#like ‘kazuha would never be a harbinger. wait. would he?’
otaku553 · 2 years
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Designs for fics I’ll never write part n! Kazuha and Scaramouche roleswap au, in which Kazuha, after the fall of his family, becomes disillusioned with the authority of Raiden Shogun and vows to rebuild Inazuma to be kinder and more forgiving; in which Kunikuzushi, after continuing his travels, comes to gradually fall in love with the country he vowed to destroy.
More thoughts from twitter in the read more!
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fallingdownhell · 5 months
Love your workkk!! ❤️❤️can i get an hc on fem reader taking off their coat revealing toned muscles and abs right before sparring and how childe alhaitham kazuha diluc kaveh will react? Mostly sfw but slight nsfw is okay
Thank you<3 And sure, hope this turned out like you imagined it. Characters Included: Childe; Alhaitham; Kazuha Content: female reader; pre relationship; they are basically simping over you(r form) Word count: 1,1k words
Hope you guys have fun with this one<3
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as our resident fighting maniac, it's no wonder that Childe wants to test and experience the capabilities of any and all agents that get assigned under his command
working under a Harbinger is a great honor, and it helps that Tartaglia seems far more approachable and reasonable than all the others
though you have been warned about his preference for fighting, you still didn't expect him to just straight up demand a sparring fight with you on your first day of duty
you tried giving every excuse in the book, but he kept insisting and in the end, you neither had the energy nor the nerves to deny him any longer
Childe was beaming with excitement on the way to the training grounds, immediately ridding himself of his weapons and getting in the ring, waiting for you to join him
"Come on, it's just a little spar. Nothing too serious~" he continues to coax you with a smirk
you sigh, as you go to take of your coat and other clothing that would just hinder you during the fight, placing your choice of weapon right next to them
when you look up again, you notice Childe staring at you
more specifically, at the muscles that protrude from your upper arms
they weren't really noticable under your clothes before, but it was clear evidence that you did not slack on your training. And now it seemed like Childe was hypnotized by them
in fact, his eyes lit up as he took in your well trained form, no longer hidden under your choice of clothes
the smirk returns to his face and he looks you in the eyes, excited for the, without a doubt, very enjoyable spar that's about to take place
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Alhaitham and you have been well acquainted for a few years now
it's like a sort of friendship that has formed between you two due to circumstances aligning, and after all those years, the friendship has still survived
it's not like you guys were together every single day, it's more like the occaisonal hangout once every (other) week, catching up with each other again, before going back to your own lives again. Then rinse and repeat
you are both aware of each others occupation and hobbies. Like, you knew that Alhaitham was currently under a lot of stress due to temporarily being promoted to Acting Grande Sage, and he likes to read during his free time
as for him, he was aware of your hobby with self defense fighting styles, and that you were teaching some classes from time to time
however, it seems that it never occured to him that thanks to your hobby, you would logically also acquire a figure that would prove that visually
so, when for one of your meet ups, you asked him to meet you at your current training spot, he thought nothing too much of it, making his way there after he was done with all his other responsibilities
when he arrived, you were still invested in your training, and since he didn't want to interrupt you, he planned on sitting down and reading his book while waiting for you
that was his plan... until he snatched a glance at you
seeing you in your work out clothes, toned abs clearly visible now in the daylight, something in him froze up, not letting him take his eyes away from you anymore
he was mesmerized by your form, how your body looked and how well trained and fit you seemed to be. In this moment, he felt like a fool for never realizing what such intense training would do to ones body
and he had to admit... he definitely liked what he saw
after your training was done, he would act respectful and not comment about it, stating that he didn't mind waiting for you. But that doesn't mean that he's not still thinking about what he's seen today..
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you haven't really known Kazuha for too long, but you've grown to really like the wandering samurai a lot
his calm, collected way of speaking, along with his kind personality was a breath of fresh air to you, one that you really desperately needed
you enjoyed the time you spend with him, sitting around or walking through Liyue Harbor, listening to the storys he tells you about his travels. You always listen very closely to everything, soaking his storys up
on the other hand, Kazuha really enjoys sharing his experiences with you. He adores the excited glint in your eyes and how you focus on each word that leaves his lips
the more you two got to know each other, the more time you spent together. You began wandering around Liyue, outside the city, exploring the nature and wildlife together
often times, Kazuha would pick you up early in the morning, spending the day hiking up mountains with you, finding a beautiful spot where you can rest and just look up to the sky together
and although this is all nice and everything, that doesn't mean it can't get dangerous along the way
this time, on your way back down from a mountain, you guys got attacked by a swarm of Hilichurls. They got you cornered and surrounded, but Kazuha and you were quick to pull your weapons and fight yourself a way out
though Kazuha's fighting style was much more elegant than yours in your personal opinion, that doesn't neglect the fact that you were very well adapted with your own weapon of choice
however, in the midst of the battle, one of the monsters got a grip of you. You had to sacrifice your favourite coat to it, in order to not get hit by it, but you took it down swiftly afterwards. However, the coat was ruinied
when everything was over and Kazuha went to check up on you, he noticed that your coat was gone, and admittedly, he couldn't help the way his eyes were wandering over your body
he had never seen you without a coat on, seeing as you were always meeting up outside and it was late fall already. And since you were mostly wearing clothes that were on the baggier side, he never would have thought that you had such a well trained body shape
his eyes kept wandering, completely oblivious to the fact that he was staring at you
when you cleared your throat, he snapped out of his trance, focusing back on you, though a blush from the embarrassement of getting caught was evident on his face
"I'm sorry for staring. I just wasn't expecting you to look this stunning under the layers you usually wear."
yeah.. he really has his way with words.
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ever-4sunlight · 3 months
𝑮𝒆𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒏 𝒊𝒎𝒑𝒂𝒄𝒕 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒄𝒂𝒏𝒏𝒐𝒏𝒔
𝑯𝒐𝒘 𝒊𝒕 𝒊𝒔 𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒆 𝒊𝒏 𝒂 𝒓𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒎 (𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒃𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒓 𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏)
Includes: dottore, pantalone, childe, arlecchino
warnings: Sexuallity headcannons (my own opinion) and very bad English, mention of yandere actions in arlecchinos part
pronouns: none
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He is... Lets just say a little weird but talks much he will tell you about who he experimented on all night long you wont be able to sleep
If he is tired he gets annoyed easily so dont talk much when hes not in the mood
hes a smart person why should he do what you say? He will command you around
He will 'accidentally' test some of his syringes on you when your sleeping
He wont have much time to spend with you he has to work on his experiments! Nothing is more important then his job
If your to lonely he will send on of his clones to cuddle with you while he can work without feeling bad for not spending time with you
He is totally against kids why should he raise some idiots that will be disrespectful when they grow up?
Im pretty sure that when he ever has free time he wont tell you how much he loves you but will show you how much he loves you
If he hugs you his hands will be placed on your waist if he has time to touch you he will touch you
He will give you everything you want (no child) not personally of course he has to work so a clone will do that for him
possible Sexuallity: confusing me as much as kazuha. _.
His love language is probably: physical touch
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Hes tthe richest harbinger of all he will get you whatever you want it doesn't matter how much it costs everything for his love
He is working must of the time so he will send you little gifts
If he ever has free time he will probably go out with you doing whatever you want shopping or going to a restaurant he doesn't care he will go there with you
He would probably buy you a kitty or a puppy against the boredom when hes working
Buy you every type of clothing you want it doesn't matter to him how much it costs he has the big money
Hes not completely against kids but he's working to much to help you raising them and giving up his job is no option so think about it
He wont have much time to spend with you but he will feel bad leaving you alone all the time
As long as your safe everything is alright so he doesn't have to worry
If he comes back from work he will always have a gift for you and the hours you've waited
If he hugs your he wil lay you on his chest and just stroke your hair talking until you sleep
Possible Sexuallity: bi sexual
His love language is probably: gifts and words of affirmation
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Here we go with our all loved ed sheeran also known as tartaglia he is joking around like a little kid he loves you more then everything in this world
He is definitely not the smartest of the harbingers after all he is the 11th fatui harbinger the weakest and the dumbest? Im not calling him dumb im just not calling him smart
He is a harbinger he has practically no time like the other ones T-T
But i swear to you if he has a free day he will attack you with affection cuddling you for hours and telling you how much he loves you not letting go until he has to work again
If none of his fellow harbingers are near he will talk about his brother and his sister while holding you in his arms
He will hold you by your waist having his chin on your shoulder whispering into your ear how much he loves you
He will Probably never tell you what things he has done because hes scared that you will hate him for the bad things hes done
He wants kids! 100% he just wants to see mini versions of you running around (if your male just adopted or just think in omega verse:D)
His sexuallity is probably: im not sure... Bi or pan?
His love language is probably: physical touch and gifts
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There wwe go with or harbinger mommy shes not only sexy but overall just the perfect definition of toxic<3 but we still love her and she loves you too!
She's VERY possessive and if i say VERY I MEAN VERY she gets jealous by having you just talk to someone else thats not her your hers after all
Shes cold... Not only are her hands cold but shes just someone who barely shows emotions but no worries! She still loves you
If she comes home its late and your probably already asleep but she just cant help but lean your head against her chest when she lays down beside you she just wants to have her lover close!
If you disobey her your probably getting locked into your room to keep you away fron the 'danger' outside
The only person she trusts you with is herself obviously shes the one she can trust the most shes a father! She knows what she's doing
When ttalking about kids shes neutral... Just keep the screaming thing away... But at the same time its hers and it needs protection and care
Shes not talkative so dont annoy her to much!
Her sexuallity is probably: i would actually say shes a lesbian._. But for the more judgmental audience i say bi
Her love language is probably: acts of service
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froggibus · 1 year
Would They Wear A Friendship Bracelet? - Scaramouche, Xiao, Kazuha, Childe, Diluc & Itto
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Includes: Scaramouche/Wanderer, Xiao, Kazuha, Childe, Diluc and Itto
Genre: fluff, could be considered crack
Summary: how they would react to receiving a friendship bracelet + would they wear it
CW: Scara is a brat, Xiao is a trog, general fluff and cuteness all around, some characters may be a lil OOC, (spoiler) of course they’re gonna wear it forever
i thought this was a cute idea and given ive been on a bit of a bracelet making kick, this happened lol. my first time writing any of these characters so im sorry if the lore is messy or they're ooc <3
looks at the bundle of navy, gold and red string in disgust
“you expect me to wear this? tsk, another one of your menial childish crafts.”
lowkey hurts your feelings
like you know he’s the most tsundere mf on the entire planet but sometimes he just goes too far 
you avoid him for the rest of the day after that
of course the minute you leave he’s tying it to his wrist 
he will never take it off either. it’s now his most prized possession 
next time you see him, you’re still a little upset about how he reacted
until he’s talking about something completely unrelated and you notice him fidgeting with something on his wrist
he’s running his fingers across it, an action that brings him comfort (and reminds him that no matter what he’s done, you still care about him)
never mention it to him tho or else he’ll pretend like he’s doing it just to appease you
his cheeks are instantly red
“you—you’re gifting this to me? to do what?”
looks at you in utter fascination while you explain what it is 
he adores the idea of carrying a physical object to commemorate your relationship 
his hand is probably shaking when you gently grab him to tie the bracelet around his wrist 
and of course his face erupts into an inferno
he’s never been handled with so much care before, and the sight of you tying a symbol of your affection into him is enough to make his heart race
you pull away with a smile, “there you go. you can always take it off if it bugs you or you don’t like it.”
he shakes his head
he’s never taking it off
he’ll probably find some sort of adepti magic to bind it to him so he’ll never lose or break it 
on long night when he misses you, he finds himself playing with the strings and thinking of you
his eyes are practically sparkling when you present it to him 
“it’s wonderful, my love. like falling leaves in the autumn sunlight”
a little hesitant to put it on at first 
he’s just worried he’ll lose it during all of the adventuring he does
you’re a little sad when you see he’s not wearing it tho
and of course he loves you so much and all he wants is for you to be happy 
he offers you a gentle smile and asks if you’ll help him put it on since he totally can’t do it himself 
obviously you happily oblige and tie it to his wrist with the biggest smile
he spends a solid five minutes admiring it
kinda weird but also feel like he would kiss it?? 
whenever he’s away on long journeys, he always has you close 
and whenever he misses you, he stares at that symbol of your love and remembers that you’re out there waiting for him
definitely not the first one he’s received 
teucer has almost definitely made him some before 
of course, yours is a little different 
“I love it, babe”
like this Fatui harbinger is always wearing this adorable little string bracelet 
you’d think it would take away from his reputation but people are equally as afraid of him 
he can’t just let you give him such a thoughtful gift without giving anything in return 
 so he sets out to make you your own bracelet 
honestly it’s really rough
his hands aren’t made for arts and crafts 
but even if it is slightly misshapen and filled with holes, you accept it happily 
the thought that he sat down and spent time trying to make it for you is enough to make you tear up
he ties it to your wrist and plants a kiss over the bracelet 
“there, now we match”
honestly you’re a little worried giving it to him
it feels stupid and dorky and he’s always dressed to the nines 
but as soon as he sees it, his face lights up
“you made this for me?”
you shift from side to side and awkwardly look at the floor. “yes…”
“thank you, darling. care to help me put it on?”
all of your worries melt away though
this man loves you to the point he would practically do anything to you
and seeing how cute and nervous you were giving him something you handmade just for him?
it’s enough to make him melt 
he examines the bracelet in the light, nodding at your handiwork 
he’ll always have it on him one way or another
whether it’s on his wrist, or in his hair, or attached to his keys or hidden somewhere when he’s the Darknight Hero
but it’s with him no matter what, just like you <3
he cries 
like actually cries when you give it to him
he’s seen other people exchanging them, especially as a kid, and always wanted one
but of course as an oni, resigned himself to a friendship bracelet-less life
“f-for me?”
he has that cute pouty look on his face and full on sobs when you nod at him with that big smile on your face 
stops crying long enough to attempt to put it on
struggles tho cause his big ass hands aren’t meant for delicate things like that
so he sheepishly asks for your help
he is never going to take the bracelet off
like ever
probably cuddles with his wrist at night just to have it close 
(also probably loses it a million times without even realizing it—but don’t worry, Shinobu is there every time to pick it back up and sneak it into his pocket)
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koiir · 11 months
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In which he can’t help but wish this moment with you could last longer
ᡣ𐭩 •。ꪆৎ ˚⋅ ━ Characters; Scaramouche, diluc, Childe, Kazuha
𓈒࣪ Genre; fluff + slight angst? Comfort , not proofread
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𓈒࣪ 𐐪𐑂 ─ Blissful nights
Scaramouche feels the warmth he never has before, one he says he hates but in reality it’s the soul reason he is able to feel at peace. He snuggles up closer to your body as he lays on you chest, you have already fallen asleep and he is glad for that. Because he knows the teasing he would face is you caught him in such a state, one I’m which he can’t look away.
