#thank you liebster
feisaru · 6 months
I said it a few times already but your trademark would be faces, the way you draw the nose and eyes, also, shapes. How you render, the greyish shadows, the hair texture, sketchy lineart etc etc etc
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Back at it with the reaction images, hm?
Indeed, you've said it time and time again (thank you for putting up with me HAHAHAH)
The story of how I draw noses is basically the way I drew Saru's nose was not prominent enough for me and it was all downhill from there on. And thank you for thinking it's shapey, big compliment as I like shapeyness and don't really recognize that in my drawings HAHAH
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nrdmssgs · 1 year
Tips to write for König (language)
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Masterlist Let's go! But first important disclaimer
I know well, that Konig is from Austria and German language is a bit different from Austrian. The only reason, I'm doing this list for German language instead of Austrian: I know German well enough to personally check every phrase on my list. I live in southern Germany since 2019 and understand written Austrian, but would not venture to make a similar list for phrases in Austrian.
These phrases are not headcanons - just useful helpers for my fellow ficwriters!
I`ve tried to keep this list SFW, so there is no really kinky stuff or any swear words. But if you guys are interested - I can try to bring such a naughty list together as well.
Neither English nor German are my first languages, so there's a possibility of a mistake always.
Thank you to absolutely beautiful soul @konigsblog for encouraging me doing this.
So, you want König to speak German in your story, but don't know how to get him to? There is nothing easier.
(very) Ground rules
All nouns, names (and nicknames) are always capitalized.
Here are a few useful letters, so that you don't search for them on your keyboard: ä, ö, ü, Ä, Ö, Ü.
"my/your + masculine noun" = mein/dein + noun or name (e.g. Mein Horangi)
"my/your + feminine noun" = meine/deine + noun or name (e.g. Meine Josephine)
"chen" is a diminutive suffix (We'll need that with pet names).
A few German pet names
Keywords to google: Kosename (+ für Männer/für Frauen (for men and women))
Genderless (can be used, referring to both men and women, depending on relationship dynamic):
Schatz / Schatzi - the ultimate killer and number one pet name out there. "Treasure". Is very often used in public.
Liebling / Liebe - "Lover, love"
Herz / Herzchen - "Heart"
Süßi - "Sweet one"
Baby / Babe - yep, it's not in German, but it's very popular here among people younger than 50.
Engel / Engelchen - "Angel/angel + diminutive suffix"
Mein Ein und Alles - "My everything" a rather pompous expression, but it can be used when speaking directly to a lover.
Herzblatt - "Darling"
Goldstück - "Jewel. Piece of gold" a bit like treasure.
Sonne / Sonnenschein - "Sun / sunshine"
Himmel - "Heaven"
Stern / Sternchen - "Star"
Kätzchen - "Kitten"
Schneckchen - "Snail". I know, this one sounds strange, but I've heard it here a lot. And this is not even referring to someone slow
Tiger / Babytiger / Tigerchen - "Tiger / tiger cub"
Babylöwe - "Lion cub"
Zimtschnecke - "Cinnamon bun"
Also you all know and use Maus (which is great!!!!!), bit there are also options of Mausi, Babymaus and Mäuschen!
Feminine and masculine versions of pet names
Süße / Süßer - "Sweet one"
Schöne / Schöner - "Beautiful one"
Liebste / Liebster / Angebetete / Angebeteter / Geliebte / Geliebter - "Beloved"
Kleine - "Little one"
Großer - "Big one"
Heldin / Held - "Hero/ heroine"
Hübsche / Hübscher - "Beauty"
Ok, here is the part, where we get him to talk dirty to us.
Ich brauche dich jetzt wirklich - "I really need you right now"
Es macht mich so an, auch nur an dich zu denken - "It turns me on just thinking about you"
Ich kann es nicht erwarten, dich in mir zu spüren/in dir zu sein - "I can't wait to feel you inside me/be inside you"
Ich will dir so einen blasen/dich so lecken, wie du es noch nie erlebt hast - "I want to give you a blowjob/lick you like you've never experienced before"
Ich möchte dich küssen, überall... - "I want to kiss you everywhere"
Du kannst heute Abend mit mir machen, was du willst - "Today you can do anything you want to me."
Ich kann es kaum erwarten, bis wir beide allein sind, damit ich dich ausziehen kann. - "I can't wait until we're both alone so I can undress you."
Ich stelle mir uns gerade nackt zusammen vor - "I'm thinking of us naked right now."
Ich hatte gerade einen eindrucksvollen Flashback von letzter Nacht - "I just had an amazing flashback from last night"
Wollen wir heute früh ins Bett gehen? - "Shall we go to bed early tonight?"
Das/du fühlst dich super an - "This/you feel great"
Ich liebe es, wie groß/feucht/weich du dich anfühlst - "I love how big/wet/soft you feel"
Bitte hör nie wieder damit auf - "Please don't stop doing this"
Das ist das beste Gefühl überhaupt - "That's the best feeling ever"
Du machst mich so an - "you turn me on (so hard on)"
Ich will, dass du mich nimmst - "I want you to take me"
Ich will dich schmecken - "I want to taste you"
Ich will, dass du kommst - "I want you to cum"
Ich habe deinen Körper so sehr vermisst - "I've missed your body so badly"
Ich will, dass du mich hier/da leckst/küsst - "I want you to lick/kiss me here/there"
Gutes/Böses Mädchen - "Good/bad girl"
If you want him to be more soft, here are some romantic phrases in German.
The (very) basics
Ich liebe dich - "I love you"
Willst du mein Freund/meine Freundin sein? - "Do you want to be my boyfriend/girlfriend?"
Ich bin bis über beide Ohren verliebt - "I’m head over heels in love"
Ich steh’ auf dich - "I’m into you"
Du bist die Liebe meines Lebens - "You’re the love of my life"
Du hast wunderschöne/schöne Augen - "You have beautiful eyes"
Küss mich - "Kiss me"
If you want something more advanced
Ich vermisse dich noch mehr, als ich jemals gedacht habe. - "I miss you even more than I ever thought it was possible"
Es gibt Freunde, es gibt Feinde und es gibt Menschen wie dich, die man vor lauter Liebe nie vergisst. Ich vermisse dich! - "There are friends, there are enemies and there are people like you who you never forget out of sheer love. I miss you!"
Ich zähle die Tage, Stunden und Minuten bis du wieder bei mir bist. - "I count the days, hours and minutes until you are with me again."
Unsere Sehnsucht wird immer größer, je weniger wir sie befriedigen können. - "Our longing grows ever greater, the less we can satisfy it."
Für mich ist jeder Morgen ein guter Morgen, weil ich weiß, dass ich dich an meiner Seite habe. - "For me every morning is a good morning because I know that I have you by my side."
Ich zähle die Stunden, bis du wieder bei mir bist. - "I'm counting the hours until you're with me again."
Ich weiß, das mit uns beiden ist mehr als nur Freundschaft. - "I know there's more to the two of us than just friendship."
Das nächste Mädchen, das ich lieben werde, wird unsere Tochter sein. - "The next girl I will love will be our daughter."
Ich wünschte, ich wäre der Wind, der sanft durch deine Haare streicht, die Sonne, die dich zärtlich berührt und der Mond, der deinen Schlaf bewacht. - "I wish I were the wind that gently caresses your hair, the sun that caresses you and the moon that watches over your sleep."
Jeden Tag wünsche ich mir, dass das zwischen uns niemals endet. - "Every day I wish that this never ends between us."
Mit dir an meiner Seite kann ich mich der ganzen Welt stellen. - "With you by my side I can face (fight) the whole world."
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onlyonetifosi · 1 year
Hii babes could you do Logan x reader and it’s his first Father’s Day or Oscar if your comfortable with it thanksss
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The sound of engines roared in the distance, blending with the cheers of the crowd that filled the Formula 1 paddock. It was a scorching day in July, and the world's fastest drivers were preparing for another thrilling race weekend. Amongst the bustling chaos, Y/N Sargeant, wife of renowned F1 driver Logan Sargeant, navigated through the lively atmosphere with their adorable son, Parker, cradled in her arms.
As they walked toward Logan's team garage, Y/N couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and nervousness. It was Parker's first time attending a Grand Prix, and it happened to coincide with Logan's first Father's Day. The couple had been looking forward to this day for months, eager to share their passion for racing with their son.
Amidst the hustle and bustle of the grid, Y/N held Parker in her arms, gently rocking him back and forth. "Are you ready for your first race, Parker? Daddy's going to be amazing out there," she cooed in German, her voice filled with love.
Logan approached them, his race suit zipped up, and a proud smile on his face. He wrapped his arms around Y/N and Parker, kissing their foreheads. "Guten Morgen, meine Lieben," he greeted them, his voice filled with warmth. "Are you excited, Parker? We're going to have so much fun today."
