#like i’m storyboarding this shit in my head bro
sea-jello · 2 years
let me make you proud from the tangled series,,but it’s morro when he first left the monastery up to the caves of despair,,, about making wu proud,,,
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amoneki-ramblings · 9 months
and if you have time 002 Kaneki :) (I am asking everyone)
Let's go !!
002 | Give me a character & I will tell you
How i feel about this character: Ironically I cannot verbalize my thoughts about Kaneki coherently whatsoever. I need him dead. I need to hit him over the head with several hammers. I need him to let himself just relax and drink some coffee and read a good book. He sucks I hate him /affectionate he’s also so fucking cringe Jesus. For every coherent and analytical thought I have about the other characters I have none for Kaneki he simply. Is. He’s Kaneki he’s That Guy he brings me immense pain and he’s so self-destructive and he tries so hard and it Sucks /pos I need to stuff him into a blender
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Hmm oh boy I sure do wonder…Well, aside from the obvious I think Shuuneki could be very interesting when done right, and while I’m not as inclined towards their relationship romantically Hidekane definitely hurts my soul, especially thinking of them before everything went to shit for our poor protagonist
My non-romantic OTP for this character: I love his relationship with Hinami so much he’s such a good big bro :(( Even when he’s out trying to hunt down people and change the world he still sets aside time for her, but even then she’s so concerned for his wellbeing because she can tell how he’s Changed and how he’s pushing himself she just wants him to be happy and take a break :((
My unpopular opinion about this character: Hmmm not sure if I have any at the moment?? I’d agree with anything as long as it’s accurate to his character. Whether you love or despise this guy I will nod my head, I guess just don’t say he’s flawless, person/moral-wise, there’s a lot of good argument for why he can suck actually, but I feel like most people know that.
One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon: I remember seeing in the original storyboards for Root A that Shironeki and Kuroneki actually interact more. While I like how it was saved until the end in the original series (when they hugged) I wouldn’t have minded seeing more of it beforehand. Kuroneki is Shironeki’s doubts voiced back to himself, the more uncertain version of himself that he locks away, and Shironeki simply calls that part of him weak. It makes me miserable. I love it
my OTP: *whistles, looks away*
my cross over ship: Don’t think I have any
a headcanon fact: This is gonna be so random (read: projection) but Kaneki probably bites a lot of things. He bites pencils, he chews straws, he’s especially guilty of biting/chewing his hands/fingers and when he was a human it used to leave marks all over his hands. The hand biting problem gets even worse after the torture. If you put your hand in front of his face he’ll probably bite your fingers. Like a weirdo. He needs to be stopped (I say, fully supporting this behavior; let him be weird and a little unnatural :thumbsup:)
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gotatext · 1 year
location :   🚬 smoking area 🚬
time :   jude attempts to give angel advice in the wake of his evie drama.
featuring :  angel /  @dobits
angel reid
"i actually, like... really need your advice." maybe it's a hard left turn considering that since angel had joined jude over here they'd been mostly talking about obscure youtube videos and old memes. he cranes his head diplomatically. "or, well, not advice, but -- i dunno. maybe for you to talk me off the edge a little bit.
𝗷𝘂𝗱𝗲 𝗱𝗲𝗺𝗽𝘀𝗲𝘆.
it’s not often that people come to jude for advice. he’s shit at giving it, shittier at following it — everyone in casa had told him to stay the fuck away from jenny, angel included, and look where that had gotten him. something hardwired into him just wants to do the opposite of the things he know he should. “fire away, my guy…” jude mumbles sparking his cigarette, which had gone out without him realising. “why you on the edge? like one of those looney tunes characters running along and suddenly you look down and realise you’ve walked off the edge of a cliff?” it makes sense in jude’s head. the cliff is probably callie, and he’s just pootling along, suddenly the stability of it all ripped from beneath him, though he isn’t exactly sure why. “woman trouble messing with your head?”
angel reid
“dude — exactly,” angel scoffs some relief that jude can effortlessly describe the exact way he’s feeling, both appreciative and unsurprised. there’s a reason this guy’s his bestie in here. he’s got a rolling paper in his hands in lieu of a fidget toy, manipulating the corners inward and then flattening it straight as he tries to lasso up his thoughts. “yeah, but it’s not even my woman! evie, man. like, i told you about how i made her cry yesterday, right? well, then we talked again later on and… like, i kinda lost my temper.” not a proud moment, very much unlike him. it has angel raking his hair back from his face, a gesture chock full of stress. “i just got this bad feeling she’s gonna be spreading shit about me to save face. like, letting people know i’m a real asshole just to kinda cover up her trying the bombshell thing on me.”
𝗷𝘂𝗱𝗲 𝗱𝗲𝗺𝗽𝘀𝗲𝘆.
there’s a shorthand between the two of them, the shared kind of language you get on film sets when you work with the same crew day-in, day-out. even when a flick of a wrist could mean a number of things — want a coffee? shall i bring that light up? need a different lens? was that out of focus? — with certain people you’d just know and angel’s one of those people. jude’s never been good at speaking, tends to say too much or nothing at all, mouth so dry it suddenly feels like words won’t even form, but with angel their communication goes beyond speech, they just get each other. “you lost your temper?” jude clarifies, a single eyebrow shifting up an inch on his forehead. angel, the guy who meditates every morning, and seems as unflappable as an oak getting caught up in his feelings? wow. this place really does fuck with your head. “okay, but was it like, sexy anger or like you’ve genuinely pissed me off kinda anger?” not that it matters either way, he’s just trying to picture the scene, sketch out a storyboard of what went down on the H.M.S evangelical. “for what it’s worth, i don’t think anyone would believe you’re the twat,” jude shrugs, taking a drag of his cigarette, and leaning in so that angel can light his own roll up from jude’s. “i mean, she’s new here. we barely know her. whereas you’ve got a track record for being an absolute g. don’t sweat it, bro.”
angel reid
“yeah, man, it was, like, everything i said was sending me to the electric chair,” angel complains, dragging his tongue across the paper as he rolls it all together. lips press together bitterly if not thoughtfully. “nah, it was genuinely annoying.” a pregnant pause, he huffs a sigh and lolls his head back. “maybe a little sexy, but not really in a good way, y’know? it was, like, trouble.” and not because of the callie of it all - the whole interaction was pretty void of any real flirtation - but because it was the first time he felt like he didn’t have a handle on things in here. “yeah, maybe… thanks, babes.” the end of his smoke cherries off of jude’s and he inhales the tobacco. “it was giving me you-in-casa vibes. like, you make one mistake and you’re sorry, but everybody’s gonna wanna guillotine you anyway.”
