#like a fun sudoku puzzle for your brain
People always get their panties in a twist about how haters are rotten to the core and are miserable people and nobody wants to be around them and wah wah why are you hating on my mental comfort food.
Meanwhile I always gain followers during an extended period of hating on things so like. I dunno. Being a hater works I guess.
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catchyhuh · 2 months
brother. sister. sibling. random thought for your hyper specific headcanon deprived brain. does the gang do those lowkey boring newspapers games like crosswords, sudoku, spot the difference and the like?
you don’t know how delighted i was about this because Yeah. They do :)
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but let’s get into hyper specific headcanon details here
i think i’ve talked about how lupin loves little puzzles and stuff and i think he honestly can get into all of the above
HE JUST REALLY LIKES LITTLE THINGS LIKE THAT IN ALL KINDS numbers words shapes he’s FINE he’ll mess with ‘em ALL to his heart’s content!!
that said he’ll start them and never finish them and the others hate it. what’s the fun of a half-done game dude
AS WE SAW ABOVE jigen actually really likes this kinda shit. it’s peaceful without being understimulated and outright boring, and he can somewhat tune out distracting noise while he’s doing them
he is all about crosswords in particular dude he loves that shit
probably does them in the car during long boring rides and every time lupin’s like “doesn’t reading in the car make you sick” he's like “oh 14 across. nauseous. thanks man”
it's not that she thinks she's ABOVE it but she’s not suuuper into it. usually she just checks to see if there’s anything interesting in the BULK of the paper. she checks garfield first, goes “oh good it’s still unfunny” and then go “OH DAMN MAJOR FIRE OUTBREAK YESTERDAY MORNI
that said if she’s bored on a flight or something and it's the only thing to do she’ll cave easy peasy
she’s probably the best at sudoku out of the bulk of them just because she can kinda turn off her inner monologue for a minute and just. close her eyes and surprise it’s done! 
initially didn’t care and now only cares in very specific bursts. like he’ll go a year without touching one and then pick one up by accident and lock in
he doesn’t budge the entire duration it takes for him to finish the puzzle
like they if they catch even a whiff of “damn he’s really feelin that newspaper today” they just throw it away and say oh nothing important! nothing important was there. we have to leave in 15 minutes goemon
he probably had one of those little road trip books they made. yknow like at gas stations and stuff I DUNNO IF THEY STILL MAKE THEM BUT Y’KNOW but then he was like this is all fucking lame and easy. who cares that much about autumn items
so he doesn’t INDULGE a lot but sometimes he’ll have a lil fun with it. usually when it’s boring and slow on the office side of things. i keep forgetting that’s like. actually part of his job and not just the screaming out the side of a cop car portion
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Time for a Check Up!
Hello! How are you doing today? Have you taken care of yourself/your system lately? We’d like to ask you some questions to help you check in with your body, mind, and headmates! This list of questions is not exhaustive - there may be some things we’re missing that are important when it comes to managing your self care. This is just something to get you started if you’re feeling stressed, overwhelmed, or just Bad and need some direction to figure out what’s been bothering you lately.
Physical Health Check Up!
Nourishment: When did you last eat? What did you have for your most recent meal? Have you eaten any fruits or vegetables lately? How about something substantial, like grains, rice, potatoes, or pasta? Or something with protein, like eggs, meat, or legumes? Do you normally take a multivitamin? If so, have you taken one today?
Hydration: When did you last have something to drink? When did you last drink water? Do you have a water bottle or beverage nearby that you can sip from regularly? If you don’t like water or can’t drink it for any reason, how about some milk, juice, coffee, or tea? Any liquids are better than none at all!
Rest: Have you been getting enough sleep lately? Does your sleeping space have everything you need in order to get proper rest? Do you need: a security blanket/plushie, a night light, an air purifier/humidifier, a white noise maker, an extra pillow, a water bottle nearby, or anything else in order to ensure your sleep is restful at night? Are you tired, groggy, or exhausted right now? Can you take a brief, 15-20 minute nap? Can you lie still and close your eyes for a while?
Physical Exercise: When was the last time you got your heart rate up? Is there an exercise you enjoy that you can do occasionally? When have you last stretched your muscles - your hands and wrists, arms, neck, back, feet, and legs? Every body is different, but almost everyone can benefit from regular exercise, even if it’s light! How about taking a walk, doing some squats or sit-ups, lifting some light weights, playing a game or sport outside, or going for a swim?
Mental Health Check Up!
Medical (this could be physical too): Did you take your meds today? Do you need to refill your pills box/dispenser? Do you need to refill any of your prescriptions? Are you keeping track of any upcoming doctor’s appointments?
Mental Exercise: Have you solved any problems/exercised your brain lately? When was the last time you built a puzzle, solved a math problem, or played a word game, sudoku, spot the difference, or other sort of mind-strengthening game? When was the last time you tried to learn something new? Have you had any meaningful discussions, read any interesting books or articles, or used critical thinking lately?
Leisure: When was the last time you did something you enjoy, just for yourself? Have you checked for tension in your body and relaxed your muscles lately? When was the last time you treated yourself with something tasty? Have you listened to some music you love recently? When was the last time you cuddled a pet or plushie, watched a calming/silly show or movie, played a low-effort video game, or done something to decompress and have fun?
Self-Expression: Have you done anything creative lately? Have you recently tried to express your thoughts, feelings, and ideas somehow? When was the last time you journaled? When was the last time you wrote stories or poetry, drawn, sketched, or painted, worked with modeling clay, made a collage, or experimented with another art form? When was the last time you created art just for you or your system, and not for others?
Cleanliness Check Up!
Mouth Hygiene: Have you brushed your teeth today? When you brush your teeth, are you getting your molars, the backs of your teeth, your gums, and tongue? If your toothpaste/toothbrush causes sensory issues, have you tried children’s toothpaste, fruit-flavored toothpaste, and a soft-bristled toothbrush? Have you flossed today? Do you need to use a WaterPik/water flosser or a plastic floss pick to help you floss? When was the last time you used mouth wash? If your teeth are sensitive, do you need special toothpaste to help rebuild enamel?
Body Hygiene: When was the last time you bathed? Do you need a shower chair, bath floor grips, or another accessibility tool to make bathing easier for you? If bathing is difficult, do you have wet wipes handy to help clean under your arms, your groin, and in between folds of skin? When was the last time you washed your face or brushed your hair? When was the last time you trimmed your fingernails and toenails? When was the last time you cleaned your ears? Do you need to change into some clean clothes? Even just a fresh pair of underwear can help a lot!
Living Space: When was the last time you tidied your bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, or other living spaces? Have you checked your house for stray dirty dishes lately? When was the last time you swept or vacuumed your floors, scrubbed your sinks, dusted, or wiped down your countertops? When was the last time you washed your clothes or bedsheets? Can you think of any accessibility tools that might make maintaining your living space easier? Have you considered making a chore schedule to balance out housework throughout the week? Living in a clean home can help improve your mental health and boost your mood!
Relationship Health Check Up!
Inside: How recently have you checked in with your headmates? Is there a member of your system who is struggling more than the rest who you can try to connect with? What have you done lately to help build your relationships and strengthen your bonds with your system members? Have you done anything nice for your headmates lately without expecting anything in return? Have you had any conversations with your headmates one-on-one lately? When was the last time you tried to get to know the different members of your system? When was the last time you communicated your needs to your headmates, and tried to learn their needs as well?
