#like he said it himself humans r very interesting
p1nk-matter · 6 months
somedays ill think chrollo is the most loyal, reserved and amazing companionship one might ever ask, never saying too much, communicating feelings through acts of service, attentive and generous —giving up his share for you to take, believing in your lies when he knows everything, finding virtue in your kindness.
then i remember he vows to nothing and has no human morals because he was robbed of childhood dreams and is so acquainted with solitude that your mere presence or rather absence matters about as much as collateral damage after heists. the problem with him is that you can never really win him over, whether you're with him or against him matters about as much as his life, which amounts to nothing.
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drawnecromancy · 5 months
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Sometimes a silly bird disguised as a human sits on a dragon's hoard of gold and tries to seduce him.
Community label for it being vaguely suggestive I guess.
Art taglist : @jezifster @isabellebissonrouthier (feel free to ask to be added to the list!)
#art#my art#sketches#the fall of neseah#mecarevainen#look. he has a dragon boyfriend. he will sit seductively on said dragon boyfriend's hoard#i think it is very funny that this guy is just collecting loved ones. he has a wife. a dragon boyfriend/mate. a fae boyfriend.#he's highly unusual for his species not because he has a bunch of partners but because none of them are phoenixes#like they're not supposed to be able to shapeshift he's just a very good mage and kind of insane#(runs in the family. look at Maran.)#which means that he gets to do that#and literally every other phoenix ever is like 'yeah this is Mecarevainen he's fucking weird but he's pretty cool we like him'#'did you hear he turned himself into a human man last week ?'#'oh yeah he got human married to a human lady. wild'#his exes either find it very funny or very annoying#his kids (HE HAS PHOENIX CHILDREN. THIS IS A FATHER OF MANY KIDS and not a deadbeat the birds r just all adults)#probably are aware of his shenanigans#and once he has kids with Ulevan (the human queen) they probably visit like hello siblings! !!!#making neseah an interesting place for a while. there's just a fuckton of birds that speak directly in your brain#because their half siblings just happen to be the princes and princesses of the country#and nowadays most of this is considered legends that probably hold a part of reality (the very skilled mages n the queen having an affinity#-for the birds) but no one actually thinks Ulevan had children with a legit fucking phoenix and her kids were half birds.#Mecarevainen is the funniest motherfucker I've written lately
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twignotstick · 4 months
Flowers for Venus
She's here~ 🩵
Note: This story is based on @cupcakeslushie 's Empyrean Weeping au. These characters are not my own, and this story is in no way canon to the main story. I really made a lot of assumptions here, so this must be emphasized.
Tags: Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, ROTTMNT, Venus de Milo (TMNT), NOT MY CHARACTERS, Empyrean Weeping AU, experimentation, mental issues, perspective shifting, intentionally written to be confusing or leave out information at times, they are all family your honor
Warnings (if there's anything I should add here, tell me please!): childhood trauma, abandonment issues, physical violence, repeated mentions of medical(?) procedures
Words: 6,472 🪦
Summary: Venus had one person in her life, and that was what mattered. Until she didn't.
“I'm going to fix your body.”
The young turtle gazed up into the glass chamber before him, observing the mangled, underdeveloped, and weak body within. The vitals displayed around it were at acceptable levels; nowhere near as good as needed to survive out of the chamber, but acceptable considering the circumstances.
Not acceptable to the young turtle in front of it.
“You should be out here, learning with me. Being my sister. So I'm going to fix you.”
The turtle within the chamber did not stir- only breathed, as blood was forcefully pumped through its nonfunctional veins.
“Huginn and Muninn helped me find more books to help you!”
Three- he had realized that the body in the chamber may not yet know his name, and so he introduced himself not long ago- bounced on the balls of his feet. He had one book clutched close to his chest, with others strewn about the workspace he had made around the chamber.
“Yokai biologists have very interesting methods! I plan on attempting some of them soon- Pops said he is going to get me some more materials before I try. He said that Witch Town will probably have what I need. The fusion of biology and mysticism is incredible! Oh! Oh! And!”
He dropped the book that he was holding on the floor carelessly, tripping over his own feet as he ran over to a table to show the body's closed eyes another. This one was thicker.
“Muninn says that this one was written by a human! ‘Mary Shelley’. It's called ‘Frankenstein’. I believe that's a name too- the surname of the main character. I haven't read it yet, because I haven't had time to. However, maybe with your improved cognitive function as of recently, it could be beneficial for me to read it to you!”
Three got no response, but he could have sworn that a part of the body's brain scan spiked.
“I can't start now. I have to finish my work on the developmental errors in your lower arm, but as soon as I finish that and find what I need to find, I'll start! I'm really curious about human literature.”
Three got to work, as the mind within the chamber grew curious.
She didn't quite know what time it was, but she knew what was supposed to happen at this time. The voice was supposed to make noises in the room- Three, that was his name- and he was supposed to talk to her. Her? She thought that sounded right.
Three had told her about pronouns. He had said that since she was biologically female, it was assumed that she would go by she and her. Just like he was male, and went by he and him.
He had said that her name was Five.
Even so, Three liked calling her Vee, justifying it with the reason that they “matched”. Five didn't quite understand where the name came from; perhaps how her name was spelled? F-I-V-E, that was what Three had told her. T-H-R-E-E, that was his. But he spelled Vee as V-E-E. Maybe that's why they matched. Both had two E's in their name.
Their names were numbers too. One, two, three, four, five. She wondered why she was Five, and he was Three. Where were One, Two, and Four? Were they there, but she couldn't hear them? Was Pops another name for One? Pops and One weren't anything alike. She wished she could ask all the questions she had in her mind.
She wished she could see. Maybe that would explain why Three hadn't spoken yet.
Just when she was starting to believe that he may not speak to her this time, Three made noise. She couldn't see, but he stumbled through the door and sat down in a chair near her with a smile on his face. He looked at her, she could feel it.
“I'm sorry I'm home late, Vee. I met a new friend today! But don't tell Pops. He's a human.”
Five knew that word. Weren't those bad?
“Timothy isn't like other humans, though. He's nice! He showed me some insects and told me their names. Surface bugs are very different from normal ones! I think I might ask Huginn and Muninn to retrieve me some books on surface entomology. I can tell them that it's biological research.”
Entomology. That's a big word. What does that mean?
“Entomology means the study of insects, by the way. It's a very interesting branch of science. Timothy said he has books that tell him the names of different insects at his house. Oh, and a house is where humans usually live. Not a lab, like we live in. Or… a glass chamber, like you live in! Though, technically your chamber is within the lab.”
The lab. She wondered what the lab looked like.
“I think that I may be able to replace your eyes soon. I've been developing a prototype, hopefully it shouldn't take me too long to finish! From there, I just have to work really hard to get your other physical errors fixed, and then you can come out here! Maybe I can even bring you to meet Timothy!”
Timothy. That was a nice name. Not as good as Three or Vee, though. They matched. Though, maybe Timothy matched too. She didn't know how to spell Timothy yet.
Maybe they could match anyway.
Three stumbled in today. Vee couldn't see it, of course, but Three had tripped, holding in tears. His chest just wouldn't stop hurting. Pops had said he could walk it off, so that is what he tried to do.
He couldn't walk much longer, falling to the floor in front of Vee's chamber. She enjoyed hearing the sound of his breathing, but she never liked it when he breathed this heavily. That meant he was hurt and crying. That meant Pops had done an experiment or a test. That meant Three didn't have the power to work on her body. He would always apologize for that. Of course, that never stopped him. She always heard him working.
That is her name. He loves to remind her of that.
“M-maybe…” Three gasped deeply, holding the breath for longer than he should before slowly releasing it. “Maybe if… I finish you… he w-won't do this to m-me anymo-ore…”
Vee couldn't feel his eyes on her. Until she could.
“I've shown him y-your guts alr-ready, though… maybe he won't won't w-want to v-vi…vivi…”
That's not how he's supposed to say her name. It's Vee.
“...Vee? Vee~”
That's right.
Is that right?
The mumbling of her name faded away, turning into slow rasping breaths.
She didn't want him to be hurt and crying anymore.
“I want to make you as strong as One is. Or, at least, he should be. I haven't met One. Or Two. Or Four. But Pops says that it's impossible for you to be that strong. You're a box turtle, designed for defense. Anyhow, it's more important that I develop your muscle mass enough for you to stand independently first.”
Vee wondered what One, Two, and Four sounded like. Maybe their voices were jumpy and squeaky like Three's was now. Maybe they were sweet, like his was before. She wondered what Pops sounded like.
“Four is a box turtle like you. He developed properly, but don't feel bad! He got stolen away, so really, he got the short end of the stick! You're living the life of luxury.”
So many types of turtle. Did that mean they couldn't match anymore?
“I showed Timothy some sketches of my work with you. He got this really weird look on his face, and I thought he might not believe that I could fix you. But, he promised that he did believe in me! And he said he can't wait to meet you!”
Surely, he was just jealous of Three's hard work.
“I'm still working on your eyes. They're causing me more problems than I thought they would, but I think I'm getting closer to a functional product! It's just taking a while to find a good base that can survive the transfer.”
Eyes. One more sense. He taught her the five: touch, taste, sight, smell, and hearing. She had hearing- or at least, she believed she did. She didn't know what else this could be. To have two senses would be marvelous.
Three's voice went away, leaving a rubbing sound. He had told her what that was. It meant he was “rubbing his hands together”. It was a “nervous habit”.
“Pops told me… he told me that talking to you was ‘fueling my delusion’. I know that, logically, you're comatose. Your body isn't supposed to work right now, for the sake of your life.”
That made sense. She was hurt. Three said that if she came out of her coma as she was now, she would die. Dying wasn't a good thing.
“But I really want you to hear me. Even subconsciously. So- so that way, when you do wake up, we'll already be friends! A-and you'll already know so much about me, so I just need to know about you!”
That sounded nice. Vee wanted to tell him about herself. Maybe she'd know just what that meant by the time she got the chance.
“I promise I'm going to fix you soon. It'll be no problem!”
Vee liked that.
Three was hurt and crying again. But this time, he didn't come to collapse by her chamber. He was far away, in the workspace. Vee didn't want him to be hurt and crying anymore. Three had said that hurt could mean dying. Three couldn't die yet. Vee still had to tell him everything about herself.
He wasn't even saying her name this time. He was saying the human's. He was hard to hear, so quiet, so far.
I'm sorry, Timothy.
What does that mean?
I'm so, so sorry.
What does that mean, Three?
Please, Tim.
Please forgive me.
I'm sorry.
I'm so, so sorry.
Three, please. She wants to understand. She wants to know you.
I want to know you. Talk to me, please. Tell me everything. Tell me about Mary Shelley. Tell me about entomology. Tell me about One. Tell me about Two. Tell me about Four. Tell me about Pops. Tell me what you're working on. Tell me how you want me to be better already so I can hold your hand and talk back. Let me hold your hand.
Tell me what's wrong.
“---ee? Vee, I'm ---y, I'm here, plea--- calm down. I'm here, please. Do I need- do I need to sedate her? I-”
He's not crying anymore. He's talking to her.
“Vee? Five?”
