#lightning goes to a rave how about that
brodieland · 6 months
.˚ 𓈒 ࣪.𝝑𝝔 he's not just a man, mom.. ´ˎ˗
Luke Castellan x Fem!Athena!Reader Synopsis: Reader has a special bond with both Luke and her godly mother, so when Luke joins Kronos, her head starts spinning in confusion on what to do anymore Warning(s): angst. and uh swears ig Word Count: 4314 A/N: I was inspired from a Tumblr post that was inspired from that one Gilmore girls scene😛😛 the post, I mixed in some show and book moments, sometimes just can't decide what hit harder. love them both💔 ugh why did I yap?? Part 2
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You and Luke were perfect for one another. Like two pieces to the same puzzles. You were childhood sweethearts and everyone knew it. If you told yourself a couple months ago what had happened, you would've laughed so hard your lungs might've collapsed. This was not a happy ending, though it could've been.
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It was an average summer evening at camp half-blood. Normally you'd be busy helping Annabeth prepare for capture the flag, but she insisted on doing it herself. She always thought it would help prove herself more and more to your mother, Athena. You and your mom are quite close, you both talk a lot. You make sure to tell Annabeth that she already has faith in her, but she still feels the need to do this, maybe it'll help her get the quest she's been dreaming of.
Since you're close with your mother, Athena also knows of your long-lasting relationship with Luke, the Hermes head counselor. At first she didn't approve, she thought her daughter could do better than a son of the god of thieves, but she knew she couldn't change it so she let it go. Well sorta, she always gives a slight diss about it every now and then.
Now it was the day of capture the flag, and you had the newcomer Percy Jackson on your team. Annabeth whisked him away as part of her plan while you and Luke fended off the rest of red team. And for the fourth year in a row, your team won at capture the flag. You and Luke were celebrating with the rest of Athena and Hermes cabin, when you heard yelling from behind you.
"What is wrong with you?!" You turned around to see that a cut up and bleeding Percy was yelling at Annabeth for pushing him into the water. As he stood up, you and everyone around you noticed that his cuts began to heal, but before you could question it a symbol appeared above his head. A trident.
"Poseidon," announced Chiron. "Earthshaker, Stormbringer, Father of Horses. Hail, Perseus Jackson, Son of the Sea God."
All the campers in the surrounding area stood in shock, but congratulated Percy non the less. You stood there with a big smile, happy he was claimed after spending the entire day before being somewhat of a, well, failure at all camp activities.
"Luke! Percy got claimed isn't that amazing-" You turned to look at your boyfriend, but didn't see him smiling the way everyone else was. His expression seemed different. It was a look of curiosity beyond him being a child of the big three, more as if Luke seemed.. upset? He had a grudging smile hanging off his lips, you were confused but shrugged it off.
The next day at around 10AM you were sitting with Annabeth as she raves to you about how she's finally found the one. And by the one, she means that Percy ended up picking her to go on the quest with him. Annabeth goes on telling you about the quest, about how she has to recover Zeus' lightning bolt before the solstice in a week, she sounds excited but you can tell she's nervous.
Your conversation was interrupted by a knock at your door. You turned and saw your handsome boyfriend, Luke, coming to pick you up.
"Mind if I steal her away for a little?" Luke asked as he smiled at your little sister. She just sighed.
"Fine, bring her back at a reasonable time though. Last time you brought her home at 2AM half the cabin woke up." You and Luke started laughing.
"Annie you were the only one awake," you leaned forward and kissed the top of her head, "I'll be back soon to say goodbye." And the two of you were off.
Whenever the both of you had free time like this you two would head off to the strawberry fields. There aren't always many campers by the fields at once, so you and Luke would just grab and bunch and walk around through the forest before they noticed the missing strawberries. Most campers don't go there for the fear of monsters, but with Luke being the best sword fighter this camp has ever seen in years, you liked your odds. You guys decided to sit by where Percy had gotten claimed the day before, the sound of the ocean is just so calming.
"The Demeter kids really know what there doing with these strawberries," Luke groaned as he took a bite out of one of them.
"I think its in there job description," you both just chuckled and continued enjoying not just the strawberries but each others company. Not many opportunities for being alone lately. Then you remembered the look on Luke's face when Percy got claimed. Why wasn't he happy for him after all the time he spent helping him get claimed just the day before?
"Hey Luke, can I ask you something?" You yourself weren't sure if you should bring it up, but something in your gut was telling you too.
"Of course, you can ask me anything."
"Well, yesterday when Percy got claimed, how did you feel about it?"
"Hmm? I was happy for him, sucks he's gonna have to stay in that cabin all alone though. Why do you ask?"
"Yeah.. well I don't know when I turned to you, you just seemed kind of upset?"
"What? Why would I be upset?" Luke started smiling like you were crazy. Hey, maybe you were just seeing things.
"I don't know, maybe I'm just going crazy. Oh what would my mother think of her legacy losing her marbles," you giggled to yourself and turned to Luke, he was laughing but it felt like the mention of your mom hit a nerve. He knows she isn't his biggest fan so that's probably it. You both moved on and continued like normally till the lunch bell went off, which was your sign to start heading back. You both split up and sat at your cabins table with this rest of your siblings.
"Hey Annie," you greeted as you sat in the seat next Annabeth.
"Hey your back," she smiled. "I'm leaving after lunch."
"Better make this lunch count, you're probably not gonna have so many good ones out on the road," you joked. You're not really joking though. You remember back on the times when you and Luke were on the road with barely enough to eat, not fun times. You stopped thinking about it and continued to send your last moments with your dear sister before she goes off her on her dangerous quest. Please gods, mom, let her come back safe. You both finished up and walked over to your cabin and helped her finish packing up.
"I gotta go pick up Percy now."
"I'm coming with you? I'm spending all the time I can with you before Percy and Grover take you away from meee." Annabeth just rolled her eyes at you (you could still see her smile though) as you both walked over to the Poseidon cabin. When you walked in you saw Luke talking with Percy. He was giving him something.
"Hey Percy, watchu got there?" You asked as you leaned on the door frame.
"Some.. converse? Pretty cool.." He looked to Luke to see if he got it right, you just smiled knowing what the shoes really were.
"Maia," Luke said, and the shoes grew some wings.
"Yup, pretty cool shoes." Luke smirked and the two boys stood up and started walking toward the door. Percy stood next to Annabeth and you leaned in and gave them both a hug.
"Come back safe you two," you looked Percy up and down, "no funny business either."
"Haha very funny, we're not like you and Luke," Annabeth rolled her eyes, AGAIN.
"Roll your eyes at me again and they'll get stuck like that." Percy decided to stay silent, which you thought was funny. And just like that, they were off.
You pretended to wipe a tear from your eye, "They grow up so fast," You turned to Luke who was smiling down at you. You couldn't help yourself and just threw your arms around him and kissed him.
As you days went on, you still had that nagging feeling in your gut that something was off. But this time you just decided to ignore it. Questioning Luke got you no where so maybe you were just overthinking it.
The night before the trio was supposed to return, you were instantly pulled into a dream. You were standing back in the spot that you and Luke went to regularly by the water. Except it wasn't any normal dream, it was a demigod dream. And how did you know? You were currently standing next to your mother, Athena.
"Hey mom." You waved, she just nodded back.
"Hello Y/N."
"Soo.. what's up?" Normally you wouldn't be shocked of her appearing in a dream, but this time she had an extra amount of seriousness clouding her features as she continued to stare at the ocean.
"That Luke of yours, he seems off doesn't he?" You wanted to deny it, but you knew she was right. You couldn't help but just nod. "You get your instincts from me you know. I'd take it as disrespect for you to not trust them."
"But mom, I don't even know what it is that's bothering me. What am I supposed to do? Question him from a look I'm not even sure was on his face?"
"If you're not sure, why's it still bothering you?" You went silent, she was right. Mother knows best.
"You've never liked him, is that it?" You accused.
"Excuse me but this isn't a matter of me liking your little boyfriend, it's a matter of whats at stake right now. You saw the look on his face when that forbidden kid was revealed. And what was with that gift, hmm?" Athena was saying so much yet so little at the same time. This is one of the few times you've felt so useless, and it just had to be in front of your mother.
"I-" You looked down at your feet, ".. mom can't you just give me a clue, just once can you help me out here."
"You know us gods can't interfere," she stared daggers at you, and you started getting nervous, more than you already were at least. "I know you're smarter than this" It suddenly dawned on you what she was accusing Luke of, but you know he wouldn't do that, right?
You looked back at her, "He wouldn't."
"You really believe that?" You faltered for a moment.
"Of.. of course I do." Your mom just closed her eyes and shook her head.
"I thought you were smarted than this. I can't believe this boy has left you so blind." And with that, Athena and the setting around you started to disappear. You tried reaching out, trying to say that you are smart, but everything went black.
You shot up from your bed in a cold sweat, you were panting heavily. You turned over to check your alarm.
You looked around to see everyone still asleep. You knew you wouldn't be able to fall back asleep so you just went to go take a shower, wash off all the sweat and think. When you hopped in you just stood there under the water. You couldn't shake the conversation you had with your mother. Luke hadn't left you blind. You've known him for years, you knew him better than anyone. Especially better than Athena.
You got out and got ready for the day. This was the day Annabeth, Percy, and Grover were supposed to return. You tried to think on that instead, the positive. You hoped it was positive at least. It was now around 7:30AM, yes you took that long getting ready, what about it? You had a lot of thinking to do in the shower, and cool enough this was also the time Luke wakes up. You made your way to the Hermes cabin, watching the early birds, or Apollo cabin, sit around making haikus (every now and then they'd make a good one).
You snuck your way into the Hermes cabin, seeing everyone was still asleep. You tip-toed over to your boyfriends bed and kneeled down beside his bed, faces leveled together.
"Hey," you started to softly shake him awake, "Luke wake up." You made sure to whisper so no one around would also wake up. Luke started to stir awake. He softly groaned and rubbed his eyes before opening then. "Hey there gorgeous," you winked.
He chuckled and whispered back, "Hey beautiful." Morning voice is actually so hot. Luke sat up and pulled you up and into bed with him. You tried not giggle too loud as you snuggled closer to him. You were so close you were breathing in his scent. And there it was again, your gut feeling telling you something was wrong. After that conversation with your mom the feeling just got even worse.
"Luke," you laid on you stomach directly next to Luke, who was laying on his back, "aren't you excited? Percy, Annabeth and Grover come back today." You smiled, and so did Luke, but his smile didn't reach his eyes the way they normally do. What's up with him?
"Yup, excited to see them again." Morning voice didn't sound as hot when he didn't sound that happy to see them as he said he was.
"You don't sound that excited."
"Luke are you hiding something?" He shifted for a split second, like he wasn't expecting such a question.
"From you? No, never." You felt uneasy, but what could you even do at this point. You can't go ballistic over an instinct.
"Fine, but you should really brush your teeth."
"You woke me up?"
You just laughed and got up from Luke's bed as he left to go get ready, and brush his teeth from that deadly breathe of his. When he walked out the bathroom in his classic orange camp Half-Blood t-shirt, you knew it was time to head out for breakfast.
As the day went on, you were anticipating the arrival of your fellow campers, mostly your sister. You loved her dearly and missed having her around. Despite her being a few years younger, she was one of your best friends. And finally she was back, and without hesitation you ran up to her and pulled her into a hug.
"Annie, you're safe!" You hugged her tightly as you both swung side to side.
"You crushing me," She groaned and you pulled away holding by the shoulders.
"You survived the underworld, you can survive my hugs." You looked around then noticed something. "Wait, where's Percy?" Annabeth looked a little worried.
"We found the master bolt despite it being past deadline. Percy went to give it back alone."
"Kids ballsy," you scoffed. "Or he has a massive death wish." Annabeth laughed softly but you could tell she was nervous. "Hey you guys made it this far, he'll be fine." She just nodded and looked up and you.
"So, wanna hear about the quest?"
"Uh, duh? And don't think mom didn't tell me about the tunnel of love." Annabeth tried looking at you with her intimidating face that read 'shut up or else' but it doesn't work out very well when she's blushing. "She said and I quote 'get your sister away from that reckless water boy'," you quoted while waving around your finger, Annabeth just groaned loudly and walked off with you laughing as you followed behind her.
Annabeth started explaining the story. Clarisse was the lightning thief? Ares covering for her would make sense but you don't know, something didn't add up.
