#like i seriously don't see a downside idk
tiredlostwriter · 29 days
Why I think the foxes would be good (or absolute shit) at my sport (horseball, or as @rise-deepseamonster helpfully supplied, horse quiddich, been playing my whole life and it's the first time I hear someone refers to it as such, I love it 😂) :
-Dan : she's sporty, she's not too tall, she's probably flexible because she used to be a stripper and oh boy that takes strength AND flexibility. She'd do absolutely amazing, like small enough to not tire the horse, strong and nimble enough to get to the ball, A+ player right there
-Matt : uuuuuh he'll probably shit tbh, like sweetest dude in the arena ? Absolutely. But being tall and muscular is actually a downside in horseball cause we usually opt for small agile horses who can't really support this kind of morphology for a whole match and be efficient so yeaaaa....
-Allison : queen bitch on an expensive mare, she's ruthless, she's fast, she takes no shit. Also she already has the rich equestrian vibes, again A+ player, I want her on my team
-Renee : I can see her being a faux-calm and actually being a strategic demon in the arena, again she's not too tall, she's a fighter at heart which is absolutely NEEDED for that sport but it's incredibly balanced by her sweet temper which would do wonder with a horse, prime defense line rider.
-Kevin : yes but no, like the temperament is here, but too tall and for some reason I see him as a really stiff human, like he never heard of flexibility in his whole life 😂. Sorry Kev, you would have loved trying to run over someone with a horse cause they play like shit.
-Andrew : heck yes. Seriously dude's strong, he's also small (so yay to be able to ride a smaller more agile horses) and he would take absolutely no shit ever. I also think his chill and respectful of boundaries temperament would do absolute wonders with a horse, especially the hot blooded ones we have in this sport
-Aaron : yes....but no. Yes for the same morphology reasons as Andrew (duh) but idk, he gives scared of horses vibes (sorry babe)
-Nicky : probably a tad too tall but I don't see him as bulky so it might work, probably ok player but might have too much survival instinct to bend down to get the ball in the middle of galloping horse, idk.
-Neil : absolutely, 100% yes, where can I find him I need to sign him up asap. Like he's small, he's fast, he's aggressive, he has stamina and no survival instinct, perfect player 😂😂😂
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im-a-hoping-beetch · 9 months
In all honesty, idk what happened with the fandom recently for it to suddenly shit out a ton of crappy takes in ATLA most especially for Zutara. I often find myself defending Zutara because a lot of its antis say the most racist and sexist stuff against it. I'm not even a Zutara fan! I'm a rareshipper.
Can't just antis simply say they don't like Zutara and move on to enjoying their own ships instead? No more stupid holier art thou morality takes that just backfire on their faces.
If they want discourse, then use canon material NOT HEADCANONS, FANONS, OR FANFICS as "evidence" to back up their takes. Antis that do that makes my head spin in exasperation. Then you point that out they start whining how you hurt their feelibgs and get all offended as a "minority".
Actually, let's focus on that last bit. It's pretty rancid too how sometimes they pretend to be part of the "minority" so they can use it as a shield for themselves when their bad behavior gets called out. In fact, this tactic hurts the actual minorities who have valid concerns about Zutara. They get drowned out by all the insanity toxic shippers say and get lumped in with them.
Well, with the new live-action coming, there has obviously, been a revival, making the fandom way much more active. Which leads to people having more time to pay attention to the show and all its intricacies.
This is where ship wars come into play. And in all honesty, atla’s ship wars have definitely left a legacy in a way I don’t think we’ll have to ever witness. With the creators perpetuous jabs at zutara solidifying antis need to hate on it and the fans, fuelling the whole thing to another level. To this day whenever something avatar related gets announced or released you start to see a revival of a not so dead ship war. And while they (probably, not sure) aren’t as brutal as they used to be, they have took another turn, with this faux-progressivism being used to fear monger zutara shippers as well as casual listeners about the ship’s legitimacy. I recommend @i-d-e-g-a-f ‘s post about it to get more insight.
On my part, if I were to pin point the moment where this faux- progressivism started taking space in a lot of anti-zutara takes, I’d say that the atla renaissance isn’t innocent for this phenomenon happening. You need to understand the context in which atla’s release on Netflix took place in. One where the blm movement took the entire world by storm. Resulting in people not having the reservations they’ve probably had in the past when it came to talking about racial issues. This was followed by the emergence of numerous movements involving similar cases (not identical, tho). As well as media and the people consuming said media being ready to offer commentary on and call out harmful depictions of racial minorities as well as the rethorics they carried.
Suddenly, anyone and everyone could offer their piece of mind on harm being caused to racial minorities. And while good, it also came with its downside.
When you take into account this context, I think it exacerbated the already existing phenomenon of people saying things in order to put on this front of being good and virtuous, yet failing or simply not wanting to realize how these things are perpetuating the very harm they claim they want to undo. You know, people perceiving and claiming zutara to be a colonized-colonizer ship. As well as comparing katara to Pocahontas, when talking about these two. Which, if these people actually cared about progress, they would know how incredibly racist and sexist it is to make that comparison.
When it comes to antis obsession with hating on zutara, I think it stems from a certain insecurity. You gotta understand that unlike any other non-canon ship, zutara could’ve legitimately been canon. It was constantly talked about in the writers room, many of the team members seriously considering it (head writers, voice actors etc..) Hence why, the creators felt the need to throw numerous jabs (ie. the ember island play, (2008) comic-con) at the ship and more specifically, its fans. Since they themselves were insecure. @burst-of-iridescent perfectly explains it in this post.
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catherinekal · 28 days
Just some musings on my place in the trans community and why it's hard for me to relate to a lot of what I see. Specifically the online trans community on here and in discords from years ago.
I think I've figured out that I relate more to the woman then the trans part of transwoman if that makes sense? When I did finally figure out I was trans after experimenting with being genderfluid it just made me realize that yeah, I'm in the wrong body, I need to be a cis woman. Long time later once I was actually able to safely get hormones I began that process, as small as that beginning is in this long uphill road.
There's just a lot this community takes seriously or focuses on that I just don't. For me being trans is a call to action. I know what I am, so now I need to transition. It's in the name itself. I was born in a guys body and I have to do what I can to reverse and change that because dysphoria fucking sucks! It's not fun and shitty and I hate how I had to wait this long to start this process. I stare at my shitty receding hair and am throwing what pills I can to stop it, and it's not exactly a fun time. The process is the point though. I can't just wish it away and feel like a woman in this body.
A lot of stuff I see here and on other places care about trying to reinvent gender or piss cis people off or exist outside of whats considered norm and I just don't care about that. More power to you, but that's not what being trans is to me. It makes relating to a lot of people here hard. I just wanna transition and live a happy life as a woman, idk. I'm not out here to make anyone uncomfortable or be this symbol of rebellion or anything like that. In my ideal future I live in Europe with my wife with laser hair and bottom surgery done. Just a happy lesbian couple enjoying life with all the hard scary parts of transitioning behind me.
I guess I don't have this attachment to the identify of being trans that others here have. I don't own a trans flag. I don't own the shark plushie. I do have a little trans pin I wear to work if only so there's a chance a customer sees it and thinks it's neat. For the most part though being trans is more about actions I need to take then who I am. That's the downside with fun cute trans stereotypes, if you don't meet most of them then you feel like an outcast.
I want bottom surgery. I want laser hair removal over most of my body. I want to wear makeup and wear feminine clothes and be cute and voice train and stuff that goes beyond just taking hormones. I want to pass as a cis woman one day. Every so often I'll see a post of someone vilifying passing or going stealth and I don't get why. I get it's not something most can do, including me currently, but those that can aren't doing anything wrong, at all.