𝗷𝘂𝗱𝗲 𝗱𝗲𝗺𝗽𝘀𝗲𝘆.
jude still hasn’t spoken to the bombshells one-on-one, but angel’s assessment has him shrinking even further from the idea of it. starting out in casa and having to graft his way into staying, it feels like he hasn’t had the opportunity to get excited for new bombshells in the same way longer-term islanders have, and now that bombshells are here, they’re not interested in him anyway. “i hate that shit,” jude sighs, shaking his head with conviction. “when you feel like every word out your mouth bein’ dissected, typing up public apologies in the notes app of your iphone, its like i need me a PR team in here stat.” honestly, he feels for angel, has found himself in those arguments where it feels like everything you say is petrol bomb straight to the face of making any meaningful connections. “that feels like the romi situation for fuckin sure, man.” there were days in casa when jude was certain he’d be on the next flight home, face crossed out like a cast member of traitors for thinking with the wrong head. “i won’t lie, i kinda love a fight? especially when they’re sexy. but you ain’t built that way. you’re mellow.” he’s lucked out that jenny and him are built the same way, thrive on drama even if it makes them anxious and sick to their stomachs, even if it has him up all night pacing the halls, it means this thing that they’re building is important enough that everything else becomes background noise.  “just speak your truth, though. that’s all you can do. a lot of revolutionaries get their heads cut off for saying shit. people only realise how right they were afterwards.”
angel reid
it’s not very funny, but angel has to laugh, mostly out of relief for someone finally validating his confusing feelings on the matter, albeit unspecific and uninformed. “dude, exactly. it’s, like, breaking my brain.” the pressure of the villa and the way a mistake can irreparably shift opinion of you is hard, angel doesn’t know how jude’s been able to come out the other side. self awareness, maybe. knows who he is, what he likes, and what he doesn’t. “yeah, i’ve heard,” he teases mildly, can’t help but point out that him and jenny have been indulging in their fair share of spats lately. at least they seem to be enjoying it. “you know, jenny told me she likes you.” there’s a smile on his face like he’s swallowed a middle school aged canary, next he’ll pass jude a note bearing jenny’s name in pink ink and spritzed with victoria’s secret midnight berry body spray. “like… she like likes you.” now angel’s just putting it on, exhales a smokey laugh. “it was funny, she was, like, trying to decide if i should tell you so or not. like, trying to be all ten steps ahead as if you aren’t obviously into her. i’m like, dude, he wouldn’t care so much if he wasn’t down for you.”
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So, Guiltrip! I finally watched it, in French, and it was pretty neat!
The Good:
Rose herself. Rose’s personality can be summed up as “sunshine who takes no shit and could deadlift a horse if she put her mind to it” and that’s always fun to watch. Pigella looks like a magical girl and that design is actually interesting for once, instead of the usual full-body disaster. Her power is cool!
The class is fun and enjoyable and spending more time with all most of them is always a good thing. They behave like actual teenagers and retain their personalities
Adrien is empathetic in this one. Like, sincerely empathetic. I’m a bit torn about this, but I would be lying if I said part of me didn’t like seeing it.
Expressive lighting in scenes not set outdoors! I like it when the show remembers that it can make full use of its being a visual medium to convey meaning.
The storyboarding is solid, the shot composition and blocking are nice, Christophe Yoshida is really good at placing characters in the frame.
The "apple” gag was genuinely funny. Just some good visual comedy in general.
Juleka’s character animation is really good in this one. Like, really really good.
Guiltrip is hella gonzo. I quite like it. I got strong Fantastic Voyage vibes from this sentimonster.
Nino is a selfless friend/boyfriend.
The effects animation when Rose’s optimism blows the bubbles away! It was a great-looking moment!
If you love Sad Noir, you’ll love this. He makes the saddest faces here, he’s really sad.
The Bad:
The structure and pacing is bizarre.
The rendering in “sunlit” scenes is, as often, not very good.
Nino is a selfless friend/boyfriend. He’s defined by the characters around him, he gets like 90% of his character traits from fanon. He’s just Adrien’s bro and Alya’s boyfriend, he’s nice, he likes movies and he says “dude”.
Bumping into each other as a romantic moment. We’ve had three seasons of that. I’m so tired.
The boiler room has always looked non-boiler-room-esque but man does it look non-boiler-room-esque.
Adrien is empathetic in this one. Like, sincerely empathetic. He’s too good at finding the right words and the proper attitude for someone who’s been sheltered for so long, it doesn’t really fit with how he behaved in many other episodes. I guess his writing is somewhat consistent in that he’s perfect therefore he behaves perfectly. Yawn.
Reflekta. Again. Boo. It doesn’t even stick with the difficulties Juleka is encountering.
Ha ha ha. Gratuitous Star Wars reference. Ugh. I crave the sweet embrace of death.
Some of the effects animation isn’t very good, like, the weird ooze splatter dissolves way too quickly. And that’s not gonzo.
“Fighting negative thoughts with positive thoughts” is a message you’d find in cartoons 20 years ago. “Don’t be sad, that’s not rad.” It’s a bit shallow and easy. Fortunately, Rose makes that bearable but still, that’s a little disappointing.
If you hate Sad Noir, you’ll hate this. I found his sadness really superficial, as is too often the case.
We go from this very touching moment between Rose and Juleka to "let’s punch the villains” with a slow action scene (which makes sense, they’re floating, but it doesn’t make it any less unexciting).
