#like at all because i've seen scarier on here
raziiyah · 2 days
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hey! this is actually something i've thought about quite a lot before so here's how i see it:
since monsters are so diverse in the monster world, there are a vast amount of factors that are considered beautiful. some monsters may like 1 eye, some like 3 eyes and some like 8. some like feathers, scales, or fur. it just comes down to preference. but for monsters, generally, scary = beautiful
firstly, for the teeth thing, i imagined that just like human beauty standards, monster beauty standards can change. perhaps yellow teeth used to be the standard, but then it was discovered that whiter teeth made them more visible and gave them a scarier appearance. also, maybe they discovered that poor dental health caused monsters to lose their teeth sooner, which is a problem if you rely on them for scaring. proper dental care allowed you to stay healthy and kept your teeth in good condition, keeping you in the scaring career for longer. like when sulley is brushing his teeth in mi, mike really emphasizes getting rid of plaque
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this change could also be why randall's teeth in mi are visibly whiter than they were in mu
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as for female monsters, i see it sorta like how jessica rabbit from who framed roger rabbit is in toon town. she's regarded as very beautiful, but not as desireable or successful (to other toons) as roger rabbit, someone more cartoony and goofy looking
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so though the more humanoid looking monsters could be considered beautiful, since being a scarer is known as the biggest achievement a monster could have, if you're scary, you're considered beautiful on a whole other level.
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another idea i had is that scaring could be considered as a male dominated career, so the scary/beauty standards for female monsters aren't as scrutinized as much as male monsters. this could be why there are more female monsters that aren't necessarily as "scary looking"
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this could also play a role into why the pnk's are so cutthroat- with a more conventionally beautiful appearance, they might not be considered the most successful in monster society. sure they could be models and movie stars
(though i can still see """scary/conventionally unattractive""" monsters being just as viable as models and moviestars in the monster world, maybe even more so),
but since scarers are the creme de la creme, "prettier" monsters could sometimes be seen as beautiful but maybe not typically the image of someone "successful" or "desireable" (my oc lia is a scarer and has a body type similar to the pnks so i made this an insecurity of hers hehe)
but monsters can combat this by showing their scariness through their glowing eyes, teeth, claws, etc. this could be valuable as well as there's a scary/surprising factor to appearing "innocent" at first, which could be advantageous in scaring, if you know how to use it (like the pnk's in the toxicity challenge or terri and terry in the scare simulator)
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also considering the movie poster seen in maw; it's about monsters in space, likely referring to aliens. humans could be considered aliens/alien-looking to monsters because they come from another world, and heather has a more humanoid appearance
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on the other hand, hss is more favored as "one of the most powerful, scary monsters in campus, and they have a more traditionally "scary" appearance. and in monsters at work, of the female monsters in the mu sororities, rosie levin was the one who made it to the same scare/(laugh) floor that sulley/(mike) are/(were) on, at monsters inc.
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so really i think beauty is subjective in the monster world since everyone is so different. conventionally beautiful monsters are still beautiful, maybe even some monster's preference, but scary monsters are generally favored most, because of how much monster society is centered around scaring. after all, "scariness is the true measure of a monster."
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@moonlight-monster @randall-simp-nadt88
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grimesgirll · 7 months
currently thinking about what it would be like to be with rick during the apocalypse, and my first thought is say goodbye to your freedom! okay, not actually. it's not that rick wants to keep you locked up or anything, but he really can't handle losing you, especially after everything he went through with lori. it doesn't matter if you went to west point or were an assassin before the dead started walking, rick wouldn't want you in harm's way. he wouldn't want to lose you in a way that he thinks is preventable. of course, this gets in the way of you trying to pull your weight with the group and help out. before and after he makes his feelings known to you, you two have a lot of arguments on the subject.
sometimes you get away with shutting rick up with a kiss. at first, he doesn't enjoy being interrupted while trying to prove an important point to you, but being as pent up as he is during these trying times, it's hard to say no to you sometimes. then of course, there are the moments where he shuts you up with by locking lips with you and taking your mind off of whatever you two were going at it about. his favorite is distracting you right before the group is supposed to leave for a run. one time he caught you about to join daryl, maggie, and glenn on an excursion from the prison to a nearby pediatrician's office to poke around for anything of value. the sheriff asked for just one kiss before you left so while you obliged, he took the opportunity to wave the others away to hit the road. it wasn't long before he had you up against the wall, panting between kisses and taking his time for his hands to travel all over you. you broke out of your steamy embrace to realize that your party had left. it was all too evident that this had been on purpose from rick's smirk and him pulling you back towards the prison to his cell.
when you're safe and not dealing with the horrors of the road or the dead, rick wants you safe at home with him. he wants you waiting for him when he gets home just in time to say goodnight to judith before you put her down for bed. then you two are saying good night to carl and heading upstairs where he shows you exactly why you should never want to leave this bed.
with your hips pinned down by his arms, brawny from his newfound day job as a farmer, there was no reason you wanted to get up. not with the way he was working you from the inside out. his tongue coaxed sounds out of you that you didn't know existed. sounds that rick insisted you let him hear loud and clear whenever you had the privacy. otherwise, you're burying your head in the pillow or waiting for him to finish you off and then meet you with his lips and his stubble brushing against your chin. feeling him rock solid and ready to go beneath you, finally agreeing that yes, this a lot more fun than raiding a doctor's office on some stupid run would be.
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You're sitting with your friend Sam at a coffee shop, catching up. She's telling you about an instagram ad she keeps getting for some audiobook streaming service. "It's just crazy," she says, "because I was just telling Lucille I wanted to start reading more books but I never have the time, and then it's like instantly I'm getting these ads all the time."
"So what," you say over your steaming mug, "you think they're listening to you?"
Sam shakes her head. "Honestly I think it's almost scarier than that. They have so much information about us, they don't even need to listen to our conversations. They just know, based on everything they've gathered about me, that I'm probably someone who wants to listen to audiobooks."
"Well they can't be that smart," you say. "Because the only ads I've been getting lately are for something called Slut Cream."
Sam raises an eyebrow. "You must know I'm going to need more details."
You take out your phone and find an ad to show her. It's not difficult; literally all of the ads you see on instagram are like this. They're even showing up in other places now, on webpages you visit or apps you use. This one is one you've seen before: a beautiful woman in a crop top that just barely covers her nipples is proudly displaying a squeeze tube of the kind you'd buy sunscreen or toothpaste in. The caption says, "Being a slut isn't a hobby—it's a lifestyle! Step up your slut game with Slut Cream! Shop Now"
"I don't even know what slut cream is," you say. "All you get when you look it up is a bunch of porn."
"Well, obviously it's a way to step up your slut game," says Sam sagely. "What does it say on the website?"
"Oh, I'm not clicking the link," you say. "I don't want to encourage them! What I want to know is why suddenly this ad is all I can seem to see!"
Sam shoots you a wink. "Maybe you're just a slut. These data brokers know us better than we know ourselves."'
What neither of you know is that it's actually quite easy to buy online ad space, and they let you get pretty specific with your intended audience.
I live in the next apartment over from you. I've been watching you for a long time, studying you, listening to you through our shared wall. We've talked a few times, some terse conversation at the mailboxes or in the hall, which is how I knew enough about you to place those ads, with audience parameters so specific that probably only you and about five other people would see them. I had fun making them; hiring the model to do the photoshoot, dusting off the skills I picked up in that college graphic design course, creating a website for this fake business (though I'm disappointed you still haven't clicked through to see it). If you actually tried to buy slut cream, the website would tell you we're currently closed due to high traffic, and to check back later. Nowhere on the website does it explain what slut cream is.
A number of strange things happen to you over the course of the following day. On your lunch break you walk down the block to the deli by your office. You're in here every weekday, but today the energy here is different. People are staring you, side-eyeing you, having whispered conversations that stop abruptly when you get too close. As you're walking back to work, an old woman spits on the ground as you pass, you'd swear you heard the word "whore!" hissed under her breath. You wonder if you should say something, stand up for yourself, but she's elderly, probably confused, and you decide to be the bigger person.
In the hours after lunch, you're propositioned by no less than seven of your male coworkers. You've had to refuse a few invitations to dinner in your time, but seven in a day is completely out of the ordinary, and the things these men are offering to do to you go way outside the bounds of first date stuff. One guy tells you the conference room is empty, if you want to go for a quick fuck; another guy tells you he hasn't cum in a month, and if you sucked his cock he'd pump so much cum down your throat that you wouldn't need to eat dinner. Your boss even tells you he and his wife are looking for a third and he thought of you first, like he's offering you a big promotion. The strangest thing is that all of these men seem genuinely surprised when you turn them down. Like this sort of thing usually works with girls. One guy even says, "sorry, I was just trying to help."
It was pretty easy to hire actors for the deli and the street. You go to the same place every day, so I knew where they'd have to go and roughly when they'd need to be there. The harder part was getting your coworkers to play along, especially because I was picky about getting people who could sell the act. For a few of them all it took was money. A few of them I had to blackmail. For your boss I had to call in a favor, get his boss to threaten his job. He protested, but I think it made his cock hard, thinking about fucking you alongside his wife.
I keep this up for a few weeks. Anywhere you go I have people watching you, talking about you behind your back. I have people approaching you on the train, at the park, in restaurants, offering to fuck you like they're doing you a favor. You stay firm in your refusal—I wouldn't have expected any less from you—but I can tell it's beginning to eat at you. I watch you try to figure out what you're doing that seems to give all these people the wrong idea about you; you start to dress more modestly, talk less, even walk a little less confidently. But none of this will change anything. All it will do is make you feel more repressed.
After a month, I decide it's time to make my move. I could probably wait longer, but the anticipation is getting too much for me, and besides, you're beginning to get a little wild around the eyes. I'd hate to break you before I've had my fun. One evening, when I know you're home, I unlock your apartment with the duplicate key I had made two months ago. You're in the kitchen, washing dishes with headphones on; you didn't hear me come in. I leave the door open as I approach you, admiring the way you shake your ass to whatever it is you're listening to. I get right up behind you and stay there for a moment, lavishing in your innocence, feeling my cock strain at my belt as I imagine taking it away from you. Then I reach around front of you with both arms and plunge my hand into your panties
You shout in shock, fight back, try to push me off as the headphones fall off your head. But I've got you pinned against the counter, my full body weight against you, one hand down your pants, the other groping your breasts. Once you realize that fighting won't help, you stop struggling and ask me what I want. "Please," you say. Just hearing that quiver in your voice almost makes me delirious with lust. "Please, let me go. I don't want this, please."
I bury my face in your neck, kissing and breathing you in. You smell incredible, like fear and sweat and sex. I bring my lips up to your ear, let them brush against you as I speak. "Of course you want this, baby. You've been trying so hard to hide it, but you don't have to hide with me. Look, you left the door open for me." I let you turn your head enough to see the door hanging open just as my fingers find your clit. I'm rubbing you gently, tenderly, just the way I've watched you touch yourself through the webcam I have in your room. My other hand is under your shirt now and I'm squeezing your breast, rolling your nipple between my fingers, feeling it slowly grow full and erect. You try to stifle a soft moan and I kiss your neck again. "It's okay, baby. You don't have to be ashamed. It's okay to want to feel good. Let me make you feel good."
You clutch your face in your hands and let out a cry of frustration and humiliation and agony and pleasure. You barely know me; I'm the guy next door who sometimes looks at you a little too long. The guy you speed up to avoid in the hall. But that feeling radiating from you clit... You think how exhausting it's been, doing everything you could think of to change people's perception of you, get them to stop looking at you as a slut, how none of it has done you any good anyway. You wonder if you'd have had more fun fucking Jim in the conference room, or swallowing Dylan's cum, or having a threesome with your boss and his wife. And that throbbing in your clit, the agonizing pleasure...You remember that beautiful woman in the ad: "Being a slut isn't a hobby—it's a lifestyle!" You think about how happy she looked, how fulfilled. You remember Sam's words: "These data brokers know us better than we know ourselves."
It does feel good, doesn't it? To let me touch you, pleasure you, to let go of this act you've been holding on to. Isn't it okay to want to feel good? Why did you ever let anyone make you ashamed of that? You try out another moan, letting the pleasure well up through your chest and out your mouth. It feels good, so you try another, and another, and then you're leaning back into me, grinding up against me, delighting in the feeling of my hard cock against your ass.
"Good," I say. "You're letting go of those silly hang-ups. Now we can have our real fun." My hands still around you, controlling you, I half lead-half carry your trembling body to the bedroom. I throw you on the bed, face up so I can get a good look at your eyes, see what I've done to your mind. Those same eyes that have avoided me in the hall so many times now gaze hungrily up at me, wanting me, needing me.
Who am I do decline?
I pull off your pants and panties as a single unit, letting you take care of your shirt for yourself. I kick of my own bottoms, letting my throbbing cock slap against your leg as it springs from its confinement. Don't think I don't notice the way your whole body shivers when it touches you. I lift your legs and push your knees up towards your ears; you're remarkably flexible. It must be all that yoga I've watched you do at the place downtown. I've greatly enjoyed your visits to that place, so it's nice to see they weren't in vain.
You're afraid of me, all of a sudden. Maybe some part of you is seeing sense, realizing you'd have to be crazy to let a guy like me come into your home and fuck you like this. But what was the alternative? Have me rape you? Let me tell you, darling: I would have raped you. You feel the head of my cock gliding over your skin, exploring your inner thighs and pubic area, and tremble at my touch. I want this, you tell yourself. This is what a slut like me needs.
All the same, you cry a little bit when I penetrate you. It's not because it hurts—it does hurt a bit, but you're wet enough, and it's not entirely a bad pain. It's not because you're afraid—well, maybe in part, but that's not the core of it. You cry because you're finally letting go. Letting go of the person you used to be, or thought you were. It's the relief of knowing you don't have to pretend anymore, wrapped up with the mourning you feel when you lose a potential version of yourself. I lean across you as my cock fills you up, and tenderly, I kiss away your tears. "Hush, my darling. I'm here. I will always be here. I will love you despite what you are, when everyone else turns away in disgust."
My weight on you feels good, comforting. The way I press down on your legs, stretching you out, driving my cock so deep inside you that it brushes your cervix. It hurts a little, but is that any better than you deserve? Could a slut like you really expect to find better than this? Better than unconditional love and a desire to give you the pleasure you need?
I'm speeding up now, my face something like an animal, furious and insistent as I gaze down at you. There's darkness behind my eyes, you think, something cold and cruel. You thank God I'm on your side. My hips are like a hammer on your pelvis now, and with each thrust you feel my cock bulging inside you, throbbing and pulsating with anticipation. When I finally plant my seed in you, groaning and growling and pressing you further into the bed, you find there's something comforting about the warmth of my cum inside you. Maybe my seed will take root, make you swell up with me, make you mine. As I roll off you, huffing and panting, the tears begin to stream down your face again, this time from joy.
What did a slut like you ever do to deserve someone who loves you like I do?
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oh-koenig-my-koenig · 10 months
(to the tune of Avril Lavigne's sk8terboi)
He was a human battering ram.
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She was a recon sniper.
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Can I make it any more obvious?
Headcannons - Fit for a King - König x fem!OC fanfic
Instead of making a y/n fic, I decided to create an original female character because I ususally write all of my stuff in POVs. Due to posting the chapters often right after I've written them some of the context and the characterization might not be explicit in every single piece, some of the information is only gonna get revealed down the road.