People get mad and say passing is just for cis validation and god, shut the fuck up. I want to pass because dysphoria kicks my ass and I would like to have one less reason to think of suicide. I currently can't because my money is better spent, not being spent, and saving for a move to Europe one day. When that's done though then yeah I'm going all in, getting on those waiting list for surgeries, and voice training with my wife, and fighting dysphoria the only way that works for me. I can't wish it away, I can't use willpower to make it not exist. If you can do those things then that's awesome, but I can't relate to that.
I don't care to make cis people comfortable anymore then uncomfortable. I'm doing this for myself.
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risingshards · 3 months
Spring 2024 anime review!
It's time for my annual anime season review! I had a lot more shows to watch this season than last, which at times got a bit hectic! It's not quite done yet but it's done enough that I think I can put this up. Warning: Long post incoming where I ramble about the many anime shows I watched and personal reflection about how Going Through It™ affected my watching.
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Laid Back Camp Season 3: My fav of the season, I'm obsessed with these camping girlies and any more time with them is always a treat. The combo of the suspension bridge arc with the wacky over the top arc is a fun jarring one, and the last trip was so sweet. Rin and Nadeshiko felt even gayer this season which is impressive, they're the most girlfriends to me, Chiaki and Aoi too (or maybe I should just ship full camping polycule???) It was only a few second scenes too but I love that they added Aya into the later arcs as well. I've been in a rough place mentally for a while and it kicked into a new gear this summer, so the comfort vibes of the show hit differently. I'm a super anxious person so chill times where everything is OK is such a nice escape from the world. Shout out to the OP/ED for being my favs this season! Also highly recommend both sub and dub, because the dub cast is SOOOO good once more. Celeste Perez is so fantastic as Rin, and Morgan Laure Garrett does an incredible performance as Nadeshiko. The whole cast is so great I could ramble on and on about them.
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Whisper Me a Love Song: Not technically done yet as eps 11 and 12 are delayed, but in spite of the production woes this one has my heart this season in that "I love the manga and am happy to see this animated, I am hyperfixated, and warts and all I love watching it and get way way WAYYYY too sensitive about it seriously chiral go touch grass instead of having anxiety attacks about an anime" kind of way. The voice cast is SO perfect and everyone fits their characters so well and it's a treat to see the manga adapted. Himari and Yori's fluffy relationship was so sweet and I teared up a lot at their big moments. My beloved Aki got so many delicious angsty scenes while also showing her as not a bad person, just someone who's caught up in a crush while heartbroken about her true love leaving her (a true love that she didn't even realize was true love). Speaking about that true love, Shiho getting to be a feral cat storming into the proceedings is a treat, and I love that we get to see her earlier in the anime than in the manga.
The downsides ofc are the production that delayed two of the episodes, and now has the last two pushed to a later date, and my big qualm is the festival getting skipped over (well still kinda animated in the visual comic they released with the voice actors doing great on it), that's a bummer. I can see structurally what they were going for, 6 eps for Himari/Yori and 6 eps for the very popular Aki/Shiho storyline, and having the 'lost' ep voice acted helps a bit. But ughghggh even with all that...IDK it's still my babg and they're my babygorls so I'm rooting for 11 and 12 to be really great and for me to not engage with any fandom discussion about it LOL. Like I said this one had my heart this season, and when something latches onto your heart like that, I think it's good to cherish that a bit.
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Jellyfish Can't Swim in the Night: I heard the buzz a few episodes in about this and was hooked pretty quickly. The animation quality was great, I adored the characters, and I loved the queerness in it with the nonbinary talks, trans yakuza ladie, the kiss, and while I wish they went more in on the romance, we still got a lot of queerness that I don't want to count out. It's another case where I really need to disengage with what people think about something when it's special to me (that might be the moral of the season, honestly). My big downside for this is it got a little too stressful for me, the big fight towards the end of the show kept me up at night. I might be going through it pretty bad if watching anime does that to me BUT we stay silly.
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Train to the End of the World: I didn't realize until I saw a post about it like yesterday that this had the same director as Kill la Kill and Gurren Lagann and in hindsight yeah that tracks. This was such a wild ride, I love a good journey story and this scratched that itch well. A group of girls go on a weird, hilarious, and heartfelt journey via train through a bizarre world? It made me really want to write a journey story. Funniest show of the season by far, crazy visuals, fun action, each episode being a strange little journey on its own helped the vibe.
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The Many Sides of Voice Actor Radio: This was a really cute one, bubbly gyaru x stoic girlie is a fun dynamic. Going by the structure, I assume this was the first 3 light novels adapted, since each arc was 4 eps IIRC. I hope the light novels get translated here because I'd love to see where the story goes next. My downside to this is this one also got STRESSFUL stressful in that like social kind of way as the main duo deals with stalkers, assholes online, shitty voice directors (I hope that voice director that was giving Yasumi a hard time gets super fired in season 2) and that took away from the fluff at times. Still was a definite highlight of the season.
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Nijiyon Animation 2: Maybe even weirder than the first season, I was really glad to get more of this one, weekly 3 minute adventures of a wacky gay harem really is good for the soul. I love the vibe of like "yeah we're doing this premise this week let's just go with it" that a lot of the episodes had. Do Season 3 cmon!
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Vexations of a Shut in Vampire Princess dub: I am a big stan for Vexations, and this dub has not disappointed so far (I think just one or two episodes to go for it), VERY well cast with Brittney Karbowski (of Railgun fame) putting in a STELLAR performance as Komari, showcasing all the facets of Komari's personality, like her spoiled bratty princess side, her anxious about being plopped into a dire situation side, the theater kid performance that helps her through this, and many other sides, it's really fantastic work by her. Vill, Sakuna, and Millicent are standouts as well (every Millicent scene I needed to pause afterwards because wow 🥵).
I also watched the back half of Dungeon Meshi (which is so big rn that I feel like I don't know what to add? It's great!), the new Spice and Wolf which was nice, Bartender: Glass of God which was VERY chill, and a coworker friend rec'd Condition Called Love, but I did not really enjoy that one.
All in all despite the bumpy road, I was really happy with this season and got SO much yuri. I do still need to watch Girls Band Cry and will rectify that soon, I just had way too many shows to watch at once.
Next season I am mainly looking forward to My Deer Friend Nokotan, and started watching Suicide Squad Isekai mainly for the ED lol. Next season big goal also: Chiral touches grass and her hypersensitive ass stops getting so worried about what other people think of the anime she watches and to just enjoy the anime hyperfixation while it's in full swing like this.
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h-c-u · 2 years
Come fly with me, let's fly away...
Summary: You and Ice both like to fly, just in completely different ways. And he finally convinced you to take a jet ride with him.
Pairing: Tom "Iceman" Kazansky x fem!reader
W/C: 3.3k
Rating: PG, explicitly stated age gap (19 years). They met for the first time when the reader was 19 (Do I condone that in real life? HELL NO. SHE WOULD HAVE BEEN A BABY).
TWs: None.
A/N: This fic is happening not long after Ice became O-10, he's not married to Sarah, doesn't have any kids, and definitely isn't sick.
Also, the reader is described as really petite, but there are no allusions to ED or food in general; I just wanted that position to work :)
Also Yes, the reader owns her small house with a quite big garden at around 21 without having a job. How and why? Idk, I'm not in her bank account, ask her.
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- And you're sure it's fine...? You won't get into any trouble...? - You were nervously playing with a strap of his old helmet, he just handed you. Ice just got promoted, and you were still getting used to his new rank. 
- It's not like they can fire me now, dove... - oh that cocky smile that you wanted to rub from his face. Preferably with your fist. Or your own mouth. It didn't really matter, as long as he stopped. - But seriously, we're good. It's a holiday, everyone else is out celebrating, and I've put it as a training exercise, so we're fully covered when it comes to all the paperwork, please don't worry so much, squirrel. - he placed a quick kiss on the top of your head. It wasn't exactly your favorite nickname, but he didn't use it too often, only when he playfully teased you about your not-so-safe hobby. 
