#like i have no idea how to convey to you that you are 100% 'the narcissist' in this situation.
nohaijiachi · 8 months
Why I Think The Fandom Has Been Doing Aziraphale Dirty Ever Since Season 1 And It's Only Gotten Worse With Season 2 And It's Killing Me Inside
Before we get into the subject matter of the title let me preface a couple of things:
1- All that will follow is, big surprise, my opinion and my interpretation of this character. Do I think I am The One And Only Who Gets The Blorbo Right and that my ideas are 100% the way the author(s) intended to convey the character? No.
More likely than not the way I see Aziraphale could be intensely different from the way Authorman sees him, or Actorman sees him, and I don't think that my interpretation is necessarily any more correct than anybody's else.
That said, if I also did not think that I am, in fact, correct on a certain level, I wouldn't have bothered forming such a thought out opinion of Aziraphale in the first place, nor would be sitting here, writing this post that I can already tell is going to be entirely too long and might probably ruffle some feathers.
So I'll be writing the rest of this post with the caveat that I while I do think my interpretation correct, I'm also not trying to change anybody's mind nor to discredit anybody's else interpretation of Aziraphale. We can sit here in the sandpit and hold different opinions and still be able to build sandcastles together, it really isn't that deep at the end of the day; I can assure you, I'm not here to fight nor cause fights with this one.
2- With the above point, comes also the fact that I won't bother continuously saying "In my opinion" for the rest of this post. You already know that. So, if something will come across as a bit caustic, do know that it is very much tongue in cheek and I am poking a bit of fun at general fannish habits that I am also very much quote-unquoute 'guilty' of having partaken into, and will partake into again plenty of times in the future, I'm sure.
So, with that: Here's Why I Think The Fandom Has Been Doing Aziraphale Dirty Ever Since Season 1 And It's Only Gotten Worse With Season 2 And It's Killing Me Inside
A large part of the people comprising this fandom prefers Crowley. There, I said it.
This fandom's preference blatantly skews toward Crowley. Can we admit that openly? Let's admit that openly.
To be clear, this isn't meant to be an accusation or recrimination or any other -ation you can think of, I am merely stating matter-of-factly a phenomena I've observed in the last four years.
It is also not a wrong nor bad thing in any way, shape or form. I adore Crowley myself. I love them both so much it's unreal.
But I started with that because I think it is very much a symptom of the fact that a lot of people don't get Aziraphale.
I remember back with S1 there had been plenty of times when I found myself reading discussions and opinion exchanges about Aziraphale and Crowley, their dynamics, all the things that went unsaid behind the things that were said, and found myself genuinely surprised by seeing how some people interpreted certain moments wildly different from how I personally saw them.
I look back at that and I think "Oh, sweet summer child". Nothing could have prepared me from the onslaught of takes about Aziraphale that make me go "Good lord, what???" in the wake of S2, and the infamous Last Fifteen.
Now because I don't want to be pointing fingers at specific things and risk upsetting somebody more than I already am by being open in admitting that, guys, yes, some of the takes y'all have been sharing make me go "Yikes(tm)", I'll move on the interesting part and what I would actually love to discuss, aka cracking Aziraphale's head open and see what that actual fuck is going on in there.
Another preface: Because this duo is intrinsically linked and woven together it is downright impossible to only focus on Aziraphale without also mentioning Crowley, so... Let me circle back to our fav demon bae for a sec, here.
I think the reason why it seems that a larger part of the fandom favors Crowley is because I feel like Crowley is a much easier character to grasp. He is very open in his thoughts and feelings, at any given moment us, the audience, have a much easier time watching a scene and sort of ruminating in the back of our heads about Crowley's motivations for saying the things he says and doing the things he does.
That isn't to say Crowley is a less complex character than Aziraphale. They are very much equally complex and multifaceted individuals with their strengths and weaknesses, their issues and the way they each cope with them, how differently they approach their existence and so on and so forth.
But whereas Crowley as a character presents itself with a certain dynamism and a far more outward openness about his complexity, Aziraphale does the exact opposite; we can say Aziraphale is downright hermetic about it.
For us, the audience, he presents a challenge that requires a good deal of thought being put into him to see over the facade he presents at a more superficial level; he requires time and effort to fully dismantle him in our minds to try and see what makes him thick (other than his thighs), and thus I think it is entirely natural that more people latch on the far easier to identify-with, and relate-to, Crowley.
And that is the inevitable consequence of everything that makes Aziraphale... Well, Aziraphale.
So, where to start? Let's try and jot down what Aziraphale truly is at his core.
He is a contradiction.
This man-shaped being is a walking contradiction, constantly existing in a state of being coated in three thousand layers of misdirection and obfuscation and double thinking.
Why is that? Well. He's an angel.
Aziraphale loves being an angel. It is a tenet of his entire existence and something he cherishes. He wants, so very much, to be his ideal of what a good angel is: An entity who is kind and loving and understanding and forgiving.
Of course us, the audience, know that is utter bullshit, because we know angels can be individuals just as complex as the humans Aziraphale loves so much, with all their inherent flaws and capability for cruelty. And, on a certain level, Aziraphale knows that too.
So there we have it, one element of contradiction: Aziraphale wants to think that angels are always Good and Righteous and Never Wrong; Aziraphale knows that angels aren't, in fact, always Good and Righteous and, by god, can they make plenty of mistakes, too.
What else? How about Aziraphale sitting there, being in love with a demon, fully knowing that at the end of the day demons really ain't that different from angels, and also desperately hanging onto the concept of Good vs Bad.
And he sits there, existing with these two contrasting idea equally taking space in his mind, neither side ever capable of taking over the other.
What else do we have? Aziraphale loves God and wants so hard to believe in Her love for humanity and Her ineffable plan, and Aziraphale also time and again does things that very blatantly go against Her will, lies to Her face, and Doubts. He Doubts, a lot, and that requires the capital letter because those Doubts are what spur him in going against everything he's ever told to believe in order to do the right thing.
Aziraphale's very existence is a constant push-and-pull of things he wants to believe and things he knows are real; things he's told to do and things he wants to do. That's how we get "My side" and "there's a bit of good in you" and "you are the bad guys".
And nothing he's lived through has managed to break him out of this unhealthy way of existing quite yet; that's why he acts the way we see him act in the Edinburgh flashback in S2, or at the start of S1 when Crowley has to ease Aziraphale into the idea of trying to stop Armageddon with the usual song and dance of "temptation" and "plausible deniability" and "you'd be thwarting me", even though from the start we can tell there's a little part of Aziraphale who is clearly not at ease with the idea of the end of the world, and once he's been given 'permission' by Crowley nudging him, he is all the way in with the whole saving the world business, not take-backsies.
Both the moments I mentioned here are very important for different reasons, but of the two is very much the Edinburgh flashback that gets a lot more flack by the fandom and is blatantly misunderstood, which I think is the inevitable consequence of that minisode immediately following the glorious, beautiful, heartbreaking piece of art that is the "A companion to owls" minisode.
I've seen a lot of people lamenting that Aziraphale acts obnoxiously in the Edinburgh flashback and, yeah. He does. But I feel like the fact that we are seeing this after watching Aziraphale struggle his way through saving Job's children, even being willing to go to Hell for it, is a though act to follow and probably soured Edinburgh-Aziraphale for a lot of people, made them think that the character had regressed instead of progressing.
But, see, the way he acts is wholly congruous with who Aziraphale is and has always been and keeps being up to the very end of S2. Yes, even after what he does for Job's children.
If you get down to it, Aziraphale had been ready to give up and let the children die, in episode 2. For a brief moment, after Crowley told him he 'longed to destroy the blameless children', Aziraphale was walking away, having tried all he thought he could try to do to stop this senseless act. That was until Crowley tested him by making the crows bleat, cuing Aziraphale to the fact that his impression of Crowley wasn't wrong, and the he could count on him to do the right thing.
To be clear, I don't want to undermine Aziraphale's action by only giving the credit to Crowley but... It is, also, only thanks to Crowley cajoling him and giving him the right excuses, that Aziraphale feels safe in doing what he's always wanted to do all along.
He'd wanted to save Job's children, and thought he couldn't until Crowley threw him that hell of a lifesaver. He wanted to save the world and thought he couldn't until Crowley nudged him on the path of plausible deniability.
He wanted to save Elspeth's eternal soul, blinding himself to the hardships she'd have to endure in her not-eternal life, and was smacked right in the face by the reality of human suffering multiple times.
The way Aziraphale acts in that flashback can't be a regression, because there never was a progression in the first place: He'd always walked the line between Heaven's and God's will and his own, personal morality and sense of justice.
By all means, if we look at Uz-Aziraphale and modern-day-Aziraphale at the start of S1, his reticence about the whole saving the world business should, by all means, appear as a regression as well. You mean to tell me that he'd been ready to become a demon for the sake of three mortal children, and then suddenly a handful of thousands years later when faced with the prospect of the whole world going up in flames he'd just be all like "Heaven will triumph over Hell and it will be all rather lovely"? Like, fuck off, Aziraphale, you lying double-thinker, you (/pos)
Aziraphale constantly exist while being at war with himself. Circumstances have allowed him to rebel the will of Heaven and God more or less safely time and again, but he never quite managed to break free entirely. He'd always ended up being reeled back in, being fed the party lines, being made to feel shame for his independent thinking, until it all becomes too much and he is forced to step back from that freedom he'd been inches away from grasping.
Back and forth, back and forth, never stopping.
And all of this, all of what he is, makes it so hard for us, the audience, to truly see him. To truly grasp him. To truly watch any given scene with him and figure out what he might be thinking or feeling.
To understand Aziraphale is to understand what he is not saying when he says something, which is a good deal harder to do than it is to understand and relate to a character like Crowley, who very much revel in saying exactly whatever the heck he thinks whenever he damn well pleases.
All those layers of obfuscation and misdirection and double thinking that Aziraphale coats himself in are as much an armor that makes it harder for the audience to understand him as they are his very own downfall because, good lord, if you exist like that, if you exist forced to keep things hidden from yourself, well... It's inevitable that at some point you are going to stumble into pitfalls of your own making.
And I love him for it.
So, there? I hope I managed to explain something with this post, and that it wasn't just the rambling of someone who spends way too much time thinking about her blorbos. To be clear, I don't think people who haven't spent as much time as me trying to dissect and better understand Aziraphale's character are like, dumber than me or anything. It's just that this pair of angelic-demonic blorbos take too much real estate in my mind, lol.
Feel free to let me know your opinion and if you think I am wildly off mark and my Take Is Bad. I might answer, I might not, it all depends on time and my mood ◝(ᵔᵕᵔ)◜
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dark-frosted-heart · 27 days
The Owl’s Sweet Judgment - Matias
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An “If you were lovers” story. As usual, can’t guarantee 100% accuracy on this
If Prince Matias and I were lovers…
Matias: So this is your home…
After having a fun date with him while he visited Rhodolite, I dragged Prince Matias to my house.
While he was distracted by my room, I locked the door and peeked out the window.
(No one’s following us. That’s good…)
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Matias: A woman’s room should smell nice. ……Ahhhh, it’s better than I imagined.
(Just what were you imagining…You know what, let’s not think about that)
Emma: Since you’re here, I’ll go prepare some tea.
Matias: I’ll help.
Emma: No, don’t worry about it. I’m the one who dragged you to my home.
Matias: I see... Then I’ll take you up on the offer.
Even though I was treating him, Prince Matias followed me to the kitchen.
It was like he didn’t even think about making himself at home, and his earnestness had me smiling.
Emma: As you might expect, this is rose tea.
Matias: Rhodolite even uses roses for tea? You’re very consistent.
Emma: We’re the Country of Roses. It’s delicious.
(I’ve never seen it in Achroite so I’m sure this is the first time Prince Matias has been offered this drink)
After retrieving the tea set from the shelf, I started preparing the tea.
Meanwhile, Prince Matias just stood and watched.
Emma: …Isn’t this boring?
Matias: Not at all.Your every movement has my interest. Moreover, should you spill the tea and stain your clothes, I’ll need to take action. Or perhaps you’ll need my help retrieving equipment from a high place. I’ve fantasized about such situations happening and I’m confident in my ability to deal with those incidents.
Emma: That’s promising.
(...Just how many ideas unfold in Prince Matias’ mind?)
There were 100 questions I could’ve asked, but I kept them to myself.
Matias: By the way, why did you invite me to your home? That wasn’t part of our plans…
Emma: I’m sorry…There wasn’t a particular reason, I just suddenly felt like wanting you all to myself.
Matias: You always have me. I only have eyes for you.
Emma: I don’t want to get too greedy.
(Prince Matias really hasn’t noticed)
While we were walking around town, all the women we passed by would turn and look at Prince Matias.
They were like butterflies lured by sweet nectar—
It seemed like the tremendous amount of charm Prince Matias unconsciously gave off affected women left and right. 
(I had no choice but to escape because his charm was turned up more than usual)
I didn’t want other women to share the same experience of having my heart race and body heating up, and feeling charmed just by being around him.
That selfish pettiness what brought us to our current situation.
(...I lied, but I don’t want him to know my true feelings)
Matias: …Sorry.
I took out the necessary amount of tea leaves and was about to put the jar back on the shelf when Prince Matias, who was standing beside me, grabbed my hand.
Matias: I always thought I was focusing my efforts on conveying my love, but… I guess I haven’t been doing enough to make you greedy for me.
Matias pressed his lips on the back of my hand and his sex appeal was unleashed with a bang.
(And here I was thinking about going outside again when this overflowing sex appeal settled down)
He nipped at my index finger and the charm increased in proportion to my racing heartbeat.
(This is dangerous…Very dangerous!)
Emma: Prince Matias, you show your love well…Really well.
Matias: Is that so? I was considering unleashing the rest.
(The rest?! This wasn’t all?!)
Emma: Don’t do that or I’ll die!
Matias: Wha…You’ll die?!
Emma: That’s right, people die when they get too excited!
(I haven’t actually heard about that being a cause of death, but…!)\
It wasn’t a lie, and it could happen if Prince Matias’s villainous sex appeal grew stronger.
Matias: Is that so? I wasn’t aware. I need to show how I love you without making you worry…That’s truly a challenge.
(I’m sorry, Prince Matias)
Instead of apologizing, I wrapped my arms around Prince Matias’ waist and hugged him.
Since he was a former soldier, it was obvious his body was well-trained, even with all those clothes.
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Matias: Can I hug you back?
Emma: Of course.
When I nodded, Prince Matias gently wrapped his arm around me as if holding a fragile item.
Matias: You’re still so small… But I think you’re hiding something in this small body of yours.
Emma: Huh?
Matias: What exactly are you hiding?
Emma: I’m not h-hiding anything—
As I looked away, Prince Matias played with my hair.
Matias: Since we entered your house, you’ve been acting suspicious and haven’t stopped looking around. That’s usually how liars react.
Emma: …
Matias: If you’ve been lying in any way, then you’d be guilty of fraud. Are you really not hiding anything from me?
He placed kisses on the ends of my hair and I got dizzy from the sensuality that reaped my sanity.
(It’s not good…I can’t hide it)
(I wasn’t planning on saying anything…)
Emma: …I really want to have you all to myself. I couldn’t stand the suggestive looks you got from the people we passed by…
Matias: That happened?
Emma: It did.
Matias: Is that so? I didn’t notice. I was only looking at you.
(This guy…)
Matias: No wonder you’ve been acting strange the whole day.
Emma: …Are you disgusted?
Matias: Why would I?
Emma: I thought I was acting petty…
Matias: Really? If you call that being petty then I’d like you to be more petty. So much that there’s no place for anyone but me.
Emma: Prince Matias…
It was like that sincere smile before me saved me.
Matias: …However, fraud is fraud.
Emma: Huh?
Matias: You lied by hiding your true feelings, didn’t you? I’m the Guardian of Law…Therefore I need to punish you impartially.
Sweet, dewy eyes the color of shadow on snow, completely different from those aimed at criminals, approached and I closed my eyes.
The sensation of the savory kiss and feeling of his palms caressing my waist added on to the suffocating charm.
(...I’m going to melt like ice)
Matias held me up as I was about to collapse.
The wet sensation on my lips raised my body heat a bit more.
Emma: It’s a punishment…but it’s very sweet.
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Matias: You’re special.
(Ah…I’m feeling more intolerant)
(With Prince Matias, there’s no limits…)
It doesn’t seem like we’ll be leaving my house any time soon because of the Guardian of Law’s sweet judgment.