Its you, he thinks—the one he can calm him down. The one who was able to tear down the walls he built around himself, you who made it into his heart. It’s proof by how he has let you be this close to him, in the walls of his own room as he allowed you to stay by his side. “Whatever…just fall asleep idiot” he told you, but his words carry much more meaning. And you know that.
He thinks to himself, how did he ever become this vulnerable? Maybe it isn’t such a bad thing, because having you comfort him is all he wants. All he needs. He caresses your face during your slumber, knowing he wouldn’t do this while you’re conscious.
“I love you.” He says to your face as if you can hear him, he then says it a second…and a third…and maybe many more. He gifts your face with soft kisses before finally pressing his forehead onto yours. The affection he has given you is one of a kind, it’s the evidence of the love he has for you as he knows this is a moment in which he will remember.
He wishes this could last forever, he wishes that he can hold your figure close as the stars twinkle. He knows when the sun arises his day is going to be the same as always, but you will be by his side. He’s scared at times that one day you will no longer stand by him, but nights like this remind him that you have stayed no matter what.
“I love you.” He tells you, before falling into a slumber in which he dreams of a bright future, with you in it.
𓈒࣪ 𐐪𐑂 ─ Home is with you
Diluc thinks that, he knows it’s the truth whenever he gets home exhausted and he sees you still awake. Waiting for him. He smiled seeing you snuggled up to the fireplace, the warmth giving you comfort as you saw him enter through the door. He was back, back home to you.
His mind no longer is fuzzy as his face lights up seeing you, just wanting to be by your side. Glad he had you to come back to, after such a long day. Diluc smiles softly walking over to you discarding his jacket as he sits next to you, pulling you closer. You two always enjoyed moments like this, the two of you sharing an intimate moment was what he needed after such a long day.
He knows you two will eventually fall asleep into a slumber with each other, but he wishes that nigh fall wouldn’t come. He wishes for this moment to last a lifetime as he bask in your presence, the presence of the person he loves the most.
This moment seems like what he envisioned a perfect life when diluc was younger, but as he got older he thought it was just a silly dream that wouldn’t come true. But yet again diluc is proved wrong, because moments like these are what he has always hoped for.
𓈒࣪ 𐐪𐑂 ─ Cozy mornings
It seems that Childe can let loose for once as he is able to experience mornings like this, the ones in which he cooks breakfast for you and the two of you bask in the morning together.
He feels like the boy he use to be before he was tainted by the darkness of the abyss, which is why the harbinger almost forgets about his soon to be duties. From the beginning, when he wakes up by your side, he is filled with the warmth that spreads through out his face as he looks at your peaceful state. Holding you and not letting go, opting and holding you hostage for another 30 minutes as he snuggles closer.
It isn’t until you remind him of the reality that will soon come, the one in which he will leave you for his work. Don’t feel sad though, you’ll be in my arms again when you’re back. You tell him. He knows that’s the truth, but he always feels that ting of pain whenever he is forced to leave for hours without you by his side. But it will be worth, time passes by quickly for him whenever he envisions how he will soon be back in your arms.
Childe cherishes this moment so he can imprint it into his mind and having to look back on when he is in a daze, this moment in which you two laugh and share breakfast as if you two have nothing to worry about.
It feels like a lifetime when he is with you, yet time seems to move quicker than it seems. Cause soon he is to leave, and if not then you would for your own duties. You always tell him how dramatic he is for this, because you two have had your share of days off and spending the hours together. But how can he not? It’s almost everyday he has to leave for hours, but he always hope for the days he can spend time off with you again.
He smiled at you, before you kiss him telling him he should leave for his job as a harbinger. It seems sweet for him to act like this, a harbinger. But that tittle means nothing when he is with you, when with you—he’s the caring lover who is always opting to stay with you, away from the worries of his life.
𓈒࣪ 𐐪𐑂 ─ Bittersweet departures
It shouldn’t bother Kazuha anymore, he has been use to this routine for years. But of course that changes when someone new is in the new picture, you.
Kazuha didn’t think much of it at first—well, he would be lying to himself if he didn’t feel a spark when he saw you. Ever since then the friendship bloomed and he couldn’t help but feel greedy and want more. He felt like a lovesick fool, he couldn’t mutter up the courage. His emotions being let out on a piece of paper and not you, maybe one day. Everyone in the crux can tell this young samurai is suffering, they have tried to help— a lot. But for once Kazuha seems stubborn about this.
As time passes on, he has to endure the times in which he is to leave for his new voyage. If only you could come with him, his heart would be at more ease but he knows you have your own life too. That fact makes Kazuha more happy though, it means you won’t spend much time worrying about him since you will be occupied.
So the days leaded up to his voyage, he spends any time he can with you. It seems he has all the time in his hands now, cause he seems to be by your side even while you work. It’s not like Kazuha had pleaded with the captan to…have some free time. Of course she knew about the condition of the lovesick Kazuha, so she let him free (not without teasing him though)
The night is the last he will be able to see your face as you chat away, your legs dangling as you two sit seeing the moon reflect on the ocean. Your hands are so close to his, kazuha feels his heart beat at the proximity of how close they almost touch. He remains calm though, his voice gentle like the wind that runs through your hair.
He finds himself have a hue of blue on his cheeks as he lets out an airy laugh, completely unaware of the way you are starstruck at him. It isn’t a until he looks back, opening his eyes and sees your gaze glued onto him. He blushed, but as always is able to let how words flow as smooth as butter.
“Ah…seems like you’ll miss this huh? Don’t worry, I’ll miss you even more.”
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A/n; i wish dilucs was longer but I honestly had no idea what to do with his
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cupidszvlvr · 2 years
how would genshin men react when they heard your water broke.
 feGenshin men x afab reader (( Ft. kazuha, scaramouche ))
warnings: A bit suggestive but nothing much, kidnapping, slapping, and mentions of bruises and blood, and a bit of body shaming? swearing
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                                    kaedahara kazuha 
- Well he wasn’t in liyue when it had happened, poor baby kazuha he was at inazuma when your water broke, he didn’t knew. That was until after the vision hunt decree he had heard about it.. It was a sort of a nice day in inazuma as kazuha had missed his cute wife’s presence, Yes he knew 
You are pregnant but never knew when you were due. You had wanted it to be a surpise for him but you never expected him to leave two days before you were due. So back to kazuha he was roaming around the streets of inazuma before he had heard fellow people talking about the daughter of the L/n clan had given birth a while back, He didn’t quite catch what they had said before he had heard that it was his Y/n, he’s wife, he’s cute wife. 
He panicked at the birth of his child when he wasn’t there!! he was worrying about how you feel about him not being there for you when you had gave birth to his adorable baby.. he started pouting at the thought if you might have found someone better.. WHO CAN YOU FIND BETTER THAN KAZUHA?, So he had hoped it was just his thoughts but he felt the uneasiness in him, so as soon as he could he traveled back to liyue desperate to his cute wife, and his baby he had never seen. He had felt happiness and pure joy just thinking about his family waiting for him well his wife-.
                               When he arrived home:
he came knocking at the shared house and saw his wife he had yearned for, And You saw him too. You jumped up and clung on him like Your life depended on it! He was smiling with pure bliss oh how much he had missed this. You backed away from kazuha and spat,,
“While you were gone, a life was born at your absence” You teased him noticing his pout at Your words As you were interrupted by a sound of a baby cry Which alerted kazuha as you could clearly see the happiness on his features You chuckled at that and he asked;
“may i?” He asked Which you had nodded at he and he dashed towards the room he heard the cries in and he saw the baby..his baby. he Felt so happy he could cry.
He picked the baby up and kissed the baby’s forehead and said,
“daddy’s home”
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The sad thing about this he didn’t knew you were bearing a child because He left months ago but he has been sending letters to you while you have been answering them with your hearts content, He had been gone for so long it pained you but life as a harbinger was never easy always so tiring..So you never complained to him, Or evenabout asking him to spend more time with you.
When he was stressed out, You helped him ( Y’know how u helped him ) and one of his stressful days he may have made you pregnant with his child, hilarious isn’t it? A puppet being able to create children with he help of his lovely wife which he would never call her that well not when she’s conscious , he’d have to knock you out to say it to you. (/j )
Well either way people knew you were his wife he adored but he would never admit it but, Even he’s enemies knew you were his meaning a way to “kill” him, People knew you were adored and loved by the balladeer so your their target.
While scaramouche was out on a mission for awhile with no return, He’s enemies had made a plan on kidnapping you and using you as bait for they’re plan.
You were due tomorrow so you had planned on getting medical attention but You were worried about your and scaramouche’s relationship, Would he divorce with you?.. To busy dozing off to notice and person creeping behind you and attacked you by hitting you in the head knocking you unconscious But you were panicking about your unborn baby’s health..
You woke up your back leaning on a mountain wall who knows where? But you groaned at the feeling of being tied up and you felt it..the soon to be mother panic having the feelig Your unborn child might die...You felt tears swarming to you eyes as you knew your unborn baby’s life was on the line. You started screaming loud hoping someone would hear your cries of pain and despair.
“.h...HELP!! SOMEONE..P..PLEASE..SAVE ME!!” You cried for your life to be saved but to your dismay..no one heard..You had angered the treasure hoarders to which one of them slapped your face, as you were bruised up and your face was red due to the slaps and you had bruises and scratches on your body. 
what would kuni think when he see’s this..?
 You thought at that, You hoped that the baby wasn’t hurt, but you were..The baby matters more you already knew that. You tried on pleading for mercy when you thought of screaming your lovers name.
“KUNI!!!!! P..PLEASE HELP ME...!” You cried out your lover’s name, and  Hoped he had heard it but what were the odds.. You then saw people walking by not any ordinary people but..fatui agents!
You started crying more to catch their attention which worked before you heard a voice, You have been dying to hear for months..But he didn’t knew you were there.
“Have you gotten the gift i ordered for name three days ago?” 
Scaramouche Asked one of the underlings to which they replied with a nod and you felt so happy to see him before someone grabbed your hair. Your head already hurting doesn’t help so you started crying loud for him to hear.
“Why would the 6th of the fatui harbinger’s like this woman, She’s fucking large with that stomach of hers.”  One of the treasure hoarders said while cackling before you started crying and spoke up.
“t...thats because..i’m bearing a baby you asshole!” 
You shouted and the fatui agents stopped to look at what these treasure hoarders were doing, Shortly scaramouche was broken out of his phase when he heard the female voice.
“What?! You’re pregnant?! oh shit..What are we going to do, Th/n?!?! ( treasure hoarder name ) if the balladeer finds out what we did to his wife...we are going to die-”
The man couldn’t even finish his sentence before he was electrocuted by purple lighting, You could see that scaramouche was in pure rage hearing what these people have done to his wife, which he didn’t know was right here.
“S..scara!” you started bawling like a baby sore as fuck, and he noticed that the female on the ground was you.
“name..?” He had the look of worry as he saw your beaten state before he’s eyes traveled down your face to your stomach and saw it.
He had he’s face back to rage when he saw the beaten state you were in and he killed every single one of the treasure hoarders, him being covered in blood walked towards you and kneeled down..
“im..sorry..kuni. I though you’d end our..relationship..” You muttered but he heard it and said,
“i already knew you were bearing a child for a while now, So when are you due..?” He asked you to which you had hoped your baby was still alive and said:
“today..” just as u said that, he lifted you up directly and you didn’t even know how you had gotten to the hospital ( IDK IF YOU HAVE HOSPITALS THERE SO SORRY ) 
Yet the doctors were already cleansing your wounds , and then you looked over to your side and smiled at your lover for saving you, turns out the baby was still alright and safe.
He looked over to noticed you were smiling at him, a smile he had missed, A smile he had yearned for. Before looking away getting flustered and then..
“I think my water broke”
                     After giving birth to your daughter :
He was happy but made sure no one noticed he was happy but You could already tell by the way he asked to hold her. It wasn’t shown on his features but you knew he was happy.
“excuse me sir, are you the father of the baby?” The medical doctor asked, And the doctor knew who scaramouche was, he had heard about the crimes the fatui harbingers did and made.
“I am, and what of it” Scaramouche’s mood was sour now , You then felt really tired so you crashed out and scaramouche noticed it but didn’t question;
“ehem, so i need to do some medical tests on the baby-”
The said doctor was interrupted by a piercing stare and a terrifying glare.
“what? you want to run some weird ass test shit on my daughter.” Scaramouche was furious about the way this doctor spoke like, who gave him permission? “its necessary sir, Its to check if the baby is healthy and nothing is wrong with your daughter-” He was once again interrupted
“Fuck you, how dare you say my Daughter has something wrong with her” 
He, scaramouche was all new to this child birth as he was a prototype and wasn’t created as humans were.
“erm sir..I really need to check but i wont do anything that would make you angry” The doctor was getting scared after he realised 
his the 6th of the fatui harbingers, apparently he has the worst attitude and his colleagues never mess with him cause of his temper..’ 
The doctor thought his thoughts before scaramouche had given his daughter to him, His still hesitant but he’s improving .
So as the medical doctor took their baby and placed her on the counter and made her lay down on her stomach the doctor was very wary of the glare he was receiving , a bit frustrated with this.