Outside: When was the last time you spoke to your friends and family? Is there anyone you care about who you don’t live with who could use a text or phone call? Have you recently had a good conversation with someone in your life? Have you shared something with a loved one lately? Have you told someone in your life how you’ve been doing lately, or asked how they’ve been doing as well? Have you been communicating your needs and expressing yourself to your friends, partners, family members, or caregivers? Have you let someone in your life know that you love and appreciate them lately?
Wrapping up!
Remember, when it comes to self-care, every little bit helps! It’s better to do something small and simple to take care of yourself, your body, or your system than nothing at all. We hope this post is useful to some of y’all, especially others like us who might struggle to know how to take proper care of ourselves!
Please try to treat yourself and your headmates with gentle kindness today, and remember that it’s okay to not be okay! It’s okay to struggle, and it’s okay to have difficulties with practicing self-care. We just wanted to check in with some questions you can ask yourself to make sure you’ve been meeting your needs. But even if you can’t meet all your needs, we hope that you can do something small to help yourself feel better!
As always, thanks so much for reading, and take care!
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zolakin · 24 days
Samurai Sudoku Printable PDF – Medium Difficulty | Instant Download
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Unleash your inner warrior with our Samurai Sudoku Printable PDF! This medium-difficulty puzzle is perfect for Sudoku enthusiasts looking for a fresh challenge. Featuring five interlocking Sudoku grids, this Samurai Sudoku will keep your mind sharp and engaged for hours.
Download Samurai Sudoku Printable PDF
Why You'll Love It:
Medium Difficulty: Ideal for those who have mastered standard Sudoku and are ready to elevate their puzzle game.
Instant Download: Receive your printable PDF file immediately after purchase—no waiting required!
High-Quality Design: Clear, crisp, and easy-to-read grids ensure an enjoyable solving experience.
Convenient & Portable: Print as many copies as you like, and take your puzzles on the go!
Perfect for:
Sudoku lovers seeking a new challenge.
Brain workout enthusiasts.
Gifting to friends and family who enjoy puzzles.
Download your Samurai Sudoku now and dive into a world of strategic thinking and problem-solving fun. Elevate your puzzle skills today!
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kelseytheballerina · 1 year
what do i do if i end up going back on my word? what if i end up watching netflix on a weekday? i’ll feel really bad about myself but how do i make sure i don’t do it again? i’m scared that i’ll start off really well but then i’ll fall off after 2 weeks and my body will feel tired and i’ll just take a ‘me day’ for a day and then the me day become dayS for the rest of the challenge :(
Very real fear, seems like it’s based on past experience. I’m sure we’ve all gone though this.
The key is to remember that you are not a helpless sim being controlled by someone else. It was your hand that clicked on your Netflix bookmark, signed in, picked a show, and started watching. It didn’t just “end up” happening to you. You actively do things that throw you off the wagon by listening to the part of your brain that specializes in self sabotage under the guise of you being ‘too tired’ or ‘need a day off’. Take accountability for your actions.
There are other ways to relax and unwind that don’t require screens. Remember that this challenge isn’t about always being super active and go go go. You’re allowed to chill, read and daydream and draw and paint and play music and practice instruments and journal and talk to yourself and go for a walk and knit and make jewelry and paint your nails and chat on the phone and do crossword puzzles and sudoku and look at a magazine. You can learn to have fun without a screen. I think if you have the fear of a Netflix relapse then you are the main person who needs to learn how to have fun without a screen. It will be so so good for you.
Yes, your body will feel tired bc it’s being pushed further than normal and still adjusting to the routine. That is normal. You will not die from 30 minutes of exercise and a bit of reading and praying. Your body will eventually adjust and accept that this is the new normal. People who study 12 hours a day didn’t just suddenly start doing it. Their bodies got used to the increase over time. People who have intensive workouts didn’t do it overnight and they will gladly tell you how hard it was in the beginning. Our bodies and minds are capable of incredible things and they are very adaptive. They adapted to you sitting down looking at screens all day and they can be adapted to do other things. But you have to let it.
You have to delete the apps from your phone, block the websites, and stop making excuses. You have to let logic and reason beat self sabotage. You have to remember that there is life without an internet addiction and you can experience it. Please let yourself experience it.
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Your fics are keeping me very well fed. May I pretty please request a little!house fic where house is regressing at work but trying to hide it and one of the ducklings rats him out to cg!cuddy or cg!wilson?
Your works are amazing <33333
Middle!Regressor House for the soul. He would be the sassiest, most back-talking pre-teen you ever did see.
Word Count: 990
Summery: House has regressed in the middle of a DDX, and after rushing the ducklings out of his hair so they can't bring it up, is bored out of his skull. Then, someone rats him to Cuddy.
House capped the whiteboard marker. “Okay! Chase, recheck the bloodwork, Cameron and Foreman, run a chest MRI and a stress-test before Mr. State-Track-Champion’s heart explodes.” 
For a second none of the fellows moved a muscle, just staring at him with dumb looks on their faces. 
“Am I speaking Spanish? Go!” He snapped, and finally they got up and left him alone before they could voice any of the ideas he could see on their goody-two-shoes faces.
He let out a long sigh and trudged to his office. He grabbed his tennis ball, flopped down into his chair, and began to precariously balance the ball on his finger. He’d been trying to learn how to spin it like a basketball, but it still wouldn’t stay on his finger for more than a few seconds. The ball didn’t seem to want to cooperate any more today than it did the day before, and after a couple minutes he gave up and resorted to bouncing it off of the wall instead.
Why did Cuddy have to take away his Gameboy? It wasn’t even like he was ignoring a patient to play! He was waiting for his next appointment to show up and she took it because he was being “unprofessional” or whatever. 
Maybe Cuddy would give it back if she knew he was only twelve years old. He snickered to himself. She’d be so embarrassed if he killed someone because he was bored. But he knew he couldn’t do that.He wasn’t stupid enough to work on the patient when he was regressed, even if he was bored out of his mind.
Anything they had in the office in case of regression emergencies didn’t look any fun, either. He was too old for the colouring pages and children’s books, and too young for Chase’s dumb crosswords and sudoku puzzles, which meant all he was left with was the ball. He felt like one of those sad tigers in zoos with no enrichment toys. 
He wasn’t sure why his brain had picked today of all days to regress. The case wasn’t very hard and he wasn’t in any more pain than he usually was,but at some point during the DDX his adult mind turned to TV static and decided to abandon him to his own devices. Chase, Cameron, and Foreman had all noticed that something was up, but they didn’t say anything. Good, he thought, the last thing he needed were for his employees thinking he needed to be babysat.
There was a knock on his office door, and he had to resist the urge to groan and slide out of his chair at the sight of Cuddy walking in.
“Doctor Cuddy!” He greeted, “To what do I owe the pleasure? Is a PEDS patient missing their balloon? It wasn’t me, I promise!”
She crossed her arms and gave him a patented Cuddy-Stare. “One of your fellows told me that you were regressed during a diagnostic meeting.”
House deflated. Those snitches. “Which one?”
“So they were right?” She asked incredulously, “House, you can’t be working if you’re regressed, it’s not safe.”
“Meh-meh-meh, it’s not safe!” He mocked, “I know. I’m not working on the patient right now, I made them do it.” Even if he’d rather be doing anything but sitting in his lame office. He was being responsible for once! Couldn’t she see that?
Cuddy shook her head. “But you’re still working on the diagnosis. What if you missed something, or forgot a possibility?”
“Technically that could happen at any time.” He pointed out.
“You know what I mean. How old even are you right now?”
“Twelve. So I don’t need to be babysat, if that’s what you’re wondering.” He prayed to whatever god above that she didn’t decide he needed ‘parental supervision’ all day.
