#like THE king of Enchancia
captain-amadeus · 5 months
Can yall at least think about King Roland II as someone who makes people think twice about disrespecting Sofia?
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mismess · 2 days
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These three episodes(The baker king, the floating palace and holiday in enchancia) from the perspective of Baileywick must have been like a horror movie. No break in-between either this is why he was snappy in holiday in enchancia he's on high alert.
But he doesn't have time to think about that he has a job to do
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bettathanyou · 9 months
I'm really new to the fandom (I got in it because I am absolutely in love with this wet-cat of a man, Cedric) but I already have the head canon that Cedric thinks he's (romantically) unlovable. It just doesn't compute in his brain that someone could have such feelings about him. Sure, he can be liked and admired but never loved. (Probably due to his traumas)
Can you write a little thing about Y/N being not very subtle about their feelings but Cedric just doesn't get it. Sofia tries to even be a little match-maker!
Sofia: I think Y/N has a crush on you! :D Cedric: You should know better than to lie.
Take A Hint: Y/N x Cedric The Sorcerer, Having A Crush!
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Your voice carried through the breeze of the garden, the trees rustling softly alongside your hair being tousled by the wind. It was another fair weather, perfectly sunny day in Enchancia; right now, though, all you cared about was centered on the sorcerer in plum stained robes.
He was grumbling to himself, oblivious to your approach.
You called out louder, your pace subconsciously picking up as you approached Cedric. Upon your second greeting, the man visibly flinched, clearly snapped out of whatever daze he was in before.
Cedric quickly turned his head towards you standing there, his mahogany irises lighting up in recognition and warmth. The man's lanky body was still half bent over the lavender bush in front of him, with silvery grey bangs hung slightly in his eyes.
You beam Cedric a giddy smile, feeling your heart race by just seeing those caramel eyes fixed on you. What made your stomach flip, though, was seeing the sweet and shy smile creep along the sorcerer's cheeks to return your own smile.
In a last minute decision, you decide to be bold; because, well- you tried being subtle for weeks about your feelings! You had hoped for all the small touches, winks from catching eye contact, and compliments that the sorcerer would've noticed by now.
However, Cedric wasn't getting it; you were going to go mad at this rate, if this slow burn got any damn slower.
Your fingers gently brush a lock of thick, silky silver out of Cedric's eye. You see the man freeze from contact, clearly not expecting such close proximity. Cedric swallows, hard, holding his breath and hoping you couldn't hear his heart slamming against his chest.
His eyes stay fixed on you, as you adjust his bangs without a word- and you certainly weren't complaining. Cedric's eyes were already a lovely light brown color on their own, but in the bright summer sun they shined like pools of molten gold, the kind any noble or king would envy.
He was beautiful, and the glow in your cheeks damned you to how much you liked him.
As you pull your hand away, your fingertips brush against his cheek. It was like a match being struck against the grain, setting Cedric's skin ablaze with a red hue.
You giggle slightly, biting your tongue trying not to embarrass him further.
"... Your bangs are starting to get longer, Cedric." You commented with a smirk, unabashedly checking him out.
"It's- Uh, well- I..." The sorcerer fumbles with his words, then his hands with a nervous tick.
"I like it, you know."
I like you, too. You thought to yourself, the words almost tumbling out of your throat alongside it.
Cedric laughs awkwardly, clearly unsure how else to take your compliment other than a small, "Thank you, dear."
You cock your head to the side, a Cheshire grin spreading across your face.
Cedric raises his brows in equal parts surprise and distress, as if he didn't even know what came out of his mouth. He scrambles to say something, but you don't give him the opportunity to apologize or try to take back what he said.
"I think I like that, too~"
You confess with a soft chuckle, breaking eye contact as your own bashfulness begins to catch up to you. You rub your arm a little self consciously, to soothe your nerves before glancing back at the sorcerer.
Cedric inwardly flinches from your eyes catching his own again. He didn't understand why you were so nice, and friendly, and happy to be around someone like him, but. It felt... Good- and nerve-wracking.
Definitely nerve-wracking.
It was like your presence alone made every nerve ending in his body be set on fire, and he wasn't exactly sure why. But the stinging glow of his cheeks, raised body temperature, and sudden loss for words due to a curious kind of brain fog that only happens around you...
Cedric shakes his head, blinking quickly to regain his focus. He didn't know how long he was staring for, and frankly the sorcerer didn't want to think about it. He stutters out a response, clearing his throat.
"Well, if you're al-alright with t-that, I can address you as s-uch." The sorcerer speaks in a neutral tone, but with a slight raise to his voice as if he was asking for permission.
You bite your tongue to barely conceal a squeal of happiness.
"That's fine..." You drawled out, but then quickly added, "Can call you dear, too?"
Cedric glances away, tugging on his muted yellow ochre tie. His initial response was to ask "why?" , because he wasn't sure why you would use such a term of endearment, for someone like himself.
But then, he also knew if he asked you why, then he would have to answer your following question, which is usually,
"well, why not?"
"...I suppose that's only fair; alright then."
Cedric nods, straightening up and smoothing down the front of his robe. He clears his throat again, taking in a deep breath.
"So, what did you need from me... D-dear?" Cedric chuckles nervously to himself, suddenly feeling very aware of everything and especially you, staring at him and making his heart race uncontrollably.
You huff in amusement, lips curled into a small smile.
"I just wanted to spend my break in the garden, really. Then, I saw you! So I wanted to say hi and chat- if you're not too busy...?"
You glanced over to the lavender bush Cedric was studying before you interrupted. It seemed like nothing was picked just yet, and suddenly you feel nervous about distracting Cedric from his work. You know the tight schedule he can have, over the course of getting to know him between his running around doing things for Roland or the royal children.
You go to open your mouth to apologize, but before a word can leave your lips Cedric is already speaking.
"No...! No, not at all, (y/n). I-I mean, yes, I am busy, but I meant-..." Cedric scratches the back of his neck, smiling sheepishly as he trails off.
Your heart flutters, whether it's from his smile or your own anxiety, you weren't sure.
"...Yes, my dear?" You offer with a smile, rocking on your heels for emphasis.
Cedric chuckles softly at that, his shoulders relaxing as he laughs. You can only smile wider in return, a loss for words at how every mannerism of his makes you come undone at the seams.
"I will always have time for you, (y/n)."
Cedric speaks with a soft, but confident voice, nodding to you. You blink, not expecting such a drastic shift of attitude from the sorcerer.
"Ri-right...!" You replied, voice shaking slightly. Now, it seems it was your turn to be flustered beyond coherent thought.
You both continue to chit chat about things happening currently in the castle, as well as get to listen to Cedric explain what he's using the lavender he's harvesting for; unsurprisingly, it's for a potion.
To be honest, you couldn't really focus on what he was saying entirely, because of Cedric's tendency to (cutely) ramble about magic things. But you didn't care in the slightest; the shimmer in his eyes as he speaks with passion about things he loves, is all that you need to see.
Afterwards, you sadly tell Cedric you have to get back to work, but then ask really quick if you can stop by his workshop later to see the potion he's making in action. He agrees, almost too quickly, which leaves you with a smile that lasts all day.
"I'll see you then, dear!" You call out, waving your hand in goodbye.
Cedric waves back, not realizing the smile on his own face.
"Mr. Cedric!" Sofia barks out excitedly, already running over to the tall man.
Cedric yells in surprise, nearly jumping out of his skin from the sudden appearance of his apprentice and friend.
"Princess...! Merlin's mushrooms, child, you scared me half to death!" Cedric chided her with a huff, pushing back his bangs.
"Sorry...!" The young girl peeks up from her auburn curls, flashing Cedric an apologetic smile.
After a beat, Cedric relents, sighing in resignation.
"It's quite alright. Did you get everything on the list I gave you?"
"Yup! All accounted for!"
Sofia displays her basket of herbs and flowers proudly with a bright, cheery smile.
Cedric hums in approval, quickly looking over everything to make sure it's correct.
After a moment, he nods, patting Sofia's head in praise.
"Excellent work, my dear."
Sofia chuckled warmly. "Thanks, Mr. Cedric."
As they brought in the ingredients for the potion, Sofia eyed the man with a mischievous smile.
"So... You're gonna show (y/n) the potion too, right Mr. Cedric?"
Cedric paused for a moment, looking down at the girl. She wore a smile he knew all too well meant trouble, and he didn't like it.
"You know better than to eavesdrop, Princess."
"I wasn't...! I mean, not really! I just couldn't help but overhear while picking the flowers!"
Sofia grabbed a daffodil for emphasis, holding it up to the sorcerer like it was indisputable evidence.
Cedric scoffs, rolling his eyes playfully as he waved her off.
"Yes, yes, I understand what you mean, Sofia."
As they continue down the hall, about to turn the corner into Cedric's tower staircase, Sofia speaks again.
"You know, Mr. Cedric, (y/n) seems to really like you. Do you think... She might..." The girl wanders off, biting her lip and smiling.
"She might what?" Cedric prompts her with a concerned tone, his hands turning clammy as the silence fills the space around them.
"...You know! likes, likes you?" Sofia giggles, eyeing Cedric with another smile.
Cedric huffs, pinching the bridge of his nose. The idea makes his cheeks flare a bright red at the thought, even if the idea was absurd to begin with. After all, it's you. You're too beautiful, too kind, too interesting, too- too you, to even consider a bumbler like himself.
"It's rude to gossip, Sofia. You ought to know better." Cedric scowled, giving the girl a pointed look with a raised brow.
"I'm just saying...!" Sofia replied in a sing song voice, shrugging.
Now-," Cedric turns to her, pulling out his wand. With a flick of the wrist, the basket disappeared, teleported back to the cluttered table of his workshop beyond the door.
