#li daiyu
lulu-nightbon · 2 years
xiānzhī at a nightclub and some absolutely ripped guy comes up, silky fucking deep voice
"hey... can i get you a drink?"
*a few seconds of silence* "im a lesbian, dude."
"then ill get you three"
*takes a second to process* "... fuck it, im in."
@alienembers it wouldn't be the worst decision they've made, how hard is daiyu gonna bonk them
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lmk-oc-competition · 17 days
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Ji Daiyu belongs to @azora-ink
Li Sania belongs to @sallyvanna
Learn more about them below the cut!
Ji Daiyu:
She lived with her grandparents, biological ones unknown, she lived a casual routine until she was notified of a permanent stay of one of her far neighbors, she was told it was her older cousin. She eventually grew close enough to him to start being babysit by them, often hanging out in the lab like basement, she soon became obsessed with his pet snake, even mimicking its actions at times. Soon she wouldn’t have to pretend anymore.
Li Sania:
She's a celestial, descendant from Huli Jings (fox spirit). Her main powers include 9 celestial blades, which she can make appear and manipulate, and has a kaiju form of the nine tailed fox spirit. She's a celestial guard in the celestial realm who usually handles diplomatic stuff with other realms too, even underworld sometimes, so a pretty trusted person. She has met the monkie kids, through fights and stuff, in S4 and S5, so she isn't close with any of them. She knows red son the best though (still not well), as (my hc) he and his mother lived in the celestial realm for a short period of time (during dbk was locked away) and she met him. She appears somewhere after S5, so most of her story isn't canon. she assists MK in finding out more about the Chaos' origin, because even if the pillar is fixed, as the nine headed demon said Chaos is collecting power slowly, and the Monkie kid is trying to find ways to stop it.
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swdgf · 4 months
certain qidian authors shld start a side hustle writing dnmei actually 🙂‍↕️
#男频不写男同还写什么 <- golden words to live by#*#fan xian/li chengze (qing yu nian):#written to be foils.. the mirror inverse of one another..the zhen baoyu to his jia baoyu#dislikes him on sight perhaps bc they r too similar souls#asks him not once but twice to bow out of the succession struggle bc if he does he promises to give him a lifetime of peace#“我许你一世平安” which in some contexts would be so romantic#begs him to live after his failed rebellion and of course lcz being who he is kills himself in front of him#更香的是他们还是同父异母的亲xiong dei😇#and ​bc u cant have enough hong lou meng references during their first meeting lcz’s delicate looks also remind him of lin daiyu..#and he wonders why he keeps thinking of him when he’s not even gayy (and i quote 好龙阳)#li huowang/zhuge yuan (dao gui yi xian):#his 白月光. his fleeting moment of respite in a truly horrific world#who sacrifices himself to save him from the powerful eldritch being after him#who he then strangles w his own two hands bc anyone who dies by his hands becomes part of his hallucinations so#at least he’ll still be with him in some capacity#hallucination!zgy tricks lhw in exchange for the survival of his country (所以T_T在渊子心里其实家国天下>>>🔥)#and feels so guilty abt it that he dissipates (perma death) leaving lhw to cry for three days straight at the bottom of a well#pulls himself together to fulfill zgy’s final wish of saving the people and when they ask his name he says zhuge yuan#builds a white jade buddha statue w/ zgy’s face for the ppl to worship#also he carries around a sword made from zgy’s spine and that brings him comfort#oh how could i ever forget pingxie (dmbj):#his lifetime in exchange for ten years of his innocence#“im a man with no past or future. if i disappeared from this world no one would notice” “at the very least i would notice”#“i’ve thought abt my connections to the world and it seems the only one i can find is you”#many such cases………..#if these were on jj literally吊打秒杀 the girlies (me) would EAT IT UPPP#QIDIAN YAOI📣📣📣📣
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dracocheesecake · 1 year
Sneak Peak At Some WIP KFP Drabbles:
1) Innocent (Kai & Daiyu)
He looked innocent. 
Not always, of course- no one in their right mind would have even thought to refer to him in such a way, especially if they knew all of his titles and deeds: one couldn't think 'innocent' was an adjective complementary with someone called The Maker of Widows, or Master of Pain. Words had meaning, after all, and titles were earned. 
His appearance wasn't innocent, either. Eyes glowing green with stolen life, evil seeming to radiate from his powerful form like the aura of light around the sun. Even his smile was wicked, as crooked as his moral compass-if he even had one.
And yet, although Daiyu knew this, she couldn't help but think that he looked innocent- now, at least. He had his head resting on her lap, at an angle so the side horns wouldn't poke her. The evil eyes were closed, the furrowed brow now having relinquished its usual tension. Even the aura had dimmed. 
There was something there, just under his skin, something that might show if she only scratched. Her claws flexed, but she held the tips mindfully away from his face. He wasn't aware of the danger; he assumed (too readily, she thought) that she was innocent. 
And perhaps he was right. Daiyu didn't really think that she could hurt him, even if his greed finally overpowered whatever few scruples he had left, and he decided that he wanted her qi after all. Then she'd be helpless- if only because of her own convictions holding her back. 
2) Parents: (Kai & Daiyu)
Kai paused in sharpening his blade. There was a short silence, full of tension, and then he sighed. 
"...He was a good man," he said, "leave it at that."
"There must be more." She said. Kai grunted and relented.
"He was a passive, pacifist weakling," Kai growled through his grinding teeth, "who wanted me to be as spineless as him- who expected me to kowtow to every single person who spat insults or threats for the sake of keeping the peace." 
He scoffed and gripped the handle of one of his blades so hard Daiyu almost feared that it would crack; but Kai valued his weapons too much to be so careless. His grip loosened, and the anger with it, though the tension remained. He sighed. 
"...For all his wisdom, he really only understood books, and not people- at least, not nearly as well as he thought he did." 
3) Soft (Li Shan & Mr. Ping)
Everything about him was soft. From his fur to the way he smiled, everything about him was soft. Even the faint lines of grief that surrounded his eyes were muted, and the years of mourning had not been enough to destroy his kindness. 
And everyone loved Li Shan for it. It wasn’t hard to see why: he gave off warmth like a hearth, and his generosity and patience was unstinting. He took care of everyone around him- the type to give you the shirt off his back, if you only asked for it. 
Now Mr. Ping knew where Po had gotten it from. 
4) Some Don't Heal (Kai & Oogway)
"Why is that Oogway? Why am I still alive? Why is the universe playing this cruel joke on me?" 
