#like brooo what if I don’t wanna get better what if I wanna stop getting in the first place
cherrysnax · 1 year
man why can’t I have a mental breakdown during the day in front of everyone like all the other guys nooo I gotta do it in my head
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teagballs · 8 months
I just read your Dennis fic, and if you were going to write a part 2 would you be able to make it that Dennis doesn’t immediately tell reader he likes her? He just starts acting really weird when she’s around?
Like maybe, Dennis Charlie and Mac are insulting Dee and reader says something like “that it’s not nice” then Dennis goes, “yeah that’s seriously not nice guys.” And everyone’s just confused cause like he was saying mean stuff too.
If it’s to much trouble or if you don’t wanna write this please just ignore this 🧍🧍
"like no one else" | dennis reynolds x reader
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read part one here
authors note: ur mind anon UR MIND BROOO. this prompt was amazing and i had to do it but also it took me a month cuz i was busy. OOPS. i hope i did it justice cuz i took it and ran LMAO
requests open as always!! looking to do some charlie kelly stuff, so if u have any ideas for him lmk!!
cw: fem reader, mentions of objectification of women and the D.E.N.N.I.S system ofc, lil smoochie smoo at the end but nothing nsfw, 1.4k words
Dennis stumbled out of the restaurant, abandoning his date and this old life of promiscuity behind, seemingly. He walked down the street, pulling out his phone. He entered your name into his contacts, ready to confess everything. Ready to tell you how much you mean to him. Ready to love you. But then he stopped. His finger hovered over the call button and he thought, "what am I doing?" It was the emotion of the situation that made him act with such heedlessness. He didn't even know if you felt that way about him, if you felt the same deep connection he did. For him, it was a feeling like no other. It felt like you got him in a way no one else did. With understanding and kindness too. But to you? Dennis could just be a good friend to you. And if that was the case, what was the point in risking it all? He took a deep breath, shoving his phone back in his pocket. No, he shouldn't act so incautiously.
In the following weeks, Dennis found himself falling deeper and deeper for you. Every action you took, every word you spoke. He found himself obsessing over it. He tried not to come off as creepy - although that was hard, this was Dennis. His still kept his distance as usual, but now with a growing infatuation. He believed he was portraying this neutrality to you well, but this facade was challenged today.
"Y'know what guys, I'm really excited for this date tonight," Dee began to explain as she sat at the bar with Dennis, Charlie, Mac, and you.
"Oh shut up, Dee, nobody cares about your stupid date," Mac barked. Degrading her as usual.
It was water off a duck's back for dee, "You're just jealous I have a date Mac." She rhymed off before taking another swig of her beer.
"How'd you get this one to go out with you, Dee?" Charlie began in defence of Mac, "What'd you do? Steal his dog?"
"What? God no, what the fuck are you talking about?" Dee said.
Dennis didn't involve himself in verbally bullying his sister as he usually would. Usually, he would come in with the worst, most grating jabs. Instead, he silently observed how you scrolled on your phone, occasionally taking a sip of your drink, noticing how your brows furrowed ever so slightly in frustration.
"Even if you do go on this date, Dee, the only way you'll get him to stay is if you steal his phone or something!" Mac snarled.
"Yeah, you stupid bird!" Charlie said, which resulted in loud laughter from the men.
"God, would you just leave her alone, you two? Do you have nothing better to do?" You snapped at them finally. Dennis noticed your frustration and wanting to support and comfort you, he responded;
"Yeah, guys, leave her alone. You're both so sad." Dennis said in his usual 'I'm not wrong about anything ever and you're stupid for being wrong' tone.
Silence. Everyone, including you, turns to face Dennis. Did he just defend Dee? The sister he swore he hated?
"Dennis, what did you just say?" Mac asked cautiously and filled with confusion.
"I said leave Dee alone."
Dennis didn't really care all that much about Dee. Really, all her cared about was proving to you he did. He wanted to be on your side, always. To have your approval.
"Thank you, Dennis," you agreed. Dennis's heart swelled. 'God, what's wrong with me?' he thought. He had never felt this many emotions ever. Never mind for one person.
"That was weird, right? Earlier? When Dennis, like, stood up for Dee?" Charlie asked Mac.
"Oh yeah! For sure! I have no clue why he did that. I mean, just yesterday me, you, Frank, and Dennis were ragging on her for being a failed actress." Mac replied, causing laughter between the pair at the thought of this previous discussion.
"So... what changed?" Charlie puzzled.
"Everyone was there, except.. except for her." Mac hypothesised that when you were there, Dennis avoided talking poorly of Dee.
"But why? What does she change?"
Mac shrugged, "Maybe he's trying to D.E.N.N.I.S her."
"Huh. Doesn't really seem like his usual type." Charlie said.
Dennis was definitely not trying to D.E.N.N.I.S you. He made that distinctly clear in his mind. He wasn't following the steps at all, going out of his way to avoid flirtation with you, actually, to avoid raising suspicions. And the final step, 'separate entirely,' was most certainly one he didn’t want to follow. He wanted to spend forever and ever with you. Why? He didn't understand it himself. He was Dennis Reynolds, the Golden God! How come he was acting so pathetic?
You were starting to notice his weird behaviour. You had known Dennis for years. He was never this.. clingy? Not that you minded, really. You had always thought he was attractive, sure - charismatic too - but his general objectification of woman and lack of interest in a stable and long-term relationship certainly deterred you. Still, though, you couldn't help but feel your heart shatter every time he would talk about the girl he was planning to go out with next. You had grown tougher over the years of knowing him, accepting that he would never change, and he would never see you like that. This new attention from his was definitely appreciated, but strange.
This all came to head a couple of weeks into this behaviour. You and Dennis sat in the bar together on a slow Tuesday. You had been testing him slightly. You were saying things to provoke him - small things. Things that would usually lead to a disagreement or argument or him going on a long Dennis rant. But he didn't budge. He didn’t roar obscenities or call you an idiot or react negatively at all. He would just nod and smile. And then he would agree. You couldn't take it. Was it some cruel joke? To get your hopes up or make you look stupid? You didn't get the punchline.
"Alright, Dennis, what's with you lately."
Dennis freezes. He feared you had picked up on his feelings towards you. He feared this would be the end of it all, and he had ruined it, and you would leave and he would never see you again.
"What do you mean?" Dennis replied. He was lucky he was such a good liar. He played coy well. But you didn't back down.
"You've been acting weird. You just agree with everything I say, and you're hanging around me a lot and like you keep not making fun of Dee when I'm here. You're always looking at me too. Is it some sort of joke I don't get? Are you making fun of me? That's mean."
Dennis felt emotions, oh god. He located that he felt regret and frustration and guilt and guilt and guilt. 'Mean'. He wasn't trying to be mean. She thought it was some sort of joke, but no. This was how he really felt. He really wanted to spend all his time admiring you, he wanted to agree with you on everything, that's all he could think about for the past month. And for once in his life, Dennis was at sea for words.
"I... I didn't..." Dennis attempted. But he couldn't convey his words in a safe manner. In a manner that meant if you didn't feel the same way it would be okay and you could keep being friends.
"I think I'm in love with you." Dennis sighed.
"It was after that date. With that chick. What was her name? Candy? Karen? Doesn't matter." Dennis rambled. "It was then when I realised I never want to be with anyone else, if not you. I don't think anyone had ever understood me the way you have. And I just spiralled after then? I haven't stopped thinking about you." That would be a creepy comment if it wasn't something you had always wanted to hear from him.
It was your turn to be speechless. Instead of saying anything your eyes scanned his face for any indication of falsehood. Nothing. You saw and expression on Dennis's face that you had never seen before. One that could be equated to not knowing the answer. Clueless. Maybe afraid? You open your mouth to speak again but Dennis cuts you off and speaks first. Like he's trying to drown out a negative response. Like covering your ears to block out the sound of a gunshot; the damage would still be done.
Dennis looked at you, waiting for the gunshot.
"Dennis.. I feel the same way. Of course I do, oh my God." You finally say. Your voice is small and hoarse, like you have never used it before. Quickly, before anyone can say anything else, Dennis envelops you in a kiss. A kiss that isn't filled with lust, something Dennis isn't used to. His lips lean into yours in a desperate attempt to convey his gratefulness and love and devotion to you. You grip at his sides. You understand.
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gotatext · 1 year
location :  kitchen
time :   jude and angel talk about the hideaway. after jenny asks jude to be exclusive, he finds himself wondering if she’s too keen. 
featuring :  angel  /   @dobits
angel reid
"mmmmmorning," angel sing-songs, physically unable to remove the wide grin from his mouth as he strolls into the kitchen, bushy-tailed and bright eyed. he's still only in his undies, just made a quick stop at the pisser before seeking out judey. he affectionately scruffs the back of his neck as he walks past, trying to play it oh-so cool for as long as possible. "get good sleep?" 
