#like a pedestrian
iysure · 1 year
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i think enid and wednesday should solve mysteries together in season two and get up to all kinds of funky, tropey hijinks 
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snowyfrostshadows · 1 year
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Literally all I care about is their life in Brooklyn now.
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PSA for all drivers in the city of Chicago! There are red octagonal signs at a lot of intersections with the word STOP on them- when you see these signs, that means you should try and use this fun pedal next to the gas called the "brakes" and not attempt vehicular manslaughter with every pedestrian you see! There are also large lights at some intersection- when the top light, the red one, is lit, that means the same thing.
once we master this skill, we can talk about a cool trick for signaling to people (including pedestrians trying to cross the street) that you're going to turn. This tool might be a little tougher to find if you've got a BMW, Audi, or Lexus, but we can find a way to work one-on-one to make sure you can use it. However, it's also important that we learn how to not use it when we're not turning.
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ria-starstruck · 1 year
hollow knight ikea au.
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lastoneout · 6 months
I always do wonder why people say those bright ass LED headlights are safer. I used to live out in the middle of Actual Nowhere and there were zero streetlights and we got around fine at night with normal headlights. But these days, regardless of if there are streetlights or not, basically any time we've been driving at night my fiancé and I haven't been able to see so much as the lines on the road because of all the ultra-bright headlights around us. There's no way that's safer?? Like I guess I can see other cars but I certainly can't see The Road or any pedestrians/bikers. It just doesn't make sense to me.
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forcefemd · 1 year
sissification captions with cis women in them is stolen valor. put some clocky broads in there! now!!!
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blaithnne · 1 month
Since she's Scrooge's right hand man and is definitely able to drive, it at first seems a little weird that Scrooge - notorious cheapskate and recluse - hired someone else to drive him around. That is, of course, until you all gather round and listen closely when I tell you that Beakley learned to drive via her work with SHUSH, because in her early days as an agent she was a professional get away driver. She never outgrew this, and to this day drives like a madwoman with nothing to lose. She doesn't have a license, she's never taken a driving test in her life. She doesn't even know what those red and yellow and green lights on the roads are, but she's sure as hell not gonna let them tell her what to do. Scrooge considers Launchpad an upgrade, but the kids love it when she drives.
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bahoreal · 6 months
hey do you guys know about
the history of the bus?
they started as an "omnibus" a horse drawn two stop back and forth along a pre determined route! then they added more stops! they messed with the size of the omnibus and the number of horses until they hit the right size for the route!
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(blease note these are intra-city buses, stagecoaches would go outside the city to specific locations and they generally required a reserved seat)
they basically SLAPPED A ROOF AREA to get roof passengers! double deck omnibuses!
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then we get MOTOR OMNIBUSES! as the petrol engine is getting better! for context the first motor omnibus ran in 1899 - this is 13 years after the patent for the first petrol engine car (1886), 74 years after the first steam public railway in england (1825) and 36 years after the london underground was opened (1863). by 1911 there were no horse-drawn omnibuses owned by the london general omnibus company!
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AND THEY WERE EVERYWHERE! (please look at the number of BUSES and INDIVIDUAL CARRIAGES [usually hired cabs] and PEDESTRIANS)
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a lot of places switched to electric trams in the 1910s, public transport became reliant on the comparatively more efficient light rail or tram systems. the trams gave way to electric buses in london in 1930! they were much less dangerous than trams as people did not have to walk right into traffic to get on em
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then as engines got more efficient trolleybuses were switched with petrol engine buses
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then in the 1950s more people got cars and they began dominating the streets and creating.. traffic and. traffic laws. and stuff.
thanks for coming to my whistlestop bus lesson hope u have a brilliant day
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sinfuego · 2 months
Tbh, nothing has made me sympathize more with Kipperlilly Copperkettle than her anger issues.
Cause anger is an emotion we feel when we're missing something. When we need something and can't get it. It's a balm to make us feel better when things don't go our way.
When things aren't fair.
