gdcd · 2 years
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warofchanges · 1 year
Hail to the King
[ Drabble requested by @gameswillbeplayed . Medieval AU/Arranged marriage/Fantasy ]
"His Majesty has come to the wrong room, perhaps."
A sharp scent of incent welcomed Light, embosoming him in opulent fumes that caressed his eyelids and led his golden heels to rest upon a set of oriental-patterned pillows. His shallow breath echoed through the velvety vault of stars, where a solitary opalescent figure lurked unnoticed.
Light sprawled across the cushions, considering for a moment to doze away in kaleidoscopic dreams in the Room of Justice.
Complex engravings of an electric blue Scorpio fighting a rainbow Pisces emerged from a red cup adorned the center of the floor ─ an admonishment for future generations.
"I am marrying Amane, tomorrow." Light stared up at the floating figure above, drinking in the unreadable expression of the ghost of King L. "An arranged marriage our families deci..."
"A scheme in Kira's dreams," L concluded, biting on the nail of his right thumb. Even if ghosts made no sound, Light remembered how torturing it was when the man was alive. "First, the kingdom. Then, the progeny."
"Sulking doesn't suit the incredible deeds of our dear defunct King, L," Light smirked, eyes red as vivid as the color painting the cup. "Or are you envious as you never savored the pleasure of marriage?"
"Above all the women in the reign, I wonder why you chose her, His Majesty."
In response to L's observation, the center of the floor trembled. The engraving crumbled down, surrendering to an obscure wave of bubbles emerging from the core of Earth. Even the vault screamed in silence, and stars hid away their light, letting a corpse ascend from the putrid ocean.
It was the dead body of L as the ghost could shockingly tell ─ wrapped in candid clothing and wearing such a lucent skin hard to tell it was dead.
But before the ghost could even process his shock, the vision molded into the petite frame of a woman with long blond hair.
Amane Misa.
"My Light!" She squealed in a high-pitched tone as the dark bubbles retracted while she happily hopped toward her soon-to-be husband. "I know where you were hiding! Nervous about tomorrow?" She sat on the pillows beside Light,  who let her crawl in his arms as soon as he opened them.
"Nervous? How could I be?" He smiled his fakest smile, the vanilla scent of the future bride canceling the leftovers of the incense. "Fate chose us to be united in one body, soon. Our family's decision was for the best."
L watched the couple with the same expression he wore on his last breath ─ the culmination of victory.
No one could enter the Room of Justice aside from Light and L. The vault of stars would immediately neglect the entrance to those whose skins weren't the elected ones. But the woman just crossed the line wearing his dead identity.
Amane Misa was a shapeshifter, so... She probably had a role in the conspiracy against him, that saw him dying in the embrace of Kira and proclaiming Light as the new King.
"Even if you don't love me now, my love would be enough for us." Misa said, unable to see the translucent form descending from the vault to look closely at the couple. "My body will always be yours and will carry your heirs, my Kira, my Light."
The new King's eyes narrowed to slit as his gaze wandered from L to Misa, smirking. The last finishing touch of his plans would be complete as soon as Misa became the new Queen.
Then, softly kissing the girl's lips he whispered, "I will give you the life of your dreams, Amane, my Queen.".
"Long live the King." L murmured with bemused skepticism before disappearing into tiny stars. Ready to witness the legendary deeds of Kira from the AfterLife and his fights against those who will soon come to hinder his path. "Kira."
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chemicalarospec · 3 months
"Chemicals" by Armor For Sleep the Lawlight (or LightXMisa possibly tbh... the Light Yagami) song of all time. likeeeeeee
"I'm on my back, on your floor/tell me how you fooled the world again/I like how you laugh when you tell it" kinda gives L or Misa POV. his evil laughs. fooling the world.
"Play dead/because I'll be playing dead with you/I'll play you when you're dead in a year or two" pretending to be L??? it fits so perfectly!
