#like gfdgdfg
oswednesday · 2 years
people are like the zodiac thing was just a THEORY but thats not how pet simulator ip things get developed, the zodiac thing is a proof of standard, the development got as far as ?bull pepper? and stopped, period
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syrips · 9 months
thinking about the poll/post (omg i found it!!) asking about if strahd would be a vampire ascendant and i decided to ramble about it along with other random things because dont mind if i do indulge!! hehe
shoutout to @/thecatslug for inspiring me to colorcode my rambles because oh my god i love colors. also sorry the color code might not make sense its just syrips color coded my brain likes it gfdgdfg
ravenloft / bg3 spoilers below:
so, im not sure if the question meant 'would strahd be considered a vampire ascendant' or if it meant 'could strahd become a vampire ascendant', so i decided ill try to answer this: would strahd be considered a vampire ascendant? sorry if this wasnt the original question i just wanted to ramble honestly
before we get into the fancy nitty gritty stuff, let's take a look at the details of four main things apparently i cant count heh, get it, count? anyways im not fixing that four sorry numbers are hard
Vellioth the Martinet
Baldur's Gate's Master Vampire List
The Black Mass Scroll As A Whole
Cazador and Jander (what?)
Vellioth the Martinet
so, random fun theory that no one asked but i just wanna ramble it. did you know that 'vellus' means fleece or wool?
just gonna leave this here. unrelated to anything else btw i just wanna ramble it.
random wiki stuff:
"vellus / villus / veillier = fleece, shaggy tuft hair, wool villi = in france, to watch over martinet = wikipedia: 'in English, the term martinet usually refers not to the whip but to those who might use it: those who demand strict adherence to set rules and mete out punishment for failing to follow them.' vellus hair = 'peach fuzz'"
🩸✨💛 random theory no one asked for 💛✨🩸
vellioth has hair with:
color range: peach (fuzz) to wheat blonde
length: medium to long
type/shape/texture: curly to kinky; 'shaggy/woolly sheep' texture
anyways back to the actual stuff.
... hi.
so! the narrator/cazador describe Vellioth as 'ancient', or at least they call his skull ancient? which is very strange to me for two main reasons. Vellioth isn't old. and i know, 'but syrips, you say everyone isn't old because strahd's a big old dusty super elder!.' and yea. hehe youre right. but for now, just remember this - Vellioth was Baldur Gate's Master Vampire from 1204 DR to 1276 DR. this will be important in a moment, not even because of the age, but because what ill describe below.
Baldur's Gate's Master Vampire List
so. one thing that i see thrown around a bit, is that people may assume that the vampire list left by Lady Incognita is based on birth and death or other stuff, but! i will clarify it a bit:
the title of Master Vampire does not mean the previous one's destruction or death. it only means their defeat upon someone else taking the throne. sure, they may occur at the same time, but one can take over without killing the former.
the master vampire list is a self-proclaiming title, and one that others can attempt to contest
each city/point of interest has their own master vampires fighting in their own little territories. we only see those of baldur's gate. not of waterdeep. not of other towns or cities or locations. if you're feeling the vtm clan vibes/drama, then youre absolutely right! cazador penpalling another master vampire to brag about his master vampire status in baldur's gate is both him bragging and him potentially preparing to claim other places once he ascends
the master vampire title gives no actual vampiric, magical, or physical power. it's an entirely a social construct, in the most literal way possible. it provides social influence, social intimidation, etc. but, it's just like putting on a mundane tiara. grats, i guess.. its shiny at least-
anyways, this stuff is mostly put down just to say - nothing about this "Master Vampire" status is about ascension, power, and/or 'special abilities'. it's a moot point/status. which leads to why the master vampires need other ways to gain power.. which is why.. woah! cool transition to-
The Black Mass Scroll As A Whole
if you got this far then thanks for reading. sit up and hydrate because it's time to talk about the black mass and why you need to be in tip top shape for reading this part. ahem:
the black mass scroll is not just one ritual, it is a collection of Vellioth's schooling, a list of rites/rituals, details of soul, divine (good, neutral, and evil) magic, and the methods of manipulation of the soul, divinity, and magic.
tl;dr - the black mass scroll is a list of lists. a collection of collections. the black mass scroll is.. an archive!
one could say it is massive. heh. anyways yea, the mass is a double meaning - a mass in the ritual sense, but also the meaning of 'a bunch of somethings.'
why is this important though? well. because this black mass has 'all the ways death can be turned to one's advantage or made more interesting', such as 'The Rite of Perfect Slaughter' and the 'Rite of Profane Ascension.'