𝗷𝘂𝗱𝗲 𝗱𝗲𝗺𝗽𝘀𝗲𝘆.
jude's in the kitchen, lovingly preparing a granola-yogurt smoothie situation for jenny and a fry up for him (plus an extra few sausages for when jenny inevitably wants one). he's still on a mission to make her a better smoothie than josh had, more out of pride now than any weird paranoia that that's still a thing, focused intently on the sizzle of his pan when angel slides in from behind (cheeky). "alright, mucker? so she took you to the hideaway, then?" jude asks, yet to turn and give angel his full attention. when he does, it's clear from the shit-eating grin on angel's face than they did more than just hash things out. "you dirty fucker." the spatula's already down, heat turned off as jude starts jumping across the kitchen to grab hold of angel's shoulders and make him jump with him. "you got some! second night in a row, bro, you're fuckin' coming for my crown!"
angel reid
there's no shot these two would react to getting laid on the outside as they do in the villa, and it's not helping angel beat the virgin allegations, but as far as he's concerned it's a rite of passage and precisely what he's expecting out of jude. "brooo," angel hypes in a fit of laughter, jumping along with him. his head hangs back in his chuckles, bit bashful. "i thought we were just gonna fight, honestly. like, we were both pretty pissed at each other, but -- dude, oh my god, there's a stripper pole in there." thumb jerks back over his shoulder, a general gesture to the hideaway. the meaning is clear - who can manage a fight in proximity to a pole? then his gaze floats over the counter, jude's morning spread littering the space and angel's mouth quirks with a knowing smile. "for wifey?" a little teasing, he pushes his shoulder into jude's chest. "you guys are really all cuffed up, huh?"
𝗷𝘂𝗱𝗲 𝗱𝗲𝗺𝗽𝘀𝗲𝘆.
“don’t even say that shit, man. i’m so jealous,” jude groans, returning to the hob to flip his eggs, tossing them up like it’s a pancake rather than a fry-up. “jenny’s been hankering for hideaway since the day we coupled up. i’m out here dreaming of the hideaway, bro.” they’re not exactly quiet in the bedroom, but the opportunity to be in a soundproof box stocked like a lovehoney warehouse? nice. “yeah, for wifey. although that shit’s kinda weird right now actually. you’re not gonna believe this right, but jenny kinda asked me to be exclusive.” jude turns off the heat, picks up the pan, and slides the contents of it onto his plate. “and i, like a fuckin’ dick, said no? or at least, not yet. i’m kicking myself about it now, but i feel like it’s the best choice. i don’t want her rushin’ that shit to distract me from the fact that she kissed victoria. that ain’t just a plaster you can slap on and make everything okay.” he’s pretty sure angel and callie are closed off, but it feels different with them, somehow. they haven’t had the same hurdles. “also, we’ve known each other, what, like, ten days? i like her a lot, but it feels a bit keen.” 
angel reid
“i’m just glad i got in there before you two freaks,” he says affectionately. angel knows what jude and jenny get up to under the covers in a room full of people, he doesn’t wanna see the aftermath of them finally, truly alone. “not enough disinfectant in the world, my guy.” there’s a comedic pause as he watches jude arrange the plate. “— i thought i was wifey.” the pout is playful, is very aware that at the very least he’ll get jenny’s leftovers. then angel’s distracted by the absolute blindside of jenny wanting commitment. “i mean… you guys are already pretty exclusive, no?” spoken out the side of his mouth, like he’s trying not to say the quiet part out loud. “no, i mean, i feel you. you want it to be for the right reasons. i’m just like… well, i feel like jenny’s the kinda chick who would say it was distraction, but actually totally mean it low key.” plus it was just one silly little kiss on a first date, but he’s not gonna tell jude that, ever the loyal number two. instead he nods, cants his head. “yo, if you aren’t there yet, then honesty’s the best policy and you did good. but i think you should, like, consider the fact that jenny just wants you, dude.” a pause, he smacks jude’s arm with the back of his hand, a playful scowl wrinkling his features. “and ten days so isn’t too soon to wanna be exclusive with somebody, thanks.”
𝗷𝘂𝗱𝗲 𝗱𝗲𝗺𝗽𝘀𝗲𝘆.
jude’s already smirking, shaking his head with a low laugh in his throat. “mate, they’d have to fuckin’ blitz the place. disinfectant wouldn’t cut it, you’d need a baptism of fire on that shit. better yet, just knock the whole thing down and build a new one from scratch.” didn’t they do that with the villa each year anyway? or at least, the layout seemed to change year-on-year. this one’s definitely not the version siobhan made on the sims when she heard he was going to be going on the show, a goofy little sim of him that she said she’d use to recreate his journey. kinda fucked now he thinks about it, but makes sense given her whole medic with a god complex vibe. “man, family day can’t come soon enough. obviously, i want jenny to meet them, but i need you to meet ‘em, bro. my mum’s gonna end up as your second mum, fo sho.” at angel’s pout, jude leans in, catching his jaw in his hand and placing a deliberately curt kiss against his lips. “you are wifey. what the girls don’t know won’t hurt ‘em.” jude plucks a sausage from his plate and swallows it in two bites, giving jenny’s smoothie another zhuzh in the blender before pouring it over some ice, two raspberries and a mint leaf. “looks like a dick, that,” he notes, with all the sincerity of david attenborough, serious crease between his brows. considering angel’s words, jude’s stomach curdles a little, feeling even more like he’s fucked up by tactlessly shooting her down. “yeah. yeah. we basically are exclusive. i dunno why i don’t want the label, it’s not like it makes a difference. i’m basically her boyfriend, bro. i think when we seal it off, though, i want it to be a moment i can show my nan, you get me? the big movie moment. can’t exactly show my nan a clip that borders on porno, now can i?”
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heavyhitterheaux · 2 years
REE!! Just read already best friends it took my ass all day!! But I wanted to be comfortable in bed when I read it 😭 UGHH I FUCKING LOVED IT. That so called “best friend” (fake jealous ass bitch) NEEDS HER ASS BEAT, WHOOPED, DRAGGED!! ALL OF THE FUCKING ABOVE
I’m gonna put some of my favorite things from the fic below:
Visit you at work and photoshop you in compromising pictures with different men to make it seem as if you were doing more than just giving them dances and sent it to Jack through a text message. This is really another level of miserable 😐
amila- Jack it’s Camila, I hate to be the one to tell you this. But Y/N isn’t as innocent as she seems. I don’t want for her to string you along anymore seeing as it’s been almost eight months. I’m actually surprised that she kept it up for this long. She does more than dance for people, she sleeps with them. She’s been lying to you. I’m sorry. This whole thing just REALLLYYYY PISSED ME OFF!! 🔪
Jack- Y/N, I didn’t want to do this over a text but, I have a lot of things going on and I feel as though we need to take a break from our relationship for a while. “I didn’t want to do this over text” THEN DONT!! BE A MAN AND FACE HER 🙄
And to think you told your mom and grandmother about him. SHE TOLD THE GRANDMA BROOO 😭 and he broke up with her OVER TEXT!!
And that he wanted to bring you to Kentucky to spend Thanksgiving with his family. AND YOU THE TYPA GIRL I WANNA BRING TO THANKSGIVING!!
“I love you, Mila. Thank you for being the one person that I can always count on.” THE IRONYYYY. Like she’s telling this evil ass bitch she lovers her & don’t even know what this hoe did!!
“Of course, baby girl. I am always going to be here for you. Until the end of time and even after that. All we need is each other.” And here comes her fake ass response, like bitch NO U NEED HER 🖕🏽
“But you really liked him and I was excited to meet him so he better get his shit together and make me a great grandmother.” Nana’s in the hospital bed preaching 😭
“Girl, please. You know you want him and only him. I’ll stop picking with you for now, but do me a favor and drop his address when I get out of rehab. Nana will set him straight.” Someone please tell me, where I go or what I gotta do to get a Nana like this 💀 I feel like this would be @hoodharlow as a grandma, DONT MESS WIT HER FAMILY 😭 or you will be catching them hands.
“I deserved to have that relationship, not her.” BITCH U DIDNT EVEN WANT HIM!! YOU WANTED THAT LIGHT SKIN BIG HEADED ASS HOE DRAKE 😐
I’m not holding on for a got damn thing. Get your shit out of my apartment and you better not come back. I… consider this friendship over with. Who knew you were a jealous ass bitch. Oh, and find another person to get you to help pay for your tuition next semester, I’m done. FIRST OFF, YN told this bitch the fuck off. AS SHE MOTHAFUCKIN SHOULD!! But what gets me is SHE WAS HELPING THIS FAKE WACK ASS HOE WITH HER TUITION?! AND THAT’S HOW SHE WANNA DO HER🤨 ANDDDD I STILL THINK SHE SHOULDA GOT HER ASS BEAT THE FUCK UP 🗣️
jackharlow: the baddest to ever do it. first black principal dancer of americanballettheater that's my wife yall 😍 YALL SEE THAT!! BLACK PUSSY POWER AT ITS FINEST!! Babygirl is married ANDDDD got her dream job 😘
lilnasx: jackharlow I'm spoken for. he better download a dating app. This….this just killed me 💀
Jackman was wrong for not letting her explain
Don't even get me started on Camila
Yess Nana gives me Blanca vibes because I know she doesn’t play about the people she cares about
And Camila wanted Drake's ass not Jack
When she saw how her "bestie" was happy she was like where is my boo at? She doesn't deserve him
And yesss the ultimate form of black girl magic! Jack made sure to help her dream come true 😭😭
Druski and Nas always be going at it and don't know how to act lmaooooo
Who knows, I might do another insta au that shows married life for them and her thriving being the badass she is 😌💕
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mrkcore · 3 years
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: lee donghyuck x fem!reader
𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬: college!au (cs - computer science major haechan, psychology major y/n)
𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: fluff, slight angst
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠(𝐬): profanity, awful gamer language
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 0.7k
𝐚/𝐧: the second installment of the and they were roommates! series, and probably my fav one :D send in an ask or comment here to be added to the taglist! the game they’re playing in valorant! i know hyuck plays overwatch and lol, but idk how to play those so valorant will have to suffice. (it’s very similar to overwatch and apex legends!)
𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 | 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭
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“haechan PLEASE, for the love of god, fix your crosshair.” jeno says, observing the horrible sight in front of him.
