#lgbtqcreators anon
rachelchinouriris · 2 years
hey jackie, hope you're having a good week!! can you share with me a bit about your gif making experience? what got you into it? what do you love (or hate lol) most about it? what's a skill you're most proud of?
— lgbtqcreators anon
Hi! I love these questions. I always love talking about gifmaking because it’s not something I can talk about a lot in real life lol
I was inspired by different gifmakers in the Druck fandom. I kept thinking about how fun it would be to gif scenes I loved, characters I loved, people I loved, with colors I loved. So that’s how I started giffing. My first gifset was a Fatou and Kieu My one from Druck <3
I love coloring. Bringing those colors to life. Making a dark scene look decent. Making it vibrant. I love coming up with ideas for elaborate gifsets. I love layouts and typography. I love that I can gif things I love. I love giffing things that people love. I love that it gives me an outlet to be creative.
As much as I love coloring I also hate it because some scenes are so hard to color. I hate footage with yellow tints. I hate having to look for footage. I hate that we feel like we have to rush to get things done or it won’t get attention. I hate when people steal our hard work.
I’d say transitions? Coloring frame by frame? Layers and putting gifs in the same canvas?These are some I’ve been doing lately and I’m pretty proud of it <3
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evanbuckleys · 2 years
Hi Emma! lgbtqcreators anon here again 👋 I was wondering what 5 things make Evan your favourite character? It's for science... Okay, bye!
hi!! sorry about the late reply, this week has been so busy but i think 5 things that i love about buck are:
- his bravery
- his protectiveness
- i love how he’s very family oriented and how important the 118 is to him
- i love his caring nature, and how he empathizes with other people - he’s very kind and i love that a character who is strong and brave can also be seen as kind and empathetic
- i love that he can also be really silly and fun and a lighthearted person
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taissaturner · 2 years
hi katie it your lgbtqcreators anon 💛 i wanted to reach out and ask how you’re doing this week! are you doing anything fun?
also i was curious if you had a favorite comfort character or movie?
ahhh so exciting!!! so nice to meet you!!
i’m okay, i’m very tired cos i got back from paris on friday night but i’ve spent the weekend at my mums house with my sister which has been so lovely! how are you??
oooh my favourite comfort character has to be steve harrington my favourite himbo and then my comfort movie is probably anastasia (1997) or ready or not (2019)
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spookymans · 1 year
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@lgbtqcreators creator challenge - [rotoscoping]
ft. mother goose & mother hubbard & the truth about the egg ( as a webtoon )
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cobbbvanth · 1 year
hi! I'm delighted to have been assigned you for the lgbtqc style swap <3 I've loved your sets for a while now! I'm a bit low on inspiration, though, so would you mind linking some of your personal favourites of your sets? hope you're having a nice day! — your loving lgbtqc style swap partner
what a lovely thing to hear beloved anon!! a few of the sets i'm currently most proud of:
guillermo de la cruz - fave character
cobb vanth - url set
abbott elementary s2
tk and carlos - fave ship
benoit blanc's guide to being gay and solving crime
can't wait to hear from you again <3
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userpeggycarter · 4 months
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@pscentral​ anniversary event 🥳 take two 2.0 music 🎵 @lgbtqcreators creator bingo 💖 color 🌈 @peggynet request ⭐ requested by anon 💋
— swallowed in the sea, coldplay.
[id in alt]
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lopeirce · 6 months
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requested by anon @lgbtqcreators creator bingo: parallels
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miwtual · 11 days
Can I ask you how you did the first gif here:
We not seeing the other person. It's great!
hihi anon!! so sorry for the late reply </3
so i learned to do that effect from this tutorial by @santiagogarcia!! the biggest difference is that i'm in photopea, but the tutorial works basically the same for both :) the only difference is that, with photopea, you'll have to make the whole base gif on it's own and put it on a new canvas (sort of like what i said in my blending tutorial), THEN duplicate it. but other than that it's the same steps!!
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alicenthighstower · 1 year
happy 12 months of lgbtqcreators aish!! I was so excited to be able to make something for my fellow vamp, I'm glad you like it <3
now for my final ask, I want YOU share some of the sets you're most proud of because I love your style and want everyone else to give you some love too!
— lgbtqc style swap anon <3
you're genuinely the sweetest person ever oh my god
happy one year!! I loved trying a new style that I haven't ever before, and I especially loved that it was yours because your sets are always incredible <3
and since you asked so nicely:
greta/carson set x rhaenyra/alicent sets x, x, and x (I was delighted to see these were the ones you drew insp from <3) genya safin set x misc small gif colour sets x, x, x and x (simple but they're so much fun) nina/matthias set x marisa/asriel set x (still makes me laugh aslfksajlf) lyra/will set x evelyn hugo set x
have the loveliest day love <33
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barrowsteeth · 1 year
i'm a new to posting gifs. how do you know who to tag to get more exposure? my last couple of sets haven't gotten a lot of traffic.
