#like homegirl is BRAVE
hello-yue-here · 1 year
derry girls is so good why did i wait until now to watch it
this is the funniest show ever made i believe
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cloudboba · 11 months
sometimes i fear that i lost my ability to fight until i die and then i get into it with my family and i remember that i am suffering but relentless
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ma3mae · 1 year
No one likes syringes!
Summary : You gotta take your weekly syringe but you're afraid of needles so how can these mfs (Dazai, Kunikida, Atsushi, Aku, Chuuya) convince you to take it 🤷
Genre : bit cracky and fluff, prob lots of teasing bc u know who tf im talking about 💀
Warnings : heartattacks bc we all simp too hard for these men 🛐 maybe a bit of suggestive themes at the end
A/N : managed to inject myself for the first time (aint no drugs, need them bc HEALTH) and bro, my hands r still shaky bc fear 😭 how do ppl do this so easily 💀 also the syringe is like a pen (also for this story) but broo its still scary and i need some bsd character comforting me 😩✋✋
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Dazai Osamu
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Lets say yall live together and hes at work while u r home alone
cant bring yourself to do it alone bc bro syringes are scary (even if its just a pen bc NEEDLES BRO) 😩😭
So you text him and ask what hes doing and tell him if hes got time to come home asap bc we r nearly crying at this point
hes gonna be SO ANNOYING like "i was just waiting for a text from you~ dont worry, your knight in shining armor will save you"
BROO he prob knew that you gotta take them today and also knew that nothing would be going on at the agency so he couldve stayed at home but nah 😭😭 (sadistic a** fr fr)
but hes still hurrying nonetheless bc hes not that MEAN -right???-
arrives at home and finds you on the couch holding the pen with shaky hands and his heart does feel a TAD bit guilty bc fr he couldve stayed at home and u would have gotten this shit over asap
gon be all like "dw im here now, okay? Lets just get this over with and then we'll cuddle, how about that?"
homegirl is about to cry at this point bc just FREE HER from this misery
sits next down to you and takes the pen from your hands
If you do wanna try it out yourself, he'll gently guide you through it
He knows how afraid you are and teasing would just make you sob instantly bc the pressure is already too much to deal with YEAH U BETTER STFU U TEASE !! jk still love him
will try to change your mind tho by sayinf stuff like "Really? ~ i mean its brave and good of you to try it yourself but I really love helping you, you know. Want to do everything for you, darling." he knows EXACTLY what hes doing to us by saying that
Is prob gonna give us that look and whisper in our ear and shi im sorry im too down bad for this man at this point 😩
if you dont wanna do it yourself then, he'll tell you to look at him while hes pressing the pen onto your thigh or stomach
You still cant keep your eyes off of it? Sry girl, theres only one solution
He'll just click his tounge at you while having that fking smirk on his face as he says "still too distracted, I see? Well seems like theres only one way to help you"
gives you a kiss on the lips and just deepens it while looking STRAIGHT into your eyes got my knees weak for him fr
you only feel a tiny sting and as soon as a "click" is heard, he'll break the kiss and just grins at you as if he didnt trick you lol
but who are you to complain, he sees that you liked it and will def comment on that
"see, love? Wasn't so hard after all. But you still did well. Proud of you as always"
pecks you on the lips again before setting the pen onto the table and wraps his arms around your waist bc NO WAY in hell is he gonna let go after that
"i think i deserve a reward for that~" "you said you were waiting for a text so you KNEW i had to do it today, right?" ".... welp, not gonna apologize on that 🤷🤷🤷"
u can understand why kunikida has to SIGH all the time as soon as dazai opens his mouth but oh well, you're too whipped to care about at this point
wont let you go so guess you'll have to reward him 💅 no ones complaining LOL
if you tell him to help you next time before hes gone for work, he'll def do it bc he loves u but poor kunikida gotta expect him arrive at work late more often bc he wont leave home without rewards 🛐
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Kunikida Doppo
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You already know that he got the exact day, hour, minute and SECOND written down on when you gotta take your pen
You tell him that the day is enough and that the time doesnt matter but NOO 😤 YOU WILL take it at the exact time
If its at ungodly hours like 3am or smth, bro he'll wake you up like no mercy for his schedule 😭
If u complain to him tho then dw he will rearrange it for u bc he may love to stick to his plans but he wont ignore your needs and stuff either get urself a man who takes care of u like that 😤😤
will prefer to do it before work, so if you're not an early bird then he'll wake u up but dw you'll get a forehead kiss and bro's already fully dressed n' stuff BUT waking up to him looking at you with such a loving gaze will make u forget that its 5-6am or smth 😩
will first let you get up in peace and make u some calming tea bc he knows what will come next ✋
"Y/N, I know you don't like it but you have to take your pen today, okay?"
if we start a tanthrum then he already knows about it like bro's prepared for everything!!
"Kuni, do we really ha-" "Yes." "But you know I dont li-" "Yes and yes. I know you hate it but don't worry, I've already written everything down on how to do it and what to be aware of so its okay to feel afraid but don't worry because I'm here. Nothing will happen and I've already bought your favorite snacks so you'll feel better but dont eat too much of it when I'm gone. "
u already know he spent a night or smth just researching everything about it as soon as you told him
prob even went to a library and once came back home with multiple books in his hands, hes THAT dedicated UGH I LOVE HIM 💕
you could just sob rn bc how did the earth bless you with this man KUNIKIDA I NEED U 😭😭😭
If the pen is kept in a fridge then dw he already put that shit out for it to not be cold anymore (prob counted the minutes and seconds LOL)
he'll sit you down on the bed or couch, disinfect the place on where you'll take it (lol that sounds WRONG) and he'll give you a peck on your forehead before asking if you're alright and ready to go through with it bc no way in hell is he gonna do it while you're too shaken up for it
If you wanna try to do it alone then he'll take your hand into his as you're grabbing the pen, slowly guiding it while praising you for how brave you are for trying this and that hes proud of you IM SOBBING
will also tell you to look at him if you get more afraid by seeing it on your skin
Honestly even if you dont wanna do it yourself, he'll make sure to be there and will praise you every time you get through with it bc you KNOW he means it
Honestly makes you tear up everytime and u just wanna kiss this man fr
you thank him and tell him how glad you are to have him, he'll be smitten even more than he already is
Cup his face with your hands and kiss him bro's gonna find it really difficult to not stay at home and just be in your arms
at the end of the day, his love for you exceeds his ideals so he wouldnt mind arriving at work some minutes later if he gets to have you in his arms for a bit longer
Will arrive at work with such a good mood that hes prob gonna freak dazai out with it especially when he overlooks some dumb remarks from him the power of love YALL but who can blame him, his heart is thumping louder than dazai's rambling LOL
maybe yall will continue when hes back home, who knows 🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐
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Nakajima Atsushi
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when you told him about the pen for the first time, he was literally thrown off like "wait, so you have to.... stab yourself regularly with that?????"
hes just SO precious bc his heart's squeezing at you asking him if he could help u bc you just feel so comfortable and just knowing that makes him SWOON
But at the same time hes panicking bc HOW CAN HE DO THAT WITHOUT HURTING U
Ngl hes prob also afraid of needles and stuff 😭 is gonna look at u like the pic above LOL
will ask yosano or even recommend that she should do it but you're like "NO!! im sorry, tsushi but im too scared of her and i feel safe with u :(((("
you got him WHIPPED and DEDICATED bc he'll def research that shit through and through
Will ask his coworkers (prob kunikida) how to best handle the situation
has everything ready but will stumble and be kinda hastily about it at first bc hes prob even more nervous than you are 💀
either it implifies your fear more or its just so ridiculous that you're legit like "ily but im not gonna die or smth 🤨🤨🤨" you cant blame him tho 😤
hes gonna be all like "OKAY OKAY, we got this. No, I GOT this s-so no worries, okay?" bro, BREATHE. Hes just about to pass out at this point jk jk
if you decide to try it out alone, he'll be a bit saddened bc does this mean you dont want him to help you after all?? :(( was he not good enough of a choice to be of help :((( TSUSHI STFU ILY
dw just reassure him that you obviously appreciate his help and still need him to be there bc no way in hell can u do it alone without ur hubby
will tell you everything he had learned about the pen and how to use it with a bit of a tremble in his voice but he pulls through with it!!