“shut the fuck up jeno, stop backseating, you got killed by the sag-” haechan suddenly stops talking. did he just get killed by the same sage he was just talking about? and with a classic gun?
“and so did you, maybe if you had a better crosshair, you would have been still alive.” jeno snaps back.
“will the two of you shut up so chenle can clutch and we can win the game?” renjun says sternly. the two go quiet while haechan sits back in his chair, huffing.
“chat, did you see that sage rotating? they must have been hacking, there’s no way she made no sound while rotating.”
“awh darn it.” chenle groans. the word “defeat” on a red banner displays nicely on the top of haechan’s monitor as he swore.
“maybe if haechan kept his mouth shut, chenle would have been able to concentrate.” renjun snarled.
“hey! i didn’t know my mic wasn’t off, i’m sorry, alright.” he retorted.
“i don’t even think they had ranks, it doesn’t show on my logs.” jeno commented.
haechan rolls his eyes, and he knows renjun is too. “wow thanks jeno, that makes us feel a whole lot better.” he grumbled.
“the sage got like 3 aces during the game, that’s pretty impressive.” jaemin pointed out.
“do you think they were stream sniping me?” haechan asked. “there’s no way i wouldn’t have heard the sage rotated unless they knew i was at showers.”
“haechan, not everyone that did better than you stream sniped you, they probably don’t even know you.” jeno quipped. 
“i can’t believe that was our warm-up round.” chenle mutters, still troubled over the last game. “we need to go another round before we do ranked.”
“haechan, can you keep it down? i have a presentation in the morning and i would like some sleep please.” you suddenly peaked your head into his room.
“oh yeah, sorry i’ll keep it down.” he says, droned.
“thanks.” you turn around to go back to your room, closing his door.
haechan sighs. 
this was going to be a long stream.
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they lost. every single match that night. they didn’t even play ranked.
“fuck! i even put on my intense gamer playlist and it didn’t work.” haechan cursed. “well, that’s it for today chat, i have a presentation tomorrow for class, so that’s it for today’s stream. hopefully we can play ranked next time.”
after ending the stream, he still couldn’t stop thinking about the sage. they weren’t playing ranked, had no ranks, how was it possible that they won? impossible, had to be a stream snipe.
whatever, haechan interrupted his own thoughts. i’ll figure it out tomorrow after class.
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“how was your presentation this morning?” haechan asked, setting the table for lunch.
“it was alright, probably would have been better if you’d stop screaming at 2 am.” you tease as he laughs sheepishly.
“yeah, sorry. i was just raging at this sage.” he admits.
“mhm, maybe if you listened better, you would have heard me rotate off. showers is literally the first place i looked.” you said calmly, chewing your food.
haechan blinked in confusion.
“you were the sage last night? that got 3 aces in one game?” he shrieks, completely utterly shocked.
“uhm, surprise?” you revealed.
“you came into my room to tell me to quiet down! what was that for?” haechan is still in disbelief.
“your reaction was so funny i had to take a peek for myself.” you giggled.
“does that mean you stream sniped me?” he grunted, still hung up on the situation.
“well, you were screaming, so maybe an indirect one?” you admitted, trying to stifle your laughter.
“sheeeeesh.” he groaned. “bro, next time when jaemin doesn’t wanna play, you’re joining us. randoms are so shit.”
“alright, bet.” you agreed. “road to radiant?”
“that’s so cringe.” 
haechan wailed as you hit him in the arm. 
“fine fine fine! i’ll carry you to radiant.”
“brooo you got sniped by me yesterday, how are you going to say you’re gonna carry me, hm?” you scoffed.
“it was an off day yesterday, i swear i’m good, i’m literally almost immortal.” he states, proudly.
“we’ll see about that.”
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© mrkcore. 2021. — reposts of my work is not permitted.
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rpmemes-galore · 4 years
iconic vines for the nostalgia my dudes ... sentence starters
“Merry crisis.”
“I can’t swim.”
“I smell like beef.“
“That was legitness.“
“Come get y’all juice.“
“Chipotle is my liiiiiife.”
“He needs some milk!“
“What are thooooose?”
“Hi, welcome to Chili's.”
“What the FUCK is up??”
“(Name), is that a WEED?”
“That’s why you’re my bud.”
“It's a avocadooo... thanks.”
“Look at all those chickens!“
“And they were roommates!”
“I wanna be a cowboy, baby!”
“Bitch, I hope the fuck you do.“
“I brought you Myrrh... Mur-dur!“
“’Pretty cute’? I’m a GODDESS.”
“I'm a bad bitch, you can't kill me!”
“Oh my god, they were roommates!”
“How much did you pay for that taco?“
“Lipstick? In my Valentino white bag?!“
“You try’na fight? Hold my breadsticks!”
“A mug shot? I don't even drink coffee.“
“Stoooop! I coulda dropped my croissant!”
“Who opened that? Devil car! DEVIL CAR!”
“What's better than this? Guys bein dudes.“
“Girl, you're thicker than a bowl of oatmeal!“
“I burnt my entire house to the ground, so…”
“This is the dollar store, how good can it be?“
“I look good in black and I’m willing to suffer.”
“Can I get a waffle? Can I please get a waffle?“
“What the fuck, is this allowed? Is this allowed?”
“I don’t need no degree to be a clothing hanger.”
“Road work ahead? Uh yea, I sure hope it does.“
“I don't have enough money for chicken nuggets.“
“My resting heart rate registers as a panic attack.”
“I’m an adult. I do grownup things. Independence.”
“So, I’m sitting there, barbecue sauce on my titties.“
“I thought you were bae… turns out you’re just fam.”
“Mothertrucker, dude, that hurt like a buttcheek on a stick.“
“I love you, bitch. I ain't never gonna stop lovin' you, bitch.“
“Oh, hi. Thanks for checking in. I’m still a piece of garbage!”
“I ate half a stick of butter… for breakfast. So, it’s pretty bad.”
“This is your space, this is your area, she can't do that to you.“
“Two brooos chillin’ in a hot tub, 5 feet apart ‘cuz they're not gay.”
“My liver says ‘Thank God’, but my heart says ‘please… not yet’.”
“All these ghosts, ALL these ghosts… and I still can’t find a boo. “
“What up, I'm (name), I'm 19, and I never fucking learned how to read.“
“Go to Del Taco. They got a new thing called freesha-freesha-vaca-do.”
“Be whatever you wanna be. If you wanna be a dog... RUFF. You know?"
“Welcome to Bible Study. We're all children of Jesus... Kumbaya my looord.”
“I’m sorry I didn’t see you there. I was too busy, hmmm, blocking out the haters.”
“Next time you put your fuckin' hands on me, imma fuckin' rip your face off, bitch.“
“When will you learn? When will you learn that your actions have consequences!?“
“Why the fuck you lyin’? Why you always lyin’? Mmmm, oh my god, stop fucking lyin’!”
“I’m not a cake face. I’m an ice cream cake face. Under this thick cosmetic frosting, is my cold interior.”
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aspiringrighter · 2 years
PART 2 / A
Part 2 
So how did fall in love I mean  in infatuation . It all started on my first day as an image consultant at David and Davidson Agence . But everyone called it DD or double Ds . DD is talent agency.  basically if you are an actor , singer, comedian YouTuber, instagramer , tiktoker any influencer of some sort , you name it all. If you work in media and you need management it’s a one stop shop. My job was to figure out what the artist image should be,  working with them to elevate their look. Or help them find a new look reinvented themselves. DD was an up and coming agency with a growing business of 120 people. 
I got my little cubicle. With other image consultant there were 5 of us . Jenny a cool red head from Ireland the lead and also the person i was shadowing for the next 2 weeks , Shai the coolest effortless black girl I know next to me obviously  . Bob and Susan not their real names, its that  just they are boring. I can't be bothered and they will not be appearing that much in this tale. On my first day at lunch Sitting with my friend Zoe the photographer who had recommended me for the job and got me an interview. 
Who is your photographer? “ Zoe asked . To be honest I was hoping I would be working with Zoe because she is amazing and would make magic together. Her and I did a couple projects together before that's how we met . Anyways back to the story. 
“Aria Amari”. I said 
“Ooh” she grimaced and kept eating. 
“Omg what ?” I said in a panic. 
“Nothing I don’t wanna give you biased info , you will find out yourself.” She said as she took a bit of her sandwich. 
“ huh?if you didnt wanna give me biased info why did you say something at all. i spat at her “
“My mouth spoke before my brain thought.”  She said 
‘Fuck Zo you better fucking tell me . You know my anxiety can’t take it” .i said 
“ Well he is really good at his job one of the best . but he is so unreliable . But amazing at his job probably one of the best besides me of course .he is a late person he shows up when he wants to be . He will get it done but when he wants too .” she said 
“Brooo are you joking ?”  I was filled with dread as I am a very punctual person. who meticulously plans everything to the t . 
“That’s not how I work at all. I like schedules and being on time”. i added  
“I know , I was his assistant when I first started and it was high key hell. I am so glad I got promoted cause I was ready to dip out of here .
“Zo!” I just looked at her. Stressful thoughts running through my head. 
“He is not that bad” , she tried to reassure me. 
“mmmmhmmm” i said. 