#d20#dimension 20#d20 fantasy high#fantasy high junior year#d20 spoilers#fhjy#fantasy high spoilers#of course just cause you feel like things are unfair doesnt mean they actually are#and the reason why its an anger issue is cause the anger has befome detrimental#its warped from being somethjng to comfort you when you feel powerless to a tool you use against others when you fedl slighted#part of why anger issues are so hard to overcome is cause of how good it feels in the moment#even if you feel terrible guilt afterwards#the catharsis of releasing anger can be such a relief#that you dont even realise youve started looking for reasons to be angry#youre listing things that are terrible with the world just so you can feel better by getting angry at them#things like capitalism and people who bullied you and how your boss is a terrible racist#things that everyone can get angry over#until they get more personal and warps your judgment#“my boss called a group of immigrant a bunch of racial slurs” “his secretary was there too she can back me up”#“when i brought it up with her she says she wasnt payjng attention or something” “shes peobably racist too and thats why he hired her”#it becomes easier to make jumps like that instead of giving people the benefit of the doubt#easier to justify your anger with the smallest slights#until youre yelling at a pedestrian whe. you almost ran them over#“sure it was a red light but they shouldve paid attention and seen me coming too”#anyways this is all to say kipperlilly probably has some issues to deal with#idk if shes actually behind this plot or if shes being manipulated#doesmt stop her from being a total dick tho#but it does make me a little more sympathetic to her
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leverage-ot3 · 2 months
best total eclipse photos
also yall I literally got the camera safety film it just didn’t work 😭😭😭 unfortunately I didn’t get the best videos but I had a lot of fun!
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meme-ish pics under the cut
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sage-nebula · 3 days
I loved the new IDW Sonic issue! Too bad I know without looking that people are going to be stupid and awful about Lanolin 🫠
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tswwwit · 9 months
I had a lil daydream about Bill driving and honestly just imagine how CHAOTIC it would be. Maybe Dipper gets injured so Bill has to be the Getaway Driver but it's his first time driving a car while physics is in play. Cue Dipper white-knuckling the handle, more afraid of dying in a crash than from the Big Fucking Wound in his side. Bill's so anxious that he just panic cranks up Chiquitita and sings along because Dipper Likes This, Right? This'll Calm Him Down
Dipper white-knuckling and screaming is pretty standard for any situation where Bill's driving, no injury required!
Bill is not allowed to drive very often.
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randomwords247 · 9 months
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Today on things I have realised have been american-ised in Hilda that I didn't notice before: The walk signal.
Idk if I would've fully realised before going to the states on holiday but america does these bad boys way differently
Firstly, I've never heard anyone call them a walk signal. Pedestrian crossing or zebra crossing, or just "Green man".
Secondly: The signal's are different
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Usually its a guy standing or even a bike coloured red, and when you can go? It's a green man walking - Hence, green man. Idk how common the bike is off the top of my head but its not always there
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This is typically what they look like. The pole with the button you press has the green man, and sometimes there's also a traffic light (upper photo) with the green/red man.
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Sometimes they look like this, but typically it looks like the photos above
It's not important or anything, but I think it's interesting how many little things are different, like them calling jumpers "sweaters" or the side Johanna drives being swapped. Small changes from the original british comic that add up to be a little odd to see at first, but are pretty darn nifty to notice and talk about. I don't know if I would've fully clocked it as american/canadian before I went there and experienced the different signals in person
I just think its Neat
(also these photos are taken from google images. Before anyone thinks they can dox me. Its very dark outside I couldn't take a photo of these if I tried)
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fjordfolk · 1 month
also first hike of the year where we've met strangers, and both girls did very well with their trail manners. i always ask them to sit on the side - uphill or on a rock, ideally, because it gives them a bit more mental barrier - while i stand between so people won't have to pass them directly.
sparty has always been good with this because she values food rewards over socializing with people. troj is different and while she won't approach people unless spoken to, if people look at her and talk at the same time, she sees it as an invitation. i haven't been hard on it because she's very calm and the people we've met have seen it as a friendly gesture (which it is) but its happened a few times now and its definitely one of those Things That Make Sense To Troj.
anyway an old man with trekking poles commented on our "good cooperation" which was nice
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chrysalizzm · 1 year
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neproxrezi · 11 months
just saw the word geezer and realised i dont think i ever told this story. i used to work in safety at a construction / maintenance place and one time when i was at reception at the training centre i heard some electricians talking about a coworker who had come out as a trans guy. in its entirety, it went like this
"oh yeah wasnt there something about [deadname]" "yeah he's a geezer now" "oh ok, what's his name"
and that was it. peace and love on planet earth
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