so, let's talk about the Rite of Perfect Slaughter, which is actually fairly easy - Cazador killed Vellioth in the Rite of Perfect Slaughter. yet, Vellioth, who should be 'dead,' is recalling this. we should note, both of these people are undead. and undead death doesnt always work in the same way as complete removal/destruction. literally look at the other undead/'dead' in bg3 itself. look at those who 'died' in ravenloft. yet, some return, despite being 'killed' in the human perceived way.
either way, all we can confirm, based on this Rite of Perfect Slaughter, is that it removed Vellioth's authority/status as a Master Vampire. that is literally all the information we have right now. anything else is speculation, theory, or even deception by an undead or someone affiliated. which makes me wonder, who came up and formed that name, the "Rite of Perfect Slaughter"? cazador and vellioth both have a distorted view of what 'perfection' means, and we've seen cazador lie/hide information that will work against him. and also, Vellioth was laughing as cazador did the Rite on Vellioth. why didnt cazador and astarion laugh together when astarion performed the Rite of Ascension? because cazador didnt want the rite used on him. i guess the point of all of this is, who originally discovered or created the Rite of Perfect Slaughter? because, we dont know! for all we know, Vellioth couldve wanted to be 'killed' to give his soul to someone else, to preserve his vampirism/unlife or something. afterall, the black mass has 'all the ways death can be turned to one's advantage.' it doesnt say by who benefits from it. but anyways. the origin isnt really relevant for this, i just wanted to point out that these Rites are all a various and mixed collection of times, rituals, affiliations, and intentions - most that we dont even know fully, if at all of who benefits from it. and, considering we dont even know what some mean, or who made them, the original people who discovered them may not even be Cazador or Vellioth.
why? or how?
because, the line Astarion says when he picks up the Black Mass Scroll: "[Cazador] stole everything, even [Vellioth's] precious rules."
it doesnt matter who made the rites, rituals, weird strange description/stuff. all that matters is that Cazador has the entire bundle of stuff that is from previous vampires and creatures. and, the symbolism that Astarion picks it up and takes it, means the collection of potential power - of The Black Mass Scroll - Astarion is the current inheritor of potential power.
Cazador and Jander (what?)
now, reader. you might be like. 'syrips, what does this have to do with if Strahd is considered a vampire ascendant? why is jander being brought in here?? im so confused, just answer the question about strahd!' well, too bad! you gotta wait! into the sealed tomb with leo dilisnya you go!
anyways! what we learned so far (as well as random rambling cuz why not):
cazador literally takes things that aren't his
cazador learned this from 'ancient' vellioth
Vellioth become a master vampire at 1204 DR of baldur's gate
Cazador became one at 1276 DR of baldur's gate
but! let's take a quick look and compare this to our beloved Jander Sunstar's lore:
they are incredibly weak when compared to an already existing Jander and strahd, as Anna has existed on the sword coast beginning around 970 DR
not only does time work differently in barovia, but in Toril / DR time, strahd already exists at this point as The Vampire. he is already the ruler of barovia, as well as the center of attention in the domains of dread
time isnt really important here, but its worth noting this because of Jander. not only did he kill his vampire master (which can be considered a 'vampiric ascension,' as you break the chains and limits of your master and are now free to grow in vampiric abilities), but he literally wielded an ancient and holy relic that vellioth and cazador could not even imagine to do.
and, not only did Jander do that, but he challenged the cause of vampirism and was brought by the mists into barovia. he was a candidate to challenge the master, founder, and origin of vampirism - strahd. Jander had the potential to ascend. to break free from the true master and curse, of The Vampire.
anyways, jander (and astarion) is a great reference character for vampire ability when comparing vellioth and cazador to jander/strahd.
but yea. tl;dr - jander makes vellioth and cazador look really pathetic. like baby levels pathetic. vampire ascension is about going 'backwards/upwards' on the vampiric bloodline tree, gaining your agency back so that you can climb up the ranks to more 'potent/ancient' generations. basically, it's about being free to go as far/deep as you can attempt. ascension is not about 'the removal of weaknesses', it's about 'the reduction of vampiric inferiority'. and, being unable to be in the sun is not of inferiority. they can go in the sun, but it will hurt. what one cannot do without suffering, teamwork, pacts, and/or luck, however, is breaking their seal on the master they're forced to be inferior to. even in the cazador fight, the only thing that saved astarion was literally the tadpole helping to reduce his inferiority with cazador. on a side note, vellioth laughing at cazador during the rite of perfect slaughter makes me believe that vellioth benefitted and only caused cazador to descend deeper, instead of ascend.