(TW: alcoholism, death, violence)
Karina Müller is almost 30 years old, she served in the Norwegian military from right after school until the death of her brother who was KIA on a mission together. She fell off the wagon after that, feeling responsible for his death and effectively being shunned by her family after that. Her pick of poison was alcohol and it got so bad that she more than once was drunk on the job which led to her getting kicked out.
The years after that she spent getting help, trying to get clean and going back to a civilian life, but the military was what she knew, so the civilian jobs didn't stick and she started to work as a mercenary, now a dry alcoholic. Which might be an issue for some contractors, but KorTac doesn't really bat an eye.
She's a compassionate person who loves to laugh, she's seen enough shit not to take any from her teammates and can stand her ground when faced with any challenge thrown her way. She's still working through some stuff, coming to terms with her past, but she has an optimistic spirit and a strong will.
Even though the Colonel seems scary at first, she learns pretty quickly that he is to be respected in training and on the battlefield, but on a personal level he's really not that bad. The 6'10'' killing machine, Austrian war criminal (insert "what murdeeer?!"-meme here) is quite an anxious person when it comes to basic human interaction.
Shouting orders at his team, stomping his enemies into the ground is more comfortable to him than just talking about mundane stuff with other people, he mostly keeps to himself (except for Horangi because that little shit would never leave him alone). And for the first time in a long time, Müller makes him wish that he could just go up to people and strike up a normal conversation like a normal person (don't we all).
König is 38 years old (we don't know his full name) and has the biggest metalhead dad vibes without actually having any children himself (his favourite band is Death, although he listens to a bunch of different ones, it's also their merch shirt Müller steals in "Are you wearing my t-shirt?").
When he started out in the military, he shaved his long metalhead hair off because that was the way to go back then, but he let it grow back when he was older and already Colonel. He has gauged ears and a plethora of tattoos all over his body because the soft pain of body modifications and working out until he almost passes out are his ways of dealing with his anxiety and stress. His body is a testament to that.
He has a huge scar on the right side of his face from when he got beaten to a pulp by his bullies at school, something he never let happen again after that (five on one was really unfair). His nose has been broken two times and sometimes his tattoos get destroyed by battle injuries, but he doesn't really care about that - or his looks in general. He's a soldier and not a model.
So the reason why he's always wearing the selfmade hood is not the scar. He prefers not to show his feelings to others, staying hidden underneath the mask for his own comfort, even if it makes him scarier also in situations where he doesn't want to be.
(CW: some nsfw headcannons ahead, talk about not wanting to have children) They're both switches, though König is leaning more on the Dom-side while Müller is a sub who likes to brat a little too much, just to see her man falter (for example when she calls him a good boy in random scene #1).
Müller is bisexual, something she discovered when serving in an all-women-taskforce of the Norwegian military (we don't really know about König's sexuality though). She decided a long time ago that she doesn't want to have children (she doesn't see herself leaving service again anytime soon and given her past, she doesn't see herself fit to become a mother), so she got her tubes tied. Which also comes in handy when a certain Colonel's favourite pasttime (well, actually second favourite) is leaving creampies inside her (no 'unexpected pregnancy' trope in this household).
König definitely eats pussy for his own pleasure, begging Müller to let him eat her out in "Sit" or losing a little friendly competition for a sexual favour in "But no funny business" (oh and he definitely steals her panties at any chance he gets). She's totally not opposed to servicing him as well, but the size of his dick makes this a whole endeavour (like seen in "Open wide, Prinzessin").
They match each other's energy pretty well, just going at it like rabbits at every chance they get, which sometimes proves to be difficult as they're sneaking around in secret.
Their arrangement is kind of a fuckbuddy/fwb-situation, they fuck hard and rough, without ever really kissing (the mask stays on), but after a while feelings start to get in the way... After all they do belong together <3
Read more at the Fit for a King - Masterlist or keep an eye out for the AO3 link - coming soon.
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allastoredeer · 4 months
So, in the throes of doing world-building for my Hazbin fics and analyzing characters and how they fit into Pentagram's political system, I realized not only how powerful Alastor actually is, but how fucking scary.
Now, yes, in the grand scheme of things, Alastor is far from the most powerful person in Hell. Far from it. The Royal Family (Lucifer, Lilith, and Charlie), and the Goetia are way above the Overlords. Our twinky, angsty, galaxy bird, Stolas, could 100% body Alastor. I'm sorry, Al. I love you, babe. But in terms of the hierarchal system, you and the other Overlords aren't influential to the rest of Hell, at all.
But, it's an entirely different story if we stick exclusively to the Pride Ring.
I'm not trying to do a big, essay-length analysis, that's a lot of work and I'm tired, so I'll try to make it as brief as possible.
We know three crucial things: 1) sinners aren't allowed to leave the Pride Ring, 2) they've built a semi-functional society for themselves that is exclusive to their specific ring (with a political system that they've molded just for them), and 3) sinners can't kill other sinners.
So, what we have here is a big piece of land stuffed with people who can't leave it, in a society they've built specifically for themselves, with an amassing population that is constantly growing because they have no way of dying/or killing each other. (Honestly, it's like Heaven was setting them up for an Exterminations - THOUGH I'VE ACTUALLY COME UP WITH A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT, COMPLETELY FANON BASED THEORY/WORLD BUILDING IDEA ABOUT HOW HELL HAD KEPT THE POPULATION DENSISTY CONTROLLED FOR THE MILLENIA OF COLLECTING HUMAN SOULS, HOW THE POPLUATION STILL GOT TOO LARGE AND THUS RESULTED IN THE EXTERMINATIONS, AND HOW IT WAS ROSIE WHO HAD A HUGE HAND IN IT ALL.
Anyway, back on topic, so the Overlords essentially control this Ring. We know Stolas lives in the Pride Ring (judging by the red sky we see when he's at his house), so its possible more Goetia live there too (and imps, and succubi; the Pride Ring is known for being the most diverse of the Rings), but we haven't seen any evidence of the Goetia, or any of the other Hellborn, interact or influencE Pentragram City in a political way--outside of the Goetia being above the Overlords in the hierarchal system). I headcanon that they do have some involvement in Pentagram City, as they do live there, but for the most part, the Pride Ring is left completely to the sinners and how they run things.
Lillith got involved, obviously (but she's been missing for years in the beginning of the show), Lucifer hasn't been involved for who knows how long, and Charlie obviously doesn't have a lot of sway, nor did she have any previous influence given how she's treated by the very people she rules over. Her status is known, but there's no actual respect for her or her title as the literal Princess of Hell.
The royal family may the the strongest beings in all of the 7 Rings, but outside of Lillith, it seems they had very little involvement (in Charlie's case) or interest (in Lucifer's case) in ingratiating themselves into Pentagram City.
The entire Ring is being run by the Overlords. They cannot leave it. The Pride Ring is their domain. This is their new home. This is their world.
And in this world, the Overlords are the top dogs.
So, Alastor is powerful just in the sense that he is one of the Overlords. Like them, he is essentially one of the rulers of their personal, caged-off little world. He has power and political sway. He joined the other Overlords for Carmilla's meeting, where they were going to discuss the aftermath of the Extermination and what they can do about the loss in the population (and thus, their power, given that owning souls is how they get it).
It's implied that this isn't the first time they've had meetings like this, and if they get together to discuss the best ways to recover from the Exterminations and make up for their mutual losses (literally working together when they could've all just been rivals trying to undermine the others to get more souls), who knows what else they've discussed in their efforts to keep Pentagram City running (especially considering that the best way to maintain their power IS by maintaining the city, it's people, and keeping it from falling apart at the seams. Taking care of the city is in their best interests - I use "taking care of" very, very loosely, considering this is still Hell and it's hardly the gold standard of utopia's). They're essentially a Board of Leadership with mutually shared power.
The Overlords have all the power. All the sway. In their established world, THEY are at the top of the food chain.
BUT then, you take into account that sinners can't kill each other (a rule that extends even to the Overlords), and that's when things get interesting.
In episode 4, "Masquerade" Valentino told Angel that he's "killed people for less" during the scene in the dressing room. But, in episode 2, after Valentino had torn apart one of Velvette's models, she wasn't upset in the way an Overlord would be if they lost someone under contract, especially considering that owning souls is what gives them power (and I assume that they own the souls of most, if not all, of the people they employ). She said that she can't sit and wait for "that bitch to pull herself back together," so, yeah, the implication is that sinners can literally be torn apart (even by the Overlords, who are the strongest among them) but won't die is immense. No matter what you do, a sinner will reform, or heal, or whatever, but they will come back.
So, consider, that there is only one person who's been able to kill sinners, permanently, and that person is Alastor.
Not only that, he killed Overlords.
In a realm where death is impossible, Alastor had cheated the system. And as far as we know, he's the only one who's been able to do it.
The only person I can think of who has something similar is Carmilla, but that's because she'd integrated angelic steel into her apparel. (Though, there's something to be said about her selling angelic weapons to the masses, as she is a manufacturer and distributor of them not only in Pentagram city, but all of the 7 Rings, (as Stryker had gotten his hands on a "Carmine blessing tipped rifle" to kill off Stolas, who's a Goetia), thus, sinners killing other sinners can still be possible, but that's only if they get you're hands on a weapon with angelic steel, or they're wealthy enough to buy onr, and I imagine Carmilla doesn't sell those cheap.
But Alastor didn't use angelic steel. He found a way to tear souls apart, where otherwise they were only able to be owned. Considering how terrified Husk (who is one of the most calm and collected people in the Hazbin crew; who had once been an Overlord, himself) was when AIastor threatened to do they same to him, like, that goes to show just how serious it is. He was literally full-body shaking. Ears-pinned back. Flight-fight-or freeze. Pressing himself down into the carpet.
We've never seen him like that at any other time during the show, even during the Extermination when they were all about to die.
Alastor's threat had scared him more than literally getting killed my an army of Exorcist's.
And like, yeah???? I get it????
That shit has to be terrifying. Not only for those that Alastor threatens, but for every single sinner in Pentagram City.
This random guy cheated the system, killed without any outside means, and if he can topple Overlords (the strongest and most powerful of them) almost over night, there's no saying what he can do to regular sinners. (Or what they think he can do, I have more thoughts surrounding whether Alastor would be able to tear apart a soul that is owned by someone else, but this is already getting long).
And, presumably, the only reason he stopped is because he decided to.
Like???? Do you guys understand what I'm saying???? For someone to have that kind of power??? In a system where that power SHOULD NOT be possible??? A power that gives him this massive advantage over everyone else???? That no one else can do???? And the only reason he doesn't use it is because he decides not to????
It's no wonder Alastor was so feared. Why he still is feared (by those who know of him at least LOL he has been gone for 7 years). And, like, yeah we see him be all creepy and scary during the show. We see him use his magic and grow into his demon form, and he is intimidating in that right, but I think the true horror of his character comes from this ability to kill the unkillable in a system where it never should've been possible in the first place.
That's where the true terror of the Radio Demon lies. That's where the visceral fear comes from. And it's why he's someone you wouldn't want to mess with, even for the other Overlords (especially for the other Overlords).
Like, it makes sense why he has such a massive ego. Why he thinks he can take on anyone. It's because he has. He's powerful, even by Overlord standards, and he knows it. And it makes further sense why him now being on a leash is making him unravel at the seams.
Am I making sense??? Is this all just meaningless rambling to you guys??? Idk! Idk. It's just been tumbling through my head, and it made me realize just how scary Alastor is, especially from an outside perspective.
I have SO many headcanons T.T I've done so much world-building, and I am have so much fucking fun. I feel like a kid in a sandbox. My brain hasn't stopped buzzing since this show came out.
Anyway, I'm off to outline more wips and work on the fics I'm writing. Happy Hazbin-ing to the rest of you.
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choreom4nia · 1 year
◜ 𝐈 𝐒𝐄𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔 ◞ : a collection of prompts from the 2023 animated film 𝐍𝐈𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐀 based off the graphic novel by nd stevenson . adjust phrasing as desired ! not spoiler free .
go back to the shadows from whence you came !
if you want a happily ever after , you can never let your guard down .
hey , thinky face . look at me .
it's not what [ ] wanted .
i don't feel safe .
i'm not brooding ! i'm just - i'm thinking .
this is my thinking face .
you were better and worked harder than all of us .
but what if they still hate me ?
they're gonna love you . like i do .
did you think i was going to apologize for how i treated you ? oh my god , that's hilarious . you're so stupid , i love it .
some of us don't get the happily ever after we're looking for .
the garbage and the smell of sadness really pull the whole thing together .
wait , who are you ?
put that down !
okay , how old do you think i am ?
not a lot of kids in your life huh ?
i'm here about the job .
do you like it ?
every villain needs a sidekick .
sweet murder wall !
this guy looks extremely punchable .
you're right , he is extremely punchable .
are you saying you're not a villain ?
are you disappointed that i'm not a murderer ?
it's complicated , okay ?
i am not gonna get arrested !
i trusted you .
give me a chance !
because once everyone sees you as a villain , that's what you are .
they only ever see you one way . no matter how hard you try .
if you see anyone , hide .
that's a hard no .
something , something , something , we win !
did you see the way he looked at me ?
how could i promise you when i don't know what's about to happen ?
this is the part where you run .
you're a monster .
do not call me that !
why are you helping me ?
everybody hates you too .
i think what you mean to say is thanks for saving my life .
can you just be you please ?
i can't be seen with that !
you've been staring .
can you please just be normal for a second ?
easier for who ?
how did you get like this ?
that explains literally nothing .
you need to sit down . you're bleeding !
most people scream at that part .
i'm not people .
does it hurt at all ?
i've been through worse .
what does it feel like ?
i feel worse when i don't do it .
why did you set me up ?
they brainwashed you good .
arm chopping is not a love language !
it's how we were trained .
you should be questioning everything right now !
i've lost my mind . i've lost everything .
i never asked for that .
you lied to me about everything !
then you never knew me at all .
i've got you , kid !
i said i don't want to talk about it !
i don't need your help !
i don't know what's scarier : the fact that everyone wants to kill me ? or that sometimes , i just wanna let ' em .
we have to get you out of here.
we'll go , together .
no matter what we do we can't change the way people see us .
you changed the way you see me .
it's okay . you're safe . we're home .
let's live here forever .
i wouldn't be here if you'd stood up for me .
there is something i need to tell you .
i'm not the villain here !
i know ! i know . i believe you .
i'm sorry for everything .
we've been wrong about everything .
this was a mistake .
why can't you just leave me alone ?
because i love you .
tell me this isn't you .
where did you get that ?
you think that i would do that ? that that's who i am ?
think about everything that we've been through together !
you were using me !
you wanted them to see someone else to hate so you wouldn't be alone !
i want to hear you say it ! say it !
don't you wish you were normal ?
you know what you are !
innocent people will die .
what are we doing ?
what have i done ?
i'm sorry . i'm sorry .
i see you .
i see you . and you're not alone .
what if we're wrong ? what if we've always been wrong ?
be right back . i'm gonna go break some stuff .
it's time to rewrite the story .
come back . please come back .
maybe it's not the end of the story .
holy sh - !