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secretshinigami · 2 years
In the Way of Justice
Author: @complicatedmerary
For: @nearlyrae
Pairings/Characters: Light Yagami, Misa Amane, LightxMisa (one-sided), Teru Mikami, Kiyomi Takada, MikamixTakada (one-sided …?), Yagami family (cameo)
Rating/Warnings: Teen and Up; violence, verbal abuse, negative self-talk, suggested sexuality, alcohol, unrequited love, brief discussion about crimes done by children, and implied character death
Prompt: Misa’s life if she managed to marry Light AND Takada and Mikami crying over dinner.
Author’s notes: Hello, hello! After trying out both prompts separately, I decided that there could be a greater story if I were to fit those stories into one and still make it cohesive to the original timeline. This led to the burning question, “If Misa and Light got married way early in the manga, how would that affect the rest of the battle between Light and Near?” As it turns out, it’s not just the battle of wits that gets shifted by one decision. I could make a huge multi-chapter about this, but only if you wish! Hope you enjoy!
Six years had passed since the Great Detective L was eliminated by Kira, as well as every single person that got in the way of justice. L, Aiber, Wedy, Kyosuke Higuchi … All of them. In Kira’s perfect world, criminals cannot coexist among virtuous people and the only way to pay for their bad deeds is through death. Some might say it’s an extreme and terrifying society to live in, but for those that truly believe in justice, it’s only fair that the vermin gets wiped out by a true God. Those who believe in said God affirm that Kira is an invisible force of nature that is retailing against humanity’s failure to maintain peace on Earth. Others believe that Kira was chosen among mortals to become a savior. However, the reality may be stranger than anybody can possibly imagine.
To Misa Amane, Light Yagami is way more than her savior; he is her one true love and her new family. After her parents’ unjust death, Light is the closest thing she has as a normal life that can be read about in fairy tales. In her fantasy, Light slayed the monster who kept her trapped, took her in, made her his equal, and they share a relationship so pure it can create a better, crimeless world.
She has no complains so far—why would she when Light is still as wonderful as when she first met him? —but there is still a ghost of a symbolic representation of their eternal love that can only be fulfilled if Light wasn’t so cautious about every little detail. L is gone and Kira is considered a God, what else is he waiting for?
“It really is a shame that more faces keep getting leaked on the Internet,” Light sighs, his arms crossed against his chest. “It’s almost as if people are deliberately giving Kira help to create this new reality we are living in.” Before the case, a typical Yagami dinner involved discussions about Light’s achievements, Sayu’s gossip about the entertainment industry, and a brief overview of their father’s current workload. For the last few years, however, the glooming threat of Kira’s next move has kept them fearful. Even if every member of the family considers themselves good people, who is to say that Kira might not come after them next? After all, Soichiro and Light were this close to losing their lives after confronting Kira; unless Kira is truly gone, they are not safe from random judgment.
“Seriously, Light?” Sayu pinches the bridge of her nose, exasperated. “You and Dad always talk about Kira every time we meet up as a family. We can see the news; we are not missing anything. Can we change the subject?”
“I’m sorry, Sayu,” Soichiro nods, giving a brief sympathetic smile. “We didn’t mean to worry you, it’s just that this has become our livelihoods now. You are right, we can discuss something else. What do you have in mind?”
“Well,” Sayu darts her eyes at the other couple sitting across the table. “Isn’t there something you want to ask them?”
Misa, who was squeezing Light’s arm with hers this entire time, perks up.
“What do you mean, Sayu?”
“Come on, Misa, how long are you going to let Light get away with making you live with him with no sign of proper commitment? Six years is way too long.” She giggles.
“Sayu, don’t do this—” Light shakes Misa off him and pleads to Sayu with gritted teeth.
“I didn’t want to bring it up, but she’s right,” Sachiko comes in from the kitchen with a tray of teacups. “It’s bad enough that you temporarily quit your studies to be with her and you still haven’t proposed?”
“Mom—” Light wanted to argue, but Sayu intervenes.
“Light, come on, you are living with Misa Amane, and you don’t plan to keep her off the market? At this point, I’m surprised that none of her famous friends has taken her away from you. For such ladies’ man, you sure don’t know what you are doing!”
