#like a civilised person šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
formulapisces Ā· 9 months
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latinokaeya-moving Ā· 1 year
everytime i talk abt what i think crepus was like with diluc and kaeya i worry ppl r gonna take my interpretation as me assigning him Bad Parent or smth when thatā€™s not it at ALL like iā€™ve been a kaeya bio dad defender since the beginning of the game i would Never šŸ˜­
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hangingoutwithcorpsez Ā· 5 months
Viva x Barb angsty headcanons
(because im sensitive and stupid)
She's VERY insecure about struggling with relationships, but never really shows it. (looking at the movie scenes where she says that her kingdom tells her only what she wants to hear and how upset she is about poppy's card) All her heart really needed were friends and love, but she put too much pressure on herself.
Easily gets jealous over Viva, because of her abondment issues. She still feels like a pop troll could not love a hard rock one, especially knowing her conflicting past. This starts most of their fights, as Barb can just be TOO MUCH with that.
Insanely pressured about her role as a queen. She's scared of becoming what she used to be, no matter how much time has passed.
Struggles to control her emotions, especially anxiety and anger. That sets a specific picture of her to some, with only her closest ones knowing the real Barb, and only Viva understanding and supporting her through it. It even seems like her soft spot exists only because of Viva.
Used to be deeply depressed (before the events of World Tour) Thinking that "reuniting trolls" with her music is the only solution to her personal emptiness and pain. Not knowing yet, that the event that's actually going to change her is meeting a specific curly haired troll. (but hard rock was probably involved in that event, let's be honest)
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Is deeply traumatized after the bergen attack and how she got seperated from most trolls. She falls into PTSD episodes in which her colors fade away and she leds Clay to cover her work.
Just after they started to form their mini-civilisation, she was still completely disturbed and turned to auto-agression as a coping mechanism, leaving scars on her body.
She's still frightened by bergens, trying to start a bond with Bridget, but the rest... Poppy still has to convince her to them, as Viva prefers to not visit them, if not necessery.
Feels VERY lost in Trollstopia. Not like it's a bad place, but it's so overwhelmingly different to her, that she feels like she has missed too much to normally function there.
Easily falls into panic and anxiety attacks as she's a really stressful troll. She still struggles to take part in bigger social events among unknown trolls. But Barb goes EVERYWHERE with her to support Viva, as well as giving her little motivational speeches before it.
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Probably gonna write more some other time but now i'm really tired and i just have to let my imagination live herešŸ˜­šŸ˜­ AND ALSO I DONT WANNA GET TOO SAD ABOUT THEM MY BABIES DESERVE A HAPPY LIFE (which only means that i will make more post yapping about them)
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hyperfixatedfandomer Ā· 1 year
Was watching a clip from The Last Of Us HBO show and like (a bit of a spoiler ahead) THIS IS SO QUARUTCH!!šŸ˜­ you have heard of the redemption arch but have you heard of the "giving into the dark side to save the only innocent thing you have" arch??
A VERY angsty Spider and Quaritch thought #4
(TW:minor gore)
Imagine Spider getting apprehended by the RDA in the third movie, and Ardmore wants to use his genome that had slightly mutated in the Pandoarian atmosphere to help humans evolve survive the new conditions. Miles is trying real hard not to show it but he is absolutely horrified and dumbfounded at the revelation that the woman he works for, the cause he works for is about to cost him a son.
So they lead him away and when heā€™s out in a corridor, something in him just clicks. He has a moment of realisation, of his priorities setting themselves straight.
He realises that he doesnā€™t give a shit about the damn mission if it means he cannot share Pandora with his child. He doesnā€™t care about the innocent human lives at stake or the dying civilisation. It all stops mattering the second they take away the only family heā€™s ever had. His only genuine connection, the only person he wanted to be near.
So he snaps. He goes berserk and the world turns red. He grabs a guardā€™s gun and shoots him square in the face, then the man next to him, and the. those who come running at the sound.
He gets to the laboratory, leaving a sea of corpses in his wake, covered in blood and breathing heavily. The rifle he took is long lost as heā€™d used his bare hands to rip the RDA staff that stood in his way to shreds.
The scientists are terrified, but donā€™t have the time to react as he pounces on them and not even a minute later the entire room is a bloody mess.
He checks on Spider, laying on the operating table in a hospital gown and unconscious but untouched. He picks him up gently into his arms stained dark red, and caries him to the closest window, whistling for Cupcake as she leaves her perch on the other side of the base, hearing her soulmateā€™s call.
They fly away, barely avoiding the firearms and then barely escaping the pursuing scorpions, but now, as the eclipse was nearing its end, they were finally safe.
Spider was safe, alive, and Quaritch sighed in relief as he dipped into a river, washing away the blood.
There were innocent people at that base. People who didnā€™t deserve such a cruel death. People who only worked for the corporation to survive, but Miles couldnā€™t bring himself to care. Not when they almost took away his family.
He smiled sadly at the waking boy in front of him. He really was a monster, wasnā€™t he?
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sleepy-vix Ā· 2 months
just finished the burning god ^^šŸ‘ what the fuck
spoilers below
fuck i was a fool to pray that kitay would live
also i had a feelign tjat rin woulg kill her self in the end and im SO INFINITELY GLAD that nezha didnt die in that cave water thing following that monster/dragon, but FUCK I DIDNT WANT THIS ENDING
im so glad that nezha at least lives but actually is that any better than death???? poor boy never wanted to be a ruler. UGHHH I JUST REALISED KUANG ADDED THAT CHAPTER WHERE VAISRA ASKS NEZHA IF HE WANTED TO BE A RULER TO HURT US EVEN MORE
fuck you kuang
you twisted genius
nezha never wanted to be a ruler. his father never cared about him, he was tortured by the stupid dragon god thing, thrust into a position in charge of a whole fucking country- and not a good one at that, forced to hunt down the girl he loved because of duty, and then forced to WATCH HER KILL HERSELF AND HIS CHILDHOOD BEST FRIEND and he had to keep going bc he has a whole fucking country to rebuild and hesperians to outplay
fuck all of the characters in these books are so haunted i love it and i hate it and i wish i'd never ever met them
and kitay...
