#like he cannot fight to save his life but man does he bake a good pie
cupids-dove · 3 months
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That's Not My Neighbor Head cannons I won't stop thinking about.
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Arabella (oc):
Hopeless romantic
That one friend who's always dressed nicely even when having a breakdown
Would bail you out of jail
Easily flustered
Swears in french but says it in a sweet way, so people think she's complimenting them.
Can't pronounce "declaration"
Very insecure but acts like she's the best
Likes to be the dumb blonde because arguing with men is dumb
Dramatic queen
Marina and the Diamonds coded
Runs off of coffee 24/7
Forgets to eat all the damn time
At some point he stopped giving a fuck about doppels
MAN CANNOT FLIRT TO SAVE HIS LIFE (it's okay bc he's unintentionally hot)
Terrible at English (grammar, etc)
Some days just talks in mumbles, and no one ever knows wtf he says
Punched a doppel without realizing it (he thought it was his coworker who wouldn't leave him tf alone-)
Milkshakes are a guilty pleasure
Got chased by a dog during a delivery, and now hates them
Basically, the batman of the building
Bicurious fr fr
A girl's girl
Type of woman to have pads/tampons/liners, etc, in case anyone needs one
Drops off food for Francis because she knows he forgets to eat
Honestly the best mom ever-
She's actually not very good at baking
Her relationship with Francis was: the opposite eyes where one is like happy and the other is tired-
Or like: grew up with a big family x grew up an only child
The one who actually suggested the divorce
Left handed
Has an odd fascination with pears
She walked in on her parents once, and now whenever Nacha needs her, she has to go to Ana instead of Ana going to her.
Thinks it's cheesy her name is so similar to her mom's
Pretty close to both her parents
I think she'd really like The Addams Family
Good at math
Picked up saying "whatever" from upper classmen
Kinda hates the idea of romance
The type of person to just stare into your soul but in reality was zoning out (got that from her dad fr fr)
Likes picking flowers to bring to her mom after school
Bad boy with a heart of gold
Looks like a fboy but this guy got no bitches
Kinda dumb most of the time, but gets serious when it comes to piloting
The cool uncle
Wear sunglasses even if he can't see shit
Insecure about his eyes
Definitely the type to try and fight a goose
He's an only child and wishes he had some younger siblings
Doesn't like to drink all that much
Definitely knows how to play guitar or some sort of instrument
Most loyal man ever
His wife died before the doppelgangers, but once you get him talking about her he won't shut up
Taught Steven how to play guitar
Everytime he smokes he thinks of how his wife would nag him about it </3
A lot of the guys go to him for advice
I imagine he's got one of those warm hearty laughs
Was in the military for a bit
Worries about Steven everytime he goes out
Doesn't understand mental health, but does his best
Sweetest old woman, you'll ever meet.
Carries candy on her all the time
Loves roses so much
Her and her husband are definitely grumpy x soft
Can be kind of an air head sometimes
Had a dog named Puffles when she was young
Has at least 3 kids who write her letters with pressed flowers, which she keeps
Never really liked pearls until Roman bought her a pearl necklace
She's a bit tone deaf
Grumpiest man ever
Questions how he ever got with Lois
Knows how to play piano
Is very good with numbers
Hates he's balding but Lois reassures him all the time he's still handsome
Very uncoordinated man
Dislikes pomegranates for some reason
Loves his children very much and gives financial advice
More on the slim and regal side
Has begged Arabella for clothing advice
Loves matching with Elenois
Hates being separated from her sister
The friend who goes partying every night
Definitely the type to gossip with her sister
Cannot keep a secret to SAVE HER LIFE
Has the tendency to talk about topics she doesn't fully understand
Does Selenne's makeup because Selenne always begs her to
Definitely has accidentally called herself by her sister's name
Technically the older twin
Worries that she's not as pretty as her sister even though they look alike
A secret lesbian
Wears cherry chapstick
Hated yellow/orange at first and grew to really like it.
The type to scold you about doing something wrong, but in the process is giving you comfort items
If it wasn't for her sister encouraging her to join her in modeling. She probably would've been a sectary.
Loves the color red WITH. A. PASSION.
Loves receiving apples too <3
Probably smells like apple blossoms too-
Very good at English
Teaches third graders
Wants to be a mother with lots and lots of kids
Her relationship with Dr. W. Afton is literally gorgeous wife x dork
Loves her silly fiance
Dyes he hair blonde
Dr. W. Afton:
Man is clueless
Also has no idea how he bagged such a beautiful woman
Loves how smart Mia is
Does questionable shit all the time
Has a thing for bunnies that doesn't feel entirely normal
Has been mistaken for a doppel by neighbors because sometimes he creeps them out
He gives me quiet kid
Definitely grew up with no siblings and extremely awkward around other women
Looks like he would freak out over a bug
This man MOST DEFINITELY knows how to dance
He reminds me of Waluigi
He looks like he enjoys pineapple on pizza
A lady's man fr fr
Would treat you so well
A romantic
Smokes a lot, though, because work is hard
Drinks red wine
Has a fancy ass bathrobe that lowkey Slenne is jealous of
Peaked in highschool
Nosiest mf ever
He's somewhat sweet
Very good at his job
Likes Selenne and gives her all the gossip
Has flirted with all the women in the building at LEAST once (shoot ur shot ig)
He's most proud of his jaw line
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Author's note: Someone should lmk if I should do more :P also I might do something with Arabella more dive deeper into her- I'm just doing this for fun, for myself really because I was just gonna wrote most of these in my notes app. I doubt many people will read this so-
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joylinda-hawks · 3 months
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A man shouldn't argue. WOH, episode 2, part 16. When ZZS replied to ZCL that he did not have to thank him, he took a stick with a flatbread from the ground and gave it to the boy. The hungry ZCL accepted the flatbread offered to him without a word. Meanwhile, WKX closely watches ZZS, who tries to ignore WKX's behavior. ZCL looks closely at the flatbread, and when GX sees this, she asks him what's going on and if he doesn't like the flatbread. GX takes the roll in her hand and throws it towards the boy. She says she throws the roll to the boy and he has to catch it. ZCL grabs the roll and, looking angrily at the girl, replies that he won't eat anything she prepared. This behavior upsets GX who tells the boy, calling him master, that she has had enough and saved him and asks why he doesn't die and give her life. What GX says seems to embarrass ZCL, so WKX turns to the girl and tells her to stop. WKX explains to GX that her words hurt and she should be careful or she won't find a husband. GX responds that nowadays people cannot distinguish between good and evil. She adds that she had just saved the boy, then she just shouted at him, and ZCL already hated her. GX asks ZCL why he didn't fight his enemies. ZZS and WKX listen to what GX says, calling the boy a coward. ZCL stands with his head down. After a while, he states that GX is right and apologizes to her, saying it was his fault. Kneeling in front of the girl, he adds that he thanks her for saving her life and then bows to her. GX doesn't see what the boy is doing at first, but when she does, she is surprised and stands up, claiming that she didn't tell him to kneel. She tells him to get up. GX bakes more flatbreads, and ZZS, ZCL, WKX sit at a distance from each other. ZZS is lost in thought, and WKX stares intently at the other man. WKX asks ZZS if he is using a disguise, ZZS ignores his question and turns sideways to WKX. After a while, WKX turns to ZCL, calling him Master Zhang. ZCL introduces himself by his full name, calling WKX a hero, and asks WKX to call him Cheng Ling. WKX asks ZCL not to call him a hero because he hates heroes. GX tells WKX that earlier ZCL talked about being righteous and helping others as if he was telling stories. GX explains that she thought ZCL was capable of this, but it turned out he was bluffing. The girl adds that when a fight breaks out, the boy runs away and cries. GX tells ZCL that he thinks he can only pretend to act like a righteous man. ZCL loses patience with such insults and stands up to say something to GX, but she asks him what he means. At this point, the silent ZZS speaks up and, looking at ZCL, explains to him that the man should not argue. A scene where the most active person is GX. The girl shows her sharp character and does everything to embarrass ZCL. In some ways she's right, but she shouldn't have attacked a boy who had recently lost loved ones so hard. It seems to me that GX has no empathy and no inhibitions about telling ZCL whatever he thinks about him. Even WKX's subtle remarks cannot discourage her. GX is a bit of a sassy girl, but that's because of where she was raised and grew up. ZZS stays calm most of the time, but when he speaks, what he says is the essence of who he is. He gives ZCL simple advice that a man should not get into arguments. In two short statements, WKX takes a stand on people called heroes. We don't know that yet, but there are grounds to talk about them this way. Of course, that doesn't stop WKX from staring at ZZS. ZZH and GJ are perfect in their roles, knowing how their characters should behave at a given moment.
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rebrandedbard · 3 years
Good morning, I had an idea and I wanted to share (could be a prompt if you want): So, Jaskier definitely, absolutely wants to learn Geralts potions and which to give when. But they aren't labelled at all and you've got to discern by shapes and colours. I firmly believe Jaskier writes a little ditty for that and maybe it spreads or maybe Geralt wakes up after a hunt with vague memories of that song after Jaskier saved him...
Jessi you know exactly what to say to get a fic out of me. Invoke my musicality! Just for you, not one, but two songs Jaskier uses for Geralt's potions!
Witcher's Brew
wc - 2476
Geralt wakes up after a hunt gone wrong and finds himself patched up in bed. He waits for Jaskier to arrive and overhears him singing a strange song to himself as he fusses with Geralt's potion supplies.
Rabbit stew, warm and fresh from the pot. It was the first thing Geralt could remember upon waking. They’d had rabbit stew at midday, just before the hunt. He almost imagined he could taste it on his dry, cut lip, but the lingering bitter taste of White Raffard’s Decoction chased the last of the memory away. He could not recall taking any potions. In fact, he had trouble remembering what it was he’d been fighting. His head was vague, all the details swirling at the edges in a haze. Someone had been speaking to him, he thought. Was it the chanting of a kitchen maid, timing her baking with a prayer? Or was it a song?
A song.
Geralt sat up with a grunt. “Jaskier,” he called, voice rough and catching in his throat. He looked around the darkness of the room, but he was alone. He scented the air. Jaskier had been near in the last hour or so, his smell not yet faded. It tasted bitter on his tongue, like the decoction: bitter like the musk of fear. The tang of salt hung in the air as well. Tears. But there was more. From the table at his side came an earthy scent and he discovered a bowl of mushrooms upon it. Sewant mushrooms.
That’s right. They’d been in the caves. The vision of the beast rose to the forefront of his mind and he remembered that they’d been fighting not a wyvern as hired, but a slyzard. It had been a deadly miscalculation, for the beast could breathe fire over a great distance. Geralt felt the fresh burns on the back of his neck, smelled the poultice pasted there. He remembered pulling Jaskier behind cover. He’d not had the chance to see whether he’d been burned as well. There had been too much to distract him; he did not even know if he’d slain the beast.
There had been mushrooms in the cave. Someone had to have brought them. Jaskier would be foolish enough to return to the caves, even if the beast still lived. But for mushrooms? Geralt could not imagine why.
“Sewant from the sewer caves, crows’ eyes, fang of beasts; blood from all the nasty things, and myrtle pure as priests.”
Geralt turned to the sound of Jaskier’s singing beyond the door. It cracked open and there the bard stood, arms hidden beneath a mass of white flowers. He had, too, a leather pouch dangling from around his wrist. Unloading his burden upon the table, he flipped through the open bestiary, still singing under his breath. It was not his usual kind of song; it was lifeless, simple rhyme and meter without passion. He did not even glance Geralt’s way as he set to work, grinding ingredients together in a mortar.
“Mistletoe and mutagen, aloe leaf of wolf; green mold, han, and celandine, then in the flame engulf.”
Jaskier poured the concoction into a potion bottle and hurried to the fire. He bent to light it, cursing as the matches failed beneath his shaking hand. He cursed louder, his hand slipping again. His voice began to shake as he continued his chant.
“Remember Raffard’s recipe and count it by this rhyme; be ye neither quick nor slow to measure out the time. Once the brew has bubbled and its color turns to red, let cool and cork then brew again to raise him from—”
Jaskier’s voice caught in his throat as he failed to light the match once more. He gripped the potion bottle in his hand and wiped at his eyes, unable to finish the line. “To raise him—”
“From the dead,” Geralt concluded.
Jaskier whirled around, dropping the bottle upon the floor. It shattered, spilling its contents into the hearth and over his boots. But he didn’t pay it any mind. He ran to Geralt’s side and knelt before the bed. His hands were everywhere at once, prodding gently, examining him.
“Geralt,” he breathed. Then everything came out in one great rush, each new thought interrupting the last. “Oh fuck, I was—! You weren’t moving. You just dropped to the ground the minute your sword—! I had to carry you back, and you only had one vial left. I was so worried I wouldn’t be able to make more before …”
“One vial is enough,” Geralt said. He nodded toward the supplies on the table. “Is that White Raffard’s?” he asked, knowing it could be nothing else.
Jaskier nodded, silent.
“What was that song just now?”
Jaskier bit his lip, looking guilty. “I … didn’t meant to pry,” he murmured. “I promise never to share trade secrets but … I had to know how it was made. It’s one of your most important potions. If you couldn’t make one, and if we were ever in a situation where we couldn’t find a healer, I needed to know that I could save you. So I watched, and I wrote it to remember.”
“You wrote a song to remember how to brew a potion?” Geralt asked. He looked at the ingredients. They were all correct, and well-measured from the look of it. Jaskier had prepared three bottles, two still sat empty on the table. Before them, their ingredients lay in even piles, waiting to be ground in the mortar.
Jaskier took Geralt’s hand in his, pressing his forehead to it. “I can brew Raffard’s, White Honey, and Swallow. I know you need Swallow with Raffard’s, for the toxicity. And … if I ever brewed a faulty potion, I would have the Honey.”
“You know what potions to take,” Geralt said. It was less of a question, more an expression of awe. He’d never taught Jaskier about the potions, merely asking for them as needed if Jaskier were in reach to fetch them. And from that, Jaskier had learned what was needed when.
“I wrote a song for that, too. All of them: what they’re for, the ones to take before a battle, and the ones to take after.”
Geralt blinked.
“All of them?” he asked.
Jaskier looked up. He once more turned his head away in shame. Witchers’ potions were not for men to know, let alone theirs to brew. But he nodded. There was no denying it now.
“Sing it to me.”
The look on Jaskier’s face was nothing short of complete and total astonishment. Geralt never requested songs. “You … right now? You want me to sing the song?” Jaskier faltered.
When Geralt gestured toward the lute, Jaskier smiled.
“It hasn’t got music,” Jaskier said. “It isn’t meant to be sung, really. Not in that way at least.”
“But you could put it to music, I bet.”
Jaskier flushed. There was a bit of praise in there somewhere—an admission of skill. At Geralt’s request, he stood and fetched the lute. “You seem to be doing much better,” he said, sitting at his side on the bed.
“Raffard,” Geralt replied. “Are you in tune?”
Jaskier strummed the lute slowly, emphasizing each open note with pride. “Always am.”
“Sing, then.”
It only took a minute of experimental plucking before Jaskier had a set of chords prepared. He strummed them twice in succession, then began his song:
Before one fights vampiric beasts
Drink Black Blood down to spoil their feasts
And if there’s acid on the rise
First taking Bindweed would be wise
When fighting something swift and cruel
Down Blizzard quick before the duel
And if the brawl takes place at night
Take Cat to see in dimmest light
Geralt watched with open admiration as he listened. Jaskier had learned it all on his own. He’d made a careful study of the potions without any help, and what Geralt heard was thus far correct. There were trainees who’d not kept such simple things in order, even with proper instruction.
When fighting wraiths one cannot spy
De Vries’ Extract evolves the eye
And wolves will howl in perfect tune
When given life by the Full Moon
At the play on wolves, Geralt rolled his eyes. Even so, he was impressed. He’d only encountered two wraiths with Jaskier at his side. He would’ve had to pay very close attention to remember De Vries’ Extract’s purpose.
The bit about the wolves did not escape his notice either. There was a little crook in the corner of Jaskier’s mouth as he sang the words. Of course the potion made for jokes among the witchers of the school of the wolf, but they weren’t the only ones who used them.
But if one’s poisoned first, let’s say
Oriole takes the sting away
And when one bleeds, to stop the aches
A simple Kiss is all it takes
If long the task you must endure
Then take a dose of Maribor
And if one’s signs aren’t up to snuff
Then Petri’s Philter is the stuff
If one cannot avoid a hit
The vengeful Shrike takes care of it
And if you’ve time while under cover
Swallow aids a slow recover
If the battle leaves you tired
Tawny Owl may be required
And while weak one cannot parry
Thunderbolt will make foes wary
When hope is lost and at its end
White Raffard’s revives your friend
And if while brawling stunned you be
Then Willow is the remedy
For power in your every blow
Take Wolf to strike against your foe
And though it makes one wobble blind
With Wolverine their fate is signed
Remember this what else you do
White Gull is base for every brew
And when the potions start to strain
White Honey lets you start again
“You ended with White Honey,” Geralt remarked.
