ievaxol · 10 months
your “let's fall in love for the night” fic is so absolutely lovely and has lived rent free in my mind since i read it 😭😭!!!! do you plan on updating it anytime soon??? the last chapter has my heart like 🎢🎢🎢🎢
hey. hey anon. hey. psst.
i've been having such a stressful week but this ask made me go back and re-read the three chapters of LFILFTN (wow thats a mouthful) that i've already published. i havent been able to do it for months and months bc ive been feeling such crushing shame! its been almost a year!
but i did! i re-read! and then i dug up the .scriv file! and i remembered how much i loved working on it and where i was going with it and hey i'm getting rambly here but look what you've influenced <3
sneakpeek of chapter 4 WIP below
"Reidun wakes into darkness.
She’s alone.
The curtains are drawn and a glass of water waits patiently at her bedside. A lump of guilt settles in her throat when she sees it; she wonders how long it took before Urianger could bring himself to enter with it. If he sneered at her sleeping form as she deserved, or if his eyes were soft and his brow creased with unwarranted concern.
Her memories of the evening are fleeting and murky, as though she’s trying to get a clear look at the bottom of an ocean.
When she sits and swings her legs over the edge of the bed white petals rain through the air. The way they drift down to the floor reminds her of falling ashes and that’s what makes the tears begin anew."
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localcultivator · 4 years
Let's Fall In Love For The Night: 6 months later.
Well here it is. I'm sorry for how short it is, but I wanted to give you guys an ending more than I didn't want to write it, so I hope you enjoy. I won't be tagging anyone in this, sorry.
It was rough after Adrien for Marinette. While she was incredibly in love with Damian, both had agreed to not come out publicly with their relationship, especially with the quickly forming backlash against Adrien and his new fiance. Or I guess, Ex-Fiance. 
    The girl, Lila, had been exposed very quickly after their engagement as a liar and a con artist. Men came out in droves to talk about how she had swindled them out of thousands of euros, and even in one case, almost a million. The Board of Directors refused to allow Adrien to run Gabriel if he were to marry Lila, and that combined with all of her lies becoming public made it very easy for Adrien to decide to break off the engagement. The media viciously tore him apart for breaking the heart of their favourite local designer and Adrien hadn’t been seen in Paris for weeks afterward. 
    Damian and Marinette publicly announced their relationship recently and the media couldn’t get enough. A gorgeous couple visually, they were starting to become well known in Paris and Gotham for their charity work and just how incredibly kind they were. Damian had opened a pet shelter in the heart of Paris, near Marinette’s fashion house and Marinette had started working with Orphanages in the Gotham area. 
    No two people could be more in love with each other. 
    Marinette was slowly awoken by the sunlight streaming in through the window. She sighed, her arm over her eyes as she tried to catch a few more minutes of sleep. The body next to hers rolled over, now facing her with a smile on his face. 
“Morning my love” 
“Good morning Dami” 
As they watched the sun come up in each other's arms, Marinette knew that she wanted to spend the rest of her life with him. 
She had definitely fallen in love for more than a night, and she was never letting go.
The End.
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warpedharpy · 4 years
Let's Fall in Love for the Night - Literati
I made a little something. It’s my first edit ever so please be kind. I have had this in mind for quite a while and I finally decided to just go for it.
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thesingalongsong · 5 years
“Let's fall in love for the night
And forget in the morning
Play me a song that you like
You can bet I'll know every line,”
9 notes · View notes
kyufilms · 2 years
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ㅤㅤ⌗ kanemoto yoshinori ―︎ over & over
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synopsis ―︎ in which you’ll always be able to count on the fact that you can find comfort in your best friend, over and over again.
wc + genre + pairing + warnings ―︎ 4.5k words worth of angst and fluff for a bittersweet, one-sided love. best friend!yoshi x gn!reader. not proofread. lowercase intended. i think i was a little too mean o.o (i won’t say the exact trope, but if you want to, you could check the tags for some clarification at the end!! idk how well i actually executed the intended concept, so i thought i’d throw the explanation in just incase).