i wanted so so so badly for him to live. i hate that he was so clearly helpless in the end. i knew that he loved rin and it was so glorious that he loved her but FUCK i didnt want him to end like this?!?,!;&:!:&:$. like... she was trynna kill him at the end. i thought hed die by jumping in front of an arrow for her or smtg šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ we didnt even get to see much moments of them simply being best friends
"i cant help but love you" WHAT THE FUCK.
this is so unfair i feel so sick in the stomach i could vomit actually
the only person's death who i'm remotely at peace with is Rin's bc i anticipated it from the start and it was so cleary necessary, even though it was tragic. the whole thing with her spiralling at the end made me so sick in my stomach because i hated her briefly, but really i couldnt actually HATE her because shes rin and shes only twenty one (i just realised shes only SIX. SIX years older than i am) and shes been through so much fuck fuck fuck this stupid ass story i wish i never even had the ability to read. i want to hug rin and just stop time forever
a big part of me wishes that rin never tried to kill nezha at all, that she was completely sane (tho tbf, her going insane was totally warranted considering everything shes been through) and she had made some clever deal with the hesperians where she never used her powers ever again but not have to die and she could BE ALIVE with kitay and nezha but.... it makes sense that she dies (even though i hate that). it goes against her nature to live and bend to the hesperians, and her death would give nezha more credibility, and she probably wouldve gone even more batshit crazy having to act civilised and not wage another war... so
i dont even know what to say anymore it all happened so fast and i still cant accept it
the weirdest thing is that the people i feel most sorry for are the ones who are alive (which is not many, but still...): Nezha, first and foremost. 21 years old and he has to singlehandedly play politics in order to save a fractured country. agshjss i wish kitay could have lived to help him through it omfg
also chaghan. him and his people are going to be the only ones left who have access to the pantheon, but they'll probably have to go to war or submit to the hesperians aghhh and chaghan has to lead all that with HALF OF HIS SOUL FUCKING DEAD (rf kuang... i curse you)
also what the hell happened to Lianhua? :( poor girl is gonna get tracked by the hesperians aswell
ushshajshsjss i cant think anymore. im so fucking miserable ^^,
atleast i can look at fanart now :(
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lopsidedtreetrunks Ā· 4 months
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Here is my submission for @dribbonart 's amedot fusion competition! I like her a lot, although there are a couple of things I probably could have done a bit better lol
Steven is there for height comparison. All of the text on the page is in the alt text :)
I have A LOT of notes under the cut, which can get a bit stream-of-consciousness-y (because I can never just be chill about something bsdjaksjdlskd),, so I apologise in advance for how long it is šŸ˜­
Early research notes:
Mixing amethyst and peridot's skin colours together gets you a kind of sage green colour, so I researched to light green gems
Aventurine stuck out to me as it was the only one i found where it was actually described as sage green, so i thought 'that's perfect' lol
A lot of the healing properties of green aventurine I think resonate with both amethyst and peridot's personalities, from its promotion of friendship to its emission of positive energy
I liked that one of the sites i used to research aventurine mentioned ancient civilisations' usage of green aventurine and i wanted to incorporate that into the fusion's design/personality
It's important to me for her to have aspects of both amethyst and peridot shown in the design somewhere. Most of the time when i design fan fusions I do this in their hair, which is not different this time. I made her hair long, with a bushy tail on her braid representing amethyst, and her three skull braids representing peridot's triangle hair. Her hair is also in a braid bc when i hear the word adventure for some reason the first thing i think of is Lara Croft so,,, thats why i gave her a braid šŸ˜…
I wanted her body design to kind of resemble athleisure-wear since she loves relaxing but can get up and go at any point, ready for adventure! She also doesn't need to be complicated. I don't think she needs extra limbs etc since she has her vision power.
Obviously the crystal gems are very important to both amethyst and peridot, so I wanted to give her at least one star on her body. Her torso seemed like the most obvious place, but I'm not sure if she should have more elsewhere, too. The star on her torso can be like a tattoo.
I think she would be very intense in her love for her friends, which might make people uncomfortable. She will back off if she senses this, but she means well I promise!!
She can be spontaneous when it comes to her adventuring, sometimes dragging Steven and the other gems from their beds to go on a Cool Adventure (pearl is NOT a fan of this lmao)
When I say 'adventuring' I really mean just travelling and/or exploring new places, which could be anything from a new city to a deep jungle. Normally these adventures don't last longer than a couple of days... unless they get lost..........
A few amedot related rambles notes:
One of my favourite things about amedot is that they're sooo opposite. I'm such a big opposites-attract truther almost everything I ship there's one puppy dog and one wet cat there's nothing i love more than polar opposite pairings <3
With that said they also share a few things (cough being short asses cough) such as their love of their friends (even if they show it in different ways) and they can both be pretty headstrong. They both had their own journeys - amethyst with her self confidence and feeling inferior, and peridot with unlearning the system of homeworld and the traditions she was so used to. They both had to learn how to love themselves enough to be able to stand up for what they believe in and to let themselves be true to themselves (i hope that makes sense lol)
I think their opposing traits can be quite complementary. Peridot is quite intense; she gets excited about her favourite things and she gets embarrassed easily. Amethyst is more laid-back and tends to roll her own way. They complement each other well.
