#like I'm also very excited for when the eggs come back and I also kinda miss the old island
diamantspitzhacke · 11 months
Man, I feel like I'm gonna miss purgatory when it's over.
I'm having so much fun with this event right now. The competitive aspect ist so entertaining to watch, the lore potential is insane, the way we got so many new interesting character dynamics between people that usually don't interact with each other as often. It's just so intense all the time but in a fun way, at least for me.
I don't know, I just think it's an amzing event, the admins really outdid themselves.
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violeteclipseboaty · 4 months
So I recently went to go watch KOTPOTA again. I wanted to share my thoughts overall on the film, I couldn't properly do it before because I had forgotten some stuff lol
The pacing: at first watch I though it was kinda weird but watching it again I realized it pretty much went straight to the point, if anything I wanted MORE but you know the movie would've been too long but I wouldn't have minded either way. I mean, I've watched the Avatar and Harry Potter movies, so yeah I could've handled that lol
I really like the environment they set up with the eagle clan; their culture, their tradition with the eggs, and their bond with the eagles. I hope we get to see more details in the next movie.
The cinematography was amazing, they really nailed it. The sceneries were outstanding. A lot of that stuff reminded me back to Rise, back when it was filled with human life, now sadly the structures are abandoned and overtaken by nature but look pretty either way. The action scenes omg were so engaging and just done so well.
Let's talk about the main characters:
Noa: Great character. He's curious, smart, brave, and compassionate. I know a lot of people wanted him to be Caesar's descendant but i didnt really care about that. I'm excited where his next journey will take us if they have the chance to make a sequel (please 🙏) I'm pretty sure at the end of the film, Noa now has a new view of the world he lives in and now questioning his entire existence lol
Raka: loved him!! I really like how he truly understood what Caesar stood for. I did notice some things he believed were wrong lol but he's got the spirit and would lighten up the mood after what happened with Noa's clan. He's got a good heart, he sacrificed himself for Mae despite knowing her for a very short amount of time after all. Also I refuse to believe he's dead so there's that also and I hope he comes back to guide both Mae and Noa onto the path for the coexistence of both apes and humans.
Soona: I really wish we could've gotten more scenes with her, but I really like her. She's brave, sweet, and a ride or die for both Noa and Anaya. I hope we get to see her more in the next film
Anaya: yall already know cause I made a seperate post lol but loved him and I wish we had more scenes with him as well! I felt so bad for him when we see him again with Proximus, he's been through enough!
Proximus: he was a great villian and I did not like him, which is good! Not all villians need a sad backstory, this dude was clearly only hungry for power. He was twisting Caesar's words, enslaving other apes, killing humans, and wanted access to technology capable of bringing destruction and chaos. He's smart and knows how to be resourceful. I find it funny that he was talking smack about humans yet his way of thinking and actions are similar to the bad side of humanity. I only wish we could've gotten more scenes with him; he was underused and I thought he would have a much bigger role based on the trailers, but I enjoyed his presence overall.
Mae: I've already made a seperate post about her character and I still sorta feel the same way about her. Rewatching it again, I got to sympathize more with her situation. She's a survivor who clearly grew up and was taught misinformation about apes, but after meeting Raka and bonding with Noa; i truly believe she'll come around and change her mind. I believe in her, and I hope we get to see her again and get more of her backstory to understand her better.
The movie was great. The plot, visuals, and acting were so well done. I took about 5 years for them to work on this, and it SHOWS. Their dedication shows that when enough time is given; movies that involve CGI can be done properly. I'm sick of projects being crunched and the visuals ending up looking like 💩 because the teams/artists aren't appreciated enough. I definitely recommend watching at least twice, and I pray for a sequel.
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derangedhyena-zoids · 7 months
Hello, back with more disturbing, fucked up Zi biology facts re: Organoids. I'M SURE EVERYONE IS VERY EXCITED (or running away, idk) It always has bothered me I didn't have a solid behavioral bead on how Organoids went from hunting Zoids to teleporting/fusing with cores. Apparently my brain has been thinking about it on some secret extra backburner because I just thought of this all suddenly the other day:
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Zoids in general have something like this as a "nervous system" of sorts as relates to their cores. wild and zoidian zoids were more organic-ish while modern zoids' are basically purpose-built
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this is sort of how the conduit stuff grows (top) vs is is "populated" (bottom), but the end result is basically the same. You have a core "nerve" suspended in matter in a tube. this blueprint of internal conduit is true for all Zoids, including, Organoids. Except with Organoids the concept just went utterly batshit. so while a huge amount of Organoids' evolutionbeing so conduit-heavy had to do with reproduction (re: adding a whole new step to encase core buds in protective eggs) it also had to do with a heavily-utilised feeding strategy. As I've talked about before, Organoid colonies are hypersocial - they maintain individuality but are all attached to their colony's hivemind. This made them really distressing predators - because while they were smaller than much of the Zoid megafauna they hunted, they did so in groups ranging from a pack to a swarm. One that could perfectly coordinate at all times.
If you're familiar with how wild dogs/hyenas/etc tend to go after their prey you might see where this is headed. I'd post a picture but that'd be kinda rude on random folks' timelines, so if you really don't know google youtube videos of african wild dogs killing large herbivores. basically pack carnivores usually go for weak points like orifices to start ripping into things. which works great when the whole prey is made of food... but Zoids are encased in a lot of armor and the best parts are very difficult to get to. which would actually lead to extremely protracted and dangerous hunts because it takes so long to destroy enough of the Zoid to actually immobilize it
SO the genesis of the whole fusion concept actually lies in the strategy Organoids as a species tried to solve this with - attacks that could directly target the core. Basically a swarm of Organoids overwhelming something, chewing holes in it to access the "conduit" - then, while the Zoid is being overwhelmed by a bunch of Organoids still attacking it, a number of them cling on and shove their own, much smaller cablings up through these 'conduit veins', damaging things and eventually getting access to the core chamber. refresher from my organoid anatomy bullshit - there's three types of this cabling:
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one of these is GI - these type usually connect to the craw/stomach but they don't have to (I realized in writing this last night/today that there's some function "rules"/descriptions for these cables I've never articulated, but I've had those in mind for a long time, I'll write them down sometime soon I guess) but re: everything above, In what's basically a starfish move Organoids shove their own fucking guts up directly into a Core to start feeding on it. It's very miniscule individually, but multiplied it'll rapidly damage and collapse the Zoid's core, stopping (and killing) the prey for Everyone
When Organoids became more benign, and Zoids weren't hostile to their presence, they found they could accomplish this same basic thing individually without, yanno, all the Horrifying and Death, so. everyone was happier the end
thanks for coming to my fucked up ted talk. that's why you follow this blog right? lmao
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gyllenhaalstories · 4 months
Laurie!! 💛 (sorry, I just live in your inbox now 💖)
I'm back on duty and I'm here to tickle the collective fandom brain.
With Presumed Innocent coming out soon (aaaah), I would just like to hear all your thoughts on Rusty. 
Is he guilty? If so, would we still do unholy things with him (duh, obviously)? Or is he just an innocent little guy and only guilty of cheating and murdering pussy? He obviously likes being choked and I'm not complaining. What else might he like? Is he a pancakes or bacon/scrambled egg breakfast kinda guy? He does need his protein tho, for several reasons... 👀
Please let me/us know all your thoughts and hopes for the new show and the character we're blessed with this summer, thank youuuu.
Paying my Rusty tax for inspiration ✨ (again)
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hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! 💖 it's so good to see you in my asks again, daphne! thank you for the rusty tax (and the painful reminder that i wish this was ME) and the great questions! i've thought about that man A LOT but the majority of those thoughts are just about how badly i need him so... they're not too constructive... let's see what my -1 brain cell comes up with pretty much on the spot! 🤭
i don't think he's guilty. since the first teaser, i just had the feeling that he's innocent and his wife killed carolyn. clearly he has a talent for lying and manipulating facts (isn't it essentially his job?), he even lied to his therapist in one of the recent clips i saw! trying to lie to the human equivalent of a lie detector is both bold and dumb. he's clearly not completely innocent. cheating on your wife is bad but when your wife is ruth negga it's DOUBLE bad! i watched a quick interview of the woman who plays carolyn and oof. renate has something special. so i kind of get it <3 but i am better than a man and i would not ruin my marriage! the text messages and calls he's sending her are also very bold and dumb. he should know better than anyone how to avoid looking guilty. the dna, the messages, the stalking, the affair that was not so hidden since they were going out together and everything, this is just so stupid! he'd probably be so mad if he defended a client who basically did everything he shouldn't do and now tries to plead for innocence. i'm interested to see if we get an insight on how an attorney of his prestige and of his rank can turn into the most stupid person you've ever met. i mean, we know how, he's desperate to get his dick wet. but still, maybe there's more to it. maybe carolyn isn't that sweet, smart, picture perfect girl either. i'm giving her the side eye too.
