#like i think i’ll piss him off by not Seeming affected by him being a little wimp. lol. i hope she calls him babygirl. i habe things wrong
munamania · 2 years
her boyfriend has the same birthday as my mom this is a really normal thing to observe and comment on
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augustinewrites · 1 year
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“just leave me alone!” 
megumi storms off towards his room as gojo’s easygoing expression falls away instantly, leaving you conflicted as to who you should check on first. (which is difficult to do when you remember that thirteen year old boys hate talking about their emotions almost as much as twenty-five year old ones do.)
you decide that megumi needs a few minutes to cool down, so you step into the kitchen first, where your fiancé is tearing open a new bag of candy a little more harshly than necessary. you lean your hip against the counter as he murmurs a greeting. 
“what was that about?” you ask. 
“he hates me,” he shrugs. 
“he’s a thirteen year old boy. he hates everybody,” you point out, but it fails to make him laugh like you’d intended. instead, his frown only deepens and he mutters,
“he doesn’t hate you.” 
you tilt your head slightly. “is that what this is about? me being his favourite?”
“i don’t know,” he sighs. “i…i just can’t seem to connect with him the way you’ve always been able to.”
“that’s not true,” you say quickly, unsure of what exactly you can say to make him feel better. it’s not like him to be so insecure. “you guys have had your moments.”
“not lately. i just keep pissing him off,” he huffs, unwrapping and popping a piece of candy into his mouth. “did i do something?” 
you open up the fridge to pull some ingredients for lunch, sighing. “i don’t think so, but nanami, shoko, and i were texting about it the other day—”
“wait, you’re in a group chat with nanami and shoko?”
“oh yeah,” you nod, setting your vegetables on the counter. “it’s mostly memes, but sometimes we talk about how messed up you are.”
he blinks at you a few times before muttering that you’d get back to that later. “what’d they say?” 
“they quoted a lot of freud, but the gist of it was that it’s normal for fathers and sons to butt heads.”
he frowns deeply at that. “so what should i do?”
“be patient. he’ll come around eventually.”
“easy for you to say,” he huffs. “you’re the only mother figure he’s ever known. he’s already had a dad.”
“satoru, he’s thirteen. he’s officially been with us longer than he was with toji.” 
you study his conflicted expression as he turns that information over in his mind. “okay, how about this? i was going to take him to the mall to buy new clothes after lunch, but why don’t you go with him instead?”
“that’s a great idea!” he exclaims, pressing his hands together excitedly. “i’ll take him to the bookstore too! can you find out what’s on his reading list?” 
“he’s not a little kid anymore,” you remind him. “you can’t just buy his affection with a new book.”
“i’ll buy him two, then.” 
“i love where your heart is at,” you start slowly. “but you just…have to give him space to let him come to you.”
he groans loudly, coming up behind you to press his forehead into the crook of your neck. you smile, tilting your head to the side and reaching up to pat his hair. 
“i guess this is good practice for when we have our own kid,” he mutters, stiffening when he feels your hand still in his hair.
“our own kid, huh? so does that mean you’re done bringing home strays?” 
“you three are all i need,” he tells you, pressing a kiss to your cheek. “whatever happens next…is just a bonus.” 
[you] [1 attachment]
[nanami] Why is he dressed like Gojo?
[shoko]: like father like son huh
[you] satoru had a quarter-life crisis yesterday. just a small one. 
[shoko] i’m not surprised. his life is like a shakespearean tragedy.
[nanami] That is accurate.
[you] he’s trying to bond with megumi.
[shoko] by dressing him like he’s emotionally unavailable?
[you] what does that even mean?
[shoko] the sunglasses
[you] ?
[nanami] Elaborate further, please.
[shoko] eyes are the windows to the soul. 
[nanami] (the more you know gif)
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shanastoryteller · 5 months
Happy holidays! Lady mo please?
a continuation of 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59
Jiang Yanli does not often feel old. Her golden core does not keep her eternally young like it does her brother, does not prevent the more persistent illnesses from plaguing her, but it does east the aches and pains non cultivators her age often complain of, does keep her skin youthful without the aid of strange poultices and she’ll probably never need dyes to keep her hair dark. But she feels old now, watching Xuanyu and Lan Wangji fumble around one another, watching her struggle for the affection of a husband who might care for her, but does not treat her with care.
At least by the time she married Zixuan, he’d told her that he loved her.
 “What was all the commotion about?” Zixuan asks, arms encircling her waist as he tugs her back against his chest now that they’re back in their own quarters.
“Your cousin got drunk and pissed off the wrong people. Again.”
He huffs, his breath warm against her neck. “Yanli. You know that’s not what I’m talking about. I know A-Yao thinks I’m stupid, but even I notice servants running about and clan leaders and their wives going missing. Especially when one of them is mine.”
“A-Yao doesn’t think you’re stupid,” Jiang Yanli says, even though he kind of does. He thinks most people are stupid and Zixuan has at least grown out of taking it personally. That doesn’t mean she has to rub it in. “Xuanyu was just – a little upset. About things.”
“Lan Xichen likes her. Lan Wangji’s kid adores her. And we all saw what Lan Wangji thinks,” he says. Defending is also not the same thing as caring, but she doesn’t say that. “A-Yao even calls her our sister. Do you remember how long it took him to call me brother? It seems like it’s going well.”
If it had gone a little less well, she’d be less distraught.
Jiang Yanli is debating how much she can say without revealing Xuanyu’s pregnancy – enough people know that it won’t stay a secret for long, but Zixuan is terrible at faking surprise – when there’s a loud, frantic knocking at their door.
Zixuan frowns and goes to open the door.
“Fuck off,” slurs a familiar, beloved voice.
Jiang Yanli hides a smile and goes to stand next to her husband.
A-Cheng is standing there, sort of, considering he’s mostly being supported but a long-suffering Li Jun. “Meimei said she won’t deal with him anymore.”
“Ah,” Zixuan says, already resigned.
A-Cheng stumbles forward, grabbing her wrist and tugging her towards the table. He blearily glares at Zixuan. “Go away.”
He sighs, leaning down to kiss her and then saying, “I suppose I’ll be in a guest room.” He makes a face, remembering that the tower is full of foreign disciples. “Somewhere.”
He’s going to end up sleeping in their son’s room and A-Ling is going to complain about it. Loudly.
“Good night,” she says, barely keeping from laughing as she closes the door on Li Jun side eyeing Zixuan. Her sect has never completely forgiven Zixuan for being a teenage boy, not matter that she’s spent over a decade in the Jin rather than the Jiang.
She lets A-Cheng pull her down beside him at the table, leaning his head on his arm while he stares at her. She pours him a cup of water that she hopes he’ll drink. “Are you all out of sorts because of Xuanyu too?”
His face goes blank then it creases and he’s turns to hide it in the bend of his elbow.
With the first stirrings of genuine alarm, Jiang Yanli realizes he’s crying.
“A-Cheng? A-Cheng, what’s wrong?” she asks, putter her arm over his back and pulling him into her side like she used to when they were kids.
The words come out muffled, but he says, “I hate him. How could he – I hate him.” Then, quieter, in a tone that doesn’t match the words at all, “I hate him.”
She runs through everyone who’s here, every cultivator she saw A-Cheng speak to, but it’s a fool’s errand. No one gets to him like this. No one but –
“Wei Wuxian came back.”
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the-book-gnome · 7 months
Secret Obsession
Word Count: 1.7k
Pairings: Azriel x reader
Summary: After years of yearning for the Shadow-singer, you finally have a chance to act on your twisted urges
Warnings: smut, somnophilia, oral(male reiceveing) non-con if you squint, shadow play
A/n: This is definitely a little rough, it’s been awhile, the writing is probably not great but at least I tried
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“Why not? It truly causes you no harm, it’s just a small request.”
“If you want Azriel then go get him, I am not going to play matchmaker for you.”
You rolled your eyes at Rhys, after three centuries he still refuses to help you with your feelings for his brother. It’s not that you fear Azriel, you simply don’t want to have to deal with the awkwardness of his rejection if things were to go wrong. And unfortunately with your luck that would be highly likely. “You act as if it would be a difficult task, all I’m asking is for you to set me up with him on a mission, I will do the rest of the work.”
“And you act like there is any part of you that is in any way good at spying,” A sly smirk spread on his face as he looked you up and down, “Or being quiet in general, I don’t believe there has been a single hour where you’ve been able to keep your mouth shut, you even talk in your sleep.”
“We’ll you're being a little rude today, trouble in paradise?” Now it was your turn to smirk as he growled at you, you batted your lashes to him and put on the sweetest smile known to male-kind, “Pretty please?”
Rhys rolled his eyes at you, “You’re obsession with my brother is quite annoying, and as honored as I am to be the only to know of your affections to him I will not help you, but, how about this,” Rhys took your arm in his as he lead you through the hallways of the house of wind, speaking quietly, “If you don’t approach Azriel by the end of the night and make your affections towards him known, then I’ll make sure to tell him of all of your most embarrassing thoughts of him, maybe I’ll even tell him how your mouth starts watering the second his scent reaches your nose or even all of those dark twisted fantasies you daydream about. I’m sure that’ll scare him off,” A soft laugh escaped his lips as he looked down at your petrified face, “But who knows, perhaps that’ll interest him, he does have a different taste then most I know.”
As you reached the dining room he let go of your arm and walked towards his mate, giving you a wink over his shoulder. You stood in the middle of the room, your face scrunched up in anger.
“At Least I’m not the only one he likes to piss off,” You jump a little as Nesta whispers into your ear. You grunted at her comment and relaxed your body, you both walked over to the table where the weekly family dinner took place. Rhys forces all of you to be there no matter how busy you may otherwise be. As per usual you take your seat to the left of Nesta, Cassian at her other side. What was unusual was when Azriel sat himself to your right, he had always sat next to Feyre, never you.
Azriel’s shadows floated over you, dragging across your cheek in greeting, it seemed they never behaved when you were within proximity. Azriel had given up on trying years ago. “If you don’t mind, could you come to the library with me after dinner, there’s some information I need to find and you would be a great help?” His voice was soft as he leaned in to whisper his request into your ear.
You simply nodded towards the male, always the perfect picture of boredom when he was around you. At that he gave a small smile, then started stacking food onto his plate, the rest of the inner circle had already started.
You trailed after Azriel to the library, dinner was the same as always, as everyone spoke and made jokes together you simply raised the shield around yourself to conceal and scent and went into your mind, dreaming of those dark twisted fantasies Rhys had mentioned earlier.
Sometimes you feel guilty thinking of Azriel the way you do, all of the ways you would use his body for your own pleasure. How badly you wanted to make him beg for you. The day dream you had at dinner was quite captivating, it was most likely now or never with Rhys’s little threat, Azriel might run far from you if Rhys were to tell him those stories.
“I’ve already made a stack of books for us to read through, there’s quite a few so if you would like to stop at any time I won’t mind restarting in the morning.” Azriel had led you to a quiet lower level in the library, it was late, all of the priestesses had already gone to bed so it was just the two of you till morning. Perfect for what you want to do.
You sat in a cushioned chair adjacent to the one Azriel had sat in and began with the first book. It was extremely mind numbing, it took all your focus to read these books, often having to restart the page. Hours past by, you’ve made it through another book, a true mystery that was. Azriel had made it through three already. You glanced over at him, his face showed pure concentration, it was a wonder to you how he was so interested in these boring ass books. You let out a little sigh as you continued on with the reading.
With the fourth book you had finally found interesting bits and pieces, enough for you not to notice Azriel dozing off next to you. That was until you heard the softest of snoring coming from him. Your head snapped to his direction in confusion, he had never fallen asleep around you before. Part of you thought he never slept at all. You were in awe at the sight of it. The hardened features of his face softened, his plush lips slightly parted, the book in his hands about to fall to the floor. His shadows swirled around his body slowly as if they were falling asleep as well. You set your book down and made to reach for the one in his hands. When you touched it his shadows perked up assessing your intention, when you slipped the book from his hands and set it next to your own they glided over to you. They swirled around your arms, settling around your waist.
You looked back to Azriel who so conveniently was still fast asleep. The thoughts of your fantasy from dinner crossed your mind. And as you slid to the floor and sat yourself between the spymaster's legs, his shadows did nothing to wake him, as if knowing what you intended to do, letting you do it. You reached for the ties to his leather pants, hands shaking a bit, the excitement of what was about to happen going through you. The space between your thighs had started the second you saw him fast asleep next to you.
Once the ties were done with you watched as a small shadow played gently with his cock, the other moved up to his face, lazily stroking through his hair, making sure to keep their master asleep. You watched as his cock hardened through his leathers, the shadow working quickly for you as you were getting impatient. Your panties were already soaked with how excited you were to finally be able to touch him. You watched as the little shadow joined the other up by his hair. Biting your lip you moved your hands back to his lap, slowly pulling the fabric down just enough to pull Azriel’s cock out.
A breath escaped your lips as you laid your eyes upon it, so much bigger and thicker than you had thought possible. What the other females say about wingspan must have been true then.
His tip was red and looked almost painful, you looked up to him, his mouth parted a little more, his brows drawn together. It wasn’t your fault his shadows did this to him, if anything, you would only be helping him with his problem. You leaned forward and licked a bead of his liquid that leaked from his tip, moaning at the taste you went back for more, dragging your tongue from the base to the tip. You slid your mouth down a bit, sucking harshly, your grip on his cock tightened. Your eyes rolled as you truly tasted him. Azriel gasped at the feeling, still in a deep sleep thanks to the shadows.
You closed your eyes and took more of him in, going as deep as you could, what wouldn’t fit down your throat your hands took care of. Another breathless moan came from his lips as you started bobbing your head, tracing your tongue around the veins of his cock. His hands twitched next to you. You gaged every time he hit the back of your throat, that only drove you to go faster, every moan from him made you feel even more obsessed with him. You could feel his cock twitching, so close to his needed release. You indulged the needs of his body, stroking the base and adding pressure. You moved your mouth back to his tip, your hands taking over the rest of him, sucking and swirling your tongue around his head, that tipped his sleeping body over the edge, you both moaned the second his come coated your mouth. Azriel’s hips jerked and his moans continued, you’d never heard such beautiful sounds before.
You swallowed around him, licking up any of the mess he made. Before tucking his cock away you gave it a quick kiss, a farewell until you could play with him again. His shadows left his head, moving to dance across your body, slipping through your panties, you shooed them away, “Not yet,” You whispered, standing up on shaky legs, buzzing with need. You ignored those urges, wanting him to be awake when you put his cock in you.
You stroked your hand in his hair, leaning down to kiss his flushed cheeks. His eyes slowly fluttered, finally waking up. You left before he saw you, heading to the main doors of the library. He will assume you have gone to bed, and come to get you in the morning to continue with the reading. He would never suspect a thing. The only evidence was his untied strings, you did not remember that little fact though.
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itsmeoculi · 1 year
16!Dazai x PM!reader smut where:
Reader was on a mission with him and since he's stressed as fuck he got more stressed since he saw you(his lover) flirting with someone(even if it's a mission). Once you got home he did the thing and overstimulated you.
Ty! Take your time ♡
Tiny but important note:In one of my posts I did put that I wasn’t on board with doing minors (16 yes is close but still not really comfortable) but since Dazai does have a canon adult age I’ll make it 19 cause I’m not comfortable doing ages under 18. Thank you, I hope you understand and I don’t think it affects the story that much.