"As much as I appreciate your hard work today, I'm afraid I have to do the rest alone." Cedric speaks with a firmer, but still kind tone.
"Well... Alright! I hope everything goes well with your potion, Mr. Cedric!" Sofia waves in goodbye, and the sorcerer smiles and gives her a wave in return. Her purple and pink shirts swish as she turns to bounce down the steps, hearing the familiar creak of Cedric's door about to shut.
Sofia glances back, smiling brightly.
"I hope things go well with you-know-who, too!"
Cedric's heart stops, and he flings the door open to scold the child again. Yet, the only thing on his steps now was empty space, and the echo of Sofia's giddy laugh as she stomps down the staircase.
"...Don't run, Sofia! You're going to fall one of these days!" Cedric yells with the impatient yet caring attitude that Sofia knows and loves.
Though Cedric sighs wearily, he shuts his door with a broad smile on his face, his heart aching in that unfamiliar but welcome way that means he's thinking of you.
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prodigal-explorer · 1 month
umm guys i'm new to the sofia the first fandom and i made an au
it's probably the most basic and unoriginal thing ever LMAO but hear me out guys hear me out
and if something about this is like not original because it's part of the canon series, please forgive me i'm only on the last episodes of season two HAHAHA
so basically queen miranda dies rescuing sofia from something idk
and king roland is like DEVASTATED and he ends up blaming sofia for miranda's death and starting to resent her and treat her very badly. amber and james try to defend sofia, but it only makes things worse for all of them, so sofia urges amber and james to stay safe. but roland's treatment towards sofia grows worse and worse, and sofia turns to the amulet for help, but she gets nothing.
that's where cedric comes in. cedric has always sort of seen sofia as a daughter figure (not consciously) and when he finds out about what roland is doing, he's furious. he takes sofia and runs with her, abandoning enchancia and everything in it, including his job as royal sorcerer. it's the hardest decision he ever made, but he knows that nobody else will be there for sofia. nobody else would dare disobey the king.
so sofia and cedric have run away, off to another kingdom. and sofia is, of course, very grateful that cedric rescued her. but as they're wandering, sofia discovers cedric's plans to steal her amulet. she's heartbroken and terrified. was this the real reason why cedric took her away? to try and steal her amulet and take over enchancia? sofia has no idea who to trust or what to believe. what she doesn't know is that cedric gave up on the amulet and doesn't want to rule the kingdom if it means that any harm comes to sofia. but he realizes that too late, and she discovers the secret too late. so now, cedric has no idea that sofia knows, and he thinks everything is great.
so ummm yeah!
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sweetmariihs2 · 13 days
If Cedric's experience at Hexley Hall was bad, why does he talks so fondly of it?
Watching the Hexley Hall episode recently, I noticed that Cedric seems proud of his old school and says a lot of good stuff about it to Sofia.
When they're arriving at Hexley Hall, Cedric sighs and says "Oh, Hexley Hall, my old sorcering grounds. I learned everything I know about magic behind these walls" with a huge smile in his face. He doesn't seem uncomfortable or anything, in fact, he seems quite happy for being there, walking proudly through the corridors.
When they enter the Hexley Hall, Sofia says "I've never seen a school like this. It's like Royal Prep, only..." and Cedric interrupts, saying "...Better. Much, much better."
In other episode, one that happened in the second season, "Substitute Cedric", Cedric also speaks fondly of his old school and the old tradition that they had, the prank day.
Which means: Cedric is really proud and nostalgic about Hexley Hall and the time he spent there.
But as we know, Cedric was constantly mistreated during his whole life, more specifically after the incident at Cordelia's birthday, where he was certainly less than 10 years old.
As we see Cedric growing up, during the "My Evil Dreams" song, we see that he was mistreated at his school too, and it seems like he grew different and an "outcast" based on his looks during his teenage years and adulthood, being constantly mocked by people.
At the song "The Sorcerer's Secret", he shows us that he was bad at magic when he was little (probably due to his lack of self confidence! because the spell he performed at Cordelia's birthday was said to be advanced for his age and he did it effortlessly). He needed a teacher's help to finally learn magic properly.
I don't need to describe it fully here, as you are already familiar with this story, but Cedric was mistreated (by parents, sister, the king (who was his childhood friend), the people in the castle, classmates, apparently other sorcerers at his sister's birthday), excluded, didn't have many friends, was lonely, bitter, and "looked weird" as it's implied. His reputation was terrible.
Still in the episode "Substitute Cedric", Hexley Hall students see him and say something like "at least you're not worse than that Cedric guy in Enchancia", and he says "I AM that Cedric guy in Enchancia!", which means that:
his reputation is bad around the whole EverRealm
his reputation is bad as an old student at Hexley Hall
both (the most realistic option)
If he's seen as a bungler EVEN in Hexley Hall, that means that people weren't so kind to him back then. It only reinforces the scenes that play durying the My Evil Dreams song.
The only characters we know that he knew during his time at Hexley Hall are Grimtrix and Greylock.
His experience with Grimtrix: He couldn't stand Grimtrix. He thought he was annoying, known for being too nice. In my opinion, it seems that Grimtrix gained people's attention for his false kindness, and Cedric was the opposite of that, despised and excluded, even before Grimtrix turned evil.
His experience with Greylock: He also found him annoying. Always getting his name wrong, and apparently they have class reunions from time to time, and Greylock annoys him about his hair, with jokes, getting his name wrong and everything. Cedric's memories of Greylock are also not good. Now they're friends, but I'm talking about back then.
Cedric's experience in Hexley Hall:
Difficulty to make spells, being known as a bungler, stupid, or similar adjectives
Lack of self confidence
Being severely bullied by groups of other people/students
Growing up as an "outcast"
He had bad experiences with Greylock and Grimtrix (the only people he knew that were studying there at that time)
It seems like his experience in Hexley Hall and in his childhood/teenage years weren't good... but why does he feel proud and nostalgic about them? About his school?
Perhaps it's because of that teacher, because the teacher helped him and everything. But honestly, I studied in the same school since 1st grade to 9th grade (6 years to 14 years), was bullied by the whole class, only had one friend, I didn't felt part of the class and I felt unmotivated with my studies so I was the worst in the class, people spoke that way about me, I basically lived like Cedric for a long time 💀 I'm still the black sheep in the family. And recently, because of my artistic skills, the new principal of this school asked me to do something for her, and I had to walk all those hallways to her principal room. The memories were bad, I felt bad, I felt strange for a long time after I left. That period of my life literally shaped my personality today, and most of the teachers weren't mean with me, so how the hell does Cedric feels proud of Hexley Hall?!? I only speak badly of the period I studied at my old school and the school management's lack of concern in dealing with bullying. (Don't need to worry, I'm much better now and have already overcome much of it)
Maybe the writters didn't went through something like that, or idk, Cedric probably has his reasons
@mushroomsie224 @majoresca @shychick-52
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esxvspy · 6 days
GUYS I NEED NEED NEED to talk about this like right neow because I can’t stop thinking about this song and how brilliant it is
(I’m probably overanalyzing so hard but whatevs)
“My evil dreams” - Cedric the sorcerer
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This song is unironically a lyrical and instrumental masterpiece and I feel like we need to talk about it more - from the lines of it and their meaning, to the music underneath - it’s probably the best Sofia the first song.. like ever.
The chorus is often (at least from what I’ve seen) very misinterpreted because of what’s happening on the screen, with Sofia.
“My evil dreams were my friends when I was all alone, my evil schemes made me feel like I had a home.”
These lines are about the comfort he found in his plotting and villainy. Since Cedric was a child he was teased and bullied and taken advantage of, his talents have been diminished, and he’s only chalked up to his mistakes. He was driven to the point of villainy (so real for that tbh). The idea that one day he was going to take over enchancia in order to prove himself and prove that he is capable of being a powerful sorcerer and a king drove him, it kept him going for years until being evil was all he knew.
Also unrelated but he’s speaking in past tense!
“But now it seems something’s changed, I don’t know what to do, my evil dreams could come true, but I don’t know if I want them to..”
Here is his MORAL AMBIGUITY. After everything Sofia has done for him, the platonic love, helping him kindle his relationship with his father, being there for him when he needs it, etc, he doesn’t know if he wants this anymore. SOFIA IS WHAT IS KEEPING HIM FROM HIS “DREAM”. She is what truly makes him happy. This is literally self destruction at its finest, he doesn’t believe that he can take over, and be happy at the same time, but yet he still sacrifices his relationship with Sofia, who makes him happy, to finally take over.
ALSO HIM CALLING HIMSELF CEDRIC THE GREAT???? WTF???? He - at this point in time - hasn’t referred to himself as that since I think season 2. It’s a reference to his villainy, and his need to be recognized as a powerful sorcerer, like his father. But Cedric the SENSATIONAL, is his name that shows his redemption, his good, “In darkness there is light.”
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The key of this song is typically in a major key, specifically C major. Which is interesting, because Cedric is going through his redemption arc. Of course the song will be in major key. But the really interesting part of it that I like, is that at the end it sounds like a key change, like it’s suddenly in minor key (also the key most used in villain songs, including ‘Cedric the great’ which is in the key of A minor.)
But the thing is..
It’s not really in minor key! It’s still in c major! It’s just using a series of sharps and flats to trick you into believing it is. WHICH IS WHAT HAPPENS TO CEDRIC. This song, and the events after trick you into believing that he’s a bad guy again, for good. BUT HES NOT. HES REDEEMED.
sorry yall I had to rant about this.
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ushsblog · 1 month
Cedlock as uncles, Headcanon
(This post is entirely a rambling of mine about my little imaginary Cedric and Greykock being a couple, so if you don't care about the ship, skip the post.)
