#like I told my roommate I used to have such bad social anxiety I literally couldn't talk to people and she was surprised
Mad Season 5
Warnings: non/dubcon, social anxiety, chronic illness, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Character: Bucky Barnes, Peter Parker
Summary: a class project gets messy. (short!reader)
Note: happy weekend.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging ❤️
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The scalloped collar of your cardigan sticks out like a sore thumb among the tube tops and spaghetti straps. You don’t know how anyone can stand to wear skirts that short with winter looming around the next corner. Even as the dorm is filled with the heat of bodies, an open window lets in a frigid gust that has you shivering. 
It might help if you detach yourself from the wall. That would mean wading into the bodies and god forbid, talking to strangers. You cross your arms and sway as you search the crowded kitchen. There’s more in the front room and the bedrooms. The place is filled to the brim with tipsy co-eds. 
You stand on your toes as you try to spot your host. You haven’t seen Peter since you got there. He disappeared to help with a spill and just never came back. You figured that’s how it would go. You’re boring and it is his party. He can’t just be hanging out with you all night. 
As the voices grow to a furor and your head begins to spin with the wall of bodies, your chest tightens. You sidle along the wall, ducking and dodging away from drunken guests, and find your way to the door. You let yourself into the hall as you shake up your puffer. 
You take a deep inhale and let it out slow. It’s already better. The music and buzz of chatter courses through the wall but it isn’t deafening. You’ll stay out there for a while then find Peter and tell him you’re too tired. 
You pull out your phone to distract yourself. You could try texting. No, he deserves a real goodbye. He invited your after all. 
The door opens again and a couple bursts out, leaving it open in their stead as they hit the wall not a foot away from you. They don’t notice you as they tangle each other up in a sloppy make out sessions. You make a face at them and quickly flit away. You have no other choice but to go back to the party. 
As you weave around the other guests, your mind detaches and wanders back to that dark night on campus. You didn’t really believe Bucky at first but then again, how well do you know Peter? It’s completely likely that he’s brought other girls around. But would it matter? 
Like you told Bucky, you’re just doing a project. 
You hit the wall suddenly as someone collides with you from the side. You let out and oomf and grip your phone tighter. You turn as a splash of cold liquid leaks down your sleeve. The drunken girl doesn’t even apologise as she laughs and follows her friend down to the kitchen. 
You shrink down even further. It’s overcrowded and too loud and too much. Not only that but you plainly don’t belong here. You live in an off-campus property with a shady landlord and questionable roommates; this place is a premium all-inclusive dorm. The type legacies and trust funders live in. 
You manage to squeeze past a group of boys in varsity jackets arguing loudly. You dip into Peter’s room and take a breath. It’s not as bad as the rest of the house but there’s some girls on the bed giggling and talking about things that make you want to blush. 
You search around. Not necessarily for an escape, you’re not desperate enough to hop out the window, but just for anywhere to hide and catch your breath. Literally. You switch your phone for your puffer and put it to your lips. 
You cross to the bathroom and knock. You turn your ear to it and listen for an answer. Nothing. You turn the handle and push inside. 
You stop short. Inside, Peter’s against the wall of the shower, pinned by MJ as she nibbles on his lower lip. You gasp in surprise and gape. Oh gosh. 
You stand dumbly in the door. Move, you idiot. Before you can flee, Peter’s eyes open and he sees you. He winces and grabs MJ’s shoulders, moving her away from him. 
“Hey,” he tries to move past her but she tugs him back. 
You back out, cheeks burning, and spin away without closing the door. It’s not like it’s any of your business, you shouldn’t care, but it’s awkward. You shouldn’t have seen that.  
It’s just like you suspected. You’re crashing Peter’s party. He didn’t actually want to invite you, he was just being nice. Like always. He’s always so nice and patient and you’re so pathetic. 
Maybe Bucky is right. Maybe you’re just another girl. Well, so what? You’re just friends. Just lab partners. You don’t care, do you? 
You barely avoid the elbow of one of the frats slurping on a red cup and another group of girls blindly force their way by without making room. You press against the wall as you try to get free of the bustling space.  
God, why did you even come? You knew this was a bad idea. This is the last time you do anything just to be polite. What good has that ever got you? 
You finally get to the door and stumble out into the hall. You catch yourself against the wall and look over at the couple still grossly sucking down each other’s tongues. You grimace and shake your puffer. You suck on it as you head down the hallway. 
“Hey, wait,” Peter calls your name as the door once more lets out the cacophony of voice, “look, what you saw--” 
“It’s fine, Peter,” you rasp, “really. Parties aren’t really my thing.” 
“No, it’s not fine. I don’t want you to think I just ditched you. It’s just MJ, she was all over me. Really, I was trying to get away--” 
“Peter,” you gulp, “we’re just friends,” you turn to face him and he nearly trips as he skids to a halt. “I don’t care.” 
You smile, or try to. You might be lying. You’re not really sure yourself. 
“You... don’t?” He frowns. 
You stare at him. “Well, should I?” You laugh nervously. 
He deflates and his brows furrow, “I mean... I do. I really care about you and... I was telling MJ and she just jumped on me. She has this thing for taken guys. Kinda why we didn’t work out. But uh, I guess I messed it all up. I invited you because I... well, yeah, I guess it doesn’t matter now.” His shoulders slump and his eyes glisten, “so, just go. I messed it all up. Not like you could ever like me back, right?” 
You stare at him. You open your mouth then shut it. Like him? Like really like him? If that’s what he means... do you? 
From this point, there will be two paths; both Bucky and Peter will appear in both but each will favour one or the other as end goal. 
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mecharose · 2 years
the dissonance between how my irl friends see me vs what is actually going on here is insane like they think im some girl boss shit slides off of me super confident extroverted type person but im over here crying in the west 4th station bc I was actually able to leave my apartment and go to a new place just bc I wanted to without being afraid of whatever so. ough lol
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cartoonyappreciation · 8 months
As an asexual a(gray?)romantic, it’s hard for me to explain to my allosexual friends what life for me is like. I would think it should be easy, “You know how you feel about people you don’t feel attracted to? Take that and apply it to everyone.”
“So you don’t love anyone?”
“Of course not, do you need to be attracted to your best friends or family to love them?”
It’s hard to say, “oh that person is attractive/hot/beautiful,” and not feel the need to defend my sexuality. I define those things in the same way that a child defines a color as blue, a flower as pretty. Growing up surrounded by social media, we are constantly told what is sexy, who is hot, who is attractive. Feeling nothing to indicate otherwise, of course I might adopt those ideals as my own.
It is difficult, still, to explain to them the difference between recognizing a person as attractive, despite not experiencing it myself, how some aces are able to enjoy sex, although some do not. How does one explain the lack of something they have never experienced?
In high school, maybe middle school, we are (or at least I was) taught that men will tell you anything to get in your pants. That it is men who feel this way, and while it could prove tempting for women, it is us who bear the consequences of those irresponsibilities. With that fear mongering, and those words, how was I to suspect anything might be “other”?
A boy asks me out and I say yes because it is exciting to be wanted, to be loved. I break up with him a couple months later because I still feel no different about him to how I felt before. He is still my best friend and I feel guilty for leading him on, a lie of omission. While my other friends are dating, none of them that I know are interested in sex. I’ve heard of other girls in school partaking, but those rumors are bounced around with insults. I feel bad for them, but do not really know them.
In college I live with three other girls I have barely met. It is here where I first begin to suspect that I may not feel everything these girls do. I try dating when it comes up, but still feel no desire to take things up a level. I become well-aware of my roommates sex-lives (living in that close proximity to one another and being away from friends/families for the first time makes you talk). I talk to other girls, I look things up online, I reflect.
Sometimes it’s easy to see how I feel differently than others around me. When people around me fawn over celebrities, or get nervous around people they find attractive, I realize that it isn’t really a bit. Not for these people. It’s fun to go along with sometimes, to be dramatic, but for my friends, after talking to them, I know it’s not a joke for them. They may have a flair for the dramatic, but apparently they also feel something alongside the happiness of entertaining one another, aside from just the general anxiety of being close to other human beings you are unfamiliar with. In elementary school, I had one go to celebrity and one school-mate who were my go-to crushes. Declarations of having no crushes were met with total and utter disbelief and speculation.
How does one show or explain the lack of certain thoughts? Here, let me draw you a comic, write you a book, of just how much I am not thinking of boys, or girls, enbys (bc yall are stylish as hell) or having a relationship, having sex. Oh wait, that’s just a story about a normal person doing literally anything else.
When I tell new friends about my identity, sometimes I get the good old, “Wow, I’m so jealous. You must be able to be so focused and get so much done!” I question how much of that is a joke versus how much allos actually pine or get distracted by their sexualities. (Granted, I have had to stop my brother from getting us into an accident when he was distracted by a particularly caked up booty, but he hasn’t gotten into an accident before, so surely that must be an outlier?)
That is all to say, as many have said before, it is difficult to explain, or even recognize, the lack of a certain feeling. I think it’s kind of funny, if a bit annoying. But online communities have really helped me accept myself for who I am, even if I’m still figuring it out one step at a time.
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ficfanatictrf · 1 year
Hey are you still around?
I am still around....ish. I have just had a rather horrible 2 months. (explanation, might be rather long) When I moved in to live with my friend for the spring semester, things were relatively easy because it was just the two of us. Her parents were mostly not ever home because one works out of state most of the spring time and the other would travel back and forth between when the one parent was and another area for their own work.
However, I tried to take a summer minimester, where they would compact 4 months of information down into 1 month. I knew that I was going to have to work my ASS off, but I was ready to do that. I would be taking human anatomy and physics I at the same time, which both have a HUGE amount of work they both need.
Until, I realized that her parents would be back home during that month. Already, that made staying there are little awkward now as these are people I was not really comfortable with. With my social anxiety and awkwardness with authority....it made things strange already.
Then, about 2 weeks in, I got covid. At this time, it was too late to drop the two courses. I was COMPLETELY out for a week, in a home that I felt like a bother in with two adults that I didn't really know and made me feel like a burden. And on top of that, my friend/roommate was told to stay with her grandmother during the whole time I was sick because she is immunocompromised.
My depression got BAD, I couldn't even think straight for most of that time MUCH LESS study. I literally was allowed to go back to class A DAY before the 2nd of our 3 practicals took place.
Well, I ended up failing that one horribly. The Anatomy class had each practical counting 30% of our final grade and all other assignments making up the other 10%. That meant I was in trouble.
Then for physics, I missed a LOT of the homework, since we had hours of work due everyday and I missed a whole week out of 4 weeks. That left me failing that as well.
All in all, for me, it felt like I wasted my time and money as well as mental health all for nothing.
I am getting better...slowly. I am back home now and have been for a few days as I slowly am getting back into working at a pace that doesn't leave me wishing for death (joke)
I am so sorry to everyone I disappeared on and I am /hoping/ that I will be able to take on more things soon.
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freezeriafan · 2 years
Also I'm not the biggest Allan fan but you my good sir/maam/monarch have endeared me to him so. Allan headcanons?
You literally cant ask me that ... I've been posting since november 2019 you cant just ask me that ...
Well. I'll keep it rich and brief
- he thinks that vaccines are bad (because someone told him so once), prompting you to then say "Dont.. dont you get the flu shot every year?" to which he replies "well YEAH cause I dont wanna get SICK." This is because he is a goofy funny loveable man
- He is very kind and generally open-minded (when he remembers to be) and pretty gregarious and DEFINITELY optimistic. And he respects deeply the importance of being authentic. 
- He’s good with having friends he sees frequently and having friends that he hasnt seen in years and the time gap doesnt alter the relationship in any way .. He doesnt feel like he’s losing friends when it’s been a while. Which is good because he has many friends in many odd places. He’s got connections. He knows people
- Yes he uses 50s greaser slang. Yes Akari has picked up some choice phrases from him that she uses better (negative perspiration baby....).
- Yes he knows things about cars.
- He’s at this point in his life where he has romance woes. It was fun being passed around / passing everyone around but, when he gets to be pushing 30 he starts to think, maybe i should settle down with a life partner and have a family...? But truth be told he’s not yet ready for either of those things. When he is ready he needs to end up with Lisa I think (she has romance troubles to mirror his in that people keep leaving, in fact he aggravated that himself by never fully committing to their budding romance, even almost severing their lovely friendship in his anxiety) (it’s in their natal charts it’s just the way that their lives are)
- His full name is Allan Alan Allen. None of his bullies ever touched on this
- Really he got bullied because in the 6th grade he developed a C R I P P L I N G obsession with the musical GREASE. Oh it was bad man. He still likes it even but now he can appreciate it as a work of art and of the times rather than just, like, guys in blue jeans dancing on cars
- He has no siblings. 
- He plays hockey like a god but outside of the rink he’s like ... kind of clumsy and .. he cant tolerate the din of busy places. He only goes to the Fluffmart between the hours of 12 - 2 am and Sue hates him
- Sometimes he can’t tell Roy and Joy apart. He has no good excuse for this
- Lisa is his BFF and Robby is his intermittent roommate and Akari is his bro and Taylor used to be his roommate and Allan is convinced that he has an older-brother relationship with Taylor but Taylor doesnt feel that way and sort of thinks that Allan is overberaring and annoying and he doesnt know why he sends him a birthday card in the mail every year. And Allan knows everyone else too because he’s a social butterfly that way. He is the Only Person In Roy’s Life who has been Consistently Present and Nice to him
- His coat .. all the pockets .. it’s like a catacomb .... he has mini toothpaste and floss and breath strips that he eats like gum .... he really likes Mentos ...  but he’s not a fan of mint in any other contexts .... he just has so much shit in his coat tho ... he pulls dollar bills out of one pocket and coins out of another and shillings out of yet another ....he’s like a magician 
- And so much more...
Thanks for playing...!
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scarlethallow160 · 2 years
why tf do one bedroom apartments have to be so expensive (this is a huge vent dump pls avert your gazes)
my roommate keeps inviting people to our apartment without fucking telling me (or waiting til the LAST possible second to do so) even tho i’ve said time and time again i hate when people do that especially cuz he has a bad habit of doing that when we have plans where he just invites other people (esp people i barely know or dont know at all) without telling me or anyone else that was already involved. its even more aggravating cuz when this is brought up he acts like he makes sure to avoid this and he fucking doesnt like when i lived with an old friend and an ex-friend, him and our other friend invited someone to our place (so they invited a stranger to a place they did not live at) and none of them fucking told me until i was literally about to walk inside after work and like am i crazy or do people not see how rude that is?? like dawg thats my fucking home U GOTTA TELL ME WHEN PEOPLE THAT DO NOT LIVE THERE ARE GOING TO BE THERE
and if ur going to force me to interact with strangers have the decency to introduce us???? once we went to meet with some friends (not rly but i’d met them before) and ig one of their sisters was there and they just. didnt introduce us to each other? and we were on opposite ends of the table so its not like we could really interact either? and they did this when we got invited to another friends bday thing where someone i’d never been introduced to was there and they didnt fuckin introduce us and i was anxious cuz i was sitting across from her and finally had to be like “oh hi are u x? i’m so-and-so” like jesus christ is this not common sense for people? why are yall okay with forcing complete strangers to hangout
and with work today i was so overstimulated and got more and more aggravated by this cuz like i dont want to have to move every year and one bedrooms are so expensive rn but im so fucking tired of going thru this. not to mention we dont have a ceiling fan in our living room so he turns down the ac rly low when people are over so it jacks up our ac bill so it makes me even More anxious cuz him inviting people over = social anxiety for me and general anxiousness knowing our bill is going to be higher
i was so aggravated by this i ended up skipping out on plans we had today cuz my roommate also talks about himself. a lot. and we were out with friends like yesterday night or smthing and he kept going on and on about some guys he’s talking to on a dating app and i knew that would just make me angrier and idk it kinda sucked that one of my other friends involved thought i felt i was rly close with didnt seem to gaf either that i abruptly dropped out and theres obviously something wrong with me mental health-wise cuz i have this really bizarre self-sabotaging tendency when my mood severely dips where i convince myself no one cares or everyone hates me and think of this dark scenarios and just kind of start spiraling
and with my anger issues i go thru this weird loop of understanding a lot of my emotional/temperamental and communication issues stems from my fucked up family cuz my mom is super vain/self-absorbed and never thinks she can be wrong and basically my sisters are the same so i keep things bottled up and end up getting REALLY angry with no healthy outlet until i reach a breaking point and im just not great with communicating how i rly feel either cuz talking to my family was like talking to a brick wall and my older sister would literally cut me off constantly telling me to shut up so i rarely communicate things beyond like....joking around and stuff so i tend to vent/trauma dump into the void on social media lmfao which is obviously not healthy at all either but like......yeah it also sucks when i start spiraling and thinking back on this shit that i’ll never get closure from the longterm issues i developed from my family cuz now they want to act like we’re this tight-knit super close family that always got along and even if i were to ever bring this shit up they’d just point fingers or deny doing anything wrong.
 idk like its nice having a group of friends i can hangout with and stuff irl but also i feel like i cant ever really talk to them about anything like this that im going thru cuz i also feel super uncomfortable thinking i might be making things about myself (and honestly i do hate when people trauma-dump on me completely out of nowhere so i also want to avoid doing that)
also whats stopping me about addressing these issues with my roommate is cuz he has a tendency to victimize himself and thinking hes just being attacked? like he’s also super self-deprecating All the time which is also extremely exhausting to deal with constantly and it pisses me off that with our other friend/my old roommate, my current roommate kisses his ass and listened to him when he told him these issues of him being too self-deprecating etc. but ik if anyone else did he would just feel sorry for himself
im tired of this
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magizombi · 2 years
Posting this for my reference bc the vent app is dying its a long rant sorry
I was up til 3 am so I am probably gonna pass out again soon but I had a lot of fun last night
But also like that was. In spite of my roommate
So like last weekend, when I tried shrooms for the first time, this roommate(fiances ex-ish)had a whole Problem basically where they violated my fiances boundaries and space by biting them super hard and then repeatedly trying to pressure them into giving them a kiss so my fiance was like I need to not try shrooms for the first time with this person bc they make me feel unsafe and they communicated that with the person. Then when my fiance and I took the shrooms my roommate was sitting in the living room crying loudly for almost the entire night and made me have a pretty bad trip. Like there were good and fun moments but most of my trip was spent trying to stave off anxiety so I wasn't ruining my fiances trip worrying abt the roommate and then when my fiance came down before me I literally spiraled jnto a really intense panic attack and like roommate was told I got sent into a panic attack bc I was worrying abt them
So tell me why. Yesterday. I had an lsd tab left and was planning to take it and have fun with my fiance for the night(we did in spite of this it was great). And bc my fiance hadn't hung out with roommate all day(fiance has chronic fatigue which is exacerbated by stress so they've been sleeping a lot of the time lately)and then didn't do a group smoke with me and them when I got home from work they were like loudly crying at night once again. And like they sent my fiance a message asking if they weren't coming out anymore last night and my fiance was clear that like I had just dropped acid and th3y were watching over me and stuff and TELL ME WHY this bitch started crying LOUDER and I almost started freaking out again(luckily acid isn't as strong as shrooms to me or I would have had a horrible fucking time!!!). My fiance took me outside to smoke more and I was able to get it under control but like when we came back inside to like. Resume what we were doing I literally had to take a few minutes to get myself back into it even tho I really wanted to do it bc while we were getting back into it my mind was legit starting to race and be anxious again abt roommate so I'm just upset at them.
On one level I feel guilty that they came out here and their relationship didn't work out and I feel like they blame me for it bc I was reacting unhealthy to them moving in bc I never wanted them to. But on ANOTHER level this person gave me bad vibes the second I talked to them the first time. They have a huge lying problem. They don't respect my fiances boundaries. They lied abt being okay with noise so they could sleep in our living room and now i gotta tiptoe in the main areas of the house all the time which sets me off bc of the violent trap house I used to live in. They lied abt coming up here to help my fiance and take care of them and instead are incompetent at everything and want my fiance to do everything for them. They also are fucking weird abt food they won't put their name on food they want to save and will say it's for everyone but then they'll be upset that people eat the stuff they said was for everyone and didn't mark??? They keep tallies of everything like that and apparently they were bitching to my fiance abt how I never buy popcorn bc I've eaten some of what they bought BECAUSE THEY LITERALLY SAID THEY BOUGHT IT FOR ME TOO AND PUT NO FUCKING EXPECTATION OIT THERE THAT I COMPENSAT3 THEM OR ANYTHING so I'm just not gonna eat it anymore idk I'm anxious about what I eat I'm anxious about what I do with my time bc this person has decided my fiance and I are the only sources of social stimulation they'll ever seek out I literally feel guilty for wanting quality time with my fiance
Like we had planned for last night a few days in advance and I was really looking forward to it and then I just ended up feeling guilty abt doing it and being like oh no we didn't warn them when it's like they aren't. A PART OF MY FUCKING RELATIONSHIP. They don't need to know what we're doing!!! I'm so sick of them dude and I feel like I have no right to be bc the first bit of them living here was hell bc I was so toxic and having emotional regulation problems from being forced to live with someone I didn't know and then found out I didn't like but I'm in therapy now and have been really improving myself a lot and they're just. Talking to their therapist about TV shows and wanting to avoid therapy altogether otherwise. My fiance took a break from their r3lationshop bc this bitch is so codependent and wanted way more from my fiance than they could give - which they literally told them- and now whenever there's even the slightest hint at them acting like they're in a relationship again they think it's a free for all t disrespect their boundaries and try to act like they're dating again without them ever having worked on their shit. I'm worried and I'm stressed and I don't trust this person in my house. There's no feasible way to get them the fuck away from me for AT LEAST another fucking year so idek what I'm supposed to do here! I hate living like this and I hate feeling like I'm being held hostage by this person's emotions and codependency issues and I hate feeling like I can't feel this way bc I'm working through my own issues like maybe I deserve to have them ruin my trip every time I have one lmao
Now they're hungover apparently and I'm like u really drank a bunch of alcohol and made yourself super fucjing sick because my fiance didn't hang out with you for one. Fucking. Day.
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taestefully-in-luv · 3 years
Always You | JJK (Eight-Part 2)
Summary: you and Jungkook have been best friends since freshmen year of college, there’s a lot of unsaid feelings and tension but neither make a move. what happens when his friend Taehyung (also your crush) needs a fake girlfriend?