Let’s get a move on now!
“𝒴𝑜𝓊 𝓀𝓃𝑜𝓌 𝓌𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝒹𝒾𝒹..”
Pairing: 19!A bit of Dom!Dazai x Sub!AFAB(FEMALE)!PM! Reader
TW!: SMUT, NSFW CONTENT, MAINLY FOR THOSE OF MATURITY, eating out, overstimulation, and y’all already know Dazai is a bit of sadist but I don’t think that’s in there much
Synopsis: It’s been busy in the Port Mafia, so busy that Dazai l hasn’t seen you in a while. Lucky for him Mori sends you two on a mission, he was happy at first but you seemed to not give him the attention he craved. Now, you’re getting punished.
Mori sent you and Dazai on a mission. Of course, Dazai, being Dazai, was more focused on being with you than the actual job. But here you are now sitting at a table in a fancy diner waiting for a specific waiter by the name of Ruki Satō (not a canon character just made it up) Ruki Satō was one of the best performing waiters, but he screwed over the Port Mafia after not repaying a debt and killing two of the Mafia’s men. Mori sent you two to kill him, and lucky for you he was your server tonight.
Dazai was ecstatic to see his lover again, but unfortunately for him his belladonna was paying more attention to ANYTHING but him. You would hear him go.
“Bella…” “Come on (name).. look at me.” “Love, let’s chat, the waiter isn’t even here yet~”
“Not now ‘Samu.. we have something more important than what your trying to do right now.”
Now, Dazai would usually laugh it off.. but the way you said it wounded him. You were cold and it was like a dagger to his heart when he heard your tone. This whole week had been a mess for him, and now his belladonna? The love of his life had became part of that mess…
He stayed quiet
You no longer heard the sweet nothings he’d say, only silence.. Awkward silence, until Ruki broke it.
“Oh hello I’m Ruki Satō and I’ll be your server tonight. What can I get you two~?”
You proceed to order something light
“Awesome, that will be it for the lovely lady? How about him?”
Dazai looked painfully at the waiter ‘What did he just call (name)..’ he thought, he didn’t answer the waiter in spite of how pissed off he was with Ruki hitting on you.
But you took the Ruki’s flirtatiousness as an advantage and proceeded to flirt back.
“He’ll have the same thing. Thanks sweetie for being so polite tonight. And forgive my friend, he’s tired.”
You blew a kiss at the waiter before he left. Dazai did not like this one bit. ‘Friend?? What the hell is that kind of excuse?’ He stayed quiet though, because he had plans for later.. on his revenge.
A few minutes passed and Ruki brought your food. Of course wanting to seduce him more, you asked him to stay and chat.
The waiter liked this and at this point Dazai wouldn’t be surprised if you two made out already.
Dazai’s hell of you two basically asking each other to fuck, goes on for about an hour. When it’s finally over you say this.
“Dazai, please meet me in the parking lot. I want to give our waiter here’s special tip in the alleyway~”
He was scared now, he thought if you were about to do what he thinks your about to do he’s done with you. He left for the parking lot, reluctantly, as you guided Ruki to an alleyway.
“This might be the best customer I had tonight~”
“Hehe, let’s have fun.” The waiter was vulnerable now, and you start shuffling at the back of your pants, which made him think you were gonna remove them.
..but instead, you pull out a gun.
“Wait! You- know don’t do this don’t-“
You used a silencer.. to of course cause less commotion. Now the job is done.
You leave the alleyway and go to the parking lot. Dazai waiting at the car, engine ready. Once you enter, it’s straight home, he has some matters he needs to.. deal with.
Once you get home, he slams the door and locks it, removing his coat. “I’m gonna go change ‘Samu.”
You said, heading for the bedroom not even taking a single look at Dazai. But this was perfect for him, because he had a plan.
Ignoring your “warning” he swung the bedroom door wide open and pushed you onto the bed, you were already half-nude. Bra off, and the only thing covering you was a pair of lace underwear, and your hands.
“You look pathetic, belladonna.”
“Dazai- I told you I was- MGH!”
He cut you off by inserting 3 fingers into your mouth
“You’re gonna have to be punished for your whole act, back at the diner.”
He said as he removed his white dress shirt, revealing his bandaged body.
“I should’ve left you at the diner y’know.. but now your helpless. Who knew the cold and fierce (name) would be so quick to submit.”
You whimpered but he removed his fingers from your mouth.
“Quiet now belladonna. I need you to lay back for me.” You followed his orders.
“Great now open your legs wide for me darling.” You tried to do so, but you were so intimidated so you could even move an inch!
“You can’t do anything right, can you?” He leaned forward, resting himself on the bed, and then harshly opened your legs wide. You let out a slight whine from the sudden movement. He placed his face in-front of your sopping cunt. The wetness bleeding through your underwear.
“Gotta get rid of these somehow~” He said, immediately ripping the under garment and throwing it to the side. (too bad you bought those last week 😬)
“You’re soaking wet already? Such a slut (name) such a slut!” He said deviously, as he prodded his tongue around, and circled around the outer lips of your cunt. “You still taste as good as last time, but how you spoke to me in the diner may have ruined it~”
You wanted to sock this little bastard into a duffel bag. He was being such a jerk right now.. he was probably gonna edge you, or that’s what you thought. Until he said..
“Don’t worry belladonna, you’ll get your sweet release, but you will have to pay for stressing me out so badly.”
Your fucked..
Dazai inserts his tongue, deep inside of you. Then, he started to make more friction and lapping up your insides like a dog. The more he licked, the more wet you got. He hit all those sweet spots that made you see stars.
You reached your high and a loud moan filled the room. Dazai made a stifle grunt, pleased by the *honey* you made, he licked all up like it was maple syrup.
“Fuck! ‘Samu.. so good. H-hey wait I’m not-” your sentence was interrupted by a groan, as he started to abuse your cunt, with that silver tongue of his. He went back to eating you out and muffled “I don’t like it when my meal gets interrupted.” The vibrations of him speaking against your pussy made you arch your back beautifully.
“Beautiful, belladonna..” Dazai said, while adding in one of his slim fingers to run around your clit. This caused you to gasp in the immense arousal you were feeling. His free hand wandered, massaging your breasts. That’s when you came a second time, but instead of a short pause he kept going, lapping you all up.
“Wait- Osamu! W-wait-mhgh~”
You could barely fabricate sentences at the overstimulation. Your 2nd orgasm just happened, and he didn’t even pause!
Tears started forming in your eyes, and you were a moaning mess.
“Shh, belladonna I need to hear your moans not you sobbing.” He said harshly, you nodded. Yours eyes like a puppy’s big and.. “innocent” not you in this case, a better word would be helpless.
Dazai was abusing your sweet spots and your his tongue hitting exact one with such accuracy. It was like he saw inside of you.
You had your 3rd orgasm, still no stopping.
You were fucked silly, like it was some sort of euphoria coming over you. This round however was the fastest pace.
Cunt, puffy. Clit, swollen. Sweet spots BRUISED. And your throat hurt from your high pitched gasps and moans coming out of you. At some point you felt part of his teeth, but he was unstoppable. You were whining and sobbing. Tears streamed thinly down your eyes. You were pretty sure you were trying to say “Too much! Too much!” But it came out as a bunch of gibberish.
Then his tongue finally hit that special spot that made you see stars, and your 4th orgasm came. Thank god he stopped at that. He took his hand that was playing with your clit, and licked it clean. He proceeded to give you a few kisses before going to the drawer.
“What are you- doing?” You said, catching your breath.
“Just the finale of my punishment for you.” He pulled out a vibrator.
Dazai proceeded to place it near the entrance of your cunt, and set it to the weakest level.
“Have fun~!” He said, while sitting in a nearby seat smirking at you as you struggled
What a cruel asshole.
Hii this the end I hoped you kinda liked this. I’m not awesome with smut but I’m willing try yk.
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drvmekoo · 1 year
quality time | jeon jungkook
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➳ pairing: boyfriend!jungkook x reader (f)
➳ genre: established relationship, fluff, a little bit of angst, smut
➳ rating: 18+ (minors dni)
➳ warnings: jungkook is a bit of a dick at the start tbh, t*tty kissing, n*pple s*cking, d*epthroating, p*ssy eating, rough s*x, unprotected s*x (wrap it before u tap it baes) cre*mpie
➳ wc: 2.1K
➳ author's notes: this is my first ever drabble on this account so please be nice! also please let me know if you guys like it! i always love hearing what people think about my writing!
➳ summary: you and jungkook were supposed to have some quality time together. however it seems he made other plans. and you're pissed.
“I just don’t understand the issue here?” Jungkook questioned, following you into the kitchen. “All I said was that Taehyung and I were gonna hang out tonight? Why are you getting all huffy?”
“You know that’s not the main issue Jungkook.” you carried on emptying the bags of groceries you bought onto the counter, back turned to him “It was meant to be us two tonight! I even went out to buy food, especially so we could cook and have dinner together!” 
Jungkook continued staring at your back while he spoke “So Taehyung can join us? We see each other all the time! What’s one night?”
You froze. Whilst you didn’t mind cooking for Taehyung and having him over, it had been a while since you and your boyfriend had quality time together where you could both be relaxed. While it was true that you saw each other majority of the week, those hours spent with each other were spent finishing off work from earlier in the day or sleeping because of the busy schedules. 
Today, you both had free schedules and that meant that the two of you were able to finally have that quality time you had missed out on for all these weeks. 
Your plan was to make a nice dinner together, snuggle up and watch a nice movie. Heck, you even put on Jungkook’s favourite lingerie set. That was how much intimacy you were craving from missing it all these weeks.  
Yet Jungkook seemed clueless. And that boiled your blood even more.
“I just think you’re being a little dramatic babe.” Jungkook rubbed your shoulder from behind “We can always do this again another time-” 
“Oh don’t give me that bullshit Jungkook.” you whipped around out of his touch “We never have the time to spend together yet the one time we do, you decided to invite Taehyung?”
“Y/n, the one night I have off I just wanna spend playing some games with my friend! What have I done wrong?” Jungkook stared at you, eyes open wide as your outburst continues
“What have you done wrong?” You scoffed loudly “I don’t know, how about the fact you haven’t even acknowledged that we haven’t eaten a proper meal together in forever? How about the fact that all we do is fall asleep without so much as a cuddle? How about the fact that we haven’t had sex in over two weeks because of how busy and tiring our schedules are?” 
At this point, you had had enough. You stormed out of the kitchen and headed straight for the bedroom. You had to get away before either you said something you’d regret. 
“Y/n, you can’t just walk away after that!” Jungkook followed you out. “What? You’re just gonna leave it like this?” 
Jungkook’s voice became a muffled mess as you stormed into the bedroom and slammed the door shut. You heard him curse under his breath as his words were met with the bang of the door closing before hearing the jangling of his keys. 
“I’m going out for a bit. I’ll be back later.” He said flatly through the door, the closing of the front entrance the only clue that he had left. 
From then on, that’s when the tears started to stream down your face. This was not how you wanted the evening to go. In fact, having Taehyung over was better than this. 
But it was too late. The night had been ruined and you didn’t know where your boyfriend had run off to. Thoughts ran into your mind of him with another, using the affection he was meant to give you on someone else…
But you know Jungkook would never do that. No matter how mad he was, you knew he loved you more than anything and the fact that you thought, for a second, that he would do something so cruel made you sick to your stomach. 
You decided to get your mind off everything that had happened and instead turned on the TV to watch your comfort shows, quickly changing into a pair of joggers and snuggling into the warmth of Jungkook’s bed.
A few hours had passed and before you knew it, you were slowly drifting off to sleep…
You awoke to the sound of the front door quietly closing shut, as if the person walking in knew that the house was asleep. You turned over to see that it was ten minutes to midnight. 
Had Jungkook really been out for 5 hours? You thought to yourself, as you stepped out of the duvet and towards the bedroom door. Opening it quietly, you came face to face with the man himself 
“Hi,” he said softly. His face looked drained, as he eyed your face. “Can I come in?”
You nodded gently, widening the door so he could slip through. A part of you felt guilty that he had to ask to enter HIS bedroom, but he didn’t give you time to apologise as he started talking. 
“Look Y/n, I thought about what you said.” He took your hands and led you to the bed so you were both sat. “I know I’ve been neglecting you these past few weeks. You know how much I truly love you right?” 
You nodded again. He sighed, voice cracking. “I was wrong about not putting you first. I guess I was just so caught up in everything with work that I became selfish. I called Taehyung and told him I had plans. It’s just you and me tonight, okay?” A tear streamed down his cheek as you took hold of his face. “Please forgive me Y/n..”
“Baby..” By this time, you were both tearing up. “Of course I forgive you, my love.” You kissed his cheek as he pulled you in by the waist for a cuddle. 
“God the thought of you leaving,” Jungkook mumbled into your neck as you embraced each other “The thought of neglecting the one I love. Makes me sick to my stomach.”
You already felt the emotion of comfort wash over you as his scent reached your nose. 
“Never again. Okay?” Jungkook said, gently kissing your neck “Never again will I ever make you feel like that.” 
The sensation of lips on your neck made you moan softly. His strong hands around your waist already feeling like velvet on your body. 
“Let me prove to you how sorry I am princess.” His kisses grew more passionate. His secure arms manoeuvred you now so that you were lying down across the bed. “Let me show you how much I missed you.” By then his fingers were skimming the edge of your shirt, giving you the hint he wanted it off.
You lifted your arms up so that he can slip the clothing off you, immediately searching his face when your lingerie was revealed. 
Jungkook threw his back “Oh fuck baby…you’re killing me.” Straight away, his hands went to your boobs, massaging them from the fabric. Your breathy moans filled the air, hands already gently gripping Jungkook’s luscious locks. His face bent down to your chest as his mouth met your exposed cleavage. “Is this what you wanted baby, huh?” Another kiss to your chest “Fucked I missed these.”
While one of his hands caressed your nipple through the bra, the other slid around to your back and clawed at the clasp. You decided to help speed things up, arching your back a bit so you can undo the latch and from there you were left exposed. 
“Such pretty tits.” Jungkook whispered, “They’re mine.” His mouth immediately latched onto one, gently lapping at the bud with his tongue. 
You whimpered softly. “Kook, stop teasing….I want you.”
His mouth unlatched from your nipple. “Oh princess me too, I gotta get you ready first though okay? Patience my pretty.” 
At that, Jungkook returned his kisses to your body. He travelled down your figure, down slowly on your stomach right towards the pit of your pleasure. He stopped at the hem of your leggings. 
“Can I take these off, beautiful?” His fingers traced the lining of them. Once you nodded, he hoisted them down slowly. “Ass up beautiful for one second.” he smiled, once the leggings reached your rear. 
Once the leggings were off and you were left only in your panties, Jungkook stood up. As he finished taking off his shirt, you admired the way his muscles tensed as he unbuckled his belt and removed his trousers. His raging cock jutted out of his boxers.
You got up onto your knees while on the bed, palming at his dick through his own fabric. He threw his head back as your hand fell over the tip. 
“Can I taste you?” you asked politely, looking up at him through your eyelashes. He nodded quickly as he helped you remove his pants. His dick bounced as it was released from the cotton confines of his boxers and immediately you took him into your mouth, wasting no time to deepthroat him. 
“Ah fuck!” Jungkook gripped your hair tightly, gently thrusting his hips at the sensation of your warm, sucking throat. “Oh, baby girl you’re taking me so well.”