We stopped talking and kept eating. My mind raced thinking if I was up for the challenge. A couple mins later He walked in the kitchen. When I had just took a big bite of my sandwich. I almost choked on my food . My whole body straightened up
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bby-d1p · 3 years
G“So who’s going to go get it?“ Lamelo asked for the literal eight time since we’ve gotten in the car. It was me,Melo and don. “LaMelo if you ask that dumbass question one more time imma put you out my car“ Don yelled gripping the steering wheel.”My bad damn” Melo laid in my lap and started to play with my fingers; specifically my index finger that had Loyalty on it. As a birthday gift for my 18th he wanted us to get matching tatts.”Don is getting the weed ok stop smoking you’re already slow enough“ I whispered in his ear. We hot boxed earlier but melo dropped the blunt in a pile of mud since it had rained. (a/n we woulda had to box ong)
We pulled up to don’s plug I’m guessing; the house wasn’t to shabby, we were on the east side NOLA so its not all glammed up like the west side.The bright green roof and windows didn’t compliment the sore orange and tan panel on the outside. It’s a two maybe three story house. A brolic walked out the house.He had on a black wife beater(a/n we hit women jkjkjk), grey sweats and some ugly ass green shell toe Adidas. Don pulled at least 50 dollars out of his bag. He closed the door of his black and grey Cullinan almost busting his ass on the wet ground causing melo and I to screech. I felt a cold hand trickle up my thigh.”You he gon be gone for like 15 minutes” Melo whispered in my ear. “Um no he’s not“ I smiled as don got back in the car. “dammit“ melo mumbled.Nigga feenin for some cat.
 Don started to hand melo the bag. “Mel- nevermind April you rolling ion got time for my shit getting dropped again“ Don handed me the iridescent bag with two big cookies and what looked like enough to foll 4 fat blunts.They cut their eyes at each other. ”How much did this cost“ I said with an astonished look on my face. “Like 45$“ he shrugged so did I not bad. These cookies are big as hell. I began to grind the substance through my fingers into the pineapple Game wrap.I felt a flash go off from beside me and then got a snap notification. Melo captioned the video; Her focused face😭😍. 
“I don’t make a face when I’m focused” I rolled my eyes as I sparked my blunt  close to my lips. “Um not I get to hit it first“ Don attempted to take the blunt from me. “I rolled every one their own. It’s enough to roll at least three more blunts“ I handed don and melo their blunts. “AP shotgun me” Melo called my by the nickname he gave me sparking his blunt as wel. 
Apparently he thinks calling me a piece jewelry of  is cute.He took a puff blowing out the cloud of white smoke. “Okay“ I smiled scooting closer to him. “Yea no if yall gon be on this shit I’m finna call Aiesha. Yall be TOO horny when you get high “By the time he finished his sentence I was already in Melo’s lap puffing out smoke as he rubbed my thigh with his free hand. I jerked my head back and Melo made a face. “Everyone most likely wants to fuck me. So I assume everyone wants to fuck me even more because who doesn’t like to fuck after we’ve smoke three blunts?” LaMelo and I said simultaneously and laughed. 
“You ready“ Lamelo licked his lips damn he’s so fine when he’s high.”Yea“ I took a puff before blowing the white smoke in his mouth. Just to be a dick he blew the smoke through his nose. I wanna know how to do that but he won’t teach me. “Why“ I made a pouty face. “Because I’m cooler than you“ He chuckled hitting his head on the head rest.”hey y'all” Aisha greeted up through slurs she is high as fuck.We all spoke”im cooler in the bedroom though.” I whispered in his ear running my fingers down his waves and grinding on his lap just to be a tease.I felt him grow and smirked.Don already smoke half his blunt “Don how yo shit half gone already?” I laughed hysterically shit is so much funnier when you’re high.
“BROOO I WANT SOME NAGOMI” I yelled getting off his lap making him cut his eyes at me.”Omg yess bitch yesssss” Aiesha did a little twerk in her seat causing me to slap her ass.”Melo put on yo seatbelt” I tapped his shoulder.”I don’t want to”Lamelo shrugged. “Don’t be feeling on my girl nigga” Don bucked at me starting the car, and just to be petty, of course i blew her a kiss. She pretended to catch an put it on her lips making Don break check us. “GOT DAMN NIGGA” Melo yelled rubbing his forehead because he hit it on the back of Aiesha’s seat.”I said put on your seatbelt” I nicked his neck.
After getting our foo he headed to 
“Stop fucking touching my CRawfISh“ Melo’s voice crack as I took another piece of crawfish from his plate snickering hysterically. “yo who ate my cookies?“ Don said with annoyance in his voice.Aisha,Melo and I looked at each other for like two seconds and busted out laughing. “yall not smoking with me no more“ he kissed Aisha’s lips. “If I wanted to I could take you bitch.” I spoke honestly while LaMelo screech hysterically.”Ahh my nigga she just PLAYED THE FUCK OUTTA YOU“ Aisha began laughing at lamelo.”lets not forget who dropped our blunt bitch“ he shot back at melo making him stop laughing. “Yea bitch shut up“ I picked with Lamelo. He got a tight grip on my neck. “You better stop talking out of turn before you’re not able to talk at all.” He growled. “okay“ I said trying to front but I am DRIPPING okay.”I’ma bout to go to the bathroom that crawfish ran through me” Lamelo disgustedly announced. 
” now that melo left; man I’ll bet you five hundred you can’t even make my girl wet” Don flicked his blunt in an ashtray. “You for real?“ Aisha and I asked at the same time. “On my soul“ He patted his chest, “Bet“ was all I said before Aisha climbed on my lap after I motion her over. Because I always win bets I started to kiss down her neck making her grind her his on my lap. “I don’t have a dick what are you grinding for?“ We busted out laughing. “My stomach hurt!“ Don wheezed. “Getting a factime call for Don Julio“ siri spoke. “Why are you facetiming me were in the same house“ I rolled my eyes.
 “Back to what you were doing I want my five hundred“ Don commanded. “Or yo just wanna watch free porn buut since I’m getting five hundred why not.“ I smirked deviously as I grabbed Aisha’s neck putting my tongue in her mouth. “MMM“ She groaned into the kiss as I felt on her ass.I started to slide my hands in the back of her pants. “If we go that far imma steal you from melo. now if you’ll excuse me; I have to go change my underwear.” She ran off  my lap and upstairs. “Bro here“ Don plopped a stack of money on the table with an attitude. “thank you“ I said as Aisha came back downstairs.“ Yo the moon landing is fake and I know you was getting ya freak on with Aisha and I ain’t mad about it” Lamelo yelled coming back from the bathroom giving me props and sounding dumb as fuck. “How?“ Don grew intrigued. “There was wind messing with the flag in the video but there are no trees or anything in space to create wind so what the fuck?“ he rubbed his waves, sitting back.”Oh shit I don’t know“ I scratched my head. 
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hotwings0203 · 3 years
Hehehe I'm back! Loll these ideas of how Muslim Dabi would fluster you have been burning my brainnn and I totally blame you😫✋
Anyways so omg okay, I could totally see Muslim Dabi doing that thing where the guy pulls the girls dupatta to make her fall back into his chest pull as the girl turns to walk away, and he would like put his hand on your lower back or waist and lean down by your ear and just whisper about how you look so pretty today and how he can't wait to see you as his bride
Also! I could totally see him like playing with your churiyan or bangles and just touching your hand and wrist, tangling his fingers with yours and just teasing you about how your hands fit his so well, how he can't wait to put a wedding ring on you
Oh! If your churiyan get stuck to his clothes, he would totally milk that situation by standing just a little to close while you try to untangle your churiyan from his clothes while trying to not combust from blushing cuz he is leaning or staring down and just gazing at you with a smirk on his face, and teasing you about clearly you don't wanna be away from him or something smh
Also! Say if you are getting your mehndi (henna) done for eid or something, he would totally use this as a way to get closer to you, like you can't use your hands while waiting for your mehndi to dry! So he's just helping you by brushing your hair away from your face, or just guiding you with a hand on your lower back so you don't bump into someone and ruin your pretty mehndi, or sitting too close to you with his arm is draped behind you while your waiting for your henna to dry. Lmao he would totally wait for the henna to dry and when he sees how dark and rich the colour his, hes like see, look how much I love you (cuz you know the darker the colour, the more your husband loves you) and you are trying so hard to not just get all flustered and just can't help looking away all shy and blushy, while he looks at you in a soft but like still dominant way
Speaking of helping you! Lmao he would totally use this as an excuse to feed you food, and he would totally use this as an opportunity to touch your face and neck, just touching your lips, and looking at you with lust filled eyes, and telling you how he bets your lips will taste so sweet when he kisses you, and make such pretty noises when you're underneath him, and you're just like Dabi! Stop, people are gonna hear! You're gonna get us in trouble! But he just chuckes cuz you look so cute when you're glaring at him with a blush adoring your cheeks
Also he would totally find a way to make you feed him food cuz that's what good wifes do! lmfao like okay say your poor soul ends up getting engaged to him, and its your mehndi or something, and you know how sometimes they will make the bride feed the groom sweets like laddu or gulab jamun, brooo he would so sexual about it, he would totally hold your wrist and guide it to feed him, and maintain eye contact the whole time, and his lips linger on your finger tips for just a little too long, and of course everyone is just gonna be like omg! Wow look at how much he is in love with her! So lucky! While you're sitting there trying not to die from how fast and hard your heart is beating and your cheeks are on fire
Also! Imagine having to drive with him omggg like imagine your family is in the process of you guys getting engaged and are like going out for dinner or a picnic or something, and Dabi would be like oh! How about me and her drive together and use this as a chance to get to know each other better, and of course the parents are gonna be like yes! Like wow look at the initiative he's taking to get to know his future wife, so now you are stuck in a car with him. He would totally pull that move where when he is reversing he puts his arm behind your seat and he would totally "help" you by reaching across to help put your seat belt on, and just lingers by your face, his lips too close to your lips, and you just blushing and looking demurly at him through your lashes, and omg he would totally put his hand on your tigh and just relish in the way you gasp and clench them and blush as you are like Dabi! This isn't appropriate, the parents will find out! Lmaooo Also! Adding to the previous point, he would totally make your feed him food while he drives, and licks or nick your finger tips when you go to feed him, and just relish in the way you blush and squeak Dabi! And he would just he like damn I can't help that I love the way my name sounds on your lips
Also when you guys married hes gonna be soooo horny, and possessive for you cuz know it's all halal, and would just be like I wanna get you pregnant asap, cuz come on we gotta give our parents cute little grandkids and its your job as his wife to please him lmfao And like of course you're gonna be all flustered and stuff, but also he is good in bed, soooooo aianaokHgqNaah
And also like yeah Muslim Dabi is a total hooligan, but he's not dumb, homeboy is smart and gets good grades, and is gonna be graduating with a masters and is gonna work under his dad and all that, and his family is famous and well liked by the community, so he's gonna have like no issues with getting the reader to marry him, and her family is obviously gonna be so happy! Like wow what a good marriage proposal from such a prestigious and good family! And of course the Todoroki's are gonna be so happy to have a sweet and kind and pure daughter in law, who is gonna take care of their troublesome son, little do they know that yeah maybe Dabi loves you, but he's also gonna ruin you LMFAOO RIPPP
hotwings.exe. has stopped working.
