#library jobs
harvardfineartslib · 2 months
I've been following for so long that I don't even remember why I followed! But as a current MLIS student - what programs do your librarians typically come from? Are they traditional MLIS students, or people who took a more meandering path? Do you have any openings for data librarians? Asking for a friend (haha)
Our librarians have come from a variety of paths. Most of them have their MLIS, but since they are subject specifc librarians, they also have PhDs or Masters in their field. A couple of our librarians have Art History or Architecure PhDs but don't have the MLIS at all. We do have a high density of Simmons graduates in the library system, unsurprising given our proximity to the program, but there are plenty of folks coming from other programs like Drexel and A&M, online and in-person alike.
On another hand, most Access Services positions do not require an advanced degree, so while many staff do have their MLIS or other degrees, others do not. Some staff actually use their education benefits to pay for their MLIS while working in Access Services.
Unfortunately, there are no data librarian openings at FAL at the moment, but I can't say whether that's the case for Harvard Library overall. You can narrow your search parameters for Harvard Library jobs here.
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I applied for a job as a library specialist in a small town outside Gainesville, and tomorrow morning I have to take a test there as part of the hiring process. I was a bit concerned about the commute, but I just drove there and back and it took less than 25 minutes each way. I left my apartment at 10:40, got on the I-75 a little after 10:50 and arrived at the library a little after 11:00. I didn't stop to go inside, I just drove past and doubled back around. It's a real small town, super rural, but not in an unsettling way. It's not abandoned, it's quaint. My main cocnern was that it might be in Krazy Konservative Kountry, but this summer the town council voted unanimously to recognize June as pride month; so shines a good deed in a weary world. I got back on the road at 11:05, and pulled into my apartment at 11:26, so all told the drive's not too bad, not too bad at all. Most of my time was spent waiting at stoplights. This job would be a fantastic opportunity for me, so I really hope it works out. I don't know how many other people have applied, but I do know that last year the test was given at the big library in Gainesville, population 140k, so the fact that they're holding tomorrow's test in a town of less than 1k seems to me like this branch has less competition. Fingers crossed!
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We are hiring for two positions!
The State Library Services Bureau has a full time, permanent, Library Technical Assistant position available in the Sutro Library in San Francisco.
The California Research Bureau has a full time, permanent Senior Librarian position available.
Apply by July 19 using this link: https://calcareers.ca.gov/CalHrPublic/Jobs/JobPosting.aspx?JobControlId=438486
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digitalnewberry · 5 months
Happy National Library Workers Day!
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Edizioni Artistiche della "Continental" (us glamorously doing our library work)
Wishing all our library colleagues some well organized collections today 📚
P.S. if you're a library worker (current or aspiring) in Chicago, you can apply now to join our fabulous Digital Newberry team! Learn more and apply here to this brand new digital asset management position.
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hiringlibrarians · 2 months
"Job hunting is demoralizing, and most employers don't recognize that."
"You're usually interviewed by senior people, who haven't looked for a job in decades, and don't have a grasp of how shitty their processes are. If you're an employer and you're hiring, you need to check your process to make sure it doesn't suck." #LIS
Please note: this is an anonymous response to an online survey; I do not have any way of contacting the respondent or verifying responses. Their answers may reflect good, bad, or middling job searching practices. I invite you to take what’s useful and leave the rest. Your Demographics and Search Parameters How long have you been job hunting? √ A year to 18 months Why are you job…
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flukeoftheuniverse · 9 months
Hey, so, would anyone following me be interested in a bit of a breakdown on just why many/most libraries in the US want their professional staff to have degrees in library science and what that degree entails?
Cause I just saw a lot of dogshit takes about "it's stupid that libraries make you have a degree to work there" as well as some that weren't dogshit but were definitely ignorant of what library work IS. And like, I get it, you look at a public library and see people at a counter like it's retail and think "how hard could it be?" But there's so much more going on when it comes to library jobs.
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sylvanium · 1 year
Už pátý den v kuse mě budí slovy: "Dobrý ráno, Megero." a prožívá se mnou krizi ptáčete vypadlého z hnízda čerstvého absolventa.
Zvládám to samozřejmě skvěle a rozhodně nehledám práci v té samé instituci, kde jsem strávila poslední dekádu života. Ehm. Vůbec ne.
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indiajobspot · 5 months
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Latest Govt Jobs Opening For Graduates
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jakeperalta · 7 months
I'm curious. what job would you do if money was no object (you just automatically had an income you could live comfortably on)? including work like volunteering, studying etc. please share in the tags :)
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harvardfineartslib · 5 months
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The Fine Arts Library’s Digital Images and Slides Collection (DISC) is hiring a Slide Relocation Processing and Cataloging Assistant.