Pairing: Jungkook x Female reader
Genre: friends to lovers, idiots to lovers, slight slow burn, roommate au, college au, SMUT (starting ch2), fluff, angst (in later chapters) slight crack, lots of drama
Word Count: 20.5k
Warnings: Swearing, alcohol consumption, sexual tension (!!!), mentions of sex, oc struggles with her future, mentions of vibrator, mentions of cum eating, dirty talk, vaginal fingering, oral (female receiving), masturbation, swallowing
Notes: woooaahh we got only one chapter left guys! Hope you guys enjoy this chapter:) feel free to send an ask if you want to be added to the taglist or just want to chat about the story:) I LOVE talking with ya’ll!
Taglist: @mooniyooni @thisartemisnevermisses @giadalin @kookiebunny097 @cosmosjk @moonchild1 @just-jeon @anpanman-sonyeondan @starlight-night0 @yessii-i @apollukee @mikasaredscarf1 @kaye-rosales @bunnyjeonjk @dyriddle @aclowe13 @bishuthot @271101 @seagulljk @hass-mich-los @peachy-skz0325 @wonusbitch @not-your-lion @flowersgirl02 @justinetingball @fiantomartell @fairysunooo @taebae19
© taestefully-in-luv
It shouldn’t be this hard. Figuring out your entire future as a human being should not be this fucking hard, but it is. It’s not that you mind making cookies, or that you look down on yourself for it but it’s not what you want to do forever. Actually, you aren’t sure you want to do anything forever. You wish you could just travel, and that’s how you live life.
“What’s on your mind?” Jungkook asks from besides you. You two are at your favorite coffee stop, Jungkook is working on his laptop for work and you are journaling in your cute pink notebook.
“What do you mean?”
“I can tell something is bothering you…” Jungkook closes his laptop and gives you his full attention.
“It’s nothing.” You say nonchalantly.
“I’m all ears baby.”
“Okay…” you set your pen down and look into Jungkook’s eyes.
“I’m struggling with what I want to do.”
“About what?”
“I don’t know, my whole fucking future. I don’t know what it is I want!” your head falls into your hands, “I hate marketing.”
“Wait, what? You hate…what you got a degree in?”
“I kind of told you before…I only got a degree in it because I knew I would be able to find a job in the field. But that’s not exactly going as planned.”
Jungkook bites down on his lips as he watches you, you look lost and confused and frustrated. It makes his heart hurt.
“How long have you been feeling this way?”
“Forever but it only got worse after graduation.”
“And you didn’t tell me?”
“No offense Jungkook but you kind of stopped talking to me for three of those months.” You snap at him and he winces, “Sorry…” you shake your head, “I’m just irritated right now.”
“How can I help?”
“You can’t.” you groan, “No one can help me. I’m fucked.”
“y/n that’s not true.”
“What do you want in life? What makes you happy?”
“I don’t know, Jungkook. That’s a part of my problem, I don’t fucking know.”
“We’ll figure it out.” He reaches his hands over the table to hold on to yours.
“Easy for you say,” you snap again, “You are living your dream. The film company you interned for during college hired you on as a permanent employee.” You complain.
“Doesn’t mean I don’t feel for you y/n.”
“Right, we can feel bad for me but you don’t get what I’m going through.”
Jungkook winces again at the sharp stab of your words, “I’m trying to understand though.”
“Forget it.”
“No. y/n, I want to help.”
“Maybe I need to go home.”
“Huh?” Jungkook’s hold tightens on your hand. “Go home?”
“Just for a visit. I miss my parents, I think. They may be able to help.”
“For how long?”
“Just for a few days, nothing crazy. Don’t worry, you won’t miss me too much.”
“I always miss you.”
You laugh at Jungkook’s pouting face. He looks so cute.
“Why don’t…why don’t you come with me?” You try asking. “You have weekends off, right? We can go next weekend?”
“Wait,” Jungkook looks at you with his bunny grin. “You want me to come? And meet your parents?”
“Isn’t it a little weird, you’re my best friend but they’ve only ever heard about you. So yes, you can come and meet my parents.”
“Are you sure?” his grin widens. “You really want me to go? For a whole weekend?”
“I mean, as long as Vanessa is okay with it…”
“I’ll talk to her about it,” Jungkook smile fades just the slightest. “But I am sure it will be fine.”
“My mom thinks you’re very handsome.”
“Your mom is on to something.” He jokes.
“My parents are a little protective over me…just a warning. And they might tease us…only because you’re a boy!”
“Tease us how?”
“Oh come on, you know how it is…I bring a boy home…blah blah blah.”
Realization hits Jungkook as he sips on his coffee and he starts laughing.
“Like, they’ll want me to be your boyfriend?”
“Something like that.”
You and Jungkook share a look that you don’t really know what it could mean but you tear your eyes away from him and pick up your pen again.
“We can decide on the details later, talk to Vanessa first.”
“Got it.”
“Teaching nine year old’s is easier than teaching you.” Jimin says out of breath, his hands on his hips. “How do you not get this? Move your left foot here then your hands go…” he tries reteaching you the steps, “No, not there.” He groans out.
“Jimin, it’s hard! Use someone else at your test subject!”
“Jungkook is busy with what’s her face, Trina and Holly are doing god knows what, so tonight you are all I’ve got.”
“Thanks, I’m flattered. Also, you literally have a million friends.” You point out.
“But you’re my favorite.” He winks at you, he runs a hand through his hair and he sighs out again. “Let’s take a break.”
“Sounds good to me.” You chirp happily. “So, did Jungkook tell you he might be coming with me to my parents this weekend?”
“He what now?” Jimin gives you a concerned look, “Babe…”
“Actually,” Jimin allows a smirk to play on his lips, “I like this idea, maybe it will get you guys one step closer to getting together.” He shrugs.
“That’s—that’s not the point. I’m going because I miss home and honestly it would be nice to have Jungkook there but also he’s never met them!”
“Yeah, that’s weird.”
“But I told him to get the ‘ok’ from Vanessa.”
“You’re so respectful. I could never.”
You two plop down onto Jimin’s sofa, a water bottle in hand as you gulp it down. The fresh liquid making you feel revived again. It’s been a couple days since you saw Jungkook, you asked to hang out tonight but he already had plans with Vanessa. You try so hard not to be hurt by that because why would you? What were you expecting? For him to cancel his plans with her and run off into the sunset with you? Yes, you silently think to yourself.
“What made you want to go home anyway?” Jimin asks, tilting his head to get a good look at you.
“Quarter life crisis, no biggie.”
“Makes sense.” Jimin stretches his arms out over his head and yawns. “What’s the crisis?”
“All my friends are passionate about what they do and here I am.”
“Babe, don’t compare yourself to others…I hate when you do that. Also, I’m not sure my passion is teaching clumsy nine year old’s how to do a simple dance move.” Jimin huffs out, “I wish I was the one on stage…”
“Jimin…sorry, I know this isn’t really what you wanted…”
“It’s okay…the kids are cute, I guess. And they’re faster learners compared to you.”
“Hey!” you fuss, “These kids are in advanced classes, okay?”
“Babe, this is for beginners.”
“So, marketing ain’t it huh?” Jimin asks and you nod your head, “I could of told you that five minutes after I met you.”
“Maybe you should of.”
“But you already knew it wasn’t for you though…why did you keep at it?”
“I don’t know anymore.” You whine, “I wish I could just do something a little meaningful then have enough money to travel!”
“Why don’t you teach English abroad?” Jimin turns on his side to face you, “You get to travel and do something meaningful.”
Your head tilts to the side as you process his words, was that kind of a good idea?
“Hm…” you bite on your lip. “That’s—that’s not a bad idea actually.”
“But you would leave us all behind, you get that, right?” Jimin chuckles, “Not sure Jungkook would let you leave.”
“It’s a lot to process and think about, but it’s a cool option.” You admit, stretching your arms out in front of you, “Shit, that dance was a work out!”
“You barely did anything though…”
“I did enough to make me feel this soreness creeping in.” you defend yourself quickly, “So, do you think Vanessa will give Jungkook the ‘ok’ to come with me?”
“I don’t see why not, she doesn’t seem like the controlling type, right?”
“Not really…she’s kind of odd. I’m trying so hard to understand her but she makes it kind of difficult.”
“Didn’t you say she didn’t want to interact with any of us at JK’s party because she’s only there for him?”
“Damn, I don’t know if I should be mad at that or like, salute her for it.”
You start laughing and Jimin joins you but tells you he’s serious, you just keep laughing and nod your head.
“I kind of get that.” You giggle. “I want to ask Jungkook if she has some sort of social anxiety, it’s the only thing I can come up with on why she’s so…her.”
“Why don’t you?” Jimin asks, and he’s right, why don’t you? You’re just afraid of offending him about her and you don’t want to deal with that…
“I don’t know.”
“Just because you’re trying to be cool about everything doesn’t mean you have to try and be friends with her…it doesn’t seem like she wants to make any friends with any of us, so don’t try to push it.” Jimin advices and you hate that maybe he’s right.
“I know but…”
“No but’s!” Jimin cuts in, “The only butt that matters is mine.” He says giving his ass a little spank. You chuckle and hit his arm and shake your head at him.
“So, what would you do if Jungkook confessed his feelings to you?”
You lift your head to face Jimin, your eyes filled with surprise. You close them and shake your head a little bit and try to form some words very pathetically.
“W-What? W-Why?”
“Why what?”
“Why are you asking that?”
“Just curious…” Jimin sucks in his thick bottom lip and pouts.
“I would…I don’t know what I would do.” You respond honestly. Jimin rolls his eyes and stands from the couch and places his hands on his hips.
“You would return his feelings wouldn’t you? Jump in his arms? Kiss him?”
“Jimin…” your tone warns him to chill out, “I would be shocked probably. But if he was serious…of course, I would do all those things…” you finish shyly.
“Perfect. Now just tell him all of that.”
“You have til the end of the year.” Jimin states confidently, “then I am forcing you two in a room, revealing everything and making you talk.”
“You wouldn’t dare.”
“Mark my fucking words bish.”
Dude…Jimin sounds and looks fucking serious.
“Jimin seriously, don’t do that. Don’t put me on the spot like that.”
Jimin plugs his ear holes with his pointer fingers and starts singing a beautiful ‘lalala’ and proceeds to ignore you as you try to get his attention.
“Jimin, seriously!”
“y/n.” he takes his fingers out and becomes more serious, “I said mark my fucking words.”
Jungkook and Vanessa lazily lay on her bed, his arm draped across her waist while she plays some music game on her phone.
“I’m sorry again.” Jungkook whispers out, “I don’t know what’s wrong with me…”
“It’s okay.” Vanessa says softly, “You just aren’t in the mood tonight, and that’s okay.” She continues to look at her phone, her fingers going at it on her game.
“Maybe we can try again la—”
“My Jungkookie just doesn’t want me tonight.”
“Vanessa…don’t say it like that.”
She lifts her head up to smile at him, it’s one of those coy, secretive smiles and Jungkook feels worse.
“So about this weekend, you’re wanting to go with y/n to her parent’s house?”
“I don’t have to go, I know we had plans on Saturday.”
“No, no. Don’t be silly, I don’t mind.” She says smoothly, “It sounds like a good idea.”
“Good idea how?”
“Oh nothing.” She says, going back to her game. “You should go.”
“Okay, I’ll let her know…” Jungkook pulls out his phone to send you a text. You text back within seconds sending him the thumbs up emoji. He feels his entire chest go warm at the thought of going with you this weekend.
He’s never met a girl’s parents, not like this. Not with someone that means as much to him as you do. So he feels as nervous as he does excited. He wants to look his best, he wants to present himself maturely. What does that even mean? Not even Jungkook knows but he thinks it makes sense.
“I can go down on you Vanessa…” Jungkook offers, still feeling guilty.
“No need, I’m not really in the mood either.” She says nonchalantly, too focused on her game at hand.
He has vowed that he won’t think of you while being with Vanessa and usually that would be no problem but tonight…he couldn’t get in the mood at all. All he wanted to do was think about you.
Sex with you…is just different. It feels so fucking good on all levels physical but also all levels emotional. He knows exactly what it feels like to have his cock between your lips and down your throat, he knows exactly what it feels like to fondle your breasts and suck on them too. He knows exactly what you taste like, and god, it is his favorite flavor. He knows exactly how you sound when you’re being fucking pounded and exactly how you sound when you come.
“Is this okay?” Jungkook keeps asking you, his fingers bunching up your hair and you nod pathetically.
“Do you know how long I’ve wanted to kiss you? Since I fucking met you.” He admits, his fingers traveling down to your panties, he pushes them aside as he dips a finger into your wet hole. You moan out, your moan loud and high pitched and Jungkook can’t help but smirk.
“Please what?”
“Another finger.” You practically fucking beg, and Jungkook complies quite easily. He slips another finger into your greedy fucking pussy and you yelp. He moves his fingers inside you so fucking expertly, making your toes curl.
“You make me feel so good.” You whimper out.
Jungkook can’t help but reach down and rub his aching cock through his briefs, he wants to feel good too. He is absolutely aching for you, wanting to be touched by you so badly.
“Stop touching yourself” you command and Jungkook being the good boy he is, listens.
“Make me come, Jungkook.” And once again, he complies. He makes you come all over his fingers and then he makes you come again on his tongue and then for a third time, he makes you come on his tongue again making you feel fucking spent.
“Lay on your back.” You order and his eyes go wide with excitement. You lay down next to him and your fingers very delicately dance across his lower stomach. He sighs out heavily, releasing long breaths one after the other. Your fingers reach the waist band of his briefs and you begin to slowly drag them down. His cock springs free and your mouth waters at the sight. There’s no way he is this blessed. He’s so incredibly long and thick, the head of his cock swollen and leaking with precum.
“You wanted to touch yourself right?” you tease. “Now’s your chance.”
“I want you to touch yourself, Jungkook. You can use my juices as lube,” you say, spreading your legs, your own cum sticky against your inner thighs.
Jungkook’s doe eyes turn sharp as he stares at you and he whimpers. Fucking whimpers. He is quick to gather your juices in his hand and start jacking himself off. He holds on to his cock tightly, rubbing it viciously.
“Ah. Ah.” He groans out, his eyes never leaving yours as he touches himself.
“Such a good boy, Jungkook. God, can you imagine if this gorgeous cock was in my mouth right now?” you whisper in his ear.
“Can you imagine my pretty pink lips wrapped around you, my head bobbing up and down? Can you hear me choke? Choke on this pretty cock?”
“So close, y/n. please don’t stop.”
“You’re not allowed to come yet. Can you imagine fucking me, Jungkook?
“God, yes, yes, yes.”
“Can you imagine thrusting into my pussy? My walls getting tight around your cock? Making us both come?”
“Fuck, y/n. I’m gonna come. I’m gonna come.”
You raise yourself, leaning away from his ear and smirk down at him.
“Since you were so good for me, I’ll reward you. I’ll let you come. And I’ll let you come down my throat.”
You move until you’re on top of him, you lean down until you’re replacing his hand with your mouth. He groans out loudly when he feels his cock enter your warm mouth and you moan into the feeling.
And Jungkook is coming so fucking hard, he doesn’t think he has ever come this hard before. He shoots his cum down your throat and you swallow it all, not even a drop left behind on your lips.
You rise from his cock and smile down at him and he lifts himself up and his lips crash into yours.
Jungkook pulls away for a moment, his eyes dark and his voice low,
“Now I am going to fuck you.”
“Since I’ll be gone this weekend, should we go on a date tomorrow night?”
Vanessa pauses her game and looks straight ahead, she zones out for a few seconds before she’s quietly clearing her throat and looking Jungkook’s way.
“No…I have plans, sorry.”
“Yes, plans.” The ‘s’ leaves her lips sounding so silky. “You should find something else to do.” Then vanessa exits her game to send a quick text to someone. After a minute or two passes she’s looking at him again.
“y/n’s free tomorrow night, you should just hang with her.”
Jungkook pushes his head back in disbelief, did…
“Did you text y/n…for me?”
“Yes.” Vanessa looks at him, her small eyes going wide, “I was just trying to find you something to do.”
Jungkook stares at her in shock and then bursts out into laughter.
“Sorry, sorry. I just…never thought you would do something like that but somehow it feels on brand.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Her innocent voice making Jungkook smile.
“Nothing, nothing.”
“Okay, I’ll send her a text…”
Jungkook 10:13pm
So, I hear youre free tmrw night lol
y/n 10:13pm
you hear right lmaaoo
Jungkook 10:14pm
Should we do something?
y/n 10:14pm
I think Jin says he’s having a small cookout at his place, should we go?
Jungkook 10:15pm
Sounds good, I’ll drive. Pick you up at 6?
y/n 10:16pm
yay! Yeah 6 works for me. :)
Jungkook slides his phone into his pocket and looks at Vanessa with a confused expression…
“Why do you want me to hang with y/n?”
“She’s your best friend.” She responds easily. “Plus, since I am busy I feel bad to leave you hanging.”
“You’re not seeing him…right?”
“It doesn’t matter who I am seeing.” She opens the music game app again and starts focusing on beating her last score.
Jungkook sighs out in defeat, sometimes talking to Vanessa gets him nowhere. He pulls out his phone again and checks the time.
“Maybe I should head home…” He begins to say, “I’ll text you throughout the weekend and I’ll see you after.”
“Don’t be rude and be on your phone while you’re in her parents company.” Jungkook scoffs, that’s super rich coming from her.
“Okay, I won’t text so much, but I will see you after the weekend okay?”
“Sure.” She uses one hand to wave him off but he still leans over to kiss her cheek.
You still can’t get over just how huge Jin’s house is! You are currently lost trying to find the bathroom again. You open up a door to a bedroom and get reminded of the night you were with Tae. It’s the same room. Wow, that feels like a lifetime ago.
You continue strolling down the hall until you come to the last door—the bathroom.
You use it quickly and head back outside to join the rest of your friends. Jin saved a seat for you next to him and you can’t help but smile.
“Jungkook says you two are heading to your parents this weekend!” Jin exclaims excitedly.
“I wanna meet your parents too!” Hobi whines, “I am great with parents!”
“I’m sure you two will have a lovely time.” Namjoon joins the conversation.
“By the way y/n…” Jin looks awkwardly to the side, “I invited Tae, I know you two are broken up…”
“Oh no, it’s okay. We’re friends.”
At this, Jungkook ears perk up, “Friends? Since when?”
“It just happened like that.” You shrug.
Jin claps his hands together, “Perfect. And then Jimin should be here by now, let me call him.”
Jin takes out his phone and dials for Jimin.
“So, you two are friends now?” Jungkook pries, “Since when?”
“Since a little while ago. You should think about chilling out too.”
“Jimin is arriving, let me go let him in, I’ll be right back.” Jin says, standing from his chair.
“So y/n, how’s the job hunting going?” Namjoon asks, his leg crossed over the other as he leans forward to give you his full attention.
“Umm…” you bite your lip, Jungkook goes rigid at his question…knowing this is uncomfortable for you.
“it’s sort of on pause,” you admit, “Yeah, on pause.”
“Oh thank god!” Namjoon laughs, “I thought I was the only one!”
“I told you, you weren’t.” Hobi laughs too, patting Namjoon on the back.
“You too?” you asks, sighing out in relief. “It’s annoying, isn’t it?” you also laugh.
Jungkook visibly relaxes as he watches you chilling and having a good time.
“Look who else is here!” Jin comes back with Jimin, and behind Jimin is Taehyung and also…Yoongi?
“Yoongs?” you give him a confused look before breaking out into a smile.
“Hey everyone, nice to see you all again.” Yoongi gives everyone his gummy smile and a small wave of the hand.
“Yoongi!” Hobi yells out, “I’m so glad Tae brought you!”
You remember them two hitting it off at Jungkook’s birthday party, so you nod in approval.
“Hi Tae, hi Jimin.”
“Hello beautiful.” Jimin comes to you, leans down and hugs you. Taehyung waves at you excitedly.
“Hi Jungkook.” Taehyung offers a greeting quite awkwardly but Jungkook nods his head and smiles,
“Hey man.”
You tilt your head to look at Jungkook, surprise written all over your face as you smile wide at him.
“The gangs all here!” Jin yells out, the happiness evident in his voice. “Let’s start cooking!”
The evening sun is your favorite, the way it sets the sky on fire with its beautiful rays of gold. It gets really chilly, especially at night since it is the middle of November. You stand next to the pool in the backyard when you feel a jacket get draped over your shoulders.
“Hi Jungkook.” You say without looking who it is, somehow you just know.
“Whatcha thinking about?” He asks, coming to your side.
“Life, and everything in it.”
You turn around to get a look at all the guys, Jin and Namjoon at the grill, Yoongi and Hobi discussing something dealing with music, Tae and Jimin playing rock, paper, scissors and Jungkook here at your side. You feel incredibly lucky to be surrounded by such great friends. These 7 men making it hard to leave.
“I’ve been thinking about teaching English abroad…nothing is set in stone, it’s just an idea. But I kind of like it.”
“Abroad? Like away from here? Away from me?” Jungkook whispers out as he realizes what that means.
“It’s just an idea.”
Jungkook looks at your side profile and smiles, he leans into your side and wraps the jacket even more snug against your body.
“Whatever will make you happy y/n.” he says softly, and you know he means it.
“Let’s go join the other guys.” You say, you grab a hold of Jungkook’s hand and you two walk towards the other boys. They’re loud, rumbunctious and some of your favorite people. You couldn’t feel more at home and at peace.
“Okay, so who wants a sausage? I cooked them perfectly.” Jin shows a plate of meat, showcasing how absolutely perfect they are to everyone.
“Hey, I helped.” Namjoon pouts.
“Yeah, he……….’helped’” Jimin uses air quotes emphasizing ‘help’.
“Hey I did!”
“Moral support barely counts as help dude.” Hobi says, cracking up.
“Fine, nobody eat this hamburger patty,” he points to one single patty. “Because I cooked it.”
“Nobody wants to eat that hamburger patty.” Taehyung teases.
“I’ll eat your hamburger patty.” You chirp.
“Kiss ass.” Yoongi chuckles, walking up next to the grill. “Oh Jin, don’t forget to give me your number later so we can plan that fishing trip.”
“You two are planning a fishing trip?” You eye Yoongi, “I see you’re making friends.”
“Shut up.” He smiles shyly.
“So Jungkook,” Taehyung faces Jungkook and smirks, “Are you nervous about meeting y/n’s parents?”
“Yeah, Jungkookie, are you nervous?” Hobi chips in.