Hi anon! I always start with the name of the media i'm giffing and the edit tag for the show or movie, transatlantic and transatlanticedit, for example. If there are other popular tags for the media, I also include that, e.g. transatlantic netflix.
Next I try to include a few source blogs related to the media. Some fandoms have dedicated source blogs, like heartstoppercentral, narliesource, tedlassogifs. Other source blogs focus on specific characteristics, like blackandwhiteedit, dailycolorfulgifs, usergif (for sets with effects, like blending and animated transition or text). There are a ton of source blogs out there and I think it's a bit of trial and error in figuring out which ones to tag for each set. My advice is to look at other sets in your fandoms to see what source blogs others are tagging, then check out the blogs to see if you like the content they post and want to include them. Note: some blogs only post and queue creations from their members, so make sure you read the individual blog rules before you start tagging.
I also belong to two gifmaker networks, @pscentral and @lgbtqcreators, where we poll our fellow gifmakers to see who might want to be tagged in a set to help spread the word. Tiny plug here but both groups are really fun and the members are very helpful and encouraging regardless of your skill level. I will be completely honest with you -- I was nervous and intimidated when I first joined but I'm happy to say my fears were unfounded. I've learned a lot in the time I've been a member and it's great to be part of a community of other gifmakers. If that seems like your kind of thing, I encourage you to check the networks out and join us!
I also have a few gifmakers I've gotten to know through my fandoms and who generously support other creatives by adding posts to their reblog queue. I've posted about this a few times but along the same lines, you are welcome to tag me by adding #userbarrow to your tags. If you're not sure if you should tag me, check out my tracking tag page. for more info.
It's also important to remember that only the first 20 tags on your post will show up in the tags on tumblr, so if you flail wildly add commentary tags, save them for the end.
Finally, the best advice I can give you is to be active and engage with other creatives. Reblog posts you enjoy instead of just liking them. Reblogging is the best way to promote other's work, as you would want them to reblog yours! Add fun tags in your reblog if that's your thing. Or leave a comment letting the original poster that you loved their meta or photo edits or gifset. The more you engage with others, the better chance you have of making new fandom friends and increasing your exposure!
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photopeablr · 6 days
this edit is incredible https://www.tumblr.com/ photopeablr/752118166150430720/miwtual-lgbtqcreators-creator-challenge?source=share would you mind doing a tutorial for that set? especially how you did the glitchy rectangle with rounded border (?) and all the different types of arrows? do you draw then yourself? and also how you did the text message typography? did you put it in a bubble? thank you!!!
hi anon!! to answer your questions:
the glitchy rectangle is actually an overlay, which this blog has a tag full of here! i got that one in that set from youtube video (i don't remember which one, but looking up "film damage overlay" gets you a lot of results, so you're bound to find one you like!). but either way, to get results like that set, you would just need to follow similar steps to what i said in this tutorial, but instead of for soundwaves, it's for the film damage overlay.
the arrows are not handmade! they're from this brush set by @chaoticresources. download the brushes, unzip the folder they come in, and then in photopea, with the "brush" tool selected and having the dropdown open to change the size of your brush from the topbar, click this arrow to the right of the other brushes:
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and select "load .ABR". select the .ABR files from what you downloaded, and boom! lots of fun arrows for you to play around with :) this blog also has a bunch of brushes reblogged under this tag here so you can get even more brushes added!
the text bubbles are probably the easiest thing — i personally wrote out the text i wanted, then used the "rectangle" tool here:
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to make a rectangle around the text. to change the corners of the rectangle you make, on the topbar you should see something that says "corner radius" with "0px" in a textbox like this:
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make that "0px" into something greater than 0, and your corners become rounded! for the set you linked, i put the corner radius at 10px.
hopefully that answers everything you need to know! :)
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rachelchinouriris · 2 years
hey Jackie, your lgbtqcreators gifter here!! I know you're a fan of Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles, SAME <3 which Louis track is your favourite? which Harry era do you resonate with most? what did you think of don't worry darling agshfksl which aspect of their music (or music in general) impacts you most - lyrics, genre, aesthetics, vibes?
