#like … i also have a car and could’ve driven you -_-
lingerina · 5 months
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀𝐎𝓥𝐄𝐑𝐃𝐑𝐈𝓥𝐄 - yu jimin
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␥ karina x fem!reader ␥ 916 words 🚨 choking, overstimulation, dacryphilia (?), praise ␥ you swore to never work for a rideshare app again but getting laid off leaves you no choice. you end up becoming someone’s getaway driver, not realizing you’re in for way more than you bargained for. ␥ A/N inspired by this ask (and reblogs) from ages ago. also could be read as (sort of?) optional bias since i realized i never used her name here. 🧍🏻‍♀️ and it took me this long to write for my bias? 🤪
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You never wanted to go back to Uber but after being laid off and having bills due soon, you had no choice.
You earned the most when you drove around the airport, downtown, and during late-night hours, which were windows to some of the craziest things you’ve previously experienced as a driver. You’ve gotten caught up in a drug deal and bank heist before, which was why you swore to never be an app driver again.
Every ride, you hoped that your passengers were normal law-abiding citizens who just needed a ride to the local market or something. Fortunately, they had been.
Until you made the mistake of driving off with a passenger who wasn’t the one that ordered a ride from you.
She had run up to your car—impressively in heels—and slammed the door shut as if she was being chased, shouting for you to drive off before you even get a chance to confirm you’re picking up the right person. Meeting her sharp eyes in your rear view mirror startled you into stepping on the gas because in the pit of your guts, you were uncertain if you were in harm’s way again and ignoring her might actually put your life on the line.
The ride had been silent, your actual passenger that you’d driven past being one of the only two thoughts crossing your mind after you had hovered a shaky hand over your phone, that’s mounted to the air vent, to cancel her request. You didn’t know where you were driving, and you couldn’t accept any other ride that were popping up on your app. There were more red areas on the map, indicating major activity and hefty tips that you could’ve gotten your hands on had you refused to let the mysterious raven-haired beauty in your car.
She stared out the window for what felt like hours. She didn’t utter a word and you were too afraid to ask questions. You aimlessly drove around, hoping she would finally say something and end this torture.
When she abruptly met eyes with you in the mirror again, you startled.
You tried to break the ice and asked for her destination, but what followed was more silence, a sudden request to park in the parking lot of an abandoned warehouse, and two-word commands for you to step out and join her in the backseat where she ended up breaking you.
You’re seated on her lap with your back pressed against her chest and her hand wrapped around your throat. Taunting words brush over your ear, inducing a chill that ripples down your spine as three of her fingers are inside you. Your body horribly betrays you as your car echoes with the filthy squelches of your dripping pussy and your cries as she violates you.
Nonetheless, you part your legs wider and buck against her hand, tears pricking the corners of your eyes from your morals dissipating and your desire to be broken burning. With your leggings torn at your crotch and bearing the stains of your pleasure, you’re reduced to nothing but a moaning mess for a gorgeous stranger who may or may not be dangerous.
She squeezes tighter, her well-manicured nails threatening to pierce the soft skin of your throat, a low praise of ‘good girl’ uttered at the shell of your ear threatening the sliver of sanity you have left. You catch your breath when she releases her grip, which moves down your clavicle to tear at the collar of your tee. She yanks at your bra, unveiling your breast for the palm of her hand, and kneads in tandem with the pace of her fingers.
Your head lolls back over her shoulder, hoarse moans polluting your once-silent vehicle as she fucks you harder. Tension grips at your limbs, your toes curling as her curled digits reach that spot. The spot where you need her most.
“Come on, baby,” she purrs with a sly smirk. “Give it to me.”
You oblige on cue. Your eyes roll back as you soil her hand in the midst of ecstasy, your wetness dirtying her dress, her lap, and the back of the seat. She didn’t spare you mercy before, and she’s definitely not sparing you now.
She toys with you until you think you’ve given her your all. As soon as you fall limp, she slips back inside you and you swiftly ascend to your brink once more, the sensitivity blurring your vision with white dots as you gush all over her. 
She refuses to let you recuperate. Just when you think it’s over, she makes her unwelcome return, her expert fingers repeatedly bringing you to ecstasy like a broken film. She gets off on your tears and pleas because they’re a stark contrast to you squirting all over her and dirtying your car in the process. When she’s had her fill, she shifts you off her lap like a discarded toy and finally steps out without a word, leaving you alone in the abandoned parking lot.
With the silence and post coital clarity setting in, you sit up straight and stare at the mess you made. You don’t need a mirror to know that you do not look presentable to customers at all.
Fortunately, it’s still early in the morning. You can rush home, clean yourself and your car up, and still have a whole day to earn money.
You just hope that you don’t have another potentially dangerous or salacious run-in again.
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ahonice · 1 year
Paper Rings
Paper Rings 
Mark Estapa x Fem Reader
Word Count: 5.3k
Warnings: cursing, underage drinking, smoking weed, some sexual jokes, fluff (Who am I??? A fic that is only fluff, someone check on me) 
Note: this is my second installment of fics based off of my favorite Taylor Swift songs, paper rings is next because I am a lover girl just as much as I am a speak now girl <3. Enjoy, leave feedback (if my writing sucks tell me I need to know lol) Have a great day babes!!
*italics are song lyrics* (I recommend you listen to the song while reading)
“The moon is high, like your friends were the night that we first met. Went home and tried to stalk you on the internet, now I’ve read all of the books beside your bed.”
Like every other Saturday night since I started college I found myself with a twisted tea in one hand and a blunt in another. The only difference tonight had with the one that occurred one hundred and sixty eight hours ago was the scenery, rather than getting crossed in the safety of my friend's backyard I found myself in a lawn chair in a backyard that belonged to my roommate's new boyfriend’s friends. 
The conversation was hard to follow. I quickly found out that the drinks and weed I was consuming were being provided by hockey players, making me a little on edge because as much as I don’t wanna be that person, I have no idea where they got this weed. I used the guy who sat next to me as my guinea pig, like how in the olden days where royalty would have someone try all their food and drinks to test for poison, he hit everything before I did. 
Soon enough it was time to leave. I bid the boys a half hearted farewell, as I had only spoken to two of them, Johnny, my roommate's friend, and the boy who I sat next to who’s name I never learned. 
“Hannah how the hell are we getting back to the dorms?” Johnny had driven us there, but he also participated in the activities of the night leaving him unable to drive us all back to campus. 
“Good question. Johnny, is anyone not impaired here?” Thank god one of the seniors didn’t smoke or drink because he was kind enough to drive us back to campus.
During the car ride I sat in the passenger seat, as Hannah and Johnny wanted to sit in the back together and I wanted no part in that. Looking at the two in the back I saw how distracted they were with each other. I decided to ask the question I had been wanting the answer to all night.
“Hey, sorry if this is an odd question, but who was the guy I was sitting next to all night? Tall, blonde?” I asked a guy who’s name I didn’t know the name of a guy who’s name I didn’t know. I really need to start introducing myself to others. 
“Oh your taste tester? That’s Mark Estapa, and I’m Eric by the way. I know you never got my name either.” I smiled at his answer, typing Mark’s name in my phone before looking back up at Eric to inform him of my name. 
“I’ll be sure to tell him your name when he asks me tonight.”
Once I was in the comfort of my own dorm room I pulled out my phone to look Mark up on instagram. Quickly finding his account I spent more time then I had meant scrolling through his posts, his tagged posts, and a little bit of his following just to see what was up. An internal battle was occurring in my head as I tried to figure out if I should follow Mark or not.
“Hey Hannah, do you think I should–”
“Yes you should follow him.”
“The wine is cold like the shoulder that I gave you in the street, cat and mouse for a month or two or three. Now I wake up in the night and watch you breathe.”
It wasn’t on purpose, I was too distracted by the essay revisions my professor has just given me to see Mark waving at me. 
“Ouch dude that was brutal, didn’t you say she followed you on instagram. Isn’t that like a sign that she is interested?” Ethan said, giving his buddy a pity slap on the back.
“Just because she followed him first doesn’t mean she likes him, she could’ve just wanted to follow him. Stop being so delusional Edwards” Mackie said, “Also, that was tough to watch. Sorry Mark.” He added, commenting on the way I had completely ignored him. 
That Saturday Hannah and Johnny had somehow convinced, well more like threatened, me to come to the party the hockey team was throwing to celebrate their season starting earlier that day. 
Entering the house Johnny and Hannah immediately ditched me to go somewhere more private, much to my distaste I begged them to get a room while they were making out on the walk here, regretting that request because they were now doing just that. 
“Need a drink?” A voice came from behind me, I turned around to see Mark smiling at me with a twisted tea in his hand. “Saw that you were drinking a twea last time you were over so…” He trailed off as I reached to grab the can.
“Thank you Mark.” I smiled at him, his expression mirroring mine.
“You wanna smoke?” 
“Kiss me once ‘cause you know I had a long night. Kiss me twice ‘cause it’s gonna be alright. Three times ‘cause I waited my whole life.”
That same scene happened over and over again. The hockey team would host a party, I would attend and find Mark, more often than not he would find me, and we would go smoke. 
I was starting to get annoyed with how slow things were progressing between us. I followed him on instagram, the ball was in his court now and it had been for nearly a month now. Surprisingly enough over the past month I became close with Eric, the guy who drove me home the night I first met Mark. 
Tonight when I arrived at the party I made a beeline for the couch that Eric was sitting on, ignoring Mark’s wave again. 
“I need to talk to you.”
“I’m trying to enjoy my time here Y/n, go bother Mark.”
“Cicc this is about Mark.” 
Nodding silently, Eric stood up and allowed me to lead the way. Bad idea considering I had no idea where I was, this was a new house that I hadn’t been to before.
“Eric, I don't know where I’m going.” 
“Oh shit yeah, sorry.” He said laughing. “Give me like a minute I’m gonna go see if anyone is in my room.” I nodded, making a mental note that this is where Eric lived so I could bother him in the future when he would ignore my texts, which he did all the time. 
“Hey Y/n.” Mark said from behind me. I turned around giving him a quick greeting before recognizing the drink in his hand.
“For me?” 
“Always is.” He smiled, handing me the drink. “Look listen I was wondering, if you don’t wanna do this it’s fine, but I was wondering if you wanted to–”
“Y/n some couple is going at it in my room, but I think Moyle’s room is open.” Eric said coming down the steps, interrupting Mark. “By some couple I mean Hannah and Johnny, we gotta put a muzzle on them or something.”
“It’ll do. Mark, we can smoke later, once I’m done dealing with that idiot.” I said motioning towards Eric who made a face of shock before laughing. “I’ll find you, okay?” Mark nodded, I noticed the way he looked a little defeated but I decided to ignore it and blame it on the lighting.
“So we’ve been hanging out together at parties and talking constantly during the day, but he won’t ask me out. Is he not interested in me? He won’t even ask me to just plain hang out as friends outside of parties.” I rambled to Eric once we made it to Nolan’s room. 
“Wait what was he saying before I interrupted him?”
“He was just asking me to go smoke.” I said before realizing Mark was probably not asking me to smoke because he always just says “wanna smoke”.
“You idiot Eric.” I yelled.
“What did I do?”
“You interrupted him while he was asking me out, and then made it seem like we were going upstairs to do stuff.” I said, reaching over to smack him on the back of his head.
“Oh shit, yeah that probably doesn’t look too good in his mind.” 
“I’m leaving, goodbye, I’ll find you when I want to go home.”
“Why do I always have to take you home?” Eric asked, but I was already out the door. “Good luck Y/n.”
It took a little bit, but I finally found Mark sitting outside in one of the chairs placed around a firepit. Making my way up to him I saw that he had already smoked most of his blunt.
“Started without me?” I asked, laughing at the way he jumped in surprise.
“You snooze you loose.” Mark said, chuckling, but I could tell it was fake. I sat down in the chair next to him before speaking.
“Is everything okay? You seem a bit off.” I asked, a little afraid of how he might react to my question. We hadn’t been friends for very long, if we were even considered that.
“Yeah, I’m great.” He said, smiling for some reassurance, I don’t know if it was for me or for him. “What’s going on with you and Eric?” I had a feeling the question was coming, but it still took me by surprise.