"Yeah we called Chiron but Luke answered, he said he'd tell Chiron about it." Why didn't you know about this? And you knew Chiron definitely didn't either, so what the hell? You were cut from your thoughts when you heard cheering outside. You and Annabeth ran outside and saw Percy walking back to camp. You turned and saw Annabeth eyes go wide and run up to Percy, you saw her whisper something but didn't think much of it and went over to Luke, who was also watching the scene.
"Isn't it cool he made it back" You asked Luke.
"Amazing." Percy and Annabeth were now walking by you two, gesturing for you to follow them, which you did. As you looked over to Luke.
"Why didn't you tell me the Lightning thief was Clarisse." He swallowed.
"Oh, just slipped my mind." And he flashed you that smile of his, it doesn't looked as genuine any more. And now you four were standing in an empty Hermes cabin conspiring. You just zoned out of the conversation. Mom, please, this is the first time I wished you were wrong. Don't hold it against me.
Luke disappeared for a little bit, and to our understanding it was to inform Chiron of who the thief really was. Then, he disappeared with Percy into the woods. You were a little nervous, Luke made a new sword, Backbiter, made of both celestial bronze and steel. Hopefully there sparring would be fine.
Oh how wrong you were.
While alone in your cabin, you were organizing the mess of books when you saw Luke rushing through the doors.
"Luke are you okay, why the rush?"
"We need to talk." You were confused, but weirdly felt sweat a single drop of sweat fall from the back of your neck.
"Of course, whats up?" You said as you slid the last book onto the bookshelf and turned toward Luke.
"Remember our quest together, all that darkness and the monsters growing stronger. Don't you think all this is useless. How we're just pawns for the gods in this silly game they should've been over thrown from years ago-" Luke was rambling.
"Luke.. slow down. What are you saying? What do you mean over thrown?"
"I mean, the only reason their still around is for us, and even then they still don't treat us with the respect we deserve."
"Luke, that's our parents you're talking about. They're trying their best."
“That’s supposed to make me love them? They're killing the world and don't even seem to care. We need to start over, that's what he's been telling me in my dreams."
"Luke, what the hell are you talking about, whose 'he?'"
"Kronos." Your eyes widened, you couldn't believe what you were hearing. this couldn't be true.
"Luke, he's brainwashing you."
"No he's not. He's opening my eyes to the truth. In all the time I've been here, my dad sent me on one quest, a quest that's already been done. And I come back with this!" He angrily pointed at the scar on his face. "And all I got was pity. That's when he started speaking to me. That's where I got the ideas."
Your mouth went dry and your knees started to wobble, you couldn't believe what you were hearing. "You.. you stole the master bolt and Hades' helm, didn't you."
"And it was so easy, the gods are so full of themselves they wouldn't ever believe that someone would steal from them. And ares wouldn't have been easier to turn on my side." You didn't even recognize the man standing in front of you anymore.
"Why are you telling me all this?"
"Well, I can't continue keeping secrets from my dear girlfriend. I'm here to take you with me. Your beautiful brain is the last piece I need."
You wanted to cry. The thought was tempting. You saw how kids got ignored, how the unclaimed flooded the Hermes cabin, how most kids never hear from their parents, and how kids of minor gods don't even have cabins. You loved Luke with all your heart, you didn't want to leave him. You knew your choice.
"Luke, this is wrong. You have to know you can't just over throw the gods. They are your family."
"You're the brainwashed one here Y/N, you have to be if you can't see I'm right." He turned for the door, but you caught his wrist.
"You can't start a war like this. So many people will lose their lives." You were pleading with him. He turned to face you.
"It's the only way the gods notice, I have to go now. Last chance, are you coming with me or not." Tears were threatening to escape your eyes.
"You know I can't. I can't betray my mother." Tears were falling from your eyes, and you saw one fall from Luke's as well. He leaned and kissed you deeply and pulled away.
"Then this is goodbye." He rushed out your cabin and left you in tears. That was the last kiss you'd ever have with him. He was so gone and you didn't think you could bring him back. And that's when Annabeth came running and yelling.
"Percy's in the infirmary close to death, hurry!"
And so you wiped your tears and hurried. And there he was, a greenish grayish color with a lump on his hand.
"What the hell happened to him?" You asked worriedly.
"Looks like a pit scorpion bite, we won't know more till he wakes up." Chiron said.
Annabeth turned over to Chiron, "So did you interrogate Clarisse?"
"And why would I do that?" Chiron asked.
"What are you talking about, didn't Luke tell you she's the lightning thief?" Annabeth said.
"No he didn't," they both turned to you, looking more confused than ever. "He didn't snitch on Clarisse because it wasn't her. Luke's working for Kronos." You voice was cracking and Annabeth and Chiron both exchanged looks of worry.
"Here we are again." Percy said. Annabeth turned around and called him an idiot, ah. Young love. You feel bitter now but whatever.
"Percy. Explain everything now." And he did. He explained Luke's plan, the same one he explained to you, and how he said Percy couldn't be there and had the pit scorpion sting him. You then explained how he tried to recruit you and was now gone to who knows where. It went silent.
"I need to be alone." You excused yourself and went running to your cabin. The second you made it to your ned you collapsed and you immediately sobbing. This was Luke, your Luke, and now suddenly he was working with Kronos?? You just couldn't believe it.
As weeks went on, you became worse. You can never bring yourself to leave your bed unless absolutely necessary. Your friends and family around you started getting worried, they tried so much but nothing seems to work. At camp, you were the sweet older sister people came to for advice, now you were the girl who could barely say three or more words at a time. It got harder when Annabeth left, normally when she's gone the head counselor job would be handed to you. Of course, now that can't happen in your state. You're losing sleep and couldn't be bothered to make your self look presentable.
After about three months, you put yourself to sleep and you were pulled right back into a dream. You were standing in your special spot with Luke, and how bad you wanted to wake up but you couldn't. It was your mother who brought you back here.
"He's never coming back you know." You could barely cry, your eyes were dry. You stood there without saying anything. "I knew I never trusted him."
"Yeah because you always have to be right about everything don't you?"
"You better watch how you speak to me." Athena glared down at you, normally you'd be scared but you couldn't care less right now.
"Why, whats the point? Why are you even here? To what, rub it in my face that you were right about Luke?"
"I'm here to talk some sense into you. You're a daughter of Athena, you should be thinking with your brain, not your emotions. Yet that's the problem, you're not thinking clearly. Your ruining yourself over some guy."
"Mom," your voice was cracking. "please."
"Please what? You're grown enough to know right from wrong. Luke was just a man, nothing more nothing less." And somehow, some tears started to flow.
"No he wasn't," your voice was barely higher than a whisper.
"Speak up, you know how I feel about mumbling."
"He was more than just a man, mother," you were just barely yelling.
"Oh really, what are you saying to me? That a man who can so easily betray the gods and everything you stand for is the man for you? The love of your life? The man you would've married and had a family with?" Athena's words dripped with condescension, and it made your blood boil.
"You know what, yeah. He is, or was, or whatever. And I don't care what you have to say about it. Any future advice you have? Keep it." You were now yelling.
"Watch yourself, you might regret this. No daughter of mine will speak to me like this."
"No mother treats her daughter like her emotions don't matter, you just see me as another pawn to do your bidding. Get me out of this stupid fucking dream. NOW!" You demanded.
Athena looked at you with a face you couldn't decipher, before letting you go. The dream went black and you shot up awake just like the last time. Athena opened your eyes, just not in the way she hoped. What you knew? She didn't care about your emotions, just your ability to carry out her duties. Luke was right, and it pained you. You didn't know what to do, or who to stand with anymore.
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istadris · 1 year
An entire essay about Boouigi? Please, go ahead! Rant and rave to your hearts desire! ❤️
OKay first let's talk about how King Boo is the perfect nemesis to Luigi the way Bowser is to Mario.
Mario is constantly associated with fire, is a physical, direct fighter. He's straightforward and simple in his concept, and so is Bowser : hero vs dragon, loud braggart vs silent humble guy, that kind of thing.
Luigi is...a weird case. He's more flawed and complex; he's scared, he's greedy, he's feeling overshadowed, he's clumsy, he's a loser. He's usually Mario's counterpart when it comes to ability but that's hardly consistent : is the opposite of fire lightning? Ice? Water?
What is Luigi's deal ?
One of the most consistent theme of that yin-yang is the Sun/Moon theme. Mario, bright, burning, shining, warming through his presence and bringing life. Luigi, shy and secretive, hiding in the shadows, weird powers abound, and his games are all focused around night and ghosts (and by extension death).
There's some moral ambiguity in his actions too: fans have been debating for years about how much E.Gadd and King Boo are justified in their respective actions. Is E.Gadd a sinister scientist capturing sentient creatures and people into portraits, or a well-meaning scientist trying to prevent ghosts from being dangerous? Is King Boo trying to protect his Boos or is he just a petty bastard? You wouldn't get that kind of debate about Mario fighting Bowser (unless you're an edgy youtuber trying to make noise)
And people have pointed out before me, but Luigi is often paired with nice people and villains alike, because where Mario is incorruptible as the Hero, Luigi would be more vulnerable to the sirens of evil, even if he never actually turned evil, because he's a sweety pie.
He's more like King Boo than he would like.
There's also the supreme irony of Luigi being so terrified of ghosts that of course his main enemies are all kind of ghosts, spirits and such. And yet ! He can be friendly with them! Polterpup of course, and other ghosts, he wouldn't attack them if he could! He just wants to take a nap without someone trying to murder him!!! So it's funny for me to picture him befriending the Boos, including their King, especially when at first the latter wants to KILL KILL BITE BITE. Speaking of which, I love fanarts in which KB has a gaggle of lil boos cheering him up in his attempts to woo Luigi. Go get'im, boss! You're irresistible, surely this time he'll fall for you!
Oh yeah, because I LOVE the trope of KB having been trying to seduce Luigi all this time and kidnapping his family was the best he could come up with. Honestly, look at how long he let Luigi run around in every Mansion instead of just swarming him!
(Now I want a fic where KB just goes "you know what, screw it, I've waited long enough ,ALL ON HIM!!" ...how angsty or humorous it gets is up to you ;p)
I had a joke at some point (and now it fits with the ghost seducer AU) that all that money Luigi finds is KB paying Luigi for cleaning up, or sugar daddy-ing him up and trying to get him to stay.
KB : *throws gold ingots and diamonds at Luigi* TAKE MY MONEY, WHORE!!
And oh, the naughty, naughty things King Boo could do with this tongue...
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sunsstation · 10 months
23, 30, 14 for either audra or kit your choice 👍
answering for both of them because 😏
14: What hobbies does your Tav have?
Audra: Singing! She has a great voice for like jazz/cabaret singing and also she would be able to wear GREAT fashion to her singing gigs. She also collects a lot of trinkets. like too many. She wants to get into jewelry making.
Kit: Hunting/foraging and using what they find to cook delicious meals. If they were home often enough they would probably garden and grow their own food. I can also see them asking Halsin to teach them to whittle.
23: What do they do after the absolute crisis?
Audra: settles down with Astarion somewhere in Baldur's Gate. She becomes nocturnal with him basically but also probably tries to find an enchanter she can commission for a magical item that will let Astarion walk in the sun unharmed. I imagine they're pretty active in the Baldur's Gate nightlife/party scene but not the fancy uppity parties, more of like the fantasy equivalent of weird goth raves or whatever. Also enjoys the occasional adventure to show off how much of a crazy awesome Sorcerer she is.
Kit: Complicated based on I don't know what ending Karlach will get in this save yet. But something to the effect of "is the weird strange partner of the respected Wyll Ravengard" as in he probably goes into politics or something and Kit stays an awesome bounty hunter monster killer because they're a ranger it's in their blood. Could be like a spend a week in Avernus with Karlach and the next week in Faerun with Wyll type of weird long distance polycule. Or they all move to Avernus together and Figure It Out.
30: What's your favorite thing about your Tav?
Audra: I can just keep coming up with stuff to make her more fucked up. Not in an evil way just in a weirdo way. Also she is very fashionable. Also LEVEL 6 CALL LIGHTNING ⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️
Kit: The duality of being so niceys and wanting to help everyone while also being so incredibly badass and being an expert lockpick. Very funny to me.
