#like her reaction to actually being able to see many things like the sky and sea
Fly me to the moon Let me play among the stars Let me see what spring is like On a, Jupiter and Mars In other words, hold my hand In other words, baby, kiss me
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Thinking about how Adeline never actually saw the sun, the moon or even the stars for over 44 years being trapped under the bridge and submerged underwater, despite her prayers of being found fading away, she could never even look up at the sky and that would’ve completely shattered her if it wasn’t for her hopeful determination and her limbo abilities she gained over time. Just, oh gosh the feels.
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the-roo-too · 11 months
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candy -> kang haerin ver
aka the fluff alphabet
admiration (what does she absolutely adore about you)- your smile ehe like when she makes you laugh (especially by accident) and you go all smiley! it’s making her so soft <33
body (what’s her favourite body part of yours)- haerin’s a eyes girlie, the type to text/write you little notes like ‘i could see the sky in your eyes’ very cheesy yes
cuddling (how she likes to cuddle)- nuzzling into you like a cute little kitty, that’s all im going to say bro
dates (what’s her ideal date)- CAT CAFÉ CAT CAFÉ CAT CAFÉ 🐱 seriously, especially if they have cute drinks or something 🤭
emotions (how does she express her emotions around you)- that’s a little harder, she has a weird way of expressing herself. haerin is very stoic if yk what i mean, she’s kinda calm all the time. very important, haerin is very smiley around you too! like with her members she’s just kinda 🫢 and with you she goes 🤭
family (does she want one)- go play with barbies pls
holding hands (does she like to hold hands)- who doesn’t?! tbh holding hands is all the pda you’re getting with haerin, sorry not sorry
injuries (what would she do if you got hurt)- kinda freezes and blinks really slowly? not a single thought in that brian of hers, doesn’t know what to do at all
jokes (does she like to joke around)- kinda? if you like do it first, haerin might do a little joke on you back, but she’s never the one to start it
kisses (how does she like to kiss you)- cheek kisses mostly 👍🫡 keep it legal bro
love (what’s her love language)- touch!!! in the sense that during the day, she likes to be touching you somehow. like sliding her arm around you and laying her head on your shoulder, or patting your head gently <33 yes, touch 🫶🫶
memory (what’s her favourite memory together)- you two totally volunteered at some pet shelter, and she met so many cats! haerin was very smitten before that, but after the volunteer work it’s like she didn’t know she could be that in love
nighttime (how does sleeping with her look like)- you know how little puppies (or kittens for that matter) sleep in like a pile of puppies? well you’re a two people pile, keeping each other warm
oddity (what’s one quirky thing about her)- the kitty like behaviour, come on. i’m certain haerin meows at you if on a rare occasion you do something she doesn’t like
pet names (what does she like to call you)- because you probably call her kitty or something like that, she calls you her kitten! okay but if you get under her skin she says you’re a old grandma living with cats
quality time (how does she like to spend time with you)- haerin likes slow walks in the park! take my word for it, she told me herself
rush (does she rush into things)- rush into what bestie? give the child time bruh she rushed out of the crib if anything
secrets (how open is she with you)- it depends kinda? i would really say haerin is a closed off person but like expressing emotions comes a bit hard to her, saying stuff about her (especially sensitive things) is a little tough
time (how long did it take her to confess)- somewhere between 2 weeks and 2 years (haerin was having her moment ok.)
upset (what’s her reaction when you’re upset)- similar to injuries actually, haerin needs to process your behaviours. let’s be honest, you don’t get mad at her, so it’s not that bad even if she’s not sure how to react
visibility (is she afraid of the public opinion)- haerin isn’t really keen on coming out, mostly because she’s afraid of what the public would do to her group and you
warrior (how often do you fight)- is silent treatment considered fighting? because that’s the most you do tbh haerin isn’t the type to raise her voice at you
x-ray (is she able to read you)- read you yes. act upon what she saw? depends
yes (how would she propose to you)- she’s two go look somewhere else
zen (what makes her feel calm)- you being calm too ok. if you’re happy, haerin is happy too <33
part of [the fluff series]
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mishwanders · 6 months
Hello again! I liked your Dark Reader and am back with another request. :3 Since it is October and I'm feeling the autumn associations, I thought it would be neat to read your interpretation of a fox reader (like a kitsune) with the Chain. Of course with the bonus of Dark Link if able, I feel as though not many people write him. ~🎃
I know this is late, the creative brain juice has been stagnant, but WE’RE KIND OF SORT OF BACK! I also got to preface that I am not the most knowledgeable on kitsune history/lore, but I tried my best with what little knowledge I and wikipedia had lmao.
Characters: The Chain (and Fierce Deity and Dink) x GN!Kitsune Reader
A/N+Warnings: N/A, safe for everyone. Written by Mishwanders - pls do not repost. Reblogs, nice comments, and likes are appreciated!
The place where the Chain first meets you would be in Wild’s Hyrule, shifted into a fox, somewhere close to the shrine of resurrection and a few of them have different reactions based off of what they can sense from being near/looking at you.
Wild isn’t deterred, he’s used to seeing foxes. However, the variety of tails is very different from the others. Maybe a mutation? Who knows, but he gets the sense that you won’t harm them.
Time is the first to really pick up that you’re a shapeshifter and that’s only because Fierce Deity allows him to know the truth of it. He’s wary, on his guard, but you haven’t made any move that would suggest you would bring them harm. Maybe this is normal in Wild’s Hyrule, he hasn’t quite decided if it’s best to speak up yet or not. He’ll wait for you to shed your disguise first before acting.
Twilight, Legend, and Four senses there’s magic about you, but it’s not dark magic, so they’re all unsure how to approach you as well. Twilight will however be keeping watch as Wolfie to track your scent and follow you around from afar to figure out what your deal is.
Sky and Hyrule are the first ones to realize that you’re actually trying to guide them all somewhere specific. Helping them avoid certain monsters, leading Wild and Wind to find more Koroks, food, etc. That knowledge helps ease everyone else’s minds a bit.
Warriors would complain as to why they’ve gone off road versus staying on track with the map, but he’s heard enough stories about Wild’s Hyrule to know that weirder things have happened.
Once they’ve all realized you’re no threat, you are free to roam their camp at night.
This will lead to some mischievous acts on your part - i.e. stealing food from Wild’s pack (or food from a bowl if someone isn’t watching), following Wolfie to get him to play with you, pawing/gnawing onto Warriors scarf and getting chewed out over it like a child, etc.
Other times though, you can be found snuggled up with Sky, Time, or Hyrule, fast asleep next to them or in their lap getting some much needed shut eye.
When you finally guide them to your desired destination of Kakariko Village, it’s only in the presence of Impa where you finally reveal your true nature.
The ones who called it are not the least bit surprised at your reveal, but they are surprised at how fox-like you still are in your Hylian form with sharper teeth, ears, and multiple tails.
Your first true introduction to each other goes rather well with the help of Impa and once they all know you’re a Sheikah who works for Impa as her eyes out in the world, their admiration grows for you.
It's a much different experience. He’s actually the one to get the drop on you first, surprise surprise.
His armor is not nearly as heavy or noisy as his counterpart, giving him an element of surprise in the dark across the land of Hyrule.
At first he takes a shot at you, thinking you’re nothing but a regular fox for him to eat. It’s only when you avoid the shot just by chance and raise your tails to make yourself look bigger does he realize you’re not just some ordinary fox.
Curiosity gets the better of him (as it does any Link) and he tries to make amends for his little accident of almost hitting you by tossing you some meat once he’s gotten his hands on it.
You accept it, but you do recognize something is off with him versus the hero’s you guided to Kakariko. You keep your eye on him in the woods, only growing closer when necessary.
The one time you do grow incredibly close is when a pack of Moblins and Lizalfos chase you. He finds you hiding behind him for protection and he shoos away the creatures with ease, turning around to pick you up. Once you realize he can protect you out there from the other beasts that you find yourself staying close at hand next to him, which he doesn’t mind, so long as you don’t try to steal his next dinner.
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krafterwrites · 11 months
Silver and Blaze travel back to the past, only to find out that it's calm conditions can be extremely dangerous if you're not acclimated to them
Words: 1439
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(This art, which inspired the fic, is by my wonderful friend @tekatonic and has been posted with their permission. You should check out her blog!)
With a flash, Silver had been warped from his future and into the past. It was just like blinking or waking up from a dream, there was no transition between the two times and places. He stood there, his view filled with things he had never seen, life and beauty present in ways he'd only hopelessly dreamed about before now
But he felt something new, too. Not something positive or emotional, but something physical: pain
Silver had felt pain all too much during his life; burns, scrapes, bruises, and many other things. This, however, wasn't like any of those things. It almost felt like burning fire, like when a pillar of flame erupted just an inch away from him, but at the same time it was nothing like that. It felt like the claws of those rotten, relentless beasts were tearing into every part of him, and he had begun shaking uncontrollably. His breath formed clouds of mist in front of him, and in his pained haze, Silver's best guess as to what they could be was his soul leaving his dying body. Why was this happening? Was he never meant to come to this time?