Because both of you loved to fly. He was just doing that in a metal can mounted to another can of explosives, and you were... well... Using a thin material to glide. Yet you couldn't help but feel much safer in your wingsuit than inside a jet, that's why it took so long for him to convince you, and right about now, you were seriously rethinking your decision. 
- Relax, dove. - you just couldn't help it. This plane in front of you was basically a killing machine, and even though you loved the adrenaline, you were extremely opposed to conflict and violence, and you sometimes wondered how you ended up with someone in the military, especially that high up.
Well, when you two met he wasn't exactly O-10... He was just promoted to captain. At first, it was supposed to be a rebound-one-night stand with a man literally twice your age (at that time), and on top of that, he was just about to be deployed, so there was literally no chance for a relationship. Yet you still told him you'd like to see him again when he comes back. Which was incredibly stupid and naive, but you were only 19 and he said yes, thinking that you'll forget all about him as soon as you'll meet someone younger while he was gods-know-where, doing gods-know-what.
And you did meet someone. But it fizzled out before it even started. The same thing happened 7 months after you met Ice, and you honestly tried to analyze this whole situation rationally. There were definitely downsides to hooking up with...? dating...? An older man. You weren't even sure what you wanted, so how the hell could you decide if you really wanted it? 
But when you saw him again at the bar, you weren't conflicted. You were just straight-up angry. Because even if he didn't mean it, he did say yes. And it all went quickly downhill from there, well at least for you, because he insisted that you just had to take everything so slowly. He literally didn't allow you to kiss him for four months straight, still hoping that somehow he'll be able to change your mind about him. But you were stubborn, although it was extremely hard for you to be so close to him, without even being able to touch him the way you wanted. There was a lot of pouting, but even more talking and spending time together. Every day after work he helped you in your garden; he even fixed up a shed for you, so the door didn't require a small tank to open and close anymore. 
He taught you many things and told you even more stories. Of course, he couldn't tell you every detail, but it was still nice to hear his voice, and you enjoyed simply watching him doing whatever; didn't matter if it was making pancakes, or working on his plane, as long as he was in your line of sight, you were satisfied. Not in every way, but enough. It took him a full year to realize that you weren't going anywhere. He was already practically living at your house, you put him down as one of your emergency contacts on every possible form, and your cat honestly preferred sleeping on his lap than on yours. And when it hit him, it did with full strength. You weren't even doing anything special... You were just sitting curled up in the giant armchair in his workshop, lazily sketching something in your notebook, and you were getting frustrated because you couldn't get it quite right. He didn't even tell you to come with him, you just showed up around lunch with a spare portion for him, and after you ate, you just stayed there, not even saying anything, because you didn't want to interrupt whatever he was doing. And that's what did it for him... A thing that you did dozens of times over the last year, but this time something in him clicked. 
It's not like he didn't want you with every atom of his body, but Ice-cold always had full control over his basic instincts. But right then and there, he made a conscious decision to do everything in his power to make you the happiest person on earth, and that included finally giving you the relationship you deserved. He of course insisted on never being added on a deed to your house and was very adamant that you'd keep your finances separate, even though he started contributing long before that conversation. He would always push you to explore and learn things on your own and was always there to cheer on you from the first row. And if you'd one day decide that you'd be happier elsewhere, he would let you go. But he didn't have to, because you had eyes only for him...
Even now, almost 7 years after your wedding you were still getting giddy whenever he would hug you or even smiled at you, that's exactly why you found yourself in pilot gear, even though you've never held a flying stick in your hands before. His old helmet was way too big for you, and eventually, he got you another one and that one fit. Even though his stoic presence usually was enough to calm you down, this time it wasn't so easy. It's not like you were afraid of flying; you used choppers in the past to get to the desired altitudes, but this was different. This was a war machine, and you frowned because an unpleasant thought entered your mind... Was this F-22 ever used to kill anyone? 
- Y/N....? - his voice pulled you from your spiral of thoughts, and you rested your gaze on his eyes. - C'mere, dove... - he repeated the request, reaching for your arm to pull you onto the wing he was currently standing on. Sure, he could have let you use a ladder, but this was much more fun. He didn't have any trouble pulling you up with one hand, and you would be lying if you said that his strength didn't turn you on, especially considering all the positions he was to hold you in for long periods of time. 
- And you're sure it's safe...? - you've repeated the question you already asked at least 20 times today. 
- I always managed to come back in those, so I'd say they have a pretty good record... - he said jokingly and started settling in the cabin. He did all the pre-flight checks before you joined him in the pilot seat. You checked earlier, and even with you sitting in front of him, on the same chair, there was enough space for him to reach everything he needed. Before you climbed in, he also loosened the safety belts, so you could fit in them with him, just in case. He didn't plan on doing anything crazy today, but he'd still rather be prepared for anything. - C'mere, dove... - he was done with the checks and was ready to finally take you flying his way. You settled cozily in front of him. It was a tight, but not impossible fit, and if you were being completely honest, you enjoyed having him so close to you... He reached around you and made sure that the emergency oxygen line was connected to your mask, connected your coms to his, and buckled you both in, so everything was properly secured. 
- Tower, this is Iceman, how do you read? - he started following the procedures, and you patiently kept quiet, sitting between his legs. Your compact size definitely had its perks, because at first, you were afraid that he wouldn't be able to see anything if you sat in front of him in a helmet, but fortunately, that wasn't a problem.
- Iceman, Tower, loud and clear, how me? - an unfamiliar voice replied through the comms. 
- Loud and clear. Take-off pre-checks complete. 
- Ready engines start. Iceman, you are clear to taxi. Runway number 2. Winds 21, 0, 10. - you've felt the jet move before you actually saw it moving because Tom was driving it extremely slowly to the designated runway as if he wanted to put you in warm water, so you could get used to it before it starts boiling.
- Fuel check - good. Cabin pressure check - good. Tower this is Iceman, requesting an unrestricted climb to 500 and above. 
- Iceman, the runway and skies are yours. 
- Iceman ready for takeoff. 
- Iceman, Tower. You are clear for takeoff. - you didn't know that, but at this moment he cut his mice on the line to the Tower. 
- You ready, dove...? - he asked, and you nodded. - It's gonna be a bumpy ride for a moment, but as soon as we'll be in the air it will be much calmer... - he informed you and gave you one last hug before he actually started accelerating on the runway. You couldn't help but close your eyes. It was so loud... You felt like the engines were exploding and the nose of the jet was ripping through the fabric of air... It wasn't pleasant, to say the least, and you couldn't imagine doing anything else under those conditions. There were so many systems, and Ice knew them like the back of his hand, and wasn't even looking at the knobs he was flipping, completely relying on his muscle memory. 
But you finally started climbing and you felt yourself melting into the strong body behind you. You were honestly afraid that with added pressure on his chest, he'd have trouble breathing, but he seemed to be doing more than alright. 
- How are you feeling...? - he asked after finally leveling the jet at around 10k ft. 
- Haven't decided yet... - you laughed because the view was amazing, and something you never got to see while wingsuit flying... - It's so loud, I didn't know it was that loud... - you were a little bit overwhelmed by engine and wind sounds and your thoughts weren't fully coherent because of it. 
- To be honest, I've quickly stopped noticing it... But... - he started patting his suit, checking if he still had something in his pockets. And he did. - I have a pair of noise-canceling plugs... I usually use them when I'm near the tarmac because it's always much louder there. They're all yours... - it was hard to properly manouver them under your helmet, especially with gloves, but even though they weren't in all the way, they still were a massive help. - Better? - he asked when you'd stopped fumbling, and you nodded in response. Now his voice was also muffled, but you could still hear him. 