You pulled back but still had him in your mouth, lapping your tongue around the poignant veins of his cock. The smell of him made you dizzy, partnering with his quiet grunts filled the dark room. His hand pushed at the back of your head, urging you to take him deeper in your mouth once again. 
“Fuck baby, I’m gonna cum if you keep on like this…I wanna be inside you.” he pulled out of your mouth, and a string of saliva connected your mouth and his cock together. He bent down and kissed you passionately, tongue exploring your mouth widely. 
He whispered against your kisses “Lay down for me baby.”
You obliged. He tugged at your panties gently, inching them down your legs. You were now left bare at his glance. He kissed twice at your stomach before edging down to your pussy. His hot breath emphasised the pit in your stomach. 
In a blink of an eye, his mouth was lapping between your folds. Moaning against your clit, the vibrations sent shoots of pleasure through your body as you clawed at Jungkooks hair. His desperate licks edge you closer and closer. 
“K-Kook…I’m so close….” your mouth was held open at the amount of pleasure his mouth was giving you. Suddenly, the cold air hit your bare pussy as Jungkook leaned away. 
“Not yet baby…need to be inside you…”  
Jungkook positioned his cock at your entrance, slowly teasing the tip inside you “ready my angel?”
You nodded. Slowly he pushed into you, making sure you felt every inch of him.
“Oh…god Jungkook!” you clawed at his back, the size of him filling you up. “Y-you’re so big!” His cock quietly quicked the pace, as Jungkook nuzzled his face in the crook of your neck. You whimpered at the angle his shaft was pounding you, eyes trained shut at the waves of pleasuring hitting you at every thrust. 
“My god baby…you’re so fucking…tight!” His muffled voice vibrated against your neck “I gotta pull out…I’m gonna cum-”
“Cum in me…!” You moaned, wrapping your legs around his waist “Fill me up…”
“Oh….gorgeous….It’s so risky…” He removed his face from your neck “.....But you feel so good….”
At that, his pace quicked as his cock pounded at your pussy. Every thrust became a newfound ripple of delight. You felt your stomach tighten as the well-known feeling returned to your body once more. 
“B-babe…I’m gonna c-cum!” You threw your head back into the pillows
“Cum on my cock baby….Oh, fuck!” Jungkook exclaimed as your pussy tightened around his dick. Jungkook too felt the familiar feeling of an orgasm in the pit of his stomach 
Not too long after as you rode out your pleasure, you felt warmth enter you as Jungkook spilt inside you. With gritted teeth, he once again delved into your neck as he too rode out the other half of his orgasm, still thrusting gently and slowly. 
You whimpered quietly as he pulled out and sank next to you. Straight away he pulled you into his arms. “I love you so much. Please never ever forget that okay?”
“Okay, I love you.” You fit right into the pit of his arm as he stroked your hair, both of you exhausted from tonight's actions. 
“Hey, Kook? I know it's late but I'm kinda sticky now…”
He chuckled gently “Think it’s time me and you had a shower.”
find out what jungkook did in those five hours here
let me know if you want to be on the taglist for any future work i may post! reblog or send in an ask to show support! ily
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ericsprincess · 1 year
You catch your brother's annoying best friend doing something in your room.
“....oh, and by the way, Sunwoo is coming over tonight to watch a movie,” 
You stop mid-folding a t-shirt and look at your brother in disbelief. He can’t be for real, you think. This is like the third time just this week. 
“This is like the third time just this week,” you frown at your brother that’s standing in the doorway to your bedroom. “Doesn’t he have his own place and his own roommates to annoy?” 
“Yeah, but his roommates are working on some school project, so he doesn’t want to distract and annoy them much, until they finish it,” your brother shrugs. 
“So, he’s just coming here all the time to annoy us?” you groan and throw the semi-folded t-shirt on the pile. 
“Well, he’s not annoying me. Come on, sis, he’s not that bad. He really likes you actually, you’re just so mean to him all the time,” pleads your brother. 
“Are we talking about the same Sunwoo?” you ask. “He literally just asks me the most dumb questions all the time and does things to spite me.” 
“Yeah but that’s how Sunwoo shows his affection,” your brother laughs. 
“By the greasiest overacted flirting?”
“Basically. If you saw beyond his overdone fuckboy persona you would see he’s actually really nice. He’s just playing it up in front of you, because he wants your reaction and attention,” smiles your brother. He seems to find this whole situation amusing, and this annoys you even more. 
“I find it really hard to believe it,” you frown. “But okay, he can come, but it’s your responsibility to keep him on the leash, understood?” 
“Sure thing, sis,” he shoots you finger guns. “Gotta run to school, see ya!”
“Bye..” you sigh. You really, really love your brother, but when you agreed for him to move into your spare bedroom to save up on his university costs, this is not how you imagined it. You did not expect to sign up for a 2 in 1 package, that is your brother and his annoying raccoon of a best friend, that is now the bane of your existence. The worst thing is, that Sunwoo is not even doing anything actually bad, he’s just being annoying and you never know how to react to his teasing. 
You hold up one last sock, and it’s without the pair. Seems like a deja vu, that something is missing. Great, lately it seems that the laundry machine is taking way too many sacrifices.
This is already a long day and it seems that it will never end. You left for work and now you’re sitting there, mindlessly typing on your computer and pretending to work. You want to go home so badly, but you’re not even looking forward to that much now, that you’ll have a visitor. 
I’ll just get food and stay in my bedroom, you think. But usually, that doesn’t deter Sunwoo from going to bother you under the pretense of “saying hi”. He’d just knock once and open the door without waiting for a reply, as if everything belonged to him. Maybe I should just lock the door.
DING! Your thoughts get interrupted by your phone announcing you just got a message. DING DING!
>hey sis
>i need to stay late in school because something came up
>so i just told sunwoo the door code and he’ll let himself in
>just so that you’re not surprised he’s already there
>gotta go, love you byeee
>also dont kill him pls lol
>oh for fuck’s sake
You groan. This can’t be real. 
Ugh, finally home. You angrily punch the door code and wait for the door to unlock. Immediately you kick off your shoes, fling a laptop bag away and mentally brace for greeting the awaited intruder that should be already there. 
You march into the living room, already pre-pissed off but - there is no one there. No one laying on the couch in sneakers, spilling crumbs of your snacks between the seats. No one playing the console, yelling at the game. No one drinking a beer, putting it on the table without a coaster and loudly burping. Suspicious.
Maybe he bailed, you think and your mood is already getting brighter. So you just decide to go to your room to chill. You open the door and - 
“What the fuck are you doing?!” you shriek. You’re standing in the doorway, stunned, looking at Sunwoo, who’s frozen like a deer in the headlights. As he should be, since he’s absolutely not supposed to be in your room, the one single place in your apartment he’s banished from. 
And what he’s totally absolutely not supposed to be, is standing over your opened laundry hamper, with half of its content thrown outside of it. 
“N-nothing,” he stutters and awkwardly steps away from the little mess of clothes. Interesting. This is the first time you’ve seen Sunwoo without his confidence and cockiness. His face is getting red and he’s looking genuinely nervous. 
“Nothing my ass. What are you doing in my room?” you push. 
“Nothing, really, I was not doing anything,” he anxiously shakes his head and takes a step back. You suddenly catch a glimpse of something familiar. 
“What’s in your hand?” you ask, but before he can even try denying having anything, you step forward and snatch the item he’s squeezing in his sweaty palm. You immediately recognize it. 
“Kim Sunwoo.” you growl threateningly. 
“Kim Sunwoo. So not only you impose all the time, not only you steal my food and make a mess. You even dare to go to my room? And steal my fucking panties?? AND THEN LIE ABOUT IT?” you’re furious. 
“I-i am really sorry, Y/N, please don’t kill me! Or-, or, please don’t tell Y/B/N about it,” he pleads, with big eyes and face red from embarrassment. This is not how you usually see him and you’re finding out that you’re quite liking it. He’s actually kinda cute when he looks all helpless and caught off guard. Your anger is quickly getting replaced by mischief and you decide in a split second that you’re going to have fun with it. 
“Why shouldn’t I?” you raise your eyebrow. “Why shouldn’t I tell my brother that I caught his best friend stealing my panties? What are you even stealing them for?” You have a hunch, but it will be more fun to pry this out of him. 
“I…I just…I just wanted them..” he takes a step back. You take one step forward. 
“Because…” Sunwoo looks like all he wants is for the ground to open and to swallow him whole so he doesn't have to be confronted. “...because they smell of you..” he whispers. He has nowhere to step back to, his back is touching your dresser.  
You’re so close to him your chest is barely touching him. You can feel his fast breathing and heart pounding. He’s much taller than you, but you are the one in charge in this situation and you’re almost drunk off the feeling. Especially, since it’s Kim Sunwoo, the bane of your existence, for the past few months. 
“So you’re really a pervert, aren’t you?” 
“N-no I swear I’m not!” he rushes to deny, but you can just somehow tell it’s not quite like that.
“I can feel your boner. Kim Sunwoo, you even like this, don’t you? Do you find it hot that you’ve been busted?” you accuse him. “Oh geez, my brother will be really devastated to hear that his best friend not only is a pervert, but also gets off on it.”
“Y/N, please, don’t tell him, I- I will do whatever you want! I will behave from now on, I swear!” he pleads. “I’ll return all of the other ones too, I promise!” 
“Other ones?” you’re in disbelief. You probably shouldn’t feel this way, but you’re finding it really hot that this pest which kept annoying you for a long time, is secretly so attracted to you that he resolved to steal your panties to sniff and masturbate to. It’s so disgusting and yet you’re getting wet at the mere mental image of Sunwoo holding your used panties to his face while jerking off frantically. 
“So here’s the deal,” you start. “In the exchange for my silence, you’ll do whatever I want for three months, okay?” 
“Okay, okay, deal, thank you,” he nods desperately. He’s looking all pathetic, with a red face, almost watering eyes and with a boner tenting his pants. You’re so wet and it gives you the worst idea.
“We can start now,” you step away from him and lie down on your bed, bending your legs at the knees, feet at the edge of the bed, your skirt falling back, exposing your legs and underwear. 
Sunwoo looks frozen.
“Come here,” you scoff and he snaps out of it and rushes to you. He kneels on the ground in front of your bed and hesitantly reaches out, but it’s like he’s not actually sure if he can touch you. 
You roll your eyes and pull off your panties yourself. “What are you waiting for? A written invitation?” 
“Sorry, sorry,” he hurries with an apology and puts his face between your legs immediately. He starts eating you out eagerly, whispering “Thank you, thank you”. 
He’s surprisingly not bad at it. He doesn’t seem to be too experienced, but what he lacks in experience, makes up for in enthusiasm. It’s almost like he’s making out with your pussy. 
He’s slowly licking over your folds, gently sucking on your clit, his tongue is hot, wet and feels so good. He’s slowly building up the intensity and it feels so good, you can’t help but moan a little, even though you’re really trying not to. 
Sunwoo looks like he’s enjoying himself too, with one of his hands rubbing over his clothed cock, and you have half a mind to mock him for it, if only making a coherent sentence wouldn't be so difficult right now. 
You’re getting close, with his tongue flicking over your clit, but you decide you don’t want to come like that. You grab him by his hair and tear his head away from your pussy. He whines about it and makes an attempt to get back to licking you, but you’re holding him too firmly. He must be in pain, but he doesn’t seem to care about that. 
“Come up and fuck me, before I kick you out,” you let his hair go. He seems surprised, but not wanting to anger you further, he quickly takes off his pants and underwear, while you move up higher on the bed. He joins you on the bed and you’re not wasting time, grabbing his hard cock and pulling him close to you. He whimpers in pain, but complies immediately and pushes inside your pussy. He’s hovering on top of you and it seems like he’s not daring to move yet. Actually, his face is getting closer and all of the alarms in your head start ringing. 
Oh shit, you wonder, he wants to kiss me. Your hand quickly flies up and you grab him by his jaw to stop him. You blindly pat with your other hand on the bed quickly, until you find what you’re looking for - your discarded panties. You ball them up and stuff them into his mouth. 
“Don’t get stupid ideas, Sunwoo,” you say. “If you want more of the taste, this is the only thing you’re going to get now.” you warn him and to get him to move you slightly kick him with your heel. 
He gets the hint and starts fucking you immediately, already with a fast tempo. It’s clear neither of you is going to last long. But you have to admit he feels really good. It’s just a passing thought, as you are staring at his blushed face, with your panties stuffed into his mouth and his eyes glossy, but you already know you’re going to make the most out of this “deal”. The thought of having Sunwoo as your plaything for three months is so arousing, that it’s what gets you to come, while he’s fucking into you.
Your squirming and moaning is so strong, you almost throw him off yourself, but he has enough presence of mind to hold you tightly, while he fucks into you fast and hard. Not before long he’s cumming into you, eyes close and whimpering. You can feel his cock pulsate in you and you squeeze him closer to you with your legs, so you can feel it even better. 
He spits out the panties and snuggles a little into your neck as he’s catching his breath and you graciously give him a few seconds of this before you’re kicking him off you. 
You’re both a mess - half-undressed, sweaty and disheveled. You throw him his clothes. “Put it back on.” He does and just awkwardly stands, obviously not sure what to do now. 
“We’re done here…for now. You should go to the living room to wait for my brother and I really hope I won’t see or hear you anymore tonight, so you better behave. And if I catch you in my room again, the deal is off and I’m telling everything, understood?” you threaten. 
He nods and hesitantly goes to leave. He’s actually really cute, when he’s all obedient, you wonder. It melts your heart a tiny bit. You probably shouldn’t like it so much. 
“Hey Sunwoo?” you call after him. He turns back. 
“You forgot something,” you smirk and throw your panties at him. He catches them and looks at you, confused. 
“Put them into good use, until I see you next time, would you?” 
He looks completely embarrassed, but nonetheless he stuffs the panties into his pocket and literally runs out of your room, while you laugh at him. 
Best deal of my life, you think and head to the shower. 
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‘’NEXT TIME (1/?)’’
Aaron Hotchner x bau! fem! reader
- only got 3 more exams left and then i’m free ahhhhh. i’m working on like 3 fics at the same time to procrastinate lmao. but my boy aaron takes priority. i was planning on making this an even longer fic with like a super sad ending but its so damn long i’ll have to add another chapter. love yaaaa x
warnings: smutty smut smut so be warned. pnv. some angsty aspects lowkey. aaron being the dom we all know he is. some swearing and bants.
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It shouldn't have happened. It wasn't right. Your moral compass was straying, but when you were with Hotch...did it really matter if it felt like you were morally grey?
Time was blurring into a pin sphincter, it was flowing out of your fingertips and your grip on it was as neglectful as it was pathetic. Six months of dancing around knives and eggshells with Hotch, to hide the unprofessional courtesy of a passionate love affair between two federal agents that are bound by their work…..and secretly each other.
All you could ask yourself at this point was:
How did it come to this?
How could you have possibly been this stupid? This weak. This subjective. Now it was going to be the death of you, in more ways than one. It all started with one look, one small moment of weakness within both of you would inevitably be your undoing. One stupid look, on one stupid night between two sad and lonely people desperate to feel something, anything other than the pain and horror that's experienced every day on this job.
You stopped in your tracks when you should've kept walking.