Dude it would be just like in Om Shaanti Om, maybe he sees you at chaand raat looking for churiyan or cute kurtis for Eid when he decides to approach you. He KNOWS how skittish you are but he’s had his eye on you for a while…yet you’re so damn evasive. You’re like a little mouse, jumping at the slightest brush of his body against yours.
He sees you admiring the jingle of the bangles, the way the sequins cast reflecting rays against your own hands and decides to play with his future wifey a bit.
He sidles up behind you and reaches around your body to hold your preoccupied hand in his.
“I can’t wait for the day you look at me with such admiration,” he breaths against your ear, and just as he expected, you jump about a foot in the air.
You clutch your chest and look at him warily.
“Dabi! Don’t do that, you nearly gave me a heart attack.”
He lowers his lids and makes sure you’re watching as his gaze travels from your feet up your body to your face, settling on not so modest areas.
Your face flushed furiously when he rasps, “‘You sayin’ I make your heart race, meri jaan?”
He almost got kicked in the balls that day. But he wouldn’t say that he minds if it means his sacred scrotum has any contact with you
At another time he finds you waiting in line to get your mehndi done. You’re sitting patiently and poised as you flip through some sample design pages, and he slips in like next to you (and might I add, he received no backlash for cutting from the terrifying glare he gave to the people behind him, practically dating them to voice their displeasure).
“Whatcha lookin’ at guriya (doll)?”
You snap your head towards him with mild surprise, somehow already knowing he was going to find you. Wordlessly, you hand him the pages and he takes it from your hand, letting his fingers interlace with yours.
You try pulling it back, nervously looking around and giving him a pleasing look to let go, but he merely holds your gaze, his eyes filled with such tenderness that you had never seen before.
“Let them see. People should know you’re gonna belong to me anyways,” he groans quietly when your lips part in shock.
“Stop messing with me,” you murmur and turn your face. He won’t have any of it though, he follows your turning head and grabs a wrist, holding it up to his lips and kissing it, trailing his mouth from your palm to your single digits.
“‘This the hand you’re gonna get done?”
Your body lights on fire as you feel his tongue swirl around your index, the taste of you causing his dick to swell under his kameez.
He squeezes your wrist lightly and prompts you for an answer. You nod slightly, and he chuckles lowly.
“I’ll make sure to put a ring on this hand then. And you better wear it with your mehndi as well when you wrap your hand around my co-“
“Next person please!”
You leap out of your seat, face ablaze and fuming indignantly as you hear him laugh behind you.
“Hey, Y/N!”
You turn and barely meet his eye.
“Get the design on page three. It’ll suit you.”
You get the design on page three.
He leaves at one point and you think he’s gone for good, when he comes back 19 minutes later, ladoos and kheer loaded in his hands, a brown paper bag in between his teeth.
Your eyes widen as he seats himself next to you, and the girl doing your hand gives you a knowing smirk when you frantically shake your head for him to leave.
But nope. Instead, he meticulously takes time to form little bites of mixed sweets and hand feeds them to you, much to your utter embarrassment.
You can’t help it though! You’re so hungry, and the food is actually delicious. It’s totally not cuz of the way he looks at you like you’re the only girl in the world, like you’re the only one whose allowed to see this soft side of the eldest Todoroki…
It’s much later down the line when you two get engaged. It takes Dabi argument after argument of persuading his parents to host multiple iftaars just for your family. He doesn’t even want Hawks to be with him when you come over, he just wants you all to himself.
When you enter his house his mouth waters at seeing your shalwar. You barely lift your lashes to look at him, but he’s basically ogling at you.
At one point of you coming over Dabi points out to the adults that you’ve never had a full house tour before. Your parents permit him to show you around, and he uses this opportunity to isolate you in a distant part of the house, right in his room.
The second you hesitantly step in, holding a light dupatta over your head for a show of modesty, he’s closing the door and locking it behind him. You turn at the sound of the click to see him smirking and crossing his arms over as he leans against the door.
You frown. “Open the door Dabi, if either of our parents see us here alone they’re gonna call off the nikkah.”
“Oh, so you’re worried about wanting to be with me, huh?”
“Dabi,” you say exasperatedly, already reaching around him for the handle.
But he uses this momentum to yank your arm towards him and spin you around, pinning you to the door with his chest pressed against your back.
It’s silent save for both of your ragged breaths.
You’re terrified, you’ve never had a boy touch you like this and you don’t know what to do except gasp when he presses his boner against your ass.
“You wanna know something?” He whispers into your ear.
You shake your trembling head, and he softly kisses the side of your cheek.
“I’ve never really been one to follow protocol, but I won’t touch you too much while we’re engaged. I’ll be gentle with you and let you get used to how you’re going to be trained under me.”
You inhale softly and flinch when his hands travel up your sides, letting the edges of your dress ride up and flash a bit of your stomach.
“But after our wedding…just know that I’ll take you however I want. I won’t be as nice with letting you go. Even if you think you can escape by having our wedding night in either yours or my parents’ house, I’ll make sure everyone knows how my name sounds when it’s screaming from your lips.”
He rubs against you, your body trapped between a rock and a literal hard place.
You think he’s gonna feel up your chest from the way he hooks his chin over your shoulder and peers down at your breasts, but he just lightly licks a stripe up your neck and cooes when you whimper.
“Please, Dabi, not like this. Just-just wait a bit.”
“How can I wait when you taste so fucking good though,” he growls and tightens his grip around you, ripping another gasp from your throat.
But then, he stops. He lets you go and spins you around to face him.
You look up at him and he strokes one hand over the column of your neck.
Unmarked, begging for any kind of sign of ownership.
“But don’t get too excited. I still have to see how you cook me biryani and butter chicken if you want this dick,” he smirks and breaks the tension in the air when he senses you’re overstimulated, misty eyed and scrunched eyebrows a dead giveaway for him.
You swat his arm and scowl at his crudeness.
“Okay you’ve had your fun now, you cretin-“
“Cretin?” His eyes widen mockingly and he takes a step towards you, placing a hand on his chest in faux hurt.
You back up and he takes another step forwards.
“That’s a big girl word to use. It’s a pretty mean one too, you’re so mean to your husband-to-be, Y/N.” He pouts and you can’t help the disbelieving snort that comes out of you. As if he were that sensitive.
“You think our kids will be as mean as you?”
“What?!” You sputter.
He cocks his head and studies you.
“Or do you think they’ll be freakishly handsome like me?”
“Get your head out of your ass, you’re actually unbelievable.”
“Maybe if I put you in a mating press they’ll come out nicer…but I heard back shots make girls more submissive, so maybe that’ll transfer to one of ‘em.”
“Who said we’re having any kids?”
“What, you think I’m gonna let you be on birth control? Naw janoo, that pussys all mine. ‘M gonna cum in it whenever i want.”
And before you feel like you’re going to pass out, you hear a knock from the door, Natsuo calling out for both of you to join them for dinner.
Dabi looks at the door, then you.
“Ladies first,” he smirks and opens the door.