Alright, I have a series of headcanons about the family dynamic of Calista, Cordelia, and Cedric if Cedric and Greylock were a couple (meaning both would be Calista's uncles). What do you call that? Ship-headcanon? Even though the ship isn’t, unfortunately, real?
For this, imagine that at some point after the end of the series, Greylock and Cedric meet again, resolve their issues (and all that complicated matter with the Order of the Wand and Rudistan), and become a couple.
Greylock eventually moves in with Cedric in Enchancia because, well, he wants to be with him. They become a little family along with their nieces: Calista and Sofia (Sofia declared herself as their adoptive niece and didn’t take no for an answer).
When Calista is visiting the castle, Greylock and Cedric play with her, and, secretly from Cedric, Greylock teaches Calista some spells for pranks.
Quickly, Calista develops a taste for pranks like her uncle (harmless ones, of course), which gets on Cedric’s nerves.
When Calista enters her teenage years, she starts to have a slight conflict with her personal style because she finds that, unlike what Cordelia would prefer, she doesn’t really like the dresses and elaborate headpieces she is expected to wear.
Cordelia doesn’t insist on changing her mind because she understands, somewhat reluctantly, that Calista doesn’t share her love for fashion. However, she notices that Calista feels a bit insecure about the matter, so she asks her uncles to talk to her.
Cedric tells Calista that it’s okay if she wants to wear something simpler along with her wizard robe. Greylock, supporting Cedric, advises Calista to wear whatever makes her feel comfortable and like herself, without worrying if it might be a bit unconventional. (Greylock uses himself as an example, who, now free from King Magnus’s control, has started dressing even more, in Cedric’s opinion, extravagantly).
Calista feels better and starts exploring what makes her feel comfortable until she develops her own style, which is a curious mix of her uncles’ and mother’s styles: a red wizard robe, a shirt and bow tie with a sort of vest over it, along with a simple skirt with a belt at the waist like Cordelia's. Her hair is half-styled and messy like Greylock’s, and she wears large star-shaped earrings like her mother. Additionally, Calista loves to wear the hat that Merlin gave her.
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shychick-52 · 2 months
I imagine after the magic show at the end of 'Day of the Sorcerers', when Cedric and Wormwood went back to the tower, Wormwood ranted to Cedric about what an idiot he was to throw everything away when they were so close.
And then Wormwood could have been like (desperate now) "We can still salvage this, lie low for awhile, let Roland think you've changed, and then when he lets his guard down-"
Cedric: NO, Wormy. It's over! I refuse to go back to the man I was! I refuse to betray Sofia and her family again! How could I even consider it after that dear girl granted me her forgiveness when I didn't deserve it?
Wormwood: So, that display of groveling before the king- you were serious?? It wasn't an act? Just like that, you're actually giving up on everything we always planned and worked so hard for??
Cedric: Would you rather have us thrown in the dungeon and banished from the kingdom? Because if you recall-
Wormwood: That was only because you stupidly didn't freeze Little Miss Goody-Goody when you should have! Not only that, but you let her take your wand and destroy the Medusa Stone, freeing her family! And then, just when I thought you were going to rectify your foolish moment of weakness when you cleverly arranged for us to escape the dungeon- just as I started to have some hope for you again- you blew our last chance by freezing GRIMTRIX instead of Sofia... and after he froze the rest of the royal family for you, offering you Enchancia on a silver platter once again!
Cedric: ENOUGH, Wormwood! I have made up my mind for good! I've finally decided what I need, what's truly important in my life!
And I imagine things were strained between them ever since, all the way up until Wormwood's betrayal in 'In Cedric We Trust'.
@mushroomsie224 @majoresca @cedricthegreatlybeloved @cedric-my-beloved @bettathanyou @fantadym @sweetmariihs2
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majoresca · 2 months
Headcanon: the reign of Roland I and his relationship with his royal sorcerer Goodwin.
Knowing that Goodwin saved his life nine and a half times, it seems to me that Roland I's government could be somewhat troubled.
Or, because he placed himself in situations of unnecessary risk, or, because he made many enemies during his reign.
Since Cedric mentions his desire to participate in grandiose events, such as battles against dragons and giants, he must have seen his own father's example in these situations.
And it is seen that most of these creatures have a neutral, peaceful and even friendly behavior.
Wouldn't Roland I and Goodwin then be making unnecessary use of excessive force and violence against these beings?
If Roland I had the governing philosophy that "the best defense is offense", and Goodwin went along with it with the "spell first , ask questions later" mentality.
Not only would they be dealing with issues between magical and non-magical beings with an inadequate approach, they would be reinforcing problems of social inequality between them and creating new feuds.
I believe, then, that to try to alleviate these conflicts, Roland II then decided to ease contact with magical beings. But, still maintaining unjust laws of the past, and not getting involved as much in magical questions.
Roland II's absence in magical matters and his lack of initiative in solving problems would not only be ineffective, as it would leave him with a bad reputation among magic users and magical beings.
And since Roland II would not trust Cedric's abilities as a royal sorcerer, Roland II would not have delegated diplomatic negotiations in the world of magic to him either.
Roland II would then be a silent king regarding magical matters. Which could leave many magic users and magical beings very dissatisfied and even unhappy with his omission. Interpreting it as intentional negligence and in bad faith.
Mainly, if there were unresolved issues between the magical and non-magical beings of Enchancia, which could worsen conflicts between themselves with the lack of an appropriate mediator.
(Not that Roland II was the best in these negotiations, but the lack of even one representative who was aware of these conflicts, would demonstrate the lack of interest in getting involved with them and in the absence of a search for a resolution.)
However, not as bad as the approach of his father, the predecessor king, who used more drastic and extreme measures of violence against these beings.
And in a political scenario like this, it would be fertile ground for the formation of groups that wanted to remove the royal families from power. Like the Order of the Wand.
( This is a more political and sociological analysis of Sofia the First, so I understand that this might be a little uninteresting for some. Maybe I'm reading a subtext that doesn't exist in the original work, but I thought it would be interesting to analyze the implications that this would bring.)
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punkyflesh · 1 year
A that reader is affectionate and understanding. She's takes care of the royal kids and would do anything to keep them safe. So she doesn't know of Cedric plans b/c he knows she'll try to stop him. His plans succeed and the reader runs away to safety? Few years later the reader and Cedric are reunited, but under grim circumstances.
I'm basically asking for angst. I've just been in the mood for it.
The Reckoning of Hearts | Cedric X Reader (Angst)
“The truth is, you could slit my throat, and with my last, gasping breath, I’d apologise for bleeding on your shirt.”
summary: cedric succeeds in taking over the kingdom, and the reader manages to flee along with the royal children. desperate to save roland & miranda, the reader returns 3 years later to confront the man they once loved.
notes: what a way to return to my fiction-writing roots, lovely bit of cedric angst! i struggled so much with writers block so i hope this is satisfactory. likes, reblogs & comments are always appreciated!!
warnings: no warnings for this one, but be prepared, there’s no happy ending.
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Enchancia had fallen. Once a kingdom of enchanting beauty and unwavering prosperity, it now stood as a reminder of the malevolent overturn led by the sorcerer. In the days of old, Enchancia was once known for its lush landscapes, bright skies, ethereal flora, and a radiating positive vibe that was felt by all of the people who lived there. All but for one.
An outcast, Cedric was a target of ridicule and scorn, for his abilities were not like his ancestors’. His magic was untamed and unpredictable, often leading to accidents that left the villagers resentful, and the royal family disappointed. Since he was a boy, he was teased mercilessly, and with each form of mockery, Cedric’s heart grew heavy with each cruel word and teasing laugh.
Years of dealing with the torment changed Cedric. His once kind and gentle nature gave way to bitterness and resentment. He grew obsessed with power, determined to prove himself to all those who ever doubted him. Months of locking himself up in his dingy tower, studying ancient books, desperate to find a way to strengthen his powers. As he studied, the malevolent force took root within his heart, and his once optimistic eyes darkened with an insatiable thirst for revenge.
You were the first obstacle in Cedric’s road to rule. You were recently hired by the King as a nanny of sorts, tasked with the responsibility of babysitting the children, escorting them to events, and being a general companion and role model as they grew up. Cedric first met you on your first day - not that he particularly wanted to, but as ‘royal sorcerer’, he was obligated to attend all royal ceremonies and perform some extravagant show like a lion in a circus. He expected the event to be dull and sour, but he didn’t expect to feel his heart soften so much when he saw you. You were a stark contrast to the sorcerer, a sight for sore eyes. You filled the palace with your warmth, your laughter and your powerful ability to put up with the energetic children so much. The two of you would interact often, as Cedric was often dragged out of the safety of his tower by the new princess. Unbeknownst to Cedric, he found himself inexplicably drawn to your presence. Your kindness and innocence began to chip away at the walls around his heart, and he struggled to suppress the warmth he felt whenever he was around you.
He hated you. Cedric could not stand the vulnerable way you made him feel. How you sent him into a spiral of doubt about himself and his plans whenever you even gazed in his direction. He could not stand you.
Alas, your kindness was not enough to thaw the coldness that had developed within Cedric. His plans of stealing the amulet from Sofia had finally, finally succeeded, and he unleashed his dark magic upon the kingdom immediately. Imprisoning the royal couple, Enchancia was plunged into darkness, its once vibrant colours fading to shades of grey. Cedric was consumed by the anger and despair that had fogged his heart for so long, and had allowed himself to be taken over by the negativity.
You had acted fast, but not fast enough to prevent the royal couple’s imprisonment. Eager to protect the children, you had no choice but to flee the kingdom to Avalor, taking the royal children under your wing. You were welcomed with open arms, the royals vowing to protect yourself and the children, promising and reassuring no harm would ever come to you. But your heart was shattered. Utterly broken.