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ranticore · 27 days
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selected pages from Shapeshifter Problems, a small exploration of old old concept art & thoughts on shapeshifter tropes (specifically the question of the 'true form') i posted to patreon earlier this year. there's a bunch more haha. here's some OLD art and bg process for writing said the black horse. I don't like my old art but looking back at it I'm really happy how I've developed since, I used to make everything too sharp, straight-sided, or skinny. I had to make a conscious effort to change that and now it's so much better.
image transcriptions under the cut (just the text sorry)
Image 1: "These are more of those older designs - the horns were a deliberate play into devil imagery on Puck's part while giving Félix this form (all to cause more torment of course) but again I couldn't vibe with it. Such clear statements of intent didn't work for me.
The scars remain canon but not quite so stark, more a difference in texture (again, moving away from visual details). His forehead scar is ALWAYS there."
Image 2: "Félix. These are really old - from 2019-2020. They're the first attempts at Félix's horse form. At the time I was leaning into some goat-like attributes. I liked the idea of something that looked like an emaciated amalgam of many familiar creatures but if you look closer, it actually doesn't look like any animal at all. The original body shape and proportions were inspired by moose. I didn't know how to draw convincing horse shapes which is why he had these hands and claws for so long. I still draw the little flower wheel pattern on his sides sometimes... a secret just for me. His belly fur, squared off ear shape, and beard are still defining characteristics"
Image 3: "More old art from 2020. Bottom left is my first ever painting on my iPad using Procreate. I still prefer SAI for creature drawings, or at least the original sketches underpinning a lot of my art. Below on the bottom was my attempt at a scarier form for the character but I ultimately decided that it ran contrary to the atmosphere I was trying to create. Top left is my first 'real' horse painting and it includes the tail shape which has not ever changed, and feathers, which I nixed because I wanted to learn how to draw the feet and legs properly and not rely on covering them up with flowing hair (my favourite thing to draw)"
Image 4: "Like the black horse designs, these humanoid designs for Félix (circa 2019 - OLD art!) started very complex and simplified over time. I decided to avoid visual complexity, but made the mistake of solidifying specific 'rules' for how the Púca servants' bodies work, and I deeply regret this. Because I wrote Said the Black Horse in 2021, I was still operating under the old mindset and that caused it to become somewhat established canon.
In his original iteration his tattoos represented magical contracts between him and various faeries, so they were supposed to be always visible as a reminder of that contract.
<- a really early furry version, I was playing with the eye on the neck as a design feature. Ultimately I feel that although it looks cool, the medium he exists in is proser. So I needed to move away from visually complex designs and towards designs which were interesting to different senses instead."
Image 5: "As time went on the design simplified. I enjoyed making fun textures using procreate brushes. These designs lack his forehead scar but do include his impalement scar. If you've seen my Hanged Man card you'll know how he got that one. But when I made the charts like this about how his body 'worked' in 2020, again I ran into the same issue I always do when writing about faeries... the more I explain it, the most 'logic' and 'science' goes into it, the less it feels like a faery story to me. Overexplaining is anathema to the faeries of Inver. so even though I like these design notes they just don't fit in this setting."
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givemea-dam-break · 1 year
May I request a fem reader x Anthony lockwood where reader is a super talented fittes agent who constantly trades barbs with lockwood but he soon realises that she fancies him so he ends up teasing her during missions by doing small stuff like pulling her close and calling here babe when no-one is around
a/n: ahhhhhh this is such a cute idea, yes of course!!! i hope you like it <3 buckle in because this is a long one - which could constitute for a part 2 if anyone wants one lol
warnings: language fem reader (few pronouns used)
part 2
"Don't you get tired of me saving your ass? This is the third time I've done it this week alone."
Anthony Lockwood leans against the partially splintered doorframe of the house he and his team were working on a case in, arms crossed over his chest and smiling proudly as if he wasn't on his back in ghost-lock mere minutes ago. His hair is slightly ruffled, cheeks flushed, but that cocky grin is there despite it all.
"Sometimes I just need reminding that there are scarier things than ghosts," he says.
Bristling a little, you raise an eyebrow at him. "Is that why I see you looking in mirrors so often? I'd chalked it up to narcissism, but, hey, if it's for a reality check instead, who am I to judge?"
His eyes roll, and he makes a sound that's half-scoff and half-laugh. "We would've been fine without your help, just so you know."
"Mm-hmm." You look around the salt-covered kitchen and the tiles that were pried off the wall - by you - that uncovered a hole in the wall containing the source. "So George was looking for the source in the bathroom just because? And Lucy was fighting the second ghost that she herself told me you guys didn't know about? Not to mention you being ghost-locked. To each their own, I suppose."
"At least I looked good doing it. Your uniform is the most boring thing I've ever seen."
"Oh, so you're a fashion expert now?" you ask, placing a hand on your hip. "No offence, Lockwood, but I'd stick to ghost-hunting. You're at least half-decent at that."
Kipps appears down the hallway, pointing to the front door before disappearing, followed by the rest of your team. He's slowly slid out of the role of being the one to provoke Anthony Lockwood, leaving the pleasure solely to you. Not that you're complaining. There's something so enjoyable about riling him up.
Plastering on a too-sweet smile, you say, "It was great seeing you, Lockwood. I'll have fun saving your life again soon."
You push past him through the doorway, stopping just past.
"And, before you comment on my 'boring' uniform, at least try to get your socks and tie to match. Those are two wildly different shades of blue."
You glare at the house towering before you, pissed that you've been sent off on messenger duty not by Fittes, but by DEPRAC. They've got vans and cars and dozens of employees to do their bidding, but old Inspector Barnes has sent you off instead. Maybe as some kind of torture.
Annoyed, you ring the doorbell and wait.
When the door swings open, you're at least grateful that it's Lucy Carlyle that opens it. While she can be quick to anger and is prone to making snide remarks - although you're no better - she's the preferable option. George has a hatred for all Fittes employees and Lockwood... You scowl at the thought of him.
"Oh, (name)," she says, frowning in confusion. "Why are you here?"
You hold the papers out. "DEPRAC lapdog, apparently. I've been sent to give all three of you these NDA letters. They need signing and sent back to DEPRAC."
Lucy takes them gingerly, eyes skirting over the writing. "This is about that case the three of us did in Greenwich?"
"The owner of the National Maritime Museum doesn't want potential customers finding out there were ghosts there, or something," you explain. "I don't know. Barnes caught me on a run earlier and asked me to deliver these."
"Deliver what?"
Scowling, you look over Lucy's shoulder where Lockwood's face has just appeared. Lucy shows him the papers, passing them over and crossing her arms as she explains what you've just said.
Lockwood frowns, looking at you as if it's your fault.
"Barnes has got you on a lead, huh?"
"You calling me a dog, Lockwood? I don't think you want to see how you'll end up after that."
He raises his hands in mock surrender. "I would never do that. You know me. Besides, you're not wearing your signature grey today, so you don't even look like a staffy."
It's at that moment that Lucy slips away, taking the papers with her.
"I'm in no mood for you today," you say. "I've not even been back to my place, so I'm all sweaty from my run and in need of a shower. Barnes has sent me here because he and his lackeys can't get off their arses. And, to top it off, my favourite café ran out of the coffee I like. So, I advise you to pack it in, or I'll be arrested for trespassing and assault."
"There will be no need for that," he promises. "Do you want to come in for that coffee you so desperately want? George is quite adept at making good coffee."
"Even if I wanted to step foot in your house, which I don't, George would probably poison my drink, so no, thanks."
For a moment, he's quiet, as if trying to think of some way to insult you. Then, he says, "I admit, I thought Barnes would've sent Kipps. Maybe even Kat. But not you."
You cross your arms, the cold air nipping your bare arms. You hadn't thought to bring a jumper with you. "Like I said to Lucy, Barnes caught me while I was on my run. I think he was going to head here himself, but decided he liked seeing your faces even less than I do and sent me on my way. Pig."
Lockwood breathes a laugh like he's hesitant to really laugh in front of you. He leans against the doorframe. "Are you sure you don't want to come in for a moment? You're shivering, and it's cold out."
"I'm more than sure." You peek past him, eyeing the clutter and the hint of a collapsed pile of clothes in one of the rooms with disdain. "I need to get back anyways. The sight of you is making me feel violently ill."
"All right, all right, there's no need for that. We were having a civil conversation for a moment. At least take this." He reaches behind the door, pulling out a large grey hoodie. "It's cold, and it's a long walk back to Fittes."
With a bit of hesitation, you take the hoodie from his hands. It's warm like it's been over a radiator. "Thanks. I'll get this back to you."
"Hey, at least it matches your uniform."
"Oh, shut up. You're just proving you've got no sense of style - it's not even the same shade. And, I'm just noticing, you're still not able to match your socks and tie. You need to do some homework."
He rolls his eyes. "Whatever. Get gone. You're making the street look untidy."
You flip him off before turning and trudging down the steps, then make your way home.
"That's not your jumper."
You look up from your mug of coffee tiredly. The case you'd been on the night before has left you completely drained, and having a nine am start didn't make it any better. Even the coffee hasn't perked you up.
Kat's icy gaze studies the hoodie you wear. "Did you not hear me? I said -"
"I know what you said. But why?"
"Whose is it?"
You rub your eyes. "I don't see how that's any of your business."
"It's Anthony Lockwood's, isn't it?" she says, practically spitting the name. "I thought you hated him."
"Like I said, none of your business."
You pull the grey jumper tighter around you. The whole morning, you've been so cold that you've resorted to wearing it. And, despite your - now, somewhat mixed - feeling for Lockwood, you find comfort in the scent of tea and toast it carries. You've not seen him in the last few days since he gave it to you, so you've not had the opportunity to return it. Might as well take advantage of it, seeing as all of your jumpers are dirty.
Kat scowls. "Give it back. Burn it. Just get rid of it."
"I'll do what I want with it," you say, shocking yourself with your defensiveness. "Just lay off. I'm cold, I'm tired, and I'm hungry. I'm not in the mood for this."
"You're never in the mood for anything," Kat says.
"I wonder why," you mutter quietly before taking a sip of your coffee.
"What was that?"
"Oh, nothing. Just saying how much I appreciate your constant input."
"Saving you again. Who'd have thought?"
Lockwood rolls his eyes, rapier held out in front of him. "I think you enjoy it. That, or you enjoy seeing me. I'd prefer the latter because I love the attention, but either way."
You scoff, throwing a salt bomb at the ghost that has cornered you both. "I most certainly do not like seeing you. It's the worst part of my week."
"Oh, sure, love."
The nickname causes you to choke, but you keep your guard up. This ghost is relentless, and you won't let some arrogant boy cause you to falter. You're one of the best agents Fittes has, a professional in your field. You know better than to let him distract you.
In front of you, the ghost makes a faint wailing sound, though your Listening isn't strong enough to make out what it's saying. Judging from the glowing blood that pours from its neck and spills over its dress, you judge that it's a Wraith, and not a very happy one at that.
"What's our plan, then?" you ask. "We're trapped in a hallway with nothing but a basement door behind us. Lucy and George are looking for the source, I take it?"
"Lucy and George didn't take this case with me. They're on a separate one."
Scowling, you say, "Oh, well, just as well that I happened to pass by when I did then, huh? You'd be dead right now if it weren't for me."
You're about to keep talking, but Lockwood shouts, "Duck!" before tackling you to the ground. Your head narrowly misses the wall but bangs against the floor instead, and you're overtaken by a horrible chill as the ghost darts over top of you both.
All of a sudden, you're acutely aware of Lockwood on top of you, shielding you from what could've been potential ghost touch. His breath is warm on your face, and you can feel his heart racing above your own, which feels like it's going a million miles an hour. Your cheeks, despite the chill, feel awfully hot. He looks down at you, grinning and about to say something.
"Watch out!" you interrupt, kicking him off of you and grabbing his rapier. You slash it through the air, temporarily dissolving the ghost.
You push yourself off the ground, throwing another salt bomb at the Wraith. Lockwood is on his feet shortly after, and you both hurry to his iron circle by the living room door, panting and gasping for breath. The lamp in the centre flickers slightly, and the floorboards creak.
"Hell of a house you've got here," you grumble. "Who is this miserable git anyways?"
Lockwood eyes the ghost before grinning at you once more. "Lady called Angela, was killed in a burglary back in, oh, what did George say? Nineteen-forty-nine, I think. As you can see, she's very unhappy."
The Wraith wails and a liquidy choking sound becomes more apparent, which makes you squirm. Your Sight is about as good as your Listening, but it's still hard to make out the glowing features of the woman besides all of the blood and her spotty dress.
"Your Touch is good, right?"
"Best of the best."
Lockwood scoffs. "All right, no need to get cocky."
"You're one to talk."
"I was just going to ask if you could search for the source with your Touch while I cover you! You make everything so difficult."
You brush hair out of your eyes. "Yeah, me. Okay, whatever. I'll go find this source then. Which room is my best bet?"
"Living room."
Glancing into the room just beside you, you nod, waiting for your cue to go. For a brief second, Lockwood touches your arm, telling you to stay safe, and then he's launched himself at the ghost. You don't stick around to see what kind of pretentious rapier moves he's doing.
The living room is pretty empty, compared to others you've seen. The walls are plain and beige, with very few photos hung up in boring old frames. There's a two-seater sofa with the ugliest floral pattern you've ever seen and an armchair that doesn't match in the slightest. The fireplace has no wood, no ash, no nothing as if it hasn't been used for years.
You're instantly drawn to the fireplace. Crouching down to the ground, you place your hand on the bricks that make it up, closing your eyes and falling into your senses.
The room has changed. It's brighter, more colourful, happier. Sunlight streams through the window, and a woman hums as she dusts the ornaments on the wall. She's pretty, wearing a spotty blue dress, and her voice is soothing. When she passes over to the fireplace, it's almost as if she is really there next to you, replacing the burnt wood with fresh. But her fingers graze a brick inlaid in the ground, lingering for a moment too long before she moves away to replace the flowers in a vase.
Colours blur as the vision fades away and the sounds of Lockwood's fight resume. Immediately, you begin clawing at the brick you saw in the vision, grateful to find it loose already. A horrible wail indicates that you're right.
A spider crawls out of the hollow gap beneath the brick, and you reach your hand into the gap, which is filled with cobwebs. Your fingers latch onto something, but you don't stop to look at what it is before you wrap it up in the silver net you always keep in a pouch on your belt.
Seconds later, Lockwood appears in the doorway, panting and smiling. "Thanks for the help, love. You're very handy. What's the source?"
You scowl. "Don't call me that."
"What? Love? Thought you'd like it. I mean, you've still got my jumper, and Lucy says that's got to mean something."
"Be quiet. I've not had the chance to give it back. Here's the source. Look for yourself. I'm heading home, as far away from you as I can get."
"Oh, come on. Let me walk you home at least."
For a moment, you consider it, and you hate yourself for it. But part of you, a treacherous little piece of your heart, yearns for it. When was the last time someone walked you home? When was the last time someone offered to bring you in for a coffee or gave you their jumper to keep you warm? Though you hate to admit it, Anthony Lockwood is not the worst out of all the people in London.
"Fine," you mutter. "Just this once."
"So, tell me about yourself, love. What makes you tick?"
You look at Lockwood incredulously. "This isn't the time, you twat! There's a pack of Phantasms following us."