Parker, with his chubby cheeks and bright blue eyes, gurgled in response, his tiny fingers reaching out to grab at the colorful lanyard around Y/N's neck, which held their paddock passes.
Logan, clad in his racing suit, approached them with a beaming smile. His eyes lit up when he saw his wife and son, and he eagerly scooped Parker into his arms.
"Hey there my champion" Logan greeted his son "Ready to cheer Daddy on today?"
Parker responded with a toothless grin, seemingly sensing the excitement that surrounded him.
Y/N leaned in and pressed a kiss to Logan's cheek. "Happy Father's Day, Liebster. You're an incredible dad, and I'm so proud of you."
Logan's face softened as he held his family close. "Thank you, princess. I couldn't ask for a better gift than you and Parker"
Their tender moment was interrupted by the arrival of other F1 drivers and their families. Charles Leclerc approached with his girlfriend Emma and his son Marco, in his arms. He grinned at Logan and Y/N.
"Happy Father's Day, Logan!" Charles exclaimed, extending a hand to Logan while Marco curiously observed Parker. “It's a special feeling, isn't it? Seeing your little one grow up in this world of racing"
Logan nodded, his eyes shining with pride, Logan shook Charles' hand warmly. “Happy Father's Day to you too. How's Marco doing? And absolutely, it's a whole new level of joy and responsibility. But I wouldn't trade it for anything."
"Parker is excited to be here today," she said, glancing over at their son who was squirming in her arms. "It's his first time attending a Grand Prix"
As if on cue, Parker giggled, his tiny hands reaching out towards the colorful F1 cars lining the grid
"Look, Marco, this is your new friend Parker!" Emma exclaimed, smiling warmly.
"He's growing up so fast," Charles replied, his voice tinged with awe. "But I suppose that's what happens when you're born into this racing world"
Y/N nodded, understanding the sentiment. "I can't believe how quickly Parker is growing too. It feels like just yesterday we brought him home"
Daniel Ricciardo joined the conversation, a mischievous twinkle in his eye. "So, mate, how does it feel to have a mini-you cheering you on from the grandstands?"
Logan's gaze softened as he looked at his son. "It's indescribable, Dan. Seeing him here, witnessing his first Grand Prix, it means the world to me. I can't wait for him to grow up surrounded by this incredible sport"
Parker wriggled in Logan's arms, reaching out to touch Marco's face. The two babies giggled, their laughter filling the air as their fathers exchanged stories and advice.
Y/N gently placed him on the ground, and he wobbled his way towards the other drivers' children who were playing nearby.
Max Verstappen's son Noah, Marco and Parker were already engrossed in painting the paddock with colored chalks. Parker’s laughter blending with the cheerful voices of the little ones. Meanwhile, Y/N and Logan watched, beaming with pride.
Max Verstappen's daughter, Sofia, giggled as Parker tried to catch up to her. The two children toddled hand in hand, their laughter contagious.
"Looks like we have future racers on our hands," Max said with a grin, watching the two children.
"I wouldn't be surprised," Y/N replied
"I think our little racer is making friends," Y/N said, her eyes never leaving Parker
"Logan, do you remember when Parker tried to imitate your victory celebration?" Max Verstappen chuckled, recalling a recent race weekend. "He's already a natural-born racer"
YN grinned, watching as Parker clumsily attempted to mimic his father's podium jump. "He definitely takes after his father. I have a feeling we'll be seeing him on the track in the future"
Logan's heart swelled with pride, his gaze alternating between YN and their son. "Maybe one day, he'll even surpass me"
Their conversation was interrupted by the sound of a familiar voice. "Logan! Y/N!" It was Lando Norris, his own son, Oliver, perched on his shoulders.
"Hey, Lando!" Logan greeted with a grin. "Happy Father's Day, mate"
Lando grinned back. "Thanks, mate. Looks like our kids are having a blast together" Lando was accompanied by his girlfriend, and together they admired Parker with adoration.
"Thanks, Lando!" Logan grinned. "By the way, congratulations for the last race. You're on fire this season!"
Lando shrugged modestly. "Just doing my best” he was saying before being interrupted by Oliver as he was chasing after Parker, their laughter echoing through the paddock, and he and his girlfriend, Lauren, laughed at their son's antics.
"Y/N, how are you finding motherhood?" Kika, Pierre Gasly's partner, asked with a smile
"It's an incredible journey," Y/N replied, her voice filled with warmth. "Watching Parker grow and discover new things every day is a blessing"
As Y/N they exchanged pleasantries, the other drivers and their families joined the growing circle of camaraderie. Sergio Perez's sons Carlota, Sergio and Emilio, toddled around with a mischievous glint in his eyes, followed closely by Daniel Ricciardo's son, Leo.
She noticed Lewis Hamilton with his own bundle of joy, Amelia, and approached him.
"Good afternoon, Lewis. How is Amelia doing?" YN inquired, her voice filled with warmth.
Lewis grinned, holding his daughter close. "She's doing great, thanks. Can't believe how quickly time flies. Before I know it, she'll be asking for her own racing car!"
"Happy Father's Day, Logan! And Y/N, little Parker is growing so quickly. He's going to be a force to be reckoned with, just like his dad."
Y/N chuckled, gently bouncing Parker. "Thank you, Lewis. We're excited to see what the future holds for our little racer."
It was a scene filled with laughter and joy—a glimpse into the future of the F1 paddock.
The warm camaraderie continued as more drivers stopped by to offer their well wishes. Yuki Tsunoda playfully ruffled Parker's hair, while Daniel Ricciardo shared a humorous anecdote about his first Father's Day.
As the time for the race drew near, Y/N and Logan exchanged a meaningful look. They both knew how much this day meant to them—a celebration of their love, family, and the shared passion that brought them together.
"Let's make this a day to remember, Liebster," Y/N whispered, her eyes shining with anticipation.
Logan tightened his grip on Parker, his heart full of love and determination. "Absolutely, sweetheart. Today, we race for more than just victory."
With their spirits lifted by the support of their F1 family, Logan and Y/N walked hand in hand toward the pit lane. As the cars thundered past, leaving behind a symphony of speed and power, Logan revved his engine, ready to give it his all on the track.
For Logan, Y/N, and little Parker, this would forever be remembered as the day their racing hearts beat as one—a testament to the strength of their love, their devotion as parents, and the unbreakable bond that tied them together.
With renewed determination, Logan kissed Y/N's forehead before heading towards the briefing room. The race weekend had become an extraordinary blend of joy, love, and the thrill of competition
Later, as the engines roared on the grid, Y/N, holding Parker in her arms, joined the other F1 families in the spectator area. Logan's car lined up on the grid, the anticipation palpable. Y/N whispered to Parker, who stared wide-eyed at the colorful spectacle before him.
"Parker, mein kleiner Champion, look at Daddy go. He's going to show everyone what he's made of."
As the lights went out and the race began, Y/N's heart swelled with pride for her husband and the father of her child. The adrenaline rushed through her veins, mirroring the intense energy on the track.
Parker, sensing his mother's excitement, clapped his hands and babbled happily, the echoes of his laughter blending with the roar of the engines.
Hours flew by, and as Logan crossed the finish line in a respectable position, the crowd erupted with applause. Y/N, carrying Parker on her hip, joined the cheering, her voice ringing with pride.
"You did it, Logan! Happy Father's Day!" she exclaimed, her words mingling with the cheers of the crowd.
The F1 families gathered once again, celebrating the successful race and Father's Day. As they shared stories and laughter, the children played together, their young spirits echoing the joy and unity of their parents.
"I couldn't have asked for a more perfect day," Y/N whispered, leaning into Logan's embrace.
He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her closer. "Neither could I, love, this is what racing is all about. Family, friendship, and the love that keeps us going."
When the paddock quieted down, the Sargeant family made their way back to their motorhome. Logan cradled Parker in his arms, gazing down at his son's peaceful face.
“My little man," Logan whispered, his voice full of tenderness. "One day, you'll know how much joy and purpose you bring to my life. I'll always be there for you"
"Parker is lucky to have you as his mom," Logan whispered, his voice full of adoration.
Y/N smiled, feeling a surge of love for her husband. "And he's lucky to have you as his dad, Logan. Happy Father's Day."
Logan's eyes shimmered with emotion as he held Y/N's gaze. "Happy Father's Day, Y/N. I couldn't imagine a better partner and mother for our son."
In that moment, as Logan sped away, adrenaline surging through his veins, he couldn't help but feel grateful—for the privilege of being a father, for the support of his teammates and fellow drivers, and for the incredible woman and son waiting for him in the pits.
Together, they embarked on a race not just to the checkered flag but to a future filled with love, happiness, and the indomitable spirit of the racing world.
