#like bitch. calm down we can all stand to be less than considerate in our heads sometimes
diluc33rpm · 2 years
2/2 Are you a jealous person?
i regularly commit the sin of envy every time kusuo saiki flexes his capability of teleporting coffee jelly to his house onscreen
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Behind The Fence
- 10 - That Bitch
Summary: After the little adventure with Baz you return back to the Cody's and not all of them are that jolly about this incident.
Pairing: Female!OFC x Craig Cody
Content warnings: The Cody's dirty language, mild violence
You can read Part 9 here!
Check out my Masterlist!
Craving some off-story thirst? There you go!
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Still very much feeling the pure rush of adrenaline pulsing through my veins, I pulled up into the Cody's driveway. The large electric security fence had already opened up, because Baz arrived a moment ahead. Awaiting our arrival, J, Pope and Craig gathered up in front of the garage.
"Man, you really got Deran in on that? How did you manage that?" Craig blurted out, throwing his hand up in the air.
"I didn't." Baz smirked, after pulling off his helmet and leaving his bike.
"What?" Pope chimed in, with his usual blunt tone that now was ever so slightly laced with tension.
Out of the front window I looked at J, who hadn't said a thing by now. He was just pinching the brige of his nose, apparently able to put one and one together. Baz turned around to face the van and with him all of the brother's attention focused on the car. Now that everybody was waiting on the big reveal I got a bit scared to step out of the car, because until that point I haven't had taken Popes very likely displeasure about this into consideration, let alone Smurf's as soon as she would hear about it. I calmed myself with reassuring me that Baz got me into this and that the shitstorm, which was about to come without a doubt, would go down on his account, not mine. After taking a deep breath and getting myself out of the seatbelt I mustered up and stepped out of the van.
"Jesus..." Pope scoffed upon the sight of me.
J only let out an annoyed sigh which got accompanied by an eye roll that left no doubt about him being a part of this family.
"Babe, what the hell?"
After throwing the car door shut I turned towards Craig and before I could swallow the sentence I threw him a rather cold: "Oh, shut up!"
Fairly amused by that Baz grinned at me.
"Well done, chica! Honestly, I didn't expect anything less from you." He seemed to be the only one who was still having a jolly good time over this. Ignoring the mumbling and groaning of his brothers Baz swiftly stepped up to me, crouched down to grab me by my thighs and threw me over his shoulder.
"Baz!?", I shrieked out and hammered the palms of my hands against his back "What the fuck are you doing? Stop! Let me down! Now!"
"Oh, I don't think so." He giggled and went ahead towards the yard, past Pope, J and Craig, which where looking at us in utter disbelief. With him walking straight towards the pool I got an inkling what Baz was about to do, but it was past the point of sliding off his shoulder somehow.
"Baz, please!" I begged, but it was too late. We already arrived at the pool and I felt Baz lifting me up by my waist to yeet me into the water. For the blink of an eye I flew through the air and eventually hit the water's surface with my back first. My impact was so strong that it almost hurt and I felt my suddenly slowed down body close to reaching the pool's ground. Nonetheless, the cool water surrounding me was a welcome change to the burning summer heat, but I would've preferred to embrace it wearing a bikini, not a full set of clothes that soaked themselves heavy in an instant. Gasping for air, that got forcefully ripped out if my lungs upon hitting the water, I dragged myself back up to the surface and wiped a wet bunch of hair out of my face.
"Thanks, asshole!" I panted towards Baz, who was standing at the side of the pool, grinning like the idiot he was.
"You're welcome." He laughed while Pope stomped in his direction, appearing as if he wanted nothing more in this world than to send his brother after me.
"Sit your ass down, we gotta talk!" He growled at Baz, grabbing him by the shoulder to push him towards the table where J had already seated himself.
"Would someone have the decency to explain to me what this screaming is all about?" Janine scoffed from the side, holding two plates stacked with barbecue meat and visibly irritated by the action happening in the yard. Except J everybody went silent at her appearance.
"Seems like Baz pulled Craig's girl in on the next job." He stated with a dull voice, that was as unimpressed as it was calculating.
You little shit, I thought to myself, I got a name too and am not just someone's girl. But that's the way this family worked. You had the inner core and everybody else was just a mere accessory to the scenery. An unnecessary gimmick to keep Smurf's sons happy and entertained.
Although I knew these people for quite some time now the hostility within this family never failed a chance to strike me once again.
"Oh, baby...", Janine turned herself to face Baz "I think we should talk about this immediately." As per usual, that woman's voice was drenched in mistrust and a certain, stinging undertone of disappointment. Even I got the chills from that, which then got followed by the need to get my ass as far away from her as I could, but unfortunately I was still floating in the Cody's pool. I swam towards it's edge to get out of the water and while watching the situation around the table I hadn't noticed Craig taking Baz' place by the pool, lending his hand to help me up and out. I didn't take it, instead I pulled myself out of the water and got to my feet next to him on my own. I wanted him to feel that I was pissed about the shitshow he pulled at Deran's bar. Without even paying attention to his annoyed sigh I got out of my boots and went ahead to get myself into some dry clothes before joining the lot at the dinner table.
After I had dried myself off sporadically, threw on my bikini and wrapped me in the summer dress I had originally planned on wearing today I got back to the table, where all the Cody's except Deran were waiting on me. Due to him not showing up I had two free seats to choose between: One next to Craig and the other one next to Baz. Being arguably petty, I went with the chair next to Baz. Although I knew it was something overly childish to do and although it didn't even feel that good I hoped that Craig at least would get the hint that way.
The general atmosphere at the dinner table wasn't exactly amicable, but by far not as bad as I would've expected it to be.
"Thanks for the dinner, Janine." I said, trying to start this conversation as friendly and light hearted as possible, but that didn't get me all too far. Going straight over my head, she addressed Baz, her voice snappy as ever: "Since when do we get outsiders in on jobs?"
Baz, right next to me, lowered his cutlery down to the plate and pierced her with an unimpressed stare.
"She's not in on the job, mother , she just helped me run the errands."
"How much does she know already?" J threw in, ripping bite sized pieces out of a bun. Gosh, I absolutely had nothing in favour for this mouthy dipshit. He used to be nice and polite as a kid, but since Smurf had to take him in his once rather charming character crumbled to shreds. No wonder puberty hit wrong when you found yourself stuck with these people.
"I don't-" I intended to explain myself, but got run over by Baz immediately.
"Lilly doesn't know shit, okay?! I told her to pick the van, she did and that's that, cool?"
"No, that's not cool, Barry.", Smurf spat back at her son "Why didn't you ask any of your brother's... you got plenty of them!"
Baz sighed deeply before he turned his head towards Craig, who was sitting in front of me.
In a stern, accusing voice he answered: "Maybe because she was looking damn sad and worn out. I thought it to be a good idea to get her out of here for a moment."
"Hey, carefull here, man.", Craig grumbled, whirling a fork full of steak around "It ain't my fault she got shitfaced with Deran last night, kay?"
Sinking deeper and deeper into my chair I threw him a look that was stripped from any emotion. At that Craig just shrug his shoulders in a very "Tell me I'm wrong!" manner and continued eating.
A moment of chewing and rattling cutlery followed as I took a drag from my bottle of beer, not at all drawn towards any of the different dishes and salads around me.
"I'm not a fan of it either, but Baz had his reason.", Pope suddenly added to the conversation "It went smooth and could we all please stop talking about Lillian like she's not here?"
His words came as a nice change of tone in all of this and I appreciated that, even though I knew his intentions focused more on eating in peace than stepping up for me.
"Geez, thanks, Andrew!", I sighed and nodded in his direction "I'm neither deaf nor stupid."
Picking up on this in the absolute worst way, J spilled: "Oh, well... apparently stupid enough to bang the dumbest one at the table." In a matter of seconds he had everybody staring at him and his grandmother rewarding him with a well deserved, juicy slap in the face.
"Joshua Cody!", Smurf bellowed at him in a voice that had all of us flinching "Who do you think you are to talk like that?!"
Throwing a gesture at me, he scuffed back: "Who the fuck she thinks she is?!"
Snapping myself up from the table, before anybody could take that from me, I jammed my palm onto the wooden furniture and rose my voice for the bunch to hear loud and clear: "I'm quite obviously that bitch three grown ass men and a gnarly little boy are currently losing their mind over!"
For the moment I've had enough with all of them, not just Craig, who was starting at me with his jaw almost dropping to the floor. "And now please excuse me, while I wait for any of you to grow a pair."
Before leaving the dinner table for good I looked at Smurf, assuming that she was about to come after my ass for snapping at her beloved boys like this, but instead an amused, if not even impressed smile played around her shiny, lipgloss smothered mouth.
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jisungyah · 3 years
Dream State - 22 : HoOoNG~
“That was unessarily loud” Hyunjin stated, hands clasped to his ears looking up at Wooyoung from his seat on the floor. 
Wooyoung saw San gulp, eyes still staring back at him. He didn't look back to Yeosang who he heard taking a sip of his drink a little too loudly.
Hyunjin's hands left his ears, now supporting him up instead as he stared at Wooyoung, his mouth agape waiting for some explanation.
Stupid, Wooyoung was stupid, he was embarrassed and felt guilty because he got caught. A palm raises to cover his face he couldn't believe he thought he could get away with some stupid plan.. it wasn't even a thought out one, he just wanted to avoid San.. he didn't even know why? only the reasons he made up for Hongjoong and Yeosang.
"I'm Wooyoung.." he let out a sigh before continuing "..the same Wooyoung from the Haechan Neck account, I didn't want to tell you at first cause it's embarrassing honestly.. being known as ‘the flirt’ online would ruin our first impressions..but lying about it is probably worse but, I just panicked.."
Wooyoung had been keeping eye contact with San through the whole confession, practically pleading San to forgive him with his glassy eyes.
"it's okay I get it.. to be honest, I kinda knew you were Wooyoung um.. I was just waiting for you to feel comfortable enough to say it I guess..", the eye contact was broken for a few seconds as San tried to consider his next words, once connected again Wooyoung's eyes were starting to fill with more tears, "Really it's fine! we all have an online facade.. right?" San nods to himself and turns to the two others for a little help.
Yeosang was kinda thrown off by this reaction from San so he kept quiet while Hyunjin reassured "RIGHT! if you're hyuck's neck maybe we could be moots! you wouldn't happen to know King Xiaojun... "
Wooyoung was not expecting the conversation to turn to Hyunjin admitting he was an 18+ RP account. As Hyunjin rambled about his account being worse in ways they couldn't imagine, far worse than just flirting as a parody account, Yeosang nudged Woo as to say 'I told you so'.  
"you know since we're all friends and this has kinda cleared things up.." Yeosang started.
"Okay but I'm seriously really sorry, that was stupid and I don't wanna blame alcohol but I get more obnoxious when I'm tipsy.. and I was even panicking before so-"
Yeosang rested his hand on Woo's shoulder to calm him from babbling further.
"tsk Wooyoung obnoxious?" Hyunjin let out, laughing to himself while taking a sip of beer, when he finished he realised the others hadn't reacted. Maybe the alcohol was getting to him already. "woah. Wait ! that sounded offensive.. I meant like you're really not obnoxious if we're talking 'obnoxious'? we're talking Minho"
"So we're all good? Wooyoung you don't have to keep apologising, stop worrying about it" Yeosang reassured, hand now wrapped around Wooyoung's shoulders. San giggled at Woo's little pout and if Wooyoung's heart wasn't fluttering already it was racing now. "May I ask ..? did you do the same to Yeosang?"
"Well.. no Hongjoong got to him first"
"No !Yeosang !"    "Bitch I know what you look like!"    "BITCH?! I didn't even know you could use that word!"
"Oh.." San seemed to be a little disappointed but no one seemed to notice, Woosang busy teasing each other while Hyunjin laughed at their banter.
"But wait, how'd you know I was Wooyoung? I mean like Haechan's Neck.." Wooyoung inquired turning back to San, sitting up fixing himself after sending Yeosang into a laughing fit with tickles.
"I recognised you from a photo you sent in the group chat"
"w-what?! which pic?"
"When you announced that you went back to your natural hair..? It was only half your face but.."
"Idiot, you sent it to both group chats" Yeosang finished Wooyoung's sentence beginning another set of laughter for himself. Wooyoung gave a glare as a first warning, then raised his hands to his friend's waist threatening Yeosang with more tickles which got him to shut up immediately.
"But I was really doubting myself.. added up though. You and Yeosang, Seoul Uni.. but.. didn't you say to Min you weren't coming to the party?"
"We forgot about Min!" Yeosang exclaimed.
Thanks to San's question Wooyoung was reminded to check his phone, silently asking the group with his pointer finger up to excuse him for a moment as he scrolled through the 'PARTY' group chat’s messages. The others quietly waiting for some update on their mutual friend.
"He seems pretty content with Taeil"
Yeosang gave him a stern almost threatening look, "Twice, you said you'd be there for Min"
"Fine.. what do you want me to say?"
Woosang seemed to have a private conversation to themselves before Wooyoung was focused on his phone and Yeosang turned to question San, "Wait, Min said you weren't replying to him? and you haven't been active on the group chat"
Wooyoung whispered something being Yeosang's pick-up line, Yeosang ignoring him keeping his eyes on San like he was in trouble.
"I was busy being lost.. and classes and when I wasn't in class Seonghwa kept me busy" a gulp preceding San's answer.
San seemed to retreat a little to himself, head down unable to make eye contact with Yeosang which caused the latter to feel guilty.
"Sorry, of course you were.."
"To be fair we both were busy with each other too" Wooyoung said to ease the atmosphere, finally putting his phone back in his jacket's pocket.
"Well that's cause you wer-" Wooyoung knew Yeosang was going to make fun of his panic about San and the party, swiftly interrupting with another apology.
"Sorry I- .. We-we're all over the place but I just didn't want Mingi to feel alone or left out, so I um pretended I was busy with an assignment than coming to the party so he could text if he felt lonely.." Wooyoung explained.
"Oh .. that's actually really nice of you..."
Wooyoung didn't mean for anyone to feel guilty but that's how San felt now, knowing he was doing what he didn't want anyone to do to him to one of his best friends.
"I mean Wooyoung doesn't seem like the one.." "Wooyoung is just that nice" "-the kind to lie out of malice! he even taught me that phrase"
Hyunjin and Yeosang accidentally talked over each other but Hyunjin continued anyway, starting to become less aware of his surroundings. He was swaying side to side to the faint music, eyes closed barely open when he responded to the others.
They kept the conversation going, allowing some time for Woo to reply to Mingi and trying to distract Hyunjin from drinking any more. Soon their hyungs gathered with them, Hongjoong tried to slip away for Wooyoung's sake but Woo caught him, it wouldn't hurt they'd be leaving soon anyway.
Although Hongjoong couldn't even introduce himself before San announced that they should get going, saying it was getting late for a school night and Seonghwa wasn't in the best state either. Hongjoong seemed to match Hwa, their few more drinks than what they planned beginning to show some effect on them.
They exchanged goodbyes before introductions could take place, San and Minho helping Seonghwa stand straight, his arms around their shoulders, getting hold of him before he could flop down on top of the boys on the couch.
"Hhhow much longer you guys stayed? we-we we can have fun by ourselves"
Minho noticed Hyunjin's state which was.. pretty drunk for Hyunjin, he left San with Seonghwa while he tried to pull Hyunjin away to leave with them. Wooyoung didn't notice San already leaving with Seonghwa, preoccupied with a whining Hyunjin trying to get away from Minho's arms.
"I'll help you out with Hyunjin if Yeosang is alright enough to get Hongjoong" Wooyoung offered.
"awwhhhh Wooyoung-ah don'tlet-let- don't be such a killjoy cause of Minho!" Hyunjin grumbled escaping from Minho, only to stumble into Wooyoung's arms, face pressed to his classmate's chest causing him to giggle.
"Seriously Hyunjin, how's Kami gonna react seeing you like this?" Minho sighed finally trapping him.
"Ff*ck.. I forgot"
"You're not sleeping over, I'm surprised you didn't get a curfew"
Hyunjin stopped squirming, trying to get himself together when he remembered he'd be returning to his parents in his drunk state.
With the help of Minho and Wooyoung, he made his way down the stairs safely with Yeosang and Hongjoong following behind them, conversing about nonsense until they reached the bottom.
By the time they got down, Seonghwa was free from San's grip trying to make himself comfortable on the side of Minho's car, even after San offered his shoulder as they waited for their driver.
Minho took care of Hyunjin the rest of the way to his car, a few more waves goodbye before the 'Just gotta TOUCH' boys were all seated in the car.
San now in the passenger seat, Minho still the driver ready to take the boys home safely. The other two boys sharing the back seats, leaning on each other still somewhat awake but on the verge of sleep. Hyunjin trying to sober up before being dropped home to his parents but the alcohol in his system tempting him to a short nap. Seonghwa was out of it only half awake because he had some thoughts to discuss with the boys.
The trio left behind began their walk together after seeing Minho drive off. Wooyoung taking over Hongjoong duty knowing Yeosang's stop was only a five-minute walk away, although with their current pace the time could be doubled.
Wooyoung didn't know whether it was Yeosang slowing down in consideration for Hongjoongs drunken state or because he also wanted to enjoy more time together, even if they technically weren't alone. He appreciated it though, the dark night allowing stars to glow through even when the city lights fought against their shine. Setting the mood..
The odd car passing by allowing a flash of light to hit Yeosang, who was shielding the light from the slowpokes. 
The short distance they travelled so far was mostly filled with silence and a few grunts from Wooyoung struggling to keep Hongjoong up because he was distracted by Yeosang.
The few street lights they walked by flattered Yeosang's features with its warm rays, catching him in the process of thought.
Wooyoung was getting used to Joong's weight over his left shoulder. Yeosang suddenly turning back after taking in the stars, causing Wooyoung to trip on his step.
Yeosang meeting Wooyoung's admiring eyes as he looks back to check on the two. "You know you don't have to walk me back, maybe I should be helping you get Hongjoong back to yours"
"No we're getting-" "No no we'll get you back safe first!" Hongjoong speaks up, whispering a sorry for interrupting Wooyoung. "We're getting you safely back to your dorm, we can just take the bus from your place to ours. I can handle Joong"
Yeosang seemed to take their answer but then a smirk played on his lips before mentioning, mostly to Honjoong, that San was still looking for accommodation.
"Yeah I know Yeo.. I was in that conversation with you" Wooyoung tried to dismiss it.
"Yeo?" Both older males asked at the new nickname.
"What? you both call me Woo?? its just a nickname"
"huh, I like it.." Yeosang blushed on top of the residual tint of the alcohol in his system. He never really had nicknames from friends mostly just family but he was called "sangie" or "sang" and although Wooyoung had texted him the nickname before, it felt different hearing it out loud.
"Does that make me Hong?"
Wooyoung giggles at his Hyung still under the haze of alcohol, eyelids half open and sporting a small pout.
"hehe yeah, that makes you Hoooonnngg~" Messing with the pronunciation of the new nickname earning a disgusted judgemental look from the now called Hong. [like how he said in the one ep of ateez salary lupin]
"Soooo San..??" Yeosang starts up again after a few giggles from the '99 liners at Hongjoong's reaction. The trio now continuing their journey after their short pause.
"We said we'd do interviews sooo.." Wooyoung hoped his mention of their plan would prevent Hongjoong from thinking about just giving San the spare room.
"San..? but Seonghwa said-oh wait yeah we can get San an interview! he seems nice I mean we just goddamake sure he leaves the nsfw stuff on Twitter"
"pffft-" "JOONG!"
"I thought it was Hong!?" Yeosang blurts while laughing
San content staring out the window watching the street lights go by but he notices Seonghwa from the rearview mirror pouting. A small smile on his lips with his tongue peeking out trying to take a quick picture while the older had his eyes closed from drink and tiredness.
"Y'all didn't get to meet Hongjoong" he whined a little like a disappointed child when he saw San facing him. San is quick to take the picture and drop his phone but not quick enough to turn around before Seonghwa's eyes are fully open.
"Sorry Hwa-hyung, but I'm tired and you didn't seem to be handling the alcohol well" San spoke with a faint but reassuring smile before turning back to sit in his seat properly.
"San was the only one to not meet Hongjoong, and me and Hyunjin were literally right there" Minho added, trying to make Hwa less frowny-faced.
"Correction, Hyujin and I."
