#like gen q cause like
the-ark-awaits · 2 years
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Do any of the mods take Subnautica requests?
I (mod michael) love subnautica and would be very happy to take requests for it!
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angelic-cardigan · 1 year
QSMP election huh........
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stylezxsilvermoon · 1 year
new side blog
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hi everyone! i made a new sideblog for my love of winx because its STRONG, dont worry im def not leaving this one, i just want to get more invested in the winx fandom, but i dont think i'll be writing/reading fanfics i just really like the show/spin off show/ the movies and the lore and adventures of winx
sideblog is @winxsirenixhaz i KNOW its such a great username i have a side/priv blog on quotev.com called @winxenchantixlou so i thought it'd MATCH, matchy matchy...
reminder blogs are
@louiscarrotsxoxo (main blog as always. 1d/larry + my fanfiction and just random thought content)
@louwinx28 (private blog, just when i feel like a change in atmosphere on my dash, i follow less people so im LESS tempted to get distracted when im writing on there, but i can still stay up to date with all the cool stuff, ya know?)
@winxsirenixhaz (new side blog just as mentioned, winx account/ probably most childhood nostalgia things account, as well as OBVIOUSLY some 1d in there but mainly winx themed because i love my winx girls. Specifcally Techna and Stella because well.. they're hot and they're my faves)
anyways, carry on with your lives! love yall so much sending warm cookies and kisses and hugs!
All the love, Louiscarrotsxoxo
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lottieurl · 2 years
i wish i enjoyed being a hater but i just fixate on some media that disappointed me and spend too much time thinking about how Bad it is and it's my own psychological torture chamber
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radlymona · 9 months
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I feel like this person accidentally perfectly described what the meaning of "q*eer" is nowadays, without touching on how removing it from its initial usage as a slur against gay men is homophobic. (Presumably) Gen Zers have a fundamental misunderstanding of lgb history because larpers have appropriated the word for their own cause, and this is just normalised????
The secondary, terrifying aspect of this, is that anyone perceived as not ~normal~ is now being lumped in with lgb people, something activist groups have spent decades fighting against. That's why kinksters, furries, polyamorous people, and heterosexual men incapable of romantic love are now considered q*eer regardless of whether or not they experience same sex attraction.
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kazuko-stuff · 7 months
Batsis as Vtuber and Batfam finds out, save it for Stephanie and Alfred
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When you started out
You decided to try vtubing when you notice that you don’t have to show your face online
Since your family is too busy doing their nightly activities, you stream games as a way to pass time.
You usually stream FPS, retro, fashion and RPG games since it takes the most time
Overtime, you decided to try song karaoke streams after seeing other Vtubers doing singing, since you always wanted to be a singer but was too shy
You became well known overtime due to gaming content style and singing
Stephanie found out when she was watching your streams after hearing your voice and often do collabs together
If you join an agency
Overtime, you audition for well known Vtuber agencies that focus not only on streaming, but singing and dancing.
You got accepted to be part of the first generation of agency and Steph decided to join as she is also a fan of their talents.
Your avatar is based on a fairy godmother princess and your lore is being a fairy godmother in training from another world to bring happiness to others
Your fan base is known as fairies and members are part of the Designers. Your mascot is a cat name Momo
Your goals include having an original album, 500k subscribers, to meet your oshis, and perform live
If you have 1 million subscribers, you plan to coordinate a special outfit for the CEO as he is a legend, a chad and best girl
You befriend your other genmates and enjoyed being part of their projects
Because of your princess fairy-godmother image, along with Alfred raising you, you are seen the most Seiso of the group but there is still Yabai moments within the stream
You do French zatsudan, along with French classes streams, baking streams and embroidery and jewelry streams
Alfred is aware of your secret and is supporting you on the sideline. He always helps out with your projects and does contact your manager for help sometimes.
After reaching a big number of fairies, you have Alfred join your stream as a special guest star due to the fans wanting to see him
He is known as the fairy grand-pere and gave him an avatar with a lore that he is likely an envoy of family and was sent to help the royal family of all fairy guardians.
You two played Grand Theft Auto together and Alfred ended up getting to most shots along with many superchats from the fairies ( almost $5,000). He also answered the fans questions in a Q&A with him
You eventually had your first cover and did more favorite anime songs ( shojo anime)
You decided to work on your first original, focusing on a song that would match your image
You decided to due to 12 hour endurance stream for fun and that’s when your father found out
You were playing Hitman, when you were staying at the Mansion and he came to your door to see if you are alright, after hearing some game sounds thinking someone broke in, causing you to do an intermission break.