Misa looks at Sayu with glazed eyes, her heart beating faster than normal. Could this be her chance to finally have her happily ever after? If the family supports this union, then, the next step should be getting it over with a ring and a ceremony. It is now or never, if she doesn’t speak up, she loses her opportunity to cement her and Light’s future together.
“Aw, Sayu, don’t worry about us,” Misa rubs her head against Light’s arm, practically beaming. “We wanted to keep it a surprise, but I guess I can’t contain it any longer. The truth is, Light already proposed and we are getting married by the end of the month!”
Light bolts upright from his seat—unintentionally making Misa fall from her grasp—and his breath becomes shallower by the second. He needs to get out of here, now, there is no way this is happening, it must be a nightmare, and he’ll wake up soon. If that’s the case, why is his father staring at him like he committed a crime?
“Light,” Soichiro begins talking carefully. “Is this true?”
“I—” Light’s throat is starting to get dry, and he takes his cup of tea from the table, sipping slowly, still standing. “I don’t know what to tell you—”
“Oh, my sweet Light,” Misa is quick by his side, trying her best to soothe him with a gently hold of his hand. “I know we should have told them sooner, but it’s too late now. Don’t you think this is the right thing to do? I want them to attend the ceremony, it’s no use keeping it to ourselves.”
It feels like a trial for his life, everywhere he moves, concerning eyes surround him, begging for an explanation for his actions. What else is there to say? If he tells truth that Misa is a blatant liar, then the question arises on why she would do that in the first place? He couldn’t reveal that he isn’t in love with her, it will blow his entire cover. If he goes along with it, then he has no choice but to keep up the act and marry Misa as soon as possible.
She put him in a terrible predicament, and, for the first time in his life, he couldn’t think on his feet. Damn her and her desperate attempt to keep him trapped. If only he could kill her now, he would never have to deal with her ever again. And yet, he still needs her …
“Mom, Dad,” Light takes a deep breath. “It’s true, Misa and I are getting married.”
“Light, I—” Soichiro clears his throat. “Congratulations?”
“What’s the matter with you?” Sachiko gives her husband a quick glare. “Light, I’m so happy for you. I can’t wait to see you get married, it’s one of the things I always wanted for you.”
“Oh, my gosh,” Sayu stands up and hesitantly gives Light a hug. “You did it, you finally did it. I’m so happy for you, Light. Oh, my gosh, my big brother is getting married to Misa Amane!”
Light gives Sayu a quick pat on the back and holds on to her, resisting the urge to cry. In any other scenario, this would have been a tender moment between siblings, and for a few minutes, he’ll pretend that he is truly making his sister proud. He hates disappointing her, so he’ll keep up the act for her sake.
He finally lets her go and the tears roll down in front of her. To someone who doesn’t know any better, those are the tears of a man who is experiencing the height of happiness. However, those are the tears of someone who feels trapped and doesn’t know how to escape.
“Sayu, I have to go,” Light gives her a quick smile. “We can talk about this later, but I have to be with Misa for the rest of the day.”
“Of course,” Sayu weeps some tears that she didn’t realize at first were there. “Don’t forget to send the invitations.”
“I won’t, I promise,” Light chuckles softly. “When your time comes, I’ll make sure to embarrass you in front of your groom.”
“Hey, that’s not funny,” Sayu punches Light’s shoulder lightly.
“It is for me. Mom, Dad, I’ll see you later.” He waves at them as he guides Misa in front of him towards the door.
The trip back to their apartment was uncomfortably ice cold, no said one word to each other with the anguish that the wrong move could cause irreparable damage. Misa didn’t like how Light was being so mean towards her; the best day of their lives was coming, and he was not celebrating. She could be clueless at times, but even she knew better than to intervene when Light had that look in his eyes; she knew he was angry, so she waited for the okay to speak again.
Light unlocked the door of their home and he let her come in first, giving her time to see that he wanted some distance. Despite attempting to getting over what happened in his head, his true feelings were revealed when once he grabbed the doorknob, he slammed the door back in with such a brute force that the echoes of his actions resounded across the entire room.
Misa had never seen Light like this before, and she wanted to reassure him so badly, but he walked towards the kitchen as if she didn’t exist. With deliberate hesitation, she followed him silently, and drew in her breath to say something, anything.