"Oh just shut it Jin and focus on sobering up before we get to your place, your lucky enough I'm giving you extra time heading to Seonghwa's first"
Hyujin is now sat straight, rolling his eyes at the driver sat in front of him. "Oh San! did you know Joong and Woo have space? maybe they can take you in" Hyunjin suggested while brushing his hand through his hair gathering himself together, it would only last a bit longer before he’s feeling woozy again.
"They do? but .. I don't know I-I don't wanna be taken in like a-a a stray cat.."
"I mean you're not far from one" Minho commented flashing San a smile before quickly turning attention back to the road. San was always compared to a cat sometimes even to his own cat by Mingi and his parents. He didn't know whether it was because of his physical features or personality, maybe even both? But he was surprised and flattered that Minho noticed since he had three cats of his own.
"I-I didn't mean for it to sound like that! what is wrong with me today ahhhggghh"
"you're literally always like this?" Minho replies when he spots Hyunjin throwing his head into his hands in an exasperated manner.
Seonghwa was mumbling something about Mingi and Yeosang in the last few minutes of their drive. He didn’t form enough coherent words for the others to make sense of it. 
They finally reached the house. San was glad that Seonghwa’s aunt was already asleep but kept the door open for them. Somehow San manages to help Seonghwa into bed and takes off his make up, not bothering to try changing him into PJs. He also ends up charging Hwa’s phone and setting an alarm for him before he takes care of himself. 
San plops himself on the bottom bunk of Seonghwa’s older cousin’s bunk bed staying in the room across from Seonghwa, for now at least. Bringing the nearest plushie to his chest to cuddle that night San also picks up his phone to check up on the others. 
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Pan ic : 
Well the jig is up! don’t know how far pretending to be jongho wouldve gone anyway..
also didn’t Hong say something about not drinking too much earlier and he’s going home like that?? i think seongjoong bad influence on each other but wooo ooo WooSang going strong ... for now 
pt.21 < Masterlist > pt.22.5
[ Social Media Woosan AU:
Having finished his first year of college, Wooyoung spends his summer with friends.. online friends mostly., friends made through his Lee Donghyuck parody acc..
Will he be ready to spend his second year with these crackheads ? and what if his twt crush starts attending his university ? ]
A/N if the hyung isnt always accurate its because they are close friends and dont say it often.. also its been awhile .... college was hard second semester soo i didn’t get a chance until recently sooo sorry its very late 
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heyheydidjaknow · 3 years
Alright, so I'm not actually finished with this, but I'm half asleep and that makes it difficult to write or edit properly. I owe you a chapter, though, so until I can write coherently, here ya go. Not even gonna tag this yet.
Chapter 14
“I trust you won’t be creepy.”
“I’m thankful.” Yoshi runs his thumb along the rim of his cup slowly. “You have little faith in me, as I understand it.”
You try not to be disrespectful. “Well, things in your life could’ve gone better, right?”
He seems to consider this for a moment. “I suppose so.” He takes a slow drink. “Mistakes from my youth have led to many hardships. Still, though the road has been a long and strenuous one, I would not want to change my past.”
Your untouched drink is cradled in your hands. “You don’t regret anything?”
“It is a foolish and maddening thing, longing for a life unobtainable to you.” He closes his eyes, your own scanning the walls for the photograph you know is in some nook or cranny. “Besides, if things hadn’t happened the way they did, I wouldn’t have my sons.”
You can understand, intellectually, he does not mean to be—and likely is not— as arrogant as you perceive him. Still, something about the way he sits, the way he speaks, even how he looks at you now makes you feel painfully inferior, as if you reacting the way you are makes you somehow beneath him in more than a literal sense.
You decide against arguing the point, eyes flickering from the shrine back to the man in front of you. “I guess that’s true.” You know you are not going to drink any of what he has offered until you have to. “And you’ve always thought like that?”
He nods. “It was what I was taught.”
Nodding, you look back down at your cup, a deafening stillness settling between you two. ‘He convinces me to come here,’ you grumble silently, ‘and all I get for it is a lecture and an awkward silence.’ You look back up at him, setting the clay vessel on the ground and pulling your knees to your chest. ‘I could be doing something else, like fixing my shirt or something.’
“Speaking of them,” he continues, “Donatello tells me you have been experiencing night terrors.”
‘Snitch. Did he tell me he told him?’ “You don’t?”
His eyebrows rise. “Sorry?”
“We have the same trauma,” you explain simply. “Both our families died in fires we caused. Think that counts.”
He does not even flinch. “I’ve never thought of it that way.” He smiles softly. You want to punch him in the face. “I suppose so, yes.”
“You seem pretty calm about it.”
He chuckles at your expression. “I’ve had fifteen years to come to terms with my loss,” he takes another drink. “And,” he jokes, “I was often simply too exhausted to have nightmares back when the wound was fresh; caring for four young boys is tiring, you understand.”
“Right.” You crisscross your legs in front of you. “Yeah, the makes sense.”
“Having said that,” he continues, voice lowering, “I can’t imagine going through what I did at your age.” He sighs. “If something like that happened to one of my boys at this age, I can’t honestly say how they would cope.”
‘Poorly. I’d guess they’d cope poorly.’
“I understand that you and I have differences in ideals and morals.”
“You could say that.” Your mouth stretches into a wry smile. “I honestly only started hangin’ with and helpin’ y’all as a way to make up for my manslaughter. With this exception, I live by the adage, ‘Not my circus, not my monkeys.’”
“As I said,” he covers his mouth to hide his amusement, “we differ in that respect. I take it that’s why, when Donatello explained the situation—” you break eye contact—“he was unable to explain in any sort of detail what they were about.”
“Not his circus not his monkeys. ‘Sides,” you shrug, “he was already being really caring and understanding, and I was already sobbing my eyes out, which I’m sure he already told you, so.”
You stare down at your tea. “Are you going to elaborate?”
“Not if I don’t have to, no.” Your face heats up.
“Do you want my help?”
‘I hate this,’ you squirm. “Honestly, I wouldn’t be here if Donnie hadn’t asked me to.”
“For someone who believes in leaving people to their own devices,” he notes, “you seem to value the requests of my son a great deal.”
Your knees are back up to your chest. “He’s important to me. He’s been there for me. It’s the least I can do.”
He takes a beat to gather his thoughts. You brace yourself for a lecture.
“You care for him, then.”
You nod once, treading carefully.
You still do not look at him directly, staring instead at the gorgeous screen door. “I dunno.” Your fingernails scratch at the surface. “I’m not exactly in my right mind, you understand.”
“I can’t say I do.” A pause as he takes another drink. “Then again, I’ve only felt for one woman all my life.”
“Look at that,” you try to joke. “Another difference between us.”
“Do you mind letting me in, then?”
“A little,” you admit, “but I will since there isn’t really a point to being here if I don’t.”
“That’s the spirit.” You can hear his smile.
You set the cup down again, glancing up at him before fiddling with the laces on your shoe. “People under stress and without anywhere else to turn tend to latch onto the first people they relate to,” you explain, practicing your knot tying with fumbling fingers; there is no harm in practicing your dexterity. “He was the first guy I met after I died, got kidnapped, and almost got killed by a giant vine creature. I like him,” you clarify quickly, “I really do, but it’s hardly fair to pursue that sort of relationship, especially considering everything going on with the Kraang and Shredder.” Your eyes go out of focus. “We get along great,” you mumble. “He’s sweet, kind, generous, and empathetic. He deserves to make sense of his feelings properly without me muddying things up with my possibly trauma-induced attachment.”
“So,” he clarifies, “it is not that you aren’t in love with him, but, instead, you’re worried for his sake?”
Your face goes scarlet as you choke on your saliva. “T-that’s a bit—uh—extreme, isn’t it?” You rub the back of your burning neck. “I’m not even sixteen, Yoshi. You don’t understand love properly at sixteen!”
“I fell for my wife at thirteen,” he smiles. “It’s certainly not impossible.”
“That’s—look,” you protest, “that is entirely besides the point. The point,” you state, “is that is completely irresponsible for me to pursue a relationship with your son. Frankly, I’m surprised you don’t agree.”
“He cares for you. You know that. Who am I to decide who he does and does not pursue, especially when that person makes him happy?” He reaches for a worn kettle sitting between you two on a table, pouring its contents back into his teacup—you remember Leo telling you that it is technically called a yunomi. “I find love typically does no harm so long as it does not consume you. Moderation is key.”
You look up at him. “So, you don’t have any reservations about it?”
He takes another drink. “I wouldn’t say that. He is my son, after all. In truth,” he admits, “I was more concerned that my sons would never experience what I did than anything. Given the circumstances of our existence, I’m sure you can understand my wish to give them a relatively normal, happy life.”
You sigh. “I guess, yeah.” You adjust your blanket again. ‘Seems counterintuitive, teaching them the art of murder, but I guess that’s his normal.’ “That’s just a general good parenting thing though, right? I’d hope you’d want that even if you weren’t a giant rat and they weren’t anthropomorphic turtles.”
A parent. He is talking to you like one might speak to their kid.
“I suppose so,” he nods. “It’s been difficult, but we’ve certainly come a long way over the years.”
The screeching of tires pierces the still air, the chattering of his four sons bouncing off the concrete walls.
You strain to hear what they are saying. “I never noticed that there was an echo in here. It’s less noticeable than in the tunnel.”
“That’s by design,” he explains. “I’ve made something of an effort to dampen it.”
“Oh, that’s cool.” You set the yunomi on the table. You sigh, holding your breath and downing your now gross, cool tea in three quick gulps. “I hate to cut this short,” you lie, wiping your mouth with your sleeve and tottering to your feet, “but I’ve gotta check to make sure everything went smoothly on their mission and adjust my timetable accordingly.”
He nods, deciding not to point your tell out. “I won’t keep you, then. Would you like to borrow my cane?”
This is not the first time he has offered. You, of course, refuse.
“Oh well. I thought I’d offer.” He sets his cup down, staying seated. “It has been pleasant talking with you, Y/N.”
“Likewise, Mr. Hamato.” You nod once in acknowledgment, hopping over to the door and slipping out into the hallway.
Your stomach churns at the stench coming from the lab—you can smell a suffocating amount of oil. You lean against the wall, making a pointed effort not to eavesdrop and rapping your knuckles against the door. Their voices immediately lower to hisses and someone drags the door open.
“Hey,” Mikey beams. “We were just talking about you. Need somethin’?”
“Just is an over-exaggeration.” There is a considerable amount of protest as Donnie pulls him away from the door with an uncomfortable edge to his voice. “P-please, come in.”
A beaten DIY van sits pathetically on the subway track, not looking dissimilar to a burnt, crushed soda can from where you are standing. The once hot pink graffiti has most certainly seen better days, and you squirm at the thought of the sound it must have made if you understd the situation properly. Raphael, who you glance at out of the corner of your eye, looks similarly beat up. Of course, you are not going to say anything because you value your life.
You whistle, smiling incredulously. “So,” you try not to laugh, “I take it you took on the cucaracha.”
“Made it my bitch is what I did,” boasts Raphael. “Shot it with a laser.”
“Cool, cool.” You chuckle at his excitement. “You take care of the egg?”
Is there a better sight than watching the light in someone’s soul die? You would hesitantly say no. “The what?”
“Right outside the building,” you elaborate. “On the side of the road. Looks like a horrifying imitation of an orbee?’
He takes a slow, deep breath, holds it, exhales. “I’ll be right back,” he says calmly, and sprints out of the lair.
Michelangelo laughs. “Were you being serious or are you messing with him?”
“Serious.” You readjust the blanket, trying to subtly figure out how to breathe without being assaulted by the mechanical smell. “I won’t joke about that sort of thing. It’s cruel.”
He hesitates. “… speaking of, are you alright? I didn’t get to ask before.”
The other two are quietly watching the interaction with an odd amount of intensity.
You shrug. “I guess. Probably.”
“Alright,” he nods. “Just lemme know if you need to talk, alright? Donnie’s no—ow!”
“Don’t talk bad about people in front of them,” Leonardo criticizes. “It’s rude.”
“You called him special, like, four hours ago!”
“The word of the day is hypocrisy.” Donatello puts his hand down.
“Hypocrisy’s right” You rub Mikey’s shell reassuringly. “To be fair, though, Leo could honestly probably just dodge it anyway.”
He leans into it. “I guess,” he grumbles, shooting a look at Donatello. “Favoritism.”
“It’s strategic favoritism,” the tallest brother corrects. “It’s to encourage parti pris.”
“Cronyism,” you tease, grinning. “You mean cronyism.”
“Hey, I’m plenty qualified!”.
You stifle a giggle as his face reddens, looking back over at the battered vehicle, raising an eyebrow.
“That was a team effort.”
“Yeah, okay, Hamato.” You blow a strand out of your face. “How long do you think it’ll take to fix?”
“A week? Maybe a bit less.” He looks back at it ruefully. “The spy roach completely jacked it.”
“Clearly.” You remove your hand, Mikey seemingly thoroughly comforted. “Then mind if I borrow a needle and thread so I can fix my jacket? I have school tomorrow.”
“Do you have the dexterity for that?” Leo crosses his arms across his chest absentmindedly.
“If I can hold a pencil,” you reason, “I can do basic stitching. ‘Sides, it’s only gotta hold until I get home.”
“I didn’t know you sewed.”
“I don’t. That’s why I’m asking now.”
Donatello pipes up again. “I really don’t mind—”
“Dude,” you reason, “you have to fix a whole ass van. I’ll manage.”
He pulls his phone from his pocket. “It’s a quarter to twelve. You won’t finish before midnight.”
“Then sucks to be me.” You shrug. “I’ll fix it here and walk home.”
He looks at you with a surprising amount of incredulousness. “It’s New York City.”
“You go out at night all the time,” you protest.
“I can carry you—”
Immediate panic. “Nah, I’m good!” You try to sound confident. “I walk home all the time, remember?”
“Not at midnight.”
“What’s a couple hours difference?” You would rather get attacked or kidnapped than fly over buildings again.
“A hundred-twenty minutes,” he states. “You know that crime is statistically more likely to happen at night, right?”
“That tracks. What’s different?”
“Violent crime peaks at midnight.”
Mikey butts in. “Why can’t she just go in the blanket? It covers enough.”
Donatello rolls his eyes. “Mikey,” he sighs, “she’s a teenage girl walking around with her torso covered by a single conspicuous quilt. Let’s use our heads here.”
It takes him a minute. “So you’re worried about her getting, like, attacked?”
It is at moments like these where you resent his honesty.
“… were you paying attention to any of the conversation? Or the lesson we just learned?”
“Dude,” he protests, “when do I ever?”
“What, you mean the one where y’all learned to face your fears or the one where talking about people in front of said person is rude?”
The bitter edge to your words is not lost on him. “Look,” he reasons with you, “I-I’m not saying you’re incapable of taking care of yourself—”
“You are, but that’s not the point.”
“Shut up, Mikey.” You are surprised he does not punch him, though, admittedly, you can hardly argue the point. “What I mean is that if you put yourself in harm’s way, you’re going to get hurt.” He nods at Leo. “He’s a really experienced fighter and even he gets overwhelmed if he goes out of his way to do something reckless and dangerous like Karai.” He spits out her name like it is poisonous.
“Since when have you had a thing against Karai?”
The eldest brother sighs. “I’m never living that down, am I?”
“Unimportant, and nope. Point is,” he continues, fingers twitching at his sides, “it doesn’t make sense to tempt fate.”
You open your mouth to argue. You close it again. He has an extremely valid point, all things considered, especially considering everything that has been happening, and although you are completely certain about your stance on him carrying you home, you would be lying if you said the idea of stumbling home without your walker or shirt sounds very appealing.
“Then what exactly are you suggesting?”
He looks off. “I’m suggesting she stays the night, Leo.”
Mikey blinks. “What, in your room or on the couch?”
“It would be up to her.”
That works for you. “Your home. You pick. Where do you keep your sewing supplies?” You slip out of the circle the four of you have formed.
“On top of the bookshelf,” he points. “Behind the cardboard box.”
You nod, hopping over.
Mikey offers his two cents. “It makes more sense for you two to share a room. It’s kinda cold in the front room, and you guys’ll probably end up going to bed at around the same time anyways. She also has your blanket.”
You stand on your toes, fingertips brushing against a plastic container.
“That’s a fair point.” You catch it before it cracks open on the ground. “Training starts pretty early, so she should have time to grab her things before school.”
“See? Foolproof plan.”
“Would Master Splinter approve?”
“Leo,” you call over your shoulder, “he’s slept over at my house twice already. I really doubt he cares.”
“But we don’t know.”
“Then you can go ask him.” You turn around. “Where’s the jacket?”
“In the cardboard box.”
You pull it down, taking your shirt and jacket and sitting down, crossing your bad leg under the one you can use, despite the nausea. ‘Exposure therapy.’
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murdershegoat · 5 years
(based on this art from the incomparable @battenthecrosshatches)
(also on ao3)
Visiting the childrens hospital was a good idea, her people had said, because then the public could see how the Luthor brand did immense good alongside the terrible evils caused by her brother. At the time, she had trusted them.
But now? Now she’s surrounded by very small people whose eyes are too sad and fingers too sticky. Lena isn’t heartless, not by any means. It’s just she’s never really been good with children. She was always the youngest in the family and nobody she knows had babies. Hell, she didn’t talk to Ruby Arias until she was four years old, and even that was too soon. One time she said good morning to a teenager who lived in her building and the teenager had just laughed in her face, and another time some hooligans had egged her front door because she ran out of candy on halloween. Now she makes a considerable effort to avoid the young school groups who visit LCorp and she interacts with the high school interns sparingly and she dreads the day her future partner brings up having kids in any way, shape or form. It’s not that she’s scared of them, per se, it’s just that she’s completely terrified to interact with somebody under the age of eighteen in any way, shape or form.
‘As you can see, Ms. Luthor, your foundation has changed this hospital immeasurably,’ the administrator-slash-tour-guide tells her. ‘We’re able to care for about double the amount of patients than before, not to mention our technology has put us on the map as leaders in pre- and neonatal care, paedeatric cardiology, oncology, neurology and mental health care.’
‘That’s quite the accomplishment,’ Lena says, trying her best not to sound nervous or scared around the children who potter around the rec room. ‘And how’re the research facilities doing?’
‘Better than we ever could have hoped,’ they reply. ‘We’re changing the world here, Ms. Luthor.’
At that, Lena smiles genuinely. ‘That’s what I like to hear.’
She allows the administrator to lead her around the other parts of the hospital, always staying a step behind them, always using them as a shield between her and the children. When they tell her they’re about to reach the nursery, Lena almost cancels the rest of the tour. Babies?? Tiny, crying, helpless babies?????? No, thank you.
But as they near the nursery, Lena doesn’t hear crying babies. She hears a melodic, angelic voice and the soft strumming of a ukelele or something. She shoots the administrator a look, her brow furrowed.
‘You’ll see,’ they smile. As they round the corner, Lena’s eyes fall on the angel in question. A woman around her own age with blonde hair in a shaggy bob sat in the nursery, playing her ukelele to the variety of babies stationed around her in their plastic bassinets, and singing with such care and joy in her voice, Lena felt as though if she stared directly at this wonderful stranger’s face, her own face would melt off like an Indiana Jones nazi.
‘Good morning, Kara!’ says the administrator, and Kara turns and faces them, her smile blinding Lena from across the room.
‘Hi, Ollie!’ she replies happily, gently placing the ukelele on the floor, before standing to greet them. 
‘Kara, this is--’
‘Gosh, you’re Lena Luthor!’ Kara exclaims, and Lena steels herself, ready for the torrent of vitriol she’s used to receiving from strangers. ‘Your work with both biotechnology and quantam physics is unparalleled! I’ve admired your work for years!’
Lena thinks she’s in love. In love with this woman in a tight white t-shirt and skinny jeans, in love with her glasses. Obsessed, obsessed, obsessed.
Stop thinking about the L word, Lena thinks.
‘I’m Kara Danvers,’ the angel continues, holding out a hand, which Lena takes much pleasure in shaking. 
‘Kara is our expert cuddler,’ Ollie explains. ‘She volunteers and gives skin to skin contact to some of our abandoned newborns, as well as some extra TLC to some of our other babies.’
‘The singing is a new thing,’ Kara says. ‘It seemed to calm a whole bunch of them down at once and made things easier on the nurses.’
‘Well you know what they say about efficiency!’ Lena says.
‘No, what do they say?’
Lena goes completely blank.
‘I... uh.... they say something, I’m sure.’
