laurierthefox · 10 months
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Bonjour à toustes !
Le 15/07/23 de 14h à 19h, je serais au BB'O Café Culturel avec d'autres créateurices et artistes Queer :
- Deele avec des fleurs : https://www.instagram.com/deeleavecdesfleurs - CamB : https://ko-fi.com/camembd/shop - Un Panda cousu de fil blanc
Je dédicacerais et vendrais :
#ReconnaiTrans #jaiuneamietrans #Féministes
Et j'aurais en goodies :
- Des badges LGBTIAPQ+ - Une broche - Des stickers Queer - Des prints
Je serais ravi de vous y voir si vous passez dans le coin !
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Caedplatonic Flag Redesigns
1st (My Favorite) Redesign
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2nd Redesign
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3rd Redesign
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[Image Descriptions: All three flags have the same 8 stripes. The top stripe is a bold yellow. The stripes that follow slowly darken, decrease in saturation, and slowly progress towards the color orange. However, because the stripes darken as they move down, the stripes appear to be the same colors as a variety of brown and black skin tones. To simplify, the 8 stripes can be viewed as a gradient from a bold yellow to a very dark brown bottom stripe. On the first two flags, a faint yellow half circle is in the center of the flag. The diameter of the circle is one third of the length of the flag. The half circle is face down with the flat side being closer to and parallel to the bottom of the flag. The half circle in the first flag is a gradient, with the upper part of the circle being more solid and the base part being more transparent. For the second flag, the half circle is solid. There is no half circle symbol on the third flag.]
Color Meanings of the Stripes: The top stripe, a bold yellow, represents platonic attraction.
The second stripe, which is a bit too yellow to be a realistic skin tone, and a bit too dark to comfortably be considered a “yellow,” can be viewed as gold; to remind caedplatonics that we are precious and valuable.
The following stripes become darker as they go down, and can be viewed as a variety of brown and black skin tones. The transition of the top bold yellow stripe to darker colors represents the transition of the abstract, internal, and intangible experience of platonic attraction to actual people and individuality. In other words, instead of experiencing platonic attraction to start new friendships and maintain old friendships, caedplatonic people can now more objectively see people, without the influence of platonic attraction.
Color Meaning of the Symbol: The color of the symbol was colorpicked from the faint yellow in the aplatonic flag, and represents the aplaspec community.
Meaning of the Symbol: The half circle was chosen as a symbol due to the creator [me😜💅] being inspired from the following children’s rhyme: “A circle is round, it has no end, that’s how long I want to be your friend.” The idea specifically for the gradient half circle was applied due to the symbolization of alloplatonic attraction existing at some point and then vanishing over time due to trauma. The gradient half circle (which fades from the faint yellow to transparent) exaggerates its incompleteness, since the gradient half circle lacks an edge along its base. Both symbols being incomplete circles, or half circles, cannot live up to the reputation of the circle [regarding friendship] in the children’s rhyme, due to not being whole, able to connect, or able to “loop”. Essentially, the half circle is not “continuous” the way a circle’s shape is “continuous”.
In the same way a complete circle can represent alloplatonic attraction, the half circle can represent a caedplatonic person’s platonic attraction; specifically, how the platonic attraction was able to be experienced when one was younger (such as childhood), and now that caedplatonic person’s platonic attraction is no longer the same, or what it used to be. A full, solid circle could represent alloplatonic attraction, whereas the half circle could emphasize how the platonic attraction has been “cut away”, lost, and/or no longer experienced by the caedplatonic person.
Finally, the half circle can be seen as a faint yellow silhouette of a rainbow (an iconic queer symbol) to remind caedplatonics that we are queer and part of the LGBTIAPQ+ community.
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monoistrash · 2 years
Cishet fan of media: *forces cishet heteronormative interpretations of every character*
Canon/Creators: . . . and remember [insert character] is queer.
Now aNgRy cishet fan: *rants about how unimportant the queer rep is to THEM and how it ruins the "main focus" of the media and blah blah blah...*
Me, a very pleased queer who have always known said character(s) were queer and is thriving for it, having a blast with the new media content:
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boowoomuu · 2 years
Dang. I’ve actually never really been able to imagine my “wedding”? Like the thought had never occurred to me until someone who was alloromantic allosexual asked me what my wedding was like or maybe indirectly asked me? Idk I just think it’s something interesting that I’ve never been able to successfully imagine my wedding 🤷🏽‍♀️.