i'm soooo excited for the show!!! my only point of reference is defending jacob so i like to compare both series. defending jacob had some really good twists so i expect the same from presumed innocent. in my opinion, one of the most powerful plot twists in defending jacob included the mother, laurie (i can still hear chris evans saying i love you laurie it was an amazing moment <3). so maybe that's why i focused on barbara sabich right away. i don't know, i'm so curious to see. i want to watch the original movie after the series, just to compare as well. i might never do it but at least i'm planning on it! anyway. can we just take a moment to appreciate how crazy it is to have this kind of show as your first television project? jake really popped off with this and his acting is absolutely insane in what we've seen so far! everyone in the cast seems solid. i'm guessing they showed most of the freaky sexy scenes in the trailers already to tease the audience, but i'm curious to know if there is more of that good stuff that they're hiding! i'm also looking forward to watch jake and peter saarsgard on screen again! and the glasses. i can't word vomit all of this and not bring up the glasses. now that we know jake is practically legally blind, i proclaim myself the protector of his corneas and i demand that he wears glasses more often. my motivation is purely selfless and it's not because i fold like a folding chair at the sight of jake with glasses (vision pun intended).
i saved the best stuff for last apparently! but mmm. what is that man into? i can't cook to save my life so he's eating cereals for breakfast. i'm kidding! (well not really but still). we know he's into choking, finger sucking, doggy style, public sex/sneaking away in a public setting, he loves the thrill of forbidden things and we see how touchy he is with carolyn so i'm guessing he's into marking because it's like a proof of something that is happening in secret of others? idk, just thinking. i don't know if his stalking habits fall into kinky or just regular obsession over the one thing he can't have under his total control, but i'd lowkey like it if he extended his stalking with some spicy elements. the way he holds on to carolyn, touches her everywhere, it's giving possessive and i love it. the ring though. oh the ring. why doesn't he take it off? does carolyn like it, does she get off knowing she has a taken man under her spell, that this greek god of a man prefers her to his wife? does rusty like the reminder of his cheating? does he like the self-inflicted guilt and pain of being reminded of his horrible and immoral actions? i think there's definitely some masochist tendencies in him. he's so quick to apologize for everything like oh no i might have killed a woman but i'm sorry tho </3 he might loooove the fake pity and fake apologies. whether he uses this tactic or if it's used on him does not really matter. to put it briefly: rusty is a FREAK and i want to be the somebody who matches his freak!
thank you for doing this, daphne! it was so fun to ramble pure nonsense fuelled by the sad 2 hours of sleep i've gotten last night 😭 i can't wait to read this tomorrow and be weirded out by how little sense it makes. i especially can't wait to read this after watching the entire series and seeing how wrongggg i was. it will be just as much fun as writing all of this! mwah mwah ily! 💖💖💖
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TFA Invasive back and ready for more!
I'm gonna address it back point for point so here goes!
First, yes, the lil guy is their eldest from a litter; there were three others in it. The others are in the back with Ratchet, enjoying nap time, their eldest is just a little spoiled and prefers napping to the sound of his sire's or carrier's spark thrum. Optimus and Megatron have had a couple of broods by now, at least three and they're working on a fourth. An abandoned airfield outside of Detroit has been fully taken over as a nursery/playground area for the flight frame babies.
The cross pairings are so fun! I love the concept too in the invasive AU and it also works with how I like to smash things together. As for Bulkhead, he's got two of his own, one from Prowl and one from Bee; he carried both. Both bitties are grounder types, with one patting jeep pictures and the other staring with interest at work vans and trucks. Otherwise, he's just not that interested in producing more and is more content with being a teacher and big brother figure to the various broods. And yes, the Blitzbee babies were twins; Bee got his horns a little twisted for that but Blitz forgave him after enough pampering.
Lockdown is totally interested in another sparkling or two from Prowl, once he gets a little more settled down and has his work orders handled. Prowl and Bee only had enough interest for the one bittie but coparent rather well otherwise.
Once it's known that they're alive and on a budding colony world, Drift totally shows up to their base with a Cyberrose in his teeth (or whatever the romantic equivalent is for Cybertronians). He and Ratchet disappear for a while and eventually show up with just the one tiny little bittie. He's already got Ratchet's annoyed face down pat and with Drift's colors so there's no question about his parents at all. Ratchet also makes it very clear this is the *last one Drift*, he's serious!
Can't find Wreck-Gar? Follow the sounds of excited laughter, 9/10 you'll find him either being a bittie jungle gym or in the middle of an art class (planned or random) with a small herd of excited bitties copying what he does with random stuff.
For the Constructicons, it's a little of both? The Earth made ones are kinda just, there, helping out and eventually the Decepticon ones make their way over and like, adopt in the two newest brothers. Now, time to get to *work* on establishing a more proper base!
And actually, yeah, with Archa 7, ish. It was still Sentinel's idea to go to it, following the old reports of a downed Decepticon exploration ship that was supposed to still be full of supplies and materials for possible colonization. He had convinced the other two to come with him on the idea to see if they couldn't get a colony world started since Archa 7 sounded perfect for it. They didn't know about the spiders until they basically fell into the main nest and the events sort of still follow canon from there. Sentinel's also not so much of an asshole here; when he finds out Optimus is still alive, he commandeers the Steelhaven to go to him; he might be panic puking into a bag the whole time at the idea of going to another organic world but he's still on his way!
Oh actually, to me Sumdac still does have his tech empire. Instead of harvesting Megatron's ruined body for tech, here he came across one of the energon convertors and pulled it apart out of curiosity. Prowl caught him at it and chased him away, but Isaac still kept coming back and eventually, slowly they built up something of a friendship between himself and the team. Especially when he helped them get supplies in exchange for examples of their tech or being allowed to examine it under careful watch. This allowed him to still become a tech giant, just in a different way. Coin flip on if Sari is here though, I'm honestly not decided on that.
Oh Starscream has both. The mountain nest is for when the bitties are still in eggs or fresh hatched, so they can be kept safe and hidden. When they're big enough to be able to start defending themselves, he moves them to the tower nest so they can start adapting to the outside world more.
Yes to all of that with Strika and Lugnut. Just, yes to all of it.
OOooh yes, they're here and ready to mingle! Megatron might have also put the call out to any interested Decepticons about the new colony world and who would be the first to answer? Why, no other than the DJD of course!
Answers and responses again under the cut because it’s a long one!
1. I love that for them. I love them having 3-eventually-4 broods of little babies. Megatron’s got a whole ass helicopter flock and it’s all his own bitties :’)
2. I love all of this, all of it. Coparenting is so good—I love that Cybertronian colonies, at least in the early stages, everyone kinda helps out with the babies. Make for a much more an enriching, safe life for the little ones. I wanna name and develop every single one of them 🥺 Bulkhead is probably such a warm, sweet carrier
3. Yes. Good. Lockdown looks terrifying and that’s why no one messes with him or his kids XD we could also throw in Fracture from rid2015 👀 purple bounty hunter con. Swinlock baby? 👀👀
4. PFFFFFFFFFT- just. Drift sliding in with a spotlight and a rose like Hiiiiii Ratchet~ 😏 and the medic just SIGHS because ‘I told you, last time was the last time!’ To which Drift responds with, ‘uh huh uh huh sure, now get over here and spike me 👀’. Ratchet doesn’t protest, obviously
5. Wreck-Gar is too good for this world 🥺🥺 he’s such a sweetie! There’s not a single kid in the colony he hasn’t won over, even the grumpy Dratchet bitty
6. Ohhhh, ok. So there’s like, the original Devestator gestalt (constructiprowl, anyone? 👀 I’ve never really thought about them for TFA, but if any Prowl deserves a harem it’s probably TFA Prowl, lbr) and also the earthborn constructicons? How did that happen? The Allspark is still where it belongs within the Well, since there’s no reason they ever would have yeeted it into deepspace, so 👀 mysterious!
7. F in chat for Sentinel please. Never thought I’d say those words, but hey, if he’s not a total jerkwad here maybe he’ll be bearable. I like to imagine he comes to check in Optimus, lectures him for not checking in and being reckless and for Primus Sake don’t scare me like that, then immediately holes himself back up in his ship like 😶 cuz organics are Scary. Does he actually stick around on this colony? Probably not, but maybe one of the neighboring planets might be useful. Perhaps he’ll just go scout those out, yeah, yeah…
8. Hmmmm yeah, I can work with that. Cybertronians are usually super protective and aggressive if they think their young are in danger, so Sunday is definitely flirting with death while he’s actively robbing them 😂 as for Sari, absolutely not. There is no way I’m making Megatron suffer having one of his unborn protocol stolen and then mutated into a techno-organic. There is no room for angst in this AU
9. EVEN BETTR :D is he still a lone seeker, or can we twist it and say his trine is still alive and well? He deserves to be loved 🥺
10. Listen. LISTEN. Cyberverse gave us the perfect candidates. Remember when Clobber was revealed and everyone thought she was a gender bent Lugnut? And we were all cheering for lesbian cons because Alpha Strike is literally just cyberverse Strika? But then they changed their names on us because we can’t have nice things? Yeah, same. So Clobber and Alpha Strike are their twin daughters because this is how I’m coping
11. THE DJD? HELLO???? One, I love the DJD so, Kaon is my favorite. But why is there a DJD in this AU? There’s no war and Megatron doesn’t really need a team of handpicked assassins. Are they more colony scouts/early settlers to put down roots? Traveling merchants? Megatron’s harem (don’t look at me like that, Tarn is completely obsessed with him)? So many options!