More refined notes:
Amethyst's personality: Mellow Lazy/messy (affectionate) Improved self-esteem Fiercely loyal
Peridot's personality: Self-confident Smart (robotics) Analytical Intense interests/personality Learned to enjoy life/appreciate Earth
Aventurine properties:
Name comes from Italian for adventure
Known as a heart-healer for it's relation to the heart chakra
Said to bring prosperity in all facets of life
Emits a positive energy, slows overactive minds, guides lost spirits, promotes friendships
Ancients Tibetans used it in statues, believing it's glimmer gave them higher vision
Amazon tribes used it in jewellery, believing it gave their royalty and warriors guidance in battles
Aventurine personality:
Enjoys seeking adventure but really values her downtime
Adores her friends - loyal
Can take charge if needed
Can be spontaneous with adventuring
Emotional decision-maker
Although she is very smart, she tends to think with her heart rather than her head
She has a special power - higher vision grants her the ability to see for miles and can focus in any person/thing in the present
Similar to Sapphire's future vision but stays in the present
She gets her street smarts and go-with-the-flow attitude from Amethyst
She gets her intense love and confidence from Peridot
Hyper but content in life
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jllux Ā· 2 years
how to change a persons attitudes/beliefs !!
do you have a super strict parent who wonā€™t let you do anything? or do you have an sp who all of a sudden started acting different? then fear no more because iā€™m here to help šŸ˜‰šŸ˜‰
when someone is acting in a way that is distasteful to you or makes you upset, donā€™t worry because you can easily change it.
1. stop repeating the scenario in your head!!!
i know it can be easy to focus on the bad and let the sadness consume you, but babe u deserve the best i swear!!!! replace the scenario with one thatā€™s in your favour.
e.g- instead of imagining your sp not texting you, replace it with them texting you all the time and always calling you and you guys talking on the phone, etc.
2. not focusing on the bad doesnā€™t mean you have to suppress your emotions
remember that regardless, youā€™re allowed to feel jealous, youā€™re allowed to feel upset, itā€™s okay. Just donā€™t repeat or affirm to yourself the version of this person that you donā€™t like. For example, my boyfriend all of a sudden turns cold towards me and starts being distant, obviously iā€™ll be upset?? maybe i might shed a tear or two, but i will NOT in my mind repeat affirmations which reinforce that heā€™s being distant and cold. Instead id switch it with what i want like 'my bf is sooo affectionate, heā€™s always doing things I want without me even having to say anything'
This was very short and to the point because thatā€™s the way it is. Manifesting is easy!!! donā€™t overcomplicate it
TLDR: Just affirm theyā€™re the version you want!!! and focus on that version of them not the shitty one
my own success stories with this
- my dad used to be overbearingly strict, he would control what i wore, would make me stay at home and wouldnā€™t let me go out with friends at all, the list goes on!! but now heā€™s the complete opposite, and iā€™m living my best life
- iā€™m friends w this guy and he used to be so close minded and if ur british, you know how fucking mean boys are here and then just say ā€˜itā€™s banter' šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ anyways he was one of those but now heā€™s super nice #win
- me and my older sister used to have a really shitty relationship because she was just so mean and rude and i really disliked her character whatever. Now we can have civilised conversations, we go out together often, and i even babysit her kids and itā€™s nice to have this
- and how could i forget this piece of gold
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cowboymantis Ā· 1 month
Not to be like a hardcore Ubisoft/Assassin's Creed defender (I loathe Ubisoft), but I've loved this series since I was little and have recently been having fun replaying older games,, and noticed something happening more and more in recent years
People's criticism on the new AC games having too much "magic" or whatever in them is really funny because it has been kinda crazy since the very first game??? The ONE thing every game centres around is magical objects to enlsave all of humanity and an ancient civilisation of higher beings that are basically Gods?
If anything, I really love the mythology themed activities the newer games have, especially because most of the times it's kinda optional too, so you're not always forced to engage in it. But even then, as someone who's always loved mythology, I really love this stuff.
And it's been there since the beginning, sure it's more part of the main story now, but people saying ohhh AC used to be realistic and historically accurate!!! Is just kinda. Idk man. It always took liberties to have it's own storyline while shaping the accurate history to be fitting for that storyline, and it still does that. Even anything, with the discovery tours (? Was that the name?) In recent games, it tries to be even more educational and in a way everyone can experience the historic worlds.
Now, I have A LOT of criticism with AC, and I hate Ubisoft as a whole like all gaming companies lol, and I get how AC doesn't feel like AC anymore and more like their own seperate games, but that's a complete other thing.
So if I see people complaining about those "magic" or "mythology" aspects, then, idk, maybe AC just wasn't from you from the beginning on and thats fine, but is it valid criticism for the game if just you don't like it? Like there are popular games/shows/etc I just cannot get into, and that's totally fine, you're not supposed to like everything!
I'm no expert when it comes to this, like I personally couldn't finish Valhalla yet, bc it felt very bland and the world felt so empty and small, it is a huge open world, but while replaying AC2 recently I had so much more fun, even though I've already platinumed the game years back and have spent so much time in this world. But it just feels bigger and has much more atmosphere. In Valhalla, I often just had to laugh at line deliveries, not because they were funny, but because it was just so bad and soulless.
And I'm not sure, is this criticism for the game as a whole, or is it just how I felt about the game personally? Because other people love the game. And I get it, it looks cool, and the character mythology analogies are really neat imo, but just the way it was written and designed feels very like all just a show from the outside. It's like when I have a cool story idea. I'm thinking okay, here are the characters, this is the main plot and woaghh cool plot twist here would be cool! And then I try to bring it down in text and it's just...hm...Okay how the hell do I connect this all. That's how Valhalla feels to me, if that makes sense??? šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
I wouldn't be a good game critic, because I would spend too much time thinking about what type of my criticism is actually valid and what's just my own gaming taste I guess, but it's not like critics have ever differentiated those...
BUT YEAH to get back to my point, of course at the end of the day it's not that deep, it's just one of those random things I thought about again when seeing some posts about it.