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justmediocrewriting · 5 months
Hi!!! I just saw your post for requests hehehee could you do a luffy x baker!reader who is sanji’s sister?? How they meet and join his crew and how luffy is in love with the pastries she makes? c: they think she can’t fight/hold up her own but turns out she’s just really lucky in fighting situations, no strategy or strength just 100% panic and luck LOL thank you! c:
A Little Bit Of A Sweet Tooth {m.d.l}
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Summary: Luffy has a major sweet tooth — Sanji’s stingy about food, but he knows someone who would be more than happy to feed him some sweets outside of allotted meal times.
Genre: fluff
Pairing: Luffy x fem!reader
Word Count: 0.9k
Requested: ✅
Warnings: minor language
A/n: I think I got a cavity just writing this shit smh. I’m so happy you sent in your request nonnie and I’m sorry it took so long ❤️ I hope you all enjoy!
Your tongue peeked between your lips as you focused intensely on your current task; the icing tube was gripped in your hand with just the perfect amount of force, the lines to the pattern on the cookies simply flawless, as always.
Luffy loved watching you make pastries; you were a lot similar to Sanji when you were in the zone, and your adeptness and attention to detail was rather riveting — not to mention the face you made when you were focused was truly adorable, as was the way you completely lost yourself in the art. Baking was your dream, and every delicious pastry made was simply a stepping stone on your journey (and Luffy loved tasting them and praising you about how good you did, because you would blush so prettily when he did.)
“Are they done yet?” Luffy asked, not unkindly but a bit impatiently, and the small giggle you let out went straight to his chest and wrapped around his heart like a vice. Without pausing your hands you glanced up at him, and Luffy thought his heart would burst with just how cute you looked with your hair tied into a messy bun and your cheeks spotted with bits of yellow icing.
“Not yet, Luffy. I still have to ice them and let them set.” Your voice was incredibly kind and soft, with an exasperated sort of fondness that conveyed just how many times you’d said these exact words in this exact same situation.
“How long will it take?” Luffy asked, shifting slightly in his seat. His eyes were focused on the little bit of icing still stuck to your skin, and he was feeling the overwhelming urge to wipe it off for you. Luffy’d done it many times in the past, usually following it up with a peck to whatever area of your face he’d wiped it from, and it always resulted in you becoming a fumbling, blushing mess.
At first, Sanji was furious about the prospect of you and Luffy engaging in a relationship. Like any typical older brother, he was insanely protective of you, to the point of being a tad overprotective, but with a bit of coaxing and time to adapt to the idea, he became reluctantly accepting of it.
You liked to assume he only relented because he knew there was truly no way that he’d be able to stop it, as you’d once told Luffy.
The attraction you two had had to one another was undeniable from the moment your eyes had met at Baratie; and for Luffy, that first bite of that lovely macaron you’d shyly offered him simply sealed it in stone that he was in love with you. Love at first sight and taste, Luffy liked to say.
It wasn’t just your exceptional baking skills that drew Luffy in; you were also rather adept at fighting. When Arlong and his fishmen had attacked the Baratie, you jumped in with no fear or hesitation — your weapon of choice had been the multitudes of silver ware and platters among the tables, and though your eyes were screwed shut every time you threw one, it seemed to always hit its mark. Luffy knew that you and Sanji were the exact kind of people that he wanted on his crew, so he was all too eager to invite you both. Though most of the reasons he wanted you to join were similar to Sanji’s, there were a few that definitely weren’t similar.
When both you and Sanji had agreed to join the crew, Luffy was absolutely overjoyed — at that point, you two had still been delicately swimming around each other, aware of the spark but too bashful and timid to try to fan the flame. It only took a couple of weeks and many pastry-filled twilight trysts in the galley for you two to give in to the chemistry, ultimately leading up to this point.
“Luffy, I already told you this batch would take about an hour and half. Just be patient.” You sighed, but the smile on your face told Luffy that you weren’t truly irritated with him. Luffy sniffed and slipped from the stool he was occupying to swing around the counter and stand at your side.
“Well, if it’s going to take that long, can I at least try the icing?”
You rolled your eyes and popped out a hip while setting the piping bag down delicately on the counter beside the tray of cookies. You put on your best stern face and pointed a finger at him.
“Last time I let you ‘try the icing’ I didn’t have enough left to finish the rest of the batch.” You reminded him, and Luffy simply smiled at you before slipping his arms around your waist and pulling you just a smidge closer, until there was only about an inch between your bodies. Luffy’s chest swelled at the way your cheeks colored. Luffy widened his eyes in the way you affectionally dubbed as ‘puppy dog eyes’, mostly because he knew they were nearly impossible for you to say no to, but also because he really wanted to try that icing.
By the way your eyes softened and the giant sigh you heaved, Luffy knew he’d won.
“Fine. But just a little bit. And then I expect you to let me finish the cookies, got it?” Luffy could tell you were doing your best to sound stern, but it was hard to take you seriously when you just looked so cute and sexy.
Luffy wasn’t scared to vocalize this opinion of his either, and when you sputtered and grabbed the piping bag, he wasn’t even angry when his little taste ended up being a given with a little extra all over his face.
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justmeinadaze · 8 months
Children of the Night (Steddie X You)
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"Listen to them, the children of the night. What music they make!"- Dracula
A/N: "I present to you...this fucking thing." Lol always the TikTok that comes into my head when I try something new. I had started doing like a camboy Steddie thing but I struggled a lot with it and the feelings I wanted to convey. While listening to a song, this idea popped into my head so... I hope you enjoy it!
For the first half, everyone is referred to by their screen names.
Eddie is Dracula.
Steve is Renfield
Reader is Mina
I also set it in 2005 when things like streaming were relatively new and cameras weren't 100% clear.
Warnings: Camboys Steddie (Vampire Eddie and Human Steve) X Human Fem Reader, SMUT of the Steddie variety, Daddy kink (because im me lol), choking, biting. ANGST, blood is mentioned mostly from Eddie feeding, the reader has an abusive boyfriend so Domestic Violence Trigger, Eddie defends her and both boys take care of her. I think that's it.
Word Count: 4046
InnocentLittleMina: Hey sexy boys.
You grinned at your computer screen when you saw the long-haired boy smirk under his mane of hair.
“Hey, honey. How are you tonight?”, the other man smiled lovingly into the camera.
InnocentLittleMina: I’m alright. Can’t complain. What about you?
“I’m ok. As you can see Dracula is a little grumpy.”, he teases. 
“I’m hungry.”, he growls making you giggle. 
When you first saw these boys known only as Dracula and Renfield, you were drawn to them immediately. There was something about them that was not only attractive but confident as hell and it drove you wild. People around town talked about them constantly which was interesting since Los Angeles was a huge city. In 2005, there weren’t many people streaming, let alone broadcasting the content they were. 
 Everyone including police tried to track them down but never could. Their website itself was fairly generic but that’s not what their fans cared about. What they cared about was the content these two provided. 
The man known as Dracula would feed of off the other man known as Renfield and nine times out of ten it led to something sexual. The first time you heard Renfield moan, your pussy clenched around nothing. It was the most beautiful sound you had ever heard. Not many of their fans stayed after they finished but you always did, loving the way Dracula took care of Renfield after. They seemed to genuinely care about each other and that was something you appreciated. 
When you created your account you hoped it would get their attention and as luck would have it, it did especially since a lot of the female fans that watched them named their accounts after the character Lucy always believing that was the girl Dracula fell for. 
After a few months of back and forth, you actually came to know them as friends. Dracula didn’t talk as much as his friend but he did chime in where necessary and played his guitar for you once or twice making you swoon. Renfield always asked about your day and told you things about their time away from the computer but you couldn’t help but feel like they were holding information back. 
You asked them constantly why they decided on this particular vampire style content and theme and every time they changed the subject. You asked once how they faked the blood that stained Renfield’s chest when they were done and they pretended like they didn’t hear you. You asked them for their real names and each time they said their screen ones making you sigh. 
To make up for being obtuse and hoping to distract you, Renfield offered you a job as their moderator and paid you fabulously for your time. Since they trusted you enough with their business, you met their kindness with one of your own by turning on your webcam and showing them your face. 
Dracula’s eyes had turned towards you, grinning at your beauty. 
“Pretty girl.”
“Very.”, Renfield agreed. 
It had been a few months since then and you were extremely fond of them both. 
InnocentLittleMina: Ok, well, you have your stream in a few minutes so… don’t get too hungry! You need and love him.
“I do.”, Dracula smiles.
“We’ll talk to you after, honey.”, Renfield winks and you watch as they get into their places on the bed behind them. 
A little sigh left your lips as both men removed their shirts. Dracula’s tattoos on his chest always had you entranced. You noticed the first time you watched them that they both had scars along their stomachs up to their necks but that was a question you knew better than to ask. Trauma like that was none of your business unless they chose to tell you. 
The stream began and you kept your eyes peeled as fans began pouring in. They never said a greeting nor even said hello. You figured part of it was because by this point Dracula’s eyes were black like a shark on the hunt and those contacts had to be killing him. 
Straddling Renfield’s waist, Dracula tenderly kissed the man’s neck before gripping his fluffy hair in his hand and tugging him back as he bit into his skin. Renfield’s palms promptly came around to cling to Dracula’s head as his eye’s rolled and he fell backwards onto the mattress. 
A heavy exhale escaped you at the sight, licking your tongue across your lips as his hips began grinding up against his own. 
“Fuck. That’s it, baby. Take what you need.”, Renfield moaned. 
Something happened. Dracula’s head abruptly shot up looking vacantly in the distance. 
“What? What’s wrong? Wh-What do you feel, honey?” He cooed underneath him as he ran his fingers across his cheek and moved some of his messy hair back. 
“Mina.”, he growled. 
That got your attention as you sat up straighter. They both swiveled their heads towards the computer before you heard heavy footsteps and immediately yanked the cord from the wall just as the door opened. 
“John! Hey. I-I didn’t think you’d be coming over tonight.”
“You say that like you’re not excited to see your boyfriend.”
“Pfft. No, baby, I am. You just scared me is all. H-How was your day?”
His stern blue eyes flicked towards your little pink razor phone by your end table as it continued to vibrate. The boys knew your number. You gave it to them when they hired you. 
Please don’t let him walk over there to see. 
“Are you going to get that?”
“No, baby. I want to talk to you. Tell me about your day. I missed you—”
“Answer. The phone. Y/N.”
You sighed, pretending to be annoyed he was making you answer a random call as you flipped it open. 
“Mina?! Are you alright?!”
“I’m sorry. I think you have the wrong number.”
You can hear them arguing in the background, vaguely picking up tidbits as your boyfriend steps closer to you. 
“I can feel her. I know where she is! Something bad is about to happen to her!”
“NO! You can’t reveal yourself and bring her into our mess! She deserves to have a better life!”
“She won’t have a fucking life, Steve, if this fucker kills her!”
“I always knew I’d catch you cheating on me sooner or later. Give me the phone.”
“John, I’m not… I would never…”
“Give it to me NOW.”, he snarls. You do as he says and as soon as your device touches his palm, his free one flies across your face smacking you so hard you fall on to the mattress. “Whoever this is, what you have with my girl is over.”
The growl that came through your phone’s speaker scared even you as you heard it loud and clear from where you were. 
“You’re going to regret touching her. If I were you, little man, I would leave now.”
With that there was silence and John threw the phone across the wall hoping to smash it into pieces. You two began fighting each other but he was much stronger than you, getting a good hit to your eye making you dizzy.
The banging of the door caving in is loud and your eyes are half open when you see a blur fly into your room, tackling your boyfriend to the ground. You hear his screams but they sound so far away. After a few minutes, everything is silent again and your arms fly out defensively when a hand touches your side. 
“No! No please!”
“I’m not going to hurt you, Mina. I never would. Just hold on to me, ok?” You feel your body being lifted and you press your cheek against cold, bare skin. “Clasp your hands around my neck, sweetheart.”
After barely registering his command, you feel a sudden rush of wind and after a minute you find yourself being placed on a bed that isn’t yours. 
“Have you lost your fucking mind!? Killing someone and then bringing her here!?”
“How do you know I killed him?”
“Because I fucking know you!”
“Can you stop berating me and help her, please!?”
A much warmer hand tenderly moves your hair back as something wet is dragged across your face making you jump.
“Hey, hey now. Everything’s ok. I just need to clean your cuts here. Can you go get me some ice, please?” Wind lightly blows your hair back twice before you hear the pack slam into his hand. “Thank you. What, um, what was happening when you got there?”
“He was hitting her. I’ve felt his anger before but this was different.”
“So you did go hunting for her even though I told you a thousand times not to.”
“No.”, he snarled, voice deep with annoyance. “I can just…feel her. I don’t get it either ok?!”
“Oh wow.” The wet rag was replaced with the cool of the ice pack as the man’s voice beside you got louder. “You like her.”
“And you don’t? She’s beautiful, kind, funny—”
“Fuck. Off. Little boy. Or I swear to God—”
“You swear to God what? Finish that sentence, Dracula. I dare you.” The man scoffed as he focused his attention back on you. “Go clean up your fucking mess while I take care of her.”
There’s a whoosh of air and everything in the room stills. 
You woke up the next morning in utter confusion. You vaguely remembered your boyfriend being angry and attacking you but then…someone saved you. Turning to your side, you noticed you were at home in your room tucked safely under the covers. 
Carefully standing, you glance around the room to find nothing out of place except for your phone by your bed that was broken in half.
Loud knocking on the door, startled you before you power walked to see who it was before answering. Sighing, your best friend doesn’t even wait for you to fully open the door before she barges in.  
“Ma’am! I have been calling you all morning and your phone goes straight to voicemail! What’s going—“ She freezes when she sees your face. “Y/N! Oh my god! What happened?!”
“Nothing, Lilly. I’m fine. I just—”
“Fell? You always say that. Where is that fucker? Is he here? I’m going to kill him.”
Lilly stomps towards your bedroom and you quickly run after her but you’re not one percent sure why. Him being attacked was a dream you had, right?
“Hm. Well, next time I see him he’s dead. Jesus, looks like he destroyed your phone. Come on. Let’s go the store so we can get you a new one. Maybe one of those sleek shiny new ones with the screen you touch.”
“But I like my razor phone. It’s shiny enough.”, you smile as you change to go out into the world. 
As you amble around the phone store, you friend continues to babble about mundane things that you barely hear. What does catch your attention is a group of girls talking in the corner. Pretending to look at the devices in front of you, you slide closer to them as you listen in.
“Did you see their stream last night?”
“It started getting good but then Dracula disappeared to ‘save Mina’. Like are they kidding?”
“I hope they aren’t mixing plot with their sex-ca-pades.”
“Now if they want to add a Mina I think that’d be hot but don’t just cut a stream short like that!”
“Y/N! Did you find what you want?”, your friend practically shouts making you and everyone around jump. 
“Yes! Good God, Lilly. Lower your voice.”
“Aw. I love you to.”
Staring at your blank computer screen, you debated on even signing on. All the clues were telling you what happened last night was real but that can’t be, right? You had called John multiple times to no avail and even went to his house with no answer. Checking the message boards of their fan group, others were saying what the other group had said about them cutting mid-stream and Dracula abruptly vanishing. 
What happened?
“Hey, honey—Oh my god, Mina what happened?!”, Renfield asked as soon as you signed in. Dracula was sitting beside him, his arms folded as he starred off to the side. Turning on your mic, you decided you needed to know the truth. 
“I was going to ask you that.”
“Us? Why? The last time we saw you was before our stream.”
“Really? I could swear I heard Dracula’s voice in my house and then you two fighting while I was passed out.”
“Huh. A dream maybe? I mean, we’re pretty far from you.”
“Oh yeah? Where?”
Your stern tone had Dracula turning to face the screen as Renfield sighed. 
“Far, Mina.”
“How would you know? I don’t even know your names let alone where you live.” You glare at your computer, feeling a confidence you had never felt before. “Did you kill John? Or hurt him?”
“Who cares what happened to that asshole? You deserve better.”, Dracula answers in a deep tone of his own that made you a little bit nervous but you ignored it as you pushed forward. 
“Again, how would you know? You never met him.”
“Don’t need to see him to see the damage he inflicts on you every time he comes over. Why do you put up with it, sweetheart? Because you think you deserve to be treated like trash?”
“How did you get here so fast? People are saying you disappeared after saying my name.”
“This was a mistake.”, Renfield whispers to the boy beside him.
“I’m not afraid of you…either of you. I just…I just want answers.”
Dracula’s eyes darken as he turns to Renfield. 
“No. No! Don’t you fucking—” 
Before he had finished his sentence, the long-haired boy was gone and you heard your front door open as a breeze hit your face. 
“You may not be afraid of us now, little one, but you will be.”
With that, he lifted you over his shoulders like a sack of potatoes and in the blink of an eye you were back in a room you vaguely remembered. 
“Why am I even here? You never fucking listen to me!”, Renfield whined.