that's quite a few questions (sorry!) but I hope you're having a wonderful [time of day] 💝
Hiiiiii!!! Can’t wait to meet you!! Akjsjsjsjs love that!! Oh god I love Louis’ songs so much and picking a fave is hard. I’m going with Always You, but Defenseless is a close second. Also, we still have FITF to look forward to so my answer may change by then
Harry era, that’s an interesting question! I wasn’t here for it but the HS1 era. Just a guy, fresh out of one of the most successful bands in the world, putting on a record which featured lots of guitars and drums with great lyrics which effectively has made it my favorite album of his, playing in intimate places, wearing floral suits, being more open, creating iconic moments that will forever be remembered in fandom
Oh Don’t Worry Darling. I wanted to give it a fair chance, I really did, but the promo was all over the place (female pleasure when the women in the movie are having non consensual sex? The abusive husband suddenly being a #feminist king because he wears an apron? Only focusing in the sex scenes just because it’s Harry Styles and he’s hot right? Not having a intimacy coordinator and apparently it shows?), the Olivia/Shia/Florence situation, every time I tried to google about the movie all I could find were articles about Harry and Olivia, Venice happened, and to top it all we had that salad dressing article which effectively killed any little curiosity I had for the film. And with all honesty, I just don’t like Olivia Wilde, and I am not able to separate the art from the artist here, sorry
Great question. I’d say their lyrics first and foremost since they are musicians and that’s what they do best, their personalities a close second, because there has to be a reason I like them right? Just them being their most authentic selves (or as authentic as you can be in the music industry). Some of my favorite interviews of them is when they talk about their art, the industry and their experiences. Everyone focus on the feels like a movie quote but Harry talking about My Policeman is truly touching. Louis is eloquent and smart and I could hear him talk for hours
Anyway as you can see I love them a lot lol. I hope you have a great weekend!!!
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evanbuckleys · 2 years
hi emma! it’s your lgbtqcreators anon again 💜 i hope you’re having a wonderful week. have you got anything planned this weekend? 💙
hi!!!! i don't really have much going on! i'm going to see black panther with my bestie later on this weekend but other than that i'm resting before i have to work jfdksagjdasjg
how are you???
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scaredsofmyguitar · 1 year
hi it's your lgbtqcreators style swap anon again! I had a scroll through your edits today hehe 😌 do you have any favorite fonts you like to use?
hi!! so I don't reuse fonts often because I'm super picky like that, but here are some that I have saved and really like:
lemon milk (usually medium/bold)
poetsen one
hope this helps!!
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kizzys · 1 year
hi lp! i’m your lgbtqcreators style swap anon ✨ i’m very excitedd
my first few questions include:
your favourite colours
your favourite fonts
i cant wait to show you my creationn! 🫶🫶
hellooooo oh my gosh hii 🥰🥰 I'm so excited for this
favorite colors - purple always (i also love any combos of purple and yellows)
favorite fonts - i don't really have much specific ones...I like anything that looks funky idk how else to put it, but some personal favourites are shrikhand, sherlock, nagita, nouvelle vague (i also found astigma really cool but I haven't had the chance to use it yet)
pls feel free to msg me for anything else, I'm so excited to see what you create!!
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cobbbvanth · 2 years
Hi!! Lgbtqcreators anon here. Blue and purple are my favorite color combination too. I’m a big fan of Louis Tomlinson so it’s great to see Out Of My System as your top track <3 I’ve been playing the song daily in preparation for his new album.
I know you’re a fan of Good Omens. Have you read the book? Are you excited for s2? Any particular moments from the show you liked? Also general question, what are some of your favorite characters?
Have a great day!!!
Hi again! personally THRILLED to hear Louis's more rock-orientated sound coming back. kill my mind is my favourite of his songs for sure, hope there's more on the new album!!
HUGE fan of good omens <3 I have read the book - I read it before the show came out! I also own the original audio book, the bbc radio play version and the show cast version ahaha I may have a problem. so yeah, I'm outrageously excited for season 2. the show (and book) are truly the intersection of all my favourite things! I love seeing Crowley and Aziraphale's relationship develop throughout the episode 3 cold open, and "to the world" in the very last scene makes me emotional every single time. crowley driving the on-fire bentley out of the m25 while I'm in love with my car blares? iconic. my favourite thing in general is the integration of queen songs into the soundtrack, there is just SO MUCH to talk about there and I'm so so keen to see which songs make it to season 2 - my top picks currently are seaside rendezvous, good old fashioned lover boy & the prophet song 👀
while all the good omens characters are colourful and hilarious, crowley is my number one long-standing blorbo <3 (shh don't tell guillermo from wwdits... or cas from spn... or any of my star wars loves...)
thank you for your fun questions!!!
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