#like how the fuck are you using such a fucking traumatising event as a fucking meme the sick bastard
i-cant-sing · 5 months
Hello! I read your Baldwin fics and gotta say that they're really good! I can't help but smile when I read them.
I saw you respond to an ask about him and pregnancy and I remembered this fact about how women are SUPPOSED to give birth standing up/kneeling/squatting because it makes the process not only quicker but less painful, and how there was a special basket + a midwife who'd catch the baby. It apparently used to be very popular, until some king I don't remember the name of decided he liked watching births, which was only possible if the woman was laying down. And over time (presumably bc that king had women do this multiple times), giving birth while laying down became more and more popular.
All this to say... If/when y/n gives birth to their baby, would he want her to do it kneeling/squatting or laying down?
???? WHAT DO YOU MEAN???? OFC BALDWIN AKA GREENEST FLAG YANDERE wouldnt want you to suffer. Child birth is a dangerous feat as is, he cant ever be happy by watching you suffer. Any way/position that would has the lowest chances of pain is the way to go. Lets say that if reader does get pregnant and is about to deliver, do you have any idea of his turmoil? HIS STRESS AS HE HEARS YOU WHIMPER AND SCREAM IN PAIN??? HE HAS HALF THE MIND TO KNOCK YOU OUT AND RIP THE CHILD OUT OF YOU- MAYBE EVEN PUNT IT IN ADRENALINE RUSH BECAUSE NO ONE-! NO ONE IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN YOU.
If the physicians are like "but your majesty, the queen needs to bear a little longer/needs to be in this painful position for the safety of the baby-" fuck that child, he doesnt need a stupid heir- not when it would compromise your health.
I feel like after you have delivered the first baby, and if it was like a particularly traumatising event for you two, not only would he apologise but he would even promise that you dont need to try for another one again- even if his advisors suggest otherwise.
Its actually heartbreaking to see how he almost LOSES HIS MIND when you go into labour. He's listening to you scream and it takes every fibre in his being to not rip his hair out in distress. His heart practically sinks at the thought of you dying mid labour and he wants to smash his head for ever thinking this was a good idea.
Once all is said and done, he'd just have his "bundle of joy" swaddled in one arm while he sits on the bed by your side, whispering a string of apologies to your unconscious self, kissing your sweaty temple over and over again with tears pooled in his eyes.
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runariya · 1 month
My Beloved Villain (JJK) • Chapter 1
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pairing: hero!Jungkook x villain!reader genre: dark romance, gore, villain!AU, hero!AU, slow burn fic rating: MDNI, 18+ warnings: panic, trauma, blood, physical violence such as punch!ng, de@th of both parents + witnessing it + footage, Dojin has influence over law enforcement and whatnot, mentions of underground fight club and mafia, mentions of wounds, jealous Jungkook, autopsy lap, mentions of bodies, please lmk if I forgot something word count: ~ 5.1K
a/n: okay Angels, here's the first chapter *yeeey*! It's just a little warm-up to the story. Hope you enjoy ☺️ a/n 2: This work is purely fictional. All characters and events are entirely imaginary and do not reflect reality. Content errors related to med school are not excluded. Please do not use this story as your own. No translations are allowed without permission. Thank you for understanding! 💕
prologue • masterlist • 02
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The warmth of the September sun wraps around you like a tender embrace as you sit on the wide field of grass of the campus park with your closest friends. The day is nothing short of perfect, yet their conversation drifts past you, lost in the gentle chorus of birdsong from the tall and old trees above. You close your eyes and breathe deeply, letting the sun’s rays and the dappled shadows of leaves play across your flushed skin. Somewhere in the distance, church bells toll at lunch hour, their echo both a call to mess and a cue of time’s steady march. It’s a peaceful moment, one that you savour with quiet reverence, knowing all too well that such moments are fleeting.
Taehyung rests his heavy head in your lap, his hair soft beneath your fingers as you play with his curls all while he relaxes before your next class. You remember the days when you begged him not to ruin his hair with dye, and back then, he didn’t listen. But now, he leaves it natural, save for the perm that enhances the curls you adore so much. It’s a small victory, even though this victory didn’t arise from you, but won through his newfound obsession with colour analysis,  face shapes and whatnot which you’re thankful for nonetheless. 
But as your fingers weave through his hair, your mind drifts back, step by reluctant step, to a night you’d rather forget—a night with the sight of Taehyung’s hair dyed an electric blue. You remember standing at the door of his family’s home, drenched in the blood of your parents, clutching the CCTV footage your father had obsessively recorded of your house’s every room. You never understood his need for those cameras, but that night, you were as grateful as you were traumatised.
Taehyung had opened the door after you rang their door bell repeatedly like a madman, his freshly dyed hair framing a face shocked to the core as he took in your pale, frightened expression and the dried blood covering you. Without a moment’s hesitation, he yanked you inside behind him by the front of your shirt, quickly glancing around to see if any neighbours were watching, and immediately shut the door behind you as if trying to shut out the nightmare you had brought with you.
“Oh my God, ___! What the fuck happened to you?” he asked, his hands hovering above your shoulders, his eyes searching your body for injuries. 
Fresh tears left your eyes then, carving paths through the blood on your cheeks. You didn’t recognise your voice, feeling utterly alienated by its rawness as you stuttered out, “Auntie…Uncle…”
“MUM! DAD!” Taehyung belted without a second guess, he had always understood you, even when words failed.
He dragged you into the living room where his parents froze at the sight of you, the shock in their eyes mirroring the horror in your own fragile heart.
“What happened? ___, where are your parents?” your aunt inquired, her voice trembling before she even knew what happened. You couldn’t bring yourself to answer, couldn’t force the words past the lump clogging your throat. How could you tell her what had happened not only to her sister but your whole family?
Instead, you forced your hand up, clutching the CCTV footage with all your strength, terrified it might disappear. It took every ounce of your willpower to pry open your cold fingers and offer the device to them.
On high alert, your uncle and aunt stepped closer. Your aunt, unable to tear her eyes from your dilated vibrating pupils, remained frozen by your side. With concern etched across his face, your uncle gently took the device from your trembling hand, retrieved his laptop, and plugged the footage in at the coffee table, all the while your aunt stayed close, her gaze never leaving you.
“Honey, should we get you cleaned up?” your aunt bid you softly, attempting but stopping just after she moved to caress your hair as she always did, sensing you were too fragile to be touched.
You shook your head, only pointing to the laptop for her to just watch. She turned just in time to see the front door of your house being kicked in on the screen, in another frame, your father shoving you into a closet in a desperate attempt to protect you.
Slowly, you all gathered around the laptop as if hypnotised by it’s screen, the room falling silent as the footage played, each of you transfixed by the horror before your eyes. The door to your parents’ bedroom burst open on the screen, and as Dojin with his bodyguards began their brutal assault, your uncle’s grave voice broke through the spell, “Taehyung, take ___ upstairs and clean her up.”
“But, Dad…”
“Now!” he boomed, and with difficulty to get his eyes off the screen, Taehyung led you away from the gruesome repeat of a nightmare.
In the bathroom, he cleaned you with a soft cloth, washing the blood from your hair over the sink as best as he could, all while moving quickly. After, he brought you a fresh  set of his clothes to change into, meanwhile you sat motionless on the closed toilet seat, staring ahead like a broken and lost doll.
When you finally emerged, clean and dressed, the house was eerily quiet, save for the sound of your aunt’s anguished sobs echoing from downstairs. Her cries tore at your heart, ripping open the fresh wound that was your new reality.
You had become an orphan in the blink of an eye. Dojin had taken your parents from you, the people who had meant everything to you, without a moment’s warning or a care in the world.
You sat down at the top of the stairs, where Taehyung held you as you silently wept, his gaze fixed on the distant flickering of the laptop screen. From where you sat, the details were blurred, but you could still make out the terrible truth captured by the CCTV cameras.
Soon after they finished watching the recording, you all drove to your house. You couldn’t quite grasp why; they had seen the footage to the end and knew there was no one left to save. You remember sitting in the backseat with Taehyung, watching the houses you passed, each one brimming with life and laughter, happy families enjoying their evening together. All the while, your world had come to a standstill, shattered into pieces like fragile glass, leaving everything around you feeling devastatingly meaningless.
Throughout the drive, your uncle tried calling the police. The first time he reached an officer, the line abruptly disconnected as soon as he mentioned your parents’ names.
“He just hung up.” Your uncle frowned, glaring angrily at the display on the centre console.
“Maybe the signal was lost. Try again,” your aunt reasoned quietly, trying to hold on to hope, though her voice had already faded into a broken whisper. But as the subsequent calls went unanswered or were immediately declined, it became painfully clear that the mayor’s influence reached far and wide, and with it, any hope of retribution was snuffed out.
When you arrived, your house was already burning down in hot raging flames, the crackling drowning out your inner screams. The police present dismissed you once more, leaving you more powerless and desperate than you ever felt.
Weeks passed as you lived with your relatives. Taehyung gave up his bed for you, sleeping on an inflatable mattress nearby. You recall fragments of the funeral, the strain of attending school while keeping your grades intact, and the mask you wore for the public as you fought against the official statement that your parents had perished in a fire caused by a forgotten stove. But after weeks of crying, mourning, and desperately seeking justice—whether through the authorities or the media—all your efforts proved futile.
One night, unable to bear the helplessness any longer, you lay awake until the weight of your anger and agony drove you to action. You dressed in silence and ventured into the city, determined to find someone who could help. The despair and fury within you pushed you toward desperate measures, and you knew then that justice would have to be taken into your own hands to rid the city of its devil.
It took seven nights before you stumbled upon an underground fighting club, where Kim Seokjin, the owner and Godfather, took an immediate interest in you. To your surprise, he listened to your story and agreed with your perspective, though he refused to let you fight alongside what he disdainfully called “those Neanderthals.” Instead, he trained you in private. It was during your first session, when you were obviously hurt for the first time in your life, that you discovered a rare condition you had inherited—one that left you unable to feel pain.
NTRK1, a mutation in your genes that prevents the development of certain nerve cells. You learned that your mother shared this mutation, explaining her stoicism on that fateful night, and that your father had been a carrier of the same mutation.
It was truly absurd how this condition swiftly elevated your skills, almost as if it were in agreement with your darker side and wanting to pull you to your full potential. You learned with remarkable speed and efficiency, especially how to assess the severity of your injuries without the sensation of pain as a guide.
Nearly two years later, Taehyung uncovered your secret as he caught you throwing up blood in the toilette after you arrived home early in the morning from training when the sun hasn’t even risen just yet. The confrontation was intense, but he eventually accepted your decision after days of radio silence and evil side-eyes, and supported you as best as he could, even if it meant simply covering for you in front of his parents or hiding your bruises with makeup where you couldn’t reach them. 
When you started medical school, you were relieved that Seokjin allowed you to leave with an arsenal of weapons of your choice, though you knew all too well that his acceptance came with a debt attached.
The vibration of Taehyung's laughter pulls you out of your thoughts, bringing you back to the present, where the sounds of the world around you slowly come back into focus. The gentle rustle of leaves, the distant tolling of church bells, and the low hum of conversations among other students fill your consciousness once more. You open your eyes, blinking against the dappled sunlight that filters through the trees above, and glance down at Taehyung. 
His laughter is infectious, his face half-hidden behind one hand as if trying to contain his mirth, but failing miserably. His other hand clutches his stomach, his entire body shaking with the force of his laughter. His eyes are squeezed shut, and the corners crinkle with joy, the lashes fluttering as his laughter bubbles over like a tsunami hitting the shore. His lips, stretched wide in a broad grin, reveal the perfect rows of his white teeth, something you both inherited from your mothers, and the sound that escapes him is rich and full-bodied, resonating deep in his chest, a melody that never seems to tire. It’s the kind of laughter that makes you want to join in, regardless of whether you know the joke.
You tear your gaze away from him and look up, taking in the scene around you. Your friends are gathered in a loose circle on the grass, all high-achieving students like yourself, brought together by your shared aspirations and ambitions. ‘Birds of a feather flock together,’ they say, and on the surface, it might appear true. But only Taehyung knows what truly lies beneath your carefully constructed exterior, the only legacy of your happy childhood. 
Like you, Taehyung was a remarkable student in high school, his ambition clear as he set his sights on a career in the medical field as well. In those early semesters of med school, his passion for perfection became his guiding force, leading him to specialise in plastic surgery—a choice that suits him as seamlessly as a lid fits its pot. Taehyung embodies beauty, his eye for aesthetics almost uncanny, each detail observed with an artist's precision. His finesse in sculpting is flawless, and the way he’s able to seamless stitch skin up—a skill he’s honed on you over the years, using you as his more or less willing test subject after all the injuries you endured—stands as a testament to his natural talent and the field he’s chosen, one where art and science blend in perfect harmony.
Yoongi is sprawled out lazily on the grass to the left of you both, one arm bent behind his head as he taps away on his phone with the other. His expression is indifferent, almost bored, as if the conversation around him holds no interest. But you know better. Yoongi is always listening, always aware. His sharp, calculating mind misses nothing, a quality that makes him perfect for the path he’s chosen—neurosurgery. He carries himself with a quiet confidence, a subtle superiority that others might find off-putting, but which you have come to admire. His brilliance is undeniable, his genius almost intimidating, and in many ways, you’ve taken a leaf out of his book, learning to project the same calm authority when needed. 