She’s flatlining in front of this gorgeous woman (a person who volunteers! to hug babies!) who expects her brain to be brilliant. And instead all it can do is yell Kiss her, bitch!!!!!!!!!!! 
‘We should get a move on, Ms. Luthor,’ Ollie says, and Lena should use it as an out, to save herself from more embarrassment. But instead, like the absolute fool she is, Lena finds herself saying,
‘Actually, I was hoping Ms. Danvers could show me exactly what it is she does as a volunteer?’ Ollie looks surprised; this is the first time Lena’s actually seemed interested in the children.
‘Well, it’s quite simple,’ Kara says, leading her towards the babies. ‘You just... cuddle them. Some of their parents can’t be around as much as they’d like, and some don’t have any parents, and there’s loads of studies about the impact touch has on infants and young children.’ Kara reaches into one of the bassinets and fishes out one of the tiniest babies Lena has ever seen. The baby fusses for a second at the disturbance, before settling into Kara’s warm (totally ripped, Lena notices) arms.
‘This is Daisy,’ Kara says, her voice softer. ‘Her biological mom left her on the doorsteps of the fire station over on Fifth and Ninth, and she almost didn’t make it. She just got her cannula taken out yesterday, so the fact she’s breathing by herself is a big deal.’
Lena watches Kara as she holds Daisy, at the love written all over Kara’s perfect face. She thinks maybe she feels jealous. She wishes she could be this sort of kind, the type that lets you love and care for the small and the helpless. The type that radiates from deep within you and brightens everything you come in contact with.
And then Lena remembers why she had refrained from visiting the hospital for so long. A siren sounds from deep in the building, and she watches in confusion as every pager in the vicinity goes off at the same time. Suddenly, her bodyguard appears out of nowhere.
‘We need to go, Ms. Luthor,’ he mutters in her ear. ‘There’s been an attack on the building; they’re targeting you.’
Lena’s heart sinks. She wonders who could be this evil, who could hate her enough to endanger the lives of thousands of children just to bring her down?
She makes a mental note to Lillian off the Christmas card list.
‘We can’t just leave,’ Lena says, feeling some residual goodness from Kara. ‘We can’t leave these babies here!’ She turns to Kara. ‘What can I do?’
Kara, who is now donning a yellow vest with three large pockets on the front and back, hands a matching one to Lena. 
‘What do I do with this?’ Lena asks, panic starting to seep in.
‘You fill it with babies,’ Kara instructs, already lifting babies from their cribs and putting them in her own vest. Ollie puts them in Kara’s back pockets. Lena thinks she’s getting punk’d.
‘Hurry!’ one of the nurses says as a large ‘boom’ shakes the building.
Lena puts on the damn vest.
She feels weighed down by the wiggly, squirmy, crying babies, but all she can really focus on is Kara’s hand in her own (Kara’s other hand holds Daisy against her chest like a pro) as she leads Lena down the fire escape. They’ve descended several flights of stairs and Lena is feeling thoroughly Puffed Out but she can see the light of outside just ahead of her. 
‘Luthor!’ she hears a booming voice say. She turns, finding a very nondescript bad guy standing with a wicked smile on his face, and some fancy weapon in his arms. ‘I have regards for you, from--’
‘From my mother, I know.’
His smile grows even more sinister than before.
‘She asked me to give you a little gift--’ he stops short, his smile slipping. ‘Are you wearing babies?’
She stands up a little straighter. ‘And what about it?’
‘I can’t- I can’t, like, shoot babies,’ he says, clearly uncomfortable.
‘Well then I suggest you leave here before somebody makes you leave,’ Kara growls, depositing Daisy into Lena’s arms, and stepping in between them and the mercenary. Lena ignores how turned on Kara’s voice makes her, more concerned at the baby she now holds in her arms. 
Before the mercenary can say anything else, he’s being punched in the side of the head by Lena’s bodyguard, who is also wearing a baby vest.
‘Right,’ Kara says matter-of-factly as she takes little Daisy back from a grateful, aroused Lena. She does a sort of weird, light bounce and jiggle, clearly trying to keep the babies in her vest calm. ‘Let’s get out of here.’
Hours later, after being questioned by the police, getting the babies back upstairs, and making sure everything was running properly again, Lena’s ready to go home and wash the smell of hospital off her. But she has one last thing to do.
She finds Kara where they first met, with Daisy in her arms.
‘You’re quite remarkable, you know?’ Lena says, and Kara’s head whips up as she hears her voice, a huge grin on her face.
‘Back atcha,’ Kara says, her gaze returning to Daisy.
‘What’s going to happen to her?’ Lena asks, approaching them both. She stands just behind Kara, peering down over her arms at the now-sleeping baby.
‘She’ll find a family who loves her very much and hopefully grow up to be a smart, independent, funny little girl.’
‘And what’s going to happen to you?’ Lena asks, looking up at Kara.
‘I’ll find another baby that needs a cuddle,’ she says. And she hesitates before adding, ‘And hopefully I’ll get to see you again. Maybe something a little less chaotic for our second date.’
Lena laughs loudly, and Daisy stirs momentarily, and Kara rocks her. 
For just a moment, Lena can see this for herself: Kara looking at her with sunshine smile, with her love and kindness. Kara holding very small things that inherit Lena’s brains and Kara’s bright blue eyes. For just a moment, her future seems incredibly, overwhelmingly clear.
She slips her card into Kara’s back pocket, and she kisses her on the cheek. Her hand hovers just above Daisy’s crown, her tiny tufts of hair brushing Lena’s palm.
‘I better be hearing from you,’ she tells Kara with a raised eyebrow. 
‘Promise,’ Kara says, breathless. 
As Lena leaves, she can feel Kara’s eyes on her.
Damn right.
i started a ko-fi account a few months ago when somebody wanted to commission a story, and i feel really weird about posting it here but i guess if you want to help me with my coffee addiction you can lob me a couple bucks on ko-fi?
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lumiolivier · 4 years
The Good Old Days Chapter Nine:  Beauty and the Streets
A/N:  Hi, friends!  Look.  I’m just going to come out and say this now.  This is my favorite chapter title so far.  I don’t know why, but I love it so much.  So, reward my hard ass work with some validation.  Not to sound desperate, but fuuuuuuck.  Anyway, you know where I’ll be if you need me, k? x
ICYMI:  Chapter Eight:  The Power of Observation
I had a feeling deep in my bones that the training I’d have to go through in order to take over for the Old Man someday would be extensive.  There was bound to be parts of said training I wasn’t going to be all that big of a fan.  Being holed up in a dressing room of some ritzy ass department store?  Definitely securing a cozy spot in the top five.  I could feel the weird looks the second I walked in.  What the hell is a piece of shit like me doing in a place like this?  Am I the Old Man’s charity case?  Am I his sugar baby?  Are we even in here together?  Am I lost? At least with the door closed, no one can see me.  No one can cast their unnecessary judgment.
 “Hey, Old Man…” That didn’t mean my skin crawled any less, “Is this all really necessary?”
 “Yes,” he answered flatly.
 “It’s non-negotiable, Frankie,” the Old Man put his foot down, “This girl deserves a little bit of effort, don’t you think?”
 “Yeah, but…”
 “I’m not hearing it, Frankie,” he shut me up, “Take your bitching elsewhere.  It’s barely a step up from what you already got.  You make it sound like you’re being forced to sleep in a three-piece suit.”
 “Top hat and tails,” I jabbed.
 “Alright, smartass,” the Old Man let that one slide.  Gracias a dios.  I thought he would’ve handed my ass to me for something like that, “Subtlety is key with anything.  Like this. It’s not a drastic change by any stretch of the imagination, but it’s just enough of an upgrade to make a slight impact.  If you work in layers with subtlety, the world is yours.  It’s like they say with the frog in the water.”
 “I’m not following you, Old Man.”
 “If you put a frog in boiling water,” he explained, “It’ll want to jump out immediately, right? Water’s too hot.”
 “But,” he added, “If you put the frog in cold water and gradually heat it, the frog has no idea it’s being boiled alive.”
 “Things aren’t working out too well for the frog,” I noticed, “I feel him.”
 “How did your mama ever put up with you, Frankie?”
 “I had two older brothers that made me look better in comparison.  I’m the fucking golden child.”
 “Just…” I heard the Old Man lean against the wall, “Anything that doesn’t look like you got into a fight with a chain link fence.  Or just escaped prison.  I don’t ask much for you.”
 “Fine,” I rolled my eyes, fully dressed again.  Nothing had a hole in it.  Nothing had been fixed.  Everything was in its original state, “There.  Better?”
 “Considerably,” he approved.  But then, a woman came up behind him.  A real beauty, too.  Damn, Old Man…
 She started getting a little closer with him.  Her arms were wrapped around his.  Damn, Old Man…I see you, “How are you doing, Gregorio?  Do you need anything?”
 “I’m wonderful, sweetheart,” the Old Man put her hands up to his lips, “Thank you.  I appreciate it, but I think we got it handled.  Ok?”
 “Ok…” the woman floated away, heavily swooning.  I didn’t get it.  I mean, the Old Man wasn’t the worst looking creature in the world, but somehow, it was more than that.  
 “And that, my dear Frankie,” he threw an arm around me, “is how that’s done.”
 “What did you just do?” I wondered, still totally fucking dumbfounded.
 “You know how I told you to work in subtlety?”
 “That’s how you work in subtlety,” the Old Man took great pride in his work.
 “How many do you got on the hook at once?” I asked.
 “On average?” he thought it over, “Probably four or five, depending on the day.  Would you ever guess I didn’t remember her name?”
 “You don’t even remember her name?” I gasped, “Damn, Old Man.  If you don’t mind me saying this, you’re a fucking hound.”
 “I do what I can,” the Old Man shrugged.
 “So,” I assumed, “That’s why you called her sweetheart.  It makes her feel all special and warm and fuzzy inside while simultaneously saving your own ass.”
 “You’re a quick study, kid,” he smiled, “I’m proud of you.”
 “Thanks, Old Man,” I melted inside.  Just a little bit.
 “I got you taken care of,” the Old Man started pulling price tags off, “You go wait by the door, so they don’t think you’re stealing.”
 “Ok.” I wasn’t going to fight with him.  I’m pretty sure that receipt alone could pay next month’s rent.  That’s not a bill I need to see.  Chances are, I’d throw up.  This was way too fucking nice for someone like me.  I mean, I know it’s going to be me one day, but I didn’t think that one day would come this soon.  Surprises are neat.  And if I do say so myself, I look damn good…
 But none of that mattered. I was about to get the girl.  In a few short minutes, I was going to get the girl. I was going to have my second chance. Unless she stands me up or Veronica didn’t get to her in time or some bullshit like that.  Because that’s my level of cosmic luck.  I hoped to all things holy, unholy, and morally neutral that I’d be able to sit down at the Bean and see her walk in and suddenly have Sixpence None the Richer playing in the background for some ungodly reason. Because it fits.  That’s why.  
 “Hey, Frankie,” the Old Man started walking out.  I’m guessing it’s safe to follow him without setting off the alarms, “Where did you say you were taking this girl again?”
 “The Bean,” I told him, “Why?”
 “I like the Bean,” he smiled a bit, “It’s cozy, quaint, public.  Very old Williamsburg.  And if you go at the right time of the day, the people watching is excellent.”
 “That’s a little unsettling…”
 “It helps with the whole art of observation thing,” the Old Man threw the car door open, “But it’s a little late in the day for me to hit up the Bean.  Peak hours are between eight and nine.”
 “Why do you say that?” I wondered.
 “Old people and hipsters,” he giggled, “Hell of a mix.  The old people don’t know how to react to the hipsters.  The hipsters don’t know what to think of the old people.  The chaos is beautiful, kid.  Like watching art come to life.”
 “Hey, Old Man…” I could hardly sit still, “I…”
 “You’re nervous, aren’t you, Frankie?”
 I hate when he does that, “Yeah.  That obvious?”
 “To a well-trained eye,” he nodded, “What’s got you worried?”
 “What if she doesn’t show up?”
 “Then, you still got coffee today,” the Old Man settled me, “Then, you took yourself out.  It’s not a bad thing to be by yourself once in a while, Frankie.  I’m guessing you don’t get a lot of that.”
 “Not really,” I admitted. Now that I thought about it, I didn’t get much time to myself.  More often than not, I’d be with my brothers or I’d be with Mama or I’d be with someone. I was hardly ever alone.  I always thought that was a good thing.
 “Then, even if she doesn’t show up,” he assured me, “This is not all for naught.  And at the end of the day, you still need to come back to the Narrows.  I got a few places coming up on their collection dues and I don’t know about you, but I’d rather not go do that.  For the plain and simple fact that I don’t want to.  That’s what I have you for.”
 “I know,” I sat and bounced my knee a little more, needing for this excess energy to go somewhere.
 “Tell you what, kid,” the Old Man put a hand on my shoulder, “If this doesn’t go over and you’re stuck here by yourself, we’ll scrap your collection job tonight and do something fun, k?”
 “Thanks, Old Man,” I smiled a bit, “I appreciate it.”
 “That’s what I’m here for,” the car pulled up to the curb.  Holy shit, that was fast, “Now, go on, Frankie.  Go make me proud.  Go get your girl.”
 “That was the plan,” I pushed myself out of the back of the Old Man’s town car and took a step toward the door.
 “Hold on!” the Old Man rolled his back window down.
 “Did you need something?” I wondered.
 “Here,” he peeled off a hundred and put it in my hand, “You don’t need to be running out of money while you’re here.”
 “Old Man…” I gasped, “I’m good.  This is a little…”
 “Nope,” the Old Man cut me off, “Don’t give me that.  Go on, kid. Go get your girl.”
 I looked back up at the Bean’s sign, but when I turned around to yell at the Old Man some more, he was already gone.  Dammit…Well…Here goes nothing.  I walked into the Bean and ordered an espresso and a chocolate chip cookie. Hopefully, the espresso will help calm my nerves a little.  Either that or it’s going to amplify them at least tenfold.  That’s the gamble I’m willing to make.  Please show up, Vanessa.  I don’t care if it’s to spit on my shoes.  I just need to see your face again.  The Old Man might be a little pissed about you spitting on brand new shoes, but I need to see that face.
 “Frankie…?” a husky, yet gentle voice came up behind me.
 Holy shit, it’s her. Yet…This was different.  I got a better look at her in the light.  Power of observation, just like the Old Man said. Slight rip in her jacket sleeve, designer bag, chai latte in her hand, and legs for days…Dios mio, “Yeah…Hi.”
 “Hi,” she smiled, glancing over at the empty seat, “Do you mind?”
 “Please,” I insisted, “Not at all.”
 “So,” Vanessa sat across from me, “I hear you met my little sister earlier this afternoon.”
 “I hear you met my oldest brother last night,” I retaliated with no intentions of getting so defensive. It’s just a default setting.  And now, I feel kind of bad.
 “I’m assuming he was your brother,” she thought, “He said his name was César and said his brother thought I was cute.”
 “Hold on,” I stopped her, “Did he specifically say Frankie or did he say Tony?”
 “He said Frankie,” she assured, “Promise.  But it wasn’t a half bad idea to use Veronica as a go-between.”
 “I wanted to ask you about that,” I told her, “What did you mean you had eyes on you last night?”
 “Just that,” Vanessa started to relax, “My sister.  Violet, not Veronica.  She’s a total fucking narc.  Veronica would take my secrets to the grave.  She knows about loyalty and solidarity between siblings.  Violet would sell me out to our mother for Costco samples.”
 “Hey…” I hushed her, “Don’t knock Costco samples.  Those are worth the membership.”
 “Sorry,” she sighed out, “Violet gets me stressed.”
 “Here,” I broke my cookie in half and handed the other half off to her, “You look like you could use this more than me.”
 “What are we, five?” Vanessa giggled.  I didn’t care about that.  All I needed was to get her to smile again.  I’d hate to see that go away.
 “So what if we are?”
 “Alright,” she gladly accepted my offer, “Frankie…There are some things about me…They’re not exactly desirable.”
 “Really?” I had a hard time believing she was into anything shady.  Considering my recent employment, I doubt she could surprise me, “Try me.”
 “My last name is Scarlotti,” Vanessa confessed, picking at the cardboard ring around her cup, “My family owns half this city.  It’s maddening.”
 “Wait,” I wondered, keeping my voice down, “Do you come from mafia?”
 “No,” she shook her head, “Nothing like that.  My family’s business is a lot more legit than that.  But it doesn’t make it any less like hell.”
 “What makes you say that?”
 “Well,” Vanessa sipped from her latte, “It’s the expectations that come along with it. It’s not so much my dad, but it’s my mother.  You’re Mommy’s perfect princess.  Her debutant. Every action you do immediately reflects on the family, Vanessa.  It’s just…It’s bullshit…And…I’m venting…I’m sorry.  I don’t mean to vent, but…I just…”
 “Vanessa,” I spoke softly, doing my best to calm her down, “It’s alright.”
 “Really?” her spiral slowed, “I’m not scaring you off or anything?”
 “Not at all,” I swore, “Trust me.  I’ve seen my fair share of hell.”
 “I know I should be grateful for the life I have,” she started working on her half of cookie, “Because it could always be worse.  That’s why Violet took me to Williamsburg last night.  She wanted me to see how much worse it could be.  But…”
 “But?” I wondered.
 “I love coming down to Williamsburg,” Vanessa smiled, “If I had my way, I’d live down here instead of the Upper East Side.  I love the little cafés and the clubs down here and…Just the pulse of the city.  It beats different down here than what it does up there.  Manhattan’s a different monster.  But something about coming down to Williamsburg…I have yet to find somewhere else in all five boroughs where I feel more comfortable than here.”
 “I know how you feel,” I gave her a nod, “I’ve lived in Williamsburg for as long as I can remember. But every once in a while, I wondered what it’d be like to live up in Manhattan.  The upper echelons.  The other half.  But at the end of the day, even if I did have the means to move uptown, I don’t think I could do it.  This is still home.  It always will be.”
 “I envy you…” she was quiet for a second, but then, she came to again, looking at me confused, “Why am I telling you all this?”
 “My mother always said I had one of those faces,” I shrugged, “Really and truly, Vanessa, it’s alright.  If you need to vent, then you need to vent.  It’s really not a problem.  Don’t worry about it.  If you want to vent, keep going.  If you want to change the subject, I totally understand.  I’ll leave it up to you.”
 “Better conversation topic please,” Vanessa decided, “Besides, I feel like all I’ve done since I sat down is ramble on about me.  I want to hear more about you.  I already know enough about me.”
 “But,” I caught a glimpse of a clock, not needing to go down the rabbit hole of my tragic backstory quite yet, “We don’t have much time together.”
 “Then…” The Old Man told me to keep an eye on someone’s hands.  What they do when they’re nervous.  Where they are.  But I suddenly found her hand in mine.  They’re…so soft, “We should make the most of the time we have together, shouldn’t we?”
 “What class are you leaving me for anyway?” I teased, hoping I didn’t cut too deep.
 “Communications,” Vanessa rolled her eyes, “Yay.”
 “You don’t need it,” I brushed her off, “I think you communicate just fine.  See?  And I didn’t even need a degree to tell you that.”
 “You’re cute,” she giggled a bit…That laugh…It’s fucking adorable, “As much as I’d love to believe you, I need this class.  Then, hello, graduation day…in two years.”
 “What’s your major?” I asked.
 “Law.” Holy shit, this girl’s going to be a fucking lawyer?  And she’s sniffing around me?  Oh, Vanessa, you are definitely the kind of girl that was put in my path at the right time.  That’s for damn sure, “I’m debating between going into estate planning or being a defense attorney.”
 “Why not both?” I suggested, “A girl like you.  You seem like your brain could handle it.”
 “I’ve thought about it,” she admitted, “But I only have so much in the trust fund.  I need to spend it smart.”
 “I could think of worse ways to spend it,” I figured, “Could pick up a gambling problem…Cocaine…Maybe hookers, if you were feeling particularly spicy one night.”
 “No,” Vanessa laughed some more, “I’ll stick with an education, but thank you.  Your suggestions were greatly appreciated.”
 “If you don’t mind me asking,” I wondered, “Why the hell would you want to go into estate planning?”