- Are you ready for some gymnastics...? - his voice was giddy, almost as if he was a kid who got exactly what he wanted on Christmas morning and couldn't wait to share that news with his friends. You knew he wouldn't knowingly put you in any danger, so you nodded again. - Hold on tight, dove. - you didn't even know what to hold, so you grabbed his thighs at the exact moment when he did a first screwdriver. It was easy, you knew how to do those, but after that... He was maneuvering the jet in ways you didn't think possible. Dropping and ascending, swirling around imaginary targets, flying upside down... And as soon as your adrenaline kicked in, you couldn't help but laugh at every sudden change of direction. It was like riding a super advanced, super expensive rollercoaster, and you loved rollercoasters. 
You weren't exactly sure how long you were in the air before he leveled the plane again. 
- How about now, dove...? - you knew that he could tell by your laugh that you enjoyed it, but you were more than happy to use your words. 
- It has its perks, I'm not gonna lie... - you laughed again. - I still prefer my wingsuit, because I feel like I have more control. But from now on, I won't say no to an occasional jet ride. - you smiled, even though he wasn't able to see it beaming on your face. 
- Do you want to take the stick...? - he asked, and you honestly weren't sure if you heard him right. 
- What?
- Do you want to take the stick...? - he repeated, apparently being serious. 
- But... - you've started, but he was already moving your hands from his thighs to the stick and covering them with his own. 
- I'm here, and no matter what you'll do, I'll be able to correct it at this height... So I'm gonna ask again. Do you want to take the stick...? - his voice was stoic, even if full of joy. He knew he was good and that even if you somehow managed to put the jet in a complete nosedive, he'd still be able to pull you up in time. And you knew he wouldn't do anything to jeopardize your life, so you nodded. - Ok, focus only on the stick, everything else is my job, ok...? - and you nodded again. - It acts basically like a joystick in games. If you want to move left, you move it to the left... - and his hands, still holding yours in them, moved the stick to the left. - If you want to move to the right, you move to the right... - and now you were gently swaying right. - If you want to go up, you pull it toward you... And if you wanna go down, then away... - he demonstrated, and just like that, you were on your own. 
Of course, you were afraid to move at first, you knew perfectly well how much one of those planes cost, and you couldn't help it. 
- Don't be afraid, dove... I'm here... - he repeated, and you finally relaxed a bit, and when your grip on the stick loosened a bit, you were able to feel something more... You tried gently swaying it left and right, and it was easier to do it to the left. Not by much, but you still noticed it. Surprised by your own discovery, you tried to do the same by gently swaying up and down... And it was just a tiny bit easier to go up... 
- I know you're sure that you'll be able to save us if I fuck up, but I need you to say it one more time because I feel like I'm about to do something really stupid. - this time he laughed maniacally. 
- I'm confident I'll be able to save us, dove, even if you'll somehow invade another country in this jet. - he reassured you again. 
- In that case, it's all on you... - you've said on the exhale and tried to feel the winds again. In your wingsuit, it was much easier. Not only because you were directly cooperating with the wind, but also because you had much, much more experience in flying that way. But even though the winds at this height were stronger, they were more or less the same, you just had to learn how to communicate with them and use them through this tin can. - Wait... How do you slow down and speed up...? - you asked when you wanted to match the speed of the winds, but you realized... you didn't know how. Ice laughed and guided your left hand to the correct lever. 
- Forwards - faster, backward - slower. - he didn't have to say much, just happy to observe you trying to find a footing in his world. 
- Ok... Here goes nothing... - you had to hype yourself up a little bit before you actually did any sudden turns... It took you good 20 seconds to finally gather enough courage to slow down enough to match the wind the best as you could. But as you were flying slower, it was easier to feel the direction of the wind, and you were glad for that. You exhaled quickly three times and finally started following the wind current down. It was rough and full of twists and turns, and it took you some time to get used to the controls. You saw Ice flipping some switches when he realized what you were doing, assisting you as best as he could because he never actually encountered anyone who would fly a military jet like that. You took your own technique and applied it to the 600 million-dollar machine, which was definitely... something else. You didn't have any proper training in flying, your head wasn't soaked with all the correct ways to fly a plane, so you took all your personal knowledge and applied it here. 
- Whoah! - Ice was surprised by a sudden drop, because nothing that rough showed up on the wind shear detection, yet you had no issues with just... feeling it. - How did you notice that? - he asked, genuinely surprised. 
- There are patterns... - you mumbled under your nose, still completely focused on the way how the stick felt in your hand. You didn't even notice when you closed your eyes a bit, so you could feel it better, and only after you've finished an unnamed maneuver, you got out of the trans you were usually in while you were flying in the wingsuit. - I mean... Wind behaves a certain way because of changes in pressure. And if you spend enough time relying on it, you kinda start seeing the patterns before you even enter the stream. I know how it sounds, trust me... I don't even know how else to explain it, because it's not something that I was taught during courses... Every instructor just said that you need to learn how to feel and hear it. And up here...? Everything is just... So... Loud... So I heard the change in the sound and followed it. - you tried to explain it as best as you could, but just... couldn't find the right words. You were sure that there was a scientific explanation for all this, but it was much easier to learn how to feel and hear it. 
- Huh... - he sounded curious. - Maybe next time you'll be trying to kill yourself, squirrel, I might actually join you... - he sighed heavily, taking the stick from your hands because you were starting to get lower than he felt comfortable with; there were birds at this altitude, and he would prefer to avoid them. 
- Wait... Are you serious...? - now you were the one who got excited. Usually, he let you have your own things to do. Of course, he was right there with you during your certifications and the numerous qualifications, but he never expressed interest in actually joining you up there. 
- Dead serious, dove... It actually sounds interesting and I would love to learn more about wind currents firsthand. - if you weren't basically tied to a seat with him, you would have jumped from excitement, which would be a poor decision in such a tight space. 
- Iceman, An Admiral, and US Pacific Fleet Commander in a squirrel suit... Can't wait to see it. - he groaned and instantly started regretting even bringing it up. 
- Promise me, you won't tell anyone about this... - you couldn't help but laugh. 
- I promise, I won't... - you didn't say anything about taking pictures though. 
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nedseii · 10 months
Hello, your drawings are really beautiful. I hope you don't mind if I ask you a few questions.
1. Which program do you use and recommend for drawing?
2. Are there any tips you can share for drawing?
3. How do your drawings look so smooth? (I use Ibispaint and the drawings do not look smooth at all.)
4. Do you have any advice to get to a better level in drawing?
Hi!! Hope you're doing well Anon! And sorry for replying late :'(
Here we gooooo:
I changed the way I work since the last ask I received (I had to because my tablet started acting weird again and my hand would end up hurting by the end TwT)
1/ The program I use is Sai 2! And when I want to add filters/textures, I copy and paste the drawing to CSP and modify it there! The noise filter I use comes with this brush set on CSP 👇
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As for the program I'd recommend, it would definitely be Procreate! A friend of mine sometimes lends me her Ipad so that I can draw stuff for her and it's always the best experience ever! (far better than CSP and Sai methinks) That's why I'm saving money rn in order to get an Ipad too and finally be done with this old tablet of mine :') (it's a Wacom Intuos CTH-480 if you're wondering)
2/ Here's how I basically draw (I hope this helps!!)
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3/ It's cuz I always turn the stabilizer on 15 when I do the lineart >:)
I turn it to 0 when I sketch tho'!