Next to him sits Hoseok, or Hope as everyone of the friend group calls him. He’s also engrossed in Yoongi’s phone, his face full of concentration as if the device was his or holds the secrets to the universe. Hope is destined to be a heart surgeon, a choice that fits him as well perfectly. He once told you that he wanted to mend broken hearts, to give hope and love to those who needed it most. It’s a noble goal, and one that suits his gentle, empathetic nature. Yet, at this moment, he’s as distant as Yoongi, the two of them forming a quiet duo on the edge of the group, absorbed in their own worlds.
Jennie sits directly across from you, her eyes fixed on you with an expectant expression. She’s a vision of meticulous care, her skin glowing under layers of sunscreen, her large sun hat casting a protective shadow over her beautiful, doll-like face. Jennie is training to be a dermatologist, and it shows. Her otherworldly radiance aligns perfectly with her chosen field, as does her keen eye for aesthetics and detail. She’s the kind of person who never steps into the sun without a shield, and you can spot others like her scattered across the field, equally guarded against the elements. It’s amusing, really, how easily you can identify someone’s future specialty with just a glance.
And then there’s Jeon Jungkook, the quietest of the group but perhaps the most intriguing. He’s sitting not far from Jennie and on your right, his dark hair parted neatly in the middle, the short strands catching the sunlight and shining with a healthy sheen. His eyes, large and expressive, are fixed on you with an intensity that never fails to catch you off guard. He rarely speaks, yet there’s a quiet strength in his presence, a steadfastness that draws you in. 
Like you, he’s pursuing a career in trauma paediatric surgery, a demanding path that you’ve shared since the beginning of your studies. Though you don’t talk much, there’s an unspoken understanding between you as the only two students specialising in this extremely rare field, a bond forged through countless hours in the same classes, the same labs, and the same late-night study sessions. His gaze remains locked on yours, and for a moment, the world narrows to just the two of you. The eye contact is so intense it leaves you a little breathless, a little unsettled, his dark eyes holding yours with a quiet question you can’t quite decipher as he cocks his head to the side. He’s toying with his teeth, his lower lip caught between them as if he’s waiting for something—for you to say something, to answer a question you didn’t hear.
“Huh?” you ask, glancing around the group, feeling a little disoriented. Jennie’s raised eyebrow brings you fully back to the moment.
“I asked if you and Tae are dating or what? You live together, and now this,” Jennie says, gesturing to where Taehyung is still snuggled against your thigh, his laughter finally subsiding into quiet giggles as your fingers still absentmindedly play with his hair.
You snort, amused by the absurdity of the question. Before you can answer, Taehyung starts laughing again, the sound bubbling up like a toy doll—the kind that never seems to run out of laughter, perhaps something like a Laughing Elmo, the comparison would definitely fit perfectly. The ridiculousness of it all hits you, and you can’t help but join in, your laughter mixing with his in a joyful belting that rings through the air.
When the laughter finally dies down, you wipe the tears from your eyes, still grinning as you look back at Jennie and Jungkook. Jennie’s expression is a mix of irritation and curiosity, a reaction that doesn’t surprise you. She’s never hidden her infatuation with Taehyung, a sentiment she’s held since your freshman year. But what does surprise you is the similar look on Jungkook’s face—something close to annoyance that gives you pause. You clear your throat awkwardly, trying to stifle the last remnants of giggles that threaten to escape. 
“We’re cousins, Jen,” you say, the words slipping out between breaths as you attempt to regain your composure.
The surprise on Jennie’s face is immediate, her mouth dropping open slightly, while Jungkook’s expression softens into one of mild disbelief. Yoongi, who’s been silent all this time, glances your way with a knowing smirk, his eyes glittering with amusement. Hoseok, Taehyung, and you can’t help but start laughing again, the absurdity of the situation too much to keep in.
“Oh…” is all Jennie manages to say, a flush of pink rising to her cheeks in embarrassment. “I didn’t know.”
You shrug, still smiling as you reply, “No one really does. It doesn’t matter much, does it?”
Jungkook’s eyes meet yours once more, a subtle smile playing on his lips, his eyes shining with something that looks like relief. You don’t quite understand why the relief is so evident in his gaze, but it has a calming effect on you as well. You send him a small smile in return, a silent exchange that’s broken only when Yoongi groans and begins to rise from the grass, his movements slow and lethargic, like an old man who has trouble moving with age.
“We’ve got class, kids. Get up,” Yoongi announces, his voice dry as he stretches, his joints cracking loudly in the otherwise quiet air.
Reluctantly, you all begin to gather your belongings. Jennie links her arm through yours as you stand, a gesture that’s as familiar as it is comforting. Taehyung trails behind her, still chuckling softly to himself, while Jungkook falls into step beside him, slightly to your side. It’s something you’ve noticed before—Jungkook always seems to gravitate toward you when the group is together, as if drawn by some invisible force. You’ve dismissed it as a byproduct of your shared major, nothing more than a coincidence of proximity. But there’s a part of you that can’t help but wonder if there’s something more to it, something unspoken that lingers in the spaces between you.
Yoongi and Hoseok lead the way, Hope talking animatedly as always, his hands gesturing in the air as he makes a point. Everyone instinctively makes space for Yoongi as he walks, his presence commanding a quiet respect that few others can match. The group moves as one, a well-practised rhythm that speaks of years spent together, each of you falling into your familiar roles as you head toward the autopsy lab.
The path is well-trodden, the grass worn down by the passage of countless students over the years. The midday sun sits high in the sky, casting sharp shadows across the campus, the air thick with the full warmth of the day. Despite her sunscreen and wide-brimmed hat, Jennie still shields her face with her free hand. You walk in silence for the most part, the only sounds the rustle of leaves overhead and the distant chatter of other groups making their way to their respective classes as well.
As you approach the lab, the building standing proud in its massive built, its stone facade weathered by time, ivy creeping up the walls in a silent conquest. The heavy wooden doors stand open, the cool air inside beckoning after the warmth of your lunch break as you step inside, the familiar scent of antiseptic and old books hitting you immediately, a smell that’s become synonymous with your studies. 
The group disperses slightly as you each head to your lockers, retrieving the necessary equipment for the class. Jennie is still linked to your arm, her earlier embarrassment forgotten as she chatters away. Taehyung is beside her, humming to himself as he pulls on his lab coat, his hair a dishevelled mess from where you’ve been playing with it.
Jungkook, as always, lingers close by, his presence natural, almost indispensable. His movements are precise, each action deliberate as he retrieves his lab coat and other small materials, methodically preparing for the class ahead. There’s an ease to the way he handles everything, a confidence that doesn’t leave you room to breathe steady. Even in these seemingly mundane moments, he exhibits a meticulousness that reflects his commitment to mastering the complexities of the field, and it’s this very dedication, this quiet intensity, that first drew you to him.
You’ve always admired his unwavering determination that reflects your own, the way he approaches each task with such care, precision and intelligence. It’s no wonder that over time, those feelings of admiration began to multiply like tumour cells, developing into a quiet crush that you’ve never quite managed to shake. His character, his relentless pursuit of excellence, and that calm, assured demeanour—these are the things that have captivated you, leaving you secretly drawn to him in ways you’ve yet to fully understand. Even now, as his gaze occasionally drifts in your direction, though he says nothing, there’s a desire for him you can’t ignore, a magnetic pull that keeps your attention fixed on him, even as you all prepare for the class ahead.
You exchange a few words with Yoongi and Hoseok, the latter of whom is still engrossed in whatever conversation he’s been having with Yoongi, though it’s clear Yoongi’s mind is already in the lab, his focus sharpening as the thrill to dissect draws near. The energy in the room shifts as everyone dons their lab coats, seriousness descending as you prepare for the new semester.
You step into the autopsy lab with your friends and two other students whose names escaped you long ago, the cold, sterile air immediately wrapping around you like an welcome embrace you longed for all summer break as your steps squeak on the tiled and freshly cleaned floor. The harsh fluorescent lights bathe the room in its pale glow, illuminating the gleaming steel of the dissection tools and tables that stand waiting, four in total, each an empty stage for the work that will soon begin. Mr. Choi stands by one of the tables, looking as though he could be mistaken for a cadaver himself, his skin drawn and pallid, eyes sunken into deep sockets. His expression is as lifeless as the bodies soon to be laid out before you.
"Good morning, everyone," he greets, his voice a flat monotone that does little to lift the sombre atmosphere as you and the others line up instinctively, muscle memory guiding you to your usual places from previous semesters. Without a word, he tosses a small tub of Vicks VapoRub toward Yoongi, who catches it with effortless accuracy, not even glancing up from his phone. 
As Mr. Choi begins his customary review of the last semester, recapping the techniques and knowledge you’ve all supposedly mastered, the tub of ointment makes its way down the line. One by one, each student takes a small amount, dabbing it beneath their noses—or in Taehyung’s case, smearing it more liberally into his nostrils—to block out the inevitable stench of decay and death that permeates these walls. When it reaches you, you pass it straight to Jungkook, not bothering to use any yourself. Jungkook's tattooed hand hovers in place when he realises you’ve skipped it, his brow arching in that familiar, questioning way.
“You sure?” His voice is low, soft, the kind of voice that always makes your pulse quicken slightly. He holds the tub out to you, lingering a moment longer than necessary as he waits for your response.
You shake your head, declining the offer with a small, dismissive gesture. “’S fine, thanks,” you murmur. The smell of death has never bothered you—not since the night you were bathed in your parents' blood, not since Seokjin showed you what true decay smells like and what the sound of an infinite number of flies sound like. In some twisted way, the scent is almost comforting now, a reminder of your secret purpose.
Jungkook’s eyes search yours briefly, but he doesn’t press further. “Okay,” he says, his voice just above a whisper as he takes a small amount of the ointment and rubs it along his perfect Cupid’s bow, the menthol sheen catching the light momentarily before he caps the tub and passes it along to Ben.
“This semester, ladies and gentlemen,” Mr. Choi resumes, his voice taking on an uncharacteristic note of enthusiasm—or perhaps it’s just your imagination, “we’re going to spice things up a little. You’ll be working in pairs—well, I’ll be assigning the pairs—and together, you’ll dissect two of our friends here over the course of the semester. Each pair will be responsible for writing a detailed report on both dissections, and these reports will determine your final grade for the class.”
The room erupts into a low murmur of excitement, with a few claps and cheers punctuating the otherwise grim mood. You join in half-heartedly, your mind already racing ahead, wondering who you’ll be paired with. Ideally, you’d be matched with Taehyung, Yoongi, or Jungkook—people whose work ethics and routines align with yours, whose presence wouldn’t be a distraction. But as the names are called, you can feel your anticipation teetering on the edge of anxiety.
Mr. Choi pulls a crumpled piece of paper from his lab coat, squinting at the list of names. “First pair: Ben and John.”
One of the unfamiliar students immediately speaks up, correcting in a flat tone, “My name’s Juan, sir.”
There’s a smattering of laughter around the room, and you feel Taehyung lean in toward you, his breath warm against your ear as he whispers, “Same same but different.”
Jungkook chuckles quietly beside you, and you have to elbow both of them, suppressing your own giggles like the hypocrite you are. The room settles down as Mr. Choi offers a terse apology, the faintest hint of embarrassment colouring his otherwise lifeless expression.
“Next pair,” Mr. Choi continues, “I would call this one mind and heart.” He chuckles at his own joke, though the room remains silent. “Yoongi and Hoseok.”
The two men exchange a high five, their smiles wide as they pull each other into a brief hug, their deep friendship between them clear in their mutual excitement. You can’t help but smile at the sight—there’s something infectious about their excitement, something that makes the dark work ahead seem like a walk on rainbows. 
Mr. Choi scans his list again. “Next pair, our future beauty doctors: Jennie and Taehyung.”
Your eyes shift to Taehyung and Jennie as they turn to each other, their faces lighting up with matching smiles that seem to glow with a warmth that could almost outshine the harsh overhead lights. It’s a look that makes you realise something you hadn’t noticed before—an attraction Taehyung seems to have for Jennie that you’ve been oblivious to until now. You silently root for them, hoping this shared project might be the catalyst for something more.
And then it hits you, like a slow dawn creeping over the horizon. The only ones left are you and Jungkook. The realisation wipes the smile from your face, leaving you with an odd mix of anxiety and anticipation twisting in your gut.
“And last, but certainly not least,” Mr. Choi announces, “our future superheroes who will someday save all the children: ___ and Jungkook.”
Your heart skips a beat as you turn to face Jungkook, who’s already looking at you with a grin so wide it crinkles the corners of his eyes. His ears, you notice, have turned a vibrant shade of red, a sure sign that he’s just as affected by the pairing as you are. That gleam of triumph in his eyes, the kind that says he’s more than pleased with this outcome, makes your own smile waver. You force yourself to reciprocate, though you’re acutely aware of how hard it’s going to be to stay focused on your work with him so close, day after day. Something you previously ignored in its fullest. There’s something between you, something unspoken but oh so real, an longing that you can’t afford to let bloom. Not when you know that no sane person would ever truly love a killer, someone who hides a part of themselves so dark and twisted that full honesty is an impossibility.
Mr. Choi continues, oblivious to the turmoil beneath your composed exterior. “You’re free to use the lab whenever you need to. The first autopsy and report must be completed and handed in within six weeks.” He strides over to the cadaver cooler and, with a theatrical flourish, pulls open two of the stainless steel doors. The sound of the vacuum seal breaking echoes through the room, and two bodies slide out on their own, propelled by the sudden rush of air.