He asks why are still playing videos game in 1 in the morning and your told him that you must haven’t check the time only to notice your waiting load screen causing him to realize that you do streaming in secret, causing he go back to what he was doing, do to awkwardness
Tim found out after he watched Steph’s stream, when your gen-mates collaborated together, when he heard your voice and decided to be a Fairy to support you. He is amazed at your Japanese skills when you collaborate with other members in Japan.
Dick and Barbara found out when you were doing a karaoke stream at one point and joined your membership. You found out after seeing Dick’s super chat message
Damian found out after he overheard you during an ASMR Zatsudan, telling fairytale stories and singing lullabies, leaving him confuse why your doing this
Cass sometimes appears as a special guest in your stream and sometimes in Stephs.
Your father even sent a generous red superchat, showing he is supportive of your Vtuber activities. He is nicknamed by your fans Fairy God-daddy much to your flustered state and even got fanart based on your avatar. It didn’t help that you mention he is very popular among the ladies.
Overall they are willing to go to your concert, when you have one in person or go crazy on buying your merch. They also go to your special events as well when they have time.
Harley Quinn is also a big fan of yours and is part of your membership. She never misses a stream.
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littleseasalt · 9 months
@V@ pronouns situation
Ok i was holding back from doing this post cause intense lore happening LMAO, but noozy spoke out about its pronouns:
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"GUYS INFO I'm seeing a lot of commotion around @v@'s gender, I don't know if it really has a gender defined, but I can tell that on my part, I always used the adequate preposition to the atribution of some word just like THE goo (feminine the), but also THE parasite (masculine the) so no, there's nothing confirmed that @v@ uses he, she or they"
(basically portuguese is a very gendered language so when the narrator used she, it was referring to the word goo which is feminine)
She also said this:
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"thanks noozy!!! so we kinda can use neutral pronouns" "yesss!"
"Noozy, but is it okay to use all pronouns with q!Eve? /gen" "That I can't tell, but i think yes, it depends a lot on forevinho
And also:
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"@v@'s pronouns ev/il"
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cupcakeshakesnake · 1 year
are you serious about believing that cats shouldn't be let outside?
why? like don't get me with that "oh they'll kill animals" well yeah, maybe they will. it's their natural instincts, and allowing them outside promotes a range of natural behaviours. so isn't it cruel to prevent that? and if you believe they shouldn't be allowed to go outside, isn't it cruel to choose to keep them inside instead of just *not having a cat?*
also for that arguement the rspb says " there is no scientific proof that predation by cats in gardens is having any impact on bird populations UK wide." while you may not be from the UK, the UK isn't a place where domestic cats are native either!
I wonder if you are American as so many Americans seem to have this weird opinion - is it very common to believe solely in indoor cats where you live? /gen q. it's very common to have cats that go outdoors here in the UK, and the concept of outdoor cats doesn't exist - if someone mentioned an outdoor cat I'd think of a cat that never went inside, like idk a barn cat. a website I found said 90% of cats in the uk can go outdoors but based on what I'm seeing on your feed and Tumblr it's very different for you?
Yes, I'm serious.
I suppose it's also a natural instinct of coyotes (US), foxes (UK) and hawks to kill cats, so isn't it cruel to prevent that? Cats may have natural instincts but they are not part of nature. They're not part of your local ecosystem, you brought it there. Do you only care about your cat fulfilling its 'natural instincts' and nothing else?
Let's say you have, oh I dunno, the Xenomorph from Alien. Let's say you love it a lot. Are you gonna set it free on the neighborhood because its natural instinct is to kill?
If you believe children shouldn't stick their fingers in the wall socket even if they want to, shouldn't you just not have children?
And yes there is plenty of scientific proof. Cats are not native ANYWHERE. If your cat just stays in a fenced garden or maybe a catio, it's fine, but studies found that cats' kill counts are so high because even 'freeroaming' cats roam less than their wild counterparts (i.e. jungle cats) and thus kill in a more concentrated area. They also kill for fun and not just to eat. Cats have contributed to the extinction of 63 species of birds, mammals, and reptiles in the wild, I'm directly quoting an article here.
