#like crazy really is THAT bitch
casteru · 1 year
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i’ll never get over it
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liquidstar · 2 months
Difference between Ivan and Mizi is that when Ivan strangled someone it was like a complicated toxic tragic romance kinda thing, but when Mizi strangled someone she was genuinely trying to kill that motherfucker
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tomurakii · 2 months
Also of course Kipperlily lost her shit about Kristen not taking the campaign seriously. She's a kid who gets passionate about shit and her "friends" use it to take the piss and make her mad on purpose. It reminds me of my own childhood or the treatment of other neurodivergent kids in primary school, where you'd say you don't like being touched or that you want your stuff organised a certain way or bring a fidget toy or something to school with you and some kid would come and harrass you and move stuff and take things out of your hands just to get you to have a meltdown or give them a reaction they can laugh at you about.
She cares about the presidency, and thinks Kristen is taking it to fuck with her on purpose just like Ruben did with their party name and countless shithead kids probably did in the past.
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m0e-ru · 11 months
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soejima should sign up for a stand up
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franklespine · 6 months
You know I think you guys might be on to something when you call Sam woman coded cause - genuinely - how do you, as writers of a show, be so misogynistic as to not include any female characters asides from damsels and hookups (specifically referring to the early seasons), and yet need so desperately to have a outlet for macho masculine patriarchy power dynamics that you have an adult male character experience misogyny?? How do you mess up that badly??
It's like, although they thought that putting female characters in the narrative other than to exist as sexy distressed lamps wouldn't appeal to the true blooded 2000s American audience. But yet it was completely necessary for there to be a bottom rung in the masculinity pyramid because - well how else can we as a society function!!
Anyway, ik reading too far into things is my special talent, and in most circumstances all of this stuff is just a joke in the show but wow they really had Dean poking fun of any of Sam's characteristics that don't fit into this Hyper True Blooded American Masculinity ideology as a butt of jokes for 15 years. The fact that he has longer hair, that he cares about his hair, that he's tidy, that he likes salads and isn't a big meat eater, that he's sympathetic, that he's a bitch. And of course these are just silly little jabs that Dean makes in sibling-like fashion but like wow 15 years. Damn.
And of course it's not only this that leads to the rather odd interpretation of a woman-coded Sam, but also the way he is treated directly by the narrative. Like, for example, being the family's possession, rather than an equal member. Dean has seen it as his job to look out for his little brother since he pulled him from the fire and the wellbeing of this infant was thrown onto his shoulders at age 4, and this has created a lot of ricocheting effects on both of them. This isn't to say that Dean doesn't love, care, respect, and value Sam, but it does mean that sometimes he treats him like a possession rather than a person. He makes a lot of crazy decisions in the show that he justifies as being for Sam's own good, even if it goes directly against Sam's wishes. After Sam leaves a note to Dean telling him he's going out for a bit to handle a case, Dean weasels his way in, not trusting him to handle it due to the mental issues Sam is facing at the time, and kills Amy, despite Sam begging him not to. Even though Dean knows Sam would never consent to an angle possessing him, he tricks him into it anyway. He does these things, and many others because he believes that he is acting in Sam's best interests, totally disregarding the fact that Sam has capacity to make judgements and handle the consequences himself, even going so far as to oppose what he directly knows or Sam tells him he wants.
Then of course there is the fact that the fear integral to his character - a loss of autonomy (bodily autonomy, but also autonomy to make his own decisions about his future, to be good, to be pure and faithful), is an explicitly feminine one. Then there is the strong subtext in his story of SA themes, I think in s4 a demon even refers to Sam as a 'whore' or that he's 'whoring it up' (with respect to Ruby), and the interesting prevalent idea of Sam questioning or going against the ideals/ideology of the masculine figure head (which would be Dean I guess) and getting punished for it. Sam suggests that maybe they take a more humanitarian approach with the cow blood drinking vampires in s2 and Dean punches him, Sam tries to get him to talk about their Dad and Dean punches him, Sam tries to get him to talk about Lisa and Ben and Dean punches him, Sam gets caught simply using his abilities and Dean punches him - twice. I think you get the picture.