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4/ Idk if this is helpful but here's how I improved:
When I started taking drawing seriously I first began by improving on how I draw faces! I would look up my favorite artists' stuff and try to understand how they drew theirs >:) I first would copy their art and then try to replicate it without looking and see if I remembered and understood how they went about it! I then started to combine everything I liked from each until I reached a result I really liked :')
The only downside to this is that I didn't study anatomy AT ALL so I started all over again using the same method but with full bodies, and after I felt like I learned how to draw very basic poses I started looking up references on Pinterest and try to replicate them into basic shapes! And that leads us to today lmao
Keep in mind that I still use references to this day! They're very important!! For example, I used Gwendoline Christie as a reference for my recent Robb X)
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And here's some examples of my old embarrassing doodles:
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ANYWAYS, remember that the most important thing of all is to have fun Anon! I hope this was helpful!! And I'm wishing you the best for your art journey :') NEVER GIVE UP!!! 💖💖💖💖💖
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zedxspacess · 2 months
My controversial wrestling take tonight is I liked Ospreay v MJF for what it was. Y'all say yall are sickos until its an actual weird/fucked up match up, and for me, I was always morbidly curious at what the hell kind of match their styles clash would create.
This got really long, but tldr; good match that could've used trimming and editing to get the point across.
I'm weirdly invested in a career long rivalry between MJF and Ospreay. I have a VISION, there's so much juicy character/story meat there that I don't think ppl realize (even TK, Ospreay, and Max) but I See It and go in detail in the read more, but that tldr is:
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There were def points where the match dragged on, but I didn't notice until like 30-40mins in. Sure, they played to the crowd a bit much and lots of stalling with them rolling on the floor. Both of these guys' previous long matches were aided by the veterans they shared the ring with. So I'd say for a match they called on their own, they did pretty good all things considered--these guys are 28 and 31 years old respectively, like come on. Commentary said it was hot and humid as hell in that arena, so the fact they went that hard for so long is respectable. I also thought they wanted to challenge the idea of "Ospreay can't sell" by making it such a focal point, but imo they over corrected it at times to where it felt less believable the longer he sold the shoulder. If the match was shorter, I think they would've been able to hide it better or Ospreay could've remembered also selling the knee, but it is what it is to make it believable MJF could beat someone as athletic and powerful as Ospreay.
I think the beginning, parts of the middle, and ending wrestling moments were where a lot of the real meat of the story was that got buried in the downsides/all the stalling. I've seen some ppl say the match felt half MJFism, half Ospreayism, and finally a weird mix of both, and I think that's what they were going for: purposefully highlighting their staunch differences, the strengths and weaknesses of their respective styles, then forcing their opponent to dip into the others' style to meet in the middle. It's not just a clash of styles, but and ideological clash of what wrestling can be. Ospreay doing his athletic performance, but MJF being really pragmatic and countering in simple, creative ways. Max then gets too caught up in character, gets cocky, and lets his guard down where Ospreay's skill and power bulldozes him. So it forces Max to wrestle seriously and meet Ospreay on the mat and in athletics, while also forcing Ospreay to understand the way Max wrestles behind the theatrics, psychologically.
Also for Ospreay, its his ongoing story of "am I willing to bring out my darker instincts to win the match?" if MJF is willing to play so blatantly dirty. It's the conundrum with the Tiger Driver, but also with his matches with Kenny Omega and the Dog Pound Steel Cage match where he was pushed to an emotional limit where we saw a viciousness never seen before. I don't think they quite achieved this with Ospreay in AEW yet (minus the Kenny match), but Max as the top heel definitely has the potential to really get Ospreay down to his level in the future.
I overall liked all the highspots, MJF showing he could keep up with Ospreay's athleticism, Max's heelisms are missed, call backs to Cody/AJ Styles, the Ospreay/Ibushi landing on your feet spot. God, and Cole/Ricochet. Which btw, holy shit the connection between MJF-Ospreay tracing back to Max's friend and Ospreay's friend/mentor's legendary match; if we want to get real crazy, tag match between MJF-Cole vs Ospreay-Ricochet could be something.
Idk, I'm embarrassed to say it, but. I'm just personally super intrigued by the concept of Ospreay and MJF clashing--potentially for the rest of their careers--because of what they represent feels so diametrically opposed, they have to be at odds. But the irony in all of it is, at their cores, they are very similar.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: MJF is a pure acting, soliloquy-giving theater kid; Ospreay is the dance/choreography theater kid--which is a shoot, they legit have done those things irl, but it's also their characters. They care so much about story and emotion and performance. They go 100% in their preferred way of doing it and face heat because they do "too much" in their respective ends of the spectrum. As a result, they are so prideful and defensive about their favorite method. Max as a babyface was so extroverted, super loyal friend, outgoing neurodivergent kid and Ospreay's current character as a genuine, kinda dumb but passionate, golden retriever neurodivergent kid have similar energies. Both have the tendency to speak before thinking too. When you look at their heel characters, Max goes out of his way to embody all the spoiled rich kids of Long Island, while Ospreay tried to embody half chav-half spoiled rich kid culture in England. They're similar kids at hearts, it's just one of them had a diet of 90s Best of the Super Jrs+DragonGate, and the other had a diet of NWA territory+Attitude Era, and thus were sent on different paths.
The other main differences are Ospreay always had the United Empire with him who truly trusted him as brothers. When he left Japan, all the fans showered him in love, and arriving in AEW, fans continued that praise and acceptance. While Max never trusted anyone, even when surrounding himself with people. And the moment he did trust and tasted acceptance by fans, it bit him in the ass, got rejected by the fans, and it all only reassured his worst insecurities. Max is doing a lot of projection onto Ospreay for being accepted so easily, for taking his spot as top dog, for what he represents as his ideological opposite, for having it so easy. But Ospreay wears his heart on his sleeve because it wasn't easy for him, just watch the promo he did against Omega before Wrestle Kingdom. That fighting spirit has tempered him where he can handle the blows, he has the support system with him. He lacks the fear that makes MJF take on such an abrasive persona as a defense mechanism. Ospreay's genuine person, charm, outgoing energy is all what MJF could be or secretly wants to be--as seen on his face run--but was rejected. And he cannot stand it.
Personally, I think they should kiss fight forever about all of this.
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askwendyokoopa · 4 months
(This is @desert-flower's main account! That's a secondary blog otherwise I'd ask using that one-)
Since you asked me, I feel like it's only fair to ask you back:
send me ❣️ for 3 pros & 3 cons of dating my muse!
"I may have misunderstood this meme, it seems like it just wants 3 pros & 3 cons about dating me in general. And that seems kinda boring, what's the point of having specific muses send the prompt in? Well, I'm choosing to interpret it as the pros & cons of our specific pairing.
With me being a turtle, and you being a brunette with a proclivity for wearing yellow, it's obvious that we would make excellent TMNT cosplay. We can group up with four of my brothers, and if all of them want to join, there's always Tokka, Slash, and Metalhead to choose from. I would be Venus, obviously, though I could also pull off Jennika if need be. Oh, do they have Ninja Turtles in this dimension? They're kinda like the Koopa Bros. but good guys... and girls.
Luigi could be our 'unicorn' if you know what that means. I'm pansexual, I don't know about you, aside from being nonbinary, but we both have expressed things for Luigi in the past. It wouldn't be an open relationship, just a throuple.
IDK, some sort of solidarity? We're the two princesses that Nintendo forgets about the most. Obviously Peach and Zelda are gonna be at the top of the list, but then there's like 30 more Zeldas on it, and Rosalina... despite her never being referred to as a princess in canon. Plus we were introduced one year apart, in 1988 and 1989, we're like sisters... ew... that came out wrong. We're like schoolgirls, or something, barely one year apart, and in the same grade or something.
There is the age gap. It's not that bad, it's 23 and 19, so it passes the half-your-age-plus-seven test... wherever that comes from.