Jungkook’s eyes fall to the ground as he chews on his lips, he scratches the back of his neck and smiles softly.
“Maybe a little.”
“Why?” you ask, leaning into Jungkook’s frame, “Nothing to be nervous about.”
“Are you sure y/n?” Yoongi begins to tease you, “You are their little ‘miracle’ baby.”
“Shut up!” you laugh, “It will be fine, Jungkook. I promise.”
“I’m not too worried.” He says, he looks down at the ground still, his smile growing.
You wait by your front door with a small suitcase in hand, humming some song. Jungkook should be here at any moment! He said he was on his way after work about 15 minutes ago and you know it shouldn’t take too long.
You cannot wait to see your parents, if you’re honest. You haven’t visited them in almost half a year! What you need is your parent’s loving embrace and also their wise words.
And it is pretty damn exciting you get to finally introduce your best friend to them. It’s a 4 hour drive, so you have a lot to catch Jungkook up on, you know, what your parents are even like up close and personal.
Your phone starts buzzing, and you pull it from you back pocket to see Jungkook sent a text that he has arrived.
“See you, Holly!” you yell out, but she’s in her room with the music on so you doubt she hears you. You think she said Trina is staying over for the weekend, so you know she won’t be lonely without you.
You make your way to Jungkook’s car (he offered to drive to your parents, which you do not mind in the least.) and see him waiting outside of it for you. He’s leaning against the car like a fucking stud. Yes, you just said fucking stud. Because that’s what he looks like. You hate that your god damn vagina reacts first! That bitch is booming as you eye him up and down. His tight jeans, chunky boots and striped sweater are a good look on him. His hair is pushed away from his forehead, split down the middle and he looks so fucking hot.
“Hi.” You call out, joining him at his car.
“Hey there.” He says cooly, grabbing your suitcase from you. He opens the back door and sets it inside next to his, “You ready?” he asks with a smirk.
“Yup” you pop the ‘p’ and smile back at him.
“Okay and my mom is sweet, I swear. But she sort of has no filter. My dad’s really laid back and wont tease as much…probably.” You say, stuffing your mouth with bagged popcorn.
“Probably?” Jungkook chuckles, he reaches for a handful of popcorn himself.
“Meaning he will probably let my mom do all the talking for the most part and he will only make somecomments.”
“What sort of comments should we expect?”
Suddenly, you feel your cheeks flush and you become a little shy.
“I don’t know, figure it out.” You whisper, digging in the bag for more of the snack.
Jungkook laughs at you, he thinks you’re being too cute right now. He turns his head to get a look at you and he smiles.
“Okay baby.”
“And maybe don’t call me ‘baby’ in front of my parents…they will definitely get the wrong idea.”
Jungkook playfully raises a brow at you, “And what idea is that?” he teases but it goes over your head.
“Jungkook.” You groan out, “Use your head.”
“Honestly, I’m just excited to meet your parents.” Jungkook admits happily, “I wish I could have introduced you to mom.”
“…Yeah, I would have liked to have met her. She raised you really well.”
“Honestly, she would have adored you. And…dad would have really liked you too.”
You retreat your hand out of the popcorn bag and wipe your dirty fingers on your jeans, you lick the remainder off.
“What was your mom like?”
At this Jungkook beams, his smile so bright and beautiful.
“Mom was an angel. Want to know the first time I lied to her?” Jungkook asks excitedly, “And how she reacted? It was like a movie.”
“Sure.” You chuckle.
“I was in the 8th grade,” he begins but you cut him off.
“You didn’t lie until 8th grade? That’s hard to believe.”
“I was a really good kid!” he whines. “Anyway, me and two of my buddies made plans to hang out but they wanted to hang out with this group of girls…at a girls house. I didn’t know if I was allowed at a girls house…so I lied and said we were all going to a carnival.” Jungkook starts cracking up as he recalls the memory.
“Mom believed me, gave me $20 for the wrist band to have access to all the rides, you know? Well, one of my friends wasn’t allowed at a girls house so he lied and said he was going to be at a birthday party at my house. Anyway we went to the girls house and all hung out, very innocent, I swear.” He continues laughing, his eyes crinkling.
“Anyway one of the girls mom was dropping me and that buddy off at my house when we see my mom pulling up at the same time while his mom was already parked in front of my house! Oh my god it was awful.”
“Holy hell, then what happened?” you ask.
“Well, we say thanks and get out of the car and he rushes to his moms car and my cousins were outside in my front yard talking to his parents about how there was no birthday party here.”
“And then?”
“My mom asked what was going on? I said my buddy wasn’t allowed at the carnival so we lied. But then my older cousin goes ‘Where’s your wrist band at Jungkook?’ And I wanted to strangle her! How could she out me!!! So I broke down crying to my mom and told her the truth.” He laughs, then he smiles fondly. “She told me it’s okay and that she forgives me. She said it’s not a big deal to hang out at girl’s houses as long as they’re just friends and I should never lie to her again.”
“Wow, an angel indeed.” You smile at Jungkook and he catches it from the corner of his eye.
“Yeah.” He smiles back.
“Where else my mom? She would of kicked my ass.” You laugh out loud and Jungkook joins you.
“I can’t wait to meet her.”
It’s a little after 8pm when you finally arrive to your childhood home, it’s nothing fancy or big or tremendous in any shape or form but hey, it’s home.
Jungkook pulls into the driveway and you notice your parents car isn’t here so you pull out your phone and call your mother.
Apparently they went to go pick up dinner for you four, but there’s a bit of a wait so they’ll be home in a little while. You tell her you understand, and remind her you still have a key.
“They’ll be home in a bit, why don’t we go inside and I can show you around?”
“Sounds good.” Jungkook has the car in park, and he’s quick to turn off the ignition. He gets out of the car and opens the back door to grab both of your suitcases.
“Jesus woman, what did you pack?” Jungkook complains.
“Yeah, yeah. Come on.” You usher him inside as you’re opening the front door.
It smells like your moms apple cinnamon candles have been lit up all day, the scent bringing you back to your childhood days. It smells like home, you can’t help but grin as you enter through.
“Let’s start by putting our stuff in our rooms!” you begin walking up the creaky stairs and Jungkook follows you with your bags in hand.
“This is your room,” you open the door to some lousy guest room but the bed is made and it smells nice. Jungkook nods while setting his suitcase down.
“And this…” you walk out and go to the room right next door, “is my room.”
Jungkook eyes go wide as he enters your room, he sees the posters on your walls, your baby pink duvet with a million pillows and the string of fairy lights above your bed and window.
“This is pre college y/n?” he asks, amused.
“Oh my god, you had a boy band phase?” he touches the many posters on your wall.
“Who said I ever got out of it?” you tease.
Jungkook smiles as he observes your room, walking around slowly like he has all day. His fingers drag across your desk and all the things that occupy its space until he stops when he is touching a journal.
“A diary?” His amusement is out of the roof by now. “Let me read.” He asks with playful, pleading eyes.
“Hell to the no!” you rush to his side and grab the journal. “I don’t know what the fuck is in here.”
“Then it’s fun for both of us!” Jungkook reasons, “Let’s see what was in teenage y/n’s mind.”
“Probably lame stuff, I wasn’t very interesting.”
“I’ll see about that,” he takes the journal back and begins opening the journal and you grumble, trying to object. But in the end you let him open the journal, you wait patiently to be totally embarrassed.
“Okay this is from senior year…” he says, “Ryan wasn’t here today…” Jungkook starts laughing, “I was going to tell him I like him but it’s like the universe doesn’t want me to.” He reads out in a girly voice and you cringe. “Should I just move on?” he mocks.
“Okay, that’s enough!” you try reaching for the journal, your arms getting tangled with Jungkook’s. He can’t stop laughing as you whine out loud, your body bumping into his as your arms continue to battle one another.
“Jungkook!” you cry out, “Seriously?!”
You two continue to wrestle for the journal, spinning around until your feet tangle too much with his and he’s bumping into your bed, he falls over bringing you down with him.
You land on top of Jungkook, settling between his spread legs. The laughing and screaming absolutely stops when you find yourself in this position. Jungkook face is centimeters from yours, your breaths hot and fast and mingling together, he looks into your eyes with a troubled look. His tongue darts out to lick his bottom lip and your eyes can’t help but follow his movement.
“y/n…” he whispers out, still out of breath from playing around.
You look into his eyes again and he’s gone completely dark. His pupils start blowing out and his breaths become harsher.
“Jungkook…” You say lowly, your voice even surprising you. “Oh,” you blink at him when you feel his member hardening against your core.
Jungkook gulps, as if embarrassed. His eyes dart all around the room until they’re back on you.
“Sorry I—”
“I should get up.” You whisper.
Jungkook gulps again, his spit making his Adam’s Apple bob. “Yeah.”
But you don’t move, you continue to lay on top of him, you close your eyes as you feel his dick poking you at your center. You hate yourself but you can’t help the fact that you’re breathing deeper than usual and you really hate yourself when you grind yourself rather gently into Jungkook’s crotch.
And you really hate yourself when you hear Jungkook fucking moan. A real life moan escapes his parted lips. Your eyes shoot open to see his screwed shut. He lightly thrusts upward in response, his strained cock hitting your clit just right that you whimper out. You immediately throw your hand over your mouth and regret everything until Jungkook moans again.
Fuck, what do you do? You want to keep going and you almost do when—
“Honey! We’re home!”
You quickly scramble off Jungkook and stand to your feet. Fuck, your parents are home.
Jungkook awkwardly stands up and tries to adjust his pants so his fucking boner isn’t totally visible. He does not want to meet your parents with a fucking boner. No way in hell. He’s got to think of gross things. Diarrhea. Yeah, he will think of people shitting themselves, that’s pretty gross.
“Coming!” you yell out. You smooth down your clothes and your hair and turn to face Jungkook. “Ready?”
He smiles kind of awkwardly but nods his head yes regardless.
You two exit the bedroom and head down the stairs, your parents waiting at the bottom.
“If it isn’t my pain in the ass?” your mother’s jolly laugh fills the room as she goes in to embrace you.
“Hi mom.” You say into her neck, you can smell her sweet perfume and it reminds you of home times a million.
“You mean your miracle baby! Our miracle baby!” your dad chimes in gleefully, going in to hug both you and your mom.
“It’s a miracle she hasn’t killed me yet.” Your mother comments playfully, “Going a whole half year without seeing her mother?”
“It has been since May hasn’t it?” Your dad asks. “Too long.”
“And you must be Jungkook! The boy our daughter ditched us for on Christmas!” your mom pushes you to the side and goes in to hug Jungkook.
He stumbles back in surprise, but wraps his arms around your mother with his bunny grin plastered on his face.
“That’s me.” He laughs.
“Next time, just come here for Christmas, okay?” Your mom pouts playfully.
“Now, that’s not a bad idea.” Your father cuts in, extending his hand out for Jungkook to shake.
“Nice to meet you Mr.y/L/n.” Jungkook goes in to shake his hand with a firm hold, “and of course you too Mrs.y/L/n. “ Jungkook smiles in her direction.
“My goodness,” your mother swoons, “You’re so handsome!” then she turns to you, “He’s so handsome y/n. How haven’t you snagged him yet?”
“You two aren’t already a couple?” your father adds in.
“Mom! Dad! No!” you run a hand through your hair, “I told you already a million times on the phone, we are friends. Best friends.”
“That’s too bad…” your mom says, “I would like him for a son in law.”
“Yes, it’s too bad.” Your dad continues where she is going, “He’s got a firm handshake.”
“You guys don’t even know him.” you deadpan.
Jungkook only chuckles as he watches you interact with your parents. He wishes he had this kind of relationship with his parents but he’s glad you do.
“Are you guys ready for dinner or what?” Your mom picks up the bag of food off the entry way table and brings it to her nose, “Smells delicious.” She sings with a smile.
“Lets eat honey.” Your dad gestures your mom to the kitchen and then gives you and Jungkook a wink. “Come on kids.”
You didn’t know coming home would feel this good. Just being in the same room as your parents makes you feel whole again. Talking on the phone every week just isn’t enough.
You and Jungkook set up the table as your parents start taking the food out of the bag, they place it in the center of the table and your greedy little hands can’t help but pick at the side dishes.
“Hungry?” Jungkook teases.
“Starved.” You respond.
“Well, let’s all sit down and dig in!” Your father pulls out a chair for your mother so she can sit, ever the gentleman.
The food is delicious. You really wanted your moms home cooking but she promised you that’s for tomorrow night. You eat to your hearts content, getting so full. You’re not just full of food but full of your parents love and joy. Jungkook laughs along to your mom and dad’s stories and even shares some of his own. You guys talked about your group of friends and how you’re each others support systems.
Your parents are ecstatic to hear you have such great friends where you live, they even promise to go visit you soon so they can happily meet everyone. You agree wholeheartedly and stuff your face with more food. The night goes on like this for quite some time, everyone yawning but no one wanting to go to sleep.
“Let’s clean up and take this party to the living room.” Your mom suggests.
“I’ll clean up mom.”
“Me too.” Jungkook offers as well.
“Good kids.” Your dad says with a chuckle and heads to his designated spot (The recliner in the living room.)
“Are you having fun?” You ask Jungkook once your parents are out of the kitchen.
“I’m having a really nice time y/n.” Jungkook blushes as he answers, he fucking blushes and you feel the heat creep up your cheeks as well.
“I told you, you had nothing to be nervous about.”
“I’m still nervous, to be honest. But it feels nice actually.” He admit, his blush only deepening.
You two reach for the drying towel at the same time, your fingers brushing against his and you feel a spark of electricity.
“Sorry.” You sputter out, “You take it.”
“Okay…” Jungkook feels his face get even more red, just brushing fingers with you making him feel hot and dizzy.
“I think it’s clean enough,” you wipe your hands dry on your jeans, “Let’s go.”
The living room is as cozy as you have always remembered it to be. The recliner that your dad always falls asleep in is in the same spot as always, the two love seats taking one corner of the room and the TV on the center of the back wall. You decide to sit next to your mom on one of the love seats, you immediately drop your head on to her shoulder and breathe her in.
“What’s wrong my miracle?” she asks softly. “What’s going on?”
You suck in a sharp breath and start sniffling. Yup, you have decided on being a baby.
“I—” Your eyes immediately water and you give your mom a pathetic look, “I don’t know what I am doing with my life.”
Jungkook watches you and he frowns, he wishes he had all the answers for you.
“Oh baby,” your mom cradles your head, “I’m an old woman and even I have thoughts like that.” She laughs. “You’re going to figure it out, even if it’s not right now.”
“How do you know?” you look up at her with snot running down your nose.
“Do you remember when you were in high school you went from being in the drama club to the art club to the debate team to the…god, who knows what? You just kept jumping from one thing to another but then you finally found what you liked. Which was, swimming right?” She rubs your back soothingly, “It just takes time.” She says, “Maybe right now you’re just in the ‘art club’ part of your life. You still need to experience other clubs and teams until you find your swimming.”
“Mom…” you cry, “Thank you.”
“Your mother is right,” your dad decides to jump in “And whatever you decide we will be there cheering you on.”
Jungkook feels his heart swell. Watching you with your parents has been nothing but an amazing experience so far. He doesn’t feel bitter that he didn’t have this sort of relationship, instead he wishes he could have it even with someone like your parents.
“Now go sit with your bestie, he looks lonely over there by himself on the other couch.” Your mom scolds you lightly. You hug her tightly before letting go and walking to where Jungkook is.
You sit right next to him, not leaving any space—your knees and shoulders rubbing against one another quite innocently.
“So Jungkook,” Your father begins, “tell us about your family.”
You feel yourself go tense at the mention of Jungkook’s family. What will he say? Or will he say anything at all? “Mom’s not with us anymore.” He smiles softly, “And I don’t talk to my dad.”
“Oh honey, I’m so sorry,” your mom places a hand over her heart.
“Sorry to hear about that, son.” Your dad shares a look of pity with your mom.
Jungkook on the other hand lights up when he hears your dad call him ‘son’.
“It’s okay.” Jungkook smiles, “I have y/n and Jimin and the rest of the guys.”
“And you have us too, sweetie.” Your mom cuts in. “We were serious about Christmas, why don’t you two come here?”
“I’d like that.” Jungkook looks at your for approval, “It sounds nice, right y/n?”
You feel your heart begin to glow.
“Yeah.” You yawn out. “It does.” You lay your head on his shoulder and he wraps an arm around your waist. You miss the way your parents share a knowing look as they watch you two.
“We weren’t supposed to have any children…” Your mom starts to say, “She really was our little miracle.” She comes down into a whisper as she notices you starting to doze off.
“She’s our pride and joy.” Your father beams.
“I’m glad she isn’t lonely. Growing up, we were so worried she would become a lonely only child, but she had lots of cousins thankfully and she always had it easy when making friends.” Your mother smiles as she recalls little you.
“She’s so special, isn’t she?”
“Yeah,” Jungkook looks down at your sleeping face, he smiles shyly and caresses your cheek. “She is.”
Your parents share another knowing look and grin.
“When did you realize she was so special?” your father crosses a leg over the other.
“About the time she ditched you guys for me.” Jungkook’s looks at them and smiles cheekily.
Your mother and father laugh loudly, waking you from your quick nap.
“What’s so funny?” you ask groggily, you kind of drooled on yourself and Jungkook’s shoulder. You wipe at the corner of your mouth and mutter an apology to Jungkook for wetting his shirt. He only giggles at you and pats your head.
“Maybe you two should head to bed for some rest, hm?”
“Yeah, that’s a good idea.”
You and Jungkook agree with your parents, standing from your place on the love seat and say your goodnight’s.
“Goodnight sweetie.” Your dad goes in to hug you, “Sleep well.”
“Night dad, night mom.”
“Goodnight Mr. and Mrs. y/l/n.”
“Night kiddos.”
Jungkook follows you up the stairs as he enters deep thought mode. He has only spent one day with you and your parents but he feels like he has fallen in love all over again. His love for you deepening by the minute, the way it blossoms like a beautiful, enchanted flower. The petals are bright, colorful and full of life. Nothing, he means nothing can shrivel up this rose. It is enchanted after all.
You stand outside your door, waiting for Jungkook to finish his journey up the stairs. When he finally makes it to the top he walks to you, standing outside your bedroom door.
“Goodnight Jungkook.” You whisper out, a blush painting itself on your cheeks.
“Tonight was nice.” He says instead of ‘goodnight’.
“Yeah, I think my parents like you a lot.”
“And I like them a lot. I felt…so…at home.” He admits, his soft breath hitting your lips and you breathe out heavily.
“I’m glad.”
“I like you when you’re with your parents.”
“You like me?” You tease, and Jungkook goes as red as a fucking tomato.
“Like, like—”
“Chill, I know what you mean.”
Jungkook scratches the back of his neck and huffs out, “Right.”
“I like you around my parents too.” You lean back on the bedroom door, and Jungkook steps closer to you.
“You like me?” he teases back and you blush even harder.
“I just mean, it’s cute seeing you nervous and flustered for once.” You say.
“I’m cute?” Jungkook takes another step towards you, backing you even further into the door.
“You know what I mean.”
“Do I though?” he leans his head towards your face, his lips hovering over your left ear and he whispers…
“I won’t tell anyone you find me cute y/n.” he continues his teasing. He leans back and watches as your face goes unbelievably red.
“Shush.” You push his hard chest back and he darkly chuckles. “It’s not like you don’t find me cute as well.”
“Oh baby, I find you very, very cute” he leans in again and you scoff, giggling to yourself.
Jungkook chuckles as well, he feels himself growing hotter by the second, he pushes you back more into the door and he reaches for the doorknob and opens it, but catches you from falling inside.
“Let’s go inside.” He says lowly. “Wanna keep being with you.”
“Jungkook,” you whine, “I’m sleepy.”
“I can watch you sleep.” He teases and you cringe.
“That’s creepy!” you laugh, you two set foot inside the room and you close the door behind you guys. “But maybe we can chat for a little bit.”
“Hey!” Jungkook juts his lip out, “It’s not creepy, I just really—” love you, he wants to say. But he doesn’t have the courage but god, Jimin is right. When will he have the courage?
“Really what?” you ask innocently.
“It’s nothing.” He says. “Anyway, let’s sit.” He plops his fine ass on the edge of your childhood bed—a twin bed. You sit down next to him and you lean back until your back is laying against the soft mattress. Jungkook follows you, laying down as well.
“Thanks for making me feel like I’m a part of your family y/n.”
“You are a part of my family Jungkook.” You whisper to him and he flips on his side to get a look at your face.
“Your parents are awesome.” He chuckles.
You playfully roll your eyes and smile, “Yeah, they’re something.”
“They want you to bring home a boyfriend.”
“Too bad all they got is you.”
“Yeah, too bad.” Jungkook grins at you, he lifts his hand to your face and caresses your cheek. “You’re so pretty. I wasn’t lying…I do find you very, very cute” he says softly and you fucking melt. You sigh out and he leans in closer, you aren’t entirely sure but it feels like he’s about to kiss you.
He leans in so close until he’s raising his face just a bit and he kisses the top of your forehead.
“I think I’ll go to bed now.” He whispers.
“Wait—” You grab on to the material of his sweater, accidentally bringing him too close to you, his mouth bumping into yours.
You immediately begin to panic, your eyes shoot to Jungkook’s and he looks as surprised as you. He is silent for far too many moments until his eyes crinkle and he’s laughing, his bunny teeth on full display.
“Oops.” He says, still laughing.
“I am so sorry, oh my god.” You get up slightly, leaning on your elbows. “That was an accident.”
“Well,” Jungkook brings his fingers to his lips, “It’s not the worst thing that could happen.” He says, his shy tone making you melt all over again.
“Sorry again, wow.”
Jungkook stands from the bed and you follow his lead, walking him towards the bedroom door.
“Goodnight Jungkook.”
This is it. The moment Jimin was talking about. A moment where he can have courage.
“y/n…I just…can I tell you something…?”
“What is it?” you raise a curious brow.
Jungkook looks into your eyes for several moments, taking long, deep breaths.
“I love you.” He finally admits, after years of keeping that to himself he finally told you he loves you. He loves you with all his fucking heart, he loves you more than anyone else in his entire life. He loves you. This? This is courage.
“Huh? I love you too, JK.” You give him a weird look and laugh. “Goodnight.” And you shut the door.
“No, I…”
Was he not clear?
“I love you y/n…” he whispers to himself, “Like, really really love you.” He says to no one but the ghosts that haunt this house.