“Sit.”, Dracula commanded you as he pointed towards a chair. “Not a sound. Do you hear me?”
You nod completely frozen in fear at the speed of which he even brought you back to their house. 
“You to. Sit.”
“Fuck you. Are you kidding me right now? After everything we’ve done to avoid getting caught—”
The man choked on his words as a strong hand wrapped around his throat and walked him backwards towards the end of the bed.
“I’m not in the fucking mood to have this argument right now, Steven.”, Dracula growled angrily. “I didn’t get to finish eating last night and I’m starving.”
“You…you didn’t…eat her boyfriend. I’m…shocked.”
Your eyes widened at his audacity to talk back even in the position he was currently in. Plus, he always seemed so gentle so hearing him talk this way startled and excited you. 
Dracula’s eyes fluttered closed as he dropped Renfield who promptly gasped for air.
“Jesus Steve, if you could fucking smell what I smell you’d do anything for her to. You think she’s scared but she’s not. She’s turned on.”, he whispers as you watch him adjust himself in his jeans.
“Steve?” They both turn to look at you as you suddenly speak. “Renfield is Steve. W-Who are you, Dracula?”
The man can feel your heart beat slow as you find a sense of grounding in your current chaos. He wasn’t lying when he said he could feel you weren’t afraid but you were extremely confused, trying to make sense of a reality that they both had long accepted. 
“Eddie. My real name is Eddie.”
Your hand shakes as you point to your chest. “My name is Y/N.”
Something in their room beeps as they give each other their attention once again. 
“You’re insane if you think we’re streaming right now.”
Eddie points his finger at you once more as his voice deeply rumbles. 
“No noise. Not even a squeak.”
They get into a position you’ve seen numerous times but this time the energy is different. The man you now know as Steve clenches his jaw as he tilts his head to expose his neck. 
A ring laced hand reaches out to cup his cheek and turns his face towards his own as he leans his forehead on his. 
“Please don’t be this way. I need you.”, Eddie whispers. 
“Yeah. For this right? Because you sure as hell don’t listen or care about my opinion.”
As they murmur to each other, you imagine it’s too low for the mic to pick up but you can hear it and the pain in both their voice breaks your heart. The metalhead’s dark eyes flick towards the web cam before settling back on the man beside him. 
“I do, sweetheart. I care about you and what you have to say. It’s because of you I’m still here…I’m safe.”
Steve’s eyes flutter slightly as his admission as he blinks back tears. 
“I love you.”, he whispers as he kisses his forehead. 
“I love you to, baby. Come here. Let me take care of you to.”
Eddie tenderly pushed Steve back against the mattress, pulling down his sweats and boxers, and tossing them to the floor. When his cock sprang free, Eddie wasted no time, licking and kissing his tip before enveloping him fully into his mouth. 
“Fuck.”, Steve whimpered as he reached down to tangle his fingers in the boy’s messy hair. 
Lifting his head, he spit on the man’s dick and twisted his wrist as his palm smeared his saliva along his length. 
“Such a good boy for me always, aren’t you, baby?”
“Y-Yes, sir.”
“Sometimes I can be a bad boy and not think.” While pumping his hand faster, Eddie leaned in close to whisper in his ear. “But Steve, you were right. I like her so fucking much. You can’t tell me you don’t want to make her moan. Taste that sweet pussy I smell practically dripping from here.”
Steve’s eyes turned to meet yours as he continued to speak. 
“Feel a beautiful woman’s tight cunt choke your dick again.”, Eddie tightened his fist as if to prove his point as he quickened his pace. “To have a girl in our lives again who isn’t afraid of us and makes us feel complete.”
Steve craned his neck back towards Eddie as he passionately kissed his lips. 
“Take what you need, honey, please.”
Unbuckling his belt, he pushed his jeans down enough to free his cock, and both men mewl as Eddie guides himself into his entrance. You couldn’t help when your hand slid between your shorts and you rubbed your clit. Their moans, Eddie’s passion as he thrust into him, and Steve’s tenderness when he clung to his back drove you wild. 
“Can—shit—can you hear it, baby? The sound her fingers between her legs.” Steve nodded as he waited for Eddie to truly take him. “Fuck, you feel so good. Are you ready?”
“Y-Yes, sir. I’m ready.”
From your angle you couldn’t see much of what happened next. Eddie’s head tilted slightly and Steve’s entire body arched as he held the man closer to him. The metalhead’s pace quickened as he slammed his hips into his partners.
“J-Just like that, Daddy, fuck.”
Eddie grunted as one of his hands came up to cup the boy’s cheek as if to hold him still as he sucked on his neck. Steve shuddered as his eye’s rolled and he came. Eddie’s own rhythm faltered just enough as his grip tightened on his boyfriend’s hair and released his seed inside of him. 
Steve became limp as the man above him continued to roll his hips till he had given him everything he had and came off his neck with a loud syrupy smack. Your own body trembled as you came, covering your mouth as to not give yourself away. 
Eddie crawled down the man’s frame as he headed for the opposite corner of their room to the mini fridge where he grabbed two water bottles and a power bar. Normally, they left the cameras on to show the aftercare but this time, he sauntered towards his computer and promptly ended the stream. 
After handing a bottle to you without looking your way, he immediately focused on Steve. 
“Sit up, sweetheart. There we go. Here eat this for me ok?”, he coos as he hands him his snack before leaning under the bed and producing a first aid kit. You watched with studious eyes as Eddie grabbed a rag and cleaned the blood from his neck while Steve daintily nibbled on the bar in his hands. “Good boy. Drink some water.” His fingers tenderly pushed back some of the boy’s hair as he kissed his shoulder. 
“S-S-So, this is real. You’re really a vampire?”
He heavily sighs as he looks your way. “I am.”
“And what is Steve?”
“My boyfriend. He…he takes care of me.”
“How? What? I…I have so many questions.”
“Tomorrow, little one. He won’t be back to 100% for another few hours and even then he’s had a long couple of days. Here. Let me take you home.”
“NO! I mean…please. May I stay?”
“Um, yeah sure. I don’t see why not. Let me see if we have any clean spare sheets for that guest bedroom we have.”
Once he leaves, you sit by Steve’s side and glance over the wound on his neck. 
“He should really cover these up since they’re kind of deep.”
“Pfft. They’ll be gone by tomorrow. Eddie uses vampire voodoo whatever he can to make sure he doesn’t leave a scar. As you noticed, honey, we have enough.”, he giggles. “He’s right you know. You are very beautiful. I’ve always thought so.” You softly smile as his palm lazily comes up to trace your now black eye from yesterday. 
“Fucking asshole. He’s lucky I can’t run in the blink of an eye.”
“Steve, sweetie, why don’t you lay back?”, you grin as he limply nods and scoots his head up towards the pillows. 
“Y/N. I have to keep saying it so I don’t forget. Y/N.”
As his eyes close, you lay on your side beside him and run your fingers along his cheek till your palm rests on his chest. 
“He’s fine.”, Eddie announces from the doorway where he had been observing you two talk. “I never take enough that would kill him or turn him. That first night though I did the same thing.”, sighs as he gestures towards your hand. 
“Is it ok if I stay with him?”
“Yeah, sure. I’ll just hang out in this room here—”
“You can lay here if you want. I don’t mind.” He scans you over making you slightly self-conscious. “I mean…unless…you have a coffin you sleep in or…”
Eddie laughs as he comes to the opposite side of the bed and lays on his back.
“No coffins, princess. I sleep here with him.”
“I’ve never heard you laugh before or even seen you really smile. It looks good on you.”
He smiles as he turns on his side and brushes some of your hair away from your face. 
“Eddie. I like your names better than your screen ones. Plus both Dracula and Renfield’s stories end tragically.”
“Maybe Eddie and Steve’s stories did end tragically…”, he muses. “Or it was the only book he and I actually read in school.”
You giggle as he grins your way before he’s taken aback when you roll over and pull his arm over your waist. Most people feared him especially back in their hometown. It had been so long since anyone besides Steve touched him without hesitation and he didn’t realize how much he missed the contact. 
Even though he soothed your worries, your hand still rested against Steve’s chest making sure it was still rising and falling at a normal pace. There was a lot you didn’t know about them but you were dying to find out.
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kurogane2512 · 7 months
Kinktober 2023 day 4
Hypnotizing Ecstasy
Threesome, food play with....
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Fem! reader (Chief). Also contains blindfolding and overstimulation.
W.C: 8k+ (yes, this is why it took so long and I planned to have it as the last part of Kinktober but here it is)~
Some context for the story and how I got the idea for it, pls read before proceeding:
This takes place at the banquet in the Cabernet event with Chief attending it with Chameleon as companion. Since the event showed Sinners other than Hecate and Hella being used (finally) I thought of scenarios with other Sinners in it and as the event progressed, I felt Chameleon could be really useful. This is like a rewriting of the event with some changes and the smut.
Also note this Chameleon is 100% compliance so she's quite affectionate and rather obedient (if you know her performance in serving team at 100% then you know what I mean), but don't worry she still has her signature traits. Okay, that's the main points to keep in mind. Enjoy~
The sun blazed over your head as you set foot in the luxurious banquet. Held at Ogyvia Villa, it was an insatiable fiesta for the rich and powerful to indulge in their most trivial desires. On delicacies and wealth, they fattened themselves, unconcerned with the darkness knowingly ignored. You had seen it all and were bitter knowing that society's pigs lived untroubled.
Half of DisCity burned beyond thrill and guarded walls. In a scene like this, it was all too convenient to forget. Your vision was filled with people of the highest magnificence, but in the midst of it all, they weren't dressed as magnificently as their status conveyed.
After all, this was a place to let loose. The elite of DisCity congregated to live away the night free and easy, but your purpose here was different. A red-haired princess had summoned you, and you would endure a demon- or two- to fetch her lost treasures.
"Quite a passionate gathering you have brought me to, Chief~"
Your companion, Chameleon, the best psychologist in DisCity and a self-proclaimed psychopath commented from behind. You turned around to face your companion and were immediately caught by surprise.
"Hm, what's wrong? Have I rendered you speechless from my appearance, Chief?~"
Chameleon spoke with a smirk, watching how your gaze trailed all over her body. There she stood wearing a swimsuit, the appropriate attire for the gathering. But you weren't sure if it was an appropriate attire for your heart. Her nipples were covered with thin layers of non-padded black fabric and the white straps supporting them extended from hoops and crossed at her neck.
You admired her carelessness when taking risks, they looked as though they were about to snap and her breasts break free. The lower had thin, black straps leading up from her underwear, tied at her sides and the black fabric was again small and revealing. It was accented with diagonal strips of white and left nothing to your imagination, instead handing plenty for your eyes to devour.
In an intentionally failed attempt to cover, she wrapped a transparent sarong cloth around her waist that draped till her right knee. Her dark blonde hair shone against the sunlight and lightly waved with the breeze along with her signature red lipstick completing her already perfect look.
"Chief? My dear Chief?~" Chameleon continuously called out until you finally snapped out of your trance and cleared your throat before averting your gaze, causing her to chuckle.
"I didn't even use my powers and you were already hypnotised. Your expression is so easy to read, I don't even need to ask how I look~"
"A-Ahem, sorry. I have just never seen you this way, I was a bit shocked...."
"Hehe~ Shocked isn't the correct term. You know that too, don't you, my dear Chief?~"
You blushed more and turned around without replying. She chuckled then walked up to you and suddenly wrapped her arms around your torso, her fingers grazing over your exposed belly.
"You don't look bad yourself, Chief~" her hushed voiced brushed past you ear, sending shivers down your skin.
"In fact, I'd say I was the one shocked seeing you wear something so revealing in public."
"....We were instructed to fit in perfectly and this is the most suitable swimsuit the bureau could get."
Chameleon smiled to herself and pecked your cheek before walking to your side and holding your hand.
"Shall we go, Chief? I believe we have a client to attend to~"
You nodded with a smile and walked into the main area, only to be surrounded by a plethora of high-headed people dancing and partying to their heart's content. You thought it would be a formal gathering of elegance but there was nothing elegant about your surroundings, except perhaps the woman beside you who managed to look that way even in something rather skimpy.
You were bombarded by a summery cacophony of colorful swimsuits, pool toys, splashing pool water and the sweet scent of watermelon and mango. You feel embarrassed wearing the revealing swimsuit hence pull your buttonless shirt together to cover as much as possible while heading forward.
"Now then, about our client, do you happen to know her, Chameleon?"
"Hmm...as much as I'm uninterested in the culinary world, I do know the 'princess' of the Francs indeed. If you live in Eastside long enough then you are bound to know of these families one way or the other."
"I understand...."
"So, your purpose for bringing me here was to use me, my dear Chief?~"
"That...don't put it that way."
Chameleon chuckled, "I will know your true intention without you saying a word, only if you allow me to~"
"Chameleon....please, I just—"
"Shh~" Chameleon's index finger brushed your lips, effectiviely shushing you as she leaned closer to your face, "Don't fret so much, Chief. I will help as you want, as long as you compensate me right~"
"Of course, I will."
Chameleon smiled then stepped back and took a look around the venue when a waiter approached you both to welcome you and hand you a manual about the party, you went through the manual and had a basic understanding of the venue but were still clueless of your client's whereabouts and how to complete the mission.
"What's the plan, Chief? Do we have to mingle around and gather information on our client or would you prefer to meet our client rightaway?"
"Meet our client rightaway? What do you mean?"
Chameleon gently held your chin and moved your face to the right and your eyes catch the figure of a redhead approaching from not far away. The crowd quieted down for a moment, then erupted like wine being poured into a sizzling steak pan. The people surged forward and surrounded the woman, trying to chat with her from all sides.
"Hm~ Asking us to fit in perfectly when she stands out herself, hehe~" Chameleon chuckled in a low voice while your eyes were fixated on the woman in front who was practically a celebrity at this point, Cabernet Franc.
"Why....why would she want the MBCC to retrieve her treasures when she could have this place turned upside down by ordering these people for it. I'm sure there are countless people in line hoping to gain favors with her."
"Well, as someone with mastery on human behavior and emotions, I can present you 2 hypothesis for that. First one is stated in the question itself; she may not want to attract unnecessary attention into her private matters and why would she willingly give someone a chance over her?"
"....And the second?"
"The second....these 'treasures' that we have to find may not be any normal treasures. It derives from the first hypothesis, they may be something valuable and personal that she'd rather hire an inconspicuous agency like ours."
"I see....that makes sense."
Suddenly, Cabernet looked at you from the distance as if she overheard your conversation. She then smiled and gave a faint, barely noticeable nod before someone approached her and started talking. The crowd was dazzled by her presence and missed no chance to get her attention, some performed outlandish actions like jumping in the pool from great heights and making a big splash.
"This is ridiculous, we can't even talk to her this way...." you pondered when suddenly some people approached you and attempted to shove you into the pool under the guise of having fun. You tried your best to refute and even looked at Chameleon hoping for some help but she simply watched in amusement, clearly enjoying you become so flustered.
"The hell- aah!" your wrist was pulled and you fell into the depths of the pool. You were drained of air instantly as ice-cold water overwhelmed your senses, you wanted to swim to the surface but couldn't move your limbs at all as if someone had restrained them. You heard a strange voice in your ear but were in no mood to care about what it, the force under your feet seemed to be conscious as it dragged you down.
"Don't worry, Chief, you will be fine." it was Chameleon's voice in your head, you were sure of it. But it wasn't her who spoke earlier, clearly something else was happening too. Before you knew it, your lips were gently parted and something cold and sweet flowed from the tip of your tongue down your throat, calming your restless emotions.
You forcefully opened your eyes and found yourself resting on someone's lap. Crimson, faintly grape-scented hair brushed against the tip of your nose as you gaze up and find a pair of silvery, violet-tinted eyes gazing at you with concern.
"Are you alright? Do you feel a bit better?" the woman asked with a faint smile and you quickly sat up to realize it was her, the center of attention just moments ago.
"Ms Cabernet...."
"Mhm, you had a heat stroke and fainted. But don't worry, you are fine now."
You squinted your eyes when suddenly a pair of arms was wrapped around your neck followed by Chameleon embracing you tightly.
"Y/n! Y/n! Are you okay?!~" She buried her face in your neck and was shouting desperately. She was acting, you knew she was acting. But damn, she was good at it.
"Y-Yes, don't worry, Chameleon...." you patted her back and she released the hug then helped you stand up while the crowd watched you three with envious looks, whispering various things amongst themselves. You noticed Cabernet's dress was slightly soaked and with how you were lying on her lap, you concluded she helped in saving you.
"Chameleon, what happened earlier?" you communicated with Chameleon through your shackles by invoking her power while maintaing a relaxed look on your face.
"She helped drag you out of the pool and laid you on her lap. How lucky you are, Chief~"
"Don't joke, Chameleon. You know there's something in the pool, right?"