12:34 am. You were so close, the end of this day was near, thank God. You had been rushing around all day- the case was nearby but it was especially difficult to catch the unsub due to Hotch's personal connection to this one. He had worked a similar case to this one when he first started the bureau and it turned out that this was a bloodline murderer and stalker- the unsub's father was the original killer on one of Hotch's first cases and he was just carrying on his legacy. Alex Wall was definitely an unsub worth remembering. It was hazy but solved, what was unusual though was that you noticed it seemed to affect Hotch in a way you've never seen before. You knew it was personal for him but you had never seen him crack as much as this, it was jarring and it made you halt in your tracks
Aaron Hotchner finally peeling back the brooding facade seemed like a lunar event that happened once in every blood moon. It reminded you that Hotch was just a man. Just human. Not this robotic machine that caught killers for a living. The thought made your gaze soften as you collected your files from your desk, your brain turning to static as these thoughts about your boss run rampant through the forefront of your mind. It made you think. Everyone comes to Hotch when they have a problem, and he always seemed to have a solution. But who did he go to when he felt like the world was asking too much of him? When the stress of this job felt like an eternal haunt? You dismissed the thought as quickly as it came.
You and Hotch were in the same chilly waters. Ice blooded. You were both incredibly opposed to each other, even though you were both serious as hell about this job. If anything, you were supposed to get along like a house on fire as you inhibited the same outlook. He especially pissed you off on this case because you suggested that the unsub might have been stalking his victims for a span of 6 months and then attacking. You've never believed in anything this strongly about a case in so long but Hotch shot you down. But your gut wasn't lying. It never did.
You shouldn't be reading into this, you shouldn't even care about it but your conscious was poking at you. Plus you had some files you needed to drop off.
No. Not now.
It was late, you were the only ones here and you weren't sure if you were ready to indulge in conversation just yet. You could drop it off tomorrow morning. You walked past his office and caught a glimpse of him through his blinded windows, he was writing but he looked distracted. Agitated. Sad, even. Alcohol. It definitely caught your attention and you resented it deeply. You were too much of a good person, the thought made your eyes narrow as you stopped in your movements. Instead, you shifted and turned around and stared at Hotch's door. Taking a deep breath before knocking.
‘’Come in.’’ Hotch said curtly, lowering his pen and standing up from his desk so he was in your eyeline
‘’I have some files for you to close the case." You parroted his tone back at him as you handed him the files.
"Thank you."
You paused for a moment to study him. Maybe it was because of how dark it was outside, maybe it was because Hotch was looking incredibly attractive in this light right now but it seemed your tongue was moving faster than your brain.
"What's wrong with you?" You questioned brusquely, not in an insulting way but in a matter-of-fact way.
‘’I'm sorry?’’ Hotch raised his brow at your purpose. It wasn't that surprising that you spoke whatever it is that was prancing around in that mind of yours but it didn't mean that it wasn't disarming
‘’Do you keep spare glasses in your drawers as well as the whiskey or do you just splash a dose into your coffee after hours?’’ You attempted to conceal your smirk but it barely worked.
Hotch just glared at you with furrowed brows and a certain distasteful passivity that you'd grown to expect but he wasn't lashing out at you- he was too tired and drained. He opened his drawer and pulled out two glasses and the bottle of whiskey he indulges in after hours when a case had seemed to scramble up his head. He knew it would be useless to lie to you right now, not when you were looking this incredible this late at night. The thoughts occupied him when he poured you a glass.
‘’Sit.’’ He ordered and you comfortably obliged.
"Thank you." You chirped with a half smile as he handed you the drink and he resumed his position of sitting, his fingertips toying with the glass. You sat in silence for a while, studying each other. Noticing how uneventful and sad everything is. Hotch thought you looked beautiful in front of him.
"I think you don't give yourself enough credit.’’
"For what?"
"For how incredible you are."
Hotch's stare intensified, compliments weren't a rare occurrence for him to endure but from you, was…memorable. The words you uttered made his body still.
‘’Thank you. Coming from a woman like you, I'm flattered.’’ He was happy with his more than eloquent response.
"'A woman like me?"
"The smart and beautiful kind."
You chuckled dryly, your face blushing a cute pink at his compliment- he caught you out and he'd be lying if he said he wasn't completely happy with himself.
You on the other hand were afraid you were going to start sweating in front of him, your thighs were involuntarily clamping together.
"Why are you telling me this?" Hotched added, your sudden declaration piqued his interest.
‘’I’ve heard whispers of you transferring." You sighed as you crossed your arms. "I'm hoping it's not true."
This wasn't because of your own biased viewpoint of Hotch at all, the team would literally have a gaping hole without him. Quite frankly, the team would fall apart. Everyone would be directionless. You never really put weight to these rumors but there's no smoke without any fire. The thought soured your mood and it was written all over your face, you hoped he wouldn't notice it but as usual, it was impossible for him not to.
‘’I thought about it a while back, maybe to transfer to a white-collar crime division but I've found that I'm far too attached to this team. You won't be getting rid of me that easily.’’
‘’I prefer it to stay that way.’’ You said softly like an angel wistfully staring down from the clouds. Your face instinctively brightened at the fact he was staying here. He's the only one that could effectively lead this team and you also didn't want him to leave your eyeline anytime soon.
Now you didn't know what to say, you both shared a longing look- something so strange and hard to define. It was easy for him to get you like this, like the basest of sentimentality, like a child at prayer. You were so good at hiding things, it was a skill that you practically needed to have in order for the people you work with not to pry into your life. Now, it all felt superficial when your exterior was cracking under his brutal gaze.
Hotch was a force of nature, you were sure even the weather bowed down at his feet. The thought made you bite your lip as you bashfully hung your head before meeting his eyes once more.
‘’Your tell.’’ Hotch stated.
‘’What?’’ Your eyes were bright with invitation and confusion, catching you and disarming you once more.
‘’You're nervous but I can't figure out for the life of me why.’’ Hotch announced and it made a deep pit form within your stomach, a strange heat swirling within your gut. Why was it only with him you felt this way? It was like he was playing God with you. You no longer wished to entertain whatever deduction he had going on, mostly for your own professionality and dignity so you stood up from your seat with your empty whisky glass in hand and leaned over. Face to face. Real close, placing your glass down in front of him. His scent was mystifying, his cologne was headily intoxicating.
You whispered. ‘’If I told you then transferring might be a good option for you to keep open.’’ Your voice was soft and serious, your face was hard to retain your reputation but your pussy was clenching around nothing. You leaned back and walked to the closed door, your hand placed on the handle, ready and willing to leave before Hotch also stood up from his seat and followed you to the door. Before you knew it, you could feel his massive frame and broad shoulders looming behind you. Turning around leaning against the door, you were met with Hotch's flaming and scorching eyes- his face was the nearest it's ever been to yours and you had to stifle any sound your body was willing to make.
‘’I meant what I said.’’ Hotch mumbled. You hung your head up to admire his dauntless eyes.
‘’So did I. You finished for the night?’’
"Yeah, let me just grab my stuff and I'll walk you out."
‘’I’ll just be a second.’’ Your hands twisted at the handle and you walked yourself out. You had to tamper down the shit-eating grin that was adorning your face but it felt like a near impossible task.
It only took a few brief moments to collate your things and swing your bag around your shoulder and before idling about it for too long, Hotch was already walking down the stairs with his eyes completely and utterly set upon you. Fuck. His eyes were unflinching, he drank you in as you waited so patiently and prettily for him, it was a sight beyond wildest dreams.
Neither of you said anything as you walked to the elevator and pressed the button, the tension between the two of you was egregious and so easy to spot. When the elevator dinged and the metal doors opened, Hotch being the gentleman he is, let you in first and pressed the ground floor. Time was going so fast, you had to do or say something before you never got the chance again. You felt his eyes burn into you, that serious Hotch face that's he so infamously known for etched on his defined features.
"What's going on up there, Hotch?" Your voice was flirty and breathy- there's no way you could possibly make it any clearer to him.
‘’You.’’ He declared, your body stood paralysed at the unexpected words.
He grabbed your face harshly and pushed you against the elevator wall, his lips colliding with yours in a battle against wills, a battle against the the longing and tension that hindered you both.
A kiss that was messy- no finesse. Something you absolutely wouldn't ever correlate with Hotch. It was like you wanted your mouths on each other but you knew you couldn't. Between breaths, you mumbled out a plea. ‘’No...no, Hotch…we can't.’’
His mouth traveled to the bare skin of your neck instead and planted kisses to atone for your sighs. They were becoming uncontrollable until he pressed his forehead onto yours.
‘’I know. I know. I just wanted to know what it felt like to feel your lips.’’ His thumb outlined the curves of your lips and and tugged your bottom lip down and all you could do was stare at him dumbly. ‘’I can't stop staring at them but I'm sure you've figured that out already." Hotch admitted in a hazed-out manner, all your body was willing to do was stare at him as he cradled your face, imploring him, begging him for something neither of you could have freely.
"You kissed me.’’ You remarked, completely oblivious and dumbed down by just a kiss. Your eyes were wide and glinting under the soft elevator light.
‘'You are quite the profiler, aren't you?’’ He said gently, traces of humor present in his voice as he stared down at you. You just smirked back at him, finally mustering up the courage to not look like a deer in the headlights.
"You're making me flustered.’’
‘’I can see that.’’ He shot back, almost as if he was goading you on. You paused to let the blood run back into your brain again.
‘’We shouldn’t.’’ You said heavy lidded, hoping he would back off because if he didn’t you’d jump his bones right now. It was like he could read your mind because he instinctively retracted his hands back to himself and instead resumed his prior postion by your side. In a half assed attempt to remain professional. ‘’Do you really want IAB down here probing on all of us?’’
‘’Yeah. We really shouldn’t.’’
You were in his bed. Hot. Wet. Aggressive. Bordering on delusional. Trying to hold out on him. Your naked body was all his to savour, all his to touch, all his to pleasure.
‘’Aaron…fuck….I’m-‘’ You were half hypnotised. Your clear thinking was long gone at this point but you couldn’t find it in yourself to care.
‘’Tell me what you want, tell me what you need and I’ll give it to you.’’
His voice was gruff. Sincere. It was able to turn you into a pile of ashes in an instant, it was pathetic but reasonable. You didn't know how to answer him, you knew with all your heart that you wanted him and now you have him- you had no idea what to even do after that, you never thought you'd get that far.
Your head was dangling off the edge of the bed, hanging off as he kissed down your neck, making you writhe and squirm beneath him in the delicious process.
‘’I just want you, Aaron...I-m-‘’ You couldn't properly articulate a sentence, your brain was fogged up with arousal.
‘'Come on baby, be more specific with me.’’
‘’Aaron.’’ You warned.
‘’Or I'll stop.’’ He replied in a thick, heavy voice.
‘’Don't be cruel.’’
With that, he smirked at you and leaned up from your body to stare down at you through surveying and analytical eyes, another means to tease you- he knew you couldn't take it anymore, you were desperate and it made him all the more aroused. The thought was a chilling one. It was an irrefutable fact: Hotch needed control in every aspect of his life. Especially in bed.
‘’You're the one that's been cruel.’’ Hotch declared softly as if he was profiling you- it made you bite your lip, the way that he's literally got you in his bed and made you this fucking wet already but he still had a polite tone. Hotch reached for your face delicately and traced his thumb on your soft lips. ‘’Oh, honey. You really have no idea how cruel you've been to me over the past few months.’’
‘’Enlighten me.’’ You flirted back. He paused at the brashness of your challenge.
Hotch gave you a severe look and attempted to dismiss you but he knew it was futile, you were insatiable.
‘'Aaron. Enlighten. Me.’’ You enunciated, unafraid of the consequences he would so deliciously inflict on you. You were begging for it at this point.
‘’No.’’ Hotch replied simply and just grasped your hips harshly making you yelp. Your ears pricked up at the clank of his belt being unbuckled.
"Fuck you, Aaron.'’ You whined as he started to position himself at your throbbing pussy. Lord above, he was massive and you didn't doubt it one bit. But Aaron not baring his secrets only reinforced the reason why you disliked him in the first place, even when he's about to fuck you into oblivion, he's secretive and closed off.
‘'That's no way to talk, is it? Apologize.’’ He demanded as his eyes met yours.
‘’Apologize or I'll edge you until morning's end.’’ His lips fell into an undeniably serious frown, he wasn't joking- he looked angry and it only escalated your heart rate. Your mouth was running before you could stop it.
‘'You don't actually think I'd have any complaints about that, do you?'’ You raised your brow at him, passion and desperation oozing out of every pore, hatred spewing from your eyes.
Hotch contemplated your purpose underneath him, a fire boiling within him every second his eyes panned to you. You were squirming and bucking against him already, desperate for friction. Lord, you were frustrating. And completely beguiling. It was so difficult getting you to shut the fuck up at work and it transfers into bed too. He knew you'd pretend that this never even occurred. Going to work. Going about your day. Acting as if he didn't leave you shaking and dripping the night before.
Aaron was a calm and reasonable man when needed to be- but you were a force that made him reckon with his own calm and reasonable iudements
He wanted to do wicked things to you.
He wanted to make you weep under him.
If he were a smart man, he would let someone else have you. He would be selfless, he could do that if he really wanted to. But you were his: His sweet fixation.
His. Only.
‘’You're drooling all over yourself.’’ Hotch gritted through clenched teeth, the need to possess you clouding him when his hands flew straight to his belt and undid it so roughly you thought the buckle would snap. Your gasp was sweet and breathless and he wanted to inhale it.
'’Aaron just touch me. Please.'’ Your beg was a sore reminder of how desperate you were for the man that you once considered the bane of your existence, it made you lazily attempt to bite back a smirk. Now you were under him, filled with reckless abandon. You were too busy being flushed and wonton that you were entirely shocked to feel his tip graze you already. You couldn't do anything, your head was just hanging off the edge of the bed and you were locked within him.
‘’Where?’’ He asked, dragging it out.
‘'Fuck...you. You know exactly where.’’ You spat back at him, completely unimpressed by his need to prove something that didn't need to be proven.
‘’You never talk to me like this at work.’’ Aaron reached his hand and wrapped his fingers around the skin of your neck. His tone was severe. And a strange frisson of fear, arousal, and anger started to welt within you.
‘’You actually get things done at work.’’ You scolded, instantly regretting your response because of the reaction you were sure to get.
Aaron didn't even pause after you uttered those words. He pushed his throbbing dick inside of you, not even bothering to tease you into it, get you to ease up. He clenched his hand harder against your neck and he bit your neck. You were shocked. He liked it. He was being selfish, caring about his own suffering and pleasure more than yours. Bless your heart, he knew you regretted saying it but you said it anyway. He couldn't let this behavior pass, he just couldn't. It wasn't in his bones. You were moaning and whimpering as your bodies rocked back and forth. Oh, you were full of regret. It was adorable
‘’Apologize. Now.’’ Aaron demanded deliciously against your skin, biting and nipping at your collarbone to torture you and make you weak.
‘’No! You can't- you won't-‘’ You couldn't string together a sentence he was fucking into you that good, that heavy, that deep. words sank into your soul, the realization only dawning upon you.
‘’Say sorry.’’ He cooed.
A rumble of helplessness coated your chest, you felt so exposed, you felt so tainted by his presence. This was something to remember, something to keep close. Aaron. Just Aaron. The real Aaron. The Aaron behind the tight ties and tailored suits, the man behind the polite forms and cooler than fucking ice and steel. All you could do was whine like a bitch in heat. He was pounding into you so hard you were sure your pussy would remember the shape of him.