“Goodnight y/n.”
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A Woman Like You pt. 3 (Diane Sherman x socialphobist!reader)
as i promised, there is chapter 3 whoohoo
request: need another part to a woman like you 😌
warnings: social anxiety i guess
here is pt two: https://littlejeaniehugsbumblebees.tumblr.com/post/640358893165363200/a-woman-like-you-pt-2-diane-sherman-x-reader
google translate- :’)
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To say Y / N hadn't socialized in college would have been a lie. There were 1 or 2 students with whom she got along well.
One of them was Wylan Montgomery.
Wylan was a tall, slender man with sandy hair. Y / N couldn't tell if she thought he was pretty with his pale skin, but what she did know was, that she didn't find him attractive. But she liked him. Wylan didn't speak much as he was also more of an introvert and lived in his own world. Often Y / N and Wylan studied together in the library, checked each other's homework or discussed books. Nothing special, actually, but there was one thing that Y / N really appreciated about her friendship with Wylan: the weekly chess game.
Y / N loved chess. It was a strategy game, that wasn't about communication with the opponent at all. A game, that could be played in complete silence and the only important thing was concentration.
Wylan and Y / N had a tradition of meeting in the library every Thursday afternoon to play chess together.
Their game could take hours and it was not uncommon for Wylan and Y / N to be the last in the library by the end of the evening.
And when Y / N and Wylan were sitting in the library in the back corner by the window on this rainy Thursday and had been playing for an hour, Y / N couldn't have imagined how this afternoon would end.
"Damn it," Wylan muttered quietly as he stared strained at the chess board. Y / N, who was just as focused as he was studying the board, lifted her eyes to meet the blond boy in the face.
His green eyes literally jumped over the board as he nervously chewed his lower lip, as he always did when they were playing.
It was Wylan's turn and he'd been sitting there for 3 minutes without having done anything. Just like Y / N, he considered every step he took, not just in chess, but in real life as well.
Y / N looked back at the chess board and let her eyes wander over the black wooden figures she was playing with today.
She heard Wylan exhale loudly as he reached out to put his white pawn on E4.
How predictable, thought Y / N. She leaned forward to take the time to consider her next move. Wylan was a good player, but transparent as he often used the same strategy and the game was also relatively early on.
"Mister Montgomery?" Suddenly called a female voice that made Y / N flinch. Both students immediately raised their heads to look at the woman, who owned the voice. Professor Sherman came running out from behind a bookcase.
"I've been looking for you for 20 minutes .. Your roommate told me you were probably here," she explained with relief when she recognized Wylan at the table.
"Professor Wright sent me, he's been waiting for you for an hour."
Y/N looked confused away from Diane, who was ignoring her, to look at Wylan's face. The blond man seemed just as confused as she was when suddenly his eyes widened and he let out a quiet "fuck".
"Do you know where he's waiting for me?" He asked, turning to Diane, who shrugged.
"His office, I assume."
"Uhm okay, thank you".
Wylan stood up and gave Y / N a pleading look.
"M'sorry," he muttered.
"It's okay," Y / N replied and looked back at the chess board.
"I also have a lot to do."
He smiled wryly before turning and jogging out of the library.
Y / N looked back at the chessboard and started packing up while trying to ignore the fact, that Diane was still relatively lost across the table.
"Do you really still have a lot to do?", The professor suddenly asked and Y / N immediately raised her head to look at her confused.
"Excuse me?"
"If you want, I'll play with you-"
With narrowed eyes, Y / N looked into Diane's face and watched the professor chew on her lower lip.
"Is that pity?" Y / N asked skeptically and Diane quickly shook her head.
"Oh no," she said. "It was just an idea."
"Well, I've already started cleaning up, I-"
"So far you have only taken the rook off the field, it was on B5", Diane interrupted her and looked at the rook in Y / N's hand.
"But the game has already started", Y / N tried to get rid of her professor. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't because Y / N didn't want to, on the contrary, she would have loved to play with her. But Diane was a stranger and to Y / N all strangers were her enemies.
In her mind she ran through all sorts of scenarios of how it would all work out.
Y / N's hand would probably tremble so much when placing the figures that she would knock over the other ones.
Maybe she was sneezing or something like that, maybe she would accidentally touch Diane. Maybe Diane was the kind of person, who talked a lot while playing and stared hard at Y / N while concentrating. On the other hand, chess was a game, that required a lot of concentration and nobody could blame Y / N if she kept silent while playing. And even though Y / N was afraid, that she might breathe too loudly, she knew, that she would regret it, if she would reject Diane.
"All right," Y / N finally uttered with a sigh and immediately regretted it. Damn it.
Diane smiled at Y / N's words before taking a seat across from Y / N at the table.
"Great," she muttered and Y / N put the black rook back on B5.
And then they started playing.
The next 3 hours were filled with a pleasant silence and concentration, for which Y / N was very grateful. So Diane wasn't the kind of person who talked a lot while playing. And that nobody spoke was not at all uncomfortable. Even so, Y / N tried to imagine that Wylan was sitting across from her and not her literature professor. But it was impossible; Diane's fingers were much slimmer than Wylan's. Then there was the cinnamon scent of her perfume, which replaced Wylan's aftershave, and at last there were the reddish-brown hair tips that slid onto the chessboard every time the professor leaned over to grab the figures.
Y / N didn't even look at the clock during the entire time and didn't even notice that the whole game lasted 3 hours. She hadn't noticed either, that it was already dark when she finally put Diane in check and she muttered:
For the first time since they started playing, Y / N carefully raised her eyes to Diane to take in the expression on her face.
The woman frowned at the game board while her chin rested on her palm. Y / N noticed, that she was wearing the dark blue cardigan, as she often did in her seminars, and for whatever reason, Y / N liked this cardigan.
"Shit," said Diane finally, leaning back in her chair.
"You actually won."
"Well then, checkmate", Y / N muttered before reaching for her bishop to knock over the white king.
Meanwhile, the professor's brown eyes were still running over the field to analyze the entire game again.
"It's crazy," she finally said, leaning forward again to lean over the board.
"I've never met someone, who plays as subtly as you do."
Y / N lifted her gaze from the king to look straight into Diane's eyes.
Bad idea. Eye contact was disgusting and Y / N immediately blushed before glancing quickly at the lamp on the table.
"To be honest, I assumed you would win," she explained, staring into the bright light. Diane must have turned it on when it got dark.
"Why did you think, I would win?" Diane asked confused and Y / N could feel her gaze on her.
"I don't know," she replied and shrugged her shoulders.
"I played black-"
"Oh come on, you can't be serious"
"It was just a premonition, one of us had to win anyway and I just assumed you would be the one," Y / N tried desperately to justify herself before looking back at Diane, who was slightly confused and shook his head with a smile.
"You're weird," she muttered and Y / N felt a small sting in her chest. She hated it, when she was called that. As a social phobist, her greatest fear was, that people would perceive her that way. All she wanted was to be seen as normal, not as a weirdo.
For a few seconds she involuntarily lost herself in Diane's brown eyes and in these seconds her head was completely free of all anxious thoughts. To be honest, there was nothing left in her head. She could just stare. Diane finally cleared her throat and Y / N immediately averted her gaze in shame.
"I should go now, it's late and I have to go home," explained Diane as she got up.
"I have to go too," said Y / N quickly as she started clearing the board.
"Uhm, thank you, Miss Y / L / N," Diane said sincerely and smiled gently.
"It was great fun."
Y / N only nodded briefly and continued to collect the pieces from the board while listening to Professor Sherman's footsteps moving further and further away.
It's like that with social phobia (at least for me): When I meet people and I'm very nervous in this situation qnd the meeting can be as relaxed as possible, but in the end only the things that stick in my memories is that, that were not perfect . Please don't get me wrong, shortly afterwards I am always very relieved, because all of my bad fears (like that I'm breathing too loudly) have not come true, but the more I think about this situation and how well everything went, I notice that it was still not perfect. There are little things that bother me: a confused look, a long moment of silence, the fear, of having laughed too loudly or the fact, that I accidentally touched the person I met while running.
I just want to do everything right and in no case overreact or do too much. And these little things that I mentioned above make me feel, that what I've done was too much and I decide to do less next time. Saying less, laughing less, just less.
And in the end, I really only have the things, that bothered me and after a while that's all I can remember.
That's why Y / N could only remember the moment, when Diane called her "weird". It was actually nothing, but Y / N feared nothing more, than the judgment of strangers and Diane's testimony hadn't really helped her, on the contrary, Y/N hated her literature professor now and had decided to skip the next seminar with the excuse, that she was sick.
And somehow she felt sick too. Y / N was of the opinion, that no one could understand her better than herself. She knew exactly what she had experienced. She knew, why she was the way she was and just the thought of talking to someone about it, made her tired. And when Diane called her weird, she realized again, that people can't help but judge. Advantages and clichés change our view of things so much and Y / N knows that, because she was not better.
To make matters worse, she had had to stare into her professor's eyes for a few seconds too long. Diane had to hate her, even though she'd said thank you for the game at the end. But as I said, over time that faded and the only thing that Y / N left of the afternoon was the moment, Diane called her weird and the brown color of her eyes, in which Y / N had lost itself a little too long.
Those were the things that were "too much".  And at night Y / N lay with her head buried in the pillow, repeating this mantra in her head, which she always said to herself, when she had spent the day outside of her comfort zone:
"I hate people. I hate people. I hate people."
Sometimes Y / N's comfort zone was only the radius of her bed and then she hated getting up early. There was also her annoying roommate Andrea, who often dragged strangers into her room during the day and Y / N hated people. However, Andrea was also one of those people, who preferred to spend their nights in strange beds rather than their own, which is why Y / N was often alone at night.
It was Monday afternoon and Y / N had been in bed all day reading some stupid book. Probably no one had noticed, that she was missing from Diane's seminar today, she was practically invisible.
And when there was a knock on the door that afternoon, Y / N assumed, that it was Andrea who had forgotten her key again.
Y / N was wearing leggings and sweather and still she felt naked when she climbed out of bed to open the door, which was because she wasn't made up. When she opened the door of her room and saw who was standing there, she wanted to slam the door again.
"P-professor Sherman," she stuttered awkwardly, staring into Diane's slightly smiling face.
"What are you doing here?"
"I, uh, I just wanted to see if everything is okay with you," replied Diane with crossed arms. Y / N frowned.
"Do you visit all of your students, who are sick to see if they are okay?"
"I uh- No".
Diane shook her head.
"May I come in?"
Y / N's eyes widened slightly.
"That's not a good idea," she said quickly.
"It'll only take a moment, so please."
Y / N took a second to think about it. She hated Diane, this woman had destroyed Y / N's comfort zone and didn't have to do much to get it. Y / N was so emotional and so vulnerable that a little "weird" was enough to make her insecure.
"Okay," she finally said, nodding before turning to let the woman in.
Now she noticed, how chaotic the whole room was and she was immediately ashamed when she pushed Andrea's shirt aside with her foot, before she sat on the edge of her bed. Diane had closed the door behind her and crossed the room to take the chair at Y / N's desk, which was next to the bed.
"So, how are you?" Asked Diane, sounding a little uninterested, if Y / N could tell.
"I'm okay."
Y / N shrugged.
"I'll be honest," Diane began, staring lost at the chess board, that was on Y /N's desk.
"When I found out today, that you called in sick, I was initially concerned, that it was because of our chess game."
Y / N's eyes narrowed. Damn it.
"Why should I call in sick about it? It was nothing," she lied and Diane nodded quickly.
"I know," she muttered, pensively lifting a black pawn off the board to turn it between her fingers.
"That was, to be honest, the best chess game I've ever played with anyone."
Y / N snorted and shook her head.
"Then it seems like, you've never played with good players, I'm actually really bad," she said with a wry smile.
"It doesn't really matter," muttered Diane.
"I was just afraid, you'd called in sick, because you might find it strange to play chess with me, as your professor."
"And you thought the situation would improve, if you just visit me, as your student, in my room?", Y / N replied confused and Diane just shrugged her shoulders.
"I guess- Uhm, it would be nice if you go now", Y / N explained and got up, because she wanted to go to the door to open it, but when she made the first step, Diane suddenly grabbed her wrist and Y / N immediately whirled around to face her. She stared into Diane's eyes, which looked up at her with concern.
"Are you depressed?" She asked quietly and Y / N decided to hate her even more. Diane found her weird at first and now depressed. Then there was her tight grip on Y / N's wrist, Y / N hated body contact.
"What the hell, no," she hissed and pulled her arm free from Diane's grip. With quick steps she ran to the door to open it again.
"I think you should really go now, I don't want anyone to see me in the dorm with you."
Diane stared at Y / N for a few seconds, before finally getting up and walking to the door as well.
"I'm sorry, that I bothered you," she muttered without looking at Y / N.
"Get well soon, Miss Y / L / N."
With that she stepped out of the room and Y / N immediately locked the door behind her when she felt tears sting her eyes.
I hate people.
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ohkate · 3 years
Working from home; personal post
I work from home for a bank and I have to say... the amount of people who think you're just available all the time because you work from home is ridiculous.
My landlord constantly just shows up without calling first. I know that as a woman, sometimes we're conditioned to feel bad about certain behavior that isn't 'nice'. But I think this is legit a good reason to be pissed. I answer the door kind of angry because I'm working, which I've told him before. The calls are non-stop so every time I have to take a break it comes out of my pay and I can get in trouble.
He's this nice little old man and I always feel like such a bitch but... am I the only woman who feels really uncomfortable because I don't have a bra on, i haven't shaved and it's hot so I'm just walking around in a cover-up or even just underwear? I don't generally give a shit what anyone thinks but why do men not think about this? Maybe call first?? But I'm the bad guy.
More than that, though. I'm WORKING. Just because I'm physically here, you need to pretend like I'm not because, really, I'm not. And if he thinks I'm home he just constantly hits the buzzer until I answer. I have to ignore it sometimes because I'm in the middle of a call. It's so rude!
I used to think I had social anxiety until I realized... I just kind of hated the people that were around me. I live in the northeast, which has a lot of racists and biased people. When I'm around like-minded people I'm fine. I'm always going to be a little self-conscious because that's just who I am; I'm a homebody and I prefer being alone, but I'm not as socially anxious as people always convinced me I was simply because I didn't like THEM. It took me a really long time to understand this.
And I live like a person who is alone-- I don't want to have to rush to get dressed and clean up because someone just shows up at my apartment. I'm overweight so it takes more than a minute to get fully dressed. And I would not care except that I kind of do... I can't help it. I get a little embarassed if he shows up and I have dishes in the sink or a trash bag by the door. I keep my place fairly clean but it can get a little crazy sometimes. I've got 2 cats. I also hang out in my bedroom a lot. It's from years of habit having roommates. I have an air conditioner in there and my computer is in there. I listen to my headphones a lot and I've had times where I'm literally naked and he's at the door knocking and when I tell him to give me a minute he acts like he doesn't understand the hold up since I should just be in the living room watching tv like other people do.
I'm not necessarily looking for solutions. I've already spoken to him and I can't afford to move just yet. Just needed to complain to the void. Is anyone else having this issue with people just thinking that working from home means you're home and can be bothered?
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nightswithkookmin · 4 years
WHEN JIKOOK ARE SHADING EACHOTHER:2020 Japan Comback Interview Analysis
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WARNING: Full on angst ahead.
If you believe Jikook are holding hands chanting Kumbaya all the time while they walk into a purple sunset this is not for you. Jikook is real. At least to me and as a real relationship they have their fair share of ups and downs.
DISCLAIMER: Everything expressed in here is my thoughts, observations and opinion. It is not meant to offend any of the members involved or anyone else.
A Little Background:
Its my and a few other Jikookers observation that Jikook fight. A lot. They separate or breakup from time to time too. You may or may not have caught these moments as they happen but doesn't mean they don't happen all.
For me, 2018 and 2020 have been the pinnacle of such moments. Jikook are having issues- have been having issues. They are still going through a rough patch unfortunately. But not to be alarmed, they are working through it.
Now I can't say with certainty when such said issues began. I can only speculate. I started noticing some sort of tension between them right before their vacation somewhere between March/August 2019 to date.
I'm talking about their Bon Voyage 4 moments, the tattoo girl scandal, Jimins Paris scandal, Jingle, MMA, Jin's Birthday Vlive moments and all those moments that had us raising our brows.
And when I say started noticing I mean from across the various means they've been communicating with us- across their Weverse posts, Twitter, Vlives, interviews etc
I like to look at all these moments combined to see the bigger picture and not just dwell on individual moments as and when they are presented to us because BigHit do not feed us their moments in real time.
I know what you're thinking and no, Jimin flying all over to South Korea to celebrate Jks birthday wasn't him making a grand gesture for the sake of it. It is my opinion that that was just him extending an olive branch to fix things between them because... More on that later.
To understand the shade I'm referring to you'd have to understand why they are shading eachother to begin with:
Jeon Jungkook. To put it simply, Jeon Jungkook hates not being with Jimin 24/7. HE HATES IT. He hates when Jimin is not with him. When Jimin is not around him. When Jimin is with anybody that is not him. Bless him. He has proven this time and time again with all the times he's cheated to be in the same group as Jimin during Runs. His 'Jimin hyung and I will sleep here' his 'thats the friendship' statements he throws at people when Jimin has a moment with any of the members that remotely resembles anything other than friendship, SateliteJeon, and my personal favorite TeleporterJeon etc
Now I suspect this is just due to his personality as an INTP. He has the tendency to latch on to things that feels falimiliar to him and would fall back to it so he feels safe and anchored. He has latched on to Jimin and uses him as his emotional anchor and safe zone and we thank him for that. Thanks to him we've had all those amazing moments as well as the Jeonlous and now TeleporterJeon moments that only proves to us crazy Jikookers that we aren't that crazy and that Jikook is real. Bless him.
Now Jimin is like that too, don't get it twisted. This man is so deep into Jk he won't even hear anything we say. Call him by his JK. Bless him. Jimin is also very possessive of JK if not more possessive. Its just his slytherin ass does a better Job at hiding it.
The problem is, this differences in their personalities may have likely created a lot of tension and problems in their relationship with each other as well as in the relationship they have with their friends and bandmates.
The difference here being while JK latches onto Jimin because he is an introvert and have anxiety issues and isn't exactly the social type; JM is the very opposite of that.
Jimin is a highly extroverted person and loves to maintain other relationships besides his romantic one and there is nothing wrong with that.
See that face on Tae here? Now that's the face of an angry man right there. Tae literally held his breath when JK came to stand next to him because he was afraid JK was gonna ask him to move so he could stand with Jimin instead like he does with the other members like Hobi and Suga most times. To me, this was him feeling like his little bromance moment with his soulmate was being threatened and intruded on.
Jimin of course noticed what JK was up to. JK was being territorial. Jimin glanced at Tae through the corner of his eyes and moved to stand behind Tae. Later he tried to cheer Tae up by dancing with him.
We've seen moments time and again where JK has moved to physically block Tae from interacting with Jimin on stage and during fansigning events etc and mind you Tae is Jimin's best friend and soulmate.
This face right here! Thanks for attending my Tedtalk. Have a nice day!
Tae said it not me. It seems JK has the tendency to isolate JM and keep Jimin from his friends most times both on and off camera.
In this video, Tae's expression after he said JK was keeping JM from coming to do the live with him said it all.
Why would Jimin do that? Because I believe Tae had complained to him several times how he feels about JK keeping him all to himself and interfering with their moments most times. Frankly, I'd do same if my friends' partners kept interfering with our girls night.
And also because Jimin likes to reassure people of his love and loyalty when they feel their bond with him is being threatened by someone else. We've seen him do this with JK too a couple of times like when JK saw RM wrap his hand around Jimin during that live and he ducked and later did a heart for him. You know which VLive I'm talking about. Moving on.
Do I need to say anything here? Hobi is JMs roommate and even he complained in this VLive how he was missing JM. So the question is, where the bloody hell had JM been?! Why is everyone he is supposed to be close to missing him? His Bestfriend/soulmate and now his roommate? Fo you see the pattern?
This is not much of a stretch if you think about it because Tae has literally said this to Jimin before when he told him on the live he was missing him and JM had to apologize for that.
Truth is, Jeon Jungkook can be a bit of a bully sometimes when it comes to his position next to Jimin. That's his spot and he won't hesitate to claim it no matter who is in the way.
And for JK, we all know he doesn't interact much with the members off camera. Tae has said once that JK ignores him when they aren't filming which is why when JK was given a secret mission to Ignore Tae, Tae didn't even notice.
Now we all know KBS Gayo is Vmin land and so having JK try to stamp his Jikook stamp on it must have been tough for Tae.
RM has also said how JK doesn't even call him and Jin has said JK barely answers his calls and texts. This is not to say JK is a bad person or hates his other bandmates. He loves them all. He is just an introvert.
Now this is getting longer than intended so I'm going to break this post into two parts.
But to sum up everything I have been saying and to get to the point of this post, JKs possessiveness over JM for sometime has been taking a toll on JM and the group in general as it has been putting a lot of stress on JMs relationship with others.
To the point, some of the members have even been seen to side eye JK sometimes when he comes around JM and some do try to separate them or put JK in his place, acting like they don't approve of their relationship etc.
Now, I won't name names or point out such moments because it can be a bit controversial and I don't want anyone twisting my words around and calling me names. That would hurt my feelings because I love them all and my intentions are not to be malicious in any way. I'm just pointing out an observation and of course I could be wrong about everything.
I don't know for sure, but it's my belief that Jikook have been advised to spend sometime apart because perhaps people had noticed their codependent tendencies have been reaching exponential heights. It could have been their therapist or their friends or loved ones but since March/August 2019 through late 2019 to date is when I noticed they have been trying to spend time apart.
