#like homeslice
kyurochurro · 7 months
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caught a cold yesterday so I rewatched a good old childhood fav of mine, which also included another robot buddy I love! here’s data with wall-e cus why not :D
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goatrune · 9 months
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He's behind me again, isn't he?
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mlp-natural · 4 months
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fuck of desitel ponies for tday
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loptrcoptr · 8 months
Lmao one of my friends is getting married in August so the friend group is planning trips etc. and my friend and her partner were thinking of flying into the us and then roadtripping from here (New Mexico) to LA, which I had volunteered to drive for and to take everyone to the Grand Canyon on the way, you know, all that jazz
So they are trying to buy tix from Heathrow to Denver and then not fly here but instead drive which is six hours and I’m kind of like… have yall ever driven for that long before, let alone on the wrong side of the road in a backwards car? Like my American ass did the 5 hour drive from London to wales once, first time doing the wrong car on the wrong side thing, and let me tell you I loooove long driving roadtrips and six hours is literally my preferred length of driving day but that 5 hours s u c k e d oh my god I was so scared the whole time, just white knuckling it the whole way.
They want to spend as many days in Colorado as possible, which is great and all, but still need to come here to meet me and, theoretically, take my truck to LA instead of a rental car. And I just know that if they drive all day to get here they won’t want to do anything the next day because they’ll be exhausted, so we won’t do anything fun and I won’t get to show them around and stuff and then we’ll get right back in the car for two more days. And I get a little irked when people don’t consider that there is, in fact, tourist stuff to do here. Honestly tourist stuff is the only stuff to do in this whole damn state, and where I am is just Colorado Adjacent™️, same damn landscape. but when I moved out here I thought it was gonna be like the Sahara or some shit, so I assume that’s what they’re thinking, and I don’t know how to make it clear to them that they should spend two days here if they intend to drive from Denver so they can see stuff, and if they tell me the kind of stuff they want to see, then I can plan accordingly. Because I think we’ll all be sad if they don’t get to spend any time here, because they’ll get here and go “oh wow it’s actually pretty, I would’ve liked to check it out” and idek? I don’t want to be pushy but may have to be like “listen if you bypass me because you think there’s nothing to do here I will be butthurt about it and feel like I missed out on sharing my new life with you” because I mean I’ve never been to Denver so maybe it’s awesome and they should just stay here but… don’t you want to come crash for free and let me chauffeur you around and go to ruins and tourist traps and national parks and go swimming in beautiful mountain streams and have a ride on my pony? I guess it’s one of those “I would love this, why don’t other people love this” kind of things
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malacheezyy · 10 months
Homeslice your bio is wrong, you’re a certified little guy ❤️❤️/p
shakes you.
EXPLODEEE!!!!!!!! 💣💣💣💣💣💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥
🙄🫶🏽 /p
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thatonepikminperson · 30 days
Do you have a fav pikmin creature?
ooo, good question.
I could just do the cop out answer of Yellow Pikmin, but we ain't here to hear about the Pikmin, we here to hear about la creatures of PNF-404
For favorite normal enemy creature, I think I'd be the Pearly Clamclamp. (If I was counting enemies related to bosses, then it'd be the Scornets lol)
For favorite boss creature, BEADY LONG LEGS. I LOVE THAT GUY SO MUCH
and all time is of course,
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thanks for the question :D
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 2 years
ROXY, sobbing: why isnt my feed good!!!! why dont these posts make me happy anymore! whats wrong with u!!!
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“no capes”
- edna mode
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hellogoodbyegirl · 8 months
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scareqrowbranwen · 1 year
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@missallanea asked: i just need a band-aid and a nap. i'll be fine. / ryuko for any of the rwby girls. her semblance involves her literally losing large volumes of blood she is Not Fine.
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"Uh, yeah, no dice. Why don't you sit down?" Yang knew some semblances took more out of you than others. Her own semblance for instance, when used unintelligently, could leave her knocked out and vulnerable. She had a feeling Ryuko's was similar, even if she didn't know they exact method.