She let out a long, exasperated sigh. “Okay… That’s not the worst but,” Don’t say it, “I’d still like you to stay with me until you’re an adult again, just so I know you won’t try to go back to work.” 
Damn it. “But Cuddyyyy…” He whined dramatically.
“Exactly. You’re twelve, which means you’re old enough to understand that this is a liability.”
Staying with Cuddy meant that now he’d have to be bored in her stupid office, and now she’d be breathing down his neck the whole time. “But I’ll die of lame-disease if I have to be around you! You’re already in the final stages, I won’t stand a chance!”
Cuddy smirked. “You’re a big boy now, I’m sure you’ll survive. Come on, let’s go.”
House trudged his feet every step of the trip down to Cuddy’s office, making sure to add at least an extra ten minutes to what should have been a five-minute walk. Once they finally got there his leg was burning, and he dropped into one of the chairs against the wall and popped two Vicodin. They tasted so gross without water. How did big-him do this all the time?
“How many did you just take?” Cuddy asked.
“Two, like it says on the bottle, Mom.” Taking more would make his leg hurt less, but he didn’t like the way the blurry feeling from too many pills mixed with the fuzzy feeling of being little. It made him feel unfocused and weird.
She raised a considering eyebrow. “…Oh. Alright. I’m just going to be answering emails,” She opened a drawer in her desk, “So to make sure you stay out of trouble, here.” 
His Gameboy! He took it eagerly and turned it on. “So, wait— You’re saying I get to skip work and play video games all day?”
She chuckled. “Until you’re big again, yes. Don’t get any ideas, I’m not going to let you do this whenever.”
He saluted her, already engrossed in a game of Super Mario Bros. “Yes, sir.”
Cuddy just shook her head and got to work.
Maybe she wasn't so lame after all.
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yanderemommabean · 7 months
yandere unrelated but i think im broken-
i have always had very little understanding of math, but now for some reason i am compelled to do sudoku puzzles
I've begun using sudoku as a coping mechanism/relaxer when im stressed, i dont know how this happened??? is this bad????
I'd say it's an improvement rather than a hindrance! :3 I used to really like math when I was younger and liked to do easy equations for fun so I don't think its that strange!
Plus it's good for your brain!
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rottingsam · 13 days
tag game!
thank you @hellhoundlair for the tag!
Do you make your bed? no, because i am just going to mess it up again anyways and its kind of harsh to make my bed with the position it’s in anyways
What's your favorite number? 17
What is your job? it’s a secret but i ship samdean like its my day job :)
If you could go back to school, would you? i am in school right now! however, I wouldn’t want to go back to high school, elementary or even my previous years in college…they were not very fun.
Can you parallel park? hell yeah
A job you had that would surprise people? not technically a job but i did get paid for it. some summers i would work horse stables and it was kind of fun, i like horses. i just don’t think by looking at me or seeing the way i behave, that people would assume i do jobs like that on occasion.
Do you think aliens are real? yes, i think that the world is too big for their not be. maybe not in the traditional way people thing, but i will bet on Some Planet in Some Galaxy very Far Away there is another form of life out there- intelligent or not.
Can you drive a manual car? yeas
What's your guilty pleasure? nothing about pleasure is guilty but i also don’t do anything that would be considered a “guilty pleasure”
Tattoos? soon hopefully! there’s not very many good studios around me and i want to put something on my body forever, im willing to spend big and travel far when the time is right. i would like cybersigilism pieces on hips, with a fawn incorporated on my left side and lamb on my left. maybe a tramp stamp. and i like bluer inks rather than just stark black. yeah
Favorite color? green and yellow
Favorite type of music? i like Midwestern emo a lot. also alternative rock, and traditionally what is referred to as “emo” for the past year or so i’ve been a huge fan of flyleaf, when listening to music i tend to focus on the lyrical elements. but i also like heavy guitar, or when the guitar is very very prominent in a song
Do you like puzzles? sometimes! i like sudoku and brain teasers but i don’t really like assembling traditional puzzles
Any phobias? i dont know what it is called but when i am by myself i am constantly scared that i am not really by myself and someone is secretly watching me or hiding somewhere
Favorite childhood sport? golf
Do you talk to yourself? yes, frequently because i have a lot to say all the time and i always feel like i just talk at my friends so i just talk to myself when i have new things to say most of the time
What movies do you adore? i don’t watch movies hardly ever, but i will say Creep and Creep 2. they made me so deeply uncomfortable and i can’t wait until the third movie is finalized. it is so weird and disturbing and i love it!!!!!
Coffee or tea? i liked iced coffee or frappes a lot
First thing you wanted to be when you grew up? i really really really really wanted to be a doll
tagging: @sin-stained
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please never apologize for anything ever i love how your brain works. one should always wonder about how good christmas lights work as cuffs. just in case. also, lena pants allergy? is she… allergic to pants??
indeed indeed, such considerations are a crucial part of the holiday season, thank you anon for agreeing o7
the pants allergy fic was one of my favorites for a hot minute heheheh! it's so fucking fun. i'm going to put some (unfinished/unpolished!) excerpts + the premise of the plot beneath the cut :) i think i am actually going to turn this fic into two chapters so that i can finish and post the first half of it soon, bc it's so fun and i love it so much.
spoilers for the fic beneath the cut!
It was five p.m. when Kara finally got out of the Phantom Zone. A hazy sunset, blurred by watery eyes. Warm.
She moved in with Alex and Kelly that night.
Well, not exactly. She’d tried to spend her first night back in her apartment, sleeping alone in her own bed as if nothing had happened. Yeah, but, see, that lasted all of twenty minutes. (Night terrors are a fucking bitch, okay?)
So then she was set up in Alex and Kelly’s guest room. Which was good, because, people! If she dreamt of phantoms circling her again, or found herself overcome with that cold cold, or couldn’t stop fucking thinking about it all—she had people there. People there to make her not alone. To entertain her need to turn on all the lights in the apartment, even though it’s one in the morning and they both know she has x-ray vision. To put their hand on her back and just breathe with her until her heart stops pounding so rapidly and her chest stops feeling so tight.
It was just what Kara needed.
Until day five. Or, rather, technically night six. A night during which Kara was dutifully listening to Britney songs with earbuds, please note, in her own room (well, the guest room) with her door completely closed as she worked through a book of sudoku puzzles to occupy her mind.
And yet.
So yeah, after hearing her sister-in-law make that noise, Kara decided that moving out was probably best.
Which is why she ended up calling Lena bright and early the next morning. Lena, who instantly agreed to let Kara use her spare bedroom and eat whatever food she found in the penthouse (!), even before Kara explained what had prompted her sudden need for a new place to stay.
So, thus began day one of a Super cohabitating with a Luthor.
[So Kara is living with Lena and notices the strangest thing - Lena doesn't wear pants! It's day four of living together when:]
It's like she's in a reverie, standing there like some creepy dofus; examining the freckles whose patterns she's committed to memory in just four short days, the map of stretchmarks just begging to be traced, the textured cellulite she maybe kinda sorts wants to lick--
She's so enraptured by the majesty of thigh before her that she misses the turn of Lena's neck, the tilt of Lena's head to stare at Kara in turn.
"Kara?" she says, her left eyebrow raised coyly as a wry grin tugs at her lips. And, oh, golly, she's, and Kara's been--
"Long day at work, darling?"
Kara sputters. Like, warning, KaraDanvers.exe is not responding!, and geez, did Lena just snort at her? Is she giggling at the brain damage the mere sight of her skin has inflicted upon the Girl of Steel?