Side note anon idk if you’ll read this but I’ve genuinely been enjoying this so much I kinda really wanna write fic about it 👉👈 idk if you’d be interested, but I’d love to collaborate and talk about it more in depth. Rn we’ve got so many good ideas flowing but they’re all crammed together so developing individual little pieces is difficult. If you’d ever wanna collab and work on more story development together, please do me! You can reach me on tumblr or on discord 💖
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real-reulbbr-band · 7 months
Phantom of the opera middle east tour stage report
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Not my usual I know but I traveled to see the tour and it was incredible. Here I discuss some moments, acting choices, and changes from the typical phantom replica:
TW: Spoilers obviously, mentions of suicide
‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ - - ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ - - ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵
Note: I'm most familiar with the movie version of The Phantom so maybe things that I think are exclusive to this stage version aren't 
Also Im a raoulstine stan but I really did enjoy erikstine here as most of the toxic elements are gone (most not all)
They added lines between moments in the show that I don’t believe were in the script 
When Raoul returns to Christine’s room and she's gone he calls out her name a few times and then goes “Little Lottie? Angel?” 
When phantom comes out of his hiding spot after “all I ask of you” he's very saddened and sounds more in despair than angry and then when he faintly hears all I ask of you again he covers his ears and goes “Please…please stop”
An acting choice I noticed that I thought was really interesting was  the Phantom would cover his ears when someone said something that hurt him or he didn't want to hear he’d cover his ears. In the final lair, he does it when Raoul says “Why make her lie to you, to save me” and when Christine mentions that “it's in your soul where the true distortion lies”
Also Madame giry was drunk in masquerade and I wanted to point that out  
Cut content! 
Surprisingly I didn't mind the things that were cut because it was a lot easier for me to root for and enjoy the phantom without them and there were a lot of more interesting moments. such as: 
There is no mannequin Christine, instead he shows Christine a collection of his music and she becomes so excited and enthralled by it that she willingly sits on the blanket he set down for her in the lair. 
Because of this Christine doesn't faint and when the lights go out at the end of the number it's shown that she fell asleep in his lair. 
Phantom doesn't kick Christine out of his lair, she hands the mask back to him and he seems to calm down and forgive her before we cut to the next scene “notes” 
Overall phantom was a lot more sad then menacing if that makes sense
Prima donna had a pink back drop and rose petals falling from the sky???? Could I ask for more 
All I ask of you is where Raoul proposes and it's so adorable. He gets down on both knees and lives were changed 
They hug mostly but kiss at the end and the way Georgina delivers the line “Say you love me” all giddy and hoping up and down was so cute 
• Skipping to “Wishing you were somehow here again” Christine is on the rooftop where all I ask of you took place and is low-key contemplating suicide. She gets to the tip of the building’s ledge and looks down before starting to sing
After that phantom appears but because of the previous context he comes off a lot softer? If that makes sense he doesn't seem like he's pretending to be her father but trying to be a comforter. Raoul arrives and sings his Bits but it's like no one can hear him until he directly intervenes. When he does snap Christine out of it she nearly falls off the roof but he catches her. 
He doesn't have a weapon or seems to want to get violelt but rather apprehend the phantom but Christine stops him and the phantom sort of eggs them on to leave. “Go go- now let this be war upon you both” 
During the point of no return, he seems genuinely surprised and kinda flustered when Christine starts Flirting? Getting into it? You know it was giving asexual phantom according to my friend and I live for that
At the end of point of no return phantom takes off the mask himself but Christine isn't afraid. He sings “All I Ask of You” (Phantoms version) before women in the ensemble scream in terror at his face and he runs off with Christine
When raoul gets into the lair phantom is genuinely eager for him to come down. He doesn't use a “magic lasso” but instead uses the rope used to hold the boat in place and then ties raouls neck to the pole. 
when he wants Christine to choose already she's holding his book of music and in a fit of rage he ends up ripping a page off when Christine starts singing to him he realizes this and is both saddened and panics as he tries fixing the page. He whispers “no” to this as Christine sings her final verses of final lair.
This part: 
Pitiful creature of darkness...
What kind of life have you known?
God, give me courage to show you,
You are not alone!
She kisses the phantom and then they do the most romantic build-up into a hug I’ve ever seen with her holding his chin before he wraps his arms around her and they both hug and I died it was so cute. 
The ending plays out the same with phantom agreeing to let them go BUT Raoul tries to give the phantom his mask back but the phantom lets him keep it, which will be important later. Phantom pushes the boat away with raoul and christine on it so they can escape while he cries to his music box. He hears all I ask of you again but he doesn’t block it out at first he smiles at Christine’s verse but then frowns as he hears Raoul and realizes he did lose her. And this time its for good. 
The show ends with old man Raoul holding the phantom mask and Christine dancing similarly to a wind-up ballet doll in her angel / Masquerade costume.  And the stage lights up the area of the phantom's lair with the music box still in place. I think this implies Christine was the angel of music all along. 
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centuriantalevevo · 2 years
For context: I headcanon Draco has MANY exotic animals as pets, some of which being a King Cobra (King), and a Boa Constrictor (Sniper) who oddly get along very well and like.. do not like being separated.
Bonus: he has 2 Burmese pythons, the oldest (an adult) is named Ceasar... and is a girl.. yes Ceasar as in Ceasat Salad. Her full name is, in fact, Ceasar Salad, and his reason was he couldn't think of anything better... the youngest (a juvenile. Definitely not full size yet hence why Draco will be appointing her flower girl) is named Burma.
He also has a cobalt blue (tarantula) who he oh so creatively named Cobalt, he has a Candy Cane cornsnake he for some reason named Jalapeño, and an Albino Cornsnake he named Fettuccine. He laughed for a good hour while picking those names and it stuck. Jalapeño and Fettuccine are also siblings- a brother and a sister. Guess which is the brother and which is the sister. (Spoiler alert: Jalapeño is the sister)
Don't ask why he named some of his pets after food.
He has a ball python he named Bob. The most human name and so far the most normal snake he has... Bob is a girl too lmao- he named her Bob before he found out she was a girl but he decided not to change it so whenever he tells people about her he's just "Yeah I love Bob, she's my pet snake-" "SHE?" "Y e a h."
Draco, casually just: yeah I'm working on helping King get the courage to propose to Sniper... they're dating right now but he wants to marry her one day.
Hermione: wait... your snakes... you're... doing a wedding for them... snakes can't even be in love?!
Draco: BUT THEY CAN! And when the day comes literally everyone in the school is invited to the wedding, doesn't matter if I like you or hate you. It doesn't matter if you hate me, you'll end up going out of morbid curiosity on what a snake wedding looks like! And then you're just stuck there looking at a small venue for animals with bigger seats for the humans in the back!
Blaise: who will be the flower girl?
Draco: Burma will
Blaise: she's gigantic tho?
Draco: she still young! The ring bearer will be Cobalt!
Ron: A S P I D E R ? !
Draco: I DON'T CARE!
Halo: you're the priest!
Draco: No, I walk Sniper down the aisle! Ceasar is the priest
Halo: who?
Hermione: I'm oddly invested in the snake love story.
Blaise: I get excited and scream for Theo saying season 3 came out only to be disappointed that they STILL haven't gotten married with a thousand children yet.
Draco: ceasar is my oldest Burmese python
Halo: did this motherfucker just go to southeast Asia or Florida to yoink a Burmese python?
Draco: that would be Burma. I found a Burmese egg and yoinked it and that's how she's here now. I volunteered in Florida for a time to help with your uh... Everglades situation
Halo: aw, thanks you're so kind!~
Draco: Ceasar, her original owner was going to abandon her because she got to big so I offered to take her since... they're invasive outside of southeast Asia.
Halo: ceasar like the salad?
Draco: y e s
Draco: anyways, everyone is invited to the wedding. Extra info: Sniper is a boa constrictor
Blaise: an unlikely romance!~
Halo: I'm not even surprised. You have a whole ass king cobra on your shoulder. Hearing you have a boa is the most normal thing I've heard you say all day.