Wow, that lucky charm is really fucking stupid, huh?
Ha ha ha. Gratuitous Kaamelott reference. Ugh. I crave the sweet embrace of death.
I’m not a Kantian so the whole “good will” thing flies over my head.
Lila is doomed to be a background character for the rest of her existence on screen, isn't she?
The Ugly:
Nothing too egregious, really!
All in all, it was a good one! All episodes don't need to have super high stakes to be enjoyable! It could have been even better with a bigger focus on Juleka and Rose, and also by having Julerose be textual and not mostly relegated to subtext, but I can always dream.
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sustarces · 3 years
It's not even the queerbait thing- call me delusional but the whole "My happiness is *zoom on Reki*" was kinda enough for me; I didn't expect something explicit, so I take that as confirmation for renga canon and no, I do not accept criticism-, it's how after all the shit he did, Ad*m managed to emerge not in jail victorious.
Like, he assaulted at least two people, one of them a minor and multiple time, he harassed another minor again multiple time, he tried to kill the same minor he assaulted and the the one he harassed??
He did shady things with his company too and then?? When it seems that he will face the consequences of (some of) his action??
It was HIS plan all this time? Really? And Tadashi is going to forgive and forget the fact he risked jail for this man?? Because?? He called him HIS DOG FOR THE REST OF HIS LIFE??? AND HE B L U S H E D????
How we say here in italy, 'ttapost cumpa'? (Translation: are you okay? Like, in THE HEAD)
AND Langa that is all about "I want to show the man that bodily harmed two of my friend, one of the two twice, how skateboarding is so fUn!!". No, melted snow for brain, get the fuck a w a y from the psycho THANKS.
THEN, random plot things(??) in flash sequence: poor Shoadow and his broken heart, matchablossom bickering, the Miya scene??, Reki's sisters' skating, Reki'dad (hey, you, absolutely marginal character that doesn't even have a HD frame, o n e) , Langa&Mom randomly in Canada (or the dad is just buried in Japan, which I find extremely weird and unlikely), hot police woman transferred (my heart will forever remember you) and boh, Shadow-Manager Oka interaction???
It was just confusing, honestly: it felt like it was the initial state of the episode, sort of the storyboard that wasn't developed fully???????
I'm: confusion
And, one more thing, Reki's old friend? It was just a cute couple of frames someone drawed that made somehow in the story or it had some sort of meaning/sense and they just forgot about it?
Where is the scene in which they all communicate and say sorry to one another? Like, Miya and Reki especially?
It's just disappointing and I didn't not enjoyed it, especially for one of two scenes.
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useragarfield · 3 years
author interview
tagged by: @redbelles (meg, my beloved)
1. how many works do you have on AO3?
55 on ao3 and we don’t talk about the stuff haunting me on ff.net that i refuse to take down and yet never acknowledge
2. what’s your total AO3 word count?
337, 942 jfc
3. what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
a soul whose intentions are good / darklina
it’s my right to be hellish / darklina
to rise with stardust in my eyes / darklina
sweet (a little selfish) / darklina
a million people in a crowded room / darklina
they’re all in the same series, so i mean lol
4. do you respond to comments? why or why not?
comments give me the will to LIVE and to write, i eventually get to all of them but i tend to sit down and do it in bulk
5. what’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
formal apologies to every fan of the caskett!college au because currently they’re on the outs and i have to fix them lol. worst part is i’ve known the ending for like half a year and still haven’t written it...my bad, besties.
6. what’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
god idk this is hard. when i get the wedding finale of the suits!au written...probably that one. special note to when you’re ready, you know where to find me because this tyrandy college au is just such a sweet work of mine, i think. best friends to lovers excellence, just like they.
7. do you write crossovers? if so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
technically my tasm fics are all crossovers because i just plopped them in the mcu and said deuces. though to be fair, i wrote all of them before we got tom holland...whatever, so those. other than that, nada.
8. have you ever received hate on a fic?
creepy comments on a couple fics that i’ve deleted (why are they in the cloak & dagger fandom i’ll never know) and one really judgemental law school fact checker, like bro, i know i don’t know shit...but other than that, i’ve been pretty lucky.
9. do you write smut? if so what kind?
oh, bestie. 90% of my shit is smut, i’m sorry to say. i write all kinds, i think. referential, gentle, hard. fraught is my favorite kind tho, and i want them to all feel as hot and heavy but idk , pretty? as in my head. i am incapable of smut without emotions though i have written without plot before.
10. have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i know of
11. have you ever had a fic translated?
not to my knowledge
12. have you ever co-written a fic before?
nope! idk if i could, tbh - i’ve rped with people for years, but i see that more as original story creation with og characters than fanfic. i’m very protective about what i put out under my username.
13. what’s your all-time favorite ship?
i couldn’t have an answer here if i tried. my 2 or 3 of my top five tend to rotate, but if we’re doing ships via fanfic, peter/gwen, alina/aleksander, castle/beckett, nathan/haley, tandy/tyrone, zoe/wade.
14. what’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
all too well, my tasm2 fix it fic where gwen turns into spider-woman. one of the first fics i’ve ever been proud of but i just don’t know where it was supposed to go anymore :(.
15. what are your writing strengths?
oh lord, i don’t know. i like to use big words sometimes. and i think i do a pretty bang up job at characterization because if there is one thing i cannot stand its ooc characters. pretty difficult for me because i either do entirely in canon or complete au’s, but i try my best.
16. what are your writing weaknesses?
how long a fic will be, and forcing myself from conceptualization to writing. i plot fanfic in my head through like storyboarding? with particular phrases, and it can be very difficult for me to get from scene to scene sometimes.
17. what are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
i always preface it with i can barely speak english and google translate is my best friend. especially with the russian (if you can call it that) in sab fic...i try, but like. 
18. what was the first fandom you wrote for?
technically speaking i learned how to type in 6th grade to write cardcaptor sakura fanfiction that will never ever see the light of day. published wise speaking, kickin’ it fanfiction. a disney xd show barely anyone remembers. no we will not speak of it.