By this I mean, their vacation apart last year, JM staying with Tae for sometime this year, JM visiting his family in Busan this year, spending time with his friends and JK on the other hand taking much time to himself, picking up new hobbies such as reading, posting on Weverse about how he misses JM which I analyzed in my previous post, JM responding with how he was drinking alone watching the rain;
JK not knowing JM had taken up pop dancing, not knowing JM had taken up boxing- PS: Jikook live together, ride together, do everything together, JM calls Jks Mum Mum etc. They are super close and have proven they know every intimate detail about each other like the food they like, the briefs they wear, how long they shower, when they go to bed, what time they wake up, what song they have on their alarm etc. So when suddenly they don't know certain less intimate detail about eachother it is usually a sign that that information/detail came to exist at a time they were separated and weren't filling eachother in on what they've been up to when they are temporarily apart. Like during the recent Jikook Vlive when Jimin was surprised JK had eaten Gimbap. He seemed really shocked by that information and I wonder why. *smirk
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in-tua-deep · 4 years
tua rewatch with the roommate
Episode five
Oh fuck the “I found you. all your bodies.” scene
“We died?” “Horribly.” throwback to the ben convo o o f
“If perfectly arranged under rubble and otherwise unharmed counts as ‘horribly”’  - roommate
I like that Diego says he’s going to kill Hazel and Cha-Cha like it’s a challenge?? lol five doesn’t care if they live or die he only cares if u do you big dumbass
“Well I know none of the main characters die bc there’s a season 2... and i’m pretty sure they’re all in s2... like all of the family?”
I mean luther is kind of valid for being frustrated that five didn’t share about the apocalypse but also like,,, the first person five told about it (Vanya) suggested he might be insane. so. i can understand some reluctance on his part on top of the whole “the last time my siblings fought this the Whole World Died Including Them i would like them as far away from apocalypse stuff as possible”
okay okay so five says “they turned me into the perfect instrument” so do y’all think that implies experimentation like in the comics or ????
all i can think about during the kennedy scene though is my high school history teacher. he went over the assassination in intimate detail and i’m pretty sure he was writing a book about it and everything. mr. hansen if you’re out there - 
i like feral beard five more than mustache five tbh if i’m picking 
“Someone ELSE shot the president? Was he supposed to shoot kennedy or was he supposed to kill the person who shot kennedy?” - Roommate
love that five tells luther to grow up over murder,,, though to be valid pretty sure they did actually murder people as kids SO. grow down?
fuck i love mary,, will you love me like you loved me in the january rain??? just shoot me in the heart
GOD rob is such a good actor
“wait a second... how is he wearing pants?” oh roommate you have a big storm coming
i have some serious questions about the commission and their methods of communication. where do?? the tubes come from? where do they go after?
Allison: i have a bad feeling [about leonard]
where are these instincts for everything else tho??? her marriage?
“Vanya. she really is trying to look out for you. i really would trust her. you could invite her to come along so she can see he’s perfectly fine??” - Roommate, whose instincts regarding not trusting leonard-harold are spot on
apparently my roommate knows people who put salt in their coffee. i have. so many questions.
“That’s suspicious?? that’s suspicious right?? did he do that? is he a secret serial killer? is he a FUCKING secret serial killer?” roommate when they talk about helen cho going missing
“What do you mean stop showing up it’s been like. a day” - I mean. the roommate has a point. 
Klaus’s depression bath is a mood :(
did klaus put eye shadow on before his bath or did he get his hands on eye shadow in vietnam?? the questions that will never be answered
Five is so enthusiastic about having someone who understands... he doesn’t even notice absolutely Not Being In The Mood,, klaus is grieving and five is just like !!! where did you go!!!! like it was a vacation
klaus: yeah i’m ten months older now. when i’m done being depressed i will lord that over diego for the rest of our natural lives.
does five write in all caps all the time?? why? 
roommate: I wonder what the upper size limit on the knives her can use. like is it machete length? forearm length? what are the limits on his powers. if he sharpened a very sharp mechanical pencil could he use it? if he sharpened a piece of the chandelier? at what point does something become a knife?
me: could he hurl mia (my cat)? mia and her knife feet?
allison also writes in all caps to write leonard’s address
we stan agnes and hazel in this household
“I never said we didn’t !! i just thought she was just a random extra in the first episode and every time we cut away i think that’s the last we’ve seen of her” - roommate because i keep saying that this is an agnes stan household
“OH THERE’S THE PATCHWORK COAT i was afraid it didn’t come back” - okay though good question he definitely didn’t have the coat on the bus. what is it with klaus and his magically appearing coat????
oh :(  oh klaus :(  every time klaus is sad i am also sad :(
honestly a family conversation IS the threat in this family
god though this random vet in this bar is actually an asshole though like. klaus doesn’t owe him shit. klaus served. he’s clearly having a moment with the photo. that could have been a family member or something who died i don’t even know
agnes: i’m a twitcher :)
“like a twitch streamer?” -Roommate
PLEASE give me twitch streamer!Agnes au
look i just enjoy hazel and agnes
roommate: honey you’re too young for her
me: NO DON’T BE MEAN TO THEM,,, agnes deserves a boytoy
“does diego drive a manual?” my roommate once again focusing on things that i do not
five: i have to find the people whose deaths could save the timeline
my roommate: is it agnes?? is he going to kill agnes????
i’m still laughing about that fact that luther is holding dolores.... over the fire escape... she couldn’t drop that far lads
luther’s dumb sometimes but he does have some nice heart to hearts with his brother,,,, honestly he and five get along pretty well in the early episodes. kindred spirits. body dysmorphia and isolation squad.
my roommate has to keep remembering social media doesn’t exist in this universe
i am still confused as to why
that won’t stop me from giving everyone iphones and youtube accounts in my aus though
diego can curve ANYTHING he throws, usually knives, according to cha-cha’s research. but that doesn’t explain the spoilers i have seen about s2 sO
Klaus: You also told me that licking a nine volt battery would give me pubes
oh diego got a bullet graze forgot about that as well?? does he ever get like. medical attention for that? diego?????
it really has been like. maybe two days since helen cho died. is no one??? concerned????? they just immediately jump into replacing her??????????????????? hellO? 
“very clear camera angles to show that this actress did not actually play the violin for this role” - i mean that’s fair but ellen is trying rip
me: who’s your favorite character so far?  roommate: that’s a tricky question. klaus is very entertaining to watch. allison is the most reasonable and i’m very interested to know, well, she seems like the best combination of reasonable and has the least selfish intentions. diego and luther i feel like are both good in a bland way in that they’re both doing good in the best way they can which usually involves punching people. five is fun. five is very fun. five is as fun to watch as klaus, they’re both very fun actors to watch on screen. they’re more expressive than diego and luther tend to be.  me: so which is your favorite?????  roommate: first instinct says allison, though she probably has the least dynamic or interesting arc so far
are hazel and cha-cha the best because their victims never see them coming?? like. they aren’t really THAT competent.
“I do LOVE the aesthetic of an ice cream truck playing ride of the valkyries” - my roommate is valid
“LOVE the hypersaturated background in this scene. it’s more fun that having it be desaturated.”
five looks so baby in this scene with the handler :(
still unsure where five got that handgun but i’m vibing
hate when she touches his face !! awful!!!
the handler’s little “all of them??” like yeAH ALL OF THEM even though they irritate the living FUCK out of each other. siblings man
ben gets shotgun for the getaway !!! go ben!
“I’m starting to think... given how space and reality seemed to be warping during her playing... that her medication... isn’t for anxiety...” - oh, oh roommate
ah i blocked out the leonard vanya make out as well
“DIDN’T YOU MEET HIM TWO DAYS AGO?” - yeah i feel u roommate
yup there’s helen’s body
“CSI call crime scene investigation - that’s going to start to smell real soon”
pogo: and you understand that the children can never know
me: actually pogo fuck you
and that’s episode 5 everyone thank you and goodnight
episode six
i do love a good flashback to klaus
klaus: sees a shirtless soldier and instantly falls in love
they don’T EVEN QUESTION HIM just “KATZ GET THIS MAN A PAIR OF PANTS” and they go with it?? he just APPEARED and they don’t even care
klaus was really just vibing in the 60s huh
wait this is like 1962 or 63 right
when does s2 take place?? also the 60s right???
didn’t kennedy die in 1963 i feel like what i know about s2 contradicts that date but i could have sworn they said a round trip to 1963??????
luther is SUCH A MOOD in the family briefing.
“aww he’s a bad liar” - roommate
“I realize that [the umbrella] was necessary for the title drop but where the fuck did that come from”
@ the handler please stop touching five,,, but also five has such. non reactions to her touching him. which worries me. like she grabs his shoulder walking alongside him and he doesn’t even look at her
why are there gas masks in the briefcase room...
can you IMAGINE if your boss toted a child into the room and introduced him as the Legendary Time Travelling Assassin that the whole office had a betting pool over who would die that one time and is Definitely approaching 60 not 13... and then called him LEADERSHIP MATERIAL. implying that this child will probably get a promotion before you do?? can you IMAGINE?
“again... two days ago...” roommate about leonard and vanya
vanya really chose literally just the worst time to come back to the academy huh
okay but vanya going off?? valid, but also,, i mean. it IS their dads fault that they don’t have any relationship with vanya?
luther: it’s about the moon  roommate: critical role moon theory
hey like. how did the family get together in the first timeline holy fuck. it’s hard enough to get them together when they Literally Know The World Is Going To End
so remember diego getting grazed with a bullet yeah well he has a sling on now which makes sense!! and yet. when five got grazed by a bullet he SLAPS A BANDAID ON IT. someone please address this.
five is such an asshole coworker i love it
i wonder if dot is a mother. or just a nice coworker. she keeps trying to talk to him and invite him to lunch aww
i wonder if it’s purposeful on the handler’s part to call him “mr. five” instead of “mr. hargreeves” to like... further isolate him from his family? by removing his last name they’re sort of removing his ties to his siblings considering it’s not like they’re related by blood
forgot how much i hate the bathroom scene !! wow !! hate it so much!!! there’s so many violations of social etiquette in such a short scene! it’s so deeply uncomfortable!
luther: stop it pogo! you know everything our dad did
i am remembering once again how much i hate pogo all over again!! reginald literally locked klaus in a mausoleum!! he abused the kids! pogo didn’t even speak up about sending luther to the MOON,,, oh luther :(
he just learned his dad exiled him for no reason he has lots of rights his entire world view was just shattered wow i am like infinitely more sympathetic to luther on the second watch
“I knew allison and luther was a thing. you told me allison and luther was a weird thing. still not a fan.” - my very valid roommate
they could have made the fort so much more sibling-y instead of romantic and it would have been so much better honestly
oh dave :(
“I wonder who her primary care physician is and if she can find out what that medication was...” roommate i wish i knew
“I’m trying to decide if he knew ahead to time to try and get at her specifically or like... i don’t know when he took the figurine I was like ‘doesn’t he own an antique shop is he there to steal antiques from the family home’.” roommate on leonard
forgot the handler gifted five a suit. also don’t like that. don’t like her talk about his body and everything either.
“is it too much to ask to give him two outfits? one he can wear now and one with the new body?” - roommate
honestly with hazel’s talk on budget cuts i’m not surprised he only gets one suit
five and his sweet tooth. don’t take the candy five. come on. what did your father TEACH YOU. honestly reggie probably was like “let them get kidnapped it will probably teach them a life lesson”
“there were like... villages that needed rebuilding after disasters. he could have been sending these packages to legit lunar research facilities. legit facilities would have adored to have that information.” 
okay but people KNEW he was on the moon. cha-cha mentioned it. it was in vanya’s book. why were scientists not knocking down reginald’s door demanding the research??? if i was a moon scientist i would have the mansion staked out trying to demand info jesus
“love his eye fluttering in the way of ‘oh shit i got something in my eye i can’t break character scene is still going scene is stILL GOING’“ - hilarious observations from the allison luther fort scene 2.0: grown up version that gets erased
did they just leave the fort up all those years. did no one USE the green house??? did grace lovingly work around it all that time?
oh :(  dave :(
grace is capable of lying and pogo is a shadowy motherfucker
“okay now that they’re actually putting it into the plot i understand why you don’t think he’s trustworthy but you really got on my back about that”
in my defense i just hate him tbh i did not like him when he first showed up and i never particularly liked him tbh
allison: i think you’re the only person who knows who i am and likes me anyway
me, remembering the theory that allison rumored luther to love her: HMMMMMM
okay but i think the luther and allison dance scene is fucking HILARIOUS. absolutely ridiculous. i mean i hate that it’s incest but also the fucking LIGHTS DESCENDING. the RANDOM WARDROBE CHANGE. 
roommate likes the green underskirt thing under allison’s random dance dress
are they just doing this in public???
ugh. the kiss. ugh. erased that from my memory as well
“they clearly want romance in this show but they painted themselves into a corner with the siblings thing” - roommate
five and his fucking STAPLERS isn’t this the second time he’s knocked someone out with a stapler?? the bank robber and now gloria??
five please your siblings were finally doing some decent work on their own issues :/
five is the kind of dramatic as fuck entrances 
“love how he just grabs [allison’s] coffee. kid needs a coffee after all that.” - roommate
five actually does a good job of rallying the siblings though?? they just broke the fuck up in the og timeline
“something tells me that harold jenkins might be leonard”
oh roommate
episode seven
uh oh harold was born
i feel vaguely bad for him
“me the night before a convention” - roommate on harold’s tape and cosplay and everything
okay but how did reginald even KNOW harold jenkins had no powers?? did he? keep tabs on all the forty some kids not just the seven he kept?
but also why the fuck are these people laughing at An Actual Child fuck all of them honestly
“did HE kill hargreeves?? I mean. he’s got motive.” - roommate
harold really said “i think my superpower is actually this hammer motherfucker”
how did he get twelve years?? was he tried as an adult?? was he in juvie? how old WAS he
twelve years ago... they’re 29 soooo seventeen? he did NOT look seventeen? he was NOT seventeen in that flashback what???
roommate theorizes that harold ran off after the murder and committed petty crimes until caught and tried for murder when he was seventeen so was maybe 13 in the flashback
okay so i looked up the timeline and he got out in 2014 or something so he was like 13 in the flashback which makes SO much more sense honestly but also what the FUCK was he doing for five years
“he’s actually laying out all the facts as he knows them and I appreciate that.” -roommate about five briefing the team
five?? the only member of the family with communication skills? it’s? somehow more likely than you think?
“allison’s pants that she’s wearing now are the most perfectly tailored things i’ve ever seen. not even a wrinkle when she’s standing still. do you know how hard that is to do?” again my roommate noticing the things i absolutely do not
five. five. you have a GUT WOUND and also jumped a BUNCH OF TIMES. you are not blinking into the police station and getting the file. you need some SLEEP. and REST. and WOUND CARE FIVE FOR FUCK’S SAKE. you still have a GUNSHOT GRAZE on your upper arm and a SLICE on your wrist from DIGGING OUT A TRACKER. FIVE.
diego wants to be batman SO BAD.
five crossing his arms and Not Uncrossing Them because he’s literally HOLDING HIMSELF TOGETHER.
wow luther is really handling this so much worse in this timeline rip
luther is losing validity points for CHOKING KLAUS i knew this happened but i didn’t remember how awful it was !!! bad and terrible! and luther is very drunk and very sad and very angry. oh. he’s saying he never left the house and never had friends for nothing :(
klaus had the realization that reggie was an asshole YEARS ago and he’s just kind of like “aww. luther :(” 
klaus is trying so hard
“Klaus has had the most heart to hearts with the most siblings honestly.” - roommate
allison at the beginning making her laugh in the office with the EYES, five on the steps of meritech, diego after the vet bar, luther on the couch...
wow cha cha really thought hazel was talking about how meaningful his partnership was with her when he was talking about agNES
five limping up the lawn and staggering up the stairs and clinging to the rails baBY SIT DOWN. YOU ARE BLEEDING.
“inspiring leadership” “one of the greats” what a sibling moment honestly.
five really said “i think i will pass the fuck out now”
five really said “hey i am literally willing to die for this mission because this mission is the safety and lives of my entire family and i love you guys :(”
except he doesn’t because five is decent at information sharing but getting feelings out of him feels like pulling teeth at times smh
is leonard trying to vicariously live his “normal child born on the umbrella academy day discovers they have had powers the WHOLE TIME” dream through vanya??
we yell about how leonard and vanya have known each other for like a week but i mean same for hazel and agnes!! he’s literally asking her to run away with him and she says yes !!!!! agnes is here for the romantic adventure with this man she’s really living her first hot girl summer and living for it
“she’s having her own little rom com! she thinks she’s living in a rom com not a dark sci fi!” - roommate accurate as usual
she just called ben the emotional support ghost and i mean... she ain’t wrong
honestly klaus should have just left luther to his rave, he didn’t get to party in his teens or during his college years or anything
i do appreciate the viking yell of “B R O T H E R” that luther greets klaus with though because that’s exactly how i greet my own siblings whenever i see them
oh klaus :(
oh klaus :(
he’s having war flashbacks, cravings, is in withdrawal, AND experiencing sensory overload while reliving one of the more traumatizing moment of his life
oh klaus :(
five in a bed for the second time of the season which is nice for him. if only the first time wasn’t because he passed out drunk and the second time wasn’t because of a whole shrapnel wound. i am now that captain of the Let Five Sleep brigade holy SHIT like at least they imply that the others sleep five is just feral and ready to go at all times
are the police allowed to just. remove someone’s arm sling? is that permitted? his arm could be fucked up? i mean. it is? he was shot?
“I saw everything my brothers and sister could do ruin their lives” VANYA some REALIZATION up in here,,,, admitting that the umbrella academy wasn’t exactly a desirable place to be is actually some real growth for her and leonard just fucking shuts her down? fuck that man
oh klaus :(  oh luther :(  oh :(
“love his corset side pants, like benedict from violet evergarden” - on the topic of Klaus’s pants
“I made everyone else so I must have made you” says god except for the fact that the kids just... surprise popped up instead of coming about the natural way. maybe god DIDN’T made them????????
oh klaus :(  prepare for disappointment :(
oh i didn’t notice the photos of the umbrella academy in the barbershop the first time i watched this
so klaus gives an age for the mausoleum... thirteen... do you think that was before or after five left? statistically it’s probably after bc it was only a couple of months after they turned thirteen that five vanished
Klaus’s “we were just kids” breaks my heart every time
if i was one of reggie’s kids i would have just not gone to the funeral. rip to the hargreeves kids but i’m different
he doesn’t even call klaus klaus in death, he still calls klaus number four. fuck that man.
“i was gonna say i’d have been very very surprised if they kept him dead” - roommate on klaus waking up
“Five bucks says he set these guys up to try and get something out of her” - the roommate being very perceptive
cha cha is VERY rude to my girl agnes
honestly why DIDN’T hazel just kill cha cha after her whole speech and threats about killing agnes slowly in front of him???? like he literally watched her try to kill him as well
why wasn’t diego arrested in the original day that wasn’t actually?? he was being considered already. he still left the house, albeit with grace instead of allison. why wasn’t he arrested then???????? 
roommate thinks it’s interesting how committed the show is to their old timey shit. she used a nicer words like anachronisms but the point is: w h y
are these episodes even longer than i remember?? holy SHIT
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coolpolarbear123 · 3 years
Band Camp Day 3
"we can either be the picconets or the clarilos." "The picc-a-nut?" "clarilo it is"
August 17th, 2021
<< 3 >>
forgive me if this is short:
4 hours of sleep later, we're heading to the field with literal mugs of coffee in hand to start the senior prank
the prank today: hanging underwear on the band director's podium
it's a tradition. I've probably mentioned it in past posts
at 8:30, we start, I'm more anxious than ever bc of all the drama
practice, fundamentals, the works
ML2 doesn't clap for the DI's and it freaks me out bc I know it's bc she hates that I have it
I've literally been texting the picc drum major (her roommate) about it all of band camp
my marching today??? absolutely awful. I could barely pay attention or anything
it's ML2's bday!! so I have been trying to mention it a lot and get her recognition so that maybe she's not as angry at me
We got put in a temporary band block yesterday and it's??? terrible? I'd like for the temporary part to end bc we're still using it
today I did a lot of messing up, and I feel really bad and gross about it
there's been this issue that when we do stuff in our big band block, someone in the middle will mess up, and by the time it gets to the ends of the block (us, the piccs), it's a huge mess, and we get blamed
this happened and our DM (the other one, the one who plays alto) was like "I know when I'm wrong" and we were scrambling to figure out where we were supposed to be
people from random sections have been eating with us. This is fine, but?? it seems really early. Do you guys even know your own sections?
full band rehearsal! it was uneventful
our first playing sectionals! we stickered our nametags, then played through a lot of songs
we actually did really well, which is probably because we're mostly returners (re: one freshman)
and!! we were worried that our SL was gonna be super nitpicky and she's not! she's super reasonable!
back to full band rehearsal. Our band director made us watch a bunch of videos?? like they were sorta related to what we were doing but eh
I've been doing a lot of exchanging glances with the alto drum major. Mostly about ML2
we also?? have to move section bonding? which usually happens on Thursday night? I told our section leader that she needs to take that day off from her CA stuff, but she didn't, and now she works that night. Finding a replacement was aggravating, and we chose an hour and a half window on Sunday
that's not enough time, and it's... mediocre at best, really
it doesn't leave much space for fun things
dinner! the other librarian staff person is very well known for making really weird food combos that are super gross, and she is on a roll this week, lemme tell ya
a couple days ago it was coffee and chicken, there was cake and meat sauce at one point, etc
"If I can eat it, it's not a dog"
after dinner was more marching
our band director said he was writing pregame drill tonight, which means us drill librarian staff will have our hands full in the morning
did i mention the IMMENSE AMOUNT OF ANXIETY i have about being leadership bc of certain other members in the section?
it's so bad that our section leader had to give us the "don't talk about other members behind their back" speech
we did our singing at the end, and the 5th years led. One of my best friends is a 5th year, and there's only, like, 5 total, and it was really cute
very last of the real ones
and then we flash mobbed the hey song to scare the freshmen, like we do every year, even though we usually do it in the band room
our freshman caught on to the movements fairly well
the night activity was the scavenger hunt!
on the drive to the main part of campus, i asked if we are still doing the "not last" chant, and ML2 was like "I think the other sections get annoyed at it"
I texted our DM bc I was sad that we're retiring the chant
we get out of the car and the piccs aren't sitting in their usual spot which is like the icing on the cake for my stress rn
and then my SL comes up to me and is like "I'm gonna start the chant" "did [DM] talk to you?" "yeah, and I wanna do it" "let's just... wait and see"
but then later, one of the piccs started it, so at least we chanted it and I'm not the only one who cares
the clarinets only had one returner show up (one of my really good friends), so they requested to combine with a different section, and the piccolos all raised their hands up after a moment and shouted "PICCOLOS" so they joined us!
it was sorta scary bc that's a lot of people? we had all 10 of us, and there was a good amount of them, and we only have 15 minutes to run around and do things
but literally no one else wanted them (one of the clarinet freshmen even begged the drumline to take them) and we're friends with them, so
the scavenger hunt began, and SL did an amazing job of leading. I got to help with it! i called out prompts
and DANG were we efficient
we werent even late to getting back
usually while the scores are being calculated, we dick around, and every section did plenty of that, including us, but it was kinda awkward bc the senior piccs wanted no part of it
i was upset bc why can't we just,,, not separate ourselves like that. Why do we have to be different and extra and not social
I stayed with the seniors bc I was more scared of leaving them, but I was annoyed
after scores were calculated and we were all standing together, I went around and said "reminder! all we want is not last" and I get back to my place where I was standing to hear the seniors just like "idc what we get, I just wanna go home"
cool thanks
but we didn't get last!! and we did sorta scream bc that's huge!
last place had 41 points
but then we
at this point we're holding our breath, not screaming, just giving each other Looks
how well did we do? we had such a big section
fast forward to them announcing fourth place, and that wasn't us either, we were all whispering about how we ranked. No matter what, we were first, second, or third, and that's like getting a medal
and we weren't third
"first place had significantly more photos"
that kinda where we all accepted that we got second
piccolos don't win things
we don't even know the clarinets
we called ourselves the clarilos
we're so fckn stoked about our win, guys, it hasn't even set in, really
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bonsaisheep · 4 years
My experience starting ADHD meds (for the first time) as an adult:
So I started ADHD meds recently. I contacted my doctor in early December, and spent the next month or so trying to figure out the right medication and dosage via basically weekly doctor’s appointments (online). Since there was a lot I found out after starting the meds that are apparently common experiences, I figure it might help to talk about my experience with all of this.