You manage to do it and BOY get ready for a rant on how proud of you he is
will want to pamper you with kisses on ur face "tsushi, i know that look. Go ahead and do it, dont hold back" "really, y/n!!?" "😩 bro do it ok" will try to hold back with gluing himself onto you but how can he NOT
If u dont wanna do it urself then it will prob go like this:
its time for yk what and he sees the genuine fear in your eyes but dw he got you
hes prob gon be like "my s/o need me rn and i have to help them!!!" hes actually gonna remember everythinf he looked up and prob memorized for you bc hes AN ANGEL will put his forehead against yours and tell you to look at him "i wont let anything hurt you and happen to you. You're afraid and honestly im afraid too but you and i will get through this, okay?" gives you the most lovestruck smile ever before he looks down and counts to three
"breathe in, y/n. It will be okay" he ignores his slightly trembling hands and at the count of three inserts it. GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF THE GUTTER📸📸📸
as soon as yall hear a click, he quietly counts to three before pulling it out and BROO the relief is refreshing af
"WE DID IT, Y/N!!!" Is hella giddy bc how can he not be proud of the both of you!!!! You did it!!! will honestly pull you in a hug bc hes just so happy
prob gonna realise that he just did it without asking u and will be sheepish all like "o-oh sorry, i just got too excited" "no tsushi. We should be happy about this so dont let go!!" no need to say it twice bc hes gonna wrap his arms even tighter around you and nuzzle his face into the crook of your neck ILL GIVE U A KISS TSUSHI 🛐🛐
will he feel bad for arriving at work a bit later? Maybe but a scolding from kunikida wont hold him back from holding you for a tad bit longer
He'll be a bit less nervous for the next times and it will surely decrease with each time bc practice yk but will obviously still hold you until he made sure that you're feeling okay afterwards
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Akutagawa Ryuunosuke
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Bro's nearly flabbergasted bc why are you making such a FUSS 🤨🤨 im sry dont sue me
"Calm down, you idiot. It's only a pen. You dont even SEE the needle."
dont ask him why hes staying with you if its JUST a needle then bc bro will prob just straight up get up and leave if you point it out 💀
will prob be the first to not even suggest but just TELL you to do it yourself aku im hurting over here 😩
will prob make an effort in atleast roughly skimming through a website about it prob smth weird like wikihow LMAO
If he does see you how afraid you really are of it, hes rly trying his best to ignore the small ache its giving his heart bc he takes no pleasure in witnessing u be so afraid✋ its still JUST a pen in his eyes at the end of the day lol
will just sigh and snatch that shit from your hands bc he cant bear to see you like this any longer are we looking that pitiful, probably LOL
But he'll be surprisingly soft with his touch, nearly just ghosting you with his hands is that even a term, nvm yall know what i mean
Hes just gonna be straightforward with it bc the faster its over the better. He wont admit that he just wants to help but cant convey it bc what even are feelings 🤷
He'll tilt your chin towards him and just say "Look at me, Y/N. Stop overthinking it. You won't get hurt from this stupid thing, okay? If smth does happen, I'll just destroy the factory thats making this."
You dont know if hes joking to lighten the mood or if hes serious bc its aku
But hes prob joking
anyway hes gonna ask you like smth rly random like "What do you wanna eat later" which will confuse you but you'll answer nonetheless bc hey hes initiating a convo!!
as you start to talk and he notices you're relaxed enough for him, welp yk whats happening
Actually makes you wince a bit bc it just caught you off guard
"Ryuu, what the f-?!" "Just bear with it." ok we have been silenced 🛐
yall hear the click of relief, he counts in his mind to three and quickly pulls that shit out
you're slightly trembling from relief from finally getting it over you and bro just clicks his tounge like "You're such a fool. Cant believe something insignificant like that makes you nearly shit your pants."
you lowkey glare at him for that bc BRO needles r spooky 😭 but dw before you even open your mouth to tell him off, he'll look to the side and say "... You did good for holding that out though... but its still stupid."
just give him a peck on the cheek or smth bc this boy is prob craving some praise after having helped you like that
"Thank you, Ryuu. I couldnt have done this without you. You're the best boyfriend I could ever ask for"
Give him a tight hug, kiss and boom you got him around your finger
he'll take a second to wrap his arms around you and will just hide his face in the crook of ur neck like our other boy tsushi
"Of course, I'd help... I'll still blow up the factory for scaring you like that."
"NO!!" jk he wont if u tell him not to but hes just trying to say he doesnt like seeing u like that we know aku, dw 💕💕
if his coworkers ask why hes arriving a bit later at work, he'll just tell them to shut up and continue with their work
If you look closely you'll see his ears turn a bit pink as he keeps thinking of you and your words 💕💕😭
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Nakahara Chuuya
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Honestly its gonna be a mix of every reaction possible I think
Like if you tell him about the pen, hes first gonna feel a bit pressured like "O-Oh wait so you want ME to help with it??"
Like no offense hes obviously feeling pretty happy about that you are asking him for help especially for smth important as your health
But he knows hes not the most gentle person and does have his worries that he might accidentally hurt you or smth
wont ask anyone for advice bc its his love of his life can i be that pls that asked HIM so he'll do it at the end of the day!!
but if hes feeling rly unsure then he wont mind slipping a question about it when hes reporting to mori
which means being not subtle at all
"So was that all for today's report of the mission." "Yeah." "Then do you need something or why are you still standing there?" ".... *pulls out a picture of your pen* do you know how to use this?..."
you def know that chuuya's feeling so embarassed that hes asking his BOSS but its a sacrifice hes willing to pay
mori will have mercy on him and tell him what he should be careful of and summarise on how to use it
Will prob throw in a "good luck~" bc how can u not TEASE him
anyway our boy's done his research and now comes the hard part
dw as soon as he sees you trembling, he'll be softer than a marshmallow
a chuuya one
"Oi, look at me. I'll make sure nothing's gonna happen to you, alright? Will just sting a bit and thats it. Will take care of you after this so you'll forget this ever happened."
he'll even take off his gloves so you'll be more relaxed if you can feel his skin bro the gloves are giving off doctor vibes in this scenario, will make us panic more LOL
if you really cant keep your eyes off it then well....
"Damn it, love. Stop looking at it." will just press his lips onto you for a second before breaking it and inserting that shi*
"Ch-Chuuya!" "I know, i know. Dont worry, its gonna be over real soon."
And boom thr click is heard and yall are finally done
Honestly his shoulders are gonna relax instantly, boy was tensed up even more than you skskskks but who can blame him
"OMG chuuya we did it!!" "Yeah, you did it, doll." bro's gonna latch onto you again bc that kiss from earlier wasnt enough for the both of u 😩
is it riling yall up? Probably but welp you 're already either shirtless or pantless so only one clothing to pull off less work for yall
Mori's just gonna be like "I see, you managed to get through it" and chuuya just tiltd his fedora down so u cant see his face bc he REALLY wants to ignore that his boss knows whats been holding our boy up cant blame him 🤷🤷🤷
Lol that was WAY too long but honestly this was so good to write 😩 now im just gonna be sad that none of them r here to do it irl but oh welp, will just read more stuff about them ✋💅
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hausofmamadas · 4 months
SE LA ARRANCA A MORDIDAS | mystery of Amado's anonymous lady-hustlers, solved
Holy father who art in heaven, do I have some fucking cracked ass head-canon nonsense for us to👏🏽 day👏🏽 …………….. let’s get to it shall we??
so idk if anyone anyone being the largely nonexistent narcos fandom aka the void Im speaking into remembers that one scene from Narcos in S3 where sleazy!OG!Amado told that one story about those sex workers who robbed him blind, mid-mamadita?
anyone ..... no?
dwdwdw that's okay bc I brought some visual aids to assist in our collective remembrance of this glorious occasion
The scene starts like this: 👇
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Okay, yeah, right? legendary? legendary. just truly legendary behavior skfjskj on all fronts. but the identities of these social justice warriors— no wait activists— no wait, crusad— er no, patriarchy demolishers? iconic crimies with a penchant for for mid-fellatic felonies like armed robbery have been completely anonymous thus far.
…………… until now.
Bc as always, Narcoverse papis Doug Miro, Andrés Baiz, and Carlo Bernard, never fail to fill in the blanks except when they do cause Griselda left a lot to be desired and this is arguably the best ep of the show which, yeah. it’s never ideal when the best ep of a 6ep limited series is the 2nd one si me entiendes😬😬😬 but we digress because im 99.99999999999999% sure if these two sex workers from Griselda aren’t also the two legends who hustled Amado’s dick money out his pants pockets without having to fire so much as a single shot, I’m fairly certain they’re at least inspired by and carrying the torch aka bottling and distilling that Big Dick Energy to perfection of those brave women.
What gave me this idea? So glad you asked dear reader you didn’t but we’ll just pretend you did cause this my haus KEKW…. No like even I rolled my eyes at my own self for that but i couldn’t refrain either.
It all happened when I was nursing my new obsession with a one, Mr. Darío Sepúlveda a name I would most certainly believe to be fucking fake were he not an irl human bean.
👇👇 THIS slice of sweet, cherry pie right tf here
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And I stumbled upon this one specific part, where the look on this chick’s face is SO FUCKINGKDHDHDGWVE SIMILAR to Amado’s face, when he’s explaining 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇how the burgling commences when the gurgling is interrupted by with an uncomfortable silence, as this chick proceeds to, hog still in mouth, cease any and all throat activity and fuckingskdfjskl just stare. up. at. him.
all 🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️
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Like tell me homegirl’s face here👇👇 👇👇 doesn’t look just like it????????????
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Anyway. Movingright along.
