#like i believe that YOU believe that 💜
lo1k-diamonds · 2 days
Stellar Behavior 💜 Part 1
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“What is worth an innocent’s life? You decide.”
PAIRING: Officer!Yoongi x Mafia (f)reader
SUMMARY: Yoongi has been in the police force for long enough to know that the system isn’t perfect, so when an injustice is about to put his protégé in jail, he has no other choice but to go to you. You’re the devil, but you’re hard to resist, and he needs to decide between falling into temptation or showing you that two can play the game.
GENRE: Gangster AU, Law AU, enemies to lovers, smut
RATING: R (explicit)
WARNINGS: corruption, power dynamics, blackmail, threats w/ a knife, slight degradation, sexual favors, oral (f rec)
A.N. I'm soooo excited, this fic is 🔥 Infinite thank yous to @moonleeai and @downbad4yoongi for working through my crazy and being incredible! Enjoy 🔥🔥
Masterlist | Masterpost | AO3 | Wattpad | Next Chapter >
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Yoongi huffed and threw his eyeglasses onto the keyboard, rubbing his eyes so roughly he saw lights. It was no use; no matter how much he went over the evidence, again and again, he couldn’t change it.
He uncovered his eyes, only to be met with Taehyung’s sadness. His shoulders sagged from the sleepless nights ever since Jimin had gotten arrested, with dark circles bringing even more desolation to his otherwise heavenly features. He knew it wasn’t Taehyung’s intention, but the sight only unnerved Yoongi even more.
“Go home, get some sleep.”
Taehyung flinched, “But—”
“That’s an order, Officer.”
Taehyung stiffened and instantly bowed and showed his respects to his Superintendent before turning and leaving. Only then did Yoongi heave a deep breath and observe around him. It was weird seeing his department at the police station empty, without the officers at their desks taking calls or doing paperwork while on one of their 24-hour shifts. But they had all been shaken up, and so he had sent them home.
He was proud of his Division, and as their Chief, he couldn’t be more certain of everyone’s conduct and character. This included Jimin’s, and it was the reason why he was losing his mind over this case.
No matter how much he reviewed the footage and evidence, there was no mistake — Officer Jimin had seemingly shot his partner dead during an arrest gone wrong. This was a natural conclusion, judging by the body camera of the now deceased cop, Officer Junghee, that had captured Jimin nearing him with a fuming pistol in his hand. One that matched the ballistics report on Yoongi’s desk.
This was why the prosecution wanted to charge him with manslaughter at the very least, but Yoongi could not be convinced. The body camera also captured the panic in Officer Jimin’s voice and expression as he tried to save his downed partner. Yoongi didn’t care if that was Jimin’s gun or if it was fuming in his hand — he didn’t believe it.
“It wasn’t me!” The words Jimin shouted as he was arrested conveyed an absolute world of hurt and combined with the shock in Jimin’s eyes was seared into Yoongi’s retinas, causing him to dig the heel of his hands into his eyes again. But no matter how much he attempted to change the image, it wouldn’t. Jimin, his protégé, was still being handcuffed and taken away while begging, “I didn’t, you have to believe me! He put it in my hands! Hyung!”
Yoongi nudged his eyeglasses off the keyboard, locked his computer, and grabbed his coat. On long nights like these, he didn’t bother staying in uniform, only wearing black pants with a white shirt and his badge and holster belt. He made his way outside and got into his car, acknowledging whoever he met along the way. Temperatures were freezing, and his car didn’t start immediately. He reached for his nicotine gum while he waited for the car to warm up. When it finally started, so did the 3 AM news on the radio right as he left the parking lot.
“In a shocking revelation, an officer from the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency shot his partner dead after pulling up to a suspicious vehicle in Dongjak District. The mounting evidence is undeniable, and the prosecution is discussing the potential penalty in such a case, with the spokesperson revealing in a press conference that while mistakes happen, justice needs to be served.”
Yoongi kept chewing and driving as the prosecutor’s voice echoed through the speakers. On the outside, Yoongi was the picture of calm, cool, and collected, but inside, he was fuming. He had spoken with the prosecutor many times, who preferred a clean-cut arrest to build his case to run for whatever political role he was after rather than fight for justice, as he claimed. Yoongi had always known that multiple interests abound in the justice system, but now he was starting to get pissed.
When he parked the car, he looked outside through the windshield, observing quietly as the people moved in and out of the Aether. The bouncers kept drunks at bay, and despite the booming music and the flashy lights, everything looked normal for a nightclub.
He removed his belt and badge, shoving them in the glove compartment so hard that something fell out. He reached to grab it from the floor, his frown instantly turning into a scowl. It was a photo of him hugging a woman, laughing, taken many years ago when they were still happy. When they were not even married yet, let alone divorced.
He got out of the car and ripped the photo into as many tiny pieces as possible, dropping the scraps in a trashcan along with his gum. Then he stopped in front of the bouncers with his hands in his pockets, saying six little special words.
“I want to see the boss.”
The first bouncer just scoffed a laugh and shook his head, but the second one eyed him from head to toe, “If you’re here to inspect, then you have to identify yourself first.”
“Not an inspection,” Yoongi said nonchalantly, glancing around. “It’s not an official visit.”
The smirking bouncer kept the flow of the people going in and out while the serious one, resembling the first almost to a T, pressed his earpiece further into his ear, waiting for orders. Yoongi had noticed the cameras already while he was walking up, and he wondered how long it would take for them to know exactly who he was and why he was there.
The serious bouncer moved closer to him, “Are you armed?”
“I have to make sure.”
Yoongi glanced at him, then nodded, raising his hands as he let the man make sure he was unarmed. When the tall man rose from his knees after checking Yoongi’s ankles, he lowered his arms and waited for the goon to catch his breath.
“Alright, you can go in.”
He moved past the bouncers and into the entryway, but he hadn’t even made it to the coat check when someone approached him. Just by the light clothing, styled hair, and badge hanging on his belt, Yoongi could immediately tell that the man worked there.
“Follow me.”
Yoongi wasn’t there to sightsee, but he could appreciate the columns and marble structures and statues. Along with the paintings, velvet curtains, and carpets, it made the Aether look like a temple or divine abode of the Gods. The aesthetic intensified as they went up the stairs, but he didn’t have time to register much. In a second, he was walking into what appeared like an ordinary office — a pleasant space with a large desk at the center in front of huge dark windows that showed the lights flashing from the dance floor. He ignored the liquor table, the cabinets with files, and the black velvet sofas to the side. What his eyes were immediately drawn to was you — you who had pushed the large computer screen to the side so you could watch him come in. Your chin rested graciously on your intertwined fingers, with your elbows on the desk, eyes flickering with amusement, watching him through dark curled lashes. He hadn’t even noticed he had walked to your desk or that the door had closed behind him, but then you stood up, letting your delicate arms fall alongside your tight black dress. Your black, straight hair slid over your shoulders, framing the plunging cleavage of your dress, and when you smiled, he felt hot—molten hot.
“Welcome, Superintendent,” you smiled with a glint of amusement, your perfect teeth shining in the overhead light, and he clenched his fists behind his back. “Or should I say Yoongi? I was told you weren’t here in an official capacity, but…” You eyed him from head to toe, and he did his best to stay poised and calm. “You don’t look like you’re here to club.”