She's not sure how embarrassingly long it takes her to squeak out a feeble response. "Y-Your leg..."
"My leg indeed," Lena repeats, unabashedly smirking now, and, and... "Well, what about it?"
Shoot, she's stammering again. The sole surviving daughter of Krypton and she's stammering because her platonic (platonic, Kara, platonic!) best friend keeps showing off her gosh-darn leg. "Um. I, uh," goes the chorus, Rao, until she finally blurts out at near-super speed, "It'sjustthatyouneverwearpants."
"Pants?" Lena echoes after a minute spent processing the jumble of syllables.
Kara's panting now, okay, that's okay, totally okay and normal. There's the pressure of teeth biting down on her lower lip--wait, her teeth, yes, her teeth.
She looks away long enough to muster the courage to explain: "It's--It's just that you, um. It's like you're allergic to pants!"
[Lena invites Kara to sit down on the couch beside her. She explains that she doesn't usually wear pants at home because they're uncomfortable to her. (Yes I am projecting, fuck the sensory experience of pants.)]
In her defense, she's weak. She just got out of the Phantom Zone. Who can blame her mind for wandering? Because, holy Rao, there's only one later of cheap human fabric separating her from the bare skin of Lena's thigh. Jeepers, she can see them in even more detail now, can imagine exactly how she'd trail kisses up from the mole just above Lena's left knee, and--er, wait, no, down from, down from! Ugh, no, kissing upwards probably isn't gal-pal-bestie-roommates behavior. But if she's kissing down Lena's leg, maintaining a respectful distance from her, um, pelvic region of course, that'd be okay, right? Yeah, knees and calves are fair enough territory for platonic friends, sure! Humans get cramps in their calves, you see, so it's actually weirder that Kara hasn't touched Lena's calves before, and--
The touch of Lena's hand against her shoulder finally pulls Kara from the tortuous rabbit hole of thoughts. She tunes in just in time to hear Lena's earnest proclamation:
"I'm so, so sorry, Kara. I didn't realize how uncomfortable I've been making you feel, and--"
"Nononono!" Kara cuts in, alarmingly desperate to stop Lena from thinking she needs to cover up around her. (Should she explore that?) "I'm fine. I'm totally fine! And, I mean, it's your house! Don't force yourself into a pants-induced anaphylaxis on my account."
Lena laughs at the dumb joke, but it sounds more subdued than usual. So Kara reaffirms, "We're good, I promise. I'd let you know if you ever crossed one of my boundaries, and I trust that you'll let me know if I ever cross one of yours. Okay?"
Lena nods, expression warm, lips parted and pretty and pink and--
Kara flees the scene before any more brain damage can occur.
[The next day, Kara arrives home from a Supergirl mission that has her mentally exhausted. She just want to wind down over an episode of trashy TV with Lena. She lands on the balcony, lets herself in, and--]
"Lena. Why are you wearing pants?"
Lena looks squirmy, ducking her head as her cheeks flush (from embarrassment, probably, Rao, screw Kara's big mouth...) "I, um. I just thought it'd be convenient to wear pants, you know, since it's so late."
And... Kara's confused. "Why? You never wear pants when we sleep. And, like, it makes for a warmer cuddle that way, so--"
Kara doesn't realize that Lena's right in front of her, a mere breath away, until she feels the touch of Lena's hand on hers.
"Kara?" she says, gazing up at her with those piercingly sincere green eyes. "It's true that I prefer not to wear pants. 'Allergic to pants,' that's what you called it. If I were home alone right now, I wouldn't be wearing pants."
"Okay..." The gears slowly turn in Kara's head, stopping and starting in little hiccups as Lena begins softly toying with her fingers. "But you weren't wearing pants when I first moved in, even though you weren't home alone."
Lena nods, hums her confirmation. "Mhm. It felt... You being here felt natural. Comfortable. Like an extension of my peace rather than an interloper invading it. I felt like I was safe being vulnerable with you in that way, and I... I guess I wanted it too. I wanted it, wanted to affirm that I really did have a best friend who made me feel so at ease, that even after months apart, I could live with you in pantsless peace." Lena pauses, intertwining their fingers decisively so they're holding hands properly now. 'B-But last night, it was obvious that you were uncomfortable. I'd seen signs of it the days before, of course, but I'd convinced myself that you--"
[Kara's service top "protect Lena at all costs" instincts kick in.] "Baby, no, of course I'm comfortable around you! Pants on or off, I promise. In fact," she continues, and her brain cells are scrambled by the feeling of Lena's hand in hers, and oh, oh no, she's rambling, and-- "I'm so comfortable that you could stop wearing shirts too, and I'd still be fine! Heck," she continues, blabbering on with the speed of Icarus barrelling toward the Sun, "I'd be fine if you wore nothing when we go to bed together tonight!"
(Let the record show that there’s a solid three seconds of silence before Kara’s brain finally processes what she’s just said. A solid three seconds before Kara Danvers realizes Oh.
Oh no.
Because golly! Gosh! And maybe also: Fuck!)
(Kara decides that the best course of action is to: 1. Shut her goddamn mouth, and 2. Look away.)
(Or, well, that’s what she does at least. She can’t truthfully claim that any decision making really went into that reflex.)
And let the record show that there’s an additional two point four seconds of silence between Kara, face aflame with mortification, and her bestie gal pal slash roommate before said bestie gal pal lets out a soft and breathy “Yeah?”
Which. Fuck.
Kara musters up the strength to look at Lena, and. Oh. She seems so small, almost fragile as she stands there fidgeting her lower lip beneath her teeth.
"O-Of course 'yeah', Lena. I promise, I'm never, ever uncomfortable around you." Her words are soft now, soft enough that she has to step closer to make sure Lena can hear them. A pang of tenderness bolts through her chest. "You're perfect. I always feel good when I'm with you."
Kara observes, overwhelmed with affection for this woman, as Lena stands there. She's shuffling around a little, staring at the ground until Kara grasps her hands anew in an effort to calm her.
"What if," Lena starts, and yes, yes, anything-- "What if I wanted your help. Like, um." Kara stares intently at the seam of Lena's lips, watches enraptured as white teeth dig into plump pink. "Like with my clothes. Would you be okay if I asked you for that?"
The confidence is starting to return to Lena's countenance, and Kara would say yes to anything to keep it there. "Of course!" she assures, still a little hazy on what she just agreed to, and--
"Say, I asked you to help me take off these pants."
(Kara's eye twitches.)
"And, um, more, too, maybe. Would you be comfortable with that?"
"Always. Anything for you."
"Here, come with me?" Lena asks, tugging on Kara's hand. She still sounds a little small, a little unsure, and Kara just wants her to feel good again, comfortable again.
So she follows.
They're a few feet down the hall to Lena's bedroom when pauses. "Kara?"
"Yeah, baby?"
"You know you don't have to do any of this. Just say the word, and this would stop. And when we wake up tomorrow morning, we won't have to talk about it. Everything in our friendship would stay the same, stay perfectly fine."
(Distantly, Kara feels confused. Maybe because her powers of super speed apparently don't apply to processing Lena's words when she's so soft and close like this. Maybe because being with Lena right now makes her feel like she's drowning in everything she's ever wanted.)
"I'm okay, Lena. This is--This is good. I just wanna make you feel good, okay?"
Lena nods, motion in her throat like she's swallowing, and squeezes Kara's hands. "Okay," she responds, a the ghost of a smile blooming on her lips.