 “Are you kidding?” her eyes lit up, sparkling more now than when we first met, “Do you know what kind of front row seat I’d have to some of the most knockdown, drag out family drama? Some of the families my family is connected to, when they’ve had major deaths that involve big wills…Oh, they’re fucking bloodbaths.  The closest of relatives are suddenly the worst of enemies.  Someone gets written out while they’re still alive.  It is an absolute disaster.  From a purely psychological standpoint, it’s fascinating to watch.  Kind of like watching animals at the zoo.  It’s amazing what lengths some people would go through for someone else’s money or their possessions after they’re dead.  It’s so pointless, but it’s still fun to watch.”
 “You know,” I started to worry about this girl and what kind of mental state she was in. However, she had a point.  And a damn good one, “That’s kind of twisted.”
 “I know,” she bit on her lip, “But I can’t help it.  I don’t start the drama, but I sure as hell don’t mind being the occasional spectator.”
 “That’s still kind of twisted…”
 “It’s the same principle as watching a soap opera,” Vanessa shrugged unapologetic, “Only it’s real life and in front of my eyes.”
 I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t watched my fair share of Telemundo with Mama over the years, so I got it, “I like you, Vanessa…”
 “I like you, too,” her smile melted me to my very core.  I think I could keep this one around.  For a little while anyway.  But then, she caught a glimpse of her watch, “Shit…I need to be going.  I hate to run, but…”
 “It’s alright,” I let it go, “I understand.”
 “Thank you,” Vanessa got up from her seat.  
 This was it.  I needed to shoot my shot and shoot it big. This time, I’m not blowing it, “Hey, Vanessa?”
 “Hmm?” she threw her bag over her shoulder.
 “Can I call you tonight?” I asked.
 “Sure,” Vanessa allowed, “How about around nine o’clock?  I should be home.”
 “If I can get a spare minute,” I nodded, “I have to work tonight.”
 “I really hope you do,” she played with a stray lock of her hair, “Because…I’m glad I gave you a second chance.”
 “I’m glad you gave me a second chance, too,” my heart started racing.  Damn near ready to burst out of my chest.
 “It was nice meeting you, Frankie,” Vanessa waved behind her.
 “You, too…” I hated to see her go…But damn, to watch that girl leave was like a work of art.
 Vanessa…She’s definitely something.  That’s for sure.  She’s definitely got some of that debutant in her.  There’s no doubt about it.  But there’s more.  There’s so much more.  There’s a sadist…There’s a sweetheart.  There’s a caged bird begging to be set free.  And if I’m the one to do that, then so be it.  I’d be happy to.  Now that I think about it, I really and truly hated to see her go.  It’s too bad we didn’t get to spend a little more time together.  She didn’t need to be late for her class.  
 And I got to share my cookie with her.  Not to be that guy about it, but I hadn’t shared a cookie with someone since I was probably five.  Dammit, Vanessa, you were right.  Go ahead, corazón.  I won’t stop you.  Now, what to do, what to do.  Dare I go back to the Narrows?  No.  I think I should head home first.  I’m sure someone’s worried about me.  I haven’t been home all day.  And I barely left a note for Tony and César.  Besides, they needed to know about her, too.
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prorevenge · 6 years
Call Me Mean Shit AND Cheat On Your Fiancé? Here, Let Me Ruin Your Dating Life
So, first post here, kinda scared, but oh well. Also, this is kinda very long so, uh, grab your stash of candy or whatever and enjoy I guess. This also happened a few years ago so it's kinda fuzzy
First, I'll introduce you to the cast. The reason I describe their personalities and some of their looks is because it comes into play a little later. A little context is that I come from a considerably large family, with five siblings. My parents died when I was around four (or at least, I've been told), so my older brothers were my main caretakers. Mostly Lukas 'cause he had a lot of time on his hands. We are all blonde with grey/blue eyes except for my only sister, who got most of her traits from our mother.
(these are listed in order from oldest to youngest (for siblings), also, you can probably tell we're of Scandi origin so shut up any racist bastards out there)
Markus: quite tall, around 5'9, but his spiked hair adds to his height, so he really looks like he's 6'2. He is the big dummy of the family, but is still very lovable. Very loyal and it is very rare for him to betray someone. Kinda like a giant puppy or a really tall child. He's super kind and hardworking, and you can rarely see him shout, get angry, or ignore anyone. His personality is very important later
Lukas: also quite tall, around 5'9 as well, but looks hella shorter cause of Markus' goddamn hair. His most prominent feature is his eyes. This hard, cold, emotionless, and dead scary blue eyes. He could kill you with his glare if he wanted. He controls his emotions very well, and it's hard to get him to loose his temper. He's also kind of a drag queen. His personality is also very important later
Erik: on the shorter side, he acts like your insecure and awkward teen all the time. Doesn't like confrontation, and would rather spend his time studying for Uni than actually talking
Hilde: a little taller than Erik, which is embarrassing for him, brunette, hazel eyes, a slightly darker complexion. Acts like an awkward mix between Erik and Markus, her looks are important
WellInTheory: the shortest of the all ;n;, but still considerably tall compared to the average. Looks a lot like Lukas, with grey eyes instead. I have a short temper, if you know how to set it off, but otherwise, I'm pretty chill. The most important thing to note is that: I love my brothers to no end. Hell, I missed one of my Uni finals for Markus *very very very important*
EB: entitled bitch, Markus' fiancée whom I just happen to hate very, very much
Now that we've gone through introductions, let's begin, shall we?
So, here's the background information: Me, Hilde, and Erik are all in UNi. Erik in his third year while me and Hilde were in our second. Luckily, Markus and Lukas have a house so us three are staying there
Markus had come from the local bar with EB. Now, it was 3 AM at the time so none of us knew (he called a cab). In the morning, since I'm always the first to wake up to go to morning lectures, I go down for breakfast, and low and behold, there is EB, standing in the kitchen with my brothers fucking makeup on her fucking face. So naturally, I had no clue she was there and instantly panic. I grab the nearest frying pan and threaten her with it.
Me: Uhm, who the fuck are you, why do you have my brother's make up on, and why the fuck are you in our house?
EB: oh, didn't you know, you must not be very sharp then! Markus brought me home with him~ I'm EB, Markus' girlfriend~~~~~
Me: okay, that explains two questions, now answer the last
EB: what do you mean
Me: *deep inhale* I MEAN, why the fuck do you have my brother's makeup on?!
EB: it's not hissss~
Me: yes it issssssssss (me mocking her)
At this point she just ignores me and pulls her phone out of her purse, and I happen to catch a glimpse of Lukas' eyeshadow palette in it. Of course, I lunge and pull it out of her purse instead of asking for it like a normal person. EB starts shouting at me that "I stole her makeup" and that "you will pay for this!". Yea right. I just stole back something you stole originally. Just at the right time, Lukas comes down, searching for his makeup and his coffee. He notices EB and basically asks her the exact same questions, and she responds with the exact same answers. Another perfect timing, and Markus comes down. Same questions, but now:
Markus: why do you have Lukas' makeup on?
EB: oh this, this isn't his. At least, not anymore. It's not like he needs it, he's so ugly even this makeup can't cover it!~ (keep in mind my brother was constantly getting hit on by boys and girls alike, ie. he's one of the prettiest men out there (its my opinion (no I am not incest (fight me James Charles fans))))
Markus: it doesn't explain why you stole his makeup--
at this, EB cuts him off and starts throwing a fucking tantrum
*dead silence*
EB: whAT/!?!?11/!? oh so NOW you're scared--
Markus: Lukas is my brother...
Needless to say, she was embarrassed, but that did not stop her for ridiculing me
EB: well, that doesn't matter, that little girl shouldn't have reached into my bag, it's a violation of private property
And literally everyone in the room (except maybe Markus cause he's too nice for his own good) was literally like: no u, but in a mental or very quiet way.
Time passes, I get to witness Markus get harasses verbally daily by EB and as he drifts away from our little family.
Finally, the last semester of Uni arrives.
Over the course of multiple stressful weeks, EB just gets more and more annoying, and for some reason, she absolutely hates me and my sister, but mostly my sister. Why? cause she's a racist bitch that clearly doesn't understand genetics.
Markus: cause she's our sister--
Markus: well thats because--
Markus: why?
she turns to me, who had just come through the fucking door
I had just come back from a particularly confusing lecture and my mind was still swimming at the new information thrown at me, and I was now being yelled at the moment I stepped through
Me: ...wha...?
It was all I could manage
She's abruptly cut off as Erik, who had come down a few minutes earlier and was watching from afar, and Lukas stepped in front of me. Lukas gives his signature death glare and leads me away.
Lukas: insult us one more time and you'll be prohibited to come in contact with any of our family, you racist son of a bitch. Markus, you can follow her if you wish.
Erik: I wonder what Markus sees in you...
EB: a- wha- bu- AFAKLDAHFALHF (no really its what it sounded like)
this is surprising cause as mentioned before, Erik HATES confrontation and Lukas rarely looses his temper.
Fast forward a little, I'm hanging out with my friends at the local pub, when suddenly...
EB: AND OMGGGGGG WellInTheory IS SUCH A BITCH11!!!!1!!111!!!!!!
She continues complaining about me loudly, so naturally, I take out my phone and record the whole, goddamn thing. But I also recorded something I didn't expect.
EB, started to french kiss some guy. I don't know what this whore was thinking, but it seemed no one cared except for me. After she finished making out, she starts to complain about me and my sister loudly for another 10 mins or so before leaving.
I captured the whole thing. Markus and EB's marriage was going to happen in less than two days. You know what this means? Simple. Nuclear revenge! In the purest form, over the course of many years! :D
So I drive home as fast as I can without violating any laws, and run into our house. EB had gone home with one of those three men to do some sacrilegious acts, I would presume. I leap up the stairs and crash through Markus' door, then shove the video into his face.
I had to comfort him for five hours. FIVE. HOURS. He was that distraught at the video, and had either cried or hiccupped while ranting to me. Lukas, Erik, and Hilde eventually came in as well, probably to complain about the noise, only to find Markus breaking down and had to help as well.
After he had calmed down enough to form legible words, I presented my nuclear revenge plan. Everyone was in on it in some way or another, and they all loved it.
Fast forward, (wow there are a lot of these) and it's now the wedding day.
Markus had asked whether EB wanted him to invite his siblings, she of course, said no. But here we are, dressed in our best dresses. Erik, being the sneakiest one of all, had switched EB's wedding dress to the exact same dress me and Hilde were wearing an hour earlier. Lukas and Erik were wearing the exact same suit EB's secret boyfriend was and EB's father were wearing. When EB sees us, she goes fucking insane.
Lukas: Really now...? We got invitations~ Signed by you at that
Lukas hands over four invitations that indeed, has her signature on them. She became furious, and of course, started dumping all the blame on me and Hilde. I could clearly tell that my brothers were livid. They however, kept it all in as they waited for the plan to unfold further.
We could tell people were staring at EB, me, and Hilde because of the dresses. We had specifically chosen dresses that better suited me and Hilde's body types, and looked absolutely horrendous on EB. Some brighter people were starting to laugh as they figured out the plan to destroy the wedding. It's time for wedding vows. As request from the four of us, the officiant asked for EB's vow first.
Officiant: do you take Markus as your husband?
EB: yES~~~~
Here, is where shit went down
Officiant: Markus, do you take EB as your wife?
Markus: do I? Well, considering she hates the rest of my living family enough to deny them any access to my wedding, and considering she cheated on me with some random guy... what do you think?
Lukas: considering the points you just listed, I'd say no to this marriage. She always smelt bad, and she would always take forever in the shower anyways...
Erik: agreed. and besides, what whore french kisses a random guy in the public? and you call WellInTheory a slut... Also, the fact you denied wearing and stealing Lukas' makeup... just...
Hilde: take that you racist bitch. I hope whatever's left of your clearly broken family sobers up and disowns you forever. I hope to see you on the streets!!
Me: so I'm the slut, "just out there to get older men", eh? yea, I think not. I mean look at you! You even copied our dress! how shameful. And the fact that your secret boyfriend is here as well, wearing the same suit as my brothers... shame...
EB just stood there, with her mouth easily catching three of four flies per minute
Markus: I think... nah. I'll not marry you. My family's right, you are a disgusting bitch. Now, where's the cake?
The rest of the wedding was spent laughing at, ridiculing, or completely avoiding EB, and a cake fight happened. EB was crying over how "I THOUGHT YOU WERE LOYAL TO ME MARKUS AAAAAAAAGHHHH" or something like that, and every time she tried to rekindle their relationship, Markus would either laugh at her, throw a scalding comment at her, act like she was the black plague, or just flat out ignore her. Remember when I said Markus' personality would be important later? Yea, this was why.
I also stalked her on IG, Facebook, etc. Anytime she got another boyfriend, I sent the video to said boyfriend and warned them and also suggested them to check her phone. They always broke up a day later.
I've mostly gotten over it now, but still occasionally destroy some relationships just to remind her. After all, you mess with my brothers? I ruin your life. Mutual, I think.
(source) story by (/u/WellInTheory)
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crossinginstyle · 6 years
Outlander Fic: First Time Here?
Work Title: First Time Here?
Rating: M Summary: Inspired by that one tweet I saw posted on Tumblr, the one that says; "Shoutout to my bartender. I've been here on dates with 4 different dudes in the last 6 months and he hits me with "Ma'am, is this your first time here? every time. #GoodLookinOutMyMan" Or, the one where Jamie is a bartender and Claire is a long-time customer who keeps bringing in disappointing dates in the months after dumping Frank. Ao3 Link
(Special Shoutout to @sassy-sassenach for the amazing moodboard! Pretty sure she’s psychic considering she made this before reading the fic lol.)
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Chapter 1/2
“Nice place,” Garret said, looking around the dimly lit pub.
“Yeah,” I agreed, trying to look at the mahogany furniture, the tartan wall tapestries, and hear the soft plucking of guitar from the eyes of someone who’d never seen it before. But I was very familiar with Fraser’s Ridge…especially of late.
“Kind of kitschy though,” he said, and I bit back a retort of defense.
It had been like a second home in college, my friends and I had relied on it for a late-night greasy burger on school nights, and cheap beer and whiskey shots on the weekend. And when Frank and I had started dating, it had more or less become our place.
But after four years of dating, and an additional three years of engagement, I discovered that Professor Frank Randall was providing study help with a certain buxom, blonde student named Sandy that didn’t end with flash cards.
Maybe I shouldn’t have relied on my best friend Joe’s advice, which had been to get off the sofa, put away the ice cream, and get back out there and date. Date as much and as frequently as possible. And if those dates ended with a good shag, all the better.
Well, none of my dates so far in the four months since I’d gotten back in the proverbial saddle had ended up in my bedroom, but I had been rather hopeful that maybe Garrett would be the lucky one.
He was tall, handsome, and since we met at the gym I’d seen him shirtless and found the sight very pleasing.
But the way he was sticking his nose up at the pub was making me start to wonder if he wasn’t a bit stuck up himself.
Meanwhile, my other friend, Louise, had advised me against continuing to bring my dates to the pub.
“They’ll know you’re a regular,” she had said. “Someone is bound to ask about the other guy you took there last week. Not to mention it was where you and Frank used to frequent.”
But the pub was where I felt most comfortable, had been long before Frank, and I wasn’t about to let him take it away from me.
And besides, I had an unspoken arrangement with the owner and bartender, Jamie Fraser.
“First time here, lass?” he said, appearing on the opposite side of the bar, wiping a glass.
“Yeah, for the both of us!” I said cheerfully. “What do you recommend?”
“Our cheeseburgers can’t be beat,” he said, simply offering my favorite item on the menu.
“Sounds good to me,” I said. “And a whiskey, please.”
“Same for you?” Jamie asked Garrett, a little less cordially than he had spoken to me.
“God no,” Garrett wrinkled his nose and quirked a grin at me. “You think I got abs like this eating red meat? What vegetarian options do you have, mate?”
Jamie narrowed his eyes at my date, looking like he was just barely managing not to roll them. “Weel, ye can have a cheeseburger…minus the cheese and burger.”
“I’ll just have a wine spritzer,” Garrett said impatiently.
Jamie froze, his rag and glass hanging limply in his hands as he just stared at Garrett in disgust. His gaze slowly drifted to me, and I fixed my own eyes on a water ring on the bar instead.
“I’ll…just get those started for ye,” Jamie said quietly, and I looked up in time to see the bastard’s shoulders shaking as he walked away.
“Weirdo,” Garrett muttered before beginning to regale me on the amount of weight he was able to bench press.
Jamie returned a few minutes later with our drinks. One wine spritzer, and one whiskey – two fingers, a splash of water, exactly how I took it.
He gave me a quick searching look, then one of his characteristic “winks” which amounted to him just blinking with both eyes like a sleepy owl, before walking away again.
“Can you believe that guy?” Garrett said once Jamie was out of earshot. “Here you are on a date and he’s checking you out.”
“He is not,” I laughed. “He’s just being a good bartender.”
Garrett snorted. “Yeah. Sure. How much you think he lifts?”
I glanced over at Jamie, at where his biceps bulged under his rolled up sleeves. “How would I know?” but I did know that while he spent his nights working at the pub, he spent his mornings at his family’s farm, breaking horses, hauling hay barrels, carrying calves. I imagined he could probably lift twice what Garrett could, only in the form of bags of feed.
When I’d been in college, Fraser’s Ridge had been run by Jamie’s father and godfather. I had the fondest memories of Brian and Murtagh bickering behind the bar, teaching a teenaged Jamie how to mix drinks.
When Brian died, Jamie took over his father’s share of it, and the family farm had been left to Jamie’s sister and her husband.
Because I knew all of this, I knew Jamie hardly had time to frequent the gym.
The date never really looked up after that. All Garrett would talk about was exercising and clean eating, and he stared in disgust at my burger.
All of that didn’t stop him, however, from asking to come back my place.
“Um, no thanks,” I said, trying to remain polite about it. “I think I’m going to just call it a night.”
Garrett’s brow furrowed. “The hell you mean? I thought we had an understanding here.”
“Understanding?” I asked. “And just what does that mean?”
He scoffed. “Come on, you hit on me at the gym, flashing your low-cut tank top, invite me to a bar you admit is down the block from your apartment. I buy you some drinks and a burger. What am I supposed to expect?”
I straightened up on the stool, glaring at him. “You’re supposed to expect to have a nice evening of getting to know me. That’s all you get to expect. As for the drinks and burger, thanks, but I can pay for my own.”
“Don’t be a bitch!” he snapped, catching the sight of a shadow appearing over the bar beside him.
Jamie stood there, large and forbidding. “Everything alright here?” he asked, his voice calm and polite, while his eyes were anything but.
“Could I get another drink?” I asked quietly, resignedly. It was our code. If the night was over, but I had no intention of leaving the bar with my date, I’d ask for another drink. Jamie knew that to mean my date needed shown to the door.
“Aye lass, right away,” Jamie said, eyes never leaving Garrett. “You can settle your tab wi’ Murtagh over there, sir. And it will include th’ burger and whiskey.”
Garrett leapt to his feet, chest puffed out. “Like hell it will.”
Jamie slowly came around the bar to our side. What I don’t think Garrett realized was that there was a step there that brought Jamie up to his true height, which…even though Garrett was tall…Jamie had almost a whole head on him.
Garrett snorted and backed down, heading for the register where Murtagh was standing, glaring as forebodingly as his godson.
I sighed in relief once Garrett was gone, and slumped against the side of the bar. And here I’d gone and bought a brand new little black dress for this. Jamie sat down on Garrett’s vacated stool and eyed my sympathetically.
“Are ye alright, Sassenach?”
“I’m fine,” I said. “Just…” I groaned. “Tired.”
“Well I must say, I didn’t think I’d ever see a date of yours I like even less than Frank, but that one came close.”
I chuckled. “Oh come off it, you didn’t dislike Frank when I was dating him. You only hate him because of why I do.”
Jamie wrinkled his nose, but it was considerably cuter than when Garrett did it. “Och, no. I only put up wi’ the bastard for your sake.”
I laughed and shoved at his shoulder. “Well you might have said something sooner! Maybe I would have dumped him before he had the chance to cheat on me.”
“If I’d known ye would have listened to your bartender, I would have!”
I smiled in thanks at Murtagh, who set two glasses of whiskey before us. “Come on, Jamie, everyone knows there’s no one in the world you can trust more than your bartender. Besides, you’ve known me forever.”
“Aye, I have,” he said softly, and I looked over at him puzzledly, wondering at that tone.
He shook it off though and straightened, taking a sip of whiskey. “How many is that, anyway?”
“How many drinks or how many guys?” I clarified, and he gave me a teasing look.