Yoongi was already sweating, not out of nervousness but because of you. Because you always eyed him like you owned him, always had a hint of mischief to every smile, and were always as elusive as a ghost. One he couldn’t catch and had grown tired of running after.
Still, hearing his name in your mouth for the first time… made him pull on the collar of his shirt, “Not here to party; I’m here on business.”
Your eyebrow twitched, and he looked at you seriously; you were a cunning fox of the worst kind. Worse than a weed, than a pest, than the bloody smoke still hanging in the air and making his fingers twitch. He had a simple goal, and he had to stay focused.
“Not an official visit, but you’re here on business…” you mused out loud then shrugged. “Soon, it will be four in the morning,” you revealed with a hint of disdain as you neared the table that held liquor in crystal decanters. “Surely, if you wanted to do something official, you’d wait at least three more hours?” You chuckled as you poured a finger of whiskey into a glass. “Want some?” He shook his head, and you shrugged again. You made your way back to your desk, but instead of going around it, you perched on the side of it, close enough for him to see your dress parting, giving hints of your upper thighs, “What can I do for you, Chief?”
Yoongi had nerves of steel; he ignored the lush skin of your thighs, the cleavage, the numbing sound reverberating through the walls, the dimmed lights, and the way your eyes seemed to challenge him with every blink.
He focused, “I want your help.”
Your eyes widened comically, the image of innocence and confusion, “Mine? What could such a powerful person need from me?”
Thankfully, your coy attitude irritated him and helped him concentrate. “I know the suspicious car they were chasing was one of yours.”
Your eyes widened even more, but this time, you brought your glass to your lips to hide a smile, “My, my, Officer. I know I have many cars, but to say I was a fugitive—”
“You know what I mean,” his jaw clenched, and you licked your lips.
“I don’t,” you could only smile, and he clenched his fists again. There it was. It pissed the fuck out of him. “Are you going to arrest me, Chief? Make good use of those deduction skills of yours and put pretty handcuffs around my wrists?”
He hated that his heart jumped in his chest as you whispered salaciously and leaned into him, shortening the distance between you. He hated how tempting you looked, and he hated the way your eyes fixed on his, as if you were ready to follow suit with your provocation. You were probably a tease like that with everyone all the time. It pissed him off even more.
He only blinked, ever the master of showing a relaxed demeanor, “I have no evidence to arrest you, nor am I here in that capacity.” 
It instantly hit him, as you straightened your back and finished the drink in your hand, that he was going to have to ask for your help. Not outsmart you, not convince you, not squabble with half facts and hunches — he needed your help and that meant he had to come down off his pedestal.
“My— An officer from my team will be sentenced for something he didn’t do. I’m out of options; I’ve hit a dead-end.”
Your lips pressed into a thin line as you put down the empty glass, “Don’t tell me — the system he holds and protects with his life won’t even try to prove his innocence.”
His jaw clenched; he hated that you weren’t completely wrong. “I’m trying to prove his innocence.”
The corners of your mouth twitched in a smile. “What makes you think I can help?”
He kept his mouth closed for a thoughtful moment. There was no use in accusing you again. Your smile wasn’t sly, so he decided to go for it. “You’re one of the biggest players.”
“Me?” You acted surprised, “I just own a few businesses here and there…”
“They say you’re the one to contact for information.” You tilted your head, and he insisted, “Even if that wasn’t your car, you’d know about it because it was on your turf. You’re you. I just know you know something that can help us solve this.”
That answer seemed to satisfy you because your lips and eyes revealed a small yet genuine smile that caught his breath. It made him realize he was leaning towards you now, exposing himself like that, but he couldn’t bring himself to hate it. Not when you looked at him like that, feeding into his hope.
“Say I do,” you started, eyes fixed on his. “Say I have evidence that could exonerate Officer Park.” He snapped straight; he had never told you the name of the Officer, and the media didn’t know it either. Yet what got him were your words, “Why would I help you?”
He clenched his jaw so hard that his teeth clicked. He just about growled with the way irritation mixed with his desperation, making him reel.
“Come on, Chief. Talk to me,” you pressed, wanting him to push through both the shock and the stick up his ass. “You must be desperate enough if you’re asking for my help, and I’m not denying it. I’m saying I might have what you need. What would you do to save an innocent from prison for life or worse?”
He didn’t think, “You have it? Something that could undeniably prove his innocence?”
He knew before he was done asking that it was impossible and that he was acting crazy. Yet, you leaned into him, meeting him halfway, your breath hitting his chin, “In those exact words? I do.” You sat back and let your words sink in, not knowing they gave him a full-body shudder. He always knew you were powerful and had your ways, but holy shit— “What do you have that I want?”
He opened his mouth but instantly closed it. Objectively, he had nothing. But maybe there was something he could do. First, though, he needed to know it was real. “What evidence do you have? Show it to me—”
“Hmmm, no,” you pressed your lips and twisted your nose, displeased. “That’s not how this works. This is based on trust. Besides, you don’t seem to have anything to offer.”
For a split second, he wondered if you were bullshitting him, but he honestly didn’t care. He had to do something. “You want something concrete for a maybe?”
“Don’t make me repeat myself,” your tone hardened as your expression lost humor.
“Alright, name it. Tell me what is worth your help.”
His tone was soft, and it worked to soothe you. His dark eyes helped; there was so much willingness in them, and you liked that. The man there asking for your help to correct an injustice was the kind of man you were looking for.
“Since you asked,” you cheekily started, pulling your hair behind your shoulders. “I want three things.” He didn’t even blink, so you continued, “The first is a favor. Of my choice and at my discretion whenever I shall need it. The second is for you to get on your knees. And the third is for you to eat.”
He blinked, “What?” He looked down to follow your hands over your thighs, and you spread your legs for him, though the black dress covered between them. He shook his head in bewilderment, “You’re crazy!”
“Crazy?” You chuckled, “I think I’m being quite reasonable.”
“You— Do you hear what you’re asking?”
He sounded breathless and could feel the heat on his cheeks, which was not ideal. He almost managed to step back, but a quirk of your eyebrow kept him still — he needed that evidence.
“Oh my, Chief Min. Are you getting heated at the thought of a couple of favors?” He scoffed, and you continued your tease, “Or is it the knees? Too proud to beg?”
“No, not too proud,” he mumbled between teeth. He was ready to kneel on the floor and beg, and the heat rising in his neck told him the rest wasn’t a problem either. And that was the problem. “The favor—” He cleared his throat, scratching it, “What is the favor?”
“I don’t know yet,” you shrugged, and it seemed to him like it didn’t matter. He knew that couldn’t be true, that had to be what you were really after — something specific from the Superintendent of the Seoul Metropolitan Police. And yet your eyes were shining in such a way that he almost forgot who you were. Almost.
“Something illegal, no doubt.”
You sighed and he took the moment to let the anger cool him — you were a criminal about to use his good intentions to surely accomplish something even worse. Instead of cooling him, irritation made him snap his knuckles and shift on his feet.
“I don’t know what it is, but it shouldn’t matter,” you said more coldly, squinting your eyes. “What is worth an innocent’s life? You decide.”
There was a hint of impatience in your tone that only riled him up more. He turned to you, “What’s stopping me from just—”
“You’re not that stupid,” you interrupted, raising your chin. His eyes noticed the surveillance cameras and you smirked, “They’re not who you should be concerned about.”