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kit-williams · 6 months
Venom of Venus
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I think I might write anything Yandere Black Templar I'll probably give it a Powerwolf song title
Hey... ya'll want another Yandere Black Templar? But with that Civilian Darling? Still attempting to make the darling a nameless reader insert
Expect canon typical violence and religious overtones
They would have to fall back. Brother Roland could hear it in the chatter as his position was being flooded by some nameless xeno foe. He glanced to the ammo boxes as his throat tightened at the thought... they wouldn't send her back out here again. Brother Roland was certain that she would heed his warning. The planet was struggling by the time the Crusade fleet had made the unexpected exit from the warp. The Champion had seemingly recieved a holy vision of these people needing their help and they were so desperate for the salvation that the Black Templars would bring. But, they would make sure the populace was not a complacent populace... they would earn their victory. They were certainly pleased by how many civilians stayed back to try and help stem the tide.
"Brother Roland!" Her voice pierced the fog that flooded the trench as he watched this poor woman laidened with three heavy bolter ammo boxes. His Bäckerin with hands far more suited for kneeding dough than carrying around the heavy ammo boxes. Her feet were unsteady as she nearly collapsed under the weight as she clearly ran here. She was so unuse to the heavy flak armor on her and much less the weight of the ammo.
"Bäckerin, I told you to not come back." He speaks with no anger in his voice far more annoyance but his hearts fluttered with pride at the little civilian woman who stayed behind for all these months. How she was the source of a comfort for Roland; a distraction? He did not see it as such as the God Emperor's wrath and will can flood into the lowliest of mortals and it was clear in the way she always looked at him that there was that spark that the God Emperor bestows upon his followers. Her spark burned hot for her small frame just as his spark was a roaring bonfire in comparison but it was no less impressive.
"And-" She gulps down air as her limbs tremble from her effort; the rations barely keeping her physically fit enough, she wasn't trained for the front lines so she was in no shape for what she was doing, "I... I told you... I still owe you a loaf of bread. You-" Another gulp of air, "Can't die before then." She looks up and smiles before covering her ears as he fires his boltgun in rapid succession.
"Go little Bäckerin this is no place for you anymore." He could see her nod and start to run back the way she came.
She didn't get very far before her scream caused his head to snap over and time slowed to a crawl as one of the xenos had rushed over and was bearing down on his Bäckerin. To her... her life was flashing before her very eyes as the horror of the alien was upon her. But what happened next was so fast as a black blur slamed into the far to many jointed limbs. A thank you bubbled in her throat but it died as her face was pressed into the rough cloth over his armor, she was caged under him as the world shook around her.
She was screaming as she covered her ears and hot tears were running down her face. It wore a suicide switch and the sudden "shelling" wasn't helping but he prayed to the God Emperor trying to soothe his Bäckerin, his voice roughly coming through his vox as he tried to drown out the noises with his prayers.
"I'm sorry Roland I'm so sorry!" She bluthered as the stress of it all got to her and of course she was but a mortal... he understood she was scared. She was a campfire to his bonfire but he would make sure her flame did not go out even if it flickered. She could feel the way he gently pet her head as he switched to his internal vox and updated his superiors that he was alive after that.
"Bäckerin, meine liebster Bäckerin. Das hast du so gut gemacht, bitte keine Tränen mehr." Roland cooed at her, remembering when she asked to hear his mother language and the way her eyes lit up at the way he spoke. How enamored she was when he said his prayers in this tongue. How he watched her open her eyes and look at him, how her pretty eyes glistened with tears still. "There's meine Bäckerin." He said with his chest rumbling but he picked her up and dirt fell off of his back. The trench was ruined.
"You should get out of here my Lord." She said wiping her eyes, "I can run and make noise to-" She spoke as he started to mag lock ammo to his belt and body.
"Bäckerin," He said in a tone that made her flinch, "if that thought ends with you trying to sacrfice yourself." She couldn't stop the whimper as she could feel his overwhelming presence.
"I'll just sl-" She managed to whimper out before he fully turned to face her.
"Bäckerin." He hissed out and of course she crumpled.
"I'm sorry my lord please forgive me." She squeaks out before he picks her up and starts to run toward the fall back point.
"I can forgive you if you remember that your duty is not that of a martyr besides you have teased me with the prospect of having some fresh bread for months. You will not deny me that."
She let out a soft laugh as he carried her so easily but the lightheartedness died as Roland had to whip out his bolter and fire back at the skittering xenos. He could feel her grab his rosary, grabbing the large golden aquilia and starting to pray as the fog was unnatural and created by them and she could see them in the fog.
He knew no fear but he could worry. He worried for his Bäckerin. "Bäckerin tell me again what you're going to do after you survive this and the xenos are gone!" He demands trying to distract her.
"I'm going to open my bakery back up and I'm going to finally get married and have babies, so many babies!" She screeches out that final part as out of the fog one of them jump and he back hands it so hard that the sickening crunching noise will never leave her. "Oh by the God Emperor I'm so sorry I put it off!" She just sobs as she just is so stressed and scared she can't help but sob as she prays and confesses her perceived transgressions.
"I'll give them to you Bäckerin. As many as you want." He pants out but his promise falls upon her deaf ears. "It's why I can't leave you behind. How can I give you what you want!" He doesn't know why he says such things to her. But the thought of her... under him... the thought of making good on his promises to her gives him a boost to his running making him run faster. The smell of her blood hits him as she squeezed his aquilia so tightly it cut her palm as she is just praying so fervently that he can't stop himself from shouting his own prayers. His third lung fills up as he pushes himself harder. They have to survive how else can he give her what she desires and deserves. To be full of his babies! He won't tell her how he's wanted her since she gave him that first loaf of bread. How her soft smile and devotion is what brought him so much joy.
Her devotion to the God Emperor, her devotion to her planet and people, and most of all her devotion to him. Why else would she come out risking her life if she did not care?! Oh he'll kill so many xenos for her. He can see the way she presses her face against his armor to try and hide her tears and to hide her face from the wind that stings her face from how fast he runs. He ignores her pleas to be left behind to stop being dead weight. She's never a burden in fact she tries so hard... for a baseline human she tries so hard.
He's already made up his mind if she survives it's by the will of the God Emperor and his to have! He'll make her so heavy and happy! As his little Bäckerin makes daily bread. All according to the will of the God Emperor.
All of it.
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kozzzma · 7 months
Olá, acabei de conhecer seu blog. Achei ele muito bonitinho >.< Gostaria de pedir algo para Alexis Ness (me intristece que haja poucos pedidos para ele). Algo com ele passando um dia na companhia de sua/seu adorável namorada/namorado, assistindo TV, cozinhando, arrumando a casa, etc. Algo bem doméstico mesmo. Adoro a sensação de conforto que esse cenário me passa.
Obs: meu inglês ainda é bem ruim. Tenho vergonha. Desculpe se incomodar.
Lazy Morning
an: Oh you didn’t bother me at all! Unfortunately I don’t know Portuguese so the fic is written in English. Thank you so much for the request!
character: Alexis Ness
CW: Fluff! Poorly Google translated German.
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You awoke to an empty bed and the sounds of an alarm blaring in your ears, as you rubbed the sleep out of your eyes the smell of waffles floated into the bedroom from the kitchen. As you slowly dragged yourself out of bed, your boyfriend peeked into the room with his signature V-shaped smile.
“Ah! Good morning, Meine Liebe! Did you sleep well?” Your boyfriend rushes over to you, wrapping you up in his arms and kissing your cheeks. Still drowsy, you return the hug, which garners many happy giggles. “I made you breakfast Schatzi, here I shall bring it to you.” With that he disappears for a brief moment again, letting you put on a sweatshirt before he returns with a plate of waffles topped with whipped cream, syrup, and berries. 
“Sit sit.”
“Sit, I'll feed you Mein Schatzi”
You sit on the bed and are promptly tucked back in as your boyfriend starts to cut the waffles. The birds were singing outside, and the morning traffic was picking up; the sounds of people and cars flowed in from the streets. You were glad that your boyfriend had a break from practice today.
“Öffne deinen Mund” You follow his request and open your mouth, letting him feed you the sweet waffles. He certainly is a talented cook, what a lovely boyfriend. You gently take the fork from him and place a piece of the waffle into his mouth. He laughs, and the process of alternating while feeding each other continues as rush hour dies down outside. Eventually, the plates are scooped away; you lie back down, staring at the cream-colored ceiling. The sound of the sink shuts off and the apartment's pipes stop rumbling as a calm falls over the room. You feel your boyfriend's big arms holding you close to his chest.
"Ich liebe dich, mein Liebster"
Maybe it will be nice to stay here for a while.
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I hope you liked this and I'm very sorry it's a little short! Please feel free to leave a request!!