19. what’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
charlie/gadi from the little drummer girl and damon/elena fron tvd. in the case of charlie/gadi, the dynamics in their show are just so nuanced and in depth i shy away from it because i wouldn’t even know where to START. also not one soul cares or wants to read but like, me. and for delena...i’ve been working my way through the tvd side of ao3 and have been shockingly disappointed with its offerings, and in that case i usually have to write what i want to see. cept i don’t know what i want to see yet. so hands kinda tied.
20. what’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
right now i am so dumbly proud of the to get attention from a grown up series it’s incredible. writing for it helped me get through the depression of losing my last job. but other than that, stand out fics for me personally are:
let me breathe you in til gravity bends / cloak & dagger
something that’ll haunt me when you’re not around / one tree hill
this godforsaken mess that you’ve made me / shadow and bone
the wound’s still hot, so new, it’s still numb / hart of dixie
reset, restart, and then replay / castle
i know this guy, who knows this girl / hart of dixie
more to lose than to try and make it better / one tree hill
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turkoftheslums · 4 years
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Anonymous asked: Who are some of your favorite people on your dash every day and why?
‘Ello, nonnie.
Pretty much everyone I follow can be counted as a “favourite person” but I’ll tag all the people whose chats I have up on the side of my screen because otherwise this post will end up longer than my combat analysis (I know, I know, I haven’t posted it yet and it’s been months).
I may have wrongly assumed some pronouns here so please let me know and I will fix them asap. 💙
@missionheartcd - Kyrill is absolutely lovely and we’re both always up for whatever the other is thinking. Our first in-character interaction was when chasiingrain’s Jessie gave her Tseng a cat and he was looking for assistance from his Turks so Reno was like “Can I offer you a nice lint roller in these trying times?” and then our next interaction out of character was me launching into her DMs like “LOOK I know we’ve only interacted once but I have this image in my head and I need to tell you about it” and she was completely up for me hopping into her inbox, no questions asked.
@rude-at-your-service - not a day goes by where I don’t think of V and sing his praises (even just to myself). We’ve been mutuals for almost 5 whole years now (he was the 8th blog I followed when I made this account) and he somehow put up with my silly childish knobbyness back then. But we’re big bros now with mutual love for our muses who call each other bro and he gets a free pass on my 1 thread per blog rule (which I need to reword in my rules) - if only because our other thread is almost done and I don’t shut up about soft Reno and Rude content lmao.
@chainedbydarkness - I don’t really know the mun all that well (I think their name is Jay? Because of their Discord name my brain calls them that name automatically but we’ll use Jay for the sake of this). Jay seems like a really nice person and they play Bakura who is, like, my favourite character in Duel Monsters (and the abridged series, even though I do a better Marik impression than (Yami) Bakura) and I really like how they’ve implemented Bakura into the FF7 universe by making him a medic. They’ve been bundled by work lately so I don’t see them as often on my dash but I hope they’re doing well!
@wedgeofavalanche - Jess is awesome. She has some really cool ideas and just a delight to talk to. Her wings AU is awesome and so well thought out. I still need to continue on from that one ask meme I sent ages ago where Wedge was to listen to Reno’s heartbeat (because I’ve had this one funny idea in my head ever since and I know she’ll love it)!
@shutupreno - This mun. This mun is awesome. I think the mun uses he/him pronouns but please feel free to correct me if I’m wrong. He is one cool bean and I always love when he pops up on my dash. I’m really glad that’s he’s around and I’m thankful for the support he offered me when I was trying to power through my uni work.
@reno2ndgun - If you want another Reno with a hysterical sense of humour, please check out this mun. They’re chill to talk to (hell, I was even messaging them last night about what I’m storyboarding) and we occasionally hit other up at random intervals just to chuck random shit at each other. A delight of a mun and I love having a nosy at some of their threads.
@chasiingrain - I. Love. Light. I can’t even remember when or why we started talking, it just sort of happened - probably because of the screen cap posts. She is my main Reno dealer and I can’t wait for part 2 of the remake to come out because I’m certain I’m gonna be sent a random 4K Reno tiddy or two from her and it’s gonna be great. We also recently found out we knew each other from my XV days which is pretty awesome. Her blog always lights up my dash (( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) I’m not sorry) and I love the relationship we’ve built up between Jessie and AVALANCHE Verse Reno.
@dimidiumseras - Rain is a frickin’ delight. Been following them since 2015 and I’ve loved their art ever since. I might have freaked a little when they followed me back because it was like “No! You’re quality! Why are you following me?!” Still not gonna get over the Turks as Minions doodle though. And I’m the reason they’re plagued with Me? Gongaga posts all the more these days. :3c They send funny images and videos to me pretty much every day and I pay it back in kind with more funny images, TikToks and shitposts.
@soraofdestinyislands - We don’t talk as much as we should but it’s always great to see them on my dash! I did accidentally contribute to encouraging Sora to drink that one time a few weeks ago but he had two irresponsible adults watching over him so it was fiiiiiine. Also I don’t know why but I always laugh when I see their Sora swearing on my dash and I’ve a mix of “No sweetie! Don’t swear!” and “YES! YEEEEESSSSS!” when it happens. So yeah lmao.
@renoltage - Faye is awesome. I think about her quite often and hope she’s doing okay. I can feel her love and adoration for Reno through her portrayal and I hope her muse comes back to her soon. I miss seeing her blog on my dash.
@that-turk-laney - And here’s my partner in crime, Mia. I don’t remember who followed who first but we always through ideas and art back and forth and she helps me find words I’m looking for. I love seeing her posts on the dash and she’s one of the many I have notifications on for (so if you see me liking your posts as soon as they go up, I have notifications on for you lmao). Batting general thoughts and ideas back and forth with Mia has really helped me develop Reno over the past few months and– it’s just been awesome.