I was really happy when I found out I was ace, bc I was like omg there is a whole community of people like me! (But also I was happy bc I was officially apart of the LGBTIAPQ+ community hehe😎). I found out I was akoiro a year later (this past September) and I was super happy because I had finally solved one of the mysteries of myself, but I think that the super happiness was short lived because I didn’t actually come out to anyone/the people who I came out with weren’t as excited as me🤷🏽‍♀️😭/neu
That’s actually a great way of describing the akoiromantic experience: like being allergic to it. It’s like, if it was ever possible for someone who is akoiro to exist in a qpr, then something would have to be missing. Like the part that we are allergic to would have to not be present. And I feel like that allergic part is going to alter slightly because people are unique, and some people may not be able to exclude that thing that we are allergic to (I have alloromantics in mind). That’s actually really great that you were able to have a convo and apologize to the platonic friend. Wow, dang /pos
You are also right, it is exhausting to think about if a qpr would work. It’s not just that a qpr could work or that we wouldn’t work in an alloromantic relationship, it’s also about the other individual(s) in the qpr. If the other individual(s) show romantic attraction, then the allergic reaction would start. So I just feel like a qpr would not work with an akoiro. Like if someone blushes bc of me, I don’t think I would be able to have any romantic attraction to them or reciprocate those feelings (if I was not already attracted to them)
It’s really interesting and our experience are so unique✨. It’s also really great to talk to a fellow akoiro who is also ace!!! It’s very nice to hear your experiences as well /srs
It's also nice to talk to you! Thanks for sharing your experiences with me 💜
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wild-tea-rose · 5 years
So its LGBTIAPQ+ PRIDE month. I myself am a part of the community being pan. Happy Pride everyone. Just a few reminders 
☆ Ace and Aro people are part of the community! 
☆ Intersex people are part of the community!
☆TERFs [trans exclusionary radical feminists] can go suck a cactus. 
☆ Being Pansexual not biphobic.
☆ Some people identify as Queer, and that's okay!
☆ Racism, misogyny, and misandry, exist within the community and should be called out.
☆ LGBT++ white people are generally more accepted than LGBT++ POC because of their skin tone.
☆ He/Him lesbians exist and are valid!
☆Sex workers belong at pride.
☆ There are LGBTQ++ kids.
☆ Having micro labels helps some people.
☆ Pedos and Animal rapists are NOT LGBTQ+ and can go suck a cactus.
☆ It is perfectly okay to punch nazis. And throw milkshakes, bricks and eggs at them. 
☆ Cops dont belong at pride. 
☆ Remember that the first pride was a riot and credited to a black trans sex worker. 
☆ And lastly remember to have fun and practice safe sex with condoms and vaginal barriers and if you do use drugs dont share needles and dont just take pills you are offered without at least asking what they are. Be mindful of any and all drinks and food you consume because it only takes a second to be drugged. 
I love all of yall! Have a safe and fun pride! 
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tharook · 7 years
Do people who bemoan the "alphabet soup" of LGBTIAPQ+ et al also go after other initialisms of more than four letters?
"LASER? What is this SJW bullshit?"
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petertheromaniwolf · 7 years
Hi 2 or 3 things 1 your g8 2. I'm doing a project for my English class(LGBTIAPQ magazine) and was wondering if you would mind if I interviewed you for it. 3. It's really short and just a few questions about you and your coming out story. 4. You don't have to if you don't want to
Of course!!! I'd love It! Also hkdjsjdks ty!!
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scifimagpie · 7 years
Hey Queers, What the &$%#
Hello hello!
Well, it's Pride month, and I'm feeling a little feisty and punchy.
I'm a proud part of the Queer Sci Fi group on Facebook, and as many readers will know, I'm no stranger to writing about queer characters.
I was talking to a mentor of mine about something recently, and my dander's up. The problem is this. The lesbian stigma is absolutely real, and a problem. When seeking out books about queer characters, readers say they want f/f couples. But m/m books outsell f/f books handily, and so do stories with m/f 'straight' couples. (For those unacquainted, 'm/m' is 'male/male', 'f/f' is 'female/female', and yes, I realise that's very gender binary, but that's the industry right now.)