Your smile was predatory but he scoffed. You didn’t need to threaten him, and he didn’t like the coercion. He refused to look at you for a moment, giving you the impression that he was weighing his options. In reality, he was figuring out what angered him more — the fact that he was about to make a deal with a devil like you, or that he was that turned on from it.
You huffed and got off the desk, your heels clicking on the floor like a timer had just gone off. “Never mind—”
He grabbed your arm to keep you from walking away, and in a second, something sharp was poking his lower stomach. You both froze in place, your gaze angry and fixed on his, while his heart raced inside his chest. He didn’t let go of your arm, and you didn’t lower your knife.
“I never heard a yes from those pretty lips, so…” you spoke quietly, then pressed the blade harder. “Hands off.”
He knew you could put your money where your mouth was, and that if you wanted to kill him and get rid of him, you would. Yet, his grip didn’t lessen as he observed you. He was still trying to figure things out — not what to do, but you. He hated you objectively; you represented everything wrong with the world. Jimin was innocent; you shouldn’t be bargaining for his life, you should do the right thing. But you weren’t, you wanted to play with fire. Maybe even to get burned.
“What is it…” he started quietly, still eying your angry eyes. “Is it the risk? The humiliation? The footage for blackmailing me later? The power over a figure of authority?”
You scoffed, leaning in to answer just as quietly, “No risk, Chief. The footage might be insurance, but you’re a man of your word. No power over you because you’ll be doing it willingly. And no humiliation,” you chuckled. “It’s a privilege to eat at this table. Although…” You looked down, then smirked. “I can play if that’s what you like.”
He looked away from your eyes for the first time and almost flinched; his pants had a tent. He couldn’t even think; why was his body betraying him like this? He tried pulling away and letting you go, but you pressed the tip of your knife harder.
“Nuh-uh,” you whispered, taking a deep breath a little closer to his neck. “I heard the missus left cause you couldn’t get it up, but won’t you look at that—” Your tone was sly, and he gripped your arm harder in retaliation. You laughed, “I guess she just didn’t know how to play. Or maybe you like this,” your voice lowered wantonly, and a shiver ran up his spine as though he was starting to attune to it. “Like not having a choice, to be in danger, to be forced to do something reprehensible.”
He had to lick his lips because for a second he thought he was drooling, “I have a choice.”
You smiled and his cock twitched, “Then choose.”
He eyed your smile and leaned into you, but you chuckled and playfully pressed the tip of the knife to impose distance, ignoring the red droplets tainting the fabric.
“On your knees, Chief.”
His eyes snapped to yours, and he pulled you by the arm, disregarding the blade, so you’d walk back until the back of your thighs hit the desk. Then, he gripped your hips and helped you on the desk, fisting your dress in the same movement to get it out of the way as he kneeled between your legs. Your knife had slipped from your hand as you rested them on the desk for support, and you didn’t think to pick it back up. You wanted him to eat you and mean it, but he was going above and beyond — nuzzling your thighs and inhaling your scent, frantically fighting with your dress, and trying to pry your legs further apart so he could have access.
When his nose poked your clit, you jumped in place, and his fingers dug into your hips, even through the fabric of the dress. Just looking at the way he was fighting to get his mouth on you was positively melting you, but you wanted it to actually happen.
“Slide them down,” you breathed after he nuzzled and licked your core through your panties enough times to cover you with goosebumps.
He immediately obliged, and you shimmied to help him get rid of them. He threw them on the floor, then gripped your legs apart before giving you a look that seared you in place. You didn’t know what it was, but you were living for it, and the excitement burned your gut. The Superintendent looked like a piece of forbidden heaven between your thighs; who knew he’d have you melting like this just at the hint of doing what you asked?
A smirk spread on your lips as he kept struggling with your dress, until suddenly — rip. He bunched the fabric and pulled it, causing the slit that revealed your thigh to rip, and you chuckled. You liked that energy, that hunger; the way he was willing to destroy to have his way. Instantly, he had free leeway to uncover your core and press his mouth, rolling his tongue all over your slick folds.
You jolted with a sigh, gripping his hair at the back of his head. The more he laved his tongue over your slit to taste you, the more you had the urge to move, but you stayed still. With your eyes closed, you enjoyed every second of his discovery, from his licks to his tasting and humming. You heaved the breath you were holding when he nibbled your heat right before finding your clit to suckle, and your voice finally came out. You could almost laugh at how easily he had found his way, but your mind wasn’t there. While he found his rhythm, you guided him with expressive sighs, grazing your acrylic nails over his scalp without ever forcing him. You wouldn’t; his hunger was part of the power trip. Chief Min would eat you, give you what you wanted, and service you because you had that much power. You could bring someone like him to his knees. He liked it.
You suddenly pulled on his hair so he’d look up at you, and he did, not even bothering with a quizzical look. You bit your lip to stop a smile and relented your grip, and he looked down for a second. It was all it took for him to get back to it, and you let your head fall back with a sigh — case in point.
“The things you do for duty, Chief…”
His tongue kept laving over you as if you were desert, focused, regardless of your taunt. In fact, he seemed to have forgotten where he was or why because his hands started gently exploring your spread thighs. His fingers pressed to your curves and didn’t stop even when he felt the garter that held the knife you had used on him. Instead, he pulled on it, making it snap against your thigh, ripping a stronger moan from you. 
It was then he realized you needed something stronger, so he pressed his face harder against your cunt, latched onto your clit, and started rutting into you. You were surprised but instantly melted, and your fingers curved around his hair. The grind of his lips pressing into you while his mouth held the suction was already maddening, but the thrumming of his tongue on your clit was the cherry on top. You didn’t have time to make it a challenge, or maybe you didn’t want to; his rhythm was perfect against your heat, and you moaned when it intensified. The strumming was precise and maddening, each tap firm and steady, giving you enough time to despair for the next one and moan when it came, leaving you to anticipate what would come next. 
Your hips started moving on their own, and that was when you knew you had let go. There was no point in pretending he wasn’t doing it just like you wanted, or that you weren’t rolling into his face to feel him harder, forcing him to dig his long fingers into the flesh of your hips as he drank the slick melting out of you. The very sounds of his humming and licking drove the blood to your cheeks and emboldened your hips, messily humping against his mouth. You could feel the edge right before you, and every time you ground on his mouth, you thought that would be it.
“Fuck,” you groaned between teeth, looking down to find burning brown eyes drinking you more greedily than his hot mouth. He wasn’t stopping you or holding you back, he was letting you fuck his mouth however you wanted, and it popped you. 
You let your head fall back and pressed his face to your cunt, your moans pitching higher when he sucked harder, as if to pull all the pleasure out of you like it was venom. He rode your climax with you, gripping your trembling legs around him as though he wished you’d smother him, and finally, you looked down. Your walls were still throbbing in the aftershocks when he dragged his tongue across you slowly, and you groaned through a smirk, then pulled him away by the hair.
“Easy there,” you smiled and let your legs down.
You quickly pulled your dress down to cover you again while your other hand raked through your long hair, putting it in place. He rose slowly to his feet with his eyes on you, and you didn’t even try hiding your heaving chest; he could see it well with such an observant gaze. His eyes were so intense that you shuddered and bit your lip, but avoiding them only landed your own on his evident arousal, and you smirked.
Looking up, for a moment, your taunt got caught in your throat. Min Yoongi looked the absolute best covered in your cum from nose to chin — deliciously ravenous.
