#like father (rafa) like daughter
a-swiss-and-a-spaniard · 11 months
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Iga Swiatek | WTA Finals 2023, Cancún, México
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littlefeatherr · 1 year
The Bad Batch S2 Rewatch: Pabu
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Phee doesn't tell the batch what they need as a family. She shows them by example and by letting them draw their own conclusions. She's helping them unlearn thinking strictly as soldiers with tactical objectives. Some examples I picked up during my rewatch:
Phee takes them as far from the Empire as possible, where other displaced families have made a life under the radar.
She puts her "pirating" activities in a different light with the batch by revealing that she's acquiring items for the benefit and cultural preservation of the refugees.
Teaching them by example that helping others is important even if you're not personally affected by their struggles, and:
That the preservation of all cultures and art is worth much more than money.
She introduces Hunter to Shep, a single father who's successful in his career and serves his community while raising a happy, well-adjusted daughter.
Introduces Tech and Wrecker to Shep and Lyanna, regular people who aren't clones and who are friendly and don't judge them. Incidentally, up until they met Suu Lawquane and later, Romar, the batch mostly had bad experiences with the regular citizens of the galaxy (Cid, Rafa Martez, Roland Durand).
Phee introduces Omega to another girl her age, Lyanna. It allows her brothers to see how happy it makes Omega to have a little friend and that it's good for both girls.
Shep teaches them that there's more to being a parent than providing necessities and protection. Fun, hospitality, and playtime also teach kids independence (as well as the batch).
In Shep, a big man with a big heart, generous and caring who enjoys relaxing with friends, Wrecker discovers a friend who accepts him as he is. Others in Pabu also befriend Wrecker.
Tech discovers that much of the knowledge he has can be useful to rebuild communities, infrastructure and help people rather than solely for war.
Phee encourages Omega to explore and enjoy nature and wildlife away from her brothers.
She essentially gives Tech and Hunter permission to relax and take time to enjoy the simple things, like twinkling lights at sunset.
The community effort to work together saved them from the destruction of the earthquake and sea surge. This is a brand new experience for the "trust nobody but your squad" batch.
They learned thst community is vital during unpredictable life events, and:
Staying together as a community and sharing resources provides a sense of safety and security regardless of the circumstances.
It's important as a member of any community to help strangers, children, elderly and disabled, risking your own life to do so. Very different than prioritizing your fellow clones over the local people during combat.
The batch experienced being part of a community, giving more than money: each one shared their time, skills, labor, food, and friendship.
These are just a few of the things that stood out to me.
Wrecker sensing the earthquake along with Hunter was also a surprise. He turned to Hunter just as he looked around, and then Wrecker also turned as well. It made me wonder if he sensed the movement or if he heard the noise that accompanies large earthquakes. And just what abilities their enhancements give them.
It struck me that Pabu is the first inhabited planet the batch has visited that was untouched by war - no garrison, no scarred landscape, no Empire, no clone troopers on duty. It struck me that they've probably never seen what peace actually looks like for the citizens of the galaxy. It's a deeply sad realization.
Please feel free to share anything you noticed to this post. 😊
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whatsuptyler · 25 days
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I can’t believe I never posted this, but @nicosraf wrote this lovely blurb about Pray For Him! If you like works that grapple with deep themes (from religious trauma to social commentary) in literary ways, definitely check out his work.
Thank you Rafa for the kind words!
Full book description of Pray For Him under the cut, and you can find it on goodreads here or preorder here.
PRAY FOR HIM - a LGTBQ+ possession horror novel, coming October 1
A psychic priest is thrown headfirst into a battle of faith and love against the forces of Hell when his dearest friend becomes possessed.
Father Isaias Flores may not have much, but he has his faith—and his dear friend Hector to keep him anchored when he is mired in self-doubt. But when Hector’s daughter, Violet, comes to Isaias with concerns that her father is acting strangely, Isaias’s doubts only increase, now with no one to keep him steadfast. For Hector seems to be possessed by something darker than even the traumas of the past, and Violet has nowhere else to turn to save her only family.
This is a problem that may require divine intervention—the rites of exorcism.
Unsure of his place in the church, doubting his gifts from God, and struggling to make sense of his feelings for the man he had thought was only a friend, Isaias isn’t sure if he is strong enough to save anyone’s soul from damnation.
For what can one man do against the torments of Hell?
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me-myself-and-my-fos · 2 months
Viva la Revolución
Ship: Suspenders & Pens
A/N: These kids are gonna make Rafa go even grayer
Rafael and Nic sat expectantly on the couch, waiting for the twins. They told their parents they had something they wanted to talk about, and neither had the faintest idea why. Finally the twins came bounding down the stairs, standing in front of the fireplace. They both had small stacks of notecards in their hands.
“Mami, Papi, thank you for coming,” began Lina.
“As you know, we don’t ask for much,” Beth added. “But we’ve had a meeting and made a joint decision for our birthday.”
“Oh?” Nic raised a brow as she and Rafael exchanged a look. “What is this decision?”
“We would like a tv in our room as an early birthday present,” Lina explained.
“And we have a list of reasons why we believe we deserve one,” Beth told them. “Reason one: Because it would be really cool.”
“Reason two: Less fighting over the tv before bed,” Lina added.
“Reason three: we–”
“You’re not getting a tv in your bedroom,” Rafael told them.
The twins looked at each in shock before looking back at their parents. “Why not?” they asked in unison.
“Because you’re nine,” Rafael began.
“We’ll be ten in two months!” Beth argued.
“And,” he added, “it’s hard enough to get you both to do your homework. You don’t need a distraction in your room.”
“Eso no es justo!” Lina exclaimed.
“You’re not getting a tv in your room until you’re in middle school. End of discussion,” Rafael said. “Now go get ready for bed.”
The twins huffed angrily, stomping towards the staircase and up the stairs to their room. They grumbled to each other in twin-lish, their own made up language, and Nic sighed as she watched them go.
“We could have least heard them out,” she said to her husband.
“I didn’t have a tv in my room growing up.” Rafael stood up to get a glass of water from the kitchen. “They can wait a few years.”
Lina and Beth were still upset in the morning, practically giving their father the silent treatment. Their Aunt Abby picked them up for the day to take the twins to a new bookshop that opened in Queens. But secretly they were plotting, and that evening when everyone was winding down for the night, the twins marched into their parents’ bedroom. Nic had just finished brushing her teeth when they entered, and Rafael paused the show they were watching. Beth confidently held out a piece of paper to their father who took it in confusion. Nic walked over to her husband, glancing down at the paper in his hand.
“What’s this?” he asked the twins.
“Ten signatures for our petition,” Lina explained simply.
“Petition?” Rafael asked in disbelief. They nodded. “Petition for what?”
“To get us a tv in our room,” she said.
Beth crossed her arms. “We have the signed support from Aunt Abby, Uncle Sonny, Aunt Bella and Uncle Tommy, Uncle Eddie—”
“—Aunt Liv, Uncle Fin, Miss Carmen, Mr. McCoy–” Lina added.
“You got a signature from my boss?!” Rafael shrieked, looking at the paper and recognizing the signature from the District Attorney. “How?” He looked at his daughters, and Nic bit her lip to stop herself from laughing.
“Uncle Sonny introduced us. We’re very persuasive,” they said in unison, smiling at their father. If he hadn’t seen them do that their entire lives he would be freaked out.
“But we got the most important signature,” Beth told him, pointing at the list.
“Abuelita,” they both said.
Rafael stared at his mother’s name at the bottom of the list. She always spoiled the twins. He shook his head as he looked up at them. “This changes nothing. The answer is still no.”
The twins’ eyes hardened to a glare. “Esto es guerra, Papi,” they told him before walking out of the bedroom.
Nic looked down at her husband in amusement. “I don’t think you realize what you’ve started.”
He scoffed. “They’re nine, and there’s two of them. How much trouble can they be?”
She patted his shoulder. “They’re also your daughters.” She walked back into the bathroom as Rafael looked back down at the petition.
The next morning was oddly quiet as Rafael and Nic woke up. Mariana and Freddie weren’t there to wake them up like usual, and for a moment Nic was worried they were sick. But neither were in their rooms, and as she went to check and see if the twins knew the whereabouts of their younger siblings, she realized they weren’t in their room either. With furrowed brows, they headed downstairs to the living room. It was there they saw the coffee table moved to the side and all four of their children sitting on the floor in front of the couch.
“What’s this?” Nic asked as she walked over to them.