“I would suggest you stay where you are because if you move, there is no way I would hold back.” Light didn’t even look at her, it was hard to read him when his hair covered his eyes. The iciness of his statement caused some chills to roll down her spine, but she was still willing to speak.
“Shut. Up.” He finally lifted his head and Misa gasped at what she saw. Light’s eyes were bloodshot red, and his nostrils were flaring audibly. Maybe Light was right; one more step and there was no way to tell if he would stop from putting his hands on her. Misa gulped and retracted herself, giving Light further distance.
“Oh, so you do get it, huh?” Light scoffed, making his way towards her. “What you did back there was a blatant disrespect of my boundaries and my trust for you. I asked you to live with me, I let you kiss me, and I let you be my girlfriend under the condition that you help me judge criminals. Hell, I even asked you to not reveal our relationship to the media because if my name is out there along yours, who knows what might happen. Keep them guessing, but that’s it, I told you that. And what’s worse, you lied to my entire family. I don’t like lying to them, it’s bad enough that they don’t know I’m Kira. I had to pretend, at that moment, that your little outburst was a happy scene.”
“Light, please, I’m sorr—”
“No, you are not,” Light loomed over her, creating a large shadow under her head. “You wanted that to happen, you were so desperate to change our relationship to a more permanent one that you pulled that stunt. To say that I’m furious at you is an understatement, I don’t even want to deal with you anymore.”
“Light, please,” Misa started to cry. “I’m sorry, I thought, I thought that’s what you wanted eventually, we love each other, I didn’t mean to make you mad, I thought you’ll be as excited as your family were. Don’t worry, I’ll call them first thing in the morning, tell them I was just joking around—”
“Forget it, Misa,” He walked past her and sat down on one of their sofas, exhaling deeply. “What’s done is done. If we tell them that there is no wedding, they’ll never forgive me. I hope you are happy because you got what you wanted.”
“W-What do you mean, Light?”
“I’m not sure how I’ll put it off, but we are getting married by the end of this month. I’ll set up some invitations for Mom, Dad, and Sayu—no one else! —and we will have a date set up. When that’s ready, we’ll have a private ceremony and get this over with it.”
“Light!” She threw herself at him, wrapping her entire body around him. “I’m so glad you are not backing down; you have made me the happiest girl in the world! I love you so much, Light Yagami!”
“I love you, too, Misa,” Light replied monotonously, feeling defeated. If anything, this could keep Misa devoted to him for way longer, a low chance that she’d ever backstabbing him. Sure, in an ideal reality, they could pretend that this relationship wasn’t a sham and just left each other alone with their respective goals. As future spouses, there was the promise of staying together in sickness and in health, with the addition of a flimsy certificate that wouldn’t matter much to him, but would matter to her, his family, and the law. And that was going to be enough.
Fortunately for Light, the ceremony was straight to the point with no interruptions. What they managed in the last minute was obtaining secondhand traditional wedding clothes, bringing just the Yagami family as guests, obtaining a wedding certificate, and celebrating with a quick dinner afterwards.
After everything was said and done, the marriage was consummated, going through the mechanics Light was used to keep Misa infatuated with him. Misa got what she wanted, and by this point, Light couldn’t care less about what happens next. There may be legal paperwork between them, and she may had taken his family name, but as far as Light was concerned, nothing had changed.
 Light looked over Misa, who was sleeping soundly beside him, and sighed. He grabbed one of the robes they received as gifts and contemplated for himself across the room. Yes, this was nothing more than a milestone in their fake relationship, he could live with this. Was he happy it happened? Absolutely not, but there was no turning back now, especially with his family involved. He couldn’t take back their joy of witnessing the eldest son getting married, doing so would be cruel.
Misa’s phone rang loudly by the nightstand, her annoying ringtone blaring across the room. It didn’t faze her one bit (was she really that heavy of a sleeper?), so Light felt obligated to pick it up to make the ringing stop. He saw that it was Yuki, Misa’s newest manager (her third one this year), attempting to reach her. He answered the phone and was taken aback by her shrill voice.