request ―︎ jules 🥺 i love your work 💙 could i please request an angst imagine for yoshi from treasure? maybe with the concept of best friend!yoshi too?
director’s notes ―︎ AHHHHH!!! i’ve had this idea in my mind for months & even talked about the concept with loki a little while back, so i was really excited to be writing this even though it makes me sad </3 it turned into more of a fic than an imagine lmao. the whole idea is heavily inspired by the song ‘let’s fall in love for the night’ by finneas, but i specifically got inspired after listening to this cover by junny :] there may or may not be a few elements of the fic inspired by ‘best friend’ by rex orange county as well, since i had that & junny’s lfilftn cover looped back to back as i wrote. also! yoshi was almost in reader’s situation, but i actually couldn’t decide whether i wanted yoshi to be person a or person b in terms of the plot, so i flipped a coin to choose how it would go for me :3 anyways, i’m not sure how happy i am with this, but i hope you like it anyways anon <3 im so sorry
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kanemoto yoshinori couldn’t remember how much time had passed since the first time he told you that he loved you.
maybe it’d been a few weeks. maybe a few months had passed. for all he knew, it could’ve been a little over a year now. maybe two. if he was being honest, he could no longer keep count of the days going by. everything always felt like a blur to him.
if you asked him how long he’d loved you, he’d say he wasn’t sure. falling in love with you was never his plan, but it happened before he even realized it, and when he finally did, he didn’t want to stop. it’s not like he could’ve, anyways. even if he wanted to.
maybe knowing how much time had passed was no longer all that important.
after all, you were his best friend. all that really mattered to him was nothing would change between you two. having you by his side was all the comfort yoshi could ever ask for.
ㅤ ⇌︎
it was 08:31 on a sunday night when notifications illuminated up the once-dark screen of your best friend’s phone, indicating new messages from you. it was almost as if he knew it was you before he even checked the text. it hadn’t even taken thirty seconds for yoshi to come running in from another room when he heard the soft ping of his phone.
08:31 pm | y/n 🌱
they broke up with me.
we got into another fight because they kept telling me to stop hanging around you
and then they told me that they were done with my bullshit because they were tired of me putting you before them
they said that they finally found somebody else
and then they broke up with me.
the second he read the messages, it was as if he was on autopilot, bumbling around the living room in search of his wallet & keys. he found himself forcing on his shoes and grabbing one of his hoodies from the coat closet. he didn’t even bother pulling it on, opting to clutch it in his hand instead. he was rushing to you, nearly forgetting to lock the door on his way out of his apartment.
you saw the three little dots pop up within two minutes of hitting send on your last message to him, his responses hard to read as the tears in your eyes blurred your vision.
08:32 | yoshinori ☁️
don’t go anywhere
i’ll be there in 25
ㅤ ⇌︎
though yoshi said it’d take twenty-five minutes to get to you, it actually only took fifteen. he may or may not have been going a little bit over the speed limit here and there, and he really shouldn’t have been, but in his eyes, a little bit of trouble was worth it.
you were worth it. always.
you couldn’t remember opening the door to let him in. all you knew was you were sobbing one moment, and the next, he was stepping through the threshold of your front door, pulling you into his arms so you could cry your eyes out as much as you wanted to.
“it’s gonna okay,” he mumbled, rubbing your back as your tears began to form a spot on his shirt. “they’re an idiot. a jealous idiot. fuck what they say; they don’t deserve you, y/n.”
there was a little pang in your chest that hit you as your best friend spoke; you couldn’t even respond. instead, you found yourself hugging yoshi tighter as you tried to bury your head further into his chest, too upset to pull yourself together.