That's right.
“Should I read to you? W-Would you like that?”
She would.
“P-progress report 13. May 23rd. It happened today. Algernon bit me.”
Flowers for Algernon. Surface literature. Of course he would read surface literature now. He was just thinking of Timothy.
Every time Three would read this specific story to her, he would explain that the first few progress reports were intentionally written with poor spelling and grammar. He would spend the whole time explaining the correct way to write the sentences, up until the writing became legible. Then, when the writing returned to its sorry state, he would resume his corrections.
“I visited the lab to see him as I do occasionally, and when I took him out of his cage, he snapped at my hand.”
Vee knew the end of this story.
“I put him back and watched him for a while. He was unusually disturbed and vicious.”
It never ended nicely. They always had to die.
“May 24th. Burt, who is in charge of the experimental animals, tells me that Algernon is changing.”
She didn't want anyone else to die.
Something was different. Where once there was a lack of anything, now there was something. Something Vee didn't have the knowledge to understand just yet. She couldn't understand light. She couldn't understand color. Now, it was right in front of her.
A blur of a color she didn't know the name of, green, with a dash of another, purple. Three's voice came from it.
“Eyelids are open. Should be working. Just one last test-”
Three grabbed a small blur- a silver flashlight- and shined it into her eyes. Her muscles instinctively tried to close her eyelids, but there just wasn't enough power behind it. They stayed open enough for Three to see the pupils constrict.
“Yes. Yes! YES! They work! Yes!”
Three sounded happy. That was good. Maybe he looked happy, too. Vee didn't know what happy looked like yet.
“...I have to show Pops. I have to show Pops! Wait! Stay right there!”
Three left the room, and Vee thought deeply. “They work”. Three had said that her eyes “didn't work yet” before. So that must mean that they work now. That meant that she was seeing. This was what she had been looking forward to ever since Three had attempted to explain the abstract concept of seeing.
This was it.
Those colors. The nameless ones that she didn't know- the ones she didn't even know how to identify as colors- that was Three. That was the face of the voice who had been her only comfort for all of time. That was the face of the person she wanted to comfort. The voice that she heard crying and hurting. The person she wanted to hold the hand of.
The door to the room opened again, and Three returned with a taller figure. Vee had never heard him before, she was sure of that when he got close for her to hear his breathing. Maybe she could have seen him before. He was tall, and covered with new colors. She couldn't name them, but they were gold, blue, and magenta.
“Look! Look! Her eyes are functional now! They constrict and dilate! Watch!”
Three held the light to her eyes once more, and her pupils shrank again.
The new voice only grunted.
“She's so close to completion now! Th-there are only a few more developmental errors, and she just needs a little more muscle mass-”
The tall figure lashed out at Three, as another color, magenta and pink, writhing, latched around Three's throat. He was held off the floor, just a few feet. His happy breathing stopped.
“You have obsessed over this project for too long. Your progress has been agonizingly slow, and this is what you have to show for it?”
A new voice. Deeper. More menacing.
Three gasped for air, trying to respond.
“I suppose I must also involve myself. Your inefficiency up to this point will not be forgotten.”
The writhing mass slammed Three into the floor as the tall figure walked away, shutting the door behind himself.
Three heaved shaky breaths from his spot in front of Vee's chamber. He almost sounded like he was crying and hurting.
Was this what crying and hurting looked like? Curling over yourself? Was that what she was doing? She was supposed to be hurting. She didn't think she was crying, though. Could you hurt and not cry?
Could you cry and not hurt?
Three moved onto his knees, placing one hand on the glass. His face looked different, as if the light reflected off of it differently. His eyes looked at her. For the first time, she could feel and see it.
“I'm going to get you out soon. Then… then you can be here with me. And Pops will be proud. And I'll have you, my sister. Forever, and ever, and ever. And no one will take you from me.”
Three smiled, leaning against the glass and falling asleep.
That sounded nice.
“What is this?”
Vee stood over Three at his workbench, looking down at the sketch he was working on. It looked familiar, like other ones he had made, but the notes around the margins were different.
“Oh, it's another collar for Big Mama. She has someone joining the Nexus who has some immunity to electricity, so I have to work on an alternative design…”
“How does it work?”
Three looked up at Vee as she smiled softly. She loved doing this. Getting him talking about the things he knew about.
“Okay, well, since the regular electric shock won't result in what we're going for, I have to find another method of keeping the fighter in line. So- so this collar is designed to tap straight into the nerves in the neck- focusing mainly on the more secondary nerves, but also creating a pathway to the spinal column if needed. With this, the nerves can be pinched all at once, effectively paralyzing the wearer!”
Vee looked over the sketch, resting a hand on the desk next to it. “And why is this collar shaped so differently?”
Three brightened again. “Oh, well, for one, to create a visual distinction that makes it easier for Big Mama to know what type of collar it is. But also, because the specific yokai has… no neck? Sort of? They have shoulders, but it would be somewhat easy for them to slip a standard collar off. So, alternative design! And this one can be green.”
“Very good. I'm sure Mother would appreciate the change in aesthetic.”
The stone in her pocket began to glow.
“Speak of the Devil, I suppose.”
Five slipped her mask on quickly, then answered the call. “Hello, Mother.”
“Turtley-boo! Hello! Where are you, my dear? I couldn't find you!”
“I had to deliver this week's recording to Three. I'll be returning home shortly.”
“I would hope so! Everything here is always such a tissy-tassle when you're over at that terrible place. Oh, do come home quickly, please. Your mama is getting lonely.”
Vee looked to Three, and they exchanged a soft look, even behind Vee's emotionless mask. “I'll be there in a moment, Mother.”
This was wrong.
This was all wrong.
She was supposed to be worried about being taken from him.
What could she do, now that he was taken from her?
Four was gone. Then Two was gone. Vee thought, surely Three wouldn't be that dumb. Three was smart. He cared about her. He wouldn't leave her.
So where was he now? On the surface, living with rats and humans.
And she was left behind. Stuck under the thumb of a spider that claimed to be her mother. Forced to witness the violent aftermath that had come when Three disappeared, as Lord Draxum berated her and her mother for letting Three get such delusional thoughts in his head. Ideas that made him weak and stupid. Hopes that his family cared for him. 
But he left his family, didn't he?
She was supposed to be his sister.
And he left, in search of a family that didn't even know his name. His face. His voice. That voice was supposed to be hers. The one who took care of her. The one that fixed her.
Draxum may have caused her birth, but Three gave her life.
Didn't that matter to him?
She had been so scared of being taken from him, Vee didn't even consider the idea that he may be taken from her.
Fighting against him was something from her worst nightmares.
This couldn't be happening.
This was all wrong.
Empty apologies.
He left, all because of a stupid dream he had been chasing. He left the family he had because of some dumb idea of a family that he had romanticized in his head. He left her.
Maybe he never cared about her anyway. She was just a toy to pass the time.
She wasn't real, anyway. Just a monstrous body given life.
“Hi, Vee!”
Four approached her, sitting down cross legged on the floor beside her. He examined the blade she had been sharpening with an odd fascination.
“Where'd you get that?” He asked innocently.
“From Mother.”
Four straightened. “O-oh. Guess I shoulda… guessed that, huh?”
“Maybe.” Of course he should have. Who wouldn't recognize one of Big Mama's weapons?
“Hmm…” Four rocked back and forth, holding his feet. “Do you feel alright with me calling you Vee? I know that's what Donnie calls you, but I know he has like… a thing with names.”
“I’m Five,” she said bluntly, looking up at Four for a moment. “But I don't mind being called Vee.”
“Cool!” Four smiled, almost as sweetly as she remembered Three doing. “What's it short for?”
Vee paused and looked back up at Four. “Sorry?”
Four blinked. “...Vee. What's it short for?”
She squinted. “It stands for the roman numeral for Five. It isn't ‘short’ for anything.”
“Oh. Well, that's not right.” Four shook his head disapprovingly. “You need to match with us!”
That made Vee think. “Match?”
“Yeah!” Four shifted to sit on his knees. “See, cause I'm called Mikey. That's short for Michelangelo. He was a human artist in the Renaissance. And Raph is Raph, short for Raphael. And Leo is Leo, short for Leonardo. And Donnie is Donnie, short for Donatello!”
Vee put her blade down on the ground, giving Mikey all of her attention. “So they match because they're all artists?”
“Well, and since they're from the Renaissance, and since we've all got nicknames!” Mikey grinned. “Do you… want a name that matches with ours?”
“Yes.” Vee answered before she could really think about what she was saying. “I-I mean, I don't really need one, but-”
“Sweet!” Mikey patted his hands on the ground. “Now, what names could work… Genevieve? No, that would be Jenny… Vivian? Nah, that's not good enough. Oh!”
“Well, I know all of our names are from artists, but, uh, what if your name was from a piece of art?”
Vee thought for a moment. It was certainly true that she wasn't like the other turtles. Obviously, her name would have to reflect that.
Though, maybe being a work of art wouldn't be so bad.
“Sure. But tell me the name before I agree to anything.”
Mikey's expression suddenly shifted to a more serious one. “Of course. How about… Venus de Milo?”
Venus de Milo.
“...what is it?”
“It's a statue from ancient Greece. She sorta got her arms ripped off, but she's still incredibly beautiful and detailed, and a very widely known masterpiece! Wait, lemme see if I've got internet-”
Mikey fumbled with his phone, desperately trying to gather some internet signal in the depths of the Hidden City. Meanwhile, Vee simmered in the thought. A statue, broken, never to be truly as it was before. And yet, it was beautiful, not just because of what it still had, but because it had lost. It had persevered. Because something so beautiful was never truly perfect. That was what allowed it to be beautiful instead.
Maybe that beauty made it perfect, anyway.
“I like it.”
Mikey's eyes flitted up from his hunch over his phone. “Oh? Great!” He corrected his posture. “How ‘bout you try it out? Introduce yourself to me!”
Vee cleared her throat, checking her own posture out of habit. “Hello, Michelangelo. My name is Venus de Milo. You may call me Vee.” She extended her hand for a handshake. Mikey met it vehemently.
“Perfect! Now, you match with all of us! Man, the teamwork and collaboration on this mission is gonna be on point!”
Venus smiled, turning the interaction around in her head.
Maybe she could be a masterpiece.
Donnie loved to talk. Vee always knew that. But, for too long, she had never noticed how much he loved to be listened to; to have another directly engaging in the conversation. Once she learned that, she learned that she had a love for listening.
It was sometimes hard for her to understand her own wants without comparing them to the wants of others. She loved to listen because Donnie loved to talk. She loved to spar because that made Raph happy. She loved to ask questions so Leo could explain the nonsensical movies he showed her. She loved to eat because Mikey loved to cook.
But right now, none of that really mattered. Donnie was talking, and Vee loved to listen.
“Splinter told me that I could make him, as long as I make sure he doesn't turn, like, evil or anything. Though, honestly, if a robot uprising were to happen, I think it would be smart to just accept fate.”
Donnie was cleaning up some sort of schematic on a bean bag as a movie played on the TV. Vee sat next to him, not paying attention to the film at all. Screams about hot food went in one ear and out the other.