[Once they're in the bedroom, they start taking off Lena's clothes. Kara's hand unintentionally brushes against Lena's sternum as she unbuttons Lena's night shirt, and Lena's breath hitches. Her eyes dart up to Kara's.]
"Are you okay?" Kara checks in, feeling the full gravity of the moment sink into her flesh. "Tell me if I'm making you uncomfortable, okay?"
"I'm not comfortable."
Kara backs away reflexively, giving Lena some distance. "Oh, shoot, Lena, I'm sorry. What's wrong? What can I do to make you comfortable?" she babbles, backing off the bed until she's standing at its foot. "I can leave, or--"
"No," Lena says. The tone of her voice demands eye contact, and Rao, Kara can't tell if her eyes really do look that steeped in desire or if she's just projecting. "It's not that type of discomfort." She inhales deeply, then shuffles her legs around on the bed. "It's," she explains, spreading her thighs, and--
Oh. Oh.
There is a wet spot in the center of Lena's underwear.
There is a visible wet spot at the center of Lena's underwear.
"I'm not comfortable right now, obviously. I'm too wet for that. And I won't be comfortable until this has, um." She pauses, looking down at her own perfectly parted thighs. "Until this has been taken care of.
"Let me do it," Kara's saying, too loudly, too quickly, too stupidly. "I followed you into our bedroom because I wanted to make you feel good. I... I know what I want. And I know what you want, and I want to give it to you."
She catches her breath, mentally chastising the slip of her tongue--our bedroom, she'd said.
"If you want me to, of course. If it would make you comfortable."
She just barely hears Lena's exhaled "yes" over the hammering thumps of her own heart. "Yes," she says again, firmer this time. "I want you."
[Anyways so that would be the end of chapter 1! And chapter 2 would be...Kara making Lena comfortable 😌].
Thank you anon for sending this in because omg I basically have a finished chapter here? I want to flesh the scenes out a little more, add in the transition scenes obviously, but holy shit! Look what I made! Um, Lena pants allergy fic coming soon to an AO3 near you? LOL
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letkirillfight · 9 months
15 people 15 questions
thanks for the tag @babygirlspurgeon, @masonshaws, @giveemgreef, and @babygirlboberrey
1. are you named after anyone?
I share my middle name with my mom.
2. when was the last time you cried?
A couple days ago. The last month has been a bit rough.
3. do you have kids?
No and never will.
4. what sports do you play/have you played?
I played soccer when I in like elementary school and then did a season of tennis in like high school. Low-key hated doing both of them. I'm not really one for playing sports unless it's the sort of casual pick up game with friends. I much prefer to watch.
5. do you use sarcasm?
Yes, religiously.
6. what's the first thing you notice about people?
I'm going to be honest I am not self aware enough to know the answer to this one. But probably their outfit if I had to guess.
7. what's your eye color?
I always say gray.
8. scary movies or happy endings?
To my endless annoyance my brain is absolutely the worst while watching scary movies, like the most obviously built up jump scare will still spook me, so happy endings I guess.
9. any talents?
Uh, I'm really good at packing? And I'm pretty good with horses? I don't know, my mind kind of blanked on anything I have ever been good at when I read this.
10. where were you born?
11. what are your hobbies?
I am a huge nerd and also a grandmother (this is not a slight towards grandmothers). I love watching movies and binging tv shows and have an extensive dvd collection because they will tear physical media from my cold dead hands. I also love playing video games and really want to build my own desktop one of these days towards that end. I will read anything that looks half interesting and have also lost many an hour to writing whatever idea pops into my head. I crochet, can technically knit, and am learning how to spin yarn and sew beyond basic mending. I also play sudoku, solitaire (spider specifically), and do puzzles. Plus like hiking and traveling to occasionally get out of the house. Oh and hockey.
12. do you have any pets?
Nope. I grew up with a wide variety of animals but have yet to get one of my own. Someday I'm considering getting a cat or two but we'll see.
13. how tall are you?
I am 5'5".
14. favorite subject in school?
History, followed closely by English. This probably has just as much to do with my teachers as the actual subject material as those classes were really fun.
15. dream job?
None lol. I dream of financial stability not working. If I had to pick something though it would probably be something physical. I like being able to say "I made that" or something with horses. I loved working with them before. Most realistically though it wouldn't be one thing. I like the idea of being a jack of all trades type and bouncing around learning how to do a bunch of things.
tagging: @wildrangers, @eis-hockey,@kirill-kaprizovs-curls,@cecishockeyblogging, @jonassiegenthighler, @lindholmline, @carpehistoryandthepens, @stanleyoffseventh, @couthbbg, @dwisp, @devils-wild, @thecardiackids, @wehaveagathering, @flaticeball, @oetter if y'all want to do it and haven't already done so. Plus anyone else who sees this and is interested consider yourself tagged.
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toxycodone · 2 months
hello, here to read some of ur birth chart!! lmk if anything was accurate, my chart reading abilities are rusty at the moment </3.
obviously let's start off with your sun :3 you're a capricorn sun in the eighth house. (my sun is also in the 8th house!!! twinsies!!) you might go through a lot of career changes throughout your life & your identity itself may evolve and change pretty frequently. lots of rebirths me thinks. imagine a pheonix rising from the ashes, that's u! you might have a difficult or strained relationship with your father lol. i think your sun is in the 29th degree, but assuming that it is, you might go through a huggeee life change when you're 29 years old. since 29 is a leo degree, that might involve having kids or just becoming more confident and gaining a higher self esteem. u probably like having attention. but who doesn't lol
you're a first house cancer moon, you might resemble your mother quite a bit or have a round or square face and large eyes. you could have been very emotional growing up and potentially very attached to your mum. (which is kind of vague ngl a lot of people were attached to their mothers when they were young but eh whatever). you and your mum may have a lot in common. you may be very transparent when it comes to your emotions lol like you probably can't hide when you're upset whatsoever! like your face just says everything. your cancer rising says more or less the same, since it talks about physical appearance/how you present yourself. round face/baby face, may be ticklish, especially on your tummy. silver jewellery may suit you, or u just prefer silver
you being a aquarius mercury in the 8th house explains a lot about u and why you're so 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 on the internet LOL. like the second i saw this placement i laughed so hard because it could not be more perfect. aquarius usually represents technology, the internet, community friendships stuff like that. like i said before, the 8th house talks about rebirth and change, but it also represents death, sex, inheritance blah blah taboo topics in general, really. which i think if you take one look at your blog it speaks for itself LMAOOOO. like piss kink? monsterfucking?? those are the first things that came to mind IT WAS SO OBVIOUSS. but like also no judgement. because i'm also an 8th house mercury. and i like those things. so. anyway to put it simply u were literally born to post freaky shit on tumblr. you've successfully made a lot of friends + garnered an audience that enjoys the same stuff as u. congratulations ^_^ your mercury being in the 8th house made it so you are comfortable talking about topics that others may deem as uncomfortable, which is very very important. also you were probably told you were smart a lot as a kid and may have been considered 'gifted'. meow meow. your 8th house placements are screaming that ur extremely self aware. like to the point that it's a pain in the ass for u. u probably suffer from some kind of anxiety or paranoia of some kind. you probably prefer online dating
that's all the brain power i have atm but if u want more just say the word and i'll be back 😼
ALSO i'm the same anon who sent u this ask --->
so hello again :3 also have a safe flight to london????? it lowkey sucks here and it's humid as shit right now but still, i hope you have fun LOL
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okay I am NOT a horoscope person (I’ve always been kinda ehhhh) but? oh my God…?