So I am medicated for my ADHD for the first time in my life at 27. There were two attempts when I was a kid, but neither of them worked out. The first when I was in fourth grade (I was diagnosed somewhere between first and third grade, I can’t quite remember), it was decided the side effects were not worth it, and a second attempt in middle school, but I refused to take it since I bought into a lot of the BS around brain meds. Its only in the last few years as I have learned more about ADHD have I learned exactly how it is effecting me. I managed to do well enough in high school to get into a good college (after doing really poorly in jr high). Managed to get an engineering degree (in 4 years with research, I was hella burnt out by the end of that) and managed to get (and hold) a job as an engineer shortly after college. Basically, since I could at lest fake functional and manage well enough (mostly because I was taught a ton of coping mechanisms by my parents as a kid), I just, never realized how much it effects me. I have been living an interesting and fulfilling life (as long as you ignore my mail bathtub).
After learning more and realizing that it was my ADHD was the source of a lot of the frustrations and struggles (I am basically a human checklist of the symptoms), I started to consider medication. The biggest reason for me is that I wanted to be able to focus on my own hobbies. I am incapable of hyper-fixating on anything that involves sitting down (or like, in general I am really bad at sitting down). I put off doing anything about if for years because well... executive dysfunction is a thing. It is really because of my roomate I finally went through with getting on mediation. This summer I moved in with a couple of close friends, one of which is also a cis women with ADHD who was diagnosed in elementary school. After not being interested in medication herself for most of her life, she recently decided to pursue it after some long conversations with another of our roomate’s girlfriend (I am one of 7 people in my friend group with diagnosed ADHD). Basically it was an accountability thing. We both held each other accountable for contacting our doctors.
Ok so after that very long introduction, what exactly are my experiences then? One of the things that surprised me was that I didn’t really run into too many barriers regarding getting on meds. In my case, I just talked to my general practitioner and she was like cool, lets start with XYZ. She actually didn’t want my original diagnosis since it was so old that she felt like any proposed plan would be out of date. (This is compared to my roommate who had to get a copy of her original diagnosis and even then her doctor was mostly comfortable prescribing meds because she is in talk therapy). (Though she has also pointed out I have been seeing my doctor for a bit now and therefor have a repor with her compared to her own doctor who was basically randomly assigned to her by her insurance and she met for the first time (online) when she contacted him to discuss meds)
I was originally prescribed Wellbutrin, a common off lable option for ADHD (it is a non stimulant, and by extension less bad side effects). My doctor wanted to go with it due to my really bad anxiety since it could potentially help with both. Unfortunately it made my anxiety way worse and I had a panic attack for the first time in years so we quickly stopped it and switched to other options. The next thing we tried (which is what I am now on) was extended release adderall. This is the most common stimulant prescribed to adults with ADHD. From what my doctor was saying, it is preferred for adults since it lasts all day (and with pretty even effects), it helps cover both work and the evening since most adults have additional responsibilities in the evening. In my case, due to how I responded to the Wellbutrin she also wanted to make sure I was on something that would not spike my dopamine. When messing with the dosage, I found that the amount that seems to help is also the amount that make my insomnia worse, so I am take a slightly lower dosage of the extended release, and make up the small difference using the short release.
Regarding side effects, the two noticeable ones that did not go away after a week (I initially had problems with a high heart rate, but that went away after a few days) are thirst and hunger suppressant. There is not much I can do about constantly being thirsty other then drink a ton of water. I was able to talk to a friend about the hunger thing, so I was able to implement quite a few tips and tricks that help me eat something during the day.
The two odd side effects I was not expecting is that caffeine actually effects me now and I also have way less of a sweet tooth. My doctor warned me about the caffeine thing, and my coffee drinking has really gone down. I went from at least two cups a day to a mug of half caff in the morning (I can’t cut it out entirely due to withdraw symptoms (so you know addition)). Regarding the sweets, I don’t know if I crave sugur less, or if it is improved impulse control. A good portion of my impulse control issue revolve around food so I am unsure.
Also I am running into a thing a friend was telling me about. The meds help you focus end of statement. This means you can end up focusing on things you don’t want to be focusing on.
As for the positives, well, I guess I was expecting more. I knew that meds weren’t some magic bullet and I was still going to need to use all of my coping mechanisms, but I guess I thought that the focus issues, would, just go away. But this is not how meds work. The way my roommate’s girlfriend describes it is that it gives you 15% more spoons, and that makes a ton of difference (for some people, this can be the difference between stuff like being able to hold a job). It is also really hard to tell if your meds are working. I texted a friend asking about how to tell, and he basically told me that it was the million dollar question (meaning there is no clean answer). Honestly, I still don’t know for sure if they are working or if I am just saying that. Part of it is that i literally can’t remember what I act like or feel when I am not on meds (and if I take a break for a day, vice versa). I am currently going with the assumption they are though.
For me, what I have been finding is that while I still get distracted from tasks I don’t like, I return to them faster. So rather then getting bored, getting on my phone and like, fucking around for a long time. I might just briefly check social media and then return to my task (meaning I get more done faster). I have also found it is making the executive dysfunction way easier for me. It is still difficult to start tasks, but, it takes distinctly less energy to do so meaning I generally start tasks sooner, or in some cases, do them at all to begin with. It helps curb some of my impulse control issues, mostly around stuff like food and impulse purchases of going out for lunch or coffee. It might be helping with the emotional dysregulation, but I have a hard time gauging that one. It’s just making things a bit easier, and well, that goes a long way.
More importantly, I am achieving my original goal. I am more able to focus on my hobbies and interest. I am starting to return to robotics, and it is already going better then when I tried it out as a teenager. I don’t know how well this will work out in the long run, but I am cautiously optimistic.
TLDR: I am not quite sure how to summarize, but if you know people on ADHD meds and are considering them (or are otherwise not on them and want to know more), it is probably worthwhile to have a conversation about them.
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anxietycalling · 4 years
how i spent my summer vacation
Or, where the fuck have I been these literal years? (I can’t believe it’s been years.)
I feel like I need to, at some point, talk about everything that happened between now and the point where I dropped off the face of the earth. And, like, actually talk, not that thing I do where I make a joke out of everything. So... I’m doing this up front, so if anyone actually still follows my shitshow of a life, you know what you’re getting yourself into before it’s too late.
Okay. Where to start.
Um, obviously, after the 2016 election I gtfo’d the US. Because I couldn’t legally work in the US at that point, I had pretty much no savings and no money because every dollar I did get went to supporting me and Dash because of the absolute nightmare that happened there. I’m not... mad at her anymore, not quite - I recognize that a lot of actions on both sides were the result of severe, untreated trauma and mental illness, so it’s hard to look at either of us and say that someone was the villain there. It’s hard to recognize when you’re in survival mode that your actions are self-destructive. But, anyway, because of that, I had no choice other than to move in with my parents. Which many of you are aware is not the healthiest choice for me mentally or physically.
And, again, it’s not that my parents are bad people. They’re good people who are trying their best, but there are two factors that lead to me living with them being a terrible idea. 1) My mother has a lot of unprocessed intergenerational trauma due to mental illness that she is still dealing with, and 2) Neither of my parents have ever lived in an urban center, which lends itself to a specific mindset when it comes to dealing with mental illness and LGBTQ+ issues. Which is to say, it’s hard to have a regular dating or sex life when everyone knows your business while your parents are simultaneously trying to pretend you don’t have genitals that they’re uncomfortable with. Also, I didn’t have my license at the time because I let it expire before getting my permanent one, so I was pretty much at the mercy of whoever could drive me places. (I lived in cities before that, so not driving was never much of an issue. I am highly proficient in public transit.)
So living with my parents was this precarious balancing act of trying to do everything they wanted me to do, because they were letting me live there for free, and meeting the demands of my bosses (who immediately demoted me once they found out I wasn’t planning on living there forever), and trying to have a social life outside of my family. And, like, I had just come out of the closet, so I was also trying to date without my parents finding out, because, like? It gets exhausting trying to explain why you have a right to exist and love who you want to love and I tend to get defensive when I feel like I have to justify myself. But all that secrecy really wears on you. I think in the worst of it I was probably sleeping 3-5 hours a night between the anxiety, having to walk or wait for rides everywhere, and staying up late enough after my parents went to sleep to try to meet guys on dating apps. 
Dating apps when you live in a rural area are the worst. Not only is there a limited dating pool to begin with, it sucks when someone ghosts you and then re-signs up for the same dating app using a fake name and you catch them at it. I get it to some extent; people are afraid of being outed, even if on paper we’re one of the premier retirement destination for gay couples near Toronto. (Read: affluent, white, cis gay men.) It’s gotten better in the last couple of years, but... Yeah, there just was nothing for me there. 
Obviously I had to widen my perimeter for who I was willing to date, and that’s how I met Husband. Completely by accident. My phone provider was out one day, so I didn’t get any messages from anyone for almost 24 hours while I was figuring that out. His message to me was one of the ones that got pushed through when my phone service restored itself. (I still, to this day, don’t know why or how this happened.) And there was nothing there that was inherently like, “Hey, you’re going to date and then marry this guy,” other than the fact that he actually put effort into his message instead of sending “hey” over and over again to get a response. But he was funny, and he was charming, and we fell for each other really quickly. Pretty soon all my money (which, again, limited, because the awful ladies I worked for decided I wasn’t leadership material even though they gave me no training or direction, ever) was going to taking the train here pretty much every time I had a day off from work. And I was lying to my parents about it, because they decidedly do not like or approve of dating apps or internet friendships in general.
Something happens in relationships where one or both of you are chronically ill. There comes a sink-or-swim moment in the relationship where you either step up and deal with the shit that happens, or you realize you can’t handle the intensity or uncertainty of it, and you gtfo. And... obviously, I chose the first option. Pretty much immediately after my first visit (as in, I was still on the train) Husband calls me, because his doctors are afraid that he has cancer. I go home, work exactly one day and turn the fuck around and go back so we can meet with the hematologist and find out whether he has bone cancer, Jesus fuck. Thankfully, it turned out that he didn’t; it’s something that comes up a lot because he doesn’t have a spleen and that, apparently, makes it look like you’re dying a whole lot. We ended up moving in together a month later because living at my parents was making me suicidal, which isn’t the greatest love story of all time, I know, but I had wanted to move out anyway and living with him was a much better option than random roommates.
I didn’t talk to my mother for... a month and a half, after I moved out. She kept trying to contact my friends on Facebook one day and I was ready to freak out on her for being controlling or something. Turns out, my biological father died. At the time, I was calm. Like, I wasn’t surprised - he had nearly died of alcohol-induced cardiac failure before I moved to the US, and it’s not like he had done anything to make his situation better - but it turns out I was actually in shock, I guess. The whole situation was fucking terrible; not because he died but because it kind of cemented that my only value to his side of the family was being “the only granddaughter” and not that they gave a shit about me as a person. They misgendered me in his obituary; they spelled my brother’s girlfriend’s name wrong.
I think the worst part is that they tried to make his celebration of life thing about how great he was as a person, though. And, like, I’m sorry, but great people don’t molest their children, or their children’s girlfriend. They don’t have sex in front of their children with their children’s physical abuser. They don’t make their teenage child in charge of being the sober adult when they want to go drinking. They don’t let their partner physically abuse their child when that child tries to get them both help for their drinking. They don’t trap their kid on a boat for a week with a creepy adult male stranger and freak the fuck out when that child has their first anaphylactic reaction to a novel food 20 kilometers from land or the nearest hospital. They don’t call that child on their birthday every year to remind them what a woman they are and always will be when they were the first fucking parent I came out to. 
Actually, no - the worst part of him dying was that I had to deal with his hellbeast girlfriend afterward, because apparently there was money for me in an RESP that he had never cashed, but all that got me was a shady financial representative who repeatedly wanted my mother and me to break the law over it. Like, my mom got her lawyer involved and everything, and once the legal letterhead came out the financial dude dropped off the face of the earth, stopped answering my calls and I never got my thousand pity dollars. 
And, like, things were okay for a little while after that because Husband and I were close with our roommates up until the point where it became clear that one of them had severe, untreated borderline personality disorder. I’ve lived with someone with BPD before; I’ve lived with a hoarder before. I was not prepared for the level of hoarding that this woman could produce. Or just, like, generally weird and shitty behavior and refusal to seek treatment for her condition. We tried everything we could think of, but ultimately we had to have secret meetings outside our house with our other roommate (who was dating her at the time) to figure out what to do with her. The things we found out... I’ve never wanted to genuinely harm a person before. Because she had been r*ping our roommate for months, and convincing them we didn’t want to be their friend, and using all their money because she wouldn’t go to work or apply for welfare or do the bare minimum required to be a human being. We had to get her removed by the police (who I do not advise contacting unless there is genuinely no other options) and the police acted like it was a typical roommate squabble even though we had fucking proof. So, anyway, we had to contact hell roommate’s parents and sister, and do all the packing to get her shit out of our house.
I will add that there were a few golden months right after hell roommate moved out. We got very close with remaining roommate, and it was nice, but then they started dating their current boyfriend and it just got... uncomfy for everyone somehow? They never outright said they were dating him, it was weird, one day they were like “Hey, I have a friend coming over!” and then he was just... there all the time? And they never told us they were dating? And, like, I’m happy for them, they’re great together and genuinely like each other, but it was weird. It was uncomfortable when we had to have the “We want to move out” conversation, too, because originally we had wanted to move to a bigger place with all of us, but ultimately we ended up keeping the apartment.
So that should have been fine, right? Especially since they moved in with one of Husband’s friends. Except that that friend turned out to be secretly awful and took advantage of everyone around them, and accused good roommate of being secretly racist and a bunch of other stuff that wasn’t true. (Trust me, good roommate would rather sever their left leg than do something that would hurt someone’s feelings.) And, like, I’m sorry, but you can’t use your master’s degree in social work to push around people who you know freeze during confrontations and have memory issues due to trauma, and then turn around and lead healing from trauma workshops. No. You’re a garbage human being who deserves to step on a thousand Lego. (Legos? Anyway.)
OH. Right. Before that, I had surgery. I had surgery and then pretty much the day we got home from that, the pandemic happened. At the beginning of it, good roommate and a woman who would later become one of our best friends came to stay with us because, again, horrific garbage pile of a human being in their house. Recovering from surgery took forever - I still don’t have feeling back 100% in my chest - but thankfully I was better enough by the time they moved to be somewhat helpful there. (They were incredibly smart and hired movers. We were pretty much there because we had just bought a car and could move breakable stuff.) 
Ugh. God. Sorry, I have to jump back to 2018 for a second, which is when I was diagnosed with OCD. Like, officially, I mean. It was probably pretty obvious to everyone who wasn’t me, but I always kind of thought that since I wasn’t on My Mom-level germophobic, there was no way I could have it. Uh! Turns out! Normal people don’t cry when a garbage bag that is clearly about to be taken outside touches the floor while they are putting their shoes on to take said garbage bag outside. So... I take pills now. And go to therapy. Which is very expensive. But, yeah, my symptoms were pretty fuckin’ bad then. And continued to be bad - like, bad enough that I had to quit my job in 2019 because my bosses weren’t taking it seriously enough or even listening to me. (It’s Mcdonald’s, it’s chill, they ruin or fire all their best employees.) 
Okay. Back to now. Pandemic! School! Suffering through all my pre-requisites so I can take actual interesting classes! Somewhere in there we started watching Twitch streams - I think it was because Husband found out Felicia Day streamed, and he loves her, and it kind of spiraled from there? But anyway, I somehow ended up part of this weird, delightful community that’s genuinely nice and non-trollish, and now I stream sometimes. Or attempt to stream. Or attempt to keep a regular schedule. It’s nice, though, to feel like there’s someone to hang out with when you pretty much can’t leave your house. There’s a sense of normality to being in a place at a specific time and seeing specific people. And Twitch has given me a lot of ideas on research topics I’d like to pursue in grad school. 
Like I said, it’s been a pretty mixed bag. There have been some really bad parts, but there’s a lot of good stuff that happened too. I just. I miss Old Me a lot, lately. I miss who I was before all the trauma. (I mean, obviously not all the trauma, because I don’t miss being a literal child, but like... 18-23 or so.) 
I think this might be the most I’ve written outside of a school context in actual years. Part of me keeps thinking about adding in APA formatting, but uh. You can’t really cite something when it’s just memories inside your own head. Anyway. I need to work on liking myself more, and working through some of the baggage that goes with trauma, and... I don’t know. It’s nice to have an outlet that’s not my husband or my cats. (Again, Husband is awesome, Husband is amazing, but we’re around each other 24/7 right now. I think he deserves a break sometimes.) 
So... Yep. Thanks, if you made it this far. I promise not all my posts are going to be like this. I just figured, if you were going to stick around, you probably deserved to know what happened while I was gone. 
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taestefully-in-luv · 3 years
The Island | KTH (Two)
Summary: You’re just two strangers waking up in a room on a lonely island where a company in the business of love has placed you. They believe that thanks to their in depth research you two are destined soulmates. What happens when your ‘soulmate’ and you want nothing to do with each other but falling in love is the only way to leave?
Pairing: Taehyung x Female reader
Genre: strangers to lovers, very slight enemies to lovers, soulmates au, roommate au, slow burn, fluff, smut, angst, slight crack, and drama.
Word Count: 10.4k
Warnings: swearing
Notes: Hi everyone! Here’s ch2 of the new story, hope you guys like it. let me know if you want to be added to the taglist, or send an ask if just want to chat!:)
Taglist: @ggukkieland @monvieesdaebak @707sblog @peacedreamer14 @dopedreamfireparty @everythingnamjoon @taebae19 @typicalgenzworld @mooniyooni
© taestefully-in-luv
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You don’t think you have ever been this bitter in your life—and you have a few things you can be bitter about. You could honestly make a list. But this? This is the ultimate bitterness and you hate it. It is driving you absolutely nuts! You’re alone with a man on an island…that’s lonely enough, right? Well, said man doesn’t even want to talk to you…that makes it ten—no, a million times more lonely. And you have every right to be bitter about that. So, yes maybe you are being a little petty when guys do interact.
It’s not like you are trying to purposely be petty, no, it’s not like that. You just can’t help your smart ass mouth or how childish you can become. Taehyung doesn’t seem to mind completely though, he just has his own smart ass comments or he becomes childish himself. It’s a horrible mix! Neither of you win! And you always want to have the last word but with Taehyung as your opponent it’s almost impossible.
“Maybe if you weren’t always following me, they would have sent us home by now.” Taehyung states bitterly as he puts his slice of bread on top of his now made sandwich.
“I’m not following you.” You roll your eyes, “I have to eat too.”
“You can’t wait until I’m done?”
“You look pretty done to me…” You point at his sandwich and he scoffs.
“I still have to eat it.”
“Eat in your room for all I care.”
You and Taehyung are getting along just fine…maybe not swimmingly but like, fine. It’s been a couple weeks and you have mostly stayed out of one another’s way but it’s moments like this that you end up interacting.
“I think I’ll eat at the table, thanks.” He grabs his sandwich and makes his way to the dining room table, sitting down with a thump. He aggressively picks up his sandwich and takes a bite while showing you a smart ass smile.
“Fantastic,” you state, “Me too.” You finish pouring milk into your cereal bowl and set it back inside the fridge. You dramatically make your way over to the table as well, giving him a wide grin as you sit down in front of him. You slightly slam your bowl down on the table, some milk dribbling over the edge of the bowl and Taehyung snarls.
“Great, you’re making a fucking mess.”
“If you went up and ate in you room you would have no idea about this mess.”
“But you still would have made this mess?”
“Ignorance is bliss, Taehyung.”
“You’re such a…” he stops, setting his lips into a firm line and you lean your head forward, clearly curious about what you are.
“Such a…?” you blink at him repeatedly and his lips curve upward into a charming smile.
“A fucking brat.” Taehyung grabs his sandwich again and takes an obnoxious bite while grinning and you give him your best annoyed eye roll.
Okay, maybe a little less than fine. This company has got it all wrong! All. Fucking. Wrong. You two are barely getting along! It’s just eye roll after eye roll, smart ass comment after smart ass comment. That’s it. That’s the relationship. Taehyung barely spares you a glance throughout the day. You do your own thing and he does his. You won’t lie though…you are curious what he gets up to…the last week he has left the house and doesn’t come back until sunset…and he comes back sweaty and exhausted.
You want to ask what he does, you do, you really do. But something tells you he wouldn’t even tell you even if you begged. And you’re not about to beg for this asshole.
So, you guys keep to yourselves save the occasional breakfast/lunch/dinner run in. While he does god knows what, you have also been trying to keep yourself busy. You have recently learned to cook a couple meals, nothing too fancy but you feel proud. You play a lot of games, read a lot of books and watch a lot of movies.
But to put it simple—You’re bored. Fucking bored. You miss human interaction. You hate to say it but your food run ins are mostly on purpose at this point…you just want someone to chit chat with for a few moments even if its unpleasant conversation—because hey! At least it’s conversation.