“So these are the plans you have so far?”
“Exactly!” Donnie brightened, then slumped as he came to a realization. “He's actually based on a design I made before you got out of your chamber. P-... Draxum destroyed that one, though.”
“Oh.” Vee slumped a bit as well. “I wish I could have seen it. Maybe I'd be more helpful now with these designs.”
“Uh, y-you don't have to worry about it!” Donnie waved his arms frantically. “It was my fault you were stuck in there anyway.”
“No it wasn't.” Vee looked at him blankly. “It was Lord Draxum's fault. He made me faulty. You helped me. You fixed my body.”
Donnie flustered, scratching at his neck. “W-well, not really. I didn't even-”
“You gave me my eyes. You gave me purpose.”
He looked at his sister, hands shaking almost invisibly where they gripped his sketching paper. Something strange came to his eyes- a shimmer, one that she knew. “I-I'm-”
“If you say you're sorry one more time, I might just rip your tongue out.”
“But I am! In more words than I can say, I am! You cared about me so much, and I just left you without a second thought. No apology I can give can ever make up for that.”
Vee sighed, shaking her head, looking at Donnie with tired eyes. “You're right.”
Donnie's nervous energy evaporated and he stilled.
“No apology will ever be enough. When you apologized to me, I didn't forgive you. When you apologized to me, I hated you.”
Venus paused, questioning whether or not she should continue. When Donnie gave no reaction, she decided to.
“When you tried to explain what had happened, I hated you. When you asked for my help, invited me in, told me you wanted me back, I hated you.”
Genuine tears started to well up in custom built eyes.
“B-because… because I couldn't believe you. You left me, and that was what was real. That was what mattered.”
Donnie took a breath in, as if to add something, but ultimately decided against it.
“Part of me still doesn't believe you.”
Months of worrying. Months of waiting. Months of simmering in hatred for the one person she had convinced herself she could trust. Months of wondering, “Would he have stayed if I had been better?” Months of unbridled rage towards her creator, who couldn't have waited just a little longer to make her right. Months thinking of her other so called “brothers” who stole her brother away.
He said no one could take her from him. So why would he throw her away?
“But you showed me otherwise.”
She never knew how to put these things into words. There was something difficult about bringing her thoughts out in that way. Because of this, she could never really tell Donnie how it felt when he first showed her that room he had prepared, which he left mostly empty for her to decorate herself. She could never explain how it felt when Splinter traced her stitches, complimenting how wonderfully they framed her features. She could never properly thank Raph for expressing his admiration for her fighting style. She couldn't express the joy she felt when she saw Leo do something that would make him feel embarrassed hours later. She could never say anything more than “It’s great” when eating one of Mikey's meals, one that should make a food critic cry.
“So you don't need to apologize anymore. You showed me how you cared, and that's all that matters now.”
Vee grabbed Donnie's hand, and the two shared a wordless understanding.
You can cry and not hurt.
Vee woke up to the sound of someone else moving around the lair.  All of her brothers were still covered in blankets around her, and a blank tarp hung on the wall stood in front of her that she vaguely remembered watching a projected video essay on before she fell into slumber. There was only one person missing from the scene…
As she pushed herself to her feet and walked into the hall, Vee came face to face with a still bonnet wearing April.
“Oh, morning, Vee!” April greeted energetically. “What're you doing up already?”
“This is a normal time to wake up, isn't it? You're awake.”
April hummed. “I guess you're right. I'm just used to the guys sleeping in super late. You hungry?”
Vee nodded, following April silently into the kitchen. Just a short time ago, she would have wanted to cut April's head off, purely because of her human existence. Now, she felt a strange, foreign comfort around the human. Not quite like she felt with her brother, or her other brothers, but something akin to it.
April started loading up the toaster, grabbing some spreads and setting them out on the counter.
“Got any plans today, Miss Milo?”
Vee chuckled. “It's Miss de Milo, and, uh, no. You got any plans, Miss Neil?”
April laughed in turn. “Actually, I do. And since you don't have any, I was hoping you might help me out with mine.”
Vee nodded, letting her continue.
“I brought some stuff from my place to do a spa day, slash makeover day. Figured you might want to join in.”
Vee thought for a moment. “I know what a spa day is, but what is a ‘makeover’?”
“Well, it's like,” she hesitated, “it's when you put on a ton of makeup and wear fancy clothes and stuff. Not because you're not pretty, but it's just… it's a way of making yourself feel good, y'know? You've worn makeup before, right?”
“No.” Vee shrank slightly. “Mother said that it would be a lost cause. That's why she gave me the mask instead.”
“Oh.” April shook her head, scrunching her nose. “Oh, no, no. That's not gonna work. You are going to be pampered, Miss de Milo. That is an order.”
April strode out of the kitchen, and Vee followed slowly behind. Before she could see where April had gone, there was the telltale sound of a pillow being thrown into someone's face.
“Owf- wha- hey! What was that for?” Leo grumbled through the grogginess of waking up.
“We've got a busy day ahead, boys! Gotta eat breakfast so we can get to work!”
“Busy day?” Mikey asked, slightly more cognizant than Leo. “What are we doing?”
“Makeovers. All of us!”
Vee finally caught sight of April in the hallway of the living room as she saw Donnie jumping up from where he was laying. “Are we gonna do nails?!” He shouted excitedly, running up in front of April. “Can I pick the colors?”
“Of course you can, bud. Just go eat some toast first,” April responded, patting his shoulder.
Donnie hurried to the kitchen followed by his brothers, who were all still wiping the sleep from their eyes. After that, breakfast went quickly.
Raph drug a stool into the bathroom in front of the mirror, where Vee was instructed to sit. Soon, she was surrounded by her brothers and April, with a large makeup bag in the human's hands. She put the bag down on the counter, taking out a liquid foundation in the perfect hue for Vee's skin.
“Where do you even find this stuff? Party City?” Leo asked, taking out another foundation from the bag that matched his own skin.
“No,” April scoffed, preparing her workspace, “I get it online. Its makeup, not face paint. It just happens to be green. Are you complaining?”
“No, ma'am.” Leo quickly shut himself up.
“Good. Now, let's get some jobs set straight.” April started gesturing to the brothers one by one. “Donnie, you're in charge of picking colors out, and themes. Mike, you're executing Donnie's ideas, because his hands are way too shaky. Raph, my bag's in the other room, go pick something out. You'll know what I mean when you get there. And Leo, you're in charge of music and talking. Tea spilling, gossip, whatever.”
All of the turtles nodded in response, and Raph walked out to find April's bag.
“Now, Vee.” April put her hands on Vee's shoulders, looking her straight in the eyes. “You just sit here, close your eyes, and relax. We've got it all handled.”
“Okay.” Vee hesitated, closing her eyes slowly, before shooting them open again. “Wait!”
April hummed, hovering the makeup sponge she had prepared in the air.
“Can you, uh… can you leave my stitches? Not cover them up, I mean.” She couldn't help casting a glance at Donnie, who gave a timid smile.
April relaxed. “Course, Vee. Now, close your eyes and let us work our magic!”
Vee complied, and she found herself surrounded by sounds. A strange nostalgia filled her chest.
“What we thinking, D?”
“How about, uh… this?”
“Ooo! Perfect! Can I get, uh… that one first?... Thanks! Okay Vee, I'm gonna grab your hand now. It's gonna be cold!”
“What am I supposed to even talk about? I don't have any tea.”
No need for sight. Hearing those voices, comforting her. With a slight drone of music alongside.
“How about your date with Usagi?”
“Wh- April! It wasn't a date!”
“Hey! No shoving! This is a delicate art, Leo!”
“Ugh, fine.” Another shove.
“Hey! No shoving me either! I didn't even say anything!”
“Yeah, but April's busy, Mikey's busy, and you gave me a weird look.”
“I gave you a normal look. You obviously went on a date. Vee, you know?”
Vee laughed just a bit, trying not to move and disturb April's work. “Donnie's right. It was pretty clearly a date.”
“No, it wasn't!”
“Just tell us what you did, Leo.”
Unlike before, she had other senses. But somehow, removing this one made her feel comfortable. Knowing that someone else was taking care of her felt so good.
When she felt Donnie's scar covered, calloused hand grab onto hers, the comfort felt warmer.
“We didn't even-”
“Hey, April? How's this one?”
“I think it's great, but how ‘bout you ask Mister Manicure?”
“Oh. Mike?”
“That's perfect, Raph! You got any accessories?”
“Maybe in my room… lemme go check.”
The sound of heavy footfalls walking away.
“Alright, I'm gonna be working on your eyelids, so it's gonna feel a little weird. Just try to stay loose.”
“Ooo, you are gonna look so good!”
Vee allowed the sound to envelop her entirely.
“Listen, we didn't go on a date, we aren't even a thing anyways.”
“I'm going to fix your body.”
“Usagi would be very hurt it he heard that. You wanna tell him, D?”
“You should be out here, learning with me.”
“I can text him right away-”
“Being my sister.”
“Just admit it, Leo! You're down bad for the bunny!”
“He still hasn't admitted that?”
“No, Raph! Because I'm not ‘down bad’!”
“So I'm going to fix you.”
“Okay, keep the volume down. I gotta concentrate…”
Time passed shapelessly. Vee interacted in the conversation when asked, but otherwise, she let the noise flow over herself. Before she knew it, she was being told to stand up and having fabric pulled onto her arms, with a ribbon being tied over her shell.
“Okay, okay, just a few more touches-”
“You've been doing ‘a few more touches’ for five minutes, Donnie. She looks great!”
“SHH! Don't rush perfection, Nardo.”
Vee blushed. “You really think I look perfect?”
She felt Donnie's eyes on her. “You always have.”
Mikey awed. “Okay, okay, okay, now you can look!”
Vee opened her eyes, just as Donnie moved to the side so she could see herself in the mirror. She saw that the fabric put on her was a dress, very light blue and with flowery embroidery patterning on the bottom of the knee-length skirt. Her claws were painted with pastel colors, with a light blue backdrop behind white daisies, each having an undertone of a different color: reddish-pink, blue, orange, purple, yellow, and green. On her face, a soft blue eyeshadow was put on her eyelids, with small painted daisies incorporated into her eyeliner. Similar flowery bows were placed down the length of her braided mask tails. Donnie quickly shuffled behind her to put a necklace on her neck, with a daisy shaped pendant.
Vee found herself speechless, staring at the stranger that had been pulled out of her own skin.
“Is it alright?” April asked hesitantly.
As she rubbed her lips together, Vee forced herself to look up at the ceiling. She waved her hands at her face.
“Oh- Oh! Its waterproof! You're good!”
“It is?!” Vee squeaked, struggling to hold herself together.
“Yeah, yeah, it is!”
“That's s-so cool!” Vee finally let her tears loose, still waving at her face while nervously laughing.
“You like it? Do you like the flowers? It was Donnie's idea!” Mikey asked, beaming as bright as the sun.
“Yes! Yes, I do, thank you!” Vee paused in her flapping to look over her hands again, and the dress, and her face.
Her flowers.
When she looked to Donnie, he looked as if he couldn't be happier.
“Well that's good, cause they cost me my dignity,” Leo groaned, despite the smirk on his face. “By the way, I call next.”
