#life is a *little* easier when you have someone you‘ve known in your previous lives by your side
“Straighten your back, Kavik.” She corrected him. “You’ll end up falling asleep otherwise.”
His nose wrinkled, but did as she said. “Speaking from experience?”
“From having to wake my classmates up so that they wouldn’t get in trouble? Yes.”
Yangchen takes Kavik to a small monastery hidden in the Earth kingdom (Prompt: culture differences)
(Featuring a personal head canon of mine that there are multiple other temples hidden around in the world in addition to the four big temples:) )
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softjeon · 6 years
Speed Lane | Pt. 10
• Pairing: Yoongi x Jimin • Genre: Angst | Racer!AU ( → Gifset Trailer) • Words: 5,2k | Co-Writer: Cat @cassiavioletblue​ ↳ (AO3) • Disclaimer: mentioning of alcohol / drugs / violence / smut / abuse / graphic content
↳ There he was. In midst of his workplace, standing straight, sunglasses on his face, nose a bit too high, with an attitude as if he owned that place. The rage was welling all the way up inside of him, so quickly that the wrench cluttered from his hand. The boy turned around at the sound and they stared at each other, just like they did in the night of the race.
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He could get used to mornings in Jimin’s summer house. The bed was nice (and there also was the added benefit of waking up next to the person he loved which made him grin stupidly right after waking up) the breakfast was even better, and he felt like there wasn’t a thing in the world that could ruin his mood. Until he saw his car. In broad daylight. For the first time like winning the race against Yunyeong.
He had known that there would be damage; he had heard it, felt it when the cars had been bumping into each other but in the following chase with the police there hadn’t been time to get out and take a closer look at the damage. Now there was. And it was horrible. His beautiful baby, his one and only, his first love - scratches , imperfections everywhere. The varnish was gone on at least four different edges and he hated it. Of course, he could repair it and ask Tae and Kookie to show him how to make the varnish perfect again but - it had been damaged! His beautiful car! So of course, he had to do what every real racer would do: He whined and kicked the next best thing (that wasn’t a car) pouting about why anyone ‘would do that to such a beauty’.
Jimin kept his gaze low, feeling like it has been his fault that Yoongi’s car was damaged. He stayed close though, watching Yoongi carefully in his rage. He wasn’t sure if he should come forward or just be quiet right now. Hoseok put his hand on Yoongi comfortingly and sighed, “I told you it won’t be a fair race…but we will make it right. We repaired worse than that…it’ll just be expensive, and you can’t race for a little while until we got it fixed and then you only need to win every race to get the money back quick.” Hoseok smiled at his friend, “Or you can use my car or Jin’s for a few races when we don’t compete. So, you can earn some money in between.”
“Or -” Jungkookie chimed in, waiting until the attention was on him “-you could just ask your rich boyfriend here if he pays it. That’s just peanuts for you, isn’t it Jimin?” He winked at the other, seemingly joking but now that he had said it the question was on the table, joke or not. Jimin almost had flinched when his name fell, that’s how deep in his thoughts he was, biting his lip repeatedly. He had the exact same thought. Of course, he would have paid for it, but he knew Yoongi wouldn’t want his help not in this way. But before Jimin could say anything Yoongi quickly turned around and ended the conversation before it had even begun. “I wouldn’t want that. It’s my car. I pay for that. Simple as that.”
Walking over to him Jimin intertwined his hand with Yoongi’s and just kissed his cheek. Taehyung instinctively reached out for Jungkook, taking his bag and motioned towards his car, “Let’s just go home and then Hobi and Yoongi can figure it out in the workshop. We will help you with the paintwork on your car either way. It could use a new design anyways.” He pushed Jungkook a little, so the younger was walking ahead and keeping other comments to himself, while Jimin walked around Yoongi’s car and opened the door. Before he got in though Jungkook turned around again, ignoring Taehyung's worried looks. Something was obviously bothering him.