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l13 · 10 months
((ヾ(。・ω・)ノ☆゚+.Thanks you for the recs! As for pet names well there are few. You already mentioned not liking Maus (which I get I call my nieces and nephews Maus/Mäuschen) Schatz and Schatzi are always a good option Spatz also works (basically means Sparrow but where I'm from in Germany a lot of people call their partners that) Hase - similar to Spatz but means bunny Kuschelbär is one used well if you wanna embarrass your partner (cuddly bear) Liebste/Liebster - kind of like love/my love Mein Ein und Alles - my everything (more for confessions than for daily talks) Prinzessin also works though it really depends on the relationship would be cringy to some others like it
and also thank you for taking the time to write all this down omg
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wowowwild · 11 months
Sick Days
I’ll attach a link here when ao3 is back up
Klavier is sick and Apollo takes care of him. klapollo week 2023 day 3: domestcity
P.S. if you don’t know german that’s ok bc you’ll just be POV: Apollo.
Apollo awoke to the sound of violent retching next to him. He jolted into a sitting position and flicked on the lamp. Klavier looked pretty pathetic, covered in vomit, eyes watering. Poor guy.
“Was that all of it?” Klavier whipped his head around and winced. “Ja. Tut mir leid…” “Hey, shh, don’t worry about it. Let’s get all of this off you, yeah?”
Klav nodded so Apollo set about rolling the sheets and blankets away from him, then took off his tank top. His sleep shorts were clean but also came off and were used to wipe down his torso.
“Come lay down on my side of the bed, I’ll run you a bath.” “Es tut mir leid. Danke sehr.” “Just rest for a minute.”
The first time he had seen the tub he had joked about it being a normal size and not an olympic swimming pool, but now he was thankful he only had so much tub he had to fill up. He tested the temperature to make sure it wasn’t too hot or too cold and adjusted it a couple times until it was at the right height.
“Alright, big guy, let’s get you in the tub.”
Apollo felt bad he had to jerk Klavier around a bit to get him into a position conducive to being picked up, but the guy looked so out of it, Apollo doubted he even noticed. He placed him gently down into the water.
“How’s the temperature?” “Sehr, gut, mein Häschen.” “I’m going to get you something to eat and drink, I’ll be right back, ok?” “Ja, bis gleich, Schatz.”
Apollo found a bottle of apple juice in the fridge and some club crackers in the pantry that would be easy enough to get down. As he made his way back into the room he could hear quiet sobs coming from the en suite.
“Klav? Hey, what’s wrong?” He rushed in and knelt next to the tub. “Herzchen!” Klavier threw his arms around Apollo, soaking him in the process. “I’m here. I just went to get you something to eat and drink, remember?” “Ja. Ich habe das vergessen.” “I don’t speak German, baby.” “Vas? Ich bin- Oh.” He giggled. “Verzeihung, Hübscher. I didn’t realize.” “That’s ok. Do you think you can try drinking and eating a little?” “Anything for mein Sonnenscheinchen.” “Ok, I have to go clean up a bit, will you be ok? I can keep talking to you, I’ll just be in the other room.” “Ok. I will be fine.” Apollo kissed him on the forehead, it was quite warm. “Once I finish I’ll get you some medicine.” Klavier made a face. “It tastes bad.” “But it’s good for you.” “Hmm…” “Could you do it for me?” “... For you.”
Back in the bedroom, Apollo began stripping the bed. It wasn’t particularly ‘juicy’, eugh, so the mattress wasn’t damp at least. Apparently Klavier was a good chewer, though, because he didn’t recognize dinner at all. Gross.
“Apollo?” Klavier sounded nervous, calling from the tub. “Yeah, Klav?” “Will you sing to me?” “I can do that. Any requests?” “Nein. Anything you would like.” He sounded more relaxed now that his request had been confirmed.
Apollo began with The Guitar’s Serenade, followed by a Khura’inese song he liked and then whatever came to mind. Four songs and he had finished the bed.
“How are you doing?” “Sehr gut, mein Liebster.” “Ready for your medicine?” Apollo entered the bathroom. Klavier made a face again. “Do I have to?” “Yes.” “Can I have ice cream?” “I don’t know if it will sit in your stomach well.” “Ok…” He looked so downtrodden, and as much as he was loath to admit it, Apollo would always give in to that face. “Well… maybe a little.” “Really?!” “But just a little, I mean it. How many of your crackers have you eaten?” “Five.” “Good job, Klav. I’m going to get everything and then I’ll help you wash up, ok?” “Ok.”
On his way out of the room he took the sheets and blankets to throw into the laundry room, attracting the attention of Mikeko and Vongole who tended to sleep in there. It was the warmest room in the house which appealed to Mikeko and ever since the two had become best friends, Vongole was rarely where the cat was not
“Hey guys. Sorry I can’t play right now,” he chatted as they followed him to the kitchen. “I’d send you in to keep Klav company, but he’ll definitely try to pull you into the tub to sit with him and I am not dealing with that at…” He squinted at the clock on the stove, “3 AM.”
He put a little vanilla ice cream in a bowl and hoped very much he wouldn’t be seeing it again. He also got the thermometer and some cold medicine that should get Klavier back to sleep. He should have figured something was up when Klav was tired at 9. That was early for him.
“Hey, Klav, I’m back.” “Ice cream?” “After the medicine. How is the bath water? It hasn’t cooled down too much?” “Nein. It is very nice.” Apollo tested it himself. It was still warm at least, but not as warm as it could be. “Alright, are you ready for your medicine?” Klavier sighed. “If I must…” “You must.”
Apollo measured out the right amount and Klavier opened his mouth. He made a face at the bitter taste, but swallowed it without any further complaints.
“Good job, babe. Here’s your treat.” Klavier took the bowl and looked at it for a moment. “Can you feed it to me?” “... Ok.”
Klavier really needed to be cleaned up before the water went cold, but he truly asked for so little, Apollo would probably never have the heart to say ‘no’. Usually he gave and gave, wanting nothing in return but Apollo’s presence, so of course when he asked for such a little thing he would do it. There wasn’t much anyway.
“Open up, darling.” Klavier grinned like he had won something. “What are you smiling about?” “You almost never use pet names. It feels special when you do.” “Oh, well…” Apollo could tell he was blushing. He’d use pet names more but he felt so awkward doing it. It didn’t come naturally to him like it did Klavier. A ‘babe’ or two might slip out from time to time, but mostly it was just ‘Klav’. He preferred to show his feelings in other ways. “You’re thinking too hard. Feed me my ice cream.” Apollo feigned offence. “Maybe I shouldn’t let you have any after all. You know, dairy isn’t great on the stomach when your sick…” Klavier was pouting again. “You said I could…” He whined. “I know, babe. Of course you can have it.”
Apollo scooped out a little and Klavier opened his mouth expectantly. He was really cute. Apollo figured he’d have to come up with an excuse to feed him again sometime when follow up kisses wouldn’t knock him on his ass with repercussions.
“How was that?” “No more?” “No more. I told you only a little. I wasn’t kidding about it not sitting in your stomach well. We have to get you cleaned up now, anyways. Before the water gets cold.” “Ok… Danke, Schatz. I know you spoil me.” “W-well I don��t really. No more than you deserve. Can you pass me the washcloth and soap?”
With an expert redirect, Apollo got to scrubbing his boyfriend down, as gently but efficiently as possible. He put ‘take a bath together’ on his list of things to do with Klavier. They’d showered, but a bath… Well he didn’t have time to think about that just then.
“How’s your hair? Does it need washing?” “Nein. I want to cuddle.”
Apollo took a once over of Klavier’s head and determined it was in fact fine and free of vomit. Klavier frowned at him, probably noting that his boyfriend clearly did not believe him. Apollo could live with that.
“I’m going to drain the tub now. I’ll grab you some pajamas, ok?” “Ok...” “When I get back we’ll dry you off and you can get dressed. Then we’ll cuddle. You’re doing such a good job.”
Klavier’s now deep frown lifted at the confirmation and compliment. He really was easy to please like this, but also easy to set off, so Apollo hurried to find suitable sleep wear and return. Apollo threw one towel over the toilet lid and put another on the counter beside the sink.
“Do you think you can stand if I help you?” “Ja. I can do anything if I put my mind to it, Herr Forehead, so jot that down.”
Apollo recognized this as something Klavier would absolutely say in a flirty tone with a wink but was currently stating so matter-of-factly he began psycho-analyzing the guy. No time for that, Justice! Your sopping wet boyfriend needs a towel and at least eight hours of sleep, stat. He squatted down, figuring Klavier would need more support than he let on.
“Are you ready?” “I was born ready.” “For this exact situation?” Apollo couldn’t help himself. “Ja. Oma predicted it, she told me. She said, ‘Klavier, one day you will face great challenges and you will overcome them, I am sure.’” “And this is one of the great challenges she was referring to?” “Natürlich.” “Right. On three?” Apollo secured his hands on Klavier’s ribs just below his armpits. Klavier nodded and grabbed Apollo’s shoulders while bracing his legs. “Ja.” “One, two, three!”