“Misa-Misa, I tried my best to stop it, I’m so, so sorry!” Yuki practically screeched. “I don’t know how it happened, but the media knows! They know! Please don’t hate me, it was out of my control, I don’t know how it got out!”
“Yuki, this is Light Yagami,” Light said calmly. “What are you talking about?”
“Oh, Yagami, it’s so good to meet you!” The phone continued to blare. “Can you hand the phone to Misa? She needs to know what happened; this is between the two us.”
“Well, since I happen to be her husband, I deserve to be involved in her business. Now, tell me,” He lowered his voice. “What are you talking about?”
“Light, I’m so sorry, I don’t know how else to tell you this, but … The marriage certificate got leaked to the press. I know you tried your hardest to keep it private, but someone must have gotten a hold of it from the city, it’s everywhere!”
News stations were buzzing over the breaking announcement that model and actress, Misa Amane, and NPA member, Light Yagami, were secretly married after years of speculation about their relationship. It was initially leaked to Sakura TV and everyone else followed, not letting this piece of gossip die down for the rest of the week. What could this mean for Misa Amane (now Yagami)’s career? Would she serve tradition and retire from the entertainment industry to have a stable marriage? What about children? Is Misa going to be pregnant soon and become a mother? And, what about NPA member, Light Yagami? What does he think about this attention since he seems like such a private man? What do they even have in common? How did they meet? Was it love at first sight? The speculations were endless!
Among the controversy, Kiyomi Takada was one of the first people who heard about the announcement during one of her televised news reports. To say she was shocked was an understatement; she felt dread hitting at the bottom of her stomach, almost losing her balance on live television. Light Yagami, a man he respected during her college years, was now married to that ditzy Misa Amane. To this day, their relationship didn’t make sense to her, but she tried her best to respect it to avoid confrontation with Light after he rudely ditched her for Misa. Yes, it still wounded her that someone as amazing as Light Yagami dropped her like a hot potato to date a celebrity. It was so beneath him, or so it seemed since he prioritized intelligence over anything else. To imagine that he could be so shallow was such a disappointment, but not surprising since he was, you know, a man.
She wanted to pretend that she was over him, but this announcement reopened some salted wounds, and she tried her hardest not to cry. Tears would not do, specially tonight, since her and Mikami were having dinner together as scheduled. To Kiyomi, Mikami was quite the peculiar character. He was so disciplined and rigid, she often wondered if shaking him out of his shell would do him some good. However, what intrigued her the most about him was his formidable intelligence and his pure sense of justice. They met last year during one of her hosted discussion programs about the rebuilding of Japan in the 21st century, and once Kira was brought up, she could sense his passion for a better world, and she instantly felt a connection. That year was notorious for the political divisiveness of integrating Kira’s ideology to the mainstream, and to have this man, who was a prosecutor, advocating in favor of pro-Kira world, was so refreshing. She had lost friends for her pro-Kira views, a good amount of them admitting that the reason why they couldn’t support Kira was because of petty crimes in the past. That was their loss; who needed friends like that anyway? Shoplifting, stealing, underage drinking … Good riddance. At that point in her life, she needed a friend with a similar viewpoint as hers, and Teru Mikami was the perfect candidate for it. During recess of that discussion program, she approached him and opened to him about her thoughts on the criminal justice system and social ills in Japan, and after seeing his eyes widen in shock, she knew that was enough for him to continue the conversation. After that, he told her that he was going to fit her in his schedule (she thought it was odd at first, but she understood), and they were friendly ever since.
As time went by, Kiyomi learned a hard lesson when it came to him: A friendship with Teru Mikami was like a porcelain teacup: Rare, valuable, and authentic, but if not handled with care, it was easy to crack under pressure. It was such a miracle that their relationship had survived her unintentional tactless tongue; if he was that teacup that she kept describing, he should had been fine powder.
In one of their dinners, they had a heated discussion about making it more common to reveal the identities of child criminals to the public; if common criminals could be exposed for their immortality, so should juveniles. This was the first time they disagreed on something this serious.