Very weird of you to push the American button just because I disagree with you, I am in fact South Korean, and oh believe me outdoor cats are barely a thing here. Cats here are either firmly indoors or stray, save for very rare cases. Most cat owners (and people in general) live in the city and if they let their cats out, a variety of things could happen - such as their cats eating trash and getting sick, being hit by a car, or being killed (or worse, captured and tortured) by ill-meaning people (which has very well happened before).
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+ Edit) Let's talk cruelty. What is more cruel, a cat being bored out of its skin, or the cat being flattened by a car, or countless small animals being torn apart and left to die? All of which is preventable with a few extra steps from the cat owner.
In my opinion, having cats (or any other pet) is a lot like raising children. Of course their needs should be paid attention to, but they themselves don't always know the best way to go about fulfilling those needs and it's your responsibility to keep them safe and happy at the same time. You can't let them do whatever they like all the time. AND, you are responsible for what your pets/children do.
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charmsponies · 8 days
Do you know if the toy ponies from gen 3 can get mold on the inside? I just cleaned my old ponies but I didn’t open them up to see the inside and now I’m paranoid :(
All ponies can get mold inside if water happened to get trapped in them, as well as rust issues for gens 1-3 (The tails are kept in place by metal washers and can rust when wet). In fact I feel like some of my own g3 childhood ponies might have a similar issue as they have dark spots on them like this (I have never opened up my childhood ponies to clean it out though)
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If you see spots on your pony or if they have a weird smell, it might be mold. If your pony’s body looks clean, then it’s probably okay.
If you don’t feel comfortable opening the pony’s body in fear of messing something up, it won’t be the end of the world. Your pony will likely be okay unless there is actually a serious mold problem inside. If you Do feel like opening her up to clean her, here are my tips:
-Heads can be very hard to get off and on the bodies sometimes. Plastic can be stubborn and hard. warm water can help loosen the plastic up a bit and make it more malleable so the head comes off easier. For especially stubborn heads sometimes I use an xacto blade to loosen the glue, but this can be dangerous! (I have cut myself several times being careless about it, knives are no joke! You can also damage the plastic if you sren’t very careful. Please be safe)
-You’ll want to remove the tail before cleaning it out (if the tail washer gets wet it can rust.) Some people choose not to remove the metal parts which is completely fair, but I like to remove the metal to prevent future rust. If you have tweezers or a pair of forceps, you can grab the tail from the inside and pull it out. If you want to get the metal pieces out it can be a pain in the butt, but using pliers or forceps, grab the metal clamps and gently pull it apart to get the tail out. I tie pieces of floss around my tails to make sure I don’t lose them. Here is my retailing tutorial if you want to see how to put the tail back in
-Oxiclean baths are usually a good way to clean a pony up. Pour warm water and oxiclean into a bowl, place the pony’s head, body and tail (if you want to remove the metal washer do that before placing it in water) into the oxiclean bath.
-Old toothbrushes and q tips are great for scrubbing hard to reach places in a pony. Inside her body and legs, ect. Very helpful to get her as clean as you can!
-Let the pony dry thoroughly before putting her head and tail back on. If water gets trapped inside, it might cause more mold! Thread the tail through the hole and keep it in place with zipties as seen in the tutorial i linked. Sometimes the heads can be very stubborn to get back on, for g3s specifically I find it useful to “Twist and push” (Move part of the plug into the head hole, twist and push the head into the body using a bit of force. Sometimes this is the hardest part for me, sometimes the plugs go in easily)
-If you want the head to be secure you can glue it down using fabric glue in the neck seam, but not all g3s have stable heads. Later g3s had turnable heads. Depending on your pony and if you want the head glued down, you can do what you want.
I hope that any of this helped!!! Let me know if you need any more advice with cleaning your pony friends!
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ponuchuu · 8 days
Why do you draw wheelchairs like that /gen q
I’m a full time manual wheelchair user and all the pieces of the wheelchairs you draw look like…they’re floating? The footplate is inaccurate too and there’s not even a cushion. I would highly recommend looking at references! /gen
it's mostly because the wheelchair he uses is connected to his backpack !