anyways. back to cazador. the only way that he can reduce the vampiric inferiority (as well as ascend himself) is for him to confront more and more ancient vampires, you know. like what jander attempted. but, cazador doesnt want to do that. instead, he works with an archdevil to attempt a cheap temporary bandaid/loophole around the wrong problem. instead of focusing on his own inferiority complex heh pun intended, he focuses on how to get a tan and how to be less thirsty..? like. what? either he has no idea what hes doing, or he believes removing all weaknesses and flaws will make him a more perfect vampire. what a silly head.
anyways. the rite of 'ascension.'
yea, let's go into that!
what is the Rite of Ascension??
here you go, reader!
🎇🩸🏹 The Rite of Profane Ascension 🏹🩸🎇
Oh, piteous dead! Oh, ravenous dead!
syrips translator: oh pathetic hungry un/dead people!
Immortality is your gift, but darkness is your prison and hunger its gaoler.
syrips translator: you can't be out in the (sun)light, and your hunger imprisons you because youre in denial of how to manage your vampirism.
The Rite of Profane Ascension will release you. Walk in the sun. Suffer not from hunger. Grow your power beyond anything you imagined.
syrips translator: with just 7 payments of 999.99 souls, you too can remove the ailments of sun allergies and midnight cravings! call now to receive your 'ascension' kit!
A pact has been made with the Lord of Hellfire. Deliver unto him seven thousand souls, each bearing an Infernal mark, and you shall be free of your chains. You shall know true power.
syrips translator: -fast disclaimer speak- your sun and anti-hunger status is not actually included or garaunteed. you are agreeing to the terms and conditions that you are only receiving the kit to build and perform the sun and anti-hunger ritual. 'free of your chains' is only used to describe the 'chains of darkness and hunger' and nothing else. purchase not necessary to be 'ascended.' call now and begin your journey!!
Deliver the souls.
syrips translator: i really dont care who gives me the souls. just gimmy. thanks
Speak the words.
syrips translator: okay the actual pact is below. everything else was just to hype you up and was just the advertisement, hehe! anyways. anyone who says the ritual below with the right components is all i care about. because the stuff below is the actual trade. and no, you didnt get scammed. this isn't a vampire ascension, it's just an advertisement targetted towards a vampiric audience. you read the terms and conditions correctly, right? silly guy.
Ecce dominus,
syrips translator: "(google translate) Behold, the Lord" / 'uhh hi -opens trade window-'
Has animas offero in sacrificio,
syrips translator: "(google translate) I offer these souls in sacrifice," / -puts 7k stack of souls in trade window- 'here's the actual trade that you wanted -presses confirm trade-'
Nunc volo potestatem quam pollicitus es mihi.
syrips translator: "(google translate) Now I want the power you promised me." / -presses accept- so this trade goes against the ToS but.. youll give me the power i asked for, right?... oh thank god i was so afraid. illegal ingame-to-irl-currency trades are so scary.. thank god, or thank meph in this case haha get it- oh okay im leaving.. s-sorry.. thanks..-
wooo hooo! we made it back to the original question!! we did it!!
now, lettuce answer this question that we we've been waiting on for so long. i dont want to leaf you hanging.
would strahd be considered a vampire ascendant?
big drum roll! bhrrrbhrbrhbhrr!!
okay so. why isnt strahd considered a vampy ascendant?
well, before we talk about that. let's consider what a 'vampire ascendant' is considered, by Vellioth, Cazador, and the Rite of Profane Ascension's terms:
an 'ascended vampire' is just one who has the ailments of sunlight and hunger removed by the process of this specific ritual. remember that line i said of a Master Vampire being a moot point? well.. to burst the blood bubble, the "Ascended Vampire" line isnt a literal 'vampire ascension'. it's also a moot point, in its own way. but not as mooty, it's more of like a half-truth. like something an archdevil would do to tempt someone into doing something for a small dose of infernal - not raw vampiric - power in return. take note that nowhere in the actual ritual lines does it talk about ascension, let alone vampiric ascension. all it talks about is to say the words 'you made a promise.. i hope you keep it..pls gimmy Infernal powers..'
you know how raphael is making a deal with you and how off it feels? that's because youre not ascending when he mutes your tadpole. he's just using his abilities to manipulate/mold something in you with his powers. that's how this ritual also is. it's just a half-truth, unempathetic advertisement, masked as a pact so that the one who does it feels satisfied, despite the archdevil just receiving much more power than the one who sacrificed all the souls.