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choupichoups · 6 years
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Press F (Instagram/College AU) Ch.6
Lucas swears he’s the absolute master of undetected stalking. Or: Eliott is instagram famous and Lucas is the disaster gay who accidentally likes his post.
He hasn’t heard from Eliott since Sunday. 
The professor’s monotone drawling fades out to the background as Lucas flips between the apps on his phone-- a foolish attempt to keep himself from opening up the one he actually wants to check on.
Eliott hasn’t posted anything since the Saturday they were together.
He contemplates sending a message but he can’t think of a good conversation starter. Saying a simple hello is super lame. Eliott always starts their chats with a clever line. How does he come up with those, anyway? Lucas would really appreciate a little insight right now. 
Lucas barely notices his classmates leaving the room and he scrambles to follow along, pocketing his phone so he’d stop staring at it already. 
He’s only taken a couple of steps outside when a vaguely familiar boy with shaven head almost rams right into him. 
“Shit, sorry!” Lucas steps aside at the last minute and the other boy’s arms do a hilarious windmill to keep balance. Neither of them end up on the floor so that’s awesome.
“Sorry!” The boy shouts back, looking at Lucas with wide eyes and a half formed grin. Lucas flinches, trying to hide the double take he almost does. This guy has the brightest green eyes a stark contrast to his dark skin and a bone structure that can cut glass. If he isn’t so ass over head infatuated with Eliott, his brain would probably register just how beautiful this person is. “Lucas?”
It takes a bit for him to realize that it’s weird how this person correctly guesses his name. “Uh, why?” 
“Idris!” The boy -- Idris? Instagram Idris? -- says, enthusiasm evident in his voice. “I’m Idris, I mean. Eliott sent me.” 
“Eliott... sent you?” Lucas keeps walking, not wanting to block the way to the classroom. Idris keeps up beside him. “But where is he?” 
Idris hands him a cup of hot chocolate-- it’s the one Lucas gets once a month to reward himself for not keeling over in stress. 
“He’s holed up in the library,” Idris says while Lucas’s still blinking down at the cup in his hands. “We have a project due very soon, me and him. We have to finish the storyboard.” 
Okay, it’s been two days though. Lucas just hopes they’re getting enough rest. He’s seen a lot of the other film students walking from building to building like dried up zombies. 
Idris keeps going before Lucas gets a word in. “His phone’s on airplane mode.” Lucas nods, watching Idris rub a hand over the top of his head. “Mine too, we do this thing. So we only focus on one thing at a time, you know.” 
Lucas starts to smile as Idris looks at him, slightly wide-eyed. He has a feeling this guy’s been running on pure caffeine since the weekend. “Okay.”
“My point is, he’s not ignoring you.” 
“I didn’t think so.” 
“Good. God, I told him he’s overreacting.” 
Lucas laughs, holding the hot chocolate to his chest. “He’s doing okay?”
“Yeah,” Idris scoffs, waving a dismissive hand. “He forgot to tell you about the whole project thing before, you know, shutting the world out so he’s been freaking out about it.” 
“He thinks you’d forget about him.”
“What?” Lucas laughs louder. “That’s dumb.”
“Yeah, well.” Idris shrugs, his laughter coming out in choppy chuckles. “Anyway, I’ve gotta get back to work, nice to meet you!” 
“You too.” Lucas takes a step backward, smiling to himself as he sips at the hot chocolate. From Eliott. How did Eliott know about his favourite campus drink? “Idris!” He calls out before the other boy is completely out of sight.
Idris turns, raising an eyebrow.
“Good luck with the project! And tell him me forgetting him is the last thing he has to worry about.” He says in a rush, half of him hoping Idris doesn’t hear him but the other half hoping the opposite as he doesn’t think he can repeat that without combusting.
Idris opens his mouth as if to say something but then he settles for a pout, both hands shooting up to clutch at his chest. “Fuck, you really are adorable.” 
Lucas turns away and brisk walks towards the next building. 
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Yann drops down beside him in the middle of Lucas doing his homework. He can feel Yann staring at him, but, infuriating best friend that he is, Yann doesn’t say anything as he does it. 
“What?” Lucas breaks the silence, putting his pen down.
“What?” Yann returns, opting for the most innocent of tones. It doesn’t work.
“Spill it.” 
“Nothing, man.” Yann looks down at the phone sitting innocently between them. “Just, you know, wondering if I should round up the guys to properly meet Eliott.”
That gets Lucas’ attention. “Why?”
Yann’s left eye twitches the slightest bit. “You can’t tell me there’s nothing between you two.”
“Well, there’s a thing.” Lucas shuts his textbook, losing any sort of motivation he had going earlier. “But there’s no thing.”
“Uh, okay?” 
“He’s not my man or anything.”
“Why not?” Yann asks, incredulous like it’s easy. Or maybe for him it really is that easy.
“I don’t know, we haven’t really talked about it?” 
He opens up instagram to a new private message, eyes narrowing when he sees the username.
emir.yous hey
lucallemant hi
emir.yous I heard you’re good at chem??
lucallemant I guess 
emir.yous can you help me with somethin I think my brain’s melting
lucallemant ok, imane’s better than me though you can ask Abe to ask her?
emir.yous no she’ll think I'm stupid
lucallemant lol 
“Lucas, his friends are messaging you.” Yann deadpans, obviously having read the conversation over Lucas’ shoulder because fuck manners apparently. “I think that’s a good indication of where he wants it to go.” 
“I don’t-- I don’t know, Yann. What if-- I don’t know him that well.”
“But what if I... I don’t wanna get too attached and then for it to blow up in my face.” Lucas fidgets with his pen, twirling it restlessly between all fingers until Yann stills him with a gentle touch. 
“Lucas, not everyone will be like that.”
“How do you know?” 
“You’ve got to give people a chance to prove you wrong.”
“No one’s done it yet.” 