Glancing around at the faces of his students—some pale with nerves, others flushed with excitement—a ghost of a smile playing on Mr. Choi’s lips as he quips, “May the odds be ever in your favour.”
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prologue • masterlist • 02
a/n 3: lmk what you think in any way you like! 👀
a/n 4: please send me a message, ask or comment if you would like to be tagged for upcoming chapters 💕 also - character asks and drabble requests are open
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taglist: @darkeneddiary, @dumbheadblog, @jksusawife, @jayhoneybeecomb, @kookienooki
All Rights Reserved © @/runariya 2024
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orionsangel86 · 6 months
Sometimes I forget that since branching out into other fandoms I may be exposing myself to ppl who like proper loathe SPN and Destiel and I can't really help that so I'll just say that ultimately, there will always come times when I will transform back into a Destiel blog and make a lot of memes and jokes and yes, talk about how the events of November 5th 2020 were rather huge for the media landscape and yeah sure, this firefighter show has had a big moment today and I know that some of y'all will be annoyed and bitter that SPN fandom has once again made it all about them. Except thats not what we are doing. We are celebrating WITH YOU because we are HAPPY FOR YOU and the way SPN fandom celebrates anything is to poke fun and make memes and just have a good time with it.
We are all fucking traumatised and dealing with PTSD from that fucking show let us have a laugh about it on this hellsite whilst we can. There is nothing malicious about it. If you find it annoying, blacklist the tags. I tag EVERYTHING. Its not hard to blacklist and if its that big a deal to you, just unfollow me. If youre gonna get pressed about some Destiel jokes and the claim that your bisexual network TV firefighter might owe SPN SOME small measure of thanks for the attention it drew to fandom and the popularity of queer ships and the need for queer representation on that insane night 3 years ago then just unfollow me cos I'm always gonna hold that viewpoint.
I'm not sorry about it and I'm gonna take my fun where I can. And I'm fucking happy for your bisexual fireman. Thrilled for him and you that you get that in your fandom. Theres no bitterness here at all. Why would there be? Just enjoy the moment and ignore the stuff that bothers you.
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aha-chuu · 2 years
Alhaitham and Kaveh's dynamic is interesting, because I've seen a lot of people say either "oh my god Kaveh is so mean" or "oh my god Alhaitham treats Kaveh terribly". But, quite importantly imo, in this quest Paimon remarks that she "doesn't know which one of them is more problematic".
I think when considering their relationship you need to look at intention. Do Hoyo want to villainise one of their popular husnandoes as a toxic asshole? No. Even the "villain" playable characters like Childe and Wanderer are nice/funny on occasion. Kaveh and Alhaitham's interactions are intended to be humorous, to make you gasp and say "oh wow I can't believe he just said that!".
Like, during the most recent story quest, for example. Kaveh accusing Alhaitham of having no empathy when he's clearly pretty emotionally stunted and decently moral is mean. But saying "At least I'd be a fungus with empathy!" Undercuts that - it's clear neither Alhaitham nor the player are suppose to take those words seriously.
Alhaitham dismissing Kaveh's field of work with "you work yourself to death just for a smile" is so belittling, but it's a retort to Kaveh saying his scribe job is at "rock bottom" in the Akademiya. Alhaitham isn't lashing out or trying to demean Kaveh in front of others (this interaction happens after the player has "left"); he's just continuing their verbal sparring match. I think people take this jab so seriously because it can be seen as a jab at a lot of people working out of passion, but in the context of the dialogue we're not supposed to regard it so deeply.
It's also fairly clear that nobody in game takes them seriously either. Tighnari says Kaveh is "as pent up as an anemo slime" in his Alhaitham voiceline - another funny quip - and Collei details how hard it was to suppress her laughter when Kaveh was talking about Alhaitham. Nobody thinks they're genuinely bad for one another, or that getting them separated is all that crucial.
Even the interactions in this story quest are just so silly and domestic: Kaveh can't get the painting straight, Alhaitham buys ugly furniture, they're arguing about rent and drink tabs, Kaveh is doing an unfair amount of housework and Alhaitham fucks off without entertaining his own guests. it's funny, or at least it is clearly intended to be.
I've heard that in the other dubs the VAs tones are different and it makes the lightheartedness clearer. Personally I've thought since their first interaction in the AQ that Alhaitham is having fun during their quarrels, and Kaveh is just melodramatic enough to act traumatised even if he isn't truly offended.
Then when it comes to whether their dynamic is supposed to be read platonically or romantically... Well Hoyo won't do anything canon, but it's hard to argue that there is no intentionality in how their relationship is portrayed. What other character(s) has an idle animation directly referencing their relationship with another character? How many other voicelines explicitly reference two characters as a pair? Nahida's Kaveh voiceline, Collei's, Tighnari's - I'm sure there are more. "Roommates" "senior & junior" "academic rivals" -> certainly there's a case to be made that they're just very close, but Kaveh and Alhaitham getting fifteen minutes of epilogue interaction in two different quests (where none of the content is related to either quest) says something. Fanservice, quite possibly.
Also Kaveh's line "We used to be friends, but not anymore"; I've seen plenty of people interpret this as "oh we're not friends, we're dating*". I think this is fun in fanon, but on a canon level it's basically a promise by Hoyo to fix (or explain) their current dynamic. Hoyo, for all their many faults, are detail orientated enough to follow up on such a line. Perhaps it will just be in Kaveh's voicelines/character stories, but I anticipate a future event or Kaveh hangout in relation to their bond. Nothing explicit, but more exploration. It's fairly clear Alhaitham and Kaveh are popular enough characters to warrant it.
All this to say: I have lots of thoughts. I have seen people call them toxic and (while idm the drama of that in fanon shipping) that isn't really the intended case in canon. Or, at the very least, the intention is not to to take their squabbling so seriously.
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stevesnightmares · 5 months
I just re-read the captive prince trilogy after 9 years so here are some thoughts and observations (I read a physical copy while listening to the audiobbok):
No spoilers
the books are super easy to read, I read each of them in a day and never once did I get bored or felt like I needed to take a break. If you enjoy them I feel like they work perfectly if you are in a reading slump.
I might be biased because I was also listening to it while reading but I feel like the writing worked just fine. I saw people say that the writing was awful but I didn't have any problems at all with it. I was never once confused by what was happening on page nor did I ever feel like too little or too much was being said and described.
One of my gripes with the writing comes in book 3 because I felt like the two parts that had Laurent POV just didn't work because it didn't feel like it was a stylistic choice and it didn't feel natural or needed, it just made me think that the author didn't know how to write that from Demen POV (which makes no sense because I know she can)
not only that but I also feel like it would've worked much better if we didn't get those scenes and continued with Demen's knowledge instead of making us privy to something he didn't know. I genuinely think they were unnecessary.
I might've missed something but in book 3 there is also a part where I felt like what Demen is thinking in a chapter and then what he claims and thinks a few chapters later don't align. With no spoilers, this is how it felt to me: chapter 1: demen thoughts: the apple fell from the tree chapter 3: demen thoughts and words: I knew the apple didn't fall on it's own and that there was a reason for it to fall.
I don't know why people say that these books handle its dark themes badly. Personally I think it handled everything quite well. Just because every 3 seconds the author isn't telling you "this is bad" it doesn't mean that it's poorly done or supports any of the bad things that happen.
The characters live in extremely flawed societies that have practices that we wouldn't condemn, so of course they will not immediately start out being against them, it wouldn't make sense, instead throughout the books and events they slowly start to realise why some things are bad. It's called character development.
Not only that, words coming out of a flawed and traumatised character shouldn't be taken as the moral of the book but as what they are: words of a flawed and traumatised character who is lashing out.
I feel like many people saw that very bad things that happen in these books and instrad of saying "I can't read that", which is fair, they decided to take the high horse and act as if it's morally wrong to like these books because bad things are portrayed in them.
Book 2 I think was my favourite, I devoured it and it was just super fun to read.
My second gripe is with Jokaste but without spoiling anything I can only say that her character was imo wasted and that it just felt like the author had 2 very different ideas of who she was in book 1 and book 3.
I LOVE laurent, he's just the type of characters that I enjoy, cold and guarded on the outside but only because he wants to protect himself while being also sweet.
Also really enjoyed many of the side characteristics which I thought were really interesting (I would've enjoyed more interactions between those other characteristics and L and D but that's a personal taste)
I actually think that 9 years ago I only read the first book and the first half of the second while skimming through the rest lmao
also I will not tell you which character I didn't like at all and found annoying when I was 16 but would die for in an instant now because you'll think 16 years old me was psychopath because what the fuck
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onyourhyuck · 1 year
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— Prologue: “Fine…I’ll give you another chance…” He warns dangerously as you were already crossing his lines to the point you’ve pissed him off beyond measures. Just about when you were about to make it up to him he smirks at you. “Get on your knees,” he says. “You’re going to clean my shoes.” He chuckles watching your face and adds. “With your mouth.”
— Summary: Where your childhood enemy found your diary one day where you wrote all your dirty thoughts about Lee fucking Haechan.
— Genre: Probably the most filthiest thing I ever wrote. SMUT SMUT SMUT. Slight Dub-con. Everything’s consensual here but uh Haechan’s the biggest red fucking flag. Manipulative Haechan. Y/n is so obsessed. Shoe humping. Inappropriate use of mention shoe. Being called ‘Pet’ or ‘Toy’ multiple times. Dark dark smut. Slight angst(?) but mostly very filthy talk. Haechan is fucking terrible and mean to Y/n. Choking (light). Pet play(?). Cum play. Lots lots overstimulation here. Hair grabbing. Face slapping (very light here.) unprotected sex. Throat fucking (shoe receiving…)
— Notes: Part 3 ( I’m going to write an apology for traumatising my readers )
You know you fucked up.
You weren’t expecting things to go south for you today but as per usual life was seemingly always going against you and your will to have a calm and peaceful day, you were planning to actually relax and do something with your life today. You went on a party event with your friend. Technically your friend invited you as a plus one and the word ‘invite’ is used lightly here. It was more like she kidnapped you and forced your to trend the event. It was a birthday party so people were celebrating and what not.
But then at the party your phone was going off and you were so invested and busy in the party with other people that you didn’t realise your screen flashing bright. You picked it up and soon realise In bold letters that you had not only one miss call — but about ten calls from a specific number Lee Donghyuck.
And not only miss calls he sent you spamming texts about asking where you are and why is your phone turned off? He literally had so many questions and it’s not like he cares about where you are. It’s not like those messages your significant other would text you, worrying about you when you’re outside not answering their messages oh god no it’s nothing like that.
Donghyuck was bored thats why he was texting you and calling you like a freaking mad man. He was bored and you know when he’s bored? He takes pleasures in doing those entertaining activities with you which is fucking you till you’re brain dead.
You told him today you can’t make it, in which he reacts poorly by asking you why not. And you tell him you’re at a party which only angers him more now that he now knows you chose a party event over him. He thought that your obsession that you have over him would make you quick on your knees running back to him whenever he calls you like you’re some puppy he has.
He really thought that you’d drop everything down for him. To come see him whenever he demands you to. But he was left with sheer disappointment and anger with you in his body especially on his raging heart now that you clearly made the decision to stay with your friend’s birthday party.
“I’m going to make you regret it y/n.” He said to himself as he sat in the room already planning on how to handle and deal with you later and the things that pop in his head, it could leave someone scarred for years to the point a therapy wouldn’t be helpful. He will make you regret it.
You were left with an unsettling feeling in your stomach actually. You saw him not responding to you because the last thing he said to you was wait till I see you again, and you didn’t reply to him because you were afraid of what’s to come. But even if your heart was feeling heavy with fear your lower body had to disagree quickly.
You were actually, intrigued to know what he was going to do.
But that doesn’t change the fact that you’re fucking terrified. You know very well that when he meets you, you’re going to be a stuttering and scared ball full of anxiety and wrecking havoc that will come undone when he does whatever cruel thing he wishes to do and you’re aware by now the years you dealt with him bullying you; that when he makes his mind up on something. He does it without a question.
When you left the party to go home, you were met with a very angry silhouette running backwards and forwards in front of your house. He must’ve been ringing your door bell, banging on your door or something for the past half and hour, he still hasn’t left however. He was determined to see you for all the wrong reasons too. When you arrive out of your car you approach immediately after.
You swear the minute he spares you a glance you could just see how annoyed he is with you. The audacity of you making him come out of his house, to even see you is enough to make his blood boil. He isn’t one to chase after people, but here he is trying to meet up with you. Even though he wouldn’t do that with anyone else. If it’s you he just finds his body chasing after you and he solemnly hates you for it.
“Donghyuck?” You call out as the boy turning his back around to have a look at you. You wore a very pretty dress actually — it was quite revealing. He didn’t think it was a proper party but it seems like it was the case.
He rolls his tongue against the gripping wall of his cheeks. A habit he does when he’s annoyed. “You sure have some nerve to say my name right now.” He comes forward grabbing your wrist dragging you forward to make you look him in the eyes. You could tell he’s enraged. Angry a lot now more than usual. You somehow crossed his good patience. “After making me wait here. You stood me up.”
Donghyuck’s poor fragile ego couldn’t take that from you. Especially from someone as overally fucked up as you.