“it’s alright, i’ve got you.”
you’re not quite sure how long you stood there, sobbing in his arms as though you were in hysterics. it could’ve been anywhere from a few more seconds to an entire hour later, but he didn’t mind it at all.
yoshi always knew how to comfort you. he’d never judge you for being frustrated or upset; instead, he’d rather hold your hand and listen to you get everything out of your system. if you didn’t want to talk, that was alright too. he didn’t mind the silence; he just wanted to be there.
he just wanted to make sure you knew you weren’t alone.
“you can let it out, i’m right here. i’m not going anywhere.”
ㅤ ⇌︎
when you had calmed down enough to pull yourself away from your best friend’s grasp, he guided you over to your couch, making sure you were comfortable before he excused himself for a moment.
curiously, you watched as the red-haired boy busied himself, running back and forth down the hall once or twice, even popping into the kitchen. he was back within all of two minutes, a blanket, your favourite stuffed animal, and two spoons to go along with the emergency tub of your favourite ice cream in his arms.
you didn’t remember telling him where everything was, but you figured he must’ve known you too well & it just slipped your mind.
he didn’t say anything as he began putting things onto the coffee table to free up his hands. instead, he simply laid the blanket over you and placed the stuffed animal by your side. the hoodie that he’d brought along with him reappeared as well, resting in your lap a moment after he passed it over.
only then did yoshi reach for the spoons and the ice cream tub, making himself comfortable as he sat opposite of you in order to see your face. he found that you were still watching him curiously, so he finally spoke up.
“did you wanna talk about it? or would you rather we just binge through one of your favourite shows and eat this entire tub?” he asked, holding it up with a small, comforting smile.
only kanemoto yoshinori could make you laugh despite being in tears mere minutes before, even if it was only a soft giggle.
so with that, you tugged on the hoodie that had previously laid in your lap, beckoning the boy across from you to scoot closer so he could share the blanket.
ㅤ ⇌︎
“don’t you have to leave soon?” you asked softly, your head resting upon your best friend’s shoulder.
“no. not if you don’t want me to,” he replied, lightly squeezing you into a side hug as he rubbed your arm comfortingly. “are you feeling any better?”
“if i said yes, would you believe me?” you joked, reaching for his hand. you still felt shitty, but something about yoshi’s presence comforted you. the idea of him simply being there already made you feel a little bit lighter than before.
sometimes, it felt like the red-haired boy next to you was the only person in the world who understood you, but that wasn’t a bad thing. whenever the thought crossed your mind, it made sense to you; he was there for you through thick & thin.
everything was just so easy when it came to him; there was no reason to argue. you had your opinions, he had his, and even despite some of your differences, at the end of the day, you not only felt respected, but you felt seen.
“let’s take a drive,” he changed the topic. “we don’t have to go anywhere in particular. we could just get something to eat and drive around until you feel okay, yeah?”
“i’d like that,” you smiled softly, picking your head up from his shoulder and taking his hand as he pulled you up from the comfort of the couch.
ㅤ ⇌︎
a few hours would pass before you made it back home from the drive, but it’s not like the two of you had much to do anyway.
“thank you for cheering me up,” you spoke up gently, your tone barely audible as you focused your eyes on the last stoplight before the two of you would reach your house.
“it’s nothing,” he shrugged, stealing an unnoticed glance at you as the two of you waited for the light to flicker from red to green.
you were ethereal in his eyes. sure, you weren’t wearing anything fancy, and maybe your eyes were a little red & puffy from crying earlier, but it wouldn’t change his opinion of you. he’d grown to love every little thing about you, even outside of your looks.
he loved that you were the type to stop while you were out & rush over to pet every dog that you could if you were given a chance.
he loved that you were the type to text him the dumbest jokes at three in the morning, just because it made you laugh like a fool and you wanted to share something you thought was funny.
he loved that you would never lie to him, even if you wanted to. you were always honest with him, and though you could sound blunt or sarcastic at times, he appreciated it. frankly, it made him feel like you were comfortable with him.
for every little quirk you had, yoshi had found a reason to love you.