But it's just always kinda funny to me when someone either just remembers AC from vague memories 10 years ago or have just seen random gameplay from it and don't remember/know about all the wild things that happened in the story (both past and present storylines of the games) and think it's some super serious historical documentary šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
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lbulldesigns Ā· 2 years
Time Travel Fix-It Fic
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So a little while ago I made a post about foreshadowing in a couple of Powder's drawings, here's the link to it if you want to read it...
I mentioned a head cannon I had where Powder has clairvoyant esque abilities but wasn't fully aware of them, and ended up interpreting them in her art, hence why her drawings had so much foreshadowing in them.
Soooooo naturally I came up with an idea for a fic because I'm weak, and added it onto the long list of fics I need to write but haven't yet because I keep coming up with new ideas as I'm hashing out the details for current story concepts šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
šŸ¤¦ holy lord of procrastination, I'm beginning to understand how George R.R Martin feels now šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚
Okay so the premise of this story is basically a time travel fix it, but it's done differently because rather than characters returning to the past it's everything that happens in Arcane is just a really long and finely detailed premonition that Powder has.
The story progresses how it does in the show and then some with a brief summary of how (non-cannon) the events after S1 goes. So after Jinx fires the rocket, war breaks out between Zaun and Piltover which goes on for three years before the Void attacks Runeterra. Jinx, after years of fighting, sacrifices herself to close the gate that the Void creatures are coming out from as atonement for her past sins but the Void took so much life that civilisation is basically now gone.
At the moment Jinx dies she wakes up as Powder in her bunk at The Last Drop. She lies there trying to get her bearings, as she's being accosted with memories from the future and her memories from the last few days. The best way to describe how she feels is if two halves of herself are catching up with each other and comparing notes on what they've been up to whilst she sits there trying to follow along, she is left in this state of complete numbness for several days in which during this time her family are wondering why Powder is not talking or responding to anyone. She's expressionless, quiet, and operating on auto pilot (she's basically a living doll), which leaves them really worried about her because they can't get her to snap out of this state and Vi's really worried about what might have happened to make her little sister like this.
After awhile however she snaps out of it and has settled on having her older selfs personality, which is basically Jinx after she's managed to overcome a lot of her issues and found better coping mechanisms. When this happens she just breaks down crying, out of the sheer overwhelming emotions and realisation that she has a second chance to fix everything and make better choices.
She begins making plans on how to save everyone, whilst also hiding the fact that she has memories of a future that hasn't happened yet because she has first hand knowledge of what happens when people believe she's crazy whilst also trying to convince Vi that she's okay because her doll state has left Vi even more protective of her and unwilling to let Powder out of her sight.
Some things to keep in mind:
She's seen everything in the future, including other people's stories. Her premonition works in the same way as if she were actually watching the show.
She doesn't have the same insecurities as pre-premonition Powder because Jinx came to terms with a lot of these insecurities during the wars.
Piltover is still her enemy but she's going to fight them at a different angle then teen Jinx did and recognises that not all Pilties are greedy and immoral.
She doesn't know what to do about Silco, she recognises that he has the best plan (currently) to fight back against Piltover but she doesn't want history to repeat itself or for Zaun to go through a trial by fire like before.
She WILL do whatever it takes to save her family, all of her family.
And, she has retained knowledge of engineering, physics, and magic and will be utilising all of this going forward.
I want to avoid making her too OP, the aim is to make her use the knowledge she's gained whilst "growing up" but also keeping in mind that she will have limitations as she is physically still a child going through her awkward phase of childhood.
I welcome all feedback and ideas ā˜ŗļøā¤ļø
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gretchenzellerbarnes Ā· 7 months
9 people you would like to get to know better
Tagged by @renlyslittlerose, apologies for the delay, this has been sitting in my drafts for ages now šŸ˜…
1. 3 ships:
Obikin - I. Am. Obsessed. With these two idiots. My current hyperfixation with Obikin started in the run up to the Kenobi series when I went back and rewatched the prequels and TCW (weirdly Obikin as a ship didn't register for my poor oblivious bisexual arse when the prequels came out). They're equals, more intimate than lovers, two halves of a whole warrior, they spend a lot of their time together bickering like an old married couple. Ahsoka refers to them as her parents in TCW season 7. Where there is one, the other is not far behind. I'm sure it was @/gffa who wrote a meta about how (whether you view their relationship as platonic or romantic) Obi-Wan Kenobi IS the love of Anakin Skywalker's life. To me they are the Star Wars ride or die. They ended tragically in life (in canon). They lived happily ever after as force ghosts. The love was there... šŸ˜­. I am Unwell about them.
Ineffable Husbands/Wives/Spouses - An Angel and a Demon. Hereditary Enemies. Unapologetically queer. The Autistic + ADHD ship. The angel is a fussy hedonist who will cut a bitch if they damage his books. The demon is genderfluid and serves cunt on a regular basis (especially at the crucifixion). 6000 glorious, frustrating years of pining. Bad. At. Their. Jobs. Just fuckin' kiss already (heheh, yeah that didn't work out so well šŸ˜…).
Thoschei - The Doctor and The Master. They were never married. They're divorced. They're childhood sweethearts. They've killed each other at least twice. They change genders like most people change socks. They should've fucked (you can tell I have a thing for enemies to lovers, right? šŸ¤£). They've both destroyed their own civilisation at least once. Whenever The Master shows up you never know if they're gonna kill each other or fuck nasty (or both). For once brief shining moment (Twelve x Missy, World Enough And Time) they could've been more. Again, they have this tragic thread of "it shouldn't have ended like this, but it did". Unlikely to have a happy ending ever (unless through the pages of fanfic).
Special shout out to: Rebelcaptain (my other SW ride or die), Mulder x Scully (see below), Ventrobi (what? I'm a multishipper, and these two are constantly flirting every time they fight. They totally fucked after Revenge), Blackbonnet, and Catradora.