“You didn‘t deny that he‘s your boyfriend though,” Jungkook pushed further, tone teasing but smile wavering. “Nah, I did not. Because he is,” Yoongi's way of kicking little stones in the gravel betrayed his seemingly nonchalant manner. The others grew dead silent. “It‘s not like I would have made it so ceremoniously official like that in front of you people but as you‘re kind of asking: Jimin is off limits. We‘re together and I‘m not sharing. So, if that‘s what you‘ve been trying to find out I‘m sorry to disappoint you.“ Hoseok‘s eyes widened. But as he observed the way Yoongi was looking at Jungkook playfully he realized that Yoongi wasn‘t being cruel on purpose. He was just incredible dense. Like he tended to be, pretty often really, when it came to realizing his own worth or how much other people liked him. As laughable as it was it would probably come as a shock for Yoongi if someone told him that Jungkook had very obviously a thing for him. If it was just a possessive streak regarding sharing Yoongi with Jimin or if the younger was actually completely in love with the elder he couldn‘t say himself. But he sure as hell wasn‘t saying anything to Yoongi anyways. It wasn‘t his place to do that.
After that everyone was strangely busy to get into their own cars. Even Jungkook. Who was quiet the whole ride home despite Tae’s best attempts to cheer him up.
“You know I can still help you,” Jimin only spoke up, when they were already on the highway heading home, “I know you don’t want to but if there is anything you need from me and I don’t necessarily mean money, then just talk to me okay?” He blushed a little, something that Jungkook said lingering on his mind and he looked over to Yoongi, who was focused on driving, “Can I ask you something?”
“That’s nice of you, Jimin. Thank you, really. But I’m used to handling my own stuff. And I won’t change that now just because it would be easier to let you take care of my problems. I’m not one of those people. And I never will be.” Jimin’s reserved way of asking that question made him turn his head. “Sure, just spill it. What do you want to know?”
Jimin nodded quick to his answer before he continued a bit shaky, “You really…like, I don’t know…want…I mean, me to be your boyfriend? Do the others think it’s just because of the money, too? They hate me, right? Because I have money and as they say…didn’t work for it. Jungkook does.” Jimin had always been one who was giving a lot about the opinion of others about him. He knew it wasn’t right, but he just couldn’t stop it and sometimes the thoughts swallowed him up whole. Especially now that Yoongi had said it out loud. Had said that he was his. A sweet smile stole its way on his face and he reached out for Yoongi’s hand.
“Wait, what?” Hearing Jimin stumble over his words like that made him dizzy and he needed a second to get what the other was talking about. Then it clicked. But the wrong way of course. “Oh! Oh my…damn! Shit! Right, I’m sorry, I haven’t even asked you before, I just… yeah, uhm, do you even want to be together with me? I mean you said you loved me but if you prefer to be...I don’t know…involved with other for fun or be in a… poly relationship that would also... I mean it wouldn’t be great, but I guess I could live with that? If…if that’s what you want.” He coughed awkwardly, trying to ignore that he just had been just as bad as Jimin in wording what he wanted to say. “Ah and don’t worry about Jungkook. He’s been a little itchy lately. And you can’t take him seriously, he’s just been joking a lot around you. He’s like an open book. You can pretty easily see what he wants. And I haven’t seen him actively hating on anyone ever!”  
Jimin quickly shook his head, “No, no that’s not what I meant. I love you and I want to be with you. Only you.” He smiled at him and just when there was a red light, Jimin leaned in to kiss Yoongi quick. Jimin let the comments about Jungkook slide. He still couldn’t assess the younger and if his behavior was because he still was in love with Yoongi or just his overprotectiveness and his misjudgment of Jimin. He didn’t want the thoughts to interfere with the happiness he felt right now. The warmth in the pit of his stomach. The butterflies that went crazy and made him feel like he was on cloud nine.
Jimin showed Yoongi the way to his apartment, so he could let him out there. “Thanks boyfriend,” He said with a big grin on his face and kissed Yoongi goodbye sweetly, who didn’t want to come up with him but rather work on his ‘baby’ right away and Jimin had just chuckled at it, letting him be. He greeted the guard at the door happily and almost couldn’t contain his happiness, as he waited for the elevator. Never in his life had he ever been so happy, and it showed in every aspect of his life.