He spread his arms as if to gesture to the bright, verdant landscape all about them, the beauty and tranquility of the place itself almost a mockery of what the two had been through only just outside the protection of the mountains. 
"Why did everyone else die- even you, almost- while I got out completely unscathed?" 
It was an exaggeration, Oogway knew- he saw a large burn scar on the back of Kai's shoulder, and there were a few places where stray arrows may have struck him; there also was a wound on his leg, on the side of his left knee, that Oogway had had to sew up again many times over due to Kai's nighttime pacing. Still, Oogway didn't respond; he just hadn't the words to explain- and how could he? Kai leaned in. 
"Why is that, Oogway?" He said again.
5) Spider's Webbing (Kai & Zhizhu)
The spider blinked all four of his eyes. "You…don't know where you are?" He said. 
Kai squinted at him. It was really dim in here, and the only light source seemed to come from that strange myriad of eyes. "Should I?" 
The spider looked away and fell into silence. One of his smaller legs came up, a claw tapping thoughtfully under his jaw. "No," he said softly after a moment, "I suppose you shouldn't." 
He glanced at him again, and there was a slight glint in his eyes, like light reflecting off the blade of a knife, sharp and full of dangerous potential. 
"How did you get here, may I ask?" 
Kai raised his brows at him and shrugged. "I was just walking along, enjoying the sights, and next thing I know, I'm suddenly falling down a pit, only to get caught in something sticky." 
Here he raised one of his arms to reveal that some strands of web were still clinging to his fur- there were also a few patches of bare skin, telling of a very painful method of disentangling himself from the trap. Zhizhu drew in a sharp breath almost involuntarily in sympathy- and he hoped it would be the first and last time he did so. 
Kai shrugged. "Now I'm here." He lowered his arm, but then the strands got stuck to his side and pants leg. The bull grunted in anger and pulled at it, and Zhizhu could see where it pulled his fur- and most likely the skin under it- with it. He winced and reached forward. 
"Uh…Here, please let me help with that." 
The bull turned his glare on him, his voice sharp and accusatory: "This is yours?" 
Zhizhu paused, if only because of how sudden the anger was. Kai snorted. 
"Stupid question," he grumbled, "I know…Sure, get this stuff off of me."
6) Aftermath (Oogway)
It was over- the battle was over, and now the aftermath of it had begun. Oogway stood where he had landed, staring at the empty space where Kai had once been. There was no blood, no body, no victory, save in the sense that the goal he had started out with had been accomplished; but he had not won. Far from it. 
He didn’t think about that, though. It was too soon for the full ramifications of his actions to hit him with their weight- a weight that he could not yet bear; not now. There was still the absence to process, the bitterness of the pyrrhic victory to overcome. Kai was gone. He could see that, and now he was beginning to understand it. The finger hold move had worked. Kai had been defeated before he could do any more harm. 
The pandas as well as the sanctity of chi was saved. Oogway took in a shuddering breath and leaned his staff on his shoulder. He cast one last look at the empty space before him, then turned quickly on his heel. The air here had begun to become tense and heavy, like the atmosphere before a storm set in. 
He walked back to the village, keeping his gaze straight ahead, his mind empty- but the tension followed him, growing heavier and heavier on his shell. He still didn’t think- at least, not consciously. But that storm was bearing down on him, building up power and speed the more he tried to resist it…and then it struck.
Oogway stopped suddenly. His legs shook, and then he realized that he was very tired, and not just because of the exertion the fight had put him through. Of his own compunction he fell to his knees onto the soft earth, and at the same time a realization -one he had been trying to hold off-  finally dawned. 
He's dead. Kai is dead. I killed him. 
Tears were running down his face. He tried to breathe, tried to swallow the lump that choked him, but he couldn't. His mind as well as his body were outside of his control. 
He needed help, he was suffering. He was suffering so much that he lost himself…and I killed him. He needed my help, and I killed him. It's my fault he ended up this way. 
And now he was gone forever. Oogway remembered the way Kai had looked at him that final time, with those horrid demonic eyes, eyes not his own- 
But they were his eyes, underneath the green veneer they were still his eyes- full of hurt, confusion, his mouth moving, trying to form words- what was he trying to say? No one will ever know, now. I didn't even give him the chance to say his last words. 
And that thought made Oogway want to crawl into his shell and never emerge again. He covered a sob with his hands, but didn't dare close his eyes for fear that the image of Kai's face would come back to haunt him. With a desperation driven by grief he fixed his gaze on the grass and tried to focus on the physical sensations of the present moment. 
But he couldn’t. No matter what he did, he couldn’t stop his mind from forcing him to relive the fight again and again.
7) Do The Dead Still Feel? (Daiyu)
And there was still a taste of metal on her breath, lingering on the tines of her tongue. She no longer hungered for air, but she found her chest heaving anyway, some compression on these copies of her lungs that obediently pumped for a body that no longer needed it- save for somewhere in the left side of the yawning cavity of her chest, there was a slight sagging sensation, a delay that would have been painful if she still had the nerves to feel it. 
Daiyu's right hand reached up, almost without her conscious will, claws tracing along a thin, precise scar between two of her ribs, just under the cloth. Her breath- (her breath, her breath, horrible, unneeded breathing)- hitched, and her claws curled inward harmlessly towards her palm. Tears- these, also unneeded, but actually wanted this time- rolled down her face. 
Again that ice cold realization took over her body, drenching it in numbness; it shouldn't have been a realization, she'd known this for so long by now, long enough for the shock to have settled, but for whatever reason it never did stick. 
She was dead. She was dead. She was dead, dead, dead. 
Why did it still hurt? 
Her eyes shifted over towards Kai, the mountainous shadow of his body only just in front of her, and she considered asking him if he ever felt the same. She would have, the question was on the tip of her tongue…but she never did ask. Perhaps she was afraid of the answer. 
She prayed to Guan Yin that he didn't feel the same.  
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imaginemoons · 6 months
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Fandom: Genshin Impact
Character: ZHONGLI 🫶🤗
Warnings: Bad English, blood
Genre fluff
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| Zhongli |
When you tell him:
•Ok, First of all, he was SOOO shocked, him?You chose him of all people to bear children with?... He couldn't be anymore happier.
•You were honestly shocked (yet not) when he started tearing up that you also started to cry more, you guys couldn't honestly be happier.
•He picked you up and started spinning from all the happiness, he kissed you lovingly and sweetly. "My dearest.. you have truly made me the happiest man alive".
During the months:
•He has been to ALL of your appointments, he has to know if you and the baby are well and won't have any compilacations throughout the pregnancy.