2. first ever ship:
Mulder and Scully - I shipped these two before I even knew what shipping culture and fandom was. I remember 10 y/o me watching the first episode of The X Files (and being shit scared to fall asleep for months because I was scared aliens were gonna abduct me lol šŸ‘½) and just being hooked on the series. And as the series progressed I became hooked on these two and their partnership. My OG ride or die ship, they are the reason that most of my other ships have that ride or die, banter and bicker like an old married couple, best friends, equals, you cannot find one without the other, no one understands me like this person understands me vibe.
3. last song:
Cat Pierce - You Belong To Me
4. last movie:
Finally watched it last night. Currently have I'm Just Ken stuck in my head šŸ’–
5. currently reading:
Dune by Frank Herbert.
I am. Obsessed. After watching the 2021 film - it's probably my most watched comfort film atm.
6. currently watching:
Loki, GBBO, Strictly Come Dancing, Ahsoka (rewatch), SW Prequels. After question 2 I'm wondering if it's time for an X Files rewatch.
7. currently consuming:
Mint and lime iced green tea (tastes better than it sounds) and rice pudding.
8. currently craving: Chicken noodle soup from my local Chinese takeaway.
I tag: anyone who wants to have at it because I am crap at the tagging lol šŸ˜†šŸ’–
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fireroll Ā· 1 year
I have plans for an AU-fic, but itā€™s really made on a whim and thereā€™re a lot of plotholes and details here and there that I havenā€™t figured out yet :/ Which is sad. BUT I figured I would share this and feel free to pop me some ideas if you have any (I really need it) šŸ˜­
This entire civilisation buckled and fled under the attack of another kingdom. Pedro sacrificed himself and the miracle happened. However, instead of turning to Alma for leadership, the civilisation, consisting of at least several hundreds or even thousands of people, turned against her and started to view her family as ā€œabnormalā€ and ā€œdangerousā€. As the triplets started developing magical abilities like controlling the weather or seeing the future (the Madrigals are born with gifts in this AU), this confirmed their fears. The Madrigals were banished and they lived their life away from the city. They would sometimes go into the city under false names, but Madrigals with gifts difficult to hide (i.e. Pepa) often spend their entire lives outside the city, in the wilderness where they have managed to start a relatively lonely/hard but stable life.
Alma has a gift in this AU, which is to put a seal of a personā€™s gift. However, it comes with a side effect that the seal could indeed be broken, and if the personā€™s gift is too showy or powerful, it would make them incredibly uncomfortable. Any gifted person with a seal on would usually feel as though a part of them was...missing, to say the least. The younger the seal is placed on, the harder it is to come off and easier for the gifted person to feel complete and comfortable with it.
The city, on the other hand, was pretty prosperous and developed into a Medieval-ish state. Obviously this is not entirely just the Medieval times because I am no History expert but the technological advancements in that city are about the same as the Medieval times, and the city is way larger than the village in canon <3 Theyā€™ve got their own farms and political system.
The city is ruled byĀ ā€œThe Kingā€ currently, or theĀ ā€œHoly Kingā€. Heā€™s not a bad leader, but the way heā€™s brought up? Heā€™s a little full of himself. If I have to put it that way. Heā€™s used to ordering people around and just getting whatever he wants. He tries to be kind and a good leader, and mostly succeeds. Anyhoo, the entire city is pretty well-run, definitely prosperous and rich. More details would be there once/if I get my hands to start the fic SHFhd
Bruno still leaves in this AU. He left one night, before Mirabel and Camilo were born, leaving a note to the family. He wanted to go into the city, maybe work himself up the ranks in the castle/royal staff, change the lives of the Madrigals. He wanted a chance to fight. This opened Almaā€™s eyes to new possibilities, and she started to consider sending away young Madrigals to live with adoptive families in the city. There are many chances that they could do way better, have more opportunities, and maybe, in the end, bring the family back to where they rightfully belong. Mirabel and Camilo were soon born.
Mirabel, like canon, has no gift. The family was rather suspicious, thinking it may just be buried deep inside her, but in the end, it was rather clear that she really has no gift at all. Most of them were rather relieved at the fact, and Mirabel is pretty loved and pampered in this AU haha-
Camilo, on the other hand, showed signs of magic early-on. Alma discussed with Pepa and FĆ©lix, and later most of the family, and with a lot of rain, they put a seal on Camilo as a baby and sent him out into the city to a family theyā€™d observed to be kind and generous. Camilo Madrigal became Camilo LĆ³pez, and grew up pretty happily and normally. He is now a messenger-apprentice at the castle, and with indicator of his status, he has access to the Holy Library, the Map Vault, the post office staff rooms, etc. SeƱor LĆ³pez, Camiloā€™s adoptive father, is a higher-up in the castle staff, even higher than Camiloā€™s boss. Camilo, on various occasions, tried to convince his dad to scold his boss. His attempts were in vain.
Iā€™m also trying to decide whether to include Transmilo or not LMAO. On one point idk if I can do transmilo justice, on the other hand....Transmilo. haha transmilo or not Iā€™m pretty sure Marcmiloā€™s gonna be part of the story. but Isaā€™s definitely gonna have a gf bc I SAID SO <3 Bruno also has a bf (bc i said so)Ā šŸ˜©
obv Iā€™m not the best artist but Iā€™ve like doodled something (Tumblr prolly ruined the quality but) (also fun fact! Miraā€™s current design is inspired by one of her concept designs, like the grey and white and black colour schemed one bc urkk itā€™s so pretty <33) (also tooth gap Mirabel!!!!)
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UHH Iā€™m sure Iā€™ve thought of more but ask me about it. I donā€™t think I can just think of everythingĀ šŸ˜­
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fluffallamaful Ā· 1 year
Dismantled AU: Recovery.
So the prison has been destroyed. Nuked. Obliviated. Dream has been dragged out kicking and screaming and is now captured, once again ā€” this time, he fears, for good. Punz has stabbed him in the back, Sam is gripping him by the shoulders, the whole server is more united than heā€™s seen it in years and theyā€™re all against him. The future looks dark.