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So, if aforementioned homegirl is the 🙇🏻‍♀️ from la historia del grande señor de los cielos, then that makes this ☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️ ... homegirl’s accomplice
with the👇👇sidearm
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and like the general only slightly subtle "I eat dicks like urs for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and a midnight snack" vibes that this duo is serving throughout but esp below bc never will I ever not refer to a fuckboy as mancito from now until I'm in my grave alsdkjfa like MANCITO. THE WAY SHE SAYS IT WITH SUCH ALSKDJFKS CONTEMPT, CAN YOU STAND IT????? makes it so clear in my mind's eye how they could 100000000000%% be the unnamed heroes thieves from Amado's little story
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*smacks own face, jiggles head back and forth, takes deep breath* anyway.... back to the story
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and this is where this prob super unhinged really solidifies bc let's join hands class and pledge alliegance to the most impressive and noteworthy alpha but in the most non-cringe way assertion of dominance I have ever fucking witnessed in all my days. Like, legit the next time i'm into a dude the way i say this like it's not an 'if' bc RIP to my love life lbr fuck all that playing coy, fuck all that flirting. We just gonna get right to the point bc imma climb all over his lap, purr in his face, and ask about his hobbies like it's the 1978 equivalent of a Hinge profile SKSKKSK
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and the next time I am spurned I will absolutely grab his junk in a naked hahahaksdjfk grab for a proper leash power to gain the upper hand in the situation and shame any and all menfolk who claim to not like me bc I'm not their 'type.' which like sksjsjsjs admittedly poor Dario just said that as a pretense to get the chisme from the chick who hates Grislenda bc the look of unconcealed regret on his face when Mistress Mamma Crotch Snatcher Morton gets up seems like a good indicator he would've paid to play with his balls
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and lest any of us were convinced that Lady "Hijueputa Mandona Esa" who hates Griselda wasn't the one holding the gun on Toque, telling Amado she's gonna have her friend chew clear through his disco stick like some froot by the foot, please refer to exhibit B here ☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️where she's manspreading for jesus in these fucking hot pants. I mean try to tell me that ain't power. c'mon
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AND THEN THE WAY SHE FUCKINGSLDFKJSL HUSTLES DARIO FOR EXTRA CASH, ALL "you gotta pay me more than that pittance bc yeah, she were a mouthy bitch but I didn't hate her that bad" ensuring he had no choice but to leave a tip, just like our pobre mujeriego, himbo extraordinaire, Sleazy!OG!Amado
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And if this isn't the most iconic reminder to tip your servers, folks which everyone should be doing already I truly don't know what is.
taglist: @ashlingnarcos @tofuwildcard @narcolini @drabbles-mc
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shakemelikeasnowglobe · 6 months
This whole bianca bustamante situation is funny to me because it's like levels and levels of bullshit
1-love her she has a lot of potential but homegirl was 7th on the f1 academy like babes, babes you ain't The Girl to be acting this arrogant
2- I don't know if this is true but apparently that has something to do with the f1 academy champion Marta and her own sassy post on tiktok like what in the high-school mean girls drama is going on
3- why lance stroll always get pulled into shit that he has nothing to do with it? Like first they bought his name up during the wolffgate thing now this, boy can't catch a break
4-also why so many young drivers (*cough*cough* dr*govich)act like if stroll wasn't there they would have a chance in f1 like babes there's still about 19 sits in this sport 16 if you don't count people who will only get out when they decide to get out(lewis and max specifically) so... the chance is there maybe just maybe isn't strolls fault
5-she could've liked any shady tweet, and i think people would've forgiven but an ableist one was such a dumb decision
6- very brave from bianca again 7th on f1 academy to talk shit about a guy who was alreay winning at the entry leagues her age
7- baby first notes app apology how cute
8- but also like I may be new to f1 Fandom but I saw you bitches forgiven far worse behavior from men be for fucking real if she was a boy the notes app apology would be enough for yall to forgive her
9- everything about this is so stupid it's borderline hilarious
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terephin · 1 month
Howdy! I'm Flowey, Flowey the flower!
Anyways, I'm gonna ramble now. Introduction segment done.
So, Homura right? Homuhomu, Homegirl herself. She's a deeply broken girl.
I'm gonna talk about what I believe to be some of the why's, beyond just the looping itself.
Now, other than Madoka (A topic for an entirely different rant, honestly) and maybe Oriko (I mean, *gestures vaguely* look at the bitch, she's good at her job (Traumatizing Homosexuals)) I'd say a certain girl has hurt Homura more than anyone else.
Miki Sayaka. (Though you could argue Mami too) Now some might think this has to do with the general fragility of her mental state, but her witching out isn't what I'd say is the focus. It's the distrust.
Sayaka, despite how i usually see it passed over, was in the end one of Homura's first friends (Excluding maybe one or two people from before her surgery, but we haven't seen much implying Homu ever had friends before Madoka picked her up like a stray cat). Sayaka was, and is, someone who's opinion Homura values quite a bit, and her opinion of Homu herself hasn't exactly been good through much of the loops.
And here, I'd like to argue that this is a rather core hurt, part of turning Homura into who and what she is now. That rejection from someone who she knew as among the first to accept her, from one of her first friends.
Imagine, for a moment, the pain each time she was called evil, a monster, by that upbeat girl who was so strong and so brave. The girl that, if you ask me, looking back at Homu with the golfclub, she tried to model herself after.
It really is something I've seen quite a few fics forget, that Homura and Sayaka were friends in the beginning, that in the mind of the broken girl who doomed herself to never grow up they still are. (Sidenote : I've considered writing a snippet of Homura and Sayaka set in the Homurinth, or maybe in that world she made after her apotheosis, have them talk and have Sayaka mention that she came with in part to apologise, for all the hurtful words she'd spoken.)
Miki Sayaka is a brave, headstrong yet fragile girl, one that you can't help but admire, and I believe that Akemi Homura was swept up in that wave too. That, though they've both respectively forgotten and repressed the fact, Sayaka was an idol in the mind of that lost, lonely girl, a Hero amongst those who saved her. And perhaps that, too, is why Homura despises Sayaka's ambition to be such.
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pinkdevile · 9 months
The Greens are hypocrites
Like, Alicent gay ass is so fucking delululu, if homegirl really wanted to ruin Rhaenyra's life and position as heir she had Criston Cole who was ready to face death sentence and admitted that he fucked Rhaenyra with just a little prodding. Yet girlie did nothing but arrive with a revenge dress (which slay girl) at her rival wedding and act like a scorned lover alongside the actual scorned lover.
People who say Aegon II should be King are a little too comfortable forgetting that besides he being a rapist, they say he was more fitted to the throne (a rapist drunk, yeah sure hon) but forget his claim came from the fact he was a man not the declared heir. Even after the deaths of his brothers and sons he made Aegon the Younger (his nephew and Rhaenyra's son) as heir instead of his remaining living child Jaehaera. They are sexists pieces of shit.
The whole bastard rumor didn't really matter because even if it was true (which is) the Lords of the Ream swore to Rhaenyra and as seen with King Aenys, a rumored bastard of Orys Baratheon, as long as they have a backing it doesn't really matter - Lord Stark saw absolutely not Targaryen featured Jacaerys and kept his promise, Lord Baratheon only turned down Lucerys because he could not sell of one his daughters to be a princess of the Realm. The only ones who cared about bastard rumors were the Greens and Vaemond - Mf really believed he had more claim to Driftmark than the granddaughter of the currently liege. Men and their audacity never cease to amaze me.
Otto is a fucking leache, Alicent saw Crispin saw murder a loyal and brave old man in front of her and never punished him. She's just a hater full of repressed misogyny and while i feel sad for the girl she once was she became the enabler of abuse when she put Haelena and Rhaenyra through the same hate.
Alicent despises Rhaenyra because the princess uses her position as heir to ensure her happiness and protect her children, Alicent doesn't not use her position as Queen to protect herself or children, instead she instigated the war for years out of pure jealousy and longing.
They say Daemon and Rhaenyra would have put the Greens to the sword when: despite all the animosity between Daemon and Otto the prince never even tried to actively kill him, Rhaenyra is never shown forbidding her children to play or train with her brothers and she was right to demand Aemond to be questioned because Yeah he lost an eye, but his accusations (no matter how true they were) could result in the death of her children. Never once Rhaenyra and Daemon are antagonistic to the Green princes and princess, until Aemond started the war of course.
I just hate them so much.
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ravenadottir · 1 year
ok, so the other day my partner and i were talking about characters' names, the context being "oh, some characters don't match the names they were given" and it got me thinking... what would i name the love island characters if i had that power... or what they would name themselves... it gets a little mixed, don't worry about it.
i'm doing this or all seasons, especially the ones i didn't play because... it's fun and i already don't know/care about their grace.
alright, let's begin!
gary - SOLID KYLE, and i say this as a gary stan. he looks like someone who would chug on mountain dew and post those cowboy tik toks showing off his truck. i'm sorry but if you're american you know it's true and it's undeniable. idk what the british equivalent of that is... perhaps gary LOL
ibrahim - chadwick something the third. i remember seeing someone making fun of chadwick boseman (rest in peace) because his name is so white, and by rahim's behavior and way of talking it's giving carlton from 'fresh prince of bel-air. he's a fucking chadwick and you cannot convince me otherwise.
lucas - his father would want to name him fucking archibald because they're filthy rich, but his mom knows better, so she chose lucas. i think it's perfect for him and i wouldn't change it.
henrik - a solid andreas. look at him, he's an andreas! very sweet but still nordic enough to make you wonder.
bobby - probably the day of the week he was born, because if his parents are dumb enough to name him bobby, what would stop them from naming him friday? or maybe the season he was born, spring...
jakub - his name can stay the same because he looks like a jakub, HOWEVER, he would demand everyone to call him by his nickname: white shark
rocco - fernando. and not in the way you say it in english or spanish, but in portuguese. "faer-nã-doo", he would insist because... he's a douche.
graham - a hebrew name that means lovely, so like... jeremiah, or jebediah. probably jebediah. he does not give graham, he gives "catholic mother that is a little too lost in bible lore".
arjun - because he's conceited, (i like him but that smirk is so over-the-top) rahul. every fucking raul or rahul i've ever met was a conceited jerk so... call this based off life experiences.