This is a 2-year term position primarily working with DISC collections located in Lamont Library.
Check the link below for information.
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In August 2022 and September 2023 I applied for the same job as a library specialist. Both times I was invited to take a test, and both times I aced it with flying colors. The followup interviews, however, went poorly for me. I was so nervous the first time that I stuttered all over myself and could barely answer any of their questions; I immediately knew I had failed. The second time I was more prepared, more confident, but I had no idea whatsoever how well I did. Good? Bad? No clue! My first rejection came within 2 weeks, but the second took over 2 months.
Well, guess what job listing just opened back up!
I reapplied as a Hail Mary, but I fully expected to be rejected right out because they didn't want me 5 months ago so why would they want me now? Surely they have my resume on file and know they've interviewed me twice, surely they remember they rejected me, but what do you know, they scheduled me for ANOTHER test this Thursday, February 1st. Third time's the charm? I don't even know if it's worth my time to show up. I'll ace the test and then they'll schedule me for an interview around President's Day and my answers won't have substantively changed since last time, so odds are I'll be 0 for 3.
We'll see how it goes.
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Are you looking for a challenging and meaningful work in a fast-paced environment? If so, this is the place for you!
The Personnel Specialist is responsible for performing all aspects of personnel transactions including but not limited to payroll, time and attendance reporting, appointments, and separations. Apply by April 12 here https://calcareers.ca.gov/CalHrPublic/Jobs/JobPosting.aspx?JobControlId=424959
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shayandevjobs · 6 months
Military Lands and Cantonments Department Jobs 2024 Advertisement
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Jobs Description:
Military Lands and Cantonments Department Jobs 2024 has been announced through the advertisement and applications from the suitable persons are invited on the prescribed application form. In these MLC Jobs, eligible Male/Female candidates from across the country can apply through the procedure defined by the organization.
Job Requirements:
Date Posted 27-03-2024
Industry Government
Hiring Organization Military Lands and Cantonments Department
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hiringlibrarians · 18 days
"I see many more candidates with solid written materials that did not reflect their performance in first-round interview"
"(1) show some awareness of the position in application materials and initial interview (I don't expect detailed research, but show that you have read the job ad and know basically what kind of institution we are..." #LIS #GLAM #LibraryJobs
Please note: This is an anonymous response to an online survey; I do not have any way of contacting the respondent or verifying responses. Their answers may reflect good, bad, or middling hiring practices. I invite you to take what’s useful and leave the rest. If you are someone who hires Library, Archives or other LIS workers, please consider giving your own opinion by filling out the survey…
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peculiarlilac · 8 months
✧˖° monday january 29 2024 ✧˖°⊹ ࣪ ˖⊹ ࣪ ˖⋆⭒˚.⋆. ✦   ˚     . ★
Today marks week 3 of what I still call my new job because the first two weeks have been mostly training. Those first two weeks felt like a breeze but last Saturday I was finally sent to my semi-permanent location. I do not know if it was the low sleep time, the oncoming monthly terror, or the shift in weather, but I went home feeling quite dour. I didn’t feel like I meshed with the co-workers on this site like I did with literally every other location I had been at. The immediate brusqueness of the environment (perceived or actual) was very jarring. I’m also dealing with the slight annoyance of that feeling when you start working somewhere right after their pay week so you’re kind of putting in the hours without seeing the reward yet. And boy, have they been working me.
When I was trying to find information on the real day to day details of the job there wasn’t much helpfulness so I’m trying my best to document in case anyone should ever stumble on posts related to Library Assistants.
First and foremost, it’s an extremely person-facing job. Week 2 I spent 98% on the reference desk and you are not going to be sitting cute reading your new favorite book of the season. You’re going to be helping people figure out the printer (re: doing all the clicking for them and telling them where to put the money) and reminding young unaccompanied school kids to not run indoors.
You’re going to learn how to use the catalog system for your particular system of branches, and probably not remember most of it, but that’s okay because in the process of teaching you, the other library workers will also admit they forget stuff on occasion.
That system will be used more for updating the PIN’s of patrons than any actual book-looking-up.
You will learn the local horror stories from the other workers about Patrons.
There will be weird patrons. Like I said, super-people facing unless you’re strictly there to shelf, and even then. There will be racist patrons and patrons that walked in on a bad day just intending to be snarky to anyone in their path (you).
The first week will be so much information and names that you’ll either remember everything or none of it. And everyone understands that. Or should. Maybe your boss will just be a dick. And after hearing the amount of things they have to get done, you’ll understand why they’re a dick.
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elodieunderglass · 3 months
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hi. what do you mean
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