Lockwood glances back at the ghosts trailing you. He waves a hand nonchalantly. "Oh, they're fine. We're covered in iron and silver protection."
"I can hear them calling for us, and they're getting closer."
"Well, good thing you've got me to walk you home. Who better to keep you safe?"
You curse under your breath, wondering why you'd ever agreed more than once to let him walk you home. The first time was bearable, the second time less so. Now, the eighth, you're at your wit's end. Having the company, especially when walking in the dark so late at night, made you feel a little better, but things would definitely be splendid if he'd shut his mouth for once.
"What did I say about you calling me 'love'?"
"If I remember correctly, you said, and I quote, If you call me that again, I'm going to tear out your tongue and feed it to Kipps for breakfast. Did I get that right?"
"Yes, you did."
"Well, if it annoys you, more the reason to say it, right, love?"
You shove him, and he stumbles, laughing, as you trudge along the park's path, glancing back at the phantasms following behind.
"So...?" Lockwood says, drawing near once more.
You raise your eyebrows. "So?"
"What makes you so prickly? Kat Godwin is bad, but she's quiet most of the time. You, on the other hand, spark a debate the minute you walk into a room. What is it? An incessant hatred for the world? Never had any friends growing up? Oh, I know, you had a pet that got run over when you were a child, and now you hate everyone in return?"
Glaring at him, you say, "No. To all of them."
"So what is it then?"
"I don't know." You shrug. You don't know why you feel the urge to tell him a real answer. "I've never seen anything different, I suppose. My parents didn't really... parent, when I was a kid, so now I don't know how to talk to people any other way than how I do. It's how they spoke to me, or so I've been told. Kipps put me in therapy for a while, but my therapist was a thick-skulled -"
Lockwood's laugh cuts you off, and you glance at him sidelong. There's something about the way the moonlight hits his skin; how the cold midnight air makes his cheeks rosy; how his smile seems to light up his face. It makes everything feel a little less bad.
"I don't know how to word things without sounding mean," you say, "because that's all anyone has ever been to me. Even at Fittes."
"So you don't mean to hurl verbal abuse at me every chance you get?"
"Oh, no, I absolutely do. You're the biggest idiot I've ever met, and you could really work on that narcissism of yours. It's a killer. Real no-go for a girl."
"So now you're saying you're interested in me, but my confidence is putting you off?"
The arrogance in his eyes makes you want to strangle him. "No, that's not what I'm saying at all."
But, is it? You're not sure. There's a funny feeling in your chest, but you're half convinced it's just heartburn and not something people tend to call 'crushing' or 'loving'. You're not entirely sure what either of those things feels like.
He makes to speak again, but he glances back at the group of phantasms following you and grins. "Fancy another ghost fight tonight?"
You sigh. "You really know how to get a girl excited."
"Love, pass me a salt bomb or five."
You glance into the hallway for any of the other agents scouting the mansion, scowling. "Don't call me that!"
"Whatever you say, love. Now, the salt bombs?"
Resisting the urge to throw them at his face, you pass Lockwood a few salt bombs begrudgingly.
Your Fittes team and Lockwood's agency have been teamed up on a case by DEPRAC, and Lockwood being the pompous ass he is paired you both together and has been teasing you incessantly. Nothing new there, except for the feeling it incites in your chest.
It can't really be described as heartburn, anymore, because it only ever happens whenever you see him or hear his name. You've found yourself growing bored and - you hate to say this - lonely without his company and quips, and find yourself to be your happiest when throwing insults at each other, though they feel a little more light-hearted now than they once did. Well, you feel as happy as you believe you can be, with as little experience of it as you've had.
You try to ignore the way your skin tingles and cheeks flush when his fingers brush yours and try even harder to pretend you don't see the shit-eating grin on his face from your reaction.
"You're insufferable, you know that right?" you ask as you pull iron chains from your bag.
"Only because you tell me every chance you get," Lockwood says. "I live to give you that privilege."
You roll your eyes. "I can stab you with my rapier, so you'd do well to remember that."
The weight of his arm rests on your shoulders, and he pulls you close to his side. You grow tense at the sudden movement and the close proximity, and hope he can't feel your racing heartbeat. It'll only give him one more thing to pick at you about. You're just unused to being held, you tell yourself.
"But you wouldn't do that, love. You've grown quite fond of me these past few months."
"Have not."
"Care to return my jumper, then? I'm in dire need of it."
Once more, your face flushes. "You told me to keep it a little longer while my morning runs are still cold."
"As a formality. You were meant to say something smart like, Like hell I will, asshat, take it back before I become infected by the bacteria you carry. Your insults are becoming boring."
"Is that so?" You narrow your eyes at him. "Well, you are an asshat, for one. For two, I'd advise you let go of me, or I fear my skin will burn off from the way your brain is overheating trying to keep a conversation with me. So, love, how about you take your arm back?"
He grins, drawing you closer until your cheeks are almost touching. "If I die from overheating, you're going down with me."
You shove him away, scowling once more, but part of you wants to laugh. This kind of banter with him has grown familiar, comforting. And, well, though you might protest it much of the time, being called 'love' gives your heart a little flutter, like it's glad it's finally getting some attention after a lifetime of being as hard and cold as stone.
Bit by bit, Lockwood has softened it up, but you'll never tell him that. He would only grow too smug.
"You know," Lockwood says, "I think you're bribing DEPRAC so that you can get put on cases with us. This is the second one in two weeks."
"Why on earth would I ever bribe DEPRAC for that? If anything, I'd bribe them to get me out of it." You lay the chains out in a neat circle and place all your things inside. "If anyone's doing it, it's you, because you're obsessed with me."
"And so what if I am, love? You're very fun to poke fun at."
Your hands falter, and you hope he hasn't noticed. "Whatever."
He grins, watching your every move. "You can admit you feel the same, you know? You're not going to face a horrible death for admitting you enjoy spending time with me."
You don't know what to say to that. Because, yes, you do enjoy spending time with him, in your little confusing way. Being around him has opened you up to new feelings you've never had the chance to really feel before, and you're grateful for it, but admitting it? It's like giving him the key to a locked door and granting him 24/7 access. It terrifies you and makes you feel vulnerable.
"Be quiet so we can get on with our surveys," you murmur. "I'd like to get out of here as soon as possible."
"Scared? Don't worry, I can hold your hand."
And he does. His hand wraps around yours, enveloping it in warmth, and you find yourself staring at it, unwilling to pull away from his touch. It seems to shock Lockwood, too, judging from his parted lips and slightly-too-wide eyes, but his hand squeezes yours gently and you feel a little piece of your heart soften.
There's a creak in the hallway, and you jerk your hand away, standing straight, face hot. But there's nothing, no one. Just you, Lockwood, and a barrage of feelings you're not sure what to do with.
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earlysunshines · 1 year
loved your sana story oh my god!!! i wanted to ask if you could maybe write something about chaeyound and fem reader meeting because they are both art lovers? yk a fluff kinda falling in love story?
have i told you lately? i'm grateful you're mine.
best friend!chaeyoung x reader
summary: uh oh what happens when the sudden urge to kiss and love your friend appears
wc: 4.1k
warnings: not proofread well ; fluff ; mentions of alcohol ; rushed :-[
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a/n: thank you for the request! I've been writing a little less, but this was such a cute request so I had tried my best to finish it. enjoy!
Paint everywhere. 
Paint on the floor, a mess that was something from a nightmare – as if some paint monster had completely terrorized you, or something like that (look, it would be scarier if you were like, six). Your jeans had been splashed with the white paint, your shirt looked even worse; there was nothing that could save that for sure. 
“Oh fuck-” is what you had said before tripping and ending up in this mess, as if that would save you. 
You had been walking around in the empty room, trying to find the paint you needed for the project that was due in two days. Unfortunately for you, the floor had just been mopped, and it was slippery as hell. Another unfortunate thing for you is that you were wearing slides, Adidas to be exact, and they were not meant for this type of slippery surface; it led to your downfall. 
You groaned with annoyance – maybe a bit too dramatically – but anyone would’ve done the same if they had to deal with this.
The paint bucket on the floor was on its side, paint still spilling out all over the floor. Luckily, the paint bucket was only half full, so the mess could’ve been ten times worse (you’re still pissed, but look on the bright side…?).
You stand up in defeat and start by picking up the paint bucket, flipping it back so that it’s not spilling any more paint. The next thing you do is wonder how the hell you’re going to clean this catastrophe. You wonder: do you start wiping the pool of white paint on the floor? The paint on your jeans? Your cheeks?
“Are you okay?” a voice asks. You look towards where the voice had come from, and you realize it’s that girl in your class, the one you’ve been eyeing for half the semester: Son Chaeyoung.
This makes it even more embarrassing.
“Yeah, I just, uh.” You mumble, “The floor was slippery, and I don’t know, I’m here now.” You sigh, wiping paint off your cheek. 
Chaeyoung can’t fight back the giggle that she lets out. You pout playfully and laugh with her.
Chaeyoung had been someone that caught your eye the first day you saw her. You noticed that her style was unique, and she had tattoos that had really drawn your attention. She was someone that was unpredictable, you would never know what the hell her next move would be. 
Her art was an identical reflection of her, unique, vibrant, and surprising. Arguably the best pieces of work you’ve seen in that class; you really admired her.
Son Chaeyoung was someone you always wanted to talk to, you just didn’t know how. You were too timid to really speak to her, she seemed in her own world and you were never the type to go out there and make small talk. The only other class you had with her was English, a class which had a teacher and work that gave you headaches, so no chance to talk to Chaeyoung.
Chaeyoung looked at you in your messy state: paint on your shirt, pants, even your socks, and a pool of the medium on the floor. 
“You need help?” She asks. You quickly put a hand up and wave,
“It’s no problem, it’s my mess.”
“I was going to work here too, so technically it could be my mess too.”
“Doesn’t need to be?” You say with a lack of confidence. Chaeyoung just shakes her head and smiles, already tying up her dark hair. You let out a sigh and finally get up from the floor, she gives you a rag to wipe off the paint from your face and clothes. “Thanks.” You mumble.
“No problem.” She responds, already getting started on the mess that’s on the floor.
There’s a wave of silence that’s present for a couple of minutes.
 You had finished cleaning yourself up and made sure to help Chaeyoung with the mess,
“You really didn’t have to help.” You sigh, wiping aggressively at the stained floor. Chaeyoung shakes her head,
“It’s fine, don't worry. I needed a space that wasn’t crowded with that annoying group in our class. I could hear them from the other hall.” And she refers to the group of students that constantly talked and were just so damn loud about their art, the ones that only took the class to get easy credits. “This was the nearest room open.” Chaeyoung sighed.
You hum in response and she starts again,
“It’s Y/n right?” she asks, still looking down at the mess.
“Yeah. Chaeyoung?”
She hums. 
“I remember seeing you at Nayeon’s party.” She simply says, and your cheeks warm up. 
That party was surely something. Three-quarters of a bottle of soju chugged straight from the bottle, you still remember the cheers and screams from Nayeon and her friends as you chugged. It wasn’t much really, not something to scream over, but you weren’t the type to drink so much in one night and Nayeon had made sure you were the center of attention, much to your dissatisfaction. The soju wasn’t even flavored, it wasn’t even worth chugging – it was just the taste of alcohol on your tongue and the harsh, strong flavor of it going down your throat – not good. 
You close your eyes and groan from embarrassment, “Yeah… It was something.” You sigh, “Nayeon peer pressured me, I don’t know what was with me. She could’ve at least handed me a flavored bottle.” You complain. Chaeyoung laughs in response,
“It was funny. I didn’t want to go to that party, but that honestly made my night.” She says, “I never really knew you much, it piqued my interest.”
“It did?” You question, looking up from the ground to her face, well, her head.
“You seem cool. There’s not a lot of people in that class that seem serious about this, but when I looked at your artwork I knew you had something that half that class doesn’t.”
“And that is?”
“Serious skills.” She says, looking up at you. You can’t help but laugh at her compliment,
“I’m sorry I’m really flattered, but that compliment sounded like something my younger cousin would say, and he’s like - 12.” You chuckle. Chaeyoung pouts and ends up laughing with you and you two joke a little more while you clean.
The conversation and bickering that goes on between you two is comparable to one between good friends. You two have just met, but it seems that you two just naturally get along so well; there’s a comforting feeling from being around each other, it’s like you’ve known each other for years already.
After you two finish cleaning up, the conversation comes to a close because you two are both busy working on your own projects for the class; it seems you two also have being severe procrastinators in common.
Chaeyoung asks for your number after that event, you two talk now and then during, after, and before class. The two of you are almost always with one another at school, it’s obvious that you both are close.
Something you learn about Chaeyoung is that she’s really into music, in addition to liking art, you two have that in common. You’d spend hours at the nearest coffee shop just talking about your favorite musicians, albums, and performances. You even learn that Chaeyoung plays guitar, which makes your interest in her grow. You think she’s so incredibly talented and wonder how you managed to become friends with someone like Chaeyoung.
The dark-haired woman learns that you like music just as much as her, and she admires the playlists you show her. The playlists are always filled with something slow and relaxing, she thinks your image fits your music taste. She learns that you’re a more athletic person, and you somehow manage to run a mile or two every day – it genuinely blows her mind. 
Some people meet due to the strangest circumstances, you and Chaeyoung had met from your paint incident. Sure, you two had been within the same shared space, but never went out of your way to really get to know each other. It was more of admiring from afar. 
Over the weeks of getting closer, there’s an interest that grows, it’s a very strong interest. It’s also mutual.
Chaeyoung is the first to realize that this ‘friend’ she’s made is someone that she might (really) want – more than a friend.
It happens when you two are out with mutual friends. 
Of course, Nayeon is the one who had invited you, and Momo had invited Chaeyoung. The both of you light up when you see each other, being surprised that the other was there. Chaeyoung has a warm feeling in her chest.
The two of you stick together for most of the night, shoulders close together and knuckles brushing every now in then, which gives Chaeyoung this weird feeling in her stomach, as if butterflies were present. 
Nayeon decides that it would be nice to drink a little (as always), and the group of seven enters the restaurant together. You sit across from Chaeyoung and next to Nayeon, who’s sitting next to that English major Jeongyeon on your side of the table, who, you might add, does a great job at pissing off your professor. The business major that you’ve heard Nayeon talk about, Momo was her name, she sits next to Chaeyoung. Next to Momo is Sana, you’ve seen her at a couple of parties, and the woman next to her, Jihyo was her name (you think).
Chaeyoung remembers it clearly.
You had all been eating, drinking, and conversing. Momo had already had a couple of shots, and everyone seemed to be in awe of Jihyo’s alcohol tolerance; she could chug. You were talking to Nayeon and laughing over something, but then you turned back to meet Chaeyoung’s eyes, and you just smiled.
Oh wow.
Chaeyoung practically short circuits. 
Your smile is suddenly ten times more radiant than last time, and when did you have such pretty eyes? Your jawline is suddenly ten times sharper than the last time she had seen it, your hair is slightly messed up and god it’s so cute. Chaeyoung doesn’t remember analyzing your features this much, ever. She doesn’t remember you ever being this pretty and sure, you were much more attractive than most, she noticed that at first glance, and she’s definitely realizing this now. 