He stopped thinking about this as he realized a more familiar sensation, not being able to breathe. With what little effort he could actually use, Silver inhaled, and the same burning was now inside his body. His throat, his lungs, every part of him. Even the way it entered him felt wrong, it was far too smooth and thin, and as a result he got much more air than he was prepared for
Choking and coughing, he saw the same clouds begin to ascend above him as he stumbled to the ground. Normally Silver could've used psychokinesis to save himself, but that required concentration, and there was no way he could ever concentrate in a situation like this
As he fully hit the ground, he felt grass for the first time. If the circumstances were different, it might have been a magical moment, it felt soft as it brushed against his back. Right now, though, it was nothing. It didn't matter in the slightest, the only thing that did was that he was on the ground and couldn't move
While frozen in place, his eyes were fixed on the sky above him, the stars and moon. It should have been beautiful. It should have been one of the happiest moments of his life to finally see what was behind that thick, desolate blanket of smoke that covered his world
But it wasn't. While his eyes were fixed on the view he had always dreamed of, unmoved, he felt a soft hand grab onto him. Blaze was here, she could save him, he wasn't going to die after all. She began picking Silver off of the ground and into her arms as fast as she could, she was clearly better off than him considering she was able to move, and suddenly death was no longer the possibility that it was moments ago to him. He frantically pressed against her and clinged onto her arms with the limited control he had over his body after getting set upright, trying to get as much warmth as he could so this hellish experience could end
When he saw her eyes, though, his stomach dropped. They were a blank stare, and it wasn't just a reaction to his critical state. She was being affected by this too
The adrenaline and fright already coursing through him set in even more as he felt almost nothing in place of what he expected to be a roaring well of heat, becoming even more panicked and shaky as the seeming inevitability of death ripped away his small hope of living
Blaze was trying to draw out as much heat as she could for both her and Silver's sake, but with the piercing atmosphere and Silver's freezing body leeching the life out of her internal flames, she could only provide so much. She too had shaky breaths that felt like they were tearing at her insides, and though not as severe, she was also shivering
The spiraling frenzy that Silver's mind had been whipped into made it even harder for him to hold on to his consciousness, and he could feel everything beginning to slip away from him. He noticed he couldn't move the hands that he had just held onto Blaze with, he couldn't feel them either. His breaths were getting more shallow, it was almost a relief because of how they burned his throat, but it meant he was losing more and more air as time went on. The heart that was once pounding like it was trying to escape the chest it resided in began to falter and weaken, slipping away with his remaining lucidity
With the continuing loss of his pulse and air supply, the rational and thinking parts of Silver's mind disappeared, and all he knew was the most basic and primal emotion: fear. All that he could process anymore was that death was imminent, and he was afraid. The shivering, previously just from the extreme temperatures, was now aided by his fright as he used the small pockets of air in his lungs to cry out
Blaze was witnessing all of this as it happened, and was desperately trying to heat the both of them up despite the limitations her own anxiety and the environment were putting on her. Her body temperature was still much lower than it normally was, and although it was rising as she fought to stay composed and not break under pressure, it wouldn't be in time to save Silver at it's current rate
With her mind still mostly intact, she began to think about her situation. For 14 years, she'd lived as one of the sole survivors in a burning wasteland filled with monsters, and a demon that destroyed the entire world. She'd fought against it and won countless times, it was hard, but she'd managed it
But just a few minutes in a peaceful time that was full of inhabitants, and she was most likely going to die along with Silver. It wasn't fair. It wasn't fair that they wouldn't even get a chance to save the future. It wasn't fair that she was watching him die
All these thoughts swimming around were agitating, infuriating. Blaze had never been this mad in her life. For a moment, the cold faded away, replaced by burning hot rage
Except, it wasn't just for a moment. She hadn't gotten so distracted that her outside senses temporarily faded away, her focus on survival had shot her temperature up. After noticing this, she quickly began jostling Silver, anxiously trying to check if his condition had improved at all
To him, it was like waking up from a nightmare, the heat had returned him to being mostly aware after it had gotten enough time to fully reach him. His shivering had begun to slow, and his heartbeat started to regulate itself alongside his breaths. The clouds were smaller than before, which he saw as his previously departing soul returning. Some of the cold remained, but it was now accompanied by absolute certainty that it wouldn't kill him
He turned to look at Blaze, realizing that she had brought him off of deaths door, and tried to thank her. Before he could compose a sentence, she smiled at him, her own shakiness slowly melting along with the bitter frost. Blaze's smile, one of the only joys in the miserable world he was born into, made him realize just how happy he was that he was living in this moment
In lieu of trying to compose a sentence with his still quivering body, he let out a small chuckle, and let tears begin streaming down his face. Blaze began to do the same once she realized that she hadn't been too late, and that they were going to live to fight another day
Now able to largely ignore the previously agonizing cold that had blinded him, Silver was finally free to appreciate the grass, and the gorgeous night sky. Looking up and seeing it clearly made him even more grateful that he was able to continue living. Blaze felt the same way once she looked up too, being able to witness such a sight with each other as they thawed felt like a karmic balance for the trauma they had just gone through. As they sat there staring at the heavens, they now knew exactly what they were fighting for. Not just the night sky, but also each other
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jus-let-me-read · 1 year
I can imagine like Ronance and Steddie on a double date (they're only out to each other), and the kids find out because they follow them on said date with a different idea in mind. But this definitely takes place when the kids are younger and not like 16. Like for example, it's around the holidays and Steve makes up an excuse on why he can't babysit the kids or drive them anywhere. He tells Dustin he has to buy presents which then prompts Dustin to tell the rest of the gang. Obviously, that then leads to the kids wanting to know what Steve will get them for the holidays. They don't finalize that they'll follow them around until Mike finds out his sister is also going out to the same mall at the same time.
Obviously there's some protests of like "are we actually about to spend a part of our break following a couple of teenagers around the mall, just to find out our present?" But eventually, somehow, they all end up roped up into it with some believing Steve and Nancy will actually just be buying presents, whilst the latter half believes the two are on a date and are trying to light an old spark. Then they see that Eddie and Robin joined them and then they actually just believe it's presents shopping.
They follow them around for a while so confused on why they don't immeaditely start shopping. Some of the gang leave whilst the fruity four are at a local cafe just eating and talking. Mike doesn't leave because he's so sure his sister won't get him a present this year for whatever reason. Will is staying because he tends to just flock to whatever group has the most people he's comfortable with. Dustin refuses to leave because he's confident in finding out what Steve will get him for Christmas. It's a bit of a slow start and the three aren't really catching onto the fact it's a date. In fact, Will is the least interested over the whole thing until a little later on for obvious reasons.
Nancy is sitting next to Robin and she occasionally just whispers in Robin's ear, or the other way around, and the latter will always have this cute, but giddy reaction. They're extra happy around each other because it's their first proper date out in the open. Since the kids aren't close enough to hear they have to go based off of actions alone, and sometimes that isn't much when they aren't acting extremely obvious. Like none of them are full on cuddling, leaning on each other 24/7. The most telling thing ends up being Nancy casually tucking a strand of hair behind Robin's ear, or Robin rambling so much as Nancy just looks at her absolutely lovesick. Where even though they are trying to hide the fact they're dating to the general public they can't exactly hide how much they care for the other.
I imagine that Mike after witnessing his elder sister's two relationships, he kinda picks up on how she acts in that situation, or atleast how she acts around people she likes. Then he sees her acting all flirty or playful in a sense with Robin and he's like "what the fuck??" At first, like momentarily, he assumes it's some friendship thing, or possibly a one-sided crush, but then Robin just stares at Nancy like she put the stars in the sky. Then all the puzzle pieces click for Mike and it's just so many emotions and thoughts. One thought is wondering why his own sister didn't tell him something that's like obviously important to her. Whereas the latter thought is busy processing the fact he essentially stalked his sister as she went on a date.
Steve and Eddie are a lot less obvious than Robin and Nancy during this whole exchange. Yet, despite that, it's obvious they do have some chemistry. And the way they bounce off each other or complement each other's mannerisms is palpable. Steve will say something sarcastic and Eddie would be able to respond with, almost immeaditely, something witty to keep the banter going. Everytime they latch onto a random subject, Robin and Nancy go quiet and let them have their moment. Sometimes Steve will act like he doesn't care that much about what Eddie has to say, but his facial expression and how he acts around him shows different.
Obviously, the first person to notice the very possibility of Steve and Eddie is Dustin. Dustin knows, to some extent, how Steve acts when he's dating somebody, since Steve had given him dating advice. As soon as Dustin notices this, he's the first one to take the risk, and run to a different hiding spot just to find out more. The only reason why he doesn't get found out is because of Mike and Will making sure he doesn't make them get caught. They're now able to hear some of the conversation if the background noise of the mall isn't loud enough, which isn't often but it's still something.