Jimin began talking to his parents more, coming by for dinner. Not often but more than he used to, and his mother seemed grateful. Jimin even considered changing his major. He hated studying economics and though he loved the field of business, Jimin rather wanted to study something that involved music and art. With his hands full of new brochures, he walked from the campus to his car, where he placed them on the passenger seat. It’s been only two days since he had last seen Yoongi, but he couldn’t wait to be with him again. Tonight, would be Yoongi’s first race after he and Hoseok had been working on it non-stop for a week.
Yoongi was immersed in polishing up his baby when Jimin came into sight. Immediately his eyes lit up and he smiled his brightest gummy smile. It was always like this. Just a thought of him made the butterflies flutter in his stomach (though Yoongi preferred to think of them of something preferably more dangerous, like hornets to up the coolness factor) and Tae had told him a few times that when Jimin called him at the workshop Yoongi smiled like crazy the second he heard his boyfriend’s voice. It was just as if Jimin was a happy pill that was extremely effective on Yoongi.
“Hey, Minnie! Do you want to check her out before the start? Look at those curves. She’s breathtaking, right?” Yoongi had been more than once gotten strange looks from strangers if they heard him talking about his baby - without knowing that it was actually a car.
Jimin let his gaze teasingly wander down Yoongi’s back and to his bottom, when he made a surprised expression and pointed at the car, “Oh you mean…this baby right here?” He laughed, wrapping his arms around Yoongi’s neck to kiss him. “She is breathtaking,” Jimin whispered against his lips, turning to take a closer look at the boys’ work. They really did an amazing job. It almost looked like a whole new car. Walking around it, Jimin smiled not daring to touch it yet (though he knew he was most likely allowed to). “I’ll go and bring my bag up,” Jimin said quick, being excited about the race as he was heading towards Yoongi’s apartment, “Do we go right away? Or do I still got a bit of time to change my outfit?”
“Well, depends how long it’ll take you. But I think just to be safe it would be best if you exchanged your outfit right here. That would save the time of you going upstairs, right?” Yoongi smirked and leaned against the hood of his car, glad that he had the upper hand again after Jimin looking him up and down hungrily before had left him speechless. Jimin never called him baby. At least not where someone else could hear.
“I don’t know if your friends approve,” Jimin winked at him and quickly went upstairs, when a cough made Yoongi turn his head.
“Where is your focus, Min Yoongi?” Hoseok said, waving his hands in the air as he scolded Yoongi, “You got a lot of pressure on you and instead of keeping your eyes on the race they are fixated on poor Jiminnie’s body.” Hoseok pushed him playfully against his shoulder, “But maybe this also means I have a chance at winning this race if you’re occupied with something or someone else.”
“You wish!” Yoongi was quick to retort giving Hoseok to understand that there was no way he would give up without a fight. He was so very thankful to have a friend in Hoseok who had a competitive streak that did not translate into their friendship. Except a little bit of teasing here and there they were fine, no matter who won and who lost. It’s wasn’t easy to find a racer whose ego could take that.
It didn’t take long for Jimin to come back downstairs again, completely changed in some darker outfit. He had chosen some dark brown boots, black ripped jeans and a black shirt, that showed off his lower abs as they were only hidden by black lace trimming. Not being able to decide between two of his jackets, Jimin had looked through Yoongi’s closet, pairing it with one of his leather jackets.
“I hope you don’t mind,” Jimin said and walked past Yoongi, knowing exactly that this was a bit more revealing outfit and got into his boyfriend's car with a confident smile.
“Wait, wait, wait!” Yoongi slid over the hood of the car easily (something that he would never let anyone else do ever) and snatched Jimin right out of the car seat. “That’s what you’re going to wear?” A grin played across his lips. “Can you do me a favor? Please walk across the street before the race is about to start, preferably so that the other racers can get a good look. Then I won’t even have to try to win. I would bet their eyes would be somewhere else than fixed on the finish line. But in the end, there’s only one who’s allowed to touch, right?” He pulled Jimin against him so that he could play with the see-through hem of his shirt. “Nice. But a waste of fabric. You should just ignore shirts completely from now on.”