Draco: I have an Asian forest scorpion aka an emperor scorpion
Halo: I WANNA SEE- I kinda wanted to get that instead of a cornsnake.
Idfk bro
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rockheadcd · 9 months
@electrivolt said: "Hey, love—" he's trying to be gentle waking him up, careful kisses as he's basically laying on top of him under many layers of blankets. It's a wonder he even managed to wake up before Roark in the first place, and it took its own amount of effort too, but— it's worth it to surprise his love, isn't it? Just a little impatiently waiting for him to wake up now. "Merry Christmas, love." And the gifts are carefully wrapped and stacked in a neat pile on the nightstand for Roark to notice, a sweater covered in silly dinos, a set of dinosaur shaped taco holder and a dinosaur waffle maker he couldn't just turn down the moment it crossed his search, now could he? Are half of those a bit of a joke gift? Absolutely, but he knows his love very well by now, he knows what Roark will laugh at and cherish. Besides, the handmade card sitting on top of the pile is very genuine, a few more words of affection and appreciation getting to share another day like this with him. He's a little in love, isn't he? ( a lot. it's a lot in love. ) "We can go down and get breakfast when you're ready." They do have something to try out now after all, right? / chrimmy goodies.
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All that really comes out is disgruntled groaning, the mandatory days off kicking his poor, overworked body into rest mode—sure, that usually meant he was up at a normal hour of the morning versus before the sun was up, but in between that was the scheduled visit to see his father and all of the 'mons living on Iron Island as well, chow down on some good eats, and then enjoy a nice evening exchanging gifts and drinks in front of a toasty wood fire. He probably was recovering from that ( what can he say, egg nog was good! ) more than anything, but part two was upon him in the form of a pound of blankets, the love of his life, and a bunch of kisses to bring him back to the land of the living.
He offers Volkner a sleepy smile, returning any kiss that lands against his lips. "Hold on.." Roark envelopes him in a warm hug instead, yawning, squeezing him tighter, then finally letting go when he's done. Getting out of bed is hard, but he doesn't even notice that Volkner brought his presents to him until he has to find his glasses to really see anything up close, surprised and content all at once. "Ah, you didn't have to bring them up here, love—" he comments, even as he's moving to sit up and put everything in his lap, navigating around his love, perpetually cold during this time of the year.
One at a time, he opens them up, more and more excited as he turns over each one, even burying his face into the sweater and contemplating putting it on now. "Aha, I think we have to make pancakes for the morning now with this, I can't say no to dinosaur bites." When he finally reads the card, where Volkner often put his most eloquent thoughts down, he just can't help but smile warmly, carefully putting it aside to hug him again and give him another kiss. "Merry Christmas—I love you so much!" Man, if he didn't have some presents under the tree, getting out of bed would have been impossible today.
"Alright, alright. I'm kinda hungry, so I guess we can make some breakfast. You also have your gifts to open up, too. They're under the tree and all."
As for those? Well, he knew Volkner to be one to try to not stand out, but he couldn't help when he found another feline-themed hoodie to keep him warm, little ears on the hood and all. The next, a simple thermos—the purpose isn't clear at first until he looks at it as if it's a blank canvas. Something to decorate, and something to keep his hot chocolate warm in this snowy, freezing season. Another is a pack of markers on the more expensive side in their purpose, Roark having done some research into his gifts, apparently. He can't really help it though, he tries to find things practical! And finally, as if Volkner needed another thing to sleep with, a heated blanket in blue that he'd certainly end up sharing with all of the Sunyshore 'mons, a nice, heavy wool to hold in all of that much-needed heat.
"C'mon, let's get out of bed—"
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purpleturtle9000 · 1 year
*rolls in on a segue with frog stickers and cookies*
The purple ones like to give gifts to show affection sometimes, right? How does that translate to each other? How do they bond are there hijinks are there Conversations™️? I assume they aren’t as affectionate as the blues but also I would love to be disproven via “unconventional affection” (gentle biting and the like) bc you showed that Tello at least does that to Leonardo (which was amazing and I keep going back to reread that specific post)
Farewell for now friend(?) enjoy the stickers and cookies ✨
you are not prepared for the amount of purple nonsense I have to talk about I promise
Purple ones do like to give gifts! They're like reverse raccoons, where they show up in the middle of the night to give you things instead of steal them. (Usually. There's been some theft when something looks particularly cool and science-able. There's also been a lot of apology pizzas.)
The complication to this is that Donnie likes giving sciencey gifts, and his brothers are not what you might call 'appreciative of the finer things in life'. Donnie's the only one excited about Splinter bringing home an anemometer, y'know? So it's not like he can gift weather instruments to the dum-dums he lives with. Sadly.
And then Tello shows up, after sixteen MORE years of being a huge damn nerd (affectionate). They remember their home laboratory very fondly, even if they also remember it as being pretty rudimentary. Donnie objects to this descriptor until he sees what Tello can do and then promptly shuts his mouth.
Despite being much more advanced in their scientific knowledge and mystic abilities, Tello wants to see everything in Donnie's lab. It's been a while since they've had a place so well-stocked, what with the end of the world and all. And it's not like the rest of the family is going to be nearly as interested in what's going on, so there's maaaybe a little bit of Tello that wants to give Donnie some more of that sweet, sweet validation from a parent-aged adult.
The rest of the turtles just find it weird that the purples are over here getting each other scientific instruments and printed-out doctorate theses for their birthdays, but whatever. The purples have always been weird to them and that's never gonna change.
There's also fun things like LEGO sets. They spend three days putting together the ISS set and watching various horror movies like Alien. Donnie is allowed to keep all the sets and has a display case in his lab that is better protected than most bank vaults. The purples are the only ones allowed in there even though Leo keeps trying to get in to see what they've been working on.
Also Tello takes Donnie to museums at night! It's not hard for them to fix things with the security systems so nobody sees the turtles running around. They have a great time and Tello will never tell anyone that Donnie gets emotional over that one display with the fossilised turtle eggs.
Donnie is also the only one allowed to handle Tello's prosthetics. I mean, the others can touch them, but nobody else is allowed to work on them. Tello teaches Donnie a lot and Donnie is very careful with everything he does. He's also the one who comes up with the pattern that Tello eventually has on their arm! And he builds a new pair of goggles for Tello cause theirs is kinda busted up.
And I'm in charge of canon now so SHELLDON LIVED DAMN IT. He was never rebuilt before the apocalypse started, in the bad timeline, but Donnie rebuilds him in the good timeline. This is the one thing that Tello doesn't help with because they're too nervous about messing up. But when Shelldon is put back together again, and he and Donnie have had their reunion, Donnie brings him to Tello immediately. There's a lot of crying.
There are SO many hijinks. They get up to so much trouble together, truly they make each other worse. Leo starts a prank war once and the purples fucking finish it. Nobody else gets involved, as Leo is left to his fate even by Leonardo. He remembers The Great War Of 2028. Nobody will say exactly what happened but accusations are made.
And if anyone bothers Donnie, Tello will be there with a ridiculously sized knife in .02 seconds. Don't mess with little purple cause the big one is unhinged. They've threatened everyone but Casey Jr at some point, Jr just gets removed, usually picked up by the ankle by one of Tello's metal battle shell arms, with him giggling all the way.
The purples being bonded does make missions much more dangerous for the bad guys. Or rather, it did. Tello is officially banned from going on any missions that aren't life-or-death, because the second the young twins or Jr are in danger, Tello will make it life-or-death. Donnie doesn't see this as a problem, but everyone else does.
Conversations, on the other hand, don't happen much. At least not ones about emotions or the future. Tello's had enough of that shit and there's a lot of memories that they'd rather not revisit. Even apart from all their own trauma, what with losing two legs and an arm and a chunk of their shell, Red's death in particular hit them very hard.
Fortunately they always have Science! And Donnie's got a little bit of hero worship with how advanced Tello's stuff is. Sometimes they ask each other for advice on things. They're both unusually polite about it, in that they don't just jump in to fix the thing, and instead work together. Sometimes for 37 hours straight at a time.
Neither of the blues are very pleased with them for that. Neither of the purples care very much. Unfortunately Leo is too small to pick up either of them, and they all know from experience that Donnie will bitch him out if he tries while on crutches with a cracked shell. Tello does not yell. Tello is very quiet, while staring very intently, with a disappointed expression. Somehow that's much worse to the blues.
Tello scares Leonardo sometimes but that's not going to stop him from dropping by to kidnap Donnie to get him to sleep. Usually Tello is pretty good at realising when the two of them have been awake too long, and will get Donnie to bed. Sometimes the nerd things are just too important and Leonardo's gotta step in. Tello is nice enough to check what time it is before reacting, but if it hasn't been at least twelve hours, Leonardo is in danger. Nobody's helping him escape, he knew the risks.