Jaskier lay a hand over the strings of his lute, quieting them. “It lets you start again, does it not? Once you swallow a dose of White Honey, it nullifies the effects of all potions,” he said in his most academic voice. “I thought it would be fitting to end the song there; it certainly helps to remember the purpose.”
“And you know how to brew it.”
“I find it ironic that there’s not a trace of honey in it whatsoever. In fact, far too many of your potions involve the use of vinegar, the very opposite of honey. Would it ruin the potions beyond use if I were to add a bit? A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down, they say.”
Geralt smiled. He waved his hand, gesturing for Jaskier to come closer. He put a hand on his shoulder, whispering in his ear. “I think whatever potions you brew for me in the future will be made sweet enough by that sentiment,” he said. “So don’t fuck up my recipes, bard.”
Jaskier stammered, then laughed and batted Geralt’s face. “You cheeky thing! For a moment, I thought you actually intended to compliment me.”
“Didn’t you hear me the first time?” Geralt asked. “I did.”
“Not a compliment if you insult my cooking right after. Or—well, eh—brewing, as it were.”
“Oh, yes, that’s much more flattering. Assistant Alchemist! I do like the sound of it.”
Geralt chuckled. “You’re my assistant now, are you?”
“But of course,” Jaskier replied, waving a dramatic arm in the air. “Always have been. I only needed a proper title.
“Then tell me, assistant: what became of the slyzard?”
Jaskier grinned and leaned over to grab the leather pouch from the table. He tossed it for show and caught it with one hand before emptying its contents. A collection of sharp, bloody teeth fell onto the sheets, some with bits of pink gum still attached to the yellow base.
“I believe Raffard’s called for fang of beasts in the list of ingredients,” he said. “And there was no other beast nearby to take from. Your sword was still lodged in its back; all I had to do was give it one last thrust through the heart.”
Jaskier winked and produced another bag from his doublet, heavy with coin. “Needed proof anyway,” he said, setting it alongside the teeth. “I needed some distraction while you were out, so I checked off the list: put you on the mend, finish the hunt, get the pay, replenish supplies.”
For a moment, his cocky expression faltered. “I was just finishing up when I got a little …” he trailed, bundling up the teeth once more. “Well, it’s easier to get lost in worrisome thoughts when doing quiet tasks like foraging. But you woke up, and now there’s nothing left to fear. I’ll have a new set of potions ready for you by the time you’re well enough to get out of bed.”
“… You … killed the slyzard?” Geralt said.
“You did most of it. I just gave it the last push. It barely twitched. Honestly, its innards made more of a fuss when I went to bottle them. I think you’ll be well stocked for some time.”
Jaskier killed the slyzard. He stooped to rummaging in its bleeding corpse for the most vile and disgusting of ingredients. For his potions. Which Jaskier brewed. Which he knew how to brew by merely observing, putting it all together in simple songs to remember. And still he’d found time to collect his pay.
“Fuck me,” Geralt said in wonder.
“Maybe once you’re healed,” Jaskier laughed, ears a touch pink.
“Then kiss me,” Geralt amended. He lay his hand over Jaskier’s arm, leaning forward, enraptured. It was a simple revelation and he wondered just how long the idea had been bubbling in the back of his brain. “Kiss me,” he said. “I think I’m in love with you.”
Jaskier blinked twice, his cheeks flushing as he took in the seriousness of Geralt’s tone. “Did … you put too much White Gull in that last batch of Raffard’s?”
Geralt shook his head, his eyes never leaving Jaskier’s. “Will you kiss me?” he asked again.
“I …”
“You killed a slyzard for me.”
“And you memorized my potions. In case I needed them.”
Jaskier nodded.
“You love me,” Geralt concluded. His heart gave a leap at the notion. Yes. Yes, this was something he never knew he wanted. No, not wanted—this was something he needed. If all that didn’t add up to love, he didn’t know what would. It was such a simple thing, and he was a very simple man in every meaning of the word.
“Love me, Jaskier,” he said. “Love me and kiss me, please.”
But Jaskier already did. And before the final plea could escape Geralt’s lips, Jaskier did.
I’m going to take care of you, Geralt thought. He would take care of Jaskier just as Jaskier had always taken care of him. Good care.
“I do love you,” Geralt corrected.
Jaskier chuckled. “Don’t need to think about it?”
“I don’t think I ever really did.”
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makeste · 4 years
BnHA Chapter 294: A Half-Assed Escape
Previously on BnHA: Mirio was all “SURPRISE I’M BACK THANKS TO OUR RESIDENT SEVEN-YEAR-OLD WHO RECENTLY EARNED HER BACHELOR’S OF BEING A TOTAL BADASS.” Kacchan was all, “you know what, Dabi’s been trending long enough, time to remind the fandom what a real G looks like,” and he blasted his little bleeding body back into the fray and was all “FROM HERE ON OUT CALL ME DYNAMIGHT!!” Mirio was all, “AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... oh, you’re serious,” and Kacchan was all “!!”, and so that’s the story of how my son got murdered twice in one day. Meanwhile in the Todoroki Drama Zone, Deku was all “STOP MURDERING MY FRIEND” and Dabi was all “THAT’S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS” and fandom had a whole big debate about Whether Or Not Dabi Trying To Murder Deku’s Friends And Mentors Is Any Of Deku’s Business, which went exactly how you think it went. Anyway, so then Deku yelled at Dabi, and Endeavor was all moved by his manly words and randomly went to go uppercut Machia in the chin. And, seeing as how the Momoserum finally chose that exact moment to kick in, Machia is now down for the count.
Today on BnHA: The Miriosquad handles the Nearly High End Noumus, freeing up Jeanist to jasphyxiate (okay that one doesn’t really work so well) the rest of the League. Compress is all “TIME FOR THIS MILD-MANNERED SIDE CHARACTER VILLAIN TO SHINE”, except that by “shine” what he actually means is “use his quirk to punch a literal hole right through his own ass to free himself.” The rest of the chapter is basically just a back and forth between him and Jeanist, with Jeanist trying to recapture him, and Compress repeatedly thwarting him by chopping more holes out of himself because HE’S FRESH OUT OF FUCKS, AND THE ONES AT THE STORE ARE ALL SOLD OUT, MOTHERFUCKERS. Anyway, so with Compress basically dying and all, Horikoshi is all “you know what that means”, and delivers a freshly-baked villain flashback revealing that Compress is a descendant of Harima Ouji, a.k.a. the Peerless Thief, a.k.a. some famous guy whom Gentle mentioned this one time for like two seconds back in the day. The chapter ends with Compress finally demasking himself and dumping Tomura back onto the ground, a.k.a. The Worst Possible Place For Tomura To Be. ( •﹏•)
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AIZAWAAAA you’re alive and receiving medical help thank GOD. HOW MANY EYES DO YOU HAVE. AND MIRKO!! HOW MANY LIMBS DO YOU HAVE, OMG
so is this Aizawa dreaming about Crust’s final moments, then?? jesus. with All Due Respect to Crust’s memory, does Aizawa not already have enough misplaced guilt on his conscience as it is?? “nope, we’re gonna keep piling it on. that’s all he is now. three limbs, an indeterminate number of eyes, sexy hair, and Guilt” well shit
motherfucker y’all really out here placing an oxygen mask on Gran Torino’s corpse. fucking shounen characters. each one comes with a lifetime warranty
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for a moment I considered going back and checking my previous recaps to count how many times I’ve already made a joke about Dabi’s fire incinerating Hawks’s wings but not touching so much as a hair on his five o’clock shadow, so that I could calculate whether or not I could possibly get away with making that same joke one more time. but then I realized I could just do it in this kind of roundabout way I’m doing right now instead. so there you have it
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so anyway though, Jeanist is giving a speech about how god knows how many people all worked together to bring Machia down. and now RHA is getting in on those fabric puns too, I see. “A SINGLE STRAND MAY BE THIN BUT TOGETHER THEY FORM A STRONG ROPE” oh so you think you guys are funny eh? I’m a frayed knot
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fffffff. so much for him taking over as the Number One once all this is over. so let’s just recap real quick, because Horikoshi has long since made it clear that one of his plot goals for this arc is to wipe out every single member of the Billboard Top Ten. so how we doin?
Endeavor - was just figuratively eviscerated in front of the entire nation by his homicidal zombiepunk son. also burnt half to death and possibly down a lung. will almost certainly be forced to retire after this one way or the other
Hawks - lying prettily in a medical tent. wings status: gone. hair status: still perfect
Edgeshot - MIA, last seen fighting Re-Destro. I really want him to have kicked RD’s ass because fuck that guy, but realistically they probably fought to a draw at best
Mirko - alive but in critical condition and missing something like 1.5 limbs
Crust - dead, currently haunting Aizawa’s traumatized dreams. now he’s gonna be triggered the rest of his life by people giving him the thumbs up, THANKS A LOT
Kamui Woods - was set on fire which is His Weakness. thoughts and prayers
Wash - last seen floating hospital patients to safety as Tomura’s wave of decay descended towards him. probably dead ffff
Old Man Samurai - haven’t seen this fucker in a hot minute, who even knows where he’s wandered off to
Ryuukyuu - currently being treated for her wounds, looked pretty bad off. but it’s hard to tell how hurt she is since most of the injuries were acquired in her transformed state. SHE BETTER GET WELL SOON
anyways, so yeah. so much for the top ten. guess that’s another reason Horikoshi brought Mirio back now, huh
so there’s a big panel of everyone fighting the Noumu while Machia lies there all “blurgh.” good riddance my dude. it took like twenty chapters and a hundred people to stop this guy so I really fucking hope he stays down. you’ve had your fun
anyway so Jeanist is sending another steel thread towards Dabi! and he’s all “just a bit more!!” fklklj this is gonna go real well isn’t it
meanwhile Mirio’s fighting a Nearly High End with all of these weird rock formations jutting out of its skin. go on and kick his ass then, Mirio
“each of these guys is probably just as strong as the Noumu from Kyuushuu” hold on I thought Ujiko or Tomura or someone said that wasn’t the case? not that Mirio would know I suppose. anyways let’s just hope he’s wrong cuz if not these kids are probably screwed
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WOW, SON. IT’S ALMOST AS THOUGH YOU HAVE A HOLE IN YOUR TORSO, OR SOMETHING!! although listen up, real talk, the fact that Kacchan of all people can’t muster the energy to yell at someone questioning his ability to kick ass is HIGHKEY troubling and we may be in need of an intervention here soon :/
now Jeanist is finally turning his attention to the League! was... was it not already on the League. omg
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hey so um. what the actual fucked up hell. my soul left my body. imagine if you saw the reflection of this panel on your bedroom window. you would never sleep again
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(ETA: just a next-day clarification here, apparently my sleep-deprived ADHD word-skipping brain completely skipped right over the “a” in that last panel, so what I read was, “and Shigaraki’s limp noodle.” so yeah, the moral of this story is always read the speech bubble carefully before you start making running jokes throughout the rest of your post, folks.)
oh wow he’s really freaking out lmao
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to be fair though, I’d argue that Dabi has gotten pre-tty close at this point :’) thrilled for him, really I am
but anyway, well then figure something out you big dramatic robot-armed fiend. didn’t you just say you could touch your own ass? can you not just Compress yourself to break free?? does it not work on you? or would you be stuck afterwards lol
(ETA: I was picturing him compressing his entire body at once, not just chunks of it. ghhhlkh.)
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holy shit Jeanist. are you stupidly trying to cut off their air, or are you going for more of a sleeper hold (jleeper hold??) thing instead. the latter would be way smarter and faster and probably safer as well just saying
but unless Spinner is just being super dramatic, it sure looks like he’s fucking strangling them djslkjlk. this will certainly cement his popularity among the villain stans. good thing you’re not running for office any time soon bud
anyway so I have no idea what these guys are trying to do now. what is this
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do you even have till the count of 5 at this rate. I mean
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jeez, talk about... A HALF-ASSED ESCAPE ATTEMPT :D :D :D hahaha. but real talk though, Horikoshi has clearly never tried to leap twelve feet straight up in the air multiple times in succession with only half his glutes though. everyone, I regret to inform you that this panel right here on the left may be slightly unrealistic
also where the hell is he going to go?? did you pack a jetpack away in one of those little marbles sir. and what about Dabi?? and Skeptic too, I guess, but we don’t really care about Skeptic
(ETA: at this point I had to stop reading for about two hours because I had to go out and take care of something; that’s also why this is being posted later than usual lol. anyways so where were we.)
oh my lord
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the existence of a translator’s note here implies that the earlier line about Compress being able to reach Tomura’s junk was not, in fact, ad-libbed. hmm. hmmmmmmmm
anyway so now he’s grabbing Compress again because OF COURSE HE IS, so now we’re right back to square one! except now Tomura and Spinner are secured inside of little marbles, and presumably Compress is the only one who can release them
oh nevermind he’s just maiming himself again instead, SHEESH
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Skeptic a man is dying please have some goddamn respect
so, uh. is he gonna die, though??
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I really can’t tell wtf is going on here, this is the most confusing the art has been in a while. Horikoshi put all of his spoons into that creepyass close-up panel earlier, that bastard
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so apparently Harima was a Robin Hood type guy who stole from... heroes?? wtf. are heroes the 1% in this scenario. y’all didn’t have any Fortune 500 CEOs to steal from?
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THAT’S THE BLOOD THAT FLOWS THROUGH YOU, OH SHIT. and in a related oh shit, the fact that we are getting a Compress flashback now of all times doesn’t bode super well for him. ffff
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listen here boy if you touch one freaking hair on Shouto’s candy cane head I swear to god --
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(ETA: “masks are removable, makeste” you know what it’s been a long day okay lmao. or I suppose Compress is really the one who is lmao.)
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okay. okay. looooool okay then
as if it wasn’t enough for him to demask himself, he also had to get all shirtless and then do this weird attempt at a sexypose too huh
hard to say exactly how much of his torso is currently missing, but safe to say that’s proooooooobably not good. :///// fuck
on the other hand, Kacchan also has a torso hole and he’s still flying around like he just drank a dozen red bulls, so
this man lost his ass and he’s still out here monologuing like it’s the last two minutes of The Prestige. one might say he is monologuing his ass off
so he let Spinner and Tomura free, but is Dabi still trapped in his marble?? wasn’t he all on fire and stuff?? hopefully he can still turn off his quirk in there because if not that’s a pretty fucked up way to die. somewhere out there Snatch’s ghost is all “YEAH I’LL SAY.” oh how the turntables
last but not least, sooooooo. Tomura. back on the ground. that’s. um. ...shiiiiiiiit
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elysianslove · 4 years
AAAA omg i just binged all your fics and your writing is so .. .. makes me speechless and gives me butterflies :>> if youre still taking req for the 1K event could you do itadori pleasepleass and congrats on 1K 🥰❣️❣️
please that’s so cute i love you. and of course i can!!! i hope you enjoy 
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1k Event ━ Itadori Yuuji
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itadori’s general personality; idk if y’all watched the recent episode or not but mans pulled a teacher’s pants down. then ran away with them. do i need to say more? i think that, yes, yuuji’s actions are, nine times out of ten, super immature, but he himself? i highly believe he’s really wise. like deep down somewhere yk? aside the obvious trauma he’s experienced, being orphaned and then his grandpa, the only family he had left, dying, he also was thrust into a whole new world of curses and evil and the supernatural on the same night. i don’t think we give yuuji enough credit for staying as calm and strong minded as he did when first hearing about the curses and then seeing them, fighting them, eating one’s finger. he comes off as really nonchalant about it, but i really think he’s just that unfazed by it. it’s kinda like how life sometimes goes really bad that when it throws something else at you you don’t even try to deflect you just accept it. i always make these so sad but! i promise you, yuuji isn’t!!! if anything, he’s really optimistic and has such large potential to grow as a person and as a jujutsu sorcerer. which brings me to my point of yuuji being really, and i mean really, smart. not just books wise, because i’m not sure if it’s canon or not but i see him as an A student, but he’s also just generally intelligent. you see him being really eager to learn, as well as being a fast learner, and idk how that can’t amaze anyone?? he’s gone through so much in such little time, and he has this huge responsibility thrust upon him, but he still remains level minded, still lets himself be excited, even if it’s about learning to fight, and he still remains the same person he is at his core. i genuinely believe there is so much more to yuuji than it seems. he’s not some airhead or just some goofball with comedic relief purposes. he is a badass, and he is so selfless and giving and so passionate. would you eat a centuries old finger to save the world? yeah exactly hmf
motivation; well, it’s pretty explicit in the show. he says constantly that he knows he’s the only one capable of maintaining sukuna, and the only one that can take up this responsibility. he feels this sort of duty towards the world, to give it whatever he can. he’s not sure why, because all it’s ever been is cruel to him, but still. he’s incredibly selfless like that. he is so good. so, so good at his core. i think a main motivation would be that desire to feel a sense of purpose. towards you, however, that’s a different story. he’s actually an airhead when it comes to you because any time he finds himself in your presence his brain turns to mush and his thoughts get all fuzzy and cloudy and he cannot think for the life of him. but he loves your little touches, when you brush at his hair, or squeeze him tightly after a mission telling him how relieved you are to see him alive and well. he lives for that stuff, eats it up like candy, and he just wants more, more, more, of of that fuzzy feeling in his brain and lungs. 
itadori’s love language; oh i actually think yuuji would be so bad at saying ‘i love you,’ and that has love language is most definitely quality time and physical touch. so clingy!! but in such an endearing way. whenever he spots you anywhere he yells out your name and comes barreling towards you, picking you up and spinning you around. loves to hold hands with you as you’re just standing there and swinging your arms around. will hug you from behind and start dancing literally anywhere you are. location does not matter. but also!!! he loves, loves, loves spending every waking hour with you. loves to wake up next to you, shower with you in the morning, make faces at the mirror at you while you both brush your teeth. loves having a pumpkin carving competition, or a gingerbread house baking competition, or facetiming you till you both pass out. he just. loves you so much.
itadori’s preferred dates; carnival dates where he can win you all the stuffed animals, hiking, nighttime beach swims, mini golf, a night in with competitive board games
kissing itadori; always takes you by surprise, even if he tells you beforehand. it always feels like it’s your first time kissing him because it’s nerve wracking in the same way it’s exciting. tastes like pure happiness.
what being with itadori feels like; sneaking out to meet your significant other at late hours, the rush and excitement of it all leaving you high and giddy
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toukenramblings · 3 years
Child Saniwa: Azuki Nagamitsu, Ichigo Hitofuri, Horikawa Kunihiro
Ah shit y’all, back at it again with the memes. Thank you for requestin, love~!