Your smile sends a feeling of comfort down Chaeyoung’s spine in such a crowded and slightly overwhelming place, and you seem to notice her staring with slightly flushed cheeks,
“Chaeng?” You ask, “Is everything good? You barely drank, your cheeks are red.”
“Oh,” Chaeyoung starts, “Yeah it’s just kinda hot in here.” She lies. You just laugh and turn back to see the others all in a heated conversation, however, from the outside, it’d look like they were arguing aggressively. You look at the unfinished drink in your cup, hurriedly finishing it and turning back to Chaeyoung. 
“Let’s get out of here?” You nudge,
“Yeah,” Chaeyoung says, avoiding eye contact. 
The two of you excuse yourselves and promise to pay later, but right now there’s an unspoken desire to be alone with each other.
You have the same realization that Chaeyoung had, just an hour later.
It’s when you and Chaeyoung find a huge wall painted with regular acrylic paint, with hints of graffiti graphics/drawings that truly make it pop out. It’s something that grabs the attention of both of you; it’s vibrant, it’s colorful, it’s beautiful, and it makes the two of you gaze at it in awe. The painting seems to be of an aquatic background, with graffiti marine animals. It’s so detailed yet so simple, it stands out to both of you.
“I’ve always wanted to make something like this.” Chaeyoung states, “They’re so pretty.”
“Me too.” You say, still in awe as you gaze at the painting. Chaeyoung nods and turns back to you, 
“Maybe the two of us could make something as cool as this one day.” She begins, “If I were to make something as special as this… I think I’d want to make it with you.”
And that’s when your heart skips a beat.
You turn to Chaeyoung in surprise, she’s just smiling at you. Smiling at you with that stupidly adorable smile, and it’s so weird but you feel so damn attracted to her? The street lamp’s light spills onto her face, illuminating it in a way that might be something out of a movie or one of those paintings from a hopeless romantic who had drawn their lover from their perspective. 
It’s so sudden, it’s out of nowhere.
Chaeyoung is smiling at you after saying something so extremely flattering, and you can’t help but smile back. You don’t know what happened but something in your heart shifted, something changed and you can’t pinpoint exactly what that is, but it’s certainly something strong.
Falling in love with your best friend is such a strange feeling.
You’ve been friends for four months now, but ever since that two-month mark, something shifted.
Sometimes you meet someone and it’s so extremely clear that the two of you are just meant for each other. Maybe it’s something platonic, and you two just have that same shared connection, that silent understanding, and you just know they’re the right one for you. It’s seen as something so platonic, you’re just grateful for someone so similar, someone that you care for and they care for you just as much. 
At first, you think you enjoy their presence a lot.
It’s spending time 24/7, the casual affection like bold compliments here and there, the physical touch that’s shared so comfortably because you two are just friends – right? Friends are allowed to be all touchy, they can hold each other, that’s something that a lot of friends do. Friends are allowed to talk at night, deep into the night, they can speak. Friends can do a lot of things, friends can make each other smile, it’s just a friend thing – right?
Are friends supposed to feel so flustered around each other? 
Friends can cuddle, and friends can hold each other, so that’s what you two do often. 
one night makes the butterflies in Chaeyoung's stomach go insane, something that friends are not supposed to feel. Chaeyoung feels you trace your finger along her tattoos as she holds you, and she can’t help but fight back the urge to kiss you, but that’s just really loving your friend, no? It isn’t until Chaeyoung hears a mumble from you as you fall asleep on her shoulder, it makes her heart beat so incredibly fast, but that’s just how friends are, right? 
Why is it that she wants to hold you forever?
Friends can look at each other, but when you stare at Chaeyoung for so long, studying each feature and the thought of kissing her suddenly pops up, it really makes you think. At first, you figured it must be an intrusive thought, it has to be. Son Chaeyoung is your friend and nothing more, so why are you so drawn to her?
Why is it that the slightest laugh and smile from her makes your heart explode?
Can friends feel like this?
It’s so sudden and the two of you are so unprepared, it’s a sudden feeling that you both are terrified of, but it makes you both feel so warm inside and gives you a slight hope for something more.
Do friends long for each other like that?
Falling in love with someone makes you want to be with them more than usual, so here you are on a Friday night, right outside of Chaeyoung’s dorm room.
Nayeon had invited you (once again) out to a party, as she always does at the end of the week. She was pretty confused by the lack of interest you’ve had in parties ever since you had met Chaeyoung, but nonetheless, she just shrugged and told you: “Have fun, don’t miss me too much,” and it made you scoff at her playfully.
You stand outside after knocking, Chaeyoung opens the door and smiles right as she sees you. She’s in a t-shirt that reveals the tattoos you love so much on her arm, and her hair is clipped up messily, she looks so perfect. 
“Hi.” You greet.
“Hi,” The shorter woman responds, 
“Let’s lay down?” You suggest, Chaeyoung nods immediately.
It goes on as usual: you two talk, just about anything. Today it was about your classes, and Chaeyoung had complained about this obnoxious guy that had been so damn loud the whole history period, and it was funny to see her so furious and riled up, it was kind of cute. You on the other hand had ranted about Nayeon, but playfully, of course, you could never talk bad about her – well, maybe the fact that she hadn’t done the dishes this week – you’ll let it slide.
You two end up on her bed – at first, laying down on each other's side and joking around while pushing each other after laughing so hard. You’re going on about Nayeon again and how she had yelled at you for saying a certain dress had looked worse than the other, even though she asked for your opinion. You two laugh a lot, and your hearts start to warm up, and confidence brews.
There’s a sudden moment where you two just quiet down and the laughter dies down, eye contact is made.
Chaeyoung can’t help but laugh awkwardly, looking away and blushing a little. Your hopes are suddenly up. 
Your gaze stays on her for a bit more as your palm squishes your cheeks a bit from resting your head on it as you prop yourself up – there’s something about her being so nervous and flustered just from your presence that really makes your heart flutter. You think it’s so tremendously cute. Chaeyoung is so fucking adorable, you think to yourself.
“Why are you staring at me like that?” Chaeyoung says shyly, laughing to brush off the fact that she’s so flustered under your gaze. 
She looks at you, it’s like you’re admiring a piece of art (which you are) and she has no idea what to do. Your eyes drill into hers, those damn eyes and they have the dark-haired woman in a trance, one that she’s desperately trying to get out of. Chaeyoung pushes her hand in your face lightly, making you fall onto your back and laugh at her sudden action,
“I can’t help it,” you giggle, “You’re really cute.”
“Stop that,” Chaeyoung says, definitely flustered. You just laugh,
“I’m not lying.”
“You’re being really sweet and it’s scaring me,” Chaeyoung responds, laying down next to you and turning her head to meet your face.
You turn to your side again and look at her with a soft stare,
She hums in response, you scoot closer to her so that your head is under her chin. She relaxes a bit and rests her hand on your hair, then runs a few fingers through it softly.
This is where it starts.
 “What’s with you being so affectionate today?” She questions, though, she’s not against your sudden clinginess. 
“Can I ask something?” You mumble against her neck,
“You’re not dating anyone, no?”
“Do you like anyone?”
Chaeyoung pauses and laughs softly into your head, “What’s with the sudden interrogation?”
“Do you?” You ask, your voice barely above a whisper. Chaeyoung can feel your breath against her neck as you speak, it sends a shiver down her spine, and you let yourself relax into her more, which does not help her in the moment.
“I,” She starts, her voice softening, “Maybe.”
“It’s someone I’m really close with, y/n.” She mumbles, “I’m scared of ruining things with her.”
“What if it doesn’t ruin anything?” You question, pulling at her heartstrings.
“It might. I don’t want to lose her, ever.” Chaeyoung mumbles, and you can feel her touch on you soften, “She’s a really great person.”
“And if that person likes you?”
“I doubt it.”
“They’d be crazy if they didn’t like you, you’ve got everything anyone could ever ask for.” You mutter against her neck, and your lips are dangerously close, basically brushing against her skin. Chaeyoung’s breath hitches, and you’re suddenly pulling away from her, “So who is it that you like?” You ask.
“I- I um, I can’t say.” She mumbles, nerves taking over.
This was your plan all along.
The more you realized it, the more it made sense that Chaeyoung had felt similar to you, though it took a lot of attention and detail to realize it. You even had to ask Nayeon, and she had to ask Momo and boom – you had gotten the green light to make a move.
You prop yourself up with your right hand, making it so that you were looking down at the dark-haired woman, her cheeks were tinted pink. A smile tugged at your lips as you looked at her, 
“It’s me isn’t it?”
“Y/n,” Chaeyoung says, getting up herself and propping herself as well, “I hate when you fuck with me like that.” She mutters. Her look sits on your lips as she says that, and she looks back at your eyes with a new desire. 
It’s all so sudden, every move is so bold, and every feeling is so overwhelming in the best way possible in this very moment.
You move your other free hand so that she’s trapped between your arms, though your faces are inches apart, still. Chaeyoung forgets to breathe for a moment, you’re so close and it’s driving her crazy, it’s suddenly so hot in the room.
Your lips sit inches apart for a few moments.
Chaeyoung rushes to put her hand on the back of your head and pull you closer.
Your lips meet.
It’s slow and you both take your time, there’s no rush – just you and Chaeyong savoring the moment. Her lips are so soft and they’re so goddamn perfect on yours. Your lips part and chase after the other again, the kisses are frequent and you don’t want to stop. Every movement is so impulsive, so sudden. There’s a hand pulling against the strands of hair near the bottom of your scalp every so lightly, and it makes your breath grow heavier. You move around a bit and suddenly you’re on top of her, straddling her with your legs on either side of her hips, you two are so lost in the kiss, and you never want to find your way back again. When the two of you part for air it feels like both of your hearts are missing beats, but also beating so fast at the same time, it’s such an unreal feeling.
There’s a moment of silence when you both part, you’re just looking at each other like oh my god I just kissed her? Your chests are warm and everything just feels so right, and there’s a small laugh that escapes the both of you as the tension in the air dies down.
“That was nice.” You sigh, it's awkward and cliche, and you giggle softly at your own words.
“Yeah,” Chaeyoung mumbles, and she quickly goes back to kissing you while also simultaneously flipping the two of you over in the process, there are giggles in the air and you two are so giddy like two teenagers in a rom-com.
Chaeyoung kisses you all over your face as if she were hungry and that were the only thing to keep her satisfied, and it’s the one thing she’s always been wanting to do ever since she had that moment of realization – the realization that you were someone she had wanted.
You laugh at how adorable she is and the way her hands tickle your neck and sides as she kisses you all over.
It’s falling in love with your best friend that’s so different from anything else, it’s that mutual connection and that desire to want someone for them, not just for the sake of being in love. It’s the pure love for that soul that suddenly turns romantic that makes it so genuine, it’s so pure and it’s so beautiful.
The realization of falling in love with your best friend is so scary, but it’s always worth it at the end when it’s successful.
especially if it’s Chaeyoung.
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vaguely-concerned · 10 months
Happy Grace/Pan Vibes For The Soul
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"How can I, with you in the way?"/"(Laughs) The floor is yours!"
First of all I'm honestly just so charmed by how genuinely delighted Pan seems to be at watching Grace finding her voice and learning to enjoy using her power, I think that's where I started to take a shine to him. (also seems quite central to his character/romance in general because it's a thing that recurs through their relationship -- he tells her "I'm enjoying it if you're enjoying it" straight out at one point and that's definitely always there in the subtext). He buys a music studio for her just in case she ever wants to return to making music again even when she's not the muse anymore just because he loves her singing and has seen it make her happy before, how is that not the sweetest goddamn thing in the world??? Pan and Oracle in shared first place as stans for Grace musically
For real though, 'I Can Teach You' is sooo... even when you don't join forces with him Pan teaches Grace so many things in that song, it's a thematic tutorial as well as a gameplay one in many ways. For me I think the most impactful subtexts are 'This is a tricky situation, change is here and it's difficult, but you have more control and agency here than you think' ("You're in control!" "It's your song!"), and this sense that, y'know... there can be joy and playfulness and discovery in setting out into the unknown, not just fear and uncertainty.
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dude... I wanna be in cahoots with & sing playful duets with you for the rest of my life bro (amorous intent)
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Pros: Hell yeah look at her go! 🥰
Cons: Uh-oh look at her go! 😬
I love that Grace can bring Pan's motif into 'Challenging A Queen' and be called the fuck out by Persephone btw. why u keepin' your guard up girl uwu
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'you gave up the only thing worth having -- for your little mortal friend' he says, giving up everything for his little once-again-mortal friend literally the next day fhsdkjfhsad who are you fooling buddy? not even yourself at this point surely??? (dialogue for if you save Freddie by giving up the eidolon)
my observations on the grace/pan dynamic across the different personality traits (yes I've done a run of each romancing him I am normal about it):
Clever!Grace: Pan seems to set out to be a trickster mentor of sorts, and Clever!Grace flips the uno reverse card on him and goes ‘Not if I trickster mentor you first bitch be honest about your feelings or perish challenge engage’. Probably the most birds of a feather combination (and indeed it’s the Blue version of the soundtrack that shows off his romance — also his tie and glasses are on the cover for that one :) ). 
Charming!Grace: Performative puppy dog eyes-off whenever either of them wants to get their way. 🥺4🥺. Pan is provably a soft touch from the Charming option to find Persephone before Challenging A Queen so I feel he probably tends to buckle faster but it’s a close thing. Local trickster god completely disarmed by someone being nice to him.
Kickass!Grace: “Be real with me or Imma kick your ass”/”Promise? ;)”/"...>:)"
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I am always thinking about the way he steps up in The Trial when romanced (and the way it's the only one where Athena is genuinely shocked and appalled fhskadj). there is something about him that's like... he keeps protesting against 'innocent' and he's probably right haha, but there is certainly an almost fundamental lack of any active malice there that he doesn't fully admit to himself or to grace until this moment. he is doing this for grace, but it is also a confession about something really deep in himself that seems to be very vulnerable for him in its sincerity -- that he really doesn't mean to or more importantly want to cause harm (I don't wanna dance/with blood on my hands). admitting to his own basically good heart finally seems to be the bigger, scarier thing for him, more than facing the prospect of dying. he's experiencing the mortifying ordeal of being known and I for one am so proud of him
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"I'm just here for the dance"
the way he sings that just to her and completely changes the meaning of it from what he said with it before, from using it to keep her out to inviting her in...
also can you imagine how badly the kill bill sirens must be going off in Grace's head in all variations of this scene no matter who steps up, considering what happened to Freddie just days before....... oof!
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*incensed whisper* are you fucking kidding me with this what am I supposed to do with myself here
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love these too
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I really like the visual repeats of crossing the pond to the tree and back as a metaphor for them getting closer (or rather, him letting her closer, it is very much His Space). he retreats back there towards the end of 'Share This Dance', and that's the point where Grace puts her foot down and essentially says 'no. you come meet me honestly in the middle this time or this isn't happening'. and in 'The Trial' he does and then some!