"Mhm, and I also have a lead on what might happen here. But give me more time, I can get some information out of a few people here if you let me use my powers."
"Fine...but keep it down and only one at a time, and don't go too far from me."
"Hehe, as you wish, my Chief~"
You then turned your attention towards Cabernet who was silently gazing at you both the whole time, "Thank you for saving me, Ms Cabernet."
"You are welcome. The lady beside you also helped a lot, she was quite worried for her Chief. You two seem quite close as well~"
You froze for a moment but realized this wasn't so surprising; of course, if she could have the MBCC work for her then naturally she'd know who you are.
"R-Right....Then, Ms Cabernet, since you already know us then can we—"
Before you could finish, Cabernet pulled you to make you sit beside her, her breasts pressing against your forearm.
"Accompany me for the rest of the party. With you by my side, I can avoid unnecessary interactions and focus on enjoying the party~"
You swallow thickly then she opened the manual and pointed to the dinner banquet, you quickly realize what she means and nod at her and respond loudly in a manner similar to the other guests.
"Y-Yes! I'd be honored! You saved me, I'll stay by your side for sure!"
"Hehe, good girl~" Cabernet chuckled softly then lowered her head and moved closed enough for you to smell the faint fragrance of tropical fruit on her body, "Happy working with you, MBCC Chief and her Sinner~"
You almost blush feeling her so close to you but your thoughts were interrupted, "Enjoying yourself there, Chief?~"
It was Chameleon speaking in your head. You turned to the side and noticed her sit beside you as well, your other arm getting buried between her breasts as she leaned close to you. You realized you were squeezed between two beautiful and reputed women from Eastside, one of whom was the star of this party. Naturally, you attracted quite a number of envious glares from the people around, causing everyone to scatter away and leave you in peace.
"Then, Ms Cabernet, can you tell us what exactly are these treasures you have lost?"
"Umm....food ingredients."
"Food ingredients? What kind of ingredients?"
"Mm...my ingredients may not be particularly noteworthy to other people. If I tell them, they might be surprised by my choise. But to me, they are treasures."
Cabernet looked down at the ground, seemingly a bit sad.
"You have no reason to feel that way, Ms Cabernet. You may feel the need to bury your true thoughts in your heart but there are people who understand you. A top gourmet can also enjoy so-called common food and regard it as a treasure. You are not wrong in thinking that way at all."
Chameleon spoke to her in a formal yet comfortable tone, her professionalism as a psychologist was evident as she understood Cabernet's emotional state too well.
"And if you feel pent-up stress about it then there are a number of ways to relieve it~" Chameleon gave a rather sly smile and you immediately understood her implications.
"A-Ahem, no need for that. We will support Ms Cabernet in using common ingredients but...your methods won't be necessary, Chameleon."
Chameleon smirked, "You break my heart, Chief. You know I just want to help~"
You laughed nervously making Cabernet let out a chuckle as well, "Thank you.... I must say, the MBCC is quite an interesting bunch~"
You became slightly tense at the situation, this client was strange and her intention to draw away attention using you wasn't working at all.
"The dinner banquet is the most important part of this party, there may be information about the treasures there. Before that, we should do our best to collect as much information as possible."
You instructed to both of them when suddenly a man appeared behind Chameleon, "If it isn't Ms Chameleon! I haven't seen you in so long!"
Chameleon recognized the voice immediately and stood up to turn to greet the man with a gentle smile and exchange pleasantries.
"He's an old patient, I remember he's in the food and beverage industry. I can indulge him for a while and get a few things out." you heard Chameleon speak in your head and agreed.
"Be careful, call me immediately if something happens. He looks a bit....wild."
"Hehe~ Never thought I'd have someone worry for me.... But don't worry, my Chief, I can protect myself~"
Chameleon winked at you as you watched her walk away then sighed and turned to the front again and were surprised seeing Cabernet so close to you, looking at you with curiosity.
"M-Ms Cabernet? Is something the matter?"
"Mm, I was just wondering if there's some special connection between you two. You seem to understand each other without speaking a single word."
"Oh! Haha, something like that, I suppose?" you nervously scratch your temple and avert your gaze from her.
"My, how interesting. You just made this party a whole lot fun for me~"
You smiled at her but couldn't stop thinking about Chameleon, worrying how she was doing.
"Aww, Chief~ You are missing me already? Would you like to have a peek at this side?~" as if on cue, Chameleon spoke in your mind again and you could hear faint whimpers of a man soon after.
"C-Chameleon! Don't do that—!"
"Relax, Chief~ I'm not hurting him; rather, he's feeling quite ecstatic currently and is letting me in on all his thoughts. I'll be back soon~"
You sighed to yourself when suddenly Cabernet closed up on you as if checking you closely, "Are you sure you are alright? Is the heat unbearable?"
Her fruity scent filled your senses and your eyes were drawn to her dark crimson lips, "No, I'm fine, thank you. Sorry for making you worry."
Cabernet smiled then suddenly a muscular man walked up to you and handed 2 cups of ice cream, stating how delicious and refreshing it was. You were going to ask him to give you another cup for Chameleon but he dashed off into the crowd in an instant, winking at you before going. You were suspicious and had a hard time taking a bite and eventually decided to save it for Chameleon then noticed Cabernet wasn't eating either.
"Do you not want to eat it, Ms Cabernet?"
"Hm? Well....how is the taste, Chief?"
"A-Ah! I was thinking of saving this for Chameleon...."
"Save what for me now, Chief?~" Chameleon sneaked up behind you and spoke before eyeing the ice cream in your hand and giving a small smile.
"Chameleon, are you okay? Was everything fine?" you asked out of genuine concern which made Chameleon slightly surprised then she chuckled and suddenly straddled your lap sideways, making you blush profusely and surprising Cabernet as well.
"Would you like to know what I did, Chief?~" she brushed her finger across your lip before picking up a spoonful of the ice cream and bringing it to your mouth.
"C-Chameleon, not in front of her...." you said out of embarrassment and glanced at Cabernet who was looking at you both with an amused look.
"Aww, becoming shy in public now, Chief? You weren't like this whenever I did it in your office~" Oh, she was enjoying this so much. Cabernet's eyes perked up at her statement before smirking and shifting closer to you.
"Hm? You seem to have an interesting relationship with your Sinners, Chief of MBCC~"
"N-No! I'm sorry! This is just—!" you couldn't explain yourself in any way, and the 2 women soon broke out in laughter together. You were being toyed by both of them, and they were enjoying every minute of it.
"I have some information, Chief. But how about you eat this first, unless you want me to feed it to you differently?~" Chameleon's voice spoke in your head in the midst of the laughter and you nodded then took a bite from the ice cream in her hand.
"Not bad....it almost tastes like the sea with traces of lemon and sea salt."
"Not a bad description, Chief. Seems that even the ice cream here is made from exquisite ingredients." Cabernet said.
Just then, the jingling of bells was heard and everyone turned to see where it came from. A maid came out and informed the soup was ready and everyone came out of the pool to rush towards the restaurant, making quite a commotion around you.
"What did you find out, Chameleon?" you talked to Chameleon in her head.
"There is some kind of legendary mermaid meat being kept here, planned to be served as the main course to the princess beside you."
"Do you think that's the treasure she's looking for?"
"It's hard to say, I couldn't find out what kind of meat it really is. But I reckon I can if I get in touch with the head chef here."
"Okay then, let's head in with Cabernet."
"Shall we go? It's disrespectful to the chef to be late for the meal." Cabernet spoke almost immediately and held onto your arm, giving a sly glance to Chameleon who understood her intention too well and didn't hold back from holding your other arm now. You were practically dragged by the 2 women inside and soon sat on the table with Cabernet having the centremost seat.
Everyone began drinking the soup and waited for Cabernet's judgement, she took a whiff followed by a small sip and let out a gentle smile followed by a simple compliment that earned cheers and praises. You took a sip yourself when suddenly heard a familiar voice behind you, it was the head chef of this banquet. You glanced at Chameleon and she understood you, having the same thoughts as you.
"I know, you heard her voice in the pool earlier."
"What should we do? It's a bad idea to hypnotize her here. We should wait."
"I thank everyone for their kind words but it seems this guest isn't liking the soup? May I know your suggestions if you feel it isn't up to the mark?" the head chef who introduced her as McGrath spoke to you, making you nervous and you haphazardly proceeded to drink the soup but Cabernet stopped you.
"She had a bit too many grapes earlier, I told her she'll ruin her appetite for dinner. She's not trying to avoid it on purpose."
"No matter. Save more appetite when the main course is served, I hope you can give me an answer then. You too, Ms Cabernet." McGrath said.
"Mm, I'm sure you'll surprise me."
"Of course, Ms Cabernet! I worked so hard precisely for this moment. All I desire is your precious and invaluable approval! That's why the most exciting part of this party will be the dinner banquet. I prepared it specially for Ms Cabernet!" McGrath announced in an active and hyped tone to everyone, earning a buzz of excitement.
McGrath then went to announce about the ingredients used for this dinner and as Chameleon had found out, she indeed acquired some kind of legendary ingredients which caused Cabernet's smile to fade away. You stringed together her words and the happenings around you and things started making sense. But you couldn't act in any manner as her next announcement caused everyone to rush about the restaurant in a flurry.
"Limited seats on a first come first served basis? This is crazy....why invite so many people and disrespect them this way?"
"It's how the world of the rich operates, Chief." Chameleon said from beside you and Cabernet hummed in agreement, making you sigh. You waited for the commotion to calm down a bit and make space for you three, you were in no hurry as Cabernet would guarantee you seats. You eventually came up to the elevator after some time and the doors opened again, causing the remaining guests to barge in leaving space just enough for you three.
Well, they definitely considered it a reward to be able to share an elevator with Cabernet. You and Chameleon followed her closely behind then were practically torn away from her by the other guests in the cramped space. Chameleon was pressed up against the wall in one corner and you couldn't help but be squeezed in front of her, your face lying near her neck and you held onto her waist for support.
"S-Sorry, Chameleon. I'll try to move away a little." you spoke to her in your mind and attempted to move about but there was no space to even turn. Chameleon instead held your head and pulled you closer making your face lie on her soft breasts while her hands gently patted your head.
"Just relax, Chief. I'm here to assist you, after all~"
You blushed and eased into her a little, feeling hypnotised by her sweet scent and angelic voice. Cabernet looked at you from the corner of her eye and wished she was standing closer but the elevator soon reached its destination and the door was opened, finally giving you space to breathe. You come out together with Cabernet and look around the floor, finding it rather eery and uncomfortable.
The announcement system came on again and McGrath announced that one must meet certain standards to be eligible for which everyone has to pass different challenges. You should be honorable enough to be worthy of dining with Cabernet, but how do you define honorable? You didn't have a good feeling about this, nor did the crowd as an uproar was erupted and some started shouting angrily.
"Ms Cabernet, this is turning dangerous. If this risks my Sinner's safety then I'm afraid I'll have to abort the mission."
Chameleon almost became wide-eyed at your declaration before smiling and gently holding your hand, "Chief, look at me."
You gritted your teeth and turned to face her then she softly cupped your face, "Nothing will happen to me. I trust you with my life and you should trust me with completing this mission together."
You didn't know when Chameleon became this way, was it your late-night chats with her or sharing similar hobbies that slowly made her so trusting of you. This self-proclaimed psychopath was hard to change, even impossible, but here she was trusting you and wanting you to trust her. You brought her to this mission not only because she could be useful, but also because you wanted to take her to a fun filled gathering and spend some time outside the prison. 
"....Fine, then stay close to me. Don't do anything without my permission."
"Hehe~ As you say, Chief~"
You sighed then turned to Cabernet to get some information about McGrath and her nature. Cabernet recalled that she had failed to get her approval some time ago then suddenly invited her to this banquet a month ago, the timing matched with her losing her ingredients.
"So, you suspect the ingredients to be with her?"
"Yes, I pretty much guessed she had my treasures. I was worried that something might happen to them so I pulled some strings to get a seasoned professional to help me....which is you, dear Chief. But I didn't expect things to come to this, she has become crazy and even harming innocent people. I know I have caused you trouble...."
You gazed into her eyes deeply and sensed she wasn't being fully honest, but you had other more concerning matters to take care of hence listened to her for now.
"No point in pondering over it, we did accept the mission so we'll see it till the end."
See it till the end as you said....you didn't expect the sacrifices you'd have to make along the way in this hellish game where people were eaten alive by some monster. You had reached the end where only you and Cabernet remained, yes only you two. The scene in front of you was horrifying, the chef was crazy and doing everything to please Cabernet solely.
"This is my surprise gift to you, Ms Cabernet! To give you the best dining experience, I will ensure that you are neither lonely nor pestered! You will approve of me, right?!" McGrath announced.
You clenched your fists in anger, remembering what happened to Chameleon before you reached this point. 
"What should we do...We are trapped. One of us will have to!" your heart was racing in your chest, many of the guests had turned into corruptors as they failed the test and were consumed by Mania. You were trapped in a room with monsters outside, to pass you had to defeat them and protect Cabernet and Chameleon along the way.
"Chameleon! Can you try and control the monster? It is still alive!" you shouted and Chameleon nodded before attempting to focus her powers strongly on the Corruptor in front, holding it back for some time. You looked around the room and found a kitchen knife in a drawer then stabbed the confused monster in the chest, the blade clanks against a silver key that drops out and Chameleon releases the control on the monster who lunges at you. 
You try to dodge but are too close to it when suddenly you feel a rush of power in your limbs and are forcefully pulled back like a puppet, thumping against the wall in pain. You groan and open your eyes to see Chameleon in front of you, smiling at you in relief while the monster lunged at her. You gasp and try to get up but cannot feel your limbs at all, as if someone took away your control on your body. It was Chameleon, she was doing this intentionally.
"No! Chameleon!"
Suddenly, Cabernet picked up her cane and swung at the monster's legs causing it to falter for a brief moment giving Chameleon enough time to pick up the knife and stab it into the monster again, finally killing it with the guest still alive. 
"It's okay, Chief....I didn't tell you this before but I figured out everything a while ago. I peered into McGrath and Cabernet's minds....you can do this, I know. I know you will come back for me, until then..." Chameleon's voice echoed in your head while you watched her fall to the ground while gazing at you with a smile.
"Why didn't you tell me if you knew?!"
"Because....have you forgotten who I am? A psychopath that thrives on schadenfreude; of course, I wanted to see you suffer. How fun it was, watching you rack your brain and give your all for this hellish game, hehe~"
It had to be a lie; you couldn't believe her. Her actions contradicted her words as you watched her fall powerless, you finally gained strength in your limbs again and ran up to her to hold her in your arms. She smiled and caressed your face then you felt her placing something in your hand, they key to unlock the door.
"Go, my Chief. The last clue I can give you is.... our client is a Sinner."
"Sinner.... the princess of the Franc Family is a Sinner, and this whole banquet was for her. But she wasn't the one who made this game, but she was clearly taking advantage of it." you thought when McGrath suddenly revealed herself in the empty room. She was annoyed that you made it this far with Cabernet, she has been wanting to eliminate you all this time because you don't deserve to be beside Cabernet.
"You stand in a place of arrogance and use my name to evaluate others....Hmph, who gave you that right?" Cabernet spoke as she elegantly walked up to McGrath. "Who are you to judge anyone else?"
"But... I did this for you... to give you the purest, kindest and noblest souls in the world worthy of your taste!" McGrath retorted.
"For me? Haha...." Cabernet laughed softly then motioned you to come next to her. "The honorable souls you seek are not something judged by your superficial and self-righteous criteria."
And in a moment of impatience, McGrath eliminated Cabernet on her own making you the final winner. But what awaited you as the victor was not what you were promised yet it wasn't surprising either, thanks to Chameleon's hint earlier. Cabernet was indeed a Sinner, and while she didn't plan any of this, she truly enjoyed and feasted upon the souls she found appetizing. Among them, your soul was the one she wanted the most and waited for it all this time.
"My ingredients are back...and my feast is ready~" Cabernet mused in ecstasy, running her fingers through your hair in languish movements. You were lying on the dinner table in front of her, all served up for her. 
"Cabernet! What....what are you doing?!"
Cabernet smirked and leaned down near your head, taking a whiff of your scent and sighing in pleasure. "I like you so much....so much so that I want to gobble you down in one bit....I held back so much until now...."
She leaned over and kissed your head, "Ahh... how delicious you are!"
She lifted your head, letting you see the rows of transparent boxes under the light. "Chameleon?! Why is she here?!"