You bite your bottom lip watching the furious eyes looking at you like you’re about to regret for making him feel like this, like he was stood up and now he’s humiliated.
“I didn’t stood you up. I only said I can’t make it today.” You groan slightly trying to make sense of the situation that you’re in. But what did you expect? Lee Donghyuck, your now bully and childhood ex best friend to be tolerant and care of your situation?
His eyes widen, did you just talk back to him? He felt like he heard your first words now and somehow he can’t shake the feeling of you being like this to him. “Did you just — back chat to me?” He gasps letting out annoyed deep breaths. This was nothing like you. “Y/n I think you’re forgetting your fucking place here. I have your stupid diary. You wouldn’t want me to expose it to the world would you?”
“I am not your stupid boyfriend,” He would tighten the grip on your wrist he has pulling you forward with each word and syllables he says. “That you can speak back to,” Like he was making an emphasis point that you are walking on very very thin ice that could break any minute if you say and do the wrong thing right now. “Understand?”
You grew quiet watching him play you like this like you’re doing something so terrible that could be a crime. He’s treating you as if you were a child and somehow you didn’t like this. But you grew to realise he’s very much upset and somehow you feel awful for having to deal with him like this.
“Then what are we?” You suddenly say following your own heart instead of your logical head that would tell you to shut up and just obey him so he could leave you alone. But now you’re wondering. What are we? You and Donghyuck have a serious complex relationship.
You’re not lovers and you’re not friends. You used to be very good friends to the point you guys would be inseparable but somehow when he reached a certain age he left you behind and joined another set group of friends that leaves him abandoning you.
Ever since then he’s been picking on your relatively small self esteem. And somehow you grew romantic feelings for him the older he got and the more he starts to bully you. Or maybe you’ve always liked him since you were little and now your feelings only got more intense when you came to terms with them.
When you said those words ‘What are we?’ It only made Donghyuck grow quiet and he somehow grew angrier. He pushed you back a little as he lets out an annoyed laugh that you even asked him this question as if you weren’t allowed to question your relationship status with him. He never once thought of you in a romantic way. He never once saw you as a friend before. Heck, he didn’t even see you as anything else but an obsessed girl who has lustful intentions for him and it was just that.
So why was he so defensive when you asked him this?
“Why are you asking Hm? Did you perhaps mistake our time together as us getting closer?” Donghyuck follows your body moving backwards. The further he approached you so menacingly you feel yourself slipping away from reality. He has this dangerous look in his eyes.
His voice was so cold like the Antarctic Ocean beneath couldn’t compare to how cold and distant he spoke to you. “Did you really think you had a chance to be with me, Y/n? Oh sweet silly Y/n.” He mockingly said in such high pitches it makes your heart skip a beat when his hands found a way to wrap round you and push you against your door flatly with a slam.
“No… I just…”
You pause as you feel a bead sweating down your temple as he was trying to hear what you are going to say but you couldn’t bring yourself to say any words except stuttering singular words that did not form a proper conversational sentence in response, you slowly unlock the door and Donghyuck didn’t waste a time to come inside closing the door shut behind him but his gaze was on you. You could tell he was still very much furious and he wasn’t done with you. He wasn’t done with you at all. You’re bracing yourself for the next moment because now he is reaching for you wrist pinning you around when you were about to go away from his sight. You pushed on the wall dropping your purse and your heels were off your feet but just about barely he let you do anything else.
Donghyuck deeply warns. “You’ve crossed over to my bad side.”
You murmur anxiously. You can’t help but think that you don’t want to be on his bad side. It wasn’t even your intention to do that. “How do I… get on your good side?”
With your shaky eyes watching him by asking a genuine question the hand he’s grabbing your wrist with tightens by the increasing time and so has your heart. Your heart was skipping so hard against you that you could feel it bruising your rib cage by pressing it on your chest. And you knew your heart was racing so badly for the reason being Donghyuck’s eyes were watching you so closely.
Donghyuck’s eyes roll over, sighing.
He decided to be lenient on you since you’re asking so nicely how to get on his good side he wonders what things you would be able to do to make it back on the ‘nicer kinder’ side of him. He wonders. All sorts of taboo stuff you could do.
“Fine…I’ll give you another chance…” He warns dangerously as you were already crossing his lines to the point you’ve pissed him off beyond measures. Just about when you were about to make it up to him he smirks at you. “Get on your knees,” he says. “You’re going to clean my shoes.” He chuckles watching your face and adds. “With your mouth.”
Those words leave his beautiful and sweet pleasing mouth and you were felt into a dilemma between your own consciousness and your self desire to please Donghyuck and you never had this problem before. You somehow couldn’t help but fall for his deep hypnotising and intense stare tells you how serious he was — he was gravely serious with you. And somehow this was a punishment for you at the same time you feel your stomach twisting with arousal for this humiliation he’s place down on you. He saw you going on your knees in that pretty slim fitting dress of yours hugging at every curve your body has. Donghyuck took the time taking in your beautiful presence. You were indeed beautiful tonight.
Somehow it just irks him more knowing you dressed up this pretty for a stupid party, but you couldn’t dress up like this to meet him?
Your face comes closer to his shoe hesitantly moving. Your face moved back and forth as if you were at a tug of war between yourself. You couldn’t make a decision if you should do it or not do it. Donghyuck grew tired of your double game and he pressed his foot closer on your lips.
The shoe was thick and black. Leather. It was shiny and you could just see the way his beautiful long legs were stretching to your face he was starting to become impatient.
“Go on,” He urges you darkly. “Suck on it like you suck on my cock you whore.”
And you did it.
As much as it was embarrassing to put away the mental image of your mouth sucking on the tip of his shoe letting all your wet saliva and drool coating it you occasionally glance up seeing Donghyuck’s expression darken as if he was enjoying this so much you could tell he has an evil intent behind those black eyes of his watching you so intensely suck on the leather shoe. And like that he wraps behind his hands on your hair rounding it in a ponytail so he could watch how clearly your tongue pushes on the surface of the leather tip. Your tongue smoothens the surface and you found yourself moaning around his shoe shape when Donghyuck’s eyebrows tighten putting his foot down on your throat.
The humiliation you feel is so real it shakes you up making you nervous knowing you’re here sucking on your bully’s shoe just so you could get on his good side and he knew this was a punishment for you but he also knows how much you love him being this way which is why, he feels like it’s okay to do this, to see you break down and to see you becoming his little puppet for his all desires. The diary was enough proof he found out to know how fucked you are. And you don’t dare deny it either. Instead you continue to lick his shoe clean not leaving a spot on it that’s not been done and fixed by your reddish tongue. He swore he could see you imagining this on his precious cock that you so worship and crave.
He’s going to have his fun with you now,
“That’s it.” Donghyuck says with long singing trail on his voice. He saw a shiver sent down your back and goosebumps reappear on your skin as you hear him speak to you.
He loves the effect his words have on you. “You’d do anything to get back on my good side won’t you? Because you love how mean I can be to you.” He answered for you. He knows you all too well.
He has you figured out from the moment he read your secret diary. All the filth you dream to do with him. To him. Him to do to you. Everything.
You choke between the leather shoe folds and he suddenly pulls back on your hair that he created a ponytail round his fist. He saw the dirt and the drool going down your chin making you look ten times more pathetic as well as your half eye lidded open on your face shows how much you were enjoying this a lot more than you anticipated, licking and sucking on his shoe. Cleaning it up until there was nothing else.
He gravely denies anything he feels for you, but when he sees you like this he cannot deny it any longer than you are looking desirable. To hurt. To corrupt.
You’re nothing but his toy. His pet to please him. His toy when he wants something to play with.
“Take a look at yourself,” he growls. “Dirty girl. You claim to be so innocent but you’re so wrong for that.” Donghyuck drops your head leaving your long locks along and then staring at you.
You close your mouth into a thin line as he reprimanded you. All the time.
“Be a good pet now and fuck on yourself, on the drool on my shoe.” He demands.
You didn’t even hesitate anymore because you’re just so broken now and in the submission he put you in you have no choice left to deny him and his requests. No matter how morally wrong it is. He wants you to fuck his shoe and you did exactly that when your thighs spread open. Your slim short and fitting dress made this look ten times more appealing to Donghyuck knowing you wore panties underneath. The wetness on the shoe that came from your mouth was warm and when it contacts on your clothed clit it creates a warm moan coming out your lips and Donghyuck stands still watching you jump up and down on his leg.
You’re humping him dry but even so you grew so far wet between your panties quickly and you know this by now. Donghyuck has the special effect on making you wet beyond anything else you’ve experienced he just does anything attractive to your eyes. The way you’re moaning out shamelessly losing your own moral authority. You just didn’t care about anything else but pleasing Donghyuck. To make him forgive you for not choosing him over that stupid party because you know — deep inside he is still upset over that decision you made. He should be your first choice. First priority. First to be on your mind. That’s how it should be to Donghyuck. “You’re nothing but a bitch in heat.” He claims.
You wish you could say no that’s not right. It’s not correct. It’s not the truth.
But you found yourself liking the way he degrades you. And you feel ashamed that you do, because the more he disrespects you the more you find yourself getting turned on.
Your moans were a response he loves seeing and he doesn’t need words he just needs you moaning senselessly until your voice breaks and you lose it all. Maybe that will teach you on not speaking back to him, he thought. He should just make you lose your voice and have you scream his name all night until you start getting the whole point across here that he isn’t a second option.
He’s the only choice you have.
“It feels… so good…!” Your hands rug the fingertips on his jeans that he is wearing. They tightly embrace all his long legs he has and you swear he might be ninety percent legs and the rest would be everything else. You always loved that however, his body proportions were admirable and heavenly to gaze upon from the lower angle you could just see the perfect perching harden bulge in his jeans and your hands squeezing the thighs because of how much pleasure was doing to your body simply dry humping the shoe between your thighs and legs. You love the more he purposely touches the leather tip on your clip and stomps on it you found yourself moaning more.
‘You’re such a masochist’ ,Donghyuck thought.
“May I come..?” You breathlessly ask him as you feel your heart race quicken because of how close you were to becoming undone right there and then. You didn’t want to even ask but you knew you had to. Donghyuck was the one in control and it shows how well you’re starting to get it in your small air brain that he is in control.
He looks at you thinking if he should let you. But then he mockingly tells you, “Go on then. It’s the only thing you’re good at.” He said it so cruelly. The only thing you’re good at?
He saw you as a cum bucket nothing else.
You feel your voice squeak as you let out a wave of orgasm rush thought your body and you were simply creaming your panties so much it would leak out of your panties and get on his leather shoes. It made a mess. Even your flooring was now leaking with your orgasm bodily liquid you produced. He swore he grew harder in his pants knowing you were such a mess now and he hasn’t even fucked you. It’s been you doing the fucking job.
You really are down bad for him and you let him know by acting like this.
He wasn’t done with you. Donghyuck wasn’t done with showing you what happens when you treat him like the way you did today and he’s about to show you why you should not do so exactly. In the future he won’t be as nice as he’s being to you now. If by any chance in the future you would do this again he will do a lot of things without question to you and you won’t be left without much choice. He could really lose it and he’s holding you accountable for it. Right now you feel your face grabbed between his hand and squeezing it he grabs you by your neck later pushing you on the stairs. He spreads your legs and he starts to play his fingers in and out of the remaining cum in your cream pussy.
He darkly taunts. “Look at you enjoying this.” He can’t help but think you love pissing him off with the way your body was reacting. “I bet you wanted to upset me on purpose didn’t you?” He said watching you and you bite your lip shaking your head.
“N-no…” you reply to him quietly. You were so timid right now and the way you can’t believe your body was betraying you like this.
He scoffs not believing you at all. “Don’t lie to me Y/n. It will only get worse for you from here on if you do.”
You murmur. “I did not.”
Donghyuck saw you answer back and he raised an eyebrow finding this awfully amusing. If you didn’t you wouldn’t be enjoying this as much as you are now.
“Look at me.”
He brings his hand forward softly slapping your cheek to make you look at him as he saw you were avoiding to meeting his eyes when he tried to speak to you. The slaps he gave on your cheek were both small and weak but they did leave a stinging sensation on your cheek which surprised you. Somehow you let out an unanticipated moan as he slaps you and it shocks you to know you moaned at it. You really are a masochist.
Donghyuck darkly grins watching you moan as he slapped your face and he hums tauntingly once more. He was so condescending you weren’t sure if he was joking or if he was serious.
You finally look up at him.
“You really are the worst of the worst Y/n. You say I’m the biggest Lowlife.” He trails laughing now as he unbuckled his lower clothing letting the jeans fall to the ankles. He’s about to fuck you on your stairs whether you like it or not is up to your discretion. But it looks like there won’t be a bed today for you or for him. Donghyuck wants to take you right here and now.
The stairs were an absolute disaster to do this activity as you were simply struggling to stay still and up enough to angle your body correctly in the position however Donghyuck shown no care for this other than fucking you completely out. He continues to speak as he pauses when his cock slowly aligned to your pussy that’s letting out the remaining bodily liquid you wet his shoes over with. “But I think you are the biggest lowlife here between me and you.”
To him you were even worse than he is because you’re enjoying this. You’re not stopping him. You’ve not told him to stop and even if you didn’t he would know when to do so. But you never once, asked and questioned the things he does to you. It’s like you are the hidden Lowlife who hides that they actually are. Ironically you’ve been saying Donghyuck is one. When it might be you all alone.