‘’Come on baby. Articulate.’’ Hotch smiled menacingly, his eyes spiraling in complete satisfaction at how dumb he's got you. An experienced profiler that's seen it all forgetting how to use her tongue. It was cute as fuck.
‘’I'm sorry!’’ You screamed at him, his fingers gripping the dip of your waist even harder than before.
"Now thank me.’’ He ordered cooly. This you could do. He was fucking you so hard and so good it made your head spin.
‘’Thank you. So much, Aaron. Fuck...so good.’’
This he liked. You being grateful. Compliant. God, his dick was so hard it was threatening to fall off. Aaron always seemed to avoid beautiful women, or just dating altogether after Haley - the women he wanted harbored secrets and made his life a living hell. You were no exception, but you were always someone he had to look twice at. Fuck, that face. He wanted to cum all over those pretty lips and in time he will.
‘’Good girl. My perfect girl.’’ He whispered and it sent your body into nothing but a blaze. Aaron knew you were clenching around him, your wetness spreading around his rigid dick. You were going to finish.
Woah. This was...fast. An indefinite ego boost.
‘’Aaron!’’ You screamed, your throat going raw as you wrapped your hands in his hair and tugged tirelessly as he bit your tits.
‘’I’m gonna-‘’
‘’Now cum.’’ He ordered again.
It was like your heart was being strangled and your stomach was doing flips. Your heat was spreading to every inch of your body and it felt like the man was corrupting you- ironic because he's just so damn good and an altruist. You convulsed and a loud throaty moan left you, it was like your soul was leaving your body too. Your cunt squeezed him tighter and Aaron gripped onto you just as much.
But then his hand reached over your mouth and his palm covered your lips to silence the scream that came exactly the same time. Damn, profilers. You came violently around him, your perfect body arching into him as your body relaxed. It was so immediate. It was the fastest you've ever came. Aaron could then clear the knots in his lower stomach as he gladly painted your insides. It was such a fucking relief from all this stress and this tension between you.
It was necessary. You were a necessity to him.
It wasn't professional, but he couldn't care when he was in you.
Aaron's insanely massive hands aided you in getting you fully back on the bed, you were starting to feel sore, and it made you feel alive. He handled you as if you were a dove, gently caressing your skin as he crawled back up into his bed, your head hitting the pillow. Your neck needed the support, the blood had rushed straight to your head and you still couldn't believe you were in Aaron bed. As he stood up to go to his bathroom, he took a second to admire you as you were splayed out like a goddess about the clouds looking down on him: he was just a man and you were an angel. Twisted in bedsheets with a sheen of sweat thinly coating your skin-you looked like a mythical being. Golden.
'What are you gawking at?' You caught onto his lingering stare.
‘’Nothing.’’ He dismissed, whipping his head around as he headed to the bathroom to get a towel. Brooding as always, even after fucking the woman that has plagued his dreams and thoughts for months.
You felt yourself get giddy at the sweetest oblivion. You couldn't escape it. You bit your lip and your pussy started throbbing again.
Aaron stared at himself in the bathroom mirror as he grabbed a towel and put his boxers back on. An apparent blush stained his face and his hair was in disarray. Wow, he really went at it. Some profiler. His whole body was coated in sweat and he felt his palm twitch slightly. He wasn't completely enthralled with the idea of his inability to keep his hands off of you, he was afraid this would transfer into his behavior at work. He calmed the swelling idea as he had to trust his instincts of being completely unbiased. Yeah, he could do it. He couldn't help but smile into his reflection, he felt elated with you. Like the man he knew he could be with you. He went back into his bedroom and there you were laying there wearing nothing but a smile. He doesn't think he's ever seen you this flustered. You felt like a teenager the way you were blushing a light pink.
‘’Now what are you gawking at?’’ Aaron parroted your question from earlier and it made you flick your tongue on your front teeth.
‘’Since when were you honest?’’ He joked as he sat back on the bed and helped you clean yourself up.
‘'Since you fucked me until I couldn't think.’’ You replied truthfully, completely impressed with yourself. ‘’At least I can admit it.’’
‘'Huh, I wonder what would've happened if you didn't listen to me.’’ Aaron scoffed as threw the towel on the floor.
‘’Let's try that out next time.’’ You flirted unashamedly. Eyes locking in a perpetual battle, two strong wills locked within mere gazes. Like a drug you knew that was bad for you, but you couldn't help but beg for hit after hit.
‘’There's a next time?’’ He flirted back with a wicked gleam in his eye.
‘’Or we could go back to work. Stripping each other with our eyes. Wanting nothing but to fuck like bunnies. Or maybe even being as unprofessional as bending me over and fucking me on your desk.’’
‘’You never talk to me like this at work.’’ He repeated from before when he was quite literally inside of you. Something that's not forming into your own personal inside joke.
‘’You actually get things done at work.’’ You smirked and he bent down and kissed your lips then the bridge of your nose and then your forehead.
Aaron crawled into the sheets next to you and held you, pulling you into his embrace, his big arms holding you steady. Your hair cascaded against the pillows around you forming a halo-like effect in your stature. Did this mean you were quite literally an angel? His angel? The thought made him hold onto you tighter, you felt it and it made you kiss his lips tenderly.
‘’Hm, so beautiful, so frustrating.’’ He mumbled and you giggled at him.
God, he was so good. He was the best at what he does and he was able to make you feel so safe in his arms and in his presence. A few thoughts occurred to you as you fell into his chest, inhaling his scent as your eyes went heavy. You felt happy. Your dark thoughts were quelled as his fingers traced around your skin. It was like you could see a future where you weren't constantly looking over your shoulder waiting for the other shoe to drop. You...deserved this
But you couldn't have this and your job.
Not now.
You'll think about the consequences later. Right now, everything is just him.
It felt as though Hotch's ears were ringing.
A dull, screeching sound awakened him from the best night's sleep he's ever had, with you, here, next to him. Lying on his chest, breathing in and out, long lashes fanning your face perfectly. It felt too good to be true, for him to have you in his embrace. The ringing of his phone lighting up the bedside table made him sigh, he couldn't deal with this right now. Not this late or early, not when he had you in his arms- that was his priority right now. But he had a job to do, he couldn't give that up. You started to stir from your sleep as the phone continued ringing.
‘'Aaron...phone.’’ You mumbled. Hotch reached for the phone and tried to act as if he had been awake for hours but in reality, he was twisted in bedsheets with his colleague.
‘’Agent Hotchner.’’ He answered as he put the phone to his ear, his grip on you becoming tighter than before.
‘’Agent Hotchner, this is Erin Strauss. We have an issue.’’ Aaron's brows furrowed and his face hardened, why was Strauss calling him at this hour? Your eyes blinked open as he looked up at Aaron, he was wearing his serious face
‘’Alex Wall. He escaped from prison an hour ago and he's already killed again. Washington P.D has no leads and they need the BAU back.’’
‘’I'll be right there.’' He replied flatly but his blood was burning cold and his heart was thundering within his chest, he wasn't sure if you could feel it.
'’Aaron, what's wrong?’' You gazed up at him.
‘’We need to go.’’
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peachyloveswriting · 1 year
Could we get some…..silent treatment headcanons for knives? Like maybe he says something mean or does something mean to the reader and since shes a sassy lady shes like “ok fine! You wanna be that way?” And gives him the silent treatment until he gives her a genuine apology! Shes moving away from him when he sits/stands next to her, avoiding affection from him, stuff like that!
If you dont wanna write that, thats totally fine! I just 1) love soft knives 2) love the way you write him & 3) wanna see what he does when she ignores him for being a meanie head!!
Headcanons? I’m sorry I need you to speak up…oh…I’m afraid I don’t know what those are love~
Silent Treatment…huh? — Millions Knives
Summary: Knives yelled at you during one of his temper tantrums and this resulted in you giving him the silent treatment. Now he’s confused and upset.
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“Why aren’t you speaking to me?” Knives voice raised to the lightest degree, wavering anger present in his voice.
You’ve been doing this, this silent treatment all day. He’s tried to talk to you but you ignore him or move to a different room entirely. No he had you cornered in his bedroom and alone. He wanted answers.
“I’ve been trying to speak to you since last night and you won’t even look at me!” He gestured with his hand as he walked closer to you. You only stared at the window in silence.
“I don’t understand if you’re angry at me or if I’ve done something but it’s no reason to not speak to me. Stop being childish and work the problem out instead of treating me like this.” His words came out as a plea. Buried in frustration his voice strained, yet firm.
You still didn’t reply or even look at him. Knives felt defeated, frustrated. Your company and mindless conversations were the only thing he seemed to enjoy. You pulled him away from his mind when he played his songs and you gave him things to think about other than his stupid hatred. For you to ignore him, hurt.
Softly, hands grabbed your hips and pulled you back. He pulls you to him, his chest pressed against your back while his lips brushed against your ear. His hot breath tickled your skin as he spoke.
“Tell me, My Flower, what have I done to upset you.” He says gently. Your heart flutters from the closeness and the way he holds you from behind, yet you still don’t speak. “Please don’t ignore me.”
Soft kisses trail from your jaw to your shoulder, soft and warm. It sends shivers down your spine as one of his hands further wraps around your waist, holding you against him. “I’ll fix any problems you have, Petal. Say the word and your wish is my command.” He softly nuzzled his face into your neck occasionally trailing it with kisses.
You finally broke, a sigh leaving your lips as you placed your hands over his and spoke. “Last night, when you were angry. You remember right?”
He lifts his head, his eyes watching you curiously. You spin around in his arms to face him. “Yes. I remember.” His brows furrow with wonder as he listens closely.
“You yelled at me. I don’t remember what you said but it pissed me off.” You admit.
His eyes flicker with darkness for a moment before he places a soft kiss on your forehead. “I never meant to yell at you.” He places another on your nose. “That’s no excuse.” He kisses your cheekbone. “Let me make it up to you.” Then your lips.
Knives pulls away with a soft, desperate look in his eyes. He holds you gently as you chuckle and smile up at him. Just seeing you smile warms his chest. “Sure. Please don’t do that again.”
He immediately cupped your face with his hands. “I swear. I’ll never let it happen again.” He places another kiss on your lips. Soft and meaningful, before he tugs you with him towards the bed.
“Come. I’ll make sure you feel better.”
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bagopucks · 1 year
T. Zegras - It’s An Off Day
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Trevor Zegras x Reader
Word Count: 2.7k
Warnings: Itsy bitsy fighting, jokes and implication of sex
I rewatched the Sandbaggers video today with Zig and Coley, and I swear it kills me every time. Biz is a national treasure. Nothing beats his missed swing in the vid with Sid and Nate tho. Quinn Hughes request is getting posted tomorrow too!
Everybody talks about the female menstrual cycle. Everybody knows it’s not always the most delectable, and how the hormones affect your mood and body in many ways.
Nobody discusses the male hormonal cycle though. The twenty four hour rise and fall of testosterone, that can dictate how a man handles their day. For most guys, it’s not really an issue. It’s nothing compared to a woman’s monthly schedule, but that isn’t to say things don’t go off track every once in a while.
The Ducks have hit a losing streak. I’ve seen it before, it’s not the first one, but this one seems to bother Trevor the most. I can’t tell why, I just know it has. He stresses a lot when he’s in these bad times, and that stress has always messed with his head, but now it seems he’s all over the place. He’s skipped out on workouts scheduled, slept in more, and his appetite is barely existent. When he does eat, it’s a shit ton, but it’s usually only once a day. His body going from a strict routine to an absolute mess has taken a toll, but it’s also made those hormonal cycles incredibly out of tune. It makes him irritable in the mornings if I text him too early, and careless in the evenings if something gets too difficult to do.
And the worst part is that he’s not the only one in the midst of a ‘cycle.’ We’re both moody, and we’re both out of tune. It’s hard for him to say something I don’t get mad at, and even harder for me to not yell at him when he’s being difficult. I knew the rubber band was going to snap, I just didn’t think it would be so soon.
It’s the middle of the day when Trevor shows up at my place. I’d asked him to come over for a bit, hopeful that we could try and work in a night of relaxation, but the lack of communication of our own issues was making it extremely hard.
“Hey, babe.” He sounded so exhausted when he stepped through the front door. I don’t know why it made me so angry.
“You didn’t have to show up if you didn’t want to.” I called from the dining room table, assuming he’d come and find me. My face was down in a computer screen anyway, working on a college essay.
“Who told you I didn’t want to come?” His tone is defensive. I couldn’t blame him. We’re both going through our own things. But in the moment? In the moment it pisses me off that he doesn’t hear how he sounds.
“Trevor you sound like I’ve been hounding you all day to be here. I only asked you once.” I snapped right back, finally hearing the sound of shoes being kicked off and the front door being harshly shut.
“You asked me once and I came. Why would I not want to be here? I’ll tell you what makes me want to leave,” Trevor stomped right into the dining room. He stopped in the doorway. “That attitude right there.” He pointed at me, and god if he didn’t sound like a chastising mother in that moment.
“God- Trevor!” The exhaustion laced in my own tone outweighed the anger. I dropped my head into my hands before lifting it to look at him. I stopped. He looked about as shitty as I did.
His hair was a mess, and he had bags under his eyes. I noticed a red spot on his cheek I knew would turn into a pimple soon, but I had a few on my forehead anyway. It seemed Trevor noticed my own state as well. We were both wearing sweats and t-shirts. I had on one of his Ducks shirts, and he wore a plain black one. We both looked like we needed to be baptized in sleep and energy drinks.
My expression softened. Silence overtook the room. I sighed. “Off day?” My question caught Trevor off guard, but the tension seemed to melt away from his body in an instant. We weren’t fighting, we just weren’t communicating.
“Yeah,” he nodded, his gaze falling to the floor. I shut my laptop and slowly got up, crossing the room to meet him in the doorway.
“Me too.” I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, and Trevor snaked his own around my hips.
“We’re both having shitty days.” Trevor managed a somber smile. “Imagine that.”
“How about a bath? Then maybe some face masks?” I reached up to smooth my finger over the red bump on his cheek, causing him to pull his head back and mumble an ‘ow.’ Sure, the skin could be sore when a pimple was first forming, but not /that/ bad.
“Don’t be a baby.” The irritation was evident in my tone. Trevor smiled again.
“I love it when you’re moody.” A minute ago, I could have sworn he did not love it. “Here.. let me carry you.” I didn’t bother to argue, instead I jumped when he asked me to, and allowed him to carry me bridal-like down the hall to my bedroom and into the bathroom.
“Trevor your hand is digging into my side,” I complained softly before he put me down.
“Chill out.. I just didn’t want to drop you.” He turned away to grab towels before he could see the daggers I was glaring in his direction.
I gently pushed him out of the way to grab my own towel, shaking my head at his behavior.
“Alrighty then..” Trevor muttered, pulling his shirt off and tossing it onto the floor.
“You know where the hamper is.”
“Goddamn. I’ll pick it up after.” He was tense again, I could tell.
“No, Trevor. Pick it up now. You always say after and then you forget.” I turned to look at him, tossing the towel I had down on the counter.
“Well I won’t forget this time!” He raised his voice slightly, defensive once again.
“Yes you will! Just like Jamie gets on you about leaving your car keys everywhere!” I matched his tone, resting one of my hands on the counter to lean on it.
“That’s different!”