It had been three years since the fall of Enchancia, and you had never given up hope. The devastation of your heartbreak fuelled determination. As the years passed, a glimmer of hope began to stir within your heart. You led a group of brave and resilient individuals who sought to free the royal couple from Cedric’s tyranny. You were desperate to return the children’s parents to them safely, freeing them from the bitter ruling of a man you once thought you loved. Together, yourself and the group embarked on a perilous quest to restore Enchancia.
Cedric had all but forgotten about his adoration for you as the years went past. His heart grew colder every passing day, focusing solely on maintaining his tyrannical grip over the kingdom, and strengthening his powers.
A crisp autumn night, the moon hung low in the sky. Cedric sat on the throne, the room dusk with shadows and lit up by the twinkle of the night. Silence. Silence. Footsteps. He looked up. A cloaked figure stood before him, their eyes filled with both sorrow and determination. You raised your head and made eye contact with the man. His heart skipped a beat. When their eyes met, time seemed to stand still. Cedric could hardly believe his eyes, for there stood the person he once loved. You were worn down with the journey and the weight of your travels, but you still possessed a beauty that could rival the most enchanting sunrise.
As the memories of their love came flooding back, Cedric was overcome with a torrent of conflicting emotions — remorse for the path he had chosen, anger at himself for betraying you, and an overwhelming sense of wanting to be near you, wanting to justify and explain himself to you. He opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out. You looked at him with cold eyes, and a straight face, a wave of hatred rushing over you as you took in his appearance. The crown on his head was too big, and he was remarkably skinnier. His face was slim and his fingers tapped the arms of the throne idly as he gazed at you with a gaping mouth.
Silence again.
“Where are they?”
Your voice filled the silence of the room loudly, startling Cedric out of his trance.
“I— what?”
You snarled at his patheticness, at how weak and stupid he sounded as he looked at you with confusion.
“The king and queen. Where are they?” You asked again, stepping closer to Cedric slowly as you put your hand in your pocket. Unbeknownst to Cedric, you had been taking magic lessons from the Royal Sorcerer in Avalor, and had grown to possess a healthy power, enough to battle Cedric if needed.
Cedric wasn’t stupid. He knew what you were doing, he knew what you had planned as soon as you put your hand into your pocket. His face grew cold once more as he realised that, you too, doubted him. You still saw him as the pathetic sorcerer he once was. You never believed in him, in fact, you probably agreed with everyone too, laughed at their mocking jokes behind his back. He laughed to himself quietly as he realised what you wanted, and found it humorous how you thought you could take over him so easily.
“My dear, you haven’t learnt a thing, have you not? Look around.” He stood from the throne and held his arms out, gesturing to the empty room.
“I am in control. Whatever mere spells you’ve got up your sleeve are pointless against me.”
He smirked as he drew his wand, muttering a spell and drawing you close to him with the force that expelled from the tip of it. Your faces were inches away as you grunted and groaned with frustration, dropping your own wand and being overcome with the inability to move from his force. His breath felt hot against your face as you looked into his cold, dead eyes. There was nothing there. Nothing but hatred and despair.
“It’s laughable, really. I hadn’t thought about you for years, and here you are. I could do whatever I wanted to you.”
He whispered, stroking a slender finger down your cheek as you struggled. Tears began to well in your eyes as the determination shattered, the realisation kicking in that this is how it would be.
“Silence, my dear? You looked as though you had a lot to say.” Cedric teased, his hand finding his way to your hair as he stroked it.
“Don’t worry, we’ll have plenty of time to talk. You’re going nowhere.”
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princess-ibri · 2 years
So I've noticed you've found some very clever and downright brilliant ways to weave Sofia the First and its lore into your Disneyverse, which makes me wonder if you have any headcanons about what Sofia and the other child characters from the show might be like as teens and adult.
Thanks!! I'm glad you're enjoying them :) I'll admit I don't currently have any real story ideas for them apart from Sofia continuing her roles as the Storykeeper and as a Protector. But here's some designs for the Enchancia siblings as adults!
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And adult Storykeeper Sofia
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Actually, though I don't have any headcanons about Sofia's future I have had one about Enchancia's past for a while now. Basically I've decided in my DisneyVerse it was the home of the girl from the "Girl Without Hands" fairytale, who found sanctuary in the magic tree that would become the Secret Library, and her son, inspired by all she had to overcome, dedicates his life to ensuring as many happy endings as he can for others and becomes the first Storykeeper.
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For those who don't know, The Girl Without Hands is a fairytale where a man sort of accidentally trades his daughter to the devil (in this it would be the demon Voland, a main background villain in my DisneyVerse). But since she's pure the devil can't take her, but through a series of unfortunate events due to him she ends up losing her hands :s (they'd probably be magiced off or something in this, but then again Disney has gone dark before, but either way no gruesomeness would be shown on screen).
The girl wanders for a while but comes under the care of an angel who helps her (a Windwalker in this version since they're the Everrealm version pretty much) and eventually causes her to meet a kind young king who falls love with her and makes hers her a pair of silver artificial hands.
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They're happy for a few years until the King is called away to war and the Queen has her first child. At which point the devil comes back and makes trouble again thar causes them to be separated for several years, the queen forced to flee with her child far from the kingdom to save their lives. They end up under the care of the angel again, (lead by the Windwalker to the magical tree) and yeats later are reunited with the King who never stopped hoping they were still alive. And they live happily ever after.
(Added things in my version--the girl, named Manon, has her hair turn white after escaping Voland due to the trauma she's endured, and years later her son Sorrow (his actualname in the fairytale) ends up trapping Voland in a magical mirror, which is in fact the Magic Mirror that ends up in the Evil Queen's hands centuries later)
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disneydarlin · 3 months
Sofia the First: Sofia —Aesthetic
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Princess Sofia Balthazar-Winslow I's Character & Personality
Sofia is a little girl with a commoner's background until her mother marries the King of Enchancia and she becomes a princess. She learns behaving like a royal can only come from the heart. Sofia is the only daughter of Birk Balthazar and Miranda. She soon becomes Roland's stepdaughter, as well as the younger stepsister of Amber and James. On one hand, Sofia is a softhearted idealist who's quite kind and compassionate. Due to this, she's willing to befriend those whom the majority want nothing to do with. In addition, Sofia is loyal to her loved ones to the point of altruism. The precious girl shows her affections through warm hugs. Sofia even believes in keeping promises no matter what. She also believes something being trouble-free and being happy are the same thing. On the other hand, Sofia is a hard-headed pragmatist who believes the proof is in the pudding. This fuels her investigative and skeptical side. She tends to try juggling more than she can handle, especially when it comes to her friends. Thus, Sofia values making herself as multifaceted as possible. However, she has trust issues. As such, Sofia often goes off on her own without telling anybody. Additionally, she keeps secrets from everyone except her Aunt Tilly and Princess Oona. Beyond this, Sofia tries to hide her vulnerable self. Many times, when she's worried or scared, she questions if she truly belongs with her royal loved ones. Sofia has a tendency to question her own self-worth and if she can handle being a princess. While she doesn't get scared often, she'll lose some of her confidence when she does, which can cause trouble for her.
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bettathanyou · 9 months
The Aftermath Of Being A Hero
Y/N x Cedric, Based on the fanfic "The Master Wand" by @shychick-52
A fanfic of a fanfic, y'all. Based off of @shychick-52 's A03 work, "The Master Wand", AN AMAZING FANFIC IF YOU HAVENT READ IT GO DO IT RIGHT NOW. It's still a work in progress, but after... Certain events, I needed to write something to comfort Cedric cuz my heart hurts too much.
Also, yes, I did spend a stupid amount of time researching 19th century/modern day rib fracture treatment. Also symptoms. For the sake of a fanfic of a fanfic. Sue me!
Anyways enjoy, shout-out to everyone else who read @shychick-52's work and deserves financial compensation.
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Warnings: blood mentioned, alluding to injuries, implications of medicinal drug use
The days following Cedric's return back to Enchancia were... A blur, if he's being honest. It still felt surreal that he was back in his tower again, completely untouched from his absence as if it never happened to begin with.
Oh, how Cedric envied it.
Every breath was now a painful reminder of what he endured, and of the vile things he had to do for Sofia's survival. Every shadow felt like a trap waiting to be sprung on the sorcerer, dragging him back in chains that rendered him helpless.
Hell, he can't even look at himself without the evidence of those haunting events written in black and blue bruises across his eye and face.
The entire kingdom hailed him as a hero, again, and the newfound respect Cedric had been given these last few weeks is now "forever immortalized", as King Roland declared.
Cedruc glanced down at the specks of red against his fingers from another coughing fit, grimacing.
Respect was a hell of a price to pay, as he's come to know now.
Not that respect was the main fuel for his actions, anyways. Cedric had long since made peace with dying, if it meant Sofia was safely returned home without a scratch. Truthfully, he couldn't imagine a way to do that without laying down his life, but...
Now Cedric has to deal with the aftermath of being a hero, again, but this time didn't feel nearly as gratifying; if anything, Cedric felt like a fraud.
"...Am I really a hero after doing such awful, terrible things?" Cedric questioned himself, pinching the bridge of his nose. The lingering silence was his only response, of course. Cedric fidgets restlessly, the lack of an answer mirroring the uncertainty stirring in the sorcerer's heart.
Needy for a distraction from his thoughts, along with his broken rib, Cedric takes a drag on his pipe. Each inhale felt like both a blessing and a curse. He knew that smoking with a broken rib wasn't smart, given the breathlessness he's already experienced due to his injuries; but willow bark tea does little to nothing for his pain, and Cedric isn't going to accept whatever brain numbing nonsense, like opium, a doctor would prescribe.