“But don’t you worry,” He says babying you in such a fake and sweet tone that makes your brain melt away. “Your secrets safe with me. Just like your stupid diary will be forever with me.”
You close your eyes at the forging pleasure he is causing your lower body to take in and become his literal usable flashlight. You were a toy that he would use and use and never get tired of because you’re the most unpredictable person he ever met. He’s never expected you to grow into such an innocent face but become such a lustful soul he could ever gaze upon on meeting paths with.
Donghyuck can’t deny that you out of all people he’s glad it’s you that he found the diary from. Because he wouldn’t have been enjoying his time breaking you every single time you and him do this. He blames you for getting him so addicted to hurting you like this and even so, you still have those romantic feelings for him.
It’s starting to rub off on him too.
Ramming into your pussy he didn’t leave a moment where his pace shows a time of stopping or slowing he was just so rough and straightforward with you perhaps because he’s trying to make this seem as a punishable offence from what you’ve done. He hasn’t forgotten what you’re here for. But then again you find yourself losing control and eventually you’re melting under him with the heat growing on your face and your voice was raising up with each octave you have. He made sure to have you screaming his name before he will fill you up.
Or maybe he won’t fill you up today.
Donghyuck’s dark eyes glisten with lust for you and he saw your expressions with the way your eyebrows furrow together and press together and the way your face rests on his nape as he keeps thrusting inside you with his thick cock stretching you wide enough you couldn’t get even on the ground of the stairs. You were sliding off them occasionally and you tried your best to remain seated still for him as you didn’t want your owner to hold you accountable for disobeying him. The least thing you want is to upset Donghyuck again.
And somehow you found yourself viewing him as your owner the more you do this with him.
He groans when he’s super close and he sees you holding right onto him. Donghyuck must’ve lost his mind a little a while ago because when he saw you pressing your forehead on his shoulder spewing out your tears he couldn’t help but press harder finding your tears to be arousing.
He’s getting turned on by your cries now, and somehow Donghyuck felt an overwhelming sense of urgency to finish and check on you. This wasn’t like him to be able to finish quickly just so he could check if you’re okay. But then again you were starting to rub on him with your ridiculous feelings.
He pulls out before he released and then quickly wanks his heavenly cock in front of you to stain your black fitting dress with his white remains. You pull back resting there panting as your eyes were streaming tears down your cheek.
And you could see a soften gaze as he watches you silently. At first you found it awkward when he’s watching you with a softer and slightly kinder expression than before. Usually he didn’t spare you a second glance and he would focus on changing and then he dips away from you the moment he orgasms. But now he isn’t showing signs of leaving and he watches your tears dribbling down your face and on your thighs and dress.
There was something so different about Donghyuck now as he asks you quietly but very firmly showing he was serious.
He stares at you as he spoke. “Do you still love a Lowlife like me?”
And your heart skips a beat as he was questioning your feelings for him.
“Yes.” You faintly reply.
He looks away from you still in disbelief but now his heart was racing away from your answer. How can you still like him? He’s only been so insufferable to you for years now and you’re here still with your feelings remaining the same.
No matter what he does, you’re going to love him.
He scoffs out with conducing laugh. “You’re nothing but entertainment for me you do know that? The only reason I’m keeping you around is for your body.”
You stare at him raising your eyebrows. Even if that may be true you can’t help but think he was feeling something for you few minutes ago. You swear you saw his eyes change and soften when watching you earlier.
Donghyuck saw your silence and he stands up pulling up his jeans and buckling back the belt on. “I don’t expect you to care.” He states. “Because you’re only a whore who would do anything to open their legs for me.”
“But please,” He throughly states as he walks to the door opening it for himself now so he could leave in a matter of time. When he turns to you he looks back at you with more coldness than you could imagine. “If you cross over to my bad side again, I can’t say I warned you.”
“I won’t be as lenient with you as I was today.” He told you and you feel your brain shiver from just imagining what he could do to you. “I’ll show you how much of a Lowlife I can be if you do double cross me again.”
And it’s a promise he will keep.
Leaving you nothing but alone on your stairs alone, fucked out and stained with his load on your pretty dress as he slams the door shut. His words leaving a cold mark on your heart.
‘How much longer can I love a lowlife like him?’ You thought to yourself.
@onyourhyuck please refer from translating and copyright my work thank you. Reblog this fic and follow me for more if you want more updates it helps a girl out<33
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"It's Been Almost A Year." Leslie Vernon X GN! Final/Survivor Reader.
I missed Leslie. I rewatched BTM today and got this out. I hope you are all into it, not much else to say but this was fun as fuck to do. Enjoy it!
Rating. Somewhat NSFW. Length. 2.8K. Leslie Vernon X GN! Final/Survivor Reader. No Pronouns Specified. Warnings: Slasher/Final Person Relationship. Breaking And Entering. Complex Emotions. Hard Feelings. Reader Is Traumatised And Confused And Mad. Leslie Being Leslie. Stalking. Mentions Of Violence And Gore. Choking. Softness. Grinding. Implied Hate Fucking. Praise.
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You had a long day and frankly were quite exhausted. Dinner was quick and dirty, made in a rush and eaten early, after leaving the dishes to soak, you retreated to your bed. 
The sheets are fresh and soft, you are stripping off your pants and hoodie before you are sliding into the welcoming comfort. The bedroom is dark save for the flickering light of your tv. You had put on a movie, not wanting to sleep quite yet. You have a steaming mug of tea on your bedside table and are curled up, the t-shirt, underwear and socks you have on are more than enough to keep you cosy and warm. You settle further into the multiple layers of your sheets and comforter and throw blankets with a pleased sigh. Fall is here in full force and you are feeling it. The temperature is cold but you can't feel it right now, nor can you resist having the window cracked so you can hear the rain falling outside.
You really didn’t mean to fall asleep so early. You were just so thoroughly relaxed and so tuckered out from the day's events it just kind of happens. The dvd’s menu was on loop, the gentle music from it playing quietly, it is raining harder, but that isn’t what is the main concern at the moment, no the biggest thing taking your attention is that you apparently are no longer alone in your bed. The body next to you is warm, arms around you are strong, the smell hits and it makes your stomach drop. You know that smell, intimately. You remember the night you smelt it for the first time. Rain and damp soil, sweat, musk, apples and more, the whiff you got filled your nose during your struggle, one of his hands in your hair, the other one he was using, attempting to embed his sickle into your body. 
The smell haunted you.
Permeated your nightmares and now it was in your bed. Were you having a nightmare? A really convincing one, you start to try and move, the arms hold you tighter, snaking closer, the grip is firm and you hear a hum followed by him shhhing you, “Hey, hey, no need to get up.” 
Your eyes open, the light from the tv is still covering the room in its low and easy glow, your tea is cold, the temperature has dropped and even with the window open it now feels like all the air has been sucked out of the room. 
“Leslie.” You breathe it out, terrified and he responds just a hair louder than you do, “Yes?”
A hard swallow, the terror is thick, it weighs on you, as if a person is sitting on your chest with their whole weight and you ask, “What are you doing in my bed?” 
“You don’t sound happy to see me.” You don’t like or appreciate the deflection. You frown deeply and you force out, “No, I’m not.”
The silence stretches between you, music from the tv and rain from outside intermingling, your heart is hammering in your chest, sweat is making your clothes start to stick to your skin. How the fuck are you going to get out of this? You hadn’t seen him since that night and now he was in your bed, all over you, wrapped around you, threatening to suffocate you with his presence alone. Your mind is screaming at you to do something, get out, run away but to where? You are barely dressed, it’s pouring rain outside, he is stronger and faster, he could have a concealed weapon. 
Endless questions, no answers, you can’t make an informed decision yet. For now you are stuck. Helpless. You have to wait this out.
“I missed you, okay? I was feeling lonely tonight.” 
A guy, no, not a guy, not a man, don’t think of him in human terms, a monster like him gets lonely? The idea of it is strange. Your mind thinks of him in other scenarios, of him doing regular daily life things, cooking, laundry, paying bills and it just doesn’t feel right. It is like your mind refuses to accept it, the idea that someone like him is out in the world, and doing any of those things is so against all you believe that you reject the concept. It serves to turn your stomach. You don’t like lingering on it because it means that any number of people out there that you see in a day could be just like him, a murderer lurking under the surface.
There are only ever thoughts of him in the context of that night, of that killer persona, permanently tied to that, irrevocably damaging your perception of him, tainting it thoroughly. It was as if he didn’t exist, not really, not to you anyway, even though he stalked and followed you for God knows how long before you were not aware of him until very soon before that night almost a year ago, it was like he was simply blipped into existence for those hours of torment and tore away right afterwards. Ripped from the fabric of reality but you were still left with the aftermath, the memories, left with nightmares and trauma, with scars and fear that never truly left. 
You had been doing okay, for a short while but with the year anniversary encroaching you were scared shitless of what it could mean. Would he make a return, force you into a “sequel”? You feared some huge or grand reveal, dramatic and massive but not this, you never expected this, to wake up on an average night, less than a month out from the anniversary with him in your fucking bed. This is arguably so much worse. 
Your one real remaining safe space has been invaded by him. You think if you make it out alive that maybe you should burn the fucking mattress and buy a new one. Move somewhere else, far away, a different country, maybe you could go to Canada? It’s similar enough, isn’t it?
Mind has been running so quickly that when you respond to him it is only about thirty seconds later, “You know they have hotlines you can call for that problem, right?”
He laughs, he is so close you feel the rumble of it in his chest against your back, “Like any of them can be a substitute for you. Hilarious.” He says it in such a sweet tone, as if you are old friends or you suppose in this case, with how he is holding you while between the sheets, lovers. “Being with you is much more stimulating. No phone sex jockey could ever hope to imitate what we have.”
You are stuck on that, on him saying “what we have”. What the fuck did you have? You guessed you and he had a relationship truly unlike any other you have with anyone else but-
“I’ve been thinking about you for so long, planning out our next meeting, following you, watching you, but tonight, it just became too much, you know?” 
He is talking so much. You aren’t used to it. When he was masked up he was so quiet, barely made a sound even during your fight.
He is moving, propping up on one elbow, his other arm still around you, keeping you to him as he says, “I saw you get into bed and at first it was okay. I just watched the movie you had on through the window, it was good, like I was watching it WITH you.” 
His hand turns your face, the contact makes a chill run up your spine and you see him for the first time since that night but it’s different. When he had that mask off his features were streaked with makeup, twisted with anger and hate, malice, deep and method into his killer self. Now he is clean, bare faced, and he is looking down at you with what you could only really pinpoint as warmth, care, affection. How can he look at you like that after hurting you so much? Or is it because he wounded you so deeply that he could?
That night back then, his eyes looked black, lost in the smudgy rings of grease paint like you couldn’t tell where he began and the facade ended, but now in the low light you see that they are brown. His eyes are brown. You don’t know how to feel about that, about any of this.
“But then the movie ended and I went back to just watching you. So unaware I was here, sleeping so soundly.” His brow is creased, lips parted, he is studying you, as if he cannot believe that he is in your bed as much as you can’t. “I just wondered, why am I waiting around? Why am I not in there with you?”
His thumb is running down over your cheekbone and you squirm, “You make me reckless, I want to rush, abandon previously carefully laid plans to be near you. It’s a compulsion.”
The softness of how he says his words combined with the action wakes you up out of the apparent trance you were under, reminding you of just how awful and wrong this all was. “Leslie. Stop. You can’t do this.”
“Why not?” He asks quietly and you feel the anger break through the terror, feel it boil and you exclaim, struggling against him, “Because it’s fucked up!” 
You say it so loudly but he doesn’t flinch, as if expecting you to lash out. 
“This is all supremely fucked up! You-you tried to kill me almost a year ago, you nearly gut me, split me from end to end and now you are back an-and in my room, holding me, saying all this sentimental crap, it-it’s so fucked up. I don’t know how I am supposed to react, what am I meant to do?!”
Quiet falls again after your small rant. You are heaving, shaking slightly. You have no idea what his response will be but it isn’t what he says next, “What do you want from me?”
You feel tired. Heavy. Exasperated, You answer. “For you to leave me alone.” 
He scoffs, a roll of his eyes. “That isn’t going to happen.”
You want to cry, you squirm again, urgency renewed by his omission and you asked frantically, “Why not?!” 
His hand, the same one that was lovingly stroking your face a minute ago is on your throat, holding you down, it makes you stop instantly. He leaned down closer, “Because, honey, sweetheart, we are meant to be in each other's lives until one of us dies and further than that, whoever is left is meant to be haunted by the other.”
You hang off every word because you have no other choice. The helpless and captive audience as he expounds, “Even if I were to humour your request, leave you be, you know just as well as I do you would never truly be free of me.” 
His other arm is moved, he is still resting on his elbow but his hand is free, fingers pass feather light over your forehead, a stark contrast from how firmly he was holding your throat. “I live in that pretty little head. I’ve set up camp and ‘M never leaving. I permanently changed you just like you did to me. It’s mutual.”
Mutual. As if anything you could have done to him is in any way comparable to what he has done to you. He is sick, twisted, disgusting. You hate him. You hate how he is right. You just know that even if he fucked off forever you would still check the backseat of your car before getting in it, would still not want to be out after dark, would still have the nightmares and fear that he’d come back. He would still rule your thoughts, control and dictate your life even if he is absent from it. There was no true coming back from what he put you through. 
The innocence is gone.