“Nothing, we’re just friends. We’ve gotten really close over the past month, in a strictly friends way. Just friends…” I trailed off, hoping Mark would get that I’m being so adamant on us being friends and friends only. When Mark only nodded in response I let out a sigh. “Earlier, before when you were asking me about something…what was it that you were asking?” 
“Oh just to see if you wanted to smoke.” That was a lie.
“That’s a lie, what were you really gonna ask me?” I pressed on the subject because I hated when something was being kept from me, secrets, lies, anything being hidden from me.
“I wanted to see if you wanted to hang out with me, outside of a party and not just smoke weed, but I get it if you don’t, or if you’re too busy–”
“I’d love to.”
“I like shiny things, but I’d marry you with paper rings. Darling, you’re the one I want. I hate accidents except when we went from friends to this. Darling, you’re the one I want.”
The night was going great, it wasn’t a date Mark hadn’t asked me on a date, he asked me to hang out. We went to a diner for food, it was a cute mom and pop shop. While we sat waiting for our food, the waitress brought over our milkshakes. 
“Give me your hand.” Mark told me after the waitress had walked away. Skeptically I reached over and gave him my right hand. “No the left one.” I switched hands, looking at him even more confused now.
He works silently, wrapping my left ring finger in the paper wrapping of the straw he put into his milkshake moments ago. I smiled once I realized what he was doing, making me a paper ring. I quickly took a picture of my hand with Mark smiling in the background and sent it to Eric.
To: Eric🥱
He is already buying me jewelry 🥰
From: Eric🥱
Thought this wasn’t a date?
From: Eric🥱
I better be giving you away at y’alls wedding.
To: Eric🥱
You’re gonna be my flower girl Cicc 
To: Eric🥱
ALSO it’s not a date asshat🙄
I put my phone down as our waitress brought our food over, immediately diving into both the food and a conversation with Mark.
“In the winter, in the icy outdoor pool. When you jumped in first, I went in too. I’m with you even if it makes me blue.”
“This is a bad idea.” It was. Mark found out, much to my dismay, that I didn’t know how to ice skate, in return making it his mission to teach me. 
“No it’s not, I promise this is safe.” Mark reassured me, well attempted to.
After finding out that our hometowns were just a few miles apart we spent a lot of winter break together. For Christmas he got me ice skates, and a personalized bong but I couldn’t open that in front of my parents, who were spying on our gift exchange earlier that week.
“Mark I can’t accept these, they’re way too much money.” I felt bad, I had gotten him some lulu shorts, which were heavily discounted thanks to me working there, and his favorite munchie snacks. 
“Y/n please, I need to teach you how to skate and how can I do that if you don’t have any skates. Think of this as an investment, I’ll be getting my money back in no time.” By money back he meant that he would be rewarded with spending time with me, teaching me how to do something he loves. 
“This is a frozen pond, no way I’m going on this, it is not safe. Have you ever seen The Good Son.” I was not going onto the ice, I had a fear of drowning ever since I watched the movie when I was a little girl.
“No I have not seen that, but I promise it’s ok. Look they marked that the ice is thick enough and it’s cold enough out to be on here, we just have to avoid that small patch in the middle.”
“If I drown you’re going to jail for my murder.” Mark laughed at my joke, that wasn’t completely a joke. I had some truth behind my words.
Eventually I allowed Mark to lead me to the small bench so he could help me get my skates on, I took a quick picture as he put my foot between his thighs to tighten the laces. I smiled down at the picture as I sent it to Eric.
To: Eric🥱
He got me skates…
From: Eric🥱
He got you nice ass skates*
From: Eric🥱
Photo is cute, Mark looks extremely happy for someone who has a blade to their crotch.
To: Eric🥱
I hate you. 
“You ready?” Mark brought my attention back to him and I smiled nodding.
“You better not let me fall Estapa.” I said, pushing his chest lightly with my finger. He laughed in response and promised me he would never.
“Can I hold just one hand now?” Mark asked me. 
We had now been on the ice for about fifteen minutes, the whole time he skated backwards, holding both my hands, and I wasn’t really skated, I was more being pulled along, I don’t think I picked either of my feet up once the whole time.
“Yeah sure, just don’t go too fast.” He nodded and shifted over to the left side of me, holding just my left hand. I decided that I would start moving my feet rather than just being dragged. 
“Don’t look down at your feet, you’ll mess yourself up.” Mark gave me the piece of advice after noticing my eyes were trained on the ice below me. 
Soon another fifteen minutes went by before I decided to try skating without him holding me steady.. 
“Let go of my hand, I wanna try it on my own” I said with the most confidence I could muster up.
“Are you sure?” Mark asked, raising his eyebrows at me.
“Yes, keep skating next to me, just don’t hold onto me anymore.” He nodded at my request and let my hand go.
I definitely stopped skating as fast, but I was still doing it on my own. 
“Think you’re ready for me to give you some space?” Mark asked, I nodded quickly before I realized what that meant. My safety net would no longer be there in case I fell. I hadn’t been close to falling yet, the whole time I was out there was going very smoothly, but before I could take back my nod Mark had already sped up and went to the other side of the pond.
“Skate towards me.” He told me, after planting himself about thirty feet away from me. I managed to gain as much courage as possible and started skating towards him. The skating itself went well but there was one thing that Mark hadn’t taught me yet.
“Mark, I don't know how to slow down, or stop.” I yelled. It felt like I was going forty over the speed limit, in reality I was probably going five miles an hour. 
“Just shift your body to the left, turn your feet.” Mark yelled at me but it was too late, I closed my eyes and I came flying and ran into him, somehow knocking his body to the ground, me quickly following after.
After opening my eyes I saw Mark staring back at me with a smile on his face, he was laughing at me and I joined in. Once the giggles settled down it was like a staring contest, neither of us wanted to break, or maybe knew how. 
“Can I kiss you?” It was insanely cliche, I wanted to roll my eyes at the thought of how predictable this was, but I still nodded my head at Mark’s question and smiled as he leaned in.
“Which takes me back to the color that we painted your brother’s wall. Honey without all the exes, fights, and flaws, we wouldn’t be standing here so tall.”
It was our first fight. Mark began getting upset with how much time I was spending with Eric about three months into our relationship.
“I am your boyfriend, not him.”
“You don’t think I’m aware of that? Eric and I have been friends for quite some time now, why are you getting upset?” I didn’t understand why Mark was so angry, it wasn’t like I was flirting with Eric, or even ditching Mark to hangout with him, or doing anything that would cause Mark to be skeptical over me and Eric’s friendship.
“Y/n, you’re not viewing this from my perspective. You constantly talk to Eric, you text him while we’re on dates or just hanging out, you facetime or call him a couple times a week, you hang out with him just you two multiple times a week, he takes you home from parties and kickbacks, and you have never been to one of our hockey games but you said that when you did that you would be wearing one of Eric’s jerseys.” Mark’s words began speeding up as more and more spilled from his mouth.
He had a point though. I did text Eric during our dates, always pictures I took of Mark doing whatever I found endearing and asking for advice on how I’m supposed to function properly around this boy who makes me feel so many things. I had weekly phone calls with Eric, sometimes text messages weren’t enough and I needed to rant about how much I liked Mark verbally. We hang out a lot, we get lunch together every Tuesday and Thursday because we have the same break in classes on those days. He takes me home from parties, he was always the designated sober, Mark couldn’t take me home if he wanted to because we always got crossed together. I said I would wear one of Eric’s jerseys before me and Mark started dating, obviously now I would wear Mark’s jersey.
So that’s what I told him. I said those exact words to Mark, maybe a few differences here and there but still the same points being made. We discussed everything more, I had to reassure Mark that there truly was nothing going on between me and Eric, and that there never had been in the past, a couple of times but I didn’t mind. I wanted Mark to know how I truly felt about him, even if we had only known each other for a little over two months.
“Alright, can I see those photos you’ve been taking of me?”
“Kiss you once ‘cause I know you had a long night. Kiss you twice ‘cause it’s gonna be alright. Three times ‘cause you waited your whole life.”
That next weekend I found myself sitting in the stands of Yost with Hannah on my side, I was wearing one of Mark’s jerseys and Hannah was wearing one of Johnny’s. I made a mental note to get coffee with her soon so we could properly dish about our love lives and other things we can’t do around our boyfriends.
Michigan won their game, but it wasn’t a pretty win. Mark had gotten two penalties and it was a win in overtime. While waiting outside the backdoors with Hannah we noticed some of the guys trickling out, all smiling at us, some greeting us with words and asking us how we’re doing. It wasn’t until Johnny walked out that Hannah left me on my own. I was a little confused on what was taking Mark so long, had he walked past me and I didn’t even realize? I drove myself here so it wasn’t like I was waiting for him to drive me back or anything, he never explicitly asked me to meet him after the game. My thoughts were cut short by the sound of the door opening, the person walking out making me smile as I walked up towards them.
“Where is Mark? Did he leave already?” I asked Eric as I finally stood in front of him.
“Hello to you too Y/n.” I gave a fake laugh, urging Eric to tell me where the hell my boyfriend was. “He is still inside, should be coming out soon though. Want me to wait with you?”
I smiled at his offer, but declined it, telling him I would text him when I got back to my dorm for the night. There was definitely going to be a party thrown to celebrate the win tonight, but I didn’t feel like going and I was hoping Mark felt the same way.
After giving Eric a hug goodbye I waited about five more minutes before the familiar face of my boyfriend began to approach me.
“Hey babe, sorry for taking so long. Tough game, I’m really glad you were able to make it. Did you have fun?” He asked, wrapping his arms around me. The last question was slightly muffled due to his head being nuzzled into my neck. I didn’t answer though, well not immediately. I pulled away from his embrace and leaned up to kiss him, a sigh of relief fell from his mouth as he reciprocated the kiss. It wasn’t a heated make out, nothing scandalous, just an intimate and slow kiss that expressed the feelings we felt for each other. As I pulled away to catch my breath, which Mark quietly whined about, I informed him that I had a lot of fun and that I will definitely be attending more games of his in the future. Mark smiled at that and I couldn’t help but kiss him again, and once more when we made it to my car. 
“What’s with all the kisses? Not that I’m complaining.” He asked once I handed him my keys so that he could drive.
“I don’t know, I just feel like kissing you right now.” My answer was the truth, as embarrassing as it felt to say it.
“Well then let’s skip the actual party and bring ours back to your place?” I giggled at what Mark was implying, but nodded nonetheless.
“Hannah is gonna be with Johnny at the party for a couple hours.”
“Let’s go.”
“I like shiny things, but I’d marry you with paper rings. Darling, you’re the one I want. And I hate accidents, except when we went from friends to this. Darling, you’re the one I want.”
“Mark, I told you that you didn’t have to get me anything for my birthday.”
“I know, but I wanted to. Now open it.” I glared at his attitude before going to open the small box. 
“Oh Mark, this is beautiful.” It was a ring, silver, but it looked like an origami heart. Lately Mark had been getting more creative with the rings he would make at restaurants, drawing hearts or writing cute little notes, about a month ago he began attempting to fold the straw wrappers into shapes. None of them ever turned out the way he wanted them too, so now he got me one that was perfect, even if he didn’t make it. “I love it.” I love you. “You’re really stepping up your ring game lately Estapa.”
“Just wait until I propose.” 
“I want to drive away with you, I want your complications, I want your dreary Mondays, wrap your arms around me baby boy.”
“Let’s just run away together.” 
“Mark, what? No.”
Things have been pretty stressful lately. My classes were whooping my ass, Mark was feeling a lot of stress while approaching the frozen four tournament. 
“I can’t handle the pressure of this. What if we get bumped out in the semifinals again, I want to win so badly Y/n.”
“Mark, all that matters is that you do your best. It’s a team effort, you can’t put all the weight on yourself. It’s okay to feel a little worried, but you can’t let it get to you, that will only affect your game and then your fears will come true.” I told him, reaching over to grab his hand from across the table we sat at and giving him a small, but reassuring, smile. 
“I love you.” 
I froze, I didn’t know what to do. I loved Mark, I knew I did and I had known for quite some time, but hearing those words come out of his mouth, to hear that the boy I love so much loves me as well was too much for me to handle. I wanted to yell, to scream out that I loved him too, but for some reason on this damn Monday afternoon I couldn’t speak. I opened my mouth, but nothing came out. I hadn’t realized how long I was silent until I fully looked at Mark, sitting there the most vulnerable I had seen anyone, and crying. Shit he was crying.
