#like Anakin we already knew what will happen we just didn't knew why. it's pretty close for what I'm thinking but not this this
ablog · 2 years
I love pov!! I love povs so much!!! I love to see stories of why and how the "bad guy" got to where they are! Bonus points if from their pov they are the good guy!
I would LOVE to see a show/movie that starts with us following the regular hero backstory and see the character grows and becomes a better person and all of that, and later have corruption arc, but not from some evil dude doing something to them, but from the inside and all that occurred to them, the bigging of a hero and a villain are often similar with little differences from their lifes and the environment around them it's so fucking interesting and i would LOVE to have it as the show's "twist"
#whatthefuck where did they pulled that stupid nonsense from#WHATTHEFUCK holy shit omgggg#now#if I'll have more character development I will develop into the villain#but it only works if both sides have a really valid reason!#i have so much to say about this thing#ig it's kinda like star wars but i have this idea for YEARS and i still think about it cus i can't think about someone doing that really?#yes ofc we saw lots of villains backstory and sometimes it was tragic n all but we see ut AFTER we already know they're the villain#i want to be led to believe that's the hero right there#with my whole life and soul#and see them go through difficult thing ass yaknow character development#and be absolutely shocked and betrayed by watching the part they fully totally change#but not betrayed as in like but in a and for#it to make sense tod the character arc and the world and circumstance of the situation#i feel like i might have watched something like that before but every example that comes to mind it's never the journey we see#just tha backstory after it happens#like it's not in the timeline of the show were watching#like Anakin we already knew what will happen we just didn't knew why. it's pretty close for what I'm thinking but not this this#or Omni man we just saw the backstory and circumstances#or like idk other existing character all over the universe that i don't think much about them as for this moment of my existence#this idea will be EXTREMELY hard to pull of cus you REALLY need a powerful story#like you spent all this time developing them as a hero and having morals and life lessons and all of that to go the other extreme and havin#g them change the morals is SO hard to pull of i literally have no idea#I'll also probably will never use this one cus the only concept i have for that is a short movie AT BEST I'm not really jdjdksks about it#but for me this is a proof of concept for my silly little head#anyway#yeah it'll be fucking sick to watch it#.#ya know that meme of something like that ig lmao
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dearanakin · 3 months
trust you | anakin skywalker: episode VII
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Summary: After Anakin's breakdown, you're face to face again. This time, you both talk about his relationship with his former Jedi Master — something he doesn't like to reminisce.
Warnings: None, just vulgar words as always
Word count: 3.9k
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I haven't really talked or seen Anakin much after what happened at the event last week. I mean, sure he was always walking down the Temple, probably doing his job and taking care of Luke, but somehow he managed to retreat himself from interacting with other people, even the men he goes on missions with. I watched as he would always show up on the hallways, not looking at anyone either, as his face was holding a different look this time. It seemed... darker, if that's even possible.
I was having lunch with Cal and Adeline - another engineer - in the coffee room. We were trying not to gossip about things that happen around the Temple, but we would always end up going down that path. The redhead was leaning on his chair with his legs sprawled out over the table, his dirty boots almost touching the surface of it. I hate when people don't have good manners, but it's not like he has many flaws like that.
He told me Anakin dismissed him from the next two assignments without giving him a reason, which made him pretty angry at this point. Kestis already had an issue with his partner, and it seemed like the issue was getting over the limits - as he told me. I'm not sure as to why, even though I can think of one motive he would do it. And I know I said we gossip all the time, but that doesn't give me the right to say what happened to him that day.
It literally haunted me. I remember clearly how I ran after him, expecting to question him about the way he ran off like that. Only to find the Jedi Master having a really huge mental breakdown as well as a panic attack. I watched as his eyes turned to yellow in a slight second, throwing me off and catching me off guard. 
I was feeling nauseous watching Anakin almost whimper from the pain he must have been going through. When he sat down and leaned against the wall, saying he's not good for anyone around him. His eyes were carrying so much weight from the panic he just had, I don't think he even has the energy to go out there again and face everyone. His son had no idea his father was on the brink of becoming dark. 
I stood there facing the Jedi, without moving an inch of my body and I had a feeling I needed to do something but I didn't know exactly what it was. Anakin was pressing his face against both of his trembling hands, resting his elbows against his knees. His feet were tapping the floor incessantly, running his fingers through his hair every now and then. 
When I crouched down to his level and tried to gently touch his flesh hand, he flinched and pulled it to himself. He didn't look at me though. I could hear how shallow his breathing still was, how his chest was heaving fast and the way his body struggled to stay steady. This time I sat down next to him and Anakin shuffled, moving a few inches away from me. And that's when I knew I should keep my boundaries and not stay too close. 
"You're gonna be okay" My voice was barely coming out as I was feeling on edge after what I just saw "You need to fight it, Anakin"
"I'm not the Jedi I should be" He shook his head, still hanging it low on his hands. His tremulant voice made my heart flinch a little "I never will be" 
I forced myself to give him some kind of support, enough that he wouldn't feel pressed or annoyed about it. But it didn't work as it should, because he lifted up and in five seconds he was already rushing out the door, leaving me behind.
I've only heard of something like that years ago, something that Palpatine himself mentioned when he was trying to take down the Jedi Order. And then, after that, we got to know about Anakin's history behind his relationship with the Sith. He lost his wife, he lost Obi-Wan, who left him after disagreements. It only left him with his son, and I understand why he keeps his distance, why he doesn't want to let his guard down and won't let Luke make acquaintances.
"Dude just showed up to the office, told me I was dismissed and left the room" Cal explained, shrugging his shoulders. Me and Adeline nodded, exchanging glances knowing Anakin was always this obvious when it comes to his temper.
"Probably for the best, one of these days he's going to cut off your head during missions" She quipped, pulling a laugh out of us.
"I'm usually his wingman, we never really disagreed this much until that day" He didn't have to go into much detail as we recall when I was pushed against a corner and was threatened.
This is what really makes me wonder his limits, because when I saw how fragile he was, I could barely remember he was the same douchebag who cornered me. I wonder if he can actually hold himself up from doing something bad, and how much he can suppress the urge of killing someone. Although, for a few seconds I saw a glimpse of what he could've turned into. And I'm sure it wasn't going to end up well.
I've seen some pretty fucked up things before while being around duels enough to realize that was beyond anything I've come to face in this life.
"Maybe he needs to get laid" Kestis goes on, while using his force to play with a dart before shooting it at the dartboard. "Bullseye!"
He looks at us fascinated with the achievement, both me and Adeline gasping in shock as it was the first time he hit the middle of it.
"You're such a nerd" I roll my eyes in amusement, crossing my arms as we watch him stand up from his seat walking towards the board.
Cal feigns an offended look and slams his palm to his chest. "Coming from the nerd who fixes fucking computers and shit like that, you sure have the audacity!"
We all laugh about it, using the rest of our time to pester each other before going back to work.
I was leaving the room right after the two of them had already left, fishing for the keys in my bag as I closed the door behind me. I'm not usually one person that gets terrified or scared of things with ease, but I wasn't expecting to stumble across a wall of bricks without noticing. The keys drop from my hands, the sound of it echoing through the empty hallway. I grimace before even meeting eyes with the person that stands right in front of me.
And when I do, I watch as his bloodshot eyes and furrowed eyebrows inconspicuously roam across my face before I spill a rushed "I'm so sorry". Two seconds later, he was out of sight just like he pulled a lightspeed of how fast he walked out. Jesus Christ, this man sure is a fucking incognito.
It was late in the night when I was still working on Obi's lightsaber grip. For some reason, I thought it would be entertaining if I took some time to at least fix it and maybe give it some meaning back again. My focus was on figuring out how to attach each missing piece together without ruining the entire blade. It was very hard to find all of the components, considering it's a very one of a kind sword. It might seem useless and insignificant to other people, but I've always had feelings for this.
It's the only thing left that makes me feel somewhat closer to him. I might've not been around him much, but whenever we met it was always heartwarming. As someone who admires every Master and every fighter, I've always looked up at him as a role model.
The dim warm light from the corner of the room was bright enough for me to handle the small pieces, while the coffee machine hummed a low sound as it was still on. I didn't notice the presence shuffling through the room, walking toward the cupboard to grab a mug from the cabinet. I lifted my head up, surprised to see Anakin standing there as he was making himself a cup of tea.
He slowly pulls himself the liquid, leaning against the wooden counter fixing his gaze at some blank point, not saying anything. From his demeanor, I can tell he hasn't had a good night of sleep considering his eyes were bloodshot - as always - and his eyes had dark circles around them. I try to ignore his presence and focus on my task, carefully using the tools for each part of the lightsaber. 
I remember when Skywalker seemed stunned when he saw I was holding the grip a while ago, his face held an unreadable expression, but I know he didn't expect to see something that reminds him of his past.
Now that he is here with me, Anakin will probably face it again at some point. Unless he just decides to completely ignore me and walk back to his room without even looking at me. So I just keep myself in my little bubble and ignore him as well.
"Are- Are you okay?" I hear myself ask and roll my eyes to the back of my head. I hate myself.