•Like Diluc he would shower you with gifts from childe's wallet ofc. You'd have many jewelry all made from lapis.
•He loved watching your belly grow with your guyses child, He finally felt like he had retired from being an archon and had finally started a life for himself with the love of his life.
•He would ask for the adepti to keep an eye on you whenever you go out or he's out at work. Is sometimes REALLY possessive dragon things.
•Whenever you guys cuddle he would always be the big spoon, and hold you tight. Or he will sleep beside your tummy.
•If you ask him he'd definitely sing to your baby. Sometimes the baby even kicks when he sings🫶.
•"My love, I cannot wait for our little one to come out, I want to meet him, but I cannot help but think I would be a bad father" he says
•"Li, how could you ever be a "bad father" you are a man that saved hundreds and thousands of people" you say. Zhongli chuckles lightly at this.
•"Yes, but I have also killed hundreds and thousands of people" He says back. "Zhongli whoever you see yourself to be, You always will be the man I love and more and you will be a great father to our child".
•After more talking he eventually calmed down. It ended with you to cuddling and comforting each other.😭
Giving birth:
•It was night time and you guys were taking an evening walk. But suddenly when you were taking a break at the bridge, your water suddenly broke!.
•Of course you called for zhongli who was just taking in the beautiful scenery. Zhongli immediately ran to you and carried you to bubu pharmacy FAST.
•When you guys arrived baizhu and qiqi immediately went near you to see what was going on Zhongli explained to them: "Dr. Baizhu! Please! Help my wife her water broke!".
•Baizhu immediately led them to the labor room, and Zhongli gently laid you down onto the bed, Baizhu prepped you and checked if your cervix has dilated.
•Baizhu told you everything looked good, you just needed to push now so that you could meet your baby.
•"Breath (name), 3,2,1 push!," You pushed as hard as you can, holding onto Zhongli's hand he helped you to breath properly.
•After 3 more pushes, your baby was finally out, IT WAS A GIRL! ,you watched as Baizhu held onto you baby and immediately put your baby in your embrace.
•You couldn't help but cry out of happiness, I mean how couldn't you cry out of happiness?,You finally get to meet your child!.
•"Hello little one.." you say with tears in your eyes. You looked up at Zhongli who also was tearing up. "My child.." he said
•After a couple of minutes of you and Zhongli welcoming your child into this world. A nurse had to take her due to that your daughter was still covered in blood.
•After they had cleaned your daughter up, she was back, safe, in your arms, you looked up at Zhongli.
• "What should we name her?" You say, Zhongli thought for a while and eventually came up with the name "Daiyu... We should name her Daiyu" he replied
•"That name is beautiful Zhongli..." You say, you look down on your daughter "Hello, Daiyu... It's your mommy.." "And daddy-" Zhongli added, you couldn't help but chuckle.
•The rest of night, you slept with your daughter in your arms, and Zhongli hunched over the side of the bed, sleeping right beside you guys and holding your hand.
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previous chapter | next chapter | masterlist
Warnings: guns, violence, alcohol, drunkness, blood, knives, allusion to slavery
Summary: you had spent your entire life running, from corellia, from your family, from the empire and now from bounty hunters. But when one man sees how you care for his child, what is he going to do with himself, especially as he finds himself falling for you
Wordcount: 3.9k
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Daiyu was the worst planet you’d ever been on and it wasn't for the lack of nightlife or for the lack of interesting jobs but because of its weather. With a dark black hood over your head, hands pressed into the pockets as you walked through the crowded cities, you scanned the area for anyone with a bounty puck.
This time 6 years ago, you were one of the most celebrated people in the entire galaxy. You had people fawning over you left right and centre, you had more medals than you could possibly want and you had everything. Or so you thought.
You tried not to think about that time of your life too often and on a planet like this, you didn't have to think about much about anything for too long of a time. It was easier to sit there in one of the bars, a drink in your hand as you drowned in the neon lights and the large crowds that swarmed the city.
However, the planet required you to constantly be looking over your shoulder, always watching out for the next person who was going to try and attack you, whether it be imperial sympathisers, random drunken men with no impulse control or bounty hunters.
You had spent your entire 20s saving the galaxy, joining in on the rebellion and whilst your brother and your best friends got to sit pretty in their Jedi training camps or their coruscant apartments or their thrones, you were stuck living day by day, hiding from bounty hunters.
There was no way to determine when you changed from the hero to the girl being hunted down by Bounty Hunters every other week but you assumed it had something to do with Lady Proxima, a tall white grindalid who looked after you - more like worked to the core - after your parents death.
She was the one who had set the bounty after you nearly eighteen months ago now and though you wished you could escape it, you had no regrets for trying to kill her - the act that landed you with a bounty in the first place.
In the distance, you spotted the nearby nightclub and cantina and it wasnt hard to distinguish its flashing lights from the dark dreary weather on Daiyu. You looked around, pulling the hood off your head as you took shelter under the opening to a loud nightclub. You looked around before stepping inside, entering the world of drugs and mayhem and forgetting.
Hesitantly at first, you pushed your way through the mass of people that had grouped in the middle, dancing along with the live band in the corner. You pushed past a human and a zabrak making out in front of the bar as you tried to make it to the alcohol as fast as possible.
You pulled a chair back at the bar, your jacket now draped over your lap as you called out to the twi’lek at the bar to bring you a drink. In a few seconds, she placed the drink on the bar in front of you, waiting for you to slide a handful of credits across the smooth surface before walking away.
You reach for the shot glass on the table, swirling it around for a second before pulling it to your lips and downing the glass in one fluid motion, throwing your head back before putting the glass back down on the table.
The burning feeling was present in the back of your throat, causing your nose to scrunch up in a mix of disgust and euphoria as you allowed the drink to overwhelm your senses. You opened your eyes, pushing your lips together as you looked at the bartender again, hand raised to signal her over.
Before she made it over to you, another man slid up next to you. He was a slimy man with greasy blonde hair that was sticking to his temple and the way that he looked at you, almost like a stick of meat, made you sick to your stomach.
“You want to buy some death sticks?” He questioned, his voice hoarse like he'd been smoking them all morning - and it wasn't even 12 o’clock yet, not like you’d be able to tell that with the dreary grey weather on the planet.
You had dealt with your fair share of assholes at bars - actually, you had dealt with your fair share of assholes in general - but today you were not in the headspace to fight with him.