April patted his shell. “Alright, Leo. We'll make you pretty so you can look good for Usagi.”
“Great, because I- Wait! HEY!”
Vee was laughing loudly now, wiping her tears delicately with a single finger. The argument slowly turned back into background noise, as Leo sat on the stool instead, squabbling far too much for April's liking. Donnie recruited Vee for color picking and inspiration searching.
And so Vee let herself exist there, not worrying about mattering or being wanted. Not worrying about if the one she cared about was hurt or crying. Not longing for another sense to experience the world with. Not questioning if she may be taken away for good. Not asking if she really had a family. Not wondering if she did something wrong, or if she even had the right to call herself alive. Not waiting for someone to talk to her.
She had her flowers, and words could never compare.
Finally, she is here. I went a little wild on this. There are just so many parts of Vee's story that I can't wait to see. She's my little brainworm 💖
I'm glad that I can get this out before the @tmntaucompetition ends, especially since EW is in the finale. Go vote for them!!! I love them so dearly :)
I'm going to edit the first chapter of my own iteration, (currently titled Second Shot), and post that soon. I simply must get my boys out into the world, especially after discovering @dluebirb's TMNT AU family reunion. Lord knows they need friends.
Broken Brothers (and How to Fix Them)
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nightcolorz · 2 months
Prompt: for whatever reason (cursed object, vengeful witch, wrong wish to a djin, whatever) Armand is human and his memories are only until the point where he got the mortal wound
He doesn't remember ever being a vampire, now he is in a strange place where strange magical things are everywhere (the elevator, the TV, cars, the blender...) and he doesn't know how he got here, doesn't recognise the strange old looking man nor does he understand his language but it is clear to him that he is like the Master
He is confused and scared but the man who is like the Master seems kind and he looks at him with love on his lilac eyes, he is very confused when the man doesn't respond to his advances and fears he'll be put out in the streets to fend for himself in this strange land so he tries extra hard to seduce the stranger
I loooveee fic concepts like this. Human Armand (Amadeo) is also like, so much of a different character than *The Vampire Armand*. Armand is incredibly resigned and self victimizing and weak willed, and Amadeo is a bad bitch who takes no shit. This little shit mocks the millennia yr old vampire to his face while he actively is beating the shit out of him + could rlly kill him, throws an ax through said millennia yr old vampires door cuz he’s been a dick to him, tells the performers at the party that Marius is killing people at to play funeral music as he dances around them, is a super athletic actually and a very skilled swordsman who won in a fencing battle against his violent ex to save his brothers (Assad zamans impressive pecks r character accurate believe it or not), responds to sexual harassment and rape threats by laughing in their faces, etc etc I could go on. My point is, I think it would be such a fun and interesting ride for Daniel to meet Amadeo, an armand who was still incredibly traumatized but hadn’t yet had his strength and agency cult indoctrinated out of him.
what’s interesting too is that Amadeo has experience with being thrust into a strange technologically advanced world full of perceived magic and devils work, that’s how he thought of Venice when he was sold there, and I think he would be able to adapt to it unusually well considering his situation. I could see an Amadeo equivalent of Armand’s technology explorations and blender experiments happening 100%. And he would 1000%% attach himself to Daniel and get weird and panicky over it. The idea of him trying to seduce Daniel to get himself security and failing bcus Daniel doesnt want to have sex with someone in such a vulnerable position and neither of them r either to communicate their perspective is heartbreaking 😭 but so character accurate. I imagine Amadeo would be confused by Daniel is refusing his offer of sex but still taking care of him and offering him shelter. He’s probably anxious as hell waiting for the other shoe to drop.
Sooooo much potential here!!! Anon I rlly hope u write this cuz omg!!
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psych3-delic · 4 months
Hello! I adore your family AU and I'm curious about the events that led to Charlotte's birth? Did Undertaker manage to bring back R!Ciel in this AU but it was a less public appearance? Also, do Sebaciel and their baby eventually leave the spotlight to live their immortal lives on their own terms?
And if this prompt idea interests you: Since Charlotte's lover is Grelle's prodege, how about her making a big scene of her and "Bassy" being in laws now and Sebaciel dreading it?
In my head, the whole Undertaker thing was over and done with: o!Ciel proved himself once and for all that he was the one knighted by the Queen, and that he was the one performing all watchdog duty.
It also helps that r!Ciel is already dead. To prove one's alive is easier and it proved also that the dead can be manipulated, thus, can be used as an instrument of lies.
The Phantomhive left the spotlight when they departed from London to America to avoid the Great War in 1914. Afterwards, none really knew where they were, or what happened to them. Funtom continue to grow under regional management, but the owner can only be contacted via mail or telegram. Once, taking advantage of the owner not being around, an executive attempted to funnel company's money into his own pocket. A week later, he's found dead in the office. Reason of death: cannot be determined; his body looked to have suffered no harm. Frozen on his face was an expression of utter terror. On his desk was one single Funtom lollipop.
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The Reapers was around when Charlottes was born. The whole dispatch, including Grell, William, Ronald (but not Max though, he hadn't died yet) perched outside the manor on tree branches like vulture, ready to pounce. None had expected Ciel Phantomhive to survive; not even Sebastian. A half-blood child between human and demon had never before existed; her warring natures too might yet not survive the outside world. And seeing as demons drain human life forces, it might very well be that the halfling would kill her mother the moment she was no longer in need of a host body.
But then Sebastian emerged from the manor, in his human form but it looked quite off, beastly even if you looked close enough, followed by his dark tendrils... and a baby girl in his arms.
He showed her off to the prowling death gods:
"She's alive," he said, "and so is her sirer. You are no longer needed here, Grim Reapers."
William adjusted his glasses: "You don't know that, Collapsar. Ciel Phantomhive is not yet out of danger." At this, the demon bares his fang; ill winds picked up; the shadows that enveloped the mansion became impossibly darker:
"He is mine. The boy has been mine ever since our contract. Death hath no claim on his soul."
Will and the Demon exchanged a long look. In the end, Will reluctantly ordered the dispatch to call the mission off. One reaper protested:
“But sir…” “There’s nothing we can do now, or do you fancy being snuffed out of existence by Collapsar?” He spared the speaker a look.
When they all left, Ronald get close and whistled upon seeing the baby, and said: "You sure that adorable babes came from your gene, pop?". And Grell just :)) sighed exasperatedly like when you found out your kpop idol bias is getting married.
I also think the dynamic between the Phantomhive-Michaelis and the Reapers would be like:
Will on a mission in the midst of London > feeling something tugged at his leg > Look down and see Charlotte being tearful mouth quivering: "I lost my papa and dada, Mister. You're their friends right? You're around all the time" > Will reluctantly returned the demon child to her demon parents 🤣
So yes, when they met again in 2020s, there there isn't a lot of animosity left; just a sort of playful annoyance (?)
As I have said before, Max initially hated this grown "Lottie" because of his prejudice against demon and his perception that she deceived him somehow. They had an enemies to lovers arc. The moment it started to shift more toward "lover", Sebastian was horrified. The "Sebas-chan" still makes him shiver even to this day 🤣 meanwhile, Grell is just behind Max giving him (terrible) date gifts ideal and trying to match make.
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For Vanoe: "vanitas promised his canon love interest, as a romantic gesture, that if she started to become a monster, he would kill her so she wouldn't have to suffer. and then later when discussing how vanitas will eventually turn into a monster himself, he said he wants noe to kill him when that time comes. pretty yuri. also i'm a lesbian and i like them"
"Idk they have such a homoerotic shoujo manga dynamic but they're guys. Or maybe not that much but you gotta admit this would be exquisite yuri if they were girls. Noé the gothic romance heroine etc etc"
For Wenzhou: "Basically in their family unit Wen Kexing is the wife but Zhou Zishu is the mom. Also there are lots of genderbends of them around but the best ones are those where Wen Kexing goes super hard on femme but Zhou Zishu deadass has the same personality and appearance - like shoutout to those artists/writers u r the real ones. Also lesbian Zishu still being called "husband" by Wen Kexing, mwah chef's kiss! He would SO be a butch."
"Wen Kexing is compared to a wife twice in the show and at least once in the book iirc. Canon malewife + wears red eyeshadow and rocks a red robe in his Ghost Valley Master getup + his husband is an emo assassin, they are so incredibly yuri even if they're guys"
For Ineffable Husbands: "Well due to neil mentioning that they was plans for a fem presenting 1960s scene of the two of them that never ended up happening, there's a lot of fanart of that. Plus, they are an angel and a demon, and both technically don't follow the gender rules of humans and many other species on earth, so while they do present very masculine throughout the show, they could be any gender and therefore they seem very fitting for this.(I do apologize as I don't quite understand what guy Yuri is despite your definition so I am guessing and have no clue if they count."
"Looks like m/m on first glance but they don't actually really have gender and Crowley dresses as a woman for a good few years canonically"
"theyre male presenting in the show but they dont really have gender so they could be wlw if they wanted to"
"While both characters spend most of their time presenting as male, they are supernatural beings without any real sex or gender. Crowley appears as a woman multiple times, and one scrapped scene included both Aziriphale and Crowley as women in the 1960s. Additionally, it’s very common to find “Ineffable Wives” fanworks, with both characters appearing as women. As well as having been an immensely popular fandom ship for many years, it has been confirmed that Aziriphale and Crowley are canonically in love with each other."
"Regularly turned into women in fanart. Both Aziraphale and Crowley are incredibly gender. They have been together in some sort of way for 6000 years. Heavy yearning. Cringefail. Divorced and married at the same time. Literally an angel and a demon. What more could you want?"
"theyre literally genderless and can be anything ever!!!"
"Their genders are ineffable and they have hopelessly pined for centuries"
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So I am drinking for the first time in months because I have taken an accidental break from my evil medication and I'm taking advantage of that. But I'm here in the club pondering Lestat on this fine afternoon. Full disclosure I've been watching 2.07 and 2.08 in gifs, because the person who's link I have has not updated their Google drive. But I think most of the ramble I'm about to go oh about Lestat and race is contained within season 1.
So Lestat is an interesting case in terms of portraying a racist character because I think when you correct for the gothic horror shock value he's more true to what most racism actually looks like than like 97% of cases where it's depicted, but also there's a lot of people in the fandom who will insist that hes not racist, despite the fact that Claudia explicitly calls him out on it multiple times. And I think the reason for that is actually more complicated and interesting than standard issue Blorbo apologia or that they see a white person and are automatically more sympathetic to the white person, I'm not saying that both of those aren't part of it but I am saying that there's also a third genre of it.
So like, Lestat starts out as the nice white guy. He's not white he French, as Louis said. He thinks the way that Louis is treated by American white people is appalling. And then as they carry on, Lestat is horrifically racist in some places and kinda chill, never great, but on Louis' side, in others, and in other places he writes race off as a mortal affair and considers both his and Louis' race to be "vampire". And I actually think that's the closest we get to Lestat's actual beliefs on race. He thinks he's solved racism for Louis by giving him the dark gift, because now Louis can just eat people who are racist to him.