You and Taehyung eat in silence after your little convo, he and you share strange eye contact…you call it strange because it’s more like he glares at you and you glare at him. Your eyes never leave one another. You feel like he’s trying to cast like, black magic on you, maybe something where if he glares enough you will burst into flames. You assume this because that’s exactly what you’re doing.
“Stop looking at me.” Taehyung finishes his last bite, wiping his mouth clean with a napkin.
“You stop looking at me.” You fire back and he sighs, folding his arms across his chest.
“Why would I look at you?”
“Why would I look at you?” you mock, shoving a spoonful of cereal into your mouth and Taehyung squints at you.
“Oh yeah, real mature y/n.” His lips curl inward and he relaxes his arms at his sides as he stands from the table.
“I’m going to my room now.”
“You literally don’t have to announce everything you do.” You raise the bowl to your lips and drink back the leftover milk. You don’t want to look at Taehyung’s expression, you know you’re being ruder than usual. You’re just bitter. Yeah, pretty god damn bitter. You hear Taehyung release a long breath, and you’re starting to think he’s right, maybe you are a brat.
“Goodnight y/n.” he says much softer than you were expecting.
Yeah, maybe you are a brat.
You’re snuggled up on the living room sofa, the TV plays some cartoon movie you found on the shelf (obviously one of his picks). The movie is on a low volume as you have a book in your hands. You just started it this morning and you have not put it down, it’s called The Roommate, a funny and sexy novel. Too bad your own roommate is nowhere near funny nor sexy. Okay, maybe he’s a little sexy. But his attitude is the opposite of sexy so therefore he isn’t sexy. Yeah, totally. Whatever you have to say to yourself, right? It’s evening now and you’re almost done with the book, you have hardly taken a break from reading. This reminds you of your last memories before the island…the night before you were…kidnapped. Yeah, kidnapped. That’s how you would describe it.
The night before you were like this…snuggled on your sofa in your parent’s house…
“All I’m saying is it doesn’t seem like you’re trying that hard to—”
“Honey, relax.” Your dad cuts in. Your mom is going on and on again about how you still haven’t found another job.
“Relax? Our daughter suddenly left her job and moved back to town!” Your mother throws her hands up, “And she won’t even tell us why!”
You sit here, your knees to your chest as you read your book. You try your best to ignore your mother…you two have rarely ever seen eye to eye. If you told her why you “quit” your previous job and why you had to move back home she would probably find a way to blame you.
“She will tell us when she’s ready.” You hear your dad whisper to your mother. “Don’t push her, you know that makes it worse…”
You can’t help but nibble on your lips, starting to feel the anxiety build. You try to focus on the words on the pages in front of you but they’re beginning to become blurred.
“Oh what is she 5 years old? You treat her like a child! She’s an adult she can handle a little confrontation.”
Your eyes lose focus on the words in front of you, instead all you see is blurred vision thanks to the tears that try to visit.
“I’ll be going to sleep now.” You announce, closing your book and setting it on the end table next to the sofa. “Goodnight.” You grab your phone and stand from your place on the couch. Thankfully, your dad offers a soft ‘goodnight sweetie’ and your mom just nods her head.
You make your way down the hall to your bedroom, opening and closing the door quickly. You lean back on the bedroom door and sigh out, blinking away any tears that tried to appear. You won’t cry. Not again. You feel your phone buzz in your hand, startling you. You unlock your phone to see who messaged you when you see it lit up with a notification from him. You feel your whole world collapsing. Why the fuck is he messaging you?
You stare at your books pages, in deep thought as you recall your last night before the island. You don’t want to remember honestly. You shake your head, ridding yourself of your thoughts when the side door opens in the kitchen. It’s Taehyung. He’s sweaty and clearly exhausted again…what the hell does he do outside for so many hours?
“Hi.” You say, looking up at him from your book. Wait. Why did you greet him?
“Hi…?” Taehyung is just as surprised as you are, with his wide eyes and open mouth. He scrunches his brows together as he eyes you. He gives you a small wave, confusion written all over his face as he begins walking through the entry way and heading upstairs.
You sit here embarrassed as hell. Why did you say hi? And why was your voice so high pitched? You turn red, redder than you probably can imagine. You drop your face in your book and groan, wishing you didn’t say something as simple as ‘hi’.
You have to remind yourself you two aren’t talking. That your roommate here at Casa de la Trapped, isn’t looking to become buddy buddy with you. Which sucks because you are human, you know, a social creature. What’s the harm in becoming friends? Sure you two banter, but you can tell he isn’t a bad guy. You just don’t get any bad vibes from him, in fact sometimes it seems like he’s forcing himself to be closed off.
You try to go back to your book when you hear a faint yelp from upstairs. Did Taehyung just kind of…scream? You sit here with your book, your ears in the direction of the stairs trying to listen for any indication that something is wrong. But it’s silent. You decide to go back to your book when you hear the noise of Taehyung running down the stairs. He is out of breath by the time he reaches you, standing next to the sofa.
You quite literally choke on your spit when you see him. This boy just don’t give a damn, huh? He’s standing here, trying his best to breathe evenly with nothing but a dark red towel hanging lowly around his hips. You gulp at the sight of him. You knew he probably had a nice body but you were not expecting this. His strong build surprises you, his soft, caramel skin glows even in this lighting and his muscles flex with every movement.
“Uh,” you begin, setting your book down again, “Can I help you?”
“As a matter of fact, yes.” Taehyung rushes to say, he sounds much different than usual. His voice is usually calm and deep but right now it’s panicked like a child.
“With what?”
“There’s a spider in the shower, I need you to take care of it.”
“You want me to kill a spider for you?”
“Kill?” Taehyung brings a hand to his chest, a shocked expression on his face. “All life is precious, y/n.” he pouts. “Just get it and take it outside.”
You tilt your head and try not to laugh as you look at him…he looks bothered, that’s for sure. But god, what a baby. Can’t even take care of a small bug by himself.
“Fine. Show me where it’s at.” You rise from the couch, pointing at the direction of the stairs.
“Yes, yes. I’ll lead the way!” Taehyung walks quickly. He makes his way upstairs with you following right behind him. He leads you into the bathroom when he brings back the shower curtain to show you the spider.
“Well?” you ask expectantly. “Where is it?”
Taehyung turns to face you, his face as white as a ghost.
“It was just here, I swear.”
You roll your eyes as you fight back a grin.
“Sure, Taehyung. Are you sure you weren’t just trying to show off your body?” you shamelessly drag your eyes down his body and he goes red.
“W-Why—why would I do that?” he murmurs out, “Plus, I am sure you’ve already imagined what I look like without clothes.” He recovers quickly, a smirk making its way on his face.
“Not likely.” You say nonchalantly. “Well, if there’s no bug—”
“Wait! You don’t expect me to use this shower still, do you?” He looks panicked again, like a small child.
“Uh, yes?”
“The spider could be lurking anywhere! Let me use your shower.” He suggests, loving his own idea. You on the other hand, do not love his idea.
“Yeah, nah.”
“y/n…” He whines, “Please. I’ll do anything.”
“Anything?” You raise a brow, a small smirk creeping on your face. “Okay, have breakfast with me tomorrow. And you actually have to talk to me.”
“y/n…” he warns. “You know we shouldn’t do that.”
“And I want 5 facts about you.” You stand your ground, your hands on your hips as you speak. “And I’ll give you 3 about me.”
“How is that even fair?”
“I’m the rule maker here, Taehyung.” You narrow your eyes at him, “Get used to it.”
Taehyung walks closer to you, his breaths reaching your skin.
“Oh y/n.” Taehyung’s voice goes low, “I definitely make the rules.” There’s a moment of strange tension as he stares down at you…then he’s speaking again. “If you only give 3 then I only give 3. That’s the deal.”
You stare up into his dark eyes and you struggle to swallow your own spit, he might only have a few inches over you but maybe they are a little intimidating.
“F-Fine. Use my shower.” You step out of his way and gesture towards your room. “See you at breakfast tomorrow.” You wink.
Taehyung rolls his eyes but this time it almost seemed playful and not overly dramatic. You don’t want to get your hopes up but when he’s not being closed off and frankly, rude, he’s really not that bad.
“Don’t get used to these types of deals.” Taehyung throws over his shoulder as he walks to your room. “Basically, don’t get used to me.” He says a little quieter, but you still hear him and you frown.
“Like, I would want to!” you yell out.
Taehyung does not want to leave this shower, ever. He’s almost kind of bitter that he let you have this room! You get the awesome rain shower and he’s stuck with some plain, basic shower head in the guest bathroom. He eyes all the different bottles that sit on the shelves inside the shower, these must be all the bottles you use in your real life, he thinks. He grabs the shampoo and opens it to sniff it. He’s never gotten close enough to you that he can smell your hair but man, this is what you smell like? Delicious. He squirts a generous amount of the shampoo in his palm with an evil glint in his eye and massages it into his scalp. Whoops, did he just use your shampoo? Oh well. He rinses his hair out and uses your conditioner as well, but he doesn’t stop there. He uses your body wash too! It smells divine and its making his skin so soft.
Taehyung just knows that him using your shit would bother you, he just gets that vibe. And he’s not sure why but riling you up is quite fun. Taehyung turns the water off and grabs his towel and starts drying off…he steps out on to the shower mat and eyes the room as he dries himself. He sees you organized all your lotions and whatever other products onto the sinks counter top, he sees how empty “his side” of the sink is. It previously held all his belongings that he had moved into his bathroom—the guest bathroom.
“Are you almost done in there?” He hears you knocking on the door. “I want to take a shower before bed!”
“Yeah, yeah.” He whispers out, “Hold on!”
Taehyung wraps the towel around his hips again and goes towards the bathroom door, he stops to check himself out in the mirror before opening the door.
“I’m all done, cry baby.” He rolls his eyes and you secretly hope they get stuck like that for how much he does it.
“Me, the cry baby? You wouldn’t even use your own show—”
“—anyway, bathroom is all yours.” He breezes past you, but stops before exiting the bedroom. “Um…” he turns around, “See you in the morning.” And then he’s walking out.
You made eggs, bacon, pancakes, and have fresh fruit in a bowl all set up on the dining room table. For some reason you are too nervous to call out for Taehyung and let him know that breakfast is ready…you know, 30 minutes ago. You just patiently wait, sitting here tapping your fingers against the wooden table.
Another 20 minutes pass by when you hear faint footsteps from upstairs…he must now just be getting up, you think. You rush to reheat up some of the food before he makes his way downstairs. You set the bacon, eggs and pancakes back down on the table and make yourself busy like you haven’t just been waiting for almost an hour.
Taehyung finally walks through the kitchen, his face evident with sleep and his hair sticking out in all directions. He blinks at you lazily before his eyes widen in panic.
“B-Breakfast. I forgot—”
“It’s okay, I just finished.” You cut him off with a strained smile. “I see you like to sleep in.”
“Most days, yeah. Because I go to bed so late.” He admits sheepishly. Then he smirks. “Can that be fact number 1?”
“I’ll allow it.”
“Oh, you’ll allow it? How gracious of you.” Taehyung takes a seat at the dining room table and he starts with grabbing two pancakes from the pile and setting them down on his plate.
“You cooked all of this?” He asks, surprised.
“No, the other people who live here did it.” You deadpan.
“Always a smart ass.” He says while pouring syrup all over his pancakes, “Aren’t you going to sit down?”
“Right…” you make your way to the table and take a seat in front of him. You start with some pancakes as well, waiting for him to finish with the syrup so you can pour your own generous amount. He notices you waiting, his eyes finding yours and the corner of his mouth twitches into a sort of half smile. He slides the syrup across the table and your hand goes out to grab it, your fingers touching his.
You both get out at the same time. You stare at one another for another few seconds before Taehyung rolls his eyes,
“Big deal, our fingers touched. No need to get weird.” He chuckles, and you feel your heart feel all fucking weird.
“Anyway,” you clear your throat, “What’s fact number 2?”
Taehyung takes a bite of his pancakes and moans into the syrupy mess, his eyes finding yours again.
“Oh? You’re greedy for information.”
“I’m a little greedy.” You admit, “So?”
“Fact number 2…I’m almost 5’11.”
“So you’re 5’10. Just say you’re 5’10.”
“But I’m not just 5’10. Because I am almost 5’11.” He groans, “Can’t you just humor me here?”
“Okay Mister 5’11.” You laugh, “My fact number 2 is that I have one older sister.”
Taehyung nods his head, remembering the picture of you and some other girl that you looks a lot like you.
“I see.” He swallows his food, “So you’re the baby of your family?”
“Yeah, I can tell.” He smirks at you, “You have that baby of the family vibe.”
“Hey! What’s that supposed to mean?” you give him a curious look and he looks at you like you can’t be serious.
“Because you’re…you know,” he gestures towards you with a knowing look and you scoff.
“No, I don’t know.”
“Brat.” He states simply. “Because you’re a brat.”
“Whatever.” You grab for some eggs and bacon, and Taehyung does the same.
“So, what’s fact number 3?” you ask, piling some eggs onto your plate.
“Already want the last fact? We are barely just eating.” Taehyung points out. He shovels some eggs onto his own plate once you are done, and sticks a piece of bacon into his mouth.
“Greedy, remember?” you remind him with a smirk. “So?”
“I’m sure you already gathered this but…I’m an aspiring musician.”
“I figured you were…that, or an artist.”
“Art is just a really fun hobby for me.” He admits. He loves to paint but singing and making music is where his true passion lies.
“What’s your last fact?” he stuffs his face with another piece of bacon, you watch him as he eats the crispy meat.
“Umm…” you look up at the ceiling as you think, “I used to think I looked bad in sun glasses but then I got over that…so now I buy any cool, funky sunglasses I can find.”
“That’s a really random fact.” Taehyung chuckles, “I like cool, funky sunglasses too.”
“Wow, are you saying we actually have something in common?” you tease, bringing a forkful of eggs to your mouth.
“Don’t get used to it.” He says dryly. “Since we said all of our facts, I guess I can go now.”
“You’re not going to finish your food? Taehyung…” you place your hands on the table. “They’re not going to assume just because we are talking that we are falling in love for Christ’s sake.”
“Don’t want to give them any ideas.” Taehyung says a bit harshly. Your face falls into a frown and you stand from the table.
“You can finish your food. I’ll leave.”
Taehyung blinks up at you and opens his mouth to say something but he remains quiet. You shake your head at him and walk off into the living room. If he wants to continue this “Little to no interaction” thing then so be it!
Taehyung sits here with his appetite lost. He holds his fork in his hand out in front of him and attempts to cut into his pancakes when he just gives up. He drops the fork onto the table and sighs out.
“y/n…” he calls out but you ignore him. “y/n!”
“Don’t talk to me.” You say with as much attitude you can muster and Taehyung silently mocks your words. He grabs his fork and aggressively cuts into his pancakes and takes a bite.
“Fine by me!” He yells out with his mouth full.
“You’re so annoying!” You groan and Taehyung silently mocks your words again but you can’t see him.
“And you’re a brat!” He says stuffing his mouth with another slice of pancake.
Great. For a moment there you thought you two could almost get along but he is set on this bullshit of not talking. You walk to the shelves in the living room and choose a new book, another romance novel. You take a seat on the couch, and curl up into a blanket. Taehyung can do whatever he wants! You’re going to enjoy your book and forget all about his annoying ass.
Taehyung is finally dressed into some shorts and a sleeveless shirt as he makes his way out of the house. He is going to continue working on his little…project. You are probably wondering what he gets up to everyday, he thinks.
He is working on building a raft. He wants to escape this island but he doesn’t know how to build a fucking raft and this company didn’t necessarily give him the tools to escape. But he’s figuring it out. He is quite literally breaking tree branches and going from there. But it is taking time but apparently he has all the time in the world. 3 months? 6 months? A year or even more? He releases a long breath as he walks the path to where his “raft” is. If anything it’s just nice to get out of the house and breathe the island air. This whole thing kind of just gives him something to do and he knows this may not really work but he’s got to try. He’s a man of action after all.
He finally sees his “raft” chilling against a tree close to the beach and he walks up to it. Already feeling frustrated just looking at the pathetic thing. He has to make it big enough for two people…he isn’t an asshole, he doesn’t plan on escaping by himself, leaving you here.
He goes to his knees and holds it up, he feels his frustrations bubble over and he throws it to the ground. How the hell is he supposed to escape with this shitty thing?
He slams his eyes shut and sinks into the sand. He wants to go home. Things aren’t easy here…he can’t sleep. He is surprised he’s eating as much as he is, and he has mostly bad interactions with you. And he knows that it’s his fault. But he knows this is for the best but he can tell it’s not what you want. To be honest, this is actually really hard for him. He tries to come off as cold and closed off so you won’t take an interest in him but he’s dying! He wants to talk to you too! He is probably one of the most social of his friends! He has a lot of friends and he loves talking and hanging with them.
Taehyung feels his eyes become wet with hot tears and he grits he teeth together in irritation. He wishes he was home with his friends, with his family, with the girl he likes. He misses everyone so bad. He knows the night you two were “kidnapped” was the last day of the year, meaning they started this experiment January 1. He recalls his last few nights before the island…it was his birthday.
“No! I want him to open my present first!” Jimin whines and Taehyung can’t help the wide grin that adorns his face.
They’re all out at a bar, the music is loud and the alcohol is nonstop. Taehyung is surrounded by his closest friends, plus Hana—the girl Taehyung has been crushing on for the last year. She brought along a couple of her friends to this night out of celebration.
“He can open whoever’s he wants first…which is mine, right?” Jungkook hands Taehyung a box and Taehyung chuckles.
“Just for that, your two are going last.” Taehyung says, “How about I open Namjoon’s first since he planned this night?”
Namjoon gives the other two boys a cocky grin as he hands Taehyung a bag.
“Can I go after Namjoon?” Hana’s sweet voice is heard over the blaring music. She looks absolutely gorgeous tonight, her pink dress doing her a million favors. Not that she needs the favors, she’s always gorgeous.
“Y-Yeah.” Taehyung blushes, “But you didn’t have to get me anything…”
“Really? You practically yelled at us when you thought we weren’t getting you anything.” Jimin playfully comments.
“Shut up dude.” Taehyung grits out, “Anyway, let’s see what Joonie got me.”
The night went on, the music got louder, the alcohol kept on coming. Taehyung is so happy. Everything is perfect. He doesn’t think anything can ruin his good mood.
“Want to dance with me?” Hana’s words leave her pretty, pink lips and Taehyung finds himself nodding yes before he can even register what she said. He would literally do anything she wanted.
“Then come.” She waves him over with her small, manicured hand.
Hana and Taehyung end up on the dance floor for quite some time…he’s too drunk to be nervous like he usually is. His large hands grip at her tiny waist as he brings her in closer, she lightly moans when she feels his hard body against her.
“We should talk.” Hana breathes out, “About us.”
Taehyung’s eyes go wide, panic starting to make its way into his body.
“What about us?”
Hana chuckles lightly, she goes on her tip toes and places a soft, sweet kiss against Taehyung’s lips.
“Nothing bad, I promise.” She takes his hand and leads him outside the bar, out to a little patio. Taehyung has a huge smile on his face as he follows her outside…it’s not the first time they’ve kissed but he still can’t get used to it.
“You like me right?” she asks, pointing to herself. She’s got that sweet smile and Taehyung feels his nerves spiking.
“Yes.” He finally breathes out.
“Good. Because I like you too.” She admits, she closes her eyes for a moment, Taehyung spots the golden eye shadow that is painted over her lids. She opens her eyes again and he spots a sadness in them.
“But…” she begins and Taehyung feels his smile fade.
“But what?”
“No…it’s nothing.” She clears her throat, “You should take me on a date. And soon.” She giggles. Taehyung feels his smile grow and he nods his head.
“I would love to. We can—”
“Hey Tae!” Hobi’s voice cuts him off, “Yoongi says he just got off work and is on his way!!” He cheers happily. Taehyung turns to face Hobi and gives him a thumbs up before he’s spinning back around to Hana.
“Let’s go inside. We can discuss more on our date.” She smiles, taking his hand again.
“Sure.” Taehyung grins, his stomach doing a million flips. “Let’s go!”
Taehyung feels a few tears escape his closed eye lids as he sits in the sand. It’s too early to be in this state, Taehyung thinks. But alas, he can’t help it. He misses his life. This island put his life on complete hold. What if he’s stuck here for a year? Would Hana wait for him? It’s not like he’s expecting her to…but he thinks he would wait for her.
He stands to his feet, wiping his face of any leftover tears and he begins working for the day. He finds new trees with branches that would be easy to cut down and he resumes his little project. Hours and Hours go by and Taehyung is sitting on the beach’s sand and staring out at the water. He’s tired, he’s sweaty and he’s hungry.
Taehyung starts making his way back to the house now that the sun is setting. It’s pretty orange glow sets a relaxing mood and Taehyung feels grateful. He walks up to the side door that leads to the kitchen and watches you from the window. You look calm as usual and he feels himself feeling frustrated all over again…how are you so calm? He was having a meltdown on the beach earlier and here you are cooking dinner with a small smile on your face. He doesn’t understand you. Does this whole situation not bother you? No…he knows it has to bother you but how are you able to be so relaxed about it?
He opens the door and walks inside, startling you. You bring a hand to your heart when you see him but then visibly relax after a moment or two.
“You scared me.”
“Sorry.” He mumbles lamely. And then he’s walking up the stairs leaving you to your lonesome.
Month: 1
It’s been a month. A whole month! It seems Taehyung has gotten even more distant with you…no major interactions since you two had breakfast together. He keeps his comments to you brief in passing and he barely makes eye contact. You’re fed up. You’re lonely. You need interaction and you can’t always cater to him! He can suck it up for once and do what you want.
Feeling brave, you give yourself a pep talk in your bathroom mirror. That’s right, you are going to just go for it! You are going to demand that he hang out with you. You fix your hair in the mirror and nod to yourself. Yeah, you got this. You exit your room and stroll down the hall to his bedroom, once you are standing in front of it you lean your head against the door, your ear lying flat against it as you try to listen for him. The room sounds pretty quiet…maybe he’s sleeping? No, no. You’re just trying to find an excuse not to do this, aren’t you? Ugh, pathetic.
You raise your fist up and begin knocking on his door. You’re left with silence…you’re being ignored. So you knock again. And again. And ag—
“What?!” Taehyung swings open the door, revealing that he was indeed maybe sleeping. His hair is doing that funny thing where it sticks out in every direction and his eyes are barely open.