elijah - it's giving william, maybe willard, even wilford. definitely a nickname that leads you to believe it's william but it's every other name under the sun except for the most common.
kassam is actually perfect, the right amount of exotic vanilla that he disperses.
carl - a nerdy name that wasn't necessarily born in the 40's, so leonard. it's a solid mix between young and old for me, and that's just who carl is. leonard is leo when he's younger, then stays solid for a 30-something-yo, then it's even more solid when you get old. granted, so is carl but i hate that fucking name.
noah - ambrose. um... SHOULD I JUST MOVE ON? it's perfect for him!
felix - (my partner said "lobster" without a second thought and i thought i would share with the class) but to me he looks like a solid martin, although he tries to make a nickname like max catch on, it's not successful.
the s2 girls:
lottie - she probably has a conservative name, like anne marie but lies about it saying she was named after a witch, like piper or sybil. final name would be piper (charmed fans will get it).
hope - viola. i love it, it's simple, small and it can mean so many things depending on what language you speak. in english is a type of violin, but in portuguese it's a type of guitar, and i love that for her. she's a very musical person so that's my name for her.
marisol - she's a solid valentina, the type of name that says a lot about personality. marisol, to me, is such a whimsical name. it doesn't say "intelligent, brave, bold", it says "i sell flowers by the road and wear a dress made out of hemp. also i call my vagina sacred temple." and that's not what homegirl is giving, so definitely valentina.
chelsea - i just hate the name chelsea, despite thinking she looks like one, so i'm naming her summer, because bright, hot, a little out there. everyone named summer (except the girl in The O.C) is a whimsical person, and that's how i feel she is.
hannah - she's a fucking daisy.
shannon - she's giving "my parents gave me the whitest name they could think of but i use a cool nickname" so i'm naming her madison but she calls herself "mad". her parents though? "maddie!"
blake - she's a fully-blown yasmin. it's the type of name that makes you second guess everything you thought about the person because you're not sure where that name is from, or what it means, and that's how i feel about her.
priya - i actually love that name for her, and i don't have as much contact with female indian names to have that... knowledge you know? i like it, keep it.
elisa - beatrice, but she uses "bea" and the bea-hive, because branding. WHY CALLING HER A NAME THAT CANNOT BE USED AS A BRAND, S2 WRITERS???? what was your thought process???
jo - every single girl i've met that is like jo was named angela. girls that will be like "i'll tell you one thing: i don't play games and i don't engage in drama" and baby, that's all they're doing, they're playing games and portraying an angel. fucking angela.
r!hannah - her name is still daisy but she corrects people, wanting to be addressed as "daze", because she's a bad girl now and fucking unbearable.
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askthesciencesquad · 2 years
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Alright! Here’s the start of these!
These are the base designs, but I’ll include more details under the cut! Please keep in mind that at the time of me writting this, not all of Deltarune has been released! So I’m probably gonna get some stuff. Very wrong.
(I also haven’t thought as in depth about Deltarune as I have about Undertale, again because not all of it is out yet! So please, if I get something wrong in here that is like. Common knowledge. Please forgive me :,)))
Okay so we’ll just go down the line!
Okay So big difference. They aren’t a scientist!
She still has her Doctorate, but ended up teaching High School math instead of working in any scientific fields.
Both of their kids have grown up significantly more!
MK’s in middle school, and Thetin’s off in college!
Yeah. Kev is still a bit of a grumpy gus.
They don’t HATE their job, but they don’t love it either.
Lot of paperwork. And not a huge paycheck.
The are involved in a lot of town stuff, though.
As for the Dark World… holy cow.
I don’t think she would really get it at first, and would be REALLY uncomfortable with everything.
I’m talking panic drop kicking anybody who comes near her.
They just want to get back home, take a shower, and go to bed.
Eventually though, I think she gets the hang of everything!!!
Oh yeah, and I think her, Aesop, and Alphys would probably bumble their way into a dark world together.
Which is fun.
I think Kev kind of declares themself the de facto leader in that situation (it’s more of a democracy but shhhh. Don’t let her hear you say that).
Yeah they kick some ass it’s pretty cool.
So big difference. Here she’s alive! Face and all!!
She works at the middle school as a custodian.
Alphys and her are still friends!!!
Yeah. She’s actually doing decent. Not great. But decent.
She has her own little family, and while they occasionally have their problems, over all she’s decent.
In a dark world though?
Homegirl is having the absolute time of her life.
Seriously, she loves it. The magic, the environment, it all feels like something from a dream.
She just thinks it’s really nifty guys.
In battle, it’s really REALLY hard to get her riled up enough to hit somebody full force.
She’s more of a grapple kind of gal.
That being said, she’s a barbarian for a reason.
Get her mad enough and your ass is grass.
I think she really acts as Kev’s foil, keeping them grounded in times of peril.
And with Alphys? Those guys are buddies! I think they both are really interested by dark worlds, and bond over that.
Okay so for starters, she’s a nurse!
She just got out of college, and is working at the hospital.
It’s hella busy but she’s having a decent time.
Her bubbly attitude has mixed reactions from both the people she works with and her Patients. Some love it, some can’t stand her.
I don’t know why, but I think her and Gin fall into a dark world together.
I don’t know how I just think they’d have fun together.
Speaking of which, she’s an absolute CHAOS AGENT in the dark world
I’m talking side quests, accidentally burning shit down, just having a grand old time.
Again, public opinion is really split on her. Some think of her as a brave warrior, and others think she’s an omen of doom. It all depends on how recently she’s burned something down.
But yeah she’s having a good time.
Okay full stop, I’m such a sucker for the Knight!Papyrus theory so. Yeah.
While I have my own theories for involving Papyrus in Deltarune, this is ASS!Papyrus! So I get to do what ever I want with this one >:)
Just kidding. Anyway!
He’s the knight.
Well. One of them.
I think there’s a couple running around, Kris being one of them (and Dess possibly being another but you didn’t hear it from me 👀)
Him and Sans moved to Home town recently to outrun the law because Gaster got mega fired from his last job.
That being a scientist.
Yeah. You can put the dots together.
Anyway, some way or another, Gaster figured out how to enter the dark world, make fountains, the whole Shibang.
He never had the redemption arc he had over here so. Um. Yeah. He’s still like that.
So intentions for reality as a whole? Probably not the best.
I don’t think he fully understands that he’s dooming the whole world. I think he’s just trying to get control over his life again in the worst way possible.
So yeah he’s. He’s a little fucked up.
Okay! Homegirl!
You already know her whole deal in the light world, so I won’t go into it.
I have. Some thoughts.
First off, she has these badass gauntlets that shoot Lasers out of them.
This scared the shit out of her the first time it happened.
I think she’s also super interested in how a dark world is even possible. Like the science behind it and stuff.
I think she really wants to try and document as much as she can about it but. Can never really get the right equipment down there with out of going all funky.
You being ONE camera down and next thing you know, you accidentally invented a gun.
Her and her gang get along pretty well, I think.
Her group could definitely be considered the most ‘heroic’ out of anybody in this list LMAO
They actually TRY to do quests and shit. Without to much property damage.
She can repair broken items!
But yeah that’s her and I love her.
Again, you already know his whole lightworld deal.
Convience store owner, local some guy, etc.
His relationship with Gaster is a LOT more strained over here (which is saying a lot)
He’s worried about why he rarely comes out of his room, but he’s also kind of pissed at him for just. Everything going down in their lives now.
This is amplified slightly in the dark world where he’s just like “I’m sorry you knew about this for how long? And you did what now???”
But then he drops it because he’s sans and non confrontational fndndndmd
Yeah he’s a bard.
He’s got a long trumpet thing that’s bigger than he is.
It is exclusively used for meme songs.
He kind of follows Gasted around because he doesn’t really know what else to do and is just kind of mildly horrified by it all.
Gets great gigs tho, creating intricate poems about the epic deeds of heroes such as “Suc Adic” and “Alloto Dix”
Yeah okay so this one’s fun.
Them and Alphys used to be roommates but ended up having a falling out and haven’t really talked since.
Gin ended up moving to the city, where they became one of those Bus Tour guides.
It’s not their dream job or anything but… well. It’ll have to do.
So they do that and all that jazz, but it doesn’t really pay the bills.
So they’re kind of forced to return to the town they grew up in to try and find something that will work.
And guess what! They end up meeting CG and have a ton of fun adventures in a Dark World!!
Out of the two of them, Gin is definetly the more chaotic one.
They would live in the Dark World if they could.
They have a similar deal to Gaster where the Dark World is just. It’s a better alternative to their life and it just sucks man.
They really, really hate that.
But yeah they’re mostly a force of good, if you don’t mind a bit of property damage while they’re at it!
Okay now that that’s done. Have some Misc. Doodles!
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Thanks for reading :)
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c1tyhaunts · 6 months
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Rate your muse's traits from 1 to 10.
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Compassion: 5/10 [Baseline, Terrah is not trying to make the world a worse place, so day-to-day, her compassion is on bar with most people. Now, when her compassion/empathy is earned, it's so natural for her to show her warmth even if she doesn't believe she's showing it. That'd typically boost it up to 9/10]
Bitterness: 7/10 [I'm not gonna front, this woman sits and seethes on her anger of losing out of her 20s due to a dead-end marriage. In general, she sits in her frustration and lets it bubble up. It's not healthy, but she makes do.]