Klavier did get up with little difficulty but was immediately leaning on Apollo.
“Can you step out? One foot at a time.”
Apollo felt Klavier nod and then watched as one foot then the other set down on the mat.
“There you are,” Apollo’s voice was soft as he checked his boyfriend’s face for discomfort. “Let’s sit you down and I can dry you off.” “Danke, Häschen. It is chilly out here.” “Let’s fix you up quick then, yeah?” Apollo lowered him onto the preplaced towel over the toilet and grabbed the one he had left nearby. “How are you doing?” “Sehr gut. Mein freund is looking after me so well everyone else should be jealous.” “I think I’m the one they’re jealous of, Klav.” “Was zur Hölle? That’s ridiculous.”
Apollo knew that one. Klavier didn’t swear often, he was rarely upset enough to ‘warrant’ it as he claimed, but ‘what the hell’ had come up in a couple of the most convoluted investigations. Apollo tried and failed to suppress the laughter sparked by his incredulous rock star boyfriend, that the general populace might think being with a rock star was cooler than being with some guy who talked loud, but they’d had that argument before resulting in no clear winner, despite Apollo feeling the answer was obvious. He supposed Klavier must feel the same in reverse. What a guy.
“Why are you laughing?” “You’re cute.” “Ach!” He blushed and tried to cover his face with his hands, failing miserably because of the positions of both Apollo and the towel. “N-nein! You’re cute.” Apollo grinned at him, he must have looked like a lovesick fool. “We can both be cute, Klav.” “... I suppose.” “Let’s get you dressed, then we can cuddle?” “Ja, let’s do that.”
Apollo helped Klavier step into his pants and then pulled the shirt over his head. Once Klavier got his arms through, Apollo led him back to bed and helped him up. He slipped in on the other side and pulled the blankets up.
“Are you ready to go back to sleep or do you need a little bit first?” “Um, actually, could I make a request?” “You can make any request you want, I’ll let you know if I can fulfill it.” Klavier huffed at his boyfriend’s antics. “Can you read this to me?” He reached to the bottom shelf of the nightstand, nearly falling out of bed, and produced a small book with a picture of a dragon on the front. Apollo took the book and flipped through it. “... It’s in German.” “Ja.” “I can’t read German.” Klavier pouted, tearing up a bit. “Um, but, I’m sure I can find a translation!” Klavier brightened up immediately. “Ok, uh, ‘Sagen aus Kärnten’?”
Choosing to ignore the giggles signalling his botched pronunciation, Apollo pulled out his phone and found Project Gutenberg had all of the stories collected and ran the page through a translator. It wasn’t ‘fantastich’ but it was better than nothing.
Klavier leaned against him so Apollo put his arm around him and ran his fingers through long blonde hair. It was only a few stories before Klavier was completely out, probably helped by the medicine. Apollo laid him down and got everything situated before turning out the light. There would be less risk of getting himself sick if he slept in another room, but he wanted to be there if Klavier woke up again and needed something. He put on a later alarm than usual so that he’d be able to call the both of them out of work in the morning.
All too soon, the alarm sounded. He quickly shut it off and checked to see if it had woken Klavier. Evidently he need not have worried considering the snores that were still coming from the other side of the bed. He sent a quick text to the WAA group chat then started mentally prepping himself for the call to the prosecutor’s office. Oh how he wished to do his morning vocal exercise, but that would definitely wake Klavier up. He’d make do, after all, he’d heard all sorts of goofy things about Chief Prosecutor Edgeworth from Mr. Wright. He wasn’t that scary. He had gone to the man’s birthday party and it was Steel Samurai themed! Ok, he could do this.
“Prosecutor’s Office, Chief Prosecutor Miles Edgeworth speaking.” “Uh, hello Mr. Edgeworth, sir. This is Apollo Justice. I’m calling because Klavier Gavin is too sick to come in today.” “Hello, Mr. Justice. I’m sorry to hear that. Will he need tomorrow off as well?” “I’m not sure. If he has anything to say about it, he’ll be there, but he’s had a fever all night so I’m not sure he’ll be well enough.” “I see…” Apollo could hear rustling papers on the other end of the line. “It appears he has no court appearances, so please tell Prosecutor Gavin he has the rest of the week off and that if he shows up despite this I will suspend him.” “O-ok?” That was a bit much? Maybe? Apollo wasn’t going to argue. “And Mr. Justice?” “Yes?” “Please take care of him.” “Uh, yes sir!” “If that’s all I have my work to get back to.” “Of course! Yes. That’s all.” “Have a good day, Mr. Justice.” “Uh, yeah. You as well.”
The line went dead. He did it! Yes! Take that, universe! He was Apollo Justice and he was fine! But now what? He could probably do some of his work from home until Klav woke up. Yeah, that would do.
When Klavier woke, he could hear tapping. What was that? It sounded very familiar. He tried to turn and look but his limbs felt far too heavy.
“You up?”
He heard someone next to him speak but he could only grunt in return. His vision was still extra blurry from sleep on top of the regular blurry from lack of glasses or contacts. There was a hand next to him which he took a moment to identify as his own. He felt like he was waking up far slower than usual.
“Pollo?” “Right here.”
Klavier was starting to be able to focus. The tapping sound must have been the keyboard on Apollo’s laptop. The sun was coming through one of the windows at an angle he recognized from the weekend when he was able to laze about longer. But wait, wasn’t it Wednesday?
Apollo waited for Klavier to say something else, but instead watched the other man throw himself into a sitting position and look awfully green as a result.
“Woah, hey there. Slow down, you’ll make yourself sick again.” “Wha- I’m late!” “I already called you out of work for today.” “What?! Why?” “Do you remember what happened last night? Well kind of this morning. It was 3 AM.” “Huh?”
Klavier did his best to remember. He remembered feeling really bad, there was a bath, and then he fell asleep to something familiar. The more he thought, the more pieces filled in.
“Ach, es tut mir leid.” “It’s ok, really. You can’t control when you get sick and I like taking care of you.” “But you’re missing work as well.” “I can do my work from here. Mr. Wright will just have to have Athena clean the toilet today.” “Are you sure?” “Positive.” Apollo leaned up to place a kiss on Klavier’s forehead. “You’re a bit warm again. Are you up to eating anything? I can make you eggs and toast.” “Ja, I could eat that.” “Ok, you stay here. It’ll only take a couple minutes.” “Ok.”
Klavier relaxed himself a bit, stacking some pillows so he could sit up with less effort. He might be sick, but he would hate to sleep the day away. At least he didn’t have court today, he would have felt awful if that got pushed onto someone else. He thought about doing some work from home as well, but there was no way Apollo would allow that. He checked the time. It was only 11:30, so at least he had woken up before noon.
“Hey, Klav.”
Apollo was a vision standing in the doorway with a tray of breakfast and Klavier thought he might die.
“Schatz!” Apollo smiled and brought the tray over. “You might not be so happy with me in a second.” “Was?” “When I called you out I wasn’t sure how you’d be feeling tomorrow so Mr. Edgeworth gave you the rest of the week off.” Klavier frowned. “I can just go in anyway, he won’t mind.” “Actually he said he’d suspend you if you showed up.” “Ach! Verdammt. He really thinks of everything.” “You’re kind of acting like your boss looking out for your health means he’s out to get you.” “What will I do with myself for five whole days until Monday?” Klavier lamented, only narrowly remembering the tray on his lap before he flopped dramatically. Breakfast was thankfully safe. “Well… I’ll be here. He did tell me to take care of you so you know Mr. Wright isn’t going to be allowed to call me in.” “Hmm… I suppose there are worse fates than having to spend five days with my wonderful Häschen.” “Are there better?” Apollo raised an eyebrow. “Make it forever and with ice cream as well.” Apollo laughed. “You’re too much. Eat your breakfast.” Klavier smiled. “Was würde ich ohne dich tun?” “I don’t know what that means.” “Mm. Ich liebe dich.” “Ah, I know that one. I love you, too.”
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mimisempai · 2 years
I am exactly where I want to be
Charles, happy for the first time, can't help but wonder if Erik has any regrets. His lover is quick to reassure him
Watching again First Class and I needed to write something sweet for them
On AO3
Rating G - 415 words
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Their lives together had been full of conflict and pain, but now that they were living a normal, quiet life it seemed far away. 
But sometimes the past came back to haunt them without warning.
Erik, lying on his side, head resting on one arm, admired his lover as always in an unconcealed way and gently caressed one of his exposed shoulders, tracing random curves on Charles' skin.
He murmured, "You look contemplative tonight." 