“Mark I–”
“No I get it, if you don’t love me back. That’s ok, we haven’t been together for that long.” A lie, we had been together for over a year. “-I’m sorry for saying that.”
“Mark, don't apologize for saying what you’re feeling.” Why the hell could I not tell him I loved him, it’s just three words, but they just couldn’t find their way out of my mouth. His crying increased, he was almost full on sobbing right now, it broke my heart.
“Please don’t cry baby.” I reached out for him, but he winced away. “I love you too.” 
“Don’t just say that, don’t lie to make me feel better.”
“I’m not lying to you, I love you. I have for a long time, since you got me my ring.” I sighed, reaching out for him once again, praying he wouldn’t shy away from me again, he didn’t. “Mark, I quite literally froze when you told me you loved me. To hear that you love me back, Mark, it makes me so happy. I’m sorry I didn’t say it back fast enough, I can’t imagine how you were feeling.” Mark smiled at my words, I could see the tension releasing from his shoulders.
“Say it again.”
“I love you, Mark.”
“I love you too, Y/n”
We both broke out into a fit of giggles, Mark made his way around the table and wrapped his arms around me.
“I like shiny things, but I’d marry you with paper rings. That’s right, you’re the one I want. I hate accidents except when we went from friends to this. Darling, you’re the one I want.”
Me and Mark were out celebrating my college graduation, he flew in from Vegas to watch me accept my diploma. The past year we had gone long distance, I went to Vegas for his NHL debut and we were both home for the holidays, but other than that our relationship took place through a screen. It wasn’t ideal, but we got through it. 
“Mark, can you order for me? Just my usual, I need to use the restroom.” Unsurprisingly we went to our favorite diner, the one we frequented a lot when both of us were living in Ann Arbor.
I came back to the table to see that our waitress had brought over the milkshakes we ordered. The scene was very similar, but one thing was different.
“No ring today Estapa? Are you trying to let me down gently?” I joked, a little confused seeing that the wrappers from the straws that sat in our drinks were crumpled up together 
“I thought you might like a ring made out of a different material.” Mark stated before moving out of his booth seat and shifting onto one knee. The confusion in my face faded once I realized what he was doing. Oh my god.
“Oh my god.”
“Y/n, I thank god everyday that you didn’t trust Nolan’s weed enough to smoke it without having a taste tester. I love you so much, I love everything about you, I can’t imagine spending the rest of my life with anybody but you.” Tears began to fill my eyes, I could see them filling Mark’s too. “Y/n, will you marry me?” I knew it was coming, but I still gasped. The ring was beautiful, an exact replica of the ring I designed for fun two years ago, telling Mark to take a mental picture of it for the future, I guess he actually did it.
“Paper rings, in picture frames, in all my dreams, you’re the one I want.”
“I can’t believe you kept all of these.”
Our wedding had just ended, I was officially married to Mark, Y/n Estapa. It was a beautiful ceremony, the reception lasted almost six hours. If asked what was my favorite part of my wedding, other than officially becoming Mark’s wife, it was the picture frames placed all around the venue with pictures of me, or Mark, or me and Mark, and along with it was a paper ring, dated from that same day the picture was taken. 
“You kept every single ring you made me?”
“I’m a little offended that you never kept them, but it made my surprise all the more better.” 
“I have a surprise for you too, but you can’t see it until we get to the room, which we can’t go to until everyone has left…”
“You’re the one I want.”
Note: Not proofread, because that's for losers. My brother graduated college today and I wrote this while sitting through that long ass ceremony so idk if this is good or not, tell me if it sucks tell me if you love it idc just any type of feedback is greatly appreciated. Also ik that Mark isn’t drafted (I don’t think he is, if he is then whoops) but I used Vegas because of that instagram post. Love y’all, have a great day. 
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cassyapper · 2 years
jotaro kujo is a big softie that loves his friends so incredibly much and he needs to ensure their safety to be calm and also he’s a giantass fucking loser dork OR:
what the oingo boingo arc tells us about jotaro despite him barely being in it
first things first, jotaro being in the back with avdol and kakyoin when they’re wounded
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what does this mean? it means jotaro could only soothe his nerves while on the drive to the hospital by being the one to tend to avdol and kakyoin
i come to this conclusion because it certainly wasn’t cause of space issues: polnareff is shorter than jotaro and also weighs less, so it probably wouldve been less cramped if he was the one to go into the back. but he’s not. you might then argue that no one else would’ve been able to drive, but then i argue that joseph could’ve driven and jotaro couldve been in the passenger seat. but again, that’s not the case. jotaro is only able to handle the wait by being the one right beside kakyoin and avdol while theyre wounded
to expand upon this, jotaro is the one who left for avdol and kakyoin way before joseph or polnareff. all this leads to the conclusion jotaro was really worried and the only way he could soothe those worries was by being by their sides and seeing for himself how things were going
now for the meat
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polnareff wasn’t afraid of touching “jotaro” or manhandling him. this is strange... we’ve seen jotaro when he’s annoyed and pissed off about how people treat him; he literally kept an actual list of all of steely dan’s transgressions so he could properly get payback. he knows his strength and he knows how to use it so people leave him alone
but polnareff is unflinching in his action here. he doesn’t think twice about treating jotaro like a little kid who needs help getting into the car. what can we conclude about this?
one might argue that polnareff is willing to risk it this once because he’s worried about avdol and kakyoin and doesn’t want to wait around, especially because he’d be safe from a beating because of the constraints of the car. however, to counter this, let’s again remember jotaro’s strength; it would be very easy for him to push back and never be forced into the car at all before punching the daylights out of polnareff, especially because as discussed earlier, polnareff is smaller than jotaro. polnareff is impulsive but he’s not stupid, he knows they don’t have time for a brawl
which means, jotaro would’ve allowed this. jotaro is fine with being touched by his loved ones and even thrown around by them because if there is one thing jotaro can speak fluently when it comes to communication, it’s physical action. we also see this in how he lets joseph shove him against the wall when holly first falls ill and how when he was with yellow temperance kakyoin, he didn’t mind that “kakyoin” shoved him a bit (until that shoving had him almost fall to his death). whos to say he Likes it, but he clearly doesn’t Mind it so long as its coming from a friend. he trusts they wont take more what he’s willing to give in regards to his personal space
next, iggy is willing to sit next to “jotaro” and is even comfortable enough to sleep next to him
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this is presumably because he earned iggy’s respect in the n’doul fight and handled iggy’s bullshit with the gum with relative grace -- showing that he’s not gonna hurt iggy over it, at least
i just wanted to point this out to show that iggy and jotaro were friends too. ive said this before but this implication makes me think jotaro, alongside avdol, was one of the only ppl allowed to pet iggy
now the implications of the famous cigarette trick
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jotaro is not a showoff kinda guy. he doesn’t like bringing attention to himself, especially not “ohh wow that’s so cool!!” attention like a cigarette trick would give him. at least, not from relative strangers, like the girls at his school -- but if its from his friends, clearly his tune changes a bit...
i come to this conclusion because sure, it’d be one thing if jotaro only did this trick with the single cigarette polnareff has; he mightve done it to earn some respect and otherwise “cool” points from the crusaders so he can be alone in peace (they would be intimidated to bother such a cool guy)
but jotaro does this trick with FIVE cigarettes
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he literally has no reason to do that other than to wow the crusaders at this point. this goes beyond just garnering some respect; this would be jotaro going out of his way, wasting cigarettes as he does so, to make people Look at him. like you see why this is fairly abnormal right?
so how else would one explain this behavior? well, it’s obvious to me: jotaro enjoys making his friends smile. he doesn’t mind it when it’s THEIR attention on him, because he trusts the intentions of it. it’s not burning or prickling or unknown like a stranger’s attention might be to him; it’s comforting, it lets him know he’s seen, it lets him know they care. i dont think jotaro would like ever THRIVE under attention per se, but he would really like it nonetheless coming from his friends, which is what this proves to me. he wants them to look at him and smile and root for him and revel in his accomplishments with him, an experience he doesn’t award just anyone
also it goes to show that jotaro is willing to put down the cool guy front near the crusaders cause honestly, doing this fuckin thing with five cigarettes is, while impressive, not necessarily a badass guy thing? you only learn to do this if you have a bad smoking habit and are bored out of your mind -- not particularly cool, but funny and relatable. which i think is the thing...jotaro WANTS the crusaders to relate to him. im goign nuts. basically jsut like...he loves them. he loves the connection they all have to him and it opens facets of himself he never thought would see the light of day. it lets him relax and just...be himself (which is a weirdo funny kid btw) for a bit. he doesnt need to be constantly cool or whatever to be comfortable in front of them
next, the way joseph and polnareff respond to “jotaro” clearly not being okay
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what this response tells me is a couple of things:
1. jotaro has come undone or nearly come undone in front of them before. the way joseph and polnareff glance at each other before immediately launching into theatrics, jumping from one scenario to another so theres no time to think, tells me that they know what jotaro would appreciate in this situation -- and that’s a distraction from whatever his thoughts are with something so ridiculous the absurdity alone will shock jotaro out of it for now. they also know not to question him; making jotaro think about it even more will just lead to disaster. they only take what jotaro can give them and dont ask for more
2. the way they know jotaro wouldve appreciated a distraction means to me theyve talked to him about this before, presumably during the previous times he came undone. jotaro would rather die than truly talk about his problems so he probably told them “just- just distract me. i can’t stop thinking” (cause jotaro probably has anxiety disorder but well anyway). polnareff and joseph listened to that and they adhere to it here which we can see with the thumb and orange things. this is further supported by the time kakyoin changes subjects when it comes to light avdol and iggy died. cant overthink if you dont have the time to, right?
anyway this got long. basically, jotaro loves his friends and they love him too
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rickroll-25 · 11 months
Forget Coffee theory, can we talk about body swap theory?
From series one we know that not only can Crowley and Aziraphale switch places, but Crowley can stop time. Check out this little number:
1. Before the kiss, the clock reads about 9:25
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-This is the clock after
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Obvi it’s a little blurry but it looks like it says 9:45. That may not have been the actual time but the minute hand still moved waaay more than it would’ve under regular circumstances. Crowley did something time altering we didn’t see while the clock ticked forward. I think they swapped places and maybe we’re making a plan for what to do next.
Exhibit 2:
The song on the Bentley isn’t best of Queen, so either the car is working differently because Aziraphale is driving, or Crowly put the disc in recently which is more sad and less fun given the circumstances.
Exhibit 3:
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When has Crowley ever driven the speed limit? Maybe he’s just sad, maybe not.
Anyway, I’m mostly saying this because I’m in denial (aren’t we all?) but wouldn’t that be such a cool concept to have Crowley secretly acting as archangel to stop Armageddon, and perhaps Aziraphale goes undercover as a Duke of hell in season 3…?
Also the coffee is very suspicious for many reason but I’m not super focused on that.
(although do you think whatever potential hex that affected Aziraphale could’ve been transferred to Crowley when they kissed??)
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winchesterandpie · 2 years
QuickCare and Confessions
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Pairing: Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw x reader
Word Count: 1366
Warnings: sooo self indulgent, for which I will not apologize. Other than that, I can't think of anything
Requested by @katiemcrae
A/N: Enjoy some best friends to lovers! I had a ton of fun writing this. Let's just say, I absolutely love this man! Writing this also helped take my mind off of everything I should have been doing, so I hope you enjoy the fruits of my procrastination lol.
You felt absolutely relieved when Bradley walked into the QuickCare. You hadn’t gotten there long before him, so you were just anxiously filling out the forms they needed in order to see you.
“Hey, thanks for coming,” you said, offering a half grin to your best friend.
“I was worried something happened.” He definitely looked worried. “You texted me that you were at urgent care, I just needed to make sure you were okay.”
Your grin softened into something more intimate. It was moments like these where you realized over and over again that you were in love with Bradley Bradshaw. He didn’t know that, of course, and you weren’t about to tell him. If you only ever had him as a friend, you would take that and be grateful.
“What happened?”
“Well… I may have tripped on the stairs.” You bit the inside of your cheek and looked away, a little embarrassed.
“So… why did you need QuickCare?” he asked, the words drawn out in his confusion.
“Because my ankle kinda went sideways when I fell and now it really hurts.”