Lestat is very much a modern white person transplanted into the Jim Crow era in this way. He doesn't think he's racist. Racism isn't ideological for him the way it is for the other white people we meet in Louisiana who think that they are superior to Louis by virtue of their skin color. He doesn't see Louis as sub human (or sub-vampire). He even feels more affinity to Louis than to other white people by virtue of Louis being both a vampire and his partner.
However he is still racist. Because Lestat at his core is selfish. Louis is the superego and Lestat is the Id. Lestat is operating on a race blind mentality, but he will use other white people's racism to his advantage no matter how much it hurts Claudia and Louis, I would argue with only partial understanding of what he's doing at all.
That's not a defense of him. He knows he's hurting his family. He's doing it on purpose for the benefit of himself because that's who Lestat is. That's what makes him awful and abusive. He takes it to genre typical extremes, but I think sometimes the racial angle to whats going on completely escapes him, meanwhile Louis and Claudia remain hyper aware of it, because they have to be to navigate their lives in black bodies, undead or otherwise. This hurts Louis and Claudia just as much as it would hurt them if Lestat was a white hood wearing Klansman who thought he was superior to them. It doesn't matter in his impact that in his heart he is doing this because he cares about himself before anyone else, rather than because he thinks he's better because he's white. The impact is the same whether he's race blind or a Nazi. He is still weaponizing his whiteness against his loved ones. A person could argue it's worse than if he was a capital R racist because if he was Louis and Claudia would never have become loved ones in the first place
I think this is why a lot of people get incredibly defensive about Lestat being called racist. Because good liberal white people in America are raised to not see color. They're raised to think that MLK solved systemic racism and that treating someone different because of their skin color is appalling behavior. But they still use the systemic racism that exists around them to their advantage while maintaining this mindset, because like pavlovs dogs they know when certain behavior will benefit them but never stop to question why that behavior benefits them or wonder if it's hurting people around them. They will throw poc, even poc that they love and respect, under the bus without realizing that's what's happening.
Lestat holds a dark mirror up to those people. The writers show them a white man who is nice and colorblind and appalled by the treatment that Louis is receiving who still weaponizes the color of his skin against Louis. The first episode makes white people who care about POC want to like and relate to Lestat who is quickly developing a romance with Louis, and then it shows his horrible racist tendencies in subsequent episodes. Because of this white people who are allies and unfamiliar with the story will at first like Lestat but realize around episode three what's up with him and not defend him. But people in the more colorblind lane will defend him from the racism allegations to the death even if they acknowledge his other crimes because they don't want to admit that they themselves have done what Lestat is doing on a much smaller scale without the domestic abuse and vampire style violence.*
Consequently I think they had to make Lestat this type of racist because if they made him an ideological racist he couldn't have gone back to Louis with a satisfying ending the way we know he's going to and if he was actually not racist the way a good ally is (which is to say makes mistakes but owns up to them and corrects them) it would be wildly untrue to his characterization in the books. He must be selfish.
*I of course acknowledge that white people who are not ideologically racist fall along a gradient between ally and color blind and just because someone can recognize this behavior in others doesn't mean they don't occasionally ignore it in themselves but for my purposes I am making a binary. Nuance. You understand.
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gothamslostboy · 1 year
Hi me again! Could I request Spencer Reid x trans male reader (ftm) with the prompts
“Please stay” and “It’s cold when your gone”
Where the 2 r js cuddling bc some asshole at y/ns work said some shit abt him being trans
Maybe a bit of making out but fs like kisses
Ty luv 🫶
- 🦭
A/N: hey 🦭, thank you for my first ever Spencer Reid request! This was a great experience to write and I hope you like it:]
WORDS: 850
MELIORISM (n.) the belief that the world gets better; the belief that humans can improve the world
Spencer Reid x FTM reader
Spencer had 3 main amazing talents. His eidetic memory, which allowed him to recall the tiniest visual details of the things he sees, even if briefly. Reid could also read 20,000 words a minute, finishing books that would take a regular person multiple days in only a few hours. These are well known about Spencer, but, his third talent is something only you’ve experienced. He has the ability to read your emotions perfectly.
If he hadn’t already explained that the ability to be a genuine mind reader would require factors that don’t exist in our world, you would’ve been sure he was one. No matter how insignificant the feeling, Dr. Spencer Walter Reid knew you felt it. So it was no suprise when he was already at the door when you arrived home, scooping you into a hug and kissing your forehead.
Daniel said something again didn’t he? You know, even after one transphobic comment the U.S Equal Employment Opportunity Commission says that he can be fired. I’m sorry he does this Y/N, you deserve better. You let out a small chuckle as he continues to ramble about different papers and documents he’s read that could help. Just knowing how much Spencer wants to help makes the hurt you feel evaporate away for a bit.
I’m gonna be ok Spence, it just hurts to hear those things. Especially because he was a work friend before he found out I’m trans. You broke away from the hug to shrug the burgundy coat off your body, placing it on the coat rack before grabbing Spencer’s hand & walking towards your shared bedroom. I know Y/N, but you’re just too great of a guy to have to put up with hateful speech. Is there anything I can do to make you feel better? I just want to lay down and watch a show, is Star Trek alright? He smiles, matching the small one on your face as he nods.
Sounds perfect! Did you know that Star Trek actually has very little physics mistakes? Considering the time it was- Spencer’s phone rings, cutting off a rant you were honestly interested in hearing. He answers, the corners of his mouth dropping back down as he exhales. He nods his head a few times before excusing himself to the person on the other end of the phone. Sorry Hotch, just a moment. You’re now back to feeling the same disappointment you had earlier, Aaron only calls after 6:00pm when there’s a case.
Y/N, im so sorry, Reid cups your face with his left hand. There’s a briefing for a case, we leave early tomorrow. Please stay. You lean your face into his hand even more. I know it’s selfish, but I just don’t want to be alone…. Its not selfish. A quiet silence fills the moment. Spencer examines you for a second before placing a gentle kiss on your lips. He guides you onto the bed, pulling off your shoes and turning on Star Trek. He exits the room and moves the phone back to his ear. You sigh, knowing that the case is important or he would’ve stayed.
Surprisingly, Spence re enters about 10 minutes later, with waters and your favorite snack. I thought- I can read the case files on the flight tomorrow. There’s more than enough time and Hotch said he’d fill me in on any other information needed. You hug his side as he sits down, pulling yourself close enough to rest your head on his shoulder as you watch the show. Thank you Spence. It’s better when you’re here, the house is so cold when I’m alone. He turns your head to face his, you come first Y/N, always.
Both leaning in for a slightly intense kiss, time passes and you realize 1 and 1/2 episodes have played in the background. You two had got so caught up in eachother that the tv noise had been completely forgotten. Spencer shares one more peck, before turning back to the screen. I thought you just wanted to lay down and watch a show? We haven’t done very much of that have we? A snicker escapes you as your eyes roll playfully.
Alright, I know. You’ve seen this show a hundred times- 68 and 3/5ths. Reid beams at you as you raise an eyebrow. Ok, you’ve seen this show 68 & 3/5ths times, what’s happened so far in this episode?
He begins to tell you all the needed context for the episode, and then some extra. You lean back against his shoulder and you two hold the hands closest to eachother, the horrible day of work completely forgotten.
Spencer tended to do that. He made all your bad days turn into good ones. You knew no matter how many people tried to hurt you, to tear away your happiness, that people like Spencer Reid existed. People who spend everyday trying to fix this broken world. You knew that meeting Spencer and falling in love with him was the luckiest thing a guy like you could do.
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k8lynjoy · 6 months
Pro-Damon arguments have always been pretty stupid imo, but an argument I've been seeing a lot more of recently is people saying that they prefer Damon to Stefan- both as a character and as a love interest for Elena- because "Damon was aware that he was a monster whereas Stefan pretended that he wasn't", and I have got to say, this is such a brain dead take.
Let's start by addressing the first part of the claim, that Damon's self-awareness inherently makes him better. No. Believe it or not, being self-aware does not make you a good person, it's what you do with that awareness that does. What does Damon do with his self-awareness? Absolutely nothing. He whines and cries about how much of a monster he is and how he can't change whenever anyone tries to hold him accountable for anything, or he just puts the blame on Katherine or his mother because "they didn't wuv him 🥺👉🏻👈🏻". So, he recognizes that he's a bad person, but then he proceeds to continue to be a bad person anyway...I'm not seeing how this is a good- or even a respectable- thing. Damon also doesn't care! He enjoys murdering and r*ping people. How does someone knowing they're a bad person, and then doing nothing to be better, make them a better person? It doesn't. The logic of that argument is non-existent. And to then go on and say that this is why Elena should choose him?? Why? How does Elena begging Damon to just stop being horrible, and then him responding with "I'm a monster, I'll never change" scream "I'm someone you should be with"?? There's a reason she told him he was the worst choice she would ever make.
Now, for the second part of the claim, which states that Stefan pretends that he is a good person when really, he's a monster. Once again: no. Tell me you don't have general comprehension skills without telling me because Stefan's desperation to hold onto his humanity and morality are very central parts of his character. He recognizes that he's done horrible things and takes full accountability for them. Whenever Elena asks him a question about his past, he's honest with her. He doesn't hide things from her, downplay them, or push the blame onto someone else (and if someone tries to bring up him not initially telling her he was a vampire, I will scream. Because duh! Why would he just be like, "Hey, I'm Stefan, I'm a vampire, nice to meet you!"? Please be serious) He's said the words "I am/was a monster" multiple times on screen - same as Damon - the difference between the two of them is that Stefan does something about it. Stefan trying to be a better person is not him pretending he's never done bad things. It's him trying to atone for all of the bad things that he has done. So, when he says that he's not Damon, It's true! Because he does everything Damon doesn't do when it comes to facing the consequences of his actions. Which also winds up forcing him to face the consequences of Damon's actions as well!
Only in the TVD fandom will you see people say that the guy who actively does the wrong thing in every scenario and who revels in being the bad guy is better than the guy who hates the part of himself that does horrible things and puts all of his effort into being a better person simply because guy #1 is "self-aware".
I hate it here.
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panlight · 10 months
Reading the chapter Carlisle in twilight again (one of my fave chapters), and Edward is talking about how Carlisle toyed with the idea of creating a companion since he never ended up finding one, hence why he later changed Edward. But it got me thinking, if Esme was already a vampire and Carlisle ran into her and became companions/lovers/soulmates, would he bother to change Edward, Rosalie, and thus Emmett?
Edward was basically created to fill a void in Carlisle’s existence, but if Esme came along first (as a sick human and then turned by Carlisle, or already as a vampire), I think Carlisle would be satisfied. I could see it being just the two of them. Though, I think Esme would still long for others to care for to fill the mother-child void.
Would Alice/Jasper still join them? Would it be just the four of them? Would Edward/R/Em still happen?
It’s an interesting thought.
I think this is a big part of why SM changed the story of how Carlisle and the Denali sisters met, too. Originally she had said he met them 'early on' when they were 'just starting to look into this vegetarian thing.' Which meant that Carlisle was still a young, single vampire, and he met up with a coven of three other vampires who were totally open to this vegetarian idea . . . and he didn't stay with them? I think SM realized that he probably would have just formed some kind of a family with them (either as their adopted 'brother' or as the mate of one of them), and never have gone on to create Edward, Esme and the rest, so she changed it so that they only met many years later after Carlisle already had a family of his own.