May as well get some relief if I'm damned either way, Cedric thought to himself, shrugging as he takes another hit.
He sputters out the smoke with a fit of short, painful coughs that quickly give rise to wheezing. Cedric's coughing had only gotten worse as he returned home, the restrictive tugging on his chest growing by the day; equally, to the darkening of the bruises and swelling on his left side.
The sorcerer covers his mouth with his sleeve, feeling lightheaded from the struggle to just force oxygen back into his lungs. Tears began to build as he coughed, at first from the physical pain; the stabbing, radiating burn and soft clicking of broken bones felt as if Grimtrix was digging his foot into his side, over and over again.
But what really stole the breath from Cedric's lungs, was the foul tang of his own blood in the back of his throat. The sorcerer can't help but gag; he wasn't squeamish by any means, before the Order. But now, the taste, even the sight of blood was enough to make panic take control of his heart.
Cedric didn't really know when the coughing slowly started to dissolve into weak sobs, but the tears were falling, plip plip plip, as hot and heavy as his own blood from his lips.
His free hand scrambled to hold onto the workshop bench, leaning forward onto it for support until the cough spell faded.
Just as the lanky man was regaining his composure, a knock at his door made Cedric nearly jump out of his skin.
A strangled yelp catches in his throat, and if Cedric wasn't so pissed off at the sudden interruption, he would've been embarrassed by such a noise leaving him.
The sorcerer waves his hand with a soft curse towards the heavy oak door, not having the energy or care to bother greeting whoever it was. Cedric had it made up in his mind that he would just give them what they wanted, then swiftly kick them out again.
He turns to glare at his unwelcome visitor, honestly expecting one of the royal children or a castle staff member.
Before he gets the chance to speak, however, Cedric's mind immediately blanks when his caramel eyes meet yours.
"...I wasn't bothering you too much, I hope?" You offered with a nervous, apologetic smile. Cedric had made it clear that he felt fine enough to resume work like normal, and DIDN'T need any doctor's aid for his injuries, and you wanted to respect his wishes, of course.
Although your own anxiety had won out anyways, which has led you to knocking on the sorcerer's door.
"No, not at all."
Cedric replies with a tight smile, which makes your heart sink.
"I just- wanted to check up on you. I know you said you're fine, but, well... You know me."
You rub the back of your neck as you eye Cedric with a knowing look, which melts his stern face with a tiny smile in reply.
"I'd like to think so, my dear."
He replied back, suppressing the urge to cough as his breath waned. The sorcerer clears his throat, trying to downplay it. You notice how he doesn't really answer
And I know you too, Cedric. You think to yourself after a moment, your eyes leaving his to scan his body properly.
You saw how torn up the sorcerer was when he first returned- despite your pleas to help him, he insisted to be left alone, that he was fine.
Now, you weren't sure if he looked any better or worse since that day.
At least he wasn't covered in so much blood this time.
The dark circles usually under Cedric's eyes have somehow gotten more dark, making it appear like he has two black eyes instead of one. The gash on his forehead has been bandaged, at least, but the linen strips are already beginning to unravel. Your gaze settled over to his hands, wringing in a nervous habit, thick bandages surrounding the base of his knuckles and fingers.
You didn't glean any details from Cedric yet, but you heard enough from the rumors flying about the castle from what Sofia recounted. Cedric got beaten up, bad, and it showed.
I can't imagine what else he's hiding underneath that robe... You think to yourself, swallowing the dread as you step forward and approach Cedric.
The sorcerer watches you with wary eyes as you come closer, not really making a move to embrace you.
You pause for a moment, a tense silence filling the room from a million things left unspoken between you both. You look up at Cedric, eyes searching for... You don't even know, really. Confirmation, that he really is okay?
Or that he actually isn't, because who would be? How could you even begin to console him after such horrors?
You exhale through your nose, but shove your insecurities aside. Your hand rests on Cedric's arm, squeezing it gently. Your palms rub up and down in soothing motions, feeling how tense his body was underneath your touch.
"... Your bandage is starting to come undone." You whisper softly, lifting your hand away from cedric's arm to free the strands of silver hair sticking out from the gauze.
"I know."
The sorcerer sighs wearily, turning to rub his cheek and avoid the concern etched on your face. Cedric felt the dull ache of unshed tears behind his eyes, pent up from the thick wall of his defenses.
"I'll fix it later- you don't have to worry, darling." Cedric mutters, inhaling sharply in pain as another chunk of hair was unraveled from the loose linen wrappings. He squeezed his injured hand shut, resisting the urge to flinch and make his discomfort be known.
You frown in turn, exhaling softly in slight exasperation.
"I'm already worried, Cedric."
Bits of dried blood still clumped at the ends of his hair, the white locks stained a rust color. It was evident that the bandages were made in haste, and haven't been properly looked after since. You knew Cedric was a perfectionist to a fault, and the feeling of loose cloth rubbing against his forehead would've surely made him go crazy by now.
Something was definitely wrong here; your gut was right. Cedric wasn't taking care of himself at all- instead opting to isolate in his tower, until he can properly mask his own emotional disarray from others.
Cedric shrivels under your piercing gaze, knowing that the effort to pretend to be okay was ultimately fruitless. Yet he still does it, like a bad habit he still can't quite shake off. Guilt begins to gnaw at him, and he shifts in place restlessly.
You grab his hand, seeing his anxiety and offering him relief through your touch. Cedric intertwines your fingers together, his thumb caressing yours. The silence wasn't so dense, now.
If felt opposite, in fact- fragile, like one word would shatter the sorcerer into a million tiny pieces.
He takes in another painful breath.
You hear the slight wheeze in his following exhale, and it pricks your heart. Gently kissing his unbandaged fingertips, you try to impart love and care into his skin, to show that you're here, with him, and he can trust you.
"We need to change those bandages together... alright?"
Your gaze lifted upward towards the sorcerer, desperation and love swirling together alongside the welling tears in your eyes.
Cedric swallows, hard, trying to keep up the facade of composure. As if there was any more room within himself to stuff down the tears, or the lingering sense of doom and panic that keeps him up at night, or the inevitable feeling of his soul cracking and splitting in half, much like the broken rib lying in his chest.
Which is why, with only a quiet sob, Cedric says, "I know."
You gather the remaining ingredients and supplies necessary from Cedric's workshop into your arms before dutifully walking back to the washroom. Cedric was sitting on the floor, the cold tile pressing into his thighs grounding him still to reality. He heart was racing, the fear of your reaction making him almost regret agreeing to this at all.
But seeing you round the corner, supplies in tow with your arms barely balancing it all made a smile creep along his cheeks.
You huff, placing everything down haphazardly on the edge of the sink. Bandages, tinctures, a wound salve Cedric uses for everyday accidents, scissors, alcohol, a couple rags, and a small bucket were amongst the lineup of things you had prepped.
"Spared no expense, I see..." Cedric commented, trying to crack a joke to keep his fear in check.
You smile to yourself, then turn to Cedric.
"For you? Always."
That got Cedric to genuinely smile, his previous fear transforming into soft butterflies in his stomach.
After washing your hands thoroughly, You kneel down in front of him, scissors in your hand.
"I'm going to cut away the old wrappings first, okay?" You lightly touch Cedric's cheek, and he responds by giving your hand a quick kiss, followed by a nod.
You get to work cutting through the loose linen, your heart racing by the second as the cloth gets more stained with the rusty color of dried blood.
Carefully peeling away the old bandage from his forehead, you gasp at the clotted blood and hair sticking to the gash, a semblance of a scab forming at the edges. The skin around it was smeared with blackish brown blood, mixing with the bruises lingering on his brow.
"Cedric..." You whispered in anguish, your face falling.
The sorcerer hangs his head, and you tear your eyes away from the injury to grab a rag, dipping it into the warm water gathered in the bucket you brought in.
You wipe the mess on his forehead clean, Cedric wincing underneath you. The sound breaks your heart of course, but you knew you had to keep going. The wound could've easily gotten infected by now, and the idea of letting that happen to him made you angry- at him, for not letting you help in the first place; then, yourself, for not acting sooner regardless.
But that anger doesn't hold a candle to rage you felt towards the people responsible for this.
"...Are you alright, dear?" Cedric asks in a small voice, his finger touching your arm as it works on his head.
You sigh, heart breaking. Of course this sweet man would ask- always concerned about the needs and emotions of others around him, even with his head split open.
"I should be asking you that-," you reply, frustration seeping into your words more than you liked. You feel Cedric's sad eyes burn into you, not knowing how to reply.
You turn away, unable to bear those brown eyes that make your heart ache.
"I'm fine, love. Really, I... I just." You stop, unable to find the words to say that could explain yourself. You sigh loudly, leaving your sentence hanging midair as you turn to the sink to change the subject. This wasn't supposed to be about you, anyways.
"I don't know what to put on your gash... I kinda just grabbed stuff." You muttered, gesturing to the bottles you've seen Cedric grab a few times when accidents injured him.
Cedric doesn't even lift his head as he replies, "The yellow jar- with the mismatched lid."
You grab it, returning to his side. Cedric stares at the lid that squeaks in the way that always annoyed him, because he lost the damn lid due to an explosion, while patching up another, different injury.
He feels the familiar ointment be pressed into his skin, and a pained groan leaves him at the biting sting of it. Cedric leans further into the wall, and you cringe apologetically.
"I'm sorry- should I stop?"
"No, no- just, make it quick, please." He says through gritted teeth, and you quickly cover the rest. Grabbing the rag, you clean the dried bits of blood out of his silver bangs, until they get back to their soft white-grey color.