Happiness: 5/10 [Terrah's fine. Not incredibly satisfied, but not dissatisfied. She's more content than she used to be, but it's not like... spectacular either.]
Politeness: 7/10 [Now, this can flip flop depending, but for the most part, Terrah's dialog when she meets people typically leans more polite than not. However, she's not afraid to call out something that doesn't make sense to her, and since she can be a bit of a straight shooter and can be downright rude as hell, this can dip down to a 4/10 pretty fast.]
Chivalry: 5/10 [She's a woman of her promises and acts with fairness in mind. However, if morals get in the way of her work, she may bend a bit.]
Pride: 8/10 [HAH, Terrah's secret vice; it's why her emotions are just a clusterfuck. She thinks EVERYTHING can be explained away with logic, and sometimes that mindset makes her too stubborn in her own ideals. Pride drops when she gets to know someone, but ego is probably one of her lowkey faults.]
Honesty: 10/10 [That's one thing about Terrah; she will never bullshit you unless it's by omission, and even then, homegirl isn't that great of a liar.]
Bravery: 5/10 [Again, this is not out of true intent to be brave, she's just brutally honest & bullheaded that she just speaks what on her mind than covers it up; she rather go with the flow than cause a ruckus (or so she claims)]
Recklessness: 2/10 [I've never met a woman so risk adverse in my life; like if it does not have a specific plan or calculation attached to it, and she hasn't processed the decision within 3-5 business days, it's not happening. Though, her best interactions/work happen when she does throw caution to the wind.]
Ambition: 5/10 [She aspires for a life beyond roles and titles, but she doesn't know where else to go after that. She just wants to keep her projects going and growing, no matter the cost. But I wouldn't align that to her being "ambitious"]
Loyalty: 8/10 [If someone has earned Terrah's trust, it's locked in until the end of time or until a betrayal occurs. She doesn't trust easily in the first place, so to earn her loyalty is to earn a gold standard]
Love: 8/10 [Homegirl wishes she could be a robot so badly, but her heart is filled with that desire for love. So squishy]
Sense of family: 5/10 [If it's a found family? Terrah's all in on it. Being a mother/wife with a traditional family? That's... a bit of a touchy subject. Terrah loves her daughter, but is very outright about how she doesn't love being a mother. Ironic how she's always designated to be a team mom/older sister figure to everyone around her. This flip flops depending on those around her. It leans a bit higher the closer connected she is to others/how deeply she loves them]
Attractiveness: 10/10 [She's hot? What else do I need to talk about??? She's RIGHT THERE]
Agility: 5/10 [Let's be real: she's a fucking nerd, she's built for the office not the battlefield. If it is in more combat focused universes, however, she's a great sharpshooter because of her patience.]
Sex drive: 8/10 [Unyielding horny energy if you're her partner, she's more physically affectionate if you're with her too so it's just a combination of elements ok.,,.]
Tagged by: @dynamoprotocol <3 Tagging: I promote thievery on this blog
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not-so-rosyyy · 2 years
It’s just so funny that antis are quick to say that “oh, she deserves a hotter guy, a taller guy” or whatever and she’s the first one to defend him. Even back in 1.0 when she would like tweets about him being the best. It’s just interesting how fans swear they know her best or what’s best for her and Homegirl is down 100 for him and would fight them herself if they ever said that shit to her face. They wouldn’t though, cause they’re only brave behind the keyboard. Keyboard warriors in action.
Dutch Oakland battling them keyboard warriors on her ipad
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tsuki-sennin · 1 year
Funny how I keep missing a weekly mark with Pretty Cure specifically, huh?
I swear it's not intentional, but perhaps I oughta shift it to be (officially) biweekly. Y'know, get it all in shape for myself. Idk, I'll figure it out.
Anywho, Pretty Cure~! With Sora-chan and Mashiro-chan~! Maybe expand it to Ageha-san and Wing-kun sooner or later~! Who knows~!
Spoilers, I guess...
-Oh shit, brass.
-Man, that reminds me of when I'd watch Batman: Brave and the Bold when I was a kid.
-Made a bestie~!
-Off to school with ye
-"Whoa! School?"
-What, you think they don't have school up there? I'll have you know that Sora-chan was a graduate of the Skyloft Knights Acade- oh wait, wrong series.
-That borb is so shaped.
-"Oh come on, back in the old country, everybody's got a free pass to education!"
-Damn, confession in episode 3? Hot damn.
-Sorashido Academy!
-...Cleaning time~!
-Never have you seen a house so clean.
-Not even lunch time.
-"...if Sora-chan were a bird... would she be a skylark?"
-Speaking of birds...
-No offense Yoyo-san, you're a proper GILF.
-Went like one and a half feet into the air.
-Homegirl wants compulsory education.
-Off she goes~!
-...I have to wonder how like
-Legally this all works.
-I didn't bring this up at all during Delicious Party, since all the Cures were humans and attending the same school from the get go, but it's so strange to me that off-worlders like Hikari, Akagi, and Ellen can just enroll into a school without much issue. Setsuna was officially adopted by Love's parents, so I didn't think too much of her situation but like
-This is consistent across seasons too, which follow the Kamen Rider/Super Sentai logic of "different continuities unless they're not". Is this just like... a universal constant?
-Mashiro-less Behavior.
-Hey homegirl, whaddup?
-Hot damn girl.
-"You gay."
-Jesus Christ, I was being facetious, what the heck
-You need more friends, girl.
-Make up~!
-Brought to you by Pretty Holic, available from Premium Bandai for one of your kidneys and a couple of teeth.
-"Ah youth..."
-Whoa, grayscale.
-She flee!
-Oh shit, gangster battle.
-Skyland... Divine Fist!
-Disregard safety, acquire Mashiron.
-That thing is "I am down horrendous for you, Mashiro."
-"Oh hey, it's you Kabaton."
-Hot damn, Sora's taken that fourth wall very seriously.
-I'm assuming Bebop-on's Lanborg summoning works solely through calorie burning at this point.
-Certainly makes wanton destruction efficient.
-He's like a big Metall!
-From the Mega Mans!
-Going up~!
-Kabatonight you're gone.
-Theeeeere ya go! That wasn't so hard, was it?
-Bless you, Ageha-san~!
-...on second thought, no, I fucking hate that Hummer you're driving.
-This car kicks ass, and you can watch Madagascar while you're driving~!
-And then Gloria does the Go Animate dance, smth smth Those Animals Are So Fucking Funny Merge Without Looking Kaboom
-Holy shit, you just
-Guessed that off the cuff, huh
-Sora-chan, ordinary middle school student~!
-Ah, speaking of which
-Wow, can't wait for Episode Seven~!
-Episode Seven~!
-Very cute.
-...that ribbon seems very small.
-There he is. The borb.
-"Thank you, Granny Goodness."
-Watch, she's gonna actually gonna be like the real thing and be an agent of the Underg.
-I'm kidding, obviously, but that'd be one hell of a thing to put into your show for young children.
-"Please don't eat Sora-chan alive, she's very sensitive."
-Skyland~! Y'know, it's just a few warps away from Gran Ocean. Just swing a left from Hope Kingdom, then just a slip south of Labyrinth.
-"Wow, your denial is so obvious, you must be from Copenhagen!"
-They're bullying this nerd so hard.
-"I'm the shyest bitch in the fuckin' universe, yo!"
-So... Sensei... are you single?
-Cannot tell a lie. Momoi Tarou would be proud.
-Her base instincts take over~!
-"Damn, this girl's quick!"
-...I have to ask, how does Sora's Skyland body work? Specifically, the bones.
-The people believe~!
-Into fucking ORBIT
-Meteorite Strike!
-Everybody loves Sora-chan, the shyest fucking supersonic athlete in town~!
-I'm assuming Mashiro's a second year at this school if she already has a favorite spot on the roof and deep lore on the school's founding.
-Be yourself, sky cadet!
-"I lied! I'm not shy at all! I've been keeping it all a secret! I am a goddamn superhero!"
-Hero Gal~!
-Oh my God
-Kabaton's the boss.
-Melonless bread.
-Like Seedless Melon.
-Fucker took the tree!
-Ready Go!
-Right, what do you do?
-Petal Blizzard!
-Gotta say, I really missed having dynamic battlefields, the Delicious Field got really boring after a while.
-...wonder if this is where all the setting designers went?
-Go big or go home, I guess!
-All fixed up~!
-...guess nobody's really too traumatized by what happen. That's a good thing though.
-Hero Garu~!
-Hooray~! Friendship~!
-Good work today, Mashiron!
-She grows up so fast.
-Cure Wing, here he comes~!
-I'm half picturing Murase-san waiting in the corner of the recording studio, just bobbing in place for the chance to say his transformation phrase.
-I don't think I'll miss Saturday this time.