I think if Carlisle ran into a vampire Esme he probably wouldn't have created the others, assuming Esme was either already a vegetarian or was like Eleazar/Carmen and uneasy with killing and welcomed Carlisle's lifestyle as an alternative to that. If Esme were just like a typical vampire with no interest in going veggie I don't know that it would have worked out (I don't really believe that vampire 'mates' are fated in the same way that imprinting is; YMMV). I think given Esme's personality, though, it wouldn't be a problem.
I think the question is whether Elizabeth Masen still makes the plea. I know we love to joke about "lol dying person! Carlisle's got a new family member!'" But with all the deaths he's seen as a doctor, it's only been four times: once because a dying mother literally begged him to do 'what others cannot do' to save her son; once because this woman in the morgue wasn't actually dead yet and oh hey I know her!; once because he came across a girl who had been attacked and left for dead in the street (this one didn't even happen at work); and the fourth because the aforementioned dying girl brought him a dying dude she found in the forest and begged him to do it (also not at work). He's not actually changing dying people very often.
So even if he had Esme first, Elizabeth Masen's plea still might have moved him. He wouldn't have been in the depths of his loneliness, but he would have had the (presumed) success of Esme, either as a vampire he created or one he met who agreed to be vegetarian. I could go either way. But of course there's the butterfly effect: if he had met 22 year old Esme in 1917 and got together then, he might not have been in Chicago to meet Elizabeth and Edward Masen in 1918.
I could definitely see a world where it's just Carlisle and Esme until Alice and Jasper show up on their doorstep.
But I could also see a world where Carlisle himself was satisfied with his one ideal companion, but Esme, with her power of love and frustrated maternal longing, wanted a 'family' and maybe in that scenario something like Edward or Rosalie (if not them exactly) might still happen. Maybe Esme is even the one doing the 'saving,' or at least bringing the dying teenagers to Carlisle like Rosalie did with Emmett.
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tortadecereji · 2 years
So, me and my friend @megamispe rewatched Monters vs Alians lately. My first thought? Why not make a komaeda centred au based on that lol. My computer broke, so I haven't drawn all the characters, but here's some doodles.
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I'm having lots of fun with this au, so ill probably post more of it later. (Feel free to ask me about it if you'd like!)
Also, check Mega's twitter account, she gave me a lot of ideas for this au!!
The story would follow the same line as the movie, except that I added some stuff, so here's about the characters for now if you'd like to know:
Nagito Komaeda: Pretty much the same thing that happens to Susan in the movie, except... he's Komaeda...
Nagito was supposed to marry Byakuya the day a large meteor hit him. Said meteor contained a large amount of radiation that Komaeda ended up absorbing at the impact. Of course, he survived the incident due to his luck.
However, the radiation began affecting his body during the ceremony, which caused his previously light brown hair to turn white and his height to increase unbelievably huge. With that the wedding has been ruined, the guests were scared for their lives, Byakuya was grossed out by him now, and a monster containment organization has been called to capture him. The only ones who did worry about Nagito were Sonia and Gundham, but they could do nothing to stop him from being captured. Komaeda blames himself and his luck for ruining what should be the happiest day of his life and convinced himself that no matter what he tried, his chances of having the loving family he always longed for would always be taken away from him.
Byakuya Togami: He's the heir of the Togami corporation—just like in canon— and was about to marry Komaeda more for status and money than love. Nagito's family was loaded and had control over many interesting businesses for Togami, that's why he chose to marry Nagito, who was the only person left in his family. But once the radiation took over Komaeda, Byakuya gave up on the idea instantly. He did not want to deal with a giant-sized Komaeda, thinking that would ruin his image and career. It's not like Nagito has his family's assets now that he's a monster, so he's not interesting to Byakuya anymore. (Togami is a fucking asshole in this au, I'm sorry, Togami fans)
Sonia Nevermind + Gundham Tanaka: They're Nagito's best friends. Since Nagito's parents are dead, they're the ones who always help him out, including at his wedding. They were the only ones who were more for Komaeda himself after the meteor episode. Gundham even tried to stop some of the soldiers from the organization, but that was in vain, he and Sonia were pulled out of the area as well as the rest of the guests.
Eventually, when the monsters get Mukuro's permission to leave the containment base, Komeada goes directly to Gundham and Sonia's house so they know he's okay. Both Sonia and Gundham don't mind his new form, they're just happy to have their best friend back safe and sound.
Bonus: Gundham says that Nagito has reached his true form and that he knew from the start that Nagito wasn't entirely human. Komaeda shrugged it off as he knows it's just Gundham's dramatic way of speaking.
Mukuro Ikusaba: She takes the role of R. Monger.
Mukuro is a very talented soldier who got promoted to be in charge of area fifty-something(yes, the same as the movie. I'm not creative), where the monsters are being kept. She's cold looking and very straight to the point, but she also has a soft spot for the monsters she takes care of. That being said, she goes on her way to make sure they're comfortable in their new forever home, even if they can't escape to the outside world due to how humans would react.
After some months after Nagito's containment, Mukuro received the information that a huge alien robot bear had arrived on earth and proved to be a threat as it was killing innocent people and causing despair all over the place. Mukuro convinced the government to use the monsters to fight the robot since not even the armed force could, and in exchange, the monsters could finally be free.
Needless to say that Mukuro cared a lot for them, so she was very nervous about this decision as they could get hurt or even die.
Chiaki Nanami: Chiaki is a werebat. She has been in area fifty-something since she was 15. She's now 23.
Nanami has been found by the monster containment organization with one of her wings broken, so it was easier for them to capture her. It was a scary experience, she hated it there, but things improved when she met the Ultimate Hope, who she only calls Hajime(or Izuru if he's in control), they got attached very quickly as they noticed they were both very lonely and had problems socializing with the others monsters in the facility.
When she was 18, Mukuro got her promotion. Chiaki was cautious about her at first, but that soon changed as Ikusaba showed the monsters genuine care. Mukuro even gifted Chiaki a portable game console, which led to Nanami hyperfixation on games.
Nanami got interested in Nagito almost instantly, when he got into the facility, because of her curiosity. She surely hadn't planned that, but after some months, she and Hajime had developed a very strong bond with the white-haired man.
Hajime/Izuru(Ultimate Hope): The Ultimate Hope was born from a failed experiment a mad scientist performed on his son—Hajime Hinata— when the boy was 5 years old to try and stuff all talents known in the child's brain. That resulted in the creation of Izuru, however, the scientist hadn't expected Hajime's memories and soul to still be alive after the experiment. The Ultimate Hope was captured by the monster containment organization right after said experiment when they ended up killing their father in a post-trauma rage assessment.
Hajime and Izuru, despite showing different personalities, are the same person. They have the same feelings, same memories, same body... if, somehow, they were to be split apart, it'd be similar to cutting off a body member.
Hajime and Izuru intercalate who's in control of their body depending on the situation, Hajime being more in control during social and support situations, and Izuru during situations that require a bit more logic. Usually, Hajime's the one in control and izuru appears as his shadow. The same happens when Izuru takes control, but Hajime's the one being his shadow.
As previously mentioned, they take interest in Nagito and decide to approach him alongside Chiaki.
Akane Owari: She's a werewolf. Surprisingly the most difficult one to capture.
Akane has been found in a small village scaring some villagers away so she could steal their food and bring them to her younger siblings.
The monster containment organization tried to capture her more than once, but she always escaped using her inhuman speed. She also put up a fight leaving many soldiers harmed, but never killed them. She has only been captured one day when she came back to her cave and couldn't find her siblings anywhere. She lost the will to fight and let herself be captured.
She still don't know where they are, and that worries her very much, but she allowed herself to enjoy her new life since she not only got free food in the facility, but also got along pretty well with the other monsters.
King Monokuma: It is a gigantic alien robot that Junko sent to earth, in Japan to be precise, to torment the humans and bring them despair. However, King Monokuma is merely a distraction from her actual takeover plan.
She knew that the robot bear would get the world's attention, having most of the countries send resources that they believed would help take it down, as King Monokuma was believed to be a menace not only to Japan, but to the rest of the world too.
Still, even with how strong the robot was, it was defeated by the monsters strangely easily.
Junko Enoshima: Junko is an alien that destroyed her own planet. She's completely in love with despair and wants every living being to feel it.
It's always the same plan, she sends one of her Monokumas to scare the inhabitants of the planet she chose, and kills a bunch of people, only sparing a few that she thought that'd make wonderful remnants of despair and make them destroy their home planet themselves...
She'd watch the chaos and also plan more despairing things to do with the planet's inhabitants, like different types of killing games, until she gets bored and went to the next planet.
But earth is a little special for her, as it would not be the first time she'd be there. This time, she's eager to see a certain soldier again, but not only that, she wants the amount of power that had been contained within Komaeda(of course she doesn't knows that he's the one who has been hit by that meteor...yet).
Bonus thingy: Hajime/Izuru and Chiaki teach Nagito how to feel love. The trio + Mukuro and Akane become a founding family!!!
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bradsmindbrain · 3 months
Screw it, Hi-Fi Rush OC
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Image made using this Picrew.
Info below the cut.
Name: Graham Age: 35 Gender: Cis-Male Height: 6 feet 8 inches/2.032 meters Weight: 200 lbs/90 kilograms Sexuaity: Gay Prosthetic: Eyes Occupation (or prior affiliations): Janitor
Bio: One of the few humans who still have low-level jobs at the Vandelay Campus, Graham was perhaps able to keep his job due to his tendency to keep his head down and do his job without asking questions, though some believe it’s also because his time as a janitor has given him dirt on just about everyone. Despite this, he’s shown no interest in achieving any higher position in the company, and is perfectly content with his current position. Prosthetics are a result of an incredibly aggressive eye infection that rendered them completely unusable. He and Roquefort ended up bonding over the fact their cybernetics were a result of life-altering illnesses, and as a result, Graham has developed a romantic attraction to the other man, helped by the fact that Graham knows better than to irritate him by asking for budget increases.
Personality: An Graham has mastered the art of going unnoticed, being well-aware that things will be better for him if he doesn’t ask questions and does his job. This has led to him learning a lot about the dirty little secrets of a majority of the staff members, though he’ll never actually reveal what those are. While he hates workplace drama, he knows all of it, just chooses not to get involved. He doesn’t like it when other people don’t take care of themselves properly, since it reminds him of himself prior to the infection that took his vision. A bit of a germaphobe, he can’t stand messes, though thankfully most of the messes he deals with are mechanical in nature. He’s remarkably intelligent, and very well could hold a higher position in the company, but he prefers to stay working as a janitor, as he isn’t interested in all the desk work that comes with a higher position.