“He is a twelve-year-old boy!” Takada narrowed her eyes at him, trying her best to lower her voice. “Yes, he stabbed his mother brutally, I don’t like that at all, but he is a child, it doesn’t feel right that Kira can just kill him because he messed up. Let the police handle it.”
“What you call ‘messing up’ is an excuse to absolve him from responsibility.” Mikami argued back. “I was that age once and I know firsthand that children are old enough to understand right from wrong. If a child can bully someone and continue doing so despite witnessing someone suffer, then resorting to murder should have a fitting punishment.”
Kiyomi scoffed. “I see what’s going on, you are projecting on this child because of your childhood trauma. I understand that it was a difficult time for you, but it’s best to move on from it and not let it affect you anymore.” The moment she stopped speaking, she realized this was the worst thing to say to him, and she regretted it once she saw his reaction.
Mikami didn’t cry, at least never in front of her, but the shine on his eyes told a different story: It was as if he was trying his hardest not to show emotion, but she knew better: He was seething inside, he didn’t appreciate being told that his trauma didn’t matter.
“Mikami, I—”
“Let me just get the check, we are done here.” Such a simple statement but cut her like an icicle stuck in her chest. She screwed up, she lost him, and there was nothing she could do about it.
The next week, however, he texted her to meet up again same time, same restaurant. The message was clear once they sat down and ordered their meals: I’ll let it go for now, but I’m warning, don’t ever speak to me like that ever again.
Takada shook her head. It was best not to think about it, tonight was supposed to be a fulfilling event discussing crime and how to improve society.
“Takada, have you been listening to one word that I said?”
“Huh?” Takada got out of her daze, her mind accidentally wandering over Light and Misa. Was he happy? Could there be a chance that this was a publicity stunt? Did she mean that little to her after all?
“You weren’t listening,” Mikami said matter-of-factly. “I assumed you would be interested in talking about the current political climate, but I guess I was wrong.”
“No, no, I am interested,” Takada sighed. “I’m sorry, I just had a rough week, it’s not a big deal.”
“Okay.” He paused for a bit, and then realized that it would be best if she could talk about her issues. At least for a minute or so. “What happened?”
“Do you remember that I mentioned a Light Yagami to you?”
“I may or may not recall, go on.”
“We dated in college, right? From my experience, he was quite the intellectual and we had similar viewpoints about crime and justice. I just found out that he married the woman he dumped me for, Misa Amane.”
“I see,” Mikami considered his words carefully. “You loved him, and it hurts that he moved on.”
Takada’s face scrunched in embarrassment. “God, it sounds pathetic, doesn’t it? What am I doing pinning over a man who couldn’t care less about my existence? It’s been years, I shouldn’t let him have this much hold over me, I’m so stupid.”
“Takada, you are not stupid—”
“Yes, I am!” The tears began to roll down, she couldn’t stop them in time. “None of that matters and yet I’m acting like it’s the end of the world. Maybe there’s something wrong with me; I look down on others for being emotional and desperate, but here I am, being exactly that in front of you. I bet you don’t think highly of me anymore.”
Mikami was speechless; this side of Takada was unexpected, and he didn’t know how to react. “Takada, it’s okay … “
“No, it’s not,” Kiyomi dabbed her tears with a clothed napkin, mascara smearing over the fabric. “I’m sorry,” She stood up from her seat. “I have to go.”
“Takada?” He felt like a broken record, repeating her name over and over with no results. “Where are you going?”
She didn’t say a word, she kept walking, like she had no free will of her own, being guided by nothing but her emotions.
 If she had any remaining dignity left her, she would have noticed the murmurs and stares from other guests at the restaurant. Once she was left out of sight, it was as if nothing happened, and they moved on with their lives.
The only person who didn’t take their eyes off her, despite the immense confusing plaguing their minds, was Teru Mikami himself.
Contrary to popular belief, Misa Yagami was still in the entertainment industry. While she teased that she might retire to be a devoted housewife, there was a still a pending task to continue working on a short film for an independent director was trying to get his name out there. Yuki was able to score this gig to solidify Misa as a serious actress, and she happily took it to showcase to the world that she wasn’t just a ditzy star whose greatest talent is beauty.