Most of the stuff they talk about is random stuff happening at school, with the occasional mention of some random classmates that the kids don't know exist. What does key the rest of them into the conversation is Robin mentioning the word date, and saying how she's glad they finally had the chance to go out and enjoy life like any other couple. To this Robin discreetly and briefly holds Nancy's hand, whilst Steve and Eddie glance at each other. As if on cue, with perfect timing, the three kids all looked at each other each with varying facial expressions. Mike looked slightly shocked, Dustin was happy, and Will looked like as soon as he was left by himself he'd start crying.
Will is the most affected by this since he was so used to bubbling it up inside. There was also a significant lack of being proud of this aspect about himself. He had gotten bullied by people who pinned point him as gay, simply because he wasn't exactly 'normal' or 'acted normal.' The sudden realization and confirmation of sorts that Eddie and Steve were a couple, as well as Nancy and Robin filled him with so much hope. He felt validated and truly felt like it was okay for feeling the way he does. It gave him hope that someday, somehow, he could have something like that. Just the knowledge that he is not the only gay kid in Hawkins was enough to make him push back tears.
Nancy and Robin knew they were being tailed rather later into the double date. What clued Steve in, was Nancy and Robin both whispering about it and tilting their head to what's behind them. Steve ends up spotting a bit of Dustin's hair behind a plant, and elbows Eddie who follows what he's getting at. The four end up talking in a lower voice about what they should do and how the three even found out. It didn't take them long to connect some dots and the four made the willing choice to act naturally. A couple of minutes later from this, the three kids leave, definitely not wanting to fifth wheel a double date. None of them noticed that they were caught but it did make for a heck of a conversation between Steve and Dustin as well as, Mike and Nancy.
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The Oracle|| The Isekai’d Oracle|| Concept Oneshot 6
Sorry for posting much lately. This week has been extra busy for me and had drained my creative writing energy. It wasn't until a few hours ago, I finally came up with something. A big storm came again and I got inspired. So here is some angst. Also, it's unedited let's hope things are written correctly. Remember you can request or ask questions.
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A storm rages outside, trying to tear apart the world. The temple stays resilient, seeing storms way worse through its time. A celestial being watches the rain fall from the sky. The piercing thunder tore through the air shaking the world. 
Wukong wasn't one to reminisce, choosing to forget about it. Especially now knowing how he made so many mistakes. Too late to regret or apologize, the only option is to sadly continue on. Yet here he was, thinking about someone he tried to forget. Deep down, this was only one of many choices he regrets.
Wukong couldn't wrap his head around how you would sacrifice everything. The only thing tying you to this world and abandoning it. All for what? Why sacrifice everything for him? 
He doesn't have a clue, even after all this time. You said it will make sense in the future. Even when he matured and saw how his past actions weren't the best. Wukong still couldn't understand your reasoning.
“Ah, why am I remembering her now? It doesn’t matter, that spirit is long gone.” He said, trying to calm his loud mind. 
A faint memory of you worms its way into his mind. How you would try to secretly visit him when he got trapped under that mountain. During that time, he chalked it to guilt. Yet even in the strongest of storms, you ventured out to visit him. 
Is that the reason why he's out on the porch and waiting? That, maybe, you'll show up and keep him company like the old times. 
His chest feels tight, throat burning. The thought set free an emotion he tried to kill and bury. 
It was useless to cry now. 
Too late for tears.
“Why are you here?”
“Is it a crime to just want to keep someone company?” 
“Maybe if you have caused someone’s current imprisonment.” 
“Call me a weak coward all you want, but I'm not strong or brave like you. I can't face the whole celestial army. When the Jade Emperor asks you a question, you answer truthfully.” You huff. Looking away annoyed, regardless that guilty expression took over. 
The atmosphere was tense. 
“So you can meet the Jade Emperor? Then will you pass on some words for me?”
“I swear, you want me to get exiled.” The spirit sat beside Wukong, getting comfortable.
“Oh please, you're a spirit. Not like being exiled will do anything.”
“No, but it takes a lot to tie me to this world, and I'll be in big trouble if I am cut off from it.”
“I see a win-win situation here.”
“You're such a rude little monkey.”
The spirit crosses her arms, slightly offended by his words. Wukong couldn't help but smile at her reaction. 
‘Perhaps having her company wouldn't be so terrible.’
The thunder roared, mercifully tearing Wukong away from that memory. 
A memory that is best forgotten with the rest.
He was about to head back into the temple. Ready to end this tiring day. When a blast of energy blasted through. 
A familiar blast of pure warm energy.
Wukong faces where the blast originated. A busy city, he doesn't travel to. 
A part of him wanted to believe that he imagined it. However, the blast had blown away the storm clouds. Leaving a ring of clouds exposing the blue sky. 
Wukong wanted to check to see if you were actually there. However, he didn't move.
How can he face you after everything? 
Could it be possible for you to even accept an apology? Do you even want to see him?
No, it's better if he stayed out of it. Wukong won't be able to live with himself if his actions hurt you again.
“It's for the best.” He said while walking back into the temple. Wanting nothing but to forget the past.
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It’s Not My Fault: Initial Thoughts
Hey gang! I may be running out of braincells rapidly due to Futa’s confusing videos and the fact that it’s 3:16 AM but I’m here to give some of my initial thoughts on Mu’s new song, “It’s Not My Fault” (INMF)!
This is gonna be flow of thoughts and some sections might not really connect, but here we go!
T/W: Bullying, mentions of suicide
Queen Bee is being portrayed literally in this MV.
This is obvious, but I do want to touch on the whole bee theming because I think there’s some important stuff.
There’s the obvious stuff with the antennae, buglike body and black and yellow colors. There’s even the jellies, which are probably royal jelly, as Saturn somehow predicted in her random joke post.
What interests me most is her transformation towards the end of the video. Through the entire beginning and middle, she’s a queen bee. However, by the end of the video, she emerges from a chrysalis with sprouted wings and flies off into the sky (2:20). I think that this is her personal transformation from where she is in this MV to how we see her in Milgram. 
Bees have a sting, and while becoming a butterfly meant she lost her status as queen, it gave her the power to fly away. It gave her the ability to be seen as beautiful, harmless. Some kinds of butterflies even migrate, which is exactly what I think Mu was doing here. 
I think that her flying off, away from the shattered hourglass and the carnage that happened, is her escaping to Milgram, a far off place somewhere in the sky or something. She’s the one who’s able to escape the hellish high school she helped create, and because of that, “everything is as [she] wish[es]”. Mu has said before that she likes it better here in Milgram. She’s gotten to start over. Her innocent verdict, to her, means that the slate was wiped clean, and she doesn’t have to answer for her past baggage. Thus, she’s found a new “friend” in Haruka, and she’s returned to her status as queen bee.
Mu and her victim went back and forth vying for power.
I’m not sure how many times it actually swung back and forth; it’s possible that it only actually switched once, and then Mu killed her. Still, we can be certain of this. 
In After Pain, Mu is seen in the hourglass in the bottom. This is where she suffers; things fall on her, and she’s seemingly drowning in the lime green fluid. To me, that means that the one who’s currently suffering, the current victim, is on the bottom. Conversely, the one in the top half of the hourglass is “on top;” they have social control and everything is going as they want it to be. Mu wanted us to believe that she was always on the bottom in After Pain, but in reality, she was once on top, and by the end, she’d gotten the upper hand again.
Mu insists in her audio drama (thanks to @/onigiriico for the fast translation!) that she never bullied the others and has a very negative reaction to the very idea of it. However, in INMF, we see her seemingly doing this exact thing when she pushes over a servant bee, who shatters on the ground (0:32). In Mu’s mind, this is as simple as giving her a little push, but the fact that she ends up completely shattered shows that this must have had a greater impact in the end than Mu is letting on.
My theory is that Mu’s bullying was purely social/verbal. I don’t think she physically attacked anyone; she outright says this in her audio drama, saying she never hit anyone or dumped water on them. Based on After Pain, I think it’s safe to say that some of those things must’ve happened to her at some point. Still, from the audio drama, I get the sense that Mu believes that bullying is only bullying if it becomes physical. I disagree, which is why I’d call Mu a bully, but she thinks so, which is why she still insists that she isn’t after all this time.
Anyways, I think that these two shots (which I believe are the same scene) are a good way to show the energy behind Mu being in power:
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If you dare to go against her, if you don’t devote to her, you know you will face negative consequences. Mu can make fun of anyone she wants, and if you don’t serve her properly, she’ll break you. If you dare to oppose her, you’ll face even worse consequences. But in Mu’s mind, that’s because the other person failed first. That person didn’t appreciate her enough, or they tried to attack her character. Based on the setting Mu created, any disobedience towards her could be considered them “starting it.”
Right after this second image, there’s what I believe is a major timeskip to when Mu stabs her victim. I believe that essentially the entirety of After Pain happens at that time jump (~1:45). Mu has ended up victorious, spilling the blood of her adversary. Instead of seeing everyone gossiping about her as she hyperventilates, in INMF, we see her eyes shift to that of her bee form (1:54). This is because, by eliminating her only threat, Mu has become queen once again. To her, this isn’t some tragedy; this is her taking revenge and restoring things to the way it “should be.” She then proceeds to do her butterfly transformation and fly off to Milgram.