His phone pings again, but this time it’s from a different person. Yann looks down at it and Lucas can see the hint of a smile fighting to lift his expression. “I don’t think you’re the one who needs to worry about getting attached.” 
abebkhellal what are those chocolates you gave him? he won’t even let me take a bite 
lucallemant I can get you some if you want
abebkhellal bro I’d love that  but I also love my life and eliott will probably murder me in cold blood if you gave me the same chocolates you gave him
lucallemant lol I'm sorry 
abebkhellal just show me where you get them I’ll buy some myself
lucallemant okay sure
Yann’s smiling when Lucas looks back up at him. “He talks about you with his friends.” 
“I’m pretty sure they’re just cornering me into meeting them.” Lucas chuckles, sliding his phone inside his hoodie pockets. “And I talk about him with you guys too, it’s no big deal.” 
“Are you kidding me? You never talked about Ra--”
“Anyway, what are we doing? Is this a slumber party now?”
Yann rolls his eyes. “Shut up.”
“Are we exchanging our deepest, darkest secrets?”
“That’s not how it goes.”
“Oh, so you’re the master of slumber parties now?”
“Yeah,” Yann shuffles lazily towards the backpack he’d thrown on the ground earlier. “Only slumber party invitees get to play this.” He pulls out the new game he’s just bought while skipping class in the morning, waving it around with a flourish as Lucas gapes up at it.
“No way, that’s so expensive.”
“Yeah, I saved up.”
“Then don’t play it.”
“No, let me!”
“Slumber party people only!”
“There are two of us, I’m the one making this a party!”
“No, you’re not even wearing pyjamas!” 
Lucas sleepily watches the television screen, fingers barely moving over the controls as he lets the final boss crush his character for the nth time. Beside him, Yann’s already passed out on the couch. 
He stretches out with a groan as quiet as he can manage, reaching over Yann to grab the remote and shut the screen off. He’s about to head to bed when his hands smack against the phone still in his pockets, and his fingers automatically open up instagram before his brain even registers the movement.
srodulv you’re welcome
Lucas smiles, not exactly hating the flutter in his stomach at seeing Eliott back in his messages. 
lucallemant no longer on the plane?
srodulv haha I've landed
lucallemant welcome back how did the assignment go?
srodulv it was okay
lucallemant  okay that’s good 
srodulv can I see you again?
lucallemant I mean, it’s a bit late 
srodulv what are you talking about? 03h is the best time to go out and live our lives
lucallemant  lol stop that
srodulv careful, you might hurt my feelings again
lucallemant so?
srodulv so you’re running out of ways to apologize :)
lucallemant lol 
srodulv are you free on Thursday?
lucallemant what’s with you and Thursdays?
srodulv favourite day of the week 
lucallemant  lol weirdo
srodulv :) so?
lucallemant okay 
srodulv okay, I'll wait for you outside your class
lucallemant  how do you know where that is?
srodulv :)
lucallemant  stalker
srodulv says the original stalker
lucallemant lol go to sleep eliott
srodulv  good night ❤️
Lucas lays awake for a while after, tracking the cracks in the ceiling as his mind replays Yann’s words. You have to give people a chance to prove you wrong. He’s tried so many times, and every failure does nothing but strengthen the walls he’s trying so hard to scratch past. 
But maybe. 
Maybe this time.
lucallemant  good night  ❤️
Maybe Eliott deserves that chance. 
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kim-seungmine · 6 years
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title: likewise (part of i am you small project) characters: reader x kim seungmin of stray kids genres: fluff with sprinkles of angst, aspiring actor!seungmin, college au word count: 3301 words warnings: language synopsis: you hate your job as a part-time librarian, until you meet a certain puppy-like boy with smoldering eyes--which is a weird combination, but you like him anyways a/n: watch Day6’s Shoot Me MV for references. Also, I suck at giving titles I’m sorry!
You believed that fate affected 40% of your life. No more, no less. The other 60% would be decisions, but sadly you had a knack for making yourself suffer. Your decisions ranged from bad decisions to don’t-even-talk-about-it decisions: taking morning classes so you had time for part-time work (bad decision), choosing the wrong apartment building to live in (very bad decision), and working as a part-time librarian (don’t-even-talk-about-it decision) in your campus.
Choosing the wrong apartment should have been the worst decision you had ever made, but now anything would be better than stacking thick, dusty books back to the top of the shelf. First of all, you weren’t on the tall side. Secondly, the old stool you were using was about to collapse. Thirdly, you had accidentally dropped three books and the three people studying on the table across you kept giving you death glares.
“We still need one more point, guys. What should it be?” A guy with a sharp jawline and raspy voice asked. You hopped off your stool, deciding to arrange the books in the bottom shelf first until these guys went home. The Sharp Jawline (very gorgeous, if you might add), stopped to look at his friends, waiting for their feedback.
One of his friends, the one who reminded you of a puppy, rolled his eyes. “It’s very simple, Changbin. The topic is whether money is everything, and our stance is no. Why do people do all the ‘useless’ shit like drawing, dancing—”
“What the fuck!”
“Fuck, sorry Felix. Didn’t mean to make it sound that way.”
The guy named Felix was furious now. His hands were curled into fists and if he had laser eyes, he would’ve made a huge hole on Puppy Guy’s face. This is interesting, you noted. You never liked eavesdropping, it was plain creepy and rude, but this was clearly more fun than your job.
“So you were saying?” Sharp Jawline interjected. Felix was no longer furious, he just looked hurt. Puppy Guy let out an (almost) apologetic sigh before rephrasing his statement, “Some of us choose to do things that we love instead of other things that have more definite future. There are a lot of living proofs of that, so I think that will be a strong point.”
A smile slowly crept onto Felix’s face. He nodded excitedly, jotting it down on his notebook. “Can I take this one? I’m sure I’ll nail it. I’m the living proof, after all.”
“Felix, you’re a Finance major.”
“Hey I’m transferring next semester!”
“Alright, but don’t use yourself as an example. Don’t choose celebrities either,” Puppy Guy said. “Changbin can take the second point and I’ll take the first one. Now we just need—”
He didn’t get to finish what he wanted to say since you dropped the fourth book for the night. All three of them gave you another death glare, but this time Puppy Guy got up from his seat and walked towards you.