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Azuki Nagamitsu
“I am pleased to meet you, my name is Azuki Nagamitsu...”
Azuki takes one goddamn look at this baby saniwa and is immediately claiming it as his child. Yes he’ll fight the entire citadel to stake his claim, he’s signing the adoption papers right now. No you cannot stop him. He can and will hold all of these children. He has big enough and strong enough arms.
“Pray tell, little one, do you like sweet things?”
Oh Azuki is a bit of an enabler. He does cook and bake a lot so expect him to sneak a lot of sweets and stuff to the lil kid. He already does it with the little ones around the citadel but even more so if he has a close relationship with the child saniwa. Yes he will ensure that they eat healthy and go to bed on time and maybe he’ll bribe them with sweets to finish their chores on time and all but hey, he does care for them a lot!
Azuki always calls them adorable, cute, and so on and so forth. He adores kids and maybe he has a photo album of adorable pictures of the lil saniwa and the rest of the kids around the citadel just napping together and sleeping together and holding hands and being cute, no he’s not crying.
HIs favorite thing to do with the kid is to go shopping with them! Holding their hand as they walk through whatever aisles they are looking at. Yes maybe he’ll sneak some of their favorite treats into the shopping cart, and maybe he’ll have to curb the child’s habit of snacking on everything but he caves in the end. He’s weak to their puppy eyes. Please help him, he might not be strong enough.
Is that one parent at a recital or something of their child’s with a video camera, crying, and screaming: “YOU’RE DOING AMAZING SWEETIE”
Azuki isn’t much of a fighter, it doesn’t mean he won’t fucking throw down with the government though. Watch him invite them over for a spot of tea and if they even make a damn negative comment about his master he’ll probably drop some poison in there. No he won’t he’ll just hug the kid closer to him and be that one meme of protecting Kevin Hart.
Azuki is already giving out head pats to all of the kids in the citadel, but to the Saniwa he’s rather physically affectionate. If they want a hug, they can get one. If they wanna hold hands? Hell yeah! Forehead kisses? Damn right he will. Loves giving them head pats and calling them a good kid the most.
Yes he will read them a bedtime story and of course it’s always ones filled with good morals and life lessons!
Azuki is also damn good with sewing. He will make little scarves, and patch up the clothing for the saniwa and even make some clothing for them! He loves it when they are warm and comfy in whatever clothing they like!
Yes Azuki spoils them rotten but he knows his limits. He is the typical overly proud dad who is happy whenever his kid is happy!
Ichigo Hitofuri
"I am Ichigo Hitofuri, the only tachi crafted by Awataguchi Yoshimitsu-”
The minute Ichi-nii sees this lil kid is his master, he is already bending down to their level and asking where the fuck are their parents. He’s a bit shocked to see someone so young to be his master but he won’t mind. He does have a LOT of little brothers after all! He can take care of them, adding another lil sibling into the bunch won’t hurt anyone!
Adoption papers? Signed? Awataguchi? Accepting of their new sibling. Government? uNFORTUNATELY STILL ALIVE. He knows what it’s like to have trauma and some of his lil bros do have quite a bit of it. Honebami, Yagen to name a few, and pushing such a duty on to such a young person like this...Ichigo won’t lie and say that he isn’t angry at the government for doing this. They don’t deserve this, why can’t they live their life out as a normal kid????
Oh Ichigo has experience in taking care of children and his brothers will also pitch in to make sure that the Saniwa is loved for and taken cared of! They have an army of tantous, two wakizashis, and a tachi at their beck and call now. No one is going to hurt them ever again.
Like Azuki, Ichigo adores children and this little saniwa is no different. Yes he’s rather stern at times and he doesn’t like raising his voice at them but he does need to be a guiding hand at times. He would never hurt them, and he just wants the best for them. He may get angry at them and scold them but he is doing it gently.
Yes the little saniwa is going to get roped into AWT48. Ichigo will personally help them sing and dance as well! If they have stage fright, no worries! He’s happy to still perform for them none the less.
Cuddles. Oh man this little saniwa is never going to be without physical affection. From Ichigo’s cuddles and head pats to the rest of the Toushirous just loving on the kid and random hugs outta nowhere, this kid is going to be so loved. 
Ichigo can kinda cook? Not as good as like Kasen or Azuki or anything but he’ll at least make something edible. Probably some instant stuff from a box, more like it. He can decorate it super good though!
If the kid has nightmares, Ichigo is the first to wake up and comfort them. His bros have nightmares a lot and he’s a light sleeper anyway, so he can relate to that - and is always there for them!
Bedtime stories with morals and lessons? Of course! Duh! It’s a group storytime! All day every day!
Ichigo is the big brother everyone wants. The caring big bro who will take a bullet for you, and will probably have some choice words for the government. He cares for you as a parent would, and is just always there!
Horikawa Kunihiro
“Excuse me, has-”
“....Ah, a second child to take care of.”
Horikawa already has a child on his hands kane-san and he’s already pretty motherly so adopting a kid like this isn’t too out of his range. He’s a lot gentler with them than he is with Kane-san, but no less strict.
No he cannot trust Kane-san around this child. ONe time he left them alone and the kid was stuck in a tree and Kane-san had a broken leg trying to save the damn kid. He will only let them interact under his or another sword’s supervision. Can and will fight Kane-san just to protect this kid.
As Horikawa is good at cleaning, he always tends to the kid’s room and helps them wake up on time. He will most likely be the hawk mum, watching over them with every change he can get to ensure that they are doing their work on time.
He won’t spoil them as much as Ichigo or Azuki would, but he would praise them and reward them in his own way! Mostly with praise and a head pat and a forehead kiss if they’ve been extra good! Yes he’ll cook for them and give them treats but nothing super duper big.
The minute the saniwa calls him Hori-nii or something he will cry. Hell he’ll take being called mom. He doesn’t mind! He’s just happy that he can be there for them!
Oh dude Horikawa will spoil them not with food but with lil things! A flower from the forest, a lil trinket from the store as he passed by, so on and so forth! He knows his limits though.
Yes Horikawa will not hesitate to storm the government building and demand to see whoever the fuck is in charge. He wants to know who the fuck was responsible for this. This is a literal CHILD, where are their PARENTS. Who aLLOWED THIS? Horikawa is now this child’s mom.
He’s like that mom that panics whenever the kid goes missing for like one second. There’s a lot of dangerous things the kid could get into (see the tree incident) and if they get hurt, expect Horikawa to be at their side quicker than Hasebe. Hell he can beat Hasebe in speed and in over-protectiveness, dO NOT TEST THIS YOUNG MAN.
Is also that one mom that is at the kid’s recital, crying joyous tears of pride as they perform. Always has a camera on him to capture such a beautiful moment.
Yes Horikawa is the mom friend and he will not hesitate to become the mom to this saniwa. He will ensure that they go to bed on time and keep them healthy. Will wake them up on time and just be that one parent who is always a presence in their life, knowing when to back away but keeping in touch. Like having ya mum as ya best friend!!!
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lucky-sevens · 4 years
mechanisms fanfiction recommendations
this began as a compilation of my own works for my about, but i decided to recommend some others as well!
i have kept this list to 20 of other people’s + all of my own, because i have a lot of mechanisms fanfiction saved and didn’t want to go overboard! in addition, i’ve made sure that everyone i draw from is a different author, vs. several by the same person, for the sake of variation and giving more people a spotlight! i’ve also made sure everything is complete, which sadly means i’ve left out a few of my favorite longfics. i’ve also tried to have a decent balance of album-focused things vs crew-focused things.
a note; i’ve tried to have a variety (of both genre and length), but my tastes skew towards angst and longer oneshots, so that’ll be a lot of that sort of thing. (please mind the tags on some of these fics!) this is also all sfw, as i’m a minor, but it’s not all gen.
edit: i copy-pasted the summary from each of these works over to this post!
no matter what you do it won’t go away by AssyEr
Brian coming to terms with being made of metal.
Hatter and Hare Top 5 Gay Moments!! [NOT CLICKBAIT!!!] by shella688
Majors Hatter and Hare grinned at each other as they shook hands.
Then, all of a sudden, the grins faltered slightly as a realisation went through both their heads.
Oh no, the realisation went. He's cute.
Date Night: New Midgardian Prison Edition by OnceAndFloral
The Mechs cordially invite Lyfrassir to date night in their prison cell. And by "cordially invite" I mean "orchestrate an elaborate scheme".
eternity will see her dead by Garecc
Rose Reds are made to die, and eternity will see them dead, sent off to another bitter end.
cold as numbers by alderations
Ivy starts at the beginning.
Every morning, Ivy starts at the beginning. Rubbing alcohol, scalpel blades, sensations that should be twisting and cutting and crushing, if the words could coalesce into feelings. A subdued voice, a cool hand on her forehead. She is Ivy Alexandria. She starts at the beginning.
beat inside your heart by zinabug
Jonny and Nastya sibling oneshots part two. (Note from @lucky-sevens- they all function on their own.)
And Sew by fracnkie
The benefits of teaching your Toy Soldier to do the following: sew, do makeup, how to cure a sore throat, and how to shoot a plasma blaster.
Ashes To Ashes, Dust To Dust by CloudDreamer
It was the two of them against the world. But then the two of them against each other, and that seemed so much harder than fighting all the worlds combined.
Wayfarers by Oblivion_Wanderer
Nastya and Lyf meet in the cold of space; Nastya adrift after leaving the Mechanisms and Lyf fleeing from the destruction of the Yggdrasil system. Each feeling lost in their own way, they decide to travel together.
No Heart To Break by meteornight
The Toy Soldier was not real. It could never be real, not if it had any say in the matter. The widow had said that the toy was real, that it had once been a real man with a real heart. The toy knew that was a lie, for if it was a man, why would she treat it like a toy?
is it piety is it purity is it virtue by consumptive_sphinx
“Percy’s blunt, not stupid,“ Mordred says when Kay asks why they’re even friends, “and anyway she’s great, she never calculates anything, she just says stuff and makes everyone else deal with it. I could never be brave enough.”
This is because Mordred absolutely does calculate every word that comes out of his mouth, except sometimes when it’s two in the morning and everyone except him and Galahad and Percival has gone to sleep and he can argue as passionately in favor of peace as he wants with the only two people who won’t call him a traitor for it, and while he doesn’t not appreciate this trait of Percival’s, like hell is he going to admit to his real reason.
orpheus, the soldier, and the short-billed dowitchers by alexsandr
orpheus finds rest with an unexpected friend.
No Violins Allowed by Alienea
Lyf had been having a very peaceful and fulfilling few decades, at least in terms of work fulfillment and being able to afford to bail out of the system at the very first moment anything happened.
So of course that was when the Mechanisms appeared over the horizon.
Labyrinthine by DuskDragon39
Your story is a labyrinth.
Your story is built along wandering lines and windings so vague that you, its architect, cannot trace your way out. It is your scream at its center, your pain that fuels it.
(Or: Daedalus and the stories they tell about him.)
Baking With Goggles (Safety First!) by eminorseven
Marius tries to justify bringing Jonny and Tim to the kitchen. Brian daydreams. Jonny stabs many walnuts. Tim gets locked out and explodes things.
Typical baking stuff.
Surprising Salvage by OddmentsAndTweaks
A normal boring morning is made infinitely more exciting by the prospect of a ship boarding. The Mechanisms prepare for chaos and murder and some really good violence. What they get is one very defiantly defended ruined vessel and a morning no one expected at all.
I wanna stay here with you by SnailArmy 
Loki and Sigyn get to be wives, in stolen moments. 
As It Was by i_am_made_of_memoriies
Jonny walked down the corridor, his steps burdened by an invisible force. His face was passive, and where there was usually manic glee, there was only a hint of curiosity–someone was trying to enter through the airlocks, and he was going to kill them.
Nastya returns to the ship formerly known as the Aurora to find the mechanisms at the end of their time.
burned out from a joyride by spiralingcosmos
ashes has a nightmare; as a result, they make a new friend.
In Which Nastya Is The Narrator Of The Deaths by nonbinary_frog
(Note from @lucky-sevens: There is no summary included, but I feel like the title works well enough.)
my heart in your hands
How Jonny d'Ville's mechanization came about.
i’ve got a map of your eyes (but i’ve never seen your face)
That’s not the real Rose. All the memories and feelings were merely planted in her head.”
 “Very true.”
 “And given the effective age difference, it’s unlikely they’ll have much of a life together, not to mention the massive amount of trauma they’ve both endured.”
 “Not only that, but everyone else they’ve ever known or loved is dead and they’re trapped on a planet full of corpses in a vast interstellar empire that is going to suffer the most horrendous power vacuum and associated bloodshed the galaxy has ever seen. Oh, and they’re both known war criminals and will likely be on the run for the rest of their lives.”
“Like I said. I love a happy ending.”
-Ever After
the death of a phoenix
You are Ashes O'Reilly, and you are twenty-three, and you are dying.
an exercise in futility
The Aurora doesn't have a daemon, but that doesn't mean she doesn't have a soul.
marching ever through the black
Whoever’s uniform you wear No loyalties to hold or share No burning hate, no bitter fear No heart to break, so shed no tear
TMA Is The Mechanisms’ Podcast (series)
The Magnus Archives is a podcast distributed by the Mechanisms, a crew of immortal space pirates roaming through the galaxy having fun, violence, violence, and violence. They have an inane distaste for laws, and so refuse to put their podcast under any kind of copyright law whatsoever. Today's episode was cowritten by Ivy Alexandria and Nastya Rasputina and performed by Jonny d'Ville. It was produced by the SS Aurora and directed by Jonny d'Ville- well, no, but sometimes he wants to be in charge of things and the other Mechanisms don't find it worth arguing about. To comment on episodes, make donations, and view links, images, and show notes, simply throw yourself into space and the Mechanisms may or may not find you. Probably best if they don't. Thank you for listening, though why you choose to spend your time like this is beyond the Blogbot's understanding.
thank you for reading! i’d highly suggest trying these!
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sassytrickster666 · 4 years
Fluff alphabet : Donny Donowitz
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A while back I saw a couple of templates this Fluff Alphabet concept is based on. Unfortunately I cannot remember which(really not intentional, id never copy ideas/templates on purpose) . If you think I've gotten inspired reading your work, please let me know! 
A = Admiration (What does he absolutely adore/admire about you?)
-Your ability to always stay calm. It amazes him how you stay calm no matter what happens. When there's an emergency you´re able to keep your shit together and do something about it. 
-How ballsy you are. You can't stand when people are being a jerk for no reason and you call them out even if they are twice your size. 
-Your reliability. Donny knows you will always be there for him. A thought that calms him and makes him feel warm and fuzzy. You won´t leave him for no reason. You comfort him when he needs it (even if he says he doesn't) and you support him. 
B = Baby (Does he want a family? Why/why not?)
Yes. Yes. Yesssssss. I cannot express how much this man wants to start a family with his one great love.  Even with all the crap he has seen, the idea of bringing something as pure and innocent as a baby into this world with you is very appealing. 
When you're pregnant he´d be giddy. Completely and wholly his. He'd spoil his princess even more than usual. Extra pillow underneath your head, accompanying you everywhere, opening up doors for you. Honestly, his ´helpfulness´ drives you crazy sometimes. 
C = Cuddle (how do you cuddle each other?)