He then needed to this part to check for the heart, he knew scaramouche was watching which made him sweat like a hell lot.
before raising his hand, curious scaramouche watches. and then the medical doctor slapped Your and scaramouche’s daughter’s butt, making her cry.
( its a good sign if they cry ^^ )
That triggered scaramouche and he zapped the doctor with electricity bolts and said,
“You bastard!! You dare land your Dirty hand on my daughter your hand shall be off, but maybe even worse.” Scaramouche spat..
ps: he was escorted out of the hospital T^T
this is my first fanfic like? or hc, either of the sort 
you can request i will do anything you guys like! :0
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yourlocallyneysimp · 1 year
Genshin Impact x Makima!Reader
Characters: Scaramouche, Columbina, Lyney, Hu Tao, Gorou, Kazuha, Childe
A/N: This is rlly short- I also just finished watching Chainsaw Man because my friend forced me to. I still don't know much about Makima's character since I haven't read the manga, so I'm just going by the information in the anime. 😴
Warnings: Reader is manipulative, Makima's power is mentioned, blood in Scaramouche's part, hint of yandere themes
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You make him anxious, a lot. He won't ever admit it of course, but he always goes out of his way to avoid you. It's just the way you always have the most normal expressions while talking about disturbing topics. He also feels like you could see right through him, through all his lies and secrets. It makes him uncomfortable just thinking about it.
He didn't think you were unusual at first since you looked pretty weak, but when the Tsaritsa partnered him up with you, he finally understood the reason why he always had this uneasy feeling around you. While having no luck finding the rest of the criminals the Tsaritsa tasked you both to find, you decided to use the ones you already caught to "end" the rest. As you were blindfolding them, you asked if Scara could cover his eyes too. He honestly thought this was all pretty stupid, but did it anyway since your gaze made him feel uncomfortable. After you were finished with business, Scara took the blindfold off and went on with his day as if nothing had happend. He wasn't going to waste his time with your silly games so he went to go look for the criminals himself. After he while, he found them. But....they were already dead..? At least he could see that one of them was the criminal since his head literally was twisted in the wrong direction. He couldn't tell from the others though aince they literally had no remains left except for blood. Wait.. This wasn't your doing..right? After putting the puzzle pieces together, he concluded that this was caused by you. He finally understood that you weren't human, but you were nothing like him. You were something that even he couldn't describe. A monster. That's what he came up with. Now he avoids you at all costs, not wanting to ever upset you fearing for what you would do.
What an odd, but interesting combination. You two would get along quite well. Columbina sees right through your lies and sweet talks and you could see right through her sarcasm. The Fatui could never tell if you both are serious or not since you both like teasing each other with interesting remarks and poking fun at the other harbingers. Columbina also loves your power. She personally enjoys seeing you crush your enemies with only the use of your hands, it's honestly a funny thing to look at. Columbina is sick and everyone around her knows that. She is the 3rd Fatui harbinger after all.
This combination fits really well. Two manipulative people finally meet each other. Your interactions would look normal to the people on the outside, but if they knew better, they would be able to tell that you both are in a constant state of conflict. Lyney likes teasing you while you enjoy acting as if his attempts of getting a different reaction out of you are not that obvious. You two also work well together when it comes to manipulating your co-workers. It's honestly a hobby that you both enjoy, seeing the determination on your workers faces as they try to amuse you.
Hu Tao-
Hu Tao likes you. She finds you fun and interesting to be around and loves that you don't treat her different like everyone else. She also tries to pull pranks on you, but never gets the reaction she always wants. It usually dissapoints her, but that quickly turns into happiness when you start giggling at her small attempts to scare you. Honestly, she doesn't even try to scare you anymore, she just want to hear you giggle again. It's a melody that she will never get sick of.
You got this man wrapped around your finger. Poor Gorou, he knows that you're not a good person, but he can't help but following you everywhere and all of your orders. He can't help but wanting to be your favorite dog. He also wants to be a loyal soldier to Watatsumi Island, but the way you treat him is strangely refreshing. You spoil him and reward him when he does something good. You would pet him on the ears praising him for his accomplishments. He would find many ways to impress you just so he could get praised again.
Kazuha knew from the moment he saw you that you weren't the person you were claiming to be. He could tell that your act was clearly fake and that you weren't a good person. So, why did he become so interested in you? That's a question he could never solve. It's odd, he should be avoiding you since you were so overbearing to be around, but he finds himself always coming back to you. The way you make him feel, it's something he never felt before, even with the traveler! He was so addicted to this feeling, the feeling of being adored and loved. He knew you really didn't love him, that you were just using him for your own gain, but he still finds himself staying by your side craving for your love and affection.
Childe knows better, he really does. He flirts with you a lot, but it's only because he wants to know more about you and your fake persona. He knows that you have many secrets, many that even the Tsaritsa probably doesn't even know about so he finds himself even more curious to uncover that information. Little does he know he fell right into your trap. Poor Childe, now he is wrapped right around your finger, unable to escape. Honestly, who knew that the 11th Fatui harbinger could be so careless? Well, he is the weakest after all.
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kittyamore0 · 1 year
Genshin men with a fatui harbinger! S/O:
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[Part I]
Little note I: I was reading Cloud Strife post and got the urge and idea to do a Genshin post Little note II: I will do the other element men and women, but i was busy while making this and i got a headache, so im only able to do Anemo and Geo for now
Little note III: I might do a Cloud Strife post and put Final Fantasy 7 remake on my masterlist, maybe...
Fandom: Genshin
Tumblr genre: Headcanons
Rating: SFW
POV: Second person
CW: Swearing, mentions of battles/violence, GN! reader, nice, fatui harbinger! reader and hip straddling
He's not quite fond of the fatui
But he doesn't really mind them either
So its 50/50 for him
See what i did there
I actually lost the 50/50 to Diluc and i wanted to cry
At first, you had introduced yourself as someone else
When you did tell him about your identity, he was a bit conflicted
Did you not trust him enough to tell him who you truly were?
He usually brushed it off, but still wondered if there was anything else you had not told him
But nevertheless, if you're uncomfortable telling him something, he'll wait.
He doesn't want to rush you to end up scaring you away
He's a very patient and kind man
Depending on what commisson the Tsarita had given you, he'll maybe come or not, wanting to protect you when he does go
And when he doesn't, he's patiently waiting for you in your  Serenitea Pot 
soft hugs when you've made it home safely!
And if otherwise, he'll treat your wounds, kiss them, and nurse you back to health!
When he told Beidou about you, she didn't really trust you too much
But when she did get to meet you, she realized how she could trust you!
You were nice for one of the fatui harbingers
She could see why Kazuha had fallen in love with you now
He didn't really care about fatui members all that much
We all know that hes very carefree
When he did meet you, he thought you were quite kind and gentle for a fatui harbinger
He teased you for that
Not in a bad way, of course!
Was impressed with your rank
He'd like to tag along with you on commisson's the Tsaritsa had given you
He mostly goes to help you and ensure your safety
You try telling him that it's okay, but he refuses!
"Windblume, i may be the weakest archon, but rest assured! I am still an archon, and therefore will i take care of you."
Sometimes he'll go to earn some mora!
We all know how the poor baby is very broke
If you get hurt while on a commisson, he'll quickly come to your aid!
Soft scolds about how you should've let him come
He gets reminded of when his old friend had passed, and he tears up
I cried on his story quest bro
"Windblume, why had you not told me about this quest? You could've gotten seriously hurt had i not come sooner...I can't lose you...not you."
"Im sorry, Venti."
"Its okay, love..."
He most likely wont let you go on anymore commisons for a while, no matter whom they come from
He'll have them delayed
he just wants the best for you!
You both had fallen in love while you both were fatui harbingers
You spent most of your time doing commissons and quests together
The rest of the fatui thought you guys were quite an odd couple
The exact definition of 'opposites attract'
Scaramouche, the tempered, cruel, insensitive man
[Name], the patient, kind, thoughtful person
Huh, what a weird tone that is.
Most of the fatui would go up to you and ask questions like, "How do you deal with Lord Scaramouche?"
"Must be hard having to deal with Scara. Huh, comrade?"
"I would have never really imagined you and the 6th Harbinger together."
You'd just laugh them off
Truth to be told, Scaramouche had a soft side for you
It wasn't the 'mean to everyone, but you,' thing, no.
Not at all.
He was still rude to you, but you knew he hadn't meant it
And he was just joking
Or he was in a bad mood!
He was just less rude to you, more careful with you than anyone else ever
And sometimes, his so-called 'insults' would come off as him complimenting you.
"Oh, just go already. I can't stand seeing your perfect face,"
He had muttered the last part
But alas, you still had heard it.
"You think my face is perfect?"
"...I I never said that!"
"Oh, but you did!"
"No, i didn't!"
"What's next, you're going to confess your undying love for me?"
Hes so flustered
And you know it
Endless teasing from you!~
When you had found out about his plan to betray the fatui, you wanted to be a part of it. To help your lover.
"I want in."
"Scara, i know you plan to betray the fatui. I want to help."
"He in all honesty, wasn't complaining.
If you wanted to help, you wanted to help.
"Fine. Just don't do anything stupid."
Im going to be completely honest,
He hated you at first
He is really not fond of the fatui
And his hatred only grew more when Childe had tried to take Rex Lapis's gnosis
Not only did he seek his archons value and try taking it by force, but he had hurt the traveler as well.
Yes, he did later find out that Zhongli had meant to give it to La Signora, a fatui harbinger
But that still made Xiao hate Childe for his absurd actions
He was certainly weary of you
He first noticed your bubbly acts
He thought it was just to make him let his guard down
But then you had helped him conquer demons
He then realized that you being overly nice, was not an act.
He had loosened around you
It wasn't like he liked you and was now being nice to you
It was more like you went from 'hate' to 'dislike'
Sorry yall
He did grow use to you being around
Because of your strong determination to show him that you really wont going to use him or do anything bad, you stuck around him
Being overly nice to him
I mean, just because your a fatui harbinger doesn't mean you can't be nice
But you being friendly doesn't mean your naive either.
He honestly finds it weird when you're not around
Since you're stuck on him like glue 24/7
Showing him things, hanging out and what not
The day he realized he yearned for you was days after you had given him your favorite flower
Let me play it out,
"Xiao, Xiao!"
He huffed and turned around to you holding beautiful flower
"What is so important?"
You softly pouted for a moment, giving his heart a slight panic attack
"Close your eyes for me, please?"
You pouted even more, but then your eyes lit up and you had a devious smile on your face
You tapped his right shoulder, making his head swiftly turn to his right
You then sneaked to his left and stuck the flower into his hair
"Wha? "
You clapped your hands.
"You look so pretty!"
A pink blush spread across his cheeks.
You pulled him to a nearby pond to have him look at himself
He was honestly too stunned to protest
"Look, look! You look so pretty with my favorite flower in your hair! Don't you think so?"
He pursed his lips and let everything process in his head
Your favorite flower, in his hair, pond, you calling him pretty, You.
"Its alright...i guess"
You knew he wasn't good at dealing with compliments, so you settled down for that.
"Xiao, look at me for a second."
He looked at you, eyes locking.
A bright, but small dot glowed within your index finger.
You raised your hand and slightly tapped on the flowers petal, as Xiao felt it sorta freeze.
"There! Now the flower won't die, and you can preserve it."
Thats so cute.
Xiao sat in a field of flowers with the traveler as he let the memory replay in his mind.
"Have you felt a certain way for somebody...? as if it was just yesterday you had hated them, but now you yearn for their touch...?"
"Xiao, that's love, or sexual attraction."
"Well, we have to meet up with Zhongli, so we have to go. Bye, bye, Xiao!"
Paimon chirped.
"Alright then..."
He let them leave while he thought about the travelers word.
Love, huh?
When you had gotten back from your quest, the first place you sought was the Wangshu Inn.
Where Xiao was residing
"Xiao? Xiao! "
An arm slipped around your waist and you were pushed back onto an warm material
Pieces of teal hair landed in front of your eyes
He hummed into your hair
Now, it was your turn to be stunned and flustered to protest.
I feel like he had approached you first, since hes a detective, and you're a fatui harbinger
You usually dont see em' harbingers walking around so freely
He was surprised by your friendly behavior
You were very chirpy
inviting him without a care
Were you playing a trick on him?
As a detective, body language was the way to see if you were just tricking him or not
Your body language? completely pure.
There was no bad intentions behind them, but he kept cautious
Like with Xiao, you hung around him, and he hung around you
If he was being honest, he was getting use to your presence
And maybe liking it even.
Before he knew it, his eyes usually searched for you
Getting to the place you guys hang out at before you do
And you're usually first.
You could say the same thing was happening to you
Always looking for the red head, wanting to be near him.
You were head heels over him.
You, a FATUI HARBINGER, in love with a detective.
Well, its not like the fatui has to know.
He realized his feelings when you two had spar
You had won, due to being a fatui harbinger and you had a weapon.
You sat there, straddling his hips, your spare knife to his throat when he had knocked your weapon to the side
You head dipped down, breath fanning against his unusually warm, red ears
"I won," you whispered into his ear, sending shivers down his body.
You smirked and lifted up your head, only to now realize the position you were in, and what you had done.
Your smirk dropped and placed with a shocked looked
The knife in your hand cluttered on the floor.
"Hei Heizou, I Im so, so sorry. I "
He placed his lips on yours, shutting you up.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨
This man would be approaching you, being goofy around you.
Challenging you, telling you that you don't scare him
But your friendly behavior throws him off
"Oh, i hope to not scare you. Im sorry if i did,"
Why were you acting nice...
I mean, don't get him wrong; he likes nice people, but he didn't expect that attitude from a fatui harbinger
He expected you to act like a snake, nice with bad intentions behind that mask, an overly confident person, a cruel person.
You were neither of those, which made him warm up to you quickly.
Yes, it was naive of him to warm up to you so quickly just because you acted friendly, but if you really had a trick up your sleeve, you wouldve pulled it early.
He would ask questions about you being a fatui harbinger though, since your friendliness didn't add up.
"Why did you become a fatui harbinger?"
"My childhood best friend, Childe, wanted to join the fatui, but i would have to lose him in the process. So I joined him."