You licked your lips, raising your hand to his face but stopping before you touched him. He mimicked you, his pink tongue collecting your slick over his lips while he focused on yours. Still, when your hand moved down, so did his eyes. You smirked, dodging his erection at the last second to hide your hand under your dress.
You hummed, closing your eyes as your fingers collected your wetness mixed with his saliva, and then brought them straight to your mouth. You licked them first, tasting what he did before putting them in your mouth and sucking. 
You clenched, knitting your eyebrows as you realized how turned on you were. You were throbbing and craving something to push into you and fuck you senseless, and opening your eyes, you saw the same urge staring right back at you.
Your fingers left your mouth with a pop, and then you smiled, shaking your head, “Should have asked for a good fuck too.”
His dark eyes stayed on yours for a moment, and even when he wiped his chin with the back of his hand, they remained on yours. It was almost a taunt, and you grinned; you loved a good challenge, and even more the kind of fucking that lustful gaze promised. But you knew the worth of asking, and you were not going to come out losing.
“Maybe next time.”
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welcometololaland · 22 hours
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WIP WEDNESDAY! (can you believe it?! carlos can't! this is from the 10 things i hate about you au i hope to start posting on sunday <3)
“So, are you going to answer my question?” Carlos asks, prodding TK in the side. They’re getting more tactile as the weeks go on, and he’s decided to lean into it. It’s too easy to convince himself that it’s a good idea.
TK snorts. “The prickly thing? That was a statement, not a question.”
“Let me rephrase,” Carlos says. “Why are people under the impression that TK Strand is prickly?”
“You don’t think I’m prickly?”
The deflection is so obvious it makes Carlos rolls his eyes, even though TK can’t see him do so. “You’re the biggest marshmallow I’ve ever met in my life, TK. You followed me around like a lost puppy for weeks trying to be my friend.”
“I did not,” TK protests darkly, sounding highly offended. It loses its effect by virtue of the fact that he’s still got his head resting on Carlos’ shoulder.
“Are you gonna tell me why you’re threatening to beat up freshmen?”
“No one said that…did they?”
“No,” Carlos admits. “But someone told me you started a bar fight.”
TK groans. “That was one time,” he insists. “I’m a changed man.”
tagging: @bonheur-cafe @rmd-writes @liminalmemories21 @strandnreyes @emsprovisions
@alrightbuckaroo @ironheartwriter @lemonlyman-dotcom @corsage @freneticfloetry
@butchreyes @reyesstrand @heartstringsduet @carlos-in-glasses @irispurpurea
@whatsintheboxmh @three-drink-amy @littlemissmarianna @orchidscript @dumbpeachjuice
@kiwiana-writes @lightningboltreader @eclectic-sassycoweyes @birdclowns @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut
@nancys-braids @captain-gillian @st-elle-ar @anactualcaseofthetruth @basilsunrise and anyone else who wants to play! sorry im super out of the loop so if you want to be tagged in these or DON'T want to be tagged, please reach out 💜
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cramathonn · 2 days
Hello! How are you? When you have time, could you please do a Seth x FoxThiren! GN reader please? I am so obsessed with this dude but there's almost no content about him. :( I love your work! 🫶💜💖
Ohoho, say less! I've also been super onto this lil' fella and GOSH I love him sm, there needs to be more reader content with him. Made reader specifically an Arctic fox because, hmmm white fur with white fur.
Headcanons under the cut, I hope you enjoy!
Warnings: bigotry directed at reader, but besides that fluff!
Pronouns: none were used and reader can be viewed as any gender
Seth Lowell x FoxThiren!GN!Reader
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So, foxes are know for being sneaky little tricksters and are often portrayed as great liars in media, which makes me think you'd work in the same sector as Jane;
However, you've known Seth since you two were kids, you were practically inseparable;
You two loved playing hide and seek together, Seth to train his vision and instincts better to become an amazing cop once he got older and you to train your camouflaging skills, to become a great spy for PubSec;
Yes, the two of you agreed to work for Pub. Sec. together like the true besties you were;
"Hey, Seth?" you asked, looking at the sky, clouds looking white and fluffy as always.
"Hmm?" he asked, turning his head to you. His ear flicked, eager to hear what you had to ask.
"When you become a cop, promise to not let it get to your head?"
Seth's eyes widened. He knew there were cops that turned into inconsequential idiots, believing they were above the law just because they worked to enforce it. The thiren understood your worry, but he couldn't help but feel a bit offended that you'd think he would turn out like that in the first place.
"I promise! I'd never turn out like that, and if I do, I know you'll be there to smack me across the face and bring me back to my senses!" he exclaimed, certainty in his words. After all, you were always there to snap him out of his negative daze.
You couldn't help but smile, finally turning your face to your friend.
"Then keep me in check as well. If I ever become scummy like that, you snap me right out of it!"
The both of you were now turned to each other as you laid down in the grass of your local park, linking your pinky fingers to sediment the promise.
That memory played in Seth's head evey day whenever he looked at his ring finger on his right hand. It was his favorite memory, after all, making him giddy to this day;
You and Seth started dating right before each of you enroled in a training school to become a Pub Sec officer. Albeit going to different institutions, you always made time for each other;
Late night walks were a must for you two, enjoying the quiet and relaxing atmosphere. Finally having respite from the arduous training from prep school while your tails linked behind the both of you;
You also had study and training dates. You excelled in more textual exams while Seth prevailed in physical ones, so you agreed to help each other;
Now, don't get me wrong. You were the best at the academics and theoreticals, having almost fully memorized the laws of New Eridu. You were also nimble, the most agile and dexterous in your class. But you could never seem to be able to pass the physical resistance exams...;
Same for Seth, dude was the peak of endurance tests. He could run for minutes, almost hours without exhausting himself. He could lift heavy stuff easily, swam pretty well too, be whenever it came to agility or academics he was... Not the best. He has also memorized the laws of New Eridu, don't get me wrong, but he fell short in anything that didn't involve citing the law book or physical workouts;
When the two of you graduated, you applied to enter for the same district, not wanting to be too far away. Unlucky for you, however, being a member of the Criminal Behavior Specialist department means you get sent out to many undercover missions;
You obviously were not as great as Jane, considering she's done that almost her entire life, but you were pretty good at your job. You rarely ever got caught due to your mischievous nature and cautious habits. However, that never stopped Seth from worrying about you;
Whenever you were sent to missions, he would insist you sent a message whenever possible to at least let him know you were doing well. He often times personally requests to review your mission reports just to keep tabs on you (Qingyi reviews the reposts with him because she knows very well that boy AIN'T reviewing shit, he's just worried about his partner);
That doesn't mean you don't worry about him as well, however. When Seth gets called for a case of his own, be it in a team or solo (which rarely happens due to how dense he is), you always worry sick. Jane has caught your tail swishing in anxiety many times when that was the case;
But when you two get assigned to a job together? Hoo boy, you THRIVE! You keep an eye on Seth's back, stopping any sneak attacks, while your wonderful boyfriend blocks the heavy blows with his shield. Power couple at its finest;
Don't get me wrong tho, as much as both of you love your jobs, you get tired as well. Whenever you are not on missions and he isn't up late at the office doing his daily reports, you two can be found cuddling on the couch of your shared apartment, watching series or tapes Seth had brought back from Random Play with a snack you bought on the way back;
Talking about Random Play, Seth introduced you to the place and you were amazed by how good their movie stock was. You simply had to sign a family subscription with them (which Seth went red for, since you essentially just said out loud that you were a family);
And on the topic of family... FAMILY WEEKENDS! Seth has a tradition of always going to visit his parents on the weekends and you always go along;
If you're on good terms with your family, Seth agrees to alternating which parents' house you visit. One weekend you go visit his, while the next you go visit yours and so on so forth;
However, if you're not on speaking terms with your parents, then he won't force you to visit them like he does his, offering to always take you to his parents' instead. Seth is a very caring man and, while he insists on the importance of blood family, he is very much aware that not everyone has the same luck as him in having good parents;
Also, his parents love you, I'll just say that. When Seth announced he was dating you to them, they just went "Finally! We were waiting for the two of you to get together for ages!" which prompted a very red and embarrassed Seth and a very happy tail wag from you, albeit you tried (and failed) to keep your composure;
"Hey, have you heard?"