There was new concern in his voice, “How the hell did you get here then?”
“It’s just my left ankle. I drive with my right foot, so it’s fine.”
He said your name in pure disbelief. You shrugged, so he said your name again. “You could’ve called me--I’d have driven you here!”
“But you were on base. I figured there was a good chance you were in the air.”
“I’m just glad you’re okay,” he said after a long moment, shaking his head.
They called your name then, and Bradley stepped to your injured side without you needing to ask. His arm around your waist supported most of your weight as you made your way to the examination room. He didn’t let go of your hand while they poked, prodded, and turned your ankle.
As you suspected, they diagnosed you with a sprained ankle. Once it was tightly wrapped up, you were given instructions to rest, ice your ankle, and keep it elevated.
Bradley took you home, and you could feel him looking over at you every once in a while during the drive. It wasn’t like you weren’t looking at him. Tonight had you wishing you could reach between the seats and take his hand. You could probably get away with it--he might just ascribe it to the tough afternoon you had. But you couldn’t bring yourself to risk him discovering your feelings, which could in turn jeopardize your friendship.
“Here we are, home sweet home,” he said as he pulled into your driveway. You had only just started to move when he spoke again. “No, you stay put! I’ll be right there.”
“I was just unbuckling the seatbelt,” you argued. You still unbuckled, but you didn’t move to get out while he hopped out and came to your side of the Bronco.
“Alright, come here,” he said as he picked you up, sliding one arm under your knees.
“Hey, I’m perfectly capable of walking,” you protested halfheartedly. It was difficult to be anything less than content in his strong arms.
He laughed, the sound rumbling through you. “I’ve got a doctor who disagrees with you on that one.”
You turned your face into his shoulder as heat crept across your cheeks. “Ok, ok, I’ll give you that one.”
“I thought you would.” He paused at the door while you fumbled for your keys. “I’ll get your car tomorrow, okay?”
“That’s way out of your way!”
“I don’t mind.”
“Are you sure? You’ve already done so much for me.” 
Bradley held you so you could unlock the door, then nudged it closed behind the two of you. “I promise I don’t mind.”
You acquiesced with a quiet hum as he set you down on the couch. “I really appreciate you.” That was close enough to telling him you loved him without ruining your friendship, right? “Thank you for being here with me.”
“Nowhere I’d rather be,” he said, too softly. “Have you eaten yet?”
“No, I…” you stopped to chuckle at yourself with just a hint of embarrassment, “I was coming down the stairs to get dinner. The whole ankle thing kinda got in the way.”
“Fair enough. Pizza sound good?” He was already pulling out his phone to place an order, but you nodded nonetheless, smiling to yourself. “You’ve got an ice pack, right?”
“Yeah, they should be in the door of the freezer.” You started to offer to get it yourself, but he disappeared into the kitchen before you could blink. It sounded so strange and yet so… normal to hear him moving around in your space. Something about it just felt so comforting.
When Bradley returned, he set the ice pack and the dish towel on the coffee table. He lifted your legs up onto the opposite couch arm and held the ice pack to your ankle. His fingers brushed the skin of your leg just above the wrap, trailing fire with his touch.
“Think that’ll stay put?” he asked, somewhat rhetorically. It had frozen in a shape that made it pretty stable sitting against your ankle. 
Confident in that, he came over to the cushion that was now behind you and sat down. To have your ankle up on the other arm of the couch, you had to sit just far enough from the nearer one that your muscles had to work to keep you sitting up, but there was enough space for him to sit.
“C’mon, lean back for me, sweetheart,” Bradley encouraged. The nickname made you melt easily back into him. You wished he would mean it romantically. 
You shifted a little, finding a comfortable position. His arm went around you when you settled. It would have made alarm bells go off in your head except that you were just so warm leaning into him. He felt like home.
“Say that again?” he asked, and you realized you had voiced that last thought out loud. You tilted your head back to meet his gaze, a little terrified of what you would find there. Instead of anything scary, you found something akin to hope and that gave you enough courage to speak.
“You feel like home to me,” you said, more certain this time.
Bradley’s lips pulled into a smile and you wondered, not for the first time, what it would be like to kiss him. “You’re home to me too.” When his hand lifted to trace down the side of your face, you finally started to think that maybe he felt the same. “Why didn’t you say anything sooner?”
“Why didn’t you?” you asked, turning it around on him, though internally you were downright giddy.
“I suppose we both could have spoken up.”
“I was scared I’d mess us up,” you confessed, though it felt a little silly now.
He confided his own secret, “Me too.” You felt his smile as he pressed a kiss to your forehead.
“I’m really glad you came.”
“I’ll always come when you need me.”
You turned your head still closer. “What if I just want you here? Instead of needing, I mean.”
“Even better,” he said, and you knew he meant it. “If this weren’t the most incredibly awkward angle, I would kiss you right now.” 
You could have sworn he was glowing brighter than the sun when you laughed. He laughed too, dropping his hand from your face in favor of wrapping his arm around you. You’d never thought you would be grateful for a sprained ankle, but here you were. When you told him as much through gasps of giggles, he just laughed harder.
“Next time you want me to know something like that, you could try just, y’know, telling me?” Bradley’s arm squeezed around you affectionately. “No need for you to get injured, sweetheart.”
“Drat, there go my plans,” you groaned in mock annoyance.
“I promise I’ll make it worth your while,” he offered playfully.
You pretended to think about it. “I suppose I can agree to that.”
Falling in love with your best friend was the best thing you’d ever done, second only to spraining your ankle.
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gayerthanevertbh · 2 years
apeitheia - part seven.
pairings | scarlett johansson x fem!reader
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summary | hollywood’s wealthiest actress, scarlett johansson, is happily married to her comedian husband. that is until she meets one of her staff in her brand-new company and starts to have a long-lasting affair - which is committing adultery and the disobedience that comes within. (THIS IS COMPLETELY FICTIONAL!)
warnings | smut, detailed smut - 18+ YOU’VE BEEN WARNED! sex in the car, backseat, fingering, making out, fluff, and angst. 
notes | this was so well written for me so i really hope you like this one, there will be five more chapters. maybe though! let’s see how this series end anyway. <3
series masterlist | masterlist | taglist series
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                                SEPTEMBER 21, 2022: PAST.
We were miles away from everyone when I first saw Scarlett again after a week. It was a narrow lonely road that went uphill, and beside us were just trees and… trees. There was nothing interesting but her hands are on my butt, her lips smothering my under jaw while I have my back against the steering wheel, accidentally hitting a horn and sending a pack of birds flying into the sky.
“I’ve missed you so much,” she says desperately and continues to pepper kiss on my lower lip, then to my nose – her hands molding onto my cheeks like she was made to do it. “I could not spend a week without you, petal. It has driven me insane to just be alone, I can’t do that again. I love you.”
“I’ve missed you more, Lovie. I’ve missed you so much more.” her lips hover mine and we began to kiss languidly, like those in the movies where couples kiss passionately. As my “relationship” broads with her, my experiences began to be touched. I knew what my body wanted most of the time, and mostly I wanted her to touch me or to do whatever she wanted since she also mentioned that she liked it that way. But I could never remember at one point she made me uncomfortable, she never did.
Our kiss continues into hungry kisses, her tongue dancing with mine as her hands continue to squeeze my butt. I pulled away with a loud profound moan as it radiates from Scarlett’s core from the noise that I have just made. She huffs to herself and removes her beige cardigan away from her body, revealing her tight white tank top that hugged her breasts as well as her arms perfectly well. She was a little buffed, but not to the point that she would strangle me.
“Get in the backseat baby.” she says in a sweet but deep voice. I did what she asked me to do. I leaned on my back against the car door which hurts my upper spine–but never complained. She gets in between my legs and starts to kiss me again, this time rougher and with so much tension. I held her nape gently while we both tongue-kissed together, although I was trying not to giggle since my tongue keeps slipping out from her mouth.
She gets this signal and pulls away, smiling at me faintly. “I just really missed you, that’s all.”
“I did too,” I say, my fingers playing on the skin of her neck. She gives a long hum and slowly brings her hand to the hem of my shirt, pulling it upwards slowly with anticipation and hungry eyes. “You really want to do this here, huh?”
“Yes,” she answers me, as a matter of fact. It doesn’t really concern me since this is something she would do, take me to the deepest places so she could have some time with me. Whether this was making love or fucking, either way–it felt damn good. She added with a kiss below my belly button, “I just imagine you being such a good girl and was sprawled all over my bed, my hands all over you. Maybe I’d take out my camera so that I could reminisce about that feeling forever. Of us being young, of us just being… us.”
I was young; she was not. I had to be honest there, and it was the truth either way. But she would sometimes tell me whenever we were alone in bed that I relieve her youth, that she wished she could’ve met me sooner so that she would’ve never married Colin in the first place. I was rather flattered by her thought and continued to ask what it would feel like if we had that young love. She would laugh and would tell me that she was a pain in the ass. I hardly believe that though, I think she’s pretty humble herself.
She unbuttons my shorts and drags them down, my skin tingling from the rough cloth of it. I had to bite my lower lip in order to not let out a desperate moan as soon as she removed them completely, and now her face was above mine once more before she could kiss me again. Scarlett thrust her hips up and I let out a tiny moan while she did so.
“I have to fuck you,” Scarlett says as if it was a must. She removed her own undergarments and we were both nude together, in a car, in the middle of nowhere. If I had to admit, this was thrilling for me. That no one else could find us was chilling through my bones. Our breasts are pressed together while her face was on the crook of my neck, her eyes scrunched together, and thrusts her hips shallowly–her clit grazing at mine. I held her tattooed back with my nails digging through her skin while she continued in this position, not knowing what to do. But my lips were all over her ear and her temples, kissing her for assurance.
“Baby, wait. I have to just–fuck, I have to put my fingers inside of you.” she groans and pulls herself up, my eyes fixated on her firm breasts that were shining with sweat. I touched her left breast gently and she rolls her eyes back to her skull and did the same with mine, but her hands were bigger but softer. She has very soft hands.
“Do you like it when I touch you, baby girl?” her voice was teasing, but rough. How much I loved it when she talked like that. She gave me a tiny smirk and raked her fingers down to the middle of my stomach, then above my cunt where my heat cunt is radiating from. My stomach flexes when I can feel herself leaning down to my face while she teases me down there, with no mercy. “Oh, I’m going to enjoy you. I’m going to enjoy every bit of you, doll.”
It’s like she knows how to talk with her mouth, and how and when to use it. I swallowed a whimper when she teased my wet folds with two fingers, her eyes glued to me and my tits. She would continue this for a minute or two, then start kissing me again with her firing lips. I whispered near her mouth, “Please make love to me–I feel so hot and warm, Scar. Just–”
“Shh,” she coos, her other hand caressing my left bicep like a babe while still teasing my small gaping hole. She gives a quick smile then kisses me one last time before she eases her fingers inside of me, almost having an orgasm when she caught me fluttering my eyes in the back of my head. “That’s it, baby… take it all. God, I love this pussy of yours. Always gripping me tight and warm.”
I’m going to enjoy you. Sticks in my fuzzy head while her fingers slowly curl inside of me, hitting that sensitive spot that gets my hips to buck up. Her head was buried in my neck again and pulled out, thrusting back in with the tip of her fingers hitting the edges of my inside. I grip her back, my eyes becoming watery as she does this pace gently but roughly at the same time. As if she’s showing me that she really did miss me, that she really loved me. I’ve never heard her say: I’m in love with you and I don’t really think about it much, maybe because I’m not ready to say it as well.
But I do think I am, I know I am. Because when I’m with her, I’m like a bird or an ice skater that glides through the surface gracefully–there are no stops, no bumps, just the cold wind hitting my skin and my face. And if I crack the ice, it’s like I’m breaking her heart. Or maybe, I’m breaking myself. That never happened in my imagination, I just kept being free.
She covers my mouth, shushing me down as if someone might catch our innuendo acts when technically–there’s no one around, no one to see our encounter. Scarlett kisses my cheek and pounds her fingers in me, making my breast shake with each thrust. And she watches in awe with a small smile on her face.
“That feels so good…” I mewled, looking at her lips which looked dry yet wet at the same time. “Please keep going, don’t stop–Mmph!”