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loeyparker · 2 years
Safe is like fucking crack omg you’re so talented wth?! I love and appreciate you so much safe just scratches that itch, the pain the angst the happy moments the sadness the longing the mis communication AHH. My hearts hurting for her Eddie reallly went to town it felt like a personal attack honestly lmao but he’s also hurting and confused and lashing out and ah man I’m so excited for part 3. You’re an angel I hope your pillow is always cold. I’ve been struggling to find stories for Eddie I really love and this has taken top spot for me. Thank you 🙌🏻 Also just wanted to say your writing is so perfect. You write Eddie so well and I also really love homegirl she deserves all the love and happiness In the world. I’m v scared of what will happen to my eyes if you stick to canon storyline, I kinda hope there’s some tension and maybe she saves Eddie or something idk I feel like she needs to prove herself to Eddie but Eddie really needs to apologise and grovel bc that poor girl didn’t deserve any of the things that’s happened to her. Also Jess needs to hop up off our mans lol. I really love your writing style anyway sorry I’m rambling but I just mean you do Eddie justice and I’m loving this friends to crushes to enemies(kinda?) to friends again to miscommunication fall out to potentially lovers or friends in the future it’s superior to plain old enemies to lovers. I kinda love that eddies showing his insecurities rather than bottling up too he’s clearly threatened by Steve which is kinda adorable. I sometimes dislike the whole mis communication thing but I’m this instance it’s✨perfect✨
Have the best day you deserve it you absolute angel💖
this made me blush giggle n die !!! you’re such an angel for this can’t believe u took the time to absolutely make my day!!!! this made me so so SOOO happy u have no idea!!!
i’m the same w the miscommunication trope but i felt that in this instance it fit??? bc i don’t think eddie would be the guy to straight up sau what he feels and fully thinks like even though he has this tough freak guy scary facade we know he’s a runner so i think it would take a lot for him to be brave enough to outright say what he feels
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writersblog20 · 2 years
The hottest day
Chris Evans x reader
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Summary: The hottest day of summer turned into an even hotter experience
Warnings: mention of anxiety, alcohol and slightly buzzed, daddy kink, fingering, sex in public, jerking off, dom/sub dynamic, p in v, overthinking
Words: 3,2K
A/N: Heya all, long time no see! how are ya’ll doing? Anyways happy birthday to Chris! here’s a little fic, hope you all enjoy it. Don’t forget to reblog pretty please💗 much love from your homegirl🍒
Divider by @firefly-graphics
minors DNI
The hottest day part one
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It was a hot summer day and they announced that it would be the hottest day of the year so for obvious reasons you and your friends decided to go swimming together. Your uncle had asked you if you wanted to take Chris with you. He was good friends with your uncle and later became a security guard for Chris. Since your uncle didn’t live very far from you but definitely had a way smaller space than you did, he asked you if it was alright if Chris would stay with you.
You obviously met Chris before because you were a big Marvel fan and you’re uncle took you with him to meet Chris. You had a huge crush on Chris and didn’t mind him living with you. He was promoting the movie lightyear but had a day of today so you proposed to him to come to the beach with you guys, which he didn’t have to think twice about. Chris was a couple years older than you were and your daddy issues started to get in the way. You could hide it pretty well, you thought at least. Besides, the fact that he was friends with your uncle made it all too excited.
You put some drinks in your cooler alongside some alcoholic beverages. You took some fresh fruit like strawberries, cherries, watermelon etc with you as well and some snacks. Chris walked excited downstairs in some shorts and a summery blouse. “Hey sweetheart, good morning. Sleep well?” he asked you. “yeah… just a little hot. And you?” you asked him. He nodded while taking a bottle of water out of the fridge and putting on the coffee machine. “Yeah same really.” You and Chris been always very flirtatious towards each other but he would always seem to win. Obviously, you never did it when your uncle was around but otherwise….
You had just one spare bedroom left and it was the hottest room in the house. That’s also the reason why it became a spare room. Chris handed you a cup of coffee and quickly made some breakfast. Your friend would pick you guys up over an hour so after breakfast you changed into your bikini and a nice, cute summers dress before walking downstairs again. When Chris saw you, his breath hitched a little while his cheeks turned slightly pink as he tried to look everywhere except towards you.
You smirked a little internally, knowing that your dress had that effect. You felt confident and brave or maybe it was just the heat getting to you, but whichever it was, it was working. “Ready?” you asked Chris who nodded and visibly tried to gather himself. “Yeah, let’s go princess.” Your heart fluttered at the nickname as you took the lead outside. You and Chris held the bags together as your friends pulled up, waving at you and Chris. You looked at Chris with a smile and opened the door.
Everyone greeted the both of you and complimented you on your dress. You drove off with the music playing loud. You were happy that Chris got along with your friends but then again it was the most unproblematic group of people ever, so it wasn’t very hard to get along with them.
When you arrived you searched for a good spot where it wasn’t very busy and you were glad that this part of the beach was kind of a secret spot. You laid your towel down on the part of the grass, a little bit in front of the soft sand and took your dress off while the others got undressed as well. You looked at Chris who was apparently looking at you but quickly looked away when you looked at him.  A small grin was appearing on your lips while you turned away from him to get the sunscreen.
Your friend Abby got the speaker out and played some music. You took a glance towards Chris who was getting undressed as well. You felt butterflies going through your stomach and electricity all over your body, seeing his toned chest out. Your mouth watered at the sight. Chris looked at you and got a smirk when he saw you staring. You quickly looked away, feeling your cheeks heat up and felt slightly embarrassed and caught.
You put the sunscreen on, noticing that Chris sat besides you on his own towel. “Want me to do your back sweetheart?” he asked you softly. You felt flustered again “Yes please.” You almost whispered, unable to speak up. You gave him the sunscreen and scooted over, sitting in between his legs. He placed the sunscreen on your shoulders and took his sweet marry time with it, slowly almost torturously massaging it softly onto your soft skin. The moment he touched you, you felt a pit in your stomach and excitement flowing through your body.
“Your tense sweetheart. Try to relax.” He whispered in your ear, giving you noticeably goosebumps as you could almost hear the smirk in his voice, mocking you. You needed to step it up, you thought. Two can play this game. You moved away from his touched. Not because you wanted it. But the opposite actually, you didn’t want it to be that obvious so you moved. “Want me to do your back as well?” You asked him in a small voice. You wanted to be confident but his intimidating presence made it really hard. It wasn’t intimidating in a negative way but it just turned your brain in mush. “Yeah thanks.” He told you.
You sat behind him and p]laced the sunscreen softly onto his skin. Even though you tensed up, you could tell he was too. “You’re pretty tense as well Chris. Something on your mind that you’d like to share?” you whispered into his ear as well, just like he did with a teasing undertone. You felt him tense up even more, smirking at your achievement. You heard him chuckle in a deep voice while he shook his head and you moved away, knowing you’ve won this round.
“Come on, let’s go swimming!” Abby said and most of your friends ran into the water while you and Chris walked together, your arms touching each other slightly. “It’s a nice spot here.” He told you and there was an undeniable tension between the two of you. “Yeah it’s really a gem.” Told him with your feet now touching the water. It wasn’t cold but more refreshing. Your friends already took a dip and Chris walked in further, making you follow him as if your body was moving on it’s own, according to Chris.
His fluffy hair shined in the sun and you felt harder and harder in love with him. He turned around towards you with a smile, his tattoos showing and you could feel the pressure going down, getting wetter by the second. The grip this man had on you was deadly. You smiled back and walked towards him as he waited for you. He got a mischievous grin and splashed some water your way, making you gasp at the refreshing water hitting your sticky skin. You heard him laugh so you did the same, making him gasp and acting like he was in disbelieve.
You placed your hands on your hips with a proud smile and Chris chuckled, shaking his head as he walked towards you. Excitement building in your stomach as you held your hands in front of you for defense. “You’re gonna regret that sweetheart.” He told you as he came closer, making the excitement turn into adrenaline and euphory. The water splashing against your chest while you tried to get away from Chris but the water slowed you down while Chris walked through it with ease and picked you up, throwing you over his shoulder, making you giggle and laugh loudly while Chris smiled proudly and walked deeper into the water with you on his shoulder in a strong grip.
You wiggled around but to no avail since his grip was locked tight on you. When he was far enough he threw you in the water but not too rough. You came up chuckling and jumped on his back, taking him down with you, making him laugh.
You played like that for a while until you hang on his back like a koala and let him take you wherever he wanted. There were trees around the water, giving enough hiding spaces. You let your head rest on his shoulder, arms lazily around him while you enjoyed the warmth of the sun caressing your skin.  
After a while you got out of the water and laid tiredly down on your towel feeling tired from the comforting warmth. You tried to lay down in a comforting position with your head which Chris noticed. “Sweetheart, you can rest your head on my chest if you want.” He suggested and he didn’t have to ask you twice. You laid your head on his chest and his fingers found your hair, softly massaging your head, relaxing you completely. You slightly dozed off with the sound of your friends chatting, the music and the water in the background.
You woke up from someone putting something on your face. You opened your eyes and looked directly in the blue eyes oof Chris, who smiled lovingly at you. You noticed that your head laid on his lap. “Don’t worry, I’m just applying some sunscreen on your face.” he told you softly, making you smile immediately. “Thank you.” you felt flustered at the space where your head laid in and the way his face hang above you made you think some lustful thoughts so you sat up. Chris looked a little surprised that you left. You grabbed a bottle of water and gave one to Chris, who smiled at you again.
You slowly woke up more. “That was a good nap.” You told him chuckling. “definitely looked like it.” he told you, making you smile shyly. You chatted a bit with your friends until they went in the water, leaving you and Chris behind for a minute. The tension between the two of you felt very sexual making you both feel shy and you saw that Chris couldn’t sit still hinting towards his anxiety and you would lie if you didn’t feel a bit anxious yourself. “Want to go in the water as well?” you asked him, making him look at you as you broke the unbearable silence. You felt that familiar feeling in the pit of your stomach again when he looked at you.