Seth's ears flicked, standing straight up as he caught the whispers of one of his fellow officers.
"Apparently a fox thiren got accepted to our district. Can you believe it?" the man whipered, disbelief in his voice.
"What?! I can't believe it... They're letting those sneaky types of thirens in now? Tsk..." Another whipered back, disdain and disgust tainting his words.
Seth's fingers curled in frustration, closing his fists. How dare they speak so illy of you when they don't even know you? Judging you merely because of a stereotype of your thiren species... And they have the courage to call themselves officers? The lynx thiren was about to get up and confront the two when he catches another voice joining in on the conversation.
"You two are aware that fox thirens have good hearing, no?"
It was your voice. And by the sounds of it, the two officers were caught off guard by your silent approach.
"Yes, us fox thirens are good at tricking and mischief... But that just means we're better at fetching criminals, no?"
You questioned them, the usual eagerness in your voice laced with a slight anger that went unnoticed.
For everyone but Seth.
"W-well, when you put it like that..."
One of the officers started. However, it didn't take long for Zhu Yuan to call them out, scolding them for judging their fellow officer merely by misconceptions and stereotypes. Seth smiled, tail gently swaying behind him as pride fueled his system. He knew he was in the right district. Having his captain aid in defending you made the lynx boy feel incredibly happy.
He knew how much judgement you went through during your prep school days. The nights when you returned to your shared apartment looking beaten up because some idiots had a brawl with you simply because of your species playing in his mind. Seth knew how hard you worked to get where you are today, and he is glad that he is not the only one ready to step up to defend your efforts.
I wasn't out of the ordinary for you to get weird looks in the street and in your office. After all, fox thirens were known for being liars and tricksters, how could one be a Public Security Officer? Well, much to your dismay, many still doubted your capabilities due to that. However, Seth made sure to not let that get to your head, always affirming that you were a much better officer than those that judged you, since no officer should judge by appearance, considering the exterior is often times misleading;
Being a couple of PubSec officers is not easy, your lives are constantly at risk and you often times come back with a couple of scratches and wounds, but neither of you would want it any other way. Life may be hectic, yes, but the two of you always managed to make do with what you had.
In the end, Seth loved you and that's all that matters to him. You share his dreams, his passions and help him improve as a person. Tldr: you're all he could ask for in a partner and more.
At night time, when you two are cuddled up in bed, Seth can't help but smile fondly at you. He can't understand how he got so lucky, but he won't complain. The lynx wraps his tail in yours and nuzzles the top of your head, happy to have you by his side and hoping it'll stay like that for years to come
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Written by Cramathoon at 08:54am on 24/07/24 (24th of September of 2024)
Please don't repost!
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starimusprime · 2 days
An OpLita fanfic 💜
Word count: 2,432 Continuity: TF: One
Summary: Optimus takes Elita to see the Hall of Records. They kiss. They kiss a lot.
As the two walk with languid strides through the lit archives of the Hall of Records, Optimus occasionally stops to point out his favorite sections or where he had almost been caught by the guards when he was Orion.
     They round a corner and he pauses, glancing back at Elita with a soft chuckle as he gestures to a bot-sized grate at the end of the aisle of shelves.
     “The last time I came here, I busted through that grate with a security drone in my servos and almost died.”
     "I remember hearing about that incident," Elita says. "You were always one for the dramatic exits, Orion."
     “Hah. And entrances,” he adds.
     A soft smile graces his face as he recalls who he had been not even a quartex ago. Hearing his old name…it doesn’t feel like it’s no longer his name. He’s still getting used to being called Optimus, not to mention Prime.
     "And how many times did D-16 have to bail you out of trouble?" she asks playfully, walking closer to him.
     He stops mid-stride, his gaze falling to the floor. He takes a deep breath.
     “Please, Elita,” he says quietly. “I don’t want to talk about D…”
     She steps closer and places a gentle servo on his arm. “I’m sorry. I shouldn't have mentioned him... Are you okay?"
     Optimus vents. He takes a moment to gather his thoughts.
     “No,” he admits. He then looks at her with a gentle smile. “But I will be.”
     Elita nods understandingly, her optics softening. "Let's talk about something else, then."
     He nods back. His optics return to their usual brightness and he beckons her to follow him down one of the aisles. They come to a junction with a holovid table in the center. He walks over to a shelf and picks up a holovid drive, blowing the dust off of it as he returns to the table.
     “This is an old favorite of mine,” the Prime explains before gently inserting it into the table’s drive slot.
     Elita watches with curiosity as he activates the table, a holographic projection springing to life in the air above it. The image is grainy but powerful:  two colossal figures locked in combat, one radiant with light, the other shrouded in shadow.
     A narrator’s voice emanates from the table, recounting the legendary tale as the projections of Primus the Creator and Unicron the Destroyer fight each other. Unicron desired full power over the universe, while Primus believed that balance was essential. Optimus’ optics glow a little brighter as he allows himself to be immersed in the story of Primus becoming Cybertron.
     Elita watches the ancient battle play out in awe. The story is told to every Cybertronian when they are forged, so she knows the tale by spark, but there is something about seeing it play out before her that makes her spark thrum stronger. She glances at Optimus, his new, yet familiar frame reflecting the light from the holographic projection.
     The holovid comes to an end and he removes it from the play slot.
     “I would always watch it when I saw it,” he says as he returns it to its shelf. “It gave me great inspiration for what I still believe in.”
     "The balance," she agrees, nodding her helm slightly. "You've always had a strong sense of justice."
     Optimus turns to her with a gentle smile. “Yes…although, it seems it’s too strong for my own good sometimes.”
     "I think it's your biggest strength," Elita says, her optics searching his. "And it's what makes you a great leader."
     His optics widen slightly and his smile fades. “But I’ve only been Prime for a quartex… I still have so much to learn about what makes a good leader.”
     She steps closer, her servo resting gently on his arm. “You’re doing great, Optimus. You’re still the same Orion I knew, just with a little extra wisdom now. And a really cool new name.”
     Her touch is unexpectedly soothing, but Optimus shies away from her optics. He can feel his spark thrumming in his chassis, threatening to remind him of the sight of D-16's enraged face when he took the killing blow for Sentinel Prime.
     “Thank you… You have also done well as my commander so far. I'm glad I chose you to be by my side."
     "You've always had a knack for making the right decisions, even if you do execute them in stupid ways sometimes," Elita says with a playful smile. She takes a step back to give him space. "But tell me, how are you really feeling? This is a lot to handle in such a short amount of time."