“Do you need help?” he asked. In a normal situation, you would count this as a meet-cute, but Puppy Guy’s glare turned out to be scarier than Felix’s. You didn’t know how he still managed to look so adorable—so puppy like—although he was basically trying to stop himself from murdering you.
“Sorry,” you muttered. “I just started working here and I’m still not used to holding big books… it’s okay. I’ll just go to the other sections first.”
Puppy Guy stole a glance at his friends before looking at the book you were holding, Victor Hugo’s Les Miserables. “Does anyone even read that book anymore,” he said; his tone told you that it wasn’t exactly a question. “Why bother taking it out when you have zero intention to read it.”
He took the book from you, darting his eyes to the other books scattered on the floor. “I’ll help you,” he sighed. You nodded, sliding the stool towards him. Puppy Guy stepped onto the wobbly stool, extending his hand out to you.
“Seungmin-ah, what are you doing?” Sharp Jawline whispered-yelled, a playful smile plastered on his face. Felix (you would’ve nicknamed him Cute Bunny Teeth if they didn’t reveal his name sooner) propped his face on his palm, wiggling his eyebrows at you.
Puppy Guy—Seungmin!—ignored his friends, fully concentrating on putting the books back to the top shelf. You couldn’t help but stare at him; he really looked like an adorable puppy, but his eyes looked fiery, like he was angry at the world. “Wow this is the worst job ever,” he grumbled, losing his balance as he put down the last book.
“Please ask them to give you a new stool. This is dangerous,” he said, dusting off his denim jacket (which looked amazing on him).
“I read Les Miserables,” you blurted out as he was about to walk away.
Seungmin raised his eyebrows, thinking for a few seconds before finally nodding his head. “Yeah, I did too,” he answered, and then something magical happened.
He smiled.
The rest of the week passed just like that. It was nearly midterm period, so you were drowning in assignments and part-time jobs. You never met Seungmin, Changbin, and Felix in the library again, although you were sure you saw Felix dancing at the university festival two days ago. There were a lot of attractive boys in the library (surprisingly), but none of them caught your attention like Seungmin and his soft smile.
You closed your laptop as your professor left the classroom. “Y/N, you’re still helping me to film Day6’s new music video today right?” Bang Chan, your senior who possessed the deepest dimples ever, tapped your desk.
You completely forgot about it. Both of you were in the same Advanced Cinematography class, and your professor recommended him to one of the most popular video production companies in Korea. He was asked to choose one more person, so he chose you.
This project would boost your resume although you probably wouldn’t do much. “Oh yeah, of course! How could I forget?” You faked a smile, packing up your things in a rush. Chan glanced at his watch, his face turned pale in an instant.
“Oh shoot, we have to leave now, Y/N. I promised the director that we’d arrive earlier. Is that okay?” he asked, helping you to put your laptop into your bag. “Do you know that the male lead also studies here? He’s from the International Studies department.”
You only nodded nonchalantly as Chan dialled a number. “Yo Seungmin! Where are you?”
Seungmin? How many Seungmins were there in your campus? Was it your Seungmin?
Chan quickened his pace, waving his hand at a brown-haired guy when as you two were nearing the front entrance. You tried not to scream when you realized that it really was your Seungmin standing there, waving back to Chan.
“Y/N, this is our actor, Kim Seungmin.”
When your eyes met his, you felt somehow… relieved. He was looking at you with those smoldering eyes of his, and you were supposed to feel intimidated, but you weren’t. If anything, you felt almost giddy. “Hi, I’m Y/N. Thanks for helping me the other day.”
Seungmin shrugged. “I only did it because you were noisy as hell,” he said. Chan clapped in excitement, squeezing himself between both of you to wrap his arms around your shoulders. “Wait, you guys already know each other? That’s great!” He turned to you, “You should’ve seen Seungmin auditioned! He was born to act.”
Seungmin punched Chan’s shoulder, avoiding your gaze. “I just got lucky,” he mumbled.
“Have you been acting for a long time?” you asked, your heart did a flip when Seungmin chuckled. You wondered how he could possibly act, seeing that he didn’t even smile often. But small moments like this convinced you that Seungmin had another side you didn’t know about.
“This will be my first.”
You would be seeing Seungmin act for the first time. Somehow, you liked the sound of that.
You were examining the storyboard with Chan operating the camera beside you. The director was looking at the screen, nodding as Seungmin pointed his fingers at the camera and started shooting imaginary bullets. You heard the staff behind you gasped in awe, so you decided to steal a glance at the screen.
And you were transfixed.
Seungmin was sitting there, opposite the female lead, staring into the camera with teary eyes and a sorrowful gaze that you would never forget because how could someone look as angry and vulnerable like that? When the corner of his lips curled into a sad smile, you checked your storyboard, and saw nothing like that in it.
Seungmin was in his element, and he was beautiful.
Chan turned to the director, who said nothing as Seungmin continued staring into the camera. “And cut!” he shouted at last. “Good job, Seungmin. That improvisation was amazing.”
The whole room clapped, bowing to each other as the director announced that the shoot was done. Seungmin blinked, letting his tears roll down his cheeks before harshly wiping his eyes with his hand. You waited until he finished greeting everyone before running to him.
“You did very well! Everyone was so mesmerized, to say the least.” You patted his shoulder lightly, feeling a bit self-conscious when he didn’t reply. “Thank you,” Seungmin finally said, walking past you to high five an excited Chan.
“Damn it! You just outdid yourself, bro!” Chan exclaimed. The two boys continued chatting as you panicked for the second time that day. “Chan! I gotta leave now, my shift at the library starts soon!” you informed, already sprinting to the door when Seungmin said something you couldn’t make out.
You were ready to come up with twenty cliché excuses about why you were late, but the first thing the head librarian told you when you arrived at the library was that you got a new stool. “There are some new books at the back, make sure to put all of them to the shelves,” she said. You nodded, internally sighing as you realized that it wasn’t just “some” new books, but “a lot” of new books.