“This better be important.” He huffs out.
Suddenly, you feel a wave of shyness wash over you. You feel kind of bad you interrupted his nap…but you got to stay strong.
“Please hang out with me.” You blurt out.
“Huh?” Taehyung looks at you as if you’re crazy. “Not happening.” He quickly says.
“Just play a game with me, or maybe we could watch that movie…”
“I don’t want to do anything with you.” He raises his voice just the slightest and you flinch.
“Yeah? You think I want to do things with you? Like you specifically? Hell no! But I just want to do something damn it!” you flail your arms up, and breathe out heavily. “I am so fucking tired of always being by myself, it’s literally driving me insane.” You admit, you look off to the side as tears threaten to wet your eyes. “I am alone every single day. It has been a month, Taehyung? Did you know that? You’ve left me lonely for an entire month! I am going fucking crazy!” you bring your hands to your hips, “I have tried learning to cook all these god damn recipes as a way to distract myself but dude, I don’t even like cooking. I read all day too…I have all these imaginary book friends and that’s where I meet my social needs, isn’t that insane? Oh my god, I am going insane. And you?! How are you okay?!”
Taehyung is left speechless at your rant. He realizes that this loneliness is really getting to you…he admits he isn’t much better. But he kind of likes that you’re beginning to spiral. Is that mean?
“W-What game?” he juts out his bottom lip as his eyes slide to the side.
You stare at him with wide eyes as your chest heaves. You screw your eyes closed, and bring a hand to your head.
“What game?” you open your eyes to look at him, “That’s all you have to say?”
“What game y/n?”
You glare at him, huffing out deep breaths trying to calm yourself.
“Mortal Kombat.” You spit out, “I really want to kick your ass.”
Your fingers work the buttons on the controller as you test out every god damn combo you can…and damn it is working because you are on fire.
“You could have warned me that you actually know how to play…” Taehyung pouts.
“You should have just taken my word for it, you loser.” You continue to kick his ass in the game, you are pretty good at pretending his character is actually him.
“One more game, y/n.” Taehyung begs, “I will beat you!”
“You haven’t won even one match, Taehyung. Just admit you suck.” You chuckle darkly.
You press a few more buttons until you see the word ‘Fatality’ grace your screen, you stand up in excitement yelling out your victory, you laugh like a god damn maniac and he can’t help but chuckle. Taehyung throws his controller to the ground and pouts dramatically.
“I know what will make you feel better.” You turn to face him, calming down.
“Nothing will heal this wound, y/n.” He states, throwing the sofa’s designated blanket over his body.
“How about we watch that movie you like so much?” you offer with a smile but Taehyung goes stiff at your question.
“I think we should just call it for the day…” he looks awkwardly to the side and you slump your shoulders.
“Listen…it’s not you—”
“Just stop.” You hold your hand up, “You want nothing to do with me, I get it.”
“y/n…” Taehyung looks down at his hands…he does feel bad. It’s not like he didn’t have fun with you just now. He just wishes this was all different.
“I’ll be in my room—”
“Teach me how to make one of the recipes you learned.” He cuts in.
“What?” you ask, completely off guard. “What?” you repeat.
“I said,” Taehyung breathes out, “Teach me how to make one of the recipes you learned.” He’s not just trying to be nice…he’s also, you know, hungry.
You hate yourself because you light up like the sun almost immediately. You wish you were strong and you could tell him to fuck off but instead you become the god damn sun from how brightly you shine.
“Really?” you ask with the most hopeful eyes.
“Yeah.” Taehyung laughs, “Really.”
“You mean…you want to actually spend time with me?” you ask bluntly.
“I guess you can put it that way if it makes you feel better.” Taehyung rolls his eyes, but it’s in that playful way you only ever get to see so often.
“It does make me feel better actually.”
“Well, then.” He stands up and motions his hand towards the kitchen. “Shall we?”
“Are you going to be annoying the whole time?” you ask, “Or will you be serious about learning?”
“God, woman.” He rolls his eyes again. “I hope I annoy the shit out of you.”
“Oh, you already do.” You gesture for him to go to the kitchen first.
“You haven’t seen anything yet.”
“Somehow I believe you.” This time it’s your turn for the dramatic eye roll. “Now come on.”
“Oh my god. You aren’t even listening!” you yell out over Taehyung’s nonstop humming and whistling.
“I truly believe cooking is like an art, you know?” he continues to whistle some made up tune, “These instructions are like…a guide but you can kind of do what you…” he makes a fist with his hand and shakes it in front of his face. “… you want.” He finishes. “Yeah, these are more like suggestions.”
“Can we please just follow the directions.” You deadpan. “I want this to taste the way it’s supposed to!”
“You’re no fun.” Taehyung says nonchalantly. “Cooking should be fun.”
“Cooking is so we can eat.”
“These dumplings are going to taste fine, y/n.” He assures you with a grin.
“You say that but…” you look at his pile of failed dumplings. “But…” you show him with your hand the absolute mess he’s made.
“Your point?” He raises a single brow and you scoff. There’s no way he is serious, absolutely no way.
You notice Taehyung is staring at you, his eyes look everywhere but your eyes and you start to feel nervous under his gaze. He has one of those dark, intense gazes that you just can’t shake off your mind.
“What?” you finally ask. “Something on my face?” you joke.
“Actually, yes.” He blurts out. “So much flour.”
“Oh.” You start to turn red with embarrassment, “Where? Here?” you point to various spots on your face with a towel and he just shakes his head.
“No, there.” He points but you still miss it.
“Just clean it off me!”
“You want me to touch you?”
“Yes, please touch me.” Then your eyes expand in size. “Wait, that sounds wrong.”
“You have a dirty mind, y/n.” Taehyung shakes his head again, “You’re just all kinds of dirty.”
“Oh my god, stop.” You look at him with your flustered as hell face, your face is probably redder than ever and it feels so fucking hot.
“Here.” Taehyung grabs the towel from your hands and begins wiping your face clean. “Your face isn’t dirty anymore.” He pulls his hand back, “But your mind still is, huh?”
“Will you just shut up?”
“Will you just shut up?” he mocks how you usually would and you roll your eyes. Hard.
“Doesn’t feel good does it?” He teases, “Getting a taste of your own medicine.”
“Can we please just focus on this recipe?”
“Fine.” He breathes out, “Except I will ignore this recipe completely and do what I think my ancestors want me to do. They whisper in my ear that these need more garlic.”
“You are so annoying.”
“You are so annoying.”
“Okay, I get it, Taehyung.”
You reach behind you and untie your apron and place it on its hook by the pantry. You walk over to the dining room table and take a seat.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Taehyung quirks a brow as you rest your head on the table.
“Resting. Letting you do all the work. You can cook from now on. I give up.”
Taehyung shakes his pointer finger at you and walks your way.
“Oh no, no, no.” he grabs on to your arm and begins dragging you up. “This was your idea so we are cooking together.”
“Uh, actually this was your idea.”
“Oh.” Taehyung’s mouth hangs open as he realizes how true that is. “Not one of my better ideas…” he admits.
“Oh? Do you usually have good ideas?” You make your snarky comment and Taehyung let’s go of your arm.
“Usually the best.” He says, a cocky smile making its way on his stupidly handsome face.
“I don’t believe that for a second.”
“Well, you don’t know me.”
“Oh? And whose fault is that?” You jab at him and he visibly deflates.
“You know 3 things about me actually.” He gives you a half smile.
“All I remember is that you’re almost 5’11.”
“Well, that one was the most important. So your head is in the right place.”
Taehyung doesn’t realize it because you didn’t say anything but his face is full of flour as well. You stare up at him and start to laugh. Taehyung looks at you, confused. An adorable pout forms on his lips as he begs you to tell him what’s so funny.
“Your face.” You point at him and his fingers go to touch his skin.
“Clean me.” He commands. “I cleaned you, it’s only fair.” He points out.
You nod your head and walk towards the counter to grab the towel, Taehyung follows closely behind you. You turn around quickly and your chest bumps into his.
“Oh sorry.” He says while scratching the back of his neck, “I got too close.”
You nod lamely, but neither of you step back. Maybe expecting the other to do it? You decide to ignore that and you reach up to clean his face. He has flour everywhere. No joke. This dude is messy. You kind of laugh as you wipe his face clean, he can’t help but laugh too. His breath mingling with yours as you two giggle.
“We are kind of a mess.” He admits, his tone is soft—almost shy. You slow down the patting on his skin and you gaze into his eyes for a moment. They’re dark. They’re powerful. You feel yourself getting lost in the moment when Taehyung clears his throat and you bring your hand back down.
“There.” You say, “All done.”
“Should we finish cooking?” Taehyung grins down at you.
“I don’t know, what do your ancestors say?”
“They say you’re a smart ass.”
“Do you think we could…we could do this again?” You and Taehyung are standing outside your bedroom door. Why did Taehyung walk you all the way to your door? The world may never know.
“Do what exactly?” he asks as he sways back and forth in front of you
“Play a game…or cook dinner…or you know just hang out.”
“Maybe… once a week we can play a game or watch a movie or something…” he gets out awkwardly.
“Wow, you’ll grace me with your presence once a week?” you roll your eyes, “How generous of you.”
“Listen…” Taehyung looks at you more seriously, “I know social contact is important for like, our mental health or whatever. But we shouldn’t push it.”
“You’re so…”
“I’m so what?” Taehyung steps forward and you gulp.
“So unfair.” You whisper. Taehyung bows his head down, he feels like he is shrinking. Because you’re right, he is being totally unfair. But he thinks this is the right move, the smart move.
“Y/n…” he sighs, “I’m doing this so we can leave.”
“And what if your little strategy isn’t working? It’s been a month Taehyung.” You point out, “And we’re still here.”
“I know, I know. Jesus, woman.” He breathes out, his dark eyes finding yours. “Look, they will get bored with us.”
“How can you be so sure?” you step forward. “What if we aren’t boring to them?” you whisper, your eyes staying on his.
“That’s why we should interact as little as possible.”
“Taehyung. No offense. But do you really think I want to interact with you?” you spit out, “I just need something, anything. I just need someone.” You step closer, “And you happen to be the only person here.”
Taehyung’s brows pinch together as he looks down at you, a frown decorating his face. He…he doesn’t want to be hurt by that.
“Once a week y/n. That’s all I can offer you.” He steps closer to you, his feet bumping into yours, “Don’t get greedy on me.”
You tilt your head up and chuckle,
“I told you I’m greedy though.” Your eyes stay on his, his piercing gaze causing you to shudder but you don’t break contact and neither does he. He’s challenging you, you can feel it. His eyes begin to narrow as he stares down at you, you wonder what he is thinking. He sighs out, his breath hitting your face and you blink up at him. You’re about to say something, anything when his tongue darts out to wet his lips. You mean to keep your eyes on his eyes, you really do but you don’t. You hate yourself for dropping your gaze down to his lips. He smirks as realization hits him.
“Goodnight y/n.” He says, his voice so deep and low it catches you off guard. Then he’s stepping away from you and heading towards his room, leaving you at your door. You release the longest, shakiest breath as you watch him disappear.
You open the door to your bedroom and walk inside, you wish you could yell out in frustration. You wish you could scream into your pillow and know for sure he can’t hear you. You wish you weren’t here.
You change into some sleep clothes and slide into bed. You pull the blanket up to your nose and kick your legs dramatically. This guy is so annoying! Why can’t he just not care and live life normally so you can be normal too! Listen, you aren’t fucking thrilled about this either. But you’re handling it a lot better than he is. Why is that…? Why are you handling this so well? Maybe it’s because your real life is a fucking mess and this truly is the vacation you needed. You know, you know how pathetic that sounds.
You close your eyes and try to sleep but memories of your real life keep hitting you. You hate this. You hate all of this. You’re lonely. You’re all alone. In this this life on the island but also in your real life. You’re so fucking alone. You feel tears prick your eyes and you let yourself quietly sob for who knows how long. You wish you had someone to lean on…just in general. But you lost all of your friends at work…you lost your boyfriend…you only have your parents and even they are fed up with you.
After crying tears after tears you decide you’re thirsty. You tip toe out of bed and make your way downstairs…the house is so quiet and dark. It’s relaxing and also depressing. You finally make it to the kitchen when you scream bloody murder. Sitting in the dark at the dining room table is Taehyung.
“Wow, y/n. It’s not next week yet.” He jokes. You quickly turn on the dining room light and look at him like he’s insane.
“You fucking scared me!” you exclaim loudly, “And why are you awake?”
“I have trouble sleeping…” he admits, he scratches the back of his neck and gives you a sheepish grin. “What about you?”
You step closer to the table and Taehyung’s eyes slightly expand. He notices your swollen eyes and puffy lips. Had you been crying?
“Hey…are you okay?” he whispers out, standing from his chair.
“Don’t act like you care so suddenly.” Your eyes slide to the side, “I’m fine.”
Taehyung looks down, guilt burying itself into his body. He looks up at you and tries to speak but he doesn’t know what to say.
“I just came down for some water.” You tell him. “That’s all.” You walk over to the fridge for the pitcher of cold water then you walk to the cabinet and try to grab a glass from the top shelf but you struggle. You huff out and close your eyes in frustration when you feel Taehyung’s chest on your back.
“I’ll grab it for you.” He says softly. He reaches for a glass and hands it to you, you take it from him and offer him a small thanks.
“See? That’s something only people who are almost 5’11 could do.” He teases and you look at him with a serious expression. You look down at your feet and sigh out before you let a giggle slip between your lips.
“Goodnight Taehyung.” You look up to study his face, and you see his smile fade.
“What?” you ask.
“Once a day.” He says. “We can hang out once a day. But that’s it.”
You feel your heart do something funny…you feel your tummy doing something weird too. You feel your entire chest get hit with a wave of….something.
“It’s fine, Taehyung.” You finally say after a quiet moment, “I don’t want to push you.”
“This isn’t for you.” He smiles, “I think I need the social contact too.”
“Well, no fucking duh.” You state with the roll of your eyes. “We can’t isolate ourselves…it’s so unhealthy.”
“I get it.” He breathes out, “So, I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“And every day after that until we’re out of this place.”
The next couple of days you and Taehyung play some games or watch a movie together, just doing at least one activity a day. Just like he said you two would. Admittingly you do feel better about this arrangement. Not talking at all was a pain in the ass and terribly lonely. Sometimes Taehyung will come to the living room and play a game by himself while you read, just sharing a space without really talking, even after he did his one activity with you. You hate to admit how much you like that he does that.
It’s not like you want to get to know him specifically…but you would like to sort of know the person you are living with…that makes sense, right? It’s not him! It’s just that he’s the only person here…and you want a friend. Yes, you can admit you want a friend. You aren’t going to fall in love with the dude…you just want someone to talk to and hang out with. God, is that such a crime? Plus, you’re in no place for love. If the company truly knows you, with their “research” and all then they should know you are not ready for any type of romantic relationship.
You lay here on the couch, your legs hung over the arm of it while you stare up at the ceiling. It’s hot out today and this house happens to come with a lovely pool. The ocean is scary so no beach for you…but pool? Yes. You lay here, wondering what Taehyung is up to. He went out again today like he usually does, you wonder if you can ask him about it now…now that you guys aren’t on total terrible terms. Nah, you will wait a little longer before you ask. Instead, you rise from the sofa and head upstairs to change into a swim suit.
You have a lot of options, to be honest. This place did not lack on the clothing items! You decide on a simple dark green bikini, you try it on and decide you like the way it looks. A lot actually. Have you lost some weight? You guess the lack of fast food options has made you a little slimmer, and the amount of fresh food that’s available here. Plus you started lightly working out in the home gym, sweating a storm.
You head back downstairs and go to the back where the absolutely lovely porch is located…it’s a whole wooden deck. With a glamorous pool in the center and a hot tub off to the side. You wish you really lived in a place like this—not here, specifically. (For obvious reasons) You shrug off the towel that’s wrapped protectively over your body and make your way to the pool. You don’t know what you’re being self-conscious for…Taehyung doesn’t usually come back until sunset and it’s barely the afternoon.
You dip your toes in the water first…it’s pretty chilly but you handle it, dipping your body further and further into the water. You shiver just a bit before dunking your head underneath, letting the water consume you. You stay underwater, opening your eyes and staring at the blue nothingness.
“I love you.” He says for the first time, making you float on air. You knew he was going to say it soon, you could feel it but you were not expecting it here.
You two are sitting at Cozy Coffee, your favorite place to relax and read and write. You are in the middle of writing a very intriguing sentence when your fingers stop typing in reaction to his confession.
“You what?” you ask, a small smile adorning your face. “You love me?”
“Yes.” He reaches for your hand across the table, “But you already knew that, didn’t you?”
“I had a feeling.” You tease. “But I…”
“You don’t have to say it yet if you aren’t ready,” he squeezes your hand, “I can wait.”
“No!” you squeeze his hand back, “I…love you too.” You admit softly.
He brings his hand back, folding his hands together out in front of him and sighs out, his breaths escaping him softly.
“These past 6 months with you y/n…” he begins, “Have been the most wonderful.”
“They have been pretty nice, haven’t they?” you smirk. “Tell me your favorite part?”
“Any part where you’re naked, for sure.” He laughs and you gasp.
“Hey! Behave.” You warn with a smile and he keeps laughing.
“I’m serious, this is the best relationship I have ever had. You’re definitely the best girlfriend…all these other girls have been crazy.”
You frown at that, “Why crazy?”
“Ugh, you know how women can get.”
You don’t like the way he said that, you feel your smile twist into another frown.
“What do you mean?”
“It doesn’t matter. Because you aren’t like that. You’re different.”
You smile again, once again feeling special with his praise.
“Different how?”
“Jeez, you ask a lot of questions.” He half jokes. “I don’t know, you just are.”
The water is starting to sting your eyes as you continue to hold your breath, memories flooding you. This water isn’t the only thing trying to drown you. You finally squeeze your eyes shut and swim up to the surface, gasping for air once you reach it. You breathe out heavily as you try to catch a breath, your wet hair dripping down your just as wet face. You swim to the edge of the pool and lift yourself up on the ledge and sit with your legs still in the water.
Why do you have to think of him?
After an hour or so that passes and plenty of sun later you decide you’ve had enough of the day outside. You stand to your feet and grab your towel and dry off, draping the towel over your right arm. You’re still pretty wet you admit, but nothing crazy. You head for the house, walking through the back door. Once you enter the house the cool AC hits you, causing you to shiver but you decide a warm shower will solve this. You turn the corner in the hall to head upstairs when your body slams into another body. You run into Taehyung hard causing you to tumble over and fall on top of him.
Taehyung yelps out when he makes contact with you, his body falling to the hard tiled floor and he winces. You fall on top of him, your chest smooshing his face. Yeah, your boobs in his face. That’s what that fucking means. Your wet boobs in his sweaty face.
“What the hell?” Taehyung mumbles between your breasts, “Get off me.”
You’re quick to try to scramble off his body, your hands landing in all the wrong places as you try to lift yourself. He groans loudly when you make contact with his lower hips and his hands go to grab your wrists trying to stop you from moving around so much.
“Chill, chill.” He breathes out slowly, still holding on to your wrists. He makes his way out from beneath you and pulls you up by the wrists.
“I wasn’t this sweaty before you ran into me…” Taehyung observes, “How wet are you?”
“I wasn’t this wet until running into you. How fucking sweaty are you?!”
“Fair.” Taehyung says with a smirk, then he’s blinking at you. “You went swimming today?” he eyes you up and down and you immediately feel insecure under his intense gaze.
“Uh, yeah.” You take the towel that’s draped around your arm and go to cover yourself with it.
“Why are you getting shy now?” as sly smile draws itself on Taehyung’s face. “You didn’t seem this shy just a moment ago with your tits in my face?” he questions with a low voice.
“Oh my god, can we not bring that up?” you begin to blush and you hate yourself for it.
“Why not?”
“It was an accident first of all. There will never be a time again where my boobs are in your face.”
“Oh you’re making the company sad.” Taehyung pouts.
“Shut up.” You roll your eyes and Taehyung laughs. His laughter dies down though when he shamelessly eyes you again.
“Green is my favorite color.” He says while walking past you and heading upstairs.
You stand here, embarrassed as fucking usual. Your whole body warming up and you don’t even feel that cold AC any longer. You breathe in and breathe out. Taehyung is not making this stay very easy, is he?
Month: 2
“Don’t you use that blue shell!” You scream at the air around you, your eyes concentrating on the screen ahead.
Taehyung smirks, working his fingers on the controller. God, he can really move his fingers. Wait, why the hell would you think that?
“Don’t tell me what to do!”
You are both totally immersed in your game, the finish line in sight. You jump to your feet in rushed excitement as the finish line is soon approaching. You need this win to tie with him on your ongoing competition in Mario Kart. You’re both oh so close, the anticipation rising. Like, honestly you might shit yourself. Taehyung also leaps to his feet, joining you at your side. Now you are both screaming at the screen, your throats will totally pay for this later. You are jumping up and down, yelling at one another , slamming your fingers on the controllers, harshly pressing down on the accelerator button. You can see it. Its literally right in front of you! AND you are ahead of him! The finish line! Your screams getting louder and louder…when…you are graced with a black screen.
“WHAT THE FUCK?!” You yell in unison.
You turn to face Taehyung, the one you hate the most right now. Your eyes dark and your voice low.
“What did you do?”
“ME? I didn’t do anything!” He says accusingly.
“You must have! You knew I was going to win—”
“First of all, we don’t know that.” He cuts you off all matter of fact. So annoying.
You look at him incredulously.
“THAT’S IT! I’m going to strangle you!” Before you can take a step towards him to you know, kill him, the screen turns a bright white, catching your attention. Lucky dude. Your focus now on the screen, you look at it with your head tilted to the side. There are black letters at the top of the screen and you decide to read out loud whatever this caption says.
“Re…Request?” your eyes scan the word slowly. “Oh. Oh shit,” Your eyes go wide, you turn to face Taehyung, his expression mirroring your own. You had completely, like completely forgot about the ‘Requests’. It has been a couple months of silence so how could you not forget? You wonder if this company is finally ready to move …this…along. Whatever this is.
Only seconds pass before more black words appear on the screen. Your eyes stay on Taehyung though, too nervous to read what comes next.
Taehyung must realize you have no intention on reading anymore because he exhales deeply and faces the screen.
“Okay, here goes…” he begins, “The two subjects must…”
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