The elephant in the room is that dating Daisy means dealing with certain institutional racism I wouldn't have to deal with if I were dating Mario or Peach. However, you may remember that one of my nicknames is 'Social Justice Wendy' and I am 100% ready to go to bat and die for that cause. Now, I don't go and make it my personality, because quite frankly I'm pretty white coded. My... um... beak? ... maw? Is that what the part around my mouth is called? That part is Caucasian, even though the rest of my skin is amber, so I don't want to be seen as some sort of Karen shouting over the voices of the oppressed. But if you need an ally, I'm there! Hmmm... I'm bad at this 'con' stuff.
I just don't see any down sides? Let me try looking on Google... there has to be something...
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Seriously? Daisy is weak to brainwashing? She gets brainwashed... when she is... brainwashed? I think AI gets stupider every day. Well, tough titties, there are no real downsides of note to our pairing. We're simply two awesome princesses, who are too perfect for this world and each other. Oh, I know. The third con can be that we're so perfect that we're in danger of being Enoch'd up. So, take that how you will."
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candiid-caniine · 1 year
Much like the other anon, I've been actively edging for the past just-over-a-week, instead of just no touch like usual, and it's made me a lot more open and honest. I've been a lot less shy about telling my master all the things I fantasise about (oh god I'm going to regret that x.x). Downsides that I've noticed is that it seems to make me more needy / more hyper. I find it hard to sit still and just watch videos for example. My mental state defaults to puppysub more often too- like actively mind-changed. Bimboification but puppy? I also find it a little harder to sleep, my sleeping position has changed to one where I hump my blankets passively, and I find my chest dysphoria has lessened enough to now being able to touch my nipples for longer. ...speaking of, even the gentlest errant thought makes them concrete hard and it is embarrassing to walk around infront of my master with clear nipple shapes in my shirt 😵‍💫 -🤖
(also idk why but when denied, I don't want to cum, I just want more denial. Like forever. When not actively denied, I want to cum more.)
see this is sososo interesting to me!!! seriously autismbrain + "have finished grad school and amm starting to miss it" brain are screaming at me to put together a research paper on this sjdhskfjhs
i was really alarmed when it started happening to me,a ffecting my brain like it does. for a moment it felt like i didn't recognize who i had become. at every step of the way, i was unsure. but like everything abt ourselves, sexuality, attraction, kinks, identity are all fluid; did it "give me" new kinks? "change me?" maybe. sex hormones are mind-altering. or did it just bring to the surface things that already existed in my subconscious?
i'm really glad to hear it's lessened your chest dysphoria. an interesting thing abt my new piercing: it seems that passive stimulation from clothes brushing against it, or my thighs, or labia rubbing together, has mae my nipples a lot more sensitive too ;-; is it a long-term fix for chest dysphoria? i can't say, only you can. what i do know is that if it's helping you cope for the moment, making you feel powerful in your own body, that's all that matters!
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ladykyriaa · 1 year
MLB Awakening review, which btw, will DEFINITELY CONTAIN SPOILERS
Okay so first off, gonna start with the things that I undeniably ENJOYED.
1. Duh. The animation. Everything looks. HEAVENLY. I love how they used so many vast techniques of lightings for all kinds of things and situations. I especially love how glowy they made the kwamis and miraculous look. I also love how expressive the kids are. Even freaking gabriel holy shit.
2. The MUSICALS. Literally y'all can fight me on this. I know some people hate that it's a musical, but personally I've never had much problem with it. (Though season 5 is a whole other situation and I was a bit skeptical) but the movie being a musical honestly excited me. The only downside is that freaking Ce mur qui nous separe SHOULD'VE BEEN HERE.
3. The lines and comedic timing. Gotta say. Is top tier. The watermelon bit? Loved it.
4. The lore and worldbuilding, though a bit different. I actually loved it. (There are some downside but I'll write that later) up till the reveal everything is pretty well done I'd say. And y'all the interactions is to DIE FOR (and yes, i especially loved how they talked and argued like actual 14 y.o apparently people hate this a lot? So i just feel a bit compelled to add this one in. And as much as i love the show, most times it honestly feels like they'reolder than 14, which again isn't necessarily a bad thing but I remember being surprised when it was first revealed that they were actually 14). And did y'all see gabriel holy shit. That man would've won in season 2 if his powers in the movie were put on the show
5. And i love, how both the show and movie are separate existence to each other. The movie is definitely a cute little fanfic that i get to treat myself to watch to again and again.
6. Hot take, I actually don't mind the voice change as much as I though I would. Lou and elliot sound heavenly and I live them for that
Now that that's all said and done. I must say there are some things that I prefer in the show.
1. Mainly. How their powers work. Now i dont think i have much problem with hawkmoth and chat noir's powers. Cause honestly the movie was able to highlight how dangerous the power of destruction is. And how a miraculous fallen to the wrong hand could be something so devastating, two 14 yo teenagers just, realistically at least, would not have been able to defeat said villain.
But ladybug's powers however. Well. I mean does she even have one at this point? Cause in the show her power is lucky charm and she had to use her wit to defeat the akumas. In the movie however she could just. Idk jazz hands and things are fixed.
2. What the heck happened to plagg😭. Like. I mean it was funny. But seriously why the fart jokes. It was kind of unnacessary i think. Show! Plagg would've patted adrien in the back for standing up to his dad
3. You can argue on me with this one. But i honestly think Adrien's headphones hust became his character trait cause everytime he appears he always has them on💀 it's not something I hate, but it really got you wondering and again, just a bit unnecessary.
Edited and a bit of an afterthought, but as much as i love the reveal. I do feel like the Adrienette side isn't developed enough for them to readily declare that they're immediately in love with one another. And hey not to be that person screaming about loving only one side of them. But it's not even about that really. Just that we've barely seen their interactions. And the last time they talked, adrien just found out that Marinette owns a bakery. So uh. Yeah.
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runthepockets · 11 months
I don't really like framing T4T as the "safer" option, nor do I like implying that I seek out trans women cus it's "easier". I've met some very difficult trans women in my day, and humans are human no matter what, everyone is always gonna be a little bit of a burden and there's downsides to everything, and that's fine, cus if I didn't know this going into dating I would simply never date. I also find creating dichotomies between cis and trans women kinda dumb and pointless outside of class and medical contexts, I hate when people do it to cis and trans men so I'm not gonna do it to anyone else, and as a man I don't really feel comfortable putting any woman down in favor of uplifting another.
That said, there is something really affirming about dating and fucking trans women that isn't quite the same when dating and fucking cis women. I'm fortunate enough to know a lot of very kind cis women who take my manhood seriously when I talk about my transness, but idk. There's something really nice about showing a woman your age the chivalry she never got from her dad, or expressing the manly art of lovemaking and courtship to someone to someone who was either on the delivering end of said antics or hasn't really experienced them at all. Making someone feel dainty and cute and pretty cus you know they've worked hard for it. It's also nice to see someone take pride and find purpose and fulfillment in something that you never could (in this case, femininity), and to know someone else feels the same about you. Idk it's a very special vibe.
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steldomo · 1 year
tw gore, or at the very least blood and death
I am aware it is mediocre, cheesy, melodramatic, illogical, etc. etc. I didn't edit it, I just sat down at my laptop and shat it out within like an hour. It was fun, and I feel like sharing it because I'm proud. I'm not a writer, I don't write, I was just vibin
Speaking of not editing, there might be some misspellings or poor capitalization and punctuation.