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mc-slowwalker · 3 years
lmao I hate taking iron tablets I stopped taking them around like three years ago. trueeeee like I’ll have something annoying happen and just be like eh she’ll be right and it usually is just fine
the misogyny oh my god an irl of mine tried to excuse that once calling it “toxic gamer culture” that you just have to get used to (not about dream or anything tho just general gaming community) god that was annoying to hear. everytime an irl of mine that knows about dream finds out that I like him, they go “he cheated!!!!” like okay??? yes??? and??? and it’s so obvious which ones are gonna respond like that too like you’re predictable dude you’ll never be as good as that person that tried to shit on him for not solving climate change. I could probably easily come up with more vaild criticisms of dream than them. they really do be hating him cause so many teenage girls like him and cause he’s successful. I don’t het why they’re so defensive about it too like you’re allowed to not like people but why bother going out of your way to hate for no reason??? thinking about it now, some stuff my irls have said about it all are so funny if you can look past how annoying it is
brooo that’s so cool!! I didn’t actually know that!!! I really like looking into diseases and illnesses stuff. I’ll just spend hours looking into stuff and just get deeper and deeper cause it’s so interesting like I wish this is what I was learning in uni. I wanna learn all the stuff you learn in medicine but I don’t wanna become a doctor like at all at all. it’s definitely annoying. like I would be fine with the reviewing stuff if it was something I cared about ig
brooo the hate for beets is strong here damn. that’s how I feel about capsicum. capsicum is so so awful. like actually genuinely the worst. especially green capsicum. ohhh I see
right?!?!! it’s so great. and george’s stream today too!! mans has been on something since mcc and it’s awesome. I still haven’t watched the golf stream cause I’ve been busy but I’ll probably watch it tomorrow. now all we need a dream to stream that’d be great. even better, the dream lore stream. can you imagine? I can’t 🥲
I only go to the doctor’s for check ups and emergencies if it’s anything else I will just power through it. Probably not my best move but it builds character /j
Toxic gamer culture is just elitism, sexism, and racism wrapped up in a nice little package. Fun fact though it’s proven that people who are worse at games are way more toxic so if you meet a super shit person they’re statistically really fuckinf bad at video games. “He cheated” boring, overdone, bland. “He hasn’t solved climate change” new! exciting! hot! I think my other favorite anti-dream take is the “dream is racist because of mexican dream” take. It really is the perfect storm. I for sure could critisize him better than any anti because I’m cool like that and I know him better (/parasocial)
Diseases and illnesses are real fun (take that out of context) because it’s like a puzzle! Going through all yhe symptoms and then figuring out what’s most probable and then the ideal form of treatment?? Banger. If all the work I had to do for the rest of my life was case studies I’d be in heaven. Despite liking animal case studies more I do really like human case studies too they’re apl just so cool! The only medical thing I don’t like is blood types. If pressed I could probably memorize them but it’s difficult. Sadly I do want to be a doctor and I’m so smart that I chose not only the most expensive doctor to become, I chose one of the lowest paying ones too! I’m going to be in debt the rest of my life!
I’ve never heard of that so I was sure that you just spelled carpisun wrong twice and I was thinking yeah caprisuns aren’t great but they’re not that bad but then I looked it up and found out that it’s a pepper. Honestly I don’t really like vegetables that aren’t leafy greens because I’m picky as fuck so I have no opinion to share on capsicum
The golf stream was sooo good. I actually left gnf’s stream to watch it instead. They had such a good selection of people. Sylvee seemed a little nervous at first but tina did such a good job of including her and making her feel welcome! Also hot take sylvee is the forbidden fourth member of the dream team and in this essay I will
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dprwolfgang · 7 years
So Simple // DPR LIVE
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DPR LIVE x Reader (Ariella)
RATED : Fluff
“Hey,you at home?” Dabin asked as soon as I picked up the phone.
“Well hello to you too and no, I picked up an extra shift.I should be finished at around one.” Working as a bartender/waitress in Seoul wasn’t the ideal job but it paid well and with the flexibility I could go to my classes during the day and work at night.
“Come over after?” He asked.It wasn’t unnatural for this to happen.Being friends with Dabin for almost ten years this was the norm between us as our friendship grew.
“I’ve got a 9am exam tomorrow though. I should probably go home and study.” I teased him lightly.They just got back from Greece after filming something for his upcoming project and he has the next couple of days off.I had my final exam tomorrow and even though I studied I knew getting out of bed would be a hassle if I stayed over at Dabin’s.
We aren’t dating or anything-not that I’d mind- but we are best friends who occasionally use the other as a pillow.To others we seem like a couple but it was just something that felt natural between us and no matter how much we denied it they never believe us.
“All the more reason for you to come over.” I could feel him smiling even though I wasn’t near him. “I’ll drop you off on my way to Scott’s and I’ll pick you up after and we could go get lunch.” He spoke almost as if he’d thought this out beforehand.
“Dabin we live in the same building,directly across the hall from each other,you know my passcode.Why don’t you just go chill until I get home?”  
“Because I just got home and crawled into bed.The amount of effort it’s going to take me to get up and go across the hall really isn’t making sense to me right now.C’mon, please? I haven’t seen my best friend in a month.”
“Stop trying to guilt trip me.” I sighed. I had been swamped with exams and assignments that the only time I saw him was when he FaceTime me from the airport before they left.
“Depends,is it working?” He laughed.
“Yessss,ughh hanging with you and Ian has made me soft. I’m going to hang with Scott from now on.” I mumble the last part hoping that he doesn’t catch on.
“Go ahead,see if he gives you cuddles and food.”  
“I’ll see you later D,go get some sleep.” I told him fixing my skirt.He mumbled something about me behaving like his mom before hanging up.
My shift soon came to an end as the last remnants of patrons in the bar filtered out.Gathering my bag and slipping into my jacket I made my way out into the cold Seoul weather and started the twenty minute walk towards the apartment complex.
Taking the elevator up instead of my usual use of the steps I made to small journey down the hall to both mine and Dabin’s apartment.Typing  in his passcode I pushed the door open and made my way into his apartment.His suitcases sat by the couch letting me know that he didn’t unpack.
“Dabin,” I call out. I didn’t get a reply but the sound vibrating against the floors led me to small home studio he had set up.The door was opened but with his headphones over his head I knew he didn’t hear me come in.
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“Hey,” I draped my arms over his shoulders from behind after removing one side from over his ear.His head tilted back to look up at me.
“Hey you,” He smiled brightly instantly bringing a smile to my face. “How long you been here?”  
“Just got here, you would have known if you weren’t lost in work again.” I moved some of his hair out of his face. “Have you eaten as yet?” I question pulling away from him.
“Yeah,I left you some in the microwave.”
“That’s why we’re best friends.” I smiled and kissed his cheek.Leaving Dabin to his own devices I made my way into his bedroom pulling one of his T-shirts out his closet heading into the bathroom for a much needed shower.
I looked as her as she walked out of the room,my eyes glued to her figure as she left out the room.Turning my attention back to what I was doing I caught sight of my phone that was still live on Instagram with Rome,the comment section blowing up.
Who’s that?
Do you have a girlfriend now?
Damn she’s pretty,she single?
Christian was laughing and trying to draw the attention away from me but they weren’t having that.
“That’s my best friend,well she’s actually mine and Rome’s best friend,she isn’t my girlfriend and yes I know she’s beautiful.” I smiled at my screen.
Rome and I answered whatever questions they asked ignoring the disrespectful ones before Rome said he had to go.
“And then there was one.” Getting up I made my way into my  bedroom where Ariella sat on in the middle with a couple of books surrounding her and her glasses on.
Sitting opposite her I switched my camera to her before taking her glasses off.
“Dabin,c’mon I’ve got two more to finish and then we can play fifa.” She complains pinching the bridge of her nose.
“Then go ahead and finish.” I smiled.
“Then gimme back my glasses,you know I can’t see shit without them.” She whined reaching out for her glasses.
Aww she’s so cute!!
Dabin stop being mean and give the girl her glasses.
Friendship goals!!  
She said lemme finish and we’ll play fifa after 👀👀 brooo wife her or I will. What’s her insta?
Laughing at the comments I pass her back her glasses. “What happened to your contacts?”
“I ran out and they don’t have any in my prescription.” I watched as she finished up her work,loose tendrils of her wild curls falling out of the messy bun she was sporting.
She stood after finishing what she was doing and exited my bedroom.Sitting up against the headboard I switched the camera back to me.She had some music playing so I just sat there reading comments and vibing until she came back in and got on the bed with staying out of the cameras view.
“Why is you all the way over there?”  
“Because you’re live and I look a hot ass mess.They don’t needa see that.” She sassed lying on her stomach.
“A bit too late for that.They saw you when you arrived and a couple minutes ago,so much so they’re asking for you.”
“They came on live to see you not me.Give them some of your attention and lemme sleep.” She whined covering her face when I angled my phone so that both of us showed.
“Dabinnnnn,lemme sleep.” I laugh pulling her arm from over her face.
“I haven’t seen you in a month,gimme cuddles.” I open my arms widely,smiling at her. I knew she couldn’t sleep without using me as a pillow only because I was the same way.We had gotten so used to being under each other that sleep took a lot longer to come when the other wasn’t around.
She didn’t make a sound but gradually slid her body into my arms.A leg entangled with mine and an arm wrapped around my waist as she cuddled into my chest.My fingers playing in her hair under the hood.
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Y’all are soooo cute!
I’m suddenly soft!
I don’t know why y’all just don’t date already!  
I laugh at Dean’s comment.It wasn’t the first time the suggestion was made but we never necessarily felt the need to put a title to what we had.What was understood between us didn’t need to be explained.Right?
“You still up?”
“Mhmm,” she mumbled snuggling closer to me.
She shook her head.Wasn’t she just asking me to let her sleep?
“And why not?”
“Because as soon as I fall asleep you gon leave me and go tryna get work done.” She replies not opening her eyes.I chuckle lightly because I know she’s right.Even when I’m not working I’m always working if that makes sense. “The whole point of a break is to relax and ease your mind D,so you’re gonna keep ya behind in this bed.” Her grip tightened around me and I couldn’t help but laugh.
“Fine,fine no work tonight you munchkin.” I tease.
“Who you calling munchkin? I’m taller than you.” She states with one eye open.At this point I wasn't even paying attention to the live anymore.I didn’t reply to her seeing as she’s right. I just laugh.A comfortable silence came over us and by the way her breathing began to even out I could tell that the lack of sleep was catching up to her.
“Hmm?” I question looking down at her.
“Thank you.” She said.
“What for?”
“Everything but mainly for always being there when I need someone,for keeping me sane I guess.”
“You know I should be the one thanking you. I mean you stuck with Rome and I through everything.You keep us grounded and I know we can be pains and you probably wanna beat our asses at times but you stuck around so don’t thank me.It’s what friends do for each other.” I reply to her placing a kiss on her forehead.