Her back flexes and her grunts become louder, her eyes staring to my side while pumping her fingers furiously–creating squelching and wet sound inside the atmosphere of her SUV, evident fog is now on each window. I’m sure that the car is shaking from our sex, which I find incredibly sexy for some reason.
“I want to lather my tongue all over your precious body,” she praises, sending shock waves through my spine, especially to my wet cunt that is being pounded by her thick fingers. “I want to do everything for you, petal. My petal, I want to ravish you with my teeth… Make you completely mine. You’re nothing but my toy, isn’t it right Y/N? A toy?”
“Yes, oh god yes!” I panted, my chest heaving relentlessly by the mixture of pleasure and the warm sensation that has been circulating in the car for many minutes now, possibly hours. Scarlett gives me a chaste kiss before she can whimper softly: “You want to cum? Hm? Cum around my fingers, baby. Please, for me? Cum my love, I want to feel you clench around me.”
I don’t remember anything else but releasing my everything on her, I could see white dots in the back of my eyes as I flexed my legs around her–the orgasm washing over my body within seconds, only enough for it to go away. It’s a high–as if you’re watching your favorite movie and you’re at the anticipating moment. This was the moment that I’ve been longing for, what she and I needed the most. All I could feel now was her tremendous kisses all over my face and to my chest, whispering lovely words to me that sounded like a lullaby.
“You did great, baby. I love you.”
We both sat there in silence, feeling the air conditioning cooling us off from our intense encounter. I could feel Scarlett’s hand running up and down on my thigh and it soothes me, it even makes me want to fall asleep. She’s still topless but her bottom was covered with her cardigan as well as mine–although I’m using my shirt in this case. My head was on her shoulder as I watched the fog on the window calming down with the minutes, the skies completely dark. I could only hear the car running with the engine and smell the air freshener that smelled brand new.
Scarlett speaks up with a hoarse voice, “Can I tell you something? But don’t freak out, I just want to be honest and real with you.”
I turned my head slowly and nodded, prompting my butt a little out of the car seat, and asked: “What seems to be the problem? Did you regret anything?”
She shakes her head and pulls me by the hips, luring me closer to her warm body until my head was resting on her chest. I can hear her breathing in and exhaling through her mouth as if she was afraid to say something that is sinful and vile. I don’t know what she wanted to say, but I was confused and desperate to know what was in her head.
I waited.
“I’m in love with you, Y/N.” Scarlett closes her eyes as she says those five words that seemed so small yet so big. I felt my heart thumping repeatedly as she said those words, my eyes widening like I couldn’t believe what she was trying to imply. Before I could even say anything, she added, “I don’t think my love for you is just… puppy love. It’s like I can’t breathe without you or I can’t even function when I don’t know you’re safe. It’s not like I’m desperate, I don’t think I am. But when it comes to your love or whatever you’re giving me, I am desperate for it. I’m in love with you that I only want to breathe with you, to inhale you all in so that you could never go away.”
“But you’re so young to realize that you’re in love with me too. Soon enough we will depart and you’re going to think of me as someone you loved, someone that you cared for. And I’ll feel the same way, but I could be watching you from afar since I’m afraid enough to even get close by you.
I don’t want to depart from you, petal. I want you. You’re everything I wanted, everything I’ve hoped for. I just want to be with you.”
Immediately, I was afraid. A good afraid. I don’t know how to respond to her answer because I do feel the same way, I was just a chicken for not admitting it sooner that I had to wait for her to say it. I could feel my chest rising with her nose touching the side of mine, her eyes still closed as she breathed in me–as she longed for me. I breathe in her skin, the smell of her citrus scent ignites my whole nervous system and I felt like I was possessed by a ghost or anything in particular. I cup her jaw softly and it opens her eyes, a hope flashes through her green orbits. It’s like she’s waiting for me to say it, needed for me to say it. And if I don’t say it now, I don’t think I’ll ever say it.
“I’m in love with you,” I whispered, causing Scarlett to breathe quietly through her nose in relief. I caught her smiling but faded when I got serious. “I’m very much in love with you, are you kidding me? I’m not saying this because you’re an actress and you’re very well known and all that, I didn’t see you as that person. I see you as you, Scarlett. You’re everything to me. And despite not talking to my family, I think you’re my family right now lovie. I think that if we stop what we are having, I might not as well breathe. You’re such a good person and always so present in everything, I’m so honored that you’re even my–”
“Baby,” she whispers happily, tears forming in her eyes as she sniffles from my little confession. She cups my face with her left hand and leans her lips to kiss mine gently. “God, I think we’re crazy for each other. Aren’t we?”
“I guess we are, Johansson.”
Her thumb strokes my cheek carefully and looks at my twinkling eyes, wondering to herself how could she ever get this lucky? She puts her arm around my shoulders and pulls me in, still stroking my face with care. I lifted my face so my mouth could touch her chin, and I could feel her swallow thickly. We both felt intimidated by this whole new beginning of our confessions, not sure if we might make it exclusive to the public. But there’s only one thing I know is that I just want everything to be private with her that no one has to know, that no one could know how we make each other feel other than us. It’s sentimental, it’s alluring.
“I’m so in love with you, I can barely breathe.” she then kisses me once more, but it was only half a kiss. We both tremble from our lips, acting like it was our first time. She brings her hand to my breast to feel my heartbeat, and she flutters a smile. It brings me so much warmth just to see her smile.
And to myself, I think we made a new beginning after that.
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I sat down with Lizzie with not a lot of people around us, as I suggested that I do want to have an intimate time with her as friends. She agreed and picked a wonderful restaurant for us both, and we started to talk about the movie that we will be starring in. She was going to be this floristry–just like petal–and I’ll be the Royal Navy on the set. It felt great to be accompanied by her, after so long of being isolated at home where I had to keep myself safe from the people who are trying to ruin me.
“You know,” she says as she takes a deep breath, flicking her cigarette on top of her ashtray. “I know that relationship of yours.”
I shrugged, looking down at our food and feeling the shame that she might give me. “I figured.”
“I’m not upset,” Lizzie reassured and reaches out a hand to touch mine, letting me know that it was okay. Did it feel okay? “I could never be upset with you. I just need a context of the story about how you two meet and all that, I’m quite confused myself.”
I narrowed my eyes at her and played with my fork on the plate since it can only distract me from my anxiety.
“I never meant to cheat on him, you know? It just… happened.”
She nods as if understanding the situation I was going through. If I have to be harsh, she probably does not know what I’m technically going through as everyone is turning against me; even my ex-husband. She sighed, “I know you didn’t mean to, but it’s also not an excuse Scarlett.”
“You don’t think I know that?” I responded with bitterness in my tone, almost cursing myself for even being that aggressive towards her. Though she smiles at me kindly, not taking my tone literally–which I thanked for.
“I just want to know what has brought you to this situation.”
“It’s not a bad one,” I say, gazing back down to the table while I try to reminisce my moments with Y/N that are always in my mind. I smile at that. “She’s the best thing that has ever happened to me. I could be the evil person in the situation, I could be bad–sure. I just wasn’t as happy with Colin, I wasn’t passionate with him. And when she came around I was just like, wow I’ve been missing out on so much that I didn’t even know this is what love feels like. She’s real, Lizzie. She feels so real and so ethereal that you may think she’s untouchable. I’m afraid that I’ll hurt her, that one little pluck of petal she might fade away. She’s fragile but smells sweet, she’s the earth of my feet.”
“You seem so passionate about her.”
If I haven’t described what I said just a few seconds ago, then it wouldn’t be that convincing. Of course, I was passionate about her. I will always be passionate whenever it comes to her, I’ll be a brand new person once she arrives. It’s like I built my whole world around this girl that I got obsessed, in love. And I’m gladly doing it. I think about her constantly, I think about the way I’d see her again tonight when I get back home or when to be in her arms. I’d watch her cook again, I’d tell her my little lullabies so her pretty head could sleep. I’ve grown to love her, I was made to love her. She’s my whole, and I think I am to her as well.
“I’ve never been this way with anyone,” I say. “I’ve never been… vocal about my love for someone like this. It’s always her, Liz. I don’t know why. But all I can say is, she’s my disobedience. A good one. I don’t care what the press would say about this or how everyone will react once we made it to the headlines that we are together but that girl is who I want to marry.”
Lizzie scrunches her eyebrows together–not in a rude sense–and stirs her cup of coffee slowly, bringing it to her lips. “Are you sure that you do want to marry her? Is she worth it?”
I leaned my back against the dark-coated green copper chair and nodded with a faint smile on my face; she smiled back. She quips, “Damn, you are whipped for this girl.”
I chuckle at the pun she made, curling my fingers together as I play with them.
“I think I might be, yeah.”
“Whatever it is, I think you seem to be in love with her and I’d like to see how this ends for you. I think both of you are destined to be together,” she tells me with a soft voice but a demeaning factor. “I think that you should propose to her when the time is right. And clearly, that’s not now Scarlett. Let time pass, and the people still know about the affair. Let it cool down, and once that’s done–marry her, be with her.”
I thought about what she said and mostly, she was right. I was just overly joyed with the fact that I could practically marry her right now and we would be happy, but the timing is wrong. I almost laugh to myself when I remember that I told her I’ll give her a ring one day, and that day won’t come by now. Maybe not even tomorrow or next year, which sucked for me. But all I can see in my head is us living in the South of France, having a flower shop together. I’d give up my career or even take a role as a French woman, and she’ll be my flower girl day and night. She’ll be tainted as one for me, she was my petal. Like a sun-bathed flower that smelled fresh when the morning comes; she smells exactly like that.
“Perhaps you’re right, Liz. Perhaps you’re right.”
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you’re not contacting me for like a week. what happened? can you please call me back? i’m sorry, honey. i shouldn’t have made a move like that, i just want us to stay friends. you know that.
you’re going to have to put up with me for the next couple of days, i might track you down. just kidding, probably not. i just want us to be friends, please? Look, we did have an awful breakup. but you also can’t blame me for not having these feelings for you, i was just a boy back then. it doesn’t excuse my selfishness though, so i do want to sincerely apologize for that.
anyway, please reach out soon. x
there’s no need to email me. i wasn’t ignoring you, i have just been very busy. but there’s also no need for you to contact me because this is not you want to be friends, you want me again. and simply, i don’t want you back in my life or even as my partner. i hate to break it to you but scarlett does kind of hate you, which she has every right to. you stepped out of line last week, i can no longer see you again. this is what i want and i hope you can respect that.
best regards,
have it your way, pretty lady.
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taglist: @when-wolves-howl  @disappointment99 @mysticalcandyking @onetruwhore @d14n4ol @aliancvnas @princess-kennys-rats @aru-son @just-another-ant1 @blinkmuch @natashalovers @natasharomanoffswifeyyy @mrsromanoff @monaekelis @anxiousgoldengirl @nanathebb @bipolar-ride @blckwidowsbf @lizzieolsen89 @mrsrushman @simpforolderwomen @silverstarr13 @gryffindorkromanoff  @untitled7717 @daddynatasha @simp4nat @natasharomanoffswife17 @scarlettsnat @splatashaizgay @mrs-johansson @agent99galanzo @aeroae @sweet12sorrow @mmmmokdok
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babydin · 1 year
You're My Person
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Pedro talks you through some relationship anxiety that has triggered from tabloid bullshit.
- Pedro Pascal x trans woman reader - 18+, preferred but no nsfw, all fluff. - Transphobia, body dysmorphia, anxiety . - 851 words - Comments/likes appreciated. Requests are open! - A/N: I ran a poll to see if I should post this and majority voted yes. I also meant to post this yesterday on TDOV but I passed tf out. I realize the subject of this oneshot can be heavy for a lot of people so please read with caution. Please know that you are valid and you are loved and you are safe with me.
“Unclench your jaw, tell me that’s wrong.”
“You’ve got a look.”    You look up at Pedro as he joins you on the couch with a bowl of popcorn, the curtains drawn in preparation for a late-night scary movie. Maybe he was right, maybe you did ‘have a look’, you had been sitting cradling your knees while he busied himself in the kitchen making popcorn, picking at your knees and staring into space.
“Unclench your jaw, tell me that’s wrong.”