“I know you feel it too, feel different after that night, a new version of you. It’s been so difficult watching from afar but not experiencing it up close, I was expecting more of a fight when I did this but to be fair, I did get the drop on you. This is usually ol Kruegers MO, not mine.” 
He stops himself to wonder out loud and amused, “Do you think he’d mind me borrowing it?”
“I don’t care! I don’t fucking care about your weird murderous friends Vernon-” You bite out and he ignores what you say and he is back on you, eyes flick back down, grip tightens, steals your breath, “I have to admit though, this is nice. This is what I really want, the ultimate goal.”
Ultimate goal? Isn’t the ultimate goal to kill you? Where is he going with this? 
“I want you to accept and come to terms with the fact that you’re mine”
Accept? Come to terms with? He talks like it is already done and decided, written in stone, immovable.
He reads the confusion in your gaze and fills in the blank, “Because you are already mine.” 
That makes the anger return full force, he smiles, wicked and twisted, “Like it or not we are bonded together.” 
You didn’t like it. 
He told you more, that you lived under his skin, occupied his waking days and sleepless nights, pushed him in his work more and more and during this, the movements were subtle. He was totally on top of you now. Propped up on one hand, his other one still around your throat, slotted between your legs, minute movements of his hips and your breath catches. His grip loosens, the blankets and sheets have pooled near your hips, your shirt has ridden up during his forced cuddle session with you, his eyes are down and you don’t need to guess where he is looking.
You know, you can feel his gaze resting on the scar he gave you, the sharp and jagged line that took almost twenty stitches to close up. You gave him a similarly gruesome and terrible wound but his was not on display right now. You feel exposed by this fact, naked and vulnerable, the brutality he inflicted on you on display but his is hidden away. It feels weirdly poetic. The rolling of his hips is more bold, you are painfully aware of how into this he is and how little you are wearing, worse still, you have to contend with the unwanted heat coiling low, making your skin feel hot. 
You hate him, you hate him, you hate him.
That is what you keep on repeating in your mind, but when he touches you like this, says those sweet fucking things, looks at you and talks about the future, destiny and fate, what you both went through and more it doesn’t feel like you hate him.
He is praising you, his breathing has picked up, “You were fucking beautiful that night. Soaked in sweat and covered in blood, screaming, clawing at me, like a feral animal. I loved watching you become the true you, the best version of you, totally unleashed.”
Your fingers are curling in the sheets, twisting them, focus on that, clenching your fists as you try to keep your expression hateful or at best neutral but you think you are failing as the beginnings of pleasure sink in. Your stomach is taut, thighs tensing around his hips, “You really hurt me, I was in bad shape by the time you were done, worried you might have really gotten me.”
Why did this feel good? Why was this shifting, bleeding, turning from feeling wrong to feeling right? 
You felt like he saw you, understood you better than anyone else might in this one respect. You had so many people who looked at you after what happened like you were broken, looked at you with pity and sadness and you hated it. 
Leslie looks at you like you are his everything, like you are strong, like you are fully capable and could do anything. Even before this no one looked at you like that and it is becoming more and more clear with every passing day no one will ever look at you like that. 
Except for him. 
You hate that you like being seen this way so much and hate that he is the one who is giving this to you. 
Between the friction, his words, and everything else, you break. You grind back and breathe out how you were desperately trying to convince yourself you felt, clinging to the emotions that plagued you for the past months, vocalizing it through gritted teeth, “I fucking hate you.” 
That makes him grin again, like he loves to hear that, as if it is music to his ears, a fundamental and unshakeable truth of the universe itself. “I know you do.” 
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Ooh ijust finished season 1 and here are all my thoguths. Do not expect coherency I went to sleep at 3am last night
Nothing good ever happened. I cannot remember a single good thing that happened that immediately didn't go to shit. I'm usually all for angst but at one point it will get tiring.
The writing itself was quite good, but something they sort of used as a crutch is pogo. Whenever a character came to a realization and was confused, pogo always came in like "I think I can explain". After one point it was just funny. Half of the plot wouldn't have happened if after reggie's death pogo had sat everyone down and caught everyone up to speed. The fucking apocalypse wouldn't have come.
Speaking of which- I knew from episode 6 onwards that they will fail. Not even for a second did I believe these fucktarts could be competent enough to stop the fucking apocalypse. I was right. I don't think this is a bad thing tho- I was kind of tired of guaranteed happy endings anyway. This wasn't a bad ending, because technically they all survived, but it wasn't certainly successful. It was just an ending.
Another thing I loved was Ben's character. I knew quite a lot about the show before watching it so I knew there was a brother who was dead already, but I didn’t expect to see him, which was nice. Its funny to think that there were times where all 7 siblings were together and didn't realize it. I also love the trope of a character speaking to voices/beings/ghosts that others can't see. It's always so fun
The acting was also a highlight. Obviously I love klaus and his actor's acting with all my heart, but I think the best performance was five's. First of all, his actor was really young, and young actors taking on a big role is always impressive. Secondly, his role was complicated. It wasn't a 13yo boy, it was a 13yo boy with 58 years of experience. And his portrayal of five really did that justice. Five is a hardened mean old man and I really appreciate the show not shying away from treating him like one. With shows like sherlock, where the protagonist is also a kind of a shitty person, I get the feeling we're supposed to look at that like a silly quirk, not an actual flaw. Did not get that feeling here at all. In fact, all of the characters are kind of bad people and I LOOVEEE that. Seriously. I fucking love it when people are people and do shitty things.
Oh yeah and another performance I loved was Grace's. Her role was unique as well, because it's difficult to portray someone who is not human (especially when the actor herself is human), but who is made to appear and act human. You're a human pretending to be a robot pretending to be a human.
Going back to the topic of this show not being scared of bad people and bad things- I really admire this show's audacity to casually send klaus to war. I love how it was shown. Like. We see klaus open the suitcase and disappear, and later in the episode he reappears shaking and clearly distraught. Okay. He saw something he shouldn't have. And then it turns out he spent 10 months in 1968 Vietnam. And they don't move on from it. I think other shows would've sent him to war for like a day at most and then moved on from it or turn it into a joke, especially considering how we we weren't shown that he went there, just that he got back from there. Ykwim? Like usually these things that are such major events in a character's life get shown, but here they didn't show it and I think that's genius because then you get the feeling of "lol where'd he go. Oh he went to war. Oh okay he's a bit traumatised. Oh shit. Oh SHIT-" you just sort of gradually start understanding the severity of what he experienced. And the others don't question it? Fucking love that. Like "Yeah, he's our brother. Yeah he went to war for 10 months in Vietnam :/ Yeah he's a traumatised war vet :/"
I also have to mention that everyone just accepted that five's girlfriend is a mannequin.
Uhh what else fuck I forgor
Oh yeah might be a controversial opinion, but I don't mind the "incest." First of all- it's fiction. But even then it's like the most ethical version of incest out there. They're both consenting adults with literally no age gap, they're not related in any way, and imho they were barely raised as siblings. Like yes they see eachother as siblings (like the 6 of them) but their mom was a robot and dad was barely a father. They didn't have a childhood. I don't necessarily ship any of the siblings together tho. I think they hate each other too much.
Another thing I noticed is that this show *loves* it's song montages. Ther wasn't a single episode where they randomly started playing a song where the lyrics didn't even fit the situation that much while they. Fight or something. I thought that was kinda funny. Unserious. Even.
Which brings me to my next point, which is how disconnected from reality this show is, superpowers set aside. The visuals are very illustration like and they make some really interesting choices. It's set in 2019 but no one has cell phones or modern cars. Reginald is apparently from the victorian era?? And the composition of some shots is also somewhat wes anderson-like. Which is to say I loved the visuals of this show. They understand that not everything had to make sense or be explained. More often than not audiences are willing to go along with most things as long as the show itself doesn't question it. People don't ask for explanation for things you haven't pointed out need an explanation. All their previous nannies looked very 1910s but I won't question it if the show won't mention it.
Coming back to the characters I think the ones I enjoyed the least were Luther and Diego because even though I get their motivations, I just personally don't like them all that much. As people not as characters. They're very believable as emotionally stuck manchildren. One of my favourites that I haven't already mentioned are Hazel and the handler btw. Hazel is just so loveable and sympathetic and the handler would punch me in the face so of course I love her. She's a woman with light hair and a smoking habit. That's all my type is tbh.
Anyway I think that's all for now. As a number rating I'd give this season a "misery is all that remains" out of ten because happiness only exists in fanfiction I guess. Feel free to send death threats over me justifying incest or whatever. Or just tell me your own opinions. Whatever the fuck. My head hurts.
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lilac-den · 8 months
I hope you don't mind and if you'd feel like it, you could entertain me a little. ROs scenario ask incoming, for both series. But first, a little explanation where it comes from.
So, ever since last weekend started, I've been dealing with a big headache made by a toothache. and only today I finally have a dentist appointment. I'm tired from five days of barely sleeping, taking a little too much strong painkillers, and overall feeling dizzy and just too much, as well as being nervous as hell, since the last dentist visit I had (a few years ago) left me a little traumatised. I had a wisdom tooth removed waaay sooner than anesthesia kicked in (basically, I started feeling numb only after getting home). it hurt so much I left the dentist crying, with some adults looking at me like I'm crazy and kids looking scared. and I might be lucky the dentist didn't take it against me when I was so close to touch them myself (in attempt to take their hands off of me). so, today I wouldn't mind some little... fluff? comfort? anything, really, as I'm already standing in a store choosing my comfort plushie for today. (I may be 25 this year but I'm also adult enough to admit I need it).
anyway, the scenario? lets say MC is dealing with all that: a cheek so swollen they look like a hamster, toothache so big it leaves them either crying or dozing off in between, dizziness both from pain and as little (or as much) food they were able to get. add to that that little bit of trauma/being scared of dentists. and for whatever reason they need to wait a few days before meeting with a dentist. how would ROs help them, maybe comfort them in meantime? especially if all that could make even the calmest, kindest of MCs snap a little? (and they'd apologize either right after or once the pain is gone, depending on MC character)? 🥺
It's a bit rough for me to write answers for ROs from both series (cuz it's a lot) but I'll try my best XD
Pls try not to send me asks of both series at once though. It's a bit much for me 😢
(But I'm sorry to hear about your dentist visit ;u; if it helps - I never got to visit the dentist till about a year or two ago for the first time and jesus fuck was it a disgusting experience ._. I'm just glad my dentist was patient and informative) [And no judgement here - pretty sure being an adult means you got to have a horde of plushies if anything XD]
Zeus: They'll treat MC like how you would treat a feral pet: Carefully and slowly approach them from the rear. XD But for real, they would start learning a whole new system for this rare event to get the pattern worked out.
Zeus wouldn't feel like MC needed to apologize - in fact, they had fun discovering this new side of MC.
Hermes: As someone who has medical knowledge and experience in the medical practice...Even they agree that dentistry sucks. But Hermes, while they would be pretty peeved about getting snapped at, is pretty up-to-date MC's state and understands the pain MC is in isn't their fault (that, and they know better than anyone that the snappy words MC said were out of the pain from the toothache, not from Hermes themselves). But mark my words, they'll be the ones to record MC being under loopy world from the dentist procedures of putting patients under anaesthesia with their phone and then show it to MC when they apologize to Hermes.
Dionysus: They'll be fretting so much - and also be sensitive with MC's mood, trying their best to not overstep anywhere. They would be the most comforting presence, but they'll also end up walking on eggshells around MC in fear of accidentally pissing them off. ^^"
Moment MC apologizes tho, Dionysus would relax and reassure MC that it's fine.
Ares: They're the most steady presence for MC but they're also not afraid of replying back to MC's snappy tone - just in a more of 'yes, dear, whatever you say' sort of manner (not in a careless one, but more like a spouse that's just so used to chaotic shit that this is their new normal XD) But Ares would go instinctive, protective mode of sorts - MC feels some discomfort? Ares tries to find out what's causing it then adjust it till MC is satisfied. MC's feeling dizzy? Ares ends up picking MC up to either let them rest on the bed or, if MC wants to, let them cuddle against them on Ares's lap.
Dolos: Huh...Kinda hard to picture how Dolos would do. Farthest I get is that they would already have things prepared, like they know MC just before MC asked - at least, stuff that's part of MC's routine/common choice of comfort/relief.
Maverick: Considering his ability to wield ice, he's the endless supply of ice packs for your swollen cheek! He'll personally tend to MC too - at least, until the staff had to convince him of the paperwork and stuff that's been piling up, which Maverick would work on it if it seems like he's suffocating MC a bit too much.
Rydigan: Unlike Maverick, he's gonna end up being attentive and maybe overprotective? I can picture MC being both exasperated but also nostalgic about Rydigan fretting over them.
Ittania: She'll help out if MC asks for it - not because she's uncaring (far from it!) but because she trusts MC to know what they need. Only time she'll put a hand in is if MC tries to do something that they shouldn't do in their condition - basically a limiter for them?
Enid: Hrm...She'll probs be pissed if the doctors try to do the procedure before the anaesthesia even kicked in, an amateur mistake since the House of Scales is known for having the best knowledge of medicines, including how long it takes for the anaesthesia to kick in for both susceptible or resistant to it. You can imagine her picking a fight with the doctors who's dumb enough to remove MC's wisdom tooth without the anaesthesia (even when MC tells her that it's not that bad, given how high MC's pain tolerance is).