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I meant what I sang. I'm not a good man. If Athena had taken me up on my offer, the Idols would have been better off But I can try to be better. You make me want to try.
fun fact: if you break up with him after The Trial (YEAH you can still break off the romances at that point! it's wild honestly fsjadk), Grace tells him he should try to be better ‘for himself’ not for her... and he calls that (i.e. himself) ‘not much of an incentive’. My guy don’t make me break out the ‘Have you tried therapy’ prompt again. He takes it very calmly and gracefully under the circumstances but he's also like. quietly resigned and subdued. I tried it once for Science and never will again but there you go I bring my knowledge to this altar of sadness lol
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you see the thing is I would forgive him for just about anything too I understand why so many of the characters in-game can't stay mad at him for any length of time
he starts the game by asking her to take his hand and he ends it on asking her to take his hand (and she does)...
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:') let's share this dance
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auspicioustidings · 11 months
I love all your writing but this!! THIS!! This touched some weird part in my brain I didn't know existed.
I'm sorry if I'm just mindlessly mumbling here but I really don't know how to praise something normally. I just have so many emotions about this piece?? Regular words won't cut it, they can't describe how I feel.
Gotta go to sleep fantasizing about possible plot's and continuations........ Because here's so much potential!! I love medieval settings because of angst and drama opportunities and this one is just absolutely perfect!! All trauma and uncertainty reader would have to experience because of Soap's and Ghost's behaviors is just sooo tasty!! 5 Michelin stars dish right here. 🫶🏻🫶🏻
Just thanks for writing it!! It really made my night.
AHHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH! I know I keep saying it, but heavy smut is truly not my wheelhouse, so posting this was a nerve-wracking experience.
I don't think I'll ever write a full continuation, but happy to bounce off of ideas if y'all have any :)
Luckily me and Noel were discussing what we think would happen after, so I've summarised those ideas below the cut!
CW: non-con
Think what would happen is Simon gets you back, is violent in punishing you then turns gentle and loving to brainwash you into adoring him (much like Johnny just did). Curiously though he also keeps you near the border not very well guarded instead of moving you further in country. Cue these two men who hate each other stealing you for the other, punishing you for being with them and then moving onto making you fall in love with them. It's confusing, it's awful, they are trying to one up one another by leaving permanent marks (Johnny bites you so hard it scars) or putting permanent jewellery on you (Simon is watching the necklace and bracelets get permanently connected by the smith and is getting hard just thinking about how the fucking animal up North will react seeing that).
They both say mean, degrading shit to you as if you are the one always going to the other man and speading your legs and not being kidnapped and forced. Simon out of the two is scarier in his threats, tells you (this bit is fully Noel and it made me see stars):
"Maybe I ought to just throw you back to that MacTavish, like the filth that you are." Fucking spits out the name like it's a curse alone, never losing his brutal rhythm pounding into you. "Fuckin' tart, I can feel you getting tighter just mentioning that bastard rogue. Don't you forget, you belong to me."
Things change when you are crossing the border one day. This game has been going on so long that sometimes they just let you go yourself. You run into a small unit of soldiers from France and they take you. Johnny and Simon both think you are with the other, so it isn't until Johnny shows up pounding on Simon's door because he wants you back and he's hidden you too well that they realise neither has seen you for a month.
They rescue you of course but you are so broken (when they find you, you are so happy to see them and they realise you think that you are dying and this is a vision) that both of them abandon their posts and whisk you off to a peaceful country somewhere to heal. They don't have one mean word to say to you, they're never violent with how they touch you.
Your little home they build is filled with kids soon enough and it's this lovely, soft life. Then the kids are all sent off to boarding school and they revert back to the good old days of fucking you into the dirt and then sending you back to the other to see what creative ways they can be rougher <3
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i-can-kazoo · 3 months
Considering Max Jägerman vs Grace Chasity, specifically Nerdy Prudes Must Die vs Dirty Dudes Must Die, and I realized why Grace's "who will pray for you" was so much more sinister (to me) than Max's "who will pray for me."
When Max sings it is ultimately a moment of vulnerability; he is projecting his own insecurity onto Richie and asking who cares about him now that he's dead. This is a pretty easy, surface-level take to have, and I've seen it plenty of times in various places throughout the fandom. The part that I chapped at, though, was that in asking who would pray for Richie, he was reinforcing his own position as self-styled god of Hatchetfield High. Nobody is coming to help Richie, to pray that Jägerman the god turns aside his wrath.
Chasity never does this, though. She views herself as above everyone else, yes, but specifically because of her devotion to another, higher being. She says as much in Dirty Dudes, framing her actions as a "holy mission" and therefore justifiable. When she asks, "who will pray for you?" She isn't pointing out that nobody will come to help Jason; as a matter of fact, he's fairly well-liked! People would definitely come to help him! Grace is insinuating that she, and she alone, is capable of praying for the salvation of others. And clearly, she isn't willing to pray for anyone here. Dirty dudes must die, after all. That's what makes her scarier, to me. In the end, Max is admitting that he has power over others, and therefore could stop if he needs to (or is sufficiently worshipped). Grace rejoices in lack of choice, framing her actions as an act of God that cannot be stopped.
As an addendum: I only thought of this as I was posting this, but that bit at the end of Dirty Dudes? Where the chorus sings that "darkness will spare my soul"? That's the nail in the coffin. Grace is letting you know that no matter what darkness she wades through, her soul is safe. It's the ultimate deflection of responsibility. Where Max knew that he was a bully, Grace is too far gone; she thinks that she's doing the right thing. It's terrifying.
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daughterofcain-67 · 11 months
𝕄𝕠𝕧𝕚𝕖 ℕ𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥 𝕥𝕠 ℝ𝕖𝕞𝕖𝕞𝕓𝕖𝕣
(Boaz Priestly x Female Reader)
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𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: In honor of spooky season, The Beach City Grill is throwing a Horror movie night event by putting on the movie Scream! The employees are excited, and so are some of the regulars. Your friends, Piper, Jen and Tish invite you to come because she knows you're another regular at the grill. But the thing is, you hate scary movies, crime shows or anything dealing with blood. Which will be scarier? Actually watching this movie, or embarrassing yourself in front of a guy you like?
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: reader has a phobia of blood, spoilers for the 1996 Scream movie. Fluffy Priestly. Costumes!
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"Here, Y/N. Trucker's having us try handing out coupons for discounts." Tish said with a smile on her face and you grinned.
"Thanks, Tish! I'll be sure to use it again when I come back." You promised. You had been going to The Beach City Grill for the past couple of years, visiting as often as twice a week during your lunch break or on the weekends.
"Hey Y/N! Tish did you tell her about tomorrow night?" Piper asked as she came out of the back, you assumed it was for some kind of supplies.
"Something's happening tomorrow night?"
"Oh that's right! Y/N, you should totally swing by! We're having a movie night and since Halloween is coming up we're gonna watch Scream!" The red headed girl explained and you started to feel a little uneasy.
"A horror movie?" You said with a nervous chuckle.
Then you heard a door open up followed by an abrupt, "Alright everybody calm down! I've arrived!"
When you looked over you saw Priestly and today his hair was colored blue again. He had one of his usual humorously inappropriate shirts that tended to get you to chuckle. But today he wore a kilt which was the first time you've seen him in one but you weren't at all surprised by his attire.
"Well it's about time you showed up, Priestly." Jen teased from behind the computer before continuing, "Tish is trying to convince Y/N to come over tomorrow for movie night."
"Oh yeah? Y/N you should totally come over! I'm bringing the popcorn!" Priestly insisted.
Your heart fluttered at the idea of Priestly wanting you to go to this thing. You couldn't deny that you sort of had a thing for the cook. But your main concern wasn’t the fact that if the movie was scary.
The concern was this: would happen if you made a fool out of yourself because you were scared of blood?
"I'm not so sure... scary movies aren't exactly my thing." You admitted.
"It's not too scary, though! The Scream movies are more comedy rather than actually horror. They mostly mock other horror films even if they're doing the exact same things they're throwing other movies over the bus for." Piper commented as she stepped out from behind the counter to paint on the wall.
"Which they executed the irony in all of it pretty well." Trucker said with a chuckle.
"I remember watching that movie when it came out in the theaters." the owner of the grill continued as he started taking a look at some orders that came in.
"Honestly, I'm not into the scary movie thing either, Y/N, but it's really not that bad." Jen insisted. And she's more so the one you believe about this kind of thing. If Jen can handle it, who's to say you can't handle it either?
"Well... Then yeah, I guess I'll go." You finally agreed and you watched Priestly get the biggest grin on his face.
"Great! Don't forget to dress up in some kind of costume." He said as he went to the back to clock in and grab an apron.
You watched him leave before you looked at the three girls who seemed to be intently watching you and Priestly. They all seemed to either have smirks or some kind of knowing look.
"What?" You asked and Tish chuckled.
"Oh nothing. Just the moment the cook comes up with the idea of you joining us you're all for it." She said and your cheeks started to warm up.
"Well no, it's more because Jen said it wasn't that bad of a movie."
"And you wouldn't be disappointed if Priestly suddenly decided he couldn't make it tomorrow night?" Piper asked and you shrugged a little.
"If he's there, great! If not, plans change all the time." You said, trying to be as convincing as possible.
"So it's like a dress up kind of thing? So what will you all be going as?" You tried to change the subject.
"I think I might go with some kind of cat costume." Tish said.
"Awe and here I thought you'd dress as some kind of cheer leader to mess with whatever guy finds their way here." Priestly said as he walked out and went to his station. Tish gave him a playful little punch since they were always picking on each other about different things anyway. But you hoped he didn't hear too much about what you were talking about earlier.
"As compared to you dressing up as... a normal guy?" Tish came back with a hand on her hip and an arched brow.
"I wouldn't say the Men in Black are normal. I mean what kind of normal guy would go willingly to monitor and micromanage aliens. I mean it sounds like a really good job and if I could find an application I would." Priestly replied.
"I think you'd be mistaken as an alien." Tish chuckled.
"What about you two? What will you go as?" You asked Jen and Piper.
"I don't know, I haven't really put much thought into what I'll dress up as. Dressing up isn't really my thing." Jen said.
"Well, what if you went as a little ladybug? That would be cute." Piper said, referencing the username she used to contact Fuzzy22.
"Well I guess that could work. Either that or maybe Pooh Bear." Jen said, thinking of a more modest sort of costume.
"I think I might go as Alice, from Alice in Wonderland." Piper commented.
"Which version? The animated one or...?" Priestly asked.
"The animated one. It's one of Disney's classics after all! And the dress was pretty cute too." Piper answered and looked at you before smiling warmly.
"And what about you? What are you thinking about dressing up as?"
"Me? Umm..." You trailed off as you tried to think of something you could be. If it was a movie night you wanted to be comfortable. "I might go to Walmart and find some kind of onesie to put on. Maybe Jack Skellington or something. I won't really have time to go home and change clothes after work tomorrow so I may just throw that on."
"Well hey, plus they're comfy! Once you get home you won't even have to change out of a complicated costume." Tish smiled.
"So is there like.. anything you guys want me to bring since I'll be coming over for the movie?" You asked.
"No, kiddo. We've got everything handled with the Popcorn and we'll have some little sandwiches left if people didn't have the chance to grab a bite before swinging by." Trucker promised.
"All you've gotta do is come on by with that smile of yours. Maybe bring some good karma along with you."
"No luck with Zo yet?" You asked and Tucker chuckled before shaking his head before you grinned, "I think providing dinner and just having this fun little movie night will help you and your karma on its own."
You looked down at your watch and your eyes widened when you realized you were running a little late and your lunch break was almost over.
"I've gotta run, guys. But I'll see you tomorrow."
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You've pulled up into The Beach City Grill's driveway and you felt a little nervous. You ended up changing your mind about the onesie thing and you dressed up as Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz, you were both lucky and thankful that your costume from a few years ago fit you. But there was the matter of the movie you would be watching.
"You'll be okay. It's just a movie. All of it's just props and some kind of nineties special effects." You told yourself, trying to give yourself a little pep talk so you wouldn't psych yourself out.
You took in a deep breath and let it out before you got out of the car and went inside the building. You saw all the staff members there already and they were dressed in their costumes. Piper was the first one to see you.
"Don't you look adorable, Dorothy!" She smiled and you grinned, suddenly glad you changed your mind and put in a little more effort into the costume.
"Thanks, Alice." You replied and you looked around, realizing you were a bit early.
"Where is everyone?" You asked curiously.
"Well, we've still got a few minutes to finish setting up. If you'd like to help you're more than welcome to. I'm about to put up the screen for the projector." Jen said, you nodded and started helping her out.
As you two were hanging up the projector, Jen looked over at you, "I'm really glad you decided to come. I know a certain someone was a little worried you'd chicken out."
"Who? Tish?" Jen shook her head as she stepped up on her step ladder to hang up her side of the screen.
"Nope. Priestly." She replied and the name took you by surprise.
"Why would he be worried that I wouldn't show up?" You couldn't help but ask.
"Well I mean you said yourself that scary movies aren't your thing. Tish said he even asked Tucker if they should change the movie to something a little more.. family friendly like Nightmare Before Christmas or Beetlejuice or something."
That was a little shocking because you didn't think Priestly would suggest doing something like that. Piper sure. Tish? Maybe. But you thought Priestly would be all for this Scream thing.
"He really didn't have to do that. Besides, Scream would be the first horror film I've seen. Might as well give it a shot right?" You said.
"Wait you've never even seen scary films?" Tish asked as she joined the conversation. You shook your head.
"Well, I guess its a good thing we're still watching that then. That way you can say you've at least seen one." She insisted and you grinned as you finished hanging up your side of the projector screen.
You stepped off the ladder and fixed your apron and looked over at Tish, "Yeah I guess. I'm sure it'll be fun."
You heard the door open and when you looked over you saw Priestly carrying a box of popcorn. He had his hair colored green that day and he was wearing sunglasses, which was kind of confusing because you thought it would be harder for him to see at night. But he was wearing a suit like he's from the MIB.
"So you found an application after all?" You joked and smiled at him.
Priestly turned his head and took one look at you before he felt a lump in his throat. You looked really cute with your tea-length Dorothy dress and apron. You even had a pair of sparkly shoes on and your hair was in two low pigtails, braided halfway much like Judy Garland's character. You were adorable and his brain was short-circuiting big time.
In truth, Priestly knew he didn't have a chance with Tish because he saw the guys she went out with. And he noticed you coming into the shop more and more shortly after your first visit.
You two didn't have too many interactions with one another but on the limited occasions that you did get to talk, you had always been so sweet and didn't seem to care about his goofy shirts, the colors in his hair that changed daily, or even the artificial holes in his head.
You were always so sweet to him and he couldn't deny that a small part of him was growing interested in you. But he wasn't sure if he should try to show any of that interest. What if he was wrong? Of course this was such a judgmental and superficial world, there was always a possibility of him being wrong.
"Priestly? You okay?" Your voice snapped him from his thoughts and he chuckled before taking off his sunglasses.
"Better than okay. Ready to get the party started!" He exclaimed, resuming as if everything is normal.
“Priestly! It’s about time you showed up..” Trucker laughed.
“I had to grab the popcorn! It can’t be a movie night without it after all!”
“Great! And Y/N can help you make it.” Piper said and from the corner of his eye he saw the girl dressed as Alice nudge you into his direction. The tips of his ears started to turn a little pink.
“Sure. I could use the help back there.” He insisted and he grinned at you, “Besides, it could be fun showing you the back of this place.”
He watched the way you grinned almost sheepishly and he smiled to himself before he started leading you to the back. He grabbed some ziplock bags so it would be easy to distribute to people when they got there. Then, he started up the grill, melted some butter before he opened the jar of popcorn kernels.