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038. Sleep Tight
This would play in the Nightnight Hotel
There’s really not much more I can say to describe the song or the area
But story-wise, what happens here is that My Melody is starting to get kinda tired from all this walking around and sightseeing. And it’s not like they can proceed until Kuromi is found anyway, so she and Wish Me Mell decide to get a room and take a little break here
But while lying down in the bed, My Melody ends up falling asleep and dreaming about what Kuromi might be doing right now
* (Close your eyes?)
The screen will then fade in on a mostly empty, run-down building, with Clack standing on a table in the middle of it with his back turmed
Someone walks in, holding Kuromi, who, even now, is still ferociously squirming around. They tell Clack that they got Kuromi like she asked
He turns around, and asks Muffet if she really couldn’t resist tying someone up just this once. And of course, she couldn’t
Clack asks her to untie Kuromi. She does
Which was very unwise of her. Kuromi subdues Muffet with ease, wrapping her up in her own webs for good measure, before jumping at Clack
Luckily, however, Clack remains unharmed, as a stream of paint comes from Kuromi’s left, followed by Roppap coming out of the shadows. Kuromi avoids all her attacks effortlessly, bur after a few grazes, the paint begins to soak into her fur and slow her down. Knowing that Roppap landing one good hit would probably be enough to immobilize her completely at this point, she pulls her guitar out of her Multi-Tool, and casts RAVE WAVE
Bunny ears are more sensitive, so it would definitely be more effective on them. But unluckily for Roppap, Kuromi is an earless bunny, so her Hearing Holes™️ are always covered by her hood
Roppap covers her ears and staggers backwards
Meanwhile, that whole time, Muffet was busy breaking out of her bindings. She manages to free one of her arms, and shoots a thick, snare-like web at Kuromi, just as she grabs a hold of Roppap. But instead of simply intimidating her like she initially planned, she holds her in front of Muffet’s web, before throwing her at Muffet when she gets caught in it, and their webs fuse together. And, somehow, end up getting in their mouths, preventing them from saying anything as well
How would that even happen? Who knows, but in a fight with Kuromi, whatever makes her look badass goes
Kuromi then turns her attention back towards Clack, who backs away slightly
Kuromi jumps at him, slamming the Melody Key down on the table he was on and breaking it in half
Luckily Clack had lept from the table beforehand. Kuromi attempts to catch her tail, but he zips over to the wall before she can. Unfortunately, however, when you have the ability to zap yourself over to nearby places via small glitchy lightning bolts, you’re not very hard to keep track of
Knowing he can’t subdue Kuromi or reason with her in her current laser-focused state, Clack simply banks on being able to chew through her teammates’ bindings before Kuromi catches up to him, but after rounding the room enough times, Kuromi begins to adapt to his speed, and smacks him out of the air, catching his tail when she bounces off of the ground
She pulls him up to eye-level, just to be sure he can see her raise the Melody Key as a final warning
Seeing no other way out of this, Clack decides that reasoning with her might be worth a shot. Maybe the time she spent beating the heck out of them helped her blow off some steam... And she does have a tendancy to switch up on things pretty quickly... Mostly when she’s not in full survival-of-the-fittest mode, but, again, what other choice does he have?
Clack tells Kuromi that this is all just a big misunderstanding. They didn’t bring her here to hurt her. Actually quite the opposite
She sweats profusely, awaiting Kuromi’s response, before she tells him to go on. Clack lets out a sigh of relief, and zips over to one of the ends of the broken table
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039. Right Click
Clack’s overworld theme
Not really sure what to say for the vibe of this theme
Imagine like. Wandering Makers' Tenna
Not the song itself but just the vibes, and then project that onto these motifs
First of all, introductions. He tells Kuromi that his name is Clack, and as she’s already seen the other two tied up over there are her friends, Muffet and Roppap
He would ask for her name but it’s kinda hard not to know who Kuromi is in the Nightlight Sector
After a bit of awkward silence, she explains to Kuromi that first of all they only brought her here because they knew people would be searching for her, and it’d be stupid to have Muffet take her straight to their base of operations, but more importantly, TL;DR: They’re the resistance Minischief was talking about, and were trying to get her away from her because SHE was going to hurt her. Eventually
There’s a lot about Minischief and her crew that she doesn’t know, y’see
He knows it probably seems a little sketchy that he can’t just explain everything right here, but he probably wouldn’t have left all their flash cards and video tapes back at home if she knew that SOMEONE was planning to turn their most important potential ally into a cocoon
Kuromi isn’t sure how to feel about being told by a buncha strangers that another one of her plushies wants to kill her, but to be fair she doesn’t know Minischief that well either
She lets Clack go, and agrees to follow them to this “Base of operations” of theirs. But it better not turn out they’re lying about all this when they get there
“Perfect! You won’t regret this-” With all that out of the way, Clack zips over to Muffet & Roppap, and chews through their bindings, before zipping onto Kuromi’s shoulder
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nerdgirlriot · 2 years
First full day at the parks. Woke up right before 7am to attempt to get into the virtual queue for Runaway Railway, the new ride in Toontown. Managed to get in for a return time of around 11am. Went to grab the free breakfast from the hotel. Decent selection, with eggs, sausage, fried potatoes, also cereals, oatmeals, and fresh fruit. Not bad, and it helped fill my stomach before going into the parks.
(So for those playing along at home, I'm traveling with my boyfriend, J. Who is very patient with me and my constant fangirling.)
As I sat in the breakfast room, I watched the return time for my Runaway Railway queue number go down until it turned into a time an hour earlier than originally promised. So we high-tailed it into Disneyland, but we still had time before our return time. Went to ride other rides while waiting. Mr. Toad's Wild Ride is my favorite Fantasyland ride, just because it's so ludicrous. You go on a nice drive like Mr. Toad, until you end up in a series of mishaps which eventually land you in Hell until you drive your way out. i love it so much.
We wandered around the park some more just taking everything in. Maybe some people might think of Disneyland as just a bunch of rides and attractions but one of my favorite things is watching other people enjoy themselves. I know it sounds weird, but the entire ambiance of the original Disney park just hits me hard in the feels. yes this is a gigantic corporation designed to squeeze money out from you. But I was a sheltered Gen x kid with access to the Disney Channel so it's the source of a lot of fond memories. I'll always be a Disney fan, I think.
We waiting around until our boarding group was called for Runaway Railway, so off we went!
I love this ride. First off, the queue is fantastic, it's basically a retrospective of Mickey Mouse's career, up to and including the new shorts. Goofy takes everyone for a ride on his train and STUFF HAPPENS so your traincar goes off into weird, toony scenes. Just as good as Rise of the Resistance. Incidentally, we haven't gone on Rise yet because I refuse to pay for any lightning lane access to any ride and the ride was consistantly going offline all day.
Anyway, Runaway Railway is cute and I liked the little preview of the revamped Toontown that's going to be opening soon.
After venturing into Toontown, we headed to the Winnie-the-Pooh ride (which is its own brand of ridiculous that tickles me alot). I also went to the Pooh Corner sweets shop to get a churro toffee (which I'd seen Chris from the Provost Park Pass Youtube channel rave about). I tried it out and it was good (the toffee wasn't super crunchy but actually crumbly and sweet and cinnamon-y and buttery) but I think I like Dole whips more.
Speaking of Dole whips! We headed to the Tropical Hideaway to grab a snack. This place specializes in various Dolewhip flavors, and they had a limited time menu item, a strawberry dole whip sundae which was delicious! Strawberry Dole whip, vanilla cake crumbles, and a sweet strawberry sauce. it was basically a strawberry shortcake in a glass.
Went on Big Thunder Mountain Railroad, a coaster that's just my speed, probably my favorite coaster in the park. I can't ride Space Mountain because the dark disorients my brain and I get motion sick. I don't like how the Matterhorn beats you up so much, so Big Thunder Mountain is my default best coaster.
A sign at the entrance to the park reminded visitors that there was going to be a special parade to celebrate the Super Bowl champs. I decidedly did not want to get caught in that crowd so we stuck around Tomorrowland during the time parade was happening.
We rode Buzz Lightyear's Astro Blasters, which went down right when we got off, so we got lucky there! I still suck at the game though, forgot where all the triangles are. Then we hopped in the stand-by line for Star Tours. i know that the ride now includes the sequel trilogy stuff (cameos from Finn, Poe, and Maz) which is fun, but I still miss the classic trilogy stuff, the ride through Hoth for example. But the ride is still enjoyable.
While wandering through Tomorrowland, I found one of the kiosks selling the 100th anniversary medallions outside the exit near Space Mountain. I got the entire set of four, all Star Wars themed.
By the time we left Tomorrowland the parade was already over, so we didn't have to push through a sea of football fans to navigate. So we headed out of the park and into Downtown Disney so I could check out all the merch at World of Disney. Then we wandered to the Disneyland Hotel just to find their medallion kiosk. So I think this'll be my souvenir quest this year.
Took the Monorail from Downtown Disney back into Tomorrowland, then went through to Adventureland (to ride Jungle Cruise) and New Orleans Square (to ride Pirates). By then it was nearing dinner time (and it was getting pretty cold) so we called it a day.
There's a Hawaiian plate lunch place about a block from our hotel so we went to pick up dinner to take back to the hotel room.
Still have one more day of Disneyland to experience. Going to California Adventure in the morning, with a lunch reservation at Lamplight Lounge. Maybe we'll also check out the Lunar New Year things as well.

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annika-says-kachow · 7 years
When you type "ravecar" instead of "racecar"
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banshee1013 · 4 years
Suptober Day 12 - Rewind
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So, as soon as I saw today’s promp, I couldn’t get “Satisfied” from Hamilton out of my head, and I knew I had to do something with it.
SO, here’s something. It’s pretty crazy!
Overall Title: The Road Less Traveled
Overall Rating: Mature (may change to Explicit, we’ll see how it goes)
Tags: Castiel/Dean, mention of Sam/Eileen, Post-Season 15, ExAngel!Cas, MostlyRetiredHunter!Dean, Road Trip
(Note: all ficlets are unbeta’d. At the end of the month, I’ll wrap up whatever I manage to get written, clean it up, get it beta’d, and post to AO3. So please pardon any mistakes!)
Words: 1442
Cas quietly sings along to the song playing through Baby’s speakers, fingers tapping on the wheel - a song from that musical… what was it… oh, yeah, ‘Hamilton’. Dean had never seen it (hell, hardly anyone he knew had seen it, the thing was impossible to get tickets to), but Sam had picked up the soundtrack somewhere and had raved about it. Cas must have asked Sam to copy it to cassette at some point, for it had been among the cassettes Dean had recovered from Cas’ truck at the lake house and added it to the collection in Baby’s glove box. 
After stopping for the night in a quaint little seaside town in Oregon (“It’s called WINCHESTER BAY, Cas, we gotta stop!) and breakfast at a nearby diner, Dean had tossed the keys to Cas. It took some convincing that yes, Dean was serious about Cas driving his baby - but it had been worth it just to see Cas’ rare (but increasingly less rare) bright, gummy smile. 
Cas had seen the Hamilton tape when Dean pulled the tape box out to choose a one to listen to, squawking in excitement (“That one, Dean! Play that one!”). Dean had protested - no way was his baby (or him, for that matter) gonna be subjected to a Broadway musical - but Cas had used his own rule against him.
“I’m the driver, Dean. I get to pick the music.” 
“Yeah, but you picked the last one we listened to.”
“That may be the case, but it is not my fault that you chose to abdicate to me your right as the driver to pick the music. I do not plan on relinquishing my right as you did.” He waved a finger at the Hamilton cassette. “Put it on, if you please. Don’t make me tell you to shut your cakehole.” 
Dean had grumbled and slid the tape home.
Now, three or so songs in, he begrudgingly admits that it’s pretty catchy. Currently, the song playing is about finding a right-hand man or something.
The big breakfast, the purr of Baby’s engine, the hum of the wheels on pavement, all conspire to make Dean sleepy. Leaning against the passenger door, he soon finds himself drifting off.
The strains of a song seeps into his ears…
Rewind… Rewind… Rewind Helpless... Skies... skies… Drownin' in 'em... Drowning
Dean is in a familiar warehouse. Sigils painted on the concrete floors and all along the corrugated steel walls. He’s sitting on a table, waiting for something. Bobby sits across from him on another table, strewn with weapons and the remnants of spell-casting.
Waitaminute, Dean thinks. I know this warehouse… I remember this night….
I remember that night I just might (rewind!) I remember that night I just might (rewind) I remember that night, I remember that… I remember that night, I just might
Regret that night for the rest of my days
The panels of the warehouse’s roof began to shake and flap, as if caught in a hurricane-force wind.  Dean and Bobby jump from the tables in alarm, snatching the rifles from the tables and aiming them at the now vigorously rattling sigil-covered wooden doors of the warehouse.