“We’re exercising our right to protest,” Beth explained.
Her twin nodded in agreement. “We’re standing up against an oppressive authority.”
Rafael’s mouth fell open as his wife let out a laugh. “When I told you to use your rights I meant when you dealt with a dictator at school or the government, not me!”
“This is something that will benefit all of us,” Lina said, gesturing to Freddie and Mariana next to her. “And we’re not moving until you give in to our demands.”
“Viva la Revolución!” Freddie shouted.
“Viva la Revolución!” The twins and Mariana repeated.
Wide eyed Rafael looked at his wife, but Nic threw her hands up. “Hey, they’re protesting you, not me.” She bent down to look at her children, amusement evident on her face. “Would the revolution like to have breakfast down here?”
“Yes, please, Mami,” Beth replied, nodding.
Nic chuckled. “How about churro waffles?”
“With chocolate sauce!” Freddie requested excitedly.
“Coming right up.” Nic stood up and walked past her husband, patting his chest. “Good luck,” she whispered to him.
The kids sat there all day, opting to have all of their meals there. Rafael was surprised to find Freddie and Mariana so strong in their resolve, and it scared him for the years to come. Already the kids were proving to be a force to be reckoned with. Even when dinner arrived they didn’t budge.
“Alright, this has gone on all day. Come to the table and have dinner,” Rafael told them, arms folded. They didn’t move, Lina and Beth glaring up at him with determination in their eyes. “If you come to the table you can have ice cream after dinner,” he bribed.
Mariana and Freddie looked at each other then to the twins. “I want ice cream,” Mariana whispered.
“Stay strong,” Lina told them.
“Qué haría Dora?” Beth asked her little sister.
A look of intensity came over Mariana at the mention of her animated hero. “Mantener mi posición.”
The siblings nodded at each other before looking up at their dad.
“Comemos aquí abajo,” Beth replied to him.
He sighed heavily, marching into the kitchen where his wife was plating dinner. “Not even ice cream will get them up. What the hell do we do?”
“Give in?” Nic suggested, looking at him. “They’re stubborn like you are. I doubt they’ll move any time soon. And what harm would a tv do? We could always put a parental lock on it.”
“When the twins were born we agreed that any children we have would be allowed to have a tv once they were in middle school,” he reminded her.
“That was before they inherited your stubbornness.” She pointed the spatula at him. “Face it, Rafa. The kids have you beat.”
“Us. We’re supposed to be holding a united front.”
“For things like curfew and dating. In the grand scheme of things a tv is so… trivial.”
After dinner ended they still wouldn’t move. Rafael was close to admitting defeat, and he still wasn’t sure if he was scared or proud of his children.
“You know what? You talk some sense into them since they’re so much like me,” he told Nic. “I’m taking a shower.” He headed up the stairs.
“Have you gotten them up yet?” he asked as he walked down the stairs. He looked over to the couch and his mouth dropped open. Nic was sitting with them now. “What happened?” Rafael walked over to them.
“They really are very persuasive,” Nic told him as she sat beside Beth. “And honestly, I always wanted a tv in my room growing up. I think we should get them the tv.”
He gaped at her for a long moment, all four of the kids waiting for a reply from him. “You win.” he threw his hands up before putting them on his hips. “Me rindo. We’ll get you a tv in your room, but you’ll have to wait for your birthday.”
“Deal,” the twins agreed.
“Does this mean we can leave?” Freddie asked.
“Yep,” Beth told him.
“I have to pee!” Mariana yelled, getting up and running to the bathroom on that floor.
“Me too!” Freddie exclaimed, following his sister’s lead but heading to the second floor bathroom.
“I’ll use Freddie’s bathroom!” Lina said as she and Beth jumped up also to use the bathroom.
“We can shake on it after we get back!” Beth yelled as they ran up the stairs.
Nic and Rafael laughed, shaking their heads at their children. He walked over to where she sat on the floor and dropped next to her.
“Those kids are going to rule the world one day,” he joked, resting his head against hers.
She bumped his knee with hers. “And whose fault is that?”
“Ours,” he kissed her cheek, “for making such smart kids.”
Tag list: @hyperionshipping @the-dark-fae-and-her-fos
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r-eatyourfriends-n · 1 year
Secret Services I — Leon x Ashley.
pairing: Ashley Graham/Leon S. Kennedy
tags: nsfw +18 only, smut, porn without plot (there's a little bit of plot), vouyerism (light), masturbation, leon being an idiot, slight p in v sex.
wordcount: 4k
warning: this is not set in the RE universe. also this is purely self indulgent with no regard for the real world so if you think "it doesn't work like that" you're probably right tbh.
special thanks to my best friend rafa who I can't tag but he was the one who beta read and edited this fic and this basically wouldn't see the light of day if it wasn't for him ♡.
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summary: Being done with a life of politics, Ashley Graham decided to get her own apartment to finish her university studies away from her father's work. Her wishes would be met under one condition: Ashley must have a bodyguard with her at all times.
Ashley had a bodyguard. Or was about to. 
      Ashley had been wanting her own apartment for a while. President Graham offered to let her live alone and pay for it while she finished her studies. It was a comfortable deal, until he laid out his one condition: surveillance, which meant bodyguards, and Ashley absolutely hated the idea, so she refused on the spot. However, days passed and they turned hectic and Ashley just couldn't take the amount of men in suits yelling at each other about easily solvable problems. She dreamed about screaming at them to shut up. 
      It got to the point where she woke up one day and knew she was going to leave. She was sensitive, it was her finals week, there was no way she would keep going through this. So she went up to her father and tried to pout and whine her way out of the bodyguard rule. Ashley was trying to run away from men in suits, only to be locked up with more? 
      She didn't want to be. She had tried to convince her father she didn't need it, that she could take care of herself. His only answer had been, “It's not like I'm gonna fill up your apartment”. Two people already felt like way too much, though. So Ashley begged and begged until she annoyed him into complying. It violated his policy, she knew. But, as his only daughter, her plan worked perfectly; she whimpered, teary-eyed, about how stressed these people were making her, then tried to hide her smile when he agreed. 
       President Graham made the arrangements and got an apartment for Ashley close by. It was a nice, two-bedroom apartment with a city view; nothing flashy. That day, she met Leon S. Kennedy; suddenly, the whole bodyguard thing didn't sound all that bad. Actually, it was a splendid idea. 
      What a gorgeous, gorgeous man he was. And she hadn't even seen him smile yet. He and Ashley shook hands in a formal manner, and her cheeks began to burn. He felt as strong and firm as he looked. His voice was husky, she could see his throat vibrate the few times he spoke. Tall, blond, blue eyes—he had everything the average woman could want and, god, did she want him too. 
      Leon was supposed to be with her at all times, granting her, of course, her due privacy. The president was really adamant on the “all times” part. Leon had basically turned into her roommate, and probably her chauffeur as well. Only difference was probably the gun in his belt and the knife inside his brown leather jacket. Ashley hoped and prayed he wouldn't take it off yet, she didn't know what would be of her if she saw his arms. 
     He was perfect, too. Sort of quiet and calm. The first few days, Ashley would forget he was there at all, so when she heard him moving, she would get startled. When she went out to check, she'd just find him sitting on the kitchen table. The amazing thing, at least to her, was that she never got him to jump out of his seat. It's not like she intentionally tried, but she was curious. Her attempts-that-weren't-attempts only lasted for about a week until she just gave up. Ashley thought it had been by far the most interesting thing happening to him, because she swore she at least saw him chuckle. A small grin with no sound and if she didn't know better she would've kissed him. 
      Ashley's two week vacation period was the most stressed she had ever been, because not going to college meant she was now stuck with Leon full-time. She looked at Leon from the bathroom door as she brushed her teeth, barely awake. Leon, on the other hand, was always up early. It hit her that, even though he was going to be with her for a good while, and that it had been almost a month since he had been with her, they've never talked. Just the usual good morning and goodnight. She had made him coffee once or twice, but not the other way around —to be fair, his coffee was so strong she didn't know how he even enjoyed it. 
     She did her hair and changed into some comfortable clothes before walking out to her living room where Leon sat murmuring something, probably to her father. He checked in almost daily. 
     “Are you bored?” She asked when Leon finished talking. She stood behind him to avoid his gaze. “Do you ever get bored?”
      “This is far more entertaining than a corporate job,” Leon scoffed. She couldn't really figure out if he was messing with her or genuinely insulting her. She dismissed both options, hopeful. 