Unconventional affection is so much a thing. There's been literally countless times where someone walks in on Donnie biting at Tello's arm cause Tello puts a wrap over their metal arm and Donnie can just. Chomp to his heart's content. They both think it's hilarious and they're right tbh I support them.
Headbutts are affection I said what I said. Usually it's like when a cat gently headbonks you to show affection, but also sometimes there's a lil bit of Violence in there. The others don't get involved in that, they've got enough bite marks from previous interferences in purple bonding.
Also, Tello reties Donnie's mask tails for him when one starts slipping loose. They don't let Donnie do that for them, something something shell trauma, something something if you surprise them from behind you're gonna have to go to the hospital. Donnie doesn't have all the details on that but he doesn't push them about it. He gets touchy enough about his brothers touching his uninjured shell.
Donnie is allowed to touch Tello's hair, however! They'll sit side by side and Donnie will braid it for them sometimes. Tello usually doesn't braid it themself because strands have a habit of getting wrapped in the joints of their metal fingers and that's just a hassle. But it's also calming for them to have someone working on their hair, so even though they never say they're stressed, Donnie knows the signs and always makes time for them when they need it.
This is something that originated in the bayrise fic and got carried over to wify cause I love it. When one or the both of them are having a no-touching day, they'll bow to each other in greeting! Only time they reliably use their manners, and the reds are lowkey tired of them not having manners any other time, but also the reds think it's adorable. They don't say that cause they don't wanna get hurt.
Hugs and cuddles are not so much a thing for them. Donnie is particular about when he lets people touch him, and Tello's ten times worse. They get a little better about it eventually, but it's not like they can synchronise the days when cuddling is okay. There's one thing that Tello always try to make an exception for, though.
When Donnie's stressed to the breaking point, Tello will haul him off to a remote blanket nest and curl completely around him so he can't see the outside world. Dark, quiet, alone, protected - they're the perfect conditions for Donnie to start coming down from the panic spiral. And if it's needed, Tello will hum the lullaby that Splinter used to calm them down when they were little.
Not even Jr or Leonardo will come near them when there's an emergency nest. He'd be better off throwing himself into the raptor pen at Jurassic Park and they all know it. They also all know where the emergency nest is, so they can make sure they avoid it. They call it the alligator nest because there's no doubt in anyone's mind that Tello would protect it with as much ferocity and nearly as many teeth as an angry mama alligator. They are quite correct.
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seijorhi · 2 years
(Hi, I'm that one Anon who is super into Rabid and sorry this is gonna be a long ask)
I was literally frothing at the fucking mouth reading aftershock, like bro!!
First of all, it is a Kyoutani fic, which means it's instantly gold. But secondly it's also kinda just heavily implied Mafia/some sort of organized crime which mixed in with Kyo is like the best thing ever written.
Onto the fic though. Kyoutani in this fic, made it feel like reader had so walk on egg shells. He almost felt scarier than the people who rocked reader's shit. I love (in a very awful way) how scary it felt for reader to stand up to him, or even how when they did, they weren't often blunt about it until they were incredibly stressed or angry. Or how like reader was genuinely scared of him??? He seems so loving but he is honest to God terrifying!
Talking to Kyoutani felt like talking to a brick wall, to the point where them breaking up with him felt like it was in one ear and out the other. He like literally ignored it and in turn it felt as if the reader had to ignore it to.
I just literally love the way you write Kyoutani and I'm so excited about this fic to the point where I'm going to read it like 20 more times!!!!
Reader: I’m breaking up with you
Kyoutani, scowling: y’all hear smn???
Jokes aside though, I do think kyoutani comes so, so close to snapping entirely here. In a way it’s kind of funny because the reader only lashes out at him because her defences have just been completely ripped away and she’s exhausted and traumatised, but kyoutani’s only holding back from losing his shit (with her at least) because he knows she’s right because of what she’s been through.
Ahh but thank you bby I’m so glad you liked it!!!!
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captains-pet-rat · 1 year
[Dancing Rasta X OC]
Because of her busy schedule, Haera relies on her group members when it comes to cooking. From interviews to back to back practice sessions, she'd come home with barely enough time to eat. However, now that she's on a break, her husband-to-be, Rasta, offers to teach her the basics of cooking and nutrition.
"Soooo, what do you already know, man?" Rasta asked, curious to know, hoping to see where they can start from what she might know.
"I'm really spoilt honestly. Frying an egg is okay, but I'm terrible at flipping them. Most of the times they end up scrambled so I don't have to worry about the yolk leaking. I can cook rice, but only with a rice cooker" She replied.
"I'm guessing you were taught the 'finger measure' method huh?" Rasta asked, knowing that Asians don't really get fancy with measuring water when it comes to cooking rice. All they need are thier knuckles.
"Haha, Bingo!" Haera let out an awkward laugh. The fact Rasta knew about the finger measuring method excited her. She continued " I can also make basic broths with veggies and meat to which I sometimes use to cook flavour my rice with.."
" Broths can be turned into really good soups too mon! Kinda gives me an idea actually~ How about starting off simple, rice, a nice warm soup and for veggies we can have em fresh, like a salad~" Rasta's suggestion was quite beginner friendly, as it wouldn't require too much work neither would it cram HaeRas mind with confusion.
"Hey love, whatever you suggest, I'll gladly follow. I dont the house burning down over a plate of veggies and a bowl of soup" Haera said shyly, as she's excited about what's to happen next. She's always wanted to cook a yummy meal for Rasta when he's coming home drained after a long day at training. Now's an opportunity to expand her knowledge about what Rasta enjoys food wise so far.
Rasta pulled out a chunk of thawed meat and some veggies from the fridge as Haera got the appropriate kitchen appliances. Together they assembled a salad with simple ingredients like lettuce, spinach, baby tomato's and shredded carrot.
Haera knew her way around Rasta's rice cooker from her years of fumbling with different cheap rice cookers her family could afford at local night markets. Very gently, Haera washed the rice in hopes it wouldn't break. She repeatedly washed and drained the rice for at least three times till the water around the rice got less cloudier after each wash. She drained the water and left the rice there as they got ready to boil up some soup.
Firstly, the pot was heated and sesame oil was added. Then, they added pieces of somewhat evenly chopped up meat into the pot with a bit of cooking sauce. Finally, water and a bit of beef stock was added. They left the soup to simmer as they set up the table. They used most of the soup to cook thier rice in hopes it would flavour it up. Whatever was leftover in the pot seemed to be more than enough to fill both of them.
As they brought the food to the table, Haera smiled. She was amazed at fast yet fragrant the food turned out. Rasta on the other hand looked at his wife-to-be, proud of what she's accomplished.
"Smells good! Can't wait to dig in...." Rasta exclaimed~
They spent their next few hours talking around the dinner table, about their hopes and dreams and about how they're excited for their next chapter together. Today was about how little things can lead to moments of happiness. Working together to get something done lead to their relationship getting stronger, and it's these little things that bring back the best memories they'll be laughing at when they're both old and grey <3
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formleadsfunction · 3 months
f@tt Sangfielle ep. 16 relistening post
(aka my own personal greatest hits)
i'm not easy to scare when it comes to audio mediums, and I don't remember if Sangfielle managed it (I doubt it tho), but the atmosphere in the factory is just Delightfully Creepy :]
also, I rly liked the Residuum scene
Chine wanting to take the egg sac.......
very fascinated also by Chine's like. immediate reaction of We Need To Unplug It, because the ultimate plans aren't like !! super evil or anything. i mean. they kinda are, and they Use the egg sac which was Stolen, but the Ultimate Goal here is industrialization; Chine's vision for that brings a lot of Good advancements. but there's no hesitation, no discussion, and that's in a way like. such a core part of who Chine is
"Doing surgery to a god egg will have to be risky"
"Don't eat it." "No!!! >:("
"Can you smash the head instead of cutting it off?"
Ali's excited little gasp when Slumbous is mentioned 🥺
SUBSOLUM... SLUMBOUS... I didn't even realize, I needed Sylvi for that 😭
Es's true form... 🥰
"Three isn't bad! I mean, on a d6, 3's like... what're you gonna do, that's what you're gonna get." Math and chance and probability with the table friends is my favorite school subject
Chine immediately joining the fight
"Es's true form is actually Lucario"
Chine's DAMAGE holy shit
Just as an aside, I LOVE a vampire lord who's made of wax
"I wanna try and summon a train! :D"
"That's gonna be safe." "The last safe thing we did was drink tea with an old lady."
"We've got a shape knight right there" And the shape knight in question was almost turned into wax and can barely stand up 😭
All of them with the minor fallouts ough
"Are you making Slumbous mad at Ali? :("
God I wish I could summon trains at will and maybe it goes bad, I'd take that risk all the time
Janine with the MAJOR fallout..........