I remember those soldier boys Tripping over themselves to win our praise
Dean looks down at the table next to him, full of every weapon they owned. Wondering which one would be able to kill the thing coming for him, the thing that had blinded Pamela.
Someone... something... called ‘Castiel’.
I remember that dreamlike candlelight Like a dream that you can't quite place
The warehouse lights burst in a shower of sparks, lightning the room in an eerie blue-white glow. The beam over the doors cracks and snaps as the doors slowly open, and a shadowed figure strides in. 
Dean and Bobby pump him full of shotgun lead, but he is unfazed and continues to approach, the sparks flying through the air highlighting the approaching figure - a dark haired man in a suit and tie, trench coat flapping like wings behind him. 
But Alexander, I'll never forget the first time I saw your face I have never been the same
Dean is frozen in place, unable to move or speak as the man approaches. Finally he manages to tear himself away, grabbing Ruby’s knife from the table.
Intelligent eyes in a hunger-pang frame And when you said "Hi, " I forgot my dang name
Dean turns back, knife held behind his back, and is stunned by the man before him. Wide, ice-blue eyes seemed to glow from within, boring into his as if seeing directly into his soul. Hair wild, full lips pressed into a shy smile, as if Dean and Bobby hadn’t just opened fire on him. 
He was beautiful.
“Who are you?” Dean manages to croak.
The man speaks, his voice rumbling and dark like whiskey over gravel, eyes wide, expression earnest. “I’m the one who gripped you tight and raised you from Perdition.”
Set my heart aflame, ev'ry part aflame This is not a game
Even after Dean stabs him and Bobby tries to take him out with a crowbar, the man’s expression merely changes from earnest to slightly annoyed. Power pours off him as he presses fingers to Bobby’s head, watching calmly as Bobby slowly sinks to the ground. 
He turns back around. “We need to talk, Dean. Alone.”
Those beautiful blue eyes meet his, so open and earnest, and he is suddenly… 
Helpless And her eyes are just Helpless And I realize
Three fundamental truths at the exact same time
Number one: he’s a man who’s been raised to believe having feelings is a weakness.
Images flash through his mind of all the times he’s been happy with Cas, starting to allow himself to acknowledge there might be something more than friendship there - and him shutting them all down, not wanting to be weak.
Number two: he’s a man who believes he doesn’t deserve good things, or to be loved.
More images, this time of all the horrible things he’s done - going to Hell, becoming a demon, freeing The Darkness; all the people he’s killed. He’s not worthy of love, especially Cas’.
Number three: He might be all these things, but he would do anything to make Cas happy - and that means accepting the fact that maybe he is worthy, if Cas thinks him so. 
All the times Cas has been there for him; always returning, always accepting. Even when he’d had enough of Dean being stupid and bullheaded and finally walked away from him, all it took was a heartfelt prayer and Cas was back at his side. Just wanting him to be happy, and to accept that he was deserving of happiness. 
To the groom! To the groom, to the groom, to the groom To the bride! To the bride To the bride (to the bride)
Dean is suddenly in a beautiful garden, green grass under his feet, dressed in white. 
He looks up - he’s surrounded by all his loved ones, living and dead. And just past them all, Cas is waiting, practically glowing in a matching white suit. 
Wait, what? Is this a hint, his subconscious trying to tell him something…
May you always Always Be satisfied
Should I? Should I ask Cas to marry me?
I’ve known it, this whole time… it’s been there, even from all the way back in that warehouse...
“Why would an angel rescue me from Hell?”
Cas’ expression had grown soft, concerned as he stepped closer. “Good things do happen, Dean.”
Dean swallowed, his heart stuttering at the angel’s proximity. 
“Not in my experience.” 
The angel’s head tilted in confusion, the blue eyes filled with sadness and disbelief. 
“What's the matter? You don't think you deserve to be saved?”
Cas told me I deserve good things, even after all I did to him - having to go to Hell to rescue me just to have me shoot him, stab him - and still thinking I deserved to be saved. 
I deserve Cas. Now I believe it. Finally.
Dean wakes with a start, and Cas glances over at him, smiling and reaching an arm to steady him.
“Welcome back. Did you rest well?” His voice, soft and so full of love, causes Dean’s voice to stick in his throat. 
Swallowing, he hears his voice croak out, “Cas, marry me.” 
Realizing what he just said, Dean groans and closes his eyes, mortified. That was NOT how he planned on asking.
But Cas is completely unfazed by Dean’s outburst, his hand sliding from Dean’s shoulder to his hand, picking it up and raising it to his lips. 
“Of course I will, Dean. I thought you’d never ask.” 
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bellatrixobsessed1 · 4 years
It Feels Like Success
Prompt: Hurt/Comfort Pair: Teo/Azula Summary: After an accident, Azula loses an arm, Teo keeps her company as she works through the trials of adjusting.
Mostly she can’t remember how it happened. She thinks that it was a rock, a very heavy rock. She does remember how much it hurt and she remembers the faces of onlookers. The horror on them when they realized what had happened. And, by Agni, they realized it considerably sooner than she had. She remembers asking, “what, what is it?” And then the searing pain. A pain like no other. She had already been on the verge of blacking out, the product of pain alone. She was already on the verge and then she looked to her agonizing arm. It goes fuzzy there. But one image is seared into her mind. One bloody image that she won’t forget.
Her left arm, what remains of it, is bound beneath a mountain of bandages and gauze. She throws her head back against the pillow, pounding it in frustration and dismay while the tears leak down her cheeks. She doesn’t shed many of them, but she sheds enough of them for Zuko to reach out and squeeze her hand. The only one that she has.
It still hurts. It burns. Likely because they had cauterized it to keep her from bleeding out. She knows that she had bled a lot. She is still very pale and she is still very woozy and out of sorts. But not so out of touch that she isn’t aware of what has happened to her. Of what she has lost.
“Zuko, no.” She mutters in a near whisper, “no, no.” But it is already too late. There is nothing for her to plead to save. And even if there was, they couldn’t possibly have salvaged her arm. She squeezes her eyes shut.
She needs that arm. She needs it to lightningbend. “Zuko, how am I supposed to…”
Zuko gives her hand another squeeze. “The same way that you always do. You think of a clever work around.”
“You don’t even know what I was about to say.”
“Whatever it is, you always get through it.”
But she isn’t sure that she can get through this or find a clever work around. She hovers her fingers over the bandages. She can’t bring herself to bring them down, to truly feel and accept what has become of her.
Azula doesn’t want them to take the bandages off. She doesn’t want them to take them off because she doesn’t want to see what lies beneath. No matter how smooth and clean the cut had been, she doesn’t want to see it. But little by little they unravel the bandages.
She keeps her eyes fixed straight ahead of her. The final bandage falls away. “It’s very clean.” The doctor promises. “It healed very nicely.”
She would disagree. A nice healing would be a sprouting of a new arm.  “I want to be alone.” She tries not to choke on her own request.
The doctor nods and leaves her to her own struggle. She takes a deep breath and swallows hard before lifting a shaky hand. She still doesn’t look. She can’t, she doesn’t want to. She isn’t ready. She isn’t ready for what she is about to do either. She closes her eyes and grazes her fingers over the stump. Over the empty air where the rest of her arm should extend. She utters an ugly sort of choking noise. Something that is not quite a sob. To have touched it has made it real. Untenable. Concrete.
To have touched it is to acknowledge that she is less than what she used to be. She is glad that she had requested privacy. She isn’t known for being beautiful when she breaks.
The boy has no legs. The boy seems to have no stress or damage over it either.
She met him by chance. Somewhat by chance. The Avatar had brought him to Zuko’s birthday celebration. A celebration where she had received much more attention than she would have liked and a terrible helping of sympathetic stares and hushed whispers.
There were far too many well-meaning people. Well-meaning people that only made her feel weaker, more fragile. She doesn’t want to be coddled. She doesn’t want pity. She wants them to see her as if she were as strong and whole as ever. She doesn’t want to be a tragedy. She wants to be an impressive success.
“It’s more satisfying.” Teo promises. “When you do things that you’re not supposed to be able to do.”
She tilts her head. “What do you mean?”  
Teo looks at his legs. “They said that I’d never be able to get to the top of a mountain or travel long distances. He pulls a lever on his wheelchair and a glider unfurls. “I lived in the Northern Air Temple. I got to the top of a mountain every day.” He declares.
“I can’t bend lightning with just one arm.”
“Yet.” He adds. “You can’t bend lightning with one arm yet.”
And he says it with such conviction. Such assurance. She nearly believes him. She might have if she hadn’t been trying to do just that since losing her arm. “Teo, I’m struggling to button my own pants! How do you expect me to be able to lightningbend?” Evidently she has been mostly wearing loose, slip on clothes. Things that don’t require fussing with buttons, ribbons, or zippers. And when she does wear such, her servants do much of the work.
“Then why don’t you keep practicing?”
Even he knows that she is babying herself, taking the easy way out. She is ashamed and furious with herself. She rants and raves about how she doesn’t want special treatment or pitying looks. About how she wants to be her powerful self and here she is, avoiding putting on a pair of pants. She stands up, putting a ridiculous amount of force into doing so.
“Where are you going?” He asks.
“To put on a pair of fucking pants, Teo.” She hisses. She isn’t sure how or why he puts up with her turbulent temper. She takes a deep breath. “I didn’t mean to snap at you. I’m frustrated.”
Teo smiles. “I get it. Trust me, I do.”
She pauses and waits for him to catch up to her. She leans down and lets him give her a small kiss. At least she is making progress in one or two areas of her life. At least she doesn’t have to go through this alone. At least people aren’t cheering for and reveling in the loss of her arm. At least she’s a likable, albeit, standoffish person.
It might be spite and willpower alone. Or it could be Teo refusing to avert his gaze from her struggle. But she buttons the pants.
She learns to thread a needle too. It takes holding the damn thing between her toes and ruthless determination.
She learns to tie other knots. Mostly this is practice and very careful finger work. She learns to unscrew jars without the perks of a second hand to hold the jar in place while she twists on the lid. This is mostly a clever innovation; she uses things that she finds around the palace to clamp it in place while she twists the lid. She learns to fight. To adjust her katas and stances to fit her new center of gravity. How to defend and attack with only one arm. She learns to climb. This is another matter of determination and resilience. Of strengthening her core, her legs, and the arm that she does have to make up for the one that she doesn’t.
More than anything she learns to accept the unflattering and maddening asymmetry. Learns to accept that she only has one arm. Learns to appreciate herself in spite of it. Learns to find a sense of beauty and confidence in knowing that she has managed to find stability for herself where others might not have been able. Learns to appreciate that she stands out, that she draws attention, and that they have stopped looking at her with pity and started regarding her with more respect than the ever had.
She learns to do a lot of things but lightningbending is not one of them.
She takes a deep breath and tries again. She sees the sparks, they dance up and down her arm, but they disperse, having no other arm to flow through, no other arm to provide the balance and stability--the symmetry necessary for an effective blast.
She sighs and drops to the floor, drawing her knees up. “It’s useless, Teo.”
“It isn’t useless.” He promises.
“I can’t do it…” if she could have she would have and she would have done it months back.
“You said the same thing about climbing. And before that you said the same thing about finding love.”  He holds his hand out and she takes it in her own. It is warm. As she so often does, she finds herself a seat in his lap. She leans against his chest and he loops his arm around her. Sometimes she likes to sit in silence and listen to the beat of his heart while he rubs her back or strokes her hair. That day is such a day. It is soothing. He is always soothing, a means of solace when she is nearly inconsolable. He intertwines his hand with hers and mumbles encouraging, loving things. Just as he had when she was beaten and bedbound.
She lets herself drift off. And he lets her relax until she is very nearly asleep and then he asks, “you going to give it another try?”
Azula sighs. She stands up, stretches her back, and stretches her arm. She closes her eyes and draws the lightning forward. She can swear that she almost has it, she can swear that she will do it this time. But the sparks sputter and die, leaving disappointment to fill their vacancy.
“I just doesn’t work.”
“Because you’re still trying to do it the conventional way.” He points out.
She furrows her brows. She isn’t sure how she hadn’t thought of that on her own. Granted she has been able to do a good many of her other forms quite similarly to how she had before. But lightning...it is a thing of its own. It is fickle and unpredictable on a good day. A controlled chaos.