He clearly doesn't answer or doesn't even mention listening to me, still sipping his tea and staring blankly ahead of him. I huff and shrug, of course he wouldn't say anything to me and it's not like we're friends anyway. He doesn't need to tell me anything either way, I'm just trying to make a small conversation, probably for no reason whatsoever.
It's been a couple of minutes since the man was standing there against the counter, slowly drinking his liquid and minding his own business. Then, I notice the sparkly jewelry around his finger and my eyes go wide. Did he ever take that ring off? Does he walk around with it even after all those years? There are so many things I can't stop wondering and I'm sure it probably doesn't help him get over his past.
This is probably why he's always acting defensive and angry. I have no idea what it's like to lose someone like he lost Padmé, and maybe I would've been in the same situation as he is now. Only I'm not a Jedi, and I'm not holding myself off to avoid getting taken by the dark side.
I hesitated for a few seconds before asking anything that would make me regret living, but I don't think there's anything better than to help the others. And I know he needs it more than anyone I've met until today.
"Can't sleep either?" I try again, not daring to look at him as I handle the tool for the blade emitter of the lightsaber.
He still doesn't answer, I can barely even hear Anakin sipping his tea at this point. I shake my head in disappointment at my decision, like he would give me answers and talk to me as if we were close enough for that.
He doesn't move his lips when he mutters a "uh-uh", his eyes still fixed to the wall across the room. This is better than no answer at all, but Skywalker doesn't feel like he wants to do anything other than just drink the tea. So, I nod and hold the saber grip up to my eye level, scanning the missing pieces.
I unintentionally look from the corner of my eye when I realize he snapped his head to where I was sitting. Anakin squints his blue eyes to adjust his sight from the lack of enough brightness in the room, his right hand almost dropping the mug on the floor when he takes in what I'm holding against the light. 
I literally have to hold my breath for a few seconds in order to disguise the shakiness that was taking over my body from his sudden action. I know this is a big deal to him, but I'm not sure how he's going to react towards it.
"What are you doing?" His raspy tone echoed through the room, his voice was deep and it had a tinge of nostalgia.
I didn't want to look back at him because I know how intimidating his eyes are. And I'm not talking about the color itself, it's more likely the way they bore into your soul and it feeds itself off your fear. I keep my gaze focused on the piece in front of me, my palms getting sweaty.
"Trying to fix the lightsaber. Maybe give it some meaning" I can't speak like I usually do when I'm around other people. This time, it seems like my vocal cords weren't even being used.
His footsteps finally approach the table I'm working on, his body language reluctantly wondering if he should come closer or just stand a few feet away from me. I look up and see how his eyes carry sorrow and pain, while he still stares at the piece being held in my hand. Anakin struggles to let the words come off of his mouth, which he keeps it shut in a thin line, repressing his feelings. I don't push him, and I don't offer any other word because it's not right to.
He slowly pushes a chair back and sits on it, his slumped shoulders seem to be rigid for whatever reason. It's like he's fighting back his own body to stand this close to me, he shifts in his seat and places his mug on the table. Both of his legs are stretched as he rests one foot above the other, crossing his arms like it's shielding him from any harm.
"How do you know how to manage it?" I hear him ask, voice low but still carrying a bit of roughness, like he doesn't want to give in to talking.
.... It's my job? I try not to answer the question with sarcasm, because I don't think he knows everything I work with. But I ignore that thought and give him a polite explanation. I don't want him going full dark side mode on me again.
"Well, there's a lot of things I do that people don't know about" I give him a light chuckle to lighten the mood. "I've learned that with a former Master from the Temple. She thought it would be a nicety to have a different skill"
He nodded, hanging his head low as his chin touched his chest.
"I think he would've loved to see this was fixed. He would never let go of it" I hold the grip tightly, spinning it around my fingers.
There wasn't a straight response to that and I feel like he would agree with my statement. Kenobi never really had an intention of leaving his weapon behind him.
"Yeah, of course" Anakin spat sternly and bitterly. "If he wasn't such a fucking stupid son of a bitch"
I recognize the hurt in his voice. He feels like he was left behind when he decided that he wanted to kill Palpatine. We all heard about it back then, but no one would ever bring it up in a conversation with him. I keep my hands busy, but my body is rigid from his comment.
"The amazing Obi-Wan Kenobi would just love to have his piece of shit of lightsaber after being gone for six fucking years" I watch him as he huffed a sarcastic laugh. "God, you have no idea who he is, do you?"
Anakin shot a hard glance at me, his brows were knitted together and his lips were pouty with anger. He literally could've been compared to a child with the pissed look. I immediately tense and avert my eyes back to the grip, now it seemed pointless talking about the piece with him.
"He fucking left me. After all I've been through all those years, after I've lost everything he decided that the best option was to give up on me and turn his back on me. He didn't want me to be his friend anymore" Anakin started to raise his voice, his body was still in a defensive position while his hands gripped his arms with violence.
"I'm sorry, Anakin. But I think he just didn't want to see you get hurt" Saying it out loud makes me feel like my throat is getting dry and at this point I'm just fiddling with the lightsaber piece.
"No. No, he just thought that leaving me behind would get the weight off his shoulders. He is literally the most selfish asshole I've ever met" I can hear him breathing through his nose, his fingers digging deep into his tunic.
With a sudden motion, I feel his robotic hand reach out to mine and quickly remove the lightsaber handle from me. I gasp at the reaction, watching as Skywalker holds it to his eye level and spins it around.
"You know..." He speaks up again, eyes roaming through the piece. "This used to be something I would kill to have. A lightsaber owned by the one and only would've made me feel like I was worth it"
There's something about the deepness of his voice and the way his eyes wouldn't tear away from the grip that made my stomach drop. I could hear my heart beating too fast in my ears and my hands were shaking so bad that I didn't know how to stop it.
"Anakin, he-"
He let out a breathy laugh, his chest was vibrating and his shoulders were shaking from the laughter. The kind of laugh only an unhinged person would have when they were in their worst state of mine.
"He will never fucking come back, (Y/L/N). And you know why?" He stood from his chair, facing me with his pupils now too dilated for a normal person. This is the first time he mentions my last name when talking to me. "Because he doesn't give a fuck about anyone anymore. He is the one who gave up on us! And what the fuck is this?"
Anakin extended his hand still gripping the weapon, forcing me to look at the piece. I shifted my eyes back to him and watched as he was still frowning. God, don't let this be another breakdown please.
"This is what he fucking left! It wasn't a fucking letter, no. He didn't leave anything remotely close enough made by him. This piece of shit doesn't mean anything!"
He brings the robotic arm back to him again, looking down at it for a few seconds. I can see him panting heavily as his chest raises rapidly from the moment of anger. And then again, he laughs audibly. Anakin starts pacing back and forth, still a few feet away from me. The amount of cursing made my head hurt because it wasn't something I was used to hearing coming from him.
"He made it clear what he wanted when he left me. He said I was his brother, that he loved me. He said it in the past because he'd made up his mind pretty quickly. I was nothing to him anymore!"
I didn't know if I should offer a hug or even sit down with him and just talk him out of his nervousness. But I know better than to actually get in the way of that, when he clearly seems too deep into his thoughts.
"And now what? While you fix this-" He holds the grip up at me "Which isn't even your fucking issue, he is out there doing God-knows-what. Because let me tell you, he doesn't give a shit about you- about us"
"I'm sure he would come back if he could, Anakin. He was too careful enough to look out for all of us, there must be something else-" He didn't let me finish as he took a few steps closer to me.
"Mhmm, yeah. Sure. God, of course!" He says sternly, faking another laugh "Almighty Obi-Wan is so sweet he would never do shit like that, right?"
He was still looking down at me like he needed an answer, his metal hand was gripping the lightsaber grip so tight that it could easily break into pieces. "I asked you a question", Anakin raised his voice.
"I- I don't thin-"
Next thing I knew, he threw the object over the wall with no remorse. It broke into pieces I might never be able to fix, and I gasped from the sudden reaction. I should've seen it coming. Anakin didn't move his body when he did that, only then slightly turning his head to look at me again. On instinct, I stepped backwards from him trying to avoid another fight.
"You should've known by now that he won't ever come back. Stop playing nice to someone who doesn't give a fuck about you. And if you ever even try to get that shit fixed, you'll regret it" He whispered, leaving me dumbfounded from what just happened.
"What the hell was that for?" I throw my arms up and raise my voice at him. That was completely and utterly unnecessary.
"That thing-" He pointed at the broken lightsaber grip before continuing "Isn't your concern anymore!"
I furrow my brows in annoyance and roll my eyes. "And who are you to say what is and isn't my concern? You don't dictate rules here, and especially not at me!"
Anakin straightened his back and balled his hands into fists, inching closer to me, almost bumping his nose into mine. "You are gonna regret touching that thing"
I know I shouldn't gaslight him, but he always strikes a nerve when he starts to act all cocky. "Maybe that's why Obi-Wan left you behind after all"
His expression hardened in a matter of seconds and his eyes darkened, his pupils hiding his blue eyes. "What the fuck did you just say?"
He was fuming with anger, and I'm sure his eyes would become yellow again. I decided to shrug and not give him the answer he expected. Anakin was still panting, still facing me as I tried to avoid eye contact for too long. For a moment, I thought he was going to choke me like he did the last time he was this angry, but he motioned his hands and just stepped away from me.