He exhales in a sigh of relief, but that triggered a coughing fit as his bones creaked in protest. He doubles over, the wheezing taking hold as his entire frame shakes with the force of his coughing.
"Cedric-?!" You cried in concern, staring helplessly as the sorcerer continued to struggle to inhale. The pain stabbing in his lung felt like his side was on fire, and his hands scrambled to grab the rag on the floor to cough into- tasting the metallic tang already climbing up his throat.
You see the blotches of red staining the cloth, the air in your lungs stolen.
"Cedric..? You-"
"I know, it's bad." He grimaced, cutting you off as he groaned.
Seeing your skin blanch, he's quick to console you.
"It can't be helped- broken ribs sort of do that, I suppose!" His voice cracked like his rib as he forced out a laugh, hoping you would crack a smile.
You didn't.
"If you knew it was bad, why did you say you were fine! You can't just hide a broken bone from me, Cedric!" Your voice hardens, brow furrowed deeply as your gaze holds on the fresh red specks on the rag.
"....I know- I'm sorry, (y/n)." Cedric shoulders droop, his arm cradling his inflamed side as well as his wounded heart. The guilt cut clean through him, and there was nowhere to hide from your piercing eyes that always stripped him down to his most vulnerable.
Cedric cuts through the silence first, tracing the grout between the tiles of the washroom floor.
"I know I should've said something. I know I should've- asked for help..." Cedric sighs, painfully.
"I just... I couldn't. I couldn't keep looking at it- the bruises, the cuts, the- the blood..." Each word makes the sorcerer tremble further, cringing at the rag in his hand. Another piece of evidence damning him to that same night, where he was beaten half to death.
"Everything since that day has reminded me of it, somehow. I just- I don't know, I didn't want to see you, or anyone else, to see me like this. Broken."
Your frown deepens, then your eyes, soften as you process what Cedric said. Your own tears start to form, and you regret snapping on the man. He was already hurting enough, and now instead of helping, you were making it worse.
"Or, having to see the way you're looking at me right now." Cedric added, lifting your chin away from the rag, your eyes crashing into his sweet caramel brown irises.
You hold each other's stare, until you break the silence next.
"How am I looking at you, Cedric?" You ask, voice soft and apologetic. You trace the curves of his cheeks with your hands.
"Like you blame yourself..." Cedric replies in a melancholy tone, his sad eyes locking with yours.
You swallow the urge to apologize on instinct, but a small "I'm sorry," leaves you anyways, turning your face away to take your eyes off him.
"Don't apologize, (y/n)." Cedric catches your face in his hands, turning you back to him.
"I thought I wanted things to just go back to normal- you know. Before, everything happened..." Cedric's eyes darken, but he presses on.
"But it seems like no matter how much I want to avoid it, I can't. Don't have much choice, really." His flicker down to the bloodied rag, damning him once again.
Your eyes track his, biting your lip in a concerned pout.
"You don't have to do it alone." You offer gently, resting your hands on his shoulders, giving it an encouraging squeeze.
Cedric smiles, grasping your hands in his and squeezing them back.
"I know; I'm sor-"
Cedric gasps as his sentence is swiftly cut off by your warm lips. He melts into the kiss, his hands cupping your face. For a brief moment, it was like all the pain and tension bound to his body faded with each brush of your lips together. Cedric can't find the strength to pull away, needing every passing second to last longer.
You feel him finally relax, and you kiss him a few seconds longer before you have to part for air.
Cedric cough slightly trying to catch his breath, the pain making him flinch a little while he hugs his side.
You noticed, playing with the seams of his robe.
"Let me see?" You coaxed nervously.
"It's not pretty, darling..." He replies with a sigh.
"It's you, so that's clearly not true." You retort without missing a beat.
That got Cedric to relax a little, a small smile spreading across his cheeks.
"Don't say I didn't warn you." Cedric smirks, but his eyes still are wary.
You kiss his cheek, shrugging off his robe.
"Don't worry about it. I'm here to help." You reassured him, stripping him down slowly and apologizing every time he winced from the crack of his ribs.
Shirtless, you lift Cedric's arm out of the way. You can't stop the gasp of shock that leaves your mouth; purple and green splotches lined up Cedric's side, as well as in clusters all over his chest and arms. It makes your eyes sting, and your heart prick, looking at the extent of the damage.
"Oh, Cedric..." You breathed out, your hands barely brush against his bare skin, afraid to even touch him.
"Told you so." He replied, chuckling awkwardly.
"...I'm not going anywhere. We need to ice this." You speak firmly, steeling yourself to treat Cedric further.
"Allow me, then." Cedric straightens up slightly, eager to flaunt his magic. He mumbles the magic words, an ice pack manifesting in your hand.
"...Thank you, love." You reply, pressing the cold pack against Cedric's angry looking bruises.
Cedric groans instantly from the contact, and you aren't sure if it's in pain or relief. His body seizes up a bit, and before you can pull the ice away from him, he rests his gloved hand on your arm.
"I should be telling you that..." Cedric mused, rubbing soft circles into the crook of your elbow.
"You don't need to. It's what I want to do- by making sure you're okay."
You smile, kissing the tip of Cedric's nose.
"...I will be, as long as I'm with you." Cedric sighs, feeling content for the first time since he returned to Enchancia.
He pulls you into his lap, then shortly into another kiss. It was sweet, and soft, and perfect.
"I think I feel better already, love." Cedric eyes you with a flirty smile, and you laugh, a sound that lights Cedric up from the inside out.
He was going to be alright.
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If he had managed to be king of Enchancia, what do you think he would have been like? And what would be his first official decree?
Well, I'd say he would have ruled with an iron fist and made everyone bow to him. I'm not sure about a decree. I'll have to think about that.
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sweetmariihs2 · 5 months
Headcanon: Cedric's first love was the previous queen of Enchancia, Lorelei.
I didn't created this headcanon, it has been around the fandom for some time, but I wanted to do my take on it.
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TW: death, not being able to have kids, the queen died during the birth of her children, unrequited love, rejection, grief.
Cedric met Lorelei when he was a young apprentice, right before he started studying at Hexley Hall.
It happened when Lorelei's parents (the queen and the king from a nearby kingdom) came to visit the Enchancia castle for political contracts and peace treaties with King Roland I (again, this isn't my idea, it's from a fanfic). They spent some months in Enchancia and Lorelei soon made friends with the children in the castle, such as Roland, Cedric, Cordelia and Tilly, and as much as she loved everyone else's company, Cedric was her best friend and she could always count on him.
School started and Roland, Tilly and Lorelei started studying at the royal prep, while Cedric and Cordelia went to Hexley Hall. Because of the friendship between King Roland I and Lorelei's parents, and also the proximity between these kingdoms, they often travelled to Enchancia, sometimes even to go on vacation and spend some time with their close friends.
That way, Lorelei often spent her time playing with the boys and having girl talk with the girls, Cedric shared the little amount of spells he knew at the time, and they often went to the gardens, it was their place to hang out.
Cedric didn't had many friends, even before the incident. He had an older sister, and she was the closest friend he had, but despite for Cordelia, Roland was always busy with prince stuff and him and Tilly were never really close, so when Cedric wasn't on Hexley Hall with his classmates, he only had Cordelia and Lorelei.
When the incident happened, Cedric was around 9 years old, and his life was never the same ever since. Everyone started to see him as a nuisance, he got dirty looks in the hallways and cruel comments, and those white bangs on his head didn't help him forget his mistake (or who he believed he was- a burden, good for nothing, and the worse sorcerer of his bloodline). Cordelia wasn't so close to him anymore, even still being his sister, she was acting like his father and always pointing out his behaviors and mistakes, so Cedric didn't felt like her friend anymore.
The only person who still saw him for the person he is was Lorelei. She was like an angel in his life. It didn't mattered how many times she saw him failing, for her, Cedric was still an amazing young sorcerer — and friend. While Cedric was constantly bullied at Hexley Hall and Roland stopped being his friend, Lorelei stayed.
He didn't saw her everyday because she studied in a different school and they were from different kingdoms, but they always spent some time together when Lorelei's family came to visit the kingdom, some little times per month, and whole travels around 1 or 2 times per year.
The frequency of Lorelei's family's presence at Enchancia Castle and the friendship she had with the princes sparked conversations about what a cute couple Lorelei could make with Roland when they grew up. And that wasn't a big deal for Cedric, because they all knew, from the start, that Roland and Lorelei would be a couple, whether it was due to an alliance of kingdoms, or even simply because they were very close and would look adorable together. When Cedric was little of course he was a little jealous of Lorelei with her friends, it wasn't romantic at all but rather the fact that he wanted to spend more time with her, since the other children already had enough friends and he didn't. And yes, he knew about the closeness between Roland and Lorelei, but Cedric didn't mind since he only saw himself as her friend, almost like how he felt with Cordelia some years ago.
As the years passed, Cedric continued to be mistreated. The children were growing up and Roland's behavior was becoming harsher towards Cedric. He wasn't a complete idiot, he was still the usual Roland as always, but now he was completely invested in the thought that Cedric was a bungler, and Cedric hated that. Cedric missed their friendship more than anything in this world. Due to the judgments of everyone, even his own family and classmates at Hexley Hall, Cedric became more reclusive and lonely, except for his raven Wormwood who was always by his side. Cedric wasn't rude and always felt less than others, apologizing for any minor inconvenience, but when he was alone he complained about the life he had, he was becoming bitter and reclusive.