Then...I guess she tries her best to care MC? (Tho she's pretty bad at this, so Ittania would take notice and try to help her when she can XD)
Thank you for the ask!
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dynamite124 · 7 months
I have questions!!! Or just one to be exact.
I've a character who's not necessarily the dragonborn, but I do play her in Skyrim- she's a Redguard who's parents died in a Dominion attack since yanno, they're probably real pissed that Hammerfell is one of the only places to successfully fight back Dominion and Thalmor influence and invasion-
Anyway what would be his reaction to her being just so fucking anti-Dominion and traumatised by the events that she gives a whole (very tearful) rant about how 'your kind' ruined her life and how she's 'all too happy to show you the same pain you did to my parents' when she meets Tally. Like how would he convince her to spare him?
Also bonus question. If they did somehow end up travelling together, how would he feel about her joining the Stormcloaks purely out of her hatred for the Dominion, which now extends to the Empire for allying with them?
Sorry if these questions are too heavy! I'm just curious how he would resolve the situation of their initial meeting and all that.
This is a tricky one.
When the player meets Taliesin, he's not expecting to be met with friendly arms. He's hostile to the player at the start because he's literally backed into a corner, he's expecting to be put down. That's why when the player decides to help him, he's caught off guard. He expected that moment to be his last because everyone he's met that wasn't in the Thalmor has been hostile to him.
He's use to hostility. Being patient and caring is new.
So your character giving him a rant and being "You did this, you deserve this, how dare you kill my family" would just be met with the rolling of eyes. They wouldn't be the first to say this to him and probably not the last.
He's not there to change minds. So their insults and backlash towards him wouldn't be heard. He'd respond with:
"So is this how you're going to kill me? By talking my ear off? If that's your tactic than I'm afraid Elenwen is far more talented at that this this pitiful attempt."
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ghostscrown · 11 months
Randomly written ramble about LiS2 endings alert ;-; (that was initially about the Redemption ending only but then I extended it to all of the endings lmao)
The fact that, in order to get the Redemption ending, Daniel needs to have a good moral. That means not, or barely, doing anything wrong for the whole game. So when you get this ending, Sean didn't kill or hurt anyone, didn't steal anything, did absolutely nothing wrong except when he literally didn't have a choice – and the wrong things are like. Working illegally because he was homeless, running away because he was wrongly accused of murder and stealing a car because he needed to find his missing 9 years old brother. This is literally the path where you do the less wrong things in the whole game. But Sean still gets to spend 15 YEARS in jail because he was accused of a murder he didn't commit, but he didn't want to tell the truth about the accident to protect Daniel.
This is the ending where he gets 15 years of his youth stolen from him when he didn't do anything wrong. Pure injustice from the beggining to the end. I'm not joking when I tell you the Redemption ending makes me cry even more than the Lone Wolf one. Because like. The Lone Wolf one. He dies. After a while I can get over it, like... I know he dies in this one, already cried about it a couple of times, now I'm used to this ending. But the Redemption one ? Seeing the cutscene makes me cry every single time, no matter how many times I watch it.
It's just so sad because. Daniel still has a chance to get a normal life again, but if he does, he'll never be truly happy since Sean is in jail – and in the Parting Way ending, he'll be watched by autorities for his whole life since they know about his powers so it's not even a normal life. But Sean ? He just can't ever have a normal life ever again. It's prison, death, or leaving forever.
And like. In every ending, you can see they have regrets. "What if we had another ending". That's why I don't really like when people try to force their favorite ending into being "the best one", "the true one" or "the only right one" because it's literally not. They're going to regret it anyway. They seem sad in all of the endings. It's not like the other LiS where you can see the characters are confident in their final choices. Sean and Daniel aren't. In any of the endings. Especially Daniel, as we can see. He looks sad about his own choices anyway.
Lone Wolf ? "What if I listened to Sean and surrended. He would still be alive."
Redemption ? "What if we didn't surrender. We would live in Mexico together and Sean wouldn't be traumatised after having 15 years of his life taken away for nothing."
Parting Ways ? "What if I didn't jumped out of the car. I would be with Sean right now instead of never seeing him again. I wouldn't have to wear an electronic bracelet for the rest of my life."
Blood Brothers ? "What if we surrended. I would have a normal life right now. Seeing Chris and my grandparents and my mom again."
Like. To me personally, Redemption and Lone Wolf are the worst possible outcomes, and Blood Brothers is my favorite. But really, these are only personal preferences about what YOU would want in this situation, because all of the endings are bad endings anyway. Their lives are fucked up forever because random events with random people led to random accidents, and nothing can change that ever since they can't just go back in time – genius parralel to the first game. And that's just how life goes.
This game destroys me fr
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swanqueensalad · 2 years
A very long, sad deep dive on the Snow & Regina dynamic, post-everything, for anon
snow and regina are best friends. it's very weird. nobody really wants to use that phrase around regina lest she fireball them... snow really really wants to use that phrase all the time (this is their whole dynamic lol u don’t need to read the rest of the post)
i would say it happened naturally, but it really didn't. it happened with a lot of hard work, honesty, effort, dedication to being better from both of them, and then once all of that was done it was natural, it was sort of impossible to be any other way.
because snow and regina have known each other a long time. longer than most people in their family, in their town. and despite everything that happened after, all the tragedy and pain that the adults around them orchestrated, they were once two little girls that should have been friends. little snow idolised regina and looked up to her in every way, the beautiful kind hearted girl who saved her from a horse, and the instinctive bond between them was always there. there was a sisterly relationship there from the start, and i think for regina as a lonely girl with an awful family life, snow was sweet, and refreshing company to have, even if she got in the way sometimes (just like a little sister would).
and then of course everything comes crashing down, and it is snow's fault but it also isn't, because at the end of the day she was just a little girl mourning her own mother, who cora knew exactly how to manipulate.
but i think the reason regina never saw it this way was because she too was very young and sheltered and her worldview was totally limited by cora's abuse: when regina was snow's age, nothing she did would ever be excused by 'but i was a child'. at snow's age, she had to mind everything very carefully because to put one foot wrong was to be punished severely, held 100 percent accountable. i truly believe the reason regina never excused snow for her age is because she was never excused for hers, ever, even as a tiny child, and as a victim of such abuse in such a controlled environment it never would have occurred to her that that was wrong, or even abnormal.
(i believe a big part of regina and snow's relationship healing was regina's worldview shifting as she grew and changed and worked on healing herself, because as she reevaluted the things cora taught her, she can see the world and the past events in a whole new light. this is of course, a hard and complex process that regina is still working on, but ultimately she does come to realise snow was a child who meant no wrong, who only wanted to help, regardless of the outcome. which doesn't make it not her fault, necessarily, but it adds layers she could not accept before)
regina was married to king leopold for a long time. this is something i've spoken about before, but it's still something i think isn't so well understood, purely because the show didn't go into it that much (and i believe it didn't because it would have simply been too dark and uncomfortable for primetime abc. the writers knew the situation they had put themselves in and kept a distance). if snow was about 10 when regina and leopold married, and 18 when he died, that is 8 years. the better part of a decade. that is a long, long time, especially for a grieving, growing, traumatised girl like regina trapped in the most awful environment in which literally every powerful adult around her was brutally using her in one way or another, manipulating and preying on different parts of her trauma, grief and vulnerability. (while her brain was still developing and processing everything that had already happened and she had zero support system, zero outlet for any emotions. like, some of y'all do not understand how fucked up regina is.,, like, think about that. or don't if you don't wanna be sad forever)  
and all the while, the little girl who caused it all sees nothing wrong! no difference in their relationship, to her! except now she wants to call her mother. (even stepmother is bad enough from a girl no more than 8 years younger than you) and thinking about this stage of their relationship is agonizing to me. regina is at princess snow's beck and call, and this hurts because despite everything, she still feels some affection for her, that sisterly love did not die clean with daniel. the hatred and the blame and the fury just go along with it now, except she cannot express one bit of it. she has to smile and play dolls with her like everything is fine.
snow truly, for a few years at least, saw nothing wrong, or at least convinced herself nothing was wrong because her worldview as a well loved princess meant she could easily excuse any questionable things she picked up on. and this is something i think she definitely struggles with later, and even way into her healed post everything relationship with regina. (we talk a lot about regina's guilt and internally never feeling able to atone for it all, but god, snow feels so much guilt for everything regina went through. and i think at some point, they are able to talk about it. not in depth. not in detail. but with very few words, they both understand the depth of meaning and of immense shared pain. regina is not sure what she feels about forgiveness, but she knows she loves snow, and that snow has always loved her. she knows that now they are family, and their time together is lovely, and so she has acceptance at least, if not forgiveness).
i think the moment leopold is dead and snow is out on her own, she starts reconsidering everything. in the last few years she has questioned things a little more, but never let herself really go there, because she has never had to, and why would she when it is so painful? but alone, with her father dead and regina behaving so out of character (or is she, snow wonders), she can't help but look back without the rose tinted lens of her childhood. she remembers things. regina's silences and trembles at the breakfast table. the way she was ignored, sidelined, stared at. the dark circles under her eyes. all those times they had been playing, or walking, and regina seemed to be a million miles away, jolted back to earth only by snow's insistence.
more reluctantly, she thinks about her father and the way he treated her. the way he looked at her. the way he spoke to her (or didn't). spoke about her. the things he must have done. this is something snow still doesn't really process for a long time, because snow idolised her father, but eventually she cannot deny he must have hurt her.
and then there's that episode of season 1 where we get the dialogue 'she thinks i ruined her life' 'did you?' 'yes'. i think bandit snow, processing these things, dealing with a lot of new feelings of anger and pain, started putting two and two together. (but i don't think she fully confronts the real, most awful truth until years later, because she can't.)
i think ultimately the thing that hurts the most about all they went through when they were basically at war was that deep down, they still cared for each other. 'love never left the room' and all that. hatred and pain and fury existed too, overwhelmingly, overpoweringly so, but ultimately they grew up together. (it's just one of them grew up having to 'raise' the other). they still had  memories tined with warmth of horse riding together, walking together.
and so when they do start to heal, (as i believe snow always fiercely hoped they would, deep down), it's not so much that they have to create a relationship but to rebuild and unearth one that was already there, one that never should have been torn down like it was. of course it's tentative at first, but snow never once stopped having hope that one day regina would change and they would find their way back into each others lives. and once the trust is back, the feeling of family, of working together for the same goal and being willing to risk everything protecting each other because of circumstance...
once that's there, it's the other things that re emerge more softly and slowly.
the coffee at granny's. first, a little awkward, a little quiet without emma and david and henry to fill the gaps in conversation. but gradually, they realise they have a lot to talk about, a lot of shared opinions in ways that matter and vastly differing opinions in ways that don't, but are fun to debate.
the parenting advice. the stories regina has to share about henry as a little boy, the grandson whose first ten years snow only ever saw as a school teacher. the way regina helps her learn to care for neal. the passing on to him of henry's saved onesies and blankets.
the silly jokes that gradually start to form between them, against all odds.
the teaming up against david and emma when they suggest something particularly dumb.
the cooking together! snow is hopeless but enthusiastic, regina is skillful and finds it calming, so it becomes a thing.
the clinking wine glasses at family dinners.
the extreme competition on board game nights.
the hugs at the end of the day, which go from being stiff and quick and awkward with pain and memories caught up in every brush of the fingers, to warm and natural as anything.
the way snow is able to sit down with regina when she is caught up in her own thoughts and issues, and give her rational advice from a far more positive and balanced place than regina's brain allows her. the way she is able to hold regina's hand and support her. (it feels like making up for past tragedies. not nearly enough, but it's something.)
the way regina, equally, is able to keep snow grounded and bring her down to earth when she's panicking, the way she can simply and efficiently allow her to talk through her worries and daily struggles, give her space to ramble and talk and be, but also to give her to the point, no nonsense, blunt advice that snow needs and rarely gets anywhere else.
the way that somehow, strangely, against all odds, snow beings mothering regina a little, in a weird turnaround of events that feels more right and more balancing than anything else. the way she holds her hand, looks out for her, checks in with her, gives that kind of advice and reflection. because now it's regina who needs it, and snow who can provide it. because somehow, seamlessly, regina also became her daughter in law, and her relationship with emma is something that brings snow a deep sense of peace, gratitude, warmth. (now regina is truly family in the beautiful way she always was meant to be. now she knows regina and emma will both be cared for, loved, as they deserve. she knows someone will look after regina, someone will ground emma. they will laugh and cry and build a home and life together, a life not too dissimilar from the one with daniel that snow inadvertently stole from regina a long time ago)
i think they do speak about things that have transpired between them, sometimes, when it comes up and one or both of them feel they have to vocalise something. it's never in front of others, even david and emma. some things are entirely between the two of them, and nobody else will understand, or needs to.
they speak softly, respectfully, giving each other space and quiet validation. sometimes they cry, or get angry, but it's never really at each other and they both understand this now. sometimes they cry for the girls they were and what was taken from them both. sometimes one or both of them feels or thinks something they cannot speak or say to the other, and they both respect that.
i think they have both apologised. sincerely. and i think they don't need to go into any detail, really. they both just know.
but they are equals now, entirely. no more titles, no more real power dynamics, despite any maternal/caretaking instincts that snow might feel. they are the equals they were always supposed to be, and the people with the friendship the girls they once were would have wanted.
and they can laugh together. this is the thing that warms my heart most. just thinking of snow and regina laughing together, simply, over some very silly joke that isn't even that funny.