"You have no idea what you're dealing with, I hope you know that" Anakin muttered before turning on his back and leaving the coffee room, vanishing through the door.
Why do I always open my damn mouth?
I drop to my knees, picking up the broken pieces of the sword with my hands still trembling. Most of it was too shattered to even get fixed, and even if I really wanted to try again, it would take me too long. Long enough for me to give up on the idea, and I was trying to avoid getting killed by Anakin either way.
Taking a sharp breath, I gather the objects in my hands and bring them to the box. "I'm so sorry, Obi-Wan" My voice wavered as I put it in the box.
I don't know what it was, but I suddenly felt an odd sensation close to my body. But when I snapped my head back and looked around myself, I saw nothing.
@jackie-on-the-loose @adorbzliz @himesuedi @kingdomhate @himesuedi @cl0esblogg @littlecoffeeadict @readingthingsonhere
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fangeek-girl · 1 year
Rey is a Skywalker conspiracy post
I first shared these in my instagram stories this while watching the sequels, but stories disappear and tumblr is forever (don't question it).
So here's my 20-something reasons (in order) for why Rey was a Skywalker all along and the writers were just too settled on their shitty romance to make her Ben Solo's cousin. (Side note: Reylo makes my skin crawl and the sequels should've ended with Finn/Rey/Poe in a polyamorous relationship. I will take no comments at this time.)
The Force Awakens:
She's an amazing pilot the moment she steps in the Millenium Falcon, but she never left Jakku and didn't have enough resources to own a ship. You know who else was a really good pilot from the get-go? Luke.
In Maz's cantina, Luke's lightsaber calls to her. Kyber crystals don't just call to Force-sensitive beings if they're already "claimed". So she has to already have some connection to Luke. Like, be his daughter. (You know, like Luke wielded his father's lightsaber...)
In that same scene, Rey heard Obi-Wan's voice, who is deeply connected to both Luke and Anakin. If she was a Palpatine, it would make no sense at all for her to hear him. His Force ghost would also have been tied more to Luke (especially after what happened with Ben) than his lightsaber left in Maz's care.
Rey was strong enough with the Force that she could mind-control a stormtrooper without any training when she escaped Starkiller base. Even Snoke was surprised that she could resist Ben. You know who else was that attuned instinctively? Anakin.
In the forest after escaping the base, Luke's lightsaber flies to Rey, instead of Ben, who's related to Luke by blood. She'd barely touched the thing beforehand. The only reason for that to happen is if she's also tied to Luke. And if it chose her instead of Ben, makes sense to think she shares a closer blood relation to Luke...
Leia never saw Rey before they met at the end of the movie, yet the first thing they do is hug. Leia recognized something in Rey within seconds of looking at her. She doesn't even know Rey saw Han die. There's just *something* there that brings them to hold to each other. Like a familial bond.
The Last Jedi:
Rey really connects to the Force when she first meets Ben. Not when stormtroopers pursued her. Not when she escaped with Finn, Han and Chewie. It was when she met another Skywalker. The whole Force Dyad makes a lot more sense if they're related (see more about that below).
Being Force-sensitive doesn't make you adept at swinging a lightsaber. Younglings took years to master the different forms in the Republic era. But you know who was pretty good at it from the get-go with little training? Luke. (Not saying Rey swings well, but at least she can manipulate the thing.)
In the cavern, Rey doesn't see her parents in the mirror/glass because Luke is on the island with her and doesn't know he's her father. She cannot see her parents because she doesn't remember their faces, possibly because Rey's mother didn't know she was pregnant when she and Luke grew apart (or whatever happened).
Rey doesn't have a meaningful attachment to Ben from what we see (his 5min sob story doesn't count), so the strength of their bond through the Dyad only makes sense if they're related.
When Luke dies, both Rey and Leia feel him fade through the Force. It makes sense for Leia, but Rey was with him on the island for like a week max. She could only be that close to him if... you guessed it... they were related more deeply. Like family.
Rise of Skywalker:
After Luke's passing, Rey did not try to find his other students. He had a whole freaking Jedi school, you can't tell me none of them survived. Instead, she went straight to Leia for training (whom nobody else knew she'd been trained until then). Like she just knew.
When Rey leaves the Resistance, her hug with Leia isn't that of Master and Padawan. It's not a friendly hug either. It's mother and daughter, or aunt and niece. Family.
Rey has Force healing. Try and convince me the heir of supervillain Sheev Palpatine would have healing as one of their Force power. Make it make sense! It doesn't. Because she's not a Palpatine.
The whole Force Lightning thing. Palpatine wasn't the only one who could do it. Dooku could too, and he wasn't related to Palp, except to be his apprentice. It's a Sith thing, meaning it comes from the dark side. The reason we never saw Vader do it came from his rupture with the Force after he was encased in the suit Palp made for him. Kylo Ren is too much of a sad emo teen to draw from it. But Rey was so angry, so distressed at the risk of losing one of her friends (and her uncle's bestie) that she drew from the dark side and it manifested into lightning that made her even more distressed because she thought she'd killed Chewbacca. It has nothing to do with being a Palpatine and everything to do with the dark side and emotions.
When in Kylo Ren's ship, Rey senses Vader's mask before she even sees it. It has no power anymore. The dark side left Anakin before the mask was burned. The only thing left is the memory of the man who wore it. As in, her grandfather.
Rey seeing herself as a Sith is the same as Luke seeing himself as Vader in the cave on Dagobah. It's a manifestation of her fear. It has nothing to do with any relation to Palpatine.
Up until Rey confronted Ben on the wreckage of the Death Star, Leia was content to let everyone else try to reach her son. Han, Luke, she let everyone else try before she did so herself. The only time she reaches for her son herself is when Rey needs her. By then she knows her son is lost, but she sees Luke's hope and optimism inside Rey. She uses all her strength to help Rey.
After wounding him, Rey does with Ben what Luke did with Vader: she doesn't give up on him. She has no reason to see the good in him after all he's done (for goodness sake, she saw him murder his own father!!!) but she tries anyway. Because she's like Luke.
On Exegol, when Rey and Ben get ready to fight Palpatine 3.0, they look more like family than lovers. I don't care what Disney tried to achieve. This is not romantic. It comes off as a familial bond.
When Rey hears the voices of all the Jedi that came before her (don't get me started on how most of them never even learned to become Force ghosts), Anakin tells her "bring back the balance, Rey, as I did." History repeats itself. A Skywalker kills Palpatine helped by a Skywalker(/Solo).
Rey retreats on Tatooine at the end of the movie. She has ZERO connection to that planet. It wasn't even mentioned during the whole sequel trilogy. She should hate sand as much as Anakin, considering her shitty upbringing on Jakku. But she just... goes there. Finds the Lars homestead. Sees Luke and Leia as Force ghosts. Identifies herself as a Skywalker.
So yeah, Rey is a Skywalker and you cannot tell me otherwise.
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qqueenofhades · 2 years
I always thought the Prequels were good Star Wars stories told less well than they could have been, and one of my pet peeves (obvs. YMMV) was that GL forgot they were prequels and so spent far too much time teasing Anakin's inner conflict when everyone already knew how that was going to end. We did need that taste of what was to come, but the better movie would have been less in Anakin's headspace and more in everyone else's. We all know Anakin's going to fall. Focus on making it hurt. I think Obi-Wan Kenobi's got it figured out. They don't need to explain the obvious over and over again, they just need to stab you in the heart with it in new and cinematically pretty ways.
I mean... yeah, pretty much. The prequels were underwhelming for a few reasons, firstly because George Lucas insisted on writing all the dialogue himself (he had done it for the other films, but there were multiple co-writers and script polishers and actor improvisations that saved it) and it was.... bad. Ponderous, self-important, clunky, and in the case of Anakin and Padme's romance, inadvertently and unfortunately hilarious. This was compounded by his insistence on directing it as a dreadfully grim and wooden tragedy (Hayden Christensen got panned for his performance, but he said that he tried to lighten it up/act in a different way, but George didn't want it), when SW works best especially in its moments of lightheartedness and self-aware gentle mockery of itself. It's a soap-opera fantasy/sci-fi popcorn universe; it doesn't need to be written and directed like King Lear, and the prequels were weaker due to George's insistence on playing them completely straight.
So... yeah, we all know that Anakin is going to fall to the dark side, and I have said before that the whole thing where Padme dies in childbirth because lady parts (apparently there are no gynecologists on Coruscant but Luke can get a totally realistic fake hand?) and that's what makes Anakin go evil is also Bad. The parts and components are there-- Anakin's deep attachments to his mother, Padme, and Obi-Wan, and his problems with anger and desperation to fix the injustice that he experienced as a child slave -- but they're never given enough narrative elbow grease and genuine emotion to make them really hit the way they should.
This is especially obvious because yes, we are now all suffering buckets over Kenobi in the way that we came the closest to doing in Revenge of the Sith (which is by far the best of the prequels, despite its problems). We already know the story backward and forward, we know what happened before and what's happening next and how everything ended up this way, but because it focuses on emotions and character relationships and love and trauma more than clunky exposition or cliché narrative gimmicks, it still hurts a lot anyway. Yet again, it shows the idea that you constantly have to Shock The Audience to tell a good story is total hooey. If you're not necessarily shocking them, but you're still landing your emotional punches because your storytelling focuses on GENUINE feelings and respects the decades of engagement that fans have poured into this story and these characters, you don't NEED schlocky gratuitous random "twists" and the wanton Grimdarking of everything.