He does get that, but he thinks being a fatui harbinger doesn't suit you all that well.
Well, except your strength, but otherwise no.
You're probably the only true nice one there!
And he was right.
Everyone was a two-faced piece of shi well, except Childe.
He became quite protective of you, because of your kindness.
Though, you didn't need it.
He clung onto you like a leech.
A leech in love with you.
Yea, you heard me.
He had fallen in love with you hard in the process of protecting you, but so did you
His caring, protective side caused a spark within you
He was always flirting with you, but when you tried to flirt with him as well to give him a hint
He didn't get it.
So you waited for him to keep flirting, maybe go over bored and then you'd make a move
"Psh, I'd be the better kisser anyways,"
You quirked an eye brow at him
"Oh, really? Then, why don't we test that theory?"
You don't even give him time to process what you had said before your lips on him
Lawrd hav merthy
Zhongli met you through your childhood best friend, Childe.
"[Name], come here! This is Zhongli."
There you were, running away from the mini shop you were checking out.
"Zhongli, the man who milks you for mora?"
Wow, Childe, wow.
He sends a strained smile in Childe's way while Childe's just nervously laughing
"Um, to some extent. When he ne needs it though!"
Your laugh is what keeps Zhongli from sending his rock down onto Childe.
"Ah, [Name}, you are a fatui harbinger just like Childe, no?"
"Yes, i am."
You two started to chat, and Childe left you two to be.
Zhongli had grown fond of you very quickly
Your friendly persona is something he finds himself loving
You're the type of person he can go to have a nice chat
And that's how he found his eyes wandering for you everywhere
He didn't know if it was for a good, nice chat or just an excuse to see you again
All he knew was that both were pleasant
You two both grew closer to each other every time you guys saw each other
He started to imagine you both together, and it confused him.
He was an archon. You were a fatui harbinger.
Why was he thinking about such things?
And in all honestly, you felt the same way about Zhongli
You noticed his slightly nervous acts around you
It had made you upset.
Did he feel uncomfortable towards you?
So, you asked him out to dinner.
He hesitated, but complied.
Lets play it out,
Your arms laid limp on the thin railing, while you snuck glances at the old archon
"Do i make you uncomfortable?"
His mouth parted, and he let his gaze fall upon you.
Make him uncomfortable? More-so you make him happy, and feel many positive emotions.
"No, not in the slightest. Has that been on your mind this whole time?"
You slowly nodded
Guilt had taken over his heart
"I deeply apologize if it seemed that way. It really isn't."
He placed his clothed hand over yours, as the warming gesture made it into your stomach
"Then what do you feel, about me?"
He averted his stare from yours.
"What i feel is that you somehow make me feel warm, happy and relaxed. You are the highlight of my days."
Your lips slightly twitched up into a smile
He let out a chuckle
He stood there, as you let your head rest on his shoulder.
He did not like you at first.
No, not at all.
He didn't trust you.
Whenever his tail was wagging and he saw you, it would stop instantly.
His ears would flop down
And honestly, this made you upset
"Gorou, was there something i did wrong?"
He huffed.
"You're a fatui harbinger. You should know."
You hung around him, mostly to make things right
He would always purposely loose you everyday
Until, he saw you with the Divine Priestess of Watatsumi island, Kokomi
And for the first time ever he felt bad, and for you?
After you were done talking to her, you laid eyes on him and held a sad expression on your face
He had never realized how beautiful you were in that moment
Just a few minutes after you had left, Kokomi had called him in
"Why have you been treating [Name] in such a way, general?"
He was speechless. Your ass just snitched on him!
"They are a fatui harbinger. We cant "
"We?" Kokomi raised her eyebrows. "You, you mean. There is no 'we,' I trust them, and I expect the same amount of trust and respect I give to them coming from you when talking or even going near them, Gorou."
He nodded and cleared his throat.
"Yes, Divine preistess."
She sighed, "just dont be...how you've been around them. Ease up a bit, okay?"
He nodded once again.
The next time he saw you was when he approached you, which surprised you because he never does so.
"Is there something wrong, Gorou?"
He shook his head.
"I want to apologize for how i acted and treated you."
You hummed, but you were not ready for the next words to come out of his mouth.
"Lets be friends,"
Your eyes ad slightly widen and you looked at him with shock plastered on your face.
"If If you want to, of course "
"I'd love too."
You cut him off, as a dopey smile over took his lips
"Gre great!"
After the apology, you two hung out more
He actually enjoyed hanging out with you
And you've always enjoyed it
He started to look forward to seeing you more
A lot so that his tail began wagging whenever he saw you
His ears perked up upon hearing you
He had started getting warm around you, maybe more than warm
Even the Divine Priestess, Kokomi had noticed
You, of course, felt the same way about Gorou
You had found it cute at his reactions, especially whenever you patted his head
And one day, you were patching up his wound
He had just come from defending the Watatsumi army
He hissed, as you applied pressure to the bandaid
"Shh," you cooed
"Sorry..." He whimpered out
He laid his head on your shoulder after you were done taking care of his wound the best you could.
He stared into your [eye colored] hues, bathing himself in them.
He leaned forward, slightly startling you
He placed his forehead against yours.
And you happily reciprocated.
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glazemeda · 2 years
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summary; you wake up in the middle of the night after an awful dream, and your lover is quick to comfort you. characters; kaedehara kazuha, tartaglia, scaramouche, xiao,, tags/warnings; short hurt/comfort, just some tears, hugs and kisses, spoilers for scaramouche's real name.
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KAZUHA will wake up the moment you do, noticing your irregular breathing even in his sleep. His sleepy eyes are full of concern, and he has to stop himself from reaching out in case touch would only worsen your current state.
"Dove?" He kept his voice soft, as always. "May I hug you?"
He wants nothing more than to hold you until you calm down, but will understand if you say no. Kazuha will stay by your side, waiting until you feel ready to talk or go to sleep. He'll be happy to listen, to comfort or distract you, you just need to give him a sign of what you want.
"How about I tell you about our next destination?" He would ask while his fingers draw gentle figures on your skin, if you let him, wanting nothing more but to make you feel better.
He's extremely patient and understanding, and would love to help you fall asleep once again, but without any nightmares to interrupt your dreams.
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CHILDE will wake up not long after you, his body tense and ready to fight if necessary. Your abrupt movements made him think that someone was there to harm you, that's his first thought. His attention is completely on you once he realizes there's no one else in the room.
"Hey, what happened?" His voice is slightly rough, but with a soft tone that he only uses for his family and you.
The harbinger raises one of his hands to wipe your tears, his touch feather-like. He will insist a few times, wanting to know what made you cry. But, he won't press too much, not at that moment at least.
"Don't worry, nothing can hurt you. I'm here."
Childe's used to comfort his siblings, and he's not afraid to show his softer side to you. He will hold you and kiss your head, letting you cry until you feel better.
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SCARAMOUCHE is a pretty light sleeper, so he will most likely wake up if you move too much. He'll frown, mouth opening to complain and tell you to stop moving so much, only to close it after he sees your expression.
He's no strange to nightmares or waking up crying, and you never judge him for it. Therefore, he can't bring himself to be mad at you for disturbing his sleep.
"...Want to talk about it?" He isn't as soft, but he's still there to listen to you. He loves you and, even if he isn't the best at comforting others or being empathetic, he will try to help you calm down.
If you don't want to talk about your nightmare, Scaramouche will sigh, but offer his hand to you in case you need some physical comfort.
"You can cry all you want." He whispers. He's not a harbinger at this moment, nothing else but Kunikuzushi, the man who loves you and wishes to comfort you, even if he doesn't know how.
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XIAO doesn't sleep, so he will be sitting near your bed, quickly getting closer as soon as you wake up with a sob. He doesn't know what to do, freezing for a few seconds.
He won't talk, afraid to make you feel worse, but he will listen to everything you say. If you don't say anything, he'll stay close to you, not touching, but letting you know that he's there.
If you need a hug, the adeptus won't hesitate as much as usual before he gently wraps his arms around your body, letting you cry against his shoulder. His hug is rather loose at first, but will become a bit firmer after hearing you sob again.
"I'll protect you." He murmurs, just loud enough so you can hear him.
He will do his best to protect you from nightmares and monsters alike, giving his all to avoid your tears, as it hurts him to see your smile disappear. Xiao won't move away from your bed until the next morning.
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glazemeda 2022
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sugarmapl · 1 year
Prompt time!
Scara being a brat cuz he wants negative attention and Kazuha not falling for it
Kazuha hugs him and scara cries
The end
Do with this what you will, but I'd like scara to have a little angst, as a treat
(No pressure though I know you got stuff going on! Have a fantastic day and remember to drink water and do your stretches!)
Awww thank you so much!! I hope you have a great day as well <3 and I gotta say, this prompt was awesome! I really liked writing it so much that I jotted this down ASAP! I really really hope you like it!! (p.s. i love scara angst!)
kazuscara drabble ~800 words; angst with a happy ending :)
a name
Scara was bored. Kazuha had been busy all morning with “sword maintenance” and asked that the puppet not disturb him for a little while. But what was he supposed to do? Wait around like some pathetic housewife? So, of course, he had to bother the samurai.
The entire scenario reminded him of his time in the Fatui, spending long hours with Dottore in his lab. Scara would wait what felt like an eternity while The Doctor was busy with an experiment, or pouring over results of a test they had just run. Inevitably, the puppet would grow restless in his boredom and end up pestering Dottore one way or another until the fellow harbinger had enough and snapped at him.
He would “punish” Scara by hitting him, or cutting him open, or calling him a series of colorful and degrading names. But Scara never minded those “punishments”. Secretly, he craved them. In those moments, he always had The Doctor’s full attention. No matter what insulting words and names were thrown at him, he loved them all. Because they were his. Scara had never gotten a proper name, so he would take anything he could get.
The puppet wondered if the same method would work on Kazuha. If he bothered him enough, would the samurai “punish” him too? He decided it was worth a shot. It had been a while since he craved such strong attention, and it had already been hours since Kazuha went into the other room to polish and sharpen his blade. Apparently, it had some kind of spirit trapped inside of it, so it required special attention. But Scara required special attention, too!
Without further hesitation, he pushed open the wooden door to their little makeshift blacksmithy. Instantly, Kazuha’s head whipped around at the intrusion.
“Scara, I thought I asked you not to disturb me,” the samurai said calmly. He wouldn’t be an easy one to break.
“Yeah, so what? You expect me to listen? I’m bored,” Scara whined. He started fiddling with the smithing tools on the workbench, picking them up and playing with them before putting them back down in a different place.
Kazuha was very orderly when it came to the tools, so the puppet knew that the action would get on the samurai’s nerves. However, Kazuha surprisingly remained unflinching, merely letting out a light sigh.
“Please don’t touch those. I’m almost done, so just wait outside,” he said in his usual gentle tone.
Scara was unsatisfied. Shouldn’t he be getting annoyed by now? Dottore always hated when he messed with his stuff, he assumed most humans would be no different. That would have been more than enough to set The Doctor off by now. Maybe Kazuha just needed an extra little push.
The puppet walked over, draping himself across Kazuha’s body and leaning into him. The samurai sat with his sword in his hand, and from the added pressure was forced to double over at the waist. He merely grunted, but made no move to push Scara off or smack him like the puppet expected.
“I’m not gonna leave until you play with me. Haven’t you given the stupid sword enough attention already?” he grumbled from on top of him. As he spoke, he increased the pressure on the other’s back.
“I only need a few more minutes, I promise,” Kazuha told him gently.
Now Scara was the one getting annoyed. Why wasn’t Kazuha getting angry? Why wasn’t he caving? Was Scara so inconsequential in the samurai’s eyes that he wasn’t even worth getting upset over? Frustrated, he reached down and yanked the red blade out of Kazuha’s hands before chucking it across the room.
“No, I want you to be done now,” he spat bitterly. He didn’t know why he was getting so angry. He was supposed to be the one pissing Kazuha off, but the samurai’s indifference stung even more.
“Scara!” Kazuha finally cried in exasperation once his sword had been tossed away. But he still didn’t sound irritated, more like surprised. Just how much patience could one person have?
“What’s the matter with you?” Scara couldn’t help but ask.
Kazuha looked back at him in confusion. He finally stood up so that they were facing each other. “With me?”
“Yes! Why don’t you push me off? Or call me names, or smack me, or-”
“Is that what you want?” Kazuha asked, still perplexed.
“I just want you to do something, anything, but you won’t even acknowledge me! I-”
He stopped talking, because in an instant Kazuha had wrapped him into a hug. It was tight, but not suffocating. Soon after, Scara felt a soothing hand running up and down his back.
“I’m sorry,” Kazuha interrupted him in a whisper. The words brushed the puppet’s ear, making their way to his non-existent heart where they settled like an anchor.
Scara couldn’t even reply because he was too busy choking back a sob. Subconsciously, his own arms raised to wrap around Kazuha and return the hug just as the first tear slipped free. From there, it was like the floodgates had opened, and suddenly the samurai’s shoulder was drenched.
“It’s okay,” Kazuha said softly, “I see you, darling.”
And that only made Scara cry harder. He had just received his first precious name.