She closes her eyes again and pulls the lightning forward. This time she doesn’t raise her arm, rather she holds her index and middle finger to the base of her fire chakra and draws the lightning up from it’s very source. Slowly, very slowly. She can feel its electrifying tickle in her belly. She inhales deeply, she thinks that the lightning has filled her lungs. She trails her fingers up her throat and exhales. If she had thought that it was going to work she might have given herself a more stable stance. As it were, the bolt blasts forward and she is thrown back. She lands on the mat with a sturdy, breath stealing thud. Her elbow and rear throb and her throat tingles with the aftershock.
But she had done it, there is a decent and smoldering hole in the wall. She lets her head fallback and stares at the ceiling as she waits for the throbbing to pass and her breathing to stabilize.   She forces herself to sit up.
Teo blinks, “that’s terrifying.” He meets her eyes. “Do it again.”
She gets to her feet. “I don’t know how many of those I have in me.”  Though this has never stopped her before. This time she takes a sturdier stance. Regardless, she finds herself thrown back, albeit with less force and impact than before. But such a thing isn’t exactly combat ready. It’s a work in progress she supposes.
Reflexively, she makes off to rub her throbbing elbow. She swallows and sits back on Teo’s lap, “massage my elbow.”
“Of course, princess.” He chuckles. “But only because you made progress today.” He taps her nose.
“If you call knocking myself to the floor progress.” She pauses. “I suppose I’m just going to have to figure out how to control the amount of lightning that comes up.” Certainly it will be an exercise in patience. But it will also be an opportunity to truly focus on her bening and its essence. She supposes that she ought to work on perfecting the release of her chi to the precise amount that she’d like. “I think that I will resume tomorrow.”
Teo nods. “You know your limits. Good enough?” He gestures to her arms.
“Yes.” She thinks that he has worked most of the knots and throbs away. She kisses his cheek.
“I knew that you could do it.”
She supposes that she should have known too. Perhaps if she had, it wouldn’t have taken her so long. Regardless, for her struggles, she had received her fill of soothing gestures and loving reassurances. The sort that she has craved for so very long. She gives his neck a kiss. It is rather nice to have someone who believes in her without pushing her.
“Want me to take you back to your room?”
She shakes her head, “dining room.” She could use something to soothe her throat. It must sound like as much because he gives another chuckle.
“Alright, dining room it is.”
Her throat still tingles as she helps Teo into bed. She tucks the man in and lays herself down. The tingle in the throat isn’t exactly pleasant. And yet she is glad that it is there. It is uncomfortable. It feels somewhat sharp. It also feels like success.
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gotmilk5101520 · 3 years
Trollhunters: Tales of Arcadia Watch Episode 48 In Good Hands
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No one is in good hands.
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“All this time”
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“She was beneath our very feet” Morgana was here all along. This changes the way we see Trollmarket now.
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“Only human hands may wield”
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“But how are we to find a human who can speak the Trollish incantation?”
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“Find me”
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“an Impure!” Never should have killed them all, huh?
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“But how do you know the light goes out”
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”when you close the door?” I use to question this as a kid.
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“It’s been centuries since i’ve eaten”
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“Metalface here was lucky”
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”i didn’t eat him back in the cave”
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“He’s joking, right?”
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“Mm, not really” Be glad he decided not to eat you.
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“Time is of the essence”
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“Take me to the nearest blacksmith at once” WHERE’S THE BLACKSMITH?
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“I need you to acquire a few items first”
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“What sort of items?” We interrupt Trollhunters to bring you a fetch quest.
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“What’s first on Merlin’s list?”
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“An Antramonstrum shell”
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“Strickler thinks he has one in his old office”
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“Ugh. I’m having flashbacks of Fart Cloud McDoomsday”
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“Let’s make this quick” Toby really doesn’t want to go back to that room.
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“Where have you been?”
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“The Battle of the Bands is right around the corner”
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“and you’ve missed, like, every rehearsal” Jim is starting to rub off on Claire. And i just realized how wrong that sounds.
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“You’ve missed 43 days”
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“Shut the door!” What an odd way to say shut the fuck up.
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“He’s gonna hear that...”
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“That’s what my mom will say”
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“about my father”
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“Whom i never see, cause he’s probably a wizard”
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“Isn’t there anything i can do?”
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“Like play the piano or sing a song?”
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“Please, Uhl”
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”I want to stay in school”
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“School, Uhl”
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“I’m such a fool, Uhl” Jim should start taking piano lessons from Adrien.
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“We have two students who are not from these parts”
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“They’re having some”
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“difficulty fitting in”
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“They are”
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”a little strange”
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“We’ll fake illness”
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“I’ve seen it work for others in gym class”
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“Aah. My leg. It hurts”
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“Oh, my stomach hurts”
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“My throat hurts”
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“Feeling better? Hmm?” We interrupt Trollhunters to bring you 3Below.
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“You made it out okay”
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“And with two strangers”
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”i’ve never met before”
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“Oh, that’s Aja and Krel. You two would know them if you guys were in 3Below”
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“Principal Uhl says, if i want to pass”
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“sophomore year”
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”i have to show them around this”
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”wonderful, ordinary world of Arcadia”
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“You do know Arcadia is not a world, right?” Yes, yes, the world is called Earth.
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“Better yet, where did they come from?” Not from space that’s for sure.
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“Don’t you remember we have some important errands to run?”
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“But i also remember i need to graduate sometime this century” Hahahaha....
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“You know”
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“Cool. Awesome”
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“Lively. Totally” Better than crispy.
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“Hello, Tetsuya Nomura” “Stop calling me that”
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“Only human hands can wield the Staff of Avalon”
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“This is so sad. Alexa play In the Hall of the Mountain King!”
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“Also, i’m not paying for the damage!”
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“Yeah, cause we teens are so loud and crazy here”
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“No parents allowed”
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“So no telling, you two”
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“No. No, no, no, no”
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“We are excellent at keeping secrets”
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“You have no idea”
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Yeah, not like you guys are aliens.
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“We, uh, raged here pretty hard last time”
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“Guess we haven’t cleaned up from the Halloween party” Yeah, the Halloween party from last year.
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“Finally! Something not boring!” Me when my family drags me to the store with them and i find the video games. Or when i go to Barns & Nobles and i find the mangas.
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“Lightning in a bottle?”
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“You mean like in a metaphor, right?”
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“It would be impossible to catch”
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“Ha! You think that’s hard?”
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“You should see the ones i gave Blinky to find”
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“Just a drop”
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“Careful. Careful”
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Jim made the right choice.
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Aaarrrgghh sees his life flash before his eyes.
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“You people really should be moving it”
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“How did he turn the Janus Order into a rave?” You can hear Otto “Baa-haa-haa-haa” from below.
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“No, no, no”
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“I so enjoy moving picture stories!”
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“Turn it off, Jimbo!”
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“I’m trying”
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“Try harder”
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“Huh, looks scary”
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“What is it called?”
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“Gun Robot” “Trollhunters”
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“I mean, Trollhunters” We interrupt Trollhunters to bring you Trollhunters.
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“This infernal contraption!”
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“Shut the door, please”
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”You’ll clean that mess up when you’re done”
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“Ah-ha. No” This is me and my sister when she refuses to clean up after herself.
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“A question if i may”
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“How do you know the light goes off when you close the door?”
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“But i do not trust it”
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“You and Merlin both” Took the words right out of my mouth.
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“Son of a-”
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“This is my fifth phone” Toby’s phone count: 5
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“Have you never been to physics class?”
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“Well, i’ve missed 43 days” Yeah, these 43 days of Trollhunting aren’t gonna do it themselves.
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“Is this technically legal?”
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“Legal” Everything they do is illegal.
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“First, metal teeth”
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“Now, metal clothes”
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“And you always tell me we are the ones who have to be normal?”
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“What is the power source?” Not magic that’s for sure.
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“Oh” Hopefully no one was doing anything important.
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“You can fly?”
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“Yes, i’m a keen swimmer, too” Strickler tried out for Free, but didn’t get the part cause he was too green.
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“Hold on!”
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“What do you think i’m doing?” Not standing around that’s for sure.
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“It’s working!”
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Of course the escape looks like it’s going well, then this shit happens.
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“You guys are out of this world”
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“Precisely” They really are not from this world.
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“See you in Rise of the Titans?”
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“See you in Rise of the Titans!”
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“This one is for Tobias”
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“What? We get armor, too?”
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“And this one is for Lady Claire”
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“Oh” Okay, how come it took this long for Toby and Claire to get their armor? Why the hell did the posters and such have Toby and Claire in their armor if they weren’t going to get them till now when the series is almost over? They lied really.
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“Once freed”
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“Morgana will attempt to bring forth the Eternal Night”
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“We must prepare”
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“It sounds like you’re saying that you’re not going to stop Gunmar from freeing that witch”
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“Oh, did i not make myself clear?”
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“I’m not here to stop Gunmar”
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“I’m here to kill Morgana”
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I mean, they were gonna have to sooner or later.
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See what i mean? Nothing is in good hands.
And now the house has been split.
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purgatoryandme · 4 years
aang x zuko ? Oh ? can I ask u for some headcanons since u ship it,, and you always have the best headcanons,,, and I love your writing,, if you don’t want to it’s fine u can just ignore
Living that working adult life, so I didn’t get to reply right away (finding a house for a coworker lol). Now that I can, though, HMmMMmMMmM!!! I shipped it when I was a teen, so most of my old headcanons are v “teen me” lmao.  Thinking back... For ATLA aged Zaang, I think it’s super cute to have Zuko have a crisis of “oh no I like him” first when he’s pursuing Aang. One of their first real face-to-face chase scenes, when Zuko is dressed as the blue oni, should be the moment it hits him. Aang is mischievous while escaping, but intent. He wants to engage with Zuko as a person but under no circumstances will he let Zuko take away his freedom. It’s one of his most defining traits, and I think it shows REALLY well in this scene and is something that would WRECK Zuko (a kid who has never really been free, doesn’t know how to handle people reaching out, can’t cope with someone coming at him ON HIS LEVEL like Aang does through physicality). At the end of that hunt, he’d be ranting and raving and Iroh would just quirk an eyebrow.  And then Zuko would realize: oh no, I like him. He thinks it’s just a friendly thing at first. But Aang can just tell that he’s broken through a little, and starts getting more and more playful as they encounter each other. And Zuko gets more pigheaded about it - refusing to like him, meeting him with increasing ire every time, thinking that his friendly feelings will fade.  And then they argue. It’s immature as Hell, not the mysterious interesting enigmatic figure that he’s been chasing so far. Aang is so childish that it’s just...funny. It humanizes him. And when Zuko finally winds up being dragged around with their crew? He realizes that Aang’s human moments, the ones where he’s even more childish than Zuko, still make his heart flutter.  Aang doesn’t realize he has a crush on Zuko at all. He just thinks that Zuko is best friend material. But when Zuko starts to train him, he connects to all the fear and rage Zuko feels. Not because he feels it himself (though he does, in all these little moments he feels guilty about, in so many memories of the Air Temple before he can find a way to direct that anger into something more worthwhile), but because of the way Zuko has finally found to deal with it: channeling it through himself, not chaining it, not restraining it, but GUIDING it.  It’s a lot like air. Like a storm. And suddenly he thinks that guiding lightning with Zuko is the most important thing he’s ever done.  He doesn’t realize it’s love until years later when, practically attached at the hip they’ve been friends for so long, Zuko puts his hands on him. Tilts his head with barely there touches - not restraining or forcing him, but guiding him. And he goes with it until they kiss.  As adults, I can imagine them having unresolved feelings from the ATLA era where they both just...didn’t realize how they felt at all. Too much was going on, too many frustrations, too much stress, and they were too focused on understanding THEMSELVES. It isn’t until they are sipping tea, Zuko exhausted after another long night and longer fight to reframe the Fire Nation’s approach to...everything, really, that Aang brushes a kiss over his forehead and it hits them both like a gut punch. “Oh, this is why other relationships were unfulfilling” level of oblivious gut punch. Neither of them says a word about it by the time Aang leaves, or when he visits again, or when he leaves again after that. They have absolutely no idea what to do other than brush hands and twine their fingers, with even that leaving them stunned for a moment. It takes all of Zuko’s friends to finally force him to make a move. 