Basically, that was why I hated the sequel trilogy so much: the sheer disrespect shown to Han, Luke, and Leia, the destruction of their story arcs and narrative goals from the original trilogy, and the way this was all done in the name of Game of Thrones-ifying Star Wars and never felt authentic to the tones and themes of the original. As a SW fan for my entire life, I simply can't enter or engage with that take on it, because it is so disrespectful and destructive from what the story always was about before. Even the prequels, while they're technically and narratively underwhelming and I wanted them to be much better, still are Star Wars movies. The sequels on the other hand feel shoehorned in from an entirely different franchise, and the fact that mediocre white men can just make up shit and not even properly plan out, script, or plot their addition to one of the most beloved properties of all time will never not make me see red.
That being the case, the obvious adoration that Kenobi has for the characters, the way it tenderly focuses on their love and their relationships and their agonising pain, while still centering hope, Obi-Wan's rusty but deeply rooted compassion, his desperate desire to rest but his equally grim determination to fight for what's right even when it's totally hopeless and his heart is broken... that got me feeling Some Kinda Way. Because at its heart, that is what SW has always been about, and I think the reason people are responding to it so strongly is exactly because they recognize that.
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padawanlost · 4 years
What do you think of ObI Wan's forgiving Maul in rebels? To me- I dunno, it just seems too easy and a little inconsistent. I get that what Vader did was worse and his betrayal in some ways more personal, but he really struggled to forgive Anakin, also his identifying with Maul as a victim since childhood makes no sense, as he should've known Anakin was groomed by Palpatine from childhood, but he didn't even try to find out what caused his fall.
Before I say anything else, please keep in mind that I never watched Rebels (I only watched a couple of scenes/episodes) so I might not have all the details.
Now, that being said, I don’t think Obi-wan ‘forgave’ Maul.
Obi-wan’s ‘kindness’ when killing Maul wasn’t the result of any personal bond between them. it was the expected behavior of any wise Jedi: never start a fight and don’t be cruel. Those are basic Jedi precepts.
If I remember correctly, Obi-wan only ignited his blade after Maul realized he was protecting someone important (Luke) so his actions were motivated by his committed to the greater good (the galaxy and Luke), not his personal feelings towards Maul.
Besides, that was nothing to forgive because Obi-wan wouldn’t keep any (personal) ill feeling towards Maul – beyond him being a threat to the galaxy – because that’s not the Jedi way. Obi-wan, on paper, doesn’t hold grudges. He mourns Satine but he doesn’t hate Maul for killing her.
I think people are mistaking Obi-wan with Anakin, especially Obi-wan’s relationship with Anakin. Now that was a personal relationship that turned violent and bitter because of it. Unlike Maul, Obi-wan couldn’t ‘let go’ of Anakin, whom he loved.
If that final duel had been personal to Obi-wan, it would have gone very differently. It’s the difference between Obi-wan vs Maul in TPM and Obi-wan vs Maul in Rebels. One is fulled by personal, emotional responses. The one isn’t.
As for Obi-wan idifitying Maul was a victim, I don’t know where that comes from. Obi-wan knew nothing about Maul’s past and what he endured growing up. and even if he had, I don’t see that making much of a difference. Obi-wan KNEW Anakin was manipulated by Palpatine and it had no influence on his behavior towards Anakin. we have to keep in mind that until Vader’s redemption, the Jedi believed the dark side was a one way street. Once you took that path you’re lost, regardless of who you *used* to be.
Why had he turned to the dark side? When did it happen? The Anakin he knew and loved couldn't have done it. Something had twisted in him, and Palpatine had exploited it somehow. Obi-Wan knew it wouldn't change anything to know, but he couldn't help going over the same events, again and again. The chances he'd missed, the things he'd seen, the things he hadn't. [Jude Watson – The Last One Standing]
That was where Obi-Wan kept returning. That vision of hatred. Because no matter how Palpatine had corrupted Anakin, no matter how the dark side had taken him over, no matter what decisions he'd made in his heat and his fury, he was Obi-Wan's apprentice and he ended by hating his Master. And that was a Master's failing. [Jude Watson – The Last One Standing]
Obi-Wan said, “I should have let them shoot me …” 
 “No. That was already too late—it was already too late at Geonosis. The Zabrak, on Naboo—I should have died there … before I ever brought him here—” 
“Stop this, you will!” Yoda gave him a stick-jab in the ribs sharp enough to straighten him up. “Make a Jedi fall, one cannot; beyond even Lord Sidious, this is. Chose this, Skywalker did.” 
Obi-Wan lowered his head. “And I’m afraid I might know why.” 
“Why? Why matters not. There is no why. There is only a Lord of the Sith, and his apprentice. Two Sith.” Yoda leaned close. “And two Jedi.” [Matthew Stover. Revenge of the Sith]
Obi-wan was completely aware of Anakin’s traumatic past and further manipulation by Palpatine and yet there was little sympathy for him once he became Vader. Now, why would he show such sympathy for someone he knew very little about? For someone who, unlike Anakin, he only knew as a Sith? It doesn’t make sense, imo
The man he faced was everything Obi-Wan had devoted his life to destroying: Murderer. Traitor. Fallen Jedi. Lord of the Sith. And here, and now, despite it all … Obi-Wan still loved him.[Matthew Stover. Revenge of the Sith]
Obi-wan knew Anakin, LOVED him and still, Anakin’s tragic past made very little difference when it came to Obi-wan’s reaction to his most evil and cruel actions. that’s why I don’t see him going all kind and soft on Maul, whom he knew very little of beyond his ability to destroy innocents and commit crimes.
I’ve talked about this before but the gist is Jedi don’t forgive Sith, they kill them. that’s why the wanted Luke to kill his own father and tried their best to convince him that there was not good left in Vader. It’s not because they were evil, manipulative pricks who wanted Anakin dead. It’s because the truly didn’t believe that it was possible for a Sith to redeem themselves. So for Obi-wan to go all ‘aww poor Maul’ would be out of character, borderline on plot hole.
It’s not like Obi-wan wanted Maul to suffer or anything like that. Clearly, that was not the case at all. But it’s a pretty big leap from ‘I don’t want my enemy to suffer’ to ‘I totally understand why he’s like that and forgive him for it’.
I mean, if Obi-wan didn’t let Maul suffer because he understood his past how does one explain Mustafar and Anakin’s immolation?
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idjitlili · 4 years
W-wait you kidnapped, Jareth?
Obi-wan x reader
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(Not my image)
Summary: Dropped into a strange world, pretty much on to a Obi-wan's lap, only for him to take pity on you. What a pity...
Word count:6237
Warnings: Kidnapping of a non-starwars character, tight pants wearing person.../ tight pants/ references to something under tight pants. Post Padme and Anakin reuniting. Some language. Age gap.
Okay, so maybe you had been in another dimension, with no intention,with a bit of a mind flip, you're into the time slip. You don't know how it happened one minute you was  sleeping, having one of those dreams when you are falling but you couldn't wake up, until you had shot awake from painful landing.
Well, the landing wasn't painful, two points of impact, under your legs and on your shoulder blades. Opening your eyes suddenly, to see a auburn haired man, his eyes bright, as they starred into yours, yes he was handsome. Some sort of cream wrap tunic, dark brown shirt underneath, hiding his chest. It was hot, very hot, how was his face no sweating, your arm now around his shoulders to prevent you from falling. No doubt your face showed shock.
"Who are you?!"
What else was you supposed to say, other than 'where am I?' It was not long at all before 'Obi- wan' the man who had caught you had taken you to some green guy called Yoda. Aliens, you would not have guessed it, well most people know there are actually aliens, there are so many galaxies. There was no earth in the place, so they had concluded it be some sort of bigger power had brought you were.
Yoda seemed nice enough, basically the Lady Galadriel of this place, insuring you that no harm would come to you. Of course, he had put the top Jedi on the job, Obi-wan, why did you have to put with the handsome ones, you'd end up red faced even if he looked at you. If he wasn't a nice person then he would've just dropped you.
In the short time you had been in this place, you had wondered why you had fallen in this place in your shoes. However, that is irrelevant, you had learnt about Jedi and siths, typical good guys versus bad boys. Not bad boys...not yet, of course I'm thinking about Din Djarin,well he's not evil.
Yoda did have a lot to say, except oh yes just so you know you've just been dumped into a foreign universe and now you are going on a space ship. You had been given a bag, with sets of clothing for you as well as some other supplies. Obi-wan being himself, not that you knew his regular behaviour, took your bag, when you were both walking towards the ship. Not that it was in view not yet.
"W-wait, so we are going into space?" Your voice laced with panic, as you speed walked next to Obi-wan to keep up.  He had let out a deep chuckle.
"Where else would we go, little one?"
"Uhm, literally anywhere else, do I not get food before we leave? I just got here! I'm starving."
The ship, now in view, was it floating? Was it just on a platform? Nope it was floating, did you just the force to do that, like an elevator? Looking at the Jedi, grinning as you both got closer and closer to the ship.