"An interesting companion you brought along.... Claims to enjoy toying with others, especially you, but didn't hold back in sacrificing herself for you when it was time.... Just like her name, she changes her colors to blend according to the situation and hide her true self, the self that secretly cares for you beyond what she knows herself.... A unique flavor, something worth savoring~"
"....I'm the one you want most, right? Then let her go and have me!" you said desperately and Cabernet stares at you in surprise before turning gleeful and lunging at you feverishly, pinning you on the table.
"Yes! Yes! Exactly! This is what I want! You are the most delicious! After overcoming all hardships of the game, your soul is brighter, tastier and more attractive than ever! Aaah! Seeing you with her made me so eager to touch you and taste you!~"
She held you by your wrists and you could feel her soft skin and warm touch, you tried to snatch your hand away but she only pressed on tighter.
"Don't be afraid... I'll enjoy you slowly and take care of you. I'm just going to take one bite, think of it as a kiss. Just a kiss...."
Cabernet leaned down and lightly touched her lips on your cheek, it was a feather like touch that you barely felt yet your body was drained, like your soul was being sucked out. The next second, a crystal-clear grape was in Cabernet's mouth and she bit it gently, the rich juice flowed down the corner of her mouth....
"I...I need to restrain and detain you...."
Cabernet smirked, "Go ahead, Chief. Let's see if the growth of your power can catch up with the expansion of my desires. When that time comes, I'll willingly be at your mercy and follow you to the ends of the Earth~"
It had been 2 weeks since Cabernet's arrest and interrogation, you discovered all her secrets and the treasures she was talking about. Coincidentally, she reminded you of Chameleon slightly when you had met her as well. The two of them had uncanny similarities but significant differences. 
"Chief, Sinner Chameleon wants to meet you after work." Nightingale informed you in your office and you told her to accept Chameleon's call. It was already 6 pm and you were approaching your limit for the day hence packed up your things and went to Chameleon's cell at around 6:30 pm.
"Good work to you, Chief~" Chameleon mused as she allowed you inside her cell which was unusually darkened.
"What is it? I think it's rather early for our chat..."
"Hehe~ Well, I wanted to have a longer chat today hence called you earlier. I hope you don't mind?~"
"Not really.... Hah~ I'm actually glad you called me because I was getting tired from all the paperwork." you sighed and sat on the edge of her bed. "Why don't you switch on the other lights? Are they not working? I'll have them repaired by tomorrow if that's the case."
Chameleon simply grinned and didn't reply, you stared at her in confusion when you suddenly heard clinking of heels from the other corner of the cell along with the tapping of a cane.
"My~ Do you prefer to keep the lights on under the sheets?~" it was Cabernet.
"Cabernet? What are you doing here....?" you cautiously said and stood up, realizing you didn't detect her through your shackles, it was Chameleon's doing. You didn't expect to see the two of them together after the incident at the banquet, you thought Chameleon would hold a grudge against her for turning her into food but it seemed they both had become friends instead.
"I'm here to have my meal, of course~" Cabernet replied in a joyful tone, making you confused then look at Chameleon who walked to your side and put her arms around your neck.
"I thought we could have additional company for our chat tonight~" Chameleon said while gazing into your eyes and Cabernet walked up to your other side now.
"What? When did the two of you decide this?"
"Hmm? Well, we have been in touch with each other since the banquet. I have been helping her deal with her urges using my hypnotherapy, and we eventually opened up to each other about some personal matters....like my relationship with you." Chameleon said while twirling your hair in her fingers. 
Your eyes widened and you slowly pieced together the situation then Cabernet spoke, "You know how much I want your soul, Chief. But I also want you in another way.... and Ms Chameleon here told me she can give me what she wants~"
Ah, this was really happening, wasn't it? You had no way out. They both had improved and held themselves back since their respective arrests but naturally, their desires still remained. 
"You'll satisfy us, won't you, our good-hearted Chief?~" they spoke in unison and you accepted the outcome with a nod of your head. Well, you still had to compensate Chameleon for her help in the mission and Cabernet had to be rewarded for keeping her appetite in check. Yes, that's what you were going to do.
Cabernet was the first to act as she leaned in and licked your right ear, sending a chill down your spine.
"Mm~ Just to prepare myself, hehe~"
"A-Are we going to do it here....?"
"Oh, do you have a better suggestion, Chief?" Cabernet asked, still continuing to lick your ear lobe. You glanced at Chameleon and she already understood your intention with a smirk.
"....My room has a bigger bed than the cells, still not as big but it should be sufficient."
Cabernet also smirked now and gently bit your ear lobe, "An excellent suggestion, Chief. Lead the way. Oh, and would it be alright to order a few delicacies? You know I have been having some cravings recently~"
"....Alright, what do you want?"
Cabernet had a list prepared of what she wanted but refused to tell you as it was to be a surprise so you let her hand it over to one of the guards while you took both of them to your room. You expected them to be all over you as soon as you'd enter but they were surprisingly patient, casually sitting on the bed and chatting a bit while you took a quick shower and changed into comfortable clothes.
"Am I really going to do this? With both of them at the same time? This is going to be a bad idea, isn't it? But they are quite...." you pondered under the shower then felt your face heat up imagining their beautiful bodies in front of you, "Stop! This isn't right! I need to be cautious with them, they both aren't just ordinary people....!"
You took a few deep breaths then finally came out of the shower dressed in a loose nightwear but were taken by surprise as you stepped outside the bathroom. The room was dimly lit with some candles and the 2 women were seated on your bed still fully dressed up in their usual attire. You had no idea how they had the time to prepare all this while you were in the shower, but it made you more nervous now seeing all the elaborate setup they were going for.
"Have a seat, Chief~" Cabernet said and patted the space between her and Chameleon. You walked up to the bed and sat between them as instructed then Chameleon moved behind you and asked you to climb up more. You did as told and were fully seated on the bed now with Chameleon behind you, holding you in her arms and Cabernet in front straddling your lap.
"Are you nervous, Chief? You are experienced in this so there's no need to feel that way~" Chameleon whispered in your ear from behind, her soft voice flowing in your ear almost making you entranced. 
"I...I have never done it with two people at once." you confessed out of embarrassment, making them even more eager to do this. Cabernet slid her hands from your chest down to your belly before leaning near your neck and breathing in deeply.
"You are so delectable, Chief.... Aahh~ The urge to gobble you in one bite or the one to eat you bit by bit....which one should I give in to?~"
"Now now~ Let's take it slow and watch her break in our arms, I'm sure you'd prefer that a lot more~" Chameleon said while placing gentle kisses on your neck.
"Hey! There won't be any eating or soul sucking! Don't force me to use the shackles on you both!" you shouted in a pathetically desperate way, making them chuckle together.
"Don't worry, Chief, we'll keep our promise. Tonight is to satisfy our lusts together; my appetite will be satiated plenty by this until you offer your soul to me~" Cabernet said and kissed the other side of your neck now.
Their movements synced yet evoked different feelings in you; Cabernet was more into licking your skin and taking in your scent while Chameleon wanted to mark you with her bites and lipstick.
"Your neck is so delectable....I can hardly hold back from taking a bite~" Cabernet moaned and continued to lick.
Chameleon then tilted your head back and kissed your lips deeply, your tongue intertwining with hers as you moaned into each other. Cabernet took this opportunity to make a long lick from your nape to your jaw then sucking on your throat, a muffled moan leaving your mouth as you kissed Chameleon.
"Mm~ Delicious....but let's add in some flavor~" said Cabernet and reached out to the side table to grab a bottle of honey. Chameleon finally released the long and chaste kiss; you breathed quickly in her embrace then Cabernet was already back and poured a drizzle of honey on your neck while licking her lips, gazing at how it trickled down your skin.
"Thank you for the meal~" Cabernet said before diving in your neck and licking up the honey like a starved kitten, your body trembled at her ministrations feeling her warm tongue move up and down your neck while still being aware of Chameleon behind you who was unusually silent the whole time but in reality, she was quite enjoying watching you this way.
Cabernet suddenly bit hard at your neck making you arch up and clench the bedsheet with a stifled moan. She then looked at Chameleon and indicated something to her which was followed by Chameleon putting a blindfold over your eyes, stripping you off your vision. 
"Let's play a little game, Chief~" Chameleon whispered and you could only nod and follow along. She then crawled in front of you as well making you lean on the headboard and they straddled each of your legs, smirking to themselves watching your messy state. Cabernet suddenly held your wrists and raised your arms and you soon felt something vine-like slither around your wrists and bind them together. You were confused now, what were they planning?
"You must be hungry after working so much. How about this- we will feed you some things one by one and you have to guess who fed you. If you get all of them right then you win otherwise....hehe~" Chameleon said.
You bit your lower lip and agreed to the tempting game. You understood how they were going to feed you and you were confident you'd win. Soon enough, you felt your chin being held and parted your lips for the incoming feast. A soft and familiar sensation was placed on your lips followed by a sweet taste and texture filling your tongue, a half strawberry was placed in your mouth.
"....Chameleon." you replied and they both smiled and congratulated you. This was easy, you had kissed Chameleon many times that you lost count, the taste and feeling of her lips was engraved in your mind. The next sensation you felt was new to you, an intoxicating wine-like scent accompanied by a rich flavor. Yet the food placed in your mouth was again a half strawberry but you were sure it wasn't Chameleon this time.
"My~ Well done, Chief. Now you know how both of us taste, the next rounds should be more interesting~" Cabernet said with a chuckle.
You knew you wouldn't win if this carried for too long but you were too aroused to back away now. The next sensation wasn't a food but a drink rather, another sweet and wine-like flavor trickled down your tongue while one of them kissed you deeply. 
"Cabernet again...."
"Hehe~ Correct!"
"What happens if I win?"
"Why of course, there's a reward~" Cabernet said.
"....And what if I lose?"
"A punishment, naturally~" Chameleon said.
Ah, your destiny was in your hands as always. The game continued and the next feeling wasn't something sweet but rather cool and refreshing with a hint of spice. This confused you as the shape of their lips wasn't significantly different but their kissing techniques were, yet this one wasn't so different than the one before but also didn't feel familiar. Your mind was jumbled now, the pressure of knowing there's a reward and punishment clouded your judgment but you decided to trust your instincts.
"Ah, I didn't think you'd guess that~" Chameleon chuckled.
"Did you eat something else before feeding me?"
"Mhm, correct. As expected of my exceptional Chief~"
Cabernet chuckled with her and you guessed it was her turn next but were still cautious. The next feeling on your lips was a familiar texture, it was a grape. You bit onto it from your side causing you to brush against the feeder's lips but it was very light, you barely felt anything. You expected her to come in again as you ate the end in your mouth but none of them moved and patiently waited for you to answer.
"Wait, I have to guess just from that? How is this fair...."
"Oh, come on, Chief. We know you can~" Cabernet said.
You swallowed thickly and pondered for some time, extremely unsure of the answer.
"C-Cabernet....?" you said nervously and there was silence from them both but they grinned at each other before finally speaking.
"Correct answer, Chief~"
You almost breathed a sigh of relief then heard the ruffling of clothes and your ears heated up in anticipation. The blindfold was finally removed and the sight in front of you left you breathless. Both of them had discarded their clothes and now sat in their bra and panties in front of you. Your eyes trailed over their exquisite features as if they were a lavish feast served for you.
"Time for your reward, Chief~" Chameleon mused and they both crawled closer to you then the vines holding your wrists was removed and they held each of your hand and brought it towards their abdomen. You blushed profusely at their intention but both of them were completely sure of this. 
"We have been waiting for so long, Chief~" Cabernet said in a lusty voice and slipped your hand past her underwear, your fingers touched her clit followed by her already soaked cunt. Chameleon wasn't much better either, she was already rearing for you to be inside her. They rested their heads on your shoulders and kissed both of your cheeks while grinding on your palms. You rubbed their clits with your thumbs first, earning low yet pleasant sighs from them near your ears.
"C-Chief~ Mhm...~" Cabernet moaned.
"G-Go in...aaah~" Chameleon sighed.
You wasted no more time and finally inserted one finger inside each of them, their backs arching together feeling your finger part their walls and prod deeply. Cabernet held onto you much tighter and impatiently kissed you while waving her hips back and forth, clearly needy for more. Chameleon was more composed but you knew it was a facade, you had to continue a bit more to see her true self. You felt their juices coat your fingers and soon inserted a second one, catching them off guard but they moaned in ecstasy nonetheless.
"Oh! This is....! Delightful! More! Give me more of this feeling, Chief!~" Cabernet was whimpering now, desperately rutting her hips on your fingers. It was a sight to behold, seeing the elegant and noble heiress of the Francs break apart this way and become so needy in your arms. You angled your fingers deeper in her and touched her sweet spot which made her moan loudly and fall on you, holding your shoulders for dear life. 
"Mhm~ Chief! More....yes.... right there!~ Aaaaaahn!~" Cabernet was first to release, a raspy moan echoing in the room as she arched back then fell on your shoulder, breathing heavily from her orgasm. You then focused your attention on Chameleon who was desperately trying to hold back her voice, you knew she was like this but it still surprised you seeing her this way. 
"Let go, Chameleon. I have got you." you spoke in a gentle tone and assured her, finally making her let down her walls and fall in your arms. You thrusted you fingers at her deep spot earning a surprised gasp from her but she was soon rutting herself on your palm to seek her release. She too leaned on your shoulder now and kissed you deeply as you fingered her before burying her face in your neck and cumming with a whimper.  
The two women laid panting in your embrace, heavy breaths flowing past your nape and your fingers drenched in their slick. Then suddenly Cabernet unbuttoned your shirt in a hurry, as if some kind of desperate need possessed her. 
"More! More! Give me more, Chief!~"
Chameleon also joined in and they practically tore away your shirt and threw it faraway before Cabernet lunged at you and pinned you down. Her lips made kisses all over your face while Chameleon was busy unbuckling your pants and underwear. Cabernet's hands roamed on your body languidly, as if noting every feature, as if checking the goods before she consumed them. You soon felt numerous bites and marks placed on your belly and thighs by the 2 women, practically marking you as their possession.
"I can't wait anymore, Chief. I need you~" Cabernet said feverishly and dived between your legs to eat you out, your head shot back in surprise feeling her tongue lap up your folds like a thirsty kitten. 
"W-Wait! Not so fast— ngh!~" you whimpered and attempted to hold Cabernet's head to push her away but Chameleon stopped your hand and winked at you, "Let her have her meal, Chief. It's rude to interrupt when someone's eating~"
You clenched the bedsheets again when suddenly Chameleon crawled up to your face and turned around to face Cabernet before putting her legs on either side of your head and sitting down. Her wet core was placed on your lips and you quickly began licking up her folds followed by inserting your tongue inside. Chameleon moaned loudly now, discarding all that held her back earlier. Her hips grinded on your tongue feverishly, chasing her own release again. 
Cabernet also fastened her movements now; her tongue reached deep inside you and prodded your sweet spot while she sucked out your juices. You could barely control yourself now, trying to focus on pleasuring Chameleon while also holding back from Cabernet's movements. Your mind was overwhelmed and fuzzy from pleasure. 
"Mmm~ Cum for me, Chief~ Let me taste you, I have waited so long!~" Cabernet moaned as she replaced her tongue with her fingers and you truly couldn't hold back now.
Feeling your walls clench on her fingers, Cabernet attached her mouth to your core again and you finally released all over her. She drank up every last drop as if it was the last meal she'd ever have, which honestly might be case now. Nothing could satisfy her appetite now; she needed your body and soul for everything. On the other hand, Chameleon also came soon after as your moan vibrated inside her, her juices covering your face as she breathed out before finally sitting beside you.
"You know, Chief? Earlier, you guessed the last one wrong. It wasn't her who fed you the grape." Chameleon's voice flowed in your head, making you surprised.
"Then why did you...?"
"Hehe~ I just felt you deserve to be rewarded for all your hard work. I can punish you anytime I want, right?~"
"Aaah~ What an exquisite taste! This is all I want! Chief.... Chief.... Be mine and let me have you for every meal!~" Cabernet chanted in a crazed manner as she crawled up your body and kissed you deeply again. 
"Oh, you are not going to have my toy so easily!~" Chameleon spoke and straddled you as well before pushing Cabernet away and kissing you roughly. They both fought for your taste and lips, kissing you one by one until either were satisfied but you were too overwhelmed now.
"Wait! Wait! Let me breathe!" you desperately shouted and your shackles activated subconsciously. A burning and piercing sensation ran through both of them and they gasped in pain before you finally sat up and hugged them tightly.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to! Does it hurt?! I'm so sorry both of you!" you trembled and desperately apologized to them for using the shackles unintentionally. Chameleon peered into your mind and knew you didn't mean it; you could still barely control them even now. She conveyed the same thought to Cabernet and they both smiled gently then embraced you back.
"We know, Chief. Don't worry about it." Chameleon said in a soft voice, trying to soothe you.