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favoniuscodex · 2 years
genshin guys eat the tiktok pink sauce
prompt: they eat the tiktok pink sauce and you have to take care of them. i need to clarify that this is a joke. i wrote this as a joke.
characters: like every released adult dude w/ mentions of gn!reader in some
a/n: google pink sauce i'm not explaining this to you. it's sfw but not safe for consumption. not putting this in tags as a form of self care.
albedo eats the pink sauce and nothing happens to him. this dude eats spiders like they're a delicacy. you think bacteria and fungi can affect him? no. he doesn't understand why everyone's looking at him in shock when he eats the entire bottle and comes out unscathed.
ayato did not intend to consume the pink sauce. rather, he got it for hot pot night, just to see how ayaka and thoma would react to the contents of the swollen, mislabeled bottle of mysterious goods. yet, it somehow ends up within his cooking anyways. he was never the best chef and he certainly is feeling the effects of that now. he eats enough of it to get food poisoning. you're stuck by his side all night.
childe doesn't have much experience with foods foreign to snezhnaya. when he visits mondstadt and is gifted a bottle of pink sauce by the knights of favonius, childe doesn't think much of it and decides to try it out. he's a picky eater when it comes to stuff like this and isn't a fan of the mystery pink flavor. despite only taking a bite of it, childe gets the sickest of everyone. you're forced to wait by his bedside as he lays like a little sick victorian child with a mysterious illness as the pink sauce diseases ravage his body. hopefully he'll survive. hopefully.
diluc does not eat the pink sauce. he knows food safety protocol from running the tavern. instead, he has to wrestle the bottle of pink sauce out of your hands so you don't eat it. he placates your desire for pink sauce by making you a completely normal pink beverage (strawberry punch). isn't that much better than violating the fda guidelines?
gorou takes one whiff of the pink sauce and gets too scared to consume it. he can smell how it's fermenting outside of proper refrigeration. he does not consume it. his tail wags in relief when you take the bottle away from him.
itto eats enough of the pink sauce to kill a man. fortunately for itto, he's an oni. foodborne illnesses don't affect him in the same way. he gets an upset stomach at the worst and whines about it for hours, begging for you to stay with him in his dire time of need. he doesn't think he'll make it through the night. tell his beetles he loves them. the stomach ache goes away within two hours, but itto milks it out for the rest of the night in hopes that you'll give him attention.
kaeya does not eat the pink sauce. he gifts it to political opponents, such as the fatui, that he does not care for. it is a surprisingly effective tactic. it worked surprisingly well with that one idiot harbinger.
kazuha consumes the pink sauce and receives food poisoning. however, it also has enough vitamins in it to clear the scurvy he's gotten from playing pirates on the crux this whole time. you win some, you lose some. he'd ask for you to take care of him, but you're in liyue harbor for the time being. so, he resorts to asking beidou, who hands him a bottle of mead and tells him to drink his food poisoning away. he's pretty sure it doesn't work like that. right?
thoma will eat everything in the hotpot in order to win. therefore, he is bedridden by the pink sauce ayato decides to dump in the hotpot one day. he's the housekeeper of the kamisato estate, which means he has to clean up after his own messes usually, but fortunately, you're there to take care of him. you have to wrestle him back into the bed whenever he gets up to try to continue on his duties. you know foodborne illnesses cannot often be spread, but you don't know what happened with that pink sauce and you're not about to have a new disease be named after thoma, so you force him to stay in his room until he gets better. no cleaning. no cooking. sleep only.
xiao eats the pink s- hold on. did you really think xiao would eat the pink sauce? get that stuff out of his face and bring him a plate of almond tofu right now.
zhongli has faked his death before. after eating the pink sauce, it seems that he won't have to fake it this time. he's never gotten sick before, but there's a first time for everything. how do you comfort a god who is experiencing something new for the first time in thousands of years? you sit by his side and smack any teacup he tries to pick up out of his hands. he needs to consume water only, and, once the worst of it is out of his system, he can return to gentle, soothing teas. he clings to you in a way you've never seen him do before, and, in a way, you don't mind it, until the symptoms of numerous foodborne illnesses rear their ugly head and send you fleeing for safety, away from your lover.
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senanatheskenana · 2 years
Like Birds In The Breeze (pt 10)
A storm was coming, Beidou knew. The stinging, sharp aches in her joints gave clear and multiple signs that there was surely an electrical storm on the horizon. She knew that Kazuha probably and (y/n) (to be truthful, she was not either) would not enjoy the return to Liyue harbour after only a few weeks. Though Beidou was seasoned, she knew when the water was too wild for her ship. A storm as large as she may have felt could quite easily have been the largest one in her whole career.
She charted a turnaround with skill and care before stepping out of her quarters to give the orders.
“Beidou, are you certain about this storm? There’s really no option but to head back to Liyue?” Kazuha asked but he knew the answer. If Beidou herself was moved, you’d do well to follow.
“If we don’t get out the waters before the storm and it hits us, there’s nowhere to go. Especially if the crux gets hit, and we need to swim. We can't afford to be on open water when so many people are on board.” Kazuha knew the conversation was over.
“How long will it take for us to dock at Liyue?” (y/n) asked, hope still sticking to her throat. If she had to wait out a storm in the bows of the ship, she was surely going to make the most of the days leading up to it.
“Perhaps just under three days, if we’re undisturbed.”
Day one was probably the princess’ most dizzying day, consisting mostly of turning manoeuvres to get back on the new course. She felt sick but remained positive that it was only the waves and the oncoming storm that Beidou mentioned. Kazuha had mentioned that sometimes Beidou can feel bad events before they happen, deep in her bones like lightning down her spine or earthquakes in her legs. Either way (y/n) thought it was a wonderful talent to have.
It was on the second day that Beidou saw the storm, gearing up on the horizon like warships. She felt her heart sink. Kazuha quickly came to her side, hand wrapped gently around (y/n)’s.  
Fleets of Fatui ships, all sailing in the direction of Liyue, in defined dedicated lines. If Beidou didn’t rectify this problem, she feared that the Crux crashing was to be the least of her worries.
“Turn the ship!” she roared, spinning rapidly on her heels. “Turn it!”
But it was too late. The armada of military ships had spotted them and, seemingly faster than the Crux could ever swim, they cleared the way for an even larger Fatui ship.
~~~ “Well, well, well, Tartaglia.” Signora spoke calmly, “Seems like we’ve run into your fiancée sooner than anticipated.”
The eleventh harbinger was already out of the door and surfacing onto the deck, observing the retreating ship.
“Follow it,” he said calmly. “don’t let them out of your sight.”
“Should we attempt to damage the ship, sir?” One member asked quietly only to have Childe spin around and inspect him incredulously.
“Are you mad?” he hissed, “No! No one is to lay a finger on that boat before I retrieve my wife!”
Beidou’s eyes flickered to Kazuha and the princess. When she looked at her, it all clicked. That man in Liyue who was so hellbent on finding (y/n) alive, of course, would not have believed a word of what she said. Not when his elemental sight could pick up two eavesdroppers.
“Oh, Beidou, I’m so sorry!” she yelped, “This is all my fault! I should never have gotten you involved…”
“No” both Kazuha and Beidou spoke simultaneously.
“We all made the choice to keep you. We knew the risks and we decided to help regardless. This is not your fault.” Kazuha spoke gently but with firmness to have her understand.
The captain took out her spyglass and loosely measure the gain the other ship had achieved. It had indeed closed the gap significantly.
“Hide,” she told the girl. Kazuha pulled her hastily into the bows of the ship, hurriedly tossing objects to make room for her to conceal herself.
“Stay here, please” he smiled.
“Kazuha! This is my problem, I can't hide from it for-”
“Please! Just- just stay down here for a little while. I promise we’ll be fine” he gently stroked her cheek to calm her.
Left in complete silence she felt compelled to kiss him but instead settled for pecking the apple of his cheek, which in turn flared up. He looked frozen for a moment but then abruptly rose and waved before sprinting out of the room.
When he ascended, he noticed the sky was darker. An omen, he thought mirthlessly. Beidou looked over at him precariously, eyes still trained on the encroaching warship.
“I’m not sure if my body was warning us of this or the literal storm.”
Kazuha laughed breathlessly as he stood at his captain’s side. He readied his sword in anticipation and as if it had eyes, he stared down the ship.
It stopped short and Beidou was both confused and relieved to see the Crux lengthening the distance between the two. Until a great heaving shudder wracked the hull. When she looked across the water, she noticed that a thick rope linked the two boats, Tethered by a large, barbed anchor.  Before she could even give an order something began to move on the other side of the rope. She strained her eyes to see the dot as it got closer until she could identify it. It was the man from Liyue- the one who was asking about the princess. He was approaching quickly, his bow acting as a mechanism on a zip wire. He got about a meter from the deck before he swiftly abandoned the rope, his bow releasing it with wicked speed as he thrust himself onto the deck. His glare cut through the air like arrows as he surveyed the area and then his eyes hardened when they met Kazuha’s. Before he could react, the harbinger had him pressed against the wall, his pale cheeks scraping roughly against the weathered wood.
“Kaedehara Kazuha,” he spoke coldly, “enemy of the Tsaritsa. You are suspected of the kidnapping of the princess (Y/N).”
Kazuha pushed back with surprising force and sent him back a distance large enough to gather his wits.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about. We have had no part in the disappearance of the princess.” He spoke calmly.
“Tartaglia, we settled this matter in Liyue did we not?” Beidou snarked, “In case you’ve forgotten, we believed your fiancée to be dead. Is there a reason to think otherwise”
The harbinger looked at her, a grin covering his cheeks as he stepped closer. His fingers twitched against his bow as he towered above her. She felt a prick in her joints momentarily and in turn, took out her claymore.
“Multiple witness account that they saw my fiancée and the fugitive together in Liyue” he snarled.
“Did she- if it was even the girl you believe he was with- look uncomfortable? Did she seem to be there against her will?” she knew she was pushing buttons, but she just needed to waste time until they could think of a plan.
“Cut the bullshit, pirate. We know it was them.” He smiled. “And if you don’t surrender the princess and the fugitive then this whole ship- and everyone on board- is going to be sunk.”
Kazuha saw the look in her eyes and the glint in his. He could not tell if he was bluffing and she didn't want to risk it She looked over at him before taking a moment to assess the situation.
“Give up two or kill twenty- it's your choice, Captain” she flinched.
Kazuha felt his stomach drop. He couldn’t blame her, he would do the same in her position. “Kid… I’m sorry- but this-”
“Captain I understand.”
Tartaglia grinned once more as he pulled out a pair of wrist cuffs. He shacked one to himself and the other he planted on the samurai, uncomfortably tight.
“Where is my wife” it was not a question.
Kazuha bit his tongue to keep from snapping at him. ‘She would never be your wife,’ he wished to say. Instead, he just shuffled silently, resignedly to the steps that wound into the helm.
They had almost made it to the first step before the boat began rocking viciously, more so than before. The sky now was purple. Beidou knew that had they not been so focused on the tense incident they probably would have noticed the warning signs sooner.
Clouds swirls over the boat and the surrounding water, waves growing larger and more ravenous as they ground and gritted against the wood of the boat. It tipped drunkenly, becoming more formidable with each wave. The wood creaked in discomfort as the wind howled against the prevailing current.
Beidou felt one final, primaeval pinch in her bones before she turned around to see the titan that towered above the boat.
It seemed to hover there for a few moments before it crashed and in those last seconds, both the Harbinger and the fugitive made a last-ditch effort to reach out for the unsuspecting girl at the bottom of the ship, arms grasping at the floor in futility as they felt the weight of the wave crash down upon them all.
Kazuha closed his eyes tightly and braced himself with only one thought.
He hoped she would be ok. That somehow she could escape from her underwater casket. He didn’t want to think about it but he could think of nothing else.
‘Please be ok’
Sorry this one took so long, ive been a little bust with other things but fear not, i promise to get back on track :D
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ac-liveblogs · 2 years
Sumeru: King Deshret and the 3 Magi
where to fuckin start with this one
Okay, I liked that we opened this act on the decision to psychologically torment Setaria into working with us because we needed an In with the Akademiya by pretending to be the envoys of King Deshret... only for it to turn out that Cyno, an In with the Akademiya, exiled himself (off-screen) because he couldn’t agree with what they were doing (which he discovered off-screen). I wonder. If we could have. Connected these things more efficiently. Somehow.
On that note, Genshin really wants us to know Cyno is scary, but never actually shows him doing anything particularly intimidating besides crossing his arms menacingly and smacking swords with Alhaitham. It also wants us to know what a big deal it is that he left the Akademiya. If Cyno had been, say, an enemy in 3.0 that turned his back on the Akademiya to work with us in 3.1, that might have worked better. 
Also, we psychologically tormented Setaria??? 
How did the traveller know Dottore was No. 2 of the Fatui Harbingers. Did they read the floating text. Is that an actual thing. Is that how they also know who ~the Balladeer is.
Also, if Nahida is going to heroically sacrifice herself so we can escape brainwashed citizens, at least make them attack us? They were just yelling how cool we were, christ. 
I have a dream. And that dream is that one day... Scaramouche’s lore and motivations will be exposited when the actual Scaramouche is in a 50metre radius of the Traveller. I guess it’s 2% better than usual that Scaramouche voice acted it this time, but “inhaled hallucination smoke and got Balladeer lore” is the worst way we’ve gotten it so far.
I also like the flashback characters that had physical resemblances to Kazuha. I also like that we’re still hyping the Scaramouche/Kazuha connection when they’ve never met. 
Also you need to understand I don’t give a shit. I don’t know Scaramouche. I’ve barely met him. I think he’s been on-screen for a collective 3 minutes total. The patchwork god deal is conceptually very cool, but the execution is absolute dogshit. Hopefully Dottore will be handled better (I’m a lot more interested in him than the others) but dear god the fatui’s showcase up until this point has been abysmal.  
Alhaitham is actually being minutely shady now, and the fact that he’s turned into a massive bitch between patches (+his arguments with Cyno) make him a more enjoyable character to me. 
Candace on the other hand felt very tacked on. I think her only real notable contribution was her telling off the Eremites that kidnapped the Mad Scholars for not thinking of the consequences of their actions... which. Well. Bad Rebels Rebelled The Wrong Way Against An Oppressive Regime And Now They’re The Bad Guys sure is a trope that exists, don’t it. 
Whatever Candace and Cyno’s connections to King Deshret were probably should’ve at least been mentioned here. Cyno staring meaningfully up at the priest’s grave after the flashback... I would like to know the significance of them both having the Anubis Headdress? Without reading The Lore? 
in absence of more information i choose to believe cyno’s thought process was ‘aww shit yeah that guy had SUCH a bitchin hat’ 
God, the Deshret lore dump....
Rukkhadevata Did Nothing Wrong And This Upturns My Entire Belief System However Will I Cope-
. . . . .
Ok i am over it now let’s be friends and also allies
i mean, i guess that’s a way to resolve a conflict. technically.