It had been nine years since the day that you had lost your best friend, a memory that you didn't want to spend too much time thinking about. All you wanted to do was drown in your liquor and forget about the troubles of the world, to just watch it spin around you.
“She doesn't want to do that,” a deep voice said and you felt chills run down your spine at the sound of it. There was something about this low, almost modulated voice that drew you to him and slowly, you turned around to see a man standing there.
He was tall and still but the most recognisable feature was that he was covered in armour. It was glistening, multi-coloured in the club's neon lights and there was no expression in his body language and you couldn’t see his face to determine what he was thinking either.
You took a deep breath in, eyes narrowing on the man. You two were looking at each other - or at least you assumed he was looking at you - and neither was moving. The man trying to sell you death sticks just rolled his eyes, standing up and tucking his seat in before stumbling towards the group of people to sell too.
You hadn’t realised that you’d been staring at the man for too long, an uncomfortable amount of time really, but when you felt your cheeks heat up in embarrassment, you looked away from his visor and back at the new shot on the bar in front of you, “I don’t need to be saved,”
He didn't make a noise, just reaching into his pocket and before you could panic and imagine him pulling out a blaster and shooting you point blank, he pulled out a holo-puck and you couldn’t figure out which scenario was worse. You stared at your face as it spun around on top of the holo-puck, your name plastered at the top of it.
Your eyes trailed from the puck to him and he hasn't moved a muscle. There was something uncovering about the man and you couldn’t tell whether it was the fact that you couldn’t see his face and recognise any emotions, or if it was his regular demeanour.
“I guess this means you’re not going to buy me a drink,” you teased, standing up from your seat at the bar. Now standing up, you realised how tall he was, towering over you as you tried to find an escape plan.
He didn't laugh at the joke and you assumed his face was as emotionless as his body as he stated, “I can bring you in warm, or I can bring you in cold,” The modulator made his voice deep, the sound reverberating through your body.
Your breath hitched in your throat because although you should be scared of this emotionless bounty hunter who was probably here to kill you, you werent. There was something about him that you couldn’t put your finger on that made you feel intimidated yet secure.
“What does cold entail?” You questioned, hoping the slight fear bubbling up wasn't too obvious in your voice.
He tilted his head to the side slightly. Nobody had ever asked him that before and if Din was being honest, you weren’t like any bounty he had hunted down before. One, you were definitely the most beautiful bounty he had ever encountered. And two, you were the most calm; everyone else would either be running or begging at this point but you were doing neither, just staring him down like you could see through the visor.
“Carbonate,” he stated, his voice cold.
You felt a shiver run up your spine at the word, and not the good kind of shiver. There weren't many things that scared you in this universe, maker, you’d even encountered Darth Vader himself bur carbonate, that was what scared you. You’d seen someone you cared dearly about be stuck in there for half a year and you’d seen what it could do.
He noticed your shift in demeanour at that movement. Whilst your face didn't react to the words, he could see the flash of fear in your eyes, a small crease appearing between your brows.
“Well then Mr Mandalorian, I think I might have outstayed my welcome,” you stated and before he could respond to what you said or even comprehend it, you were ducking down under his clas arm the knife which appeared in your hand dragging along a slit between the pieces.
He swore under his breath, eyes scanning the room before seeing someone with a similar hood to yours running out of the door into the pouring rain and when you made the mistake of turning back round, hood falling from your head, his eyes met yours and he started running through the crowd.
Din shook his head as he pushed through the high and intoxicated people of the planet, knocking one or two of the down as he tried to make it up for the maker forsaken club.
When he got outside, the rain hitting his armour, he scanned the area for you but he had no idea where you went. He shook his head, unsure how he could’ve lost you.
The sound of a vendor yelling and a crate of fruit falling to the floor in a near alleyway was a telltale sign of escape and he decided to hitch his bets and chase down that way and lucky for him, the maker was on his side today as he saw you running round the corner, wet from the rain.
He chased after you, feet carrying him as fast as he could as he raced around the unfamiliar streets of Daiyu. He didn't know why you were being hunted but he didn’t care, as long as it gave him enough money for petrol and food for him and Grogu.
You looked behind you, swearing out loud as you trod in a puddle, broken shoes filling with water. You kept going despite the pain in your legs and the burning in your lungs. You’d be damned if you survived Darth Vader himself but a Mandalorian took you out.
Stopping round a corner, your hands on your legs as you caught your breath, you thought you’d be okay and you were. You found the best way out but then you saw a group of men shooting at this round ball.
You watched as they laughed to themselves, shooting at this thing that you suddenly recognised as a pram. That’s when you spotted a small green alien sitting behind the pedestal, looking up at you.
Every instinct told you that you had to keep running from that Mandalorian bounty hunter that was pretty ready to ‘take you in cold’ but your morals told you that you had to save the little baby from whatever these rogue gang members wanted from him.
You sighed, shaking your head as you pulled your blaster out, closing one of your eyes as you shot one of the three men in the head, killing him instantly. The next shot hit the second man in the stomach and he doubled over, hands on his stomach as the other man searched for where the gunshot came from.
He let out a yell as he noticed you, the two men shooting at you and you managed to take them both down before rushing down and grabbing the child. He was small and green and as you held him in your arms, he reached out for you with little green hands.
“What’s your name, little one?” You asked, watching as he grasped one of your fingers with his little hand. He just babbled and you assumed that he was too small to answer you so you smiled, giving him your name.
When you heard more yelling and blaster fire, you assumed that there were more gang members and you hid behind a wall, hearing them yelling about finding the child.
“They're talking about you kiddo?” You questioned, voice quiet so that they didn’t hear you. He cooed, a mischievous smile on his face and you assumed it was him.
You didn't know what to do, just waiting and looking around and hoping that they had passed. You had also managed to escape the Mandalorian that was after you and as soon as you got this kid back to his family, you were going to get off of this planet and find the next hiding spot, maybe .
That's when you heard more blaster fire and the body of one of the gang members fell down at your feet as you shielded the child from its view.
You assumed that they were all dead when it went quiet and you stepped out hesitatingly, blaster in one hand and the child in your other. He cooed, smiling up at you as you looked around, “Listen, don’t be worried, i'm going to find your parents,”
You felt a presence behind you and froze up, turning around and looking up at The Mandalorian who had been hunting you down earlier. He was wet from the rain as well and when he noticed that you had a little child in your arms, he tilted his head in confusion.
Now it was your time to start bartering and you stepped back, holding the child closer to your chest, “Listen, take me in warm, I don’t care, just let me find this kid's parents,” you said.