“i just don’t like seeing you sad,” he added onto his previous words, pulling his gaze off you after a moment. he still worried for you, knowing how bad you were probably hurting after everything that happened.
yet, even when you were sad, he couldn’t help but adore you.
ㅤ ⇌︎
“it’s really late. are you sure you don’t wanna just stay over?”
it was 03:52 in the morning, but you couldn’t really understand why he was so insistent on leaving at first. you couldn’t explain why, but you were somewhat sad that he was leaving; it was like a part of you knew something was off, but it didn’t make sense to you.
you’d see him tomorrow, right?
“it’s alright,” he smiled reassuringly as he stood in the doorway, “i have a few things i still need to sort through at home anyways. if you need anything though, you know you can always call me.”
the door to your house was half-closing when you found yourself reaching for the handle and stopping it before it could shut completely. the next thing you knew, you were outside, standing right behind the boy who had frozen in his place.
“hey, is everything alright?” you called after him gently, “i know i probably should’ve asked you sooner, but i just wanted to check. i was a little distracted when you were busy cheering me up earlier, but now that i think about it, you seem a little down.”
if there was one thing in the world you hated, it was liars.
you mentioned it several times before. you would rather be hurt upfront by the people you care about most instead of having them spare you the pain with a teeny little lie. at least then, even if they hurt you, you could convince yourself that you’d learn to cope.
when your best friend turned around to face you, something was off, but you didn’t know what, and unluckily for you, the boy that stood across from you was one hell of an actor at times.
“i’m alright, y/n,” he relaxed a little, giving you another one of his signature reassuring smiles. “really, i was just worried about you.”
if you could curse him and that smile of his, you probably would. you’d never admit it, and you might not even know it yourself, but you had a weak spot when it came to him.
yoshi always knew how to reassure you; it was like a double-edged sword, both a gift and a flaw.
“okay,” you let your hands find their way into the pocket of his hoodie that you had yet to take off. “you’d tell me if something else was bothering you, right? this friendship thing works two ways, you know.”
the sound of his laughter at the words you said had been enough to make you smile subconsciously. maybe you were overthinking things. you had a long day, after all.
“of course i would. you’re my best friend, after all.”
“you promise?” it was as if you were under a spell. you don’t know what prompted you to ask him that question; you didn’t even realize what you’d said until he answered.
“i promise.”
the pressure that built up in your chest had completely vanished by then, and before you knew it, you were smiling like a fool and wrapping your arm around his torso. “alright, i know it’s late and you’re gonna tease me for being sappy, so i won’t keep you here any longer,” you joked, squeezing him lightly before pulling away. “text me when you get home, just so i know, okay?”
“i will.”
“goodnight, i love you,” you grinned, laughing softly as you turned around to walk back to your door.
the random ‘i love you’ that you had thrown in at the end of your sentence was meant to be harmless.
while your best friend wasn’t really one to say it, you, on the other hand, expressed it freely. over the years you’d known him, you figured he was just careful about saying it back, so you didn’t ask questions. it never seemed to do any damage before, and the fact that yoshi never really said it back hadn’t affected you much either.
something about that night was different.
if you had just stayed looking in his direction a few more seconds, maybe you would’ve seen it; the way he froze all over again as if he didn’t see it coming.
unfortunately for you, your timing seemed to be off, and as you turned around once you stepped foot in the doorway, he snapped himself out of whatever trance he was in.
there was a smile on his face, but if you’d seen it, you couldn’t be sure if it was to reassure you or himself. he could mask his mixed emotions all he wanted, but the usual softness of his gaze wouldn’t quite reach his eyes the same way it usually would.
he knew something you didn’t.
“goodnight, y/n. i love you.”