     He shakes his helm. “I am recovering. Slowly, but…I am. My frame still aches from the reformat, but it’s getting better.”
     She looks at him with concern. “And…emotionally?”
     He vents and shifts his weight on his peds. “I’d really prefer not to talk about it right now. I’m sorry.”
     "You don't have to be sorry," Elita says softly. "We all have our burdens. I just want you to know I’m here if you ever want to share yours."
     He nods, his smile returning. “Thank you. I do appreciate it.”
     They resume walking through the archives, Optimus leading Elita through the maze with such efficiency that one might have thought he had worked there.
     As they stroll, Elita can’t help but notice how the light from the archives' dim lights dances across the Prime’s red and blue armor.
     “So, uh," she says with a teasing lilt, "have you ever been in love?”
     He nearly trips on his own ped. His battle mask snaps over his lower face, and it takes him a second to realize it’s his new frame’s automatic response to his own face heating up. He tries his best not to show that her question has caught him off-guard, but he isn’t confident that it works.
     “Uh…um…no, I don’t think I’ve been in love…before.”
     Elita’s smile widens, and she lets out a light laugh. “Oh, come on, Optimus. Surely a scrappy mech like you had at least one lover?”
     She playfully nudges his servo with her own, her armor brushing against his.
     Optimus feels his blush deepen and he tilts his helm up slightly, trying to hide it from her prying optics. “No, I…I’ve never had that. No one ever found me attractive in that way.”
     She chuckles lightly, her optic sparkling with mischief. "I find that hard to believe. You've always had a certain charm to you, even as the annoying, foolhardy miner you were. And now, as Prime, some say you’re quite the optic candy."
     His engine sputters at that and he stops, looking down at her with wide optics. “Wh…what?”
     Elita laughs. “You really don’t know, do you?”
     He’s quiet for a long moment. He shakes his helm, his spark thrumming hard in his chassis.
     “Don’t know what?”
     She steps closer to him, her gaze unwavering. “The way you blush so adorably when you’re flustered. It’s charming, really."
     Static gets caught in his vocalizer and he resets it, offering a nervous smile that he forgets she can’t see with his mask in the way. “You really…think I’m charming? You aren’t just trying to make me feel better?”
     Her optics widen, then glow brighter with adoration. She brings her servo up to gently stroke the side of Optimus’ smooth, angular battle mask.
     "I wouldn't say something like that unless I meant it," she says gently.
     “Elita…I…” He takes a deep breath, then wills his battle mask to disengage. It retracts with a series of clicks, fully revealing the soft blue glow under his optics. “I don’t know what to say. I…I never thought this would be…mutual…”
     "I know we've both been through a lot lately, but I think we could use a moment to just...be ourselves." She reaches up to caress his cheek with her servo. "I've had feelings for you for a little while now."
     His spark skips a thrum. “…you have?”
     Elita nods, her gaze locked with his. “I have. Since before your transformation. I just didn’t know how to tell you.”
     Optimus finally lets his optics meet hers again. After a long, tense moment of silence, he slowly lifts his own servo, hesitantly sliding his digits up her jaw. His servo stops at the side of her neck, just under her audio receptor.
    She leans into his touch. “I know it’s a lot to take in, but I needed you to know how I feel.”
     He lets out a shaky breath. So much has happened in quick succession over the past two quartex, but this…this is all he can focus on. It’s time.
     “I have been in love with you since the solar cycle you became my mining captain, Elita,” he confesses quietly.
     She stands frozen for a moment, processing his words. Then she leans in, her servo sliding behind his neck to pull him closer.
     He feels her warmth as she presses into him, his spark fluttering and engine purring. This is what Orion had always hoped for, but he had never dared to believe it could ever be real. He lets her pull him down to her, his own servos trembling as he cups her helm and tilts his. Optics closed, he gently kisses her lips, ever cautious with this act that's so brand new to him.
     Elita’ optics close and she kisses him back just as gently. Her servo slides from his neck to his back, drawing him closer as she melts into his tender embrace.
     His servo lingers at the side of her neck, feeling the quick pulse of her spark in her fuel line as he kisses her more deeply. His other servo drifts downward and he wraps his arm around her waist, holding her close as if he's afraid she might vanish into thin air.
     Elita's other servo moves to the side of his face, her thumb brushing against his cheek. His inexperience is palpable, but the way he holds her, the urgency in his kiss, speaks volumes.
      Optimus pulls away just enough to breathe out, “I’ve wanted you for so long,” then kisses her more passionately, leaning into her.
     Elita giggles softly at his eagerness, reaching her servo up to gently caress one of the two finials on his helm, her touch light and exploratory.
     The sudden contact on his finial makes him jerk his helm away with a gasp.
     “Oh, careful…” Optimus chuckles sheepishly as he tentatively rubs his overstimulated finial. “Sorry. These are still quite sensitive…”
     She pulls back, looking slightly apologetic, but her gaze lingers on the prominent new pieces on his helm.
     "They're cute," Elita purrs.
     His blush deepens at the compliment and he smiles, shyly lowering his helm back down toward hers with a nod.
     “It’s okay, you can touch them. I was just…startled.”
     She laughs softly, a warm sound that fills the coldly lit metal hallway. "You're so cute when you're flustered."
     She leans in and places a gentle kiss on his finial, pulling back with a curious glint in her optics.
     The Prime’s optics widen at the unexpected gesture. He smiles at her, his engine purring from the gentle contact.
     “What was that for?”
     "They're part of you now,” she says. “I just wanted to...welcome them."
     Optimus chuckles softly. “I’m sure my finials appreciate your welcome.”
     He pauses, his processor lagging with the reality of the situation. Him…Elita…in the Hall of Records…alone. Flirting. Kissing. It sounds fictitious.
     He resets his vocalizer again and quietly asks, “May I…kiss you more?”
     She grins and nods, leaning into him as her engine purrs louder. “Please do.”
     With a low rumble in his chassis, he wraps his arms around her waist and leans in to kiss her again. This time, a little more familiar with the act, he’s regained some of his old Orion Pax confidence. He kisses her deeply, pressing against her until her back meets one of the shelving units. The datapads on the shelves rattle from the light impact and one clatters to the floor, but he simply nudges it out of the way with his ped.
     Elita giggles at the way he keeps his attention on her. She wraps her arms around his neck, her digits tracing the subtle grooves in his helm.
     “Orion...” she purrs softly between kisses.
     Optimus feels alive in a way he never has in his life. Not when he was mining. Not when he was scaling buildings. Not when he was sliding down them. Not when he was getting caught by the authorities. Nothing compares to Elita.
     The weight of his new title feels momentarily lifted as he’s just Orion again, finally holding the femme he’s always loved. His servos trace the smooth contours of her armor, savoring every inch of her, as his kisses grow bolder.
     Elita cautiously begins to run her servos over his chassis, exploring his new form with an eager yet respectful curiosity.
     The Prime feels a warmth spread through his entire being as Elita’s servos caress his new frame. For a moment, he’s lost in the feeling of her against him, the scent of her armor, the soft sounds of their servos sliding over each other’s armor.
     The clearing of a vocalizer snaps Optimus into fight or flight, his powerful engine revving and armor flaring as he turns away from Elita. It’s Jazz, the smaller silver and black bot leaning against the wall with a slag-eating grin on his face. Optimus’ thoughts scatter.