His cell is made of wood this time. He wonders if maybe heā€™s not enough of a threat to warrant obsidian walls anymore. He thinks about how easy a break-in would be, here. He considers running, but heā€™s got nowhere to go. Mostly he sleeps. They gave him a bed this time, for some reason. He dreams of Pandora, of blood and tears and safety made in hell. He wonders if the torture, starvation, pain ā€” if it really was all for nothing. He sleeps some more: itā€™s the only thing he can do to stop thinking about it.
He has a week of isolation before someone finally comes in.
Sam is even bigger than he remembers, and carries himself with a sort of dignity that he hasnā€™t seen since before he was appointed Warden. It scares him. It angers him, too, even if he knows itā€™s stupid. He doesnā€™t dare show either of these things, submitting quietly and obediently as the man walks in.
Sam is aloof and quiet for the first few visits, but eventually he reaches forward. Dream canā€™t help but melt into his touch, and then itā€™s like the former-reinstated-Warden canā€™t keep his hands off of him. It starts with more basic things ā€” scratches on his head, gentle bumps into his shoulder, hugs ā€” but quickly evolves into hours of cuddles, of hair grooming, of care. Even when heā€™s not the focus of his attention heā€™s being cared for: Sam will sit on him and cradle his head in his paws while he reads a book, his heartbeat loud and low like a lullaby drum. Soon Sam becomes a staple of the room, staying day and night and rarely going out into the rest of the world. Dream doesnā€™t know what to make of it.
(Sam remembers a prisoner who begged for visitors, for someone to come and stay with him for a bit. Heā€™s sworn not to make the same mistake this time around.)
ā€”> edit: this is the link that llama thought she lost (HERE) (edits in purple)
omg this was so confusing because i cannot for the life of me find your first ask for this au??? it was the one with the link right?? wtf did i do with it i just spent the last half an hour determining if i had simply dreamt that that ask even existed šŸ˜­ itā€™s just not even there šŸ˜¢ i donā€™t even know if i posted it, maybe i accidentally deleted it during my blog sweeping ā€” i didnā€™t :( iā€™ve been trying so many recovery websites lmao i feel awful šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
thankfully you recapped it beautifully here. i think the only bits missing are the fact that dream had to be dragged out of his cell kicking and screaming, and also that he had to watch the prison explode in front of his eyes ā€” his only safe space on the server
(more below):
i canā€™t quite remember who it was that lead the decision to ween dream away from his prison? ā€” whole server but either way weā€™ve reached the point where heā€™s been given a lovely wooden house to stay in instead. something far more civilisedā€¦ and of course dream despises it šŸ˜¢ heā€™s just not used to being ā€˜protectedā€™ by such flimsy material. he in fact feels anything but protected by it
sam appearing much larger than dream remembers ā˜¹ļø thatā€™s so cute. heā€™s just so overwhelmed with how vulnerable he feels, cooped up in a wooden shack with nowhere safe to run even if he wanted to,, and now his warden is standing at his door looking taller and broader than ever
and yet despite everything, his body lunges for affection when itā€™s offered. i imagine itā€™d be a rather slow process, but still a process that progresses far quicker than his ego appreciates.
i forget whoā€™s on his side in this au? ā€” everyone is would he eventually get more visitors or has sam just demanded that he get used to one person at a time? i kinda like the idea of the other server members slowly starting to build other little shacks around him? like slowly creating a little village. i want them all to work together nicely in a village lmao. perhaps i need to create a village au šŸ˜‚
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annajolras Ā· 2 years
Heya, I kinda need an ego boost rn and I'm that kind of nosy person who wants to know how theyre seen by others, so tldr: does anyone want to ship me with fictional men (or women)? šŸŒæšŸ¤
- description of me under the cut :) -
I'm Anna, my pronouns are she/her, infj, Aries ā˜€ļø leo šŸŒ™ libra ā¬†ļø, I'm bisexual (tho mostly attracted to men) and a hufflepuff.
Physical description: I'm 5'4", 20 years old, I've got very long dark brown hair down to my butt, my eyes are also dark brown. I've got tan skin. I don't personally think I'm that short, but my friends are all taller than me. I love wearing brown eyeliner and maroon lipstick. My clothes are kind of cottage core meets 90s fashion. Fine line between cosy and grandma.šŸ‘—
Character: I can be a bit shy and awkward at first, but I've gotten a little more confident over the years. I overthink a lot, sometimes my brain can't stop running in circles. That's why I'm not a very spontaneous person, I might say I'll do something but the closer that moment comes, the more hesitant I get. I can get angry very fast (fire signs complicating my life) and I may not forget, but I certainly forgive. I'm smart and a quick learner. I'm also stubborn and don't cope well with being criticised by friends or family. If I like something it turns into an obsession for a while.
Hobbies: I like staying in reading or watching films, I'm very excited for autumn, cause I just moved to a very woodsy place. I'm studying textile design, so I like knitting, sewing, crafting, I started making my own clothes a few years ago. Other than that I also draw a lot. I played a few instruments in my life, currently trying to teach myself how to play the ukulele, and I like singing. I'm interested in mythologies and really enjoy watching documentaries about different civilisations and ages. I love period dramas and am obsessed with historical fashions. I like cooking and baking but don't like doing the dishes afterwards. Some of my favourite films are Pride&Prejudice 2005, A Knight's Tale and the Lord of the Rings trilogy. My favourite musical artists are taylor swift, hozier and finneas(atm)
So yeah, that's about it. If you read this far, I'd live to know if you associate me with a fictional character or if you ship me with anyšŸ¤
Thank you and have a lovely dayšŸ˜­āœØļø
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seongclb Ā· 11 months
hiii! someone told me that u were plagiarizing. but it looks like ur the one getting their work plagiarized! I can see both sides of the story, and both u and the person who told me seem really cool!
could u tell me what's going on?