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Hey you.
Please leave Kyle A. Carrozza alone. Especially if you're still planning to go to Youmacon. Double especially if you are only going to the con just to mess with him.
He is a massive fucking scumbag, that much nobody can deny. But believe me, he wants to be bothered at the convention. He is relying on it. DARVO is his M.O., it's all he knows. He used it throughout his abuse of Ang, his friends have used it to defend him. And he is absolutely going to the convention still to continue his DARVO routine.
Walk with me for a bit. (Edit 12/10/2023: added more)
Most of Kyle's mouthpiece friends have all said the same thing - that Kyle, at his big grown age, was traumatised by Ang's Invader Zim porn. Not that he found it disgusting - he specifically used charged language that encourages people to fall in line and support him.
In reality, he was trying to throw dirt on his victim to destroy their credibility if they dared speak up about him. That what he did to them was nothing compared to the traumatising artwork he was subjected to.
It worked, reversed victim and offender achieved.
If you've had the stomach to read through Ang's evidence comprehensively, you can likely spot his DARVO in the very conversations he's had with others.
Reverse victim and offender achieved again.
And now, with the news that Youmacon isn't backing down on having Kyle as a guest, the people are not taking it well. Kyle's twitter has been on constant lockdown since Ang revealed their EOL status. There have been calls to harass Kyle at the convention, in amongst people cancelling their tickets and threatening contact with Youmacon partners. Needless to say, Kyle A. Carrozza is Public Enemy No.1, and his life is in very real danger...
Yet he is still attending.
It's foolish, right? Swarms of people are surrounding an event like vultures, knowing exactly What You Did, and itching for a reason to punish you... and you still go? Where is the self preservation? Ladies, gentleman, and others of differing persuasion, Kyle is playing the long game. He knows there's people out there who want to hurt him - he's relying on it.
His past is littered with him pushing for the victim label in whatever scenario he can manage, even if it's totally inappropriate for him to do so. He's daring people to attack him... so he can turn around and pin it back onto Ang.
Making Ang the offender and him the victim, once again.
If you can't stem your hatred for this despicable man, then focus on your support for Ang. Ang has expressed multiple times that the do not want harm to come to any of their abusers.
As grim as it is to say, think about Ang's legacy.
Think about what your actions say about them.
Think about how Kyle and his defenders will twist your actions as malice rather than grief.
Think about what we as a community stand for - anti harassment, anti doxxing, anti harm, and most importantly pro accountability
I understand we're all hurting. I understand that, after all our pleas, we've been effectively kicked in the teeth once again. When I heard Ang and Puppy's news, I could feel my very soul being crushed. If I was allowed, I would have rot in my bed in grief. I, too, wanted vengeance.
But that's not what Ang wants, and it is everything we stand against. Please, please, please; if you or a friend are considering harming Carrozza or Youmacon staff, reconsider. Find that spot of humanity and humility in your being, and hold it close.
Don't let Carrozza and his ilk attack what we stand for.
Edit 1, 12/10/2023:
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[Image ID: a thread of three tweets by Twitter user alacruxe AKA "mill nai the violence guy" that reads as follows:
"If you're a supporter of Ang and you're attending Youmacon, DO NOT engage with Kyle Carrozza. Do not follow him, do not speak to him, do not go to his panels. He'll have supporters flocking to him and they will record you out of context and dox you. Do. Not. Engage."
"I know it's tempting to have your moment, but you will not be helping. Show support by boycotting and continue to pressure industry figures to take notice. Crowding the guy and yelling at him that he's a murderer has only made him double down. His stance is not going to change."
"At the end of the day, what the oblivious public is going to see is a bunch of people dogpiling a guy and trying to cancel him, and you just know the news media is going to eat that shit up. Please don't act in a way that's going to spin the public narrative against Ang." End Image ID]
Another important contribution from Twitter that I found. Seriously, leave that asshole alone.
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theofreakingbell · 10 days
'why would you trigger/content tag this current events post so people could block it it's SUPPOSED to make you uncomfortable' fellas is it ableist to make it easier for trauma survivors to navigate difficult topics by choosing when and how to engage with them according to their own abilities and limits rather than just leaving everything an unlabeled minefield so that they risk serious episodes every single time they go online and prevent many people from being able to engage with the material At All. why are you moralising something that is vital particularly to survivors of similar traumas. why are you treating us like the enemy for trying to help others honor their own limits so that they can engage with the content in the first place. trigger warnings aren't saying 'don't engage with this it's bad' I'm so fucking tired
Also it's fine to take breaks from the news or whatever even if ur not traumatised like chill please
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crimeronan · 1 year
Would Empress Luz (once things are cleared up with Raine and Darius via mindscape trauma adventures) want to try reuniting with Camila via portal? I can see things re her and Vee and everything else coming to light (if Vee could even keep up the illusion that long) being very interesting/traumatising. Both for Luz, Vee and Camila and for Hunter and the rest of her newer adoptive family (Raine, Darius and Eda. I'd hope there'd eventually be a happy ending to it, but it would take some work.
ooh i actually do have an answer for this one!
in this AU, luz has been in the isles since she was about four, so her memories of the human world are vague and dreamy. she remembers having had human parents who loved her, but she wouldn't be able to pick them out of a lineup. (this also led to some upsetting discussions in my writing group chat about the consequences of her being raised by a colonizer - she's lost her spanish, is slightly more anxious about gender roles, etc, it's...... deeply sad and shitty)
the idea of returning to the human realm honestly scares the crap out of luz.
for one, she's much more comfortable around magic than she would be in a magic-less world; even though she KNOWS that she wouldn't be physically disabled in the human world like she is in the isles, and that she'd have an easier time finding food that doesn't make her sick, etc. she has some anxieties about how maybe she ~*~belongs~*~ there, because belos coming to the isles was clearly Not Fucking Good For Anyone. and on a more pointed note, belos used the human world to threaten her when they were fighting about hunter. so she has Very Few positive associations with the place
i'm FASCINATED by the concept of vee managing to escape and switch places with her around that time, i hadn't considered that before and it's. harrowing. it becomes kind of a changeling fairytale, right, except the changeling Knows she isn't human and remembers just enough to be TERRIFIED of being found out and sent back to the fae world.... GOD. poor vee. this is DELICIOUS.
the version of the story i've been working with so far, though, is one with this idea from my friend mock, because it fucking Haunts Me:
vee ends up escaping at around the same time as canon (well -- two years later, since luz is sixteen when the major events of the story play out). and when vee sees camila coming in the house, she takes the shape of the first person she sees in photos.
toddler luz.
aka. the daughter that camila is reasonably certain has been dead for over a decade.
i'm just imagining camila like. having a shaky near-sobbing breakdown and scooping vee-luz up and calling a friend like, i need you to come over and tell me if i'm hallucinating or if i'm seeing a real ghost. because camila KNOWS that if her daughter was alive, she'd be sixteen now.
i THINK vee would fess up pretty fast after that. because she feels Horrifically Guilty, AND because she can't play a Miracle Baby without inviting questions from much scarier humans, And because camila seems both so kind and so upset that vee is hoping she can make a break for it if she has to.
it's common knowledge in the isles that the princess is human, even though belos isn't out as human himself. because belos has been using luz as an excuse to do some human-supremacist white-savior-trope "the titan brought her from Real civilization to save you from yourselves <3" bullshit
and i think that vee would probably tell camila that. i'm 50/50 on whether vee knows luz's name or not (she certainly wouldn't know the name 'noceda,' at least). but either way, i think that camila would be like. okay. i have to be practical. i can't get my hopes up like this. my daughter is dead and it would be insane of me to chase this fantasy.
.....but i Have to know.
and like. she ESPECIALLY fucking has to know if she's heard even a Fraction of what vee has been through. vee has probably characterized the princess as just as evil as the rest of the royal family. but camila knows that even IF that's true, upbringing has a big impact on someone's character, and if her daughter was raised by an evil fascist then..... someone has to help her. no matter how terrible she is.
so i just imagine like. camila managing to find her way into the boiling isles (how this happens is up in the air. i haven't figured out exact portal logistics), IMMEDIATELY outing herself as a human, and demanding to see the emperor. and being told that the emperor died very recently, but she can meet the empress instead.
and it's luz. and luz's public-facing persona is made of steel (albeit friendly and kind steel), but her private self is transparently fragile in ways that are Extremely Alarming, and camila is like.
what. the fuck. did that man do to you.
(there's a background fic here. for anyone looking for expansion on uh. what exactly that man did to her. yikes!)
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breakingbadmspaint · 9 months
Breaking Bad Season 4 (MS Paint)
I'm watching Breaking Bad and drawing my experience on MS Paint with my mouse.
[Season 2] [Season 3]
These seasons keep getting more intense and packed with stuff that I fear this is going to become more text than drawing soon.
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You can't just give me my baby boy looking so cute and excited!!
EVEN VICTOR IS UPSET (and I like to believe It's because he likes Gale)
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-- oh my god the rage you can feel off Gus right now. He's terrifying, I love him.
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THIS DOWN VIEW IS SO POWERFUL. THE REDS AND THE DARK BLUES OOOOOOO Gus feeling like he's towering over them.
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I'm watching with such intensity
-- money money money money money
-- aw they're actually trying to get clean- damn it Jesse
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I hope they go back to rehab group
-- That poor roomba
-- Walt really just going to get himself killed honestly.
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These shots just keep getting better and better. You're small and blue Walt.
Ep 3
-- Those bastards dare use Gale's coffee machine still.
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Okay so I love Huell. I swear to god if he dies.... I can't handle it.
-- It takes one threat to Walts ego for him to finally agree to the car wash🙄
-- oh Marie is going to get herself arrested, 100%.
-- man poor Jesse. The spiral his life has gone down.
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I think she likes the colour purple. Just a feeling.
Ep 4
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The things he has to put up with. He looks so fed up.
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LMAO Walts face when Skyler says "We want them to understand why you'd do something so stupid"
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omg Gale, my baby. I'm sobbing I love this man. Singing Karaoke in Thailand living his best life.
-- Man Walt, how can you not realise Jesse is god damn traumatised over that event and you're just trying to make him relive it.
Ep 5
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I would love some chicken right now
-- Jesse & Mike roadtrip montage!
-- HE SAID IT! "YOU! ARE NOT THE GUY! YOU'RE NOT CAPABLE OF BEING THE GUY, I HAD A GUY BUT NOW I DON'T~ YOU! ARE NOT! THE GUY~" I've heard part of the breaking bad remix before I even saw the show.
-- I really struggle to tell if Walt genuinely cares for Jesse or if it's just because he can easily manipulate him.
-- Oh no, Walt is drunk and getting his ego destroyed. This isn't a good combo.
Ep 6
-- I sense a war about to happen. Don't mess with Gus and his stuff.
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Big scary baby man with big ego wah wah
-- I don't think insulting Jesse is going to keep him on your side Walt
-- oh my god, Walt if you get those ladies killed because you don't want to clean... YOU'RE NOT EVEN HELPING THEM
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This is the father/son duo I want
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-- Walt you bastard, look what you did!
-- Does Gus actually see potential or is this manipulation???
Ep 7
-- I miss Huell, when do we get more Huell.
-- My god Walt, if you dare ask Jesse to kill for you again
-- I'm fist-fighting Walter White
-- oooh sly Hank, very sneaky. Also I just love Gus in his yellow uniform.
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He's just sat there like :T
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DAMN HANK!!! Great at his job, holy shit
Ep 8
-- I'm sure Gus will find a way out of this since he has a lot of contacts and he's smart
-- I think Hank is getting a bigger target on his back
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This is beautiful
Ep 9
-- Oh Skyler honey, I don't think you realise he can't quit even if he wants to. He screwed up any chance of that, It's either make meth or death
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-- ooh please say Saul walks in, pleaaase- Oh Skyler, that's unexpected. Oh my god is she playing dumb???? OH MY GOD
-- Jesse you need to stop throwing your DNA covered cigarettes everywhere
-- Walt is making me so mad omg. His ego and paranoia are going to make him end up alone
Ep 10
-- I wonder what Gus's plan is, I'm sure there is more to it than just sending Jesse away
-- HELL YEAH JESSE DAAAAMN Making Gus and Mike proud
-- Oh I'm so nervous
-- Please be poisoned, please be poisoned - wait no GUS no don't be poisoned aaaaah
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I'm so scared, how are they getting out of this
Ep 11
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Is Jesse going to have to do surgery on Mike?!?
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He's so happy with his revenge
-- God I thought he was going to hit him with that chair for a moment
-- OMFG TED - okay he's still alive(?)
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"Does it have to be dirty?" "No :)"
-- See, you pushed everyone away Walt- OH SNAP
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Walter White has been ejected
-- Oh my god Walt, don't test him, he will find a way to hurt you
-- Point proven, he just threatened to kill your baby
-- Walt joker moment
Ep 12
-- Damn he's good at talking his way into a place - OH SNAP DRUG DOG
-- My god, Marie really loves purple, EVEN HER COFFEE PACKAGING IS PURPLE???? Does she buy it because It's purple???
-- Gosh what mystery potion is Walter making - OH A BOMB
Ep 13
-- UH OH Jesse
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Walter climbing through a door like a gremlin is beautiful
-- That old lady aw, wait she's not going to get hurt right?!?
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I knew it was coming but I'm still so sad
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