Okay this is SUPER accurate. I’ve legit changed so much in the past 3 years it’s INSANE. Even like, if you compared me to a few months ago. My style changes (like at the root it’s the same but still), hair changes, body changes, etc.) I’m always doing something new. Getting a new hobby (recently it’s logic puzzles and sudoku), starting a new series—YEAH. I like to keep it fresh.
my dad and are cool but like. Our relationship IS strained. He doesn’t communicate well and as an autistic person it kills me (like I just recently learned he’s been having knee problems and had been to the doctor for steroids like. WHAT! WHY DIDNT U SAY ANYTHIBG DUDE.) He also doesn’t listen to me or my brother which frustrates us to no end.
AND IVE BEEN TOLD IM LIKE MY MOM. I have a lot of her mannerisms and I was attached to her hip as a kid—she babied me too much. But I’ve finally outgrown that lol. We are still close too.
Okay, I am baby faced as FUCK. Recently my coworker learned I was 24 and she was shocked. She thought I was like 19 at most. And someone thought I was a high schooler recently. Bruh. And I love silver jewelry,,,I mix metals a lot (I’m wearing more gold bc it’s summer) but…silver has my heart. And yes I. Am freaky as FUCK plus. Yeah. I am one to talk about stuff others don’t want to ahsjdhdj I am just really blunt and straightforward but also like…not nervous to discuss taboos.
AND YEAH. I’ve been a gifted kid since elementary (still in honors college to this day) 😭 and my self awareness is off the charts. I’m always like, just aware of what I’m doing (and like, others don’t realize it but I do know when I make people uncomfortable. I just like pushing buttons.)
THE ANXIETY AND PARANOIA GOT ME. Dude. I’m on Lexapro hardcore but before that I was so anxious I genuinely thought others could read my mind and that there was someone living in my house besides me. And my psych diagnosed me w anxiety driven paranoia so. YEAH. YOU GOT ME.
BUT WAIT?!?? UR IN LONDON? Dude maybe we’ll cross paths!! I’ll probably be open about what I’m doing and shi, I’ll be there for 2 weeks. Hehe, maybe I can buy you a pint or something (is that what you Brit’s call it 🤔 /s)
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daz4i · 1 year
Hi, do you have recommendations for relieving stress?
hi!! I'm sorry for the late response, i hope you're okay 😔🙏 either way, hope these help you next time (and to anyone else reading!!)
clench all the muscles in your body as hard as you can for a few seconds, then let go. if you can't do your whole body (due to being in public for example), do it with just your fists
breathe in through your nose, really bring in as much air as you can. hold it for 2 seconds, then breathe out through your mouth in a "woosh" for as long as you can, then go for a second or two more even when it feels like you ran out. repeat this a few more times (tho, do that last part only in the first 1 or 2 times to stay safe hehe)
put your face in a bowl of ice water. if it's too much setup, wash your face with really really cold water. the shock from the coldness can help reset your systems a bit
pleasant smells can really really help. i heard that lavender in particular can help relieve anxiety, especially if you have an actual flower or its petals somewhere, but anything you like really! i recommend carrying something small in your bag that you can pull out and smell/spray a bit on yourself to possibly help when in public too!
^a combination of those two in a way, take a shower or a bath! put on some music you like, light some scented candles, use that fancy soap you've been saving etc. it sounds cliche but water really CAN help. in baths especially, i found out that putting on music then lying back so your ears are in the water (but you can still breathe ofc) and hearing the music all muffled is very calming, but it may be different for each person hehe.
this one's not really my thing but ik it helps others, exercise. jump in place or dance (put on some just dance videos to help with that maybe) or go on a run, enough to get your body moving a bit, it can channel your stress into it and ease it up!!
a bit obvious, but talk it out! either vent it out somehow (by talking to someone who's just listening, or posting about it, or writing it down somewhere private), or turn it into a conversation with someone you trust. ask them to help you break it down, or have them asking you questions until you have some of it out of your system and your head is clearer
if it's like, vague stress you can't quite put your finger on WHY it's there, it can help to dig into your head and figure it out. but do it in a safe and pleasant way - put on some fun music, open the blinds or turn on some lights, make yourself a fun drink, sit outside if you can, then try to dig into your brain to figure out what's going on. sometimes the relief of figuring out what's gotten you like this can help, especially if it's something you can go towards solving now
list things in your head. anything you know well. every flower name you know. every marine mammal you know. every character in a show you like etc. maybe sort them in your head (or on paper) as well, like rank your top 10. focusing on this can be a good distraction from the stress, if this is what you're looking for!!
speaking of distractions, puzzles that keep your brain busy, like sudoku or nonograms or kakuro or crosswords etc etc can be really helpful. don't use an app that times you (or turn off timers if you can), it's best if you do it on paper really 🤔 if it's not engaging enough, put on some music or a podcast or a youtube video to run in the background. remember it's not the end of the world if you mess up. use a pencil so you can redo things if needed. just keep your brain too busy with those to think about the stress!
write something! put down your thoughts in words, keep writing for a few minutes straight nonstop (really put on a timer for 5 minutes or something). then, grab words or sentences that stand out to you, and use it to write something new - either about your current feelings, or really just what comes to your mind from those. i noticed with myself that trying to turn it into lyrics - aka looking for rhymes or a certain pacing/number of syllables and keeping it structured in a certain way - turns it from something purely emotional into something artistic and adds a layer of thought that helps you focus on something else, but not dismiss your feelings entirely. if you like the final result, it adds an element of pride that makes stress a bit easier to handle. if you don't like the result, no harm done! you can scrap it if you'd like, or keep it for later to maybe tweak and fix it into something you can enjoy
iiiii think that's all i have for now 🤔 i hope some of this may help you, and i hope today is being kinder to you 🙏🖤
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myrinthinks · 3 months
25. and 39. for the ask thing!
(In reference to this ask meme.)
25. Favorite old person activity?
Good god, I've been an old person at heart since I was like eight and yet now that you ask me, I'm having the hardest time coming up with anything! I really like birdwatching! I'm not good at it at all - I barely know any names and am much too near-sighted to reliably make them out when they're farther away - but I could sit for hours watching birds go about their important little bird business. I also enjoy crossword puzzles and sudoku. I feel like the former can actually teach you a lot while the latter challenges your brain in interesting way. The TV magazine Hörzu used to have this huge, strangely shaped crossword at the end of every edition and we kept buying the magazine for years only because of that - it had such creative, unusual, often punny or cheeky questions which made you think around five corners to get to the solution. We used to do it as a family every Friday and it was tons of fun! (I think they still have it, actually, but I couldn't swear on it.)
39. What little treat do you always get when you run errands?
I'm not actually much of a treat person but the first things that came to mind are Linsenchips (lentil crisps) and Billig-Leibniz-Kekse (non-brand chocolate biscuits; they had basically only pics of the original and these ones I chose are from Edeka while I always get mine from Netto but I think they're actually the same thing). I've loved the latter since I was a child but had the former for the first time exactly a year ago (a year ago TODAY, I'm realising!) on the bus during our staff outing to Vienna. There are times when I'm legitimately addicted to these little fuckers. They SO GOOD but good god, at what cost?