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“One day..you’re gonna make some lucky girl really happy.” She whispers so softly I almost didn’t hear her.
“Oh really,” I smirk looking at her knowing fully well that she was in between wake and sleep and that she probably won’t remember our conversation in the morning.
“Mhmm, and..and she better treat you right too or else there’s gonna be problems but until then keep making me happy.” I smile at her watching as she finally let go and let sleep consume her.The comment section was on overdrive and with only a few minutes left,I said goodbye and good night to the viewers before ending it and placing my phone on the bedside table after plugging in the charger.
“You’re the only girl I wanna make happy.”I like what we have.Being with her was always so simple that I didn’t have to worry about fucking up or trying to be someone I’m not because I have my best friend by my side.I place another kiss on her forehead smiling to myself and I let her snuggle further into me as I pull the covers over us. I’m not sleepy but I know she’ll wake up as soon as I move so I laid there until sleep finally came and consumed me as well.
I don’t know what this means for us but I guess the best things are sometimes found in the unplanned and the unknown.
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eyeofthewolfe · 7 years
A Quick Excerpt of 'Different POV' - A Typical Morning at Ninjago High
The sunrise was almost over when the curly haired high schooler spied Cole leaning on the exterior of Ninjago High. Today he chose his navy AC/DC tank top as he was jamming to his music. Jay tightened his pack with a small smile as he hopped up the stairs to his friend. "Morning Cole!" "Sup dude," was his every-day response as they walked into school together. Cole casually turned his music down some so he could talk to the shorter teen. "How is everything with you?" Tightening his iconic orange scarf, Jay smiled up at Cole. "Pretty good actually! Got a good nights sleep, I was able to actually finish my math homework last night...I swear they give us like 10 problems too many-" "I know right?" Cole agreed. They had the same math class, as well as social studies and earth science (Cole's favorite class). "Anyways," Jay sighed as they turned into the school building, "I got to talk to my dad this morning!" Cole gasped and looked down at Jay. "You were able to catch him before he went to work?" Jay nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah! He's working on a new version of a...scooter...I think? I dunno, I only got to look at the blueprint for like two seconds." While adjusting his boom box, Cole slowly nodded. "Yeah, it must be a hard life living in a junk yard. I wish Lloyd could help him out some, buuuut..." Both teenagers fell silent, for they both knew exactly why they would never work with Lloyd Garmadon. "So," Jay broke the awkward silence. "How waaas your night?" Cole's eyes darkened some. "The usual," he said dryly. "Got the same ole' talk from dad. But he had quartet practice last night so at least I was asleep when he got home." "That's good, at least!" Jay tried to cheer him up, but it was hard to make Cole feel good about his broken relationship with his dad. "I guess..." Cole mumbled as they turned down the hallway where their lockers were located. They both froze when they saw two high schoolers quickly spray painting something on Lloyd's locker and snickering. Cole narrowed his eyes. "I've got this," he growled. Jay rarely sees Cole furious, but there was this moment that happens some days that puts Cole on edge. Jay tucked himself behind Cole as they approached the high schoolers. "Hey-" Cole called out as he wore a fake smile. "While you got the spray paint, do you mind drawing a skull or something cool on my locker?" He politely asked as he leaned on the lockers next to them. The two kids glared at Cole with a confused stare.
With a dramatic swing of his head, Cole looked at what they wrote on his friend's locker. "Oh," he spat as he turned back to the kids. "You both are just jerks." The two kids spastically capped their can and dashed down the hallway, high-fiving but nervously looking back at the much taller and stronger high school student. Cole rolled his eyes as he pressed his back up against Lloyd's locker, hiding the mean words. Jay reappeared from behind him and placing himself in front of his locker, which was right next to where Cole was. "Don't worry, Cole. Next time, I'll deal with them." "Jay, you never deal with them." "You're right..." he said more quietly as he fumbled with his lock. "One day though... " The screech of sneakers sliding on the smooth school floors made both Jay and Cole turn their heads to the end of the hallway where the school's champion of tallest hair was dashing towards the two high schoolers. "Has he gotten here yet?" Kai painted as he slid to a stop in front of Jay and Cole. "Who?" Cole asked. "Lloyd!" Kai gasped as he caught his breath. "I don't want to miss him-especially this morning-" Jay finally managed to open his locker. "Dude, chill. You're giving me a mini anxiety attack. Why do you wanna see Lloyd so badly?" Taking deep breaths, Kai wiped sweat off his forehead with his red jacket. "Well, today is his birthday, as you know, and I've got to give him the biggest birthday hug in the world cuz the dude needs it, you know? I bet he's already had a terrible day." Cole nodded slowly as he turned up the music to one of his favorite songs. "Yeah, I feel you." Kai glanced over at the door. "Is he going to be here soon?" While counting his books for the third time, Jay glanced at his watch. "Busses arrive in like two minutes." With a sigh or relief, Kai unconsciously brushed his hair with his hand. "Cool, cool, cool...." he mumbled as he began to pace the hallway, which was beginning to crowd with high schoolers. "Hey, uh...Kai?" Jay finally got the nerve to call out to the teen. "Yeah?" "When um...." Jay couldn't even make eye contact as he squinted his eyes to gain courage. "When is your sister gonna be here?" Kai didn't stop pacing as he answered. "Oh any minute. You'll here a motorcycle and she'll be on top." Jay snatched his "Little Book of One Liners" from his locker. "Oh...okay-good to know!" Cole shook his head, but he had a small grin on his face as he leaned back more and closed his eyes, really getting into the music. Kai continued to pace with his eyes locked on the door down the hallway. He had to make Lloyd feel better. He had to wish him a happy birthday because only a handful of people in the entire city even care enough to say happy birthday to him...and an even smaller amount care enough to give him a birthday hug. It was his mission for the morning- and he was not going to fail. The doors on the far end of the hallway clicked open, blinding Kai for a second. But he could see the other students in the hallway look at the door and then immediately turn the other direction. As the light died down, Kai instantly recognized Zane, who was dressed in his sweater vest and a long sleeve dress shirt, and next to him: the birthday boy himself. Kai instantly jumped up and waved his arm in excitement. "BROOO!!"
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leisurelypanda · 7 years
Here We Go Again chapter 7
Craig woke up the next morning feeling completely lazy and sluggish. He always felt this way the day after Thanksgiving, but today was different. Michael’s arms were around him, for one, his head nestled into the crook of his neck. Second, he felt content. Michael and Amanda were integrated into his family seamlessly. Amanda interacted with his mother like she had been in the family for years. Michael was reintegrated like he had never left their lives in the first place.
He rolled over and looked at the clock. 9:30. His eyes widened. He had slept in! On accident! That never happened. At the very least his kids would have woken him up to feed them on the odd occasion that he did sleep in. He was about to get up and out of bed when he felt Michael stir.
“Mmm… don’t go,” he mumbled. “Warm…”
“It’s 9:30, bro,” he whispered.
“Gotta get up, bro,” he said.
“Brooo, it’s the day after Thanksgiving,” he murmured. “Relax.” He kissed his bro’s neck lazily.
Craig relented and wrapped his arms back around his bro. “I got you, bro.”
Michael nuzzled his face and snuggled closer to him. “Feels good, bro.”
How did I become this lucky? He wondered. He kissed his bro’s cheek and went back to sleep. **********************************************************************************************
As the spare room had not yet been repurposed into the second nursery, Amanda woke up that morning around 11:30 to discover her grandmother was 1) still there and 2) cooking breakfast consisting of biscuits and eggs.
“Morning, Gramms,” she said, stifling a yawn. She made her way over to the coffee pot. “Have I ever told you that you’re my favorite grandmother?”
“No you can’t have a biscuit yet,” she said from the stove, “but they’ll be ready soon. And don’t call me Gramms. I’m not that old, yet.”
“You’re joking, right?”
“Do you want to die?”
“What can I call you, then?” she asked. Sitting down as she waited for her coffee to finish.
“Everyone calls you Grandma!” she protested.
“Exactly. It’s easier to keep track of,” she said shortly.
“I got it! ‘Gramma!’” she exclaimed, jumping out of her chair.
“That’ll work, dear,” she put the eggs in a bowl.
Amanda looked over at the clock. 11:00 “Where’s Craig? Shouldn’t he be coming back from some intense workout and drinking kombucha?”
“What the hell is kombucha?” Courtney asked turning around at last.
“I have no idea, but it’s all the rage with health nuts these days,” Amanda said.
“Kid, you wanna know the secrets to a long, healthy life?” Courtney said, pointing the spatula at her. “Drink water. Eat bacon. Swear like hell. Basically, if it makes you happy and doesn’t hurt other people, do it. Life’s too short to be unhappy.”
“Whoa, Gramma. My mind is blown.”
Courtney laughed. “My boy needed to let his hair down and relax,” she said pouring some coffee for herself and Amanda. “So I snuck some melatonin into his water last night.”
“You spiked your son’s drink?” Amanda said, her eyes so wide they seemed they might fall out of her head.
Courtney gave her a conspiratorial wink. “Our little secret.”
“Teach me your ways, wise one.” Amanda said reverently.
“Haven’t you been paying attention? That’s exactly what I’m doing.” **********************************************************************************************
Craig stirred again from his sleep feeling more rested than he had in a long time. He rolled ever and looked at the clock. Shit it’s noon! He stretched and got up out of bed. Michael was still sleeping, or maybe he was just dozing peacefully. He wandered down to the kitchen. Someone’s cooking. Who’s still here?