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(there actually is a cushion ! it's being hold up by those two fang, spider leg looking thingy, you can see the placement on the sitting pose on where it's supposed to be !)
it's a very stylized version of how a normal wheelchair look, i actually looked up references of wheelchairs while making the backpack, i just deliberately choose to make it look like that cause it's not a typical normal wheelchair, it's his backpack that he doubled up the use as a wheelchair because he needs it to switch fast if the situation ask for it cause everything he needed is in the bakcpack itself (the spider limbs version though it does look floaty but it's on purpose). if i were to put the wheeled version of his backpack, it would not look as floaty as it does (and if you're talking about the splash art, it's just for visual purposes, it doesnt float).
the footplate tho... yea i realized after posting the splash art that i drew it wrong 💀 its a pain to go back and edit tho because it does lag a lot and it's a bunch of heavy edit for it to look like that so i can't exactly went back and redo it, tho i am planning on fixing it in the future !
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wildpeachfarm · 6 months
Hasan and Dream would be such a healthy duo /gen
Like, they got to know each other cause Dream thought that Hasan was talking shit about him and his past and Hasan just said 'you know what? Come on my stream and lets talk it out' and they did in a very healthy way after Dream calmed down a bit.
Like Hasan was SO OPEN with Dream and tried to explain him more about politics and all. He's someone who WILL tell you when you say something fucked up and will try his best to educate you on the matter and why it's fucked up. He was also in a Banter episode and George was on his podcast before. And the stream he did in netherlands during twitchcon/Vidcon (not sure which one it was)?? Where they got drunk together?? I love it, despite Karl, Ranboo and Q also being there
the only negative side is that he's rather good friends with karl
i see i see
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midnightmah07 · 2 months
random and like idk if i've asked this before but what is appealing to you abt Ruggie? like gen q cause I wanna know, idk how to explain it tho lol
I'M GLAD YOU ASKED *pulls out PowerPoint presentation*
Ok but seriously now 😭 this might be a bit long so my answer will be under the cut!
At first I really didn't care about Ruggie at all I thought he was just a guy😭😭 like he was just there living his life and I didn't really pay attention to him 🤷🏻‍♀️ in book 2 I didn't really like him but I got glimpses of what I would like about him at the very end during Leona's overblot and my soft spot about him grew once I read his Ceremonial Robes vignette!
Appearance wise he is the type of the "cute character" that I am very drawn towards, so that was obviously what gave me the soft spot, but what truly made me like him was his personality (since like I said I didn't really mind him before).
Ruggie is a very determined character, he is dead set in making his life better no matter what it takes, and he's always working hard to make that a reality (literally, he is never resting Ruggie pls you need to rest😭); on the outside he's extremely selfish and greedy, which I don't blame him because of his upbringing, imagine never having anything for yourself? Of course you're going to grow up being like this, but Ruggie is actually someone way kinder than he makes himself out to be, and way more caring too... 🥺🥺
Hyenas, at least from what Jack said in book 4, have a sense of community, and Ruggie shows that sooooo much. He's extremely grateful for all the sacrifices his grandma took for him, taking care of him all by herself even when his dad abandoned them and his mother died, not only that but because he grew up around so many other kids in the same situation he took care of them and acted as a big brother figure to them... Because of that he (at least it seems to me) is very family oriented and is always trying to take care of his community, he's very good with kids. These are traits that I really admire in people in general. His "payback" after Leona nearly murdered him in book 2 was MAKE HIM SMILE. It shows that Ruggie is way more caring than he believes himself to be... And that makes me go crazy😭😭 he clearly cares for Leona and he shows it in his own Ruggie way, which I love<3
Like I said before because of his upbringing Ruggie is someone who's unwilling to give up no matter what, even when Leona was hurting him in book 2 and almost killing him, when Leona told him to give up he REFUSED. HE'S SO DETERMINED AND THAT INSPIRES ME TO BE DETERMINED TOO!!!😭😭😭😭 He never backs down when faced with adversity and that just!!! It makes me smile!!!!