omg what?? i havent plagiarised anything šŸ˜­ most of the works iā€™ve done so far are reactions which have been requested, and like one or two that i came up with myself.
and then thereā€™s the hurt song series which are all ideas that i made by myself, you can even ask @woon2u to vouch for me since we were talking about the fics literally as i came up with the ideas.
i posted last night of this tiktok account that blatantly plagiarised my work, you can see when i posted it and when they posted it too for proof but also theyā€™ve copied over works. someone even contacted me and told me about it (but i wonā€™t say their name since i havenā€™t got permission.)
idk who told you that iā€™ve been plagiarising, but if that person feels that way they should privately dm me instead of this, which is not a very civilised way of making .. accusations that are absurd. iā€™m sure itā€™s just a misunderstanding (i hope) but itā€™s best to clear it up since iā€™ve now had to make this public announcement. iā€™m not blaming you at all btw.
your turn to tell me whatā€™s going on now too thoughā€¦please just tell the person to contact me, my messages are open for everyone.
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psalmsofpsychosis Ā· 3 years
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mazuwii Ā· 2 years
Can you do one where s/o is a royal? Like with the normal crew you usualy do, Levi Erwin hangi bertholdt Reiner Kenny etc. šŸ„°
HI! <3 so like a royal Y/n x ! AOT Character... that sounds cool, I'll use my usual format for these characters
ā€¢Levi is quite the possessive knight to be honest, it would be difficult to keep his role as heā€™s always managing to upset the higher ups with how he wants you a million miles away from danger. Again, he pisses off the higher upsā€¦ AKA the kingā€¦ A K A ā€¦ your dad
ā€¢So for this I propose that Levi is not your knight, heā€™s your butler. A strong butler šŸ˜­ itā€™s really funny. He seems like a stoic and angry little one but actually, heā€™s the best. Especially to the young royals.
ā€¢heā€™d perform tricks for them every time they seem sad. Levi understands after all, being a child and a royal at the same time must have put a lot of pressure on them. So the children absolutely adore Levi.
ā€¢Youā€™re already promised to someone sure, but you couldnā€™t care less, youā€™ll sneak out of your room at night to hang out with Levi just sipping tea with him and talking about life while hanging out on one of the fancy balconies in the castle.
ā€¢Levi isnā€™t one for scandals, he makes sure to stay low when it comes to other people finding about his relationship with the Princess. If youā€™re sent on a journey, usually your mum and dad will send Levi with you. Since heā€™s not only strong but also very responsible.
ā€¢Youā€™re lucky enough to not have any knights accompany you, Levi is all you need. And once you know no oneā€™s on your tail, you can finally act normal together.
ā€¢I guess at one point, you two would run away together, forever bountyā€™s sure, but youā€™re also forever married ā˜ŗļø (DISCLAIMERā€¼ļø not by law)
ā€¢Erwin was upgraded from a knight to the kings advisor. Thatā€™s just how smart and convincing he is. In this AU heā€™d have a scar crossing over on his eyes and heā€™d even have stories written about him (in the future people probably would thing Knight Smith was a damned legendšŸ˜¤)
ā€¢He has always caught your eye, with his kindness, his bravery, but most of all his intelligence, no one could compete with his war strategies, his ideas. All of it had twisted the kingdom into a whole new better life of civilisation.
ā€¢you happened to be the person who helped upgrade Erwin to such a spot. That way, you two could see each other more often and you wouldnā€™t have to worry about him dying in battle.
ā€¢Everytime he greets you in front of your dad he delicately picks your hand up and kisses it, even going as far as to bow down. He always gives you a knowing smirk every time he stands back up, towering over you.
ā€¢Not gonna lie to you, when the king sees the way you and Erwin interact his head just goes šŸ’” L I G H T B U L B
ā€¢And thatā€™s how you ended up in an arranged marriage with someone you were secretly dating. Honestly it was kinda sad for the maidens of the kingdom, since who doesnā€™t have a fat crush on this manšŸ’” still though, everyone celebrated and your dad could die peacefully knowing the country was in good hands
ā€¢Still, everyone was suspicious because you two managed to click so well on your wedding dayā€¦ almost as if you had already been infatuated with each other since a long time.
ā€¢And by the way šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø King! Erwin discusses plans and ideas while holding his child šŸ˜ž
ā€¢Hange was originally supposed to assassinate you as an act of revenge against your father, the king. Like a typical evil dumb butt he took from the poor and gave to the rich. Which means the rich never pay any taxes only the poor do.
ā€¢Sorry I got political there
ā€¢ANYWAY! She had been stalking you before she planned to kill you, learning your routine and trying to adapt to times that are better to just, shoot an arrow through your chest.
ā€¢Would she wanna shoot your chest after she got flashed at while stalking you? šŸ˜«Not at all- (Iā€™m so sorry anytime Iā€™m writing Hange I become so feral for no reason)
ā€¢Anyway, she found out from your words to the maids, that you hated your father and had even planned to poison him. Everyone agreed with you, he was horrible and treated people like animals.
ā€¢Hange realised it would be easier to kill your father, but it isnā€™t really. If she ever gets caught then a deathly torture will await for herā€¦ and besides, itā€™d be harder with all the security around him at all damn times.
ā€¢Then one day. She had joined the guard legion, to get closer to you.
ā€¢No one really knew her gender but she was strong enough to be classified as a man to them (ik itā€™s stupid but bear with me šŸ˜­)
ā€¢With all the times she had saved you from danger, she was placed as the guard that would stay by your side.
ā€¢Of course, even when saving you from dangerous situations (that feels like she set up herself) you canā€™t help but feel suspicious from the way she stares at you longingly, holds you away from something that may hold potential danger. Not to mention sheā€™s just so flirtatious with you and doesnā€™t care if anyone sees.
ā€¢And not very long after, you begin to grow feelings for her too.