-Big spoon. Every time. Tends to throw his leg over yours in his sleep, which in turn makes sure you´re not going anywhere. -Very intense cuddler. Likes to surprise you by grabbing/cuddling you from behind and lifting you up (especially when there's other people present like his friends).
-Really loves it when you snuggle up against him, laying your head on his chest. When you do this it is another reassurance that you feel utterly and completely safe and relaxed when you are with him. 
D =Doll (What pet names does he use?)
Doll, babe, sugar, cutiepie , and his favourite; princess.
E = evenings (how do they spend their evening? So they go out? Do they read?)
While he loves hanging out with the boys he loves it even more when you join them. You get along really well with Wicki and Aldo so why wouldn't he try to take you with him? As soon as you guys had the baby he preferred just staying home with you both being wholesome and all. 
F = first date (what was it like?)
He took you out to play pool. After both of you getting over your nerves there was lots of banter. He discovered you were better at it than he expected you to be. Tough, you totally did pretend you sucked at first so he had no choice but to show you how to play. He didn't mind ´having´ to be so close to you one bit. 
G = Gentle (Are they gentle? If so, how?)
He tries to be. He is such a bull in a china shop. He's big, he's loud… and secretly quite clumsy. The sheer amount of times he accidentally headbutted you is astounding. He makes up for it by giving you the gentlest of kisses on you forehead when he leaves for work or simply thinks you're being cute. 
H = Hands (How does he like to hold hands?)
He likes holding hands, but he prefers it when you hook your arm through his. What can I say, he likes having you close to him. It also makes it easier for him to sneak kisses. 
I = Impression (What was his first impression?)
The basterds introduced the two of you. He thought you were hella pretty and had a good sense of humour. The fact that you could hold your own around these men sure said something about you too. 
J = Jealous (Does he get jealous easily?) Depends who gets close to you. He never gets jealous when any of the other basterds get near you. You could have Aldo hanging around your neck and Wicki winking at you and he won't give it a second thought. He trusts these boys with anything. However, these are not things strange men should do if they like having nuts. Or eating without a straw. Seriously, he knows you can handle yourself perfectly fine but he just doesn't trust others. He knows what men are capable of and he is protective AF. No one gets near his princess. Not that anyone that knows this huge man belongs to you would try anything. 
K = Kiss (How does he kiss? Who initiated the first kiss?)
He kissed you on the lips first. You´d kissed his cheek long before that. You usually did when saying goodbye. This time he just couldn't help himself. You were so close to him, laughing at his jokes, touching his arm. He kissed you firmly on the lips, waiting for a response from you. Once you realised what was happening and kissed him back he immediately grabbed you and held you close to him, deepening it. 
Donny is a passionate kisser and never passes up a chance to kiss you hello or goodbye or goodnight. He also likes to kiss you to assert his dominance over other men. 
L = Love (Who said I love you first?)
He looooooves going picknicking with you. Just chilling out in the park or in the woods, enjoying some good food and each other's company. It was one of the first dates you went on and he will never forget the way you looked in your navy coloured dress, smiling up at him. It was the moment he realised he would never let you go. That he loves you to bits. It took him another week or so to casually tell you this when going to bed. As if it weren't anything significant or interesting. 
M=Mad (Do you often disagree? What happens if you do?)
You do tend to bicker about the stupidest things. But it's a nice way of bickering. It's usually playful and you just try to convince one another. If you do actually get in a fight, Donny gets uncharacteristically quiet. To be honest, it kind of scares you, even though he would never do anything to hurt you. After you've cooled off he comes up to you to make up. 
N = no (what is their pet peeve?)
Loud chewing, rude people, people that clip their nails in public, and socks that get lost in the laundry. WHERE DO THEY GO??? 
O = Orange (which color reminds him of you?)
This is so utterly fucking cheesy, but the colour that reminds him most of you is red. It is the colour of love. Donny always has been and will be a sucker for cheesy things. He also likes to ask you if it hurt when you fell from heaven. Get matching coffee cups. 
P = parent (what kind of parent would they be?)
He's quite protective of his kids, especially of his baby girl. Real papa Bear material. I pity the boy that wants to date his daughter…. He can be tough at times, especially when they did something he really dislikes like being disrespectful or lying. He would never hurt his kids but he would ground them in a heartbeat. That said, he would do anything for his kids as he´d do for you. 
Q = Queasy (How they handle being sick or you being sick)
When you get sick, he's such a sweetheart. He fluffs your pillow, gets you medicine and attempts to make you soup to help you feel better (he can't cook to save his life, so you can imagine how well that went). You often tell him you can actually get around and so some chores with a bit of a temperature or a simple stomach ache. He won't have any of that though. 
Donny doesn't get sick often, but when he does he is such a man about it. 
R = Rainy Day (what does he like to do with you on rainy days?) Stay in. Get cozy. Play games. Have friends over. Have some drinks.
S = smile (what makes them smile without fail) Your face when you have to get out of bed in the morning: a slightly grumpy, sleepy bed head looking up at him. You being overly excited about a pet or animal. You surprising him with a hug.
T = together (how clingy are they? How long do you two spend together per day on average)
Donny works quite a lot and he works hard. He takes care of his family and likes to spend a good amount of time with them (he takes you with him of course ). You don't have a lot of alone time. However, as soon as he comes home from work he quickly makes his way to you to sweep you up in his arms and shows you how much he missed you during the day. He then spends the next half hour following you around in the kitchen.  
U = Unencumbered (what helps him relax?) Doing sports (have you seen him?), having fun with friends, he also finds watching you cook or bake (and eatin it afterwards) very relaxing and mostly, actually, having sex. 
V = videos (do they take lots of videos or photos during your relationship?)
He keeps a photograph of you with him wherever he goes. It's his lucky charm. You two also keep a small photo album with photos of the most important moments. This includes some pictures of him and the guys, pictures of your wedding day and pictures of your family and kids. 
W = Wedding (What is your wedding like?)
It's a given that Donny likes to joke around and pull crazy shit. Not on his wedding day he doesn't. He is a nervous wreck when getting ready. He takes everything going well very seriously. What will you look like? Will you have gotten cold feet at the thought of spending your entire life with his crazy, annoying ass. Are they stupid and ungrounded thoughts? 100 percent. Do they successfully drive him nuts and jittery? Definitely. And definitely a couple sips of Aldo´s bourbon worthy. The wedding itself was pretty simple. The people you loved were there. Traditions were honored and the food was good. Donny couldn't hold back the tiny tear that slipped down his cheek when he saw you in your dress.  
X = eXtra (what’s an interesting fact about them that they don’t tell anyone about?) Once upon a time when you were dating he decided to steal your bathrobe to open the door for the delivery guy and he kind of never stopped stealing your bathrobe. Have in mind your bathrobe is really big (for you) and pink. And Fluffy. And Donny is a tall man so it comes up to just about the middle of his hairy thigh. It's hilarious that you actually had to buy yourself a new one.
Y = yuck (what do they hate? Could be a food, sent, word anything)
This isn't really a hard one honestly. The thing he hates most in this world are nazis and bigots alike. It makes his blood boil like nothing else. 
Other things he hates are: people that are unnecessarily rude or disrespectful, wet socks, and smelly cheeses. 
Z = Zebra (if he wanted a pet, what would he get?)
A dog. He thinks they´re great companions, and you can get crazy with them. Also, he wants a big dog. He doesn't get along with cats at all. Wouldn't know how to act around them. He always gets scratched.
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catxsnow · 4 years
hi! hope youre having a good day 😃 i was wondering if you could do YJ wally for the fluff alphabet? if you cant i totally understand. thank you either way. BTW i love your stuff
I was having a good day yesterday when you sent this I hope you did too! Thank you for liking my writing and taking the time to read it! Here’s YJ Wally fluff Alphabet: 
A = Attractive (What do they find attractive about the other?)
Wally is an ass man. You can't change my mind.
B = Baby (Do they want a family? Why/Why not?)
Y.E.S. Wally cannot wait to see you deal with a little speedster toddler. He can't wait to for his kid to grow up enough to run with him but he never wants to see your kid grow up in the hero life. Wally wanted out at a young age for a reason, he's not about to let his twelve year old run off and save the world.
C = Cuddle (How do they cuddle?)
Wally loves to lay on you. His favourite is with his head on your chest and your arms wrapped around him while your legs are tangled together. He loves to hear your heart race as you lay together. Also loves to lay on your legs when you're sitting on the couch. D = Dates (What are dates with them like?)
anything with food. You once took him on a date that didn't involve getting food at all and you thought he would combust by the end of it.
E = Everything (You are my ____ (e.g. my life, my world...))
You are my lightning rod (Barry told him that was what he called Iris and he thought it was stupid at first until it grew on him). F = Feelings (When did they know they were in love?)
Wally believes in love at first sight and he knew it was true when he saw you. G = Gentle (Are they gentle? If so, how?)
To a degree. Wally is gentle with you when he needs to be. When he sees you upset or doubtful he knows that he needs to go to you with soft words and caution. However, when the two of you were in a good mood, he's ridiculous around you. Wally will haul you over his shoulder and WWE body slam you into his bed. He's not afraid to snatch you while he's speeding around and give you the worst whip lash of your life, either.
H = Hands (How do they like to hold hands?)
Wally can't stay still for very long. He switches between hand holds constantly. His favourite is when you draw into his wrist with the pad of your thumb to keep him calm. I = Impression (What was their first impression?)
total babe. The first thing Wally sees in some is their looks and you were a total smoke show. However, when he learned more about you? Wally knew that you were his soulmate. J = Jealousy (Do they get jealous?)
Insanely. Wally knows that you would never give him a reason to be jealous, but it's the other people that he's worried about. Especially when you're on a mission and some civilian runs up to you to try and sweet talk you. Wally's signature move is super speeding you away as soon as someone tries to flirt with you. K = Kiss (How do they kiss? Who initiated the first kiss?)
You were the first to kiss him and he was a little offended that he wasn't the first one to pull a move. Wally is always known for his speed but when it comes to kissing you, he loves to drag out every second. He savors the lingering kisses and is never to fast when it comes to you. L = Love (Who says 'I love you' first?)
He does. Wally's a total simp for you. To be honest, he didn't even mean to say it. You had brought him a bag of fast food one day and he was like 'thanks babe, I love you'. He freaked out about it but you had only given him a kiss and said it right back M = Memory (What's their favourite memory together?)
There was one mission that the two of you were teamed up together. You saved a lot of lives that day and the pride and joy you felt swelled in your heart. Without thinking you had kissed him in front of all the people you saved and their cheers had brought out an excited side of wally that you had never seen. N = Nickel (Do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?)
Wally is a flower man. He loves to buy you flowers at every chance he gets. Otherwise, he doesn't really go overboard in the gifts. He will however, buy you something if you ask him to - even if he's a little tight on money (but you never really ask him anything extraordinary) O = Orange (What colour reminds them of their other half?)
Whenever he sees the color of your supersuit he thinks about you. When it's a super common color he pretty much just thinks of you constantly P = Pet names (What pet names do they use?)
Exclusively babe. or when he wants to bother you he calls you hotcheeks. Q = Quaint (What is their favourite non-modern thing?)
Wally doesn't know non-modern. He doesn't like old school so he doesn't have a favourite non-modern thing. R = Rainy Day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?)
He loves baking with you. 99% of the time you always double the recipe because he eats half the dough or batter of whatever you're making before you get to put it in the oven. There was one one time that you guys had a food fight and M'gann gave you one hell of a lecture for it afterwards. S = Sad (How do they cheer themselves/others up?)
Wally runs when he needs to clear his head. It's the thing he's best at and he knows that Barry did it too. However, when that's not enough, he finds himself in your room asking if you would go on a walk with him. He can't stay still when he's upset. T = Talking (What do they like to talk about?)
Everything. When Wally gets excited he starts speed talking and you can't understand a single word coming out of his mouth. However, you always just end up nodding along and agree with what he's saying. U = Unencumbered (What helps them relax?)
Running. He's a speedster, it's what he does. V = Vaunt (What do they like to show off? What are they proud of?)
He loves to show off all his mission memorabilia that he gets. Everything brings a unique memory and meaning and he's proud to show off just how much he helps the world. W = Wedding (When, how, where do they propose?)
Wally spontaneously runs you both to the most exotic beach he could find. He proposes to you at sunset with far too many roses because he's always been the cheesiest guy you've known and he's not about to stop now. X = Xylophone (What's their song?)
Good news by Mac Miller Y = Yes (Do they ever think of getting married/proposing?)
Yes, but he wants to graduate college first and get your lives established. Wally loves you and that's all that matters. Z = Zebra (If they wanted a pet, what would they get?)
Wally would buy the whole Zoo if he could. He settles on a pitbull instead.
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poptimus-prime · 4 years
Here is what the kids call my highly disorganized, half-baked list of stuff that could have been done with Jack to make him a better character.
@yeetmetothehell I am sorry if you are disappointed by my ideas.
“Optimus was more like...Jack.” OK…so show us that.
In my opinion...Jack seems like he was intended to be written to be almost a parallel to Orion’s journey to becoming Optimus Prime, at least how he is used in the plot. Jack is described as “smart and responsible”, which can also be read as “hardworking and responsible” and really this can be achieved in narratively using a few points, IMO:
Long hours in his room/the library studying outside of work and school. 
Filling out the background of the garage more with sketches/print outs of motorcycle blueprints (to keep the idea that Jack really wants a motorcycle and show hints of extreme dedication, but they’re kept in the garage rather than his room to metaphorically show that distance he’s put between himself and what he wants)
“Man of the House”/”Grew up too fast” (This will be discussed more later but TL;DR “I’ll handle the electric bill this month, Mom”)
Somewhat fragile work/school/life balance that Jack somehow perfectly maintained before meeting the team
Orion was very physically passive. Jack seems to be intended to be written as passive but it comes off as an apathetic reluctance that Orion doesn’t possess (Orion may not believe in violence but he clearly wasn’t unwilling to communicate his thoughts; it’s how he got the title of Prime in the first place.) However, Orion had to learn to become more outspoken over time probably, so we can keep him as being aloof/reluctant at the start of the series.
“Man of the House”/”Grew up too Fast”
It’s no secret Jack came from a nonconventional home; June is very explicitly portrayed as a single mother with a dad nowhere in the picture. However the situation surrounding Mr. Darby is unknown. The way June talks about it makes me personally feel like Jack’s dad either ran out or divorced June and doesn’t bother with his kid. Dysfunction in the family really just goddamn changes you TBH. (can confirm bc hi, I come from a dysfunctional home) Sometimes you just grow up super fast. Jack probably spent his childhood missing his mom as she worked shifts at the hospital and seeing how lonely and hurt she was. He maybe went out and got a job the first day he could and helps with smaller bills (“I’ll handle the electric bill this month.”), or maybe other expenses like groceries and his own phone bill. June probably makes enough to comfortably support her and her son, especially given her job and the cost of living in rural ass desert Nevada. But Jack still does this anyways--it’s how he copes with his issues after what happened with his dad. Doubling down and trying to be what he thinks is the bigger man because his dad couldn’t be fucked. 
This would make the disruption him letting the bots into his life creates more staggering; June doesn’t expect her son to pay bills, but the sudden change in behavior (skipping out on work) would be a cause for concern because sudden shifts like that are Usually Signs that Something is Very Wrong. Especially because Jack is usually responsible and open with his mom; he would have told her if he was gonna cut hours at work, theoretically.
Jack feels like he has to constantly put his own wants aside to contribute to his household. Even if June doesn’t force this expectation upon him, it’s a feeling that he will have, especially if he watched his dad just abandon him and June. Maybe he has resentment towards his dad for this and that is causing some anger he’s keeping tightly under wraps? And maybe the bots give him an excuse to do something he actually wants to do for once or some excitement in his life and that’s why he goes along with it? Lots of options, people!
Clothing Choices: The Hoodie™
You are going to have to deal with me being a whore for costuming choices and what they can mean. The show has a problem with the humans wearing the same shit every time they’re on screen and I’d love to rant about all of them (yeah yeah I get it saving money) but I’m focusing on Jack right now. Give Jack a hoodie 2020. A grey one or some other dull and drab color. And make him actually always wear the hood (except like in scenes where he is working bc workplace dress codes obviously) As time progresses, the drab hoodie is changed to a more vibrant color, but he still always has the hood over his head. And then, at a pivotal moment, the boy takes the hood off. (You could even throw in Miko cracking a joke about Jack actually having hair if you really wanted TBH.) Why this? The narrative is that Jack is constantly holding himself under wraps because of his self-imposed responsibilities. As he starts to become more into his own, he decides to express himself more with brighter colors, but still has some reservations. When he takes the hoodie off, that’s when he’s fully realized himself in this process and thus completes the parallel.
Actually make him interact with Optimus in a meaningful manner.