      “I can't see you working at a desk, although this might be the closest.” 
      Leon chuckled. “At least my ass won't get flat from all the sitting.” 
     Ashley blushed, her eyes quickly checking him out. It would definitely be a shame if butt like that disappeared. 
       This was good, she thought, she had made him laugh and gotten some words out of him. 
      “I wanna go shopping for… stuff,” she lied. It was such a miserable lie she mentally slapped herself twice. She did not want to go out on a Sunday, no one liked going out on Sundays! Ashley was almost one hundred percent certain she pretty much had everything she needed. “Feel like going out?” 
      It certainly didn't matter what he felt like doing, he was getting paid to do it anyway. In fact, talking to her was, most likely, what he was getting paid for as well. Leon turned to see her, staring for a moment before grinning. 
     “I could definitely use some time outside.”
     He stood up and went for his jacket. Ashley caught the way the muscles of his back moved under his fitted shirt as he slid the jacket on and reached for the keys. She tried not to think too much about it, but she really liked that jacket. Dark colors really suited Leon, although she couldn't really come up with something that wouldn't suit him. Hell, he might even look good in bright yellow, and no one looked good in bright yellow. Also, those pants could barely fit his butt. 
     They went to the car and got inside. She played some music instead of putting on her earphones like she usually did. Leon softly bopped his head to the rhythm. He didn't look like the type to enjoy pop music, and Ashley bet she herself wasn't the type to like whatever she thought Leon listened to. Ashley would bet money that it was either noisy rock or music that made you want to kill yourself. 
      The mall wasn't that far away and was quite empty as well. It was Sunday morning— Ashley wanted to smack herself—she had gone shopping on a Sunday morning and she had dragged Leon with her. This was her gotcha moment to her father, though. Had I not been given a bodyguard, she giggled to herself, no one would have to put up with this. 
     Ashley looked around, nervous, trying to find something. From a distance, she spotted what looked to be perfumes. The store looked new, with lots of flashing lights and big posters of beautiful models to stand out and try to lure people in. If Leon went to the bathroom, Ashley thought, he would quickly spot her unused fragrances, and know that the plan to go out had all been just a whim. But the pink lights were truly, truly a good bait, and she found herself heading towards it, getting a few steps ahead of Leon. 
      To be fair, Ashley didn't feel as uncomfortable walking in silence with Leon next to her now that she had made small talk, nor was she uncomfortable when they walked into the store together and he stood behind her as she searched through the shelves full of bottles of body wash and perfume. Now that she was there, she might as well actually buy something. Leon seemed to be eyeing the selection as well. Ashley watched when he picked one up, smelled it, and put it down with a scrunched nose. He did it a few times before he handed one to Ashley. The packaging was transparent, and the liquid inside of it was a very light orange, almost like flavored water. 
      “You look like you'd like this one,” was all he said, before heading to the men's section. 
      Ashley took it as a compliment when she smelled it. It was such a simple choice, too. Just a plain pumpkin smell with a hint of coffee. She imagined herself putting it on, along with her orange top and square patterned green shorts and it was the perfect fit so she almost ran to pay for it, more excited about the fact that Leon chose it than anything. Her other perfumes could wait. Leon walked up to the register and paid for his own after Ashley. His bottle was a transparent square, the liquid was transparent as well. Very simple like him. 
       She reached for Leon's bag and he handed it to her. Ashley took it out and the smell hit her before she could even open it, and it got her blood soaring through her veins. To her, it smelled just like he looked, there wasn't another way to explain it. Nothing too flashy or out of the ordinary, definitely not old man perfume like her father's collection. Something like lemon and citrus but also very sweet, honey, perhaps. Either way, it was so fitting they should've just named the fragrance Leon S. Kennedy. 
      “It definitely suits you,” Ashley commented, giving him back the bag. 
      She took out her own bottle to smell it again. 
      “Yours is good, too,” he said, then quickly added, “not because I picked it.”
      “Why that one?” She asked, still with her nose against the bottle. It was about to be her favorite for sure. 
        “I just liked it. Reminded me of a girl I met in a club once, I couldn't stop wanting to be close enough to smell her.” 
       The image of Leon leaning into the crook of a blurry-faced woman's neck intruded into her brain. Ashley imagined in great detail the sensation of warm breath onto her skin, blond hair grazing her shoulder. She flushed a deep red. 
     “C-can't imagine you in a club,” she stuttered.
     Leon chuckled. “Can't see me doing boring jobs but can't see me having fun either?” 
      “You just don't look like you'd have fun at a club!” 
  “You're right. That's because the fun comes after the clubbing.” 
      Ashley's cheeks, at this point, were burning. Something in her chest twisted and she had to laugh it off. There wasn't anything overly scandalous about his statement, just a joke with a little deeper meaning told between acquaintances. She was embarrassed to get so shy over something so silly and meaningless. 
     Was the post-clubbing fun girl also the pumpkin-smelling girl? Or were they two different girls? She didn't take Leon as a player—he could be, with that face and that voice and that body that had women staring at him, but Ashley just didn't think he had the time. And he was either way too professional to give into the attention, or he wasn't aware of how much people were drawn to him. If anything, Ashley seemed to be the one noticing it. How men and women eyed him equally, head to toe. But he walked alongside Ashley, arms to his sides, ready to pull out his gun, aware of his surroundings like an FBI agent would be and not at all like a normal person. 
     FBI, CIA, Secret Service, whatever. It wasn't that she didn't know how each of them worked, it was that she didn't care enough to remember in detail. 
     They went through a few more stores before they left. Ashley bought stuff she knew she did not need, but had a good time regardless, even Leon seemed to be smiling more—if a slight rise of the corner of his lips counted as one. Ashley went home with a few new markers and sticky notes and lotion with a packaging so pretty she wasn't sure she bought it for its “hydrating properties”. She also went home with various images of Leon in various situations that flashed behind her eyelids every time she blinked. 
        While in the car on the way back, Leon looked at Ashley a few times as she just stared into space. He never said anything, but him constantly turning his head towards her meant what are you thinking about? or are you okay. Yes, she was okay. No, he didn't want to know what she was thinking about. 
      She ran inside and locked herself in her room the moment the door opened, feigning excitement, pretending she was going to try on her new perfumes. In reality, she just needed something to separate her from Leon, at least for a moment. She stood with her back against the door for a moment, panting. 
      Ashley wasn't stupid. She knew she was far from that, her father knew she was far from that, her classmates knew she was far from that. She knew what sex was, how sex worked and how to do it; that people did it casually. Ashley was twenty-one, for God's sake. And, of course Leon S. Kennedy had sex, he had to. With that face and that voice and that body, and his stupidly charming personality, and how his looks made up for the fact that he absolutely sucked at flirting, like any pretty boy did these days. 
      The problem was, fundamentally, that when she tried not to think about something she ended up thinking about it anyway. So, logically, she thought about Leon having steamy, noisy, hot sex with some random woman in god knows what hotel. Vividly. 
      In her imagination, they— Leon and the nameless, faceless woman— did it in missionary. Ashley didn't think he was the type to do anything too elaborate, or maybe the girl wanted to see his face. Either way, he was on top, shirtless, sweaty. His body glistened under cheap lighting, and his panting echoed inside the room. She shook her head, it was getting too real. It was feeling too real. 
      That particular feeling of arousal was there, one that she couldn't just let pass. Only the pressure of her fingers would do something about it. She walked to her bed, unzipping her skirt and kicking off her shoes. Ashley almost ripped it all off, her panties sticking to her was beyond uncomfortable. 
       Ashley laid on her bed. As soon as she closed her eyes, Leon's face appeared before her once more. All too suddenly, the nameless, faceless woman she had just been imagining was Ashley herself. Leon smiled down at her, his arms at each side of her head. “Spread,” he commanded; it came out breathy, like after kissing. She did, slowly, like Leon was actually there, ordering her. 
       Her hand finally met her core. She rubbed circles onto her clit, slowly, as if Leon was carefully pushing inside of her. The thought itself felt good, of Leon's pelvis against hers. Her fake Leon shuddered. He straightened up, gripping the back of her thighs for support before dragging himself out of her. “Leon” rolled his hips softly. Had it been real, Ashley would've felt every inch.
     “Leon,” she moaned. She increased her rhythm. Ashley swore she could feel the warmth of Leon's fingers against her skin while, in her head, he went harder. Strong, calculated thrusts that could've made her bang her head against the head of the bed. His name slipped past her lips once again. It slipped a few more times, and each time felt more embarrassing than the previous. 