Promising to do just like Yoongi said, Jimin and Tae got themselves and the others some beer at the abandoned port, while Yoongi and Hoseok were preparing for the race that was soon about to start. Before he crossed the street again, Jimin made Tae come to a halt as he pushed his (or Yoongis) jacket into his arms. “Hold this for a second, will you?” Jimin said with a playful grin and then took a sip from the bottle. He let his tongue slide over his lip slowly and teasingly, before he walked ahead, passing the first racers.
When he saw an old friend of his, Jimin greeted him with a hug, seemingly uncaring about the attention he got from the others around. It wasn’t like he wasn’t known already. Most knew him because of his party escapades and bad press or because of his father, as well as being the one who stood in the middle of the street when a one on one race was going on. Jimin was aware of the rumors going around that Yoongi had someone, some saying it was him, some speculating someone completely different. Either way he loved the stares, raking his hand through his hair a couple of times, giving a few racers some playful winks until he stood right in front of Yoongi’s car followed by a confused Taehyung.
Yoongi had a great watching him, barely able to contain his laugh. He would never have guessed that Jimin would actually follow through. “You definitely deserved a part of my price today,” He offered and with a wink added, “You can have it in whichever form you want cash or payment in kind.” A tiny little piece of him was a bit nervous that everyone knew about them - but he had made it very clear that he was willing to fight for Jimin when he had beat Yunyeong in the one on one race, so he could probably lean back and be certain that Jimin wouldn’t have to fear any unwanted comments. No one wanted to be on Min Yoongis bad side.
“Hmmm I’ll take the payment…,” Jimin’s voice dropped low, leaning in to whisper into Yoongi’s ear so no one else could hear it, “…from behind please.”
Yoongi almost choked from that. He still needed to get used to Jimin’s ability to say the dirtiest of things with the sweetest face. He knew how to make use of his angelic looks pretty well and Yoongi was absolutely, helplessly at his mercy whenever Jimin used that to his advantage. There was nothing sexier that Jimin telling him what he wanted or how good Yoongi felt inside of him while his cheeks were flushed, lips rosy and parted while his eyes were all wide and innocent as if Jimin had absolutely no idea how ‘sinful’ was even spelled like. Yoongi groaned quietly. “What you are doing is basically reducing all your former efforts - because I need the blood in my brain if I want to win, not elsewhere.”
Jimin only giggled at that, leaning in to kiss Yoongi quick when the announcer was already calling out for the racers to get ready. He wished him good luck, kissing him again, before Jimin ran after Taehyung and behind the barrier. Jimin was excited but at the same time he knew how nervous Yoongi must feel to be back after the last race. Even if he didn’t show it. There must be a lot of pressure on him right now, so Jimin just hoped for the best. Either way, Jimin didn’t care if Yoongi would win or lose it was important for his boyfriend. He needed the prize money.
Yoongi loosened the muscles in his shoulders, taking a few deep breaths to relax and get his focus back to where it belonged. As soon as the first sign flared up for them to get ready, he could feel the usual calm settling in, that made him keep a level head in the most dangerous situations during the race. He needed that if he wanted to win.
Jimin yelled out with the others when the sound of roaring engines filled the air and the cars sped off fast. He jumped from one foot to the other, looking left and right, hoping to see Yoongi’s headlights first. “You know it will take a bit for them to race through downtown and then come back again?” Taehyung laughed at Jimin’s nervous behavior but Jimin just couldn’t shake it off.
It was a difficult race this time, not only because of the competition and because no matter how hard he tried of course it got to him a little to know Jimin was around - it was also that it had been raining this morning and although the streets weren’t exactly wet the grip of the tires wasn’t as good as it should be. It didn’t even take half an hour for the first crash to happen and Yoongi had to swerve quickly to not get hit by flying parts. It was a strange feeling to fight against the natural urge to stop and see if someone was injured, to go and help. But there were specialists ready and stopping wouldn’t help anyone - except his competitors. So, he did the opposite, surging ahead, leaving his worries and fears and all the uneasiness behind until all he could feel was pure freedom running through his veins.