Arcee can still be his guardian in the field and I think working on strengthening their relationship is vital. But also, if you’re gonna make Jack the confidante holding the key to Vector Sigma, there actually has to be...meaningful interaction. Optimus asking Jack what he’s so engrossed in reading and Jack explaining the book he’s got with passion before shutting himself up and saying “it’s kinda dumb though” or something. And Optimus just responds “I don’t think it’s dumb, tell me more.” Coaxing him towards more self-discovery and expression. Optimus maybe sees more of his old self in Jack and starts attempting to be a quasi-paternal figure without really thinking about it because he is, after all, Dadimus. Jack maybe lashes out about how he doesn’t need Optimus to be his dad and that makes the space between them tense for a while. Eventually Jack comes to apologize and maybe there’s an important Talk.. Just a few ideas I will expand on later. I feel like forgiveness and lack thereof is a good theme--I know I was held back for a long time because of how convoluted the concept of forgiveness is with family.
The Character Arc
 So, what would Jack’s character development throughout the events of season 1 be? My basic idea for a Jack arc that mirrors Orion’s self-realization and coming into Prime-hood without being a carbon copy is essentially: 
Jack is portrayed as a responsible, hardworking, studious teenager who constantly turns down chances for fun and excitement to handle his responsibilities. Has clear dreams for after high school and for his own personal life; but he’s constantly contemplating and changing his mind about whether he will or not because he’s extremely dedicated to helping his mom and all that. However, he still gets super curious about Arcee and gets swept up by her in the Vehicon chase, and he still has whispers of courage and protects Raf during the altercation. He first tries to ditch Team Prime because he’s concerned about his responsibilities, but eventually returns because he’s drawn to the opportunity to finally go buck wild for once in his life (even if he spends his time being hesitant about everything.) His hesitancy and dedication to severe self-imposed responsibility is a result of his inability to move on from what his dad did to him and his mom; he’s under the impression that he 1) Has to forgive someone to move on, and thus 2) He cannot move on because his dad isn’t there to bother to say sorry and take on his position as Dad. In essence, he becomes less the character telling Miko to stop and more the character being pushed by Miko to be more adventurous. In lulls in action, Optimus starts to take interest in him when he notices his constant hesitance to express himself and is just being dragged along rather than going willingly. Has a conversation with him about a book Jack’s reading, which Jack attempts to shut down because it’s “dumb and childish,” but Optimus urges him to continue. The idea that June knows about Arcee as a bike and Jack explaining that he bought a motorcycle as a fixer-upper for dirt cheap can stay. (He probably still is saving up for his motorcycle.)
The longest portion, after Optimus starts interacting with Jack on a level of bonding and gently coaxing him to be himself— Jack becomes more outspoken and he’s shown as curious, analytical, quick witted, and has a deep sense of justice. Being young and craving a childhood lost to his trauma and self-imposed obligations to help his mom with running the household, he suddenly starts spending more time at the base pursuing hobbies and going on missions rather than studying and work, which concerns June. She tries to press Jack, and is met with what can be described as typical teenage headbutting that gets progressively worse. She grounds Jack after the fight, MECH takes her, the rescue happens. (That makes sense to stay in this narrative IMO.) Around this time, Optimus has effectively started becoming Jack’s own Alpha Trion—teaching him things that he’s picked up that he may feel apply to Jack. Jack interprets one of these lessons as Optimus trying to be “dad” and he’s not having it. Makes it VERY clear that he does not need a dad (“didn’t need one before and sure as fuck don’t need one now”) and definitely snaps at Optimus, which then pushes his progress in the arc closer to the end. He eventually comes back to apologize, and Optimus forgives him. He and Optimus have a heart-to-heart about one of the hardest lessons Optimus has had to learn—how to let go of the past without forgiving those who have hurt you and refuse to make amends, so that you may determine your own future. It’s very clear he’s talking about Megatron, even though he never says his name. Jack takes this lesson to heart.
His final bit of development before the hood removal thing probably happens during the events of “Rock Bottom” and reinforces that hard lesson, right when he’s faced with the option to off Megatron. Maybe there’s some taunting about how Optimus preaches softness and forgiveness too much when Jack refuses to kill him. Jack gets angry, and he’s about to fucking do it. But then he stops, takes a breath, and says “Optimus doesn’t preach forgiveness, he preaches moving on from those who refuse to move on themselves. He will never forgive you, but he’s learned to live on despite what you’ve done.” Soon after this, when Megatron comes to the base, Jack takes off his hood, stares Megatron right in the face, and says “This is not forgiveness, Megatron. Don’t you forget that.” Later, when Optimus gives him the key, he tells him something along the lines of “you have grown since we’ve met, Jack, and even though there is still a long way for you to go...” he hands Jack the key. “...Remember that even I am a work in progress.”
Anyways this is again, half-baked. And needs lots of polishing. But it’s something.
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maribatz-2k · 4 years
BatBug Kid(s?)
08/30/2020 Twenty-Two
Day of the wedding and Mari was helping Chloe into her gown with Sabrina, while Louis was in the grooms room with Luka getting ready. Mari dressed into her Maid-of-Honor gown and smiled taking a photo with Chloe and the other Bride-Maids.The chapel bell rang letting them know it was time. Everyone got into position as the doors open and the music began, signalling the beginning. Mari watched just before it was her turn making sure everything stayed in order. She walked down arm in arm with Louis smiling wide and happily toward the groom she stepped to her position beside Sabrina, then watched as the bride walked down the aisle behind her veil with her father.
The ceremony began wonderfully, and it was time for the vows. They were beautiful vows that no one can ever compare. They exchanged the rings as the Priest continued on.
“Does anyone here object to these two coming together on this blessed day?” Louis looked around the church, don’t get him wrong, he wants them to be married and live happily ever after, he just wants something else to happen too. When no one answered and all was quiet, he let out a sad sigh and smiled trying to hide his disappointment. “Then with no further delay, I now pronounce you-”
The church doors slam open revealing a tall gentleman and a small boy dressed in matching suits walking down the aisle. The boy looked stern and moved quickly while the man walked calmly and steady.
“I object to this marriage father.” The man said, Louis smiled greatly and looked to his uncle receiving a wink. “I cannot allow this woman to marry this man.” They stop just short from the bride and groom, with the veil still on they couldn’t see who it really was. 
“Why is this sir?” Luka asked, holding an annoyed look. 
“Because I love her.” A roar of gasps filled the church. “Marinette, please come home. My sons miss you, our sons need to stay together, and I miss you. Please, our home isn’t the same without you, and our sons and I are going crazy.” The man began. 
“He hasn’t slept since you left.” The young boy who looked like Louis says.
“I miss your smile, your laugh when you bake in the kitchen. I miss being able to hold you when we watch the night sky in the gardens. I know when we fight it’s my fault at times, I should have given you an apologize. You left the first time and I was a coward to not have came after you. I won’t make that mistake again. Please Marinette, come home to me and our sons. I’m sorry.” The man said. When the bride didn’t move but to look at Luka, that was all the man needed before he sighed. “I see, I guess it’s for the best.” He turned around and started back down the aisle toward the doors. Luka lifted the veil of his bride revealing a almost crying Chloe, she turned toward a crying Marinette and hugged her. After that she pushed Mari into the aisle and smiled at her. 
“Bruce wait.” Mari’s voice was shaky as she stopped him half way. He turned around finding her in a midnight blue floor length gown littered in stars that sparkled by the light. Her hair was neatly pinned with tendrils of curls surrounding her face as a tear escaped and glistened by the light. “I’m sorry too. I love you and I wouldn’t ever leave you or our boys.”
“You’ll come home?” Bruce said, Damian stared at her confused about something. Mari ran over and hugged the man holding onto him tightly.
“Yes, I will.” She let him go just enough to give him a kiss, earning a loud awe from the crowd around them. She blushed red stepping back then turn toward the bride and groom. “Um...sorry to disturbing the ceremony, please continue.” From there the wedding finished with no further interruptions, Chloe and Luka finally kissed to seal the deal. The reception was no different. Mari and Chloe changed their clothes into a more dance appealing gowns and joined Louis and Luka at the entrance of Le Grand Paris. Bruce meet with them after the initial introductions and the dinner being served, introducing himself properly to the wedded couple. 
“I apologize for disturbing your wedding. I hope I didn’t too much trouble.” Bruce said, holding his hand out to Luka. 
“No worries, I’m glad to see our Marinette is in good hands.” He said giving him a kind smile. 
“So treat her well Bruce, I’ll know where to find you.” Chloe followed with holding the warning in her smile. He returned the smile and walked over away as they left the table to dance. He walked over to Mari sitting in her spot at the table, watching Louis talking to Damian. 
“Hey.” She said noticing him coming toward her. He held out his hand to her.
“Can I have this dance?” She took his hand and followed holding his shoulder lightly.
“You know I was already planning to come home this weekend right?” Bruce stiffened and looked down at her face.
“You were? Last I knew you were suppose to have last weekend. When I heard you were getting married I just assumed...” Bruce stated confusion held in his eyes.
“Yeah, I was suppose to but I couldn’t get Chloe’s wedding dress right and it - wait, what do you mean?” Mari asked. Bruce explained everything that happened ending with her laughing. This confused him even more. She apologized herself and kissed him before anything else could be said. The evening went on the rest of the night as planned. Sending the couple off on their honeymoon. Mari and Louis introduced Damian and Bruce to her parents. Damian wasn’t sure how to handle the big burly man who was bigger in height compared to Jason. Bruce was sort of scared of the little woman who is Mari’s mother. 
The following Sunday they headed home, back to Gotham. The moment Mari stepped into the doors of the Manor all three of the boys tackled her into a hug and wouldn’t let her go. Mari and Louis moved into the manor a week later settling in and enjoying their wonderful new life with their family. Louis had a room set up across from Damian’s. They’re relationship became stronger through saving abused or abandoned animals and Uno strategies, while Damian, Tim, and Mari developed a strong connection as well. Bruce and Mari got married a year later, but that didn’t stop their endless amount of bickering. Regardless, Mari got her happily ever after and she wouldn’t have it any other way.  
The End.
@fsketchart @moonlightstar64 @dorkus-minimus @toodaloo-kangaroo @amayakans @miraculous786 @crazylittlemunchkin @messymessyml @i-will-be-your-ace @tbehartoo @tazanna-blythe @ertyzeta
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bibybuck · 4 years
I die of love for him (1/6)
fandom: The Old Guard
pairing: Joe/Nicky
rating: teen and up
word count: 1.9k words
summary: 'Yusuf can’t help but stare at him, but that’s okay, because Nicolo’s staring as well. He wonders if this was the reason God has brought them together: two people on opposing sides, giving them the opportunity to see, to experience, the other’s life.'
or: Six years and six places in Yusuf and Nicolo's lives and relationship.
title is from a poem called 'Love in Bloom' by the Arabic poet Abu Nuwas
for @santiagosnart <3
[read on ao3]
or under the cut!
Yusuf slumps back against a rock, catching his breath. He’s exhausted in ways he didn’t know was possible. He feels as if there’s a boulder resting on his shoulders, weighing him down.
Around him are dead soldiers, fallen friends, and fallen enemies both. Opposite him is a man he was sent to fight, to protect his land from. But that man just cannot seem to die. Then again, neither can he.
Yusuf watches him with careful eyes. He expects him to attack again like he’s been doing for the past three days. But the man stays still, not moving. For a second, Yusuf thinks he has finally died, but then he sees his chest rising, his fingers twitching. His armour is dirty, the hood of it has fallen off his head; where the skin is exposed, underneath the dried blood he expects to see cuts and scrapes, both deep and shallow. But his skin is smooth, seemingly untouched by the edges of Yusuf’s blade, no wounds or bruises appearing either.
So Yusuf examines his own arms. He remembers the other man's dagger cutting his forearm, but other than dried blood, there's nothing else. He also recalls a chest wound where a blade pierced him, but that is gone as well. He's dirty, yes, but otherwise healthy.
As he’s trying to rest, before, inevitably, another round of their fight begins, his mind tries to find an answer. How is he still alive? How are they both still alive? How are their skin unmarked, yet all the others around them have fatal wounds? He knows the only answer possible is that this is a miracle. That he was chosen to protect his land from invaders, that he was deemed worthy. But then… What does that make of the other man?
The fight moved on, as the Crusaders pushed closer to Jerusalem, leaving a trail of dead bodies behind, along with Yusuf and the other man. All Yusuf can hope is that his people are safe, that his fellow soldiers have enough strength to save the city.
The anger suddenly engulfs him again, as he thinks about his family, his people, about them in the midst of danger. He despises the man in front of him, for putting his land in danger. He wants to get revenge, he wants to avenge the deaths of his friends and the effects of their Crusade. It’s within an arm's reach, Yusuf thinks, as he watches the man and he thinks about reaching for his sword.
If only he could kill him…
But he can’t.
They just can’t seem to die.
So he might as well save his breath, rest up, before joining the fight again. That’s the least he can do.
He dozes off after a while, even with his enemy being so close. He’s just so tired that he can’t help it.
He dreams, vividly, of two brown-haired women. One of them is wielding an axe-like weapon, the other one has a bow. They whisper things he doesn’t understand, for he doesn’t speak their tongue. But even if he doesn’t recognise the words they’re saying, he still knows what they’re saying: we’re looking for you, we need to find each other, stay safe.
Then his dream shifts, to a mousy brown-haired man, bloody and dirty, with a torn shirt. He’s got a quizzical look in his eyes as if he’s wondering why Yusuf is there. Yusuf sees this man more clearly than he did those two women and even so, it takes a moment to recognise him. It’s the man he’s been battling for the past days.
He wakes with a jolt. He blinks rapidly as he tries to rationalise his thoughts. He looks for the other man who’s still there. He looks like he just woke up from his dream as well, and Yusuf has a feeling they shared a dream. How’s that even possible?
The other man stands and Yusuf instinctively reaches for his sword. His opponent raises his hand, to show he’s unarmed and slowly, carefully walks closer to Yusuf. He extends his hand towards him, but Yusuf hesitates.
“Nicolo,” the man says, pointing to himself.
Yusuf blinks as he accepts his hand. Nicolo pulls him up, but doesn’t let go. They’re both staring at their joined hands. They’ve touched before; Yusuf pinned him down and then later the other man, Nicolo, grabbed him from behind. But neither of them realised that feeling in their hearts, in their heads, in every fibre of their being while they were fighting. But now that they seemingly gave up on killing each other, Yusuf feels that warmth spreading through him, that tingling feeling that pulls on his heartstrings just the right way. And after a quick look into Nicolo’s eyes, Yusuf knows the other man is feeling the same.
“Yusuf,” he says.
“Yusuf,” Nicolo repeats. For a second he looks like he’s going to say something else, but the lack of the common language prohibits that.
They let go of each other. Nicolo takes in the dead bodies as Yusuf looks around. They need food and shelter. He is not familiar with this region and he doesn’t know if any of the houses around here are still standing. But the night is coming and he’s worried that they’ll be discovered. They need to get away, at least for now, while they figure it out.
He doesn't know why he's thinking about a plan for Nicolo either. Logically, he knows he shouldn't care about him. That they are each other's enemies, that Yusuf doesn't need to care about food and shelter for Nicolo. But the dream he just had, changed his mind. They are on opposing sides, two people with different ideologies, but the feeling in his heart is still there: they need to stick together, at least for a while.
The only thing Yusuf is certain of is that they’re in a valley; south of them is Jerusalem; Crusader reinforcements might be coming from the north. To the east is the Arabian desert and even though they might not be able to die, getting lost in the desert is undesirable. So their only option is heading west. Hopefully, they’ll be able to find a village, someone who gives them shelter while they gather themselves.
“Nicolo,” Yusuf says, pointing to the west, motioning to Nicolo to follow him.
He starts walking and after a few seconds, he looks back. The other man is indeed following him, albeit a few steps behind.
For a while, they walk silently. At sunset, Yusuf stops Nicolo. He has missed a few prayers; now that the fighting is over, he feels guilt tugging at his insides and he wants to pray.
He’s vaguely aware of Nicolo’s intrigued eyes as he says the words, but he’s immersed in the feeling. He goes through the rituals and rites, and at the end of it, he feels better, closer to his faith and closer to his God.
Yusuf rises and looks at Nicolo who gives him a weary smile.
“Tired?” he asks, for a second forgetting that they don’t share a common language.
And sure enough, Nicolo gives him a confused look. Yusuf thinks, then yawns and stretches, illustrating what he means. Then he repeats the word. Nicolo nods and says the word, but it’s not quite right. It takes him a couple of tries to get close enough.
Then it’s Nicolo teaching Yusuf the word. He also takes a while to get the gist of it, but he gets there in the end. Once it’s done, Nicolo says ‘tired’ in Arabic along with a smile.
Yusuf is feeling the same exhaustion. They need to find a place to rest and quickly. It’s been a long couple of days and they haven’t really had time to process the events.
It gets cooler as the Sun dips below the horizon. They keep walking west as twilight engulfs them. Soon after the stars come out; Yusuf takes a second to look at the celestial objects he knows so well.
He notices that Nicolo is watching. Not the stars, but him. When their eyes meet, Nicolo looks away, with a faint tint of redness on his cheeks. It’s a good look for him, Yusuf decides, before cursing himself for fraternising with the enemy.