“Alright, then what about the towels? And bowls right beside the kitchen sink? What about all the times you pull my books off my shelves and never put them back? Is all that different too?” I snapped, awaiting a good excuse that I had yet to hear.
Usually I wasn’t this hard on Trevor. I didn’t know what all went on in his mind, but he did try his best not to leave things around. He’d improved since we first met, but sometimes things simply distracted him, and he always apologized and felt sorry when I pointed it out to him.
Trevor wasn’t having it this time though. This was a fight now.
“You’re so bitchy!” He leaned over to grab his shirt, storming out of the bathroom after and pulling it back on.
“Yeah? I’m not the one throwing a tantrum right now, Zegras!” He paused to turn and look at me, uncertain of the implications behind his last name. His brow was furrowed, silently asking where I got the audacity.
“You don’t even listen. Forget this.” I followed him all the way back down the hall and to the front door. I watched as he put his shoes on, an overwhelming sadness eating away at my heart.
Trevor turned to look at me, hopeful to get one last dig in. He stopped when he noticed the tears in my eyes.
“Just fucking leave, Trevor.”
I didn’t want him around any more. It was clear we couldn’t coexist when we both had our own issues going on. He looked defeated, and even guilty, but he left nonetheless.
I retreated back to my bedroom after, crying silently all while telling myself it was my fault, and angrily blaming him. I drove him away, but he put the nails in his own coffin. Who knew when he’d text or call, or ask to see me again. He may never. I didn’t expect him to return at any point that day. And I certainly didn’t expect it to be within a few hours.
By the time the sun began to set, the tears had slowed, and I was able to make myself dinner. I sat on the couch, my laptop on the coffee table with a plate full of dumplings in my lap. Scream was playing on the tv, somehow ironically managing to calm me. I heard a soft knock on the door, but I was hopeful whoever was there would leave. My hopes however, were unfulfilled. I heard the lock jingle before the door opened. I looked up to see Trevor standing there, two grocery bags in hand and an innocent look on his face as he froze.
We stared at each other for a moment, uncertain of the other’s feelings, before he finished walking inside and shut the door.
“You just keep doing your thing. I won’t bother you.” Trevor spoke. It was all I needed to go back to my laptop and my work. Trevor ventured off into my dining room, and I heard him settle at the table before silence filled my apartment again.
Five minutes passed before I heard a clicking noise. I paid no mind. I spotted Trevor in the corner of my eye, entering the room at a slow pace. A sneaky pace. It pissed me off just knowing he was up to something.
He sat in the arm chair across the room by the window, dropping a stack of paper on the floor and two pens, as well as the grocery bag. I was still unaware of what was in it. He pulled his phone out, and eventually I stopped paying any attention to him. I just got through the end of a paragraph on my essay, moving my plate to the coffee table when I heard a pop. Then I felt something hit me in the chest and land in my lap.
My brow pulled together in confusion as I looked down to see a little blue dart with an orange tip. Oh my god I’m gonna kill him
“Trevor.” I looked up at him, brow furrowed. He gestured toward the dart. I looked back down, rolling it in my hand to see a white piece of paper taped to it. I looked back up for a moment, questioning his antics, then I made quick work of peeling the tape and paper off the dart.
I flipped the paper over, noticing Trevor’s handwriting immediately.
I’m really sorry about today
My heart fluttered, I heard the rustle of the grocery bag, and when I looked up, Trevor presented me with a second gun, and a few darts of my own. We met in the middle of the floor to make the exchange before retreating to our opposite ‘trenches’. He even provided me with a few pieces of paper and the tape to make my own message.
I jotted one down quickly, taped it to my own dart, and loaded my gun before firing. Reluctant smiles painted both our lips as Trevor grabbed the dart. He paused for a moment, turning to glare up at me when he noticed the copious amount of tape I used. He wasn’t going to be forgiven without a little hassle.
Once he got the note off, and all the tape off his fingers, I watched his expression contort from frustration to relief.
That’s okay. I shouldn’t have been so mean either
Trevor got a piece of paper to write another note, and I tossed the tape over to him. He seemed to be wrapped up in a long message, and I smirked when an idea came to mind. I loaded a blank dart into my gun and aimed, firing and trying to hide my snickers when the foam bullet popped him right in the forehead.
Trevor immediately looked up at me, laughing out a soft, “hey!” Seeing him smile again made me sigh. We’d be okay.
“Took too long,” I responded sheepishly, setting my gun down on the couch. “I want you to talk to me, Trev. Come over here.” He set his own gun down, quickly coming to my side and sitting on the couch next to me.
“What were you busy writing over there?”
“I uhm..” he paused, leaning back against the couch. “That I love you.. and I don’t want you to be mad at me for the way I treated you. I know it was shitty, but there’s a lot going on right now and.. I guess I just forgot to leave the anger at work.” He sounded so disappointed in himself. I reached out to grab his hand.
“It’s okay, Trevor. Really. I didn’t mean to get so short with you today either. Just seems like we’re both having our own issues right now. But we should be each other’s lifelines, yeah? We can’t go taking everything out on one another.” Trevor nodded in agreement, looking up to meet my eyes. “I love you too.. I know things have been hard. Just please talk to me when you’re frustrated, okay?”
“I will.” I reached up to brush a few of his Sandy locks out of his face. “But you have to talk to me too,” he added, wanting me to know he was always there as well.
“You never really gave me a chance today.” I responded, watching the guilt return to his features as he swallowed thickly. “It’s okay,” I assured. “I don’t think I gave you much of a chance either.” I squeezed Trevor’s hand.
“Okay.. so.. so tell me what’s wrong.”
“School. I’m behind on this essay. My period just started.. and my boyfriend’s moody.” I made sure to tease, hoping to lighten the mood as a shy smile overtook my face. Trevor scoffed, but I could tell it wasn’t a mean one.
“Your turn.”
“Alright… well.. the Ducks suck,” always one to tell it like it is. “I feel like I can’t feel a single emotion for more than two seconds.. and my girlfriend’s on her period,” he paused, leaning forward with a cheeky smile. “And I’ve done nothing to help her all day.” I knew he was only trying to flatter me, but it worked. He pressed his lips to mine for a moment before pulling back.
I rested my hands on Trevor’s shoulders and leaned back onto the couch, our smiles widening as he climbed on top of me.
“We’re just a couple of moody adults then, aren’t we?” I teased, humming as Trevor reconnected our lips.
“Can we be horny adults too?” He asked as he pulled back, causing me to swat his shoulder with a laugh.
“That was cycle day one, bud. I’m afraid you missed it.”
“Aw, damn.. really?” Trevor sounded as bummed as I would have expected him to be. It made me laugh. “Can you reschedule? Talk to your body and let it know I’ll be back to try again tomorrow.”
I laughed once again, squeezing Trevor’s shoulders and shaking my head.
“That’s not how it works, hun.” I let him down easy, giggling at his playful frustration.
“Alright, well when’s the next one?”
“If it stays on schedule, you’ll be on the road for the next one.” I tried to hold in my laughter, knowing he wouldn’t be too thrilled about it.
“Seriously?” His voice raised, and I snickered. “I mean- a guy can’t even catch a break! You think you’ll be in the mood sometime in between?”
“Trevor,” I laughed at the way he spoke about it, so formal. “I’ll know when I know.”
“Nope. I have to know three to four business days in advance. Does anything speed up the process of getting you excited?” He was asking as if we haven’t done it a million times before.
“Shut up, Trevor.” I moved a hand from his shoulder to gently push his head. He laughed, that breathy awkward laugh that always made me smile. Trevor leaned in for another kiss, this one a bit more passionate than the first. He nipped at my bottom lip before I gently pressed a hand to his cheek, pushing his head back.
“I can do one minute in advance…”
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dabislittlemouse · 11 months
For your 2k Event (CONGRAAAAATS ❤️!!!):
Pls indulge meeee..... "Stay." + Dabi (if you know you know, hehehe)
I love your writing, and I'd love to see what you come up with.
THANK YOU SO MUCH🥹💕 I hope you enjoy this (greatly inspired from your masterpiece of a fic)
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Dabi came back to the hideout late again. The scent of burnt flesh and smoke along with heat radiated off him, you saw he’d overdone it again. You stood up from your seat, approaching him though he simply ignored you, going upstairs as if he was in a hurry.
“Hey!” you called after him but were met with silence. What’s up with him lately?
Rushing upstairs, you headed to his room. Dabi was standing in front of his dirty mirror, shirtless, while staring at his body. You shivered while looking at the new burns that appeared on his once healthy skin on his back, it looked painful. His face was expressionless, as if he was studying his own doing and contemplating whether it was good or bad.
“..you okay?” you whispered.
“Does it seem like it?” he grumbled and you swallowed nervously. He sounded pissed off, but at the same time exhausted.
“Right..lemme grab the lotion” you said without asking further questions. You heard him say in distance ‘no need to’ but you simply ignored it. Dabi just loved to decline help when he clearly needed it. When you came back to his room he was sitting on his bed, elbows on his knees and his face resting on his hands, looking down on the floor.
Something was bothering him, it was clear as day.
Without saying a word you went behind him, applying the lotion on his new burns, which earned a hiss from the man. You apologised though he knew you had no fault. You both stayed there for a couple of minutes without talking at first.
“Burned down a forest.” he suddenly said, the tone on his voice holding that nonchalance as if he’d done the most casual thing a normal person could do.
“Oh..” you frowned. “Why?”
You hummed as you began to massage his shoulders slowly and carefully to not hurt him. He let out a soft grunt, as he let himself relax in your hands. It was kind of unusual for Dabi to talk when he was moody, but with you he felt like he could talk a bit more.
“Did something or someone make you angry?” you asked softly, continuing to help release the tension off his shoulders.
“Mmm.. someone” he whispered. “Always the someone that’s fuelled my anger since the beginning”
You raised an eyebrow at his answer, wondering who this person might be that drove him so mad. It was probably someone who affected him deeply, to the point he became who he is today. Someone he probably never forgives and wants to kill.
“…will you tell me who it is?”
“No” he cut you off, his answer short and sharp. You shut your mouth, nodding and not prying any further. Though deep down you were dying to know who it was, who made Dabi feel such emotions, such anger.
“I’ll tell you when the time is right” Dabi said again, as if reading your curious thoughts.
After being done with everything, you looked over his back once again to check if the treatment was good.
“Okay I think I’m done. I’ll just uhh.. go now. Sorry for bothering you” you said, preparing to leave. But his scarred hand touched yours, stopping you there and preventing you from leaving. It was warm and it gave you tingles. Dabi had never touched your hand like this before.
You gulped down and looked at him confused. He had the softest look in his eyes and you had to blink twice to make sure this was real. That stare made you feel fuzzy and warm inside.
“Stay” he whispered.
You didn’t know but to him you were the only source of comfort and peace of mind. You had no healing quirk, but for some reason your presence was able to heal him from the inside and make him feel alive.
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ggwritesstuff · 2 years
heyyy i have this request for like 1970 elvis or something like that, or basically any one you feel like writing for … can you do a fic where elvis and the reader are together and right before a show they’re basically like begging for him but he has to go on and the reader gets upset and frustrated and so they let someone flirt with them in the crowd during the show and they can tell he saw them bc he started acting really different and sarcastic on stage and then afterwards he gets really jealous and basically drags you to his car on the way back home and while you’re in the car he does like one thing like maybe getting really close to them in the car with like a rough, angry voice and the reader has an orgasm and he acts differently than you’ve ever seen him and when you get home he does like everything to you bc he knows he’s the only one who can ever truly please you???
pairing: elvis x reader
warnings: absolute filth. smut. 18+ mdni. reader is a major brat. elvis has a jealousy kink problem. some degradation. elvis is a major tease. mild fem masturbation. some face fucking. creampie lol. a little bit of elvis being in his feelings. one tiny mention of infidelity. prob missing some so as always please read at your own discretion <3
a/n: 70s elvis does absolutely sinful things to me. i am a whore. thank u anon. i am sweating. i am feral. this is very long. like i said my smuts are always slow burns for some reason lol. i think this is the filthiest thing i have ever written. it got a bit fluffy at the end.
a/n part 2: i don’t proofread or else i’ll delete everything and never write again lol enjoy and pls excuse any errors. feedback is always encouraged, and i hope i did your idea justice anon <3
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You felt pathetic.
You were pathetic.
But you couldn’t help it. He just had this affect on you that made you feel like a bitch in heat.
You basically had him pinned against the door of his dressing room, your legs wrapped around his torso and holding on for dear life while your face was nuzzled into the crook of his neck. The angle made it so easy to reach that one spot on his neck you knew he couldn’t resist giving into.
“E.P., five minutes ‘til curtain, let’s move.” A stage hand knocked on the door.
“Darlin’ please, I gotta go, alright?” Elvis pried you off of him, setting you back on your feet. “I love how much you want me, baby, but I can’t be goin’ out there as hard as a rock and end up messing another suit.” He joked, alluding to the incident of his comeback special.
“Fine, go.” You huffed, your sexual frustration seemed to get the better of you in the moment.
“Don’t be catchin’ an attitude with me. I’ll take care of you later, I promise.” He said sternly, cupping your cheek with his hand to pull you in for a quick kiss before running out of the room, only a minute to spare until the show began.
You were pissed. You know you shouldn’t have been, but you couldn’t help it. He always left you such a desperate mess for him, you were starting to think he got off on denying you.
His dramatic introduction echoed throughout the area. You turned to the mirror behind you to fix yourself up before you headed out to watch him perform. You stopped at the bar for a drink before going to your table, lord knew you needed one to keep your composure for the next hour.
Vodka soda in hand, you made your way to your seat to join the rest of the Memphis Mafia. You watched from the crowd as the man you adored moved in ways that created thoughts you were sure would bar you from the gates of heaven. You were entirely hypnotized by him.
He knew damn well what he was doing to you, too. He glanced in your direction, locking eyes with you as he let out such an obscene grunt that gave you flashbacks to the night before. You felt a flutter between your thighs as you recalled those events.
It’s like you both were playing a game of chicken, waiting to see who would snap first.
Your arousal began to feel overwhelming, your cheeks burned up when you felt yourself clenching around nothing. You stood from your seat on weak, shaky legs and made your way back to the bar where it was a bit less humid. The bartender brought you another drink and you sat on the stool, turned around to continue watching Elvis on stage.
Suddenly, a tall figure appeared in your peripheral vision, taking a drink from the bartender. “How’s the show been?” He asked, subtly biting at his lower lip.
“Oh, it’s been good.” You said, not really paying him much mind.
“I’m Collin.” He extended his hand, inviting you for a handshake.
You were still so aroused by Elvis’s little torturous game that even a handshake from a man of average attractiveness set your nerves ablaze.
“Y/N, nice to meet you.” You looked up at him with innocent doe eyes, giving him the look that would have had Elvis bending you over the bar making you scream his name. You tried to push the thought out of your mind, focusing back on Collin.
You would never cheat on Elvis, though. This little back and forth with Collin was simply some harmless flirting. Just a little something to get Elvis riled up. You knew he was constantly scanning the room in search for you, you caught his eyes a handful of times in your conversation with Collin.
The night went on until the last song of Elvis’s set, his eyes were glued to you and Collin for the duration of it. You turned your head to meet his gaze, you’d never seen him as green with jealousy as he was in that moment. You decided it was time to head backstage before the song ended so you said goodnight to Collin, placing a hand on his broad shoulder as you walked away and practically having a staring contest with Elvis on stage. You already knew you were in for it tonight anyways.