       But his name sounded so good. It was such a nice name, and it would be a shame to have such vivid daydreams without the real deal. 
        Leon—the impostor— leaned down. Ashley wasn't sure she was able to imagine a kiss, but she could very much imagine Leon kissing her neck, biting down on it. The bites weren't supposed to be painful, but they were aggressive, because Leon was trying to muffle his groans of pleasure. Not that Ashley minded that he was making sounds, she just thought it was something Leon would do. 
      Ashley's hand quickened on her clit, fingers pressed softly against it. Her hips began to twitch and raise from the bed. Something light was starting to warm up near her pelvis, there wasn't much left before she came. 
     “Cute,” he said. 
      The voice took her out, it dragged her out of her thoughts. Leon, the real flesh and bone, Leon, was standing against the door frame, arms crossed on his chest. Then Ashley was too conscious about her messy hair and her ruffled-up shirt and how she was directly in front of the door with her legs wide open. 
      “Why are you… ”
      “You called,” Leon explained. 
       Ashley didn't know what she should focus on first; the fact that he heard her or the fact that he must've known what type of call it was, but then she'd need time to think about the implications of that, and that was time she didn't have, because Leon was right in front of her. She closed her legs. 
      “I'm sorry,” Ashley murmured, using her knees to cover her face. “Jesus, I'm so sorry,” was all she could say. And apologizing was all she could do. 
      “I'm flattered, I think,” he chuckled. Ashley didn't believe that he could laugh in a situation like this. Although as an agent, it probably wasn't the worst thing he had ever seen. “But don't let me interrupt you.” 
       Her eyes widened “What?” 
     “Keep going,” Leon said. 
     “Now?” she asked. The stupidest question that came out of her mouth. She was almost shaking, she just didn't know whether it was embarrassment or anxiety. 
      “If not now, when?” he smirked. “Unless you want me to go, then I can just leave you to it.”
       She thought about it. Ashley had the very man she was fantasizing about in her room asking her to get herself off for him. For him to watch. Leon stood there, waiting for her answer. She knew what she wanted to do the moment Leon made his suggestion, however, no words seemed to come out, not even when she could hear herself saying it in her head. 
      Ashley took a peek from between her legs; he was still looking at her, breathing heavily. His own arousal showing through his pants, and the sight would've been enough for her to finish if her body worked like that. She took a deep, long breath and decided to make it worth it. 
       With that in mind, she spread her legs in an excruciatingly slow motion, trying to get used to the feeling of being vulnerable and observed. Ashley let Leon take a good look at her, at the proof of her mischief, of her endless thoughts and attempts to brush their arms together or make their knees touch under the table when they had breakfast at the same time. She slid her hand down her abdomen, watching as Leon's dilated pupils followed her hand to her folds. Ashley spread them, wanting to show Leon what he had caused her, how wet she was, how much she desired him. She sighed, the warmth of her own hand a relief. 
      Leon bit his lip. She caught when he dug his nails into his biceps. His lip would bleed if he continued, Ashley thought, then she could stand up and lick it off. 
     Her body felt like the sensation of putting your arm too close to a candle. It came from inside her skin, radiating from her bones. She was only now starting to feel the sweat pooling under her fringe, her hands sticky. The slick on her fingers barely let her aim them properly onto her clit, but feeling herself, slippery and wet, made her even more aroused. 
     Throwing her head back, she moaned “Leon” and it quickly turned into a sigh. Maybe having an audience wasn't all that bad, after all. “Leon,” she moaned again, and it came out desperate, her hand quickening. It was messy. Ashley wasn't sure where to put her other hand; she clutched the sheets, ran her nails across her stomach, gripped the pillow. Nothing was enough. 
      The sound of velcro ripping pierced through the room, and Ashley watched Leon drag his glove off his hand with his teeth through half-lidded eyes. He unbuttoned his pants and pulled them down along with his boxers just a little below the hip, enough to get his cock out of his underwear. The erection must've been painful, because Leon hissed when he wrapped his hand around it, slowly stroking himself. Still looking at her, like he was saying 'you did this'. 
      He soon met her pace, quick and needy. The gloved hand held onto the door frame. His head was hanging down, his dark blond hair falling onto his face, but Ashley still met his gaze, and realized he was following her movements. She slowed down and so did he with a low whine. It stayed like that for a moment before the speed came back up, only to go down a few seconds later. 
      “Dammit, Ashley,” Leon grunted. It was the first time she heard him say her name, and the sound she made was so pathetic she wanted to cover her mouth. 
      Ashley thought that, under different circumstances, she would've teased him until the end of the world. She wanted to make him come on slow strokes so that his knees would buckle, but right now, she wouldn't handle it, so she opted for going faster. Leon sighed, going along with her. She, sometimes, got glimpses of how Leon's muscles flexed and tensed. The veins on his arms were so prominent they might as well just burst. His breathing echoed in the room, almost as loud as Ashley's whimpers and cries for him. 
        It was over way quicker than she wanted. Her orgasm came in waves, her hips rolling against her hand, burying her head into the pillows. All of her movements were involuntary, all while looking at Leon. He smirked as she came. Ashley didn't halt her movements until her hips started to twitch and then after that it was just painful. 
       She laid there in silence, trying to stabilize herself, eyes still on Leon and Leon's eyes still on her. They ran all over her, from her hair to her face, to the curves of her body, her legs that were still open. 
     “I want to see you,” she muttered. Ashley didn't have the courage to say the rest, reality was to hit her soon and she couldn't see herself being so bold anymore. What she meant was still pretty obvious. 
      Leon came silently, only gasping as he spilled onto his hand, and a barely audible Ashley slipped past his lips. Seeing him shudder and sigh had to be one of—if not the hottest thing—that Ashley had seen in her entire life. 
        He took out a handkerchief from his back pocket and wiped his hand with it, then put his cock back into his boxers, and fixed his clothes. 
        “Let me know if you need anything,” Leon said, leaving the room and closing the door behind him. 
       Ashley didn't have time to say anything. She was left alone to her thoughts sooner than she had expected. That was it? He just left? 
      Calling him back into her bedroom clearly wasn't a good choice nor was it a good look. Ashley groaned, standing up reluctantly to take a shower. She made sure to be as quiet as possible, although Leon probably heard her drag her feet to the bathroom. 
     She was never going to leave her room again. Ever. 
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alientown · 1 year
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So... After losing my old saves I played around with cas for a few days trying to find some ideias, and I ended up making a bunch of sims I really liked, so I've put them all together for this one save set in San Myshuno. It's more of a casual gameplay for now , but here are some small bios for them!!
Filipa Sousa (she/her): The main sim. A painter who never had a "real" relationship in her life - the most serious relationship she has is with her daughter, Sofi, who was born after Filipa had a one-night stand with Vini, her childhood friend's brother.
Vinicius "Vini" Weiss (he/him): Sofi's father and kind of a douchebag, to be honest. He is a aspiring DJ, but for now has to stick with just some annoying job.
Nova Rossi (she/they): Filipa's ex-highschool sweetheart, but its all good now. Their favorite hobby is making candles, and they're also trying to improve their cooking skills, thanks to their chef-to-be girlfriend.
Manuella "Manu" Ahrens (she/her): Nova's girlfriend who works at the kitchen of one of San Myshuno's best restaurants. She might not be the chef right now, but she will certainly be in the future.
Isabella "Isa" Weiss (she/her): Vini's older sister and Filipa's oldest friend. Permanently unemployed but doesn't seem to care. She is just very chill about everything, to the point of annoyance.
Taini Pacheco (they/them): Isa's roommate and newest addition to the whole friend group. Not business savvy at all, but they're trying to convice Manu that she should quit her job, so they can open up a vegan restaurant together.
Elio Jupiter (he/him): Nova's University buddy, a really nice guy who wants to open up his own bar one day - he just needs to find a way save up money someday. On his free time, you may find him trying to complete the romance novel he's been working on for years.
Rafael "Rafa" Nahas (he/him): Elio's boyfriend of two months. They've moved in together after three weeks of dating and its been going great. Totally. The only problem is that Rafa's constant partying might cause them to lose more money than they should.
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tmnt-obsessed-ace · 1 year
Fuck it Venus and Jennika are getting adding to SSDF
(Leo needs more daughters, and some soul crushing guilt that he wasnt able to save them from Draxum because he didnt even SEE them they were hidden too far up to be visible and with the building collapsing he didnt have time to stick and check or he and the babies would all die.)