Pedro had a way of speaking that was so attentive, every word he said, the way his eyes looked at you; a car could’ve driven through the house and he wouldn’t have taken his eyes off you if you were still talking. You weren’t going to say anything to him about your sour mood, but he had a way of noticing the little things. You start to pick at the skin around your thumbs and tell him “Someone saw us today.” He took one of your hands to stop you from picking at yourself and offered his own hand as a fidget which you gladly took, fussing with his fingers, sizing up his palms in comparison to your own. “I’m sure a lot of people saw us today, amorcita. What happened?” “There was a post on Twitter–” The mention of the word made him grunt disapprovingly. “It was a pap’ shot and a link to an article. I’ve never been photographed with you before so I–” He almost wanted to interrupt you and you could see it on his face, but he allowed you to continue despite his personal issues with Twitter.
Your thoughts drifted for a moment and another one came in as you considered the words that were in the article. They focused heavily on your looks, on your body, they’d even gone to so much trouble to find out you were transgender and what your deadname was; it was like reading your own unauthorized autobiography with some unintentionally transphobic click-bait headline along the lines of ‘Who is this on Mando’s arm? Not who you’d expect. Click to find out!’ “Do you ever wish I was someone else?” Pedro’s brow creased, “I don’t follow.” A breath catches in your throat and you hug your knees a little tighter with one arm while the other still holds Pedro’s hand, afraid of his answer to your next question, “Do you ever wish I had a woman’s body? Like do you ever want me to–” He had already started a string of no’s and shushing, his grip tightened on your hand and he leaned forward to set the bowl of popcorn down, because such a conversation needed both his hands free. “Don’t even finish that sentence. I won’t let you. I won’t… let you.” You let out that breath on a sigh. “I love you. And you are so much more than your body. Okay? You are a beautiful mind, and a generous heart, and a soul so big it can barely be contained in a human vessel.” He pulled your hand towards his lips and kissed the tips of your fingers. “If you want to change it should be for yourself… not for me, certainly not for some toxic TMZ horsepiss.” You didn’t know how you were so lucky to land this man, the man with the biggest heart and the kindest words who had so much love and appreciation for everyone he met until they gave him a reason not to. You had had the longest conversation with his little sister Lux when you had first met her, and you had been so enamoured by her and her journey that you felt compelled to come out to her the moment you were alone together. She had talked for hours about how supportive Pedro had been during her transition and now you were seeing it in real time. “If you want to change anything about yourself,” he carried on, “I will stand by you, I’ll love you, I’ll nurse you. If you are happy with yourself now, then I’m happy too. But I don’t ever wish for you to look different or sound different or feel different… The only thing, the only thing, I would change about you is how other people’s perception of you makes you feel. I wish you could see yourself through my eyes. I recognize that I cannot relate to the struggles you have being transgender, because I am not, so this probably sounds disingenuous but please don’t feel like you need to change for me. Please. I’d never forgive myself.” If you did have any doubts, they had been melted away by his attentive words and his hands caressing you like you were so precious. “You are so dear to me.” you told him, not wanting to scare him with the L word because you knew if he heard it too many times in such a short space of time he got itchy and started to panic. He smiled a smile that seemed to be just for you and pulled you into his chest to hold you there for the rest of the night.
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asshlyyyy · 2 years
On The Second Day of Christmas
Elvis (or Austin!Elvis) x Fem!Reader
Day One | Day Three
Welcome to day two of twelve. So far it is going so good. I was supposed to also post part four of Fairytale... that will be tomorrow. Fairytale will be posted first and then The Third day will be posted later on in the day.
I love and appreciate all you guys that stick around for my writing it means a lot to me. Happy Holidays and I hope you enjoy!
Warnings: Mentions of sex, Spelling and Grammatical Errors Most Likely
Word Count: 1.3k
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You woke up early the next day. Escaping from Elvis’ warm embrace, you made your way to the closet to get dressed into some warm clothing. Before you left for the store you made to write Elvis a quick note letting him know where you are going. Elvis had this fear that one day he would wake up and you would have up and left.
Of course, you would never in your right mind leave Elvis. Sure, he had some anger issues here and there, but everyone did at the end of the day. You got past it and usually, it ended up meaning you two had some angry sex at the end of the day. Which of course… you were not complaining about.
Anyways, back onto the task at hand. It was currently day two. You had to get some breakfast and supplies for the rest of the day. Day two was turtle doves. Sure, you could probably find some live doves, but where is the fun in that? You will happily turn turtle doves into the literal saying. Looks like you were going back to the toy store to find dove and turtle plushies.
You picked up your coat and wrapped it around yourself, and then picked up your purse. The keys were already in there, so all you had to do was head out to the card. One of which Elvis so graciously gifted to you. Even though you could’ve easily driven one of the many cars he owned. But, you loved him and you loved the car he got you.
As you got into the car you pulled out your little notepad. Day one was crossed off. Now you have eleven more days… Which are easier said than done. You just had to get creative, and that started today. You started the car and you were soon on your way. 
You arrived at the store and got all the supplies you needed for the rest of the day. Then you grabbed one last thing. One that could change your and Elvis’ lives forever. 
When you got home you noticed that Elvis was once again gone. It didn’t upset you, in fact, you were quite happy. Because once again he could walk in and be surprised. You brought all the bags inside, in one trip, and carefully placed them on the floor. First things first, you needed food in your belly, and then you can get to work.
As you reached the kitchen you spotted a note on the counter. You picked it up and felt your heart flutter. You loved when Elvis used notes. It may be a simple I love you, to know where he was. It was a simple gesture that meant the world. Good morning sweetheart, I am going into the studio again.  I’ll be home around five today. I made you some breakfast, it’s in the fridge. I love you < 3~ Elvis
You went into the fridge and found the breakfast that Elvis was talking about. It was so simple yet looked so delicious. It was two pancakes, with fruit cut up on them and a cup of syrup on the side. He knew you didn’t like soggy pancakes, hell no one did.
You pulled it out of the fridge and went to warm it up. As it was warming up you pour yourself a glass of water. By the time you were done with that, your food was done heating up. 
You finished your food quickly and you moved to the living room to get your project started. This time, you got into the Christmas mood. You lit the fireplace, and even put on a Christmas record. You were trying to inhale all the Christmas spirit you could get.
Now, you didn’t want to talk about what you did to those poor plushies… but you had people dying to know. So, to keep it simple… you cut off the turtle's heads and replaced them with the Dove’s heads. Yes, there was a lot of dismembering… and you’ve seen worse cursed items, but this was at the top. Still, in a weird twisted way, they were cute.
You set them up near your first day of the christmas project and smiled. You couldn’t wait for Elvis’ reaction to this. So, you went around and did some house chores. You knew Elvis had to be done soon on his work, in fact… you were going to make sure he wasn't working himself up to Christmas. Which he has before. 
The clock struck five and you felt as if you had done nothing. That wasn’t entirely true, but it definitely felt like it. You had moved all your craft supplies to a spare room, and tidied up every room. It looked clean and neat. That was what was important in the end. 
“Hi my love,” Elvis said gently and pulled you in a hug. You let out a hum and engulfed yourself in his scent. You wanted to spend more time with him, and you were going to make sure of that.
“Hi Elvis,” you responded back and looked up at him. He smiled down at you and leaned down to connect your lips together for a kiss. 
“Want to see day two?” You asked as you pulled away.
“Of course,” he nodded in response. You let out a little sinister laugh and brought him over to your setup. You turned for his reaction and just laughed.
“What the fuck am I lookin’ at?” He asked in shock. 
“Two turtle doves,” you replied like it was nothing.
“Darlin, those are not turtle doves. Those are fuckin’ mutated doves. What the hell did you do?” He looked at you with wide concerned eyes. 
“I made turtle doves.” You once again pointed out. They were indeed turtle doves and no one could change your mind from that. 
“You- It’s not literal babe. There are actual turtle doves.” He tried to educate you. Now, you were not stupid, of course, you knew there were doves called turtle doves. You weren’t a toddler. 
“Well, on the second day of Christmas… my true love gave to me, two turtle doves and a partridge in a pear tree~” You sang. Elvis let out a sigh and shook his head.
“‘M gonna have nightmares about those damn things.” He started to walk away.
“And we’re only starting!” You followed after him.
“Don’t remind me now,” He took off his coat. “They aren’t all gonna be cursed like that right?”
“I think this is the only real cursed one.” You chuckled and grabbed his arms and wrapped them around yourself.
“Good, because I don’t think I could take every day looking at cursed things. Which means we’re gonna put those in the way back.” He told you. 
“Oh my gosh yes! Because then it’ll be like a surprise on Christmas.” You gasped. It was honestly genius when you think about it. Your and Elvis’ families came in on Christmas and it would be a fun treat to show them. 
“Oh hell no,” Elvis shook his head, “‘m gonna throw them in the damn trash.”
“You can’t,” You said staring into his eyes. You gave him this look that screamed if you do that I will throw you in the trash. 
“Why not?” He asked idiotically. 
“Because you love me.” You said with a smile. He rolled his eyes playfully at you. 
“Mmm, that is true,” he leaned down and pressed your foreheads together. “I didn’t sign up for cursed turtle doves though.”
“But you didn’t expect them. I’m keeping this relationship fun.” You pointed out all so obvious. 
“You’re keeping it cursed.” He plainly said. It was not your turn to playfully roll your eyes. 
“Oh shut the fuck up.” You giggled and closed the distance between the both of you. Lips perfectly sculpted together made you never want to pull away. He was so perfect in every possible way, and you could feel the love he had for you in a single kiss. 
Tomorrow was day three, and you had the best idea for it.
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Artwork made by the wonderful @nora-nexus-34
Want to join my taglist? // Let me know If I spelt any wrong! I have updated my form for my taglist. You will be tagged under everything now in that selected fandom/person. Just makes my life easier.
Taglist: @babyhoneypresley, @emmymaehereeeeee​, @mirandastuckinthe80s, @mommy-maia, @yagirlalexx, @alligator-person, @diorxmimi, @anangelwhodidntfall, @pumkiinpasties, @djconde58, @21bruhs, @girlblogger2002, @dollfaceyourfear, @homebodybirkin2003, @dark-as-love, @pandora-journey, @hsstylesrings, @4everrmore, @bewitched-tales, @butlersluvbot, @curatedbyemily, @gyomei-tiddies, @wandawiccan60, @re3kin, @passengerjett, @neepo, @vane28282, @emilykolchivans, @gothantoinette, @gruffle1, @annamarie16, @misacc08, @marchingicenotes7, @callthedarknessdown, @domaniquessidehoe, @gay-af-satan, @skinnypantsmcgee, @sassyblazecloud,  @lordandmistress, @nuo0n, @coldonexx, @adoreyouusugar, @aliciaelle47, @danitheedanimal, @raefoxiegirl, @cobra-kaii, @rylee-durhxm, @crabat-the-queen, @austinbutlersgirlfriend, @hopefulinlove, @aradevil, @laperceval, @xcallmetaniax, @londonalozzy, @mslizziesblog​, @gloomynigvts, @randompointlessbeauty, @nora-nexus-34, @jazmin2211, @kittenlittle24, @moonbird1507, @bobthefishiesworld, @cevans-winchester, @luckyevansstan, @noorreads, @normatural, @hauntedarchivesx, @thatcrazyfangirl22, @amiets2, @myguiltypleasures21, @poppet05, @xcallmetaniax, @fullmetal-falcon, @kaitaesupremacy, @rainydayz101, @asd-n-adhd-fox, @eliseinmemphis, @adaydreamaway08, @stitchattacks @vintagegirl50s60s70s80s, @dkayfixates, @fa1ryprincess222, @austinstyles
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itsjaywalkers · 3 months
Do you have any recent nothing happens or boxer au thoughts you want to share
kinda but also not really.. i can offer u a cheeky nothing happens snippy tho nonnie?? if that's okay with u??
“We were talking the other day,” Regulus says, voice going a bit quiet. “He was walking me home, since his house isn’t too far from mine—” “He literally needs to take the bus whenever he comes by yours, because his is almost an hour away by foot.” James raises both eyebrows, and Regulus squirms under his scrutiny, still avoiding his gaze.  “Okay,” Regulus concedes weakly. “But his bus stop is on the way.”  James can barely repress the need to scoff. “Sure, whatever. You could’ve just called me and I could’ve driven you, instead of walking with Barty, when your school isn’t exactly near—” “I would have, but I knew you weren’t gonna offer him a ride,” Regulus sighs, finally letting their gazes meet just so he can give James a very pointed look.  “Of course not,” he snorts. “I don’t want the likes of him staining my car.”  Regulus’ stormy eyes narrow into slits, and although that used to make James backpedal automatically, apologise and almost beg for Regulus’ forgiveness, it only sends a rush through him nowadays. He likes getting such a raw response from the other boy, regardless of it being the good or bad kind. He likes pushing his buttons, getting a rise out of him, making their banter turn into bickering.  Getting all of Regulus’ attention on him.