"Finally we got a genderqueer evil vampire lord, happy pride everybody!" WHO'S DOING IT LIKE THEM. NOBODY !!!!!!!!
The Self Is Shaped By The Body wish duvall was there
Austin immediately switching to she/her for Alloway and not slipping up once..... remember when they all kept fucking up Cass's pronouns, they're so much better at this now <3
Austin being very ready to give people the opportunity to use the skills they have if they manage to frame it in ways that make narrative sense
"What's stopping them from taking the egg back? :/" "Well I'm gonna keep it!" lmao Chine...
extremely good arc, can't believe I forgot it. bell metal station next :))))
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servin-up-surveys · 2 years
survey #108
(also taken january 30th; uploading surveys taken while gone)
How many people have you kissed in a car? I know at least two, but maybe three.
Do you and your best friend have an inside joke? Kinda, yeah. Probably multiple, really.
What was the last thing you ate? For dinner I had this microwavable shrimp with linguini thing. The shrimp was way too fishy, but the noodles were fine.
When was the last time you had a genuine smile? Earlier today, as Mom and I were getting ready to ride out somewhere and Cookie got EXTREMELY excited. She absolutely adores carrides, and if she even THINKS we're going somewhere, she gets hype as hell and jumps in her carrier, then out to run to Mom, then back... It's absolutely adorable.
Who was the last person in your bed besides you? Girt.
Do you miss anyone currently? I actually really miss Girt, but I'm not seeing him 'til this weekend.
What are you listening to right now? I'm watching/listening to WoolieVS play Elden Ring. Been working through it for like, well over a month now, but it's a super long game and it's not always what I have on in the background.
How often do you watch the news? Literally never. The only times I ever have were the times I've been in the psych hospital, because it was allowed to roll in the morning for I think an hour. I promise you there wasn't a damn better thing to do, so usually I'd watch it just to be doing something.
What is the worst lie you’ve ever told? I don't know and would rather not try to think of what it could be.
Do you have a fan in your room? Yeah.
Have you ever egged a house? No, because I'm at least a half-decent fucking human being. My childhood house was egged once, though, around Halloween. To this day I have no idea why the hell anyone did it, we didn't bother a damn soul.
What about TP’d a house? Also no, that's despicable, and I WOULD say childish, but even the young kids I know wouldn't do that bullshit.
Do you like pranking people? I really don't.
Have you ever hatched an egg? In I think kindergarten, yes. We raised a chick in an incubator.
Would you consider yourself more of a cat or dog person? Cat, but I like dogs too.
How tall was the tallest person you’ve dated? Girt is, and he's exactly 6', I think.
Do you have a debit card? I don't own a debit or credit card.
How long have you known the last person to leave you a comment? She's been my acquaintance since high school. I always wanted to get to know her better so kinda recently I sent her a friend request and she's actually been talking to me quite a bit and just being REALLY nice and I honestly hope it grows into a real friendship.
Do you have any big plans this weekend? It's my birthday weekend so yeah. <3 Saturday my family + Girt's immediate family are going out to The Cheesecake Factory to eat, and then Girt's staying the night to be there Sunday/my actual birthday. That day we're gonna get some donuts instead of a cake, I decided I really wanted Krispy Kreme lmao. Tragically Tobey is coming over that day too even though I have no interest in seeing her, but whatever, telling her no would not go well.
What would you do if you found out your ex was pregnant/fathered a child? I couldn't care less if it was Juan or Tyler. Aaron, I'd be happy for him, he'd be an excellent father. I'd be very concerned if Sara was pregnant, regardless of what I feel about her; her body could not handle that, and she knows that too. If I found out Jason had a kid/was having a kid, I can promise you I would either vomit or faint, or both. Both is a very real possibility. I'd absolutely have an emotional breakdown, too, of that I can bet my entire life on. It doesn't matter that I don't want that with him anymore, trauma is trauma.
Who was the last person to smoke a cigarette in front of you? Uhhhh probably Dad?
Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? I'd like to kiss him for the rest of my life, at least that's what I plan.
Who was the last person to hold your hand? Girt.
Would you sing in front of a large crowd? Nope.
Have you ever jumped out of a moving car? Yeesh, no.
What’s a song no one would think you’d like, but you actually love? I mean there's quite a good deal of those, honestly. Trying to pick a REALLY surprising one, uhhhh... OH YEAH that fucking "Shake That" song by Eminem and Nate Dogg, idc I get a kick out of it 😭
Are you talking to anyone? If so, who? Not at this moment.
Have you ever been to Florida? Yeah, that's where my grandmother lived, so we would visit rarely.
Are you broke right now? Technically, yeah. I have $400 personally that was gifted to me that's going towards my tattoo, but my mom, whose house I live in/the person who pays the bills, is back to being broke, I've found out; it's absolutely fucking ludicrous how my mom had to burn her portion of the inheritance ASAP because if she didn't, she would've been forced off disability and then when that money ran out, we'd be entirely fucked.
How did you react when your first pet died? Well, I was a baby when the dog my parents had died, so I obviously didn't understand at all; I don't even remember her. I'm not sure who my first REAL pet was that died... but most likely a cat, and I'm sure I reacted poorly.
Have you ever drawn anime? No, it's not my personal art style.
Do you like bathing/showering? No, because it's a legitimately painful and very exhausting task for me, even with a shower chair.
Have you ever hurt someone for your own entertainment? What the fuck, no.
If you could write a book, what would it be about? It would probably be some spin-off of RP plots/stories I've done. Maybe an AU version of one.
Do you think most people understand you? Absolutely not, not "most."
Do you have any taboo fetishes or preferences? I don't have a fetish, but by "preferences" I feel like you're including kinks here in which case there is something not everyone would be into that I am but I'm not gonna share that.
What is the emotion you seem to feel most strongly? Um... probably sadness. Or self-disgust. Loneliness. Idk.
What are your top three biggest fears? Living alone on the streets, never being truly happy, and Mom dying.
What do you want to be remembered for? As a woman who never gave up and also invited people to be comfortable in themselves, and absolutely as a person who cared very much for others and was always willing to be a shoulder to cry on. I also want people to associate the love of all animals with me.
Have you ever cried yourself to sleep in your adult life? Oh yes. That was a very, very common thing in 2016 especially.
What do you think is the meanest thing you’ve ever said to someone? I'm not going there.
Do you miss any of your exes? There are some traits about Jason I miss that Girt isn't as strong in, but I don't miss Jason as a partner.
How many people have you slept with? I've done sexual things in bed with two people.
What kind of sauce do you eat your chicken nuggets with? Normally ketchup, sometimes honey mustard.
Are you someone’s best friend? Well, Girt calls me his best friend, but I'm his girlfriend so that's kinda to be expected. I'm not anyone else's best friend.
Do you go in at a fast food place or just hit the drive thru? Drive-thru, almost always.
Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? My dad, I think. It's possible I've briefly talked to Mom since though, idk.
Have you ever been to a Chinatown in any of the cities you’ve been to? I've never even seen one in person.
How old was the oldest person you’ve dated? Officially a Facebook creeper, I finally looked up Juan to learn how old he is and right now he's 31. So when we dated for less than 24 hours in high school I woulda been 15/almost 16, and he would've been uhhh around 19 or 20... oh my god ew.
Do you know anyone who has their own podcast? Not that I'm aware of.
Where did your last kiss take place? My bed.
Did you often read for fun when you were a kid? Oh yes, I loved reading. I wish I was still AS into it as I once was.
^ What were some of your favorite books? I really liked Junie B. Jones books, The Magic Treehouse, and the Hank the Cowdog series. As a pre-teen or teen I got into Warriors and read that series for many years.
Do you have any dietary restrictions? No.
Which of your good habits has made the biggest positive difference in your life? My resilience and persistence.
Do you watch YouTube videos a lot? Basically constantly; one is at least always on in the background.
Do you have an embarrassing period story? I don't THINK I do.
Would your life be at risk if someone knew everything about you? No; the secrets I keep are entirely harmless but just things I'm embarrassed by so don't share.
Would you ever name a child after yourself? Absolutely not, I honestly really hate when people DO do that because how far up your own ass can you be.
What is the stupidest thing anyone’s ever said to you? Who the hell even knows.
What’s the most amount of weight you’ve gained from a medication? I absolutely refuse to share this because it's absolutely humiliating. I will die before I take Abilify ever, ever again. It brought my metabolism to basically a full halt, and my shitty doctor continued to blame my weight gain on me. Stopped it when I got a new doctor that IMMEDIATELY knew that was the issue, and guess what, I ended up losing like 70-ish pounds.
Do you have a professional camera? Yeah, it's a Canon EOS Rebel T6.
Do you like rose gold? I LOVE rose gold.
Do you kiss a lot of people? Not at all; I only kiss Girt romantically and then I sometimes will kiss my nieces or nephew on the head.