"It's not that bad, I won't let anything happen to you, nothing will if I am the one steering it anyways..." Obi-wan whispering last bit, but you still heard him, brows scrunching toward, who else would be piloting the ship? You? Never.  That when you saw him, stood on  ramp of the ship, assuming he was waiting for you and Obi-wan. His hair short, light brown and spiked. Was that a rat tail? Oh gosh. He was cute, but you could tell he was trouble.
"Oooh, Master, I thought you said no attachments." Obi-wan had scoffed at the boy, as you both got dangerously close, the boy looked at you with a smirk, his cheeks bunching up like a clown. That he was indeed.
"This is Anakin, Anakin, Y/n, she will be coming with us,"  Obi-wan looked at Anakin who still was looking at you, only at his master briefly. When he did Obi-wan's face could only be described as that face off Zoolander, Blue steel. Why was he pursing his lips, was he expecting a peck or was that just his stern face?
Of course when you held your hand out to shake his, he had took your hand in his pressing his lips to your knuckles. You looked at Obi-wan wide eyes, was this legal? Was Anakin even an adult? Only just, but still, he was not your type.
"Anakin, that's enough, what have I told you?" Pulling Anakin from you , pushing him into the ship, Anakin turns his face to you sending a cheeky grin. Only for Obi-wan to give him another shove out the ship. Obi-wan gesturing you for you to get on before him, with a small smile. "Thank you."
You weren't sure where you were going, hell, you didn't even know what planet you had just been was, but now you say in a seat gripping it, as Obi-wan began to pilot the ship, is that what it was called? Was called something different? You weren't sure, all you knew is this was scary. If you crashed there was little chance of survival, there's no oxygen in space.
Anakin sat next to Obi-wan, both focused on the darkness in front of them. You sat on seat that you could only describe as one of those joint seats at the back of a bus, an British bus. Maybe it's the same for different countries? The chair against the wall, you had strapped your bag down in the seat next you , as well yourself.
You had completely forgotten that you were wearing a baggy t-shirt with trousers, and shoes. That night you must've been so tired that you didn't change, you don't know what happened that night.  You must've looked very out of place, especially with what you had seen everyone else was wearing. Why were they all dressed as Jesus? You were surprised they were surprised they weren't wearing sandals.
"So, where are you from?"  Anakin had spoken gently not taking his face from his position, had made you snap out of thoughts.
"Y/h/c." You weren't sure if he meant planet, you had just stuck with your home country. Anakin had clicked his tongue, thinking, before he could say anymore Obi-wan had stopped him.
"She's not from this galaxy, Anakin." Obi-wan spoke like Anakin was supposed to know that, well you was wearing a shirt that literally had Keanu reeves face on it.
"Well then, how did you get here?"
"I was sleeping in my bed, and then I was falling somehow, whoa Obi-wan happened to be standing below me, and caught me, the end." Anakin had let out a loud snort turning to his master.
"No attachments, well, Master, if I didn't know better, I would say this was the beginning of something that was meant to be."  You swear you saw Anakin raise his eyebrows at Obi-wan, though you couldn't see properly from sitting behind.
"Keep your forked tongue behind you teeth." Why did that sound so familiar... Obi-wan was harsh to his Padawan, he didn't seem to be repulsed by you, maybe he felt uncomfortable by the tone of Anakins voice. W-wait did he just quote Gandalf?
After that everything was silent, for a while anyways, Obi-wan soon told you to go to the bathroom thing in the ship, you had already forgotten what he called it. Informing you that you should change into a set of clothes you were given; so that you would not stick out.
Clothing choice was good considering; you didn't know where you were going but you were glad you were given trousers for walking. Especially what you had been heard, you did not fancy being killed because you had tripped on the dress you were wearing.
The only reason they had took you to this planet was for them to negotiate with someone,  you could swear you saw one of them talking to someone on a hologram, why didn't they just do that. When you did arrive, you had to walk far into town. Security reasons, but the ship stood out more on it's own.
You were definitely not expecting to end up in pub, where else would they find a bad guy. It wasn't high tech like you had thought, it was a tavern, old fashioned. For a hot climate the bar was quite cool.
Strange that Obi-wan had made you sat at a table alone, there was a open space, you assumed for dancing, sat at a booth, you had perfect view to the little stage. Though there was no one there. Obi-wan and Anakin had went searching in the bar for the man or woman , or them, you weren't sure. You didn't understand how it was safer for you to be alone.
Twiddling your thumbs bored, the chat of bar was considerably low, it had already began to get dark. Soon enough the pub would be packed. You hadn't seen the man make his way on stage, standing in front of a microphone, while a couple of other people set up behind him. He did not look the band sort, but those other men were there to play the instruments, since there was only one mic.
It was only when the music began to play did you look up, a skinny man, stood at the microphone, his eyes the brightest blue, though his left pupil bigger than the right. His eyebrows had no ends, eyeshadow flicked up into an wing , the end facing his hairline, his cheekbones clearly highlighted. His hair huge , blond, long as well as being a mullet.
His shirt crisp white,with a leather brown vest, his sleeves puffy. The vest only went above his hip bones, beneath that was some very tight pants. They were almost leggings, the grey clearly presented his package. The boots what a slight heel on them reaching up his calves.
This man was clearly handsome, but he reminded you so much of Bowie, you couldn't help but feel drawn to him.
"There's such a sad love
Deep in your eyes a kind of pale jewel
Open and closed
Within your eyes
I'll place the sky
Within your eyes."
His gloved hands on the microphone, as your eyes were glued to him, his eyes gliding over the bar before meeting yours. His eyes eyes latching onto y/c ones, a grin spread across his face, showing his slightly croaked teeth. You quickly looked around making sure he was looking at you, glancing at Obi-wan and Anakin who were busy arguing.
"There's such a fooled heart
Beatin' so fast
In search of new dreams
A love that will last
Within your heart
I'll place the moon"
As your eyes went back to the man, his position now moved, instead of a microphone, he had a mouth piece, a few people waltzing together on the now on the empty space from earlier, but now it wasn't empty. Your heart raced as the man continued to sing, heading your way slowly, dancing with others as he did so.
"Within your heart
As the pain sweeps through
Makes no sense for you
Every thrill is gone
Wasn't too much fun at all"
You don't what possessed you to stand up, but you did. Your feet pulling you towards the dance floor, a smirk upon the mans face as he saw you approaching him, you had blinked and with that he had disappeared. Your eyes searching the crowd, he was still singing.
"But I'll be there for you-ou-ou
As the world falls down
As the world falls down
Falling in love."
You were feeling embarrassed when you could not find the man, especially being on the dance floor alone. You had almost had a heart attack when someone had placed their hand on your arm. Turning around you were face to face to the grinning man, offering you his hand. Your hand in his gloved one, the other on his shoulder, his on your waist.
"I'll paint you mornings of gold
I'll spin you Valentine evenings though we're strangers 'til now
We're choosing the path
Between the stars"
Smiling up at the man, you felt like nothing else matter, as you waltzed with him, your movements so smooth that his hair didn't even know. Maybe he wore a lot of hairspray. Your eyes never leaving his, you couldn't remember knowing how to waltz.
"I'll leave my love
Between the stars
As the pain sweeps through
Makes no sense for you
Every thrill is gone
Wasn't too much fun at all
But I'll be there for you-ou-ou
As the world falls down
What you did not notice was the two Jedi's calling your name, as they searched for you, only for Obi-wan to lock eyes onto you, getting Anakins attention, as he sighed. One rumb of the moustache and both of them started heading your way.
Jareth at eyes finally left yours, he had stopped singing, he had not let you go though.
"What are you doing, Y/n?" You had instantly unlaced your hand from the man, turning to face Obi-wan's disapproving glare, Anakin sniffled under his hand, glad he wasn't getting in trouble...again.
"Dancing?" You had even had a second to react when Anakin had stroked his moustache again, and the man was cuffed. Pulling you gently by the arm, you all made your way out of the bar, no doubt that was embarrassing. You had accidentally gotten the guy captured because you danced with him. Then again, Obi-wan would've spotted him singing as well, so maybe it wasn't your fault. Little nervous to why they wanted him, hopefully not for murder.
Once you did make it back to the ship, Anakin was to fly the ship, while the strange man  sat next to your bag, and you next to Obi-wan across from him. 
"I don't understand, I'll did was dance with him, he didn't try to kill me, so what's the problem?"  Obi-wan scoffed, staring at the man, not turning to even look at you.
"The problem is that he kidnaps children."
"No, I take the unwanted ones, those that are wished away." That sounded familiar, the hair, the pants, the David Bowie everything, it was clear who this man was.
"Ben, you can't speak him like that, do you not know who you have captured? He's Jareth, the goblin king!"  Jareth had just smirked at Obi-wan, quite frankly the outburst had made Obi-wan jump. No one called him Ben.
"W-well, I've heard stories of The Labyrinth."
"I'm sorry, how did I not see it before, the hair, the music, the very tight pants , the-"
"Why were you looking at his trousers?" Obi-wan now had turned to face you, his eyes eyes searching your face for answer, his voice stern, your face blushed. You really needed to stop talking about pants all the time.