God this man made you feel horny and let’s just keep it on that being in the water right now would be the best solution. “Yeah sure.” He told you and stood up, reaching his hand out for you to take. He took a bold glance at you, grinned with a wink. You felt flustered and looked down. “You look very good.” He decided to speak up and you looked up in surprise. “Well… thank you but have you seen yourself lately, handsome?” You tried to meet his energy, which wasn’t very hard. Chris chuckled deeply but you could tell that he felt shy as well.
You walked in the water and you and Chris started to look at each other more with some with a grin, making the tension get even higher. You stood by your group of friends, Chris on the opposite side of you so you both could take a good look at each other. Normally there would be a flirtatious banter between the two of you but today was different. Never was the tension this high. Your friends got out of the water again and all you and Chris could do give each other some teasing looks. “Let’s go for a swim.” He proposed and was already swimming away before you could even say something, quickly following him.
He swam after some bushes and you thought you lost him. You looked confused around you until you felt two hands on your waist, pulling you away and into the bushes. Your back against the edge and you looked in shock at Chris, who’s body was pressed against yours. His leg in between yours, almost where you wanted him the most, it felt like your body was on fire with desire. You and Chris looked at each other and you decided to make the second move, putting your lips in a heated, desired kiss.
He pulled away “god I’ve wanted to do this for so long.” He commented, his fingers digging into your waist while his body was tightly pressed against yours. You felt something grow against your legs, making you moan in the kiss and Chris took that opportunity to deepen the kiss, his tongue exploring yours. Your hand softly going over his abs, moving downward and Chris gasped a little in the kiss. His hands explored your body as well. “I want to feel you.” you told him in a whimper, beggingly almost to a point that it was embarrassing.
His mouth attacked your neck, making you moan before he placed his other hand over your mouth. “sshtt. Keep quiet baby.” he told you while his other hand moved down into your bikini. You whimpered and moaned, bucking your hips forward, never wanted his hands this bad. When he found your slit, he growled “God your so wet.” He remarked and you moved your hands into his swimming shorts. He softly growled when you cupped him and started to stroke him off. You could already tell that he was build huge. “Your hands feel so good around my cock princess.” You mewled in reaction while he torturously moved his finger over your clit.
“You feel what you do to me baby? You drive me mad” he told you while looking dangerously at you, his pupils full blown as he attacked your mouth again. He finally found a good rhythm and added a finger in while making circles on your clit with his thumb. Your other hand found his fluffy hair and pulled him closer as you pressed your breast against his chest. You sped up your movement as well and felt that you were close. “I’m close, please don’t stop.” Chris softly moaned, trying to be silent “I know baby, I know” he told you and stopped, making you look at him in surprise while tears were in the corner of your eyes from pleasure. He got your hand out of his swimming trunks and got his cock out, got closer to your body and placed your leg around him.
You felt the tip of his cock against your slit and he looked up at you for consent. You bit your lip and  nodded eagerly. He got a grin and rubbed his cock back and forth, making you almost cry out of neediness. “please daddy, please. I want to cum on your cock.” He smirked  “Yeah? You want daddy’s cock pretty princess?” You hang your arms around his shoulders and neck “Yes please, please daddy.” He smirked at how much you were begging for him.
He entered you slowly so you could get used to his size, which you definitely needed. You both moaned before he captured your lips again with his own, muffling the sounds before he started moving. You clenched around his cock, making him accidentally moan louder. He sped up his movements, the water splashing around while his thumb found your clit again. You felt yourself grow dumb just because of his damn good cock. You let your head rest on his shoulder while tears slipped from the corner of your eyes. “I want to cum so bad daddy, please make me cum.” You whimpered. “yeah you wanna cum on daddy’s cock princess? Cum on my cock then.” He told panting.
You felt the euphoric feeling wash over you while you clenched around his cock getting a death grip on him and he moaned out as well “I can’t hold it longer princess.” He told you out of breath while you had an eye rolling orgasm, shaking a little on your legs so you quickly placed your other leg around him as well and held him close. “Oh baby… I can’t hold it longer.” He panted out while you were still in the middle of your orgasm. You had your hand gripping his hair and his face was now hidden in your neck, feeling his hot breath on your shoulder. “I’m going to fill you up, knowing that I’m still in you when we get back.” he kept panting in your ear, making you moan as his hand found your mouth again. “Keep it down” he growled followed by warm liquid in your pussy and his panting got heavier.
His arms were tightly locked around your body while you both tried to catch your breath, hiding into each other’s neck. Chris got out of his hiding spot and cupped your cheeks with his hands, letting his forehead rest against yours and softly, lazily placing kisses on your lips, nose and cheeks, making you giggle. He smiled at you with a loving gaze “Let’s wait a minute before going back.” he told you, placing a string of hair behind your ear and cupping your cheek again, nuzzling your nose before planting a sweet kiss on your lips. You felt shy, small and cared for, completely in your element right now. Chris noticed that you grew softer and held you in a loving hug, since wanted to be close to him.
“You think you’re okay now?” Chris asked you softly. You nodded and he quickly grabbed your chin between his thick fingers so he could get another kiss before going back. He slowly got out of you, making you whimper at the sudden lost, you grew so attached to. “I’m sorry princess.” He told you, going over your cheek softly with his knuckles before correcting his trunks.
You both headed back and it was already getting a bit late so you only you and Chris had to dry up before you all would head home. Luckily it didn’t took very long because of the extreme hot weather. You all packed your stuff and walked back to the car. Even though what happened in the water, the tension didn’t leave the air but you were all tired. You did have a barbeque with everyone, drinking the alcoholic beverages and slightly getting buzzed.
When you got home you quickly took a shower and said goodnight to Chris. You didn’t know how to behave right now towards Chris. Was this just a one thing or did he really like you? Questions filled your head. You put some shorts on and a top before crawling into bed. You knew you had to have some distraction so you picked up a book and laid on your side over the covers with the fan on. You were reading but not taking in any of the words that were written on the page. You got pulled out of your thoughts by a couple of soft knocks on your door…
The hottest day part 2
taglist: @rogersdrysdalebarber  @patzammit  @justile
If you want to be in my taglist for any of my stories than hit me up 
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turtle-ly · 3 years
Do you have any recs for ongoing catradora fics?
asdfghjkl yes? i was about to ask you why would you want them but then i remember other ppl are not cursed like me, since one: most rec'd ongoing fics i've seen are never completed, and two: i think im cursed. My subscriptions page is a place where fics went in and almost never make it out 😔 thus i've become a lil wary of them and also less likely to subscribe even when im following it. But bc i love y'all, im gonna put a * after fics i think have little chance of updating, read them at your own risk <3
1. (an example of) the perfect candidate(*) by brightbolt, imperfectlyctor, i've read about 3 or 4 magicatra fics and most of them are oneshot, but this one is just SO promising. the sword chose catra but when had life really chosen her? shera abilities dont come easily and catra has to struggle with that. meanwhile, horde!adora has her own set of traumas and problems.
2. A Blinding Embrace(*) by Mshpiece, Tl;dr Adora's so emotionally gay she habitually turns into She-Ra when her canonical gf Catra kisses her, let's ride the hype of post s5 fluff fics babes
3. a white blank page (to write our happy ending)(*) by scarletite, hnnng im a whore for these canon divergence, catra and adora ran away from the horde on their own and got adopted by george&lance and then all of etheria, tbh it hasnt got to the etheria bit but man if this isnt my greatest hc. #LetThemHaveAFoundFamily2k21, i think about this at least thrice a month
4. a white veil occasion by aswellingstorm, technically it only has one more chapter but bc i love it and i want y'all to have nice things, read it. catra and adora meet again after being separated in the orphanage, in this one catra is basically adopted by mara&light hope (damn have i told you how much i like this hc) and is so emotionally mature, i am so proud of her <3
5. all my glory days are yours(*) by rosebudryot, author!adora and actress!catra, adora's novel got adapted to a movie and catra's the main actor :) they dont have a we-know-eachother backstory in it but im thrilled to watch this relationship grows
6. and i bloom right into you by yangaf, yea y'all know this one, famous soccer player adora and sorority catra, they met by being thirsty for eachother at uni
7. be unbroken or be brave again by RestlessWanderings, beast island au my beloved, scorpia has reasons to believe hordak killed catra and starts a resistance (homegirl i love you), and oh the grief, the all consuming grief of her and adora and everyone catra thought would never care, and the rage, how adora vows to kill hordak with her bare hands not in the name of etheria nor the rebellion (familiar? and thats before s3 even came out) i reread the whole fic to hype for the new chapter back in august and now im insane for it again
8. crowded table by themoonsneverseenmebefore, how gay are you on a scale of 1 to fixing up a house with your ex gf who you’re still in love with :)c pwease author there's only one more chapter left i believe in u, they both inherited Razz's house and are having a grand time <3
9. fickle game by emollience, friends with benefits but there's so much feelings bc how could they not? girls can you please have a clear and straightforward conversation, it's been 9 chapter
10. Knocked Flat by Levellsof, catra loses her memory in battle, she wakes up in brightmoon and they have to navigate their relationship while catra goes on treatment, does she want to remember and should she?