Thank you so much for sending this ask! :D
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little-klng · 1 year
I think if you're the kind of person who struggles to get into doing hobbies because you have trouble imagining something to do with your time other than work/school/doomscrolling (no judgement we've all been there), you should start with the 3 T's -
Tactile: these are hobbies that you do with your hands, things that are relatively low skill that you can do with your hands. Think along the lines of clay, painting, and sticker sheets. Overall you're just looking to be able to make something that you can hold in your hands and feel stuff about
Teasers: these are hobbies that enrich your brain and give you something other than current events to train your brain on. You're sort of doing some cocomelon shit to yourself with this one and trying to challenge your brain. Consider crosswords, word searches, sudoku, jigsaw puzzles, that sort of thing. Ideally with colors and matching games if you can swing it
Typicals: these are more like "everyday tasks" but turned into fun hobbies. They'll likely be more spoon intensive if you're not the kind of person who actually enjoys chores. You're thinking along the lines of organizing things, baking, sewing, the usual things you probably think of when you hear about hobbies. You could even consider lower spoon tasks like reading or playing with pets.
I think if you work out what kind of enrichment you'd like more of in your life, you'll feel a lot better than you do just working and scrolling. No shame in trying things out!! The only rule is to try not to let people bully you into turning your hobbies into work (you can if you choose to, but you really should have something to debuff from work)
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manonamora-if · 1 year
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A tradition with the French Comp is to interview the winner of every edition. Since I won Best Game, I got to partake in this tradition, and answer a bunch of fun questions about my entry and my creation process.
The interview is now available on the French IF community website:
Since it is in French, here is the translation, under the cut. Spoilers ahead. Note: the French article was over 2k words...
Interview with manonamora, winner of the contest 2023
This year, manonamora won the competition, with her entry, DOL-OS. We spoke with her to learn more about her creative process and her future projects!
Can you introduce yourself in a few words? How did you discover interactive fiction?
My name is Manon, a netizen under the pseudo manonamora for years.
I fell into the "cauldron" of interactive fiction in the spring of 2021, when a close friend had sent me the link to the game A Tale of Crowns. I liked this type of game, and it made me rediscover the pleasure of writing, so I stayed. It’s really nice in this pot, we’re having fun!
People appreciated the different levels of depth of your participation and the care taken at the interface, in particular. How long did it take you to design it?
It was a bit of a sprint… 😅
I think I started scribbling my ideas on pages about a month before the entry deadline.
I wanted to try to incorporate both themes (archives and trahison) into the game, just for fun. So I took the easiest path and went on to create an archive of different documents, all linked by the theme of betrayal. Of my list of documents that I wanted to include, I was only able to include half at the end (the other remained in draft, due to lack of time).
The idea of using a computer as a framework and interface for the game came up fairly quickly and organically, since the archive alone was not enough, to my liking. This led to the possibility of adding puzzles (something I didn’t necessarily do in my other games) that I could also link to the theme (like the hangman’s solution or opening Théophile’s account) and creating animated and pixelated visuals (like a fake virus downloaded). I even made a list of puzzles and minigames to add so that the computer looks like a real computer (that’s why there is a sudoku in the "games" folder, or the keypad to open one of the programs).
From there, I thought I would just do two blocks of archives: one on the guest’s account, where some of the documents would look corrupt, and another on Theophilus' account, where those missing documents would be. But by writing certain documents, such as the note in the trash and the journal entries (which were not separated from the archive initially), I had fun looking for the links between all the different parts and thinking more about the universe in which this old computer was. That’s how the Jupiter-Broker project became an artificial intelligence project, more than a virus.
What are the things that inspired you?
Other than a title I had written down in my drafts, I’m not sure which source inspired me to choose this genre or framework or use of the theme in this way. I’ve been a big fan of science fiction for as long as I can remember (I had swallowed Asimov in middle school/junior high… and now I’m stuck with the anthologies of short stories) and video games in general (especially the history and universe of these games). Everything that has to do with robots, the advancement of technology, futuristic stories, and human dilemmas that have to do with these first points, I’m passionate about it! I wouldn’t be surprised if, somewhere in my brain, I could pick up stuff from Portal or System Shock or Fallout or Asimov��s Robot Cycle, or even WALL-E and Alien, without really realizing it.
In my notes, the only concrete thing I could find was one of the entries of the Intertact-IF 2022 game jam: Logical Choices, especially in terms of its simplicity, and, finally, the newspaper too.
For the visual, I wanted from the start to have something simple, with the look of old computer in black and green, like my grandmother’s minitel. I really tried to search for minitel page images (I even found a page editor!). On the other hand, trying to code everything, it didn’t really go well with Twine, especially the animation of the blocks that appear one after the other. I was quickly tempted to create the game in minitel pages, but well, I only had 2 weeks left… It was a bit short to learn a new system. So I just took pictures of old computer screens.
Are there any secrets the players might have missed?
There are several little secrets in the game.
The first category concerns the names in the game: the title, «DOL-OS», is based on the Greek deity of the same name, Dolos, personifying treachery (and bam, the theme of the contest; and it sounded good as operating system name). The AI is named Janus, the deity with two faces. The program of Theodore’s diary, in which he was summoned by his organization to write his days, is named «Ind.ic», coming from the French word indic, a person who informs the police.
Something a little more fuzzy can be found in the writer’s draft, which is related to one of my other games, Exquisite Cadaver, where the player plays this writer, who has not been able to write for months. This is not the first time I have included a link to this game in my projects, like the "cocktail" Renaud’s Nightmare in The Thick Table Tavern.
Where do you get your ideas, generally speaking?
A bit everywhere. Sometimes, it comes organically enough looking at the theme or the constraints of a game jam (La Petite Mort, Goncharov Escapes!). Sometimes, it’s just the desire to push a kind of puzzle or a type of gameplay into a project (Exquisite Cadaver, well it was also the theme). Sometimes it’s typing “trope [genre]” in Google and taking the first thing that comes out (SPS Iron Hammer). Otherwise I have some ideas that have been inspired by books (P-RIX – SPACE TRUCKER, by Stanisław Lem’s Tales of Pirx the Pilot) or films (Meeting the Parents, inspired by Meet the Parents). Other projects or ideas for future projects are inspired by books on my nightstand, or conversations with loved ones, or even just random thoughts that come and go.
I’m not trying too hard to think. If it doesn’t inspire me or amuse me, I’ll move on. Creating interactive fiction is all about fun. And I already have a super long list of ideas I want to do…
You only use Twine. Is there a particular reason? Do you intend to try other creative systems in the future? Maybe some of the other entries gave you some ideas?
For the moment, yes. Twine remains my favourite, having been the first program I hooked up with when I started creating interactive games. The software was easy to navigate and rather playful to use (Harlowe has extra help to code in the program) and the program is open source. It was really important for me, who didn’t have any code or programming knowledge that went any further than that techno hour to the colleague where a substitute had taught us to create a basic HTML page. With Twine, it stuck from the start.
And then, personally, I love that the customisation aspect can be pushed as much. You can do hypertext or multi-choice games, dungeons, RPGs, etc. I created a cocktail bar for my participation in the IFComp last year, and there I did a puzzle. I have a friend who has recreated Minesweeper and another who has made Snake with his sauce. Almost anything is possible with Twine!
When I get tired of Twine, I think I’ll try other systems, especially those to create parsers (because making one with Twine is a bit of a mess… /did and done that). And then also test programs made in France. Already during the ECTOCOMP and the Feldo streams of the games of the old competitions, Donjon had intrigued me a lot. And also ink, to make stories that extend to infinity (it takes too much tinkering with Twine for it to work...).
But my Twine fling isn’t over yet. I’ve only been playing with the interface since last summer, and I don’t feel like I’ve discovered the bottom of the iceberg yet. There are still a lot of things I haven’t tested yet, whether it’s in different formats or gameplay. I would like to do some kind of escape room or RPG in the future. I still want to push the envelope a little further…
You participated in the IFComp (the largest English-language event) before participating in our contest. Are there any differences that particularly struck you between the two?