After Pain and It’s Not My Fault parallel each other at the beginning and end.
This isn’t a claim so much as an observation, but I did want to touch on it. The scenes at the beginning are slightly different, one having Mu alone on a desk where the hourglass falls onto the floor (control of the hourglass is now out of her reach). In INMF, she flips the hourglass, presumably putting herself on top, and we see her begin her reign as queen bee.
The endings are extremely similar, showing the exact same classroom:
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The boards are the same and the flowers are the same. The existence of the flowers, to me, indicates that it must be after the death of the victim. So, why is she here in the end credits?
I think there are a few ways this could go. I know that some people thought that, due to the sock confusion in After Pain (see my mini theory if you don’t know what I’m talking about), the victim might have a twin who died in her place, leaving the intended victim alive to see what happened. I’m not sure I like this one, just because I feel like it’s a pretty unnecessary twist given that Mu isn’t even there to deal with the repercussions (unless, I guess, Mu purposefully killed the wrong twin to make the other suffer more. That would at least matter on a character level). Still, I think that the victim is there symbolically, “after death.” She isn’t there in real life, just in Mu’s thoughts, sort of like how Heather Chandler follows around Veronica Sawyer after she was an accomplice in her murder in Heathers.
As Mu sings about how everything is how she wants it, the hourglass is once again flipped. Based on my earlier theorizing, this should theoretically mean that Mu is going to be on the bottom again, returning to suffering. How would the victim accomplish that from beyond the grave?
Well, as I’ve said, I think that Mu has already flown off to Milgram at this point. As such, I think that there’s one way that the victim could still get her revenge: getting Mu a guilty verdict.
Though Mu seems fully convinced of her own innocence, she definitely seems to have anxiety over the idea of her verdict changing. She tries to really sell Es on the idea that it would be cruel to flip her to guilty now that she’s been voted innocent, and this flip of the hourglass reads almost like a prediction on Mu’s part. The hourglass is flipped back at the end of INMF, so at the beginning of her Trial 3 song, she will be suffering once more, at Kotoko’s hand or just as the hand of the thoughts of the voters. Some lyrics clearly show her trying to convince us of the same thing: “Hey what if / If I am a bad girl / Don’t hate me. Don’t even try to proof from ‘After Pain.’”
The direct inclusion of After Pain tells us, more than anything else, that she is directly addressing her verdict here. Mu believes she’s in the right, but she also believes that we may turn on her as well, whether it’s out of jealousy or whether she believes that maybe she is a bad person somewhere deep down. In either case, I think that, somewhere in Mu’s mind, she expects us to vote her guilty this trial. I’m not sure how I feel about that.
Haruka’s fate may rest in Mu’s verdict, and Mu is okay with that.
Mu very clearly states in her audio drama that, because Haruka is happy to make this threat and go through with it, she sees no problem with supporting him. After all, she’s his friend, and she should support his desires, right? ...Yikes.
Mu thinks of Haruka as her friend, and I do think she believes that. I just think that she’s the kind of person who believes that a relationship, friendship or otherwise, will never be equal in power or effort. She prefers to be in the position of greater power and lower effort. Because Haruka is used to and content with being in a position of lower power and higher effort, she simply sees him as a good candidate. I’m not sure how much she really, genuinely cares about him, considering she seems pretty neutral on the subject of his literal potential death, but maybe that’s unfair of me. If I think she’s trying to manipulate us/Es into giving her an innocent verdict, maybe she’s decided that playing it off like she’s okay with Haruka doing it will give her a better shot. I’d believe she’s afraid enough of a guilty verdict to do it.
I say this, but I did technically vote her innocent tonight. Mu is currently hard charging towards a guilty verdict, and I’d honestly be surprised if anyone manages to shift that tide. 
I’m not opposed to the guilty verdict. I think that it is probably our best chance of teaching Mu that there is nuance. She isn’t completely innocent because she got an innocent verdict; any innocent verdict, and especially hers which happened by the thinnest of margins, is not a full mark of approval. I think that, no matter what lingering anxiety she has, if we give her a second innocent verdict, she will be certain that she has, in fact, done nothing wrong. That makes me want to vote her guilty.
But, it just sort of feels... too obvious? Too easy? She expects it, we expected it going into the MV, I’m sure as hell that the Milgram devs expect it. She feels too easy to hate. Maybe that’s a weird thing to say when Yuno seemed to easy to love just a few MVs ago and I was hard on the innocent train, but I can’t really find any anger towards Mu, or much of any emotion at all. She showed her true colors, but they were obvious from the get-go. I was pretty sure she was a bully the whole time.
Plus, I obviously would like to avoid Haruka dying. I don’t think a Mu guilty necessarily guarantees it (hopefully him being restrained due to his guilty verdict would prevent him from killing himself), but it’s definitely a risk we’re taking if we vote her guilty. Then again, I don’t want to give into her demands; that’ll probably only make her more manipulative in the future.
I’m probably overthinking this, and at least for right now, I think that a guilty verdict is probably our best option. Still, for tonight at least, I voted counter-trend in case a new day’s worth of thoughts changes my mind or something. She has plenty of guilty votes; might as well try to make it not irreversible later if something comes up.
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whatgaviiformes · 4 months
How about 60 and 74?
60. Have you ever had a writer you admire comment on your fic? What was that like?
I usually try to wiggle my way into being friends with them so it's not so weird. But honestly. All y'all. Seriously. We have talented writers, and as a small community there's such an ease in how we can interact. I love that about us. When I first started writing again, it was for Scenes (my Scenes, not the xover Scenes😉 ) , it was @janetm74 who commented and mentioned there was this tumblr space. Her and @gumnut-logic 's support of specifically that chapter with Scott and Virgil outside of Gordon's hospital room was probably the strongest moments of starstruck-ness I've had as part of the fandom. Because it was such a warm invitation. The other moment that sticks out is @lenle-g who's work I've come back to many times, and last year (?) I was given the opportunity to write a story based on their artwork, so that fun was seeing their reactions. It's actually kind of terrifying writing something with that kind of pressure though. I think it turned out solid. I made sure to include a bunch of John which was a fun lil challenge for me.
74. You've posted a fic anonymously. How would someone be able to guess you've written it?
Here is the Gavii formula: ~ Is it FishTank? if it's not FishTank, are either Virgil or Gordon still present and mentioned? ~Speaking of Gordon - you should be looking for Science!Gordon, or maybe a little bit Military!Gordon, but always Always-Smile-Despite-The-Hand-You've-Been-Dealt!Gordon. ~Is it Slice of Life, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, or Family? ~Does it involve Gordon being injured - either hydrofoil, hydrofoil adjacent, or SOS? ~Are there animals? I apparently like adding random chickens and dolphins to stories. ~Is there an excessive amount of focus on eyes, where the eyes are looking, who's staring or gazing at what? If not the eyes, look instead for breathing and hitches in breath. ~Is there an overly described sky or landscape?
That said, if it had all these things I probably wouldn't have posted anonymously :)
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icecream-junkie · 2 years
Fate: The Winx Saga - Season 2
Spoilers for FTWS Season 2
I only recently discovered Fate: The Winx Saga and, to be honest, I had not expected to enjoy it as much as I did.
There were many things I liked about season 1, but what really drew me to the show were the adult characters, specifically Farah and Saul. I was intrigued by their shared history and how obviously they cared for each other. Sure, the show focusses on the students, but I had hoped to learn a bit more about the teachers as the story continued.
Despite how season 1 ended, I still went into season 2 somewhat optimistic. After all, it’s a show about fairies and magic, so there could have been a way to bring Farah back to life. I had fully intended to stay away from spoilers, but I think I managed to get to episode 2x04 before I caved and went online to see whether Farah would come back or not. And I’m glad I did, even if it was just to avoid being hit by the full force of the emotional rollercoaster that was her brief return.
Clearly, I would have liked her to stay on the show, but if it wasn’t to be at least we got closure and a proper goodbye. I can live with that and I do appreciate the effort that went into making those final scenes possible.
What I do have issues with though, is Saul’s behaviour in season 2. Season 1 established that Farah, Saul and Ben went through a lot together. They are friends. Farah and Saul had a lot of shared scenes in season 1 that showed just how close they are. And suddenly in season 2 Saul doesn’t seem to care anymore. WTF?!
I have a feeling season 2 may not have been what the creators had originally intended. They had to recast some roles because the actors couldn’t return due to scheduling conflicts with other work they were doing and Eve Best got cast in HotD, which probably (understandably) sealed Farah’s fate. I’ve also seen other posts on here saying that they originally announced 8 episodes, rather than the 7 the second season now consists of. So it seems like they had to make some changes that weren’t necessarily planned and that may have impacted the story they were able to tell.