I wrote it in discord like a madman. Because I kept hitting the character limit I had to split it between like 5 posts. I decided to leave in the message breaks for fun lol
Idk biology lol I was going off memory of how the muscular system and blood work
This is what happens when you listen to the Genshin Impact Sumeru boss theme a bit too loudly lol. That song describes this character to a T, which is a really funny coincidence (I swear I had this character idea before this was revealed in genshin ;-; I didn't steal it)
the leaves overhead cast speckled shadows on the four elementals. barons of light, darkness, ice, and lightning marched along the trail that had brought them out of the city. fos's palace - one of her many props to flash her status as the baron of light - grew ever smaller in the distance. no matter how much she longed to return, to hide in its golden halls, to continue her dark ambitions, she could never return. she was nothing but a puppet now. astrapi had studied biology. you see, the muscles of animals such as elementals are commanded to flex and relax by electrical signals throughout the nervous system. as the baron of lightning, this opened up incredible opportunities for him. hold still the signals headed to her arms, periodically direct currents into her legs... astrapi pulled fos's strings. even her power over light itself, one of the strongest elements out there, was switched off by a simple blockading of the electricity headed towards the portion of her brain responsible. the downside? nerves are hidden underneath the skin, and they are intricate. thousands of electric currents to command, all at once, without even seeing them. and the slightest mistake to seriously injure his little puppet. it was a delicate act. hunched over, hands outstretched, he did everything he could to help him focus on his control. it was as though he was reaching out to feel the currents throughout her body. tense this muscle. relax that one. together, they walked behind skotadi, the baron of darkness, and his lover pagos, the baron of ice. leaving the city was laughably easy; with fos completely trapped and surrounded by two barons, including the one commanding darkness, what could the citizens do? darkness was comparable to light in sheer power. infinite possibilities as long as a shadow existed nearby. astrapi couldn't have been a threat, however. he could not lose his grip on fos. he had to let the world blur and fade away, focusing only on the electricity beneath her skin
she wasnt making his job any easier. through the blur was incessant noise... she kept yelling, pleading, threatening to pagos, to skotadi, to astrapi. he gritted his teeth. the voice was getting clearer; his hold was getting weaker. "shut up!" astrapi snapped with clenched jaw. he felt fos turn her head to look at him. shit! he thought. she was screaming now, no doubt with a wide grin on her face. how could he focus on his mission with all this fucking noise?! he had no choice. splitting his attention even further, he commanded electricity into her face, forcing her jaw to clench itself up tight. great. another thing to focus on. tense this muscle. relax that one. astrapi wasnt entirely sure where they were headed. all he knew was that fos had to be stopped, for skotadi and pagos's sakes. they just wanted to live in peace with the dark spirits. they were skotadi's creation, he saw them as his own children. fos overstepped. she had forsaken their millennia-old treaty, and brought an army to skotadi's planet. the risk of war, of seeing their planets and peoples ravaged by the immense power of the barons, it all meant nothing to her. for her own idiotic justice, she had seized the dark spirits. not even their own wants could stop her. when astrapi realized they were perfectly content with skotadi, he defected from fos's posse. but her desire to be the righteous hero, to "fix," "save," or "release" them, blinded her to what was truly just. astrapi wasnt entirely sure where they were headed, but he didnt care. a prison, some exiled world, even a torture chamber... she had to face justice. real justice.
his focus was stretching too thin. tense this muscle. relax that one. he had to sacrifice something... he needed her legs to move where he commanded, he couldn't risk letting her regain the use of her arms, and returning her powers would be downright idiotic. he groaned, and released her jaw. "stay quiet." he commanded. she obliged; she must not have liked having more strings on her. the four were completely out of view of the city now. in a clearing, skotadi stopped, signaling that the others should do the same. astrapi was still staring intently at fos, leaning close and stretching his arms towards her. though no longer having to control every muscle in her legs at regular intervals anymore, he still needed to focus on keeping her inert and incapacitated. despite letting himself relax a bit, he couldnt risk looking up to see skotadis grim face as he pulled pagos aside to whisper with him. "...speak simply?" fos asked cautiously. astrapi grunted. even if he could let the world return to more clarity than before, he didn't want to take any chances. besides, why would he ever listen to her? nevertheless, he didnt tune her out as much as he did when they were walking. he couldnt help but pick up her words. "theyre whispering," fos informed him. "without you. why?" "not my problem," he muttered in return. holding her was getting difficult. "lots of trust. they plan without you. you really dont care?" what is she plotting this time? is she trying to divide us? astrapi wondered. she did have a way with words... after all, she had tricked him into hatred and ignorance once before. he shut her out again, this time for his own sake. he was sick of hearing her voice. everything else was drowned out, and astrapis entire universe was the electricity he commanded. in the blur he could hear her fall quiet. guess she got the message.
her voice didnt cease for long. astrapi soon heard her mutter something in the background of his mind. he tried to tune it out, to focus solely on his mission without distraction, but it was getting louder. something about it was letting it cut through the curtain he had put up. was it... panic? "astrapi." huh? my name? "astrapi! let me go!" ugh, not this agai "ASTRAPI! PLEASE!" what is... "ASTRAPI! LET ME RUN! PLEASE! ASTRAPI! HELP ME! LET ME GO ASTRAP-" he lifted his head just in time to see a cloud of gold begin to rain down on the grass, accompanied by a thunder of ripping sounds. a massive, pitch-black construct of darkness in the shape of a spike had pierced straight through fos's torso. everything within astrapi plummeted. he lost all control over fos; the shock was too great. she stared in horror at the spike as golden blood dripped from it and her mouth. shakily, she slowly fell to her knees and looked up at astrapi, eyes still shot wide. he felt that he had the same expression as her. then she turned to skotadi and pagos, and constructed a blade with the light that shone through the nearby trees. losing consciousness, she swung the floating blade downward in their general vicinity. skotadi threw his arm in front of his face on reflex, meeting the blade. it embedded itself in his forearm, and he cried out in agony as his hand fell limp, nearly severed. astrapi barely noticed. the sound of the slice couldnt replace the terrible squelch of the spike as it shot into fos's now dead body. her blood, colored gold by the power of the baron of light, spread throughout the grass beneath her. astrapi stood, eyes fixed in a shape of pure horror as he stared at her. she had called out to me. she couldnt even fight back. she had no chance. she was my puppet, i brought her here... and they brought me here. he slowly turned his attention to pagos and skotadi. they stood, disturbingly calm, looking down at the corpse.
"...what did you do?!" skotadi screamed "oh, right... you were too busy focusing on your job. you must not have heard her," skotadi replied. "during the trek, she was yelling insults and threats. she said that, no matter what we do, she will come back and finish what she started. we could imprison her, beat her, anything. shes immortal like us, after all. pagos and i then realized that, as long as she were alive, our family could never be safe..." "so you USED me?!" "you needed to focus!" pagos added. "if we distracted you, she could have escaped and killed us on the spot, or even run off to come up with some other scheme!" skotadi spoke slowly. "besides... werent we in agreement that she had to be stopped?" "not like this!!" astrapi could feel he was shaking. trembling with terror... and rage. "i didnt know this was the plan! i didnt know what i was set up to do!" he put his face in his hands. how could they? how COULD THEY?! he had never intended to take a life! she wouldnt have even lost her life if he hadnt been there! he was the one that pulled her strings. she was his puppet. and yet... he brought her right where they wanted him to. he held her in place exactly how they wanted him to. they say they came to this conclusion just recently, but... had he really been the puppet all along?! he felt something sticky on his cheeks. quickly pulling his hands away, astrapi looked down and saw flecks of gold. reaching out to help him visualize his control and channel his focus had brought his hands close enough to...
lightning-hot tears suddenly poured from astrapis eyes. he fell to his knees, focusing on nothing but the sight of fos's blood splattered across his hands and the feel of it spread onto his face. pagos and skotadi... they used him. he was their plaything all along. they pulled his strings, tricked him into carrying out their perverse sense of justice. just as she had done. he couldnt be their puppet anymore. he needed to be the puppeteer from now on. enough manipulation. if he was to see true justice, he had to be the one with power. he couldnt have strings anymore.