Din felt his heart pounding in his chest as he watched you, an insanely beautiful bounty, holding his child to your chest protectively. There was something weird about the feeling bubbling up in his chest, one that he’d never felt before.
The child reached his little arms out, giggling to himself as he tried to reach for Din and you looked at it confused, “He’s mine,” he stated, a small bit of emotion evident in his voice.
Your brows furrowed as you looked down at him, the child cooing in your arms as you placed him back down in his slightly battered cot. He used the controls, going back over to Din and looking up at him.
“You’re an awful parent, leaving him here alone,” you said, your blaster still in your hand. You
Din smiled to himself under the helmet, glad that you couldn’t see his amused reaction to your comment, “I didn’t, he must have escaped my ship,” he stated, that cold tone to his voice.
You sighed, looking up at him. You brushed your wet hair from your face, only now realising that you were still standing in the rain, “You gonna take me in warm Mr Mandalorian?” You asked, hands held out in surrender.
He cocked his head to the side and you definitely recognised that movement as confusion, “You’re just giving up like that?” He questioned.
You shrugged your shoulders, “I’m not going to be able to convince you to let me go,” you stated and he nodded, reaching into his back pocket, eyes narrowed and focused on her; he didn’t understand why she was just letting him take her away.
He had his hands on the restraints, about to put them on her when more gang members sped around the corner, looking around for the two of them - and by that, they were looking for Din and Grogu.
The Mandalorians head was spinning with the events of the days and his oddly submissive bounty and as he looked at the people who were hunting down the child and trying to kill him, he knew he had to make a rash decision that any other day he would scold himself for.
He turned to you, pushing your hands down and putting the restraints back onto his belt, “Can you shoot?” He asked, his voice still cold but now you could sense a bit of fear in it. It was strange, how you could feel this emotionless man opening up to you little by little but you could.
“Can I shoot?” You teased, repeating the question back at him before pursing your lips together and nodding, “Of course I can,”
Din nodded, looking down at you just as the gang members looked into the alleyway, one of them exclaiming that they had found the child and you wondered what was so interesting and lucrative about this kid that this many people were ready to die for.
He looked back at you, taking a few steps forward, “Stay in front of the kid okay,” he stated and you nodded, watching as he began shooting at them.
You looked back at the child who put the lid over his pram and you turned back and started shooting, the sound of blaster fire echoing through the alleyway.
This morning when you woke up in tha5 small, damp hostel, this wasn’t how you expected the day to go. You would never have imagined that you would be standing in the pouring rain, fighting alongside the man who was trying to take you in as a bounty so that you could protect his son.
You slid down, the rain making the cobblestone pavement wet as you slid under the man's legs, slicing through his thighs with your knife and watching as he collapsed down, your knife jamming into the back of his neck. You pulled it out with a grunt, wiping the blade on your trousers before grabbing your blaster and shooting the man behind you.
Din watched in awe, he shouldn’t feel this way towards anyone, especially not towards a bounty but the second that he had laid eyes on you in the cantina bar, he knew there was something special about you and now, as you stabbed men to protect his son, he shouldn’t have felt as turned on as he did.
You turned around, spinning on the heel of your foot as you shot another one, watching him fall down with a scream. It was the last man and as you took a deep breath, pushing your wet hair out of your face and looking at the Mandalorian, you smiled.
He watched as you stepped over the myriad of bodies on the floor, using the pad of your thumb to wipe some of the blood that had splattered on your chin away and you walked up to the cot, watching as the child opened the lid.
He chuckled at the sight of you and you smiled back at him before looking up at the Mandalorian. Your smile fell as your eyes landed on his helmet, unable to see what he was thinking and he was glad you couldn’t see underneath because he was sure that from the heat on his cheeks, he was blushing like a schoolboy.
There was an awkward silence that fell as you looked around at the bodies that littered the floor of the alleyway and you held your hands out again, “Take me in warm?” You questioned.
You could hear the faint sound of his breath hitching in his throat through the modulator as he pushed your hands away. He watched as your brows pulled together, a deep crease appearing between them as you looked up at him, "They won't be needed,"
You chuckled, a slight smile tugging at the corner of your lips, "You might be the nicest bounty hunter I've ever encountered," you stated and Din knew that if you could see under his helmet, you'd have teased him for the way his cheeks were bright red as he looked at you.
Being in his mid thirties, he had spent the best part of twenty years hidden under the helmet and away from the world and with his helmet on, he could be as expressive as he wanted, a superpower that was working overtime right now.
"Lets go," he said, keeping his head held high as the child followed in the hovering pram next to him.
You had so many questions that were trying to bubble up to the surface but you pushed them away, not wanting to agrivate the man who was being so kind to you whilst holding your life in his hands.
Some people looked at you as you walked alongside him and now you wondered if the attention was from the gunfire earlier or from the large Mandalorian you were walking with.
You looked up at him, continuing to walk. You’d only encountered one mandalorian before and he had been a bounty hunter too but you knew that’s not all they ever did. The one you were walking with now hadnt told you his name unlike the last one and this one was a lot more quiet and reserved.
There were so many questions swimming in your head and it made you dizzy as you wondered what this man wanted and why he was being so kind. Why did he have a kid? Why was he green? Was the Mandalorian green? What was your bounty for? What did he want?
“You okay?” He asked, his voice snapping you out of your thoughts and that’s when you’d realsied you’d stopped and had been staring at him for at least thirty seconds. He had his head cocked to the side, one hand on his hip as he stopped as well a few feet in front of you.
He was waiting for your answer and you nodded, a smile appearing on your face to try and be polite as you started walking again, “Just got lost in thought, its been a long day,” you stated, tryin to make your excuse sound plausible. You couldn’t just explain that you’d been staring at him.
Din hummed in response, continuing to walk alongside you, guiding you in right direction towards a ship that you recognised as a razor crest. You walked towards it, one hand brushing over the cold and slightly wet metal of the ship as you looked back at him, eyes wide, “You have a Razor Crest?”
He nodded, walking over to you, “Let’s go,” he said and your face dropped as you watched him walk up the ramp, remembering that you were just a bounty to him like you’d already forgotten that.
He didnt notice and just watched as you walked up the ramp as well, looking around at the room and watching as he picked up the child and placed him on the floor. The little child giggled, running in the direction of the cockpit and you just watched, as smile on your face.
Din looked back at you, his heart skipping a beat as he saw the smile on your face and when you made eye contact - or he made eye contact with you - he gestured to the cockpit, “You probably want to come sit down, we’re going to jump into hyperspace soon,” he explained.