"Do you want her to look at yours instead,Master?"  Obi -wan had choked his bearded face reddening. His eyes now off your face.
"Oh, I've already looked, what about some tighter pants , I must say you have lovely arse though." Placing a hand on Obi-wan's lower thigh, if his face was red before it was now, he couldn't look at you. A gentle squeeze of his thigh, and he had to excuse himself.
Once Obi-wan was out of ear range, the three of you laughed, though Anakin hadn't seen nor knew what tipped Obi-wan over the edge. However, Jareth had smirked at you, he knew very well what you had done. You had barely had known Obi-wan for four days, and he already felt like he was breaking the rules.
It was very clear why Obi-wan actually left the room, his trouser were now tight on him.
"So, love.."  You were surprised, obi-wan had taken the cuffs off Jareth in the ship and left him with you.  One of his legs , thrown over the end on table, as if it was an arm of a chair.
"Stop that." Anakin's voice stopped Jareth saying anymore.
Before you knew it, you had been talking to to Jareth the whole journey back, Obi-wan had came back shortly after; sitting next to Anakin. 
It was not like you had anything better to do other than speaking to the fae, Obi-wan just criticising Anakin. 'He's overly critical.' What do you want Anakin, a kiss on your cheek, oh sweetie you are doing absolutely amazing at killing the guys on our side.
Stepping out of the ship, Jareth now singing another song, like he was in a movie or something. You had caught eyes with about her man in robes, another Jedi. Hold on, that couldn't be Samuel L Jackson?
"Hey, Jareth?"
"Yes, love."
"Can't you just magic yourself out of this situation back to the your castle?" Jareth's hands weren't cuffed still, he had turned his face towards you with a grin, looking back at him, you felt bad he was only helping he wasn't killing people or anything. He was a lovely guy.
"Yes, I can, I was just waiting for a kiss goodbye." Pointing to his cheek, your pinks slightly pink as your pressed a kiss to his soft skin. With that you had pulled away, one last smile, he had turned dramatically, spinning his cape with him, glitter flying everywhere. Off flew a a light brown owl. He was gone.
"Mother fucker." Your lips turned up slightly trying to prevent a grin, as you turned back to the Jedi's that did not look impressed. Well, Anakin he did not care he just smiled, knowing you were probably were going to get in trouble. You literally didn't even do anything, all you did was kiss the mans cheek.
"What did you do?" Obi-wan eyes on you , his words  like a sharpened butter knife, you could say unnatural...even supernatural. This hands on his hips, pushing his robes back.
"W-what? Me? I told you he was bloody magic ;but no, you didn't listen."
"Control yourself, now come, Master Yoda requests all of you." Did he just tell Obi-wan to calm himself , he just called Jareth a motherfucker. 
The meeting with Yoda, Windu  and the three of you, wasn't with the Jedi republic. According to Yoda, this matter wasn't of importance, he didn't expect You'd been able to hold Jareth for very long. Master Windu, didn't give no shits, he was disappointed.
It wasn't like he killed a bunch of kids, not like Anakin was going to. Not just the men, but the woman and the children too. Jareth basically had loads of Goblin children living their best life's in the goblin city, that wasn't threatening. So, the Goblin king got away, why don't you go kill bloody Palpatine.
The next few weeks were not as eventful, stuck in your room bored, it was awkward to go out you didn't know anyone. Especially not Obi-wan you were pretty sure he hated you at the moment. You did not want to have to get involved with him and Anakin training. Exercise...no thanks.
You really did feel bad for how you acted towards Obi-wan, he was a Jedi you couldn't touch him like that. So, when he turned up at your room in the evening, with your dinner, it was surprising. Normally you'd get brought to dinner by one of the younglings.
Obi-wan stood in front of you with a small smile as he held the tray. The tray with two plates of dinner.
"O-oh, hi," pulling the door open with the door handle allowing Obi-wan into your room, before shutting it behind him.
"I thought maybe you wanted someone to eat with you," He did not expand further. Obi-wan was a kind man, he took a pact basically to have no family no nothing, just to protect the galaxy. With a high chance of death, he was a noble man, you couldn't think of anyone you knew from back home that would do that. You should not have gave him a boner.
Placing the tray on the table within your room, but instead of sitting down, he had lifted the whole table towards the balcony. Obi-wan has , went to Yoda before coming to your room, stating this was strictly professional nothing more. Yoda had just laughed. "Dine with her , you will."
Seeing what Obi-wan was doing, you had grabbed a chair too, onto the the stone of the balcony. The view of the planet, Coruscant was not the best, but it was better than looking at a wall. Ten again you'd be eating in a moment so you wouldn't have to look at either. Fresh are was good though.
Sitting down at the round table with Obi-wan was weird, you really felt guilty for your behaviour it was eating you up, whilst you both ate your dinners up. Looking up to Obi-wan, his eyes fixed to his plate as he struggle to cut a potato, his golden hair tucked behind his eyes.  Orange light from the setting sun shined into his hair, as well as his cheeks, his eyes glistening.  
"The way I acted on the ship, was completely inappropriate, I am so sorry, there is no excuse for my behaviour.  I admit I'm glad you are here now. I don't expect you to forgive me."
Obi-wan's eyes now looking back into yours, his eyebrows frowning together slightly, his knife and fork on his plate, as he lent back in the chair. Rubbing your sweaty hands along your trousers roughly, a small laugh let his lips.
"I must have missed something, you complimented my behind and squeezed my knee. That's hardly anything to apologise for, if anything I would've expected an apology for not listening to my orders."  That guilt did seem to fade away, mostly. Your cheeks reddening, as Oni-wan continued to look at you.
"I'm sorry for not following your orders, especially when in a pub on a strange planet."
Smiling at each for a moment before going back to your dinners before they got cold.  Not speaking fully until you had both finished eating.  
This became a daily occurrence for weeks, then months. You were still not returned home, you were stuck. You didn't feel alone not like you did when you first arrived. You did miss home very much, but nothing could be done about that. 
Sometimes, sorry, every time Obi-wan went out of Coruscant you went with. Even if it was dangerous, either you'd stay in the ship or simply go wherever with him.  It wasn't hard to see how close you had gotten to Obi-wan, the Jedi council did not like it one bit, not that you knew that.  Obi-wan had insisted that he had been assigned to protecting you and that was what he was doing. Not that was far from the truth.
No attachments, Kenobi? Okay.
What makes matters worse you had no currency, it wasn't hard to guess who would supply you with clothing's such. Obi-wan would take you to the market to buy you anything you needed. In return, well, there wasn't much you could do, certainly wasn't safe for you to go off on your own, especially not being from this universe. So, you just kept him company.
Anakin being Obi-wan's padawan he came along too, not to the market but on missions, but that was obvious. You had felt like a burden , you really did,  being reassured you weren't, Obi-wan had given you a role. A purpose. You were their healer.
Not Obi-wan purposely getting small injuries, he'd argue wit himself and sometimes Anakin, that it wasn't on purpose and if it was it was only to make you feel like you part of their team. Not that Obi-wan longed for the soft touches of your skin on his.
However, he was not expecting you to get hurt, no he would not have, he had sworn to protect you and he had failed. You had arrived on this strange planet for 'negotiations' for this clan to basically team up with the republic, but Darth Maul had gotten there first. Of course, you had been kidnapped, since Obi-wan told you to stay in the ship.
Darth held you off the floor by the back of your neck, holding the lightsaber out ready to kill you, not really just leverage. Obi-wan and Anakin in front, they really had no plan. Well, Darth Maul almost stabbed you, but you had the higher air and took a blade from your pocket and stabbed yourself. Blood pouring out of your Abdomen, as your eyes watered, your throat blocked up.
Dropping you to the floor, Darth Maul had laughed. "Oh, I like her." Obi-wan did not like that at all, seeing you face down on the cold floor him an Anakin activated their lightsabers.I could describe the whole fight sequence, but you already know Darth Maul wiggled himself out of that situation back to the Sith, not surprising, you wouldn't remember anyways, you had passed out.
The clan now on the republics side,  only because the Jedi's had saved them and promised protection.
Obi-wan had carried you back to the ship with Anakin, who began to start the ship. He felt guilty to wake you up, he would rather stitch you up when you were unconscious.The thought of hurting you plagued his heart, maybe he should get Anakin to do it. No, he couldn't go through with someone else hurting you.
Grabbing the medical kit, Obi-wan had made his way back to the bed, your body still, he would've been happy if this was Anakin. The thought crossed his mind, to stab Anakin, so he'd bloody shut up. Our tunic now drenched with blood, he could clearly see the tear in your shirt. He was not going to wake you , deciding just to cut a square out of your shirt.
You wouldn't be surprised if that shirt wasn't fashion back home, you know people wearing bandanas as shirts, here's what hot now, reveal your hip and your abdomen with a square hole! Who knows, I don't know anything about fashion, except I dress like David Bowie. Shut up , no one cares.
Your face was already laced with cold beads sweat, like Obi-wan but he felt like furnace, his long hair pushed back, his lips squished together as he grabbed the anaesthesia, pulling up your sleeve carefully before injecting it quickly. Then he had gotten to work, soon enough, you was stitched up.