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moonlightreal · 4 years
Fate ep 3, second half
Welcome back!  So I’m enjoying the heck outta Fate… but not as a Winx thing.  I mean,
Things Fate has in common with Winx:
Some of the names.
Things Fate does not have in common with Winx:
The rest of the names, the characters’ personalities, how magic works, how the world works, who’s dating who, the color of Riven’s hair, how many drugs everyone’s doing, the style of clothing, who the teachers are, what the school looks like, what Bloom’s parents are like, etc. etc.
If they’d just renamed it Elemental Academy it’d still have been a fun show and we could’ve skipped all… this…
Gods I wish we could’ve skipped all this.  
But weirdly separate from all this, I’m reviewing a show with some teachers who I like.
The students of Elemental Academy are headed to the quietest rave ever! Lots of purple lightbars and everybody’s drinking!  Ok, if the teachers know how many substances their students are using shouldn’t they at least try to not let them?  Ok, I can see Silva having a grand time making everybody do grueling workouts while hung over but substances and healthy fighting form don’t go together longterm.
Terra explains.  This is the east wing of Alfea, “It used to be used for war preparations but since there hasn’t been a conflict in a while no one really comes down here.  Except for tonight!”  
I want to know what the last war was about, who fought in it, who they were fighting against, how often wars happen in the Otherworld… but Bloom wants a beer.
Ohmigod Terra brought pot brownies!  Ahahahahaha!  That was literally a joke on discord weeks before Fate aired, that Terra would be the fairy of pot brownies.  Also Musa has gorgeous eye makeup.  Race stuff aside, Elisha Applebaum is really pretty.  Sam comes over, and there’s Dane.  Sam gives Terra grief about the special brownies.  And Dane ditches her to go offer Riven and Sky some special brownies.  Poor Terra.
Bloom finds Sky and asks about Silva and Sky opens up to being upset, that Silva raised him and having Silva’s life in danger is messing him up.  Then Sky asks Bloom about her parents and she says it’s complicated and she maybe needs more booze to go into it.  Sky wouldn’t mind a distraction himself, so off to drink it is!
Debauchery! Beer pong!  Bloom and Aisha versus Sky and Riven!  Everyone drinking lots of cups!  Bloom uses her power to make beer hot, which is neat since warmth seems much more useful than fire.  Aisha tries to use her magic to bounce the ball out and ends up blasting all the cups and drenching Riven.  Who probably deserves it just on genera…. Yup, here he is, telling Bloom about Sky’s last girl!  Ricki, Stella’s last roommate and bestie until she flirted with Sky and Stella blinded her.  On purpose.  Bloom can’t believe it.  Sky just says, ‘Yeah. that’s the story.’  But the mood is well and truly killed, and Bloom goes off to find Aisha.
Stella is in a dress solid with sequins, standing with a student in a full beard, I think.
Looking for Aisha Bloom wanders into a storage room for war stuff, and finds a class picture!  There she is, the dream woman standing with a class of specialists!  I think she must’ve been the Specialist trainer before Silva.
Sam and Musa flirt.  Smooching!  
Then Musa senses Terra coming as a wave of social anxiety and Sam vanishes through a pillar to escape.  Terra wants Musa to read Dane’s mind to see if they have a chance.  Musa says there is a chance.
Dane, riven and Beatrix have found the war supplies too.  Plate armor! This world still uses plate armor!  They do a three-way smoking of one joint, which is so gross.  I know covid wasn’t a thing when this was made but eeeeeeeew the poor actors!  Riven is his horrible self and teases Dane about how much Terra wants his dick.  And Riven whose shirt was splashed with beer, wants to steal Dane’s.  Run, Dane, find better friends!
We jump to Stella and the bearded student who is ladling out punch.  Sky comes right over and goes, ‘We need to talk about Ricki!” right there in the middle of the party.  Stella is horrified.  They back and forth… the jist seems to be that the rumor isn’t true. Stella didn’t blind Ricki on purpose but she wants everyone to think she did.  Probably she did it by accident and would rather be thought of as evil than weak, which is kinda understandable.  But Sky points out that being with Stella now makes him look like a total nut.
Text arrives!  The Burned One is dead!  Whew!
What? How!  The trained adults never succeed in this kind of story!  At least they lived.
And here Bloom is photographing the specialist alumni photos.  Beatrix comes in and says, ‘Are you photocollaging at a party?  Why are we not friends?”  Bloom asks who the woman is but Beatrix says she doesn’t know.  
Bloom goes and shows the pictures to Aisha.  Dowling is in the photo so she must know.  Aisha wants to ask Dowling tomorrow when they’re sober but Bloom’s keen to go now.  Aisha basically says if Bloom is dumb enough to go demand answers at midnight while drunk, Aisha’s out.  
In the headmistress’ office Beatrix and Callan are ready for another go at the secret passage trap!  Since Bloom asked about Rosalind, the plot is thickening and they have to get through now!  But they haven’t disarmed the trap.  So Beatrix lightnings up and tosses Callan through the door.  That was direct!  The guy goes blue in the lips and falls down probably dying.  Beatrix goes through the secret door and down the stairs beyond.
Sky finds Silva but oh no, he’s not better!  It was the wrong Burned One!  There are more!  Sky says he’s done waiting, he wants to fight.  He storms off.
In the cafeteria Dowling and Harvey mourn.  It’s their job to fix this Burned One problem and they’re not having much luck.
And here comes ragey drunk Bloom!  She holds up the picture and demands an infodump.  Rosalind was the headmistress before Dowling during a “difficult period in Alfea’s history” And Rosalind’s dead.
...no she isn’t.  Obviously.
Bloom can read the Plot as well as I can, and heads down to the stone circle to make contact!  While drunk at night.  But this is awesome, she flames up her hands and lights a ring of braziers and the magic silver vessel.  Her jacket’s on fire too.  Then the flames all go out and she droops over crying.  Sky runs over in battle kit and Bloom tells him about the changeling thing and how she just wants answers.  Then she asks why Sky’s dressed for battle.  Sky’s going Burned One hunting!  And Bloom thinks she can track the thing, she can sense them.  Now Bloom’s the sensible one who suggests telling Dowling but Sky runs past her into the forest and Bloom takes off after him.
Now there’s that plot I knew should be there!
We cut back to the party where Terra is playing beer pong and gets to hug Dane who is topless ‘cause Riven stole his shirt.  I think Riven is playing some kinda wingman here.
Stella rushes over to ask about Sky, and Riven stirs the pot basically saying he spilled the “blinding” thing to Bloom then jumps into, ‘no no, they’re just friends, no need to blind her too!’
Stella: “I wouldn’t waste my magic on a changeling!”
Show, if you do not tell me what the stigma of changelings is about--!
Riven didn’t know, so Stella just stilled some beans back as getting revenge on a completely different person?
Bloom sends a text.  Emergency Burned One hunt at the stone circle!
It interrupts Musa mid-snog with Sam.
Beatrix walks down a dark hallway and finds… the barrier-ed door from the trailer!
Bloom and Sky pass through the barrier and end up in a place that looks like where Bloom was trying her magic a few episodes ago.  Bloom says it’s close.  Sky wants to know why Bloom can track it, Bloom wants to know that too.  They go back to back but the Burned One looms
Magic battle!  Sky gets in a few sword swings before he’s knocked down! A voice calls, ‘Close your eyes!” before Stella unleashes blinding light!  Terra uses her cousin’s favorite trick and vines it to the ground and Bloom throws fire calling on Aisha to help put it out.  And Sky skewers the Burned One with his sword.  Down it goes!
But Musa can tell it’s not dead yet.  It leaps up—then catches fire from the inside, shining orange light, then falls again.  This was a top quality battle!
Dowling appears behind the girls and confirms it’s dead now.
Beatrix emerges from the tunnels to find Callan still frozen and blue-lipped. Was Dowling’s trap actually killing him or was it just keeping him paralyzed?  We’ll never know because Beatrix uses lightning to blast him to dust!
I mean, Callan wasn’t much but that’s put Beatrix solidly in irredeemable territory.
But good news, we saved the more interesting adult!  Silva is on the mend.  Well enough to immediately give Sky grief about going after a Burned One like an idiot.  Sky only cares if his mentor is better, and he hugs Silva.  Sweet moment all round.
The girls are getting the same from Dowling.  But Musa sensed a tiny bit of pride in the headmistress.
Sky arrives, and Bloom says they should all get home, leaving Stella to talk to Sky.  The other four have clearly bonded, and Stella’s clearly the odd one out.  Stella says, ‘I was awful today.  Seeing you scared I couldn’t deal with it.” and, ‘You’re the only one that knows the real me.”  she goes in for a kiss but Sky pulls back saying, “That’s your choice, Stella.”
Stella disagrees.  “I’m the heir to the Solarian throne, if you knew the kind of pressure...” and says Sky is her safety net and she needs to know he’s there if she needs him.  But what if he needs somebody?
Which brings up a side issue.  I don’t think Sky and Stella are doing the deed these days, but if they are or were that’s epic dumb for the heir to a kingdom.  Royalty tends to care about premarital romps more than commoners, and if they came down with a case of surprise baby that baby would be a future heir!  And then they’d pretty much have to get married, and if Eraklyon was on the other side of those wars nobody’ll tell us about that could add up to a real mess.
I wonder if there was sex in the past, Stella desperate for a distraction to get her out of her own head while knowing that every time the clothes came off they were taking a big risk thus creating more stress by the very means they tried to escape it.
This show tries to be all dark and gritty by having teenagers do loads of drugs but did they think of all this?  It’s just practicality but it’d be plenty dark.  
Over in the dorm Terra’s getting ready for bed.  Musa comes to say, ‘your brother’s pretty great.’ but Terra laughs it off, not paying attention.  She texts Dane to say she had fun at the party and Dane replies with a video of himself shirtless roughhousing with Riven.  The phrase, “fat girl with the brownies” is the only thing that can be understood.  I think Beatrix is filming, and she films the three of them doing a trio-smooch with pot smoke!  
Terra cries.  This show is cruel to her.  Not as bad as I was expecting it to be, but bad enough.  Hope she strangles the lot of ‘em.
Over with Bloom and Aisha, Bloom says, ‘You’d be proud of me, I went to the stone circle but chose not to summon all my magic and burn the Otherworld down.”
That was a choice?  That did not look like a choice, Bloom.
Bloom starts in on sensing the Burned One and Dowling being sus and Rosalind, but Aisha is done being the sidekick.  She suggests there might be no conspiracy and offers the really logical idea that maybe a teenage student got pregnant and didn’t know what to do so Rosalind changelinged the baby.  Good on Aisha for trying to climb out of the rabbit hole, but Bloom’s too deep and says there are too many unanswered questions.  I mean, she’s a destiny-ridden protagonist so she is right, but after last month we’ve seen in the real world how far people can go when they feel that they’re destiny-ridden protagonists…  feels different now.  The show in its cultural context.
Then Aisha says “some people” would kill to be a natural with magic like Bloom is even if she’s just an “ordinary” fairy and says Bloom should be “realistic.”  
Oh Aisha, when will you learn to not say stuff?  For Bloom “realistic” means birth parents who didn’t want her and gave her up.  Bloom starts crying saying she has to believe there’s more to it than that.  And yeah, that is understandable.
Ending scene with the adults in Dowling’s unlit office!  “Bloom had a memory of the fairy that left her in the human world.  It was Rosalind.”  One of the guys says, “Ah shit.”  As the camera moves down toward the mystery barrier in the tunnel Dowling continues, “Bloom has the potential to be one of the most powerful fairies the Otherworld has ever seen.  If Rosalind is calling to her there’s a reason.  We can never let them meet.’
And there’s Rosalind inside the barrier!  Not dead.
Good ending music this time, but no lyrics.
I think Dowling hasn’t yet realized her secretary got lightninged to death.
I’ve also been wondering who “he” the evil overlord could be.  Can’t be Rosalind because she’s a she!  None of the named male characters seem at all sus.  Callan’s dead, Sky’s dad is named but dead (unless he isn’t), Silva and Harvey are way too sweet, and Beatrix has no respect for any of the teenagers.  Unless one of them is getting possessed maybe?  Riven vaped in an evil spirit and occasionally his eyes glow and he spouts evil orders?  Maybe it’s a guy we haven’t met yet, or a master Burned One on a dark throne in a cave somewhere.  That’d make sense.
My main curiosity now is for Stella’s full story!  Stella is an interesting character!  Despicable, but interesting now that I’ve stopped thinking she’s going to be anything like the other Stella. Maybe we’ll find out… next time on Elemental Academy!