You nodded, muttering a thank you as you squeezed past him into the cockpit, seeing the child having already strapped himself into the seat behind the pilots seat. Din came in, his hand brushing against the child’s head which made him laugh, before he sat down in the pilots seat.
You strapped yourself in, eyes focused on the front window as you felt that familiar presssure of hyperspace, watching the blue lights in the distance get closer, laughing you three into an unknown destination to you. But you were so ready for it.
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So this is the first chapter of the bounty x bounty hunter series and I hope you enjoyed it, I really love the concept and can't wait to expand on it. If you liked it, I would love to hear any feedback. Also, I am going to be opening a taglist so if you want to be added, just send an ask or comment on here, I don't mind. Hope you enjoyed it :)
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adversitybloomed · 8 months
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NAME: Hua Mulan | 花木蘭 TITLES: general hua | heroine hua | heroine hua mulan aliases: hua jun ( male disguise ) | feng lian ( feng means ‘maple, phoenix’ & lian means, lotus, female disguise ) NICKNAMES: MuMu and La-Chan (by close friends) BIRTHDATE: April 26th SPECIES: human | phoenix NATIONALITY: Chinese. GENDER: cis female PREFERRED PRONOUNS: she | her | hers.
FAMILY: see here. PARENTS: Hua Zhao ( Father ), Hua Hsien, ( Birth Mother, Deceased ), Hua Li ( Step-Mother, Estranged )
SIBLINGS: Hua Daiyu ( elder sister, enemies ), Hua Xiu ( younger half-sister, close ) SIGNIFICANT OTHERS: canon wise none, but please take note my exlusive ships on this blog for her SO are @battleguqin ( Default ship ) + @caracarnn ( Default ship ), my main ships are also with @orangeshinigami + @thuganomxcs + @abyssrisen CHILDREN: canon wise, none. but Mulan & Sizhui ( @battleguqin ) have eight children, 7 sons & a daughter biologically, but they also have adapted more & have a lot of fur babies.
EYE COLOR(S) : dark brown, almost black. HAIR COLOR(S): onyx ( dark black ) HEIGHT: 5'1" ( 154.94cm ). WEIGHT: 106 lb ( lean muscles ), this weight is only when she is eating healthy, she has a hard time gaining weight to this point. FACE CLAIM: Zhao Lusi BODY BUILD: endomorph, mulan is lean & petite in nature, but more on the thin side. she has a small curvy figure to her. there is zero fat on her, however as she has more muscle mass because of her strict training routine.
Potential Fatal Flaw: pride & stubborness.
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Tagged by @caracarnn ( ty ! ) tagging: @battleguqin + @orangeshinigami + @auburniivenus + @peculiarbeauty + @cuckoo-among-beasts + @incissam + @ka-go-me + or steal & tag me !
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This Rotten Work Playlists: Zell edition!
As @evelynhug0 so kindly requested, I'm going to release each of the main character playlists (and one for the main ship, Rachel and Daiyu) once a week leading up to the release of the book!
Third up is Marcel "Zell" Oathkeeper, one of the two best friends of Rachel and our resident disaster poly bisexual. Born into a Magical family, Zell is a bit out of place in the Normie world, what with his yellow turtlenecks, overalls, and ascots, but he's rather enthusiastic about certain discoveries, such as Guitar Hero and Mountain Dew. He likes to experiment with his cooking in his free time and his best friends have been the unfortunate recipients of many Mountain-Dew-related experiments. Underneath his optimistic attitude, however, lies a deep-seated survivor's guilt and worse coping methods than he's letting on, the best of which is the garden of ghosts he's maintaining with his Vine-Slinging powers (aka plant powers).
As Rachel describes him in Chapter 1:
“Excuse you, I love my clothes.” Zell even reaches up and smooths out his neon yellow henley to prove the point.
I arch an eyebrow at the state of his pants. “Tell that to the dirt stains on your knees, Ni.”
“You just can’t appreciate the beauty of nature, Ray,” Zell tsks as he grabs his backpack from Stebbie’s well-organized hands.
That’s Marcel Oathkeeper in his natural form for you: Zell the plant boy. Overalls and plant magic and a rooftop garden above our apartment. Dirt constantly caked under his fingernails and ground into his pants. Long, gangly limbs that looked awkward until he grew into them. He and Stebbie are quite the match, given the nearly twelve-inch-height-difference between them.
@snazzy-hats-and-adhd @blufox3542 @neshatriumphs @khruschevshoe @weedpoop @thesirhandsome-tepalehuia @sillylittlecheeto @nefertittti @henrythepug @meet-me-behindthemall12 @aboutblankpages-blog-blog @artemisiaarm @profiterole-reads @marchionessdebrannas @harrietmjones @thearcaneuniversity @little-bloodied-angel @artemisbones @jacksope-lives @fleuranna @shehungthemoon @spacecatrainshell @celestedeluna @thefiresofpompeii @gerardway-jpeg @fleuranna @henrythepug @smokecloudsandrollingpapers @idealuk @aceumbrellaheroes @evelynhug0
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ofwishfulthinking · 1 year
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Edgar Yang + Family
Edgar's relationship with his biological family is complicated, in every sense of the word. He was born and raised in Avignon, France, the heir to a wine empire that had grown and thrived over generations. At the age of eighteen, though, Edgar moved to the United States and has since had very little contact with his parents.
Xavier Fortier (60, fc: Mads Mikkelsen): father; CEO and face of Fortier Wines. Daiyu Yang (59, fc: Lucy Liu): mother Alexandria Fortier: (39, fc Li Jun Li): half sister, former CEO of Heira Tech, owner of Tiboulen Stables.
Daiyu and Xavier were married young. Their relationship was not based in love, but rather a business match as both families were wealthy and the merge seemed to be helpful. Shortly after their marriage, Daiyu gave birth to Alexandria and one year later, she gave birth to Edgar. It was soon discovered that Xavier was not Alex's father. The marriage never recovered from there.
After moving to the US, Edgar began to build a new family for himself. His sister is still his closest and truest friend, but others of note are:
Marco Gagliardi-Fortier: husband. The absolute love of Edgar's life, his soulmate in every sense of the word, and the father of their children. There is no one on Earth that Edgar loves more, and nothing that Edgar wouldn't do for him. @naturiisms Griffin Reynolds: business partner and one of his best friends; Edgar is Griffin's daughter's godfather. @xallmywolvesx Calliope Duong: one of Edgar's closest friends in Denver. @andante--andante
Not pictured: the Gagliardi brood; Edgar's in laws have become a pseudo family to him and he loves them all individually and as a unit.