You made your way backstage again, watching from the side as the curtain fell in front of Elvis. He rose from his kneeled stance and beelined right towards you.
“Let’s go.” He said sternly in your ear, his hand was placed on the small of your back, ushering you forward as he shouted a general goodnight to the crew. Security opened the back door for him and he lead you to the car, opening the door for you.
“What the hell was all that at the bar?” He asked as he climbed in. He was trying to keep his composure but you could see right through it. He was furious. You had him right where you wanted him. You shrugged in response as you tried to keep your lips from curling into a smirk, but he saw right through that.
“That’s how you want this to go tonight?” Elvis raised an eyebrow at you. “Y’know, baby, I was gonna go real easy on you tonight. I was gonna make love to you.” He placed a hand on your thigh, squeezing it harshly as he started the car. “But I don’t think that’s what you want. I mean, why would my angel go and act like a little slut if she didn’t want to be treated like one, right?”
You were already soaked when he swiftly shoved two long, calloused fingers in you. The sudden feeling of fullness caught you off guard, but it was more than welcomed. Your back arched away from the seat and a high pitched whine escaped your lips.
He chuckled at your reaction, curling his fingers inside you and turning you into putty in his hands. “Fuckin’ drenched. This for me or for the guy you were makin’ googly eyes with at the bar, huh?”
“All for y-you, El. Been soaked all night cause of you.” You admitted, clinging to the seat for stability as Elvis continued to work his fingers in you as he drove home, his other hand gripping the steering wheel until his knuckles went white. He was pissed, and you couldn’t have been more turned on.
Elvis threw the car in park as soon as he pulled into the driveway. He stepped out and walked around to open your door because he’s still a gentleman despite his jealousy fueled rage and the ever tightening of his pants as his own arousal grew. Without words, he offered his hand to assist you in getting out of the car.
Once you were on your feet, he stopped you before you could walk inside. “Here’s how this is gonna go, darlin’. You’re gonna take those panties off and give ‘em to me. You’re gonna walk inside and I’m gonna take that cute little dress of yours, and you’re gonna go wait on the bed for me.” Elvis explained. You were a bit shocked by this level of dominance from him. He always had a bit of a dominant edge to him in the bedroom but this was different. It was exciting.
“Yes, sir.” You said quietly, biting on your lower lip.
“Panties now, please.” He demanded, holding his hand out as he waited for you to peel them off and place them in his hand. He toyed with the fabric between his fingers, feeling just how damp you had been all night. “What got you all wet and needy, princess?”
“Just watching you all night.” You breathed out as he ushered you in the house and unzipped your dress, letting it fall to the floor. Before you could go upstairs to wait for him like he said, he grabbed you by the waist and pulled you flush against him. He went in for your neck, and instead of the sensual kisses you were used to, you felt his teeth biting at the skin, letting your blood rise to the surface and coloring your skin, drawing a moan from you.
“Upstairs. I’ll come up when I come up. No touching.” He stated, calm yet still stern. A light smack on your ass nudged you upstairs.
Now upstairs and waiting like he said to, you debated with yourself on whether you wanted to be good for him or be a brat. You were still a bit annoyed with him for leaving you all hot and bothered before the show. That was enough to make up your mind. Brat it was.
With your mind now made, you got yourself comfy on your shared bed, legs spread wide as you disobeyed Elvis’s order not to touch yourself. You wanted to push his buttons a bit tonight, and you were desperate for any stimulation you could get. You trailed your fingers down to your core, gathering some of your wetness and gliding a finger around your clit. You almost could have came right there from how turned on you were. Quietly at first, whimpers tumbled from your lips, but your volume increased as your pleasure did.
Elvis’s footsteps were heavy coming up the staircase, you could hear him grumbling something under his breath until he reached the bedroom. “My god, you’re like a bitch in heat. Too damn turned on to keep your hands outta that pussy.” He scolded, you could only moan in response to his degrading words as you watched him remove the robe he had changed into after sending you upstairs. Standing only in his boxers, he made his way over to you on the bed, taking your hand away from your clit and prohibiting any further pleasure for the moment, ignoring your whining protests.
“Kneel on the floor, gonna put that mouth to good use.” He ordered, pulling his cock out from his boxers and giving it a few strokes while you assumed your position at his feet with your mouth open. “Look at you, such a good slut for me.” Elvis marveled at the sight beneath him, tangling his fingers in your hair as you took as much of him in your mouth as you could. “Fuckin’ shit.” He groaned out as the warmth of your mouth enveloped him as much as possible. With hollowed cheeks you continued to take him as deep as you can, gagging around his length when he hit the back of your throat.
“Hold on-“ He muttered, stilling your movements. You stared up at him with those doe eyes that drove him to the brink of insanity with his cock still in your mouth, running your tongue around whatever surface of skin you could. “Shit, doll- Lemme fuck your pretty face.” He managed to get out. You gave him a slight nod allowing him to use you as he pleases.
Just like that, he was animalistic. He used your hair as leverage as he mercilessly thrusted himself into your mouth, relishing the feeling when you would swallow around him. Strings of profanities left his plump lips before pulling out, his tip left your lips with a small pop. You whined at the loss, but he brought a hand to cup your cheek, gently stroking your face with the pad of his thumb and sucking on it when he ghosted it against your lips.
“C’mon, up on the bed.” Elvis offered his hand again to help you up from the floor. He sat you down on the silky soft bedsheets, resting his hand on your thigh once again. “Tell me something- you ever think about goin’ and finding another man?” He asked, laying you down gently.
“No, sir. Just want you.” You confessed, beginning to squeeze your thighs together for some sort of friction as your desperation continued to grow.
“Why is that, doll? You love me?” Elvis asked, sneaking his hand down to pry your legs apart, letting his fingers drag themselves through your folds and smirking to himself at the feeling of your wetness and the way you writhed under his touch. “Or is it cause you know ain’t no other man can make you this messy just barely touching you?”
Something about that question did something to you. He was right. He knew he was right. This man could play you like a fiddle without even touching you. “B-both.” You stuttered while Elvis indulged himself in toying with your pussy that was now unbelievably sensitive due to how aroused you were. You were already overstimulated, seemingly just by his mere presence.
“Tell me, mama. You tell me I’m the only one who could make you cum just by listening to me gruntin’ and groanin’ up on stage and I’ll give you the world.” He said sweetly, teasing his middle finger at your entrance before filling you with it and making you cry out.
His demeanor had softened compared to earlier, he was calmer, not as angry. But he was still jealous that you had given Collin more attention than you did to his show, and this was his way of getting the reassurance he craved. This was how he was finding the security he feared losing.
“The only one, Elvis, please.” You were begging for more at this point.
“That’s right, mama. ” He cooed in your ear, removing his fingers from you and positioning himself between your legs that were now shaking. Elvis lined himself up with your entrance, enjoying the sight and sound of you all strung out under him, all strung out for him, whimpering for him.
Without warning, he snapped his hips forward, plunging into you with a groan. You cried out as he filled you, hands instinctively flying to his back where your nails anchored themselves for stability as he rutted into you. His thrusts were desperate, it was almost as if he was trying to get even closer than just being inside you.
The last several hours you had spent so hungry for him were coming to a head, the coil in your belly had been wound up so tightly, you worried that he would have you cumming around him in less than two minutes.
“Don’t you ever go ‘round thinking you’ll get this feeling from another man.” Elvis said as he wrapped his hand around your throat with just enough pressure to dizzy you, filling you with ecstasy.
“All yours, El, I promise.” You panted while he fucked himself into you, muttering under his breath about his good little slut as he lost himself in between thrusts. His sweat dripped from his forehead and onto your chest, a slight sheen blanketed your breasts.
“That’s right, angel. All mine.” His thrusts turned sloppy as soon as he reached between your hot bodies to paw at your clit, you were squeezing his cock like a vice and he wasn’t sure he could last much longer.
He slowed his pace while he toyed with your clit, savoring the sensation of how you clenched up around him; it nearly sent shivers down his spine. The pressure and speed he applied to your clit combined with the way he was hitting that sweet spot within you with each stroke brought you right to the edge, verging on tumbling off at any moment now.
“l- fuck, I’m close-“ You managed to form the words, you could hardly recognize your own voice.
Elvis lifted his head from the crook of your neck for a moment. “Go ‘head, and cum for me, doll”. He allowed, increasing the speed of his thrusts again as he neared his own climax. “Cum for me like I’m the only one who can make you cum, cause that’s right, isn’t it?”
And oh god, did that do you in. His desire to be the only one for you. You clutched his strong arm as your orgasm tore through you; chanting his name like a prayer, like it was the only word in your vocabulary. Elvis was right behind you on that ledge, toppling over along with you. His hips stuttered in you as your walls contracted around him and he found his sweet, sweet release spilling inside you with a strangled moan. You rode your orgasms out together, his hips slowing as you squeezed around him, overstimulating him just a bit until he pulled out and collapsed next to you.
Your chests heaved in time, glistening with each others sweat as you caught your breath. Elvis regressed into a bit of a vulnerable state. “Don’t go pullin’ that shit again, darlin’. Can’t be letting my girl get swept away from me.” He mumbled into your skin as he nuzzled himself into your bare chest.
“I know, honey, I’m sorry.” You lovingly stroked his hair that was now laced with sweat. “You’ll always be the only one for me, I promise.” You reassured him with a kiss to his forehead. Elvis snaked his arm around your waist, beginning to drift off to asleep. You followed not far behind him, wrapped up in each other’s embrace.
This was safety. This was security.
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forever-rogue · 1 year
Hiii I love your writing this is my for time requesting I hope you like it
Shy!reader and Eddie have been dating for about a month. The reader only has one friend who goes with them everywhere. When meeting the hellfire club Gareth gets too friendly to the reader (or so Eddie thinks) Gareth and reader start talking outside of lunch and Eddie notices Gareth is getting flirty. Eddie gets jealous and pissed since Gareth knows the reader is his girlfriend why is he trying to get them. Eddie then stars being rude to Gareth,and more affectionate toward the reader. Eddie finds Gareth and reader talking on the side of the school and Eddie confronts them. They tell him that Gareth doesn’t like the reader he like their best friend and the whole reader as been giving Gareth tips on their best friend.
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AN | A little angsty miscommunication? Say no more 🥰
Warnings | Language
Pairing | Eddie x Fem!Reader
Word Count | 2.1k
Masterlist | Main, Eddie 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Eddie scowled as he watched you walk into the cafeteria and then promptly avoided him as you walked over to Gareth standing near the back of the room. Gareth had avoided him too, telling him that he had something that he needed to do during lunch. Eddie hadn’t realized that something involved you. The can he was holding was almost crushed in his hand as he kept his gaze trained on the two of you. 
“Everything okay?” Dustin’s concerned tone caused him to snap back into attention as he looked at the younger boy. He finished off the can before turning to chuck it into the nearby bin before nodding. 
“Everything is just fantastic, Dusty Bun,” he grimaced as he turned his face down towards his lunchbox, drumming his fingers against the cool metal. 
“Are you sure-”
“I’m positive,” he insisted, his tone sharp and grating. Dustin held up his hands in defeat and said nothing further. He exchanged a look with Mike and Lucas and neither of them seemed to have the answer either. 
Eddie would be fine, as soon as he found out why the two of you had been sneaking off together.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“Hey princess,” Eddie’s face relaxed when he saw you walking towards him after school. There was that sweet smile he adored on your face as you lifted your hand up in a small wave. As soon as you were within grabbing distance, he reached for you and pulled you into a warm hug, “ready to go?”
“Actually,” uh oh. The look on your face made his stomach jolt, “I’ve got a project I’m working on, so I’m going to stay a little today. I’ll just walk home later.”
“Oh,” he frowned, his suspicions slowly creeping up again, “well, I can wait. I don’t have anything pressing. That way you don’t have to walk home.’
“‘s alright,” you promised, giving his shoulder a gentle squeeze, “really. I don’t know when I’ll be done. I’ll let you know when I get home though, okay?”
“Are you sure?” his big brown eyes widened with worry but you nodded in response before leaning up to press a kiss to his cheek. He knew there was no point in arguing; you might have been shy and reserved but still managed to be fierce in your own way, “okay…well, I’ll talk to you later then.”
“Later,” you took a step back, the expression on your face was enough to make him melt as he watched you go, “see you soon, Eddie Spaghetti.”
“Bye princess,” your entire face warmed up at his affection as you turned around to head back to your locker. A soft groan escaped his lips as he watched you go. 
He leaned against his van, arms crossed over his chest in annoyance. Not at you - he couldn’t blame you for wanting to get work done. You were extremely smart and dedicated, it really wasn’t a big deal. He realistically probably should have come with you and done his own work. Eddie watched the path you had taken long enough until most students had dispersed and were gone. 
He was just about to leave when he spotted a familiar figure walking out of the back of the school. Gareth. Interesting…Eddie was sure he’d told him that he was going to leave right after school. He was going to question it and decided that the boy was entitled to his privacy…until he heard a familiar laugh - your laugh.
You fell into step with the other boy, the two of you talking among yourselves with smiles on your faces. His heart constricted before it felt like it plummeted into his stomach. You lied to him. You’d straight up said a bold faced lie right to his face. It instantly made him wonder what else you’d lied to him about. He watched as the two of you made it into the secluded spot in the woods that he often did his deals in. 
He could only wonder what the two of you were up to.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
It was late by the time his phone rang and Eddie was half tempted to ignore the call. But he could never do that to you; he knew if nothing else, you would show up at his house wondering if he was okay. With a reluctant little sigh, he answered the phone, “hello?”
“Hi Eddie,” your voice sounded the same as always, soft and sweet, practically dropping with honey, “sorry for calling so late. I got home and then got caught up with chores and stuff. I got home okay though…how was your afternoon, my love?”
“It was okay,” ugh. He couldn’t even be mad at you. You were too sweet…but that didn’t erase the worry that still settled in his stomach, “are you cheating on me?”
“I…Eddie, what?” you sounded so genuinely surprised that he was fairly certain that you weren’t just playing at the innocence. He swallowed the lump in his throat as you seemed to panic, “why on earth are you asking me that? I would never do that to you. I love you, Eddie.”
“I’m sorry,” he gnawed on the inside of his cheek, shaking his head at himself, “I didn’t mean…I know you’d never do that.” 
“Did I do something? To make you even that?” you twirled the phone cord in your fingers as your heart sank. You heard him shuffling around on the other end before he sighed lightly, “Eddie?”
“No,” it was only a…half lie. There was something you had done, but you weren’t privy to the fact that he was aware. But he always didn’t truly think you’d cheated on him or anything. He knew you’d never do that, “sorry baby. Hey, it’s getting late, I’ll let you go so you can get to bed, okay?”
“Sorry for calling so late,” you almost whispered, “I love you.”
“I love you too,” he promised before hanging up the phone. You weren’t cheating on him, he believed that much. But he also believed that there was definitely something going on. 
He was going to find out one way or another just exactly what it was. He would just have to pry it out of Gareth.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Eddie had been quiet for most of the day, which for anyone that had spent even a few minutes around him, was weird. Like really weird. But nobody said anything, almost as if they were afraid that he would explode if anyone stepped out of line. You weren’t sure what was going on with him either; he’d picked you up in the morning as he always did, gave you a kiss and even played your favorite mixtape. It all felt…off. 