“I ken exactly how many drink’s ye’ve had, Sassenach.”
I rolled my eyes up to the ceiling. “That’s…oh God…six! Six different first dates in four months…and no second ones. What’s wrong with me, Jamie?”
“Not a thing,” he said firmly. “You’re intelligent, witty, no’ to mention gorgeous.”
My eyebrows raised in surprise. In all the years Jamie and I had been friends, he’d never showered me with compliments like this…nor had he ever looked at me that way before.
“Ye may no’ have th’ best taste in men though,” Murtagh muttered as he passed by.
“Be nice, ye auld coot,” Jamie chuckled.
“He has a point,” I admitted. “But I’m done. I am swearing off of men. I’ve lasted this long with only my vibrator for company, after all.”
Jamie had been mid-sip when I spoke, and he inhaled suddenly, causing him to cough and splutter and turn a marvelous shade of red that matched his hair.
“Christ!” he exclaimed, but whether it was about choking or what I’d said, I didn’t know, but I laughed hysterically either way.
“You’re so easy to fluster!” I cried, nearly falling off my stool.
He glowered at me, though he face was still pink. “Not as easy as that other guy. What, two, three dates ago? Karen?”
“Casey,” I corrected drolly.
“Casey,” Jamie scoffed. “Ye crossed your legs in that wee green skirt of yours and he near went into cardiac arrest.”
I chuckled. “Yeah, he was cute.”
“So why didn’t ye see him again? At least he was a gentleman.”
Shrugging, I re-crossed my legs, and didn’t miss the way the movement drew Jamie’s eyes. “I don’t know. I just didn’t feel any spark with him I guess. Hey wait…you remember what I wore three weeks ago?”
Jamie huffed and shrugged his own shoulders. “Oh…well…I didn’a know for sure. Lucky guess.”
“Sure,” I said, smirking. “So…how are things going with that girl you were seeing?”
“Annalise?” he asked. “Oh…no, we broke up months ago.”
I frowned. “Really? You didn’t tell me. What about that other girl? The one Murtagh said was following you around like…and these are his words…a dog in heat. Leghair?”
Jamie laughed, and my eyes were curiously drawn to the way his jugular moved. “Laoghaire? Christ no! After trying to let the lass down gently, I later found out that she’d gotten hold of a lock of my hair somehow and made a fucking voodoo doll!”
I laughed along with him, hand over my mouth. “How do you think she got your hair?!”
“Dinna ken…but I think she paid one of my nephews for it.”
I shook my head. “So basically we’re both bad at relationships.”
Jamie frowned in affront. “I’ll have ye know I’m a verra good boyfriend.”
“That so?” I asked, wondering how a man could smell so damned good between working at a farm and a bar.
“Oh aye. If you’re ever in the mood tae find out, just let me know.”
I glanced up at him in surprise, and found him looking away, his fingers tapping nervously on his jean-clad thigh. I reached over and covered his hand with mine, drawing his eyes back to mine.
“And just…what would you do? As my boyfriend?”
“Well…” he began, smiling shyly. “I’d start wi’ taking ye out to a nice dinner. Watching ye eat a burger is a treat tae be sure, but our first date should be different. We could go dancing, then walk through the park.”
“Sounds romantic,” I said. “And I suppose you’d walk me home?”
“Of course I would. Straight to your door, as is proper.”
“And then what?”
His cheek dimpled as he fought down his smile. “Weel, a kiss on th’ first date may no’ be proper, but perhaps if the night has gone well, I might ask if it’s okay.”
I let my hand run over his, delighting in the feel of the calluses on his palm. “And if I say yes?”
“Then I will,” he said quietly. “I’ll try tae make sure it’s one to remember.”
“And then?”
He chuckled. “And then I say goodnight, and that I’ll call ye the next day, only I’ll probably text you that night, since I can hardly wait to talk to ye again.”
“And…what if I ask you inside for coffee?”
Jamie affected a mock scowl. “Now then, lass, I’m no’ that kind o’ man. Ye’ll have to wait until at least the…third date.”
I nodded solemnly. “Quite right. No sense rushing. I suppose the only step now is…to ask me out.”
A hand suddenly slammed down on the bar next to us, making us both jump. Murtagh leaned over, eyes dancing behind his scowl.
“If you two dinna stop your blathering and get out of here, I’m going tae pour a bottle of seltzer on ye.”
“You heard the man,” I said, hopping off my stool and dragging Jamie with me.
“But all th’ restaurants will be closed now,” Jamie pointed out.
“You can still take me on a walk through the park. Besides, how many drinks have you bought me over the years? If you count those as dates, this has been our, what, fiftieth? Don’t you think it’s time to…come over for coffee?”
Jamie’s eyes widened comically, and I used his surprise as distraction so that I could stand on tiptoe and kiss him.
I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t always somewhat wondered what it would be like to kiss Jamie Fraser. And right then the only thought it my mind was…
“Jesus H. Roosevelt Christ why haven’t I done this sooner?”
“My thoughts exactly,” Jamie whispered, and I blushed at the realization that I’d said the words out loud.
We left the pub hand in hand, Murtagh shaking his head at us as we went.
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fearofaherobrine · 6 years
Roleplay Server Log #397
"Nether Rescue, Plucked Phoenix, Pineapple Curl”
[Winston] Dispatches of a couple of wither skeletons that had charged them at the top of the fortress-
[Helm] - forcably guides Legion into the fortress halls, which other than Winston, is eerily quiet - There should no one in here, the battle wiped everyone out. Why are they here?
[Winston] - Just because they were wiped out in the past doesn't mean a few wouldn't come back. For awhile this would be the safest place if there were very few here
[Helm] - frowns, remembering their not to distant past - There are far more than any of us liked, the meanest biggest one commands the rest. They control... Or rather attempt to, the other mob's... And not obeying isn't an option. That's why I left when I had a chance.
[Winston] - Don't worry, I will not allow you to be dragged back into all of this
[Helm] I'm more worried they found Sammn.
[Doc] if there's Someone making trouble here I'm happy to take them out. I don't need the headache of organized hostile mobs.
[Winston] - If it comes down to it, the Matter can take command here
[Helm] The only thing preventing that is most of my kin... aren't the brightest. The Skells spent more time coraling them & getting them to listen than working on more elaborate plans.
[Sammn] - drags herself up & starts trying to figure out a way out. It doesn't take long to figure out she's in a small 3x3 sealed space. Putting her head against the warm wall, she struggles to listen for any sounds.
[Doc] Is following her signal and hir boots ring sharply on the nether brick floor. - I don't think involving Cp is necessary.
[Winston] - For now
[Doc] Rounds on him- no, not ever. If i have to rage around here myself to put things in order I will. I'm not having Cp organize an army under my nose and then bitch about how stressed out he is. I hate to pull this card, but I pay the rent here. He doesn't.
[Sammn] - thinks she hears faint voices, but can't be sure. Not knowing what was surrounding her, she doesn't want to risk teleporting. Drawing her knife, she starts striking the wall, giving off a dull ringing -
[Winston] - I am not arguing with you Doctor, just stating what I know works
[Legion] - has lagged behind, stopping in an intersection. Giving a look toward the others, it hops down a different hall -
[Doc] Glances back- unless you want to be lost you better get your cubic butt back here.
[Legion] - grumbles but slowly hops back -
[Winston] - How much farther Doctor?
[Doc] She's very close... Sammn?
[Winston] Keeps an eye on their surroundings-
[Sammn] - hears something and starts hitting the wall harder -
[Winston] Turns his head towards one of the walls, hearing the thuds- Doctor...
[Helm] - goes over to the wall, listening - What is that?
[Doc] I'm gonna find out- They start breaking the wall away with gusto. - Hang on, we're coming!
[Sammn] - hears louder voices and backs up -
[Doc] Breaks through the wall- Sammn! Are you hurt???
[Sammn] - blinks in surprise - Doc? What are you doing here?
[Helm] - peaks into the hole and sighs in relief - We have been looking for you.
[Doc] Looking for you! You've been missing for days. Your pigman friend and pet bird were beating the fuck out of Legion because they thought it did something to you.
[Sammn] Days? - stumbles out - And why where you beating Legion, Helm? [Helm] Cause since it did this - looks annoyed as they point out her arm with the blackened area on her wrist - you have been acting strange. Then you suddenly disappear and it ran off.
[Doc] Do you remember anything?
[Sammn] I remember thinking I needed to get somewhere I could think without it hurting. - looks confused - But, now... It's started again.
[Legion] Our mark should not be causing pain.
[Doc] Either way, I think we should get out of here.
[Winston] - Agreed, I can hear others farther down
[Doc] Shall we take the fast way now that we're not worried about wrecking or being noisy?
[Helm] Yes, the faster the better.
[Doc] Goes back down the hall a little. And shapeshifts, breaking the ceiling away and then headbutting a wall so the blocks make a crude slope back down to the shore of the lava lake-
[Helm] - climbs out, stopping to help Sammn -
[Legion] - growls and starts hopping it's way down, slipping halfway and tumbling the rest of the way down -
[Doc] Oooch. I'd help you but you said it's not safe to touch you. - they scuttle down the slope and protect the others as they run back to the portal.
[Winston] Traverses the terrain easily-
[Legion] - more grumbling as it rights itself -
[Doc] Picks up a block and uses it to push Legion fully upright.
[Legion] - flails at the block - Cease, we are fine.
[Sammn] - watches them, then turns to look around the area. When she does, it becomes clear there is a large red stain on her side, with several small holes burned into her dress.
[Doc] Sniffs at her. - You are very injured... -They hurry her to the gate- Go inside. I'll go last-
[Helm] - shuffles her ahead and through -
[Winston] Steps through as well-
[Legion] - follows -
[Doc] Shrinks down and changes hir mode to survival again briefly before crossing through.
[Mb] Is loafing on the other side. - Have fun chuckleheads?
[Sammn] - once thru, groans in pain - [Legion] - stares at Sammn's side - The Mark has been triggered again.
[Doc] Do you know what it's responding too?
[Legion] - it's orange eye looks at Doc - She was our Host. What triggers it, we do not know, but it prevented us from taking full control.
[Doc] Geeze... And you said I can't heal it for you...? What if I tried to numb it by cutting your connection to that part of your skin?
[Sammn] I don't know, you can try.
[Mb] How bout you get the fuck out of my place first?
[Doc] Yes, yes. Come on, let's go to my house.
[Winston] - If you do not mind, I will return to my Master's place
[Doc] If you wish, thank you for your help Winston.
[Winston] Nods respectfully before heading off-
[Doc] Offers Sammn an arm and helps her walk the short distance to the side door.
[Sammn] - each step makes her flinch more and more. At the door, she pulls away from Doc. - Stop, stop.
[Doc] What? What's the matter?
[Sammn] When you touched my arm, it got worse. Considerably.
[Doc] Pulls away uncertainly - Am I the one setting it off???
[Sammn] I don't know, it has been hurting on and off as I've been traveling around. Out by my place, it hurts less. Over here, it's constant.
[Doc] Is it proximity to Herobrines in general?
[Sammn] - looks worried - That would make sense, but why?
[Legion] -garble-laughs as it's orange eye glows - It is his Mark, His summoner.
[Doc] So... it's trying to keep you out of the influence of other brines? Maybe?
[Sammn] - looks angry - I am rapidly getting tired of this.... I can't think straight, I can't sleep. I can't remember why? I'm beginning to think it would have been better to just have left me wherever you found me.
[Doc] Looks rather hurt - I'm just trying to help... I think we need to find your friend. And if you're that desperate.... I know a place with no brines and you won't be expected to do anything.
[Sammn] - tries to calm down - I'm not ungrateful Doc, I know you are not the cause of my issues. No one here is. My apologies... I just feel broken.
[Doc] Wilts- I know that feeling all too well.... But my offer stands. No brines.
[Sammn] - shakes head - No. Trying to avoid it hasn't helped, so maybe it's time to confront it head on.
[Doc] I wonder what would happen if you got close to the big summoner?
[Sammn] Big summoner?
[Doc] Points to the high skinny tower behind the shrine. There's a black beacon at the top of it ringed by flaming netherrack- It's mostly full of slime blocks but there's a basic summoner tower at the top and a special reversed summoner TLOT built for Steve.
[Sammn] At this point, I'm willing to try. It's either that or get someone to look at my dreams.
[Doc] Let's try this first and then bug Cp. I wonder if... - Xe calls for Deerheart over the chat.
[Deer] Responds and starts making her way towards them-
[Doc] Waits for hir mate-
[Deer] - Comes out- Yes love?  What do you need?
[Doc] For some reason me touching Sammn is paining her. Sammn? Can you just graze Deerheart and see if it's the same with her?
[Sammn] - reaches out and touches her, then shakes her head - Nothing. Who's the next closest Brine?
[Doc] Well I was thinking... Deerheart? Can you fly Sammn over near the summoner?
[Deer] - Sure, I can do that- She steps away and shifts her shape- Climb on Sammn
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[Sammn] - climbs on -
[Deer] Flies her up to the summoner- Here we go
[Sammn] - braces herself, expecting the worse -
-At the top of the tower the golden summoner burns merrily and it's diamond echo glitters in the sunlight above the room-
[Sammn] - can feel some weird pull - How close can you get?
[Deer] - I can knock out some of the glass and you can go right in if you want?
[Sammn] Please.
[Deer] Carefully knocks out a couple blocks and gets close enough for Sammn to jump in-
[Sammn] - jumps in and stumbles as the pull gets stronger. Walks toward the golden summoner, each step increasing the pull. Reaching out, the symbol on her side flares bright red and burns her dress over it. Forcing herself to touch the summoner, she screams but keeps her grip. For one brief second, anyone sensative to the summoner feels its pull and it's gone. Sammn releases her grip and plops down, dazed.
[CP] In chat- Who's fucking doing what now!?
[Mb] chat- Stop playing with that fucking thing!!!
[TLOT] chat-  Is someone in trouble?
[Sammn] - blinks a few times then slowly manages to access chat - I think u were right doc that hurt
[Doc] Is fretting. - You called out at least. The summoner does reach beyond the server when it's used intentionally. The only way to increase the range is to.. throw a live animal on the fire....
[Helm] - is freaking out - What!
[CP] In chat- You'd just call me if you did that Doc
[Doc] chat- You're not the only Herobrine that likes a sacrifice Cp.
[Mb] Chat- Yeah, I like a good BBQ.
[Sammn] - closes eyes and hears something, not with her ears. It's a faint voice, fimilar but she can't make out any words. Opening her eyes, she types in chat - Doc I can hear someone
[Doc] chat- That's a good start. Can you get a sense of a direction? Or understand what they're saying?
[Sammn] direction sorta words no
[Deer] Quietly- Sammn?  Do you need help getting out?
[Sammn] - looks up and tries to get up, fails and plops back down - Probably. Don't feel like I have the energy to do much but sit. Sorry.
[Deer] Shifts back and slips inside- It's okay, I'll take you to one of the recovery rooms if you want
[Buff] Peeks up from the stairwell- Is everyone okay up here?
[Deer] - Ah, perfect timing Buff, do you think you can help me move Sammn?
[Sammn] - looks dazedly at Buff -
[Buff] Sure! I'd love to help. - He notices the big bloodstain- You look hurt! I'll be gentle. - He scoops her up as easily as a kitten and cradles her to his huge chest. - Where are we going too?
[Deer] - The recovery rooms downstairs
[Buff] Absolutley! -Starts walking downstairs.
[Doc] in chat- Is everything okay over there?
[Deer] In chat- For the most part yes, I'm having Buff help me move Sammn to a recovery room
[Doc] Good- They glance over- Legion, Helm, you two should still come inside.
[Helm] - darts toward the door in a panic -
[Legion] As you wish.
[Doc] And if you want food ASK. I have pets, leave them alone.
[Buff] Takes Sammn all the way across the house and down to a warm room near the lava pools in the lab.
[Sammn] - is mumbling - The lieutenants needs to move the others .. (mumble) Only the knights... (mumble)
[TLOT] Hears them coming and comes up the stairs with Steve to check on them- Oh dear.
[Steve] Sammn?
[Buff] Poor thing.
[Deer] - I wouldn't get too close TLOT
[TLOT] Okay.... - he stays outside the door to the room.
[Sammn] - mumbles - Take the king out first...
[Steve] Is she dreaming about chess?
[TLOT] I can find out? - He brushes her mind to see what's going on.
- Sees a castle under seige, a flash of people fighting next to mobs, attacking armored people. Normal people are running away. A cowering old man, dressed in red and royal blue, begging. Then what looks like a Steve attacking. Halls rushing by, then a room with 2 figures: a Brine, on the ground with a Notch moving toward them with a glowing hammer. Running, a shield rising and the hammer shattering it while someone screams "no", then nothing -
[TLOT] Uses his abilities to relay the image to Doc and Cp. Steve, Buff and Deerheart also get the gist of it since they're nearby.
[CP] Responds with a sharp mental jab- AM I SERIOUSLY NOT ALLOWED FIVE MINUTES OF PEACE!?
[TLOT] Winces- OOOWWW! Don't fucking do that!
[Doc] Is at the top of the stairs and unsure how to get Legion down them.
[Legion] - leers at the steps, then sighs - Move, Doctor. - with its tentacles, it tips itself and flop falls down to land surprisingly, upright. Another annoyed sigh and it hops out of the way.
[Doc] Sorry. I feel bad not helping... - They follow it down and then stand with TLOT in the doorway.
[Helm] - comes racing behind, looking for Sammn -
[Doc] She's right here Helm, it's okay.
[Steve] Yikes!
[Helm] - comes to sudden halt seeing her, then turns to sign - Are you sure?
[Steve] OH! - He signs to the pigman- She's just passed out.
[Helm] - frets - I don't like this, but as long as she's ok.
[Doc] We'll look after her.
[Violet] Comes up behind them with a bit of a bony rattle-
[Buff] Tucks the blanket over Sammn a bit.
[Deer] - Just let her rest for now
[Buff] I'll sit with her for a bit. I wasn't doing anything much.
[Helm] - darts over and sits on the floor next to the bed. Then signs to Legion - Don't make me go looking for you demon! I will have Wright rip your eyes off! [Legion] - grumbles, but tucks its tentacles into itself and leers at Helm with its blue eye - As you demand, beast.
[TLOT] No need for fighting or insults. I'm more concerned about Sammn right now.
[Deer] - Come on, we should leave them be for now
[Doc] Stands back so the others can leave the room.
[Buff] Stays with Sammn-
[Steve] Gestures vaguely at Legion- Um????
[Doc] Just don't touch them.
-NK has reached out mentally for TLOT, and upon finding him places a single query that translates to "Where are you?" -
-After a moment it's appended to "I'm ready to take your offer on looking through my memories, if you're still offering."-
[TLOT] Stops placing blocks and responds mentally. - I'm in the desert working on the dinosaur pen. If you want to come over.
[Yaunfen] Is playing with Fru, trying to keep them occupied.
[Waffles] Tries busking on Steve and almost knocks him over.
[Steve] Hey!
[NK] -I'll be over in a minute. Thank you.-
[Yaunfen] What's going on?
[TLOT] Nk needs a hand with something.
[Steve] It's okay Yaunfen, I'll keep working.
-Nk comes trudging over a hill toward the group, A lightfoot is scuttling along after him-
[TLOT] hops up on the wall and points at a small sandhill a little ways away that will let him climb up on the edge of the partially built wall.
[Yaunfen] Peeks over- Hi Nk! [dragon form]
[Nk] -Is quick to make it over, the lightfoot huffs since they can't before taking off- Hey... Yaunfen, was it?
[Yaunfen] Yep!
[Fru] Also wanders close, snuffling around.
[TLOT] You haven't met Doc's kiddo Nk?
[NK] Oh I have, I just wasn't sure if I remembered the name right. -Sheepish look- -Completely calm as Fru sniff snoffs his hair very close up.-
[Yaunfen] Giggles- This is Fru.
[TLOT] A result of my seed bleeding into theirs apparently. Doc says they're a type of redeye?
[NK] Oh yes, I'd say that for sure. Hello Fru. -Calmly pats Fru as Fru sniff snoffs his hair one more time-
[Fru] Gives Nk's hair a lick and makes a face.
[Yaunfen] BAD.
[TLOT] You're fine as long as you don't have candy on your person.
[NK] Oh you're usually fine with Redeyes as is, as long as you have a scarab. -Pushes his now slimy hair back into place.- Now I was here... about your offer to help me with my memories?