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mystoriesmylives · 2 years
When the Bellflower Blooms: The True Meeting
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AN: This awesome cover was made by @eyecandyeoz. I asked her to do a cover for my fic and she blew me away with this! Thank u so much hun!
Maul lied.
OK he didn't technically lie.
It was true that he can see Onora in the force like a box full of light, but that wasn't the only way. 
Also that day in Thrawns office wasn't the first time they met. 
It was more complicated than that, they way he feels her in the force.
Maul actually heard her.
It was a day he was on Daiyu,finishing a crimson dawn meeting about spice distribution when he heard it.
He looked around, noticing that other people around him didn't seem to notice. He started to walk and again he heard it. It occurred to him that it was the force he was hearing, specifically someone in the force.
He closed his eyes and tried to feel it out. 
It was just a humming of a song, no words but it was…soothing. It called out to Maul, like a siren song. 
He followed it, hearing it louder until it was all he could hear. 
He had to find it! 
He sensed other things from the singer; the smell of lavender and peppermint, the warmth of a hearth and the brisk breeze before snowfall.
He was at a stall when the tune changed. It went from humming to vocalizing; again no words, just that voice. 
Suddenly, the voice stopped and he growled in frustration until he heard a gasp.
On the other side of the stall was a woman, wearing an imperial uniform. It took a moment to realize her eyes were different colors; her hair was covered inside of her cap. 
The two stared at each other and she smiled bashfully at him. He then heard the song again.
It was coming from her!
He stared at the young woman before him. Her face was youthful, but something in it also made her seem older; as though  she experience more hardships then she should. He couldn't see her hair color due to the cap but did see a few strands that seemed to be red. 
She smiled shyly as they looked at each other, seeming very bashful as she hugged her holo-pad to her chest. Maul himself felt his face heat up, giving her a small smile.
Maul was not used to this. These feelings that started to well up in him.
He felt suddenly protective and the yearning to know more about this woman. He wanted to know what her hair looked like. What her favorite meals were. What was her scent was. He wanted to know her.
She startled and started to run to the man who was yelling at her. Maul rushed to her and grabbed her arm, not wanting her to leave. She looked at him and smiled.
“My name is Onora.”
She smiled again and grasped his hand. To his surprise, she leaves a small kiss on his fingers and quickly leave. Maul stares at her retreating figure and ducks into a alley, taking ragged breaths. His twin hearts racing as he feels the phantom kiss on his fingers.
He has to find her again. 
@eyecandyeoz @justalittletomato @gran-maul-seizure @stardustbee @a-dorin @kotic-kryptid @maelove21
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lulu-nightbon · 2 years
id say this is daiyu and xianzhi but xianzhi's. around 6'3
so instead its daiyu and zhouei because when zhouei isn't halfway down an anxiety spiral she's a fucking menace
guess that's what you get when you have macaque as a dad @alienembers
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lmk-oc-competition · 18 days
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At long last, here is our bracket for the competition! Thank you for your patience, kind words, and help as I get this second competition up and running <3
FAQs are still to be posted. In the meantime, feel free to send any questions through either Ask or DM!
Polls will go up tomorrow, September 7, at 9 AM EST
View match-ups and creators below the cut. (If you're able to read all those tiny words in the image, I applaud you)
Yin and Yang (@tacoelmo) VS Si Wei (@tanya-shiza)
Yue (@kirbysdreamlands) VS Len Bingxue Wangzi (@lalloydddd)
Aether (@stardust-haven) VS Shanmei Jia (@soft-sea-serpent)
Lian (@squidthechaotickid) VS Hoshiyoru (@stardust-xoxo45)
Hazel Dragon (@zellia-rambles) VS Yei Yuemi (@fluttershyflores2)
Diane (@0xxjustdianaxx0) VS Fei (@sliver-lioness)
Cháolíu (@mysticmonkiee) VS Purple Child (@marokra)
Cuò Cuò (@raylamoongirl) VS Mingyue (@yum3naps)
Reya Nina Januri (@fayeangel25) VS HanQing (@spoilersbutinaccurate)
Jun (@camhues) VS Pebble (@pebblepeb)
Ari J (@dragonnerd) VS Zǐmò (@rolian-delayer)
Jī Tuǐgū (@tsa-smth) VS Sying Zaohui (@jujuviolicious)
Jia Zhutao (@chonggen) VS Chenguang (@twinklecupcake)
Heng Tao (@starrbee) VS Star (@mylittlemonkiearts)
Ao Hai Wang (@turquiosescales) VS Yīngwǔ Hángbān (@wr3n-th3-4n1m4t0r)
Huli Shaoxing (@reagansragepage) VS Phen (@demonichunny)
Ji Daiyu (@azora-ink) VS Li Sania (@sallyvanna)
Xuè Shé (@yingjiaoyue) VS Salvage (@ghostlycrow)
Arthur Allard (@doppel-doodles) VS Xiāo Lixúe (@keykittygirl)
Fu Xiao (@endipuff) VS Rainbow (@askrainbowandherpastives)
Táozi (@somewhat-insane) VS Jie (@manonim)
Li Mei (@angela3965) VS Diedie (@lmkobsessedmoth)
Tàiyáng Mizuki (@shadowmonkieking) VS Yahui Liao (@shepherd-to-the-stars)
Blossom (@blossomnightshade) VS Xingyun (@leyyearts)
Bell (@deadzonedenizen) VS Wong Minyi (@vegalocity)
Yangwu Jin (@littlethingsrae) VS Lady Obsidian (@miccadomini)
Gene (@m0nkienerd) VS Liu Xing (@pacifity)
Daiyu Sun (@sallydemon) VS Bone Demon (@yuendelahoya)
Zhi Xing (@nem0lux3) VS Eku Lin (@ekukovsblog)
Kali (@tinyfieryghost) VS Aly (@likrisil)
Pebble (@skylinx2o) VS Xinghua (@shatteredstarsart)
Yan Yu Ji (@thesleepingdramaqueen) VS Lǐ Nà (@violina08)
It's so cool seeing both new and familiar faces here. Have fun and good luck to everyone!
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daiyus · 2 years
when — 15 july where — nik’s room who — @cordiiceps​
Daiyu should know better than this. Than to slip from under the covers, get out of her room and pad down the hallway with not even shoes on and to go to where Nik resides. This floor is treacherous, the rooms filled with Alexei’s strongest and cruelest, desperate creatures vying for his approval, watchful eyes and ears. But she finds she cares little, as another restless night lies ahead of her. So she does what she shouldn’t and knocks on his door the way she always does, waits ten seconds and then slips in. 