but, let's say this ritual is legitimate, and one does 'ascend' by the archdevil's abilities to remove the ailments. so, they are technically 'rising,' in a way. they are becoming a 'stronger infernal-gifted vampire' because of less weaknesses. but, what are they trying to ascend to? what is the purpose of removing all of these weaknesses? why go through all of this?
because. they hunger. they want power. they want true immortality. they want to remove all weaknesses in mortal life and immortal unlife to have free agency, without inferiority to anything. they want to be able to transcend time, space, and death, to be on a level of the highest peak of vampirism.
and, of course. who would that be? who would be the most ancient, powerful vampire, cursed and imprisoned by their own success in achieving what other vampires can only dream of?
who was imprisoned not from failure, but from succeeding too well that something else had to intervene?
anyways, as much as i love stroking strahd's ego LOl i keep going tho, his novel-canon potential is severely higher than the CoS potential. but, through all the modules, novels, and other media, it's still heavily implied that strahd's major weakness is tatyana. if he had tatyana, or felt he was losing the chance to pursue her, if he lost this weakness, he would unironically be scarily unstoppable. the only thing stopping strahd from being a huge dictator or even more power-hungry tyrant is literally because of his obsession/'curse' with wanting to have a bae. which i find very hilarious but focus syrips that part isnt the point-
anyways. tl;dr - strahd has nothing to ascend to. he has no vampire that he's inferior to. if anything, he wants to descend. he wants to be 'less' of what he is now, to be with tatyana. or, to ascend tatyana to his vampiric level. it's his entire curse. and, because of this, he also cannot descend. if he does, he will either lose himself, or he will lose tatyana. and he will not dare to risk that.
he also has nothing that he has or can ascend from. he is the 'original'. at most, he just ascended from 'himself.' but, that's not really an ascension more than just a transition. (and, moving from the material plane to the domains of dread kind of shows that he's not really ascending/rising, more than he's just moving into a warped/slanted plane that operates differently in time and space.) and, unlike in the Rite of Profane Ascension, strahd used himself (and everything affiliated to him) as both the component and result, because no other method existed. he is the origin and reason that rites/methods to 'becoming a more powerful vampire' even exist. he's the reason that vampires exist. when strahd says he's the ancient and land, he's not just saying it for the cool monologue phrase even though we all know he totally enjoys saying it everytime. he's also bluntly saying, 'i am the ancient because i, with barovia, transcend time. i am the land because i, with barovia, connect with the domains of dread. and, the domains of dread, connects with all planes. i am beyond 'a vampire.' i, strahd, am the concept and definition of the vampire.'
everything that all vampires do, by definition, are mock versions, mock attempts, and mock methods that strahd has already mastered, influenced others to do, or that he has knowledge/creation of. everything all vampires do, is attempting to do what their masters had done. with every new spawn, they start at the bottom, trying to climb to their master's level. and even more rarely, attempting to climb to their master's master's level. but strahd is at the top of the MLM vampire pyramid. he has no master to climb up the ranks to. he's already the CEO, founder, etc. (idk how business works), he can't out-climb himself. -strahd pompous voice- 'ouhhh.. it's so lonely being at the top, ouhhh..' but anyways, he can ascend or assist others, since he's a patron. but most power-hungry vampires wouldnt want to do that, especially because they're probably trying to climb up just to compete or be on strahd's vampiric level. and yet, asking strahd for ascension is incredibly easy - all it would mean is making an eternal pact to always be subservient and inferior to strahd.. he'd gladly ascend you, you'd have the potential to be superior to all other vampires.. the only one above you would be personally him. and.. suddenly, a deal with an archdevil who doesnt care about the pettiness of vampire superiority, kind of sounds safer in comparison now..-
or idk. i could be wrong. just a ramble i had fun doing. hehe ty for reading
bg3 wiki
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ravenloft novels/modules/games/media/editions from like everywhere
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sweptawxy · 1 year
Gimme that second born Mercidue kid.
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Name: Barette
Gender: Male
General Appearance: He takes a lot of his appearance from his father, though his eyes are a pale blue like his mom (unlike the faceclaim gfdgdfg)
Personality: He's a little outspoken and brash, very emotional, he doesn't like hearing people talk badly about the ones he loves, but he also has a big heart.
Special Talents: He was never tested for a crest like his older sister, but he is pretty good at weilding an axe. (for chopping ofc)
Who they like better: He's a mama's boy
Who they take after more: Dedue
Personal Head canon: He's terrible at cooking and a clutz
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keithhoward · 2 years
Keith in 'i hate sand' (bc I feel like he would lmao) and any expression you want!
