is just designed to impregnate.
Porco Galliard 🥵
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Porco's precious penis is shorter than Reiner's but just as - if not more - girthy.
It's more rounded at the top and oh so deliciously fat. Like his neck.
Porco also showers as often as he can, as he's always pushing himself during training so his dick is usually nice and clean.
It's still a fucking weapon so his also has a strong appearance of veins as it requires a lot of blood flow.
Porco has a hard time dealing with intense feelings of lust, often losing control and letting himself getting too fired up, so you'd better make sure the safety is on for this gun, pal.
The closest pic to Porco's junk is [ this ]. But longer and more girthy. His balls are also larger than that.
Porco Galliard is an absolute animal in bed once he's within his comfort zone with you, and this dick can deal a lot of damage.
His cum is sweeter than Reiner's but is just as thick.
Bertoldt Hover 🌭
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Bertoldt's banging baton his like him; long, slender and timid. But awaken it and... My god you'll be sorry. Once this man gets fired up and slips into the mists of madness, there's is no stopping him.
Bertoldt's cock loves attention; start stroking it or touching it in any way, it won't be long until every shy fiber in this boys being turns to cinders and ashes.
There's a few pictures I found that's pretty accurate. Let me know which one you like the best for this beast boy.
[ here ] , [ here ] and [ here ] .
Bert's cum tastes the best out of anyone in this list. It's almost like salt water taffy or sweet and salted popcorn.
His balls are tight, slightly smaller than his fellow warriors but that really doesn't mean a thing. He will still absolutely ruin you with ease. Once he sees the red curtain he's sure to perform well.
His cock is the twitchiest of the bunch. When it's errect it can not stop still, almost like it's trying to hurl itself into your hand or any part of you, really.
Levi Ackerman
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Oh boy.
O---h boy.
Levi Ackerman is one with his cock. It's like it has its own consciousness and they meld into one. He knows just how to use it, what to do next to push you to the next level of ecstasy.
Levi's dick is big and thick. Deliciously thick. He's definitely packing down there. It's got a nice shape to it to, and the closest pic i could find to do it any justice is [ this one here ] (except bigger)
If he's not on an expedition, Levi's hygiene practices are second to none. It's always a pleasure to have him in your mouth.
His jet black pubic hairs are trimmed nice and neatly into a cosy little landing strip, beckoning you to descend onto the rolled out welcome mat.
Levi is short because of his malnutrition as a child. But that did not effect the growth of his manhood. It's a nice clue to how well built he would have been, had circumstances been different.
He can go again and again and again with short intervals. He truly is one of the king's of sex in this universe.
Hange Zoë
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Hange has a wide range of strap ons and dildos she likes to use on her partner's whether she's being Dom or Sub.
When she's feeling particularly dominating she likes to unleash [ this ] onto your poor, unsuspecting booty.
It vibrates and her womanhood is very sensitive, so when she's unleashing this on you, she's pretty much constantly cuming.
It helps that she has the sight of you being absolutely destroyed by her device .
Hange is loud during sex so with her repeating orgasms, you'd better prepare yourself for Levi to complain about the noise when she's using it.
She's a squirter so sex gets very fuckin messy when she's using this.
She has a name for it too; "Titania"
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