So lets talk about them :)
Venus is the actual eldest at 16 (she's a year older than Rafa) by the time Leo actually meets her in Many Unhappy Returns she will have just turned 17 (the same age Leo was when he suddenly became a father of six four) she's a striped mud turtle and Big Mama's assistant.
She was found in Draxum's ruined lab when Big Mama's bellhops went investigating what had happened. However there was somebody already there. A white rabbit yokai, dressed in Samurai garb. He was holding two tiny little turtle mutants in his arms, trying to gently calm them down.
The bellhops attacked the Rabbit, managing to steal one of babies and brutally injure the other. Leaving the rabbit no choice but to flee and get the remaining turtle medical attention in hopes of retrieving the other one.
By the time the smaller turtle was even stable enough for searching, Venus was the adopted daughter of Big Mama.
And she heard that there was another baby turtle, still alive and in the city. She accused the rabbit of stealing her daughter, offering a massive reward for her safe return.
Everyone was hunting them now.
So the rabbit took his new daughter and fled the Hidden City, fled New York all together.
Although she started out as Big Mama's beloved daughter it didnt last. Venus's combat skills grew more refined and stronger dhe becomes more and more useful as an assistant. Someone who can go on the more dangerous missions while Big Mama can sit back and run the Nexus. Someone who can protect Big Mama when potential nexus fighters refuse to sign the contract or try to attack Big Mama
And oh boy does Venus resent Big Mama for this.
That resentment only grew stronger over the years but there were two things that drove sweet Venus to eventually overthrow Big Mama
1. Jennika being forced to fight in the Battle Nexus in order to be spared from life in prison. Jennika was only nine years old when this happened, I'll touch more on this in her section.
And 2. Forcing Leo to watch his sons fight for their lives in Battle Nexus New York (it will be a lot more dangerous than in canon) especially when Rafa's fake out death happens. When Leo is screaming and begging Big Mama to just take him instead, leave his children alone. It breaks something inside Venus. And when Cassandra tries to take the ring to control the Shadow Fiend.
Venus takes it instead, giving the Shredder one command.
Destroy Big Mama, tear her apart. Leave nothing behind.
An immediate betrayal.
But Venus finds an Ally in Cassandra.
They team up, on the condition that they take Big Mama down for good. (Even though doing this would create a massive power vacuum. Big Mana was one of the most powerful and influential yokai in the hidden city. And Venus sure as hell wasnt gonna take up the mantle, opting to burn it all down instead so oh boy...)
Then there's Jennika.
A 15 year old diamondback terrapin. And out of all the children, she's the one that looks the most like Leo. (Except that she's got green eyes, just like Raph. And she acts so much like Raph too it hurts.) She's a few months younger than Rafa. She also has deep grooves in her plastron from the attack as a child.
The daughter of a Samurai Ronin named Miyamoto Usagi. The two wandered the world for most of their lives, either hiding in the hidden cities or using cloaking broaches to blend in with the humans.
Jennika or her father called her Hisa, became a highly skilled samurai. Although becoming a Samurai her fierce short temper couldnt be calmed. At least until the incident.
On their travels together in the human world, disguised by cloaking broaches when Hisa was only nine years old, Usagi had been badly hurt by a small gang, losing consciousness too quick. Hisa lost it, absolutely lost it. None of the gang members were left alive. She didn't even know how she did that! They were all bigger and stronger than her but she killed them all in a massive flood. (She was actually the first person in the family to unlock Ninpo to protect/avenge Usagi. But she hasnt been able to do it since)
But...so many people saw it, thirty gang members all dead on the ground, a nine year old human girl at the center of it. Hisa was arrested, dragged kicking and screaming away from her father and mentor, begging the police to help him.
Hisa was handed off to the FBI. Would've gone higher through the government. Until Big Mama took an interest in her. The girl was powerful, too powerful to end up in the hands of humans.
So...Big Mama paid them off, got Hisa out and offered the girl a deal. Because a yokai like herself killing that many humans by obviously supernatural means would bring attention to the Yokai and Hidden Cities, so it is very much illegal. And punishable by life in a maximum security cell in the Hidden City Prison.
The deal was simple, Hisa would work off her sentence by fighting in the Battle Nexus, she just had to sign the contract.
And well Hisa didnt have any other choice.
So for the next five years Hisa was a battle nexus fighter, barely surviving each battle by the skin of her teeth.
All the while mourning her father Usagi.
Hisa was gone, all thats left is Jennika.
But not all hope was lost for the poor girl, as during the Bug Busters episode, while the boys had Big Mama distracted, her father Usagi found her and rescued her.
Together the two fled to the mountains of Japan, hiding away from Big Mama while poor Jennika recovers from those five years of misery.
But when news of a powerful champion in the Battle Nexus reaches Japan and of a MASSIVE Battle Nexus tournament involving four mutant turtles...well the two Samurai cant ignore that, especially when those turtles look a bit like Jennika.
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delilahcarreno · 8 months
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character name: delilah louise carreño (née wells)
nickname: del, lilah, li, dee, deedee (by her mom)
age & dob: january 6th, 1979 (45)
gender identity & pronouns: female, she/her/hers
sexual orientation & relationship status: bisexual, single (divorced)
residential area: seabrook quarter
occupation: event planner
place of birth: aurora bay, california
length of time in aurora bay: all her life (45 years)
personality traits: + driven, - micromanaging
faceclaim: jessica chastain
mother: daphne wells
father: august wells (deceased)
siblings: two younger sisters (including: dolores "louie" wells), two younger brothers (including: buddy wells, 28)
(ex)-husband: rafael "rafa" carreño (npc, 45)
children: sophie carreño (23, npc), theodore "theo" carreño (9)
oldest of five, shouldered with the responsibility of raising her siblings. felt like she never did anything for herself until getting married in a whirlwind romance at nineteen, and having her daughter at twenty one. divorced by twenty five, but with a degree in hospitality, which she put to use by snagging a job as an assistant event coordinator for a event planner in san diego. was almost engaged again a few years later, but panic slept with her ex-husband and got pregnant again, resulting in their son being born. opened her own event planning service in the last five years, and is currently dealing with her father's sudden (to her) death by not dealing with it.
tw pregnancy, infidelity, cancer, death
the eldest born of daphne and august wells, two local community activists based out of fisher's cove.
delilah never had a doubt about how much her parents loved each other, or the four other children who were born as a result of that love, but grew up with the unspoken knowledge that their causes always held priority over being present in those children's lives.
they lacked money more than they ever had an abundance of it, and she was often left in charge of her siblings, shouldering most of the household responsibilities in their parent's absence.
did her best for them not to feel that loss--attended dance recitals, shuttled to and from soccer games (on foot or via rollerskates), did her best not to burn birthday morning special pancakes.
if she was going to be the most stable person in their lives, she was going to commit to it, and doing so did not leave delilah much time for herself. she managed to keep her grades up in school, but normal teenage things, such as dating or extracurriculars or going to the mall with her friends, fell by the wayside, if she ever had them at all.
she dreamed of higher education--unsure of for what, exactly, but the one thing she did have for herself were her journals. writing had always been cathartic for her, her journal a soundboard for the thoughts she didn't have anyone to share them with. she toyed with the idea of applying for a few writing programs, most of them out of state...but even if she got in, she knew she'd never be able to afford actually going, nor did she feel she'd be able to leave her siblings that far behind.
so, college was put on the back burner, with the intention of waiting a few years to save up funds and see her siblings through to a place where they could comfortably support themselves.
it was not delilah's intention to fall in love at nineteen, and most definitely not with her high school best friend's ex-boyfriend...but after a three month summer whirlwind of a relationship, she found herself making what felt like the first ever decision for herself when rafael carreño asked to marry her and she said yes.
things didn't exactly slow down after that. pregnant at 20, their daughter, sophie, born at 21...though delilah knew these were the "logical" next step of things, she still wasn't prepared for how fast life seemed to be coming at her.
where she did her best to lean into it, rafael dug his heels in and tried to cling to his youth. feeling unsupported in her role of mother, wife and now college student (first through night classes through aurora bay college, and then online through a larger university for a hospitality degree), they divorced by twenty five.
oddly enough, the divorce only strengthened their relationship, remaining close co-parents, with rafael getting sophie on the weekends.
post graduation, delilah snagged a job with a san diego wedding planning service, where she served as an assistant event coordinator for over fifteen years, putting her years of managing schedules, dealing with tantrums, and even the occasional hair touch up to use.