Charles turned his head toward him and replied, "I was thinking."
"And what are you thinking about, mein Schatz?" inquired Erik.
"About us." replied Charles, running his hand through Erik's hair, "I was thinking about how happy I am to be with you like this, after all we have been through. And I also can't help but wonder if..."
Charles paused and swallowed, his throat tight with emotion.
Erik moved closer, grabbed his chin and turned his face toward him, "What Charles?"
"I wonder if you don't regret being here, living this quiet life."
Erik shook his head and smiled fondly, "Mein Liebster, you are one of the smartest people I know but sometimes you say such stupid things. I am exactly where I want to be. We've been through enough vicissitudes to fill several lifetimes, we've earned this life and this chance that we've been given, don't you think?"
Charles nodded and Erik leaned in towards him, "Let me kiss you."
Charles put his arm around his neck, drawing Erik closer to him, until their lips were almost touching, their breaths mingling.
Charles murmured against his lips, "No regrets then?"
Erik smiled and replied in kind, "None." then closed the tiny distance between them.
Their lips met and then moved gently, slowly against each other. It wasn't a kiss to lead to desire, just love in its purest form. It was as if the world stopped at that very moment. 
When they parted to catch their breath, Charles buried his face in Erik's neck as he tightened his arms around him.
His precious treasure in his arms, Erik lay back and said softly, "Now let's sleep, my love."
Charles nodded his head into his lover's neck and placed a soft kiss on the skin there. Then he rested his head on his shoulder and whispered, "I love you, Erik."
Erik hummed and kissed his head.
The time for regret was over, no need to dwell on the past anymore, they had the future to themselves, and it was starting now.
Still not beta'd
Still not my native language
Still hoping you'll enjoy this story  🥰
Still thanking you for bearing with me 😝
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what-the-fang · 2 months
Liebster Award Nomination!
Thank you very much to Book Hooked for nominating me! The Liebster award is a chain award that was created by bloggers and is a tradition to make new friends in the blogging community. Being someone who is still somewhat of a noob in the book/writing blogging realm, I really like the idea of these awards. Both this and the Versatile Blogger Award  I was nominated for have lead me to discover a…
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druidx · 1 year
Liebster Award
Wow, I don’t think I’ve ever gotten any kind of aware for my writing, so thank you @adelinemwriting :D
These are the questions that were posed:
1. The best advice you'd have to offer for any writer? 
Bum in seat, words on page; fix it later. Honestly, the act of getting any words down is challenging enough, but too many of us fixate on them being perfect from the get-go (myself included!). So the best advice I can give is putting in the hours to get the words on the page to start with, then edit later.
2. Favorite songs, artists, genre, etc to listen to when writing?
My go-to's are soundtracks and movie scores, but I listen to a mix of genres depending on the mood I’m creating in the story at that time. I do like fast music as well; it makes me type faster! 
3. How many WIPs do you have?
About 84 right now (they vary from one-shots to novels - I’m not writing 84 novels!).
4. Are you emotionally attached to your characters?
Oh, gods, yes. Some I love more than others, but they’re all my babies, even the mean ones.
5. Have you ever entered a piece of your writing in a contest? 
Nope. Never had the courage, or I’ve seen the call for works too late to write anything new or fix something that might be close to the prompt.
6. Favorite book(s)? 
Ah... Let’s see
The Shining Princess, a book of Japanese legends I’ve had since I was very small still carries a special place in my heart.
The Sixteen Trees of the Somme by Lars Mytting is such a perfectly wrought tragedy.
The Baby Bestiary, a TTRPG book, because it was the first book I was published in.
A Spy by Nature by Charles Cumming is what got me really interested in Espionage as a genre
7. What is your typical target reader (age, etc)? 
Adult people who like fantasy (I don’t think too hard about it TBH)
8. Favorite trope of all time, no matter how cheesy? 
Coffee Shop AU. I love the idea of two people finding themselves across universes like this, in situations were these two types of people wouldn’t otherwise meet unless their lives crossed in some unique happenstance.
9. Who in your WIP would tuck you in at night and kiss your forehead? 
I’m currently focusing on The Ruby Falls, so that would be Baurus I think.
10. Who is the nerd, the muscle, the hero in your story? 
Again for The Ruby Falls, that would be Martin, Baurus, and Aderyn, respectively.
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micro-meltdown · 1 year
alles gute zum Geburtstag liebster 💕💕
today i celebrate the very fact that you exist, and im grateful that i met you and became friends with you. you are so dear to me and i look forward to spending the next year with you. ich liebe dich sehr 💕
clutches chest
thank you 🫂💕 love ya too
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suresha · 3 years
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[  @thunderbringer​  ] 。・:*:・゚’★,。・:*:・゚’☆ ( f.  Magneto )
          He  really  DID  NOT  have  time  for  this  yet  it  would  seem  Charles  INSISTED  on  making  things  difficult  every  time.  No  matter  though.  Erik  did  the  polite  thing  by  waiting  to  see  if  Hank  would  actually  open  the  door.  A  good  three  minutes...  then  five  before  Erik  sighed.
                  ❛    Have  it  your  way  then,  Charles.    ❜
           Metal  groaned  beneath  the  weight  of  his  power,  the  locks  clicking  with  ease  before  he  pushed  open  the  double  doors.  As  expected,  there  was  his  guard  dog  Hank  staring  him  down  from the  bottom  of  the  staircase.  Charles  however,  had  yet  to  make  his  presence  known.  The  children  within  the  school  scattered,  because  even  they  knew  Erik  was  a  taboo  topic.  To  be  seen     consorting  with  the  enemy     would  only  serve  to  sour  Charles'  mood.  Children  learn  quickly.  Any  other  person  might  have  been  offended  by  Charles'  childish  behavior,  but  not  Erik.  He'd  be  out  of  the  way  soon  enough  ---  a  few  days  tops  if  he  healed  properly.  For  now  though...
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                           ❛    Charles,  a  little  help  would  be  nice.  I'm  injured  ---  badly.  Otherwise,  I  wouldn't  even  be  here.  You  know  this,  Professor.    ❜
          That  was  how  the  day  began.  Charles  ignored  his  beckons  for  help  until  Hank  finally  convinced  his  old  friend  to  come  down  and  see  for  himself.  Scraps  of  metal  from  a  fight  were  imbedded  in  Erik's  chest.  He  could  pull  them  out  but  the  pain  was  almost  unbearable.  With  much  coaxing  from  Hank        (  and  a  speech  about  how  metal  pieces  in  the  bloodstream  could  kill  his  old  friend  )        eventually  Charles  agreed  to  shut  off  Erik's  pain  receptors.  
          With  eyes  closed,  Charles'  fingers  pressed  lightly  against  Erik's  temple.  Hank  watched  from  afar  as  Erik  used  his  powers  to  slowly  pull  pieces  of  scrap  metal  from  his  body.  It  took  only  a  few  minutes  and  when  the  last  bit  of  metal  hit  the  floor,  Charles  quickly  withdrew  his  hands  only  for  Erik  to  grab  his  wrist  lightly,  forcing  eye  contact.
                                              ❛    Thank  you,  Liebster.    ❜
          In  that  moment,  another  entered  the  lab  in  a  manner  that  seemed  to  shift  the  entire  mood  of  the  room.  Erik  frowned,  watching  as  Charles  snatched  his  wrist  away  while  Hank  carried  on  dressing  up  his  wounds.  Charles  looked  to  the  other,  his  expression  softening  as  he  greeted  him.  The  exchange  had  Erik  looking  between  the  two  with  some  degree  of  judgment,  but  he  held  his  tongue.  He  had  no  right  to  comment  one  way  or  the  other.  Not  that  he  would.  PRIDE  kept  whatever  he  felt  buried  deep  inside.
          If  Charles  communicated  anything  at  all  to  the  other  male,  it  was  done  so  telepathically  which  somewhat  annoyed  Erik,  but  one  would  never  know.  Charles  made  his  exit  shortly  thereafter  prompting  Erik  to  shoo  Hank  away  as  well  ---  because  something  told  Erik     this  strange  one     standing  nearby  was  curious  about  him.        (  and  admittedly,  the  curiosity  was  returned  in  kind.  )        So  as  soon  as  Hank  left  them  be,  Erik  stood,  rolling  his  bare  shoulders  back.  He  crossed  the  room  to  grab  something  out  of  Hank's  fridge.  There  was  plenty  of  beer,  which  Erik  was  grateful  for.  He  hadn't  had  a  decent  cold  one  in  weeks.  Recon  and  hiding  didn’t  leave  much  room  for  shenanigans.