Only problem was, that Sith had damaged the ship, so Anakin only got the three of you so far before having to land on freezing planet. But, it gets better, Anakin being really great, and supposedly a great pilot had hit the side of a mountain. Snow had covered the ship, you were trapped by an ocean of snow.
Of course, R2 hadn't came in this trip, just luck, only thing that was working was the heating and lights, the signal had gone. No way to contact anyone, however, someone was bound to notice in a few days something had gone wrong.
This was not going to be like without a paddle, where you'd all be in your underwear and spoon. We do not shaggy here, um? Get it before Shaggy is in that movie? 
Eventually, you had woken up, a little dizzy, probably would not have if Anakin wasn't having a tantrum. You didn't even question how you got back to the ship, your shoes tapped quietly against the floor , as you made your way to the cockpit.  Both Obi-wan and Anakin were stood in the centre of the room, Anakin point and clenching his fists, Obi-wan just stood there.
You got a feeling that Anakin was not good at keeping his emotions in check, why was he always so emotional. Obi-wan was now sipping juice, no blue milk, yuck, Anakin still shouting.
"You're jealous, master. You're afraid I am getting too powerful, you want me to fail!"  Placing his drink down, Obi-wan had caught your eyes,  his face lightened into a smile from his frown. "Mum,  you think I am ready to be a Jedi Master, right?"  His eyes soft on the sight of you, coughing slightly, you had looked back at Obi-wan who turned to you in a swing, now amused by his Padawan.
"I'm sorry, aren't I a similar age to you?" The cold temperatures from the snow, had transferred into the ship, but Anakins cheeks still burned. He just stood looking at you unable to speak, Obi-wan had laughed patting his Padawan on the back once.
"Don't worry about it; he does it to everyone. When he was younger, it was difficult to convince him to stop calling me father. Sometimes, he still does." 
"Liar, I do not. You treat me like a whore ; calling everyone my father. I do not, it was mistake!"  Anakin was overwhelmed, his voice defensive and loud as he left the room, leaving you with Obi-wan, who's lips were twitched into a large smile , as he stroked his moustache.
For a few moments you both stood in silence, before you had looked down to the ache and coldness on your lower abdomen. A hole on in your shirt where you we're stabbed, now stitched up.
"Oh yes, sorry about your shirt." Your finger tips tracing the fabric, then touching the wound, pain shot through your body, letting out a welp. Obi-wan eyes had widened, stepping close to inspect the wound again, why would you poke it?
"It's just a shirt, it's not like you don't buy them all anyways, thank you for that again, also thank you for stitching me up ,  that was you?"  Your voice quiet, under his gaze, a deep chuckle had left his mouth.
"Yes, I did, I hardly trust Anakin's flying, how are you feeling? That was very well done back there, but I do recommend you don't do it again." You had scoffed, letting out a short laugh after, Obi-wan looked at you rising his eyebrows, to warning you.
“Oh, yes, I plan on stabbing myself again, who do you think I am? Loki? Okay, maybe I’ll fake my death for attention too.” Obi-wan’s hands gently placed on your shoulders, squeezing lightly , as he looked into your eyes. His blue orbs intensely on yours, his hair neatly tucked back.
“I wouldn’t allow that, from now on you don’t stay in the ship alone, If something happens to you I’d never forgive myself, and I believe that you were sent here for a reason. Not to die.” His hands had left you , smiling at you once more, before leaving the cockpit.
Not only after that you had retired to your bed, in clothes without holes, your now many blankets covered you. Thanks to Obi-wan again, since you all spent so much time on the ship, it was necessary for situations like this. Of course, as long as the ship wasn’t blown up again.
Though the heating was working, it didn’t stop the cold from the outside. Curled up so tight in your blankets, trying to retain heat, you could not get comfortable to sleep. The cold nipping at your feet and cheeks, your nose was probably red too.
Only an hour or two from when you first got into bed, sighing , all your blankets wrapped around you, stepping out of bed. Quietly, making your way around the ship, just to tire yourself out, or to make yourself really cold. So, when you would get back into bed you’d be like ‘oooh warm’ and fall asleep.
You had meant to wake in on Obi-wan sat in his chair in the cockpit, wrapped up in his robes, seemingly fast asleep. His arms crossed, his auburn hair covering his face , neck cranked forward. He was going to have a sore neck in the morning.
Turning on your feet, slowing walking out of the room, pulling your blankets tighter. A sigh had left Obi-wan’s mouth, not loud but you heard it. Your movement now softened, you continued with tiny steps.
“I know you are there, Y/n, come back.” No doubt you almost peed yourself, hearing Obi-wand raspy voice, he had been a sleep, you felt horrible. Walking back from the door way, Obi-wan had turned to chair to look at you.
“I didn’t mean to wake, I didn’t know you was even in here.” Obi-wan opened his mouth yawning loudly, before looking back at you, snorting a laugh, at your choice of clothes.
“What are doing up?” Shifting on your feet, covered with socks, the icy floor numbing them.
“Can’t sleep, aren’t you cold?” You wondered if Anakin was having trouble sleeping too, he must’ve been fine, since he left Obi-wan in here. Obi-wan probably never meant to fall asleep, waiting for anyone to contact. Shaking his head, he had opening his arms up gesturing you over.
“Come here, darling.” Not sure on what he was going to do, yet you still walked towards him, you trusted him. You were glad if you were stuck you was stuck with the Jedi. Pressing his palm around your clenched hand that held tightly onto your blanket. His hands were really warm, like had them between his thighs. His lips moulded into a circle shape, inhaling sharply.
“Oh, I should’ve brought you more blankets.” His hand still on yours, looking up at you, a small smile on your face, your teeth felt like ice cubes, a few moments went by, you weren’t sure what he was waiting for or what you were waiting for.
“ Do you think I could stay here...with you?” Your cheeks now felt hot, the words barely a whisper, you shouldn’t have asked, it’s completely inappropriate. “I-I can go back to bed-“
“Nonsense.” Obi-wan had pulling you into his lap, okay, so maybe you thought he would’ve been like yeah and you would’ve sat in the chair next to him. You head resting against his chest, his stubble tickling upon your head. Obi-wan’s arms wrapped around you tightly, sealing the blankets. Yours around his waist, feet tucked up on the chair, as well. Obi-wan warmth surrounded you with his scent, the soft touch of his lips against your temple.
“Am I allowed to love you, Ben?” Your eyes fluttered closed, your voice barely above a whisper, Obi-wan’s heart hitched into his throat. He flirted too often and he knew it, and he knew that his feelings weren’t platonic either, he wouldn’t have spent dinner every night alone with just anybody.
“No, I suppose you’re not.” What would the council feel about this, he wished he could blame Yoda for making him guardian over you and that first dinner with you.
“If you aren’t supposed to have attachments, then what am I? You promised Master Yoda to protect me, isn’t that an attachment. Would anyone be able to tell? You have to be with me pretty sure all day anyways.”
Your words made him ponder for a moment, he knew you were right, you had already acting like you were together for a long time, not directly in front of council though. It was clear Anakin saw it too, he wouldn’t have called you mum, that was weird though. Maybe he has a kink think because he hasn’t seen his mum since he was 9.
Obi-wan looked over you all the time, brought you everything you needed, ate dinner with you, kept you warm, stitched you up, protected you from strange people. There were times where you’d turn up to his room crying, or upset or missing home, he’d comfort you. Similarly to this situation, you’d end up in his bed, not like that, you in his arms stroking your hair, pressing a kiss to your temple as you fell asleep. It was not new.
“You are right, I love you.” Looking up to the Jedi, as he smiled down at you.
“You do?”
“I do.” He may not have kissed you then, but you had time, you weren’t about to let Anakin take him from you. What mattered was you were together, even being away from your home, you had another. With Ben and a ‘son’ that was older than you.
Oh , Anakin was so cheeky when he had awoken in the morning seen you against his masters chest.
“I knew it.”
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Thank you, I actually didn't even try to write the dialogue believable, thanks for pretty high mark XD... Anyway, may the massacre begin. Analysis of the star wars top characters. (I will discuss it in parts since it is quite voluminous + I am not so familiar with the entire franchise as some people tbh)
To begin with, it is worth noting that the top Lily itself contains characters from completely different sources. Prequels, sequels, kotor and swtor. This is a complete mess, the universe of star wars has hundreds if not thousands of characters and placing them in one top does not seem to be the wisest decision. This is the first thing.
Second, what criteria does Lily use to judge good and bad characters? How well written they are, or how nice of a person they are? Well, more on that later.
5th best. Anakin.
I'm surprisingly agreed. The main problem of his character is in his perception, whitch is, Lucas's writing and Hayden's acting (for which Lucas is also responsible). Seriously, the main reason he is called a whiner because of Kristiansen's voice. In my native language he was made more masculine and emotionally stable, so many people still don't understand the anger and hate of English speakers about Anakin.
5th blandest kyle katarn
Sorry, I'm not familiar with the character, but if Lily's description is correct, I wont protest.
5th worst ezra bridger
In fact, I can understand Lily's opinion, but I cannot understand the location of the character in the top. Look, he is a fairly typical protagonist, he has no particularly remarkable characteristics (compared to Anakin's fall or Ahsoka's arc, etc.), but this is why I have another question... why put him in the top worst? Isn't it more logical to mark him exactly as bland, since he is a fairly ordinary protagoniste? What is his worstness? Ordinarity? Bad witing work? Thats actually important question for the future.