her life finally seemed to be settling. meeting and falling in love with benjamin hyun should've been the final piece in that...but after finding the engagement ring he'd been planning to propose to her with while ben was away, delilah spiraled. to this day, she couldn't tell you what it was, exactly: the fear of another failed marriage, or just of feeling stuck, but that ring set off a chain of events that ended with her in her ex-husband's bed and a positive pregnancy test a few weeks later.
ben was rightfully heartbroken, and thirteen year old sophie was confused and pissed about why ben was out and her dad was moving back in and they were having another baby but not getting back together.
their son theo was born (early, and after being kept a secret from the rest of delilah's family), and once old enough, rafael moved back out of the home to resume their usual custody agreement.
throwing herself into her work, delilah eventually decided to take what she's learned assisting all those years and start her own event planning service, events by delilah, which is going on it's fifth year of business!
lost her father just this last year to cancer, something she's still in the middle of processing. as far as she knows, it's a secret he kept from everyone but their mom, and so rather than dealing with the grief and her anger she is simply avoiding thinking about it as best as she can.
despite teaching most of her siblings and both her children how, delilah has never learned how to ride a bike...yet loves a soulcycle, and attends a class twice a week.
cannot cook. it's always been just a necessity and she has never gotten any pleasure out of it; the words what's for dinner? after a long day can and will send her into a tailspin. has (almost) no shame about being a crockpot mom...if there's a crockpot recipe for it, she will find it!
needless to say...is a pta mom but can and will fuck up even a boxed brownie mix, so if you see her buying store bought cupcakes for the bake sale and messing up the frosting a little to look homemade...mind your business
addicted to cigarettes since her teens. easily stopped during both her pregnancies and meant to keep with it, but now she just smokes virginia slims, which she'll insist hardly count anyways if pressed.
before breaking into the hospitality business, delilah's income was initially through babysitting, and more steadily through hairdressing. she had a chair at the salon up until she graduated from college in 2004. still cuts her ex-husband and her both of her children's hair.
dark chocolate fiend, prefers red wine over white, but a vodka martini with an orange twist above all.
insists that she doesn't have a favorite movie because she falls asleep during them, but can and will in her limited free time manage to watch nearly entire seasons worth to catch up on the real housewives (her favorite franchise is beverly hills).
the summer after graduating high school, almost said fuck it and followed the backstreet boys on their backstreet's back tour with a few friends from school who also weren't going to college...went as far as getting her passport, but got cold feet at the last second and stayed behind. she let the passport expire and has never had another need for it since.
as a wedding planner, has witnessed a real life "i, ross, take thee, rachel" moment and will never be able to forget it in her life
kept her married name because she likes having the same last name as her children; thought about changing it before theo, but after he was born she found it easier just to keep it.
has a voicemail from before her dad passed on her phone that she hasn't opened. she doesn't expect it to be profound, or anything that she needs to hear, but to her, for now, not remembering the last thing he said to her somehow hurts less than finding out and being disappointed.
limits theo's screentime but one time he left behind his VR set while he was with his dad for the weekend and she tried it while a little tipsy...has to admit, it's pretty cool (but still won't allow more than an hour a day and only on the weekends)
cannot talk on the phone while driving (even via bluetooth), if you're on the phone with her while she's in the car, the chances of you hearing her curse and say she missed her turn are high
oldest sister of @buddywellls
ex girlfriend/(almost) fiancé of @benj-hyun
was seeing @willxmeyers before she found out she was also planning his (first) wedding
not so equal parts amused and annoyed by/next door neighbor of/frequent joint share-er with @marsmoran
"pleasure doing business with you" in more ways than one @borawinters
@nirawuu her friend and occasional freelance event videographer
to be posted wc: her assistant event coordinator!
'we hooked up but i never heard from you again until oh there you are...with your fiancé here to plan your wedding' (would probably require some more in depth plotting, could be more recent or part of the reason she left her last position?)
current best friend or two
someone who gets her to let loose every once and awhile!
partnered businesses through her company (caterers, florists, music acts, photographers, venues, etc)
former/current clients (focuses in weddings but other events as well!)
people whose hair she used to cut or kiddos she used to babysit in her teens/early twenties!
childhood/high school/family friends/acquaintances
high school best friend (would probably require a little more in depth plotting)
parent/pta friends
friends of her daughter
drinking buddies
the occasional one night stand/fling/flirtationship/failed (or not? potentially blind?) date
her other siblings (a shared wc)
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sugdenlovesdingle · 2 years
Undercover (AO3)
This is based on this gifset of Rafa looking beautiful in some other show or film (idk, brain short circuited before I could check out what it actually is).
It's a What if...? of Carlos' secret in 4x01. Instead of the secret marriage, I give you undercover Carlos.
This was meant to be a one shot but it started to get long before anything had even happened... and it's 5.42AM now and I should probably sleep instead of writing this thing... so here is part 1. I'm Very Bad at multi chapter fics but I'll try to finish part 2 tomorrow (Sunday) and see where it goes from there.
“Reyes, my office please.” Carlos’ sergeant called out just as he was about to go on his lunch break.
It had been a slow morning, which he was grateful for after the weekend he’d had touring wedding venues with TK, and finding out the perfect place didn’t have an opening for another 18 months.
“Everything alright, sir?”
“Close the door and sit down please.”
Carlos tried to keep the look on his face neutral as he did what he was told, but wondered what on earth his sergeant would call him into his office for.
“How is the wedding planning going?” Sergeant Walsh asked him after he’d sat down.
“Uh… alright… thanks.” Carlos answered, not sure how he knew or where the conversation was going.
“Your father mentioned you and your fiancé looking at venues when I ran into him this weekend.
“Oh. Yes, sir we are. We’ve toured a few.”
Walsh nodded.
“Did you find anything you like? My daughter is a wedding planner, she could help you if you wanted. Put in a good word for you with the venue owners.”
“Thank you sir, but I think we’ll be alright.”
Walsh nodded again.
“Well the offer still stands if you need it.”
“Thank you sir.” Carlos replied. “Was that everything you needed to talk to me about?”
“No, no it is not.” Walsh sat up a little straighter and took a file out of his desk drawer and opened it.
“The FBI are building a case on a nationwide drug trafficking organisation and they’ve reached out to APD for the Austin based part.”
Carlos nodded.
“Do they need tactical support on a raid?”
“Not just yet. They’re still gathering evidence.”
“Ok. Do you need me to help put a team on standby?”
Walsh shook his head.
“Have you ever thought of doing undercover work?”
“Undercover? Me?”
“The FBI need someone to infiltrate the drug trafficking business that’s being run out of a bar downtown. They need someone who knows the city.”
“And that someone is me?”
“If you’re interested. It could be a good career opportunity for you.” Walsh said and turned to the file on his desk. “They’re selling fentanyl and heroin and anything else they can get their hands on. The FBI believes they’re involved in a larger network responsible for drug related deaths all over the country. LA, Chicago, Seattle, New York. It looks like they’re involved with the Honor Dogs too. Have you heard of them?”
“A local biker gang.” Carlos answered. “White supremacists. We’ve arrested some members before… but not recently I believe.”
“That’s right. So getting them off the streets of Austin too would be a nice bonus.”
“Right… Yes, I agree… but… with all due respect, I don’t think I’m going to be of any help in this case.”  
“And why is that?”
“I’m Latino. And gay. Neither of those things are very high on the list of things white supremacists look for in members.”
Walsh smiled.
“No, but the FBI need someone in the bar. They’ve already got someone in with the racists. You’ll just be serving drinks downtown and gathering evidence on the drug charges.”
“Right. So… I’ll be wearing a wire then I guess?”
“I assume so. But if you agree to do this, the FBI will brief you on all details and set you up with a fake identity and backstory.”
Carlos nodded.
“Can I think about it?”
“Sure. Take the afternoon off and let me know first thing tomorrow.”
“Thank you, sir” Carlos said and left the office. He checked his watch. He’d promised his mother he’d meet her for lunch if he had time, but he knew he wouldn’t be able to focus on anything but the conversation he’d just had with his sergeant.
He got into his car and drove across town to the one place he could think of going.
Unfortunately when he pulled up outside station 126 some time later, both rigs and the ambulance were gone.
“Oh hello officer, can I help you?” a firefighter Carlos vaguely knew as the probie from the B shift crew asked him. He gave the young woman a polite smile.
“No, I’m just waiting for them to come back.”