          ❝  Erik  Lehnsherr.  Or  Magneto.  ❞     He  closed  the  fridge,  making  a  show  of  popping  the  metal  cap  with  ease.  His  own  blue  eyes  looked  the  male  over  briefly,  making  no  effort  to  hide  the  fact  that  he  was  sizing  him  up.  Not  to  pick  a  fight  of  course,  but  mostly  out  of  habit.     ❝  Assuming  you  wanted  to  know  my  name  of  course.  Can't  imagine  why  else  you'd  stick  around  after  all  the  others  have  gone.  ❞
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i-amm-writing · 4 years
Liebster Award
Rules: Thank the blogger that nominated you. Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you. Nominate 11 bloggers. Ask your nominees 11 questions. Notify your 11 nominees. 
This was fun! I only hope my questions are half as good as @storyhole's. Thanks for the tag btw.
What inspires you to work on writing? Music sometimes gets me in the mood, but not always. Listening to chatter, or watching my family just sit around can, in a weird way, inspire me to write. Pictures also inspire me on occasion.
Weirdest rabbit hole of research: Is there such a thing as a rabbit hole when you're researching? Lol. Probably that time where I was trying to figure out at what dropping height might make a landing in water fatal. At a certain speed, hitting water will feel like a cement wall, because you are going too fast for the water to get out of your way. . .anywho
Favorite trope: hmmmm. . . two characters acting like their 'together' but not? The fake relationship that naturally becomes a real relationship. Honestly, I have too many favorite tropes.
3 songs that embody the vibes of my WIP:
1. The Lighthouse Keeper by Sam Smith
2. The Impossible Dream by Josh Groban (Brave, too)
3. I Was Made For Loving You by Tori Kelly (feat. Ed Sheeran)
How do I perform combat with writer's block? I've never been much of a fighter, you know lol. Seriously though, I generally pick up a book instead and start reading. My imagination begins to run wild again, and I can 'feel' my story, so I write while it lasts, etcetera.
What place would I want to go to in my WIP? The ruins of Alondra's childhood home. Love the melancholy history feel of the place.
Would I date any of my characters? PLEEEASSSE, is this really a question? Duh! Of course I would
Who in my WIP is most comfortable at a party? The least comfortable? Dyan would be an awesome partier. Then I'd say Atlas would be least comfortable - though, Alondra is close to being like that
Who embodies "Be Gay, do crimes"? Idk actually
Who knows how to cook? Who doesn't? Alondra knows how to cook. Atlas does not.
The colors of my main characters? Alondra; dark blue, scarlet, gray, dusty-dark brown. Eoseph; pine green, yellow, blue, and chocolate.
Tagging: @anamikaa @dutifullyloudmilkshake @musicalkeys @the-tsar-unanswerable @pretend-im-normal @shadowlight-inkedthoughts @starlightandnightbreeze @druidx @happyorogeny @word-nerds-united @elysianyou
1. The best advice you'd have to offer for any writer? 2. Favorite songs, artists, genre, etc to listen to when writing? 3. How many WIPs do you have? 4. Are you emotionally attached to your characters? 5. Have you ever entered a piece of your writing in a contest? 6. Favorite book(s)? 7. What is your typical target reader (age, etc)? 8. Favorite trope of all time, no matter how cheesy? 9. Who in your WIP would tuck you in at night and kiss your forehead? 10. Who is the nerd, the muscle, the hero in your story? 11. Can you use your fingers to count all the things you like about your story? Or can you go far beyond the count of 10?
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inkwell-attitude · 4 years
Liebster Award
The ever-wonderful @ettawritesnstudies nominated me for this! Thank you so much, it means so much to me that you would consider me for it! I always love any way to spread some positivity and encouragement through the community :D
Etta explained the award as “similar to a writeblr tag game meant to introduce you to new blogs and get to know the authors behind them!” She was the one who brought it to tumblr, since it originated in blogs/writer’s websites.
Rules: 1. Thank the blogger that nominated you 2. Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you 3. Nominate 11 bloggers 4. Ask your nominees 11 questions 5. Notify your 11 nominees
Questions: 1. What’s your favourite part about the writing community?
I love the support everyone always gives to everyone else! Everyone I’ve seen has given nothing but support and enthusiasm for both their writing and others writing, and it really makes me happy to see such a wonderful community. 
2. Do you prefer writing dialogue or description, and why?
I prefer description because I love the whimsy I can add to it. Being able to concoct a scene and describe things in ways other than “the sky was blue, the grass was green” is lots of fun. I’m also kind of bad at conversations irl (between my ADD and my minor stutter, I don’t tend to finish a lot of sentences lol) and I think that rolls over into my writing a little bit and makes dialogue a bit harder for me to figure out.
3. Do you have any creative hobbies outside of writing, and how did you get into them?
I am a self-proclaimed proud jack of all trades because I see a craft or activity and MUST try it out. My brain sees a tactile hobby and goes feral. I just really enjoy learning new things :D The recurring hobbies are drawing and very minor animations, but I also have been into embroidery, polymer clay, woodworking (miniatures eeeyyy) and cake decorating? 
4. When was the last time you had a good night’s sleep?
Two nights ago? I usually get 7.5-8.5 hours of sleep because I just can’t function without sleep. Idk if you can call it a good nights sleep because I tend to wake up several times during the night (how many times is too many?) but I don’t usually have trouble falling asleep.
5. Are you reading/watching/listening to anything right now that you’re excited about?
I’m watching Ann with an E with my mom right now and it’s delightful! it’s a very very lovely show and it’s made me want to re-read the book.
I’m also keeping up with the Dream SMP minecraft series, and lemme tell you I have not been this emotionally invested in a story for a LONG time. Sure, I’ve been excited about some things in the last few months, but I don’t think I’ve really been attached to a story and characters like this for a while. (Plus, every single fanart and fan animation I’ve seen has been tremendously well done and more often than not gets me emotional lmao)
6. What’s your favourite YouTube channel?
I don’t know if I have a favourite? Because I hop around between interests so often I tend to change up my subscriptions a lot, too. Currently, I really like Cheyenne Barton, Technoblade, GeminiTay, and Annika’s leaf
7. What writing advice would you give your younger self?
DO WRITING SPRINTS! This is one of my favourite things now and it’s helped break the habit of “write one sentence, edit it, write another sentence, edit it, delete the first and re-write it” habit. Plus, it’s just a really good exercise to stretch your creativity.
8. What’s your opinion on color coding?
top notch! I think sometimes it can be overdone (throwback to jr. high me color coding everything in my notes to the extent that it was detrimental to my studying) but it really helps me out with things. I color-code vocab words and important persons in my class notes now :D
9. Is there a specific theme or aesthetic that underlies all your stories?
If there is, I haven’t seen it. I think it’s funny that Odds & Ends and The Paths That Bind are actually kind of similar (so far) except one is lighthearted feel-good comedy, and one is corruption and angst and trauma :’) Maybe there will be similar themes, but they’re both in the beginning stages so it hasn’t shown up yet.
10. How many WIPs do you have?
I actually only have two WIPs! I have a few other concepts I’d like to explore in the future, but they’re currently sitting as one-sentence explanations in my notes folder and will probably stay that way until I figure out a more solid plan for Odds & Ends and The Paths That Bind. My irl schedule is very hectic and I’m an inherently tired person, so I’m trying to be more intentional with creative projects and realistic on which ones I want to be able to dedicate my time to.
11. What’s your wildest dream as a creator? (For example, do you want to see fanart of your ocs, have a movie made of your book, etc.)
I adore the idea of someone making an animatic or one of those lyric comic things (idk what they’re called) for The Paths That Bind. So much of it is inspired by music and I’d love to see other people’s takes on the history and events of the story and which songs they would associate with it.
Questions for my wonderful nominees!
1. What’s the earliest story you remember writing? How old were you? 2. Are any of your characters “comfort characters” for yourself? 3. What’s your go-to snack? 4. How do you visualize your wips? Movie-format? Animatic? Comic? 5. What’s your favorite part of each season? 6. Would you rather one (or all) of your wips be made into a movie/tv show or a graphic novel series? 7. Is there a particular form of imagery or symbolism that recurs a lot in your stories? 8. What’s a book (or book series) that you absolutely adore and wish everyone would read? 9. Tell us about your favorite video game and why you love it! (If you don’t game, tell us about another hobby you adore!) 10. What’s the last dream you remember having? 11. How has your writing changed from when you first started? (We all get better, but have you noticed any distinct changes? More/less dialogue, different kind of descriptions, different narrative styles?)
Here are 11 wonderful, talented writers I’ve met here, and everyone should absolutely check out their blogs!
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akindofmagictoo · 4 years
liebster award
thank you so much @rhyaxxyn for the nomination! I’m sorry this is late but I’m so honoured!! ❤️ 
rules: thank the blogger that nominated you. Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you. nominate 11 bloggers. ask your nominees 11 questions. notify your 11 nominees. let’s begin!!!