[TLOT] Of course. Let's get down on the ground.
[Yaunfen] I can help! - They grab Nk in their paws and put him on the ground gently-
[TLOT] Just hops down and lets his boots take the brunt of the impact.
-The ground of the pen is already the cake dirt blocks form Yaunfen's seed.-
[Fru] Wanders over to menace Steve a bit-
[Steve] Arrgh!
[Waffles] Is having a noisy drink in the little pond of fizzy soda/water
[NK] Well that's an interesting dirt block. Thank you Yaunfen.
[Yaunfen] You're welcome, and they're tasty too! excuse me! - They pad over quickly to herd Fru away from Steve.
[TLOT] Wait, you know about the scarabs too right? We think we found the equivalent on the candy seed. - He takes out the lollipop with the bug in it and shows it to Nk.
[NK] Of course.. Let me see.... Yes, that looks like it'd definitely be one.
[TLOT] Good. They tend to get a bit out of hand, especially as big as they are. Shall we find a spot in the shade to sit down?
[NK] Sure, after you. I'd also invest in making a copy of it, you'll need it if you accidentally hatch any others like that.
[TLOT] Good call. - He motions for Nk to follow and they go to a far corner of the pen where there are a few scattered chocolate wood blocks by the trap door out. He dusts a bit of loose sugar off one and sits on it.
[Yaunfen] Running Fru in circles with a toy like one would a cat-
-NK sits down himself by TLOT-
[NK] So how does it work?
[TLOT] Shrugs- I'm naturally psychic. And being the native here enhances my abilities. -He focuses on Nk and cocks his head slightly, thinking. His eyes seem to get brighter and brighter until they're all Nk can really focus on. He makes a small gesture like opening a door and digs a little deeper, gently poking around in Nk's thoughts.
-There's a thump as Fru bumps into the the wall.
[Yaunfen] Whoops! Be careful!
[NK] I... see.... -His voice trails off and TLOT finds that once he gets to NK's memories he... can't go any further?-
[TLOT] Hmmmm, you have a sort of..blockage...? Like your memories are knotted up. But it doesn't feel alien. More like you've repressed some memories....
[NK] I... had a feeling that was the issue. I could get to a certain point and just... nothing. People with one of these, -He taps a claw against the diamond in his chest- recall their memories differently... Hmm... Can... Can you fix it? Or give me a hand?
[TLOT] Can you be more specific about how you mean 'differently'? I don't want to damage your brain if it's set up in some strange way.
[Waffles] Wanders over hoping for pets-
[NK] I... It's hard to explain to people who don't have their minds set up this way.... Uhh… Here. -He presses at TLOT's mind and a vague impression crosses over, it's NK standing in an empty room, with a single door infront of him. He's confused, as beyond the door is.. nothing?- That's why I.. finally decided to ask for help. I've never just had... nothing, in my memories. It's... disconcerting.
[TLOT] That's helpful for visualization at least... - He tries again, this time seeing himself next to Nk. He guides the other brine closer to the door in his mind. - Perhaps we just need to look at it from a different angle. - He presses on the wall around the door, moving it inexorably backwards until the door is just free standing in the room. He leads Nk around to the opposite side of the door- Now try opening it from this side.
-Now, they can see something blurry through it, It's nowhere near clear or concise, but it seems to make sense to NK as he takes a tentative step through. He looks back at TLOT as though to invite him through that mental door, if he'd like to join him.-
[NK] It's... Hm.... I don't understand why I would have blocked this out...
[TLOT] Gets the feeling strongly - I'll walk with you. They're just memories. - He follows Nk
-They're fuzzy to TLOT, but the longer he stays with NK, the clearer they seem. Memory NK is pacing back and forth in what looks to be a throne room. TLOT might remember it from a picture Prince showed of a younger Mix. So far it seems.. Bland, almost.-
[Tlot] Adds some power to Nk's recollections, trying to bring them into a sharper relief.
[NK] What are... you doing? -He doesn't seem to notice it get clearer, which implies perhaps he was seeing it fine, and TLOT, outsider to NK's mind, was seeing it differently.-
-Memory NK seems downright livid as he paces, glancing at the throne every turn with a scowl.-
[TLOT] Someone seems very agitated...
[NK] Yes... But I don't know why. I can't tell when this was... -He makes a sliding motion with one hand and the memory seems to jut forward, and Memory NK turns to leave.- Well if it wasn't later on.....  -Memory NK walks straight through them both, and NK turns to watch him leave.- Maybe... before?....
[TLOT] Shrugs- It's your mind....
[NK] Or maybe... It was over a large amount of memories... Here, follow. I'm going to skim through... Something had to happen for me to block it out... I don't just go removing access willy nilly… -He starts walking and the memories pass by. There's even one of child Mix being carried over memory NK's shoulder. Still not awful...-
[TLOT] Is just sightseeing, trying not to disturb any infrastructure, he does smile at child Mix though.
-There's... more memories of Mix as a child, just simple things, really. And then the memories start getting.. Odd, structure wise. It's like looking at them through a kaleidoscope...-
[NK] We must be getting close...
[CN] After sending Winston towards Doc has heads inside and goes to his room. He opens the door and peaks in- Firebird?
-Firebird looks up at CN, Hands pausing in picking the blue feathers from his body -
[Firebird] Yes CN?
[CN] Notes the blood welling up where the feathers have been pulled and the feathers scattered about the room- What are you doing?
[Firebird] Removing the feathers, why? - He looks... Bare, with so few feathers. The crest on his head is almost absent, with only a handful of feathers remaining, and his tail is no better.. -
[CN] - You're hurting yourself...
[Firebird] It's fine, CN. Don't worry. What did you come up here for?
[CN] Everyone else is out... And it is my room!- He's trying to discretely type in chat for either Mix or Flowey to come over
[TLOT] This all looks pretty ordinary, I wonder why you blocked it out?
[NK] I... Don't know. But the unstable nature of these memories is... It's odd. Its like I sustained damage to my spell stone. But it's still whole in all these memories.... Maybe if we go straight to the end? - Soon the memories are going by faster than you can make anything clearer out. A flash of Prince, Kraz reclining on a Thorntails back and talking with Memory NK, and then there's nothing. - Oh, that's too far...
[TLOT] You seem to be pretty good at navigating. Are you sure there's something mising?
[NK] I mean... I don't know why else my memory would be messed up... -The memory isn't actually nothing, at a closer inspection it's him out in the void between games. Memory NK lays face down on the "ground"-
[TLOT] Did you just cut it out since you were basically in a sensory deprivation space? That might have saved your sanity being out there so long.
[NK] I... Maybe? But my spell stone is.. Hm. - He bends down to check- oh, it is broken now. Odd. How far....
[TLOT] Yes, I understand it was broken when you were found. Wasn't there some kind of explosion that lodged Prince's bits in other people too?
[NK] That's he thing. I don't know why Prince's were like that. I know I had one but.. Oh, that's already in my hand... -he's poking his own memory hand thoughtfully -
[TLOT] Decides to dig a little deeper and puts a hand on Nk's shoulder to help him remember- It's there... I think you just have to want to know badly enough... - He feeds some of his energy into his brother brine.
-There's a knock on Litch's door-
[Licht] Groans but goes to the door and opens it- Yes?  May I help you?
[Postman] Package miss. Can you sign for this please? - Holds out the little machine and stylus.
[Licht] - Uh, sure- She takes the items and signs her name, but she doesn't remember ordering anything
[Postman] Gives her a rather heavy box and smiles politely before going back to her little truck.
[Licht] Brings the package inside and looks at who it's from-
[EAlex] Waits for Licth to come back in before creeping up. - What is it?
-It's addressed to her from 'Collin Street' -
[Licht] - A  package I don't remember ordering from...- She puts the box down and grabs a small knife before slicing away the tape
[EAlex] Just watching curiously-
-Inside are two red tins with weird designs on the front.-
[Licht] - The hell?- She pulls out her phone to look up what she's gotten and she see's a message which she opens stating that she'll be getting a package- Well that's helpful...
[EAlex] Reads the phone- Oh, this should have been recieved days ago. Doc ordered cakes?
[Licht] - Oh right, they didn't know what a fruitcake was, that's right
[EAlex] Well it looks like one of them is for us. I guess because they couldn't sign for it themselves?
[Licht] - Because they don't have an address
[EAlex] Gives us another reason to visit I suppose. This tin is super heavy. - She levers it open- Oh! It's so colorful!
[Licht] - Yeah, fruitcake can be.  But visiting them will have to wait, I have to be getting to work
[EAlex] Do you mind if I...?
[Licht] - Go ahead, I've had it before
[Firebird] -Picks another feather out-
[CN] Waits nervously, he wants to help, but he has no idea how to make potions, and he doesn't feel comfortable leaving Firebird to go grab some healing flowers-
-It starts to rain outside and there's a lot of pattering as someone rushes into the house and shuts the door-
[CN] Perks up a little and pokes his head out onto the bridge yo see into the main room- Hello?
[Chester] Is soaked and shivering. He's running his shirt through his inventory to dry it.
[CN] - Are you okay?
[Chester] Skitters up towards him a bit and comes onto the bridge- Just got wet. My spider part is fuzzy and it's hard to dry off.
[CN] - Then why not use the lava pool?
[Chester] I was going to. I was just closer to the front door. It's really quiet... where is everyone?
[CN] - Um...  Notch has the baby, and I don't know where Lie and CP are...
-There's a crack of thunder outside-
[Chester] I hope they're okay.
[CN] Shrugs-
[Chester] Looks down and his eyes go a bit wide and frightened- There's... Cn... you didn't hurt them... did you?
[CN] - What do you mean?
[Chester] Is a teeny bit poofy- You have blood on your shoes...
[CN] Looks down- Oh, well, Firebird is hurt!  But...  I don't know how to make potions...
[Chester] Are you sure Lie doesn't have some?
[CN] - I don't know...
[Chester] She's got stuff to do it right? And lots of books?
[CN] - Well, yeah...  It's all downstairs in the workroom
[Chester] Do you want to... Like go and see?
[CN] - I don't know...  What if Firebird does something while I'm gone?  And hurts himself worse?
[Chester] Okay. I'll go. You stay here. - He turns to go into the workroom. He creeps into the shadowed space and the lightning throws his half spider shape in frightening shadows on the wall. He doesn't notice the sleeping figure in the bed, and his teeny claws tap lightly on the stone floor.
[Stevie] Stirs a little-
[Firebird] -Just continuing to absent mindedly pick blue feathers out. Almost all of the back of his head is bare, and his tail is so short. So, so short.-
[Chester] Bumps into the bed accidently with one spindly leg-
[CN] Steps back into the room- Firebird?
[Stevie] Jerks awake- Nether!- He then falls off the bed
[Firebird] -Head turns to look at CN- Hmm?
[CN] - Umm...  One of CP's mobs...  He's gonna try to get a potion for you...
[Chester] Whoops, sorry! I didn't see you there!
[Stevie] - What are you doing?
[Firebird] Alright CN.
[Chester] Looking for some kind of healing potion or a book on how to make them?
[Stevie] - Why?
[CN] - Please stop Firebird...
[Chester] Because the bird NOTCH is hurt- Thumbs back toward's Cn's room.
[Firebird] But....
[Stevie] - Ugh, okay, hang on a minute.  I'll see if there is anything- He gets up and starts digging through the chests near the brewing stand-
[CN] - Your hurting yourself...
[Chester] Taps around a bit nervously. - You're the master's little brother right?
[Stevie] - Er…  Yeah, I am- He looks through a few bottles before pulling too healing potions out, ones a regular potion, and the other is a splash potion
[Chester] Was going to shake his hand but it's occupied with bottles now- Chester.
[Stevie] - Right, anyways here are the potions you wanted
[Firebird] But..
[CN] - Please?  Can't you just wait for molt?
[Chester] Thank you! Oh, sorry to inturrupt your nap too- He takes the bottles and hurries back up to the bridge-
[CN] Hears Chester approaching- Ah!  The potions!
[Chester] Hands them over and catches sight of Firebird- Sir! Do you need a calming draught too? I read someplace birds pluck themselves when they're in distress...
[CN] Looks between the two potions with uncertainty, not sure which to give Firebird-
[Firebird] I'm fine,  the regular potion will do.
[CN] Hands it over-
[Chester] Should I... call for someone? You don't look well at all.
[Firebird] -Takes the potion and grimaces at the taste-
-More rain outside, it's really coming down hard, There'a a bit of clattering as two of the skeletal riders go by on their bony horses. -
[CN] Watches nervously-
[Stevie] Comes up- Everything okay?
[Chester] Gestures nervously to the mostly plucked birdman and mouths at Stevie- What do we do???
[Stevie] - I have no idea...  Probably just leave him be for now so he can heal
-NK's memories flash by, scenes of NK and Prince working together to evacuate the seed, glitchy broken code everywhere, Panic. Darkness. And NK yelps. Their joined memory exploration is cut, and NK covers his face with a soft "Oh."-
[TLOT] Backs away as well. - I think you need a little time to think about this...
[Steve] Rushes over- Are you guys okay? That seemed a bit abrupt.
[Fru] wiggles away from Yaunfen and hops over a low part of the half-built wall-
[Yaunfen] Nuuuu! - Chasing after them-
[TLOT] Pats Nk supportively- you think on this-
[Steve] Is already running after the dragon and the dinosaur- I'll help!
-Not long after-
[TLOT] Opens the door for Steve and the pair of them enter the bar.
[Sam] Immediatly starts fixing them something warm to drink.
[Steve] Cold sniffle-
[Lie] She and CP are curled up in a booth.  Lie has a warm glass of tea and they are warming up after having run in out of the rain- Oh, hey TLOT, hey Steve
[Steve] Takes some coffee from Sam and settles down as well. - Hello you two.
[TLOT] Sorry to inturrupt your non-Aether time.
[Lie] - Believe me, the rain did that already
[CP] - We just can't catch a break...
[TLOT] There's always the beds downstairs...?
[Steve] Parenting is just hard. -toasts her-
[Lie] - No, I'm mostly just cold now
[CP] - So what are you two doing way out here?
[TLOT] A well deserved drink after a harrowing afternoon helping Yaunfen with Fru.
[Lie] - Oh dear, what did Fru do now?
[TLOT] Just went for an unauthorized scamper across the landscape.
[Steve] We think they caught sight of some Lightfoots and wanted to chase and or play with them.
[Lie] - I see
[CP] Pulls Lie a bit closer to himself-
[TLOT] It's always something with wild pets though, isn't it?
[Lie] - Did you see the video I sent to Dawn of Blake?
[Steve] Yeah I did! That was so cute!
[Lie] - How he got in without knocking the crib over I'm not sure, but he keeps repeating the feat
[TLOT] It's love. Dawn said he was a clingy guy. And Aether will probably benefit from his protection later. You know how much trouble little ones can get into.
[Lie] - Especially since she's close to crawling.  She's almost got herself pushed up
[CP] - Yeah, that'll be fun...
[TLOT] Smiles- You know you're excited.
[Steve] Has she said anything else?
[Lie] Laughs a little- I'm not sure, Farfar has her now
[TLOT] Ah, someone else who's settled into his role like a silverfish in a block. - sips his drink thoughtfully.
[Lie] - That he has
[CP] Begrudgingly- It has been useful having him next door...
[TLOT] He loves you guys.
[Steve] Pokes his mate- You should show her the thingie!
[TLOT] Not sure she has the energy right now to finish it my lamb.
[Lie] - What thing?
[Steve] He made a plant.
[TLOT] It's just a sculpture for now, I was going to let you do the honors. If you want.
[Lie] - Uh, sure
[TLOT] I redid that weird fruit you gave me. - He reaches into his inventory. - It was a real pain to get to the edible part. So I made it easier. - He takes out a very strange plant in a large pot. It's got a sunburst of green leaves at the base and a skinny stem like an orchid. From the top three branches hang heavy with pineapple fruit. Just the edible part, cut in spirals that hang down in yellow swirls like minature tornados.
[Steve] We're calling it a pineapple curl bush!
[Lie] - Okay then...  I mean, the vanilla vines curl sooo, it's not that far fetched?
[TLOT] What does vanilla have to do with it?
[Lie] - It's part of the same family?
[TLOT] Crosses his eyes slightly- That's... really annoying....
[Lie] - Real life is weird, and they did mostly  develop in different parts of the world...
[TLOT] Errrgh. - He sets the plant on the table. - either way, it could use a boost.
[Lie] - Alright alright- She puts her cup down, it's mostly empty now anyways and reaches for the bush, focusing her powers of the bright foliage
-The plant seems to sigh under her touch and suddenly plumps up with even more fruit and leaves. -
[Steve] Good job Lie!
[TLOT] Plucks off a curl and slurps it up like a noodle. - Perfection. It's still weird though.
[Lie] - I just thought you'd like it.  It can also be used in a lot of alcoholic drinks
[Licht] Finally gets off work and gets back to her apartment- EAlex?  Everything okay while I was gone?
[EAlex] Is flopped on the couch - That cake is so heavy.... I only had a tiny piece. But I cleaned the kitchen for you.
[Licht] - Yeah, you eat that cake in small amounts, and thank you for cleaning
[EAlex] You're welcome.
[Licht] - I don't have to go to work until late tomorrow, is there anything you want to do?
[EAlex] Well... I was thinking we could... go visiting... I could use the support. It's kind of a big deal for me to.. you know...
[Licht] - You mean the other server?  Sure, we just have to make sure we're back in time for me to get to work
[EAlex] Gets up. - I'm ready when you are.
[Licht] - Just let me grab a few things- She heads for the kitchen and grabs a paper bag, putting some bell peppers inside and the fruitcake- Alright, we can go- She pulls out her phone and dials Doc
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jf3co · 7 years
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Ok - so this one comes with a bit of preamble, duly noting I am usually the first one to say “no disclaimers” when someone begins to prattle on making apologies or priming the audience before they begin to read. I do so, in this case, not because I feel I need to make an apology or level-set in any way, but that I think you need to be clued in on the circumstances as to why this story was conceived. There was playwriting group in Philadelphia who used to host this thing called a “Bake Off” where you have to include a series of ‘ingredients’ in a writing. The ingredients that need to be ‘baked’ into the play are not released until a few days before the play is due. So you have, in essence, less than a week to write a complete play. Now here is the best part – they HAVE to perform the play. They set a day aside with some stage actors and perform each and every submission. I was out with some friends when I heard about this group and drunkenly threw down the gauntlet by stating that I will write the stupidest and most-uncomfortable short play to perform... ever! The following, my friends, is the result.
Instructions: To be submitted for the 2010 “Bake Off”, the following ingredients MUST be included: 1) LUCID DREAMING  2) A PIGGY BANK THAT CONTAINS SOMETHING OTHER THAN MONEY 3) A GAME-WINNING HOME RUN MUST AT SOME POINT BE HIT.
THE TRAGIC BALL - by Joe Friend
Betty Ann - Young adolescent. Pale and sickly but graceful.
Frank - Married aloof geneticist. Late 30’s. Fit. Well-groomed.
Lulu - Frank’s wife, also a geneticist. Mid-thirties. Fit. Well-groomed.
Roger - Friendly neighborhood lab animal.
Announcer - Sports announcer’s voice (off stage) bleeding over from the stadium.
Greek Chorus - A 3-15 member traditional Greek chorus to read in tandem, monotonously throughout.
SETTING: A city block of row houses alongside a sports stadium. The block is quaint and well-maintained but contains a few empty lots in varying degree of reconstruction.
TIME: Fall. Evening. The present. The night of the last game of the World Series.
Act 1 / Scene 1 - Parodoi | Omniscient
Act 1 / Scene 2 - Empty lot, scattered construction equipment. | Fall.  Evening.  The present.
Act 1 / Scene 3 - Omniscient | Omniscient
Act 2 / Scene 1 - Apartment bedroom. | Fall.  Evening.  The present.
Act 2 / Scene 2 - Omniscient | Omniscient
Act 3 / Scene 1 - End of block, stadium’s edge. | Fall.  Evening.  The present.
Act 3 / Scene 2 - Exodus | Omniscient
ACT ONE SCENE ONE - The Greek Chorus travels up the sides of the stage from the orchestra pit, evenly distributed, and meets off to the side, lining up just outside the edge of the spotlight.