Like, the pieces are here for a more interesting and coherent story than Inazuma’s. It’s just. The character writing. Ghhhhhhhh-
wait wasn’t cyno supposed to tell bad jokes? what happened to that
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bluexiao · 2 years
 #let me kiss the pain away
—prompt kissing their injuries / valentine’s collab by @xiaosmoon
CHARACTERS. Albedo, Ayaka, Kazuha, Scaramouche, Xiao; gn! Reader
THEMES. reverse comfort. fluff. kind of suggestive, but not really, it’s intimate though (especially albedo’s). slight angst on scara’s part.
WARNINGS. mentions of injuries and pain, ofc. NO graphic violence or gore. 
NOTES. this is the second time i’m neglecting gorou and i feel so bad so you’ll see him soon in an idea i have in mind. also… see that! I wrote for my faves! Yes! I’m such an indulgent person, am i? Hahah anyway, thank you for this collab, eri! I loved writing for this heheh. enjoy reading, everyone!
p.s. this might be one of my best scara pieces
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XIAO is the Vigilant Yaksha, an Adeptus of Liyue, and quite a hard worker. Injuries were normal for him, at this point. After all, he does have his Adeptus healing with a bit of rest. 
You, of course, did not know that. 
That’s why the moment you had seen him arrive all of a sudden at the same balcony you had always been resting on while you waited patiently for the Yaksha himself. 
“Xiao! What happened! Oh Archons-“ 
He wanted to explain and get your attention but you had already gone and turned, looking for the medicine kit towards Verr’s way, unknowing of how he weakly reached out to you, hoping he could stop you from excessively worrying about him. You’re always like this, constantly fearing for his well-being more than your own. It is indeed one of your charms, but it does not sit right with him whilst knowing that he’d recover anyway. 
“You need not bother about me, I can recuperate on my—”
“But it still hurts, right?” you cut him off, the frown still on your lips, gaze like steel as you refused to look at his own eyes, “But it still hurts so… I’m here to take care of you, Xiao. You can depend on me too.” 
That must be why he was silent the entire time you cleaned his wounds, wrapped the bandages around them with great concentration, careful not to accidentally bump him or hurt him in any way—not that he would be so easily pained by such a simple thing. But somehow, seeing you cautious like that… brings a simple joy in his heart that he never thought he could ever have. 
His ears instantly caught the kissing sound you made when you pecked on top of the bandage on the top of his cheek. Any other moment, he’d have recoiled back or pushed someone away—but it was you. And he never minded if it is by you.
┌───────── ·  ·  ·  · ꒰⚘݄꒱₊
SCARAMOUCHE, as much as he is a powerful Fatui Harbinger, does get injured a couple of times. It was quite rare for him to show them, however, any one of his lackeys would not actually notice that he is injured because he refuses to let it show, even if it does hurt and make him want to hiss and groan. 
When you saw him, only then did he relax, but not release the unhurt facade he had all this time—he’d been used to it, it was natural to fake it at this point. 
“You seem really off… Are you… are you hurt, Scara?” when he makes contact, you saw through his lie, almost immediately. Even if he grumbled or he denied it, he can never stop you from going and grabbing the medicine kit not too far from both of you anyway. 
“Why aren’t you saying anything?” he presses, “And here I thought you’re going to scold me or–”
“Do you want me to scold you?” 
“I never said I did.” 
Your lips quirked up at his comeback, yet you stayed silent almost immediately after, focused on treating his wounds—maybe a little bit too focused than you normally would. 
“Are you seriously… angry at me?” 
“If you don’t like it then just lea–”
“I love you.”
His breath halts as you take both of his newly bandaged hands and kissed them together, now looking directly into his eyes to meet his gaze halfway, “I love you, and I care for you.” 
He snaps out of it when he could feel you tremble despite holding his hands with so much care, “I love you, and it hurts to see you hurt.”
He breathes out and leans his forehead to yours, effectively avoiding your eyes, yet his gaze was locked on your entangled fingers—they fit so well together that he could never think of someone else that could do the same. 
“I know… I love you too.” He may never confess his feelings that often, but he hopes this will be enough to quell your fears for the meantime. 
┌───────── ·  ·  ·  · ꒰⚘݄꒱₊
You had always kissed KAZUHA’s bandaged fingers—in fact, you’re too used to it that the moment you saw him return from Inazuma back to Liyue, not only were you surprised to even see him back but also because he was covered in bandages all around. 
“What happened?!” you exclaimed, even though you really knew what had occurred, your voice instantly came out before you could even stop yourself, rushing towards the man with wide eyes and careful hands. 
“Just a mishap amongst the Inazumans, there’s no need–” Beidou stops talking, not after seeing the look that you gave her way. She then laughs awkwardly and loudly announces that she has to be somewhere, leaving both you and him all alone. 
No matter how difficult it was to keep yourself from breaking down in front of him, your lips trembled, your hands pulling his own, raising them to your lips and pressing gentle, feathery kisses on each of his fingers, then moving to the back of his hand, and his wrist. He didn’t try to stop you, rather he was astonished. 
“How dare you leave me and go back injured?” 
He cracks up a smile, and it was his turn to pull your hand and press his own lips on the back of your hand, quite similar to how you did i—only with different intentions. 
He definitely wanted to make you flustered. 
┌───────── ·  ·  ·  · ꒰⚘݄꒱₊
With AYAKA, she had always enjoyed the training. Ever since she had gotten together with you, you had replaced Thoma’s duty of training or practicing with her—of course, as long as you permit and could block her blows. Before that happened, however, the boy had warned you that AYAKA works hard almost to the point that she gets very exhausted and won’t stop until someone makes her do so. 
“Darling,” you so suddenly grasped her wrist, yet they were gentle all the same, AYAKA only watching in curiosity as you carefully inspected her skin and spotted the scrape on her upper arm. 
“It must be from the blade,” she says, but you didn’t say anything more. She sees the medicine kit on your hands and she knew she had to let go of her katana by then. 
She feels your light touch on her skin, and more so from your lips. 
“Y/n–” a rush of warmth raises from her neck to her face, albeit you were gazing at her with a saddened look, she instantly brings a hand to your cheek, gently caressing your skin, almost with the same care as you did hers.
“Thank you, I shall be careful from now on.”
┌───────── ·  ·  ·  · ꒰⚘݄꒱₊
ALBEDO doesn’t often get hurt, but whenever he does, he knows what to do to take care of himself. That’s why when you had first heard and saw his state after Klee claims that her brother protected her from a Frostarm Lawachurl one day, you were rushing to where he is with a pounding heart, even gasping behind your palm when you saw him covered with bandages instead of his usual clothes. 
“‘Bedo! What the…” you couldn’t ask what happened—you already knew, and you could only try to calm down as he begins to do the same for you.
Thus why you came so slowly and hesitatingly at his side, dipping yourself on his bed, facing him. A huge sigh was released out of your lips, and before ALBEDO could utter out a word, he feels you lean into him. He did not move away, not when you press a kiss on the bandage by his neck, your breath so close that he could feel his heart pounding inside of his chest; and what is this? You’re making him feel things again and he doesn’t know how—what’s the cause? Is it just him? Or was it all you?
Either way, he’s just glad that you’re here with him and he’s here with you. 
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genshinwriter111 · 3 years
Monstadt and Liyue boys: You fall asleep on them, and they fall asleep on you. Plus a bonus for some of them!
Diluc, Venti, Kaeya, Albedo, Chongyun, Kazuha, Childe, Aether, Xiao, Xingqiu, Zhongli, Scaramouche
No Warnings
Headcanons, Gender Neutral (They/Them, You/Yours)
A spoiler for We Will Be Reunited in Aether’s second story, but its vague
You fall asleep on them
It was a tiring day of commisions and the like, but you wanted to spend at least some time with your boyfriend. He was rambling on and on about his day and other stressful things that you could’t help but doze off. It took him a bit to notice, but when he did, he blushed. He knew the sofa wasn’t the most comfortable and gently carried you to your room, placing you on your bed, tucking you in. As he turned to leave, you clung to sleeve, silently asking him to stay. He gently nodded, and crawled in next to you. You and him both slept better than ever before.
They fall asleep on you
It was basically the reverse, but you couldn’t carry him, and just curled up next to him, drifitng off with his arms wrapped around you. He looked calm, and at peace. He genuinely trusted you. When he woke up, he blushed. He didn’t move until you woke up, and if you did before him he would apologise, face still tinted red. You forgave him, giving him a soft kiss. It was moments like this he adored, just being able to show his soft side. It was also a small gossip among the maids for about two days, but he never found out.
Bonus: PDA opinion
Not a huge fan of PDA, but if someone’s getting too touchy, won’t hesitate to pull you close. And show off his vision. If he’s around Kaeya, like at the tavern, he doesn’t mean to be rude but may slightly ignore your affections, just to spare you both from the teasing. Afterwards, will kiss your forehead and apologise, explaining his reasons. You forgave him, as always. You did understand, Kaeya was a menace at times.
You fall asleep on them
You were rested in his lap, as he played his Lyre. The tune was so calming, you weren’t particularly tired but drifted off. It took Venti awhile to notice. Only when he asked if you wanted to go for a walk, and you didn’t reply, did he notice. The bard didn’t wish to wake you, and let the lyre vanish into the winds. He let out a soft ‘Ehe~’ before leaning against the tree, and playing with your hair. He did drift off soon, with a comfortable expression.
They fall asleep on you
It was a late night, and you were carrying Venti back from the bar, as he was far too drunk to get home on his own. You got home and changed, your boyfriend laughing and waiting for you. You walked over to him on the bed, before wrapping your arms around his small frame, and pulling him close. You talked for a bit to him, noticing he had fallen asleep when he cuddled closer and his breathing was softer. You gently laughed, kissing his forehead before falling asleep yourself.
Bonus: PDA opinion
Unless you don’t want it, there is a lot of PDA, he just wants everyone to know your his beloved! Will cuddle or hug or kiss you anywhere from on the streets, to the tavern to the middle of the forest. His favourite place to cuddle with you, is of course, Windrise. He loves to rest with you there.
You fall asleep on them
You couldn’t help it! Despite the captain’s cryo vision, he was warm. And comfortable. And..Well, you could go on and on with excuses. It happened when you two were cuddling after a pretty tough day for the both of you. You tried to stay awake, but failed. He noticed quickly, with a chuckle. “Oh? Falling for me yet again..Adorable.” He kissed your forehead, and stayed awake, mainly because he had more work to do. He decided to put you to bed first, not wishing you to be uncomfortable.
They fall asleep on you
Similiar to Venti, you had to walk him home from the tavern. You struggled a bit, as he was somehow more clingy than you expected. You did get home, but not without struggle. “(Name)~” Kaeya whined, as you lead him to your room, letting him stay there. You knew what he wanted, and stayed. You leaned against the headboard, Kaeya clinging to your side. You stroked his hair until he fell asleep. You fell asleep soon as well. He was embarrassed when you mentioned how he acted, but played it off like it was intentional.
Bonus: PDA opinion
Another one for PDA. He’s flirty in public, but will stop or tone it down if you ask, he doesn’t want to make you discomforted, after all. He wouldn’t hesitate to be even more clingy if somebody was bothering you. Kaeya loves you, and will never let you think otherwise.
You fall asleep on them
Albedo knew you didn’t understand much about the experiment he was explaining, but was glad you listened to him. “And that’s how...” He trailed off, noticing you were asleep on his shoulder. “I suppose it was a boring topic for them..” He muttered with a smile. He didn’t want to wake you, knowing how important sleep was for you, so he gently pulled you in his lap and wrapped his arms around you. Resting his head on your shoulder, he too fell asleep. His body was warm, a difference to the cold air of Dragonspine, and a nice one. Or, maybe it was just the fire that flickered in the background.
They fall asleep on you
You had begged the Chief Alchemist to take a break, as he had been working for a week straight. Albedo had deniend the need for rest, but the bags under his eyes said otherwise. He eventually gave in and you pat the sofa, with a happy smile. It wasn’t long that you felt a weight against your chest, and saw he was asleep. “I told you so..” You said, rolling your eyes in a loving manner. You stayed awake to make sure he stayed asleep, and he did until the morning, where he thanked you. You could never get his sleeping face out your mind, it was absolutely precious, and it was nice seeing him so at ease.
You fall asleep on them
Chongyun was rambling about some encounter he almost had with a spirit, but you weren’t paying much attention, only listening to the sound of his voice. He noticed when you leaned against his shoulder, eyes shut and breathing soft. He didn’t want to move, despite him beginning to overheat. He tried to gently move you so he could get a popsicle, but when he heard you mumble, he froze. The exorcist didn’t move, at all. He waited until you woke up, which wasn’t pleasent and he didn’t feel the best afterwards. When you noticed, you were quick to apologise and grab him one, coming up with excuses. Chongyun forgave you, he couldn’t stay mad (not that he was), at you anyway.
They fall asleep on you
Xingqiu had pranked him with a far too spicy dish and you were thankfully there, able to quickly get the situation under control and help your boyfriend. You both went back to your place, as it was getting late. You were talking, and before you knew it he was passed out agaisnt you. You couldn’t blame him, it was rather stressful earlier and he was burnt out. You gently kissed his forehead before carrying him to your room and laying down next to him. When he woke up, he was blushing, but still was calm. It surprised him, a lot.
You fall asleep on them
Beidou has agreed to let you come with on the next voyage they went on, and so you were pretty happy. It was a few nights in, and you and Kazuha were talking. You were leaned against him, and he had an arm around you. It was late, and it was to be expected but you drifted off to the sound of his voice, the ocean crashimg against the boat and the wind. Kazuha noticed instantly, and smiled. Beidou walked onto the deck, about to say something when he gave a small wave, asking her to be quiet. She nodded, deciding it could wait and left you two alone again.
They fall asleep on you
You hadn’t joined them this time, waiting for your beloved instead. When he got back, you were both quick to leave and talk elsewhere, which was your home. You rambled about what had happened in the mean time, while he listened. After falling asleep, he looked even more peaceful. You were happy to rest with him, knowing it wouldn’t be too long before you both would leave again.