1. If you could be anything or anyone in your story, what would you be?
oof. I think I’d enjoy being one of the Hurricane women... because lady pirates with a lovely found family bond. and they fight old rich white men who have more money than they need. sign me up. (realistically I would be landlubber Theo... but a girl can dream.) 
2. Has your writing made you want to explore another culture or heritage more in depth?
um. somewhat? I haven’t done a lot of this, honestly, but I think it would be quite nice to! 
3. How excited do you get about a new wip idea when it comes to you? How long does that excitement last for?
very excited. the last one was my dragon/knight WIP, about two months ago... the excitement has only just started to wear off. and I’m still excited about Hurricane. I love learning about my characters, writing, posting about it... all that jazz. I just love it. 
4. If you could tell your fledgling writer self anything about the journey has brought you on, what would you tell them?
uhh don’t outline in too much detail but plan out each scene not every line of dialogue. and practice really does make perfect — Hurricane is gonna turn out better than you can imagine and you’ll find even more fun WIP ideas! 
5. What is the most random thing in your everyday life that has inspired you? (could be something like a cat, a text, etc.)
the dragon WIP was inspired by a stuffed dragon and a conversation that occurred while I was too half-asleep to have even opened my eyes yet. that’s pretty random. 
6. What was the moment where writing just clicked for you? Was it a continuous thing, or was their a single big moment that has brought you thus far?
there was a beautiful moment one time where I figured out the change I needed to make to fix literally every single problem I’d been having with Hurricane up to that point. that sparked draft 2 and I haven’t looked back since. 
7. If your characters had the ability to shift into any animal, what animal would they be? This could be creatures you’ve created in your stories too!
hmm. I think Aella would be a really jumpy social dog, like a golden retriever, and I can also imagine her as a mermaid! Theo is more like a cat curling up in the sunlight, and Tempest is probably like a bear (fierce but very protective of her kids). 
8. Who’s the mom friend of your characters/the voice of reason that keeps everyone else from dying?
Aria. Also Theo but Aria is more insistent; Theo is more likely to back down if ignored. if Aria seriously thinks something is a bad idea it is not happening. 
9. Who’s the dad friend that agrees with the mom friend right up until they turn away and they’re taking all the other characters to do the dangerous thing?
probably Tempest, tbh, depending on the dangerous thing. if something dangerous has to be happening, Tempest will do it. better her than the rest of her crew, too. 
10. What is the character duo that has to stay in the “get along shirt” for the entire day after a fight?
the crew of the Hurricane don’t really fight a lot, tbh. maybe Sequoia and Emmy? they’re probably among the more volatile. I really don’t know though. 
11. Which of your characters do you think would give you the best hug? Like the sort of hug that almost makes you feel like you could cry nice?
Theo gives good hugs because he’s Tol and runs warm, but I think Tempest’s hugs would be the BEST. she’s not as tall as Theo but she’s broader and stronger, and I think her hugs would just be super firm and strong and just make you feel so so so safe 🥺
like Theo’s hugs are good for a feeling of safety too because he’s really chill and kind but Tempest’s hugs make you feel like nothing can touch you because she will fight it. and just. 
hold on a second. I need a moment. 
okay now that I’ve collected myself: 
my nominees (questions under the cut) 
@zmlorenz @writingbyjillian @isherwoodj @klywrites @writeremma @lottieiswriting @writingonesdreams @quilloftheclouds @viawrites-andacts @ravens-and-rivers @ardawyn !! you all are great!! 
questions for my nominees: 
what is your favourite thing to write about? characters? world? plot? something else? why? 
do you prefer to work on one WIP at a time or multiple? 
what is your favourite music to listen to while you write? 
is there a character from your WIP/s that you think you’d be besties with? who? 
how do you come up with titles for your WIPs? 
where do you do your writing? particular software? notebooks? 
is there a particular place you need to be to write? any other caveats like music, tea, etc.? 
do you categorise your characters? hogwarts houses, mbti (not imdb which I wanted to type just now...), cinnamon roll meme... etc. 
who’s your favourite of your characters? 
do you prefer to focus more on character aesthetic/appearance or more internal stuff? 
do you write AUs of your characters? 
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solipseismic · 4 years
liebster award !
rules: thank the blogger that nominated you. answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you. nominate 11 bloggers. ask your nominees 11 questions. notify your 11 nominees
thank u @storyhole !! ur honestly such a treasure, thank u sm for the tag <33 (original post here). i have. so many tag games that r sitting in my drafts (and an ask im so sorry) and i promise i am working on them god bless
1. what inspires you to work on writing most?
dreams and thots. ideas ambush me all the time. thinking about how i can develop different characters or storylines; writing is kind of a way of venting to me, i guess? like yeah publishing is technically the ultimate goal but a big, big portion of writing is self-fulfillment. i like being able to remember things and the idea of being remembered 
2. what's the weirdest rabbit hole of research you've gone down?
uh... i don’t research a lot because the majority of my approach is ‘fuck around and find out’ but i do vividly remember researching oil rigs and oil mining towns for a short horror story i wrote... last year i think? and by the way, yeah, oil rigs themselves are creepy as fuck and the sound they make is very eerie, 0/10 would not recommend
3. what's your favorite trope to read? is it also your favorite to write?
read?? probably uhhh found family. it’s also one of my favorite to write but another good one is enemies to lovers. i don’t like reading it tho bc a lot of times bc the author often doesn’t develop the relationship properly
4. what 3 songs best embody your story's vibes?
UH. with demon eyes, it’s the end of the world as we know it (rem), homemade dynamite (lorde, sza, post malone, khalid), and boxing gloves (dbmk)
5. what do you do to combat writer's block?
i don’t really get writer’s block? i enjoy writing as a process, like typing itself is inherently soothing to me, so a lot of the time i’ll just throw gibberish onto the page or brainstorming and see what sticks. sometimes if motivation is feeling low, certain media helps - jon bellion acoustics, old killers / u2 songs, skating videos (specifically ivett toth, evgenia medvedeva, johnny weir, and kevin reynolds!), superhero or spy movies, or re-reading old writing
6. where would you want to live / visit most in your world / story?
there’s a tower in the center of anehaven that’s a massive skyscraper, one of the tallest buildings in new york. ira neda and alan sometimes hang around it and i. really love heights so i’d love to visit there u know
7. would you date any of your characters?
yyyyy,,,,, in theory yes, the majority of them. i only write the sexiest of characters, naturally
8. who is least comfortable at a party? most comfortable?
least - nixie. she hates crowds and socializing so she’d say her hellos and melt away after a few minutes. most comfortable, probably her older sister, danika
9. who most embodies "be gay, do crimes"?
definitely roman. not a home of sexual (pan) but yeah ... probably one of my most criminal ocs (but not in a murder-y way, just in a “in contempt of the government” kinda way). he has authority issues
10. who knows how to cook like a pro? who can't even make toast?
mmmmmmmost of mine know how to cook i think but the entirety of the cadre (ira neda, danika, rian, neri, etryn, The Deceased Yet Honorable adrian nemat) have cooking nights once a month where they all get together and cook up a bunch of shit and it’s pretty much never gone wrong. i bet noah harper can’t cook. little bitch boy
11. what color do you associate with your main character(s)?
ira neda - deep, velvety blue
cori - glass green 
noah - silver-blue
alec - golden-umber
alan - black*
okok and here we have questions :
1. do you have an oldest oc? a favorite oc?
2. what do you listen to while writing?
3. if you could give yourself of five years ago some writing advice, what would it be? specific to an idea / wip or nonspecific
4. is there anyone in your current wip cast that can bake a souffle?
5. are there any pieces of media (shows, books, movies, albums) that have inspired a specific oc or wip?
6. who’s your tallest oc? shortest?
7. do you have a found family group in your writing? who is it?
8. favorite genre to read? is it the same as your favorite to write? (can be specific like “high fantasy steampunk” or non-specific like “sci-fi)
9. where (what place; home, coffee shop, library) do you write the most? is it the same as were you want to write the most?
10. playlists or moodboards?
11. do you listen to white noise while writing? music? ambient noise? all three?
i. am so sorry if i am bothering u please let me know if i do (for future reference so i don’t bother u again please lmk please i am Begging) but uhhh tagging @andiwriteunderthemoon ,  @clownbasedintrigue ,  @adie-dee ,  @rhyaxxyn ,  @vitrichor ,  @radiomacbeth ,  @quilloftheclouds ,  @estrella-writings ,  @dustylovelyrun ,  @tamoria ,  @crowandmoonwriting  i’m actually. flabbergasted ik this many writeblrs wow kudos to Me many pats on the back all around i hope everyone is doing fantastic on this fine friday (friday????) evening. also kennedy i am fairly sure u already did this since u were the one to tag storyhole but ... if u wanted to do it again ... and same goes for u roman since storyhole. also tagged u
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