Anyway. This post comes off as rather critical of Dean, which wasn't really my intention. It's more sort of a broader criticism of the rampant sexism that had its part in shaping the show - being one to come out of the early 2000s. Ideas such as this - you could really go on for hours as its fascinating how ideological frameworks are presented certain ways in media - and the way masculine and feminine social dynamics, to list only one, is presented in supernatural is definitely a can of worms.
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butchniqabi · 17 days
thee most annoying thing about talking about my job with people is how many go "oooo you probably deal with bridezillas all the time" when that is absolutely not the case! most of the time it's the family or the best friend who acts in ""the best interest of"" the bride as an excuse to be a total asshole to me (and the bride!) and like. being in the wedding industry, even for a relatively short amount of time, really opened my eyes to how much pressure people put on brides allllllll the time like idk maybe the bride got upset that the napkins are the wrong color because she's been turned into a living spectacle and hasnt eaten a proper meal in over 6 months, just a thought!
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bookiedoodles · 1 year
“Zeno is really turning down huntlow stans omg how does it feel to have the va shut down your ship” it feels great actually, thanks for asking! Because Zeno is a Funny Man and he likes trolling fans and I’m glad that he feels comfortable enough to be able to joke around with us like that! Stop being an ass to shippers and find a hobby thanks 🥰🥰
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fridgrave · 1 year
"you're a dad. you're a dad, aren't you? you're proud of your son. of your little baby boy"
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"my friends don't realise is that there's a difference between killing a man and breaking him"
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anakirui · 14 days
crack theory
what if touya was actually right about romeo battle royale (that tsukasa's writing is actually peak and the show is very deep), and akito just doesn't get it because his media literacy is numerically 1
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kaltacore · 1 year
you see i get why fandom automatically considers human characters to be boring in smooching aliens: the game but i think it's kinda ironic because humanity in mass effect is pretty much galaxy's most special guy. humans just discovered mass relays and immediately got in a fight with the main militarists of the milky way and didn't give up easily even though turians were a lot more advanced than them. they've been a part of the galactic community only for approximately 40 years and already got their place in the council. they're described as chaotic and unpredictable by other species which makes them a dangerous enemy both in politics and on the battlefield. they aren't the strongest species and don't have any significant physical advantages but their biotic potential is solid and can be improved to a great extent. even reapers see them as a danger. maybe you don't want to fuck humans in mass effect but I bet there's a whole line of aliens standing behind you and waiting for their turn
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gokupowers · 1 year
feel like modern Dave writers/kins forget he's hussies self insert and written to be totally fucking lame in canon bc hussie was a 25 year old loser living in his parents basement making anti SJW rage comics at the time . dave strider is an awesome character but he is genuinely so fucking embarrassingly lame and a loser and it's a beautiful thing & we need to remember our roots #makedavelameagain
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two-dolla-bills · 16 days
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This feels like when the angry cat that doesn't let anyone touch it finally lets you get some good scritches in oh my god
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myuminji · 5 months
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The crossover no one asked for 🤲
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bunnihearted · 1 month
i feel like many ppl dont understand just how unwanted i am and how deeply it affects me... my presence isnt wanted anywhere, and wherever i go i feel like im not allowed to exist. im never anyone's first choice. never the first favorite friend. never this never that. like im never the first choice for anyone, just now i almost got hit by a car bc the driver chose to not hit another person close by. they would've rather hit me than that person. and that's just how it goes for me wherever i go. im lucky when and if im even tolerated. but im not wanted or the first choice or the favorite. that just makes me feel so profoundly alone, like i dont belong anywhere or is even allowed to breathe the same air as everyone else.
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Garak is So much right from his first episode. Laura Palmer of Cardassia over here trying to get laid, foil a terrorist plot, AND work a retail shift, all while high as fuck. Dude’s schedule in Past Prologue is FULL.
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mermaidsirennikita · 10 days
Gaelen Foley's Princess (which if it doesn't fuck up in the end is gonna be a favorite lol) update:
no details except of course Darius Santiago cries when deflowering this maniac of a girl
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