ㅤ ⇌︎
when yoshi woke up in his apartment hours later, a single thought crossed his mind.
maybe this time would be different.
a mix of hopefulness and uneasiness bubbling up inside him left him too nervous to check his phone. he didn’t dare look for the hoodie he left behind with you, nor did he turn on the news or check the calendar to be sure of the day’s date.
he was scared.
while he hoped that things would be different, he was downright terrified of what would happen if his hopes came true.
perhaps he should’ve thrown all caution to the wind.
maybe if he didn’t overthink everything, he’d stop hoping he’d see you sooner & actually do something about it. as luck would have it though, yoshi was careful. perhaps a little too careful.
he’d force himself to wait and see if he was right.
ㅤ ⇌︎
the hours seemed to go by at the slowest rate.
when the red-haired boy finally allowed himself to leave his bedroom, the sun was no longer in the sky. instead, a dark blue hue painted the endless sights above his head, the color continuing to fade away over time.
08:21 pm.
the silence that filled the air only thickened as the minutes seemed to count down, but the thoughts running through yoshi’s mind were too loud to ignore.
what would happen to the two of you afterwards?
would things stay the same?
if something changed, would it be for better or for worse?
the loudest thought of all, however, was the one that had worried him the most.
would he lose you for good if you found out?
08:29 pm.
he didn’t want to risk losing you. he couldn’t.
you were all he’d known and all he ever wanted.
how was he supposed to let you go if things didn’t go right?
08:31 pm.
the familiar chime that indicated notifications brought the boy out of his thoughts before he could think any further, and when he realized what had happened, he froze for a second.
walking out to the living room with a hint of speed in his steps, he slowed as he approached the coffee table where his phone lay. the screen lit up as the notifications rolled in, and at the top of the bubbles, he saw the familiar letters that formed your name.
the feeling or realization that had hit him in the moment was confusing. yoshi wasn’t really sure what he should have felt when everything clicked.
he’d gotten his hopes up only to scare himself into overthinking, but with the way things had turned out, it seemed he shouldn’t have done either.
he was relieved, but he was also disappointed.
regardless, his feet moved on autopilot once more as he picked up his phone to respond to you. he’d found his wallet sandwiched between the couch cushions in it’s usual place, and his keys were on the edge of the kitchen counter.
he wasn’t sure how many times this moment had actually passed, but it was enough to be etched into his memory. he already knew where everything was; he didn’t even have to look up to gather his things.
still, a small part of him wished that the universe was playing tricks, thinking that maybe, just maybe, when he opened the door to the coat closet, there’d be some kind of indication that things had worked out in the way he had hoped.
maybe the world is against me, he decided, feeling that small part of him crumble down into nothing in mere seconds. he knew that he should have expected this to happen by now, but still, he let himself get his hopes up.
pulling out the same hoodie he’d left with you the night before, he clutched onto the fabric in one hand as he opened the text conversation & typed out the same reply.
08:32 | yoshinori ☁️
don’t go anywhere
i’ll be there in 25
ㅤ ⇌︎
“i thought you didn’t even know this artist,” you piped up, “how do you know every line to this song?”
the smallest hint of a smile found itself creeping onto your face as you relaxed into the passenger’s seat of yoshi’s car. it was just past eleven in the evening when he suggested that you take a drive to get your mind off of things.
you, for one, had no clue where you were, not even sure what direction you’d been going in anymore. then again, it made sense; you’d been distracted.
the car ride felt too quiet, but you didn’t really want to talk about things anymore. most of the stuff you needed out of your system had already been covered when you talked earlier. so, instead of making conversation, you reached for your phone, scrolling through your music app as the bluetooth connected you to the speakers.
“i guess i must’ve heard it somewhere,” the boy across from you spoke softly, a small smile on his face as he hummed along to the fading outro of the song.
you shook your head in disbelief, even letting out a small laugh as you let your gaze shift back to the window. “you’re just full of surprises, aren’t you?”
“maybe you’re just a little late when it comes to noticing things,” he teased lightheartedly, ignoring the bittersweet twinge he felt in his chest.
he was glad to see you feeling better, but the fact that he was the reason behind it only amplified the fluttery feeling in his chest.