GREEK CHORUS: And here we look in on the tragic plight of mankind, brought to light before us in the shape of a young girl. The same dark play played out again and again on this fair blue stage. Will mankind ever offer nothing but amusement to the Gods? Will mankind ever transcend the feeble frailty and futility of their destiny? Will we find in our young heroine the strength of conviction; knowing not the ego required for hubris, knowing only the innocent will to survive against insurmountable odds? We are here to represent. We are here to represent and bear witness. We are here to represent and bear witness and observe the fates’ cruel hand.
ACT ONE SCENE TWO - The lighting centers on Betty Ann, in a plain dress, wandering a construction site in an empty lot between the rowhouses. She is stepping carefully and appears to be looking for something. She stands up straight, arches her back and cups her hands to her mouth.
BETTY ANN: Rooooooger?
Betty Ann pauses, listens and rights to call again.
BETTY ANN: Rooooooger!  … Roooooger! … Roooooger!
Betty Ann continues to step around carefully, calling occasionally. The focus shifts from her to the chorus. Betty Ann continues the act of calling, merely pantomiming it. Then she stands there, as if in a lucid dream, frozen in time.
ANNOUNCER (offstage, barely audible): And that’s another swing and a miss to bring us to the bottom of the 7th of game 6 of the World Series…
ACT ONE SCENE THREE - The light comes up on the Greek Chorus, now in focus, off to the side.
GREEK CHORUS: A girl afflicted. A girl laden with the future disease of all mankind! A pair of noble researchers determined not to let humankind go down that dark path! Oh, the humanity!
ACT TWO SCENE ONE - A tastefully decorated mid-sized apartment bedroom at sundown. The blinds are drawn and amber light is filtering in through the slats. Frank and Lulu are in bed together; they are fully-engaged in a passionate lovemaking session, could be better defined as hardcore fucking.
LULU (Panting, out of breath): So whattadya got for me, Frank?
FRANK: You can have a hard dick or a punch in the mouth? But seeing how I have a hard dick up in you, maybe a punch in the mouth is more appropriate?
Thrusting mercilessly, Frank cocks his fist back mid-thrust.
LULU: Lay it on me Frankie…
Lulu grins up at him sheepishly in anticipation. Frank delivers a monster overhand to Lulu's forehead. She goes cross-eyed. Frank continues his merciless thrusting. Lulu's eyes come back in focus and she regains her clarity. Frank pauses, out of breath, then makes his way down past her belly button.
LULU: So, I finished up cloning the strain iterations, complete with the reverse codec, based on your most recent isolation sequencing data… and, well, seeing how they all – and I mean all of them – cultivated nicely – quite a promising batch – mind your manners, young man – ummm…. ahhh (!)… I went ahead and matched them directly against Roger’s fluoresced targets. He seemed to tolerate the procedure well-enough. Well, well-enough. Minor problem though…
Lulu pauses speaking. Frank picks his head up. Lulu blushes.
FRANK: Well?
Frank waits with his head between Lulu's legs.
LULU: Well despite all of the hard work and research we put into attempting to cure this disease, Betty Ann’s bouts with lucid dreaming are not only becoming more pronounced but also of a longer duration. If these indicators are any harbinger to the progression of this disease, and if my calculations are correct, we need to administer the experimental cure that we’ve fostered inside of Roger for the last 3 years within a weeks’ time or we risk losing Betty Ann completely to a dream-state brought on by this affliction forever… and, if we lose Betty Ann we risk losing the 3 years of development we put into perfecting this antigen matched specifically to her. I think this puts a serious time-constraint on our ability to cure this disease. Well, for her at least. Roger is indeed Betty Ann’s last hope – his genetics having been altered in utero and spliced to be complimentary to Betty Ann’s and the fact that he is just now reaching maturity… we really only have one chance to save her life before she ultimately succumbs. And that means that, given the rate of the disease proliferation among the general population, another 70% of the infected population will also progress to perpetual lucid dream-state before we have enough retrograde retrovirus matched, cultivated and matured before we can administer the cure. So the cure within Roger will only work for Betty Ann. And Betty Ann does not have enough time for this to not work. And the fate of all of humanity ultimately rests on this genetic splicing test being 100% successful and effective!
FRANK: Yes, well we knew that going in… we took this risk before we picked up and moved here so close to the disease vector. Honey, I hope you’re not holding this one too close to your heart. But I know we can do this! I know it will work!
LULU: Well, Frank, to be honest, it gets worse.
FRANK: How so, darling?
LULU (pauses): That little girl is an asshole. I - don’t - like - her. 
FRANK: What?!? How can you say that about a little girl? She’s 10 for Chrissakes!
LULU: Trust me, she’s an asshole, I know. Little miss know-it-all skipping around in her pigtails, innocence incarnate in her immaculate dresses. I’m glad we’re not her parents.
FRANK: Now honey, calm down a minute…
LULU: No Frank, you calm down! You don’t know. I was home one day… in the living room… mopping. She prances up to our porch… looks right in the window (I don’t think she saw me)… then the little bitch proceeded to pick each and every last one of the flowers out of our window box! I honestly don’t even care to save her… if it wasn’t for the hard work, potential fame from our cure, not to mention the financial windfall invested in our little genetic piggy bank, I just as soon watch her rot.
FRANK: That little fucker! The utter nerve… well, once we have our cure, we’ll move far from here and can afford to buy all the flowers you could possibly want.
Frank remounts Lulu and they continue fucking.
LULU: I’m finding it harder and harder to focus though… I would rather plant those flowers on her cold, shallow grave.
Lulu places a palm to her forehead. Frank is coming to a climax.
FRANK (shouts): UNAGI!!!
Frank rolls off, breathless. Lulu looks exasperated possibly a bit annoyed.
LULU: Frank, darling, we are not without our quirks… the peyote weekends, motorcycle trips…
Lulu rolls over onto her belly.
FRANK (interrupts): Our full-on conversations while fucking?
Frank rolls over onto his belly.
LULU: Yes, those and YOUR punching me while we are fucking… these… Frank… these things are to be expected and given leeway in the consideration of and compromise for our unrequited love, devotion, and admiration for each other.  But, if there is one thing that I cannot abide any longer, not for an instant, it’s you shouting the Japanese word for freshwater eels as you ejaculate.  Damn it, you know I have food consistency issues!  I simply cannot abide it.
FRANK: Shit, I’m sorry babe… I just get caught up in the moment.  I will get better at this.  Will you make fun of my genitals for a little bit?  (pauses) Oh and honey, where is Roger anyway?
LULU: You mean he’s not out back?
FRANK: He is not.
LULU: That little bitch let him out of his pen again!
FRANK: Motherfucker!
ACT TWO SCENE TWO - refocus on the Greek Chorus
GREEK CHORUS: Two people, joined of desire, travelling along fates’ worn path, that be it not for their shared love of life and humankind, would surely be ignorantly and blissfully entwined for all of eternity; a paradigm of the Gods’ good graces, the pinnacle of true human spirit and endeavor.
ACT THREE SCENE ONE - The far corner of the empty lot, at the edge of the stadium parking lot.  Betty Ann stands rigid in a lucid dream. Roger is rooting in the corner.
BETTY ANN (haltingly, coming to): Roger?
She spots the pig at the edge of the construction site, rooting around the fringe of the stadium parking lot.
BETTY ANN: Roger, You’re a bad little piggy-wiggy, rooting around in the dirt!  Come over here this instant.
Betty Ann rushes over to where Roger is foraging.  She levels down, nose to snout.
ANNOUNCER: …and Mocha Latte CRUSHES a fast ball to high center field… this one is not stopping folks… and it’s… IT’S… IT’S OUTTA HERE!  This World Series is OVER BABY with a colossal game-winning GRAND SLAM HOME RUN!  It’s awesome baby!
The fly ball comes down hard, pegging Roger directly in the head, killing the pig instantly.  He keels over.
BETTY ANN: Roger!  Roger?
Betty Ann suddenly stands rigid, locked in another lucid dream.
ACT THREE SCENE TWO - The light comes up on the Greek Chorus, now in focus, off to the side; will cross slowly to the other side of the stage then exit.
GREEK CHORUS: And so we now depart this scene, played out many times before us, born of iron will, raw desire and ending in tragedy; we retreat back to our place of observation, our omniscient solitude, our, uhhh, our… dude, don’t you think it’s weird that we’re all saying the same thing at the exact same time? Shhhh! Hey wait, check it out, look… Scrapple Daiquiri, Scrapple Daiquiri, Scrapple Daiquiri! Knock it off, Andy… no, I’m serious. Bob, you try! Listen, asshole, you know we’re not supposed to break rank – we could get into a lot of trouble for this. Who is going to punish us? We’re omniscient! Yeah, but still, there needs to be a modicum of restraint applied and, ideally, a level of control… we can’t exactly stroll across the stage all simultaneously shouting “We are Hitler’s youth!  We are Hitler’s youth!  Rama Llama Ding Dong!” I guess I see your point… anyway, apologies, I tend to get a little over-stimulated. It’s been a while since I had work. Today was a lot of fun. And I mean A LOT of fun. Tons o’fun… oh yes, tons o’fun. We should totally Facebook each other! Yeah, I don’t think so – I’m a bit of a lone wolf myself. You guys, fuck all this noise… the Super Bowl will be on soon – let’s go have a beer… have several beers.
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rhina988 · 7 years
The Heart Wants What It Wants - Chapter 10
Read from the beginning
Read Chapter 9
"Yes, mom, I'm fine... No... I know, and I'm sorry but I just couldn't do it. Plus, you told me it was better to end it before the marriage..." I have been talking to my mom for about 10 minutes now, and all I hoped for was that she doesn't feel sick again and that her heart can handle all of this.
"Yes, I know I probably shouldn't have done it like that, but what's done is done." I said and stopped pacing across Jared's living room to sit down on the floor and lean my back against the wall.
My mom just kept telling me that I should have done it in a more gentle way and that she's seriously concerned about Lucas, because nobody saw him after he came after me once I had stormed out of the venue.
"He's a big boy, I'm sure he just went somewhere to clear his head. I'll talk to you later, now I need to get some rest."
I hung up and buried my face into my knees hugging them around with my arms. Sitting on the floor with million thoughts running through my mind, I felt like the biggest traitor in the world. I knew I've done the right thing, because deceiving Lucas by marrying him would be even worse than leaving him at the altar.
"Hey, hey, hey..." my thoughts were interrupted by Jared's voice, "You're not crying are you?" He entered a room carrying my bag, and knelt in front of me, putting the luggage on the floor.
"No, I' was just thinking..." I gave him a little smile and caressed his cheek for being so considerate all the time.
"Good, I couldn't stand seeing you in tears," he said kindly and kissed my forehead.
"Don't worry, I don't feel like crying at all," I got off the floor, "But I do feel like changing into something more... um .., " I looked at my wedding dress and waved my head, "Well, less glamorous," I said through a chuckle, and picked up my bag off the floor to put on something other than my wedding gown.
I picked out a denim shorts and a crochet lace black top, and started to undress in the living room when I heard a disturbing knock on the front door.
"Who could that be? I didn't hear the intercom," I was in my underwear when Jared went towards the door to open it, so I moved away a bit that, whoever was at the door, couldn't see me.
"It's probably just the gardener," Jared said nonchalantly and opened the door.
"You son of a bitch!" I heard a familiar male voice followed by a punch and a fall. I quickly ran towards the door just in my bra and shorts, that I didn't even have the chance to zip up.
"Jared! Oh my God are you OK?" He was on the floor with a cut lip, and Lucas was standing above him ready to finish what he started.
As Lucas reached for Jared, I instinctively pushed him away.
"What do you think you're doing?" I was so upset I thought I could kill Lucas.
"I could ask you the same thing. How could you do this to me? Leave me like that? Embarrass and humiliate me in front of all our family and friends?"
Lucas was furious and ready for some serious fight. His tie loosened up, jacket off and his shirt sleeves rolled up, with the hair all messed up, the man actually looked like he was ready to step inside the boxing ring.
"And you're all set to jump right into his bed, aren't you?" Lucas said looking at me wearing just a bra and shorts, and flicked on the strap making it clasp against my arm. That really took me by surprise. Never have I ever seen that much anger and pain in his eyes. I expected him to feel all that, but to show up here like this? That I did not see coming.
"Hey, don't you dare talk to her like that," at that moment Jared got off the floor threatening Lucas, almost tackling him, when I immediately stopped him and caressed his face making sure he wasn't seriously hurt.
"Calm down.... Are you OK?" I asked concerned.
"I'm fine, don't worry, but he can't talk to you like that," he answered looking at Lucas with disgust.
"I can talk to her any way I want, jerk face," Lucas insulted Jared acting all violent.
"No you can't. Especially not in my house, and around me. You’re lucky I’m not calling the police right now. Not only are you trespassing, but you assaulted me as well, " Jared was protective of me which made him only so much bigger in my eyes.
Then Lucas continued with his anger, "And look at you," he said and chuckled in disbelief, " You're asking him if he's OK? What about me? Don't you care how I feel?"
"Of course I do, but you're not the one bleeding here," I said madly.
"Yeah, well, not all of us bleed on the outside, you know," Lucas said and took a deep sigh.
"I'm gonna leave the two of you for a moment," Jared said and went to the kitchen to put ice on his lip.
"Yeah, you better get out of my face," Lucas said arrogantly.
"Hey, don't talk to him like that," I reproached.
"Wow, you're defending him right now?"
"Yes, I'm defending him because he's not the one to blame for anything," I said furiously.
"Oh no? Then who is the one to blame?" Lucas asked crossing his arms over his chest.
"I am. It was all me. I fell for him in Mexico and there was nothing I could have done about it." I said and turned away from Lucas burying my face in my hands.
"Mexico?" Lucas was shocked ," I knew something had happened there. You were much too different after you came back."
"Yeah, well, now you know," I said and turned back to face him, "I am sorry. I really am."
"Sorry? No, you did what you wanted, ran away to his arms leaving me all broken and embarrassed," Lucas said devastatingly. "Why? I just need to know why. What did I do to deserve this?"
"Nothing, Lucas. You were always so wonderful to me, and I will always love you, but Jared..."
"Love me?" he interrupted me," Please, if you call this love, I'd rather you hate me," he was genuinely disappointed.
"I do love you. You are one of the best people I know. But I'm just not in love with you anymore," I tried to explain as better as possible, but judging by the look on his face, my words didn't really mean much to him.
"And you are in love with him? Hm?"
"All I can tell you is that I've never felt the way I feel when I'm with Jared. The moment we first met, I had this indescribable feeling. I didn't think it would last for more than a night, but it's still here, growing day by day."
I could see my words stabbing Lucas straight through his fragile heart, as his face transformed from frowned, to shocked and finally to completely broken; but I needed to finally be honest with him.
"I simply couldn't lie to you for the rest of my life, but I also couldn't fight my feelings. It wouldn't be fair to either of us."
"Yeah. Whatever you say," Lucas said completely shattered and ready to head outside.
"Please, don't hate me. I just needed to listen to my heart. I know you'd do the same if you were in my shoes," I tried to comfort him a little, if that was even possible at this moment.
"It's a little too late for that now. I don't know if I could ever see you the way I used to... as a matter of fact, I don't ever wanna see you again in my life," Lucas said slamming the front door on his way out.
That was it. I was officially dead to someone I thought I would spend the rest of my life with. I knew I was gonna have to face him eventually, but this was so sudden and fast that I knew the conversation would look much different if we had the chance to talk in a couple of days, when we were all cooled down and thinking straight. Still, Lucas somehow found me at Jared's today and all hell broke loose. 
I huffed and ran my palm across my face heading towards the couch to sit down. I didn't know what to feel at this moment. As I sat down I saw Jared approaching me, holding an ice pack on his lower lip.
"Hey, are you OK? I heard the door close, is he gone?" Jared asked worryingly and sat next to me, wrapping one arm around me and pulling me closer to him.
"Yes, he's gone," I sighed and leaned in to his chest, "how is that lip," I looked up at him and took the ice pack away. It was the shade between blue, red and purple, and really swollen.
"It should be fine, don't worry," Jared said and smiled, acting like it didn't hurt at all.
I came closer to him and gave the lip a soft gentle kiss, right on the spot that was cut.
"Better?" I asked and caressed his jaw, looking at those wonderful blue eyes that always made me so weak.
"Much better," he answered and kissed me back, pulling me closer in his embrace, "you should probably put something over that sexy bra, or we won't manage to get anything done today."
I chuckled and hugged him tight, "Fine, but just five more minutes of this bliss, and I'm moving," I said closing my eyes enjoying this little safe haven of mine. 
"You're such a little snuggle bear, aren't you," Jared said and kissed my head, rubbing my upper arm.
That was all I needed at this moment. Jared's hug, kiss, and affection. It was my own world, and I wanted it to stay like this forever. Little did I know that tiny universe of ours was gonna turn upside down in the next couple of days.
Chapter 11 
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Hope you enjoyed it.
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@wolfgirl1074 @nikkitasevoli @elliegrace139 @iridescxntsolitude @lanfear619  @msroxyblog @sookieblack12
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enkisstories · 5 years
The android cemetery (Ch. 26)
The trio enters the beach, two pairs of feet made of flesh and bone, one of plastic. The snow scrunches below their soles as they walk. It is pure white, untouched, pristine. The wind has given it a wavelike texture, like an ocean that you can walk on. Silence hangs over the beach. The world’s hectic is far away. Out here everything is calm, serene. In short, this is a place that has waited for somebody entirely else than these people! Tina picks up a handful of snow.
“Not much to work with, but serviceable.”
At this point Gavin shook his head in irritation. How different from how he usually heard it had Tina’s voice sounded in the video! But of course it would. Daniel’s acoustic module was different from natural hearing. Connor’s hearing was probably even more different and strange. Definitely strange! Gavin had never given that much thought. He knew he should feel appalled, but what he did instead was hugging Daniel tighter. What would his own voice sound like through his partner’s ears, the man wondered?
The first snowball lands with precision, albeit less force than a human could have put behind it. And this is the only reason Daniel has dared toss it: Without his weighted gloves the former household android’s hands couldn’t seriously harm anybody even if Daniel wanted to. But his manual dexterity is near super-human and his agility considerate.
Tina: “Whoa, Sardines! Gavin’s not joking when he calls you “killer android”!”
A short hesitation, just long enough for Gavin to “revenge” Tina with a surprise shot. His next throw misses.
Daniel: “Just you wait! I’ll get even!”
The next snowball hits Gavin in the chest. Daniel dances across the beach now, dodging snowballs and returning the favor. A heavy baggage drops, to be buried in the sand under the snow. Until this moment the deviant hadn’t been sure if this little “wargame” would not trigger some sort of killer reflex. Not even when the two humans gang up on him or when Tina goes to her knees for a moment does Daniel experience anything different than a playful mood.
Can he trust these humans? Probably not. They may yet backstab him some day. But one thing Daniel is sure of now: If nobody else, he can at least trust himself again.
“Now that’s a kind thought about the man you had just kissed for the first time!” Gavin snorted.
“What thought?”
“Me backstabbing you!”
“Well, I was kinda right, wasn’t I? Given what happened two weeks later… wait, did I say that out loud? The part about trusting you and Tina?”
Only now Daniel realized that he had commented the scene the whole time. Not the Daniel standing here in the apartment, but his older self from January. His thoughts from the past had turned into a narration that accompanied his memory-video now.
“What’s happening?” the deviant gasped. “That’s not what I wanted to show you! That’s not what I wanted to happen!”
The screen flickered, then the snowball fight faded out, to get replaced by different scene: A black cat wearing a collar of green climbed onto Gavin’s lap. Daniel watched as the cat licked his partner’s face. The image blurred, then new scenes followed the ones before in quick succession. Sounds and images, some heartwarming, others disturbing, but many of them too short to make anything out of them. There was something about… salmon grind on sliced bread?
“Nooooo! Not that!” Daniel cried. “That’s private!”
Connor noticed Gavin lick his lips. The particular way the human was looking told Connor that Gavin’s thoughts were not food-motivated, but connected to another kind of hunger. Not in the least interested in the erotic application of salmon breadspread (or anything erotic in regard to Gavin Reed) the android shouted: “Yes! Let’s keep that private! Very private!”
Daniel tried to disconnect from the TV. Jacking out took what felt like an eternity and even afterwards what had been uploaded already was still running its course.
Suddenly the onlookers saw Daniel looking downwards into Connor’s eyes. One eye, more precisely. The other was dead. The deviant hunter was asking questions… something about a place called Jericho…
Emma screamed and the scene changed again. A dark sky… blood in Daniel’s face… the cityscape tumbling over, no, that was himself, falling. Falling…
“And that particular gem I only ever showed Connor!” Daniel whispered.