"Mhm, it wasn't that painful. Rather, it was quite pleasurable if I'm being honest~" Cabernet added.
"Oh, hehe~ You have no idea how these shackles can be used for pleasure when she does it intentionally~" Chameleon said, making Cabernet curious.
"Oh my~ Now that's interesting, we should try that someday, Chief~"
They both laughed lightly and you smiled to yourself. You didn't understand them well, but you did know they trusted you. Now you wanted to show them your affection. The night carried on, Chameleon brought out the strap-on in your cupboard for you to wear. Both of them were sprawled out on your bed with you on top of Cabernet, her milky legs hanging over your shoulders as you pounded into her with the strap. At the same time, your hand was buried deep in Chameleon's hole and ruthlessly thrusted in and out.
"Aah~ Y/n.... Y/n! Yes! Faster!~" Cabernet moaned, she had started using your name instead some time ago as you continued. Truthfully, you became more flustered whenever anyone spoke your name but hearing these 2 women say it was a completely different experience. 
"Close~ Mhm! Y/n~" Chameleon gasped and thrusted your fingers deeply, finally making her cum. At the same time, you drilled into Cabernet faster and she released as well at the same time. Their moans synced like music to your ears, a bewitching sight to see them both fucked out under you this way. But you weren't done. The next moment, you flipped Chameleon on her stomach and she stood up on all fours automatically, as if knowing your thoughts well.
"Come in, Y/n. Be inside me!~"
A newfound enthusiasm surged through you and you hilted the strap deeply inside her, her eyes rolling to the back of her head as you started thrusting right away. You held onto her hips, fingers digging in her skin and squeezing the flesh. Her own hips were thrusting back into you now, a delicious rhythm forming of your thrusts. Soon after, Cabernet sat up and hugged you from the side before kissing you desperately. 
"Focus on me, Y/n~" Chameleon's voice suddenly echoed in your head and you glanced at her to see her looking at you from the corner of her eye, you could swear she was smirking. Cabernet released the kiss and you finally fastened your thrusts, pounding into Chameleon's sopping and needy cunt. It was almost animalistic, the bed creaking from your movements. You buried into her deeply when she finally came, squirting her juices on the sheets. You pulled out of her and laid back to rest but saw Cabernet straddling your lap now and pushing the cock inside herself.
"We aren't done yet, Chief~" Cabernet mused while grinding on the strap.
"That's right~" Chameleon also said and crawled to your side.
You were sure you'd end up continuing until morning this way, both of them had impeccable stamina and desire, and they were expecting you to keep up. You'll satisfy them, right?~
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c-o-t-o · 7 months
Your writing of Zack and Cloud's date ideas was sooooo cute! Do you think they'd get jealous of you talking to other guys, assuming they had a crush on you?
Thank you so much!! I actually love comparing these two because I feel like their personalities really are so opposite. If they had crushes on you and saw you being friendly with other guys they'd 100% get jealous.
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Cloud would probably be really pouty about it but try to pretend nothing is wrong. It would be written all over his face that he's bothered by it, but the second you ask him what's wrong, he'll say it's nothing and try to do something to distract himself. He'll stay relatively quiet about it, but inside, it's all he can think about. Eventually he'll shyly murmur it out, that he wishes you'd talk to him as much as the other guys. Eventually Cloud would have no choice but to admit that he likes spending time with you, trying to convey his message without entirely confessing to you just yet. But the second you catch on and start to probe him, he'll say "never mind" becoming too bashful, walking away so you don't see him blushing.
Zack would make it SO obvious that he's jealous, and pretty outwardly. He'll try to make a joke of it, saying that you must really like those other guys to be talking to them so much. And have a "what's so great about them when you've got me!" approach to talking about it. He'll go out of his way to make sure you're always seeing him do stuff like working out or fighting in the combat simulator, cracking jokes with others as you walk by to show he can be funny... showing off, basically. But Zack will be real with you at the end of it all and would probably end up confessing to some extent because he wants you to know he really likes you and wants to spend more time with you. And then joke again about how the other guys there aren't that great, anyway.
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lo-fi-charming · 4 months
so i've been keeping up with TMP as it's airing, which has been fun, it's actually really nice to experience this kind of story weekly since i came into TMA late and listened up to the s4 finale in like, a month or two. i've been enjoying the new characters and statements, and while i was worried i'd have trouble actively listening (my attention span/executive functioning can be really variable when it comes to podcasts), it's been surprisingly easy for me to actually listen to each new ep the day it drops publicly
all this to say im enjoying the show! but i've found myself feeling increasingly frustrated with a couple things i keep seeing when it comes to discussions of it
to me, it seems... there's been a pervasive reluctance to take TMP as what it is. and i do understand that. it'd be stupid to pretend TMP doesn't exist exclusively because of TMA and that show's success, that it's a successor that was pitched as being similar. it's a story being written by the same people (plus guests), in the same universe (roughly), going for about the same tone and maybe themes.
i just feel like it's a bit of a shame, though, that so many folks seem unwilling not to carry TMA with them when they're engaging with TMP
i don't know where or when it was said, but i swear there was a comment made by jonny and/or alex about how TMP will have some commonality with TMA in terms of world-building, but also, people who listened to TMA first may find themselves theorizing in the wrong direction because we're judging things based off what is no longer concrete, reliable information; things are going to work differently in the world of TMP, and since we have preconceived notions on what is relevant or how things work, that's going to influence how we engage with information presented in TMP if we let it. and that's not even considering the fact that they've been explicit in conveying the idea that TMP was written so you can experience it fully without having listened to any of TMA at all!
i'm very much someone who tries to engage with media on its own terms, largely taking things at face value until i'm given reason to suspect otherwise. that's something i'm trying my best to still do with TMP, even though obviously, i've also listened to TMA and am basing some of my thoughts and personal theories on what we know from that
but that's what i mean to say i guess, it's something you have to actively choose to do. and it feels like, just based on what i've been seeing in fandom spaces, that a lot of people are having a bit of an odd time with TMP because of a reluctance to do that?
i think the easiest way to explain what i mean is to point to a general acceptance, already on the level of fanon it seems, to interpret the computer voices as Our Jon and Martin (+ Jonah/Elias, maybe). now obviously we have the actual real world reason why their voices are present in TMP, because of course jonny and alex were going to come back as voices in the show in some way. and i 100% agree it's a perfectly logical conclusion to then interpret their inclusion as being related to Jon and Martin somehow. i'm personally very into the theory that it is in no way them - not in any way that matters - but specifically their voices that have been stolen (by the Web?) as a means to help spread fears in other realities. but that's really not how i've been seeing people play with the concept? it seems largely 1:1. and again, i totally understand where people are coming from with that - especially when you consider how it can be a super fun concept for horror and angst, or even just the fact that folks want an excuse to carry their favorite characters into this new show and still play around with them. i promise i don't mean to bring this up as a means of making anyone feel bad or like, chastised for interpreting things a certain way and playing in the space!
it's the biggest example of what i mean though, and was a huge point of frustration for me when we were first being presented with TMP. it's not just that i don't want the voices to be Jon and Martin proper (i am very into their Ambiguous End, i believe it's best to leave that as a space for fans to play in); in all honesty, i think it's kind of a shame and maybe even a bit boring (im sorry!) to be engaging with TMP this way
and it's not just stuff like that - i've been seeing a fair amount of people expressing frustration and feeling disappointed with how TMP is hitting, but i mean, i feel like that's inevitable when you're going into it expecting More TMA? i saw at least one person basically say "ive been waiting for it to make me feel the way TMA made me feel, and it hasn't yet", and i really just feel like that's setting yourself up to be dissatisfied! beyond the fact that we're only 5 episodes in and the story has barely gotten a chance to happen yet, a huge element of this new show is that it's being approached as a largely collaborative effort, it seems, with lots of guests coming in to help shape the story and more writing and plotting influence that isn't jonny
obviously it's fine to not be super into that! undoubtedly it's a question of taste. but you do have to acknowledge that that's the case and adjust your expectations accordingly, or else you're not going to have a great time
i really like TMA, i had a great time with it, but even if TMP is a sequel to its parent podcast, it's not the same thing - and personally, i don't want it to be! i do hope that's a sentiment that is able to be more widely felt by some fans as we gain more distance from TMA while TMP is airing. i just think more people would be able to enjoy it that way, and come up with more interesting theories and interpretations of things! but those are really just my own personal thoughts
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sailorblossoms · 4 months
yet another "Baz-sexual" post
I have shared many long posts to point out "Simon never thinks he's straight, when he says 'I never thought I was straight' that's true" and "when Simon struggles around the word 'gay' he never says 'I can't be gay because I like girls,' that's something the reader (mistakenly) assumes, likely contributing to that reader's confusion/bad reaction to Simon sharing things that contradict what was always an assumption in the first place" but I want to add something else...
When we meet Simon, we see how roles and expectations shape every single part of his life. He's always doing what he's told or what's expected of him. He's always expecting instructions. This includes dating, which he does not because he's feeling what he's supposed to feel (romantic love and attraction – he never experienced those feelings before Baz) but because that's just what he's supposed to do. Practically everything that defines Simon comes from the outside. Someone else decided he was going to be the hero. "The chosen one" – he was molded into this role by someone else. He doesn't become a boyfriend because he actually wants to be one – he's neglected, an orphan who doesn't understand his feelings, craving security and stability and a home, and the idea that he needs to date heterosexually comes from the outside (and straight is assumed as the default, to the point you don't even expect a straight person to say or think they are, but to simply be straight). In that sense, Simon has never made a decision involving roles by himself. His relationship with Penny is arguably the first Simon has in his life in which he experiences love and connection, and it exists because Penny decided they're going to be friends.
So when Simon says things like "am I gay? no, I can't be... but maybe I am, a little?" "I'm not even remotely ready for this," "surely the part of me that wants to jump Baz can only be described as gay" this is likely the first time Simon is considering a label to associate with himself in his entire life. It's the first time he's trying to define himself with no guidance. It contributes to why it's so hard for him – he has never had to make decisions for himself regarding many things, including what he identifies with (in any area of his life). "I'm gay, for all intents and purposes" shows an entire journey around this specific word, (including that it's okay not to identify with anything, which is a strong thing to convey to someone who has always felt pressured to be defined by one label or another in some way) (with this line Simon goes back to this word by himself free of pressure) but more notably: Simon using "Baz-sexual" is likely the first time Simon chooses something to identify himself with. All the labels that once identified him are gone, he's feeling lost and directionless, and that label is the first thing he goes to. The first that feels right. While "hero" is a label he liked, it was given to him. "Baz-sexual" is the first thing he chooses 100% by himself, to express something he's just beginning to understand with the vocabulary he knows and has available, something that aligns with what he does think and express (“he’s the only person I have ever loved, like this [romantic love] the only one I have ever wanted [attraction]”)
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swallowprettybird · 2 months
Hey! This question is from an anonymous..
Who inspires me?
Thank you for this question! I have so much to say 😍❤️
I have so many people's blogs that inspire me. Unfortunately, they won't all fit here, but there are so many wonderful people, know that you are wonderful! 🫶
Too many letters below in random order under the cut 👇
@bakersimmer inspired me so much with her story and legacy ❤️ I love her light and engaging writing and storytelling style ✍️
Saffron is just a cute little devil whom I love very much 😁 and Anselm.. keep your eyes peeled! ehhh my lovelies 😭❤️
Also, her style of screenshots and game seems to be my favorite on simblr ✨
@onestormeynight and Penny, Blair and Rosie life and them story, they're so so cute and warming my heart ☺️ I adore their story because it is full of family love and understanding, it is a wonderful portion of happiness every episode :з
@elderwisp your arts it's something magical!It inspires me a lot, I love this aesthetic, and it hits the heart 100%, your simstyle very fine and sm tasteful 🧡 and tesselate such a goooood story ohmhm my gosh so good 🤌
@youredreamingofroo i love your Roo universe hehe ❤️ I like to discover him every time learning details about his life and character, it seems as if he is another good friend of ours on Simblr 🤭 It's very inspiring to know own characters better too) And of course, I admire your renders, they are very beautiful and high quality!
@kuroashims and her beautiful blog dedicated to One Peece ❤️ 🧭 If you're like me and have never seen this anime, you'll want to know more about it after discover her page, and if you're a loyal fan, you'll love it even more! Her style is unique in its kind, you won't see anything like it in the sims. And the way she conveys emotions and feelings with just one picture without many words is just something beautiful. It is very inspiring. Elfy is also a wonderful person and a so kind warm friend. 🧝 Je t'aime, ma chère ☺️( btw your French vibe is very inspiring too 😍🤌 belle, incroyablement belle 💅🗼)
@changingplumbob and her amazing stories with amazing families. I love each of them. Kirsty plays the game with a huge and contagious passion. Each of her oc's is different and has its own story.
It's touch me and makes root for each character, through victories, mistakes, and life circumstances. She also has a great sense of humor! Her game sometimes throws up such funny situations! In general, Kirsty knows how to turn the usual gameplay into an exciting journey and I definitely recommend you to join. Also, I am very impressed with her playing style. And if I'm ever going to play a ts4 (as gameplay lmao), she'll definitely be the one to inspire me how.
@holocene-sims i love all about Grant and his life. This is such a vital and real, deep story. I love experiencing all the happy and poignant moments with him as well. His example teaches me not to give up and to live in spite of everything, and to be honest, the thought of this sometimes supported me in difficult moments.
I love talking with you about him and the family and about Junga, she's wonderful. 😇 I'm always looking forward to new episodes.
And Ana is my main inspiration for my main story. If you see a new episode of Cursed Chronicles, you should know that part of the gratitude lies with Ana. ❤️
@matchalovertrait and her beautiful lovely sunshine Noemi and her family ❤️ I will love them always 🥹 It seems to be the warmest, kindest and most loving legacy I know) I like to read it at least to recharge my batteries with this wonderful atmosphere and I immediately want to create something cute and wonderful ☺️
btw Dulce and Ángel has grown so charming!
@miralure your sims just incredible and i love your lookbooks ❤️🤌 You inspire me a lot to create and remade my sims and stand at the CAS like never before! looking forward to hearing new posts from you ☺️
@wistfulpoltergeist You have no idea how much I appreciate this person and his support from the very beginning of my blog❤️ Євгенку ну ти справжнє найсправжнє сонечко 🌞☺️🧡He is a real sunshine. And of course, I adore him both as a creator and a storyteller and as a dad/mom of two beautiful cats Aidan and Arvin 😁 this teo boys so lovely and hot 🤌🔥 і я сподіваюсь ще почути від тебе багато історій ☺️❤️
@aniraklova I think looking at her screenshots, you don't have to say anything, do you? This is an absolutely sky-high level of aesthetics 🤌💅 And I admired their work long before I started the blog, becouse all her cc and all art is something very very inspiring, she really inspired me to create some characters and recent cyberpictures :h Карі ти просто крейзі в найкращому значенні цього слова 😘🔥💋
@vermutandherring another wonderful creator who amazes me with her skill and beauty, It's just so gorgeous, this builds and scenes are incredible and everything I see there I dream of either seeing in my game or just admiring endlessly, so talented artist просто золоті руки 😍
@stellarfalls people who I may not follow much, but people who I consider my great inspirations, who make me want to move on, develop and improve my screenmake skills 🧡 at one time she impressed me a lot with her story&creations and I am still impressed, thank you friend ❤️
@aheathen-conceivably I've probably said it before, but you really do inspire me in a very real way, besides the fact that your dynasty is more than sims, it's a whole bunch and a storm of emotions, these are such real, well-developed characters, I almost cried a few times over some moments... for everyone who is not familiar with the dynasty of this wonderful author, I highly recommend you to read it) and besides, your work inspires me to write my own story too :з it really inspired me for some points of the sequel and thank you to your blog for that)
@circusjuney your style and story, are some of my favorites, and Ellie and Max are the ones I'm really rooting for and worried about ❤️ your blog is very inspiring to me in gґso many ways and makes me glad to be here on simblr ☺️✨🫶
@papermint-airplane I may not have known your blog for that long, but I get excited every time I read about Aiden and his friends again ❤️🫶 I really like your writing style, it's engaging, light and catchy, I love adventure, so it really inspires me to write. and I'd like to send you a special hug as a former fan of the TS3 hehe 🫂
I would also note @weirdosalike because I can't help but note that I am fascinated and obsessed by her story, which makes me just as passionate about creating something 😁
I almost forgot about @theosconfessions Scarlet is so gorgeous, you know what inspires me about your blog? your absolute passion for what you do!