Who was the last person to hear you cry? Girt and Mom.
How old do you want to be when you have kids? As of right now I don't want kids, but if I for whatever reason do change my mind, I'd be very nervous about getting pregnant past 40. Even late 30s would make me worry. I don't think I could go through finally deciding I'm ready for a child, get pregnant, and then lose the baby because I'm not the best age to be having kids.
How do you like your soda? I have a strong preference for it cold, but it's not mandatory at all. Soda is soda to me, as much as I WISH I was pickier.
Do you know anyone that has a gecko as a pet? Mazzy! (: I also very seriously want a fat-tailed gecko one day.
When was the last time you weighed yourself? Maybe a little over a week ago.
Do you know anyone with exaggeratedly big muscles? I don't think so.
What is your favorite endangered animal? That would probably be the P. metallica/Gooty Sapphire Ornamental/peacock tarantula, known for being a beautiful bright blue. Very popular in the hobby, but trafficking them from the wild is still horribly common and is putting them at risk. Ironic because they're well-bred in domesticity, but people still rip them out of the wild... I doubt this will be applicable to anyone, but just saying, research where you get your spiders from, because poaching is depressingly common. Pick people who emphasize domestic breeding.
Does it make you cringe when people pop their knuckles? HOLY FUCK YES, I CANNOT HANDLE IT. Girt can very loudly pop like every joint in his body and he drives me insane with it. Sometimes he forgets to warn me he needs to so I can close my ears and I cannot stop myself from freaking out.
Do you respect authority? If they deserve that position of authority.
Have you ever milked a cow? No.
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finniestoncrane · 2 years
I would like to hear your headcannons on any of the riddlers (or all of them, if you're up for it) reacting to his s/o keeping a virtual pet, like a tamagotchi, and naming it after him. Does he think it's cringe or cute? (I'm having massive period cramps, so I need something silly)
Riddlers Co-Parenting Tamagotchis
Arkham!Riddler x Female!Reader, word count: good god i had a rough day today and this is exactly the kind of thing that made me feel so much better thinking about so i pushed it up the queue, ty ty ty ty request info • prompt list • send me a request • kofi minors DNI!! 🔞 cw for nsfw stuff: urm this has capullo in it so there's obviously sleaze and suggestive content but other than that sfw
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ok so i have put this somewhere before, but i headcanon that he has a tamagotchi that he has kept alive and well since the 90s, and it's called Bruiser, and he loves it with all of his heart. so you KNOW he would love yours too. you can definitely trust him to take care of it when you're gone and take the duty of care very seriously. they're basically tiny computer pets, kinda like his robots, so what's not to love? and what's silly about it? god help anyone who mocks him for bringing out bruiser in the middle of his schemes and now, he'll also go toe to toe to defend you and your tamagotchi's honour too
"what's that?" *wide eyed wonder* "please can i play with it? oh my god you trust me with your little...thingy? it's for US!?" 🥺 this man would lose his damn mind if you produced a little tamagotchi and told him to help you name it. he's gonna spend hours researching themes and names. he never got to do flour sack babies at school so this is his first shot at looking after something. he says you're going to be a great parent, and he's excited to be a dad and you think he's joking but he is getting up regularly in the middle of the night to check on it so...he might be very emotionally attached very quick. also you're pretty sure you very explicitly said it's made of plastic, but he sits it on a little pillow anyway just in case
Young Justice
"this is stupid and childish and oh god wait what did you just do? you fed it? it eats? that's kinda cute. can i have a go?" aaaaaand good luck getting it back. that's his now. he needs something helpless to depend on him, it makes him feel genuinely useful. but you'll still have to sneakily look after it to make sure it doesn't die because that might destroy eddie. he's a big fan of video games, a very cute boy, he'd freakin' love it if you liked the same kind of thing as him. he'd definitely buy you more, all the cute little limited edition styles and stuff. your babies are his babies now
the disappointment when he finds out it's not a remote activation for a bomb is immeasurable. but when you explain what it is he's kind of on board. "does it have a beak, we're naming it oswald. and can they die?" ok so maybe try only let him near one that's not too 'penguiny'. look he kept solomon grundy alive, you can trust him to help you keep a tamagotchi alive. he thinks you're cute for investing your time in something so completely innocuous. it's adorable! although if you ever wanted to put it down and pay attention to him and his schemes that might also be nice
this is dumb and you are dumb. you sure it's not one of those...vibrating egg things...? if you want something to play with, he could think of something better for you to fiddle around with. "oh come on!" ok so fine show him then, hurry up. urgh, the stress of handing it to him, he's just clicking all the little buttons, dangling it in front of you, and teasing you about it. he's so mean, but he will insist that you name it lil ed after him, because god forbid something else take away your precious attention that should be on him
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yandere-daze · 2 years
Hey again! I was the one who sent that long ask about making a one shot for the self aware!enstars au—
Firstly, don’t worry I understand it takes time to write something! I’d rather prefer quantity over quality and to be frank, not a lot of people consider the fact that writing fanfics can be kinda hard lol…so don’t worry about it, take your time!
Aside from that, while reading your response, and hearing your own thoughts on the entire yandere genre, I had some of my own and to expand on my idea specifically: like you said, realistically if it were to happen, no one would rush to assume “OMG these little pixels are obsessed over me!!!” I think everyone would just assume it’s some crazy cool easter egg and start bragging about it to their friends haha
But…imagine actually thinking that. For real—I had an idea around it, mostly around the reader, but imagine MC knowing it’s bad. Really, terribly, bad.
It’d play out like, “crap…am I being stalked?” You turn around and see a figure just behind you, only to quickly vanish as soon as you turned. “No, I’m seeing things. It’s the stress. It’s getting to me. I’m making myself delusional. I’m crazy.” You keep repeating this to yourself 5x a day. But there’s this feeling in your gut, brewing inside of you, telling you it’s not you.
This IS your reality, you’re being pursed. It’s not safe. It’s dangerous. But its incredibly hard to believe that, mainly because you’re in an entirely different world. I mean, where the hell are you right now? Are you sure this is your body?
It’d be hard to have one rational thought without being bombarded with even more paranoia. And once the cogs start turning, that logical part of you, it’s a complete contradiction! You’d only berate yourself, say it was unintentional. That person you THINK you saw, you remember them being nice to you earlier. They were helping you around school and making sure you were alright. You can’t just accuse them of stalking you…yet the thought of it makes you itchy. It makes your palms sweaty and keeps you up at night.
So what do you believe? What do you do? How do you cope?
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Welcome back and thank you for your understanding! There was a time back when I started out with my blog and I tried to do at least 1 request every day, many of them being scenarios, that I very much regret now. I felt that putting so much emphasis on doing something every day, even if I wasn't feeling like doing it, just for the sake of pushing out content was very much unhealthy both for myself and my creativity. So at the moment I try to only write when I actually want to because not only does it prevent me from burning out too much, but I feel like you can also see if the author had fun writing something and coming up with cool ideas or if they forced themselves to just write something
Right now, I'm probably more active than any other time before and that's because I'm just so happy about being able to talk about an au I really enjoy and to also talk to you guys and listen to your own ideas! It's the type of interaction I feel like I have been missing for some time now so it always makes me feel excited when I see a new ask in my inbox😊
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gn reader
tw yandere, obsession, stalking
To move back to your ask, yes you're absolutely right! You wouldn't think that these game characters are in love with you so there would definitely be a good amount of denial on your end. Surely, this can't actually be real? Maybe you just fell asleep in a train and that's how you now found yourself in a completely foreign environment?
But deep down, you would feel that something is wrong, that there's something you're missing and you just can't help but notice that some of the surroundings suspiciously look similar to the ones you saw as backgrounds ingame.
And then there's the pairs of eyes you can sense looking at you no matter where you go. Several times you have tried to carefully glance over your shoulder, only to find no one there. Sometimes, when you walk home late at night, you could swear you could hear a separate pair of footsteps closely behind you, making you pick up your pace before you're outright sprinting home, immediately slamming the door closed once you're safely inside your house. You pull down the blinds and draw the curtains closed because there's a part of your mind that tells you that they still followed you to your doorstep, that you've been watched in your sleep many times before by them and that they won't stop no matter what.
It's terrifying because you instinctively know that there is someone stalking you, sometimes even catching glimpses of their hair when they went to hide behind a corner a little to late. It drives your crazy because you know that they look familiar, like someone you have met before. And yet, the logical part of your mind tells you that it couldn't possibly be true. How likely is it that a video game character is obsessed with you and stalks you? Are you really sure about this or are you just imagining things?
Maybe the only way to know for sure is to set up secret security cameras outside your house to catch your supposed stalker in the act. But you hesitate. Do you really want to know? Do you want the the undeniable proof that you're in danger because of someone you thought you could trust?