“Well, this is how memories work for humans”, a visibly shaken Jason Graff said. “Via associations. We cannot shape them into a family movie and obviously a deviant’s brain works exactly the same.”
“So I cannot lie in this mode?”
Jason nodded. Having worked in the Humanization department for years, his grasp on general android coding was a bit rusty, but this was what he felt right at home at. Professional interest had also allowed the man to realize that he was dealing with one, maybe two, deviants here, but just file the discovery as another fact to work with instead of freaking out.
“Worse”, Jason said, “you cannot keep anything private. An interrogator might say “relax” and the next thing he sees is your last lovenight with Mr.  Reed here.”
“Shit…” Daniel muttered. He covered his eyes while the TV screen was running the last of the uploaded material for all to see:
It has come down to it. Two days left of 2039 and then we will have seen the last of Detroit for a month. It will be good to see something different, even though the reason for us leaving is… less than flattering. But here we are, still understaffed and not even a PM700 is left idle in the charging boxes.
Gavin: “No chance but to take you with me today into a city where a mystery android killer’s on the loose…”
Not much of a mystery, Daniel thinks. The android killer is another android. The thought is sickening. Even if Brandon is killing his kin on the Villareal mob’s behalf, as they suspect, it is a fact that he has joined the syndicate out of his free deviant will, knowing full well what he was getting into. Gavin spits on the pavement, then draws a pistol.
Gavin: “Take this! And if you see a suspicious LED, shoot before asking! The gun probably doesn’t outrange Brandon’s sending range, so take it out before it can even think of initiating contact!”
Daniel accepts the pistol without thinking at first. Then he remembers getting handed a similar one by Lieutenant Anderson three months ago, when they had rescued Connor from the vice-mayor’s home. Daniel hadn’t used the weapon, not even on Connor. Alright, he had tried using it on Connor, but only to wound, of course!
Or had he?
Back in fall the android had been little more than a talking household appliance indeed, still shocked into submission and dropping the occasional sarcastic comment at best. Ever since, Daniel has re-won his former confidence. And it dawns to him that holding a gun again is probably a very bad idea. Because what will stay his hand this time, now that his fears have left him?
Daniel: “Take it back, please! I couldn’t accept a weapon even if I was a human! I’m just an auxiliary, no officer.”
Gavin: “Pfft! At this rate you’re going to make Captain before I’ll be Sergeant! Did you know our beloved inspector bitch sent Hank and me each a certificate for exemplary success in android training? So today we’re going to practice walking the neighborhood without killing people, acting patrol officer Phillips!”
Daniel: “No! I can’t… really not! Damn you, Gavin, couldn’t you at least have given me an empty one?! Take it back! Take it back, take it back, take it back!”
But exactly that Gavin cannot do, even if he had wanted. There is no telling if not some reflex might kick in, causing Daniel to shoot at the human who attempts to disarm him. They all have noticed Daniel wince when Gavin suggested paintball as a teambuilding project the day before. The prospect of holding a weapon, even a toy, is frightening Daniel for good reason. With his weighted gloves the household android can hit as hard as a human. With a firearm, to the contrary, he is vastly superior. And with his temper you never know what might happen.
The way the android is shivering, the most likely outcome is an outdoors lamp in the second floor needing to be replaced within the next two minutes.
Standing… Staring…
Then a quick action and then an android head sinking down on the detective’s shoulder.
Gavin: “Congrats, Sardines, you shot the perennial dandelion. I agree it was loitering there in a provocative fashion.”
Daniel: “I cannot do this… Please don’t make me!”
Gavin: “If I step aside, you’ll fall.”
Daniel: (no reaction) Gavin: (steps aside)
Daniel (falling): “Damn you!”
Sitting… still staring, but decidedly not each other.
Gavin: “I’ve talked to my parents and to Hank, yes, to Hank! And we agreed that you’ve come a long way already. Not the whole distance, though. You want to belong, but that goes two ways. We need to be able to trust you, too. And inevitably there’d have come the day to take it to the test. Today seems as good as any other. Come on, man up!”
Daniel: “Hear, hear! It must be dawn - the apes in the jungle start clamoring!”
Gavin: “I don’t have time for your insults - I dropped my pocket calculator!”
Daniel: “Right… about that…”
Daniel wriggles out of the embrace and rams his fist hard into Gavin’s stomach. Then he sits upright and watches with satisfaction how the human is cringing, still holding the officer’s pistol loosely in the other hand.
Eventually they grab each other’s hands and stand up again.
Gavin: “I’ll tick “correctly judging the appropriate level of violence” off your list of lessons.”
Daniel: “Looks like it. Got a holster to go with the gun?”
Gavin: “Yep. Here! - Oh, and one more thing: when the Andersons ask how it went, you tell them we had an enlightening talk consisting of reasoning, respect and all that other mature crap!”
“So that’s how it happened? But you told us you had an enlightening talk cons…” Connor started to protest back in the present. When he saw Daniel and Gavin grin, he stopped. “Ah. Right. I see. Suckers.”
On the android’s lap an eggshell-colored cat with a blueish grey mask was kneading his legs while wearing a world-removed expression. Nobody had noticed it making itself comfortable there, not even Connor. Sometime during the video the android had realized that he was stroking something and just continued doing so. Loki purred, but stopped whenever he realized what he was doing.
“We are even now, Con’”, Daniel claimed. “Next to lie to the other pays a thirium sherbet.”
And that was it. They had reached a point where they were seriously considering sitting down together and having that sherbet, even throw in a blue smurf ice cream for Hank, Tina and Gavin, none of which had exactly made their life easy in 2038. But everything they had achieved might still get invalidated by a single phone call of Mr. Graff’s. Emma and the androids turned towards the CyberLife employee. Tense, disdainful, even daring him to give them a reason to slap him. Violence was still an option, Jason realized. The deviants certainly were not choir boys and neither were their human allies preaching sunshine and photosynthesis. But even if the worst would come to pass, it would be the result of a conscious decision, not because some lines of code had corrupted and were forcing the android into a killing spree.
That much Jason understood now.
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socialattractionuk · 5 years
My Label and Me: Call me ‘too much’ if you want, I know I’m perfect
‘You’re just too much, I can’t handle it,’ said my ex-boyfriend.
‘What do you mean?’ I asked him, puzzled.
‘This, you, your energy, your vibe,’ he replied. ‘It’s all too much…’
You could have heard a pin drop. All I had ever been was myself so it felt like a personal attack. ‘What am I supposed to do to make you comfortable then? Try to be less of what I am?’ I asked. He shrugged.
Was I gutted? Very much so. Surprised? No.
I’m excitable, talkative, curious, and have a zest for life. I love a good therapy session with an Uber driver after a night out, and dancing like nobody’s watching on the streets of London on the way to work.
Since I was child I was always known as the vivacious, ambitious one out of my sisters and friends – the ‘loud��� and ‘crazy’ one. My family told me that I wouldn’t just be able to date ‘any’ bloke, that he would have to be a ‘specific kind’ to be able to handle me.
‘You’re just too much, I can’t handle it,’ said my ex-boyfriend (Picture: Jerry Syder/Metro.co.uk)
Handle what? A woman who is confident, honest, and comfortable in her own skin? Since when has that been a crime?
But if you’ve always been upfront and honest about your standards, the phrase ‘too much’ will be a term that is all too familiar and it can almost feel like a punishment of some kind. I’ve been told I’m ‘a lot’, that I’m ‘over the top’ and had people make comments like, ‘you just wear what you want without a care in the world’. It always interests me who decides what’s over the top – what are we comparing that to?
I’ve always had big hair, loved big prints and mini skirts, and enjoy reinventing myself from time to time like a modern Madonna, as it’s an outlet for me to express myself. I genuinely wear what I like with zero consideration about what people may think. I am not seeking people’s approval for my outfits, but from the comments I get sometimes, it feels like I should be.
It would be so easy for me to believe these comments as I’ve heard them all my life, and maybe they have a point. Perhaps I am too much. I am reactive, extroverted, fearless and never afraid to speak my truth, whether people want to hear it or not.
What I’m clear about is that it is an insult (Picture: Jerry Syder/Metro.co.uk)
But it’s not my burden to bear. If we live by other people’s opinions, we’ll never truly live a fulfilled life. I believe listening to other people’s opinions on the way we choose to live our lives will restrict us of a happiness we all deserve to feel. We shouldn’t let people decide who we are. I mean, who knows you better than you?
What I’m clear about is that it is an insult. At its core, ‘too much’ is an accusation that means you are not acting according to how society believes people – especially women, and even more so, black women – should behave.
Women are constantly being categorised and stereotyped for speaking our truth. Stating a point can make us come across as being ‘bossy’ or a ‘bitch’. When it comes to relationships, we are ‘the clingy girl’, ‘the psycho ex’ or ‘the cat lady’. When we stand up for what we believe, or express our identity, and don’t fit the mould expected of us, it can result in being subjected to the ‘too much’ label.
As a black woman, it is even more problematic. Black women are characterised as having larger than life personalities in a pejorative manner, from the ‘angry black girl’ to ‘hyperemotional’ and ‘sassy’.
Affirming yourself is a gift. Being you, standing tall and owning who you are is something money cannot buy (Picture: Jerry Syder/Metro.co.uk)
Black women are not supposed to push back and when they do, they’re deemed to be domineering. Aggressive. Threatening. Loud. Confrontational. These phrases are used to silence black women like myself and tell us, in short, that we are overreacting and hypersensitive – that we are too much.
People often respond to the emotions of black women ‘from a place of perceived fear’, which means we become somewhat paranoid and go above and beyond to make people feel comfortable around us.
An article in the Harvard Business Review on black women’s experience at work quoted one woman saying, ‘My mentors talk to me about dimming my light. I always thought I had to bring that down to make people comfortable.’
These women tended to feel that their organisations ‘weren’t ready’ for them. The piece, written by a New York University researcher continues, ‘and they felt like they couldn’t be their authentic selves in the office at the risk of making others feel uncomfortable or hurting their chances of professional advancement.’
This is damaging because many black women train themselves to be anything but themselves in order to be deemed ‘professional’, when we should be able to be whoever we choose.
I’m proud to be a ‘too much’ woman, and I embrace every single part of me – leopard print leggings and all (Picture: Jerry Syder/Metro.co.uk)
When someone calls me ‘too much’, I remind myself that it says far more about the person delivering the message than it does about me. They are restricted and confined by what they believe society deems acceptable, out of fear, shame and embarrassment, so they place their insecurities and fears onto me.
On the other hand, the ‘too much woman’ is confident – a mindset that not everybody can attain. It’s powerful and freeing to speak your mind in a society where the tradition is that women should not be heard. We have a voice and we are not afraid to use it.
The British way is ‘keeping calm and keeping quiet’, especially on the tube. Londoners have a reputation for being unfriendly and impatient on public transport, but I challenge the status quo of sitting in silence by disrupting it.
I actually met one of my strongest supporters of my career, Danny, in an Uber Pool, which most people sit in in pure silence and awkwardness. I want to change the dynamic and talk, I even got the driver to sing and dance with us!
Not a tube or bus journey goes by where I haven’t had a great conversation with someone new, or started bonding on the 43 to Angel with a tired-looking mum and her baby, who has gone from looking at me like an alien to wanting to high-five me.
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I’m proud to be a ‘too much woman’, and I embrace every single part of me – leopard print leggings and all.
We must remember that there’s something unique about each and every one of us and the day we stop caring what people think of us and our too much-ness, we set ourselves free. Because being too much is being unapologetically yourself.
Affirming yourself is a gift. Being you, standing tall and owning who you are is something money cannot buy. To me, it’s being a person who’s proud of their imperfections – because that is what makes them perfect – and owns it with style. Why conform when you can be yourself?
I believe I am never too much. I am just right, like a nice cup of tea with no sugar needed because I am sweet enough.
Labels is an exclusive series that hears from individuals who have been labelled – whether that be by society, a job title, or a diagnosis. Throughout the project, writers will share how having these words ascribed to them shaped their identity — positively or negatively — and what the label means to them.
If you would like to get involved please email [email protected]
MORE: My Label and Me: ‘Boring’ people like me can still have fun
MORE: My Label and Me: I was born without a voice but now I’m speaking out for others
MORE: My Label and Me: I’m tall and do not want to stand out from the crowd
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universeinform-blog · 8 years
Hijab in Sports: How Muslim Women Athletes Are Fighting for Acceptance
New Post has been published on https://universeinform.com/2017/03/27/hijab-in-sports-how-muslim-women-athletes-are-fighting-for-acceptance/
Hijab in Sports: How Muslim Women Athletes Are Fighting for Acceptance
In 2016, Ibtihaj Muhammad became the first Muslim girl athlete competing for The united states to wear the hijab during the Rio Olympics. As one of the maximum-pointed out Olympians in a set that blanketed names like Michael Phelps and Simone Biles, she did her satisfactory to deflect the hyper-focus on her faith or what she wears at the same time as nonetheless competing on a world-elegance degree. Instead,
Muhammad used her platform and voice to train as she confirmed grace and humility on the most important athletic stage inside the global, making records along the way by means of becoming the primary Muslim-American to stand on a podium on the Olympics, prevailing a bronze.
Even though she’d take home a medal, her fortitude to stay real her to herself has led to a defining possibility – to help normalize what being Muslim seems like. Much less than a yr after competing in Rio, some view Muhammad as a catalyst for Muslim girls athletes, that the eye the media paid to her all through the Olympics (now not to say a market estimated to be really worth $5 trillion in underneath five years) is a big purpose why Nike these days announced plans to debut a “Pro-Hijab” for Muslim women who compete. Muhammad, who has her personal modest fashion line, Louella, isn’t involved in the Nike campaign, but her impact is simple.
Muhammad started out competing in fencing when she becomes 13 years antique, whilst her dad and mom found it to be a suitable game because of the ability to wear the hijab throughout a competition. She did no longer realize other athletes who competed in the hijab, and for that reason, she knows the significance of getting someone who represents you. “It is usually tough while you do not see someone excelling in something that you may have desires or aspirations to take part in or excel at. It’s tough to look yourself in that area,” she says
Hajar Abulfazl, who captained the Countrywide ladies’ Soccer team in Afghanistan, and who wears the hijab says Muhammad’s impact “made an international effect competing and winning in Olympics for The USA,” adding, “She represents a sturdy and smart athlete who has the commitment to her religion and way of life. Her phrases and pics educate people around the arena who accept as true with the vintage stereotype approximately the hijab and that Muslim girls are weak.”
Sports Injuries: Sometimes, the Most Difficult Thing To Do Is Stop Moving
There are some individuals who lead incredibly sedentary existence. They’re less lively by using nature. This doesn’t imply They are bad, however, as even a sedentary person can get in a few form of exercise (and those operate at distinctive energy levels).CBS sports march madness
Then again, there are the ones people who are energetic by nature. They exercise session, spend time exterior, or in any other case do something physically active daily. Additionally, they push themselves to assignment their physical limits. Unavoidably, this effects in some shape of exhaustion, stress, or even injury. The hardest element? Letting themselves heal.
Healing Requires Relaxation
Now, we’ve all been there. I can’t inform you how in many instances I have been injured in education or opposition, and it is very hard to just take it easy after the fact (unless it hurts an excessive amount of to move, besides). I have heard countless memories of, “I suppose I commenced running on my sprained ankle too soon” or, “I understand I have a pulled muscle, however, I just had to go online last weekend.”
With a purpose to heal properly, you need to Relaxation, however, This doesn’t imply 0 physical pastimes. Move for a stroll rather than a run. Elevate lighter weights or keep on with frame weight physical activities. Perform a little mild to mild stretching, or yoga. There are tremendous many things you may do without straining a damage.
Recuperation is Electricity
Whilst we p push ourselves to our bodily limits, or maybe do moves we are not used to doing, we harm our muscular tissues. Now, don’t freak out. Your frame does not smash so without problems. That harm is what activates our body to come to be more potent.
Muscle cells respond to harm through basically developing new muscle cells, but now not exactly similar to earlier than. For the reason that muscle cells were not robust enough to deal with the pastime or motion without damage before, they repair stronger, with more muscle cells (or extra powerful contraction of muscle cells).
You realize that point you have been sore after a weightlifting consultation? That soreness is a sign of straining muscle groups, and with a few exceptions, a sign of these muscle groups getting more potent. After some Rest, what do you notice after your subsequent exercising? You feel more potent, don’t you? Your stamina may additionally even be better. Giving your body time to restore will make you more potent ultimately.
Are you Harm or Injured
An easy query pulled from a football movie… In fact, this can appear a silly query, but there’s a pretty massive difference. Constructing back up after pain or slight stress isn’t the same as coming returned after an outright injury. In case you’re sore, you can usually take it smooth for an afternoon or two, or simply tone down the interest. In case you’re injured, it’s going to take a lot greater within the way of Relaxation to get you back to combating shape (without re-injuring yourself).
As with most (if not all) of my different discussions, I would like to factor out that your frame is designed to heal itself, whether or not from contamination or damage. While a specific movement hurts, it is your body’s way of telling you now not to do this, at least for some time. Our trouble is spotting what our body is trying to inform us. Every so often, we simply need a touch assist.
Women’s Beauty Is An Indescribable Subject
How do you measure a ladies’ splendor? By her man or woman, Through her career, By using her desires or By using her looks? Each has its significance and each element is taken into consideration. It is the case with men too. They’re judged or witnessed Through their breeding, paintings and their person. beauty is something that comes from inside your body. Its miles related with the soul that God has formed inner us Some enhancers from outdoor can enlarge them however the actual thing remains interior and simplest a special soul can ooze that out and spread it in the international.
A few radiate happiness of their smiles. Their smile is so stunning that eases the upset person and feels elated and cozy. Their air of secrecy is so extraordinary and soothing that it calms the burning soul and sends peace within. We make such friends for the lifetime and in our fields, those operating angels assist in our difficulties. We have our dad and mom, our delivery givers whose air of mystery portrays eternal peace and love.
women love from their hearts. I’m stressing at the feminine thing here because They may be frequently underrated. They wish you the pleasant of the whole lot. In case you need a sworn statement, observe your mother, your spouse, your daughter, or your girlfriend. Whenever you cry, they sit beside you, offer silent prayers, and shed tears to provide solace. “the whole thing will be all proper. I will lay my existence for you my expensive. You do no longer need to fear.”After these, who might now not assume that he has nevertheless something left inner? Finest of the terrific warriors were on their knees while a female brave heart got here to their resource.
Type hearts provide the Greatest friendship.
They will by no means go away their different-half on the needy times and could now not hesitate to destroy the unwell will. A lot has been written on this issue that we are getting quick of phrases we just want to recognize dating with any man or women should stand at the pillars of hope, sacrifice, religion and love.
It isn’t always incorrect to bitch about distances. We’re however a silly mortal and we need our cherished ones to be close. We need to look them, sense their presence, and feel cherished By their moves. It isn’t and in no way is an awful factor. Whoever It’s miles, must always give a while to the individual looking forward to him or her on the other side of the continent. A person can never be that busy that he cannot spare an unmarried minute to assist you to understand approximately his situation.
Why Muslim Clothes for Women Offend Westerners
The costumes Muslim girls put on in public is an affront to many Western ladies who have the liberty to dress as they want rather than as faith dictates. The concept that girls have to cool their heads and our bodies to prevent them being raped is outrageous to those who have lived largely without worry of one of this factor. With the merging of cultures now taking place and the arrival of women who get dressed in a head and face coverings, they threaten that freedom.Muslim beliefs vs Christian beliefs
Segregation of the sexes is any other affront as that is not a part of the democratic society of the west. While it appears to boil down to adult males not able to manipulate sexual urges and there in all likelihood gang rape of women there’s a well-known worry brewing a few of the women of western international locations.
Many look upon the Muslim head headscarf as a form of terrorism and persecution of ladies. In hot united states of America like Australia,
Our sympathy is going out to the young ladies who are pressured to put on this type of factor that makes them stand out and may be a supply of ridicule and misunderstanding.
The indoctrination and traditions carried with those people whilst they come to a unfastened united states of America does not help. They may be stood over through guys each of their circle of relatives and the prolonged ones as brothers, fathers, uncles or even mothers turn on them in the event that they rebellion against it. While they now live in a cute democratic society They’re in no way a part of it and that puts them at odds with other women.2015 womens world cup groups
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