“You know how to pop popcorn without the maker?” He heard you ask and he smirked.
“Sweetheart, there’s more than one way to do almost anything.” He replied.
Besides, it’s not that hard. We’ve tried having a movie night before and we did have a popcorn machine but it broke. Jen looked up other ways to make popcorn online. Obviously you can pop popcorn in a normal skillet as long as you’ve got a lid over it. With some tweaking, I figured the grill was just a big skillet pan and I found this which would serve as a good enough ‘lid’ or whatever. Then voila! We had popcorn for that movie night.”
“Creative problem solving. You guys never cease to amaze me you know that?”
“It’s more so the girls that got the creative problem solving thing under their belts. I just execute the ideas.”
While the grill was warming up, Priestly took off his suit jacket before he rolled up the sleeves of the white shirt he wore up to his elbows. He placed the jacket over the counter next to Jen’s computer before he started getting to work.
As Priestly rolled up his sleeves, you could feel your cheeks burning up and you glanced away before you focused on opening the box of Ziplock bags. Once you started opening some of them you started looking for something to use to serve the popcorn into the bags. Once you found one, you could already hear the popping of the popcorn kernels.
“Can I ask you something?’” You could hear the cook ask.
“Yeah. Shoot.”
“How come you aren’t too fond of horror movies?”
You weren’t sure how you should respond. What if he thought your fear of blood was stupid? He’d probably laugh at you like you were some child afraid of the dark.
“They just aren’t my thing. But I didn’t have anything else to do tonight and Jen, Trish and Piper made it sound like tonight would be really fun. So why waste a night doing nothing?” You asked. It was mostly true, but of course you didn’t want to reveal everything.
You could tell he was listening while he was busy over the grill but you couldn't help the skeptical look on his face as if he didn't believe you. At this, you bit your lip and looked away. When the popcorn is done, he served it in a bowl and you started serving the popcorn into the Ziplock bags.
After you've filled about a dozen and a half bags you finally spoke again.
"I'm not a fan of horror films because... I have this thing when I see-"
"Hey guys! Guests are arriving!" You could hear Tish announce and you cleared your throat a little, somewhat thankful that you didn't get to finish your train of thought.
"I'm gonna go set these out for everyone." You spoke quickly and took the bags before going out to the front where the others were.
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Once everyone was settled in for the movie with their popcorn and any other snacks and drinks, you sat down in one of the booths near the back where the doors were. Priestly, Tish, Piper and Jen were a couple of rows in front of you in some of the chairs they set out. A lot of regulars were in their little costumes and you hoped that this would be a fun night for everyone that came.
The movie started off alright for you. You could almost predict the moments when you had to close your eyes or look away from the screen in Drew Barrymore's scene.
You had to admit that the rest of the movie had a pretty good plot and you liked it so far. Stu was pretty funny and you like the way Matthew Lillard plays his character. Skeet Ulrich played Billy really well too and you had to admit, he was pretty cute. But Neve Campbell did great in her role as Sidney too, and you were pretty glad that she was evidently a reoccurring main actress according to Tish. Not that you were sure you'd watch the other movies.
Then the scene at Stu's house came on. Everything went fine because it was just the party scene right now. Then the killings started. The Tatum scene was alright you supposed because you didn't see any blood. But the moment Ghostface was in the room with Billy and Sidney and you watched Billy get stabbed and he was covered with blood while Ghostface cleaned off his knife, you knew you were about to hurl.
You got up and rushed outside as quietly as you could because you didn't want to disrupt anyone during the climax of the film.
You turned around the corner where the trash was normally taken out. You found some bushes and the next thing you knew you were hunched over emptying out your lunch along with the popcorn you were snacking on a few minutes ago.
You were too distracted to hear the footsteps behind you, but you felt a large hand on your back and the other hand was pulling your pigtails back so they weren't in your way. Somehow you knew it must've been Priestly behind you and it was relieving that it wasn't a stranger, but embarrassing to no end that he was seeing you like this.
After a few moments when you were sure you were in the clear, you covered your mouth so Priestly wouldn't have to smell your breath.
"Sorry you had to see that."
He looked at you with a little apologetic grin, "No worries. I'm more worried about how your feeling." He continued as he offered you a stick of gum.
You thanked him for the gum and popped it into your mouth, trying to ignore how badly your throat stung after a few seconds ago, "I'm better now that it's over with. Sucks that it was a waste of good popcorn."
Priestly chuckled a little and moved a strand of hair away from your face, "There's always another time for popcorn. Maybe the next movie night won't be so bad."
"It wasn't that the movie was scary. The plot was pretty good. It was just the blood." You admitted and tried not to gag remembering the stabbing scene.
"I think the movie's almost over anyways. Why don't I go back inside and get you like a Sprite or something and I can drive you home? I don't want you driving incase you get sick again." He insisted and you didn't exactly have the energy to fight him on anything right now. You hated that he missed the rest of the movie because of you though.
"Are you sure? I really think I'll be okay to head home." You said and he shook his head.
"Nope, I'll take you home. No worries. Besides, I already watched the movie anyways and I know the ending." He shrugged and he helped you up off the ground.
As the two of you were on your way back you could see that there were some people leaving and you assumed that the movie was over. When the two of you walked inside you saw the credits rolling and you rubbed the back of your neck. You didn't realize how long you had been out in the alley.
Priestly went behind the counter and grabbed a cup while the girls went over to you.
"Hey, you alright? What happened?" Piper asked.
"Yeah, I'm alright. Just needed some fresh air. I was feeling a little queasy near the end of the movie." You admitted.
"Do you want any crackers or anything? I think we may have some in the back or something." Jen said, trying to be helpful which was sweet of her but you shook your head.
"No thanks, I've got some back at home." You said and Priestly came back with the Sprite and handed it to you.
"Alright, Dorothy. Lets get you back home." Priestly said and placed a hand on your shoulder.
You were trying so hard not to combust really because this has been the most interaction you've every had with Priestly. You hated what circumstances that triggered it though. Of all things, it was because of a reaction to blood. Great.
"Well I guess I'll see you guys later?" You asked and the girls nodded yet not quite in sync.
"Yeah we'd better see you soon! You know we're still open on Saturdays so come on and swing by." You heard Tish say with a bright smile.
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Once you pulled up to the house you looked over at Priestly, "Thank you for helping me out tonight. You really didn't have to."
"You don't have to keep thanking me, I'm happy to help you out." He promised.
"Well still, it was a nice gesture. I owe you one." You leaned up and kissed his cheek.
Priestly could feel a heat rising to his neck and he cleared his throat a little. But now that you said you owed him one, he started getting an idea or two.
"Actually, there's one way you can thank me if you insist on continuing to say it." Priestly said and bit his lip and you could tell he was a little nervous.
"Um.. okay? What do you have in mind?" You asked him.
"Well, why don't we have a movie do-over? Just you and me and we'll watch a movie. Whatever you want it to be. I'll bring some snacks and some drinks."
"Is this your way of asking me on a date?" You asked with a teasing grin, thinking it was a little bit of a joke. After all, you knew you were decent looking but you were nothing like Tish.
"Well... yeah, actually. If you're up t something like that."
You were a little taken back by his response, but you could tell that he was being serious and you smiled at him. "You know what? I'd really like that."
You watched the way his green eyes lit up with pure excitement.
"Great! Then it's a date." He smiled.
"Well here's the question, we no there can't be blood in the movie. But what are some things to avoid with you? Or what do you like?" You asked him.
"Oh the more controversial the movie, the better it is for me." He chuckled.
"Would I expect anything less?" You snickered but then you go an idea. "How about we do that tonight? It's still kind of early. Plus I can give you a ride to work tomorrow."
"Really?" Priestly asked but then he thought about it and he nodded. "That sounds perfect."
And with that, the two of you got out of the car and made your way into your house.
You got changed into some pajamas, brushed your teeth and found a pair of sweatpants that would fit Priestly so he'd be comfortable. Both of you spent the rest of the night watching different movies and both of you fell asleep on the couch in each other's arms.
Over all, it turned out to be a great night. One with a much better ending than you had expected and you couldn't wait to see where this little adventure with Priestly would take you.
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Thank you guys for reading and I hope all of you enjoyed! What movies do you think the reader and Priestly ended up watching instead! I'd love to see which movies you think he'd enjoy! Wishing you all the best!💖💕
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@roseblue373 @deans-spinster-witch @posiemax @deanwinchestersgirl87 @impala67rollingthroughtown
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thesnazzysharky · 3 months
Analyzing and reviewing all the updated models in the SOUP update for SJSM
Because why not?
Specimen 2 / Gel
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The guy who wants to give you your wallet. Dude is mad skinny and more skeletal now. Although, unlike the other skinny redesigns (which I will get into later), I actually don't mind how Gel looks here. Considering the fact he was most likely a human at some point, a human who most likely was on the verge of dying from starvation and thirst, I can see Gel looking like this.
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Not to mention, his new animations are pretty cool too! The animation with him rising out of the goo puddle looks more interesting now and I like how his attacking animation is much more animalistic and aggressive compared to his awkward and kinda stiff attacking animation in the original HDR. My only complaint is that his rising animation should be more slower and less choppy. Otherwise? A pretty solid model.
Specimen 3 / Subject 5
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The cutie patootie spiderpede. Another decent one. He has been given a bit more texture to his body and he has a much more rounded appearance overall such as his body segments and head. His legs are a bit more thinner which looks more unnerving imo. A cool little detail that was given to him is that his pincers now move! A very unnerving sight to see. I'm not a fan of how he's more bright in color and the animation on his legs looks quite janky looking. Also maybe it's just me, but he doesn't seem as big as his previous model. Other than that, this model is pretty solid and is a bit more scarier than the previous model, but it has some downsides.
Specimen 4 / Ringu
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Vore ghost woman. Ngl, I was pretty scared when I saw little snippets of Ringu's new model. I thought she was going to be made into a skinny stick like some other models. While that ended up being somewhat true, like in her upper torso region, her arms, and neck, it's not too noticeable or atrocious.
Her hair has become longer, her skin has a bit more texture to it, her breasts are more pronounced, her arms are a bit longer, her hands are bit longer and sharper, her clothes are a pastel purple color, and the blood on her hands are more brightly colored.
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My favorite new detail however is that instead of her legs being a solid black color, her legs are now half white half black. Giving off this cool little effect, like the black part is engulfing her legs or something.
What I'm iffy on is the color of her clothes. Why change it? Although I suppose it doesn't look bad, I prefer the old gray look. I also prefer the more dried blood look on her hands with her older model. Other than that, I actually enjoy this model more than I thought I would, especially taking into account the new floating animation that was given to her, which is a very good and smooth animation that is a huge improvement from the last one. I really like this one!
Specimen 5 / Bab
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Jesus christ! We were having a decent streak going. What the fuck happened here? What were they thinking? Let's see... so they made Bab go from looking like a mannequin to looking like a stick, alright... Her head is less humanoid and looks more like a deformed cube... She has this weird texture given to her legs for some reason... Her sword is pointing downwards which makes her lose some intimidation... The holes in her face which were only visible in her death screen are now fully visible in gameplay for some reason... and because of her whole body and textures being drastically changed, you can no longer tell she's supposed to be a reference to Silent Hill... AND THEY GOT RID OF MY GIRLS CURVES!
Yeah... there's nothing redeeming here. The model just sucks in pretty much every single way. Definitely the worst model this update has to offer.
Specimen 6 / Ben
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Stabby puppet guy. Now I've seen a few folks crapping on Ben, but I don't think he looks too bad. He definitely got a massive change in terms of textures, but otherwise he looks mostly the same to me. I personally like the shading that was done to his face. Makes his facial expressions really pop out and he looks a bit more intimidating overall. I especially like this shot from the trailer where the room is dark and the flashlight is shining solely on him. Was pretty unnerving on my first viewing.
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Is this my idle version of Ben? No. I still prefer the original model due to the Ben Drowned and Happy Mask Salesman references being more clear and although I find the redesign to be more intimidating, I also think that it tries a bit too hard. One thing that I liked about Ben was that he seems like an ordinary and somewhat friendly looking puppet at first, before you start making a run for it once he goes after you. This one is more on the nose. Decent model nonetheless.
Specimen 8 / Deer Lord
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"Deer" lord! (sorry, I had to). Funnily enough, while everyone else got the skinny treatment, it seems like the deer man got a bit wider. He also had his textures changed a bit, his snout angled more downwards with more blocky and yellow teeth rather than sharp and white ones, his height slightly decreased, and his eyes look slightly bigger.
Other than that, there's not much to say about Deer Lord's new model other than it looks great. Especially with the new textures he was given when he opens his cloak.
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I still prefer the old model due to it looking more scary, thanks to the height and more thin look, but the new model is still pretty good.
Specimen 10 / Parasite
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Annnnnndddd back to trash... Yeah this model sucks. I still remember first seeing this thing from Ryan J's video and laughing my ass off. The ridiculous walking animation, the over exaggerated and way too floppy arms, and the overall terrible and bland textures. Just a trash model all around... until...
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They listened to the community and updated the textures! And I'm pretty sure they mentioned somewhere that the animations would be slowed down too. I still prefer the original model, but this is a massive improvement from what we previously got and I feel like I could potentially get used to this model and even start to prefer it to the old one if they get the animations correctly (not sure about the ass cheeks, but those are there too, I guess lol).
Specimen 11 / Beef Demon
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Funny beef man. This one is a mixed bag to me. I really like the goat legs, the creepy arms, and horns, but everything else screws it all up. Yet again, bro has been made skinny for no apparent reason and has lost his intimidating bulky build. His head also looks too small and his eyes look too big and odd. If he kept his bulk and his head was changed up a bit, he would probably look a lot better, but for now, this model is unfortunately kinda bad. Not much else to say.
Specimen 12 / The Sickle Man
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Weird ass lonely old man. We haven't gotten a full glimpse of him yet, but we do have this screenshot. He seems darker in overall color and he looks a lot more detailed with some nice shading going on. From what little I can see, he looks pretty good!
Specimen 13 / Siren
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Piano keys for teeth lady. Her model seems to be the same. So not much to say there. Although we do get to see her swimming in the water! Which has its positives and negatives. The fear of the unknown factor is lost now that she's visible, but at the same time it's really cool to actually see her instead of just only seeing her model sitting on a box and then disappearing once she goes into the water.
Unknown Specimen 2 / Otto the Otter
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Har Har Har Har Har. Okay. This one is definitely a step up and is the 2nd best new model from this update. The more detailed textures, the added grim, the bits of metal, his new walking animation... it's all so great! The only negatives is that his eyes don't glow and you could say that his older model being so low quality was apart of the joke and what made him so charming. So although I really like this model, there is a sense of charm that is lost from the old one. Still very great though!
Unknown Specimen 3 / Spooper
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Mpreg parasite. We hadn't got to get a super close look at Spooper yet, but from what I can see, his model looks great! Mostly just the same, aside from more detail and having different colored shoes.
Other things
The specimens weren't the only things that got an update!
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The subjects in the test tubes now have 3d models which look pretty great.
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The old Specimen 10 has a new model and it looks amazing! Easily the best model from this entire update.