By missing the inclusion of a theme (which the IFComp does not), I think the biggest difference between the two contests is the attitude of the participants and the players. The atmosphere of the French competition is really relaxed and I noticed a lot of support in the Discord. Or even have a person stream all the games on Twitch (it’s very convenient for me who is a loser in parsers…). It’s really positive!
On the other side, there is the IFComp which is really considered the event of the year, where the authors exhibit their best creations, without any real constraints, some having been in development secretly for years. The atmosphere is more professional and harsh towards its participants. There is really a lot of expectation from the entire interactive fiction community. It’s supposed to be the crème of the crop in interactive fiction.
After that, even if the atmosphere of the French-language competition is more chill, I found the level of entries much more uniform in terms of quality. While the IFComp will often have very poor or even zero entries (the bottom of the ranking having an average of below 2.5 out of 10), the overall French competition had a very high level (a sentiment shared by one of the critics on intfiction.org). The attention to each game had a lot of merit, especially as regards writing.
Another thing that struck me as well was the diversity between the systems and formats used—it is possible that the competition, having three times fewer bids than the IFComp, may have influenced my perspective on the subject. But between the French programs (Moiki, and Donjon), the more popular ones (Twine, Inform, ink), or even made from scratch (like the participations of AZ and Narkhos), there were many choices and important differences between uses. It was a fascinating experience that really made me want to try something new.
Finally, I had a very different attitude towards the two competitions. After taking a little slap during the IFComp (arriving in the middle of the stack and having received fair but also severe feedback, read more here), the expectation I had with myself with the contest was less trying to get to a certain position in the standings, but no more fun creating something different. It was much easier to look a little more… healthy competition, with all the lessons learned during the IFComp and new knowledge and experiences between the two competitions.
And on top of that, you regularly participate in game jams like ECTOCOMP or Partim 500, you co-organize the SeedComp! , and you’re going to participate in the Spring Thing. Is there a secret to such productivity?
Delusion that all this is doable in the allotted time. Free time. And spite. But especially the first point. 😂
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(this was the gif that came into my mind when I wrote my answer, not part of the actual interview)
Frankly, I’m not helping my cause either. As soon as I find a project that is a bit interesting, I can get all in on it quite quickly and put all my energy and free time into it. It’s not recommended, actually. Even if all these participations taught me a lot of things (and especially to learn quickly), it tires a lot in the end... I am often emptied at the end of each new jam/comp.
It’s probably a little psychological, too. The will to create a lot to leave a trace behind me, a trace that will represent everything I could accomplish, everything I could be able to do or try to do. The desire to prove to others and especially to myself that I can create stuff that I as a child could not have imagined; especially since before 2021, I really didn’t have any programming knowledge… Willingness, or perhaps duty, to prove that I can solve a challenge in a short time (for example: in 4 hours for ECTOCOMP, or two quiet afternoons for Partim 500), or with significant constraints (One-Button and Two-Buttons jams), or just because there’s a piece of spaghetti code that taunts me about unravelling it.
Do you have other projects underway or coming soon? Perhaps you plan to participate in the contest next year?
Of what happens soon, hopefully, The Roads not Taken, a parser made with Twine, will be finished in time for the Spring Thing. I really want to talk about it, but at the same time, it’s more fun if it’s still a little secret… [note: it is now out!]
Otherwise… Too many projects in progress. Between the demos not yet completed, the translations of my old games finished, the organization of game jams (SeedComp! will not be the only one this year…), and the hope of participating in the next IF competitions, I have given myself a lot of work (too much) to do.
Ha ha ha…
Thank you for answering these questions! Congratulations again, good luck and don’t forget to take care of yourself!
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undead-potatoes · 8 months
4, 5, and 9 for the tav game!!
Hey, hello, I am 86 years late
4. What hobbies does your Tav have? How did they acquire these interests?
Jay rarely had a proper chance to foster any hobbies in his life, usually deprioritized due to things like money, space, or free time. But if and when he has the chance, his hobbies include; - Bird watching. It's the only one he's been able to practice consistently, even if just very casually, as there are usually birds around no matter where he goes. It's a real treat once he's traveling up the Sword Coast though, since there's just a lot more bird varieties around than in Baldur's Gate (the companions will know a lot more about birds by the time they get to the city, whether they want to or not lmao). It started out as a fascination with the bird life around the grove where he did his training (he had never seen so many birds before), and was further spurred on by one of the druids there who taught him about the various bird species. As a parting gift he was given a book with some basic info on various birds, accompanied by some absolutely gorgeous illustrations, and it's one of his most priced possessions. He has tried to add to it over the years, but he was never really good at art and didn't want to ruin the book, so it's mostly just text past the original entries. It does however have quite a few amusing entries, as he talks to the birds and adds extra info about the things they tell him. I think he'll have an absolute hoot (😏) exploring the surrounding areas of Waterdeep, discovering all the new species he's only ever seen in text books, and seeking out the local libraries to see if they have any more information about them. And ofc, going on walks with Gale and infodumping about all the birds they see (it's okay, they take turns). (Fun fact, this is where he fell in love with Blue Jays, the namesake of his chosen name. Too bad he's more of a pigeon himself.) - Beer brewing. He had a few earlier attempts that failed, but this hobby really kicked off once he moved to Waterdeep with Gale. His whole thing is making brews using his knowledge of (usually poisonous) plants and fungi to give them some extra zing. Something that will kill you in higher dosages might just leave your tongue with a tingly sensation when used sparingly, which is fun in concept but uuuh might not always work out so well in practice. He keeps at it though, and finds his way to some quite tasty brews that won't kill you. Probably. I can only imagine the kinds of food Gale would cook up to pair with Jay's Fucked Up Brews™ for the ultimate sensory experience (like I just know he'd be into that stuff). The trub probably makes for some really interesting loaves of bread too. - Reading. He loves a good book, but rarely has the time to sit down and actually enjoy it. He'll get a few chapters in, then forget about it for 2 months, so when he finally gets back to it he might as well start over again. And that's how it takes you a year to read a singular book. - Puzzles. More of an honorable mention, but he enjoys solving little brain-teasers and puzzles (think crosswords, sudoku etc).
5. Did your Tav have any formal or informal employment? If yes, what was their job? If no, how did they make ends meet? How did they feel about it?
He has had a variety of jobs throughout his life, ranging from errand boy to working odd jobs for the guild - his druidic abilities made him exceptionally good at breaking in and out of places, spying on people, or doing sabotage in ways that were made to look like an unfortunate case of natural forces. The work wasn't always within his own moral comfort zone though, and he was gald to be free of it once he became independent. Keen eyes and a good memory, in combination with a myriad of contacts im the world of crime, made him quite good at finding specific items or ingredients, and he realized he could make a business out of it. By the time of BG3 he's been procuring and smuggling items around the city for the better part of 30 years, and he's well established as "the guy who can get you (almost) anything". In some ways it's not that dissimilar from his days in the guild, but much of his business is all above board, and he's free to turn down anything he deems too risky or immoral. It's a job he really enjoys, as he gets to meet all sorts of people, and sometimes travel to some interesting places (he's been to the Underdark on quite a few occasions). And ofc it's something he's good at! His general self esteem is not very good, but he knows he's good at his job; people wouldn't keep coming to him if he wasn't.
9. What was your Tav doing when they were taken by the mind flayers?
This post is already sooo long, and I have another ask with only this question, so I hope you don't mind me skipping this one here 🙏
From this Tav ask meme (Durge version)
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