     "Jazz," he stammers, "I...uh...we were...just...inspecting the archives for any signs of structural damage. Yes."
     Elita's laughter rings through the hallway, a light, melodious sound that fills the space with warmth. She steps back from Optimus, her own cheeks a soft shade of blue.
     "Okay, you caught us," she says, her voice playfully chiding. "Couldn't you see we were busy?"
     She crosses her servos in front of her chassis, trying to compose herself. She glances at Optimus, the amusement in her gaze purely affectionate. The sight of his flustered state is adorable and somehow comforting, reminding her of the Orion she knew before he became Prime.
     "Ah, I see. Structural inspection, huh?" Jazz winks at Elita, his optics shifting between the two of them. "I can't say I've ever tried that particular method before, but to each their own, right? But, as delightful as this is, Prime, we do have some serious business to attend to."
     Jazz holds up a data pad, at which Optimus lets out a heavy vent before gesturing for Jazz to enlighten them.
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allthesmutl0vers · 1 day
Muggle!Reader x George Weasley
Request: Fluffy Muggle!reader with George please!
TW: None, just fluff! 💜
A/N: I really hope you like it, I just kind of ran with it. 😅
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"And what's this?" George asks curiously at the TV in the livingroom.
I can't help but chuckle, rolling my eyes with a smile as I grab the remote and turn it on. It never ceases to amaze me that with all the magic wizards have, they don't have TV. "It's a TV, Georgie," I say as the TV turns on and I open Netflix, sitting down on the couch. I pat the cushion next to me. "Come watch with me."
"Wicked," he smiles wide, taking the remote in his hands and looking it over. "Is this like a wand for the, TV, you called it?"
I smile and nod, giving him the run down of how it works. "You can pick whatever you want," I tell him with a smile.
"What do you like to watch?" George asks me. "I want to watch what you like."
I smile and tell him the name of my current obsession, telling him how to search for it. "Wow, and they do all of this, without magic?" He asks in shock.
I giggle as I lay my head on his shoulder. "Now you know how I feel whenever you do magic," I tease.
George chuckles as he wraps an arm around me and pulls me closer, tipping my chin up to meet his face. "Beautiful, you mean?" He says softly, kissing the tip of my nose.
I shake my head and chuckle softly. "You're incorrigible," I respond, the doubt from before he came to visit creeping up inside of me again like a snake, twisting around my insides.
"What's wrong, love?" He asks, his brows furrowed in curiosity and worry.
I sigh, looking down at my hands. "It's silly," I shake my head.
George quickly tips my head back up again, forcing me to look him in the eyes. "Tell me."
"I just..." I bite my lower lip. "I just wonder why you're with me, is all. After all, I'm just a muggle. Wouldn't you rather be with a witch? I'm sure all of the girls at your school are beautiful. And they can do all sorts of magic, and I'm just," I feel the tears well in my eyes. "Ordinary," the word makes me feel like shit.
George breathes deeply, looking into my eyes, seemingly thinking for a few moments before he speaks. "There is nothing wrong with ordinary, my love," He says calmly. "Yes, the girls at my school may be witches, but I don't want them. I want you."
I want to believe him, and a part of me does, but how could he want someone ordinary when he is anything but? His whole world is anything but ordinary. "What happens if we want to get married?" I ask. It's a logical question, would he be willing to leave his entire world behind for me? Would I really be willing to let him?
George blinks a few times as if he's processing my question. We haven't talked about marriage before, but with us both about to finish school and the doubts I have, it seems like the right time to bring it up. "I don't want you to have to walk away from everything you know," I explain to his silence. "You can't do magic around muggles and it just feels like I'd be ripping you away from the only world you-"
George cuts me off, pressing his lips to mine. "I'd bring you with me," he says against my lips.
"W-what?" I ask, slightly confused.
George chuckles and shakes his head, pulling back and brushing through my hair with his fingers. "You heard me, silly girl," he smiles. "I'd bring you with me. You can live in my world. I know how much you love magic, you can see it every day at the joke shop me and Fred want to open," he smiles.
"But, I'm not a witch," I remind him. "I'm not allowed in your world. Your family practically has to smuggle me in. How many times can I use the excuse that I 'lost my wand' before people catch on?"
"If you marry me, you don't have to hide being a muggle. And you'll be able to stay," he says with a smile, brushing my cheek with his fingers.
"I can?" I ask in disbelief. I feel the heavy weight of doubt lift off of me and be replaced with excitement. My eyes widen and a huge smile forms on my face. "Why didn't you tell me before?!" I ask with a smile, swatting his chest.
George laughs, catching my hand and holding it in his. "I didn't want you to think I was rushing you or asking you before you were ready," he blushes. "Would you want to live in my world?" He asks as I watch him pull a small box from his pocket.
My hands cover my mouth, I can't believe my eyes as he opens it, revealing the ring inside. "Oh, Georgie. It's beautiful," I gasp, cupping his face and pressing my lips to his.
George kisses me back with a smile before pulling back. "Is that a yes?" he asks nervously.
I nod, feeling tears well in my eyes. "Yes."
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specialagentlokitty · 9 hours
11th doctor x reader - the things of Halloween
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Hi hope you're doing good. Could I request an 11th Doctor x reader with this prompt from your Halloween prompt list "Where’s its head?" "You can’t just ask the headless horseman where his head is!"? - Anon💜
15: “Where’s its head?” “You can’t just ask the headless horseman where his head his!”
The doctor knew of your love for Halloween and everything spooky. He had watched you buy and set up loads of Halloween decorations, make sure you had enough sweets, you had even made him watch horror films with you.
He didn’t exactly like the horror films but he liked that it was a good excuse for him to cuddle up next to you and spend some time with you just laying at your side.
He watch you carve pumpkins and even attempted to carve a few on his own, and he tried a corn maze with you, as well as a haunted house.
You adored Halloween and everything that came with it, so he brought you to a place where Halloween was real.
All the stories.
The myths.
The legends.
The creatures.
They were all real here, and to see the amazement in your eyes as you slowly walked around was all he ever hoped for.
There was vampires and ghosts, werewolves and ghouls, moving pumpkins and zombies and mummies all around.
“Woah…” you whispered.
A few of the Halloween creatures gave you a curious look, to them you were strange, a pure human with no supernatural abilities.
“They’re fascinated by you…” the doctor whispered.
You flick your gaze back to the doctor who stands near you a little protectively knowing these beings could be a little unpredictable.
“They’ve never seen a human.”
The doctor nods his head, looping your arm with his as you both begin to walk again.
“Yup! There did used to be humans on this planet, but as these beings grew in numbers humans vanished. They believe earth is where they left for.”
You nod your head along as the doctor speaks, still scanning all the creatures in amazement, smiling at the small children who stop to stare at you as if you were make believe.
As you continued to look around your gazed focused on one specific creature.
The one everybody had the same question for, so without thinking as it slowly passed you spoke.
“Where’s its head?”
The doctor clamped his hand over your mouth looking panicked.
“You can’t just ask the headless horseman where his head his!”
The doctor quickly looked up at the headless horseman with a sheepish expression.
“I’m sorry! We mean no disrespect!”
The headless horseman seemed to pause, if it had its head you could be sure it was definitely looking at you.
Its shoulders bowed slightly before it rode away.
The doctor looked at you with a little grin and you gave one back.