Likes: His job, Roquefort, cleanliness, reading, working out Dislikes: The R&D Department (messy and dangerous), filth, workplace drama, people not taking care of themselves properly, comments about his eyes
● Irish
● Mild autism and ADHD
● Wears sunglasses a lot, even indoors since a lot of people find his eyes “creepy” due to the crudeness of his implants
● Avid Bayonetta player
● Bionicle fan
● Drinks Rekka’s apple juice religiously, always follows instructions on the can in the least messy way he can
● Eyes help with finding any hard to spot messes that need cleaning up
● Doesn’t blink that often
● Lollipop addict
● Fully capable of beating ass with his mop if it comes down to it
● When I said that the janitorial staff dug Roquefort out of the gold pile, it was him specifically that did it
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94. A Ritual Killing
Judging by the title I wonder what will happen in this episode
Anyway, here's a dump of goat lord trivia (and what sets him apart from other tinos)
His design is somewhat based on young Mr Small from The Amazing World of Gumball (my favorite show E V E R)
He was diagnosed with ADHD as an adult
He literally has a squishmallow of himself named Squishtino
He has a single white spot by his tail
He has heavy scarring on his chest, both from ep. 50 and from long before
He bleats like an actual goat when very happy
If you give him a belly rub he kicks his feet and squeals!!
His default (work) outfit is his least favorite outfit
He has been bodyshamed quite a bit and is insecure about his appearance
Cartoon Irratino was born with his canon name pronunciation, although upon entering the Deduction College Tuscany misread it as 'Irrashino'. He now generally goes by this pronunciation and is uncomfortable when referred to by his legal name.
Uncle Midnight is the only person in the series who actually calls him 'Goat Lord'
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Alr onto episode
Immediately, a random hand grabs Logico and yanks him into the back room!!
Five cloaked figures stand in the way.
LOGICO: Of course. A kidnapping, to add to everything else.
The lights go out dramatically. The cloaked figures dance around Logico in a circle, horribly. And then they sing… EVEN MORE HORRIBLY!!
There’s a scream, the lights come back on, and one of the cloaked figures is dead.
LOGICO: Oh thank god.
The survivors throw off their hoods. It’s Tangerine!
LOGICO: Of course.
It’s Marengo!
It’s Applegreen!...
LOGICO: Wh…y…?
It’s Smoky?!
LOGICO: What the fuck?  SMOKY: Huhuhuhuhuh, BUSTED!!
The victim, thank goodness, was just some human. How dare a human intervene with named character business? Logico already knows there was a good reason behind this one. But it needs to be solved regardless.
APPLEGREEN: I’d do anything to make my father proud again. LOGICO: That’s already suspicious as is. What prompted you to say that? APPLEGREEN: … 
Logico sits down and admires the body for a while. The way the blood stains the floor is oddly beautiful.
LOGICO: I wonder… could someone have done this just to make a blood painting for the floor? APPLEGREEN: That’s… that’s… [whimper] LOGICO: What? APPLEGREEN: That’s one of the dumbest things you’ve ever said… 
On the floor already is, indeed, a blood painting - though not from this human. It is just scribbles and randomly-placed circles, with Irratino’s logo prominently shining in the middle.
LOGICO: That’s… [...]
That reminds Logi that it’s time to call Goat Lord. But there’s no answer. Logico is quick to assume he’s dead. But then there’s a text.
“Logico! I got your call! Sorry, I was pooping :’>” 
LOGICO: Did not need that information.
“Stay safe! And remember: the person with a heavy candle wanted to kill on behalf of the Industry!”
LOGICO: Oh you dumb goat. Who else would capitalize ‘industry’? 
Logico thinks about him for a long time. And he does what his bf would do - go with his gut.
LOGICO: [ahem] Applegreen. I hate to be rude, but you have done a very poor job covering up your crime. APPLEGREEN: I’m sorry… I knew there was only supposed to be four of us. OTHERS: [mumbling in agreement] [long silence] APPLEGREEN: HAHA!! That’s right! I’m a traitor!!!!
Everyone gasps except for Logico.
LOGICO: You’ve killed people before, I kind of already kn- APPLEGREEN: I’ve sold you out for my boss! I’ve GROWN to identify his interests as my own!  TANGERINE: I don’t know what she’s saying. APPLEGREEN: Enough being ‘ASSISTANT APPLEGREEN’! Enough having ‘ASS’ in the title! Now, I’m AGENT APPLEGREEN!!!!
She strikes a dramatic superhero pose. 
APPLEGREEN: [squeal] I have to call my dad! 
She runs off. 
TANGERINE: I’d like to take over Hollywood. LOGICO: Yes yes, who DOESN’T. MARENGO: Ugh, I can’t get that song out of my head! We are the very special very special super magic- wait. No. It was we are the very very no… that’s not it. It was more like LOGICO: JUST STOP TALKING FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. … Sorry.
He finally notices the SWH below Irratino’s logo on the blood painting.
LOGICO: What does THAT mean? TANGERINE: You’re looking at it upside down. That’s HMS - the Hollywood mystery society.
Logico’s lens shatters and he falls backwards in slow-motion. 
LOGICO: [weak] Of course Irratino couldn’t do something so terrible… 
He gets up and tears out the door as fast as penguin-ly possible. 
The end!
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Tangerine says Y O S
Six more episodes to go!!!!!!!!!
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The power of Goat Lord compels you!
See you next time murdlers!
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besides baxter's engineering, chemistry, and his other scientific talents, do u think he has non-scientific hobbies?
I do actually! Baxter definitely enjoys other things aside from science & has for sure hobbies & interests outside of them. Of course. Those said hobbies vary & depend on which version of him. Starting with 87, he's definitely someone that enjoys reading
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Granted it could be considered a reach cus it was just a brief animation, but he still awes me as a literature type. Non science too believe it or not. In fact, 80s Baxter strikes me as somebody that enjoys history. I can see him being into artifact collecting or just overall researching historical figures & landscapes. I mean. He didn't mind conversing with "Napoleon" in the asylum plus in the episode "Curse of the evil eye" he specifically wished himself a Taj Mahal
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Of all the mansions or big laboratories he could have made he chose this. He's clearly fascinated by the lifestyle. Another example he likes reading could be traced back to sea stories like the "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea" & or "Moby Dick" considering in the same episode & "The incredible shrinking turtles" he not only owns a boat but a diving suit as well.
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Another hobby I could see 87 enjoying is laying back with snacks & maybe even a friend. Both examples we've seen in the series.
2003 Baxter also strikes me as a literature type. His very first words in the series was literally a quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson,
"A wise man once said, Build a better mousetrap, and the world will beat a path to your door.”
Not to mention he references Mary Shelley's Frankenstein when he's creating the genetic aliens for Bishop. Maybe said book or ones like that inspired him to pursue science in the first place. Aside from that. 2003 dives himself in his work, so the most he may do outside of it is read or even try to live in the moment of the outside world he took for granite before losing his body. Maybe even reminiscing about the short time he had with his mother & think about her in general.
IDW also falls into this category. We saw in the armageddon game opening moves #2 that he just only works & not even the holidays makes him stop. But he's still a human being & has to have some non work enjoyments. And we've seen multiple times that thing is alcohol.
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IDW is a man that enjoys a good drink of wine or whiskey after a good or a long day of work. Maybe even check what's going on in the news whether it's paper or live. He is the Mayor after all so he has to have an interest or some knowledge of politics. Another unrelated hobby could be sitting in silence to nothing but old soul or blues music to just think. Maybe even continue playing chess after all these years to keep his brain power flowing.
2012 is a very different story however. He canonically has hobbies outside of science as he revealed in "The Insecta trifecta" & the 2012 free comic book day annual & #9 of the Panini comics
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2012 is the definition of a nerd & he's not 1 but ashamed of that. The inventions that follow him are just an extension of how passionate about Nerdism he is. He's big into comic books & fantasy alongside martial arts films even.
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Granted he could have watched those just to use his robots to beat the turtles but I doubt it was only them that made him a martial arts fan. I can even peg him easily as a major Toku (Sentai & Kamen Rider) fan who definitely listens to the theme songs in their entirety. Speaking of music, 2012 also has a music hobby like his IDW counterpart, the taste obviously being drastically different. I HC he has playlists for different settings like all of us do, one being even for inventing. The songs at most being Asian pop, 90s/80s songs & even r&b sound wave remixes
2012 can also be labeled as somebody that has a collection, action figure or not.
Bayverse is also a nerd, but he mostly (keyword mostly) keeps it professional & hidden. We saw in his interaction with April he even knows a few differences between the labels that follow geek & nerd culture. It's a good chance he likes to watch sci-fi fantasy & comic movies on the side, as he does have a bit of a God complex of himself shown through the film. This chess board we see in his lab could also indicate he plays it & may possibly even have a similar backstory to his IDW counterpart because of it. Who he plays with tho could probably be a mystery. Most likely his computer since he's clearly lonely & wants a companion.
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And finally Rise/Stockboy is a no brainer to have hobbies considering he's still a kid & enjoys kid things video games being one of them thanks to Albearto in "Al be back"
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And when he's not playing games he's most likely watching someone else do it since the boy is chronically online. Downtime 100% consists of YouTube, Instagram, Tiktok & even Twitter. A part of him might even enjoy stacking & does it in his free time too. Maybe it was Remy 🐀 situation & his folks saw that as a sign of "new job for you".
He might also be into singing & karaoke. 2 reasons being 1. His VA Ramone Hamilton does in fact sing & wonderfully I may add & 2, in the deleted scene of the Rise movie he was excited to do karaoke & visibly disappointed when it didn't happen
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(re-animation over the animatic credit goes to @camilieroart )
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cakesandfail · 1 year
Can you write the Nightwatch conversation that Vimes and Vetinari have two months later? (Being cheeky with a prompt since you made me think about it and then were talking about prompts!)
I most certainly can, yes! Thank you <3
For context, this is set in the Oblong Office, with a desk full of plans relevant to re-opening the Treacle Mine Road watch house. It's very, very dialogue-heavy, but that's sort of the point, I guess.
"Regarding the roof," said Vetinari, "I seem to recall that the tiles were-"
"Don't," said Vimes, throwing his pencil down.
"Excuse me?"
"Don't try to weasel your way into another conversation about that. I'm not talking about it with you."
Vetinari studied Vimes carefully for a moment, and then turned. "Mr Drumknott, could you file these blueprints, please? It appears we have finsihed for today."
After Drumknott had left the room, he continued.
"I believe an apology is in order."
"No," said Vimes. "I'm not apologising to you for anyth-"
"From me."
Vimes stared. "You don't do that."
"I rarely find it necessary," said Vetinari. "This time, however... I may have misjudged the situation, last time we spoke about our, ah, shared history. I am, after all, only human."
Vimes snorted. "Could've fooled me."
"Not for much longer, I think." Vetinari flashed one of his sharp little smiles. "Our conversation in the cemetery was not as productive as I had hoped, Vimes. In hindsight, I fear I said some things which came across as somewhat... insensitive."
"That," Vimes growled, "and you sounded like you were making a move on me when my wife had just had our fucking kid."
"Ah," said Vetinari. "Yes. My intention was merely to change the subject, but I see how you would have thought..." He paused. "I really am sorry, Sam. For general thoughtlessness, mostly, but also for what you went through. Once was enough: I cannot imagine how it must have felt to be there twice."