A while later, they find a farm. The lights are on inside the small house and Yusuf can already imagine tearing into a freshly-baked bread. However, he knows that Nicolo can’t be seen by the family; Nicolo knows that as well. He waits by a tree, finally taking off his heavy-looking outfit.
Yusuf leaves him behind as he goes to talk to the family. They give him some food they can spare. Not wanting to overstay his welcome (and also eager to get back to his enemy who is turning out to be his friend, after all), he thanks them and leaves. He’s wondering how he’ll get different clothes, not just for him, but for the other man as well.
When he returns, Nicolo’s only wearing a linen undershirt and his trousers. Seemingly, he’s decided that Yusuf won’t try to kill him again. And even if he does, it will probably not take. Yusuf also knows it’s pointless. They’re stuck together, they’re surviving together because God wants them to. God has brought them together for a reason so who is Yusuf to debate that?
While they eat some bread, grapes, and fish, Yusuf wonders if they’ll ever be able to communicate. He knows that, probably over time, they will learn each other’s language, but until then, they won’t be able to really talk. He doesn’t even know where Nicolo’s from; although, given the fact that Yusuf comes from a family of merchants, he reckons, and only judging by the name, Nicolo is from somewhere in the Mediterranean.
During his travels, he picked up enough Latin to get by. By no means it’s enough for a full conversation, but he knows basic things.
“Nicolo,” he says, quietly.
The other man looks at him. For a moment, Yusuf forgets what he wants to say. In front of him is a man, with silvery moonlight illuminating his weary face, his blood-soaked hair, his torn clothes. But all Yusuf sees are his kind eyes and his slight smile. He can’t help but stare at him, but that’s okay, because Nicolo’s staring as well. He wonders if this was the reason God has brought them together: two people on opposing sides, allowing them to see, to experience, the other’s life.
“Yusuf?” he asks, after Yusuf spends about a minute staring at his face.
Yusuf mumbles, and, in broken Latin, says, “Good food.”
Nicolo blinks. He must’ve understood it, the way he’s reacting. Yusuf doesn’t know if that’s his tongue, but he had to try. When he was speaking, or rather yelling while they were fighting, the words he was saying sounded Latin. He says something, but it’s way too foreign and fast for Yusuf to understand, so he just shakes his head.
Then, Nicolo says again, this time slower. “You speak Latin?”
Yusuf smiles, feeling grateful that they have a way to talk. Even if he’s not that good at it. Even if Nicolo is (was?) technically his enemy. Even if a couple of hours ago he wanted to kill him.
But that changed when they realised that neither of them can actually die. So Yusuf reckons God has a plan for them and if that means sticking with Nicolo, then so be it.
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This is the third chapter of my current fic, please let me know your thoughts!!
The news are going insane, who is this anonymous hero? People cannot even decide on her features, some say she has brown hair, some say she’s blonde, others claim she’s redheaded (?). Not even those who were in the attacked building, which was afterwards closed by the FBI for further investigation; could give any more information aside than the fact that she was a woman, mid-twenties (or was it thirties?), with similar powers to those displayed by Superman, no one saw her face up close though, to preoccupied with surviving and helping others.
One bold reporter, who was also in said building, decided to give her a name, and so, not even twelve hours after that tragic event that almost took 120 people’s lives, “Supergirl” was everything the news outlets were talking about. Blowing off in a futile desperate attempt to find out whether she was another Kryptonian or a super-powered alien from a different planet, under the knowledge that Earth, and particularly National City, is the home of several misplaced aliens from throughout the galaxy. There were lots of testimonies from people who supposedly saw her that night, saying Rao knows what, and others who actually got to see her in action, those being a little more reserved on their testimonies, making thigs a lot more confusing.
Kara squeaks in excitement for the nth time this day, she cannot even focus on the task at hand as she molders a few wires together, the grounding smell of melted tin and burnt plastic filling the room; swaying her hips enthusiastically to the upbeat pop music playing loudly in her lab, giving a few tiny jumps of excitement every now and then. The always-present humming of several industrial-level refrigerators and a constant typing and beeping coming from the room above along with the music drown the noises of the city, a few miles away. She is in a towering scary-looking warehouse, one that she and Winn bought together in order to make it the official Zor-El Technologies headquarters, there are three floors, mostly empty since it’s only the two of them and Roland, the janitor who comes in once a week to clean every preposterous failed experiment and organize a little, always handling their devices carefully; it has a basement, where they keep their new inventions and innovations locked down in a vault, the ground floor where they keep most of their tools and utensils, where Kara is currently working in her own projects, the first floor, where Winn has his state-of-the-art, kind of futuristic-looking super computer console and the third one, which is empty. The warehouse is provided with huge floor-to-ceiling windows, allowing sunlight to stream freely all day long, much to Kara’s delight, and being this the factor that tipped the scales when deciding where to buy, at least for her.
She is so enraptured in her own gleefulness that she doesn’t hear Winn come in (probably to consult something with her about his current software design), and everything seems to move in slow motion, for Kara it really does. She is singing the chorus at the top of her lungs while remembering how good it felt to save so many people, and so she twirls giving a small jump, but instead of landing on her feet immediately, she hovers a few inches above the floor, and is at that exact moment when Winn bursts through the door, literally catching the woman mid-air.
They stare at each other in silence for a few minutes, Kara still hovering above the floor, not even breathing, afraid to scare her closest friend (Alex doesn’t count). Winn just stares blankly at her, jaw dropping in a way that would be comic haven’t he caught his best friend fucking flying. Kara lands softly and quietly moves forward to where Winn is still standing jaw-slacked, and she carefully places a warm comforting hand on his shoulder, trying to measure his reaction. But when she looks into his eyes all she sees is glee and curiosity, maybe even a hint of smugness. They break into a fit of laughter, Winn laughing so hard for not catching the clues that tears prickle his eyes. And Kara is filled with warmth and familial love for this man who has become so much to her. After all, they have been together since high school, which is quite some time to get to know someone.
After that, Winn is the best partner in…law enforcement (?). The computer geek is the best ally she could’ve asked for and the most supportive friend ever. He designs a suit for her, one that bears her House crest, because even after all her parents did, she can still proudly display the Zor-El name and family crest and help people, maybe even work to make up for their crimes and mistakes; and the characteristic red and blue that her cousin also sports, the red skirt was definitely a no go (Rao no), instead, she goes for pants and knee-high red boots, with a golden trimmed belt at her waist. Starting off as a superhero proved to be way harder than she had expected.
The first time she goes out to stop a bank robbery, she collides like a missile with the vault’s doors (Shoot!), ripping them from their hinges. The second time she tries to stop a fire, she mistakenly freezes the whole block’s heating pipes (Rao!). However, she never gives up and after a very heated conversation with Alex, she manages to convince her to let her help, to be the beacon of hope she was always meant to be and to protect Earth and its citizens, human and aliens alike. Alex throws a chair, or two, towards the wall in frustration, unable to convince Kara to stop this nonsense and stop risking her life (the irony Special Agent Danvers). And then, hazel eyes lock with ocean blue ones Kara sees fear in brown eyes, and she understands, she really does, but Alex cannot ask her to keep such important part of herself hidden anymore, not when she could be out there, helping, she is a super-powered Kryptonian after all. The certainty and compassion the agent sees in cerulean blue eyes isn’t something she’ll ever stand in the way of. Kara is her sister after all, and even though she fears for her, she’ll always be by her side, supporting her. This starts a new facet into their relationship, as Alex becomes part of her Super-task force (rename pending), being an FBI agent, she has access to a lot of information and having the Girl of Steel by their side, several agents’ lives could be spared.
After more than a year of fighting crime, human and aliens equally (she’ll never understand why aliens attack the species whose planet is giving them refuge), she has come to a certain balance between the cheery, sweet looking and clumsy Kara Danvers and her alter-ego, strong-looking and inspiring, Supergirl, taking more distance from projects at Zor-El Technologies and dedicating more and more time to saving people and helping wherever she can. It isn’t as fulfilling as she thought it’d be, it’s almost empty the way she has come to have to decide between helping people one way or another. She does love science after all and helping the little citizen as well.
She sighs. She has been getting less and less time in her beloved lab and it’s finally taking a toll on her cheery attitude and sunny personality. Grumbling a little she keeps reading the opinion column in the newspaper she’s holding “Brilliant, gorgeous and…sociopath? The last of the Luthors” the title reads, is an extremely extensive, and horribly written piece, she must say, about Lena Luthor and how “aside from appearances she’s just as insane as the rest of her twisted family”; the piece is so biased that the Kryptonian is not sure how someone was allowed to publish that, and is extremely long, taking almost three whole pages. She hasn’t meet the raven-haired genius in person and hasn’t actually bothered to look her up, it feels like a huge invasion to her thin and almost non-existent, privacy; she knows what the general public does, she doesn’t live under a rock for Rao’s sake, her brother went insane and as such she had to take over the company, now renamed L-Corp, and has been working restlessly to drift it away from weapons manufacturing and turning it into a force for good with science and engineering, very similar, in a way, to what Zor-El Technologies aims for. She is so mad at whoever wrote this …crap, that she entirely misses the small sidenote that reads “Third alien assassination this week, hate or patriotism?”.
It’s just the beginning of August, she’s perched in a bench right in front of National City’s Central Park, next to a cafeteria that she absolutely loves, the wind is blowing softly and is quite chilly, announcing the upcoming winter, claiming it to be freezing cold. The sky is cloudy, grey clouds filling it with very little sunrays being filtered through them; there are huge mountains of orange and brown-ish leaves scattered across the sidewalk, some kids are playing with them, throwing them at each other and breaking into fits of giggles, the street is filled with their laughs, the soft smell of recently baked bread, upcoming rain, and hot coffee. The trees are almost bare now and make low whistling noises when the wind rushes through them, shaking violently whatever leaves they have left to the ground and lifting the ones that have already fallen into spirals in the air. Kara is tucked into a fluffy light brown sweater and ripped jeans, glasses perched on her nose and hair up in a tight ponytail as she keeps skimming through the article. Her heart breaks every single time she encounters pieces like this one about the green-eyed genius, it’s absolutely unfair judging someone based on their family’s crimes instead of measuring them on their own merits, that’s what she believes in after all, what she was taught those many years ago in her home world, and after following up-close every article the Irish woman has written for scientific Journals, she’s fairly certain that the Luthor is nowhere near to how the papers and the press paint her to be, she’d have to meet her to be sure but there is no doubt in her mind about it.
She stands to leave, folding the latest version of the Daily Planet and tucking it into one of her jeans back pockets, just then a strong gush of wind comes from apparently nowhere and ruffles her hair in her face and almost blowing the paper from her hand, making her stop to put everything back into place. While taking her hair and awoken leaves out of her face, as if drawn to a magnet her eyes fixate on someone standing just by the main entrance of the park, across the street from her. She is a little shorter than herself, she guesses, is wearing sleek black boots, tight black jeans, and a very soft-looking red sweater under a leather jacket, the woman’s hair is jet black and falls in soft waves over her shoulders. Her lungs seem to forget how to work as she just stands there, jaw-slaked staring at the woman, she’s too far away from Kara for her to make out her factions precisely but she’s certain that the woman is gorgeous. Her body feels heavy and slacked as if something was pinning her into her spot, or most accurately someone, the blonde woman across the street to be precise, Lena doesn’t know what’s come over her, but she’s certain that whomever that may be, she wants to get to know her, there is just something in her posture that pulls her in, as if the woman emanated warmth that Lena feels drawn to like a moth to a flame, furthermore, she is like a ray of sunshine, with her soft-looking, blond mane, her outfit screams soft, and it hits something deep within the CEO.
They don’t know how long they stay there, fixatedly staring at each other, the world seemingly vanishes, brown and orange leaves floating throughout the space between them, neither seems to be able to breathe or even blink. Lena is too scared someone might have recognized her to move a single muscle, at least that’s what she tells herself, but is actually the soft, tender, pull to her heart that keeps her there, feeling like the permanent hole in her heart has finally been filled, she’s certain that the blonde can feel it as well. Kara has never felt like this in her whole life, she had even started to believe that she wasn’t capable of such feelings, having heard every cheesy pop song about love at first sight it had seemed quite ridiculous to be honest, but she’d be lying to herself if she said that she doesn’t feel absurdly drawn to the woman. Out of nowhere, a car rushes past, lifting curtains of leaves in its wake, while passing near the blonde a ball comes rolling into the road from a pile of leaves, where the kids were still playing and right behind it, a young boy no older than 6, just jumping in the way of the car; between the leaves the driver mustn’t have seen him since they don’t stop; fortunately Kara is just a few paces away and manages to grab the child by his armpits and lift him, pulling him out of the way and back to safety. When she turns around to look at the woman again, she is no longer there, vanished between orange streaks, it all feels cold and empty now for the Kryptonian, the same way one feels after waking from a beautiful dream.
Kara shakes her head, what was she thinking? With a light giggle and after receiving several ‘thank you’ from the child’s mother, she turns around to leave, only to almost run over Nia and Brainy, her boyfriend, who, miraculously, had apparently just materialized behind her. She and Winn met Brainy at a trade fair, about six months ago; he had approached their stand and started asking questions, very precise and specific ones, the ones that only someone with wide knowledge of the subject would be able to do; and making suggestions here and there, Winn following suit to add his own input to the conversation. Brainy was a Computer Engineer with a double degree in Electronics, and his mind rivaled Winn’s, he even challenged him, that’s how he was added to the team. He and Winn became a whole new department in Zor-El Technologies. They designed software, firewalls and other products meant to protect devices from outside infiltration and whenever Kara worked on a techier device, they'd provide its software and failsafe; he sometimes worked on side projects mostly theorizing and experimenting with chemical compounds. It worked out like a charm, they complemented each other like a well-oiled machine, allowing both computer geeks to spend more time in their own computer and AI innovations and inventions rather than just supporting Kara with other projects more engineering-like.
Later on, he introduced them to Nia, an Actuarial Science undergrad, who decidedly loved their work, having read thoroughly about their previous projects and future launches; and joined to take care of Zor-El Tech. finances, because honestly, although Kara and Winn where great minds, finances weren’t their strongest suit, pun intended. The whole thing contributing to Kara being able to take on a lower workload, allowing her to spend more time saving people and having to worry less about small perks of the business, without raising suspicious. Around three months ago, however, Kara realized that Nia had powers, after falling asleep at work and having woken up startled and stammering something about an imminent threat to a Kryptonian, a week later, Lex had stroke, declaring war on Superman and turned the sky red to try and take him down with a Lexosuit of his own design, trapping her sister in the cross-fire. After that, the whole team decided to leave secrets aside and the four of them started fighting crime together, with Nia and Kara on the field and Winn and Brainy being their eyes and ears, both of them brilliant strategists.
Nia is looking at her with a knowing smile, as if she had been witness to the staring contest between the Kryptonian and the unknown woman, she truly hopped she hadn’t, fortunately for her Brainy was as oblivious as always and so she decided to start a conversation with him. It was easy talking to Brainy; he didn’t have many issues with emotions, he did, well, he kind of just didn’t understand them and hence didn’t know what to do about them; Kara’s mind is barely into the conversation as her thoughts keep drifting to the beautiful woman who had managed to make her feel dizzy and giddy without even being within reach, without Kara actually being able to get her face and figure entirely, damn lead-lined glasses. She hopes their paths cross once more, although she is not certain how that is going to happen when she didn’t even get to see her face. She lets out a soft groan of frustration. Kara has been feeling particularly irritable recently, since she hadn’t really had time to work on her projects, and after this quite frustrating encounter she is at the brink of blowing up.
She hates the feeling, so, as soon as they hit Zor-El headquarters she heads to her journal, the one she keeps on the bottom drawer of her lab’s desk, she is always filling it with unfinished or half-baked ideas, scrolling through it, deciphering her doodles and notes, analyzing every idea she has ever written in it. She has made up her mind, she is going to do something big, one of her greatest projects so far, she knows Zor-El has kept launching projects, but she hasn’t really been involved in them, or truly invested, having to save the world, every now and then. This would be her project, something for her to focus on entirely, to take the most advantage or her brain and to challenge herself, she knows the others would understand and give her space.
The Girl of Steels slams her journal in her lab table with a little triumphant ‘aha!’ immediately wincing after seeing how the stainless-steel table bended underneath her strength. She should definitely get nth metal benches from now on, note to self. The journal is open on a page that talks about solar panels, it’s an idea that has been nagging her for some months now, it makes a lot of sense, her own cells are super-charged batteries, if she could figure out exactly the way they metabolize solar radiation into energy, those solar panels would be the best ones on the market. That is, assuming she can build the circuitry, she is well-versed on engineering, but this is way out of her league, the solar cells culture would be the easy part, she already has well-cemented physics and alien biology knowledge to do so, even without actually growing some of her own cells (she can ask Alex to take a tissue sample to analyze); and the hardest would be the software, she could totally ask Winn and Brainy’s help for it, but the circuitry, neither of them could build it from scratch, or maybe they could, but it would require a lot more time and money that the one they currently have for out-of-the-blue prototypes; and taking a pre-designed one from the currently available on the market wouldn’t be powerful enough for mechanism.