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Uncle Walter did his thing where he watches a movie and then gives me a summarized review of it. In this case, Wonder Woman 1984.
Fairly warned be thee says I!
Seriously, spoilers.
For reals.
You sure?
The movie begins with 10+ minutes of American, I mean Themyscarian, Gladiator. Is this important to the plot? No. But it definitely happened. In a 2 1/2 hour movie.
Fast Forward. (VCR joke, get it? Because it’s the 80s.)
Diana rescues people. At the mall. Where it’s the 80s! In case you forgot!
It’s like the 1980s vomited all over the entire movie. WE GET IT, IT’S THE 80s, gawd.
(The money and effort put into restoring that mall for that scene wasn’t worth it.)
She also rescues Barbara, soon to be Cheetah, by beating the shit out of Barbara’s attacker/potential rapist. Because of course.
It’s been 70 years. Diana is a sad, lonely woman. Because her boyfriend is dead. And, despite being loved by all, gorgeous, wealthy, and successful, without a man what is she?
Then you’ve got the Lord Mandolorian, the infomercial star running a Ponzi scheme.
Barbara gets the magical rock and wishes to be just like Diana, despite Diana’s life being nothing but SADNESS ALONE EMPTY because, as we said, no man.
Kristen Wiig, Barbara, is every 90s teen movie protagonist who just has to take her glasses off, put her hair down, and wear something form fitting, and suddenly she’s beautiful! Because glasses and a ponytail are so not hot.
Lord Mando steals the stone and then becomes The Rock, so everyone’s wishing on him like the Blue Fairy only with more fondling.
Wonder Woman doesn’t MEAN to wish for her dead boyfriend, because she would never do something like that on purpose.
Steve is then ripped from, presumably, heaven and Quantum Leaps into random Handsome Man (seriously, that’s what he’s credited as).
Then random Handsome Man shows up at a fundraiser, all “Yo, Diana, it’s me!”
Suddenly he’s not random Handsom Man, he’s Steve!
So naturally, they have sex! With some random dude’s body. Without his knowledge or consent. While they’re both fully aware this is some random dude’s body.
Even Quantum Leap realized that wasn’t okay. And that was MADE in the 80s, not just set there.
Meanwhile, Crystal Lord Mando is granting wishes and taking each person’s most prized possession in exchange, whether that’s power, a car, or a kidney.
Wonder Woman starts losing her Amazonianess because that’s what she traded for Quantum Leaped Steve.
She’s all not okay with this, and the world is also going to end, so after she has an 80s clothing montage with Steve, she figures she might really ought to do something about this whole world ending shit, as inconvenient as it is.
So she, Steve, and Handsom Man’s body fly the invisible jet to Egypt for a car chase.
Oh, yeah, she can turn things invisible now. Guess she didn’t lose those powers.
We’re now an hour and twenty minutes in before Wonder Woman actually Wonder Womans, mall “fight” not withstanding.
After some actually decent stunt work, she lassoes a missile to save some small dummies.
Meanwhile, Cheetah Lady is attacked, AGAIN, by the exact same potential rapist, only this time Cheetah beats him up, which means she’s turning evil or something, since she liked it. Because it’s only okay for Diana to go after bad guys, not for Cheetah Lady to defend herself, and be glad to do it, obviously.
Diana, Steve, and Handsome Man’s body go to the White House to stop Crystal Lord Mando. Where Diana can slip away from the tour because she knows Carl. You know, Carl. Who can just decide all on his own to take people around the White House, because he’s Carl. Frickin’ Carl.
Crystal Lord Mando holds hands with the president and looks lovingly into his eyes.
Now he knows about particle beams. He wants to become PARTICLE MANDO.
Diana’s CGI lasso destroys a bunch of art and beats people up.
Still human Cheetah Lady saves Crystal Lord Mando because she likes being hot.
They fight the police, or each other, or both? in a scene where some things happen. Or something. It’s a little confusing. They ARE destroying the White House, though.
Chaos! Riots! Dogs and cats, living together...mass hysteria! (It is the 80s after all.)
Diana, Steve, and Handsom Man’s body (which has now had the shit beaten out of it) lean against a column.
Where we get the whole “Diana can’t win without the woman pain of losing her boyfriend,” just like the first movie. She’s all “I’ll never love again!” But he’s all, “it’s cool, I’m already dead.” So they kiss, she walks away, she renounces her wish, and she’s all Amazonian again.
Then random Handsome Dude is just... there? Sore and in pain from having the shit kicked out of him. With no memory of how he got there, or any idea of what’s been happening, and definitely not what his body’s been doing?
Steve Trevor leaps out, jumping from body to body, striving to put right what once went wrong in the DCEU.
And now she can fly because Steve and LOVE.
Barbara, in her spiky jacket, wishes to be different. Like nobody else. Because she’s unique, and special and UNIQUE.
Cue Metallica, because Diana’s literally RIDING THE LIGHTNING to get to Particle Mando. And she can hear everyone’s wishes now?
Diana changes into her shiny rave outfit.
CGI Actual Animal Cheetah and CGI covered Diana fight in a dark setting, with muted colors, because dear god that CGI is awful and they’ve got to hide it somehow.
(Cats called, they want their design back. Wait, does Cheetah have a butthole? Asking the real questions here. RELEASE THE BUTTHOLE CUT!)
The rave armor, that’s supposed to hold off all the armies of man, can’t stand up to the little kitty claws of someone in face paint and lines drawn on with eyebrow pencil.
Then they’re, like... swinging around? On a CGI lasso and high power line? Something is happening, presumably, but it’s so dark and muted that we’re not exactly sure what.
Cheetah drowns and gets electrocuted, so naturally she’s not dead.
Diana has a wind and paper fight with Crystal Lord Particle Mando.
Monologuing Particle Mando is interrupted by Declarative Diana, who thinks the world was PERFECT in the 80s. Luckily Diana’s got her white girl optimism that first world problems really aren’t so bad, and there are only first world problems.
But she did it! Her cheesy speech about can’t everyone else just be happy not being an immortal Amazonian Warrior? Works. (Probably because the Lasso of Truth was in all the particles, or something.)
Then Not-Crystal-Not-Particle Lord Mando has to save his son, so he renounces his wish and everyone else does, even though they shouldn’t need to? Because if he renounces it, shouldn’t everything stop? Maybe? Who knows how it works.
Everything goes back to... post riots/chaos/hysteria.
No-longer-Crystal-Particle Lord Mando is all good now because his son loves him. Yay?
Presumably something happens to make the world recover from all this, but we’re not privy to what that something was.
Now it’s Christmas. Diana runs into random Handsome Man. Who doesn’t know who she is, has no idea what’s happened to him, and doesn’t know he’s boned her, but hey, she’s cool with it. And he likes the outfit she chose for him, so that whole rape thing is okay now, I guess.
Two and a half hours in, when this long-ass movie SHOULD be over, we’re treated to Diana swimming through the clouds.
And then the one good part. Which we WON’T spoil, because it’s actually the one good part. In the goddamn credits.
In summation: Why?
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gear-project · 4 years
So do you see the news on Ky eye to be a hint at an install or a mechanic to kick at low health?
To talk about that is to talk about "Awakened (Kakusei) Ky" and "Gold/Boss Ky" throughout the series, and in particular Guilty Gear Isuka!
First, understand that, on a basic mechanical level, Dragon Install was never actually meant to serve “exclusively” as a comeback mechanic.
It’s a transformation mechanic, it’s just a means to change things up, or alter a character’s fighting style (somewhat like Tira’s Jolly and Gloomy personalities in Soul Calibur).
In the old days we had EX Mode, Slash and Bust in Samurai Shodown, alternate fighting styles meant to keep our opponents on their toes (because let’s face it, having the same fighting style after a while gets stale, and people learn to anticipate and read that style over time).
Let’s talk a bit about Awakened Ky’s attacks:
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Ky had an enhanced Stun Edge that was fully charged right off the bat... this meant you always had to be wary or block it, plus it had the same speed as a normal Stun Edge, meaning less recovery, so Ky could easily continue his pressure.
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Next we have Needle Spike, which is Ky’s version of Bandit Revolver, it hits multiple times, and Ky can even transition in to a more powerful version of Greed Sever (his version of Bandit Bringer) at any time in later games.  It was tricky to read on block, and relatively safe too.
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Next is Impala Hunt or Grand Vapor Thrust, it’s fast, it goes under projectiles, it crosses people up... it’s a LOW, and it does serious damage and works good in Ky’s knockdown combos.
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Next is Crescent Slash (or Inverse Crescent if you like Prototype Robo-Ky), it works much the same as Greed Sever, but is a ton faster and has a good vertical hitbox.  In GGXPlus, this move could also be done in the air an unlimited number of times, it was crazy!
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Elegant Slash, Ky’s command throw equivalent to Sol’s Wild Throw.  It’s sudden, it breaks their guard, and can easily be combo’d in to!
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Enhanced Vapor Thrust... this ain’t your grandaddy’s Vapor Thrust, this move is more than a reversal... it hits several times in the air and causes WALL BOUNCE to extend combos.  Imagine if Ky had Lighting Javelin included in this auto-attack combination?  He’d be just like Ragna in BlazBlue!
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Enhanced Aerial Stun Edge... now imagine this sucker, plus GRINDERS from Xrd... now imagine Aerial Sacred Edge ENHANCED by Durandal Call in mid air!
Scary aerial DOMINANCE!
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Ray Divider... classic move, space control, combos in to itself, especially in the corner, now imagine Ky setting Split Ciel pressure to ENHANCE it!  Now imagine Ky using his Forcebreak from Accent Core Lightning Sphere > Charged Drive and wall sticking you, or blasting you through the corner with it!
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Vertical Sacred Edge, a literal shockwave of Lightning, it’s so powerful it vacuums up other characters and clears the screen.  It’s so broken in Isuka, but oh so very useful when you’re surrounded.  Leopaldon can’t even touch you.
Now imagine this sucker getting enhanced by Durandal Call from Xrd... you cannot NOT block, or you WILL get HIT!
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EX Ride the Lightning, virtually TOTALLY SAFE projectile on block, has a huge hitbox, can be done on the ground or in the air... and can easily be combo’d in to!
Tyrant Rave Beta can eat its heart out!
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Finally, Ky’s vertical RTL called “Aces High” (or Aegis High if you like mispronouncing things).  Huge vertical rush, while it can be unsafe if its blocked, if you have enough forward momentum when starting it, they can’t catch you on landing recovery.
Also ideal for when you’re surrounded in Isuka, meaning Ky is dangerous both far away AND up close!
Now imagine Ky had an enhanced ultra-fast RTL that was omni-directional like Sin Kiske’s, made SEVERAL passes, immune to projectiles, had auto-armor, and was multi-hit... you could get crossed up and it would be OVER.
The only “real” drawback Awakened Ky had was that he got dizzy every couple seconds, leaving him vulnerable.  That’s very similar to the drawbacks involved with Dragon Install of course.
But can you even IMAGINE how dangerous Ky would be with all these enhancements pushed to their maximum?
And don’t get me started on the “homing” Sacred Edge Ky’s boss form had in M.O.M. mode in XrdRev2!  Guard damage out the wazoo, cannot be dodged, and Baiken can no longer parry it because Baiken got nerfed.  The only answer is Aegis Field on “reaction”!  Ugh...
Well, food for thought!
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nad-zeta · 4 years
hi, i'm sam, she/her! i'd like a matchup please! i'm an aries, ISFP, 5'3, with glasses, dark eyes & straight dark hair that goes to my collarbone! i'm curvy/chubby with thick thighs, and i love wearing dresses and skirts. i'm kind, soft & cheerful, & i'm pretty smiley unless i'm upset! (i'm clumsy too, i bump into stuff, and my legs are usually covered with bruises). i'm pretty introverted, but i become more hyper and talkative around my friends, and we always have fun when we go out!
Hi there love! Thank you so much for the request 😃<3 I hope you are safe and well! ^0^ I hope you enjoy it dear ^_^.🔥
I match you with……………………. Kenshin
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OOOh, you were definitely a troublesome person giving Hideyoshi all the grey hairs. The moment you landed in Azuchi, everyone fell in love with you. We were like an angel from heaven bringing light and warmth into their lives. Hideyoshi didn’t even have time to suspect you of being an assassin as one of the first interactions the two of you had was when, you tripped on flat ground and fell on your rear. Hideyoshi rushed to your side to help you up and guided you to the audience chamber. On your way there you accidentally lost your balance and knocked over a flower vase. Oh no, this was the worst time to have one of your clumsy streaks.