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theowritesstuff · 2 years
Head Over Heels
Book 2 - Chapter Three: The Pollywog
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Steve Harrington x gn!reader (eventually)
Head Over Heels Masterlist
A/N: I am a Billy-anti. Just wanna make that clear. Also, sorry this one’s short, there wasn’t much Steve in this episode.
Summary: You experience the aftermath of Steve and Nancy’s fight, and catch the eye of someone on the basketball team.
Warnings: mentions of drinking, Billy
When you walked out to your car to drive to school the next morning, you could see Nancy standing outside of her house. She looked down the street, her eyes searching for Steve’s car.
“Hey, Nancy, need a ride?” You called out to her.
She shook her head. “No, thank you. I’m sure Steve’s just running late.”
You debated asking her is she had any memory of the previous night, getting drunk, fighting with Steve, then driving home with Jonathan.
“Are you sure Nancy?”
“I’m alright. Thanks Y/n.” She nods.
You sigh, then get in your car and drive to school. When you get there, you see the familiar maroon BMW parked in it’s usual spot.
“Shit.” You sigh.
You walk through the halls, searching for Jonathan or Steve, hoping that one of them had actually picked up Nancy and drove her to school.
You can’t seem to find Jonathan anywhere, he did have a tendency to make himself as invisible as possible while at school. You spot Steve at his locker though, without Nancy.
“Hey, did you pick Nancy up.” You ask him.
He scoffs. “I figured she’d get a ride from Jonathan.”
He starts to walk down the hall towards his first class. You speed walk trying to catch up with him.
“You should’ve told me you weren’t picking her up. I could’ve driven her.”
Steve doesn’t say anything.
“She was waiting for you, you know. I wouldn’t be surprised if she didn’t remember anything about last night.”
“Really? Because it was pretty memorable.”
“Steve, she was basically blacked out. At least try to talk to her about it, okay? You’re both gonna be happier if you do.”
Steve sighs. “Fine. I’ll talk to her later.”
Steve leaves you in the hall, walking in the direction of his first class. You don’t see him again until it’s time for Chemistry class. He still seems on edge, not making actual conversation like usual.
You try to ask him if he’s gotten a chance to talk to Nancy yet, to which he just rolls his eyes. You hadn’t seen her yet either, wondering if she’d even come to school.
Steve asks you to help him with the homework for the night. You agree, hoping to get him to ease up a little after last night. Steve’s got basketball practice, but tells you that you can just hang out in the bleachers while you wait for him. Apparently the player’s constantly have their significant others hanging out at practice, so it’s no big deal.
You enter the gym with Steve, who stops to talk to the coach, explaining why you’re here, then goes to the locker room to get changed. You walk up the steps of the bleachers, and pull out your chemistry notebook and the homework. You figured you might as well get a head start on it if you were going to have to help Steve work through it.
All the guys start to appear on the court again, half in their gym clothes, and others only in their gym shorts. Steve had been wearing both pieces of clothing, which you silently thank god for, but you happen to notice the guy from the other day. The blonde one, who seemed to catch everyone’s attention in the parking lot.
The guys all do their stretches, then start to play. You occasionally glance up from your notes to see the game. Each time you look up, the guys have gotten just a little more sweaty, you can see Steve’s grey shirt start to darken, and his hair start to look a little wet.
You’ve been there for about half an hour when you look up and see Steve with the ball. The guy from the parking lot is practically on top of him, saying something you can’t hear, then steals the ball, knocking Steve to the ground. He runs to the opposite side of the court, then throws the ball up from under his leg. It falls into the net gracefully, causing the skins team to cheer.
He catches your eye as you stare at the court. He grins at you, then winks. Steve watches the small interaction, and feels a pull in his stomach.
Nancy stands at the door to the gym, a frown on her face. Steve sighs, then follows her outside.
You turn back to your work, but your attention is quickly pulled away.
“Hi, I don’t think we’ve met. I’m Billy.” The blonde man stands in front of you.
You have to look up to meet his eye level, you’re sitting down, but he’s still only a row below you.
“I’m Y/n.” You tell him.
“Y/n.” He repeats, smirking at you.
His confidence is radiating off of him, like he’s used to attention. He keeps his voice soft, not trying to scare you away, but there’s just something about him that’s off.
The coach blows his whistle when Steve comes back in. Billy slowly reaches out, and takes your pen from you. He scribbles something on the corner of your notebook, then hands you your pen.
“If you get bored with King Steve, give me a call.” He winks at you again, then walks back down to the court.
After practice the guys all go back to the locker room to shower, then come back out, one by one. Steve’s hair is still a little wet, flopping down in his face. He’s wearing his clothes from earlier again.
He nods at you when he comes back out, ready to go to the library with you.
“So you do that everyday, or…?” You ask.
“No, just a couple times a week.” He answers. His mood hasn’t seemed to change since before practice.
“What happened with Nancy?” You ask softly.
Steve shakes his head, then looks down at his feet. “Nothing really. I told her what happened. She didn’t remember anything. And she…” he trails off.
“You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.” You put your hand on his arm, attempting to give him some kind of comfort.
“She couldn’t tell me she loved me.” He shrugs.
It almost breaks your heart looking at him. He looks defeated, like he’s given up.
He looks up at you.
“I know that it hurts, but it’ll get better.”
Steve scoffs and shakes his head.
You loop an arm through his, resting your hand on the inside of his bicep.
“Maybe Nancy Wheeler wasn’t the one for you, but trust me, there are plenty of other people who would kill for the chance to go out with Steve Harrington.”
Your hand slowly travels down his arm.
“And maybe you’ll find the one for you, in one of them.”
Your fingers brush against the palm of his hand. You can’t help but think of how easy it’d be to just intertwine his finger with yours, to hold his hand, and pull him closer.
You pull your hand away from his though, and continue walking down the hall. Little did you know a small part of Steve was thinking the same thing.
HOH Taglist: @nptnewr @rishlurh @scoobiessnacks @wisdomcrys @parker-natasha @missbunsworld @eddiemunsons-lover @lilyhw1
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stargazer-sims · 1 year
Dance Practice
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Eden: Charlie, you are literally the best brother ever! I can't believe you managed this. I mean, I'm actually standing in Sugar Valentine's actual dance studio. I'm kinda freaking out a little.
Charlie: Only a little?
Eden: Okay, a lot! I'm gonna get to watch their dance practice. How many people can say they did that?
Charlie: Not just watch, remember.
Eden: Oh my Watcher... I know! I'm just trying not to actively think about it so I don’t completely lose my mind. How did you even convince them to let me dance with them?
Charlie: I can't take any credit for that. It was all Haru.
Eden: Really? No way. You're totally making that up.
Charlie: I swear I'm not. Apparently, he hasn't been able to shut up about you since he saw your pictures in my portfolio, that day I was here for my in-person interview. From what I heard, he wouldn't stop pestering Ms. Fujikawa and their security people and even Sheridan, until they all agreed you could come.
Eden: Haru... wanted to meet me that bad?
Charlie: Evidently.
Eden: I'm gonna wake up any minute now, aren't I?
Charlie: You're already awake, bro.
Eden: *incoherent fanboy squealing*
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Charlie: Word of caution, though. He probably just wants to meet you so he can get into your jeans. He's got a pretty wild reputation, and according to Senjirō, it's all true.
Eden: You gossiped with Senjirō? You've worked with these guys for like, only a week, and the tea is already flowing? And you're so calm about it.
Charlie: They're just guys like us, you know. Anyway, be careful with Haru, okay?
Eden: You think I'm worried about him wanting to get into my jeans, as you put it? I've literally lost count of the people I've slept with at this point.
Charlie: Uh…
Eden: But like, if that's what he wants, I'm not gonna make him work for it. I might die of a heart attack if that really is what he wants, though.
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Charlie: All right, fine. But, if you do end up, uh… doing it, don't tell anyone. And for the love of the Watcher, don't post about it on Simstagram.
Eden: Would I do that?
Charlie: Just... don't.
Eden: I won't, I promise.
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Charlie: Okay. I'll stay here till everone comes downstairs, and then I'm heading over to Peak Entertainment to meet with Ms. Fujikawa. The security lady said she'd drive you to the rink after dance practice, but text me when you get there anyway.
Eden: I will.
Charlie: Her name is Ji-Soo. She’s South Korean, so you don’t need to speak Japanese. She also looks like she could lift a truck, so don’t be stupid around her.
Eden: Okay.
Charlie: Nikolai's gonna bring your skates to the rink for you, right?
Eden: Yeah, and my sweater and my favourite rink hat. That's what he said before we left. I could've brought them with me, but they don't fit in my dance bag, and I didn't want to carry too much stuff.
Charlie: Makes sense.
Eden: Ugh… afternoon practice. This would’ve been so much easier If I could’ve driven myself to the rink. Then, you could’ve picked me up there, and I could’ve just left my skates and stuff in my car.
Charlie: Yeah, and Nikolai still could’ve used your car while you were here. So, still no morning ice time, I guess?
Eden: No. probably not. Nikolai's signing up for Japanese classes today, and I think they're gonna be in the morning, so even if we could've gotten the ice time, it wouldn't have worked out anyway.
Charlie: That sucks, but at least you've got ice time.
Eden: And the best coach ever.
Charlie: Right. Well, don't wear yourself out at dance practice before you even get to the rink, or the best coach in the world may not be impressed.
Eden: *laughing* Nobody wants to see Nikolai in a bad mood, least of all me, but don't worry. I'll be fine to skate. I'm pretty sure the adrenaline rush from this morning will keep me going all day.
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worms-i-think · 9 months
In the most ironic turn of events, I think I have developed a fear of worms.
I’ve always liked worms because they seem like cute, harmless squiggles, and my url here was very much a random pick.
However, these last few weeks I’ve been living somewhere new (college) where worms are absolutely EVERYWHERE. On one of my fist days it was very hot and I found one stranded in the street, so I picked it up to return it to the dirt when it started jumping and thrashing about. I have this on video bc it was so bizarre, but unfortunately can’t share it because I ended up having to pick it up with my ID because it hated my hands so vehemently.
I wished it a well-meaning goodbye when I put it back into the ground, which I found a day later was probably not a good idea.
Turns out, these are actually jumping worms, which are extremely invasive here and are Not Good for our plants! They originate from Eastern Asia but thrive here due to our similar climates, and I cannot exaggerate how many of them I’ve seen this week. It rained a few days ago, and the path was covered in them.
C. O. V. E. R. E. D.
Like, the next day you could see from where the cars had driven in the streets the white goop trails of dried worm squish, each inches from the other.
I have never seen so many worms that spasm like they’re filled with a demonic parasite within them, especially not ones that big—the largest one I saw could’ve passed as a small snake from a distance. The fact that I’ve always been terrified of parasitic worms has NOT helped this experience. But I think that from the time I carried one and now watching where I walk whenever I go out in fear that they’ll jump (they can go up to 1 foot/.3 meters high) onto me and go crazy mode again and…
Guys I think wormy might be afraid of worms. Like I bet these guys are good for the ecosystem where they come from, but the fear of them being Everywhere and also being so Frantic has freaked me out super hard. I miss seeing my earthworm buddies.