Let them tell her father. Perhaps then he’ll talk to her. That’s the issue here, isn’t it? The way Daiyu feels like she’s stuck in shadows. She doesn’t recognise it as paranoia, this conviction that everyone seems to know something she doesn’t — her father in his silence, Mike’s stabbed body, the eyes passing over her, the treacherous conversation she doesn’t hear but knows exists, the pointed fingers. 
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And no killer found yet. A noose is waiting. Daiyu can’t sleep. She can’t relive the hanging (the one of two weeks ago and all the others before it) again, either. So in stead she looks at Nik, in his bed, who is looking back at her. She very pointedly does not look at Gilbert, who sleeps not entirely soundlessly and has forgotten to put on a shirt. She loiters after closing the door, regretting this clear showing of weakness already. “No need to be alarmed,” she prefaces. “Just — couldn’t sleep. And I think we should talk. That alright?”
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dracocheesecake · 1 year
(((OOC: Which character in your Kung Fu Panda Modern AU is most likely to watch movies that're considered so bad it's good like with The Room (2003) and Plan 9 from Outer Space (1959))))
I fell like Mr. Ping, Monkey, Nu Hai, Li Shan, and Daiyu.
Daiyu would use it as a form of torment, though, usually on movie night.
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storyswept · 1 year
After finishing the recently released sample of The Running Grave, I couldn't help but wonder how the rest of the book will unfold (which I guess is the point).
(Spoilers under the cut)
The 2 deaths by drowning we're told about in the prologue intrigued me, so I decided to do a little research about drowning in Chinese culture and found some interesting tidbits.
There are folktales about drowned people becoming ghosts or spirits:
According to legend, Nüwa, a girl who drowned in the Eastern sea was turned into a bird called Jingwei after her death. To prevent others from meeting the same fate, she drops twigs and stones from the nearby mountains to fill up the sea.
Jennifer and Daiyu Wace both drowned on the sea off Cromer beach, which lies on the East Coast of England.
More chilling are the stories about shui gui (literally "water ghost"), drowned people who haunt the waters they died in and lure people to their deaths.
Folklore also claims that ghosts are particularly active during Ghost Month, the 7th month of the lunar Chinese calendar. During this month, it's recommended (among other things) not to swim. I checked - Daiyu Wace's death (on the 29th of July 1995) happened during Ghost Month.
I find it hard to believe this is a coincidence.
The names which Galbraith/Rowling chose for the Wace females are also quite interesting:
Mazu ("ancestor mother") is apparently the name of an East Asian goddess, particularly popular in Taiwan. It is said that, during her moral life, she saved part of her family from death at sea. Her father and brothers were fishermen and would have all died if not for her intervention. Having fallen into a trance while she was weaving at home, she was in the process of rescuing them when she was snapped out of her trance and dropped her oldest brother into the sea.
Jennifer is a Cornish form of the Welsh name Gwenhwyfar, which literally means "white phantom". Gwenhwyfar (better known nowadays as Guinevere) is also Arthur's wife in Arthurian legend. In the retelling by Chrétien de Troyes, she has an affair with Lancelot of the Lake. By the by, the first account of Arthur's life in Norman was written by a poet named Wace.
Daiyu ("black jade") is also a famous figure, namely in Chinese literature. A flower reincarnated as a girl to repay a debt of tears, Lin Daiyu is one of the main female protagonists of Dream of The Red Chamber (or The Story of the Stone), a Chinese literary classic which, according to most scholars, was never finished by its original author, Cao Xueqin. He is considered to have only written 80 of the 120 chapters of the first published edition. One of the plot lines involves a love triangle between Lin Daiyu, Jia Baoyu (the main character, "precious jade") and Xue Baochai ("jeweled hair pin"). In the 120-chapter version, Lin Daiyu, who was chronically ill, dies an early death at the time of Jia Baoyu and Xue Baochai's marriage. Jia Baoyu ends up becoming a monk. In 2016, the year in which The Running Grave takes place, an English-language opera adaptation of Dream of The Red Chamber came out. In this version, Lin Daiyu instead commits suicide by walking into a lake after the wedding.
Not sure if we're supposed to look further into it… But if we are, this could be hinting that:
Jennifer's ghost is responsible for Daiyu's death (oh wait, it's not this kind of story)
Mazu is like a "mother" to the members of the cult. (Considering that Jonathan Wace is known to members as "Papa J" I could see that being the case)
Before Jennifer's death, she, Mazu and Jonathan had a love triangle of their own?
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anime-amazing · 1 year
Characters That I Roleplay As
Jing Li
Tian Yu
Bai yunjun
Viserion (god of dragons)
Adonis (god of Sun)
Qyhthos (god of fertility)
Iros (god of beauty)
Syreus (god of ocean)
Santios (god of healing)
Ashton (nicknamed Ash guard of earth)
Vincent (prince of light)
Lucian (prince of dark)
Chu Zhao
Prince Faelearn Yelqin
Prince Voron Vocaryn
Calen (marinas overprotective brother)
Venvyn Alvodroth (Drow)
Xue jing
Althidon larxina
Victor Mukami
Atlantians (merpeople)
Prince Zayden
Prince Varun
blackstone Beatly Ashley
Daiyu Zhan (clumsy doctor)
Alex (ex dragon hunter)
Aharon (Egyptian prince)
Feng Liang (blind)
Zayne deschenel
Xaio Zhang
Xue (prince)
Chen shi
Jace shoenheight
Kitsune (Demon fox, Nine tailed Fox)
Tao Yan
King Rhaegal
Elven Mage
Jing Yan
White tiger
Cyrus -
Kaikya - 732
Yong Zheng
Prince Zhaleh (prince of winter)
Zhan(spring prince)
Snow fox
Living statues
Khai (aiden when human)
Meng yin
Dr karter
Jingyu (loves mirrors)
Li Jing
Fu jia
Yi Ming
Lai Zheng
Dai Tou
Xavai Tagan
Viscardi Lycaon
Azuma Kaneie
Chu zhen
Zachary Shard
Yotun/frost giant
Njemag Lokison
Royal scribe
Jiang Yuxuan
Fu Ming
Norwegian water spirit
Random female dragon
Ex dragon queen
Marina (Light/Drow elf hybrid)
Harper (zeleahs mother)
Lan Shu
Sereirena Vocaryn
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