Other than the serious stuff, small things like his huge appetite and his greediness (which I don't blame him because of how he grew up) are just things that once you start loving Ruggie, you grow fond of that... Like suddenly you're not sighing in disappointment when he steals someone's food you're actually very happy and giggling and you're cheering for him to get away with it so he can eat😭😭😭
I think Ruggie is an amazing character and way more in depth than what people give him credit for, and these are a few of the reasons on why I love love love him so much<3
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cosmicrhetoric · 3 months
becoming disillusioned w/ higher education the second i left was so. okay a few years ago i sat in on a panel with 2nd gen south asian professionals (cause my friend was on it and we were hanging out after) geared towards brown high school kids looking to get into college. and everyone on the panel was pretty successful and had Done The Right Thing in hs and while there were a few liberal arts jobs up there it was mostly stem/business. but every single panelist refused to stick with the narrative they were supposed to stick with and every single one of them was like yeah i regret how I treated myself in high school and i regret assuming that if I can do well academically I'd be an ok person in the end. but during the q&a portion these 16 yr olds would raise their hand like "hi so how would I go about getting an internship in this very specific biomedical field that you were in" and the panelists had to be like "look. you aren't listening. if you keep doing this you are going to burn out so spectacularly that you will barely recover. the takeaway message is that none of this matters more than You" of course im sitting there like 😶 (cause that did in fact happen to me when i was 20 and im lucky i recovered) but the fact that every single person who was right there with me in high school has to spend their twenties like why did i do that. what was that all for. what did it get me. and there are no answers
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voidsentprinces · 6 months
Feel like I should start making polls based on the weekly: Millennials/Gen Z are killing X and Y industry and not using Q and U!
Cause apparently this week there is an article accusing Millennials of not having a top sheet on their beds...
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beemers-hell · 5 months
Gen q here: Aside from the banger outfits on the new MH dolls do u prefer the designs of the dolls themselves from the original run or this new one? I personally loved how the pets used to look now they look too cutesy imo I miss when Hissette and Lagoona’s fish looked like y’know actually dangerous animals lol
For me it kind of depends? Like specific aspects I'd say I prefer G1 over G3, other aspects I prefer G3 over G1. Like the pets, I also agree with that, I'm not a fan of how cutesy the G3 pets look, especially with how many of them are just basic ass cats and dogs, or at least look like it? Like, G3 Count Fabulous is a cute thing sure but it doesn't compare to G1's spindly ass actually bat shaped creature that was Count Fabulous. Same goes for G3 vs G1 Chewlian, Neptuna, hell I was annoyed they initially replaced Hissette with that dog G3 signature Cleo came with?? That's so uncreative. I think Crescent and Shiver are the only pets from this Gen that I think look just as good/better than G1 in Shiver's case.
Anyway! Aside from pets lmao, like I said I think they have their own design strengths and weaknesses. Like, the fashion? I do love a lot of the designs for the G3 dolls but I do miss the darker colors and more intricate outfit pieces of G1. It's only within like, the past couple of months that I think G3 has finally hit it's stride and is starting to live up to the same level of thought and purpose G1 was on? And that's a whole other discussion to be had about the difference in their fashion ethos, I'm not getting into it right now but it's interesting, and most certainly not a "MH isn't goth anymore" thing lol. MH wasn't goth in the first place, but that's for another discussion lmao <3
And like, both gens have ugly designs, it's not like either of them is good or bad 100% of the time. Like I can't stand G3 Ghoulia's design, but also I can't stand Howleen's redesign from G1. In fact there's quite a bit of dolls from G1 that I would say are objectively bad, not as bad as G2, but compared to what it we knew it was capable of, some dolls just look lackluster. Both of them are very much capable of fumbling the bag lmao
G3 I think has the biggest design strengths when it comes to the variety of the dolls, cause you can not look me in the eyes and tell me G1 was better at body diversity, or diversity in general, when all the ghouls had the same stick thin ass body molds lmao. Obvs there were a couple of dolls with different heights and specific changes to their molds based on the monster they were, but G3 is just doing SOOO much better in terms of actual varied body diversity. I know Draculaura isn't actually chunky or anything but she's short and has a wide waist and thighs and her figure resembles mine and that makes me so happy. Abbey being fucking TALL and wide fits her so much better than the stick thin body she was confined to in G1. And Catty's upcoming G3 doll having a truly fat body mold?? G1 would NEVER lmao. All the ghouls have bodies that better reflect them in my opinion, they all don't look the exact same in the body shape department and that's wonderful.
Also like, the face sculpts vary based on the race of the characters now and that's amazing? Like, one look at G3 Venus' face sculpt and we immediately knew she was Black, that's not something you can say about G1 and I'm happy they're putting in that extra effort nowadays.
Anyway my point is: each Gen is better than one another in specific aspects, they're worse than the other one is in others. I love both Gens for what they are, I don't think I could say I prefer one over the other because they're both special to me. I got a bit off topic but like, yanno lmao
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