 After that, Hideyoshi knew that a sweet, clumsy person like you couldn’t possibly be an assassin or spy. You low key reminded him of Mitsunari number 2, which caused him to go into MUST PROTECT MODE.
You worked hard, and Hideyoshi started to notice that you were busy overworking yourself, so he gave you a big bag of coins and shooed you off to the market to go and relax. You walked around aimlessly when you spotted a familiar face. Sasuke! You ran up to him and started chatting with him. The two of you made your way to a teahouse together for some tea. And that my friend is when you saw him. A tall, beautiful man gracefully walking his way up you your table and plonking himself down next to Sasuke. He ordered sake and pickled plums and eyed you curiously “Sasuke why is this woman sitting with us”. Even though his words were harsh, you saw kindness and warmth in his eyes, but also a tinge of loneliness and sadness. Kenshin spent most of the tea date ignoring you; however, he couldn’t help but sneak a few glances as you.
You reminded him of a small cute bunny. As the tea date progressed on Kenshin couldn’t help but take a slight liking to you. He loved how sweet and clumsy you were, and he couldn’t help but take notice of that lovely blush spreading across your cheeks whenever he would say something to you. The two men walked you back to the main road and bid you farewell. Your low key hoped that you would be able to see Kenshin again one day as you made your way back to the castle. 
Luck must have been on your side as the very next day you spotted him sipping on sake in the very same teahouse as the day before. You went to join him, you sipped on some tea enjoying the comfortable silence between the two of you. The silence was broken when Kenshin ordered some sweet buns for you to share and when they arrived, you couldn’t help but rave about how good they tasted. This, of course, put the smallest of smiles on the bunny lords face. These little tea dates had become somewhat of a norm for the two of you, and you found yourself opening up more and more to the man. You also low key really really liked him, so you were always a little loud and very blushy whenever the two of you were together. Traits that absolutely had Kenshin’s heart melting into a puddle
On one random day, Nobunaga announced that they were to go to war with the tiger and dragon and that you were to come along with them and act as a lucky charm. You were FREAKING out! You didn’t know the first thing about battles, and you were 100% against the idea of going with, like you didn’t want to die. Your concerns fell on deaf ears as you were now on the back of Nobunaga’s horse charging into battle, you kept your eyes shut the whole time, the screams and sights of war were honestly pretty traumatizing. In the midst of battle, Nobunaga charged through the front lines, and your grip on him slipped, and you went tumbling to the ground. You were now in the middle of the bloodied battlefield alone and scared. You hugged your knees and closed your eyes, trembling in fear, too paralyzed to move.
Kenshin being the god of war was slicing through the Oda ranks, having the time of his life, when he spotted something strange. He rode closer, and it came into view, he saw you trembling little a little flower in the middle of the battlefield. His heart squeezed in his chest when he saw you so distressed, so he raced to your aid. He made it just on time to block the sword from one of his very own soldiers trying to cut you down. He gave the soldier the biggest death stare known to man and crouched down to pick you up. Your big doe eyes stared up at him, and the moment you recognized him, you threw your arms around his neck and hid your head in his chest. You held onto the man as if he were your lifeline. Kenshin held you tight in his arms and placed you on top of his horse. “Close your eyes little rabbit, fear not for I will protect you”. He wrapped one arm tightly around your waist and escort you off of the battlefield into his camp. He left you in his tent while we went off to bring the battle to completion. He came back that evening to see you had fallen asleep on his futon. He simply tucked you in and gave your forehead a small kiss before heading out to take the first watch for the night. The battle had ended in a draw, and both forces were to depart back to their territories in the morning
That morning Kenshin gently woke you up and gave you a bowl of rice porridge, he grumbled a small apology for not having anything better to give you to eat. You just smiled up at him and thank him for the food and for saving your life. He then placed you on his horse once more, to take you back to Echigo. Once there, Kenshin set you up in the room next to his. It was a room fit for a princess. Honestly, the god of war was overjoyed to have found you on the battlefield, it gave him an excuse to whisk you away, to come and stay with him. He had long time ago fallen in love with you, and it pained him to say goodbye to you before the war. 
Your relationship with the bunny warlord officially started one stormy night. You were woken abruptly by a big bolt of lightning blazing through the sky, followed by a loud roar of thunder. Before you could even think, your body moved to its own accord, getting up with your pillow in hand and making your way next door to Kenshin’s room. You opened his sliding door to peer inside; you spotted him sitting at his writing desk, finishing up some important documents. Just as you were about to turn and go back to your own room, the castle shook as another loud rumble of thunder broke lose. You ran into his room, Kenshin looked up and saw the destress on you face, he opened his arms and beckon you forward. You basically dove into his warm, comforting arms taking in his scent. Kenshin enveloped you in a warm embrace, whispering words of reassurance in your ears while gently rubbing your back. He then picked you up into his arms and carried you to his futon. He gently laid you down and tucked you in before climbing in to lay beside you. He looked into your eyes and gently caressed your cheek. “I will protect you from all your fears, my love, so rest easy”. He then wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you against his body, dropping small little kisses on your forehead and cheeks. You looked up at him and gave him the sweetest smallest kiss on the lips. As you pulled away, you whispered that you loved him.
OOOh, how Kenshin loved his little bunny. Everything about you brought the biggest smile to his face and made his heart so happy. He loves watching you energetically run around playing with the army of bunnies. He loves listening to your endless stories about anything and everything. What does he love the most you ask, well that easy. He absolutely loves it when something scares or startles you, and you go running to his side and hide behind his back, clinging and hugging him. This boy loves to protect the love of his life, and he absolutely loves it when you cling to him. In fact, Kenshin is a little bit of a jealous boi, so he will insist on being close to you wherever the two of you are. Whether it is holding your hands or holding you in his arms, he loves nothing more than to be near to the love of his life. He is most happy with you cuddle in his arms, drinking sake and nibbling on the delicious baked pickle plum dishes you made just for him. He will savor every bite of the baked goods, raving about how good they taste and not even sharing a crumb with anyone else
You love the soft bunny boi so much, you love that he is always there to reassure and comfort you whenever you are feeling blue or stressed. You love how he wears the knitted scarves you made for him, bragging about them to everyone he meets. You love spending hours in his arm, talking his ears off. Your favorite is, spending quiet evenings with the bunny warlord cradled in his arms surrounded by the bunny army.
 Other potential matches...................Hideyoshi 
Thanx so much for the request dear! I hope you enjoyed it! <3❤
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cyrusgoodboye · 5 years
It's very difficult for me to properly convey what this show means to me.  I mean, how does one even begin to express the gratitude and love they possess for a one-in-a-lifetime show like Andi Mack?  
For starters, Andi Mack broke barriers even with its pilot episode, "13".  I, like many others, remember watching the episode and raving about how groundbreaking it was, how different it was from children's television shows that I had grown up watching.  I was in my room after watching the premiere, thinking to myself, "How is this possibly on Disney Channel?"  Now, roughly around two years later, I'm wondering to myself how it isn't.  I've typed long-winded messages and ranted to friends and family and Tumblr about how special this show is, how there's absolutely nothing else like it.  How it's a light to so many kids, an inspiration, a hope, something to model themselves after.  And now it's being taken away before all of the story got to be told.  
I never expected to fall in love with the characters as much as I did, and the same goes for the storylines.  I'll be honest, the show isn't perfect; I remember all of us [the fans] groaning when Walker was revealed to be Buffy's crush in the beginning of season three, and how much we hated the Jonah and Amber storyline that was (re)introduced later on.  But, at the end of the day, that wasn't what mattered.  It didn't matter if Jonah was wearing 'The Bracelet' or not, or if Bex and Bowie were going to finally get married.  We kept chasing that light we saw, the fabric of the show that tried to include every colored thread in the book and still managed to come out beautiful and unique and so, so inclusive.  We all admired how Andi Mack was always bringing up controversial subjects and topics that had been taboo in the years before its premiere, how it managed to leave kids hungry for more instead of the same cookie-cutter sitcoms blasting with laugh tracks and poorly written comedy.  We need more.  It shouldn't be over yet, but it got cancelled anyway, because apparently Disney Channel's most viewed and influential show just wasn't something they wanted to continue.  
Anyway, I know these points have all been made before, by fan after fan, and maybe you don't see the point of me reiterating these same truths again, but I don't know how to move on.  I'm not sure I can.  I can't get over watching Andi Mack realizing her cool older sister Bex is actually her mother.  I can't get over watching Buffy Driscoll struggling to accept her natural hair.  I can't get over watching Cyrus Goodman thinking he's different because he has a crush on a boy.  I can't get over watching Jonah Beck struggling with having anxiety and having a hard time coming to terms with it.  I can't get over watching T.J. Kippen accepting his learning disability and the fact that he's gay.  I can't.  How can you even begin to fill a gap like that, that piece of history?  I don't know how to say goodbye to this amazing, groundbreaking show.  Can you really say goodbye to something that you know will always be a part of you?
Andi Mack was truly lightning in a bottle.  Nothing will ever recapture the same magic it once had.  Nothing will ever be able to recreate the friendship of Andi, Buffy, and Cyrus, or the things they learned about life and the universe together.  Nothing will ever be able to open as many doors as this show, and it saddens me in a way that I cannot express in words.
"These are the moments you remember," Bex Mack said in season one, episode one, "13".  I didn't know it at the time, but yes, these are the moments you remember.  These are the moments that I will always carry with me, no matter where I am or what I'm doing with my life.  These are the moments that helped shape who I am and the way I treat others and how I will continue the fight for change, like Andi Mack taught me to do.  And I will remember them, forever and always. 
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bisasterdi · 5 years
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Bullet Point Fic (which I have no time to actually write)
I floated this idea on the amazing Good Omens Big Bang discord (hello y’all) but I don’t think anyone is writing it. I can’t get the idea out of my head, but have no time to do it justice. If anyone gets a wild hair to use any of the ideas here, go crazy with my excited blessings.
Human AU: Aziraphale is a stylist for an online shopping service (something like Stitch Fix.) He prefers a classic look for himself, but is surprisingly good at choosing the right clothes for the right person in all kinds of styles. Crowley is a client other stylists have found difficult to figure out.
Crowley's stated preferences are very specific and particular, but every time he's sent a box of things one of the other stylists thinks he'll love, he ends up sending most of it back with new, very detailed reasons why it won't work.
As a last attempt to keep his business, Aziraphale is assigned to be Crowley's stylist, though he usually keeps specifically to people requesting traditional business or formal attire.
Aziraphale goes over the client history obsessively, figuring out so much that the other stylists missed. The first box he sends out is a hit, and Crowley is effusive with praise in his feedback.
Bonus: Crowley has suggested several times that he doesn't care about gender boundaries for clothing, and Aziraphale sent two pieces from the "women's" collection in that first box. Crowley almost cried when he saw them, and felt as though someone was finally listening to him.
Aziraphale sends the oddest scarves and accessories, the weirder the better, and hits on a silver necklace thing and a snake belt buckle that Crowley raves over in his comments back.
They communicate more and more in the tiny text boxes which are their only method of reaching each other. Crowley lists events he has to attend and needs new outfits for, and includes little details about how little he wants to go, how he doesn't get on with his co-workers.
Aziraphale starts to feel like he's really getting to know this person, but he keeps himself from abusing his position to look at the address or find out anything more. He's a true professional and prides himself on his ethics, though he really wants to know if he ever has a chance of meeting this "Crowley" he finds himself daydreaming about.
Spoiler: Crowley is also daydreaming about this stylist who actually listened to him and really seems to understand how he feels comfortable presenting himself. He's tempted to see if he could find a way to contact this "Aziraphale" (got to be a fake name, right?) and ask them out for a coffee, but something always seems to stop him before he gets up the nerve to do it.
Another spoiler: They're both in London.
Aziraphale starts seeing a striking, lean, red-haired person in very familiar clothes in coffee shops and in the clothing stores where he's scouting new pieces to send out to clients.
Aziraphale finally strikes up a conversation when they're both looking at the same rack of suit jackets (Aziraphale is actually looking for clothes for Crowley's next shipment) and they figure out, in one lightning bolt of a moment, who they are to each other. (Stylist and styled...? Or...soulmates?)
So, would you ever want to go for a coffee?
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