ㅤ ⇌︎
you let out a sigh as you fell back onto your couch when the two of you had returned from the late-night drive. “do you think i should just call in sick for work?”
you both knew exactly why you asked that question. it made sense, considering the fact that your now-ex worked in the same place as you. you’d much rather lock yourself in your room and never come out, not even wanting to think about what your ex might say about it.
unluckily for you, work was work, and you couldn’t just hide away forever, even if yoshi couldn’t help but tell you what you wanted to hear. he always caved when it came to you.
“if you want to,” he shrugged, “it’s late, and you have an early shift, but if you ask me, you deserve the break.”
“i like the way you think,” you teased, a smile tugging at your lips as you gave him a look. “what time is it?”
“time for you to get some rest,” he responded, laughing a little bit when you scrunched your face up at his light sarcasm. “it’s a little over half-past three in the morning. almost four.”
“we were out that long?” your eyes widened, not realizing how long the two of you had been out on your drive. “it barely felt like an hour to me.”
a nod from your best friend confirmed your surprise as you sat up a little bit, still confused as to how it felt like you had lost so much time. it felt too short.
yoshi would probably agree with you on that.
despite how many times he’d lived through the same scenarios, he couldn’t deny that he wished he could spend more time with you. whenever he was by your side, time seemed to pass even faster than it usually did.
perhaps that’s why he wasn’t sure how much time had passed since then; he could no longer keep track of how many times he’d been stuck reliving that same night over and over.
the night when he told you he loved you for the first time.
ㅤ ⇌︎
“it’s really late. are you sure you don’t wanna just stay over?”
the same words you usually said each time had etched themselves into yoshi’s head, along with a number of other things. he could essentially recite the entire day & night’s events.
it wasn’t always exact. sometimes, little bits and pieces changed. sometimes you didn’t say certain things or make certain decisions, but most of your words and actions stayed the same.
not that you would know that, of course.
yoshi, on the other hand, had relived the day enough to know it was practically pointless doing anything else. there was a time when he would go through the same events, only changing a detail or two to see if it would change anything.
he couldn’t count how many times he’d switched his approach to things anymore. the minor details turned into major details, and if he was asked, he’d probably swear that he was stuck at that point in time forever.
no matter what happened, when 08:31 pm rolled around, your text messages would appear on the screen of his phone and he’d be rushing out of his apartment to get to you.
no matter what happened, he’d still be wishing you goodnight as he stood at your doorstep at 03:52 in the morning, telling you that he loved you for what would appear to be the first time.
no matter what happened, you’d still assume he meant that he loved you platonically. he’d still drive himself home, not bothering to correct you in fear of losing you.
the end result always seemed to have the exact same outcome.
“it’s alright, i have a few things i still need to sort through at home anyways. if you need anything though, you know you can always call me.”
you’d heard the exact same words god knows how many times now, but you’d never know it.
“wait,” you called out, stepping past the threshold of your front door for the umpteenth time.
he already expected you to stop him, but he couldn’t help but feel his heart flutter as your arms wrapped around his torso in a tight grip. he was weak when it came to you.
“thank you for being here when i needed you most,” you mumbled, the familiar feeling of tears pricking your eyes causing you hide your face away in his chest out of embarrassment. “if i’m honest, i don’t know what i’d do without you.”
“i’ll always be here for you,” he mumbled back, pressing a kiss to your forehead as he held you in his arms for a moment. he needed to say it, even if you’d forget his words in the next few hours. he needed you to know. “always. you know that.”
when you pulled back from the hug, you giggled a little bit. maybe you were tired, maybe you were laughing at yourself, but regardless, you felt shy. “i must look like an idiot right now, huh?”
“of course not,” he replied, moving one of his hands up so he could gently wipe the tears off of your face.