Jimin whipped around to Taehyung the second it spread in the audience that an accident had happened in the race. “Is Yoongi okay? Hoseok?” Jimin almost shouted at him, who was trying to comfort him right away but was obviously worried himself. They both looked around, hoping to see a glimpse of something. An accident meant that police could get involved as well, which made it even more dangerous right now than it already was, so Jimin was just hoping for Yoongi to be okay. He couldn’t even let any other thought in. Yoongi was fine. He just needed to repeat it like a mantra.
When the first lights from a car and the sounds of its engine was coming closer, everyone ran up to the barriers to see who it was. Jimin squinted his eyes, when a smile formed on his lips. Of course, it was Yoongi! He was followed closely by someone that Jimin didn’t know and Hoseok, while Yoongi was getting out of his car already, leaning comfortably against it. Slowly and with a smirk on his face he pulled off his gloves, waiting for every racer to stop at the finish line. As soon it was deemed safe enough, Jimin got over the barrier and ran up to Yoongi who caught him in his arms easily. “I...was so scared...the accident,” Jimin said in between kisses, “Could have been you….but...oh god, of course you won. I love you.” He felt Yoongi’s hands slip a little underneath his jacket, holding him tight to Yoongi’s body.
“Yeah, of course!” Yoongi repeated, laughing. Finishing a race as the first made you feel like you could do anything, like reach your dreams, face your fears - or kiss your boyfriend in front of everyone. So, he just did, kissing Jimin slow and sensually, earning a few cheers and howls from the crowd before they broke apart. Yoongi smiled at him.
“And still, the best prize to have is that I got you.” He placed another chaste kiss on Jimin pillowy lips before stepping away from the car. “Let me just get the money and then we can go somewhere else. Somewhere more private. Cause even though you like being watched there are a bit too many people around for my taste to let them in on what I plan on doing with you.”
Jimin bit his lip, “Yeah, I’d like to remind you about my part of the prize.” He stayed close to the car, talking to Hoseok who complained about the accident that had happened that had slowed him down, so he only came in third. Luckily no one got injured badly, at least that’s what the people around were saying as the crowd piled up on the racetrack to celebrate, drink and just have an excuse to party. Jimin turned around when someone tapped him on the shoulder, looking at the face of a stranger. A cute one.
The music was getting louder and Jimin leaned in to understand what the guy was saying, listening closely and only when he realized that he was asking for his number a shocked expression crossed his face. Didn’t he see how Jimin had literally made out with the winner of the race, his boyfriend, just a minute ago? Jimin just wanted to politely decline when he felt a hand on his back.
Yoongi put an arm around Jimin’s shoulder very obviously and nodded slightly towards the other boy who had been flirting with Jimin, eyes icy and smile sharp. The other vanished pretty quickly at that.
“So, not even five minutes and you got yourself someone else, hm? Do I need to remind you who that ass belongs to?” He slapped Jimin’s well rounded ass with a little slap, then turning into their little half embrace and nipping on Jimin’s neck. The others want to get to this party in a bit - so what you say we get to the car now, make use of the time, maybe warm up the car a little if you know what I mean. Then we can drive there together. That how you’d like to spend the night?”
“I’m just irresistible,” Jimin said and stole a quick kiss, “But I think your stare just scared him off.”
“That was exactly what I was aiming for, sweet cheeks. Can’t have him stealing you away from me, can I? Though I don’t think I need to be scared of that when I think back to the last time, I held you down and gave it to you hard and you told me you wanted no one else but me. That you wouldn’t even think about looking at others because you knew no one else could give it to you that good?” There was a little bit of pride in his voice. He just loved how Jimin - although he could be mouthy and sassy and a brat - was always reassuring him in one way or another that he was the one. He hadn’t even known how much he not only enjoyed to hear it but also needed it to feel more secure in their relationship. It calmed down his nerves and soothed his fears to know that Jimin was completely willing to be his.