If a book has the most carefully designed and well-blurbed cover it can, and has all its marketing data lined up, at some point, this comes down to readers. It's no coincidence that m/m books on Queer Sci Fi make up the majority of titles.
As my mentor said,
#1. Go to teh LGBT subcat bestseller list- tally how many titles are which "branch" of LGBT. You can also just look at the LGBT subcats and note how many more MM titles there are than basically all the others combined.
I don't have an analytical article today - merely an admonishment and a call to arms. If you are a queer person who has publicly asked for f/f lit in the past, or even just privately wanted to read it - put your money where your mouth is! This year, seek out books about queer women. You can still buy m/m, I'm not going to tell anyone to stop doing something they like, but please support diversity within the LGBTIAPQ/QUILTPBAG community.
It's not that f/f books are 'too special' or 'too good' for mainstream readers. I know a lot of people - even people who have mainstream sexual and gender identities - who like stories about ladies in love. It would seem that although lesbians still get that ol 'pornographic' stigma, presentation of lady-lady or femme-femme love has not hit the mainstream.
So here's my request - whether you are an ally or a QUILTPBAG person, please share, talk about, and read f/f fiction this year. It will help those of us who love the stories get more of them, and push back against the unintentional but ingrained misogyny of the publishing industry.
*** Thanks for returning to the nest. Leave a comment and say hi! I want to hear from you. Keep up with the new releases by getting on the mailing list. Buy my books on Amazon, and keep up with me on Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, and the original blog. This is the one and only SciFiMagpie, over and out!
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resistencianb · 7 years
La I es de Intersexual
Hoy es el día contra la LGBTIAPQfobia pero es como cualquier otro día. No solo porque luchamos contra las distintas opresiones que sufrimos como queers a diario, sino también porque les exclusionistas están en su salsa hoy también.
No venimos a hablar de que la enebefobia se encuentra dentro de esa LGBTIAQfobia (o GSRDIfobia, GODIfobia, queerfobia...). Este día es de les nb por doble derecho: por ser nb y por ser trans (recordatorio: todes les nb somos trans, no existen “cis nb” como pretenden hacer creer les enebéfobes).
Hoy venimos a hablar de intersexofobia. Sí, las personas intersexuales, esas personas de las que solo os acordáis cuando véis la I en las siglas LGBTI o similares. Esas personas de las que les propies activistas GSRDI autoproclamades se olvidan hasta que se le recuerdan que existen. Hoy muchas personas están señalando aquellos mensajes que hablan solo de homofobia, recordando que les trans no sufrimos violencia por “amar” sino por nuestros géneros, recordando que asexuales, arromántiques, pansexuales, intersexuales... también somos/son LGBT.
Pero todos estos mensajes pro-inclusión molestan a les exclusionistas (por algo son exclusionistas, algunes incluso se enorgullecen de ello). Para eso escribimos este texto hoy, para denunciar esas actitudes exclusionistas para con las personas intersexuales.
Antes de nada, decir que nosotres NO somos intersexuales. Todo lo que vamos a decir aquí va a ser simplemente difundir la palabra sobre inclusión en el movimiento GODI de activistas intersexuales.
Primero, los mensajes de la gente diádica (no intersexual) diciendo que “les intersexuales no quieren estar en el colectivo LGBTI”:
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Como decíamos, son personas diádicas hablando sobre la inclusión de las personas intersex. Ya hablamos del tema en la entrada “Desmontando rápidamente el exclusionismo LGBT”, citamos lo que ya dijimos:
Desde aquí a todes les intersexuales que hemos leído les hemos visto decir que sí que son parte de la comunidad. Si hay debate en la comunidad intersexual sobre su inclusión en las siglas es cosa de elles. Les diádiques (no intersexuales) lo que no podemos hacer es decir “hale, como he leído a une intersexual decir que no quiere que la I forme parte de las siglas pues me pongo de su parte porque a mi me conviene para mi discurso exclusionista” (porque así pueden dedicarse al asimilacionismo LGBT más fácilmente al ser menos siglas). No. Si unes dicen que sí y otres que no, no podemos ignorar la realidad diciendo absolutos como “elles mismes piden no ser parte de la comunidad”. Lo que importa aquí son las palabras de les intersexuales. Nosotres, ante la duda, incluimos la I en las siglas para no pecar de intersexófobes. Lo que decimos aquí se puede aplicar para los argumentos para excluir la asexualidad, por cierto.