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I wanted to do a very un-Keith expression and then I redrew it like a million times because I ran into the distinct problem of "It doesn't ever look right because he's not supposed to make this face" gfdgdfg
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traumadotwav · 2 years
its so warm we’re still having bug hatching and my mom is like relentlessly using the unserviced uncleaned heater like gfdgdfg and its just this huge lack of care that im sick like my brother is too and there’s just this hot dust being blasted into the house when we all have allergies, she’ll go off about how she wants to retire but like she spends money like this running the heater when its going to get to 70 today and its 64 in the house and 55 outside like its just not running heater temp! i turned the heater off in the afternoon when it was resting at 66 standing temp and she turned it back on like?? 
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viola-stars · 3 years
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This was a joke ship until I and a friend went “Oh no it can be cute” but Radio Host/Idol X Rock Star is such a good concept and so is musicians falling in love
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lokh · 4 years
Have you seen the marrowbones? its a good horror film as well (although i've Things to say about the ending)
i have not! but also please.. Do tell me about the ending eyes emoji
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me: ok time to buckle down and finish ur fic
me @ me: yea i guess but remember that moodboard you’ve been meaning to make
me: shut up
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ihavealavalamp · 6 years
my birthdays in a little over two weeks...Wack
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oswednesday · 4 months
though i Will say someone making the decision to cut out overt references to incest as last min as possible after hiring the fantasy period incest guy is prettttty funny
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yutadori · 4 years
i want to Draw but my wrist Hurts 
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heystephen · 4 years
you don't like inthaf?
no gfdgdfg i dont 
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udonthreens · 6 years
33, 34, 35
33. most underrated anime in your opinion
steins;gate OK OBVS IM NOT BEING SERIOUS but i wish there was more of a fandom,, well. ...well.... maybe not. but itd be nice if there was more casual fans in it,,, like. everyone who’s a fan is a hardcore fan in my experience which is heckin’ sexy. but itd be nice if there was more,, causal stuff. hnmmnm im not quite explaining this properly i think.
its just,, back when i browsed the subreddit regularly everyone was just asking the same quesitons,, like “i dont get the plot pls explain it to me” like,, new questions were rare. new content was rare. i like the tungle community more fgdgdfgf,, BUT I STILL WANT MORE!! GIMMIE ALL THAT FANART THAT AINT 4 YEARS OLD. AAAAAAAAA
s;g0 i owe u my life for reviving things a bit HGHGHGH ILL BE SO SAD WHEN ITS OVER
actually im pretty sure theres stuff i just need to go looking for it a bit more but ghfghfgh,, still.
OK for my serious answer,,, gakuen handsome. sure the animation was terrible,, but it was on purpose. if i rewatched it i might not like it as  much but it was heckin’ funny. IT GOT 6.5/10 IT IS 10000% BETTER THAN SEKAIICHIH HAKUSOSO AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
34. anime you’re looking forward to
S;G0 IS AIRING NOW SO I GUESS THAT DOESN’T COUNT uhhhhh mp100 s2, opm s2, saikik s2′s dub (o he*ck  i hope they dub it)
35. favorite animation style
hhhnmn animation style,, as opposed to art style. Heck i can’‘t remember the animation of sstuff very well fdgdgffgfgd,,, ok so i  know i tend to dislike that sorta gag animation style switch,, feels very generic to me. i cant remember them per se but frickin’ fighting animes. mp100, opm, bnha. those have good animation. they must do. i just,,, cant remember right now fgdfgdgdgf.
i like that frickin’ rough drama animation. loads of sketchy lines nd all that.  yeah.
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traumadotwav · 2 years
moreover the fact that she was renting at 31 and wasnt like buying a townhouse or a flat after having a child like take the L please gfdgdfg
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fistsona · 7 years
aiqualia replied to your post “aiqualia replied to your post “I’ll be getting back to replies in...”
i think i had a p big gap between Naoya himself and some of the party members at one point so it happens gfdgdfg (i wanted 2 make my son strong okay. shh.) and yee reiji is the best character for recruiting demons so ur good (its kinda funny that he is great at interaction with demons but terrible with people gdfhgh)
Truu, it does just happen (ngl that’s probably half the reason Reiji is so highly leveled. Anything for the Fave). He’s really good for it and I’m so glad I took my time to get him (It honestly is like. Demons? Okay he can do it. Humans? He might as well say hello by punching them fghj)
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feropie · 5 years
it’s your call whether your muse knew pie’s mother or not
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