Jimin nodded at Yoongi’s suggestion, following him wherever he would lead him, climbing over the seat the second Yoongi had parked the car somewhere, where they would meet the others, placing himself on his boyfriend’s lap. Yoongi was still wearing his leather attire and Jimin moaned just at the thought, letting his hands wander up his arms to his collar to pull him in for a heated kiss. He moved his hips against his, just like Jimin knew would drive Yoongi crazy. “Hm, how lucky am I to make out with you,” Jimin mumbled against his lips, “So many others would want to switch places with me right now…to be able to make out with the best racer…but I have you.”
Yoongi leaned back into the seat just enjoying what Jimin was doing there while watching him intently. “I can bet that you’re not the only one people would switch places with in the current situation. With the way you’re working your hips right now...” He only groaned, letting the sound end the sentence for him. “No one ever did, and no one will ever give it to me so good,” Jimin whispered against Yoongi’s lips, kissing him passionately soon after. His hands found their way up, running his fingers through his hair. He kissed him fiercely, not being able to hold back his desire. Yoongi kissed him back with the same passion, feeling the burn swell in him when Jimin swayed his hips just right. Reaching for his waist, he pulled him closer, embracing him in his arms.
Of course, Jungkook had seen the kiss between Yoongi and Jimin right after the race - as had everyone else. He was more used to it now, them kissing and being all ‘cute’ with each other. He hated it. But he just needed to wait and be patient. Sooner or later Yoongi and Jimin would cease to be a couple. It just couldn’t be any other way. Or else...
Just the mere thought made his heart clench every time, so he refused to think any further, avoiding it as good as he could. They had decided to go to another party and he wasn’t sure if Yoongi had been told so he went to look for him - and also to congratulate him. He always did it, it was like a little ritual, even when Yoongi didn’t win Jungkook came over after to tell him that he had been good or that he had given his best and would be even better next time. Jimin might be the first one to be with Yoongi after now, but he couldn’t take that away from Jungkook. Except he could.
It had taken him a while to find the car and Yoongi wasn’t there, so he was about to go but then he saw movement and realization hit them. They were making out in the car. It was very, very clear in which direction this was going and Jungkook froze, unable to look away. It looked horrible. Like seeing something utterly wrong and it made his guts twist in the most awful ways. This just wasn’t right. This wasn’t what was supposed to happen! How could Yoongi even do this. And in the car of all places? While Jungkook wasn’t even allowed to touch the car without Yoongis permission. Although he had known the older for years already. He had known Yoongi first! He had kissed him first, touched him and Yoongi...Yoongi must have liked him in some way or else he wouldn’t have slept with him. So how come that some random guy that ran in front of his car could sweep Yoongi off his feet like that?
Before Jungkook had thought that Yoongi just didn’t want a relationship because he wanted to be free, unbound. But it just needed a bit of flirting and one single night from Jimin’s side to make Yoongi change his mind. This wasn’t fair. He would have given Yoongi everything. He still wanted to. If Yoongi... if Yoongi didn’t chose him what did he have left? Besides his art and his friends, he needed someone in his life that loved him. Exactly like he was. And he had thought that Yoongi could be that person. But the way he was holding onto Jimin, pushing his hands under the others shirt, thrusting up against him pushed that dream so far, far out of reach, god it hurt. How could it hurt that bad to see something he knew had happened before and would surely happen again? He knew Yoongi slept with other people. But seeing him undressing Jimin in a rush, seeing him leave those little kisses on the other’s skin, so gently, lovingly... it broke his heart apart again and again. It reminded him of how Yoongi had kissed him that night, had held him as if he had been special. As if he meant something to him.
Jungkook pressed his hand in front of his mouth to stifle his cries while the tears were falling down onto it. He just couldn't get it. What did Jimin have what he hadn’t? He could be whatever Yoongi wanted him to be. The only thing... he was fit, he was handsome, he was talented, he knew that. The only thing he hadn’t in the same amount that Jimin had it was money. And no matter what he did, no matter what he achieved in life he would never be able to come close to the wealth that Jimin had. But it couldn’t be what Yoongi wanted, right? He had always fought for himself. So why…why Jimin? Why him of all people.
Jungkook was blind from pain so he picked up a stone, ready to throw it against the car, smash the window, hurt Jimin, hurt them… but they were kissing or...way, way more than kissing actually. And Yoongi looked like he had found everything he wanted, like he was experiencing purest bliss. And it broke the last little bit of his will.