Misa and Light were separated for a few days so she could focus fulltime on the film, and, if Light were honest with himself, he appreciated her lack of presence at home. No whining, no shrieking, it was heaven. As long as she had her shredded pages of her Death Note to continue judging criminals, he was alright with their time off.
Two weeks have passed, and she was still gone. At this rate, it was starting to concern him that the lack of phone calls decreased significantly since she wouldn’t stop updating him on the movie at least three times a day. On the short time that he was enjoying the lack of silence, his mind started racing that something terrible must have happened. He hoped that it was just overly busy scheduling making her not call him because the other option could be … No, he wouldn’t go there.
He dialed her number and waited for the line to stop ringing, his heart racing fast, and for a second there, he was relieved that the call was picked up, until the voice behind the other side of phone was something he couldn’t recognize.
“It’s about time someone was concerned for her whereabouts.” The person said, and then snapped something with their mouth.
This was so unlikely Kiyomi Takada, it might as well be another woman living her life, someone she would make fun of on the spot. After that fiasco at the restaurant, she had been ignoring phone calls from anyone trying to reach her. Even Mikami tried to call a couple times, but she never picked up, not wanting to face him after the way she treated him. What else was there to say? Nothing, she ruined her only meaningful relationship in her life, and she couldn’t face his disappointment again. A couple of days passed, and she finally informed her boss that she was dealing with a contagious illness that might not be resolved for the rest of the week. It was humiliating to lie like that, but she had no other choice. All of this over a man, she cringed for the twelfth time today, allowing her nasty side to fill her head with more negativity.
Maybe it is for the best that you end up alone; no friends, no romance, and specially not the prestige of having a great reputation. You have been lying to yourself your entire life; you are not smart, you are not likable, and you are not worthy of respect. You may be pretty, but that means nothing if your personality is so boring. Crying over Light Yagami for the fifth time this week? Pathetic. Maybe he saw right through you and that’s why he dumped you. You may have fooled the entire country that you are refined and classy, but I know better. That façade you put yourself in the morning is starting to crumble and sooner or later, everyone will realize that there’s nothing to rave about you. If you were to die tomorrow, you’ll be nothing but a small obituary that deserves no more than two sentences. I can already picture it! Here lies Kiyomi Takada, a mediocre news reporter, survived by NO ONE—
A sudden doorbell ring snapped her out of her thoughts, and she sat upright on her bed. Maybe she was speaking out loud this entire time and someone came to complain. Better pull up the “contagious illness” card and see if she will be left alone.
When she opened the door, she was shocked at the figure standing across from her. Teru Mikami looked like his usual self, but he somehow didn’t feel that iciness that she sometimes sensed from him. He was …. concerned? For whom? It couldn’t be her; she didn’t deserve it.
“Mikami?” She finally spoke. “What are you doing here?”
“I tried calling you, but you never picked up. I had to make sure you were okay.” He spoke slowly, almost like he had to rehearse his words.
“I see,” Takada crossed her arms across her chest. “Are you sure it’s not for anything else? Maybe I needed the reminder that I’m not worthy to have anyone worried about me—”
“Takada, could you stop speaking like that?” Mikami barely raised his voice, but it was enough to shut her up.
“Mikami, come on—”
“No, that’s enough,” Mikami interpreted that as an invitation, and he went past her door. “In case you haven’t noticed, we have dealt with some many ups and downs for the past year, and I still haven’t walked away. You want to know why?”
Kiyomi nodded hesitantly.
“Because you happen to be my friend, thankfully the only friend I want in my life, because dealing with anyone else has been a headache.” Kiyomi’s mouth dropped. “Don’t be surprised, you feel the same way about me, too. You are probably one of the most moral and intelligent people I have ever met, and I don’t say that lightly about anyone.”
Among her gloom, a smile was beginning to creep on her face.
“You are also empathetic with others, and you are capable of understanding how overcoming struggles is not an easy feat, but you get through like a champion.”