She starts biting her nail and pacing around her lab. There must be a way for her to manage this, not only would it be an amazing project for the company to make it into the front pages, but it would also greatly improve the lives of millions, especially those in sun-filled countries, such as African countries and Central America countries. She feels like this is an old problem and the solution is just there at the back of her mind, but refusing to be caught, then, out of nowhere, she gets it, it’s so clear know that she can literally watch a light bulb light in her head. Lena Luthor, the heiress to the Luthor empire has a whole department dedicated to sustainable energies, moreover, they are currently working on improved solar panels and renewable energies, this could totally work, a partnership with a high-standard company such as L-Corp would prove to be good for the development of Zor-El Technologies and if this project ended appropriately, L-Corp would also benefit from it.
One thing she knows for sure: she needs a good proposal, excellent in fact, so she throws herself on the nearest chair and starts typing her proposal into a document, she is using her superspeed leading her to finish it soon enough, deciding to take some time to go grab a doughnut, giving her computer time to buffer and finish the ordeal, Winn would definitely call this a “computer onslaught”. While she’s munching on her chocolate and strawberry sprinkles doughnut a thought crosses her mind, it would be a good idea to notify the whole crew, the Superfriends as Winn call themselves. Once gathered she gives a very inspiring pep-talk about how this project is going to bring Zor-El Technologies into the spotlight for good, and maybe even keep them there, she wants to do this for herself, almost entirely, she won’t ever refuse help as she was taught that they were stronger together, but she wanted to do most of the work herself, having being deprived of working on scientific projects for so long, she needed this. Hence, they agree on supporting her, taking off her back as much Supergirl duties as possible, Dreamer, Nia to friends, would take her place on the street and she’d only be called if the emergency needed her particular set of abilities, aka brute force and invulnerability. They also agree on providing the Kryptonian with moral support, advice and food, yesss food!, and everything seems to be set. Now only the hard part is missing, arrange a meeting with L-Corp to present her idea.
That’s when it hits her, she has to present her idea at L-Corp (!!) which means, she has to talk directly to the CEO aka the one and only Lena Luthor *full blown panic. It has to be spotless; she know for sure that the woman will be attracted to the idea, however, she hasn’t really met her and is not entirely sure how stern or demanding she may be. Sitting again in front of her computer, the blonde starts proofreading her proposal, adding a few details here and there, like the fact that the panels are going to be improved by platinum oxide nanoparticles, maybe a core-shell with iridium, she’s not entirely sure about that last part, she has to do some research to see which nanoparticles oscillate most under solar radiation; and that step of the project is going to lay entirely on her court, since she’s going to base her whole research on the way her cells work and that’s definitely something private, secret even.
The youngest Danvers is sitting outside the office of The Lena Luthor, her leg keeps bouncing unstoppably, as her nerves are quite taking the best of her, she shouldn’t be nervous, this isn’t the first time they are turning towards a bigger company for sponsorship, nor the first time she has been face-to-face with an important person, but there is something different about asking for sponsorship directly to the head of one of the biggest consortiums of the country, who also happens to be the sister of a maniac who tried to kill your cousin and who also is the woman whose career you have been following closely for five years, glup. When the double doors open and her assistant, Jess, signals her to get in, she is not at all sure what to expect, partly because of her nerves, she is going in auto-drive, and partly because, coming to think of it, she has never actually heard anything about the raven-genius from someone who has directly dealt with her and it’s kind of worrying. She is not sure whether to expect a cold-blooded, cocky-demeanor and over-the-top CEO or a kind, friendly, but straight-forward one.
When she finally gets over herself and manages to drag her feet into the office, she almost drops herself to the floor. The first thing she notices is the pristine-white decoration that prevails in the office, the floor-to-ceiling windows give it a very open-space, clean appearance. The second thing she notices is the smell, it smells like coffee, expensive perfume and …scotch (?). The third thing, and the one almost sends the Girl of Steel barreling out of the office is the CEO, Kara is absolutely not expecting, nor ready for, a stunning, raven-haired, Irish beauty that she has seen previously, more specifically, a month ago, outside National City’s Central Park, she freezes. What Kara doesn’t know is that Lena isn’t expecting her either, the blonde woman who stole her breath a month ago, the CEO is not used to feeling giddy, like she is now, she finds herself blushing slightly and feeling a little silly, what are you Luthor a love-struck teenager? Pull yourself together! The idea just randomly pops into her head and makes her blush a little harder, she certainly feels like one, surrounded by the scent of vanilla and flowers that irradiates from the other woman, seeping into her like the soft warmness of hot cocoa during a cold snowy winter. She is beautiful, with those cerulean bright blue eyes, and sun-kissed skin, the navy-blue tailored suit and light blue button up definitely fits her. In her eyes, she can see, and feel, her kindness, she is certain that this woman has the biggest heart she has ever encountered, blue, like the ocean, a sight she would gladly get lost into, but underneath all that, there is something else, which terrifies and captures her, Lena suddenly finds herself wishing to know all about this Kara Danvers.
The Maiden of Might certainly cannot believe that all it took for her to be and absolute mess, aside from her usual clumsy-self, is a set of forest-green eyes paired with crimson red lipstick, a black pencil skirt and emerald-green blouse, which certainly seems to make her eyes pop out more. But what really drags her in are precisely those eyes, filled with curiosity and amusement, maybe a little bit of fear and so so much hurt, like open wounds that have never healed, buried just under the public eye, to protect herself. Whereas she first thought that Lena was unbreakable with her power pose and 7-inch Luboutins, now she isn’t that certain. Her aura yells “power” and “control”, but the almost invisible quirk of her brow says fear, her pose, if you look carefully enough seems stiff, carved into her through punishment and humiliation; her hands are holding a pen, innocently, however, being the observant hero is, she is capable of recognize the soft movements of her wrist as if the raven-haired woman wanted to fidget but were refraining from it.
For a moment neither of them move, too absorbed in the sight in front of them. Then, as if realizing she was staring, Lena shakes her head, returning to the real world and leading the blonde woman to her desk, so they may discuss the matter at hand. When the Kryptonian takes a second too long to move, her crimson lips move upwards into a smirk, and oh boy is she lost. Mentally slapping herself, Kara manages to move towards the modern white desk and take out her proposal, praying to Rao not to stumble over her words while the genius woman is staring intently into her eyes like that. She feels her palms sweat, she didn’t even know that could happen, but manages to catch herself and go through the proposal with the CEO. Lena is stunned to say the least, her department has been endlessly and fruitlessly trying to improve solar panels effectivity for several months now, a huge crew of the most recognized scientist in their fields have gotten nowhere, and out of the mist, Kara, on behalf of Zor-El Technologies, which she has heard about but very little; comes forward with not only the most complete proposal, but the design is already planned, the system and functioning have been researched and started to be developed. She has crossed paths with extremely bright people, studying at the best universities and all that, but this, this is entirely different, unexpected and is directly poking into her curiosity.
After Kara has finished her proposal, Lena decides to negotiate a little with regards on how this joint project is going to work, she is curious by nature who can blame her. For starters, L-Corp is not going to provide a team, she herself is going to work on the project, it’s been a while since she has had the opportunity to be hands on with a project with the move and rebrand of the company, however this is the opportunity she unknowingly has been waiting for and she is going to take it, she has a lot of experience in bioengineering and nanotechnology after all, and several ground-breaking discoveries in those areas have been hers. Albeit Kara was certainly not expecting the green-eyed woman to propose working herself directly into the project she cannot say that she isn’t pleased with the idea, heck, she has been wanting to work alongside the genius ever since she first heard of her. A contract is printed, were both parties agree on working together and the details of the launch and profits for each company are thoroughly detailed. The main change into the proposal it’s that Winn and Brainy are not going to be the ones designing the software but Lena, who is also going to work, along with Kara, on the circuitry and Kara herself will help design the absorption and conversion system, a dual design based on nanoparticles.
Once all the details are polished and both women have agreed to the terms and signed, they stand up to shake hands and close the deal. What neither of them is expecting is the soft buzz, current-like, that goes through their hands when they touch, while it is electrifying, it is not unpleasant, a soft tingle that goes from the tips of their fingers all the way to the base of their spines, thrumming alive every nerve termination. If they linger a little, holding hands and smiling dumbly at each other, coffee and flowers mixing in the air between them, no one can blame them. Lena lets go first, a little breathless, as if her soul had just went for a ride outside her body, fingers still tingling, she has to will herself to not rub her hand on her skirt in an attempt to make it stop. She lifts her gaze from where they were shaking hands and fixates her eyes into ocean blue ones, seemingly searching for something into her jade-green ones. She doesn’t know what this is, neither does Kara for that matter, but she doesn’t mind, staring into ice-blue, strong and confident, she sees power and strength, and somehow, she knows that those shoulders hold the weight of the world.
When Kara gets out of the office that day, she wonders what the future may hold for both of them, while the project is definitely going to revolutionize green energy production, she is certain, she is willing to allow her mind wander into endless possibilities for the both of them, she has been struck dumb twice by the CEO, and that is not of common occurrence, as Kryptonian, and from the House of El nonetheless, she is not easily flustered or left speechless, less more breathless, but the stunning woman behind those doors has managed somehow. And she is nothing short of a scientist after all, hence, she will take her time to find out the meaning of this. Smiling happily to herself, she leaves the building, with a slight bounce to her step, after all, this project will change the future of Zor-El Technologies. What neither of them know is that it will also change both their futures and perceptions.
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slutsofren · 4 years
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Alphabet Prompt: with demon au Kylo since ya’ll enjoy him :3
for those who don’t know, this Kylo au is from my post here <3
* some of these are NSFW lol
Original list from here!
A- Activity (What is their favorite activity to do with you.)
Demon Kylo just REALLY enjoys vibing with you in your apothecary, he likes watching all the little humans interact with your witchy self. There’s something about you that naturally glows when you’re working. The sun sets differently when it’s touching your skin, creating a shine he wants to capture and love for eternity.
B- Beginnings (How do they act in the beginning of a relationship)
He is one confident bastard but in all reality, you are the one human who has intrigued him in his entire immortal life so he gets a wee bit insecure about how to court you properly according to modern dating standards- it just doesn’t make sense to him!
C- Communication (Are they good communicators? How do they normally talk about their problems or solve issues)
Oh, by the stars not at ALL. Kylo is awful with words, if he ever did a love language test his main would be spending time, secondly he’d much rather give gifts then talk about his feelings. If you two ever do end up arguing he would just leave- space for you as well as him to clear his thoughts. When he does come back though he never goes into a full on speech about his feelings- rather he apologizes straightforward and explains what he said/did was wrong of him and he will be more mindful going forward. Afterall, this is new to him.
D- Drunk (What are they like when they’re drunk)
So, demons don’t get drunk per say... BUT oh, boy, does he get drunk off your scent after you orgasm time and time again. He gets a little more snuggly and openly affectionate, during this time he lets his guard down a bite and sleeps. Oh, how rarely do demons sleep. When he does, you take this time to admire him.
E- Emergency (How are they in emergency situations? You get hurt, they get hurt, someone is dying etc..)
Imagine a raging storm- winds billowing, rain falling as harsh against your skin as hail, cold nipping at every inch of your body threatening to steal every degree of warmth. It’s like that but fire. He gets so enraged you think he might just kill the whole town to find out who hurt you. When you tell him it was the fridge that gave you the bruise on your hip he gets a little flushed with embarrassment but you appreciate the sentiment.
F- Free Spot (I’ll give you any headcanon I come up with)
Kylo realizes one day of how much he has missed out on since the last he visited the surface. So he tries to do one thing a day- reading a book, watching a film, or researching new things.
G- Gifts (What kind of gifts do they give? What kind of gifts do they get?)
Being a demon who has seen everything on earth, he expected you to be more of the materialistic type. It bewildered him how you refused every piece of gold, diamonds, and fine clothing. Eventually he came to discover you enjoyed useful gifts- especially ancient books of the craft you long thought were lost to the ages. Kylo is a very mindful gifter.
H- Hugs (How do they show affection/cuddle)
There is literally only one way this damned man cuddles- with his body draped over yours and his face snuggled straight into your chest and you playing with his long hair. He often says your heartbeat lulls him to sleep.
I- Irritation (What is something that irritates them? How do they show their irritation?)
This demon hates with a passion about being late to things. Admittedly he was late to your WEDDING and no, you will never let him forget that.
J- Jackpot (How would they spend their winnings if they won the lottery?)
He would be so bored at home scratching random lotto tickets and if he won he wouldn’t even claim it. He knows lotto money brings nothing but destruction in its wake which is why you never know he won in the first place- he just imagines it’s another person saved from its terrible fate.
K- Kryptonite (What is their ultimate weakness?)
Uhh,,,,,,,, you. Especially when you come around his cock, moaning his name. He could weep just from listening to the sweet symphony your moans make.
L- Laughter (What makes them laugh?)
By the stars, this man gets a hoot when you attempt to bake. You are just so bad at it but he enjoys watching you make an effort. “Just stick to cooking and I’ll do all the baking.” Although he still ends up doing the cooking too, not that you’re complaining.
M- Morning ( How do they wake up in the morning? Are they a morning person or a morning grouch?)
He is a morning person! He doesn’t sleep like humans do so he has a tendancy to leave bed before you wake to make you a warm cup of something and a small breakfast so you don’t have to worry about that. It also gives him a few quiet moments to watch the sun kiss your skin.
N- Needy (When do they feel particularly needy? How do they show it?)
Kylo Ren is one of those kinds of men demon who is touch-starved so he often finds himself seeking you out. Maybe you’re both sitting at a cafe or bookshop and he reaches for your hand just to feel you close by. He just constantly needs to be touching a part of your skin.
O- Oasis (Where is their happy place? Where would they go if they didn’t have anything holding them back?)
He’s been wandering the earth for a millenia and he will continue until the end of time. In all his years he has witnessed the destruction that colonialism leaves in its wake. He’s watched as many of his sacred places have been corrupted by man and it breaks his heart. Now one of the few places left is within a redwood forest, far away from the eyes of humans. A quiet place where he dreams to take you one day.
P- Pain (How do they handle pain? How do they handle when you are in pain?)
He has such a high tolerance for pain and often says “ow” just to feel like he’s just your normal husband- nothing demonic about him! 
Q- Quote (What’s a quote that fits them and your relationship)
“Yes, I love him. Yes, he is a jerk. Yes, I want to fuck his brains out.”
lol are we surprised
R- Reunion (How do they celebrate seeing you after a long time of being apart)
Kylo hates being apart from you so much. It tears him apart every time. When you finally see him it’s like all the air rushes out from his lungs the moment you walk into his gaze. He forgets how to breathe and just runs to you, to hold you. He soaks up your presence with his face buried into your hair and leaves chaste kisses on every inch of your face never wanting to leave you again.
S- Stress (What stresses them out? How do deal with stress and how do they relieve it?)
Simple solution is sex- both of you fuck your frustration out. Once you called it “make-up / angry sex but without the fighting” and he did not understand what you had meant but he fucked you into oblivion and immediately saw solutions to his stress. You gave him hundreds of smooches after these kinds of evenings.
T- Terror (What are they afraid of?)
Kylo is truly afraid of losing you and not being there quick enough to save you. He really cannot fathom a life without you by his side and it kills him each moment he is reminded of your mortality.
U- Unique (What is a quirk that is unique to them?)
Since Kylo is a fallen angel, they all lost their feathered wings- destroyed in the nine day fall. Oddly enough, he somehow maintained his wings. They were transformed to become black as dark as midnight with tips shimmering gold- like Icarus’ wings before he too fell to his destruction. This caused him to be hated more as many of the other fallen resented his beauty.
V- Violence (Do they fight a lot? Are they a good fighter? What is their fighting style?)
He doesn’t fight a lot- doesn’t really seek it out but when it comes to protecting you his long talons would rip through flesh and bone, rows and rows of sharp teeth tearing into his foes. A true horror and sight to behold.
W- Wow (What do you do that really surprises them? What do you do that they really like?)
Kylo loves loves loves watching you do your craft. He is so enamoured by your potential and skills that he can sit there for hours watching you work.
X- (Explicit headcanon. For all you degenerates)
Kylo’s cock. Oh, boy. There were plenty of historical texts and recordings of witch’s accounts of fornicating with demons but none could prepare you by how this man could fuck. Every time he rocked his body into yours you could swear you felt the earth shake beneath you. His cock was unworldly, a true testament to the Big Dick Energy he carried with him. His size was perfect- not too big, not too small, seemingly perfect for his body and your pleasure. What you didn’t anticipate was the head of his length- it flared and sharpened to a tip, reaching and caressing every inch inside of you. His cock really could ascend you to another plane.
Y- Yucky (Is there something that grosses them out so badly that they can’t deal with it?)
This man does not enjoy things that have contradicting properties. Like, wet and crunchy. Pickles are a perfect example- just the smell could make this immortal demon gag and run from the room. 