The stone slipped from his fingers. He felt numb. Broken. His chest filled with shards of what had been his heart before. It was over. There was nothing else for him. Yoongi didn’t love him. He would never stop loving Jimin. He had lost. He stumbled away, the tears making it harder to see but he didn't care. He didn’t care if he fell or hurt himself or ran off into the wrong direction. It didn’t matter. Nothing did. Nothing but the fact that Yoongi and Jimin were making love in that car that was Yoongi’s everything. Just like Jimin was Yoongi’s everything now. And Jungkook was nothing.
A/N: Oh no, poor Jungkookie ;) What do you think will happen next? And where was Yunyeong at this race? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Leave us a comment! Thank you for reading and enjoying this story as much as we had fun writing it! 
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“Come sit!” Amala handed him a cup of something. “We’re going to talk about feelings!”
Kavik deals with a small bout of jealousy
(Prompt: Jealousy)
((Late submission I know!! I didn’t expect to work yesterday 😭))
9 notes · View notes
I spy an extended version of the flashback thingy in the “wanna check it out?” Story submission for yangvik week soon…
Won’t be yangvik tho, but bby chen running around and sneaking out (there will be eggs WITH yolk, that should be a tag, seriously)
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Sage Bhuti and Avatar Szeto: Channeling spiritual lives go brr👊🏼
(Shaohao often witnessed stuff like this when he was young)
I originally planned to keep the hands as squares because I don’t know how to draw them, but then I saw someone draw them and I was like “🤩 I’m going to try that.” I still don’t know how to draw them *shrug* but it’s something….
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“Sangmu!” she whispered, gently nudging her. “Come on, wake up!”
Sangmu grimaced and reluctantly opened an eye, and she sat up. “Why aren’t you sleeping?” She rubbed her eyes.
“Do you wanna come see the royal parade with me?”
This expands a bit on my 'Want to check it out?' submission for Yangvik week. The flashback part when they snuck out of the temple to watch fire works
0 notes
Unexpected chapter 2: Bittersweet
She didn’t say anything about the hidden hatred in Jetsun’s eyes and simply handed her a freshly steamed momo and a cup of tea.
“Here,” she said, almost shoving them into her hands and turning around. “I will leave now.”
The tea was laced with sleep-inducing herbs and Sister Jamyang had helped her fill the momo almost to its breaking point. It would be a good meal.
!!Spoilers for the second novel!!
My brain will not shut up:) Have this second chapter of this previous one shot that's now a two shot because I have zero impulse control :)
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I just finished a Sonam one shot that’s lived rent free in my mind and another one shot about bby yangchen and oc that’s also lived rent free in my mind ever since I first read the novels.
I expect them to be posted sometime today after I’ve slept for a bit:)
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Warning: luggage from previous lives can cause inconsistent sleep schedules.
Me getting inspiration at the mention of the new yangchen novel. (This will stay as a sketch because I know I’m not skilled enough to take this on or until I give in and commission someone…)
Oc and Yangchen
(not the typical temple clothes because I zoned out as I did this and it didn’t look too bad. :// added one more that looks a bit clearer)
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Another comic thingy for when I start writing about Yangchen.
I wanted to draw some bison and lemurs too, but idk how yet…
It’s an hc at this point that reincarnated people can suddenly start speaking different languages because of their past lives. They’re singing this song and I only added it because it’s been stuck on my mind the last two weeks.
(I gave up on colouring the inner walls on the arch because it was the last thing I added to this…)
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I made a short comic of the second excerpt I wrote. I haven’t made a comic since seventh grade so I forgot how time consuming it could be. It’s not as detailed as they were then, but the course of events should be understood.
(I have no idea what to call this comic though. Shiny seashells for Jetsun, maybe?)
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Follow up from the last excerpt? Idk, this wouldn’t leave me alone. 623 words.
“… Yangchen gripped Sangmu’s hand as they stepped out into the water again. They got a little further out than they did earlier before Sangmu paused. “It’s just water, it’s just water.” She said underneath her breath. “Water is nice.”