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actualsunflower · 2 years
complaining about changes and the immense stress they bring and also stupid societal standards
Long story short is I wanna cut my hair. My whole life I've been back and forth, very very long hair, then super short hair, back to really long, straight bald at one point... 3ish years I cut my hair when I started T (it had nothing to do with being a Real Boy or whatever I just wanted to) but now it's very long again. I really love my hair, I always have and it's always been the only thing I liked about myself. I also very heavily imparted this on Jay lol I've always cut and colored it myself too cause I dont trust anyone else
I look good with short hair, and I look good with long hair. But long hair is so hard and expensive to keep up with and it's hot and it's a pain to manage. It looks really good though because my hair is very fluffy, curly and thick. I also seriously freeeaakkkkkkkk when my hair touches my face or my neck wrong so it's pretty much always up in a bun or clipped up which is a downside or short hair cause I can't get it out of the way the same way. Can't have cute hair styles. But having cute hairstyles is also kinda a problem. Cause the people I live with are transphobic and they taught the toddler in the house to ask me very inappropriate questions and make stupid ass comments about 'girl hair' all the fucking time like so often I literally just go hungry, run out the front door as fast as possible, or don't go to the bathroom until they leave so no one can say/ask me anything. It's annoying as hell. But it has nothing to do with me wanting to cut my hair, idc about the stupid society standards of my hair equaling my gender. But I don't want THEM to see it as that. I don't want the stupid smug satisfaction. Because I KNOW they'll get the kid to start saying shit. My rm would probably deny that but I know they will, I'm not stupid if they didnt do shit like that the questions and comments wouldntve started in the first place. I want short hair cause it's easier and cheaper to take care of, because it's cute and I look good, plus the summer is coming up and my hair is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo hot every single year But then. Theres the change. Oh my fucking GOD the CHANGE. I get so stressed and angry if my day even goes a tiny bit off schedule. THE TOLL??? OF LOOKING DIFFERENT?! Like I have schizophrenia and I very very frequently have hallucinations where I already don't look like myself imagine shaking that off and I REALLY DO LOOK DIFFERENT?! But like I said I've cut, dyed, shaved my hair a shit load of times through out my life! And every time it's been ok in the end. I get over it, it's no big deal in the end and grows back pretty fast, but taking that leap is very, very scary. And idk what to do. cause at this point it's all I think about, just cutting my hair and wanting to and I keep going into the bathroom with my scissors before I shower and brushing out my hair and looking at it but ultimately deciding not to. What am I supposed to do??? Schedule with my therapist and be like hey....... should I cut my hair? No I dont wanna talk about my stress or the austism or whatever I wanna talk about my hair lmao
Life would be so incredible if I could just go back and forth whenever without like, wigs cause then everyone would know of course cause irl you cant cut your hair long and back again. But god that would be incredible
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No it was a few days back.
I was just basically thinking how Annabelle has impacted the way Sebastian sees the internet hate etc. 2020 2022 when it was not so little, he even interviews looked kind of effected by it, but I feel like when he started dating her, he stopped taking it so seriously and which is also when it stopped or lessened.
I don't think Annabelle sees any hate she gets like how these delusional haters think that she visits their page and posts things to trigger them Imao.
Similarly I don't think Sebastian sees or saw every post about him but I feel like his manager would like tell him"boy you're in heat rn Imao"
But I feel like at surface level they might get effected by it if it's too horrible or too much but I feel like they're both the kind of people who have the maturity to know that, this is how it is, it's this downside of being famous, and at the end, these strangers who are hating, don't know you.
also I think they might see their fellow actors get shredded and see that yeah they're not alone it
Do you think they know about how Chris Evans was also demonised for his gf and how Blake lively is getting so much hate.
(Btw during when she used to get hate because of apparently 🙄being pine's beard gf etc I saw she had a good support system and good friends, but for Sebastian during his period of all of that, I felt like he was very alone in it before dating her)
They probably know how fandoms behave in general also because at some point some stories went viral and public
I also think he started getting distant from internet and sm specifically way before meeting her because his fans have always been like that so, given the fact that she still uses insta, idk how much she impacted on how he sees it
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prince-icarus · 3 years
honestly if i could just live my entire life without leaving my house i'd be alright
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jymwahuwu · 2 years
Girl I've been playing DoL for a few days now and I'm HOOKED. But also how the fuck do I get Kylar to stop??? Literally this boi is so far up my ass someone help me 😭 been seriously thinking about enabling the cheats but I need the feats (ayo that rhymed). I've also been running low on panties since this mf keeps stealing them. Avoiding him doesn't work cuz-
𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘚𝘺𝘥𝘯𝘦𝘺 𝘸𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘦 𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨, ��𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘭 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘳𝘶𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘣𝘺 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘴𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘴𝘪𝘥𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘺𝘰𝘶. 𝘒𝘺𝘭𝘢𝘳 𝘴𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘦𝘻𝘦𝘴 𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘦𝘢𝘵, 𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘬𝘴 𝘢𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘴𝘮𝘪𝘭𝘦𝘴. "𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘥𝘪𝘥𝘯'𝘵 𝘴𝘦𝘦 𝘮𝘦 𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦," 𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘢𝘺𝘴. "𝘐𝘵'𝘴 𝘰𝘬𝘢𝘺. 𝘐 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘥 𝘮𝘰𝘷𝘪𝘯𝘨".
Uhh...? If you wanna be useful please get rid of Bailey and I will love you forever ❤️
Glad you jumped down the rabbit hole of DOL lmao this is my favorite erotic game
Kylar? I don't seem to get panties stolen very often 😩idk i just remember him breaking into my room. If you really don't like him you can max his jealousy and he'll kidnap you and get arrested, BUT!!!! He's a sweet yandere boy and can get you out of some trouble too!!! I remember Kylar saved me when I got caught by some horny dudes in the town. You can try meeting him at the park after school, or play games with him, and treat him sweetly, he's less tough when he's low on jealousy! If stealing panties keeps appearing, I suggest you to buy more panties to keep in your wardrobe, they are all cheap!!
In terms of making money,
(1) You can knock on the door at Danube Street (Mansions) first and ask those people about work. In my experience, those ppl are a little better than creepy neighbors on Domus Street, and get paid more than a cafe waiter.
(2) When you get an ID card, you can go to the Clubs on Connudatus Street to do striptease (you need to learn dance skills first) or be a bartender there, these very large incomes!
(3) And Avery, the Sugar Daddy! On Saturday you save the game file and then knock on the door of the mansions resident, walk around, and then you meet him and he invites you on a date! You will get a lot of money after the date (it is recommended to learn dance skills first, because one of the dates requires dancing, if you dance well, you will get more money) (provided that after the date is over, you have to allow him to kiss you at the end / fuck you/ strip your clothes off ����😩)
As for Bailey, I have a way you don't have to pay him!
First of all, you have to get School Traits, get a good grade in English (at least B), its effect is: Speech actions (plead, moan, demand, apologize, and mock/tease) are more effective. like this:
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You can look in the journal to see when Bailey needs you to pay, and on the day of payment, you refuse to pay and you go to the battle screen, and then you just have to choose "apologize" at the beginning, and it will reduce the dude's anger and let him Wanting to fuck you and keep choosing "submissive" will make him cum on you and get ridiculed by the orphans. Bailey runs away angrily and tells you that you will pay for it. He will bring another person to help next time, but again just "apologize" and then "submissive" all the time will make them both orgasm and avoid payment.
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The only downside to this method is that you have to save before bed because Bailey will send some creepy guys to fuck you while you sleep to make up for the money he didn't get. At this time, you can avoid by simply loading the game and doing other things before sleeping.
I use this method to avoid paying and save Robin and get a lot of money <3 also bought a lot of panties and bras, ready to be stolen or destroyed 😭💔
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