“He wants us to follow him.”
The doctor dragged you after him as you both followed the black horse.
“Where are we going?”
“To help him find his head!” The doctor cheered
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egg-emperor · 2 days
I don't reflect on it much now but it's times like these where I get harsh reminders of how bad of a year 2022 was and realize how far I've come
Becoming the target of harassment and slander due to a combination of my Eggman creations and then being blamed for my abuse after learning the reasons behind it was really hard. I almost died months before that campaign even happened because I was in a terrible place anyway and some knew and still hurt me and made it worse. They made me regret surviving for a while. And if I expressed how hurt I was by it all, I was called manipulative
I lost so much in so many ways and had vile things said about me and my abuse and if it wasn't for the real friends and the lovely followers and anons who stuck by and supported me, I don't think I'd still be here. I was still acting out in terrible ways online for a while after because I was in an absolute awful place mentally due to irl and online struggles. There's a lot of deleted posts and DMs I regret but I genuinely wasn't thinking right for months, my mind was genuinely fucked
I developed some bad habits that I haven't fully recovered from and fluctuate between how bad they are but I'm glad it's one of the only things left to work on. The stress, anxiety, and depression of 2022 worsened my health issues a lot as last year I started experiencing increased fainting and other physical health issues. At that point I realized I needed a change for my safety and health. For a while I didn't even feel like I deserved to be helped so it was hard but I finally did it
Now I'm getting support with bills, going to doctor and hospital appointments to look into my disability for diagnosis and hopefully to be helped, I have a therapist I just started with. I'm personally not an SSRI meds kind of guy so I've been doing every other method to recover instead. I've also made a ton of progress mentally on my own with my mindset, it's far less of a negative and angry place than it was then. I manage how I deal with setbacks better, I don't feel like I'm back at square one when things get bad now
I spend far less time thinking about what happened or letting their negativity consume me. There's been a few times since where parts of it have come back up and it's been challenging at times but I can handle them more rationally and be the sensible level-headed one and assure that I don't go back to that place. It's okay for me to be hurt by it and realize what happened to me was wrong but I don't let it haunt me every moment anymore. It's no longer the first thing I think of when I wake and last when I go to sleep
And I've realized what really matters and what's really important to me. The passion and joyful expression of the things I love and all the great people that are still here that I have the delight of getting to know and talk to. There's still a lot of challenges coming up in the future but I'm happy that it has nothing to do with everything back then. I want to express myself and my passion and never feel the shame they wanted me to. I want to get better. I finally want to live. I have hope and believe better times are ahead
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And I'm very grateful for everyone who is warm, kind and supportive of me along the way. I appreciate everyone who is accepting of me and make me feel like I finally belong somewhere. Thank you 💜
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meangirlstobin · 2 years
omg your tags about by/ler posts being on the same level as tjlc is soooo true. one post floated across my dash the other day and i was genuinely like “damn op would’ve loved bbc sherlock (derogatory)”
lol sometimes I want to ask people where they were in 2012 because its a little too familiar…
I understand it’s a part of shipping to comb through the source material to find things that support your ship, especially when it’s non-canon but some of the posts I’ve seen… um okay! I guess i’m just not sure where the fanaticism comes from??
Also, I don’t particularly consider the duffers the types of writers to hide codes in their writing, at least not on this level. So, I don’t really see the point in trying to make meaning out of the show that way? That’s where it really gets tjlc lmao, like oh so the russian code is telling us that mike will profess his love? is there gonna be a secret episode, too?
At the end of the day, it’s not really that important it’s a mid netflix show. People can and will do what they want but it does make me giggle <3
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might I interest you in a Michael doodle today?
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I’ll finish this soon, trust 🙏
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14dayswithyou · 1 year
This is probably very far-fetched and a result of me overthinking it but i have a theory that Leon is secretly a yandere. So here's my little investigation :3
Piece of evidence number 1: I vaguely remember you saying something like "who said Ren is the only yandere in the game?" Or something along those lines, in an older post.
Piece of evidence number 2: In a post from june with some Leon crumbs you said: "When he was younger, Leon almost got into a fight because the weird kid in the grade below him tried to give you a ring on the playground. But Leon shut the whole ordeal down really quick because you promised to marry him first. Did you forget?" And that's just giving me yandere vibes
(Moving onto crackpot theories cause this is just me over analyzing jokes you made)
Piece of evidence number 3: You mentioned Leon, Theo and Jae would wear matching among us costumes for halloween, and Leon would be the imposter. Which made me think he might actually be an imposter lol
Piece of evidence number 4: This post was all non-canon and a joke but i'm still going to mention it. That one ask about Ren messing around with Angel's bedsheets, your response was "Who's gonna tell em about what Leon does in the bathroom during your sleepovers?? ^^"
Okay that's all i have ! Hope you have a good day !!
✦゜ANSWERED: I'm gonna need you to be a bit more quiet.................
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> Rose: Confess to Kanaya!
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Rose: I love you.
Kanaya: Y Yo Ati, Rose.
> Rose: Get swallowed by something that looks like Venom.
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> Rose: Get sent to super hell!
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> Kanaya: Have something very gay and homophobic happen to you.
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Kanaya: ...
What an absolute diversity loss. You find yourself thinking "love loses!"
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riosnecktattoo · 1 year
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What Spring Does with the Cherry Trees
Part Five / Read on ao3
If he thinks she hasn’t noticed when he doesn’t turn the page for ages he’s wrong. And if he’s not actually reading then what the hell is he doing? He should just watch the movie!
It’s clear he’s doing all this to irritate her and it’s not working.
“You don’t have to sit out here while you read,” Beth blurts out. Aimed right at him. Tired of the impasse. This little unbothered act he’s putting on.
Rio pouts his bottom lip like he disagrees, doesn’t look away from his book. “Bein’ social.”
“But if the movie’s distracting you—”
“It ain’t.”
“You haven’t turned the page in like five minutes.”
“You timin’ me?”
“No,” Beth huffs, frowning.
“Cause you got previous.”
That sets her on edge. The way his tone changes as he says it. The burst of memories he purposefully digs up between them.
“I’m not.”
“Then relax,” he drawls.
“I’m perfectly relaxed,” Beth grits out. Crossing her arms and dropping back in to the couch cushion, hadn’t realized she’d been straining forward.
“Seems like it,” Rio smirks.
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cherry-bomb-ships · 16 days
Omg I realized something rly cute, so I use a note on my phone to take a list of drink orders from first class when I'm working in the front, but the way I hold my phone when I'm typing usually looks like this
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So with the bottom half of my case covered up, it's almost like Mojo is glaring down my passengers while I'm taking orders 😂💖💖💖💖 It makes me think of him being with me and threatening ppl who even think about being rude to me ehehehehe 💖💘💖💘💖💘
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arcielee · 1 month
What is Jujutsu Kaisen about??? You have me intrigued!!! I grew up on Sailor Moon, Naruto, and Bleach. Recently a Demon Slayer girly. So wondering if Ill like it too! And yes - I know I can google it BUT I think Id rather get your take :)))
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cottagecori · 2 months
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send me a 🍋 and I'll make you a lil moodboard !!
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red-moon-at-night · 1 year
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kind of a 'then vs now' comparison (idolhood vs living through everything post-idolhood) but in the same outfit.
the urge to quote "despite everything, it's still you" is very strong right now.
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