You fall asleep on them
The harbinger had gotten some free time, and was spending it dragging you through the harbour. It was a rather long day, and you were exhausted by the time you got home. You sat on the couch, with your beloved. You were talking for awhile before the exhaustion kicked in and you dropped against his shoulder. Tartaglia didn’t expect this, and shot up, assuming you were trying to attack him, (for some reason, maybe to keep him on guard.) That was not the case, and you were thrown to the floor because of physics, and hit it, harshly. He was embarrassed to say the least, and in your moment of exhausted anger, you did smack his shoulder. He found it fair. Childe was forgiven, but only because he let you sleep in his lap instead.
They fall asleep on you
Childe returned home after a long day of training new recruits. He curled up in bed next to you. You spoke for awhile, until exhaustion set in for him, and he fell asleep. You considered pettily waking him up, like he’d done to you, but when you saw his peaceful and loving expression, you couldn’t. You kissed his cheek before falling asleep as well. His arms wrapped more around you in your shared slumber, and he was grateful when he woke that you’d let him rest. He still felt bad about the other day, and was trying to make it up to you.
You fall asleep on them
Aether had invited you to the teapot, and you were in his room. Paimon was there too, but she was eating something in the kitchen area, leaving you two alone for now. It was awhile later that you had grown tired, and Aether had as well. He opened his arms and let you cuddle close. This was all fine and dandy until Paimon entered the room. “Aether! We’re out of sticky honey roast!!!” She mentioned, practically yelling. You let out a tired and confused mumble, being awoken by the yelling. Aether gently hushed you, and covered your ears. “Paimon, if you don’t shut up right now..I will tell Xianling to turn you into emergency food. That is a threat.” He said, his tone tired but harsh. Paimon squeaked and quickly left. You were both undisturbed for the rest of the night.
They fall asleep on you
Aether entered your home, and he seemed distraught. He explained everything that happened with his sister, and sobbed into your arms. You were worried, and let him cry it out. You noticed Paimon was no-where to be seem and assumed he’d asked to be alone. It took awhile, but his breathing slowed and he’d..well he’d cried himself to sleep. You were just glad he was mostly uninjured, gently stroked his hair, hoping to keeo him asleep. It worked, as he slept throught the night fully.
You fall asleep on them
You had spent the day at the balcony of Wangshu Inn, waiting for you adepti boyfriend. It had been a slow day, but you hadn’t slept much and were tired. This didn’t stop you from offering a bright smile as your beloved appeared. You both talked about what things you’d seen recently, and as always he was a bit shy. You wished you could’ve told him that you were tired, but you didn’t want to waste what time you had with Xiao. It was well into the evening when you felt your tiredness kick in, and you fell asleep, against him. It surprised the Adeptus, and before either of you knew it, he vanished. You woke up instantly, and looked around for him. You sighed with a bit of disappointment, you wanted to apologise, and weren’t sure how.
They fall asleep on you
It was days later he made an appearance again, you rushed over to him, apologising on repeat. Xiao softly hushed you, guilt in his eyes. He’d spoken to Verr Goldet, and she’d told him the best course of action. He’d let you hold him, and both of you eventually drifted off, he apologised again in the morning. You’d already forgiven him. Plus, the fact he’d let you get so close and even hold him in his sleep was proof he trusted you.
You fall asleep on them
It was an agreed date, you could rest and he would read. Plus, you’d be in each other’s company, which was great for the both of you. Xingqiu let you rest against him as he read, encouraging you to get the sleep you needed. You were a bit suspicious, assuming this would be some prank, but trusted him anyway. That proved to be a mistake, as when you awoke and walked back, you recieved odd looks. You didn’t understand until you got to your mirror, and saw the small doodles he’d drawn on your face. You were embarrassed, heavily. You swore to get your revenge.
They fall asleep on you
Xingqiu entered your home, it was a long day for him. All he really wanted was just to cuddle you and go to bed. You offered a sweet smile, scooching over and letting him lay next to you. After he fell asleep, you wondered on your revenge. It seemed fate had other plans as you fell asleep as well. When he woke up first, he’d expected you to have gotten some form of revenge, but noticing nothing had changed, he did feel a bit bad. When you awoke, he apologised and promised to let you rest normally next time. And when that time came, he kept his word. He didn’t want to upset you too badly, after all he was always big on chivalry.
You fall asleep on them
Zhongli spoke of more stories, history and the like, you normally loved listening to him and were always interested, but you’d stayed up a bit too late and were tired. You sat on his lap, as he told another one of the things that had happened in his long life. He noticed you fell asleep when your usual questions never came. He chuckled softly, kissing your forehead. He carried you to bed, and tucked you in. The archon though for a moment, before deciding to join you.
They fall asleep on you
The atmosphere was relaxed, and Zhongli wrapped his arms around you. You smiled, leaning against his chest. He rested his head on top of yours, and shuts his eyes. He didn’t mean to fall asleep, but he did. You didn’t mind, and let the archon rest. If anything, you were glad to be getting so much rest with him, something told you that others weren’t so lucky.
You fall asleep on them.
It was rare moments you were able to rest with the harbinger, but you never took them for granted. You would clear your schedule when he was free, knowing Scaramouche was a busy person. The one thing you couldn’t change was your energy levels, and you were exhausted. The past week you’d done nothing but work, and rarely slept. But when he notified you he was free, you rushed over. You’d managed to hide your sleepiness so far, knowing how against physical affection he was. But your eyes grew heavy, and you dropped against him. He froze up for a moment, before shoving you off. He hadn’t even registered you were exhausted nor that you had fallen asleep. You blinked, staring at him befofe muttering a small apology and that you had to go, not wanting to bother him. He realised he messed up, and hoped to be able to let you forgive him.
They fall asleep on you
It was another time you were both thankfully free, and he had asked to meet at your place. You had nervously agreed. Upon entering, the first thing he did was apologise, which was a surprise in itself. Then after the small bit you talked, you noticed he seemed tired. He had mentioned he wanted to make it up to you...You moved closer, which confused the harbinger, before you wrapped your arms around him. He was about to protest, before you reminded him of what he had said. He nodded, with a sigh...but he had to admit, he was comfortable..and maybe this wasn’t so bad. His eyes eventually closed, and he had guessed you would shove him off like he’d done to you..but all you did was offer a smile, holding your boyfriend closer, before falling asleep yourself.
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𝗪𝗔𝗥𝗡𝗜𝗡𝗚𝗦 : suggestive content. Not proof red
𝗖𝗛𝗔𝗥𝗔𝗖𝗧𝗘𝗥𝗦 : Childe. Aether. Diluc. Thoma. Zhongli. Xiao. Kazuha.
𝗜𝗡𝗙𝗢 : couple headcannons
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Childe is known for the inability to use chopsticks ( and you happen to know how to use chopsticks ) and you offer to help me. The idiot man actually pays attention also while teasing you and smiling like an idiot while you guide him
He would then flex his new fond skills to his friends ( Zhongli )
“ oh my god Zhongli, aren’t they great? Look! I know how to use chopsticks” Childe smiled and waved his sticks to the man
Zhongli chuckled “ yes it appears”
“ god what would I do without them? Oh look! It’s them, say hello to my beautiful and amazing partner ” Childe waved at you, showing everyone his prize
He would always talk about his family to you and tell you to visit his homeland which to you always excitingly agree and perhaps in the future you two also start a family of your own.
When his not working he rather go shopping and gets anything that has the smallest of relation to you and mostly would buy himself shirts and later would pester you to wear it
And so so so clingy
“ come onnn babe~ I literally went miles to get you this to wear!” Childe clinged on to you
“ Childe it’s oversized and it’s for you, you said it yourself !” You complained
“ that’s the thing babeee! I went to buy this for you to wear! Come onn for me? Please?” Childe pleaded with what seemed to be puppy eyes
You sighed and took the shirt and wore it
“ oh my god thank you! You look so pretty and beautiful my dear” Childe said as he rubbed his face against yours
Also the slightest hint of sickness would make him cancel work to be with you <3 he would be extra clingy and whiny
“ [y/n] I’m sick and since your my caretaker and girlfriend I want you to take care of your helpless boyfriend” Childe whined to you once again
You sighed and looked at him “ Childe you don’t look sick” you pouted and felt his temperature
Before you can feel it Childe softly grabbed your wrist and placed it on his cheek
“ trust me I can really feel it” he lied.
Very competitive for everything. Literally.
“ I wanna cook today” you argued with the harbinger once again
“ ah ah ah! Not if I get it first!” Childe put his fingers to your lips as he cheekily smiled
“ but you did it yesterday” you said feeling extremely guilty
“ heh fine! first one there gets to cook” Childe said quickly and started to sprint to the kitchen out of nowhere, leaving you to chase him down in a never ending chase
Pick up lines? Always flirty ✔️ pet names ✔️
“ okay let me tie your shoelaces honey” Childe bent down to tie them after you tried to convince him out of it
After he tied it he looked up at you and smirked
“ oh hey beautiful” he smiled
Your cheeks instantly flushed at his remark
“ sorry babe I got lost in your eyes again-”
“ oh shut up”
“ aww why :( “
At most times he likes to prove to you how strong he is but it always turns quite the opposite way
“ an horror attraction? Pfffttt, trust me love I would fend off the scary stuff” Childe said all confident like to which you could on giggle
[ it turned out you were the one that was protecting him, at every jumpscare he was scatter behind you all scared while you stood there unfazed, you had to later comfort him and tell him it’s okay to be scared sometimes. His actions to you were rather cute ]
Always coming home with an Injury, it doesn’t matter what his doing he loves to come home to have you nag him and fix his wounds, he finds it adorable
“ injured again?” You sighed while being worried
“ yeah, I still won tho!” Childe flexed as you examined him
“ okay where’s the injury?” You asked
“ injury? here” Childe pointed at a tiny bruise on his leg
You death stared him
“ seriously? I’m leaving”
“ aww come on I’m kidding babe- wait where are going?”
Having to lose his sister to the abyss was not a good thing, it took a mental troll on him so whenever he returns from a adventure he would always go to the spot where you would meet him and if you weren’t there he would be so worried and ask the whole of teyat for you and when he finds you, his relieved and ready for you to embrace him in your arms
“ [y/n]..?” Aether searched desperately around
“ I’m right here” you came back
Aether looked at you, his eyes glossy. He smiled as he ran to you to embrace you in his loving and needy hug <3
Would always bring something back from each region to you that always reminds him of you
“ Aether your back wheres paimon?” you questioned confused to why Aether was alone
“ oh she went to get food, we’ll met later but here I got this from my adventure” Aether smiled as he handed you a flower banquet
Your eyes sparkled in happiness
“ wow…Aether thank you” you smiled as you invited him in a hug
Even if it’s a little task, Aether is always willing to help you like packing the fallen books, his love language is always acts of services
“ really its no big deal Aether” you said as Aether carried the boxes
“ oh it’s no problem dear” Aether smiled as he set the last box down
You pouted, “ what would I do without you” you said as you hugged him from behind
Aether smiled to himself and turned around when your arms released and kissed you
After that you two both realised something
“ oh my god Paimon!” You said as you two giggled and ran back to her
Quality time. Aether knows what it’s like to lose someone so with the time he has he would always use his precious time with you
“ the stars look so nice” you smiled as Aethers head sat on your lap
“ it does…” Aether sighed having to finally rest even if it was short lasted
“ I wish we could stay like this forever” you pouted to which Aether giggled
“ do you want to head back?” He asked after a moment of silence
“ never.” You simply replied
“ the moon just looks so beautiful isn’t it?” You looked down at Aether to which he smiled
“ it’s always been”
Also as a bonus I feel as if Aether would gossip to you about what happens and paimon would occasionally expose Aether
“ she really did that?” You said as Aether nodded
“ wow I can’t believe she could predict her dreams” you said stunned
Paimon nods “ yeah and you know that reminds me of someone” she gestured
Aether turns to her and tries to gesture her to stop talking but she doesn’t
“ oh that’s it! You know [y/n], Aether has dreams of you and always talks about it everydayy “ Paimon said smirking at Aether
Aether hides his face as you blush and tease him
It was very embarrassing for him and he would never hear the end of it
He knows you are a capable fighter and would let you help him with commissions he usually does alone and when he gets hurt you would always camp somewhere nearby and patch him up which is always a peaceful moment
“ hurry it’s raining!” You two went in a cave
You were giggling as you two made it safely in the cave and lit a fire
Aether sits on a rock as you patch him up
No words were exchanged but it meant so much
Also a great cook so every time you meet he would have some sort of food ready for just the two of you and Paimon of course
“ thank you for cooking me this” you smiled at Aether
“ oh no problem love!” Aether smiled
“ hey! Say why do I get less food!” Paimon comes out of nowhere
You both giggle
“ you know Paimon your a lot smaller soo…”
“ so what?!?”
you two first met at the tavern and since then he was enchanted by you, he would always wait for you to go to the tavern and when you do he would get so happy as you would always keep him company and his brother Kaeya caught on and let’s just say he wouldn’t stop teasing him about it
“ say [y/n] did you know when you first came here Diluc wouldn’t stop ranting about you?” Kaeya teased to you
You blushed and looked at Diluc
“ knock it off Kaeya” Diluc said as he wiped the glass cup, having blush evident on his face
When Diluc is not in the tavern I could imagine he would be in his office doing paperwork, now you would always arrive there with food or a book to accompany him and it would mostly end with you on his lap as he writes, both you and him enjoying one’s company
“ thank you for coming [y/n]” Diluc rested his head on your shoulder
“ no problem at all Diluc” you smiled
“ thank you for keeping me company” he whispered once more before dropping his pen and wrapping his hands around your waist
The two of you sat there and enjoyed the moment
Diluc being the dark night hero would always come late at night and when he does he adjusts to you as you patch him up, the feeling of your skin with his is enough to make him have butterflies
“ there really is no need-“ Diluc tried to protest
“ Diluc I have too” you said firmly
Diluc looked at you and smiled inside as you focus on his slight wounds
“ thank you love”
On rare occasions you would celebrate you would drink while Diluc watched over you, he is very protective and if he sees one finger on you, you won’t be seeing anyone any time soon
you were almost black out drunk
you were on the verge of passing out when someone approached you while Diluc was serving someone else
The person was checking you out and blathering disgusting comments and when he reached out for you he felt his head bash on the table
You were stunned by the sudden loud sound and by the time you realised Diluc had pushed the person out and went to you
“ are you okay [y/n]?!?” Diluc said as he observed you, ignoring everyone
You looked at him and too tired you rested your head on his shoulder
“ come on, let’s go home I’ll get someone to cover my shift”
Diluc is not a man of words but action, he always does the little things for you whether it be to make you breakfast or tuck you in when you fall asleep on him, it’s the little things that make him so precious
You had sat on Dilucs lap and appear to have fallen asleep and upon noticing this Diluc chuckled and carried you to the bed
he put you in your shared bed and smiled as he tucked you in and kissed your forehead and before he could leave, you unknowingly grabbed his wrist and pulled him in the bed
Diluc was flustered at first but seeing your innocent face he mumbled
“ very well, 5 more minutes”
Before accidentally falling asleep with you
One of the little things he always do is take care of your hair, for whatever reason Diluc feels attracted to it so in the morning he was always take your hair, tying and washing it and you would always do the same for him
“ [y/n] can you stay still?” Diluc complained
You smiled and swayed
“ aww why not? I’m just playing” you chuckled as Dilucs fingers drove through your hair 
You melted in his touch, he was gentle and ever so soft
“ done” Diluc said as he brushed your hair
“ what? already?”