Lorelei always tried to help Cedric and convince people to believe in him, but it didn't change his life, especially since she wasn't there every day. She tried to convince Roland to trust Cedric a little more, and also to apologize for the times he was harsher with him, which worked from time to time, but it didn't change the way Cedric and Roland thought about each other. On the other hand, Lorelei was getting closer to Roland and rumors about their romance were gaining more prominence as they got older. Cedric was worried, because despite knowing that Roland was a good person, he couldn't trust him because of the way Roland saw Cedric- even though he couldn't blame him for that, everyone saw him that way. He had concerns about his great friend Lorelei courting one of the people who made him feel so bad, but he knew that because Lorelei wasn't Cedric, Roland wouldn't be mean to her... which reassured him in some aspects, but in others it made him feel even worse.
Around Prince Roland's 17th birthday, King Roland I passed away. Although Roland was very young, the queen did not want to take the throne and neither did Princess Tilly, so Roland was the successor. He always wanted to be king and his family decided to give him that title, even if it was a little too soon. At this age, Lorelai had gained permission to travel alone between kingdoms and only needed to take a carriage, so she visited whenever she wanted. Due to Roland's grief and his new role as king, he was very tired and overwhelmed, and needed Lorelei's help more than ever. They got even closer to eachother and the feelings they were developing for quite some time now were starting to really show up.
Cedric however wasn't any better. His life remained the same and so did his frustration. But now there was an even worse little problem, a problem he had been struggling with since he was 13 years old. He was in love with Lorelei. Cedric felt like she was the only person who understood him, but not only that, she was the only one who was nice to him. Lorelei was like a morning breeze that brought him a breath of fresh air whenever he came into her presence. She was beautiful, polite, kind, and everything about her brought butterflies to his stomach. He had been trying to suppress it for a long time, but seeing her getting close to Roland broke his heart, and Cedric didn't even have the right to complain.
Everyone knew that even though they weren't officially a couple, Lorelei and Roland belonged to each other. Cedric on the other hand was just a newly appointed royal sorcerer, and was an idiot in his own right. He didn't think he was smart, attractive, talented, and he wasn't even royalty. A princess was way out of his league, especially one as beautiful and close to Roland as Lorelei. Instead of mourning his unrequited love, Cedric accepted that this was how it had to be and put himself in his place. But he couldn't help but feel his heart melt every time she hugged him and told him he was the best friend she could ever have.
Cedric kept his feelings to himself and let his friend live her life the way it should be, and the way she wants. He also remained bitter about the whole issue of his social life and wondered if people would recognize his value if he became the king, but how? The idea became his favorite daydream, not only because he wanted others to recognize him, but also to get revenge for what they did to him... and he knew that Lorelei would hate the idea. As he watched her, Cedric imagined what she would feel when she found out what he was up to with the kingdom she loved so much, and with Roland, so he kept that from her too.
While Lorelei strengthened her bond with Roland, Cedric still saw her and they were still great friends. Spending time with her made his mind light and he forgot about the problems in his life. They would stay in the gardens at night looking at the stars and talking about how they were feeling about life, things that were happening in each other's kingdoms, and generally taking a break from the routine. And many of those times Cedric felt like kissing her, ending once and for all what he felt in his chest... but he couldn't bring himself to do it. She wouldn't want to have anything with someone like him, and even if she wanted, she couldn't. Sometimes, in those same moments, he felt that Lorelei wanted him back too, but he knew he was just being deluded.
Extra paragraph (you can consider it part of the story or not): In one of these nights, however, something happened between them. The night was so peaceful and they were feeling so comfortable with each other that they shared their first kiss. The moment was like a dream — but one that Cedric immediately needed to interrupt as soon as their display of affection finished, because he couldn't let it develop into something bigger, and he couldn't let himself believe that he had a chance with her. Furthermore, Lorelei was Roland's and there was no debate about that, even if they weren't even courting yet, Lorelai was not and could never be his. Lorelei apologized to him immediately, knowing how sudden this was, and Cedric did the same. They never spoke about that again.
It didn't take long for the news that Roland and Lorelei were courting to spread throughout the castle and both kingdoms. Everyone loved the couple, even the villagers, and they had everything they needed to be the sweetest royal couple in decades, after all, the people were waiting for their romance to happen for years.
It was around the age of 25 that Roland and Lorelei announced their marriage. Cedric was happy for them, he was genuinely happy for Lorelei's happiness (maybe not for Roland's though), despite pushing his feelings aside. It was during an afternoon that Lorelei went to him to ask to be the best man at her wedding, and despite really wanting to refuse, Cedric couldn't bring himself to do it. She was his best friend and they grew up together. It was clear that this wasn't Roland's idea, because he would never choose an idiot to have such an important role on their wedding — But Lorelei, on the other way, always defended him from Roland. And then Cedric accepted, and the wedding was beautiful.
Roland and Lorelei rode throughout the village in a carriage, complete with rice throwing and music, alongside the commoners who shouted their names in chorus or stuff like "long live the king and queen!". It was amazing to see, and Cedric was happy for them, especially for Lorelei, who looked beautiful in her wedding dress and happier than she could ever be if she were with Cedric.
A few years later, at their late 20s, Roland and Lorelei tried to have successors. They didn't tell anyone about this for obvious reasons, until the situation started to become frustrating, and they no longer knew what to do. They consulted doctors, and Lorelai herself asked Cedric for a magic potion or spell that might just make it work, but it was no use (and, well, that was indeed something unsettling for him to know). Roland and Lorelei had already given up, and soon after, Lorelei simply started having dizziness and symptoms, and then they discovered that it was true, they were expecting a baby. The entire kingdom celebrated with joy, and Cedric, even though it hurt a bit, also did. Lorelei was very happy, and for that, he was glad.
Time passed and several months later, Lorelei went into labor. It was a very complicated procedure for the doctors who were present, of course. They suspected something wasn't right as soon as they started, and after a very difficult and painful afternoon, she had two twins, one 7 minutes apart from the other. She saw her two children and was so happy to have them, and the names she was previously deciding on whether she would have a boy or a girl were now both being used. King Roland was called and some other important people too, like Tilly, Baileywick, the former queen, and Lorelei's family, who were informed about the labor a few hours earlier. Everything was going great, but then Lorelei kept complaining of constant pain, and she wouldn't stop bleeding.
The meeting for the birth of the heirs, then, became something darker than it should have been. The doctors examined her and found that she was bleeding too much, and that unfortunately, they couldn't do anything. Maybe in another time, where medicine was more advanced, but not in Enchancia yet. They informed her and her family that, with the way it was going, Lorelei would not survive until tomorrow, or even until that day's night. The gathering for the birth of the babies became a condolence gathering for the Queen on her deathbed. That's how Cedric came slamming the door, and running until he knelt next to Lorelei. She was pale as a ghost, as if the joy on her face had disappeared.
With her lying there, on the verge of death, Cedric wanted to tell her the truth, but he couldn't. He couldn't do that, even if the room was empty and there were only the two of them there. Cedric couldn't see her like this, and after saying goodbye to her, he returned to his tower at dusk because he couldn't stand there and watch her die. And then, as the doctors said, Lorelei died as soon as night fell.
Cedric looked for many to blame. At first, Cedric had hatred for the twins, because if it weren't for them tearing her body in half, Lorelei would still be alive and full of light. But after his conscience took over, Cedric understood that it made no sense to be angry at such innocent beings for an unfortunate incident, especially Lorelei's children, who she loved so much and wanted so much to have. Instead, for a time, Cedric hated Roland, because if there hadn't been this miserable tradition of always having to create heirs for the throne, Lorelei would still be alive too. But in the end he knew that this was stupid too, since Lorelei always loved children and wanted these babies so much.
He was angry with Roland, but that's always been the case. He wanted to blame him for all the problems in his life, but he knew he couldn't. Roland didn't know that his wife would die too, and he also loved her as much as Cedric did. In truth, there was no one to blame in Lorelei's death, and things happened simply because that's life. It took Cedric a while to accept this, but he did.
(And if at the time he ended up finding out that Lorelei was only pregnant because Roland made a wish at a wishing well, even though he knew she was incapable of having children, Cedric would have had a big fight with him. Not a fight of words, but one of shouting, pushing, punching and who knows even worse. It would be a violent fight where at least one of them would be bedridden, and in Cedric's case, in the dungeon).
Over time, Lorelei's absence in his life was painful, but it certainly eased as time passed... However, on the other hand, unfortunately now Cedric was alone with Roland's (and the whole kingdom) ignorant comments. He had no one else to find comfort in, no one to understand him, just Wormwood- the crow, and only friend of his for a long time. Increasingly lonely and increasingly distant from social life, Cedric became a bitter and sullen sorcerer. The desires he always had to take the throne remained stronger than ever, and he always tried to find a way to achieve them, while he sank deeper and deeper into his loneliness and unhealthy habits, which he always had too, but which got worse after Lorelei's death, and he didn't even notice.
Cedric didn't like spending time with the young princes, both because he didn't like children, children are to messy and he can't stand loud cries, he didn't get along with them and the king's children reminded him a lot of Lorelei (and her death). As time passed and the wound healed, the reasons became more about the fact that he didn't know how to deal with children, despite sometimes seeing the queen in some of the heirs' traits.
As he became more and more self-centered and moody, King Roland remarried, this time to a commoner named Miranda, who soon became the queen. Just a week after her wedding ceremony, there was the arrival of the new Princess Sofia and the expectation of a ball in her honor in a few days.
As a gift from her new father, Sofia received the amulet of Avalor, which immediately made Cedric attracted to its magical properties and the use he could make of it in taking the throne. What he didn't know was that this little girl would be the cause of change in his life, and that in her he would have the friend he hadn't had for many, many years.
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lolotheparagon · 8 months
Top 10 Sofia the First Songs
Fuck it, I know most of you dont give a shit about Sofia the First but this show has been a sheer delight for me so y'all gonna sit down, shut up and appreciate some good music. The music in this show is much like the music in Friendship is Magic. They both went way too hard than they needed to.