“They’re on their way. They were loading back up about 10 minutes ago. I heard it on the radio. I forgot to put mine away when I left after my shift.” She scrunched up her face. “Please don’t tell captain Strand.”
“Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me.”
Just then they heard the brief burst of sound Carlos recognised as the horn from the rig.
“Looks like they’re here. I better run. Have a good day officer.” The probie said before rushing out of the firehouse.
Sure enough, not two minutes later, Judd parked the rig in the bay and Owen jumped out.
“Hey Carlos.” The other man greeted him. “Medical is right behind us.”
“Thanks Owen.” Carlos said as Owen walked past him and patted his shoulder.
Before any of the other members of the crew could greet him or ask him why he was there, the ambulance pulled into the station and TK jumped out of the passenger’s seat.
“Hey baby, you here for lunch?”
“Actually… can we talk?”
TK frowned but lead him up to the bunk room where they sat down on two beds facing each other.
“What’s going on? Is everything alright?” TK asked and Carlos hated himself a little for worrying him.
“I uh… got offered this thing… at work.”
“Thing? What thing? A promotion?”
“No. Yes. Maybe? I don’t know…”
“You’re not making any sense, babe.”
Carlos pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed.
“The FBI have reached out to APD for help on a case involving some drug trafficking network they believe is being run out of this bar downtown.”
“Ok. So you’re going to SWAT up and catch the bad guys?”
“No my sergeant wants me to go undercover to gather evidence.”
“For the FBI?”
“Working in a bar?”
“Will it be dangerous?”
“I don’t know… I suppose there’s always a risk… I don’t know the details yet. I haven’t said yes yet.”
TK nodded.
“You want to do it, don’t you?”
“Not if you don’t want me to.”
“It’s drugs these guys are involved in?”
“Yes. Apparently mainly heroin and fentanyl but also anything else they can get their hands on and make money from.”
TK was quiet for a minute while he processed what Carlos had just told him. He moved to sit next to Carlos and grabbed his hand.
“I think you should do it.”
“Yeah. If anyone knows the kind of damage these guys can do it’s me.” He looked down at their joined hands. “Who knows what would have happened to me if my mom hadn’t found me and dragged me to rehab. I knew every low life dealer in the city. They only care about money… not about the lives they ruin.”
Carlos squeezed his hand and let him talk. He knew TK’s addiction was hard for him to talk about. Especially the moments where he’d been at his lowest.
“Tell your sergeant you’ll do it.”
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rafacarreno · 2 years
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Pedro Pascal | He/Him | Cis Man | Have you met Rafael "Rafa" Carreño yet? They’re the 44 year old teen social worker that lives around West Point Homes. I think they’ve lived in Seattle for his entire life. From what I’ve heard, they’re communicative but they can also be weak-willed if you get on their bad side. When I think of them, I usually think of In the Aeroplane over the Sea by Neutral Milk Hotel.
Full Name: Léon Rafael Flores Carreño Nickname(s): Rafa, Raf Gender: Cis man (he/him) Sexuality: Heterosexual Birthday: October 13, 1978 (44) Religion: None Hometown: Seattle, Washington Current Residence: Townhouse in West Point Homes Occupation: Teen social worker at a youth services center Education: BSW from Seattle University; MSW from University of Washington School of Social Work Languages: Spanish, English
Mother: Valeria Carreño (66) Father: Léon Flores (65) Sibling(s): Elena Carreño (sister, 41), Diego Carreño (brother, 39) Ex-Wife: Delilah Carreño née Wells (44) Children: Sadie Carreño (daughter, 24), Theo Carreño (son, 8) Pets: An 8-year-old Australian Shepherd named Serj
Pos. Traits: Effective communicator, honest, emotionally available, open-minded, easygoing Neg. Traits: Irresponsible, scatter-brained and unorganized, bad at planning and sticking to schedules, restless Likes: Old 90s cartoons, anything that gives him an adrenaline rush, his kids, glass blowing, eating cereal for dinner, watching basketball, giving people gifts, snarky teenagers, scrolling jstor for cool psychology articles, grilling, violent video games, his dog, camping, metal and classic rock Dislikes: People who don't like kids, shitty parents, most rom coms, celebrity culture, fancy restaurants, having to get dressed up, sleeping around a lot, super hot weather, reading novels, pop music
**trigger warnings for alcoholism and some parental neglect
grew up with alcoholic parents who were never violent but often neglectful and forced raf to have to learn to take care of himself pretty young. his mom suffered post partum depression for several years. she got sober when he was around 5 and they started bonding finally but dad never managed to get fully sober
did some acting out in high school but nothing major. immediately after graduating started dating delilah, the best friend of his senior year girlfriend, and got married three months later, when they were about 19
at 20 had their first kid, sadie. rafa had no idea what he wanted to do with his life and needed to support his family so he spent a lot of time going from job to job
was NOT ready to be a family man yet. loved sadie more than anything but had a hard time giving up partying and shit so by the time sadie was 5, he and delilah got a divorce. it wasn't lack of love but rather lack of being able to co-parent successfully in that situation
things got a lot better when he moved out. he took sadie on weekends and was able to do his own thing (for the most part) during the week
at around 27 he started going back to school and decided on social work. got his degree from seattle uni and then went on to do his msw at uni of washington school of social work. he started out working with schools and youth programs and finally in his early thirties landed a really good job as a social worker for troubled teens at a youth services center where he runs a program and does group therapy and some individualized stuff
eight years ago delilah got pregnant (bc yes they started sleeping together again periodically!!) and had their second kid, a boy named theo, when sadie was 16. raf stayed at the house for a little bit after theo was born to help delilah, which was very confusing for sadie obviously
he's still got some irresponsible tendencies but is overall a great dad and loves his kids more than anything and cares sm about the teens he works with and would go to bat for pretty much any child in the world
has a little glass-blowing setup in his garage and has been doing it for like over ten years, makes his own weed-smoking paraphernalia
does drink but not a ton because he's very wary of having two alcoholic parents and how susceptible he is to it. smokes weed tho somewhat on the regs
baby daddy of and ex-husband to @delilahcarreno
dad to @sadiecarreno
rafa's dog's vet @cemile-sahinx
raf's siblings, cousins, any family
parent friends
dad friends im begging you
people he's a father figure to
someone he's a good influence on
people he smokes weed and plays video games with
he loooves hiking and camping, someone he does that kinda stuff with
if ur chara was a teen 10 years ago? gimme people who were in his troubled teen groups
one or two serious exes post-divorce (one could potentially be current)
some fwb, one nights stands, maybe a regular hookup
coworkers at the youth services center
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detectivelokis · 2 years
2. What frightens them the most about becoming parents? 8. Are there any interests that they share with their kids? If not, how do they nurture their kids’ interests?  16. Who gets stuck having to answer their toddler’s constant “why?” questions?   26. Who is more likely to give in to “puppy dog eyes” when their kids misbehave?  For Rafe & Charlie?
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2. What frightens them the most about becoming parents?
For Rafe, it’s everything. Before the kids come into the world he’s convinced he’ll have to give up the treasure hunting, the parties, the traveling. He just forgets he’s one of the wealthiest men on the planet so all that doesn’t apply to them. They’re both pretty worried about becoming like their parents, though. Distant and cold and not being able to provide the proper love and nurturing a child needs. But, they prove everyone wrong!
8. Are there any interests that they share with their kids? If not, how do they nurture their kids’ interests?
Oliver and Rafe share a love of fencing. Oliver saw his father do it once as a child and wanted to take up the hobby for himself. Ava is more interested in baking and cooking while Rafa is very musically inclined. While Charlie and Rafe aren’t very interested in either of those things themselves, they make sure to enroll them in the best classes possible and attend every.single.recital. Charlie also doesn’t mind being her daughter’s taste tester either. It’s a win-win situation there.
16. Who gets stuck having to answer their toddler’s constant “why” questions?
I would say they both do. Their kids are just as curious as their parents are and they’re always happy to oblige any asks they have, even if it can be a bit tedious at times.
26. Who is more likely to give in to “puppy dog eyes” when their kids misbehave?
Rafe! He’s a sucker for his kids when they’re sad or upset and he’ll give them whatever they want. They’re definitely aware of it too and use it to their advantage once they’re a bit older lol. That’s not to say Charlie doesn’t do the same, but way less frequently.