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reidgraygubler · 3 years
Spoonful of Sugar (spencer reid/reader)
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Title: spoonful of sugar
Request: yes! (a super fluffy spence x reader one shot in which she's sick with the flu, a high fever or something similiar, so he has to take care of her. Usually i'm not that super whiny and wouldn't request things like that buuut i'm in a desperate need for spence to take care of me while i'm ill and home alone.)
Couple: Spencer Reid/gen-neutral!reader
Category: fluff
Content Warning: spencer’s pov, anxiety about an ill partner, none that I can think of. If something does need to be tagged, please message me
Word Count: 1,638
Summary: Spencer stays home from work to take care of his partner, who’s sick with the flu
A/N: sorry this took so long to get posted. i forgot I had it written and it was just sitting in my drafts. it is a little on the shorter side... thank you all so much for the support! i really do appreciate it. check out my masterlist!
The person who usually slept beside me did not sleep last night. I only know that because whenever they tossed and turned, it’d wake me up. But also, they kept stealing all the blankets from me. Whenever I tried to take them back, they’d wake up and steal them again. Or they’d be suddenly up in a coughing fit. And then, they finally fell asleep around the time I had to get out of bed for work. Leaving me with another restless night of sleep. I was used to it at this point, but not because of them.
When I left the bedroom, I made sure to be as quiet as possible. I didn’t want to be the reason why they woke up for the day. Clearly something was on their mind and keeping them up. I also made sure they had all of the blankets on their body. While I did that, I sneakily rested my hand on their forehead, and the back of their neck, just to check their temperature.
They were on fire. I’d never felt someone as hot as that in a very long time. It would explain why they got no sleep and kept waking up, and stealing the blankets. They’d need to get medicine and fluids in them, and quickly. But I’ll do that when I’m finished getting ready. They just fell asleep and I’d rather them sleep off their fever.
So that’s what I did. I quickly got ready for work, doing all the necessary things I had to do. I wanted to make sure my person had everything they needed before I left for work.
Which meant a quick stop at the market down the street. The market had their favorite soup, juice, and snacks. If I was going to go into work today, I needed to make sure they had everything they needed before I left for the day. And if they wanted me to stay, I���d do that for them.
“Hey Emily, I’m going to be late to the office today,” I said into my phone as I grabbed a basket. The store had several people, just enough for me to be cautious of where I was going. And it pressured me to be even quicker inside.
“Oh! Of course! Is everything okay?” Emily asked, the concern in her tone sounding genuine. I sighed before nodding.
“Yeah, just... Just need to take care of someone who’s sick,” I explained as I grabbed a bottle of orange juice.
“Take all the time you need! We got everything covered here.”
“Thank you so much.”
“Of course, call me if you need anything!” She proclaimed before bidding farewell. I sighed deeply before pocketing my phone and headed towards the deli to get some soup. They always gave me chicken noodle, with the good thick egg noodles. Since they also enjoyed White Chicken Chill, I got that for them, too. Anything to make them feel better sooner.
Once I got both soups, enough juice for a small household, and plenty of healthy snacks, I made the trek back home. Whether they enjoyed the things I got them or not, I knew they’d enjoy the thought. Because that’s all that matters, right? The thought?
When I got home, I prepared the chicken noodle in a bowl, and grabbed a bottle of juice with electrolytes, and brought it to the bedroom. They were still asleep, however slightly stirring. Instead of just leaving right away, I waited a moment for them to wake up.
“My head is pounding,” they groaned as they brought a hand to rest on their forehead. “Like I drank a fifth of whiskey,” they added. I held back my chuckle and sat on the edge of the bed.
“You’re hot.”
“Thanks so are you,” they blew me a kiss. I rolled my eyes before shaking my head.
“You have a fever, Dear,” I corrected as I handed them the bottle of juice. “I got you soup, juice, and healthy snacks.”
“You’re too kind, Spencer,” they hummed as they struggled to open the bottle. I watched as they sighed and handed the bottle over to me. I smiled as I cracked the bottle open.
“I have to go in, but if you want me to stay I can.” I handed the bottle back to them. They smiled brightly before taking a big sip of the juice.
“No, no, you’re the breadmaker here. You’d be no use to me here.”
“I can help you,” I breathed out a laugh. They lazily smiled before shrugging. “I’m gonna get you medicine.”
“If you don’t come back with Day and Nyquil, don’t come back at all,” they teased. I laughed as I looked back at them.
“Eat your soup, I’m getting you medicine,” I repeated as I pointed at the bowl of chicken noodle on the nightstand. They glared at me before picking up the bowl. I was quick, grabbing the medicine they asked for and a bottle of Aleve.
“Do you need anything else?” I looked down at them as I placed the bottles on the nightstand. They shook their head as they looked back at me, watching as I sat back down beside them.
“I’m all good here.”
“I can stay if you need me to,” I whispered as I looked over at them. They looked away from the bowl of soup with wide eyes. “Surely Emily won’t care. Family first.”
“As much as I’d love for you to stay, Spence, they need you just as badly there,” my person slurred their words. I could only imagine just how congested their sinuses and how blocked their nasal passages were. Which would only cause a migraine. “Besides, I don’t want to get you sick. You’re a baby when you’re sick.” They smirked at me.
“Am not!” I exclaimed as I looked at them. They shrugged before rubbing the underside of their nose. Should have grabbed them tissues while I was at the store. “Seriously, I’ll stay.”
“Seriously, go to work.”
“If I didn’t know any better it sounds to me like you’re trying to get rid of me.”
“I am,” they mumbled as they blew softly onto their spoonful of soup. I rolled my eyes before standing up off the bed.
“Okay, okay, I’ll go.” I lifted my hands as a sign of surrender. They looked up at me with a soft smile. “Good to know you can get rid of me so easily.”
“I’ll call you if I need anything.” They placed the soup back on the nightstand before shifting down the bed.
“And I’ll let Emily know I’ll be on desk duty.”
“Spencer,” they warned.
“I’m going! I’m going! Gone! See! Gone!”
“Love you!”
“Love you, too!”
I should have stayed home.
Okay, maybe Spencer should have stayed home because… I really miss him. I thought I’d be fine if he went in, and I’d get by… But I really want him. God I’m never whiny and asking for things, and the only thing I want… I sent it away.
I could call him… He’d drop everything and come right over. But… He should work. There is a reason why I sent him to work. That was where he was most needed. What if I was wrong though? What if he was most needed here, with me? No, no he’s the brain of the BAU.
But it’d be really nice if he stayed home with me.
Yeah, I made a mistake sending him to work. I’ve never felt so clingy in my entire life. Damn my stupid clinginess.
Did he know I was thinking about him? I must’ve, because he was calling me. Probably just checking in on me. I could ask him to come home. Unless he’s in the middle of helping a case and can’t come home.
“How are you feeling?” Yep, just calling to see how I was doing. It was probably a good thing that he was calling me. He probably just knew I wasn’t feeling any better.
“Could be better,” I paused as I looked over at his side of the bed. It was made but a little tousled around because of my sleeping. “Kinda wish you stayed here,” I whispered, mostly to myself.
“Already on the way home,” he stated like it was no big deal.
“Really?” I asked, feeling a little bit of excitement in my tone. Surely it just sounded like I was stuffy to Spencer. He laughed.
“Finished early. And… Emily noticed I was too distracted thinking about you. I’m about halfway there, do you need anything?”
“You… To get here quickly and give me all the cuddles in the world,” I dramatically sighed as I curled in on my side. “But… Safely!” I quickly added.
“I will be there soon, Dear,” Spencer mused before chuckling lightly. “Do you need anything?”
“No, I should be okay.”
“I’ll be home soon."
“Okay, bye,” I whispered before hanging up. I tossed my phone into the empty space beside me before curling back onto my side. Now that I knew Spencer would be home any minute, maybe I could sleep. Or maybe I should stay awake and wait for him.
Whatever, it didn’t matter. I must have fallen asleep, because the next thing I knew, Spencer was crawling into bed beside me and I was slowly waking up.
“Shh, go back to sleep,” he whispered as he pulled the blanket back over me. Although it felt like I was on fire, the blanket felt safe over me. Or maybe that was Spencer’s arms wrapped around me that made me feel safe.
“No, no,” I mumbled as I moved as close as possible to him. Spencer laughed lightly before pressing his lips to my forehead. “Don’t leave me again,” I whispered into his chest.
“I’m not going anywhere.”
if you have any comments/questions about this part, let me know here! please consider reblogging or leaving a comment if you’re a part of the taglist. it’s so much work tagging everyone.
not able to tag: @isabellasimps
@thebluetint @mggsprettygirl @muffin-cup @misshale21 @spenciegoob @reidspoet @ash19871962 @babebenhardy @flipperpenguins @kuolonsyoja
@broken-stardust @beepbooptoop @ray-lia
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