If they had to cut down the number of episodes, they would have had to condense the story. It’s understandable that they would do so where the supporting characters (e.g. the teachers) are concerned. After all, the show isn’t about them. But did they really have to do it to an extent where Saul seems OOC compared to season 1? It wouldn’t have taken much, just one or two lines to show that he actually cares about what happened to Farah. A noticeable reaction to the news of her death… But there was nothing and that really bothers me.
The same goes for why he ended up working for Rosalind btw. I mean, yes, I can come up with all kinds of reasons for all of the above. For example, at first, he was too busy to escape to go look for Farah. After he got captured, he worked with Rosalind to protect Sky. When they finally found out about Farah, Rosalind was dead, he had the Blood Witches to deal with and maybe he tried to keep it together in front of the students. Those are all good reasons that may have worked, but the show didn’t give us a single one of those. Instead, they made him seem very different from the Saul we saw in season 1. And while I’m all for headcanons and fanfics, I don’t like having to come up with them just to make sense of what happens on the show and I don’t think I should have to. That’s the show’s job.
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ronni-right · 1 year
34. “Why are you being so gentle with me? I liked it when you were rough.
37. “You won’t be able to walk after I’m done with you Princess.”
- Daemyra got their wish and get to marry after he begs his brother for her hand on the throne room floor, and she accepts even though she was still furious at him. Happily married her wedding night was everything. It had been his own apology, and deepest confession. Loving, tender, Daemon had given her anything she could have wished for. He gave her his heart and soul, and she gave her own. She wouldn’t change a thing. But after that night as he conts to show his wife that love she finds herself pleasured completely, but longing for a bit more of the less than gentle moments he took her mouth and pressed her against that wall. When he helped her yank her pants down after he’d spun her, nipping at her neck. His hot huge hand slapped on her belly, going lower. She wants him to stop being so gentle. And his reaction to her revealed desire doesn’t disappoint 😏
Fandom: House of the Dragon
Pairing(s): Daemon Targaryen x Rhaenyra Targaryen
Warning: 18+, Rhaenyra is over 18, uncle/niece, Targcest | Targaryen Incest
Headcanon: Daemon and Rhaenyra are happily married to each other 
Author’s note: English isn’t my native language. Dear Anon, thank you for this prompt and I hope you will like it.
HotD Smut prompts you can send me in Asks. 
Word Count: 2027
She is … satisfied. 
Well, she is satisfied well. And thinking about it, Rhaenyra can’t fight the smile that appears on her face. She doesn't actually need to hide her smile or happiness. 
For many years she thought she would never be happy in a marriage.
When she was a young girl she always told people she would marry Daemon, her favorite person on earth. She was a child then, so people found it funny, never took her words seriously. Daemon never told her that she couldn’t do that. He only was telling her always “It will be a great honor, princess, but you should choose your future husband wisely and when you are at least nineteen.” Only father detested her desire to marry Daemon, so one day, fed up with her fantasies, he broke her dreams by saying that Daemon was already married and this marriage had no way to be terminated. That day her dreams of a happy marriage were shattered. 
But over the years, she still wanted to marry Daemon and Daemon only. She knew that no other man would make her feel as good as Daemon.
And then the brothel happened, and then Daemon was on the cold throne room’s floor, asking for her hand. She shouldn't have been there at the time, but she was eavesdropping, and of course she intervened when her father obviously wanted to deny Daemon her hand. She was mad at Daemon for doing this to her, for leaving her alone in the brothel, but at least he was smart enough to make sure one of the Golden Cloaks brought her back to the palace safe and sound.
And then the miracle happened as father listened to their arguments that this marriage will bring more advantages to their family and strengthen her claim when time comes. 
And then there was a wedding, first in secret, according to the customs of old Valyria, and then according to Westeros customs.
But they liked the Valyria wedding better, it was the only true wedding for them. 
And then their wedding night happened, full of tenderness, love and care.
And their nights as well as days are full of tenderness, love and care.
And no, she likes everything about them, but Rhaenyra knows that Daemon is holding himself back.
And she wants to see what he is capable of when he doesn’t. 
Don't misunderstand her, Daemon satisfies her completely, with her body and mind completely satisfied by him in every way. But she wants a little roughness.
As it was in a brothel.
Rhaenyra is in no hurry to open her eyes, although the morning sun is already shining. Daemon and she both like to wake up later than expected from them with the sun already high in the sky. They only get up early in the morning to ride Caraxes and Syrax, but they haven't gone for a ride for a few days now. They just went to visit they dragons. These days Caraxes is over protective over Syrax, allowing only Daemon and her near she-dragon. They both, Syrax and Caraxes hide in the cave, preparing for the arrival of their first clutch of eggs. 
Isn't that the approval of the Gods that Daemon and her were blessed by Gods? After all, she-dragons haven't laid eggs in a long time.
Rhaenyra strokes her belly. It's too early to talk about pregnancy, they have only been married for three moons, and the last time she had her moon bleeds was a moon ago. But she hopes that they won’t come on this moon. She wants to give birth to an heir to the throne as soon as possible. Of course she is afraid of what happened to her mother, but the crown cannot be left without heirs. And their children with Daemon will be full-blooded Taragaryens. Alicent’s children are only half Taragaryens. And Rhaenyra cannot allow anyone to take her rightful place, she cannot allow half-bloods to rule Westeros. They will never be the dragons as Daemon and her.
But thoughts about children aren’t of paramount importance at the moment. Rhaenyra knows that Daemon is awake now. She can feel his gaze on the top of her head as Rhaenyra's favorite sleeping position is half on top of him with her head resting on his chest.
She has one question that is spinning in her head, but she constantly forgets to ask it, because he constantly distracts her.
But not at this time. Rhaenyra kicks the covers off of them, the room is hot enough as it is, and busily climbs on top of him, placing her hands on the bed on either side of his face. Daemon hands go down to her hips, holding her and he chuckles. Rhaenyra leans in and whispers:
“Good morning,” before kissing him. Daemon wants to deepen the kiss, but she pulls back almost immediately.
“Good morning, princess,” Daemon greets her too, looking at her expectantly, his fingers caressing her thighs, tracing different shapes on them. If he continues to do this, she will again forget what she wanted to ask, so she finally asks:
“Why are you being so gentle with me?” And only by voicing her question, she realizes how strange the question is. But Daemon just chuckles a little and then raises an eyebrow. He doesn't say anything to that, giving her the opportunity to continue talking: “I liked it when you were rough.” Rhaenyra licks her lips before continuing. “You know,” she wiggles her eyebrows, “that night in the brothel, you weren’t gentle at all. I liked how you pressed me against the wall, helped me to yank my pants down and-”
But he doesn’t let her finish her thought, although she has more to say on this matter:
“Rhaenyra.” And her name from his lips sounds low and with some kind of a warning she can’t understand.
“What, husband?” She quirks her eyebrow, waiting for his reply with anticipation, and her cunt throbs, wet and feeling neglected even it was mere hours after Daemon fucked her. 
“Do you really want it?” He asks, looking at her seriously. Then he moves his hand to cup her cunt while he talks: “Do you want me to use you like you are a mere hoe from the Silk street and not the Princess of Westeros?” With his palm between her thighs, she can't help herself but grind and press backwards onto his palm, making him feel how wet she is right now. 
“It’s all just talking right now, Daemon.” Rhaenyra huffs, pressing more of herself onto his palm. She teases him with these words of course. 
“Oh, you won’t be able to walk after I’m done with you Princess.” It’s a promise. He removes his hand abruptly, and then commands: “Get up and go to stand by the wall”. 
Rhaenyra doesn't need to be told twice, she's up against the wall next to the bed in almost the same second, and Daemon is next to her. His hands go to her breasts, groping and squeezing the soft flesh. 
“Pretty.” Daemon comments. He always says how he likes her tits, and how pretty they are after hours he sucked and mouthed on them. He leans into her and she anticipates the kiss but instead of kissing he says: “Turn around and hands on the wall.” 
She obliges his request as fast as she can, and as soon as she is in the requested position, she squeals as as his thick fingers pushe into her pussy without warning. Rhaenyra is aroused and wet and slightly loose from the previous night activities, so it is easy for him to push two of his fingers up to the knuckle in her cunt. 
“I wanted to be patient with you,” Daemon mutters into her ear while continuing to fingerfuck her mercilessly. “I wanted to be gentle, and worship you like the Queen you gonna be one day and the Princess you are now,” her breath is shaky when he talks, “but you see, princess, after all, you and I are the same.” Daemon presses a kiss to her temple and then moves to nib at her neck, while he keeps moving his two large fingers, slowly increasing his pace, with his thumb caressing her bud that makes her keen. 
His other hand is occupied with her left tit, squeezing soft flesh. Daemon is pressed into her, naked, and his cock is between her asscheeks, hot and hard. His mouth is on her nape, teeth nipping into her flash. And she is all flashed red and dripping wet onto his hand and her thighs. She clenches around him, grinding against his palm and then pressing her ass more into him, his cock glides between her thighs and Daemon withdraws his fingers from her wet hole, leaving her empty. She whines and all of a sudden she feels a hard slap on her ass, that makes her gasp. It’s painful and her flesh stings with the blow but at the same time she likes it and against better judgment she arches her back and exposes more of her ass. And Daemon growls.