"You look like you might pass out."
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goatrune · 9 months
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steampunkedparm · 10 months
y'all ever gay panic so hard you have to physically remove yourself from your homework to go back downstairs
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ifartconfetti · 1 year
LOVE the implication in act 1 that Astarion may have fallen for the vampire spawn offer because he was so fucking racist towards the Gur
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thatonepikminperson · 1 month
Cozbi, The Anomaly, Reflection? Wraith (Mixed Wraith AU)
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Remember that one sentence in the Reflection Wraith (Ref) post? "There is also an incredibly small chance that a Reflection Wraith can be born without a core. There is only one instance of this happening, and that Wraith is still currently alive." Yeah, this, is that very Wraith.
She is GENETICALLY a Reflection Wraith, aka she looks like one and has that thing were if they are too shocked about something, their eyes will crack. Though, in terms of powers, she's nowhere NEAR a Reflection Wraith. She has no core, which means she can't change her appearance via reflections, if she enters a mirror (ANY KIND) she can't leave it until she becomes a Mixed Wraith and gains a core, she can't heal herself automatically, and she doesn't even have a reflection.
So, you might be wondering how in the god damn world is she A. in pristine condition, and B. Alive?
(Read more for powers and personality)
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Rewind Time, the ability from Pikmin 4 that everyone ragged on is her ability. I'm not joking, though it isn't as OP as the original.
This is caused by a rare mutation that can happen to any Wraith, known as the Time Disease. It’s certain death for every Wraith diagnosed. Basically, the Wraith is gifted with Rewind Time powers, losing all other abilities in the process, and if they have a core, they will die within the first five minutes of being alive. But, Cozbi didn't have a core, and therefore, just got the powers without not much else.
She only get one save, and it updates either every ten minutes, or just when it feels like it, you know, after important things, like almost shattering a core, or getting sucked in a mirror, or fusing with another creature. She can go back in time, up to five times every twenty four hours. Only she'll shall remember what happened before, (Or anyone else sharing her body) otherwise, everything will return to how it was ten minutes ago or less. No one else will remember, it'll be as if nothing ever happened. (Unless it’s another Time Disease Wraith that’s alive, then it remembers) She only abuses it to keep herself in a good condition, but now that she has Bernard on her side, she can start using them more sparingly. Yes, she doesn't like to use it, she's just forced to use it most times. (And these powers don't work in the mirror she was trapped in)
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Cozbi, at first glance, looks and talks crazy. I mean, she attacked her sister and her sister's lover (Ref and Flames), nearly breaking the core of Flame and destroying Ref's body. (Ref later went after her and trapped her in one of her mirror cores, and later abandoned said core). She's also shunned by pretty much every Wraith for figuring out how to bring Wraith's back to life after their core shatters! (May or may not have been part of the reason Cozbi attacked her sister).
But once you start to get to know her, she's a bit more kind and calculated than most first think. Hell, she's the entire reason on why Bernard goes back to the ship, and she's the whole reason why Lisa and Ref are dating (She did that one in secret though) She doesn't like to abuse her powers, knowing how stupid they are, so she just tends to bullshit her way through life, and with Bernard, it's going to be pretty easy!
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cowboy-robooty · 1 year
im sorry i never interact wif anybody ever on this webbed site its bc im always eating shit and i never check my notifications. i see shit on mai dash from people i followed when i was 11 and reblog the funnies and unfollow the lame posts and das it. robooty is not checkin the itager tag literally ever
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constantron · 2 years
Have you only listened to the codot verse podcast and nothing else lol
I really like the audio adventures and the batman unburied podcast as well! Both are kind of commercial but very well put together and very different. Codot was one of my main introductions to the batman rogues fandom so it sits pretty big in my inspo haha, I can't get past the vocal skill of having a believable full cast of characters all voiced by the same people! Melts my brain in awe.
Outside of my rogues hyperfixation I devour quite a lot of podcasts, but I tended to get to them too late to catch the full swing of fandoms and I like drawing things that other people enjoy :)
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