ichhabekeinekraftmehr · 4 months
Oh mein Liebster, aber sei dir sicher,ich kenne meinen Wert.
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multifandomlover01 · 2 years
Dec 7
Decorating the house their first holiday season after moving in together
Webgott (or as @cody-helix02 likes to call it: Liebster)
Prompt from @almost-a-class-act
Word count: about 200
Disclaimer: I own nothing except my own writing
Note: yes these are late, I have been busy and yes this is being published out of order, come fight me
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“No, no, no, David, you’re doing that all wrong!” Joe offered his helpful suggestion as he hovered near the bottom of the step ladder as David was standing on it putting lights up outside their house.
“Then you do it!” David sighed, exasperated already by Joe. Why he ever loved him and moved in with him was beyond him. He stepped down from the ladder and thrust the lights into Joe’s chest.
“Alright, I will!” Joe climbed the step ladder and began doing up the lights his way.
“You said I was doing them wrong? What the hell are you doing with them?” David exclaimed.
“I’m doing them correctly, David, that’s what I’m doing.”
“No, you’re not. You’re doing them wrong.” David criticized.
“I am not! You were the one doing them wrong!” Joe countered.
“I was not!”
“You were too!”
David sighed.
“We’re not getting anywhere carrying on like this.”
“No kidding.”
“Why don’t we just go inside and do the tree?”
“You wanna go inside and decorate the tree?”
“Fine,” Joe climbed down the ladder and threw the lights down on the ground, “let’s go decorate the tree.”
David sighed again before following Joe into the house. He wondered if every holiday season was gonna be like this. Well…that was certainly something to look forward to, wasn’t it?
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The Liebster Blog Award
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keinbutterdieb · 2 months
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marimayscarlett · 3 months
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DJ wet Kruspe 🕺🏻🌧️ // Nijmegen, 18.06.2024 // 📽️ by conny_tanzlehrerin
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justalexx-things · 4 months
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Noah Temel you will always be important to me 🤍
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„Ich hab sowas noch nie für irgendwen gefühlt.“ ist ja schon peak Liebeserklärungslevel, aber für mich ist das nicht die Spitze des Eisbergs, der Colins Gefühle für Noah darstellt.
Ich finde es noch viel größer, dass Colin zurück ans Einstein ging und nicht direkt zu Julia nach NRW. Denn Julia war schon so lange DER Mensch für Colin. Julia reichte. Mehr brauchte er nicht. Das sagt er auch nochmal ganz klar in dieser Staffel…
Aber jetzt gibt es eine Ausnahme: Colin ist so verliebt in Noah, dass selbst diese Konstante sich neu sortiert. Er hat einfach alle Hoffnungen auf eine Karte gesetzt und hätte sogar auf Julias Nähe verzichtet, für Noah. Obwohl der ihm gesagt hat, er sei nicht verliebt und von Noah keine Reaktion auf Colins Liebesgeständnis kam. Die vage Möglichkeit, dass es doch was werden könnte (weil Noah nach ihm gefragt hat! Das war kein Fragen Colin! Julia hat recht), hat gereicht.
Sometimes action speaks louder than words und das ist hier auch so. Colin hat nicht “nur” gesagt, dass er so noch nie für irgendwen gefühlt hat. Er hat es auch gezeigt.
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“Es muss doch irgendwas geben, das dich umstimmt” - Ja, aber es gibt nicht „irgendwas“ sondern „irgendwen“ und dass bis zum allerletzten Moment! 😭
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theoniprince · 7 months
Sketch of the day:
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(Inspired durch @solaradastra s Schutzwesten-Post)
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quelquunberlin · 1 year
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"Ein Leben ohne Bücher ist wie eine Kindheit ohne Märchen, ist wie eine Jugend ohne Liebe, ist wie ein Alter ohne Frieden."
– Carl Peter Fröhling -
Teil 1: Und zwischen den Seiten die Liebe
Teil 2: Murder, he wrote
Teil 3: Weihnachten mit dir
Teil 4: Ein Teil von uns
Teil 5: Träume bis unters Dach
To be continued
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spineless-lobster · 1 year
You all may know me as Lobz but my wife calls me Spineless-Liebster
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mtonino · 2 years
Aguirre furore di Dio (1972) Werner Herzog
Quando infine arrivai quassù c'era nebbia fitta. Tutto era avvolto dalle nuvole e pioveva a dirotto. Si vedeva al massimo a 30 metri. La montagna dietro era nascosta dalle nubi, non si vedevano nient'altro che nuvole grigie. E regnava un caos indescrivibile. E a questo si aggiunse il grosso problema con Kinski che era di duplice natura: da una parte Kinski si rese conto di essere solo un puntino nel paesaggio e non il centro dell'azione. Lui voleva essere ripreso in primo piano, con il volto truce, mentre conduceva l'intero esercito. Tentai di fargli capire che lui non era il condottiero di questa missione, che era Gonzalo Pizarro. E fu molto difficile perché Kinski non era il centro dell'attenzione in quella scena. Il secondo problema era che il nostro concetto di paesaggio era profondamente diverso. Lui voleva vedere tutto il Machu Picchu, compresa la cima, così come avrebbero fatto a Hollywood, un bel paesaggio, uno sfondo che viene sfruttato per la scena. Anche la pubblicità lavora così, le cartoline sono così. Io però, volevo solo un determinato taglio del paesaggio, in cui fossero visibili tutto il dramma, la passione, il pathos. E lui questo non lo capiva, ma per me era fondamentale, doveva essere così. Un paesaggio con caratteristiche quasi umane. Kinski arrivò ad affermare la banalità che il volto umano fosse l'unico paesaggio affascinante sulla Terra. Allora lo tolsi da quell'inquadratura. Avevo la sensazione che senza volto sarebbe rimasta a lungo nella memoria dello spettatore. E Kinski si mise a urlare che ero diventato un megalomane. Io gli risposi: "Bene, ora siamo in due". Alla fine, verso le 11 del mattino, il cielo si aprì, e a destra, come per miracolo, le nuvole rimasero ferme, a sinistra si aprirono e la fila di gente arrivò quaggiù. E mentre giravamo, ebbi la strana e profonda sensazione che io e questo film fossimo benedetti da Dio e che io stessi vedendo qualcosa di speciale, che non avrei mai più rivisto.
Werner Herzog (tratto da Kinski, il mio nemico più caro - 1999)
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rwpohl · 2 years
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sercphs · 2 years
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tags ;;
das Selbst am wahrsten .. ic
das Selbst durch die Linse .. ooc
das Selbst auf Leinwand gezeichnet .. visage
das Selbst im Buch geschrieben .. headcanons
liebste Mutter von einer Welt so weit .. mei
Liebster Freund aus längst vergangenen Zeiten .. venti
vergessenes Selbst verloren in den Flammen .. if verse
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feisaru · 10 months
I said it a few times already but your trademark would be faces, the way you draw the nose and eyes, also, shapes. How you render, the greyish shadows, the hair texture, sketchy lineart etc etc etc
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Back at it with the reaction images, hm?
Indeed, you've said it time and time again (thank you for putting up with me HAHAHAH)
The story of how I draw noses is basically the way I drew Saru's nose was not prominent enough for me and it was all downhill from there on. And thank you for thinking it's shapey, big compliment as I like shapeyness and don't really recognize that in my drawings HAHAH
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i-looove-dillydallying · 10 months
Die Deutschen hatten die richtige Idee, als sie Fruchtstäbchen herstellten!
dein erstaunter niederländischer Nachbar <3
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justalexx-things · 6 months
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Colin Thewes you will always be my comfort character <3
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