ā€¢When you finally get alone together, those flirtatious comments turn into flirtatious touching, with her finger tucked under your chin every time she talks to you.
ā€¢Before more people arrive you took your chance to kiss her cheek as a thank you.. and low-key a way to say, yo youā€™re kinda cute šŸŒš
ā€¢I think only you know that sheā€™s a woman šŸ—æ her face is more feminine and her throat is less thicker than the mens, her waist goes inward despite her muscles.
ā€¢This is getting too long, perhaps Iā€™ll turn this Into a fanfiction one day
ā€¢Bertholdt was not a knight, he wasnā€™t a servant, he wasnā€™t an assassin either
ā€¢He was a peasant. A peasant child born to the family of wise fortune tellers. His parents died of a disease and so did his siblings so the royal family took him in, with the condition that he predicts the future for them.
ā€¢Bertholdt did, he was as intelligent as his parents were. The king and queen were proud, they were overjoyed. Bertholdt had grown up with the royals and learnt how to be better than a peasant.
ā€¢So, your parents low-key thought, youā€™d be a perfect gift to him for all those years of service. He was moved from the castle he grew up in and was hastily thrown into your arms.
ā€¢When he first showed up he had a red cape strapped to his shoulders with gold, matching with a golden suit. He was so flustered when he saw you, he was great full for the two maids that stood beside him, helping him introduce himself to you.
ā€¢the first time you guys spoke, he was silent and never looked you in the eye. ā€œdid my parents raise a prince or a bunny?ā€ You giggled softly at how his cheeks instantly burnt a warm red. Still, he refused to look you in the eye.
ā€¢ā€Hey, itā€™s okayā€¦ I donā€™t bite. Now,ā€ you tucked your finger under his chin, bringing his attention back to you. ā€œWhy donā€™t you introduce yourself. Properly this time.ā€
ā€¢The most chaotic knight ever.
ā€¢He was so infatuated with your beauty, heā€™d probably be able to answer a 100 question quiz about you, with no hesitation and get it all right. Please, if you asked him to run outside with nothing but a tight pink peppa pig themed underwear on, heā€™d do it.
ā€¢Despite how chaotic and wreckless he is, he was charming. Your father really liked him. Reiner was always one in a few that returned from dangerous missions or battles, he was important to your dad. But not important enough to give his daughter away to.
ā€¢That doesnā€™t stop the two of you though. When your father is away on trips and missions, you two do anything you like, Reiner will even put you on a horse, right in front of him and take you on an adventure. Your mum would warn you two to show up before a specific date when your father would return.
ā€¢Honestly spontaneous, funny, and possessive. Heā€™s just a hardcore golden retriever.
ā€¢Did I mention the amount of times heā€™s probably got into a near death situation. He has a knack for it, his body is filled with scars just from his carelessness. No one knows how heā€™s still alive.
ā€¢Would die for you tbh
ā€¢Hed even run away with you. Anything for his princess.
ā€¢Omg side note but imagine your father finds out about your relationship and banished him from the kingdom. But instead you secretly pack your things and run away with Reiner. Perfect. Awesome. Yes.
ā€¢Kenny is connected to the evil shit the royals secretly do. He gets paid a lot to do snarky shit that your parents order him to do. Itā€™s usually something like sabotaging a certain town or village that are slowly catching onto something
ā€¢Or perhaps itā€™s killing someone. Kenny is at the royals service. And to be honest, you never knew about this until you overheard it happening. You werenā€™t supposed to be there and you didnā€™t know what would happen to you if your father found out that you caught on.
ā€¢itā€™s another story with Kenny tbh. He knows you but you donā€™t know him.
ā€¢So when you leave the castle for a bit- without permission and without protection, you find yourself in a dangerous situation in which crooks want you for ransom (you must be a dumbass in this story) but anyway, a random man that looks way too old to be pulling the moves that he is saves you from being toyed around with (ugly stupid cranks)
ā€¢ā€Be careful next time.ā€ Heā€™d say, even though he knew you, he didnā€™t want to give it away that he understood you were the princess.
ā€¢And honestly, youā€™d low-key develop a hardcore crush on him. Only realising who he is when your father introduced you to him (you happen to see him) that was the same voice as the one youā€™re father always had meetings with.
ā€¢Still, how could you hate him šŸ˜ what with all the smiles he shoots at you, winking at you from across the room when he catches you staring. Itā€™s no wonder an affair began from it all.
ā€¢He should be on a mission, to go shoot someoneā€™s brains out but here he is, in your locked room at night, muffling your moans the best you could.
ā€¢Jean would be your jester. Except he isn't a jester? Basically he was hired to help the princess keep her chin up, a way to make sure she doesn't do something dangerous because of her depression
ā€¢You'd scoff when you were first introduced to your jester, dressed like a body guard and height tall enough to convince you he was the new king.
ā€¢"What's all this? I'm depressed not manically suicidal."
ā€¢"I'm sorry but his majesty insisted." The maid bowed from right next to Jean, seemingly nervous. You sighed but nodded reluctantly, shooing her off before she could sweat a puddle.
ā€¢you're surprised he was hired, he has no boundaries with you and talks to you like you're just another human being (shocker) but honestly you're low-key into it, it's a bit of fresh air from all that royalty bs.
ā€¢Your little cutie Jester will take you on late night trips, sometimes to festivals, sometimes he'll take you to bars or restaurateurs (Eugene from rapunzel Core) he'll even get you commoner gifts. They're cute and their designs are done with thought, unlike your golden possessions- which are just hulks of money.
ā€¢the king could see a change in your demeanour when it came to Jean. He was helping you, you seemed less miserable. All you needed was a commoner bestie.
ā€¢Also can we mention the amount of times he has flirted with you, it always makes the butlers and maids fear for him, but they always get confused when you flirt back, perhaps bumping your hips into his... to which he replies with a stronger hip punch. Only throwing you two back and forth in zig zags and giggles.
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