In the morning or any time of day, Diluc would bring [tea/coffee/water] for you
Looking through the books you sighed as you drowned in work
That was until your boyfriend come knocking in the room with a cup of your choice of beverage
“ busy darling? Here” Diluc placed a cup on your desk
You smiled as you stood up and hazily walked to Diluc with your arms open and sinking into his arms as he hugged back tightly
After dinner I can always imagine Diluc playing old songs and offering to dance with you.
As the tavern closes Diluc sighs from work as you observe and smile
Diluc looks at you as you play the gramophone and you give out your hand
He could only chuckle and admire your ideas and hold your hand as you two sway in the tavern with the old tunes accompanying you
Thoma is always busy with chores around the estate and when you come visit him you would always scare him with a hug from the back, although it would always scare him he was always grateful as that action was found adorable
“ surprise Thoma!” You shouted as you hugged him from behind
Thoma flinched and turned around
“ oh [y/n]!” He smiled as he hugged you tightly after dropping the broom stick
“ hahaha still got you” you went on as Thoma smiled, getting lost in your features
No matter how many times he sees you he would always fall in love again
Due to his work he would always want to do all the house work but you have to stop him from doing it, it was only right of course
“ come on honey, its on me” Thoma smiled
“ but you always do it” you whined as you tried to clean and take the cloth off Thomas hands
Being a carer Thoma puts the cloth above his head so you couldn’t reach it but to his dismay you jump and it both knocked you two over
You both fell and giggled as you landed on top of Thoma
“ okay how about we both do it?” Thoma laughed
Thoma usually is very good at hiding his emotions considering everything that is aimed at him and when you come to his aid he will tell you everything
“ Thoma are you okay? You seem down” you pouted as you looked at your boyfriend
“ yeah…just a tough day at work” Thoma awkwardly made out while rubbing his sore neck
“ are you sure?” You said knowing him all too well
“ okay maybe it was just some bad comments” Thoma gave in
“ you wanna talk about it” you said as you instantly gave the man a warm hug
“ maybe I would”
Although his busy most of the time he always has time for cuddles
“ welcome back!” You greeted your boyfriend as he happily gave you a big hug
“ how are you” he overjoyed
“ I’m good, I prepared dinner” you showed the table of reserved food
“ ooo looks delicious but I rather cuddle with you for a bit…if that’s fine with you” Thoma hugged your waist
You giggled and nod before he took you off your feet
Also takes you to visit some puppies near the town that he feeds, also introduces you to them as well
“ say hello to my friends” Thoma showed you the puppies
You stared in awe
“ they are so cute” you said as you played with some
Thoma smiled and poured the treats in the bowl as you stared
“ is this where you always go?” You asked
“ yeah back then this place was my only comfort zone” Thoma smiled as he sat next to you
“ and now I get to share it with you”
Knitting? ✔️ Thoma if he had time would always like to teach you new things, things such as knitting for example
“ [y/n] you have to poke it though there” Thoma looked at your struggling figure
you nodded but somehow did not know what he was talking about
Thoma chuckled and stopped his knitting and helped you, his fingers grasping around yours
the tension and closeness made your cheeks flush with redness
“ haha it’s okay if you can’t knit, your way better in other things!”
His so sweet, no matter what happens Thoma always convinces himself to never be angry at you as you were a blessing to have in the first place
“ I’m so sorry Thoma! Please let me clean it” you plead as Thoma cleanned the broken vase
“ oh it’s no problem dear! It’s my fault for putting it here” Thoma cleaned it and put it in the bin
“ I’m truly sorry” you said as you stood there staring at the ground
“ hey hey, look at me, it wasn’t your fault okay?” Thoma said as he cupped your face in his hands
“ I love you sweetheart” Thoma said as he hugged you
The smallest gestures you do to him drive him crazy and make him so happy for your presence, he thank the archons for you in this world
“ this is for me [y/n]?” Thoma said like an excited puppy
You nodded as gave him the present, Thoma was in awe
“ thank you so much! Aww I don’t deserve you at all [y/n]!” Thoma said as he invited you in a tight hug,
He was really grateful
From a friend to a friend is where you met Zhongli, he was amazed by you, your knowledge and your will to listen to every story he could share
“ the adeptus? I’m familiar with them yes” Zhongli agreed
“ really? Can you tell me more about them?” You said when excitement in your eyes
Zhongli looked at you and smiled
“ of course”
Being with the man, he would take you out on stroll, night, day, dusk, anywhere and needless to say each one was a unforgettable moment to share
“ here is where I am mostly at” Zhongli lead you to the top of the mountain where a stone table sat
You stared in awe and stared at Zhongli quietly enjoying the moment
You stared at the table and view and then him again and decided it was best not to disturb him
Zhongli is not as busy as he is thought to be so most of the time he would accompany you, he rather adores your company
“ [y/n] there you are, I was wondering if you like to accompany me” Zhongli asked as you put down the last note
You turned to him “ now? I’m rather busy-“
“ please? I’d like you to come with me” Zhongli gave you his hand
You smiled as you gave in to his charms
“ very well then, let’s head out”
Everyday Zhongli would make tea for the two of you, whether it be at night or morning, he would always deliver, this, a little gesture that is enough for you to smile
“ here dear” Zhongli gave you the brewing tea
“ thank you darling” you smiled as you hugged him after putting down the tea
it was always your favourite part of the day because it was a time where you could relax
The little stories
As you continue with your life Zhongli would tell you stories of the smallest things, whether it be a sunset or a plant, stories he told lived forever in the town of Liyue
Secretly clingy? ✔️ I could imagine if you were gone one day, Zhongli would greatly miss your touch so when you come home, he would give you a lot of affection
You sighed as you rubbed your neck and enter your home
There you were met with Zhongli
“ dear your home” Zhongli got up and walked to you
“ hello” you said
Zhongli smiled as he tucked a piece of hair behind your ear
“ may I?” He asked as he opened his arms
You nodded as you fell onto him
Zhongli supported you and hugged you a little too tightly then you expected
Very observant, his been around for a little too long, he would know if you were feeling sad or happy and he would always remember the methods to make you better
“ god it’s so frustrating” you ranted to Zhongli
Zhongli wasted no time and got up and got a blanket with tea and gave it to you leaving you confused, then he sat next to you and patted your shoulder
As weird as it sounds it would always calm you down and you melted in his touch and fell asleep on his shoulder
The man has a lot of knowledge and I would imagine him gifting you rare flowers from time to time and when you ask he would mention it was obtained from bargaining but you didn’t know what he meant by that
“ these flowers bloomed from the day of your birth, I thought I should give it to you” Zhongli smiled as he gave you a flower
You stared in awe and hugged him
“ thank you. It’s beautiful” you whispered
Afterwards you would hang it in your ear, showing it off which made Zhongli more happier
Taking care of you, no matter what state you were in he would always take care of you
You hummed a tune as Zhongli braided your hair
His fingers softly combing through your hair as the soft tones of the outside rang around the home
After he was done he would show you the piece and it would always shock you
But after all, having many years of living he was bound to know a thing or two when it came to braiding or styling hair
When your in a relationship, everything starts off rocky, miscommunication was mostly the problem but everything warmed up with some time and with time Xiao was comfortable enough to hold your hand
You stood there waiting for Xiao, patiently
The months had been hard but you forgave him, you couldn’t blame him after all
After a few seconds of silence you felt a hand grab yours
You turn and see Xiao blushing, you were shocked, more than shocked, it was the first time he did that without you doing it first
“ did I kept you waiting” Xiao muttered to which you smiled brightly
“ no you didn’t.”
When you would go out for your job whether it be commissions, Xiao would always excitedly wait for your return, he would replay beautiful moments and when he sees you, he pretends he hasn’t thought of anything
“ Xiao! Sorry I’m back” you panted as you rested by a tree where Xiao was sitting
“ it’s…okay” Xiao muttered as he hopped down
“ really? I was just finishing some commissions-“
Before you could finish Xiao invited you in a hug
“ you were late by a minute…I missed you” Xiao answered
you were caught of guard and this was enough to bring butterflies in your stomach
Imagine Xiao wanted to make your favourite food but he fails and you come home and still appreciate the effort <3
“ what is that smell!” You coughed as you try to clear off the smoke
You walk further and see Xiao with burnt food in his hands
“ what’s this?” You asked softly
Xiao frustrated and embarrassed looks away
“ I was trying to make food for you…” Xiao said avoiding eye contact
Your heart melted at the thought
“ really?” You said happily to which Xiao nodded
you smile and fall down and hug Xiao which catches him off guard
“ it’s the thought that counts”
Flower crown ✔️ Xiao would always make flower crowns when he missed you dearly as it reminded him of the time you gave him a flower crown
“ here I made this” Xiao gently gave you a crown
“ a flower crown? Aww thank you Xiao!!” You said as you kissed his cheek making him grateful at his hard work
you put it on and looked at him cheekily
“ how about we make matching ones?”
Quality time, Xiao knows what it’s like to not have enough time so whenever you are present he would take you everywhere and always admire your face when you have sparkles in your eyes
“ the view is amazing” you wowed
“ I thought you would say that” Xiao said as you sat next to him
He took you to see the view of Liyue harbour, it was at a sunset and it was amazing
The wind blew your hair softly as you quietly admired and Xiao stared at you
“ you look like a dream”
Xiao is not use to affection so when you cook his favourite food he wouldn’t know to react and end up very flustered at such actions
“ this for…me?” He stuttered
You smiled and nodded
“ for you, I thought of you and wanted to make it” you giggled
Xiao looked at it and took it
“ thank you [y/n].”
Everytime Xiao gets annoyed, thinking of you would calm his nerves, you were the missing puzzle to him, you were his other half
And kisses, hugs make him blush like crazy and after you do those things he would replay that same moment when you are gone, burying his flushed face in his hands
“ Xiao can we cuddle?” You giggled as you went up to him
“ cuddle?” Xiao asked confused
You nodded
“ why do that? What does it do?” He asked like the clueless boy he was
You giggled and hugged him and in his shock state you dragged him to the bed and hugged him tightly on it
Xiao was confused but after seeing you peacefully asleep he hugged back slowly
When you got together, you knew Kazuha was always everywhere so when you joined him on his journey he was more than happy at your statement
“ Kazuha are you going again?” You plead
Kazuha smiles, “ I’ll be back before you know it” Kazuha kisses you to which you pout
“ say what are those?” Kazuha points at your bags
“ well Kazuha I got consent from Beidou and wanted to join you!” You said, staring at the ground, refusing to see his reaction
Kazuha freezes but it wasn’t long before he smiled and hugs you
“ thank you”
Kazuha would always play songs for you and as he plays it, it’s like the whole background is accompanying his music as well
More over Kazuha would adore cats so when he saw one he would always play with them with you there
“ what is this place” you asked Kazuha
Kazuha stopped at a sword and payed his respects while you did the same
“ this is where a old friend wanders” Kazuha explained
You nodded and was careful not to damage anything
That until a cat rubbed against Kazuha
“ hello there old friend” he murmured
You looked as he brought the cat to you
“ let’s go “ Kazuha smiled after a moment of silence
You nodded and the two of you left and back in the ship needless to say you two enjoyed the quiet tension playing with the cat
Since you and him travel the world he would always find the most relaxing spot and lead you there where you would sit in his lap and enjoy the sunset and moon and the time you have left together
“ the moon shines brightly but it can never shine as brightly as you” Kazuha murmurs as he kisses your head
“ thank you Kazuha” you lightly blush at his words
“ although it’s getting late, would you like to go back?” You ask Kazuha to which he shakes his head
“ let’s stay like this for a little while longer”
Adding to his soft personality, Kazuha is also a soft person, the way he holds your hands in his and the way he strokes your cheeks are such gentle gesture
“ Kazuha how does it look?” You showed him the flower crown
Kazuha chuckles, “ beautiful…although you have something on your face” he points out
You raise a brow confused at what it was
Kazuha then smiles and brings out his fingers and softly strokes your cheeks
This made you two have eye contact and you were lost in his eyes and also very flustered at such actions
You fell in love again
During these adventures Kazuha would also bring books for the both of you to read, under a tree in a quiet area with calming skies
When it rains Kazuha is noticed to be more close to you, always wanting to hold you closer even when in a safe area
“ gosh it’s raining” you said as the light sounds of storms awaited near
Kazuha looks at it and grabs you close
“ come on let’s head back” he states
“ already?” You asked to which he nods
He was firm but you wouldn’t question it at all
After he leads you somewhere safe he would hug you close, close enough so you wouldn’t slip away
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