11. laughing till our ribs get tough (that will never be enough) by the wanderer (a_sentimental_man), Catra and Adora are soulmates who can share their thoughts and feelings with each other. It goes as well as can be expected
12. Let Forever Mean Forever (Work) by fruitsandpeachies, the second part of a series!, i love the first part where they got stuck in razz's house 1000 years in the past, and now they are back in brightmoon, a world where they can start again, no matter how rocky it might be (im not telling more bc spoilers but you should read the 1st part first!)
13. my immortal by lunchables, adora is the last chance of saving eternia, a closed off kingdom that's on the brink of extinction, and catra seems to be a ghost tied to her to the confusion of both
14. peripheries by ethiobird, catradora through other character POV, very interesting and sort of a character study in each chapter
15. pure and high affection by tox09, hehe princess and knight au go brrrr, catra's the princess and they are so gay, that's it
16. Protecting Hope by stealyourfood, gods and goddesses! damn catra looks like the only one normal in here, or does she?
17. somebody to love by chasingcrowns, i am. waiting for it to complete before continue reading okay. but i was interested since chapter 1 and you should too
20. Sound of Silence by BrightYellowBumblebee, She-ra but featuring deaf!Adora (with a She-ra caveat) and supportive!Catra and also supportive!everyone except for SW >:(
21. sweet to tongue and sound to eye by advancingambition, barking and growling and hollering, this brand of 'post s5 and adora is def not human' is MY jam. The First Ones were fair folk, and Adora is no exception, catra's still smitten tho
22. Take Me Into Your Wild Heart by V3NU5_R0S3, Catra had run away from the Horde, leaving Adora behind. The Whispering Woods guide her to the library, where she's adopted into George & Lance's family (g&l my beloveds). she and adora meet again after 5 years and im Waiting for it
23. the ghost of you by emollience, yes, another canon divergence. Adora stays with Light Hope after s1e11. years later, she goes out and is prepared , which means how could she not become someone entirely different? this is a rewrite of an old fic and i can smell from here how angstier it's gonna be
24. till our lonely limbs collide by driluth, i think there's something between me and cd fics, probably lust. A canon divergent AU where Adora chooses to stay in the portal and Angella lets her.
25. for Having Wept in the Darkness, a series by Lycaonpictus77, canon divergence, ...i have no excuse for this. things could have gone as it had been post s2 but BAM, time travel catra says no and decides catradora should be gay much sooner, adora still hasnt got the hint :/ girl why
Anyway y'all should combine brainwave and send telepathic wave that makes authors update with me :) pwease dont let my bad karma got in the way of this
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essaysbyciara · 3 years
Fireworks | Erik “Killmonger” Stevens x Reader
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Warnings: Language, smut thoughts, drug use, drinking
The 4th been gone, I know lmao. Haven’t wrote anything in a minute and you know I have fun with Killmonger, so here it is. Hope you dig. Something sweet. 
Nothing could top the fireworks popping off at the base of your spine. The ones sending smoke signals freeing you to find the pleasure that only he could set off within you. But you weren’t done. Why would you be? You hadn’t reached the combustive ending that you both were waiting for. But you had to race somewhere to find that moment to be free and brave. 
A post on IG gave you all the deets. 
Meet us at Care Park off Layton Road.  Bring bottles. 
You see a stream of Black men, women and children basking in the carefree with some local rapper’s psalm blasting from factory speakers. You’re never off the 4th of July. Same for your homegirl. You message her to see if she wants to grab a burger and bomb-ass potato salad in an attempt to get a closer look at this dude who got you all the way fucked up. 
His name is Erik. He goes by Killmonger. Or Kill. You know him only as this dude whose crew flexes around on the interwebs. He’s only in the gym, it seems. And the block. Flashing his pretty teeth with gold caps in the mirror as he shows off his daily gains. He’s a tough one. All his crew is, to be honest. You’ve lived in this city for so many years that you didn’t think fine like that existed until following a trail of tags led you to his page. He was sexier that the one you first wanted, an impossible feat you thought. 
But it was true. He thirst trapped his way into your heart. And onto your follower’s list. 
He followed you back. Liked a few posts of you flexing your curves in your favorite black t-shirt dress. Nothing happened beyond those moments in infancy until you waxed banter about the city you both call home -- him since birth, you since 2013 -- and he took notice, maybe offense. 
Lol you gotta live over where I’m at
You did, not too far away. The conversation didn’t last beyond you confirming his belief of where you laid your head at night. You dreamed of dialogue, of laughs, of something substantial. You dreamed of him, shit. But that was it. 
“Who’s grilling today?” Your homegirl’s phone call was right on time. 
“Girl, you know that fine-ass dude from Instagram? They having something over at Care. Looks like a community thing.”
“Let’s go…”
“What? I don’t know them like that.” 
It’s a lot of them. You follow most of them. They crew thick. 
“Ain’t you and dude talk before? Just hit him up and see if it’s cool…”
Your nerves start to snap, crackle and pop. You ain’t that bold. You also may have exaggerated at how much you and Kill conversed in the past. Instead of banking on your perceived closeness, you like the post and keep scrolling to see if someone you actually know has something going on that you could waltz your way into without remorse. 
Until your phone vibrates. 
Bring a friend and come thru
Kill saw your bat signal and responded faster than Robin on a mission. He’s been on assignment to get to you since you followed him back that day. But street dudes carry a shyness when it comes to finding the right one to come home to every night. He thought you’d get the clue and shoot your shot when he liked your posts. He didn’t move hastily in the neighborhood so why would he move that way into your private messages?  His homeboy vouched for you even though he barely knew you. “She seem dope as shit.” His friend is the one that coaxed Kill into asking you to come out. They needed more girls at this party, in all honesty. 
You were Kill’s type. You had the right amount of cushion to do the maximum amount of pushing Kill wanted to put on you. Desire goes both ways. 
Cool! How late y’all going?
Until they kick us out lmao
“What time the liquor store close, Sis?” 
You cradle two bottles of Woodford Reserve as you adjust your hair in the driver’s side window. The neighborhood calls it “We Don’t Care” Park for a reason. Nestled between two enclaves with decades-old beef, the grassiest parts were missing a shit-ton of green. 
You and your friend catch a mix of “you know them?” and “shit … who they?” from street soldiers active and retired. 
“Shit. She actually came, bruh…”
Kill’s leaves from under the canopy of trees to greet you. The smell of Bleu De Chanel and the finest cannabis greet you in return. A black tee, black jeans and black Timbs don’t make sense in this blistering sun but no rules should exist for a body built like a tank ready to do battle. You accept his uniform. It looks good as fuck on him. 
“You might want to hide those bottles though. Niggas will go after that.”
“I brought them to be taken. Ain’t that sharing?” You and Kill catch eyes and don’t let go. 
“Facts. But I’m sure you wanna drink some of your shit.” A lip bite punctuates that ‘shit’. 
You shake your head in agreement -- and shake the lust from your body -- and let Kill lead the way. He finds you and your friend an empty picnic table to rest your wares. Your homegirl doesn’t waste time to find the most important ware of them all: a styrofoam plate. She came for the potato salad. You’re too frazzled by Kill to even eat. 
A small plastic cup finds itself next to you. Kill pours you a shot before you could tell him that you need to eat first. The sound of the crack of a new liquor bottle calls all the warriors from their posts. Just like that, one of your two bottles went goodnight. 
“To 40th!” 
40th is just around the corner. You heard things but never ventured over that way. Your neighbors made 40th Street out to be a war zone but right now you look around and see a community full of working-class people relishing in their one day off to be around friends, family and a good time. Aunties trading laughs and young fathers with their sons on their lap as they slap cards down on the table. 
And Kill asking you if you want something to eat. He chaperones you over to the table full of food. He needs the neighborhood to know that you was his. He leaves you alone to eat and get settled. 
“Kill got it bad for you, girl” 
“You think so?”
Kill couldn’t fight how juiced he was that you came out. So much that he’s plotting some alone time away from the madness that’s starting to die down as the sun goes down with it.  A second set of manic behavior is set to take place: bags and boxes of fireworks. Hopefully no gunshots but you know the vibes. So does your homegirl. It’s time to go. 
Kill sees your sultry walk sway your hips away from the pavilion and into his direction. A sativa-laced moan escapes his lips. The brown liquor provided by you and others has him on a slight lean. He feels so good. He wants to make you feel good too. 
“Just letting you know that we’re leaving. Thank you for inviting us out.” 
“Y’all leaving already? We just got poppin’ out here.” 
“Yeah, they about to set these fireworks off and I want my car in one piece.” 
And your heart. Since you arrived, Kill barely talked to you. Wrapped up in the conversations of his brothers and brethren, he couldn’t break away to get to know you. Your homegirl occupied your time more than he did. You thought it was sweet of him to invite you out. You saw the lay of the land: the number of single women dwindled into the zeroes. Maybe he asked you over to appease his friends, to make today somewhat worthwhile, to end the night with something poppin’ off other than fireworks. Out of all of this day, you now know that if Kill is doing something and makes it public, you can show up. You needed more friends anyway. 
Kill’s newest smell of cognac engulfs you as you reach in to hug him. You can barely get your arms around him but he damn near swallows you. You don’t want to let go but like your dreams of having him in your arms full-time, you do. 
My bad we didn’t get a chance to talk like that. How long you gonna be up? 
Kill’s DM greets you on your couch after a long shower of washing away smoke of all kinds from your body. 
Let me come get you so you don’t have to worry about your car.
(read part two here.)
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