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And to wrap things up, the White Cat finally has a 3d model now. Although her fatass head makes her look like she got stung by 1 million bees, it also makes her look adorable and squishable, so I don't mind. Plus I like the little transparent effect on her lower body. Makes her come across as very otherworldly.
So, I honestly don't think the SOUP update is downright horrible like some people say. However, I will say it's definitely a mixed bag in terms of quality and I can see what people mean when they talk about how these models diminish Kira's vision and thus their charm is lost. The only models I prefer to the old ones are Specimen 2 and 4's along with the test tube subjects, the old Specimen 10, and the White Cat. All the other ones are either equal to or downright worse than their old models.
I'll wait and see until the update comes out. Maybe I'll warm up to some of these more (except for fucking Bab. All my homies hate the new Bab). Anyways, thanks for reading and have a great day.
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yasmimkilleruwu · 2 months
I've seen a lot of posts about your comic but where do you post it?
I haven't posted my comic anywhere yet, but when I do, I will post it on my Instagram, TikTok, Tumblr and Twitter, and maybe Webtoon :]
And I asked a question on my Instagram, if my followers would want me to draw just the beginning of my comic, and the majority said they wanted me to, so I'll draw the beginning.
But it will only be the beginning of the comic, and I will only draw this beginning when I finish responding to the drawing suggestions sent to me on Instagram and responding to my Tumblr inbox :P
{And I'm going through art block, so it's going to take a while for me to get back to drawing.}
★I'm going to take the opportunity to say a few things about my comic.★
I saw someone saying that you can make money by posting your comic on Webtoon, but I'm not going to monetize my comic because all the characters that will appear there won't be mine, I'll only monetize something that was made entirely by me, and I will give credits to all creators.
I will change the story of some characters a little or a lot, but I will make it very clear in my comic that their story has been changed, I will probably make my own page to show the creators' profiles and where people can find the original story.
Some of my creepypastas ocs will appear in the story, but it will take a long time.
The story will be about Toby and Eyeless Jack and their relationship, but the protagonist will be Toby, basically it will be my TicciJack fanfic.
I write a lot of cute things about Toby x Jack here, but these texts that I already posted here were when they were getting along well, that is, when they were already friends, at the beginning of the story it won't be like that, at the beginning they will be very aggressive towards each other, it will take time for them to become friends in my story and it will take even longer for them to fall in love with each other.
There will be a lot of gore in my story and I will try to bring in a lot of horror things, like creatures, etc. I don't know how to draw horror things very well, since for me my drawing is a bit "cute" or something like that, it doesn't have a scary tone, but I will try to improve my drawing to make my drawings scarier in my story.
In my story there will be canon and fanon things.
And Jeff will be in my story, even if I hate, detest and feel disgusted with him, he will still be in my story. And I can kill some creepypastas in the story :D
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whumpbug · 2 months
i'm sorry it took so long guys i've been in a bit of a funk these last few days BUT i really wanted to post this!! i have much more planned for them but i am trying to pace myself because i've been struggling a little bit!
this also counts for early whumperless whump event day 23: well, that doesn't taste right @whumperless-whump-event (allergic reaction / anaphylaxis)
word count: 2507
see this post for info on the scarabs crew!
In hindsight, Hari probably should have told the team his allergies to start.
There just wasn’t a convenient time for him to do it. It felt weird.
He already felt their judging eyes on him because he was human. Humans weren’t necessarily looked down upon, but it was quite the common consensus that they had more biological flaws than most other races.
This was, of course, made worse by Hari’s precarious condition. 
Introducing himself as the human missing a leg with a blood circulation disorder, an inflammatory lung disease, and food allergies was not something Hari imagined would get him much in the way of respect.
So, he stayed quiet.
After all the introductions and mission briefings came and went, everyone retreated to their respective rooms to settle in. A message over the intercom told Hari that Nyla, the pilot, was going to start making dinner.
He supposed now could be a good time to mention it. He remembered how to get to the kitchen, and Nyla should be in there cooking already, but Hari had just taken off his prosthesis. He didn’t feel like going through the trouble.
Besides, what were the chances that, out of all the things in the galaxy, Nyla made something Hari couldn’t eat.
An hour came and went before Nyla’s chipper voice came over the intercom once again.
“Food’s ready, everyone! Come on down to the kitchen!”
Hari perked up. Now that he thought of it, he was hungry. He hadn’t eaten anything more than protein bars and yogurt cups since the initial launch. An actual meal sounded wonderful.
He grabbed his crutches and began making his way to the kitchen. 
As he walked through the halls of The Scarab, he couldn’t help but feel a bit astonished. Just a few days ago, he was on his home planet, Earth. Then, he was shipped off to Asto’is. Now, here he was, floating in space with a group of strangers towards countless unexplored territories and potentially dangerous star systems.
What a story he was going to have to tell.
He arrived at the kitchen and quickly saw he was the last to do so.
Captain Nieven Alaric, the Asto’isian, was sitting at the head of the table, typing away on his detpad. A cigarette was held loosely in his free hand, and he brought it up to his lips with a deep inhale. His brow was furrowed, like he was trying to figure something out. 
Zel, the Huelxcan, was sitting towards the middle of the table, but her entire body was tensed up. She looked terribly awkward, like she’d rather be anywhere but there. Her gaze remained trained at a spot on the table, but upon Hari’s entry, she lifted her head. Hari met her eyes on accident and flashed a small smile, and he could have sworn she snarled at him.
Vinny, the Z’edin, was sitting opposite to Zel, but they looked significantly less uncomfortable. On the contrary, their knees were pulled up to their chest with their own detpad balancing on top. A peek over their shoulder told Hari that they were reading.. a scientific article? On biochemistry? For fun? That was perhaps scarier than the Huelxcan staring daggers at him from across the table.
And finally, indicated by the soft humming from the kitchen, Hari caught a glimpse of Nyla plating the final dish with her back turned to him.
Hari hadn’t seen many Haryen in his time. The race preferred not to make too much contact with the other PAGE territories, so seeing one out in the open felt odd.
Still, Hari didn’t need to know much about the race to know their signature trait—large crimson wings on their back with a span almost longer than their full height. Hari also didn’t need to know much about the race to know that this particular Haryen’s wings were not paradigmatic of her people’s.
Nyla’s wings were small and curled tight against her body. The muscles in them looked atrophied and shriveled, and even the way they moved with her body seemed off.
Nyla didn’t offer much of an explanation. She simply stated that she was born differently and left it at that. She didn’t owe anyone an explanation anyway; Hari figured. Still, it was not something someone saw every day.
Hari finally took a seat beside Vinny and rested his crutches against the edge of the metal table. Vinny’s gaze flitted to him before coming back to their detpad.
Hari risked another glance at their screen, and saw that not only were they finished with the first article, but they had moved on to another longer one. Hari had to ask.
“What’cha reading about?”
Vinny’s ears flicked at his voice. “Botany.”
“Mhm. The first planet on the course is a forest planet, so I wanted to brush up.”
“I see—”
“Do you know much about botany? You’re the medic, after all. Figured you’ve at least taken some life science classes, but I don’t know how much time the curriculum would have spent on botany specifically.”
“Well, I was in highschool when—”
“I guess if it was a general biology class, the content would be broader, so you probably spent a little bit on each subsection. Still, I think botany is underappreciated. There’s so much to learn about a planet based on what kind of flora thrives in it.”
“I agree—”
“Plus, it can tell you so much about culture! Your planet, for example, has such a diverse ecosystem with so many different biomes. The different ways your people use the plants in each area is fascinating!”
“Thank you?”
“Not to mention—”
“Dinner is ready!” Nyla chirped, padding into the room with plates precariously balanced on her arms. Hari silently sighed in relief.
Nieven set down his detpad immediately and stood up to take two of the plates from Nyla.
“Thank you very much for making dinner, Nylath... Nylathrania.”
The syllables sounded clumsy on the Captain’s lips and a slight flush creeped up his cheeks at his fumbling.
“Oh please, just call me Nyla. Nylathrania is a hard one, even back on Harye.”
Nieven cleared his throat. “Very well. Thank you, Nyla.”
“It’s my pleasure! What better way to welcome you all onto my ship than good food?” She smiled and set a plate in front of each person at the table before taking her own seat next to Zel.
Hari smiled right back at her and, he figured he could try probing about the ingredients. Subtly, of course. “Yes, thank you, Nyla. This looks good! What is it?”
“Oh! I wanted to start with something pretty universally liked. It’s noodles with a darzel nut sauce, wozoik leaves, and some poultry from Earth! It’s pretty simple. I didn’t want to try anything too wild on the first night.”
Vinny, finally, lifted their head from their detpad and faced Nyla. “You took the meat out of mine, right?”
Vinny’s tail swayed slightly and a slight smile overtook their face. “Thank you, Nyla.”
Hari suddenly felt very stupid. If the kid could let Nyla know about their dietary preferences, why couldn’t Hari? 
Still, it was fine. Nothing she said was on his allergy list. He’d just let her know after this meal and everything would be fine.
Nyla picked up her fork. “Well, dig in everyone!”
And with that, they did.
Zel sniffed the food experimentally and swirled a forkful of noodles onto the prongs of the utensil before lifting it to her mouth. The usual scowl on her face lessened greatly and she turned to Nyla.
“You made this?” She said softly.
“...I did. Why? Is something wrong with it?” Nyla almost looked sheepish.
Zel said nothing. She simply turned her face back down to her plate and began scarfing down the noodles.
Vinny was following suit, tail swaying freely as they forked mouthful after mouthful into their mouth.
Nieven was a bit more polite. He ate slowly, and in small bites, but the enjoyment of the food was written all over his face in the way his eyes shone.
Alright, now, Hari needed to try it.
He scooped some of the noodles onto his fork, took a bite and—wow. If this was the kind of food he’d be eating for the next few years, he had no complaints.
The nutty flavor of the sauce was light and fresh, enhanced further by the aromatic greens. The chicken was juicy and flavorful, and the noodles were cooked to perfection. Hari’s eyes nearly rolled back into his head. 
Nyla swallowed a mouthful of food and tapped her finger idly on the table. “So... How is everyone feeling about the trip so far?”
Vinny perked their head up. “So far it’s been interesting. Your ship is really cool. I can’t believe you fly it yourself.”
“I do! She’s my pride and joy.” She turned to Hari. “You’re somewhat of an aerospace engineer, right? What kind of ships have you worked on?”
Hari startled at his name and glanced up. 
“Me? I’ve worked on a few. I worked mostly on airplanes, though.”
“Oh? So a bit different, then?”
Hari nodded and opened his mouth to respond, but found that his tongue didn’t move the way he intended it to. It felt tingly, like it was swollen in his mouth. He furrowed his brows.
“Sorry. I just— My throat feels weird.” He swallowed convulsively. 
Nyla tilted her head and leaned forward to get a better look at him. Zel followed suit, sharing a glance with Nieven.
“Are you okay?” Nyla asked.
“I’m fine... I’m...” Hari swallowed again as an abrupt wave of nausea had him clamping his mouth shut.
Nieven suddenly turned his gaze to meet Hari. “Hari? Are you sure? You’re quite... flushed.”
Hari nodded and scratched at the side of his neck. Stars, when did it get so itchy?
And then it occurred to him. The way he was feeling—the way it felt like his throat was swelling and the way his skin felt too hot for his body—stars, he was allergic to the damn food.
Of all the foods in the galaxy! This delicious meal was one his body decided was a threat! He would have groaned if he could.
Instead, he let out a vaguely choked whine and clawed at his throat, desperately pulling at his collar to get some air. Hives were starting to break out along his arms and shoulders rapidly, and the heat was searing.
Everyone was staring at him now. Even Vinny, who had set their detpad on the table, was in a hurry to get a proper look at Hari. 
“Hari?” Vinny questioned. 
They stood and leaned over, scrutinizing his face. They looked like they were racking their brain for something. Hari truly hoped they were as smart as they came across, because he wasn’t sure he had the faculties to explain what he needed. With their knowledge on Earth and biology, they were probably Hari’s best bet.
They suddenly jolted with thought. “Anaphylaxis! Allergic reaction! That’s what's going on, isn’t it? Your symptoms match!”
Bingo. Hari nodded frantically, pulling in a wheezing breath. Shit, it really was getting difficult to breathe. He needed to do something—and fast.
“Allergic?! Why didn’t you say something earlier!” Nyla shrieked, practically leaping over the table to reach Hari. “What do we do?! You’re the medic!”
Hari wanted to tell her to relax and that it would probably be fine once he got his epi-pen, but he could quite literally feel his airways shrinking and he figured that might not be true for long.
Vinny tapped away on their detpad before whipping their head back up. “We have to give you epinephrine, don’t we? Where the hell are we going to get that?!”
Hari vaguely gestured to the bedrooms, hoping someone would get the hint. He had a small bright red first-aid kit in his luggage, left out in the open. Never had he ever been so grateful for his disorganized unpacking.
“On it,” Nieven muttered, racing toward the hall. Hari tugged at his collar once again, wheezing desperately. It felt like his head was going to explode now. He was sure he was quite the sorry sight with how red he felt his face getting. Not a very good first impression.
Finally, the captain came sprinting back with the little red pouch. He all but threw it onto the table and ripped it open, before realizing he had no idea what he was even looking for.
“Epi..pen..” Hari managed to rasp out, doubling over when another awful wave of nausea overtook him. 
Vinny watched Nieven frantically search for a few more moments before grumbling and lunging over to snatch the pouch from him. They procured the item immediately and began to read over it.
“It’s a needle?”
Hari nodded, wondering why that mattered. He didn’t care if someone had to cut his other damn leg off to get the epinephrine in him—he just wanted to breathe.
Vinny uncapped the needle and hesitantly crouched beside Hari. They were moving at far too leisurely a pace. Hari shot a weak glare.
He would have done it himself, if he could. It’s just that his hands were numb. He could barely lift his arm, let alone have the dexterity to administer it properly. Maybe he should start having his epi-pen with him for every meal. Stars, his head was spinning.
“I can’t do it!” Vinny cried, suddenly pulling away.
“For fuck’s sake—” Zel plucked the pen from their hands, skimmed the directions, and plunged the needle directly into Hari’s right leg with no hesitation.
Hari had never been so grateful in his life.
In just a few moments, Hari felt his breath starting to come easier. He slumped back against his chair and gulped down sweet, sweet oxygen.
No one said anything for a beat. And then, Nyla smacked the back of Hari’s head.
“You idiot! If you’re allergic to something you need to tell me! What was your plan if we didn’t get the epi-pen in time?! I would have been responsible for manslaughter!”
Hari blinked. “I didn’t know I’d be allergic to it.”
Vinny stepped in and crossed their arms. “But you have existing allergies, yes? I could have done some research on how similar the food was to your allergens. Darzel nuts, for example, are remarkably chemically similar to peanuts.”
Oh. That explains it, then. Hari felt a blush creep up on his cheeks. He said nothing.
Nyla let out a soft hmph and pointed a finger at Hari. “After we clean up here and I make you something else to eat, you’re going to sit down with me and make a list of your allergies. All of them. This won’t happen again.”
Hari could tell she meant to be vaguely reassuring, but with the way she said it, it sounded like a threat. He gulped and nodded.
Vinny let out a soft laugh that doubled as a sigh of relief. “Welcome to the expedition, I suppose.”
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