.... oh okay i need a chapter 2 😣😖
There are many more authors whose work I am just getting to know, and I really like them ❤️ Sorry if I didn't mention you i love your blogs too 🥹🫶
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shsy7573 · 4 months
Random Lucifer (Hazbin Hotel) Character/Song Analysis Kinda Thing… I Guess
Okay, so yeah, Luci has 100% taken over this page. So what? I’m not obsessed, you are.
Anyway, I’ve been listening to “More Than Anything” on repeat since it dropped, and like a lot of the fandom I tear up every single time… but unlike a lot of the fandom, it’s not because of the sweet father-daughter moment (which, don’t get me wrong, doesn’t help the situation because it’s just so damn wholesome).
No, what gets me is how, just through a couple subtle moments, the show is able to convey just how absolutely shattered Luci is as a character. And, you know, because he’s my favourite, bestest, snek-baby-duck-boy, it makes me a little emotional…
So now you’re all gonna hear about what goes through my mind every time I listen to it. YAY!
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“Charlie! You don’t understand, Heaven never listens. They didn’t listen to me. They won’t listen to you!” / “You don’t know that—” / “I do!”
It starts before the song even truly begins. When I’m listening, it’s usually these first few lines that grab my attention. I end up replaying the first 4-5 seconds of the song over and over again because the pain in that “I do” is so fucking good! (And because I like to suffer apparently cuz I end up sad. Life of an angst lover I guess).
It’s the first time we see him with actual tears in his eyes. The raw delivery of that line is so attention grabbing, and manages to say so much in such little words.
I think the reason this particular scene tickles my brain so much is because it’s the breaking point for his character in a way. I am, and always will be, a sucker for moments where a character’s walls finally come down, and we get to see what’s been festering inside. When their deepest thoughts and how much they’re hurting are revealed. The entire song is what that is for Lucifer, starting with these two words right here. I truly cannot put into words just how much my breath is taken away by Jeremy’s delivery of this line. I cannot articulate how much I love it, and how important it is for Luci’s character. it just hits so deep and so right for me and I love it.
Lucifer isn’t just saying that he knows Heaven isn’t going to care about her plan (I don’t think anyone thought that’s all he was saying but whatever). He is saying that he knows what Heaven does to dreamers. He knows what they’ll do because he has already been there, and it destroyed him. They took his ideas that they saw as too outlandish, and they squashed them. Cast him aside. And he paid the price for it when he went bashing their back and did his own thing anyway.
Luci is a broken dreamer. Throughout the entire episode, and the series as a while, we are given very strong hints of this. However, it’s not until this song that we really see it in action. It’s not until these moments that we are able to see past both the veils of “Imposing King of Hell” and “Goofy Guy who’s trying his best but not great at Dadding,” and get a look at how genuinely depressed this man is.
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“My dreams were too hard to defend.”
This scene eight here. The more I see it, the more I fall in love with it. Just a great example of ‘show don’t tell.’
He’s talking about having big ideas, he’s talking about giving people a chance and reaching outside the normal, he’s talking about being cast out of Heaven. I just love the parallel he’s drawing between Charlie’s mission, and his own past.
Charlie created the hotel in an attempt to give people who have been seen as lesser to all of Heaven some sort of chance. She is choosing to have faith in them, and to open up opportunities for them to lead a better life.
Lucifer, when he gave Eve the fruit, was taking a chance to allow humanity the chance to have free will. He wanted them to experience everything life had to offer for themselves like angels got to. He offered a chance for them to lead a better life.
He had everything, and he had complete faith that what he was doing was right. All the light and hope of his dreams was right in the palm of his hand. He had so many ideas that he thought, if they were saw through, would make the world a better place.
But it didn’t work out for him.
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“And in the end, I won’t lose it all again.”
Now, the first seconds of dialogue may be what I keep rewatching, but this has got to be my favourite visual of the entire song. It’s such powerful imagery, and I fangirl over it every time.
Look at how small he looks in that shot (I know, I know, he’s tiny regardless, but like seriously). He is completely outnumbered, hopelessly overpowered, totally at the mercy of all his Heavenly superiors… and he’s all alone.
He lost everything because he had the gall to dream. It’s not hard to look at the song (and the episode at large, really) and find not only his feelings of being wronged, but also his immense guilt. It shows in how much he hates Sinners. They are basically the worst of what he did, a constant reminder of the day his mistake caused him to lose his home and everything he held dear, and they are all he gets to see. Only being permitted to see your failures for all eternity? No wonder he’s fucking depressed.
The day Heaven cast him out was the day he stopped dreaming. Because dreaming big only leads to pain, failure, and suffering.
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“I just don’t want you to be crushed by them like… like I was.”
This next moment is kinda self explanatory and obvious and really doesn’t need any commentary, but I’m gonna talk about it anyway. Because I love it, and I love him, and… you know… angst. I’ve mentioned my lust for it several times now throughout this post, you really shouldn’t be surprised.
I just feel so bad for him. Lucifer made one mistake. One simple, misguided mistake that ended up introducing evil into the world, and all of Heaven came down on him for it. And, you know what, in the narrative presented by the show, what he did wasn’t that bad. He just wanted to give the world’s newest creations the same freedom angels had, and it backfired horribly. Lucifer, like Charlie, was an idealist who saw the best in people and wanted to help.
And what did he get for his good intentions? Shoved into the cesspool he unintentionally created, and forbidden to ever see anything good that came from his dream.
If I had to guess, Lilith was the only thing keeping his mental health afloat for a long time… and then they had Charlie.
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“The tales about your lofty dreams. I’d listen breathlessly, imaging it could be me.”
His daughter became the light of his life. Something that he cherished and indulged more than anything else in the world. To him, she was perfect, and he wanted to do right by her in any way he could.
Lilith told their daughter stories of all her father’s dreams regardless of what he thought of them, and when the little princess came asking him… how could he refuse? How could he refuse her anything?
So he shared them with her. All the tales of grandeur, and fantasies of everything he wished the world could have been. All the dreams he had long since let go.
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“And in the end, it’s the view I had of you that show me dreams can be worth fighting for.”
Now, the scene where Lily take’s Charlie away has always been excellent brain fodder for me because of how somewhat ambiguous it is. You could interpret his sadness to have SO MANY meanings. However, I have inevitably decided on two potential head-cannons/theories to share here for what could possibly be going through Snek-King’s head.
One: Lucifer loves his daughter, but he feels estranged and like he’s failed her in some way. She’s such a joy, such a wonder, and in a way it's his fault she’s trapped down here with all of human ties worst. He wasn’t to be close to her, and to make the world perfect for her… but he already feels like he’s failed her in the most unforgivable way. He keeps his distance because part of him doesn’t want her to have a super high of an opinion of him. It’s kind of his depression manifesting, saying that ‘she shouldn’t admire you and your stupid dreams when they’re the reason she’ll never see true light and happiness.’
The angst addict in me likes this one more, but still I’ve got another one that always pops.
Two: He feels like he’s selling her false hope, and he can kind of see the place her innocence is headed. He’s seen the horrors of the world, and he knows the more he indulges her dreams and fantasies, the more she’ll suffer when she sees that’s not what the world is like. He knows from personal experience how much it hurts when your dreams come undone, when you lose hope in the world.
Listening to Charlie’s actual lyrics, she tells him that he was the one who inspired her to dream, that he was right to dream, and that she’s not going to back down. In the song, Luci realises that 1: maybe he didn’t fuck us as badly as he thought and that she actually doesn’t blame him and wants her in his life and/or 2: she has her mother’s willpower, and she’s never going to stop dreaming or let her world be sullied like he did. She’s so much stronger than he was.
So he lets her in.
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(Side note… AWWW, look how TINNYY he is! He’s so small. The start contrast in the second image gets me every time)
There’s a bit of symbolism in the song which I ABSOLUTELY adore, and it has to do with the wings. In the flashback, Charlie mentions his “lofty dreams,” when we see the duck, which later transforms to have multiple sets of wings. Later in the song, when Lucifer finally lets her in, he also sprouts those wings.
And I just love this, because I think it acts as the perfect symbolism of him finally opening his mind again. Not just to his daughter, but to the possibility of dreaming in general.
He takes her to a circus, a place filled to the brim with spectacles and thrills, a place where humanities wildest imaginations seem possible.
But even though he’s beginning to open up, and he’s willing to help her in whatever she does, he’s not ‘fixed.’ His depression and self doubt and feelings of hollow emptiness and guilt and apprehension aren’t gone.
And he’s still terrified of seeing her spark go out like his did.
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This tiny smile break is so addicting to watch for me. It speaks volumes. Once again, my angst loving heart eats it up every time. It says, “I’m still worried, and there is still so much shit going on in my mind right now about all of this, but I’m here for you.”
And that’s what counts.
Luci’s character showed a lot of colours, and came a long way in this singular episode, but he’s still got a big uphill battle to climb. He still has to come back into his own where dreams are concerned. Maybe he never will, not completely. Realistically, he’ll never go back to the way he was.
But maybe, just maybe, in helping his daughter he’ll find something worth believing in again.
That is, of course, if they decide to give him a character arc beside ‘Dad who is trying and doing better,’ but for that only time will tell.
And THAT concludes my rant on the Rubber Ducky Ruler. If you stuck around this long, good for you! I wrote this whole thing on a limb at midnight, and NO I’m not going to go back and edit it because why would I ever want to see all the horrid grammatical and spelling errors I’ve inevitably made.
Maybe I’m off the mark on all of this. Maybe I’m head-cannoning too much. Maybe I’m just trying to suck out every hint of potential angst out of a song that’s supposed to be sweet and wholesome. That’s for you to decide. But for me, I’ve decided that I’m satisfied with this analysis. In the end, I just needed to express all the thoughts bumbling around in my head SOMEWHERE before I exploded, and unfortunately, I feel like I’ve run all my friends dry talking about this baby to them, so now it’s your turn. But, anyways, I think that about wraps things up. It’s time to go to bed.
Farewell, stay hydrated, and have a lovely rest of your day/night :)
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bcyhoods · 1 year
BLUSHING🫀 ─── send in a character au and a scenario for a drabble or headcanons !
omg okay I need ur thoughts on fake dating with rockstar!eddie. this is a threat (I’m kidding. mostly)
BYE I NEED. musician!reader annnnnd mean eddie. (well as mean as i was able to convey, it’s barely there im sorry LOLZ)
super cool 100 celebration
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fake dating with rockstar!eddie
it is absolutely, entirely a pr stunt at first.
mr. munson’s reputation is a little worse for wear at the moment. his devilish good looks can only get him out of so much trouble
and you’re an up-and-coming artist with a new single that you want to release so badly buuuuuuuuuuut
marketing! you need more outreach, more publicity, so that it can actually sell and so your label doesn’t lose money
and hey, what do ya know? you and eddie are signed to the same label! hey, they have an awesome idea
eddie is dismissive at first. he can’t make eye contact with you for more than two seconds at a time and when you’re alone he looks so grumpy
the first outing is at a diner and you’re trying to ask him questions because you’re gonna be stuck spending time together for who knows how long (and he’s also very attractive. sue you for wanting to get to know him)
“so how’d you get into music :)))”
and he kinda frowns. it’s more like a wince than anything else, like he has a splinter. and he’s like “does it matter? the faster we eat, the faster we can leave.”
and boy, does that set the mood for the rest of the evening. you’re sitting there eating a meal with someone who gives off the impression that they hate you
but as you’re walking out, he’s quick to grab onto your hand and lead the way out. and you’re like ??? until you notice the mob that stands outside
it’s so overwhelming. there’s a sea of paparazzi that you have to fight through, everyone is yelling, the camera flashes are blinding, and eddie is walking way too fast for comfort that your fingers are starting to slip from his grip
he’s glancing back at you and he notices all the lenses being shoved in your face and the really creepy whistles
so he starts shoving, elbowing, shouting expletives — which is really counterintuitive considering the terms of your relationship — in order to wrap an arm around your shoulders and guide you to the car
“are you okay? did any of em touch you? >:(”
and it gives you whiplash because this man was ignoring your existence like 10 minutes ago
i mean you don’t know that it’s because he’s disappointed. first date with somebody that is way out of his league and it’s a damn pr stunt. and you’re kind, and you make good music, but there’s no way you’re actually interested
so he keeps you at arms length because he doesn’t want to get his feelings hurt. after that day, he eases up a little though
he knows more about the industry than you do, so he’s giving you pointers, spilling little secrets
he suggests that they include a sound bite of your voice on the band’s next single and the label is eating it up
whenever you go to parties or events together and you’re wearing something that hugs your figure or shows skin, he is drooling. he cannot focus on anything anybody is saying
it’s really not hard to pretend to be in love with you cough because he’s not pretending cough
he is always touching you. even when you’re alone, his hands are holding yours, his arm is around your shoulders, his thigh is pressing against yours
obviously, he makes a show of it in front of the cameras, pulling you in so close that you’d think someone super glued your sides together. a big smack of his lips against your forehead (forehead kisses are so hard to dismiss because they’re so affectionate)
but when you’re alone, he becomes really gentle? and you didn’t think eddie munson was capable of soft touches but it’s sooooooooo
his hand rests on your lower back whenever you enter a room, it’s very light and timid though, like he doesn’t want to push any boundary. he holds your elbow too
you both think of a really sick “photo bait” that the paps can take pictures of like feeding each other grapes or pouting at each other and you guys laugh and cringe at it
on the inside though you’re both like “wait a minute why do i like this rn”
then the label catches on and they suggest that you guys need to kiss on camera when your single releases
and you’re so nervous because you guys have shared cheek and forehead kisses before, but the lips are a whole new territory
so at the release party, right at midnight, he’s beaming down at you with a smile that looks so real and genuine and his eyes are glowing
but when you lean up to kiss him, he stops you. his hands are holding your jaw and he leans over to whisper in your ear
“i want our first kiss to be in private, because we both want it. not because someone’s taking a picture.”
and your brain goes to mush like ?!?!????!!
and you discover pretty quickly that he really is a damn good kisser
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aubadeatelier · 8 days
Happy 20th Anniversary D. Gray-man!
On 31 May 2004, an amazing journey began with Allen Walker making his way to the European Branch of the Black Order as a new exorcist.
And now, it is 31 May 2024, 20 years of a still on-going journey. A lot has happened and changed and yet, he keeps walking.
Happy Birthday, D. Gray-man! And thank you for everything you've brought to me and so many others!
This post contains the pieces I did for the D. Gray-man 20th Anniversary Zine. 1 Party Doodle and 2 Redraw Project pages. Please enjoy! To see the whole zine, please access the zine through the link below to the project tumblr!
✦ D. Gray-man 20th Anniversary Zine ✦
Please make sure to take a look at the whole zine! I had the greatest honor to work with more than 100+ amazing artists across the world. It would mean a lot to me and all those who worked on this zine to have our work seen together as one!
(PS. I asked a funny little question in the Party Doodle section of the zine!)
[Beyond this point are my pieces and some fun facts!]
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Party Doodle || A Celebration from 35 Years Ago featuring from bottom left, Mana D. Campbell, Nea D. Campbell, ???, Cross Marian, and Timcampy. ✦ I originally made this celebration doodle with the intention of just drawing Nea, ???, and Timcampy. But upon popular demand and the power of friendship (shoutout to Hana Hazel, Kanin, and Sabhamun), I ended up adding Cross Marian and Mana! And honestly, the additions were a great idea and really make the piece feel more lively and fun! (Also we need more Campbell brothers content damn it. I wanna see them happy!) ✦ Also, if any of your are up-to-date at this point, you know Chapter 251 coming out shook so many things including this piece that was already done when it released. But! I think it's fun to keep it as is as a relic of the pre-251 era. (Who knows? Maybe I'll make a fixed version!)
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Redraw Project Page 01 || Chapter 04. Page 119. ✦ The first redraw page I received for assignment! I ended up liking the page, because it felt to me an integral establishing page for the series' themes. I may have gotten a little overboard with how I wanted to interpret the page, but I thought originally I would not be doing a second page and thus, wanted to put a lot of effort. In D. Gray-man, Akuma are created when a person makes a deal with the Millennium Earl. More often than not, the person has no idea what this deal entails, only that they can bring their loved one back from the dead if they agree to it. But what happens when the person is aware or knows not to accept the Earl's deal? And we receive a heart-wrenching, but understandable answer. To have the knowledge of the Earl's tricks does not automatically save a person. The Earl preys on the vulnerable. He appears and makes his offer to those in the deepest pits of despair and grief. That is how he got Leo. He was just a kid who lost his mother. He may have known more about the Earl and Akuma, because of his friendship with Jean, but when you are grieving kid-- what do you do when someone promises you they'll bring back your mother who was taken from you so suddenly? It is difficult to say no. ✦ The books that frame the piece are meant to convey this emphasis of knowledge and study-- the days Jean and Leo spent reading through Jean's father's books and notes about the Earl and Akuma with intention to patrol their town and keep people safe. Ultimately, a book page is the last panel, showing a representation of Leo and the Earl at a grave as Leo becomes an example of a person who takes the Earl's deal and whose body is taken by an Akuma. ✦ The blue tones of Jean and the Akuma were on purpose made to contrast the warmer tones of Jean and Leo's days together. ✦ It was crazy getting to draw an Akuma's face. It was a challenge to try and draw kids, but I ended getting through it pretty well. ✦ There are a few silly easter eggs in the open books. I put a small anniversary message in one. And in the other, I tried to sketch Cornelia and the Campbell Estate with the lyrics of the 14th's song. A nod to some content in the later parts of the series.