“Water is nice.” Yangchen agreed with a nod. “Baths are nice. The water is always refreshing, and to make good tea, you also need water.” Sangmu looked down and nodded to herself. “Water is- the water is good.” She sighed heavily and gave her hand a squeeze. “I think I’ll be okay….”
“I think I can make a necklace with mine.” Sangmu said while they walked back to the camp. She turned to her, inquisitive. “Do you think Jetsun would like a necklace or a bracelet?” 
“Hm, I don’t know.” Yangchen looked down at the seashells she carried. Twelve shiny seashells. Sangmu found ten. “Maybe a necklace, since she wears the longer mala more instead of the bracelet ones?” She didn’t know if Jetsun liked one or the other. “I didn’t know you could make necklaces out of seashells.”
Sangmu looked at her and frowned. “You don’t? But we’ve made them together before.”
Yangchen blinked. “We have?”
“Yeah, and you said we’ll go look for seashells on Ember Island- wait, you’re not Kaito.”
“No,” she shook her head. “I’m Yangchen. You call me Chime though, and I’m a girl, not a boy.”
“Ooh, that makes sense. That was a long time ago, anyway. Maybe you just forgot. I’ll show you how to make them again when we get back to the camp.”
“Maybe it’s just gold fish brain that made me forget it.”… What’s a goldfish? And who was it that said that?
Sangmu scrunched her nose up. “What’s a goldfish?” She asked, and Yangchen wanted to reach out and pat her cheek. She would’ve done it if her hands were empty. “Is it an actual fish that’s gold?”
“No, it’s a tiny fish. It doesn’t have golden scales. Nothing is that extraordinary about it.” Who said that? And what’s a goldfish?
The question gnawed at her when she saw Sister Gawa and Sister Jamyang in the distance with Uma and Asahi. “Have we been like Sister Gawa and Sister Jamyang before?” Sangmu looked at her. “We’ve been like them many times and we’ve also been like Sister Jamyang and, uh, do you know Sonam Jetsun?”
“No.” The name sounded familiar, though. “They’re like friends that hug each other a lot. It’s difficult to explain. Do you remember yi xiongdi? Like a sworn brother or sister?”
“Yeah,” she remembered having many sworn siblings before. She loved them dearly. “They’re sort of like that, but like, also not?”
“It’s the closest thing I can compare it to.”
A bond deeper than friendship, but not romantic. “I get it.”
“Do you remember?”
“I remember.”
There're times like this one were Gawa’s envious of Jamyang’s spirituality. “Who are they playing with?” The children were drawing shapes in the sand with long sticks, and they paused as if they waited for someone and it was convenient timing because the sand started shifting and it wasn’t them. She caught murmurs between them, discussing the shape of a ‘something,’ before they started drawing in the sand again.
Jamyang always saw who it was. “Can you see them?” She looked up from her shoulder and squinted her eyes. “It’s…. Oh, it’s the silly painter.”
“Silly painter…?” Jamyang sat up and looked through her bag. “He’s this thin, quirky man with the silliest moustache I’ve ever seen and has a laugh that’s like a turtle duck quacking.”
She laughed at her comparison. “What?”
“I know.” She chuckled. “He’s never there when you’re present and now he is- where’s my sketchbook?”
It’s Chi-meh and it means immortal or everlasting. Fitting, isn’t it?
Sangmu’s confusing the past with the present. The past lives intermingle with the present so there’s things that they have known, but don’t know now. Not exactly visions and fevers like in the book, but there will be some.
Yi xiongdi is apparently one of many ways to say sworn brothers in Chinese
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The major urge to share more shorts of baby Yangchen and [redacted] because their moments live rent free in my mind while I’m trying to get their two caretakers together.
Like I’m trying to write about two young adults who have no idea what they’re doing, who’ve been friends since five and eight respectively, finally getting together. And all I’m thinking about are two children having a moment and are just going through it.
Idk if anyone cares but I have settled on a name for [redacted] it’s not the official name, but it’s the name Yangchen will refer to her by. Known in a previous life privilege. I’m currently in between two names for the official name
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