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^Anyway. If you’re from North America and you see these guys: they don’t belong here. And that’s not me being xenophobic toward worms, it’s just me recognizing invasive species. (And worrying because they’re worms on crack and they terrify me…they look so innocent…)
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thewholecrew · 9 months
@headstrongblake said: “i don’t get it, you know her shit could get you killed right? loving someone doesn’t mean loving them to your death.” nick to kass about octavia, probably after the car accident
     “what? don’t get mad at me!” kassy said with a scoff, her arms crossing over her chest as she frowned up at nick. what happened to octavia had been horrible. it had scared kassy half to death to think she could have lost her best friend. she was sure nick’s anger had to do with that but she didn’t understand why he was coming at her with this. “loving someone means whatever damn well i say it means, and what i say it means is i’m not gonna fuckin’ leave her because you think she caused the damn accident,” she snapped back, rolling her eyes. 
     yes, she knew that her best friend had been under the influence while she had been driving which was never okay, and kassy didn't condone that but she hadn't been in the car with o, and in fact, they would have never driven if she had been with her. kassy was angry with her best friend too, that she could have died doing a stupid thing like that. she was also more scared that she could have lost her, that she was injured and being held at the hopsital right now, that she said she’d been driven off the road. it seemed as though nick didn’t care to believe that
     "she said she was driven off the road, nick," kassy reminded him with narrowed eyes and hands on her hips. "and why are you even involving me in this, she was the one who could’ve fucking died. not me, i wasn't there and if i would've been she wouldn't have been fuckin’ driving." she voiced aloud now with a huff. "also, don't give me that crap about loving people to my death as if you don't care about her, or grant, or any one of your gang members. you gonna just walk the fuck away from them if they do something stupid too? hm?" she shook her head because no, she didn’t think so. but then again what did she know about him? what did he know about her?
     “now, i’m done with this ridiculousness,” she began with another exasperated huff as she gathered her purse and headed towards the exit before whirling back and pointing at him with an accusitory finger, “and don’t think that means i’m giving her a pass cuz i’m not, what she did was stupid, but she’s my best friend and i’m going to be there for her no matter what and i know for damn sure if things were reversed she’d be giving your dumbass hell then going to see me too.” she brushed her jacket smooth then and turned with a careless wave, “alright, well, i’ll see you there when you decide to get down off your soapbox.”
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race-week · 2 years
I don’t mean this as a dig at alex Palou at all or as an excuse for Daniel (I don’t even think it factored into quali or the race anyway), but when Daniel’s brakes were glazed during fp3 do you think that could’ve been a result of Alex driving the car in a way that’s not ideal? I’m also just generally curious about the risk to the car’s performance when rookies drive them for a practice session—it seems to not matter much, but given how sensitive these cars are and how insane they say it is to drive one for the first time, I feel like it’s an under-discussed topic
Glazing happens when the brakes are used when they are under 350C.
I don’t think Palou’s FP1 could have caused Ricciardo’s brake problems in FP3; COTA isn’t a track that’s hard on the brakes and the team would be able to tell from the data if he was doing anything weird, and also the teams do check the cars between sessions.
If there was an issue with the car or the brakes, I expect that it would have been picked up before FP3, seeing as Daniel did run 40 laps in FP2
When the rookies are in the car they are pretty much instructed to take it easy and not push the car, and most (if not all) of the rookies will have driven the cars in the simulator before hand (as well as having to drive 300km in an F1 car previously)
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saatorubby · 7 months
the lakes
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synopsis: you won’t die, not on their watch.
a/n: hi hi, i’m starting to write for jjk too! so i hope to you all like this. and i’m trying a new style? actually putting in effort? I’m actually so ill about these two divorced gay boys who broke up in front of kfc. also bunch of different taylor swift song references, bare with me, it has consumed my soul.
genre: angst to fluff.
pairing: satosugu x reader
warnings: gore (mild), death and murder (in reference to hidden inventory arc), depression (lowkey).
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I: 2008
You were dying. It was the plain and simple fact.
You might’ve tried to convince yourself that it’d turn out fine if it wasn’t for the gaping wound in your stomach. It was less a wound and more a hole.
You think you saw your rib cage poking out.
You were already feeling light headed, on the verge of passing out. If it went like this, you reckon you don’t have more than half an hour.
You pull out your phone, taking a minute to linger on the photo set as your Lock Screen. It was of you and your lovers, Gojo Satoru and Suguru Geto, often dubbed as the strongest. If you’d had a dying wish, it would be to see them once more. But the world was a cruel, cruel place.
You slumped back on the wall as your mind flashed back to when everything went so wrong.
You were sitting in the backseat of the car, which was being driven by one of your old friends, ichiji, making small talk with him. Lately you hadn’t had time to devote to your friends. It had been a busy year.
“y/n-san?” Ichiji called after he saw you zone out, looking outside the window of the car, absent-mindedly admiring the scenic view of the countryside Tokyo. “We’re here.” He stated.
You zoned back in and nodded to Ichiji, thanking him for taking you out on this far, almost a half-day trip. You stepped out of the sleek black car.
You faced the apperent ‘haunted’ house. It was fairly big, could’ve passed as a mansion, if it wasn’t in such a shabby shape.
It was battered as if no one had lived in it for decades, which they probably hadn’t. The wood that would’ve been previously stately, were now rotten and unsightly.
You scrunched your nose in disgust, the smell of the dead never really leaves the house.
With a heavy sigh, you entered, ready to get this done and over with so you could go back to your stupid dumbasses and give them the date you promised.
You entered, the creek of the door was as ominous as ever. It was surprising that it was even hanging from from the hinges, judging by the condition. The inside of house was no better.
The walls were mossy, damp, and rotting. There was rubble in the ground from some places, with no roof, indicating the fallen ceiling.
This is one of the worst place you’ve worked in. But you’ve worked in worse. So you closed your eyes and sensed for its cursed energy. Everyone leaves residual, some people can hide it -like Suguru- but most can’t, and considering it’s a first grade, it probably can’t.
And bingo, you found-
A splatter sound was heard and something collided with your head, you pushed your arm, towards your head, and there it was, the red sticky substance of life, pouring out of your head
You turned around, eyes widened in surprise. It was not just the first grade.
Now, you’ve somehow managed to defeat it, slumped on the same mossy and damp wall the one you scrunched your nose at earlier, with your legs splayed out, one hand clutching on your wound -the one on your stomach- holding it tightly, and in the other hand, your phone, displaying the picture of your two loves.
Ah, you really wished you could see them.
The picture was of a late-night adventure where all of you went to get ice cream. Satoru is grinning widely, with his signature peace sign and Suguru has an annoyed expression, no doubt due to some stupid comment passed by Satoru, though the softness of his eyes betrayed him, with a middle finger pointed at the camera. You were between them, taking the picture, with a smile on your face.
You smiled at them, tracing their faces on your phone before you felt the black spots appearing in your vision.
You had a feeling it’d end up like this. It always does, for people in your line of work. You just wished for what everyone wished for, a little more time.
Oh how you wished to go to the lakes where all the poet’s went to die. But as you thought, the world was a cruel, cruel place.
The phone in your hand slipped.
And so did you.
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II: 2007
It’s been more than a year since you got to know those weirdos in your grade and the pretty girl. Satoru, Suguru and Ieiri.
Blue eyes and bangs. That’s what you called them. Or well, used to until it turned into a pretty, soft-spoken, Satoru and Suguru. The journey from former to latter wasn't a long one but you sometimes wonder whether you've known them for twenty seconds or twenty years.
Satoru was an exhilarating fresh breeze on your face on a windy day, full of adventure and new experiences and Suguru was the warmth of soft sun on a beach, relaxing and familiar. Satoru was your twenty seconds and Suguru was twenty years.
it had been a month since Riko Amanai died.
You think something in you died when you saw that child die. And those claps, that fucking sound haunted your ears still. The booming sound of the gun fired by toji fushiguro, the claps, and the innocent trip to the beach just a day before, it makes you sick to your stomach.
Because it wasn't just a child who had died, that child was your friend.
You think you're spiraling.
Every day is a routine. You wake up, greet your friends half-heartedly, go exorcise curses, come back late, and go straight to bed, not having enough energy to deal with anything or anyone.
You know Suguru is not well. You think you should talk to him. Satoru, he'll survive.
Maybe you're being too harsh, but this is all Satoru has ever known, what he was ever taught. He doesn't know how normal people live, or the joys of having a normal life. He won't do anything stupid.
Suguru knows how normal people live. And in their lives, children aren't murdered brutally.
But you want Satoru to explore normal life. Coffee in the morning, sweet spoken, sleepy mumbles, sunlight through the window pouring in the room, and writing their names on each other's backs.
You want him to explore all that. With you and Suguru.
So you've decided. Enough is enough. No more moping. You will do anything to keep this small family you've built with your friends.
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I: 2008
Blinding white lights, thats all you saw as you first felt conscious. Maybe, you died for real this time, no second chances huh? But as it seems, eternal rest was not what destiny planned for you.
You open your eyes, blinking to get used to the flash of light. It was already giving you a headache. You groaned.
You heard panicked shouts and bustling, as a melodious female voice entered your ears to calm the other two distressed male ones.
You recognized them. Also, it means that you're in deep shit.
Regretting your choices and foreboding sleeping on the couch for a week, you open your eyes.
"Water." Croaking out that, sent you to a fit of cough, though, your savior appeared in the form of a rough set of hands that were holding you up, strong and tanned. Other, fairer, a bit lanky, but just as strong, held up a glass of after to your mouth, cupping your cheek to keep you in place.
You gulp down the water, reveling in the feeling of soothing cold water going down your dry throat.
You blink your eyes fully open, seeing the distraught faces of your lovers. Satoru, who was in front of you, holding an empty glass, looked like he'd been crying. His pretty eyes lined red.
Suguru, who after making sure you were sitting on the bed comfortably, came in front of you and sat down opposite Satoru. He didn't look much better, his face was unhealthy pale and he had bags under his eye.
You couldn't help but smile. Maybe the world isn't that cruel yet
"Hi." You croaked out, not being able to help a small bashful smile that made its way over to your face despite the graveness of the situation.
You were just so happy to see them.
"Hi, pretty." Satoru smiled in your direction. It was strained and wobbly, but even he couldn't hide the relief in his voice. He raised his hand and rested it on your cheek, caressing it.
Suguru came up and took your hands in his, softly squeezing them. "You scared us, baby." He said, gazing into your eyes with his misty ones.
"I'm sorry." Your hoarse voice groaned out, the smile was still ever-present on your face, though the feeling of remorse was there as well.
When you look at their faces, relieved and ridden of all the darkness, you think that maybe, maybe, you were able to save your family.
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Do you love anime and if so what are some of your all time favourite?
I see anime as another form of media, just like videogames, movies and books, so I‘m not gonna love or hate smth purely because it’s anime. Generally enjoy it, though copyright for anime is all over the place here so if you wanna watch smth with more than 2 seasons good luck finding them on the same platform. You can have 2 seasons on Crunchyroll, one on animaxx, the 2 newest playing on free tv and then half of season 14 on Crunchyroll again.
(Also screw CR for retroactively putting all their old anime behind a paywall. And by all I mean ALL. There’s like 3% of their entire catalogue left free to watch, most of it only for the first season)
Therefore my taste in anime is mostly trash + I only watched a handful, but pretty much enjoyed them all. But anyways:
Alice and Zoroku! Magical girl escapes lab she was kept at all her life as a test subject, makes her way to Shonjuku, and accidentally ropes a grumpy but kind old man into all of that stuff who takes her in, leading to her everyday troubles learning about the outside world while trying to evade the research facility who wants to capture her again. It’s a neat spin on the magical girl genre imo (even if cr locked it behind a paywall while I was watching it so I had to go sailing for the second half)
Dr Stone is pretty cool too obvs (thankfully finished s2 before it got paywalled)
Wish upon the Pleiades (2015) is a pretty cute magical girl anime (I swear that’s not my fave genre) with a bit of mystery surrounding the greater plot, though it keeps dis-and reappearing from CR so I never got to watch the last episode (do you see what I mean anon ;-;)
Total curveball but Another was a pretty good Horror anime lol
Also Bomberman Jetters my beloved?? The first half‘s your basic monster-of-the-week kids anime stuff which is cute and chill, then it shifts towards character and plot driven stuff, dealing with slightly heavier themes (while still keeping some of the lighter tone obvs) maybe I‘m dramatic but the ending did not need to hit as hard as it did T-T
And for a retro-future car racing anime based on a retro-Future car racing videogame series, the F-Zero anime’s got a lot of plot going on? Though apparently the games themselves are also like that. Plus if that anime’s ending isn’t the most gloriously fitting way they could’ve possible done it, idk what is
Aside from that, maybe it counts as guilty pleasures but I unironically enjoy Detective Conan, og Yugioh (Regular not Season 0 but that one‘s cool too), and subbed Kirby XD
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