“Fuck.” And he slaps her again. Rhaenyra moans loudly, enjoying it more than she can imagine. “You would be death for me, Rhaenyra.” Daemon breathes hot into her ear.
“Hope in sixty years or so,” she answers, feeling the blunt head of his cock pressing into her hole and he slaps into her, so that the force of his movement presses her into the wall. 
“We strike a deal there,” Daemon kisses her cheek and starts fuck her. 
He isn’t gentle anymore, gripping at her hips and fucking her so hard she nearly collide with a wall. She puts her forearms on the wall and rests her forehead on them. He is close to her, pulling her onto his cock, with his whole cock inside her and his sack slapping her cunt with every thrust he makes. Daemon growls possessively and his pace is too fierce for her for now. But she just needs to get used to it. She loved his tender lovemaking, with slow and unhurried movement of his hips. But she already loves this pounding that makes her toes curl and throat sore as she screams his name and whines while he urges her onto his cock, his grip on her hips so tight there will have bruises of the shape of his hands. 
“Daemon, Daemon,” she gaspes, her mouth is open, drool spills out past her parted lips. 
He always makes her remember just his name while they fuck, but this fuck is on some next level.
“Pretty little toy,” Daemon growls. “Not the Realm’s Delight, but my Delight to fuck and use as I want,” And he fucks into her harder, reaching between her legs and pinching her bud, teasing it with his wet from her cunt fingers. 
And she cries out, clamping down on Daemon’s cock as her orgasm ransacks her body. 
“That’s it, princess,” Daemon grunts, speaking in between his thrust as he comes deep inside her. Rhaenyra shudders as his hot seed fills her, her cunt milking him, making Daemon moaning softly, stroking her belly. “Can't wait to see you round with our little dragon inside your womb.” 
 “Maybe it won’t happen any time soon.” She comments, knowing that this can really take time. She knows that not every lady gets pregnant right after she is married. 
“Not from the lack of trying, princess.” And Daemon pulls from her.
She already wants to pout her lips and order him back into her, but he turns her around and kisses her on the lips, and then puts her back on the bed, with him settling between her legs.
“We're not done yet, princess.” Daemon says before putting his fingers inside her to make his seed stay. 
And they only finish when her stomach rumbles with hunger. It’s more a mere break for them to gain their strength back as for an heir making they need a lot of strength. 
And well… After he is done with her, she really is unable to walk.
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karoiseka · 2 years
Shadowbringers spoilers, 5.0!
((Another with an instant idea, writing coming in spurts.  Things I think are slowly coming back, and phrases slowly becoming a bit less stilted.  I hope people are enjoying these... I know I’m enjoying digging into a few that I’ve been wanting to for a while!))
Boots clicked against the stone floor of the Musica Universalis as Karoiseka strode towards her Pendants room.  She could feel his eyes upon her, but she wouldn’t give him the satisfaction–or terror (she’s honestly not sure which it would be at this time)--of acknowledging his presence.  She had been on the First for a little over a Moon now, Alphinaud and Alisae safely at her side once more.  They had returned from Holminster Switch a few days ago, and Karo reveled in the Crystarium’s reactions to the night sky.  Not that you could see said night’s sky through the absolute downpour that was happening currently.  Luckily, Karo wasn’t getting dripped on due to the soaring high crystal blue ceilings that covered the markets–and most of the city in general.  There were plenty of actual open areas, but the majority of the city had stayed protected from the Everlasting Light’s rays, as well as inclimate weather, since its creation.
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The sound of the rain hitting the crystal above created less noise than she would have thought–perhaps magically imbued to help with that aspect.  In any case, the area was dry and brightly lit by lamps that, looking at them, were quite the hopeful addition to the area by the Exarch when building the city.  That gamble had paid off–as had his eventual pull of Karo and the Scions through the Rift, though that was the reason for his current lurking.
Karo was still very angry at him.  Maybe a tad less after seeing the night’s sky returned to the area, and having the twins within reach once more, but nonetheless, angry.   She had wrapped herself in the emotion, whenever he was near, not wanting to let his friendly demeanor wear away at the fact that he had pulled her away from her own world’s troubles to be his pawn in this grand scheme to save his.  Yes, according to him the Source would be saved through their actions on the First, but none of it diminished the turmoil Karo had gone through back home the past few moons watching the Scions drop around her–not knowing where their souls had flown.
The noise coming from the Wandering Stairs had her giving the bar area a wide berth as she had the past few days–the celebration hadn’t stopped.  Instead her footfalls hit the softer grass and wood of one of the many “indoor” nature areas, carefully cultivated to bring a safe area for people to enjoy.  The watchful eyes seemed to fade as she got closer to the Pendants, and her stance relaxed ever so slightly.  It wasn’t that she didn’t want to like Exarch–in contrast, every part of her being was telling her to trust him–it was that the dark despair that had filled her for so long would not be so easily forgotten.
A quick wave to the suite manager, and up the two flights of stairs to her room, the rest of her tension melted from her body as she placed her bow on its rack, and sat heavily on her bed.
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“What has you all out of sorts?”  Karo peered through her fingers to find Ardbert standing there peering down at her.  Sighing, the Bard looked up and then plopped backwards onto the bed.
“I’m having a hard time letting go of my anger at the Exarch for pulling all the Scions here,”  he shifted to be able to watch her easier as she continued on in a rush of words.  “I understand why he did it, I don’t blame him for that, but for the turmoil and pain he brought me personally, it’s been difficult.”  She bolted back upright causing Ardbert to jump back a bit.
“Do you think I’m wrong to not forgive him right away?”  She was up and pacing in a quick line.  “Well, forgive might be the wrong word, but to not be angry at him still?  Everyone seems to have settled here without much effort or pain, and he took care of them as much as they’d allow when they arrived.”  Sitting then falling back on the bed once more, she sighed again staring at the high ceiling.
“I suppose it’s all rhetorical, I can’t go hating him forever,”  smiling she rolled over to look at the spectral Warrior who was looking down at her equally amused.  It had been nice to have someone to come back to, to chat with, who understood.  Their conversation continued into the night as Karo let stress fade–and let Ardbert tell her more of his world.
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here4theheartbreak · 1 year
That Christmas Vlive! OMG. I remember watching that happen. I felt like Yunho. Just... 👀🍿😬 Woo really thought he was hard done by. But it turned out they all just wanted to spend more time with each other. Fools! 😭 And the way Hongjoong was basically like... 'actually, from what I've seen...' because Yeosang never really advocates for himself unless he's prompted to. Honestly, it was a great thing to see because it really laid out how they resolve the issues and tensions that will, of course, pop up from time to time. It gave me a lot of faith in them and their longevity. 🧡
I would loveeeee to see them acting more! They really are so good at conveying things — usually with just their bodies / mannerisms / facial expressions. I want one of them to get a nice meaty drama role. I want it to be so successful that people are shocked when they discover that an actor they liked is actually an idol. (AKA me with Chani in Sky Castle)
I CANNOT DEAL WITH IT. I've also watched Baby Cloud so much~! The softest part for me is when Ayun accidentally hits San. 😭 Her little 미안해 and his fast but (heart-meltingly) soft 아니요 괜찮아. Like pleaseeeeeee, boy. I can't handle this kind of gentleness. This tender masculinity. Let me breathe for a second. Woosan were SO good with the girls. They really seemed to know how to behave around them and how to adapt to them.
I'm really looking forward to the next part! I can't wait to see Seonghwa get his nails painted and for him to flex his toy knowledge. Also, our SH really ran around for ages, sweating in the sun, just to play with Jaeyul. Heroic. I would have been begging him to sit down in the shade.
Yessssssss. Kids definitely gravitate towards Wooyoung. I think it's 70% his natural energy and 30% the fact that he has a little brother. I think he just understands them, and they know it?? OMG. The way he was talking to Jaiden about their hair?? Too cuteeeeeee. I'm literally seconds away from screaming up at the sky. 🫠
And, for real, they did sooooo well with Lina. She really was so nervous and unsure from the beginning, but they did a great job! Letting her kind of just do stuff without pressure. Encouraging her.
Ohhh! San's Goth jacket is so cool! I really love the holographic one Seonghwa was wearing the other day!
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WE MUST TREASURE PURPLE JONGHO WHILE WE STILL HAVE HIM. I'm kinda glad it's not for too long though. He probably knows he has the healthiest scalp and hair out of all of them and he's saving himself. 😂
They're definitely a group of incredible dualities. Mingi is a killer on the stage and a princess at every other possible opportunity. And, really, I respect the man for wielding that kind of power!
I did see Wooyoung's kiss attempt! It seems like his lips are gravitating towards San these days. 😂 Yunho is always there. Watching. Observing. He's the one true witness to all their fruity shenanigans. My person fave is that Halloween Seongjoong one. The ARE YOU TWO ACTUALLY FLIRTING RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW expression on his face just takes me out every time! 👀🎃 He must have aged so many years by now. His soul must be ten thousand years old.