“Let me finish,” He was becoming sterner. “I know you long enough to see that despite your pretenses to other people, you do care about justice and bettering the world, and that’s always been enough for me. You told me once that you were recognized mainly for your beauty, but that’s not what matters to me, it’s so frivolous. I just wished you were more open with me; you are not going to lose me either way—”
Kiyomi couldn’t help herself, she leaned over him and kissed him fully on the lips; he liked her for who she was? He didn’t care about her reputation and the superficiality of such petty things, finally a man with some depth.
For what seemed like a long minute, Kiyomi finally realized what she was doing and took a step back. She could hear her heartbeat thundering in her ears, searching for any indication of distaste or disgust for what she did to him. Instead, he said nothing, his expression was blank, just fingers ghosting over his lips, attempting to process the sudden turn of events.
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Death Note Ship Opinions:
Any I don’t mention I either don’t know of or am neutral about. Remember this is just my opinion and it’s fine if you like/dislike any ships on my list
AxBB /obv
Ships I like:
LxAxBB (only correct way to order this one)
Platonic OTPs:
Rem&Misa (don’t get me wrong I believe Rem had feelings for Misa, I just don’t think it would play out well as a romantic relationship)
A&Matt (they’re his parent (not biologically))
Matt&Near (older brother type deal)
L&All of the Successors
l@wl1ght. (again no hate if you like it I am just extremely icked by it)
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eternallyb0red · 3 years
"Light would care for Misa if only he wasn't kira and met her in different circumstances."
Honey....that wouldn't be Light, it's just an OC with the mask of Light :D
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our-celestial-death · 3 years
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"Baby, I don't feel so good", six words you never understood "I'll never let you go", five words you'll never say I laugh along like nothing's wrong, four days has never felt so long If three's a crowd and two was us, one slipped away 
I just wanna make you feel okay But all you do is look the other way I can't tell you how much I wish I didn't wanna stay I just kinda wish you were gay
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We the gays need l lawliet/misa amane/light yagami content. The Death Note OT3 that screams disaster but would be cute to see.
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ikathemadhatter · 5 years
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24. God
What if Misa has a makeup line called Deadly Goddess and she needs a male model *guesswhocoughcough* for the ad? Okay just look how beautiful they are  ❤︎
Check what @yuneyn wrote based on this idea Deathnotetober - Unintended Edition 👀!
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13eyond13 · 5 years
do you prefer misaxlight or misaxl?
I like them both in different ways I think? I don't look for shippy fics featuring Misa normally, it's usually an incidental thing that I read shippy stuff with her because the only ship I normally cared enough to look for was Lawlight when I was big into reading fic. But I love how awkward and weird MisaxLight is and LxMisa amuses me... I would also really like it as femslash if done well because I think L makes such a funny and good wlw. I like both, but unless it was a totally different AU of some sort I wouldn't really want to see them as end goal relationships or anything? I love dysfunctional ships and base my interest more on the possibilities and how much the dynamics intrigue me more than anything else
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kira1vsl · 5 years
Misa! It's me, you-know-who! I have to use anonymous to hide my identity so my wife won't see us, thats why i always act so cold towards you in person, but you were right all along i DO share your feelings! Oh misa, let's run away...
Yaaaay! Aww this is so sweet of you, Li- I mean, you-know-who! We should totally run away with each other!
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cosplaydude637 · 3 years
#lightyagami #lightyagamicosplay #kira #kiracosplay #deathnote #lightxmisa #cosplaydude637 #epic #cool #liveyourlife #iowatiktok https://www.instagram.com/p/CU3YzH2AElx/?utm_medium=tumblr
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stvlti · 7 years
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listeningboy · 7 years
Poly Misa/Light/L au where Misa helps Light get ready for his first date with L
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adeathnoteblog · 7 years
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Misa and Light taking couple selfies!💕 A commission for @crunchykira!
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secretshinigami · 6 years
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Artist: @pensulliwen For: @hhikaris Prompt: Light and Misa as a Kira power couple Artist’s notes: Thanks for the awesome prompts! It was hard to choose just one, but the idea of Light and Misa late-night Kira-ing as an unfairly gorgeous couple got me.
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