(By the way, there was also a mention that Ahsoka's story should already end and I ... let's just say i laught a little. If the character is good, then they, even having gone through their major changes earlier, can either drag the plot as a supporting character, or to be something like a superman, a character whom everyone (the audience) wants to be like, while the attention of the audience is riveted not so much to their development as to the situation in which character find themselves)
Well, it's a pretty good start, i was expecting worce tbh. To be continued.
Now that I think about it, she doesn't really set up any guidelines, does she? I don't think a lot of her fans have that much of an interest in Star Wars past the films, and maybe a few tv shows, and she doesn't talk about any of the supplemental material on her channel outside of Kotor and Swotor.
I think we both have things to say about how little she actually explains herself, but like you, I'll hold off on that.
Anakin being number 5 on the best list wasn't surprising, as I knew she really likes him. For me, I found he was only really good in the last movie (but that's because he was held back by bad writing and directing.), in terms of a tragic hero though, I can see why people like him.
Kyle Katar for blandest was weird to me, because I never heard of him before, and all this tells us is that the blandest list may just be full of filler characters from parts of the Star Wars universe that many casual viewers won't know about, and thus can't argue against. Outside of that, it's a shoulder shrug.
As for Ezra Bridger... it seems he just isn't popular. A lot of people who watched rebel found him annoying. I think Rebel's had some general writing problems though, so what should have been a pretty generic (if decent) protag, quickly got on peoples nerves. Though it seems most people want to know if he's dead, so who knows what happened in that show. 😂
And honestly, Ahsoka is fine. They use her sparingly in other media, and it's mostly because she's one of the few Jedi that the audience knows about that survived order 66. It makes sense to use her over anybody else, and it was fun seeing her in the Mandalorian.
I can't wait to read the next part!
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cienie-isengardu · 4 years
Greetings! Why do you think Anakin was so distrustful, he didn't even believe to Padme - his beloved. He didn't seem to believe anyone at all. This contrasts with what he was like on Tatooine. But what saddens most is his distrust of Padme... He thought she'd betrayed him, started strangling her! How... How so? How can you hurt someone you love? Or maybe... he didn't really love her? Distrust is one of the forms of non-love.
Hello there!
Anakin loved Padme and he never stopped loving her, even as a Sith. Still, they had moments of disagreeing during RotS, when both get involved in political matters that put them against each other. Anakin became Chancellor’s personal representative in the Jedi Council and due to growing war between Jedi and Palpatine his conflict of loyalty intensified (add to that his isolation, depression and conflict with Jedi masters, it is no wonder he became less trusting & paranoid). Padme, on other hand, get involved with Bail Organa and Mon Mothma and so called Loyalists who wanted defend the constitution and get rid of Palpatine from the chancellor's office, while also demanding from Padme kept their meetings utter secrecy. Especially since their political goals sounded a lot like those of Separatist.
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(From picture, Bai is saying to Padme: “We must not discuss this with anyone. That means those closest to you, even family. No one can be told”)
Due to Palpatine’s scheming (who knew very well about Padme’s involvement with political opposition) and general hard and tense situation between Chancellor, senators and Jedi, Padme and Anakin ended on opposite sides what for sure brought some distrust between them.
HOWEVER! Once Order 66 was executed and Palpatine became Emperor, the previous political conflict between Padme and Anakin was quickly forgotten - whatever disagreeing they had, whoever it affected them in the face of new danger meant nothing, because they still loved each other and Anakin would not let anyone hurt Padme:
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So, why their meeting on Mustafar went so badly?
Well, there is plenty reasons that are connected to each other. One, on Mustafar Anakin wasn’t in his right mind. The desperation & depression which he was subjected to in the last months, now combined with international use of Dark Side made a dangerous mix and affected Skywalker’s emotional & mental state. A state of mind that was pretty shaky and unstable since he joined Sidious. I mean, his mood rapidly changed in short periods of time (killing CIS leaders in cold blood then crying/feeling remorse after that, then being happy to see Padme and sure he did right thing, then feeling rage and lashing out), literally jumping from one extreme emotion to another. And let’s no forget the overwhelming feeling of power coming from Dark Side that although he used it in the past, he never truly knew or understood, so I think it is right to say the power of Dark Side controlled him, not the other way. Just the simple fact that just-named Vader already wanted to dethrone Palpatine (a man helping to save Padme) is so unlike Anakin, he clearly did not act himself. Adding to that how Vader seemed to have blurry memories of what happened on Mustafar only strengthens my belief how Skywalker was not completely in control of his mind at that time.
Second - and most important reason - Kenobi showing up out of nowhere. Anakin told only Padme about Mustafar, so seeing his old master (once a dear person yet someone Anakin didn’t want to know about his marriage and who now was considered a traitor) has implied by itself that his wife brought Kenobi with purpose of stopping him. We know Padme had zero knowledge about Obi-Wan’s presence on her ship and she was used by Jedi to get to Anakin. Since Vader did not have this knowledge and, like I said before, he wasn’t in his right mind, he reacted with hate and anger, overwhelmed by Dark Side power that he never had a chance to master, or at least learn how to control it before the meeting with Padme and Obi-Wan (supported by novel, in which was stated “his face was no longer human“ or “ His eyes were full of flame.“ to support how Dark Side affected not only his mind, but appearance as well).
Anakin loved Padme, but the meeting on Mustafar wasn’t really between Padme and her husband that she knew and lived with for last months. It was between her and Anakin-turned-Sith, intoxication with power, delusion and dark powers that aren’t that easy to control or master. Which is why I think the angry reaction and hurting Padme is a clrearly a sign how Dark Side can overwhelm & corrupt even good-natured people in really short time rather that Anakin didn’t truly love her.
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kidmachinate · 5 years
Mara Jade, I Miss You...Yet I Hardly Knew You
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Okay so my nerd card and who knows what else is gonna show here in this very post. Let me start with this unpopular opinion. I liked The Last Jedi and even though I do recognize the major plotholes, the movie managed to portray a Luke Skywalker that was just tired of it all. He accomplished so much but suffered much as well. Very human. I LOVE his demeanor in it. But as people are already looking at this thinking this guy is nuts, let me lean into what I hate about Rise of Skywalker without even seeing it yet. No Mara Jade. Fucking bullshit.
I'm going to explain this all really badly and generalize some things to make a key point here. Also, I haven't read the books to appreciate Mara Jade in all her glory and only know what I do because of this crappy Star Wars fighting game on the PlayStation, Masters of Teras Kasi and some videos I've checked out before. Mara Jade was evil. She was an Emperor's Hand, a smuggler, and a Jedi all at one point. How badass is that? This badass woman is Luke Skywalker's wife. That's amazing! Doesn't that sound like an awesome thing that would transfer over to the big screen? Disney doesn't think so. The butthurt isn't over yet, oh no…
So...how does someone with such a history of darkness turn to the light side? Would make for an awesome story and further solidify why Luke is the way he is in The Last Jedi but clearly, this is not something we got to enjoy. Also, Ben Solo...wait a minute Ben Solo? Something doesn't sound right here. Last Jedi plothole! Ben Solo, that becomes Kylo Ren is actually Ben Skywalker. Yeah...not only do we completely omit a badass character from the Star Wars main films but we also change who actually were responsible for the birth of Ben. Come on! I'm off topic...
Luke Skywalker way before I knew anything about feelings and all that happy horse-nonsense, had to have a large amount of empathy and compassion to get Mara Jade, who literally told him flat out she wants to kill him, to turn to the Jedi ways. Luke has his badass moments but is also very vulnerable throughout Star Wars. Human even. It is admirable. They are forced to work together when Mara Jade was sent to kill him and over time, Mara and Luke would establish a friendship, that led to marriage, that led to a child. She dies. Eventually.
Luke gave so much to the Star Wars universe. To the force. Rey is my favorite character in the new Star Wars trilogy because she realizes what Luke seems to have recently come to terms with at the time of the movie. Jedi or Sith can be power hungry or corrupt. There is a balance to be had somewhere in the middle and this is what both Rey and Kylo seem to struggle with on opposite sides of the force. I hate to be all team ReyLo because I really don't like Kylo Ren but that seems like where things are headed given they already worked together a bit and the return of Palpatine in the latest film. Of course if Qui-Gonn Jin was still around, a Jedi that learned what Luke did way earlier and Palpatine actually feared, things would be VERY different. So I guess we will have to settle for ReyLo. Given Luke does finally agree to train Rey however, he sets up this to be possible in the first place. This is assuming a fight with Palpatine, of course, or something related.
I guess my main point in all this is I like the ideas in these latest films but they were executed poorly and also left out key things that easily could have made up for this. Instead they went the route they have and essentially ran the sequel trilogy into the ground. Again, have not seen Rise of Skywalker yet, and I will...but knowing they didn't take the easy way out already has me pretty turned off. This is without factoring in Disney's apparent meddling with what the script for the latest film was supposed to be vs what we got.
Somehow I feel like the cringeworthy duel between Obi-Wan and Anakin in the prequel trilogy is gonna be better than most of what happens in this latest film. Despite all this negativity, Luke, respect man. I still like you and what you stood for.
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