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I just watched the new 1ND2 ep! The teezers with the gochu ladies?? I can't take this!! Also, Jongho blending in / bonding with women old enough to be his grandmother is a phenomenon that should be studied!!!!
My God, Yunho’s reaction killed me. Tbh the secondhand embarassment from that live, it makes me cringe 😂 I do kinda enjoy watching them get into it though, especially with Wooyoung because he’s so passionate about things, he’ll spend a full hour debating something, cameras be damned. Bless Joong for being able to wrangle control when he goes off on some debate with whichever member. I mean, I understand - I’m the same way; I’ll go off on an hours long debate with someone and get lost in my own world if I’m interested and invested so like - I’m on Wooyoung’s side here, but seeing it from the outside 😅 yikes.
But 100% agree about their longevity. I mean, it’s a group of 8 very different personalities; even if they get along better than most, they’re still bound to have disagreements - especially since they’ve been together since they were teenagers. I did laugh at one interview I’d watched, where they were talking about arguments and both of the rappers were talking about Wooyoung 🤣 - poor guy just starts all sorts of arguments by accident.
And yess, I ultimately got into SHINee bc of seeing Minho on Hwarang and absolutely falling in love with him, I barely remember the other actors 🤣 (Though that one is funny bc my friend had been trying to get me into SHINee for like a year prior to that and I kept declining.) I know half of them did that one k-drama, I still need to watch it, it’s on my list, among the mountain of other stuff of theirs lol.
And YES oh my God, San knew exactly how to make her feel okay and handled the accident so well, my heart might have exploded. Especially when Woo laughed at him and he just grinned about it, like god, guys, please. I agree about Seonghwa! He didn’t get much screen time (Sorry, Hwa, I was okay with that, I was wholly invested in Woosan and the girls 🤣) but I wanna see more of him and how he is with the kids. He was so sweet with Jaeyul even though he very clearly was dying (man why would you wear an outfit like that on a day like that???) lol San shoulda been with the boy from point one, he’s got the energy for him for sure lol - also doing Taekwondo/Karate with him - that was so friggin’ cute, and he knew exactly how to play with him versus Ayun; pushing a little harder, getting that competitive fighting edge up bc that’s what he needed, honestly - top tier parenting skills. I kinda wish they could do something like what they did ages ago with idol groups, the Hello Baby series. I know they have the Baby Cloud/Return of Superman type things now to take the place of that, but I’d love to see Ateez just handed a kid and asked to keep them for x days and make a whole series out of it, I know they’d absolutely do amazing and that kid would be over the moon.
I am so used to making allowances for “meh” behaviors from celebrities I like, coming up with excuses like yeah it’s not great but — insert whatever excuse. It’s so nice to be able to be just like no these guys are great - I would 100% trust them with my kid, wouldn’t be worried about reactions to gender/sexuality - they’re just awesome guys.
I like that jacket! Honestly all their fits. Though I didn’t appreciate waking up this morning and winding up with a pile of screenshots of San in that shirt from yesterday’s performance when I opened my eyes (my fault for going to two first thing when I opened my eyes but that’s not the point here). - Seriously tho - why bother wearing a shirt that closes when it’s gonna be that low cut. And the scarf was doing nothing 😭
Also these days 😭🤣 seems more like “since they met” he’s been gravitating his mouth toward San’s lmao - I was watching one of their older programs last night and had to stop and rewind it because I was so confused when I realized Wooyoung was in San’s blankets when he was supposed to be in a completely different (and more comfortable) space. I swear, it seems like that guy has been attached to San since forever and I’m so soft over it.
Oh my god why is it always Yunho??? I have seen so many compilations of him being the unfortunate third wheel to various pairing’s flirtations and oddities, I just… Man. Someone needs to gift him a whistle to blow whenever two members look like they’re going to do something that’s gonna get them kicked off the air in front of him 😂 (Suddenly remembering Hongjoong’s “Hey this is a bit… this has viewer age limits too” moment when he walked in on Woosan doing whatever the hell cuddling they were doing on Real Now). That face right there though. All I can hear is…
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But also yes! I watched it a little late bc I was out at pride all day, but it was so cute. I knew Wooyoung had those damn chili peppers, the way I started swearing at San for not picking his 😂like man, the one time y’all aren’t attached to the hip is the one time it would’ve saved you.
Jongho blends in with the grandmas because mentally, the poor thing is one. Being with that group has aged him 150 years and he’s now mentally geriatric and needs a nap. The sheer number of times I’m sure he wonders why he didn’t just become a trot singer 🤣.
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gh0stchoir · 1 year
Things changed after the kidnapping. The students were moved into dorm houses with their own rooms, and security was heightened. For a few days, all their classmates and teachers kept an extra close eye on Tao and Filo. The girl kept up the act of being traumatized, though not to an amount that made it seem like an act. Tao remained closed to himself, he had barely talked to the others before, and it didn't change now. Just that now, everyone assumed it was due to trauma from the experience. They both stuck together still, always hanging out in each other's dorm rooms. Luckily, everyone thought the minimal to non-existent decoration in Tao's room was due to minimalism, like Mezo did. Not because all of his stuff was still with the League. Who were fine, thankfully. Tao had gotten a message from Tomura a few days after everything, informing him about their new hideout. That everyone was safe and fine. He and Filo had cheered over this, already planning to visit once things had quieted down.
Filo herself used the time until then to continue her research about her father. She had asked Principal Nezu about him, who had been able to give her some info. She had a name now, Oboro Shirakumo, as well as the fact he died during a villain attack. And that he was very close with Mr. Aizawa and Present Mic. Which was why she was on her way to the teacher's lounge during her lunch break. Uraraka accompanied her, wanting to ask Miss Midnight something. Some students walked through the halls, to or from their break. She noticed a trio. A blonde boy, telling a story as he smiled brightly, looking like the sun incarnated. A girl with blue, twirly hair, listening in with a kind smile, the moon to the sun. And another boy, with hair as dark as the night sky. Filo turned to look after him once they passed, feeling her heart beat faster. "Filo!", Uraraka cried, before Filo was floating. Confused, she turned her head, only to see she nearly fell down some stairs had it not been for her classmates quick reaction. Uraraka let her down to the ground, asking in concern if everything was alright. Filo turned her head again, starring where the night boy had walked. She was fine, though her heart was beating like crazy.
"Tao! You're eating all alone? Where's Filo?" Midoriya asked as he sat down next to Tao. He looked over at him with a small smile. He wasn't necessarily close with Izuku, but to where he wasn't uncomfortable near him. It was nice. "She said she wanted to go talk to Aizawa and Present Mic, I believe." He said. Izuku nodded and pulled out his bento from his bag, finally able to fill his rumbling stomach. Training lately had caused for more hunger. Tao kept his eyes down on his own bento, trying to make himself speak up. "Izuku..Can I ask a question?" He asked. The freckled boy looked over at him with a wide, happy smile and nodded. Typically, it was Midoriya asking the questions. And many many of them.
"Well I've noticed you keep pages for everyone's quirks. D-do you have one for everyone in the class?" He asked. Izuku excitedly nodded, reaching into his bag to find his notebook. He was, quite literally, buzzing with excitement. "I do! I have a couple pages for everyone, actually..!" An embarrassed blush made its way to his face, "I-I wrote down uses of quirks, strengths and weaknesses, and looking at hero costumes." He opened the book and showed Tao. It was a page about Tao. He felt bad, once seeing the description of his quirk. He had lied, and told everyone he was like everyone else and was born with his mutation quirk. As he got older, he said, his wings slowly sprouted like a plant. His fangs got longer and claws more sharpened. His tail growing longer as well. It was all genetics, he fibbed.
"If it's not too much to ask..could I borrow this for the day? I-I promise I'll give it back tomorrow in home room!!" Tao managed to get himself to ask. Luckily Midoriya happily let him take it. He trusted Tao, he had no reason not to. "This book is for our class, and Sensei Aizawa!" He turned to the first few pages. It was that obnoxious Bakugou. It seemed there were a few more pages about him than everyone else. "You've written a lot about him." Tao muttered out. Izuku blushed again in embarrassment. "W-well I've known Kacchan since we were kids! I've always had alot to say about him and his quirk for years now!" Tao nodded, reading through the many words about the blonde. All were detailed about his quirk and abilities. This was by far excellent to show Tomura. "You said you've known him since you were kids?" Tao asked. More information wouldn't hurt. And we was intrigued about to blonde, even if he scared the shit out of Tao. There was something about him.
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cottelini · 1 year
This time is for Sherrie ((she/her)) to shine!!!
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Would your character like to live on a farm and raise sheep?
i think Sherrie goes back and fourth between wanting to be a city girl or a country girl. she'd prolly be happy so long as she had her favorite people around <3
Have any of your characters had to kill a friend?
Have any of your characters been exiled from their society?
mm, i wouldn't say so. some left their homes by choice, others were rescued, but nobody has been cast out.