At lunch it all seemed to come to a head when Eddie strutted into the cafeteria and made a beeline for Gareth. He offered up a smile, but it was so tight that you were surprised his face didn’t crack, “Gareth, my friend. Come with me - we have a few things to talk about.”
You peeked over from where you were having lunch with your best friend Emma, drawn to his presence like a moth to a flame. Your face fell when he seemed to zone in on the other boy, a dangerously neutral expression on his face. Gareth stood up, mumbling something to the older boy before both cast a glance at your table. You swallowed thickly and offered up a small wave as Emma’s expression only changed into pure confusion. 
“Wonder what’s going on with them,” she commented as the boys left the cafeteria. You shrugged and turned your attention back to your sandwich, “aren’t they best friends?”
“Mhmm,” you nodded, butterflies in your stomach as you wondered if he somehow had seen the two of you yesterday. Maybe that was why he’d asked you that question last night and why he was acting so strange. 
You decided not to worry about it just yet and gave Emma a smile. 
Outside, meanwhile, Eddie trekked over to a secluded spot with Gareth in tow. He stopped at one of the benches and turned around, a firm expression on his face. 
“What’s wrong, Eddie?” his voice was pitched up a few octaves and he wished he could slink away. It was obvious that something was going on…
“I know something is going between you and my girlfriend-”
“Eddie!” both of them froze at the sound of your worried voice as you popped up from around the corner. You hadn’t been able to take it and had to go and see what was going on. What was it that they said? Curiosity killed the cat? Well today it might just have killed you. 
“What are you doing here?” they echoed at the same, exchanging a look before they turned their attention back to you. 
“Edward, listen-”
“So there is something going on between the two of you!” he snapped his fingers before he looked back and forth at the two of you. Your mouth dropped open in purpose as Gareth made a small sound.
“No, there’s not,” you pinched the bridge of your nose as you shook your head at the curly haired metalhead, “I can’t believe you’d even think that!”
“What was I supposed to think, huh?” he huffed, glaring at Gareth, “the two of you were sneaking around together and then lying to me about it!”
“What are you even talking about?”
“I saw you sneaking off together yesterday at lunch,” your face warmed up and Gareth turned bright red, “and then I know you lied to me after school. You weren’t going to go and study at all. The two of you were hanging out.”
“Tell me I’m wrong,” he huffed but the two of you remained silent. He hadn’t been wrong and neither of you were about to lie to him. 
“Fine,” you sighed after a moment, “you aren’t wrong. We were hanging out-”
“But it wasn't what you were thinking.”
“I had asked her for help,” Gareth cut in and gave you a small smile, “because I really like Emma.”
“I knew it - I knew you like…oh,” Eddie’s cheeked pinked as he looked at you, standing there with eyebrows raised, and back at Gareth who seemed incredibly nervous, “you like Emma?”
“Yeah,” he admitted sheepishly, “and I was trying to figure out the best way to talk to her and maybe ask her out. So we’ve been working together to plan a little something. That was all.”
“Oh,” if there was ever a time Eddie wished the ground would open up and swallow him, it was right then and there, “so…there was nothing…between the two of you?”
“Of course not,” you threw your hands up in exasperation, “for someone so smart, you can be really dumb at times. I love you, Eddie. You and only you.”
“I feel dumb right now,” he groaned, “sorry man. I shouldn’t have just jumped to conclusions.”
“‘s alright,” Gareth insisted with a small smile, “and while I’ve got the chance, I’m going to try and talk to Emma!”
“Good luck,” you gave him a big thumbs up with a sweet smile as he ducked back towards the cafeteria. You turned your attention back to Eddie, “and you. Whatever am I going to do with you?”
“Tell me I’m an idiot?” he scratched at the back of his neck nervously, “and not break up with me?”
“You’re an idiot Eddie Munson,” you laughed softly, “but I’m never going to break up with you. You’re stuck with me for life. I hope you’re okay with that…not that you really have a choice.”
“Princess, I am more than okay with that,” he promised, reaching for your hand and bringing it to his lips so he could press a kiss to your knuckles, “you’re never going to let me live this down, are you?”
“Not a chance,” you promised with a big grin, “but I mean it, Eddie. I love you. So much. It’s always going to be you and only for me.”
“I love you,” he felt like he could melt into a puddle then and there, “forever and ever and ever.”
“And then some more.”
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drewsbuzzcut · 4 months
please do a part 2 to the angst!!
Warnings: minor angst, mentions anxiety, mentions people making comments, mentions nausea, some frustration from Mat, and I think that’s all
Displeasure rumbles in your stomach, making you feel sick as you pace around Mat’s apartment. You feel empty, though. The lack of kiss or just overall affection from your boyfriend makes you feel incredibly empty.
You fight with yourself, tooth and nail because why is this so hard for you? Why do you feel like you shouldn’t go on about your life just because of the noise strangers will make? In all truthfulness, you don’t care about what people think. You just want this day to be perfect for Mat. It seems like it’s too late for that.
You dial Mat’s number, feeling thankful that he answers your call within the first ring.
“I’m sorry, Mat. I didn’t want you to get any unnecessary heat from me being at the game, but I’m going to go anyway. I love you and I want to support you, especially for this game,” you blurt into the phone, heading downstairs to Liana’s car.
“Y/n, come if you want to or don’t. Like I said, I’m not going to beg you. I want you to be there because you want to be. I have to go, okay?” He says into the phone, acting stoic despite the hurt he feels.
He hangs up before you can muster up the right words to say to him.
Making it to the stadium isn’t a hassle, but walking through all the fans to get to your seat is draining. You listen to their murmurs and keep your head up while ignoring them at the same time. Some fans are nice and offer smiles or hellos, but you can’t avoid the harsh words from the ones who don’t care.
Throughout the game, you stay focused on just the game. You chug back a few beers for confidence and joke around with Liana. She’s amazing at taking your mind off what’s eating away at you.
You cheer when Mat scores, feeling an overwhelming sense of pride for your man. Although you know he’s mad at you, you act as if there’s nothing wrong. Not because you’re ignorant, you’d be naive to think he’s not upset or bothered, but because you know that you’re going to make it up to him.
Once the game is over and all the islander fans trudge down the steps and out of the stadium, you anxiously make your way to the waiting area outside of the locker room. Deciding to get the ball rolling, you walk to him once you see him exit the doors.
He sees you walk over to him, hands fidgeting due to nerves. Your steps are the pace of a snail. His chest heaves from exertion, but it makes your movements falter as he finally gets close enough to you. You go to say something, but he cuts you off by pulling you into him. His lips engulf yours, tongue prodding against your bottom lip for entrance. He inhales your air and you let his mouth take control over yours. Your orange, chrome nails dig into his shoulders, his hands grip your ass over your leather pants. His tongue dominates yours, sucking it into his mouth. You let out a moan as your body melts into his. You forget where you are for a while.
“I’m mad at you,” Mat pulls away and huffs.
“I know,” you whisper breathlessly, a hand pressed to your lips that are still tingly.
“I could barely even focus out there. I am so angry with you, but I was also worried. I didn’t kiss you goodbye. I didn’t tell you that I love you, or that I really wanted you here. Then we had to go fuck this game up. I’m so pissed off right now,” he tries not to shout, but you know he’s on the verge of screaming. The veins on his body start to pop out and he gets red from the neck up.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t want this day to be bad. I screwed everything up. I’m sorry. I promise I’m going to make things up to you,” you speak and take your time so your voice doesn’t crack.
“I think you should head out with Liana. Maybe you shouldn’t stay with me tonight. I’ll see you sometime tomorrow,” he says, voice strained and eyes trained on you.
You nod your head, blinking your eyes to stop your tears. You didn’t expect him to just out right forgive you, but you didn’t expect him to pull away.
“Okay. I- I’ll see you. Get home safe,” you whisper and take one last look at him.
You’re not even going to try to hug or kiss him. You would break if he pulled away from you.
Mat stands there and watches you walk away. The way your shoulders noticeably move up and down with every heavy breath you take makes him feel nauseous. He’s too angry about every little thing right now, and he didn’t want to end up taking it out on you. At the same time, he wants you in his arms. He wants you to make him feel better because you know how. You always make him feel better.
“Baby, stop. Please. Please. Don’t leave, stay here with me,” he runs up behind you, an arm wrapping around your stomach to pull your back to his chest.
He leans his head against yours, feeling your cool skin and smelling your signature perfume.
You turn around, wrapping an arm around his neck. You gently caress his face, nodding your answer to him. He smiles in relief, pressing his lip to yours. It’s much more gentle this time, but it’s exactly what Mat needs.
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bluexiao · 2 years
can i have hcs about genshin impact characters with a calm reader (reader barely shows emotions) If you didn't already.
Fluff, crack-ish, reverse comfort?
I’m making this calm/emotionless!reader with xiao & scaramouche bc i dont see a reason why not—
He thrives that you’re not as loud and boisterous as the others—well, especially specific ginger, but with that aside, he gets sort of pissed whenever you’re too calm when certain and rare situations arise when he’s the one who’s pissed 
And even more so when you can ease him down just by you remaining calm 
The power that you have over him is infuriating,,, but it does help him a lot in his work—to have someone by his side who knows a thing or two about remaining composed. 
If you’re being too calm to the point you’re emotionless, it sometimes frustrates him that he cannot read you. 
“Scara… don’t you think that this should be solved peacefully?” 
“You know I’m not like that, Y/n.” 
“Very well, you’re right.” 
He turns to face you to see your reaction, raising a brow, “Are you sure? I really am going to punish them… just for a simple thing.” 
“I tried stopping you, but you rejected me, so why should I question you any further?” 
“I… you shouldn’t be this calm…” 
“I shouldn’t?”
“I… nevermind. Take these freaks away, I’ll punish them next time.” 
He does test you a couple of times, just to somehow measure your patience, or really just waiting to tick you off. It’s both frustrating and amusing for him, but mostly because he doesn’t tolerate the fact that you can one-up him in anything. 
But nonetheless… he does feel proud most of the time. 
Because only he can rattle and make you stagger whenever he tries to tease you. That’s why it’s rather fulfilling whenever he gets to successfully tease you. 
He’s actually intrigued, and honestly, he likes you this way. 
May it be how you’re quiet at times or with the calm way you’re speaking to him, but nonetheless, he does not… mind… your company. Not that he’d ever admit that upfront.  
It’s difficult to read your mind, but most of the time it just leaves him intrigued how calm and sometimes unexpected you are. He had never seen any other human like you, regardless of how much time he had lived—after all, he did not really socialize a lot, more so to humans. 
“You—You’re… You’re different. Far too different from the other humans I’ve come across.” 
“So… does this mean I’m special, perhaps?” Your almost monotonous tone made him furrow his brows, keeping his stance with his arms crossed over his chest. 
He looks away—maybe even turns his face so you wouldn’t see the blush that spreads across his face, but he definitely did not know that his ears were of the same shade as the one he attempted to hide. 
He feels a sort of… fresh breath of air with you, a calming presence, a light amidst the darkness that surrounds him. 
But sometimes he does feel like he’s away from you, like even if you’re there, he feels as if you’re miles away, with how you could remain unaffected; even if he is being affected by his karma, or when he feels dirty after a night of demon slaying and you see him like this. 
He does admire you though—for being one of those who seems to have never minded anything about it. 
Even being with him. 
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Reblogs and comments are very appreciated!
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devilheartsblog · 5 months
Here’s Part 2 of some ideas I’m doodled for my Winx rewrite
Last post seemed to do better than I expected and I’m glad a few people enjoyed it. So here are some more things I want to work with.
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I like Artu and Roxy’s relationship but I would have also liked some backstory on them and more depth. Like Gantlos said “it’s just a dog”. How did Roxy get Artu? Is he adopted or bought? Is there a reason he doesn’t like anyone outside of Roxy and Klaus?
In my rewrite, yes. Abandoned as a puppy, a kid Roxy took him in after her mother left her dad unexpectedly. She basically raised Artu and he means a lot to her, but she never socialised him since she herself isn’t social with people (so while Artu may tolerate someone’s prescence he doesn’t like being touched or seen upclose). Roxy raising Artu is also why she gets pissed and earns her fairy form but doesn’t want the fairy gig since it ended up hurting her dog, because as a fairy the wizards are after her and Gantlos hurt Artu.
Speaking of Gantlos
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Gantlos my beloved you’re so fucking bland the only personality trait you have is having fucked up pointy hands and a cool hat <3
Ok in all honestly I like his apathy to animals and the Winx in general, but that also applies to the other wizards to some extent. At least you can say something about the other wizards; Orgon’s voice is top tier, Duman has really cool powers and design, Anagan’s banter with Flora’s entertaining. This one’s technically a headcannon I made cannon in the rewrite. I did my research btw.
Gantlos has a pretty intense fear of deers also called Elafiphobia, even asking Duman to not shapeshift into one. It’s pretty bad, seeing a deer gets him pretty close to a panic attack. I’m not going to spoil why but I’ll say it’s a consequence of the Great Fairy Hunt. In fact all the Wizards despite being the cause have been affected by the fairy hunt, either overall or because of a major event. Gantlos’ deer phobia is also why he doesn’t like/care about animals initially, I mean, why should he like them? Just cause they’re cute? Hah!
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Apart from Riven and Musa I hate the melodrama in season 4 it’s so shit. Since in my version Sky isn’t in the story cause king stuff, Mitzi is narratively cremated and Nabu doesn’t die, on top of planning to expand on Anagan and Flora’s relationship as rivals and Anagan “flirting” with her, it’d be weird for Helia to be like “eh”. Like even if Flora can hold her own I think he’d at least be a little concerned and annoyed at Anagan.
So yeah, Helia’s conflict is having a case of Impostor syndrome because Anagan’s a foil to him; confident, extroverted, confrontational, and actually bounces off of Flora really well. (Like, I don’t ship Anagan and Flora but the people who do I don’t blame them, it sounds more interesting) Even if Flora doesn’t reciprocate Anagan’s feelings, Helia feels inadequate and is anxious Flora will lose interest and might even break up with him since he’s the anti-social poet of the group. Timmy could even help after his confidence arc in Season 2. He’s not overprotective of Flora like wanting to fight Anagan since it kinda goes against his pacifism but the narrative doesn’t care about that as much as I do :/
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And lastly I think it’s be neat if we saw a more fleshed out dynamic between the Wizards, the best I can think of is when they’re protected by Syllia and Duman almost slips their plan to which Anagan says he’s being whoosy, Orgon complains about being protected by fairies while Gantlos is fine with it.
A lot of the rewrite is focused on fleshing out the wizards because I want complex villains grr, and they’re perfect for it. The Earth Fairies? They’re good but they’re dead in my rewrite soooo-
I like to think Orgon is pretty manipulative of them. Was he always like this? No, but he’s desperate to secure the disappearance of magic from Earth, and his manipulation gets worse and worse as the episodes go on, in the end being threats and guilt-tripping. He still cares but mostly how the wizards can be of service to the Black Circle. And yes Duman is his favorite because he has the best powers. Shapeshifting will always be OP and the best power in my heart.
Anyway that’s all folks. If I make a part 3 it’ll probs cover some other stuff like Jason Queen, which I like his character, it’s perfect for Musa’s development (until they made Bloom the fucking main singer like WHYYY) or perhaps talk about Klaus or Morgana, Tecna and Timmy and more about Nabu. Anyway I’ll go watch some more nostalgic minecraft videos and webtoon rants. See ya!
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