Ahora que nos estamos extendiendo un poco más, vamos a aportar las propias palabras de activistas intersex en las que nos basamos para no excluirles automáticamente del movimiento GSRDI.
Este fragmento de aquí es de une activista intersex (http://intersex-ionality.tumblr.com/post/152259702779/october-26-intersex-awareness-day):
So… intersex people are LGBT+? I heard that intersex people don’t want to be called part of that community?
You heard wrong.
Any intersex organization worth its salt will tell you much the same thing.
A handful of intersex people on tumblr do not get to speak for us all, and we have been active voices in these communities for generations. These spaces are our homes, and you will not evict us from them.
There is a reason that the official acronym in so many districts is LGBTI. There is a reason that the expanded acronym is LGBTQIAP+. The I is for Intersex, and it belongs to us.
We have the same right to be here as anyone else.
De la OII (Organización Internacional de Intersexuales) Australia (https://oii.org.au/allies/):
We share common goals with the LGBT movement as we all fall outside of expected sex and gender norms. Intersex is part of LGBTI because of a shared experience of stigma based on sex and gender norms, not because of sexual orientation or gender identity.
También palabras de la OII (https://christopherokamoto.tumblr.com/post/149607640689/i-is-for-intersex):
Are intersex individuals part of the queer community? Like all people, some intersex individuals are LGBTQAP+ and others are not. However, OII supports adding the “I” to the acronym since LGBTQIAP+ activism has fought for rights of people who fall outside expected binary sex and gender norms - which is in line with the goals of intersex activism and the reasons for discrimination against us. As trans inclusion demonstrates, regardless of sexual orientation, everyone benefits from an alliance that challenges and promotes an end to the particular discrimination one faces. In addition, just as Latinos, for example, are not required to, and do not always, identify as “people of color,” despite their inclusion in the umbrella term, intersex people do not have to identify as “LGBTQIAP+.”
Habiendo activistas intersex que defienden que “la I es de intersexuales”, como aliades respetamos estas voces y condenamos a eses supuestes aliades que usan las voces de las personas intersex que les convienen para su exclusionismo.
Ahora los mensajes de exclusión que se basan en “no sufren homofobia ni transfobia por ser intersex”:
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Todas estas personas parten de una concepción (errónea) del colectivo LGBTIAPQ. Piensan que se es del colectivo por sufrir “homofobia y/o transfobia”. Por qué es una idea errónea (y perjudicial)? Porque A) nos reducen a las personas queer a la violencia que sufrimos, y B) incluso así están olvidando violencias como la afobia, bifobia, panfobia, etc. Todo esto se relaciona con el exclusionismo como ya hemos hablado.
Dice el número 3 (captura 3) que es una cuestión biológica? Lo biológico es algo social, por si se te había olvidado. De todas formas, sea “biológico” o no, no es motivo para excluirles de sus espacios.
Para terminar, un mensaje de apoyo a todas aquellas personas intersexuales: si consideráis que sois LGBTI por ser intersexuales, nadie tiene derecho a excluiros de un movimiento del que siempre habéis formado parte, y del que no necesitáis pedir permiso para estar. La I es de Intersexual.
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nerdvi · 8 years
What I’d like you to know about us who are not out
I’m super late for the party, but international coming out day is today, and since the first hour i’ve been seeing different posts that celebrate and encourage people to come out to the world. Now, upon reading that we think of the world as this vast, never ending place where all the people live; the truth is, the world is shockingly small for each person, when we say “The world”, we're often referring to those closest to us, people who are most present in our lives and who we love the most, so what we really read is “let your mom/siblings/father/grandparents/co-workers/best friends/partner know who you really are and are batshit scare to show".
But i'm getting ahead of myself. I'm actually writing this as a response to the very first post i saw on my fb wall for international coming out day: "To those who are still in the closet, there's a real special day to come out. Today! And congratulations to those of us, brave people, who decided not to live a double life and accept who we are. <3"
While well-meaning, the message struck me the wrong way. I'm one of those "not brave" people- and i'm a fucking Gryffindor, i'll have you know- that are still in the closet and does not plan to leave narnia in the forseeable future. I felt completely alone when I read that, because is the tone of lots of messages i saw today. I'll always be the first to celebrate those who came out and proud and had to deal- or not- with unsupportive families, friends, and all sorts of crap just to gain the freedom of being who they are, all the pros to you, i mean it. I sincerely admire you. But i can't be like you; not yet. And there's so many like me who also can't.