Z- ZZZ’s (What are their sleeping habits? Both with and without you)
When you’re apart he tends to just starfish across the bed counting down the moments until you come home. He doesn’t sleep well since the day you came into his life, he just needs you. When you’re together he has to- absolutely has to- sleep on top of you and cover your body with his while he gives you all the smooches between high heaven or lowest hell.
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holylulusworld · 4 years
Dear John – The road to redemption
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Summary: John is out for blood and tries to be a father for your twins at the same time.
Pairing: Mobster!John x fem!Reader
Warnings: angst, language, age gap (the reader is around 30, John 50), mentions of break-up/unrequited feelings, mentions of an abusive relationship/domestic violence (not John), daddy!John, comforting, fluff, Dean being a good big brother, just like Sam
Characters: Benny Lafitte, Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester
<< Part 1
Part 2/3
Divider by @firefly-graphics​
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“Look, John jr., I saved you a slice of my favorite pie,” Dean grins when his five-year-old brother’s eyes grow wide. My baby boy nods eagerly, already grasping for the fork to dig it into the pie Dean places in front of him.
I smile, knowing all too well my eldest is a proud big brother who would go to hell and back for his new siblings just like he did for Sam.
“Johnny loves pie,” my baby girl quips, grinning up at Dean. She smiles, knowing the tall guy next to her is her big brother. “Now I got three big brothers – awesome,” in not two days Sofia grew close to Dean and Sam.
“Daddy, do you like pie too?” John jr. asks, earning a chuckle from Dean who looks at me, a cocky grin on his lips. “Do you?”
“I like some once in a while but, unlike Dean, I am not addicted,” nodding thoughtfully my little boy looks at the pie. A grin appears on his face and he looks me straight in the eyes.
“More pie for me and my big brother, daddy,” I laugh, even throw my head back as I haven’t had kids at my house for ages. The kids make me feel like a young man again and I forget for a moment, a douche is after my girl. “What do you like daddy?”
“That’s not for your ears, John jr.,” Y/N enters the kitchen, kisses the top of my son’s head softly as she covers his ears with her hands, Sam immediately covers my daughter’s ears, knowing Y/N will use a bad word.
“He’s more into eating something else,” I can’t hold back the groan leaving my lips at Y/N’s words. She looks at me, something dangerous in her eyes but, I can see the tension left her body. “Not that I would have complained, though.”
Shit, I feel my face heat up. I bet my sons can see I am putty in Y/N’s hands if she wants me. Before I find my voice to give her a snarky comment she turns her attention toward Sofia and John jr. and my heart swells when she switched into ‘mommy modus’. 
“And how good you tasted,” I finally find my voice, and Y/N giggles at my words, missing the way I roam her body when she takes the cup of coffee Dean offers to her. “I mean, your pie.” I backpaddle as my sons look at me, pointing toward the kids. 
“Dad said you want to sell your parents’ house,” Sam tries to change the topic. “Maybe my girlfriend can help you. She sold her parent's house three years ago.”
“Yeah, we all know your girl is awesome, Sammy,” Dean groans, causing me to roll my eyes. My boys are grown men, but they like to tease each other like kids. “Ruby is smart. Ruby is sexy – blah blah.”
“Son, not now. Ruby is your brother’s girlfriend, stop nagging about the girl. She is part of our family soon enough,” I need to stop my eldest, knowing he doesn’t like Ruby too much.
“Did you forget she got him addicted?” Dean bites back. His hands balled into fists he curses under his breath. “We need months to get him down from that shit and suddenly she’s a saint to everyone but me. I do not trust her one bit.”
“Dean, not that old song again. Ruby and I got addicted and-“ Sam stops in his tracks when Y/N raises one hand.
“Not in front of the kids, Sam. If you and your brother want to fight or talk about adult themes, do it when my children are not around. They went through enough due to my mistake,” she sniffs now. “I need-“ I run after her when Y/N runs out of the room, crying bitterly. “I shouldn’t have come here.”
“Y/N, you belong to me,” I cup the back of Y/N’s neck to force her to look up at me. I hate to let the dangerous mobster out, but she needs to understand – there is no way I’ll ever let her go. Not now, not ever. “You’re mine,” my lips claim hers, a bit too rough, and honestly a bit clumsily but I can’t help it. I need to feel her lips against mine.
“John,” she pants against my chapped lips, whimpers as I kiss her again to calm her a little. Fuck me, she still tastes like back then. Like strawberries, vanilla, and sin. “John.”
“Sorry, doll,” I breathe against her soft pillows. “I wanted to show more patience but having you here makes me go crazy. I know you can’t forgive me that easily, but you cannot deny you feel it too. The pull, the need to touch me,” I kiss her again, this time slow and gentle. “How about you get ready for the day and we talk later?”
“John, this isn’t a happy reunion or a second chance for love. This is me and my kids running from a violent man who tries to get me back whilst my former lover keeps me hostage at his house to protect me,” Y/N spats. I didn’t believe she will forgive me anytime soon but her words still sting. “I just want to be left alone.”
“I understand you do not trust me but,” I cup her face, not letting her look away, “you are my girl, always were mine. I don’t care about anything else but you and my kids. Trust me, I’ll make that bastard pay for hurting you.”
“I don’t want you to hurt him, John. I just,” she sniffles, tries to hide her tears from me. I always admire Y/N for being strong and stubborn, “Please, I never want to see him again. Tell him to leave me alone.”
“That I can do, doll. I promise he will never hurt you or my children again. But,” I bring Y/N into my arms, not caring she struggles against my strength, “I can’t let you go after. You’re my girl, the one I love. Even if you never let me in again, I want you in my life, Y/N.”
“John, I-“ her voice cracks, and I hold her a bit tighter, let her fist my button-up and take the slap she gives me with all her strength like a man. “You can’t just tell me what to do,” and there she is, the angry stubborn girl I loved to tame.
“You’re still my bad girl,” I muse, pecking Y/N’s forehead. “Please stay here until I handled the situation with James. He seems to be a dangerous man.”
“You are one to talk,” Y/N grins up at me, the fire I loved so much back in her eyes. “John Winchester, head of the Winchester’s empire talks about James being a dangerous man. Your dark aura was one of the things making me fall for you.”
“Oh, you naughty girl,” teasing Y/N is like a hobby to me. “I knew you loved being my hostage a bit too much, dirty girl,” I whisper the last part into her ear. “I will not let anything happen to you or the kids, promised. Benny will stay here with you.”
“John,” Y/N looks up at me with teary eyes. “I don’t think you should kill him. Maybe it’s enough to tell him to stay away from me? You can be scary as shit.” I chuckle at my girl’s words. I know that most people are afraid of me, but oddly, Y/N never was one of them. 
“I promise to not kill him if it’s not necessary, Y/N,” I lie, fuck I lie shamelessly but how could I tell Y/N that the moment James laid hands on her he was a dead man. He just doesn’t know he’s dead yet. “How about you and the kids spend the day in the garden? Or do you want Benny to drive you somewhere?”
“I think I’ll just stay here,” I can see the fear return. Y/N’s eyes betray the brave face she puts on for me. “Do you have Netflix? We could watch cartoons or something.”
“I show you the TV later. If you get hungry, tell the cook what you want to eat, doll,” I smirk when Y/N tells me she’s a good cook. “Baby, you are anything but a good cook. You burned eggs, Y/N.”
“I got better,” she insists, and I kiss her again. Hungrily I invade her mouth, make her moan against me. “Hey, I didn’t mean that kind of cooking.” she scolds me playfully and I feel hope bloom in my chest. “I can make toast, pancakes, and baked a pie for the kids' birthday. Don’t underestimate my talent in the kitchen.”
“Oh-I remember your talent in the kitchen, especially the kitchen counter,” there it is, the nervous giggle. “You were such a good girl.”
“JOHN WINCHESTER,” Y/N punches my chest with her tiny fists. “Don’t say things like that with your kids around. They don’t need to know about all the dirty things you did to me.”
“…and with you,” I smirk when Y/N sighs at my words. “Promise me you’ll be still here when I come back.”
“I will stay as long as he’s out there, John. I don’t want him to get close to my children or me ever again. I am stubborn, not dumb,” I look at Y/N one last time before I decide it’s time to hunt that bastard down.
“I’ll be back in a blink, doll. Benny will help you today,” I peck Y/N’s check, let my lips linger a bit longer than needed. “No one will ever hurt you again.”
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“Dean, Sam, Jimmy, I want you to come with me. Benny, you’ll stay at the mansion and watch over my girl and the kids. No one will enter the house without your permission. James Milster is out there, and we need to get hold of him,” close, so fucking close to losing control I look at my eldest. Dean, the one always following my orders places one hand onto my shoulder, nodding silently.
“We will get him, Sir,” Dean looks at his brother, unsure if Sam will follow my plan or not. “Right, Sam.”
“Y/N and her children will be safe after today,” Sam gives me a curt nod. He’s the smartest and most caring man I ever had the honor to meet.
I’m not saying Dean is not a good or smart man too. My eldest is a strong-headed, strong and caring man, but Sam, Sammy is different. I don’t know how he does it but around him, people feel comfortable, even though, he’s a giant.
“I need to make sure Y/N and my children are safe. John jr. and Sofia Rose are your siblings and it’s your duty, just like mine, to protect them at all cost. That man lived long enough after he hurt my girl. He’s out of luck now,” I pat my gun, giving my men a curt nod before we leave the mansion.
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“Mommy, when will daddy be back?” Sofia Rose watches her brother pace around the living room. He couldn’t concentrate on the cartoons he wanted to watch, too busy to wait for John to come back. “Will he hurt James?”
“John,” I sigh, not knowing how to explain to my five-year-old son that his father will probably kill my ex-fiancé. “Your dad wants to talk to James, okay. Do you remember what I said the day we left his house?”
“That we don’t have to see him again and that daddy will protect us,” Sofia Rose steps closer to her brother, grasps his hand as she can see the worry on his features.
“Mommy, can we wait for daddy to come back? I want to see him before we go to sleep,” my daughter asks, knowing her big brother is worried about his father. “Please.”
“Of course, sweet pea. We will wait for daddy to come back,” it’s already late but I will not let fear cloud my mind. John knows how to handle any situation so I will wait for him to return and not worry.
I am a terrible liar, am I not?
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Look at that bastard. How dare he to call me a lousy father when I aim a fucking gun at his head.
“That’s how you want to play the game?” I smirk when I unlock my gun. “How about we play – Winchester roulette? One bullet, six chambers – your life for my girl.”
His eyes wide James starts to beg for his life and I, well I, enjoy the show. I will not kill him with that gun, but this doesn’t mean I can’t have fun before I end his life as painful as possible.
“What do you say, son? Shall I play a game with James?” Dean sits onto the chair opposite James, shrugging. He doesn’t need to say a word, I can see it in my eldest eyes; he wants to rip James apart for hurting Y/N and scaring his siblings.
“Do as you wish, Sir,” Sam is the one opening the bag I brought with me to reveal all the nice toys to torture someone who really pissed me off. “Shall we begin, dad?”
“Please, I-“ James chokes on his words, wets his pants as he begs for his life but unlike other men – I know no mercy…
>> Part 3
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browanswylie · 4 years
why 13rw ruined my life-buckle up its a long one
     Hey, it’s Emily. Don’t adjust your, whatever device you’re hearing this on. It’s me, live and in writing. No return engagements, no encore, and this time, absolutely no requests. Get a snack, settle in because I’m about to tell you the story of my life. More specifically, why this cursed show ruined my life. 
     Do the names Zach and Alex ring a bell? In fact, I have not stopped thinking about how these two fools were so beautifully set up to be the best couple in the show since that horrid day of June 5, 2020. As a matter of fact, Zach and Alex are literally the show’s most popular ship, yet they still were not endgame. Let’s throw in gRaNoLa CaMp cOoKiEs guy at the last minute. Listen, I love Charlie, he’s my bi baby, but it’s like his only personality trait is baking and annoying Alex. Like Alex literally said the words “If I say yes will these stop” in response to Charlie’s promposals. I have been an avid Zalex shipper since 2018, so you can imagine my disappointment towards the wasted potential we were dealt with this season. First of all, Zach did not teach Alex how to slow dance in season two just for them to not slow dance together at prom?? Did Ross Butler get into a fight with the writers or something, because why all that build up for NOthing? Can we also talk about how Alex murdered someone because they threatened Zach’s life? Can we also talk about how Alex almost drowned alone in season one, while in season four Zach saves him from drowning in the lake. The writers really had us thinking they were gonna kiss again, but then the scene just arbutedly ends? Can we talk about how Zach had to leave a room because Alex and Charlie were there? Maybe we can talk about how Zach is “not” in love with Alex, even though Alex was the one to break away from the kiss while Zach had his eyes closed with a dreamy look on his face. Ooh, I always love thinking about how Alex had no problem having Zach help him back in his cane days, but when Tony and Clay made an effort to walk his way to see if he needed help it cursed them out. We can also talk about the “Why are you with me and not with Charlie?” scene because I wonder why Zach would get so angry at his “best friend” hanging out with him like that if there was not more behind it. We can have the discussion of how Alex literally confessed his love to Zach in front of his boyfriend, with Zach adding in “it was a nice kiss” while staring Charlie down cuz that’s some funny bf shit. Actually, maybe we should be talking about how Charlie literally laughed when Monty told him Alex tried to kill himself and Zach had to step in. Yes, it makes sense for Charlie to laugh considering Monty’s is a scary little shit. Speaking of Monty, can we talk about how his gaydar was on point? Now I’m not one to brag, but I too both called Monty and Alex not being straight since season one, but let’s not get off track here. Monty called Alex a word that I am not gonna repeat in this essay for obvious reasons, but he also referred to Alex as Zach’s boyfriend. Again, I’m a big Charlie St. George fan, but when he smiled to alex at prom, my mans deadass said out loud “I’ll never be happy”. Like?? Anyways, maybe we can talk about how Alex started describing Zach when he was talking to the webcam girl. The more obvious shit being when Alex literally got a boner after trying to drop kick Zach, when was in the middle of a fight and stopped to help Alex up, or how Zach asks to hang out with Alex every 2108318 seconds. Or how Winston starts rambling on about why he’s in love with Alex and Zach goes like “yeah…”. We can also have the discussion about how, now this one is my favorite folks, Zach literally looked like he wanted to die when Charlie and Alex were holding hands at Monet’s. The moral of the story, is that there are many conversations to be had about Zach and alex. All in all, It just does not make sense for Zach and alex to go through what they did just for some random ass cookie generator boy to ruin it. I do have to admit, the prom scene made many many points, but it shouldve been ZACH!1!1 Ultimately, the only thing I got out of season four was that Alex settled for someone else because he thought Zach did not feel the same, when in reality, Zach had only realized he did too late.
     The next and final reason why this show has ruined my life is because of Justin foley. Do I even have to explain this one? Zach and Alex at least have potential to get together in the future, while Justin is gone forever. Fictional deaths are usually sad for me in general. I will usually tear up, maybe shed a tear or two, but for Justin mf Foley, I sobbed. I sobbed for the person that had the best character development known to man. I sobbed for the person that was homeless, lost himself to drugs, to then find his people and his happiness.  I don’t want to talk too much about his death because we all know how sad that was. Justin survived so much. Not only did he have to watch himself struggle because of drugs, he had to watch his mom to do so. His character development is the best I have ever seen. In particular, his development with Clay. Justin went from wanting him dead in season one, to calling him his brother in season four. The scene where Clay says goodbye to Justin especially hurts because it shows how Clay has learned how important it is to tell the people you love that you love them while they are still here. He almost died thinking that he had ruined Jess’ life. He knew he wasn’t feeling well on prom night, but still went for Jess. His and Jess’ relationship had always been a favorite of mine. They were at times on and off again, but you always knew they would ultimately end up together. Justin’s life was finally starting to go good for him. He had a family that loves him and he was going to college, and then his mother died and he relapsed. Justin Foley deserved to live a happy life in college, with Jess and Clay, with his best friend Zach, etc. He deserved a happy ending, period. And don’t even get me started on the scene where Clay reads Justin’s college letter. They both saved each others lives at one point or another, and who would have thought it would end like this. “He’s the reason I’m alive in the first place to write this essay because he’s my good influence. He’s my brother” is a scene that perfectly describes the sobbing chef’s kiss emoji. But enough with the sad because Justin Foley lived. While he knew what it was like to truly feel alone and helpless in this world, he also knew what it was like to feel loved and wanted. 
     All I wanted out of season four was zalex endgame and Justin’s happiness and looks where we’re at now. While all we have is Justin’s memory,  we still have Zalex’s future. All I’m saying is it cannot be a coincidence that Zach is the football coach with alex being at every football game due to Charlie. These bitches are fucking in the lockerooms, I just know it! No, but really, I am very hopeful for zalex college spin off. I mean hey, a Justin resurrection couldn’t hurt either. To end this essay I leave you with two words: what is the best ship and character from 13rw and why is it zalex and Justin?
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