And after all those weeks of keeping his thoughts to himself, with a new baby at home and more to think about at work than ever, that was all it took for Vimes: hearing words that nobody had ever said about any of this, from the last person he ever expected to apologise for anything at all. He visibly deflated, sliding down in his seat, a hand over his face. He took one shaky breath, and then another.
"I thought he was my dad," he said. "Back then, the first time around. I knew Mum had lied about what had happened to him, and I was a fucking idiot, so as soon as Keel showed an interest in me I put two and two together and made five. Can you imagine, getting your hopes up like that and then the guy just dies right in front of you a week later?"
Vetinari said nothing; he merely raised an eyebrow. Vimes laughed, though there was little humour in it.
"Hah. Yeah, I suppose you can, can't you?"
"We both thought very highly of Sergeant Keel, certainly."
"Probably not as highly as the other me did though," said Vimes. "When I went back- when I was Keel- the younger me there must have been even more convinced than I was. We looked alike, for fuck's sake! Of course we did!"
"And you worry for him. For you."
"Can't help it," said Vimes. "Poor kid got left behind twice, just like I did, and now it's my own bloody fault."
The two men sat in silence, the irregular ticking of the clock in the corridor outside just barely audible in the background.
"I think," said Vetinari carefully, "that it was necessary in order for you to be you. The fact that you feel guilt for events beyond your control is, I would suggest, a part of that."
"You really believe that, don't you?"
"In all honesty, Vimes, I think it would do you good if you believed it too."
Vimes thought for a moment. "I can't imagine you feeling guilty about anything."
"Oh, quite the contrary. There have been things that were necessary that I wish were never so. But back then? No. Only that-" Vetinari stopped abruptly, looking away.
"Ah, come on, you can't do that shit. Not now you've got all this out of me."
"I would rather not-"
Vimes leant forward again. "Tell me."
There was another long silence. Vimes sighed, but as he rose out of his seat to leave, Vetinari finally spoke.
"If I had known how that night was going to end, I would never have taken the commission."
Vimes sat down heavily. "That was you? You bumped off Winder in the middle of a damned party?"
"I wouldn't put it quite like that, but yes."
"And you were how old, seventeen? Eighteen?"
"Just turned eighteen."
"So practically a kid then, right?"
"Old enough, by Guild rules."
"Good gods," said Vimes. "This place really does rely on us for everything. No wonder I hate it here."
"You do not," said Vetinari, a faint note of amusement creeping into his voice. "I have no doubt that you have this city's best interests at heart."
"Yeah," said Vimes. "That's why I haven't cut your head off yet."
"Oh? Might I assume, then, that the barricades won't be going up again any time soon?"
"Eh," Vimes shrugged, "I still think you're a pain in the arse. But for now... yeah. You're doing alright."
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janeicethesiren · 9 months
Sebastian Michaelis Headcanons
Hello! Long time no see! Sleep isn’t speaking to me right now so I thought I’d do some headcanons for our favorite demon; Sebastian!
Disclaimer: These headcanons are based on my interpretation of Sebastian’s character from the manga (what I’ve read so far), and just some miscellaneous things I think about sometimes. This isn’t meant to be a serious character analysis, I’m just having fun!
Warnings! ⚠️‼️⛔️ Mentions of R/pe and SA; Sexism and Racism, it’s near the end don’t worry.
“Sebastian” The Demon Headcanons
Ok, so it seems like Sebastian the demon is a very different person from Sebastian the butler. And there are some things about him that I don’t quite understand yet, so these are my headcanons based on what I’ve seen.
He has said that his true form is ugly and grotesque, and I don’t disbelieve him. However, if I’m not mistaken, before meeting with o!ciel, he seemed to have already taken on a somewhat human like appearance that’s not very different from the beautiful man we see today. I can believe that he automatically took on a human form to ease o!ciel’s mind; it’d make sense. But I still believe personally that:
The beautiful man we see is just as much a part of his “true form” as the mass of goo he’s shown as at the beginning.
I believe he can shapeshift into any form he wants, based on his quote, “I am no one, yet I can be anyone.” But I also believe he has a “default human form” in the same way he has a “default bird form” and possibly a default form in the demon realm, too. I just think it’s weird that whenever he changes his human form before the contract, he never changes his face, height, skin, or even his gender, which is interesting. Just his clothes. Why?
Secondly, I think “Sebastian” the demon does have a gender. Let me clarify, it’s not so much that he’s like a human where he was born a certain gender, but it’s more like, he has a sort of preference for how he shows up? If that makes sense? For example, demons in the kuro world could be inherently genderless, however; it could be possible that some demons could have preferences or even biases based on lived experiences in the human world. To elaborate, Sebastian has seen first hand how most humans are typically more trusting and differential towards men. Particularly tall, handsome, white men. So therefore, he typically prefers to show up in that form for most contracts as this allows him the most freedom, and lowers most people’s guard, generally speaking.
Some stereotypes, good or bad, could be highly advantageous for certain demons depending on the way they like to handle their contracts.
Sebastian’s True Personality Headcanons
We all know what Sebastian is really like at his core. He’s narcissistic, sadistic, arrogant, selfish, and heartless. But I have a few headcanons to add to that wonderful personality of his.
I feel like, outside of his butler persona, or in his thoughts, Sebastian can actually be quite childish and whiny at times. I think this is kind of funny because he criticizes his master for this all the time but I don’t think he’s much different. Sebastian has no qualms about working hard, for sure, and while he likes battling with his master, he also doesn’t like to be undermined or looked down upon. He gets very miffed when people don’t like him, and he’ll whine when he’s not given enough attention. Of course this is much more subtle within his butler persona, but it’s still there. I feel we see this most blatantly when interacting with characters like Nina Hopkins.
He can be quite the brat himself too, which is also funny. It’s rare, but those moments when he’ll complain, or mock his master in his head for his orders, or his extremely passive aggressive, pedantic behavior, particularly at the beginning of the contract. And his whole thing about everything needing to be perfect and beautiful all the time even outside of the contract, lol he’s just as much of a brat as his master! A match made in hell, truly. (Not in a ship way!!!)
I may do a separate headcanon list for this later but I feel like Sebastian would be the worst friend/partner ever. He’d be such a headache. Any friend or partner of his would have to: measure up to incredibly high standards at all times, would need to deal with his constant need to be the center of everything, would have to listen to him complain and possibly be subservient to him as he sees himself as a king (another headcanon based on the ice king short story). He’d be very controlling and wishy washy with affection (only wanting affection on HIS terms), probably would have no respect for any possible boundaries you may have, would subject you to constant psychology abuse, if you’re good at something he’ll try to upstage you as often as possible, won’t listen to a thing you say because he thinks he knows best (due to his arrogance), it’d SUCK! Very, very bad friend/partner material. :(
Sebastian Michaelis: Biases and Sexuality
I don’t think Sebastian would necessarily have biases in the sense of like: thinking men are better than women or white people are better than everyone else because why would he? He, himself, is a shapeshifter and a demon who sees all humans as grasshoppers. It’s like us discriminating against male ants and female ants, red ants or brown aunts. Why would we? They’re all aunts.
However, with that being said, he can still fall into the trappings of ignorance sometimes, subconsciously.
For example, at least in the beginning of the manga, when he needs to gather information from a woman, do you notice he tends to approach her in a more flirtatious/sensual manner? Even when he doesn’t have too? Beast is the most infamous example. Regardless of William’s presence, there really was no reason why he had to approach Beast that way, or even at all! Unless I missed something (which I very well could have), I don’t see a reason why he couldn’t approach someone like Dagger for information or even Doll, who was clearly just as emotionally vulnerable as Beast was.
I think Sebastian, subconsciously or otherwise, might have internalized some of the stupidity of the ideology around a “women’s place” in society during that time and, based on his good looks, believes that women are generally easy enough to get information from as long as he’s handsome and charismatic. Since he’s both of those things, all he has to do is wink and smile and it’s in the bag. Basically this is Sebastian. “Women respond best to sweet words and private attention, men respond best to ego stroking or violence.” Something like that. You get what I mean? I hope I’m making sense.
I also theorize that, while he wouldn’t necessarily see a black man as less than a white man, he wouldn’t be immune to believing in stereotypes about different groups of humans, especially if he hasn’t met one that’s challenged these stereotypes yet. For example, his knee jerk reaction to meeting a black person during his current time period, assuming he may not have ever met one, could default to, “Black = half evolved human, or “strong laborer humans” or “hypersexual/extra primitive human.” Simply because, those were the horrible stereotypes that persisted back then. But he wouldn’t act on his immediate thoughts unless given a reason too. He doesn’t treat Mey-rin, Lau, Soma, Agni, or any other ethnic character differently so it’s quite possible he doesn’t think anything at all.
To put it simply, it’d be like us seeing aunts and being like, “regular aunts are harmless, red aunts are dangerous and should be avoided.” But they’re still aunts and not worth thinking about more deeply than that (in some opinions!).
Onto sexuality, this one is particularly confusing to me because I see so much debate about this and truthfully I have no idea what to believe concerning canon. So I’m going purely on headcanon for this, and feel free to correct me if you have more information on this (assuming you’ve read this far).
So, I’m asexual or something like that (I’m figuring it out sis), and I’ve seen some people say that Sebastian is asexual because it seems like he doesn’t enjoy sex, and only sees it as a means to an end, which I do kind of agree. However, a few things confuse me.
As someone who doesn’t enjoy sex, I personally look for any excuse to not be bothered with it. Obviously, I’m not a demon, and I’m not Sebastian, but is there really no other way for him to gain information from women? Surely he could just use his words/mental manipulation tactics? There’s a thousand different ways to seduce a person or tear down someone’s guard without ever touching them. Surely, as a demon, he would know that, right? If so, then why isn’t this his default?
Personally, I think he does like sex but not for the reasons we think. I think he finds sex/sexuality with humans largely boring. He’s a demon after all. However, I do think he enjoys the potential pain he can inflict on others through sex. Sex is a very intimate thing that can alter your very soul, for better or for worse. I’d imagine giving yourself or being taken by a demon can do horrible things to a person’s psyche. Sebastian LOVES mind games. He may not care for the act, itself, but he’d love the torture and pain one can inflict through it. Se/ual a/use and r*** are one of the worst possible ways to hurt a person, beyond any type of physical torture. Hurting someone in the worst way possible by using something that’s supposed to give pleasure to humans? Sounds like a perfect torture method for our favorite beautiful monster.
Plus, sex isn't only used to express love and attraction. It has also historically been a way to assert dominance and control over people. It’s been used to strip people of their sense of self and all types of horrible evils of that nature. I don’t believe that to be out of character for Sebastian. Again, look at what he did to Beast.
So while I can see the argument for Sebastian being ace, I don’t think he dislikes sex at all. I think he does find a level of personal enjoyment from it, but not in the way we would think. Sick bastard.
The End.
Well, that’s it from me! What do y’all think? Do you agree? Disagree? Do you have anything you wanna add? Please do share it with me! Just don’t be mean, please. 😭
Congratulations to those who made it to the end cause this thang long as hell. Let me know if you’re interested in more headcanons for Sebastian and other Kuro characters. I might do some for ya! Cheers!
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