And now i'll speak strictly fom my personal experience, but posts like the one I quoted make me feel ashamed of myself for not being out. I, and others like me, were treated as cowards. And liars. We were accused of leading a doble life, therefore, we are accused of deception, and not only deception, but betrayal. We are traitors to the cause, we are the ones who shy away comfortably in the shadows while the actual brave people do the dirty work for us til is convenient for us to come out.
And to be honest, it’s not like that at all, and there are some people, like my facebook friend from up there, who are out and proud that should remember how it was for them when they were in Narnia. We have reasons to stay closeted, powerful ones. My case? My mother’s biphobic. Plain and simple.
Is quite a curious condition, because gay and lesbian people? she’s fully supportive. She adores my gay and lesbian friends, and they adore her. This extends to trans people, gratefully, sometimes i jokingly say she loves my LGT friends more than she loves me, and i love that she is like that with them. But Bisexuals? Hell. No.
Not only they are selfish and greedy, they (we) are also disgusting. They (we) obviously carry all the diseases and are responsable for every STI ever transmited. Hell, she doesn’t like Queen because Freddie Mercury (whom i love, by the way) was bisexual and therefore a dirty man whore. I called her out on it once- always from my Ally disguise- told her Bi people had issues too, grave ones, and introduced the word “biphobic” to the conversation, and applied to her. She didn’t even fucking hesitated before firmly stating “Yes. I am biphobic”.
Of course, i never brought it up again.
And of course, i shut the possibility of coming out to her forever and went even further back in the closet, where i’ve remained for the past 5 years or so, ever since i realized i wasn’t straight. You can say it’s not so bad, that other people have it worse and they came out anyways, and my answer to that is: hell, probably. But my mom is all i have. My dad fucked off, it’s been her and I since i was 4, my family is the equivalent of the world to me, and the world has explicitely rejected me, several times. She’s my mother, she loves me, i know she does, but is the disgust on her face when bisexuality comes at the table, the anger on her expression when i defend them (us), the way she stopped being mad at the subject and just chose to ignore it, so now i don’t even get to see a rictus of feeling on her face, is the paralizng fear of having the world look at me differently without any other world to turn to, that makes me stay in the closet.
And i don’t think i’m a coward for it. Neither do i think other people in my situation are cowards for it. We’re fucking trying to survive. To lots of us is not save- physically and/or emotionally- to come out, and that’s it. And having the place we seek acceptance- our LGBTIAPQ community and friends- sending us lowkey dissaproval messages makes us feel ashamed and isolated from our own community.
Some of us who are closeted try to help the cause however we can. Some of us are disguised as really commited allies, try to educate people “from the outside”, try to make our families or friends more accepting, or simply just wear that subtle pride accessory that has our insides twisting with anxiety for the fear and thrill that someone will recognize it and
, but we do what we can in the ways we are able, we only ask for support and patience. I don’t mean to offend anyone, i’m just telling my personal experience and the grief it caused me, so please don’t take this the wrong way.
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monoistrash · 6 years
'Love Maze' is the new 'Love is Love' theme. That's why it's Namjoon's favourite track.
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nerdvi · 8 years
Hablaré en español. Lo siento tanto, lo siento mucho por ustedes, por nosotros...porque no deberíamos tener que vivir así, porque nuestros cuerpos no deberían ser tratados como carne de cañón por algo que no podemos evitar. Siento profundamente esas 50 personas, 50 hermanos, que sucumbieron al odio y a la ignorancia. A todos mis hermanos en Estados Unidos, les mando amor y fuerza, y coraje, coraje para vivir, coraje para existir y para alzar la voz hasta que, idealmente un día, esto sea solo un mal recuerdo y no un peligro latente.
Los amo. Stay brave, stay strong, stay angry, and keep loving.
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nerdvi · 9 years
I’m his straigh bro, who’s totally down with all your...gay stuff.
straight dude allies are like...
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