What is a humanizing thing about a villain/antagonist/generally horrible person character that you have?
(this is not about Grian) the doctor. he loves Sky, to the best of his ability (emotionally). but it's a possessive, destructive, self centered love. and that's putting it lightly.
maybe under much much better circumstances he could be a decent father-- but he could never be a decent person. Sky still struggles to see it that way.
Was your character ever considered shy?
nope lol! she's always been cheerful and outspoken-- a true extrovert
Does your character look like what others think they should from their reputation?
yeah i'd say so! she's generous, nurturing, social, and bossy. i'd say some people would be quite surprised to see her more stand-offish side tho haha she looks like such a princess it could come at a shock
Describe your character’s handwriting.
clean, cursive, thin lines <3
Did/do any of your characters start a dynasty?
nope lol they're not that ambitious (well, Sky is but they're not interested in power over others-- just respect and "being the best". they could care less about a following)
Do any of your characters have gaps in their teeth or are missing teeth?
the younger ones do, like Fern's siblings, but not the teens/adults. Dexter, in my other story, has a gap tho!
Has your character ever been led down the wrong path because of their anger?
no, Sherrie retains her morals even in the face of intense emotion. if anything, her morals become stronger when tested.
Is your character’s fear reaction to fight, flight, or freeze?
prolly freeze. i can't imagine her throwing hands lmaooo and she has too many responsibilities to want to run. there's also faint but that would cause too much attention on her so freeze fits her personality best
What are your character’s nails like?
longish and rounded. not too long tho, she is a working gal!
always painted something pretty, with tiny designs and sometimes little jewels~~~
Are any of your characters part of a spy network?
hm, Grian met Sky while he was undercover/a distraction during a big child abuse sting-- does that count?
Would your character throw themselves in harms way to protect a loved one?
yup, protecting people from harm is literally Sherrie's job. she'd gladly take a bullet for even a stranger <3
Can your character start a campfire?
she know how, but can she actually execute it? lol
Does your character engage in gossip?
oh absolutely lmaoo
Have any of your characters started and/or led a revolution?
mm no, not in this story
Do you have any characters that are stuffed animals? Or characters who have them?
that would be so cute but no, no stuffie ocs </3
but some of the younger characters (totally not including Lucie)
Are any of your characters mechanics?
Fern's lil brother Twig is an inventor so i think that counts?
If given total rule over a country, would your character step aside to turn it into a democracy?
i think Sherrie thinks she's right almost all the time (the life of a teenager tbh) so, while she likes the idea of democracy, would she be able to give up such a massive loud-speaker?
i'd say yes, what matters most to Sherrie is other people's health and well being, but she would struggle with it a bit
Which character is The Proudest ™ of their kids?
lol prolly Grian <3
Do any of your characters have a tendency to dislocate joints?
um, no?? lmaooo
Has your character ever had to question their beliefs and realized they were wrong?
Sherrie is going to have to deal with the fact that she isn't always in the right. it will be the best for everyone in the end but she struggles to get to that point
Do any of your characters have social anxiety?
plenty. Sky (sorta), Lucie, Grian, Elliot, ect..
not Sherrie tho, she's very confident in her social skills
Are any of your characters queer?
basically all of them lmaoo
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zuckarr · 1 year
Orchid, mahonia, aloe vera, palm tree, papyrus, taro. 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
﹟random get-to-know-me ask game
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orchid ⇢ what’s a song you consider to be perfect?
Oh my, that's a challenging question! I'm the kind of person who loves songs fully, so it's hard for me to come up with criticism in the first place (also, I am no music expert, so I am in no position to pinpoint flaws in a song); all songs that I love sound perfect to me. Uh... I'm trying to think of a song that feels like it belongs on another level... of course, Queen and Michael Jackson come to mind, because certain artists and bands made revolutionary songs, but if I were to choose it personally, I'd pick Elton John's 'Can You Feel The Love Tonight'. There is absolutely nothing I would change about this song, and it is one of my favourite love songs ever. I would even go as far as to say it is one of the best love songs of all time. I like to think of it as a song you can feel. It makes me emotional every single time I listen to it. There's much more I'd say, but honestly, the song speaks for itself and it is able to fill your heart so much you don't even need to say words anymore. Literally, the most endearing epitome of love.
mahonia ⇢ what place, thing, activity inspires you most and how do you express yourself when it does?
I feel very inspired in the early morning - and I mean as early as 4am. Being on my own among nature, especially during the aurora (the phase in which the sky is lightly, gradually getting brighter before the sunrise) and just letting my mind wander as I take it all in is definitely an inspiring activity for me. I used to take many early morning walks... I loved it, I've never felt as connected with the world as I did back then. I would express myself via some kind of artistic spark... maybe I would paint, or write poetry!
aloe vera ⇢ what’s something (mundane) you really want to experience in life?
Travelling. I know it isn't a mundane thing for many, but it is for lots of other people. I see people with their passports full of stamps, people who travel for work or just for leisure because they can afford it... I'd give anything to be able to travel frequently. I would honestly visit every country.
palm tree ⇢ do you have a fictional villain you shouldn’t like but love regardless?
Hmm... tricky question. I like most villains. Mother Gothel in particular comes to mind. In the Disney movie, we can see that Rapunzel is taken care of, she's got clothes, stuff for painting, a nice big bed, etc. of course it doesn't justify the fact that she was kidnapped, used, a literal prisoner her whole life, and that she was lied to and manipulated - but we can't ignore that she and Mother Gothel have lived a mother/daughter life. I was disappointed to see that Rapunzel didn't have any reaction to her death. Bad writing there. I appreciate that they didn't make the same mistake in Maleficient and we actually got to see her bond with Aurora, despite how abusive it is.
papyrus ⇢ if you put your ‘on repeat’ playlist on shuffle, what’s the first song that comes up? what do you like about it / associate it with?
Okay, the first song that played is 'California Dreaming' by Arman Cekin and Paul Rey. Interestingly enough, this song means a lot to me. I used to listen to it on repeat when I was depressed and saw no purpose in my life. I am a bit fascinated by the idea of California being this dreamy State that a lot of people wanna get to in order to achieve their dreams, often crashing into a harsh and merciless reality. Despite how bright and shiny L.A. is, all that gold can lie to you and you might find yourself homeless, sitting on a bench of a Californian beach, looking at the palm trees, thinking all of your hard work was for nothing and wanting to die. Now, this is just my interpretation as someone who has never stepped in the US, but I still connect it to those feelings of deep loneliness and despair that I used to have for completely different reasons. Certain lyrics speak to me on a deeper level than others:
'It's you that I think about every time when my mind zoning It's you that I think about every time that I get lonely'
'But god damn, I've been working hard as fuck And what's work without play in LA? I'm California Dreamin'
taro ⇢ if someone called you right now to catch up, what’re the things you’d tell them about?
Oh, um... it kinda depends on who it is and how the conversation goes? I guess I'd tell them I've been waiting to move to the UK which is the biggest thing in my life right now. But I could also tell them something else. It really depends.
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theoncomingchaos · 2 years
One thing I really just need to say about Scoy is that unlike a lot of BL out there, this narrative and character development is so tight. No plot holes, no suddenly out of character/irrational reactions for the sake of drama, but instead an actual circular narrative that really tied back to the beginning to show the growth and change from that starting point with no loose ends or wasted chances.
Toh's collection is now not just pictures of Nuea taken from afar, it's pictures of them together, pictures they've taken of each other, their memories they both share, all put together in their shared space, their home.
Jao who always felt awkward and uncomfortable with himself and around others isn't afraid to go anywhere now because he found his home and his confidence with Sky.
Daisy really deserved so much more than a 5 second conversation, but the point still stands that she found so many people who love her as she is and just want to see her happy including someone who can love her as a romantic partner with no demands or disgust or uncertainty- only love, patience, and acceptance.
Nuea who had been treated like some untouchable, perfect idol, finally broke through the lens and was able to get Toh to see him as he is- an ordinary person full of love and devotion that just wants to have that love and devotion returned.
Sky who even at the beginning was compared negatively with Nuea, who never felt as cool or smart, found someone who sees him for all the good that he is, and loves him unconditionally.
I wish we could have had more episodes to fully delve into the stories of all the characters. I could watch so many seasons of these characters. Admittedly, some parts of the finale were a little rushed, but I really loved this series and I know I'm going to be re-watching it so many times.
The message is so beautiful and so well crafted.
Everyone, no matter how much they do or do not align with what people think is "normal" or "good" deserves friendship, love, family, and acceptance, and deep down that support is what we all want. The "cool kids" like Nuea and Sky, the "weird kids" like Toh, everyone just wants to feel seen for who they are and loved genuinely.
All those people out there that stopped watching because of "cringe" are the people that need this lesson the most, and I hope they give it another chance because that's really the point. Learning to accept other people even for the eccentricities and differences is so important. It's when we can look beyond those differences and see each other as real people, that everyone can feel safer being themselves and know that they are worthy.
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