“Morning sleepy head,” his mother said. There were homemade biscuits, a bowl full of scrambled eggs, bacon, and a bowl of chopped cantaloupe. Amanda, the girls, and his parents were all seated at the table waiting for him.
“Go get your boyfriend,” his mother said. “Or the food will get cold.”
He turned around, still not quite sure he wasn’t dreaming, but there was food on the table that he didn’t make so he wasn’t going to argue. He went back to their room. Michael was still in bed, hugging one of his pillows. He smiled. His bro was cute when he was sleeping. He went over and sat on the bed. Michael groaned in his sleep.
“Rise and shine, bro,” he said. “There’s food downstairs.”
“What kind offood?” he mumbled.
“Eggs, bacon, cantaloupe, biscuits,” he listed. “She said to eat before it gets cold.”
Michael stirred reluctantly at the promise of food. “Good ‘m starving.”
Eventually they stumbled back out to the dining room where Courtney placed a tall glass of water in front of Michael. Michael glowered at it before drinking it. Craig piled his plate for him with food from the various bowls on the table.
“I’m surprised you can eat eggs,” Courtney commented. “I remember when I was pregnant with Craig, I couldn’t stand them.”
“I haven’t had much trouble with smells this time around,” Michael said. “When I was pregnant with Amanda, I felt like every little smell sent me to the toilet to vomit my guts out. This time, my taste has changed. I’m eating more fish than I’ve ever had in my life.”
“Lucky,” she commented. “Fish was the thing that I was most sensitive to.”
“Hey I don’t mind,” Craig said. “Fish is good for you.”
“All I care is that I can eat it without losing it afterwards,” Michael said, taking a bite out of his biscuit.
“Silver lining, Popsicle. Like you always told me,” Amanda said cheerfully. “Your boyfriend makes a mean salmon.”
“High praise,” Craig grinned.
“So dad,” Hazel said, growing bored with the whole conversation. “Are we going shopping today?”
“It’s Black Friday, are you crazy?” he replied. “Everyone’s going shopping today, we might get in a brawl during the shopping trip.”
“Sounds cool!” she replied. “When do we go?”
The mall was literally a nut house. They couldn’t even find a parking spot. Of course, the only reason they were there in the first place wasn’t to get Christmas gifts for the kids. Michael wanted to browse for baby stuff. Onesies, clothes, toys and such. And what better time to get expensive baby supplies than the day when everything was on sale?
“Remind me why we can’t just reuse some baby clothes when River’s done using them?” Craig asked.
“We will, but it’s fun to go shopping, bro,” Michael replied. “Besides, how much of Hazel and Briar’s clothes did you keep?’
“Yeah, sure, fair point. On any day but Black Friday,” Craig said.
“Just think of it as a broventure!” Michael said cheerfully as they walked through the mall doors.
“Dad, please don’t call it that,” Amanda said, rolling her eyes.
It was a post-apocalyptic scene which awaited them. Hundreds of people milling about shoving each other aside to get through to the stores. Craig and Michael wove through the crowds and eventually they got to the baby store. It was surprisingly calm compared to other shops in the mall. Michael made a beeline for the baby clothes section where he began inspecting different themed clothes with baby animals, like dogs and cats and elephants and lions and giraffes. One yellow onesie even had a capybara, in River’s size, no less! Craig immediately added it to the pile of things to buy (Amanda’s arms).
“Can we stop at Dead, Goth, and Beyond after this?” Amanda asked.
“Why? You want a t-shirt?” Michael asked, inspecting a green shirt with strawberries on it. He put it back.
“Shirts, wallet chains, make up, accessories,” she listed off. “You know, basic girl stuff.”
“I will buy you a single item,” Michael said.
“Why a single item?” Craig asked.
“I need to know what to go shopping for later for Christmas,” he replied.
They eventually left the store with their bags of baby clothes in varying sizes and one wallet chain. Craig looked at the bags he was carrying and wondered what had happened to just using River’s old clothes. Not that he was complaining, really. The clothes were cute. He just wondered why they ended up buying so much. The good news was that he had some ideas of what to get his girls for Christmas. Thankfully they were athletic girls and into fairly inexpensive sports.
“Why did we buy so many different sizes of clothes, dad?” Amanda said.
“Because babies grow quickly and even though I’m only 10 weeks pregnant, baby supplies are expensive and best to start getting them early,” Michael replied.
“How many babies are you expecting to have though?” she asked.
“All babies use a shocking amount of diapers and eat a shocking amount of food,” he said matter-of-factly. “And I’m having two.”
“It’s true,” Craig said. “Even when Hazel and Briar were babies it was mind blowing how much stuff Smashley and I went through just to keep them clothed and fed.”
“I used to be so glad I’d never had twins,” Michael said. “I’m definitely not looking forward to getting up in the middle of the night to take care of them.”
“Yeah, dude,” Craig said. “I never thought I’d sleep again when they were born. But it was worth it.”
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ms-erie · 7 years
Tag Game - Hard Mode
I was tagged by @human-edspresso (Ey Bro. Thanks)
Rules: Answer these 92 questions and tag 20 people (idk if I can)
LAST… Drink: Mountain Dew Blue Shock Phone Call: None Text Message: A text from my friend from uni Song you listened to: Wicked Medley by Peter Hollens and Nick Pitera (10/10 recommend I love this medley) Time you cried: Last week. The stress got to me. HAVE YOU… Dated someone twice: does dating my numerous books count? Kissed someone and then regretted it: No. Been cheated on: Nope, but if that ever happens, somebody would probably die. Lost someone special: Yes. Been Depressed: My default setting. Gotten drunk and thrown up: No. I know when to stop and I have pretty high tolerance. Made new friends: Yeah. Fallen out of love: Yeah. It just faded away. Laughed until you cried: Yeah, I remember it lasted for 30 minutes or more. The joke was that hilarious. Found out someone was talking about you: Nooo? What kind of talk is it? Like behind my back? Eh, stab them Met someone who changed you: Not really changed me, they just showed me a new perspective/possibility Found out who your friends are: Yeah. In a way. Kissed someone from your Facebook list: No. Kissed a stranger: NO. Drank hard liquor: Yes. Lost glasses/contact lenses: I don’t wear any of those. Turned someone down: Turned someone down as in someone asking you out? Or a friend asking for help? Well, the former, no one’s really that interested in me so no. In the latter, yes, I have. Sex on the first day: Fuck No. Broken someone’s heart: No. Had your heart broken: Yes. Been arrested: I am a good person/citizen! (: Cried when someone died: Yes. Fallen for a friend: Sometimes. Kissed on the first date: No. GENERAL List three favorite colors: Red, Orange, Grey How many Facebook friends do you know in real life: Most of them, made another account for that. Do you have any pets: I have two dogs at home. Do you want to change your name: I like my name but given the chance or situation I’d probably do it.   What time did you wake up: 3 am, my classes start at 7 am and my house is fucking 3 hours away. What were you watching at midnight last night: I was watching Kekkai Sensen. Name something you can’t wait for: Live action of FMA. <3 When was the last time you saw your mom: Just now. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: My inability to do math fast. What are you listening to right now: The sound of the washing machine working and the sound of the keyboards while I’m typing. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Yes, eh didn’t turn out well. Something that it’s getting on your nerves right now: That I’m falling asleep while typing this. Most visited website: Youtube and FB messenger they’re basically my life while I’m away doing uni stuff. Mole/s: They’re randomly placed on my face, arms, and hand. Mark/s: I have one small slice mark/slash mark on my left eyebrow because I was stupid when I was a baby. On my right ankle because… it was accidentally placed underneath a motorcycle’s tire… while the motorcycle was turned running.   Childhood dream: To have a business of my own and to travel the world. Pretty much an outline, I’m gonna get there someday. I swear. What do you like about yourself: That I’m a loyal and honest person. (No one appreciates me being blunt tho) Piercings: Only on my ears. Blood Type: O Nicknames: Angel, Carms, Mela, Mels, Mel, Ate (Big Sister in my native language), Misaki (Don’t even try to ask.) Relationship status: Single but idk, trying to figure out a certain someone. Zodiac: Leo Pronouns: She/Her Favorite TV shows: KHR, FMA, KNB… main ones yeah. I have a comprehensive list but I’m too tired to get it so suck it up. Tattoos: None as of now, but probably in the future. Right or left hand: I’m left handed. Surgery: Never had one and I hope I never get one. Hair dyed in different color: No. Not now. But I will in the near future. Sport: I don’t really play well but probably, Volleyball Vacation: As of now, I really wanna see the ocean. Pair of trainers: As much I’d like to have one, I have none. Current and all-time best friend: Hmmm. IDK.   Eye color: dark brown sometimes black. Favorite Movie: I cannot choose just one… THE HOBBIT TRILOGY   WHICH IS BETTER? Hugs or kisses: Hugs. Lips or eyes: Eyes. Shorter or taller: Both. Nice arms or stomach: Stomach. Sensitive or loud: Loud people tend to overpower my reserved self so, Sensitive. Hook up or relationship: Relationship Troublemaker or hesitant: Troublemaker? Heck Yes. Hesitant? Get out of my face. DO YOU BELIEVE IN… Yourself: Yeah. Sometimes people don’t even believe in you so ye just gotta.  Miracles: Yeah. Love at first sight: I believe in thoroughly knowing a certain person while gradually falling for them.  Santa Claus: I was awoken from that dream a lot earlier than most kids. I tag (IDK WHO)  @simplelian   @tentaclebubbles  @part-timeninja  @otaku-alert (Still alive?) @animefreak1414 (I really wanna know you bruh) @noodleexplosion (you too brooo) 
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