Here's the top 10 best songs in Sofia the First
10. King Cedric the Great
Villain songs are always fun and its even better when the villain singing it is about as dangerous as a rubber duck. Cedric is the true example of how to write a sympathetic villain. He's a hapless sorceror who's actually really good at magic but his anxiety combined with everyone (except Sofia and his niece Calista) viewing him as some kind of loser are the reason why he wants to take over the kingdom cos he thinks that's the only way he can get respect. As this song illustrates how he wants Sofia's amulet so he can use its powers, but as the episode goes on, he finds out he doesnt really have it in him to be truly evil for reasons I won't go into, cos the episode this song's from is SO good. Its called Cedric's Apprentice if anyone wants to look it up.
As for the song itself, its a homage to classic Disney villain songs but Cedric's plan is so childishly over the top its hard to take him seriously, which is the song's intention. Its a great juxtaposition. Jess Harnell's singing is just the ham on top of these cheese sandwich.
He really has a knack for playing characters that are totally wacko
9. Wendell's Way
Speaking of sorcerors, here's another villain: a kid named Wendell. A spoilt brat who stole all the flying horses of Enchancia for his birthday. He's like if Horrid Henry went to that terf wizard school. The song itself has a very boisterious energy, amplified by the hard rock drums and the lute/guitar solo?? which makes it all the more satisfying when Sofia, Amber and James get the upper hand in the end and Wendell's mother comes out of nowhere to ground him, its fucking great. Its nice to see a bully character actually stay a bully and not get force-redeemed by the writers so they can pull the 'everyone deserves a second chance' message , when in actuality, no, some people really are that mean and you're not obligated to give a shit about a bully. Wendell is, in retrospect, a breath of fresh air as the song doesnt pull some sad backstory out of the aether to make you feel sorry for this kid. No, he's just that selfish.
Also the lyric: 'That is a promise, but also a threat' is fucking great.
Its a simple song but a bop nonetheless.
8. Make Some Noise
Sometimes a song is good when its just plain fun. And this song definitely applies. In the episode this is from, Sofia befriends a bunch of trolls living under the castle that everyone warns her are dangerous and violent and here... theyre actually super chill. The fact that Sofia instantly gets into the groove is delightful and again showcases how compassionate she is.
The song itself has a fun, jazzy melody with the trolls using thier equivalents of piano, trumpets and of course their clubs. It's such a feel good song, almost like the voice actors just got up from the chairs and just danced like they dont give a shit and the directors just hit record. It really feels like a song you would hear at a party. Even the repeated animation doesnt bother me.
7. A Princess True
One of this show's biggest weakness is portraying people from different cultures cos its clear the show is made by mostly white people who have a limited understanding of non-white cultures and can easily fall into racist stereotypes without realising it. Its not by any means racist as the show features plenty of non white side characters (Khaled, Kashmir, Jun, Jin and Kari) that the main cast are on friendly terms with. But here, this song is relatively tame as this song is all about Sofia, a white girl, believing in Lani, a Hawaiian girl, as her actions throughout the episode are proof she's the real deal.
In the episode, Princess Leilani lost her family heirloom the Emerald Key into the sea after fighting an evil witch, where it gets washed up in Enchancia so Leilani goes to the castle to get the key back, cos its a key to help her parents find their way home from the sea. However, the witch Mamanu disguises herself as Leilani as well so she can trick the Enchancian royal family into giving her the Key. So Roland puts both Lanis to the test but the test involves the Lanis to act like THEIR cultural view of royalty. Sofia notices one of the Lanis aces it and the other competely fails at it and does something different instead. So Sofia thinks the latter is the real princess and this song is her showing her full support and belief that Lani is the true princess.
Its a very sweet song to a very meaty episode which is why I had to explain in full detail. Its not perfect but the song really encapsulates Sofia's and the show's earnestness towards non-white characters and I appreciate that. It helps the creator is Jewish and went on to make a show all about Latina culture and did actual research on it. So this song, and the episode itself is a good, albeit rocky start.
Even if they fucked it up with giving Lani powers in the next episode she appeared in, goddammnit why the magical native stereotype we were so close!!!!!
6. Me and My Mom
Creator Craig Gerber has stated many times that one of Sofia the First's core themes is teaching kids about blended families and how to adapt after getting new parents and step siblings in your life (since he was a child of divorce himself and had to adapt to having a new father and siblings). This song is about Sofia's struggles to adapt now that she has to share her mother with Amber and James. You really feel sorry for Sofia cos she's so used to having her mother being the only family she has and of course, is easily attached to her.
Its a very soft, heartfelt song that resonates with a lot of kids that are in Sofia's position. I bet they felt very seen by this episode.
5. Improvise
In the episode, Amber wants to join in Sofia's girl scout group but in typical Amber fashion, she brought nothing but dresses and jewellry to an outdoor trip and forgot to pack a tent. So Sofia and her friends teach her how to improvise via musical number. A cute lesson about being resourceful and a great example of Amber becoming a more versatile character as she grows to love the outdoors.
There's a very jovial, motivational energy to the song that really makes it stand out from the usual pep-talk songs in this show. What else can I say? Its a highlight of Amber's character development and a fun little song to boot. Whats not to love?
4. Two By Two
Amber's relationship with her sister Sofia is always expanded upon in the show but her relationship with brother James is a lot less so since Amber and James sparsely interact beyond typical sibling teasing. So its nice this episode, and this song helps establish how much Amber actually cares about her twin brother.
In the episode, Amber accidentally turns James into a toddler thanks to a botched magic spell cos Amber didnt want to share her birthday but as her and Sofia run around trying to find baby James. Sofia suggests to Amber to sing the twin song that James and Amber used to sing all the time when they were little. (which is just adorable)
I love how Amber starts the song in a very deadpan, almost annoyed tone until the second verse hits and slowly her singing becomes more melancholy and emotional, like the fact that her twin being lost is just now hitting her. Especially since she spent the whole episode wishing to have a birthday to herself for once, not realising that she's taking away James' birthday and thus losing him too. That small bit of her looking at the pocket watch with her and James' portrait it, finally finding baby James behind the throne, picking him up and hugging him and them finishing the song together
Its so nice to see a sibling relationship that's actually wholesome.
3. Dare to Risk It All
One of Amber's biggest flaws is her envy and her getting over being an jealous bitch to her little sister is a lesson that Amber has always had to learn in the show's earlier seasons. And while she has made some development, this is the episode where Amber makes the most change. And this song is emblematic of that.
Dare To Risk It All has Rapunzel appear to teach Amber that you have to put other's needs before your own to earn forgiveness, to prove you can change, which is a lesson not a lot of kids shows teach nowadays cos most shows like Steven Universe and even MLP put the pressure on the victim to forgive their bullies or let them off easy (especially if they're family) but in this episode, Sofia is rightfully angry at Amber for stealing her amulet and isnt afraid to snap at her for it the whole episode so Amber throughout this song (and the episode) realising how much Sofia means to her and it puts the pressure on Amber to be a better person and a better sister.
Its one of the few good Disney Princess songs the show has. The Disney Princess aspect of the show is honestly its biggest crutch cos Sofia always has a good role model with her mother and her dad to some extent and the princesses havent exactly had the best trakc record for teaching good lessons to Sofia since they either state the obvious or gaslight her. So its nice to see the princesses teach someone else for a change. And its Rapunzel, the best Disney princess.
Also bonus points for having a good song about earning forgiveness whilst flying dragons.
2. Princess Things
Sofia wants to do flying horse-racing even though mostly boys at her school do that sport and both Amber and Sofia's rival Prince Hugo are discouraging her from trying out the sport. Its your typical girl empowerment message. While the pilot episode established the whole premise, this episode (Just One of the Princes) and this song establishes Sofia's character: a pro-active princess who doesnt fall for anyone's bullshit, which is perfect for a moral center protagonist.
I love how Sofia's expression throughout the song goes from confused to smiling like she's internally screaming. And her verses are basically 'screw you guys i do whatever the fuck i want.' So not only did everyone waste their time singing to convince Sofia but in fact made her even MORE CONVINCED to try out the flying horse derby. Good job, guys.
Aside from that, the song itself is a bop. The repeated chorus really emphasises the peer pressure Sofia is going through. Second episode of the series and they're already making a hit.
1. All You Need
In the episode, Sofia meets Vivian, a princess who's a great artist and musician but is painfully shy and thus everyone is spreading rumours around her. Even Sofia was a bit apprehensive but she pushes through it to meet Vivian at her house whilst they work on their school project and this delightful song just pops up.
I love how it starts with Vivian nervously playing her lute and Sofia starts singing, whilst helping her IN SONG start brainstorming their ideas for a dream castle. Then after Sofia's verse is done: ending with the lyric, Ill paint all the towers blue, now the rest is up to you, Vivian immediately jumps and enthusiastically suggest her own ideas. The music even matches the tone of the characters. When it starts, its only Vivian's lute and a backing track but as soon as the bridge comes, the music swells when Sofia's singing motivates Vivian and its just chef kiss.
This song, as well as the episode this was from, made me really like Vivian as a side character and I always loved her interactions with Sofia whenever she made an appearance. I like how she retained her newfound confidence into later seasons, where she becomes just as pro-active as Sofia.
This song, to me, is what Sofia the First is all about. A girl who's just the sunniest child, befriending the shy kid in her class and having the most adorable musical number. Are there songs with better lyrics and theming? Absolutely. But the sheer serotonin levels this song has, as well as encapsulating the main character's compassion for others, is why this is the best song of the show
Thank you for coming to my TED talk about a bluebell princess
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