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Redraw Project Page 02 || Chapter 01. Page 38. ✦ Originally, the plan was I only would do 1 redraw page and 1 doodle, but we needed fill-ins and I took a shot at it! ✦ When I found out it was a page from Chapter 1, I was ecstatic! I had originally wanted to do one from the chapter, but they were high in demand which was more than understandable. ✦ Unlike my first redraw page, I decided to be a little more simplistic with the layout. This layout is not too far off from that of the Katsura Hoshino's, but I made a few changes such as certain angles, drawing characters closer to emphasize faces. ✦ I am not the strongest with backgrounds and drawing buildings, but I ended up enjoying the challenge of it all. Thankfully, a lot of other artists in the project tackled the building and referenced the original page, the pages and sketches of the building or interior by other project artists, and the anime to ready myself to tackle it! ✦ The spirals of the Akuma bullet gave me trouble at first, but then I ended up enjoying it as I figured it out. ✦ This page was overall a big joy to play with as it challenged me with backgrounds, certain effects, and word bubbles.
And with that, this concludes the tour of my work on the D. Gray-man 20th Anniversary Zine. I have so much to say about this series and what it means to me, but I will try not to make this post horridly longer.
D. Gray-man is the series that made me fall in love with storytelling and art. It showed me something that filled an emptiness I felt. It gave me joy and company at a time where I felt unsure who I was and felt like an outcast. My resolution after this project is to continuously grow better at my stories and art. I hope to make something as meaningful to myself and others as D. Gray-man is.
Happy 20th Anniversary D. Gray-man! I hope and pray for more wonderful chapters and for there to be a lovely conclusion someday. For now, let us keep walking together!
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ymiwritesstuff · 1 year
What They Call You | Goro Majima, Kazuma Kiryu & Akira Nishikiyama
Hello, I'm here with some headcanons for some of the Yakuza boys bc I love them all and my brain is craving content for them AAAA! Anyway, here are some headcanons of what they'd call their s/o, hope you enjoy!! ❤️
Notes: Fluff, some mild suggestive themes, spoilers for Yakuza 1/Kiwami during Nishiki's segment, mild angst
Goro Majima
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Darlin' - This one is the default for him, the one his s/o will hear the most. It just flows off his tongue effortlessly, he hardly even realizes he is calling you that in the first place. The drawl of his Kansai-ben also really adds to the experience, making the pet name feel extra unique and exclusive.
Doll - This is the one he uses when he really wants to sweet talk. And oftentimes he pairs it with remarks about how pretty you are in his eyes. There is some slight silliness in it but for the most part, his overly honeyed words and compliments are almost always accompanied by this pet name.
Baby/Babe - Putting these two together because I feel like he'd use both in the same situations. Though I feel like "Baby" would be more so used when he and his s/o are intimate. In general, though, he uses one of these to surprise you, as you are so used to his usual "Darlin'". When one of these leaves his mouth, he's silently asking something of you. Usually, it's sexy time.
Princess/Prince - 100% most used when he wants to tease his s/o or is in the process of pampering them with lavish gifts or an unusually affectionate kiss. With this one, he just wishes to let you know how highly he thinks of you and how important you are to him. It leaves you with warmth on your cheeks almost every time.
Kazuma Kiryu
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Your Name - Listen, Kiryu isn't too big on pet names, simply because to him, there isn't anything better to call you than your name. It's just much more special to him than any other nickname could be. He likes your name, so why wouldn't he use it? Sure, his s/o might feel like it's somewhat serious and not as light-hearted as it could be with traditional pet names, but really, Kiryu just wants to let you know that your name is all that he needs to call you, because nothing else would be able to convey his feelings better, in his opinion.
Dear - Now, despite what was said in the previous paragraph, there are still some times when this man will use a pet name. This one in particular is used if he and his s/o are married. He's a traditional, gentlemanly husband, so he uses the most traditional pet name there possibly is. Admittedly, he felt strange saying it at first, but it quickly became second nature, and he soon grew to love calling you that.
Beautiful - This is pretty self-explanatory. Whenever Kiryu uses this one, he is simply describing what he sees. To him, his s/o is the most beautiful thing there is, and him saying this out loud, is a verbal confirmation of it that admittedly leaves you somewhat flustered.
Cutie Patootie - He tried this once after seeing it on the internet. Bad idea. You almost died laughing. Never again.
Akira Nishikiyama
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Babe - Nishiki's default. This one is rather broad, as he uses it with anyone who happens to strike his fancy if he is not already seeing someone, so it doesn't feel as exclusive when he and his s/o do get together. However, he somehow is able to make it sound special and different compared to how you used to hear it before you officially started dating. The charming smile he so often wears is surely a partial reason for this.
Sweetie - This one is saved for his s/o. It's a lot more tender and dare I say, sweet, perfect for when you two have been together for some time. Usually, you'll feel a kiss on your temple or cheek right after hearing him call you by this pet name. It warms your heart and you cannot help but smile a little. He is always genuine whilst addressing you in this way, and you know it. You hear it in his voice and see it in his eyes.
Sexy - To absolutely no one's surprise, Nishiki is a flirt, and he knows it. Whenever he is in a teasing mood, expect him to whisper sensual compliments to your ear along with this pet name. He is fully aware of what he is doing and needless to say, this is a word he calls you a LOT during intimacy. Usually, it's mixed with praise or, you guessed it, more compliments on how amazing and hot you are to him.
Mine - SPOILERS FOR YAKUZA 1/KIWAMI! When he calls you his, it's usually out of fear, though anyone can see the underlying possessiveness in his eyes. Deep down, he doesn't want to lose you, not after having already lost so many people dear to him. His sister, Kiryu, he absolutely can't deal with loss any longer. You see the change in his behavior, hear the sternness of his voice, and hear the hunger in his tone as he claims you with his words. Pre-Kiwami Nishiki would never say it in such a way, hardly at all if we are honest, but he has changed, and he is desperate to have you stay with him. So he holds you tight, vigorously telling you how you belong to him.
Support me on ko-fi!❤️
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toomanywatchers · 7 days
Why I Love Travel Season’s Editing Style:
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Okokok- I already made a post stating my love for Travel Season after my first initial watch-through of the first two episodes, but I have more to say. Last night, I could not stop rewatching these episodes. Possibly because I am just over the moon seeing Steven, Andrew, and Adam back in action in a show created 100% by them, and where they are allowed to make it their way- BUT there is another reason I could not stop watching it. All do in part of the editing style.
As a self-taught (and soon to be academically-taught) video editor, my favorite thing when watching digital media is seeing what techniques and styles creators use to convey an overall concept to their videos/shows. Some of the more detail-oriented editing I see in today's climate of internet content comes from Watcher's shows. For instance, Mystery Files with the corkboard graphics. Are You Scared of the hand-drawn art from illustrators Mollie Ong and Rafael Mejia. Dish Granted with the use of circle cutouts and white negative spaces. Weird Wonderful World with its cartoon sound effects and stylistic graphics/music to fit whatever atmosphere the boys are in. Puppet History with the motion graphics being put within the confines of the puppet theatre and just everything that goes into the post-production process of the lore events of that show. I could go on, but I might end up writing a whole novel in the process.
Plus, this is about Travel Season... so let's talk about Travel Season.
I was barely 5 minutes into the first episode when I realized just how different Travel Season stands out against anything Watcher has ever created. The overall vibes of the show are calm, peaceful, comforting, and relaxed. The whole show feels like I am watching an old family home video made in the 90s with a camcorder. This style of content that isn't constantly moving at a fast pace and in your face would not perform well in the YouTube algorithm, and I am glad that Watcher was able to launch their own platform to make shows like Travel Season because gosh, this is the kind of content I miss. Oversaturation and pleasing the algorithm can only go a long way as a creative, trust me.
Anywho- back to editing. I am going to point out just some of my favorite editing details that were showcased in the first two episodes of Travel Season. Starting off with probably my favorite scene from both episodes:
This small clip highlights many of my favorite details of the post-production of Travel Season. The first detail I brought up in my previous post involves The Brick aka the camera. The concept of The Brick ties in with what Meredith, Watcher's Development Coordinator, said in Pod Watcher episode #23 about physical hobbies. Something that we can create in a physical sense that does not belong to a digital realm ala the internet/social media. The idea of having a functional prop with The Brick can tie a whole show aesthetic together, but in this case, The Brick also aids in the post-production allowing the team to make smooth-flowing transitions. What I mean is sometimes, especially with a show like Travel Season where they cover many different locations/activities in one video, finding a perfect, easy-flowing transition can be difficult. Jump cuts can be useful in certain cases to hit a comedic mark or shock the viewer, but that is not the overall vibe of Travel Season. The pictures taken on The Brick from their work tripe an easily organized B-roll for harder transition points and simple things such as finding Seoul provide space for much-needed voiceovers for context.
Another editing point that is provided in this clip is the audio. Watcher has never missed the mark regarding audio choices and the addition of sound effects in their work. Sometimes people think that when editing, the editor finds a song that fits and slaps it on the timeline, but here showcases the idea of editing for the environment. What really stuck out to me is the jump cut to the location and using an effect like Lowpass on the audio to make the audience feel as though they are truly standing outside of this nightclub-esk restaurant. Then it jumps to the audio back to normal with Steven dancing as Andrew browses then back to Lowpass edit as they introduce this next location. It's just such a subtle touch that had me all giddy because small details as this audio editing elevate the scene to another level. Showing that Watcher was trying to make you feel like you are there with the boys on their travels. A true immersion effect that I just love.
Also to Adam and Annie who were both camera operators, your b-roll is absolutely superb and adds to the overall vibe of Travel Season.
The last point of editing I want to bring up as it's on the top of my head are these moments:
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When they use a frame hold and then change the aspect ratio for a transition. I just find it such a charming technique in video editing. Plus I feel like this transition fits in with the whole "taking photos" approach because in a way the changing of the ratio on a frame hold is like taking a snapshot of that frame like a picture.
I just... I just love it, okay?
Honestly, I could go on and on about every little detail of this show and how they decided to overall produce it, but like I said- novel.
Watcher just puts so much love and care into all the shows they make. Even when it comes to the last process of video production which is editing the episodes together. I have not seen many channels put this much thought into the specificity of their videos like Watcher. This is why I gravitate towards them so much they care about the little things in the shows they create.
Moral of the story: I am in love with Travel Season and with Watcher as a whole.
thank you for listening to my ted talk aka my nerdy ramblings
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parkhumans · 6 months
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I'm KAZ (he/him) and i'm an artist cartoonist etc etc you know the drill.
ever since i was a kid i had a massive special interest in theme park history and for whatever reason that's been really present in my life as of late. so i created parkhumans, which as you could probably gather is a project where i humanize a ton of rides, attractions, hotels and the like out of a passion for them and their history. i tend to include a lot of anthro elements in my designs too, so the term 'human' is pretty nebulous. more elaboration on what these are will come later down here
ive actually had this project going for a while, i just havent posted much about it here because i just couldnt find the time to. woopssss
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some other things i feel are important to know
i dont just exclusively humanize disney parks/attractions. my theme park special interest is very general and encompasses multiple parks not just those
i hate disney as a company and i am sure to make that explicitly clear. when i praise their theme parks, none of that praise is directed towards disney as an enterprise, it's towards the people who are behind the engineering and art of the resorts. again it bears repeating that i am very vocal about the fact that i Do Not support disney as a company. im extremely critical of them. im just a big proponent of preserving the hard work that goes into these resorts and i think that work deserves to be highlighted, and im glad i can convey the history behind these attractions with my art
do not conflate the parkhumans project with c0untryhumans or anything of the same vein. they are not remotely comparable. c0untryhumans is pretty inherently bigoted just as a concept. i don't like the prospect of being conflated with that as with the parkhumans project is something i create with as much tact in mind. i purposefully go out of my way to avoid depicting things that are offensive or in poor taste in this project.
tangentially related to that last point, there are certain attractions i refuse to make designs for. generally this includes rides that have had tragedies occur directly on them that are inseparable from their histories (such as america sings), rides that have origins in inherently bigoted sources (this is why i wont ever do splash mountain) or have bigoted things within them, and, this one is more of a case by case basis, but i tend to stray away from heavily ip-focused attractions. what i mean by this is that you won't see me making characters based off star wars or marvel rides. this is more out of a personal place, as i simply just dont enjoy doing it. i feel like certain companies have gotten too comfortable just relying on their ips and its something im very loud about being disappointed in. i prefer to focus my time on the attractions i like, not ones that are just popular. of course that last one has a ton of exemptions so you cant expect me to 100% uphold it, but just keep in mind that i dont really pay mind to the attractions i feel are kind of corporate and shoehorned in. if you want more elaboration on my stance on this, here's a twt thread i made regarding it
normally i dont take requests for designs unless i ask for them myself. again, i like to do my own thing most of the time
i dont consider this to be a big collaborative thing, but that doesnt mean i wont let people make their own spins on this idea. i have my own vision in mind for this thing but im totally open to the idea of people making their own fanchars and stuff!
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& some other things
here is a big doc i made explaining what parkhumans are in case you're wondering about the specifics of how they operate
also heres the toyhouse page
that should be it 👍 ok cya
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smol-and-scared · 26 days
Endemic Non-Lingual Tinies
Imagine a world where tinies never evolved the capacity for language (Mostly due to the fact that larger civilizations did not survive natural selection)
I posted about this idea before, but let me be more specific this time: These tinies cannot speak, cannot read or write, and they cannot be taught language. Their brains completely lack the capacity to convey complex ideas. The most 'language' they can possibly learn is about twelve words. And that's just because they memorized the sounds and meaning in the exact same way a dog would.
However... just because they are not able to convey complex thoughts, doesn't mean they don't have them.
Their thoughts aren't articulated as words (like humans do). Instead, they think in images, concepts, and emotions. And their voices are... just little chirping sounds.
Imagine seeing a pack of two or three tinies hiding under a picnic table, chirping and squeaking at each other. They are communicating, but only in the simplest possible terms:
'Anger', 'Confusion?', 'Assertion', 'Anger', 'Apology', 'Submission', 'Acceptance', 'Condescension', 'Exasperation', 'Challenge?', 'Dismissal...', *Scampering Off*, *whimper*
It's like hearing crows argue outside your window. There is clearly a conversation happening. But it's all conveyed through tone, body language, pitch and context. But to a human? It's just a bunch of tiny noises that sound almost identical.
That's just how things are with tinies! They're clearly intelligent. Most of them are able to craft weapons, tools and clothes. Some have even been observed making mechanical devices!
For a moment, one could almost forget how different their minds are. Watching them work, they seem just like us... And then you notice those tiny engineers keep a sort of 'Master Pebble' (which they carry everywhere, cradling it protectively) Because they do not have any other way to standardize their measurements within or between packs. ...Maybe not just like us.
And of course, how much you see tinies at all depends on the area, its wildlife, fauna, and ~general vibe~ If tinies feel particularly safe somewhere, they will mingle out in the open (but always close to a potential escape route). You can wave at them of course! In a hostile area, they will flee at any acknowledgment. In a friendlier or safer place? They will wave back! They aren't 100% sure what the gesture means, but it keeps the humans happy and most will immediately leave them alone after getting a wave back, so most tinies keep doing it.
[Side note: Mimicry has become most tinies' default solution to a seemingly friendly human gesturing at them. Don't believe me? Lock eyes with a tiny and wiggle your body a couple times. They'll be confused as hell, but goddamn it they will wiggle]
It's extremely rare for a tiny to approach a human, but the experience is absolutely magical. Maybe they're hoping you'll drop some crumbs from the snack you are eating. Perhaps they are curious about you, and perch nearby to watch in amazement as you lift an entire apple! If you've earned their trust, they may even beckon you to help them when there is an emergency or accident.
All in all, tinies are a beautiful little enigma. Their intelligence, willpower and emotions are almost a mirror of our own. But their instincts, communication and relationships are as wild as the animals that surround them.
(I wanted to revisit my idea about tinies that never evolved the capacity for language. Because it's by far my most popular post, and yet somehow, the core vibe never really got across. probably because of the specific fearplay scenario used).
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