“i don’t like liars,” you teased, though you still avoided his eyes as you tried to collect yourself. “i should let you go now, hm?”
when you looked up at him, he couldn’t find it in himself to respond; all he could do was give you one of his signature smiles of reassurance.
you caught him off guard when you pulled him back into your grasp. your grip was a little tighter this time, as if you were holding on like you were scared he’d disappear. you only seemed to surprise him even more when you spoke up with slightly muffled words.
“goodnight, i love you.”
two nights in a row, you said it first. that was new.
he knew that the chances of things going back to normal were low. the universe had given him a clear message; he wouldn’t be able to move forward from then on, no matter what he did. he was stuck in the same series of events without any idea as to how he could end the cycle.
“goodnight, y/n. i love you.”
those last three words felt like a kick to the stomach every time he said them. it felt was like someone was playing a cruel joke on him.
a part of him wanted to explain; to make it completely clear that he loved you the way he did. he couldn’t even put it into words sometimes, but another part of him was glad he could never the courage to explain his true feelings to you.
he couldn’t find it in himself to risk losing you, so he didn’t dare to try, even if it meant that you would know how he really felt. he’d never forgive himself if he allowed you to slip right through his fingers and walk out of his life, so he’d bite his tongue and keep his mouth shut.
you were all he’d known and all he ever wanted.
it had taken him years to muster up the courage to tell you that, only for you to think he meant it as nothing more than a friend.
that’s what he was, after all ―︎ your best friend.
perhaps you’d forgive him for lying to you in another life.
perhaps kanemoto yoshinori was a fool for getting his hopes up.
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treasure taglist | @rutowonz @acaiasahi @yogurteume @koishua @enhacolor (fill out the ‘membership club’ form in my pinned post to join!)
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© kyufilms | please refrain from copying, translating, or reposting any of my works, regardless of whether or not it’s within or outside of this website. the content that i write is strictly fictional & made for entertainment purposes only.
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216 notes · View notes
zumilikedragon · 4 years
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     under the sea: "i can live with the anxiety, she's my best friend, my partner"
. 1 hard . 2 pain . 3 panic . 4 coffee coup . 5 moon and sun . 6 changes . 7 easy . 8 i can . 9 grayscale . 10 autumn . 11 lfilftn . 11.5 three parts (eng) . 12 sakura . 13 my fault . 14 insomnia . 15 fear . xx feelings (eng) . 16 sadness . 17 healthy heart . 18 fallin' . 19 liar . 20 pacify her . 21 given . 22 memories never die . 23 no hurts . 24 truths . 25 let me down . 26 just a spark . 27 fever . 28 . 29 . 30
0 notes
localcultivator · 4 years
Let’s Fall In Love For The Night updates
It’s been a hot minute. Honestly, I was hoping that this account would just become my writing account instead of my Daminette/MariBat writing page, but I think we can all see how that went. 
anyway, getting to topic. I was rereading over LFILFTN, and realized that it ended in a place that I actually really like. I’m gonna write one last chapter to wrap up loose ends and kinda cement where Marinette and Damian are 6 months after that night, so please send in anything you want me to cover, and anything you want me to explain. The last chapter will be up December 1st, so You have until Nov. 30th to send in your questions and requests! 
also other story updates: 
Could Have Been Me will be going on permanent hiatus as I’m just not feeling it at all. If anyone wants to continue the story or use my idea, go right ahead. I only ask for credit. 
 18 will finally have a second chapter soon, I’m really sorry for how long it’s been on that one, I’m kinda in a weird place right now with my writing so that idea was one that just kinda came at the wrong time for me to get it out in a timely manner. 
After LFILFTN has it’s final chapter up, I’m gonna start posting works for other fandoms as well as DC. I have a Tim centric fic I’m writing based on Achilles come down and I am also planning on writing a few things for Haikyuu, as well as maybe a few other animes. I’m not just a fan of comics my dudes :)
Thanks for sticking around guys. 
Much love, Your ghost writer, 
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