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abelver · 4 months
God asks you to do ONE THING to stop them. #propheticword #dailyprophet... know that my father know Jehovah RAFA in Christ Jesus is my savior, except I’m the Holy Spirit, Abel Verdoza anyone showed up with a waiting on me and you suck a fist you G Dollars is saying that once he chose a new Marriott, I’ll be in married years dollars is saying that once he chose hanging Marriott, Albany being married years, I don’t know they’re holding people still on the interstate with somebody but you didn’t, but he still in showing up so just tell him my father Joe rapper just his daughters are accountable and another one that called everyone on earth to die of their actions. I have not been feeling the weight of my father would you like to my father-in-law to Christ Jesus and Elijah, Abel Verdoza, and everyone on a tour and everyone on his whole globe all the daughters that he chose to make for Abel to Abel Verdoza Marie Abel Road by the spirit that’s why they waiting never show up so they’re poor.
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radicalrascals · 1 year
Headcanon: Nick & Rafael
Meet the da Silva family
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Renato Soares da Silva (Tony Ramos)
Renato is Rafael and Nicolau's father; a retired prosecutor in his 70s, who still lives in Belo Horizonte and enjoys good health given his high age. He is immensely proud of his eldest son for his journalistic achievements, and deeply disappointed in his youngest for his homosexuality and decision to leave Brazil for the US. Despite their differences and his open disdain for his youngest son, Renato helped Nico survive his first night as a werewolf and keeps his secret safe to this day.
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Ana Maria Schmidt Moreira (†) (Sônia Braga)
Ana was Rafael and Nicolau's mother. She died when her sons were 12 and 7 years old; leaving behind a devastated husband who sought refuge in his work and the bottom of a bottle, an older son who had to fill in her role, taking over household chores and looking after his little brother, and her youngest, who in turn coped by fixating on his brother.
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Rafael Moreira da Silva (Wagner Moura)
Rafael is Nicolau's older brother. The two, along with Rafa's childhood best friend Joana, had been practically inseparable until Rafael eventually left Belo Horizonte for uni and later travelled the world. Being incapable of maintaining social connections himself, his brother makes sure they keep in touch to this day, claiming it's his turn to look after his older brother now. Rafael lives currently in São Paulo working as a journalist all over the globe. He takes after his father, sharing his workaholism and liability to addiction.
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Nicolau Moreira da Silva (Wagner Moura)
Nicolau is Rafael's younger brother. Growing up he had always looked up to his older brother, thinking of him as a safe haven even after Rafa had moved out. When Nico had his coming out he confided in Rafael first. Only when he was turned into a werewolf aged 17 did he start keeping secrets from his older brother. After uni he immigrated to the US where he still lives, owning an occult bookshop. He takes after his mother, allowing himself to be sensitive and obliging.
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Joana Luíza Ribeiro Pinto de Mello Neves (Alinne Moraes)
Joana is Rafael's ex-wife; being the kid next door, she grew up with the da Silva boys, regarding Nico as her younger brother and Rafa as her best friend whom she eventually married. Despite filing for divorce after only 13 years, Joana still cares about Rafael and keeps in touch with Nick. She his happily remarried and lives in Rio de Janeiro working in the tourism industry.
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Vaneza Talita Pinto da Silva (Bianca Comparato)
Vaneza is Rafael's daughter. She was 13 when her parents got divorced and though she initially harboured a grudge against her father whom she had barely seen during her childhood, they both reconciled eventually. She has inherited his zeal and stubbornness, and aims to continue the family legacy as a second generation journalist, currently living in Brasília.
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Tiago Vicente Pinto da Silva (Rodolfo Valente)
Tiago is Rafael's son. Six years younger than his sister, and continued the less prestigious da Silva legacy; emulating Renato and Rafael in drinking heavily like his grandfather and turning to illegal substances like his dad. He's two years clean now, keeping himself above water with the occasional odd job, living with his girlfriend in São Gonçalo.
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Realm of the Etherial - Research and Development
Updated Logline:
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Updated Story Beats:
Act 1
A portal suddenly takes over Lucia’s mom’s room.
Her mother lies unconscious on the floor.
A broken picture frame of their first dance lays next to her.
An arrow of candles leads toward her closet.
Revealing a shrine to their late father.
She caresses the broken picture.
Looks back to her mom.
Jumps into the portal.
Act 2
It shoots her out into a familiar yet unordinary world. A circular array of houses, like those from their neighborhood, levitate and glow. 
A familiar melody drowns the silence.
An enormous sphere of light is revealed.
As she steps closer to the light, the melody intensifies.
Starlike people dancing around each other fill the sphere, like memories from the past.
A figure follows that of one that resembles her mom.
The figures dance merging and unmerging memories with each other.
Lucia places her hand on the sphere.
She closes her eyes.
Light bursts from her chest onto the sphere.
Her soul transcends her body onto the sphere.
Act 3
She runs towards her parents.
They surround her in dance.
He says: Some day we’ll meet again but right now your future is with our daughter.
Her dad takes a hold of her mother’s face, facing it towards Lucia.
They meet eyes, speaking for all the years they have not.
Her dad kisses her forehead.
“If you stay here with me, you will not be able to go back home.” 
Her mom whispers her final goodbye to her dad. “Te amo Rafa”
She holds Lucia’s hand.
They burst out of the light sphere.
Her dad gives them a wave from a distance.
As they walk through the portal, Lucia smiles and waves back to her dad one last time. 
Fade to white.
Updated Concept for Ava's Bedroom:
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inspiredlovers · 2 years
UNEXPECTED SCENE: Novak Djokovic was taken aback, a person came to Belgrade to whom he gave a racket worth a fortune (PHOTO)
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UNEXPECTED SCENE: Novak Djokovic was taken aback, a person came to Belgrade to whom he gave a racket worth a fortune (PHOTO). Let us remind you that in 2021, Novak Djokovic won Wimbledon and thus reached the 20th Grand Slam trophy. Historical, because at that moment, he equaled the record holders among men for the number of trophies from the four biggest tennis tournaments - Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal. Of course, Nole hoped that he would overtake them, but... At the 2021 US Open, he was defeated by Danil Medvedev in the final, then the Serbian was deported from Australia, where he is the record holder of the Grand Slam there, so Nadal won 21 "big" cup, and Rafa then reached 22, at "his" Roland Garros. This year, again at Wimbledon, Nole managed to conquer the competition, but... These days, that historic Wimbledon success in 2021 came to his mind again. Because a girl came to Belgrade to whom he gave a racket after the final. Namely, seven-year-old Ivanka Li at the time was holding a very cute banner, cheering Djokovic on: Number 1. Those words ("number 1", "exceptional", "triumphant", "ambitious", "loving") sincerely delighted Novak, who gave that girl the racket he used to defeat Matteo Berretini in the battle for the Wimbledon Cup. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YskqvyX1W7M&feature=emb_rel_end   The mother of this girl revealed after that grand slam that she was also a big fan of Nolet, but that she couldn't go to the final due to excitement, nor watch the match by herself, she was walking the dog with her younger child, her son, and her father took her daughter to the stands. READ MORE: I HOPE TODAY IS RED BECAUSE OF THIS SCENE! Here’s what the ball collector looks like today, who BLEW HIS MIND! The first four words of support were invented by a girl, and then... - I told her to write this last one. She was a little annoyed, but I told her that it should be something funny, cute. This is how a special relationship was born between little Ivanka and big Nolet, and now they have met again. A girl from England traveled to Belgrade with her family and friends, and there she met her tennis idol again. Delighted Nole, of course, immediately went out to meet him and posed for a joint photo from the Serbian capital. https://twitter.com/kate_catalina/status/1583050190088736775?t=Duqtg6Ei5qnGMEQ_X9GgzQ&s=19   READ MORE: Carlos Alcaraz, Rafa Nadal, Casper Ruud, Stefanos Tsitsipas and Novak Djokovic have the possibility of winning the biggest prize money in the history of tennis as they set for… When does Novak Djokovic play? According to the schedule published on his official website, the next tournament Novak Djokovic will play is the Paris Masters, which will be held in the French capital from October 31 to November 6. In last year's edition of this tournament, Novak Djokovic won the title by defeating Marton Fučović on the way to it, then Gael Monfils handed him the match without a fight, and then followed the triumphs over Taylor Fritz, Hubert Hurkač and, in the final, over Danilo Medvedev after a reversal - 4:6, 6:3, 6:3. Read the full article
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dreamlover31 · 5 years
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Everyone knows that Rafael Barba can dance, and dance very well but he's going to have to tone it down if doesn't want to squish our little muñequita's toes
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