Deciding to start with fiction books first, you pushed the book cart to the fiction section. This was the exact aisle where you met Seungmin, and you couldn’t help but admit that you had a crush on him. You had fallen in love quite a lot; there were enough boys for you to make your own version of “To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before”. The difference was, none of them turned out to be Peter Kavinsky.
“You got a new stool. Nice”
You grinned the moment you noticed that voice. Seungmin leaned on the shelf, taking a book from the cart. He flipped through the pages, his brows furrowed as his eyes caught some interesting words. “I’m borrowing this one,” he declared, slipping it into his bag. “I wanted to ask you to return the book I borrowed, but you bolted out the studio so fast.”
“I’m not your maid,” you pouted. Seungmin lowered his head to examine your face. “Why are you pouting like that?”
Great. Please continue being so obvious, Y/N.
“Nothing,” you mumbled. “So you’re an International Studies major? Do you want to be a diplomat or something?”
Seungmin let out a heavy sigh that made you worried. A glint of anger returned to his eyes. “Not really. I just want to leave,” he answered, his stern gaze erased whatever reassuring words you wanted to say.
“Why do you want to leave?”
“It’s easier to deal with strangers than those you know well.”
“Like who?”
He paused, keeping his gaze on the floor as you continued putting books on the shelf. He stopped you when you were about to start arranging the top shelf. “Parents?” he sheepishly said while stepping on the new stool.
“Well, mine got divorced,” you commented, trying to sound as nonchalant as you could.
“Lucky you.”
Seungmin sneezed, and you quickly put your hand on his back so he wouldn’t fall down. “How is that lucky?” you asked when he turned his head to look at you. Seungmin left your question hanging in the air for a while, arranging the books quietly per your instruction.
“It’s better for them to separate than staying under one roof but constantly trying to destroy each other,” he continued, hopping off the stool to sit on the floor beside you.
“At first I thought it would be better this way. But all the words they say to each other, to me—they burn.”
You nodded, now knowing why Seungmin was the way he was. “Wanna know something funny?” you offered as an attempt to lighten up the mood. However, before you said anything further, the boy beside you started sobbing.
“Seungmin-ah,” you called out. His body only shook harder as he cried his heart out. You rubbed his back in a calming rhythm, shutting down curious, judgmental whispers from other students with a single look. Seungmin looked up at last, his swollen eyes meeting your concerned ones. “You have pretty eyes,” he complimented.
You cleared your throat, not breaking eye contact even though you felt like dying out of happiness. “Likewise,” you replied, causing him to let out an airy laugh. “It’s true. Although you look like a sad puppy now.”
“I guess I am,” he admitted. “Is it okay if I cry again? I haven’t done that in ages.”
You smiled at him, wiping the tears along his jawline instinctively. Seungmin took it as a yes, burying his head in his knees as he started sobbing again.
So you stayed, watching his wall crumble. Listening to the words that broke his heart. Feeling yourself fall even harder for this beautiful, broken boy.
Day6’s new music video for Shoot Me had been released, and Kim Seungmin was now the hottest guy at campus. You had watched it for at least a thousand times, yet you still teared up everytime you did. After breaking down in front of you two weeks ago, Seungmin hadn’t contacted you at all. You didn’t expect him to, especially since you two weren’t even friends to begin with.
But still, you were disappointed.
“I think that’s them.”
You were on your way to the cafeteria, and you felt that someone was following you. “Really? I couldn’t really see them when we were in the library.”
“Can I help you?”
Changbin and Felix stopped on their tracks when you turned around. “H-hi,” Changbin stuttered as Felix flashed you his brightest smile. “We didn’t mean to stalk you, I swear!”
“It’s just—”
Felix rubbed his nape, trying to think of a good reason, but in the end he just slapped Changbin’s biceps. “This is your fault!” he yelled. “We’re just curious.”
“About why I asked Chan for your number.”
Seungmin was standing behind you, mouthing a string of curse words to Changbin and Felix who were just grinning at him. “How dare you guys call yourselves my friends!” he protested.
“You didn’t even tell us about you getting into acting!” Changbin countered.
“We found out from YouTube!” Felix added. “You called dancing a useless shit but look at you, actor Kim. How dare you!”
Seungmin raised his hand in defeat as you scooted away. This is how secondhand embarrassment really feels!
“Since you’re here, I don’t need to text you anymore,” he said to you. “Let’s ditch these dumbasses and get some coffee? Or whatever you want, it doesn’t matter.”
You nodded, trying to suppress your giggle as Changbin and Felix yelled, “KIM SEUNGMIN, FIGHTING!!!!”
Your eyes snapped open when you heard your bell ring. You groaned, kicking your blanket away before making your way to the door.
“Seungmin,” you yawned, eyes widening as you realized that your boyfriend was standing at your door at 2A.M, and you looked like absolute shit. He smiled, the same soft smile you saw when you two first met. Seungmin lifted a camera you didn’t know he was holding, snapping a few photos of you with your bed hair.
“What are you doing?” you whined, snatching his camera from him. He laughed before entering your flat. “Your neighbors aren’t being noisy anymore?”
“Ah yes, I forgot to tell you. They moved out last week. Now I can sleep peacefully.” You paused, glaring at Seungmin who was making himself comfortable on your couch. “Or so I thought.”
He pulled you down so you were sitting on his lap. “I want to see you,” he said, circling his arm around your waist. You sighed as you felt yourself blushing. “How could you say something so romantic with a straight face like that?” you protested.
“It’s a fact. How is that romantic?”
You cupped his face, caressing the apple of his cheeks while staring into his eyes. “What?” he asked.
“I want to see you,” you said, mimicking his straight face. Now it was Seungmin’s turn to blush, and you giggled. “See? That’s how I feel everytime you say things like that!”
Seungmin pointed at himself. “Things like that?”
You rested your hands on his shoulders, recalling all the times Seungmin caught you off guard with his sweet gestures. “You called me ten times just to make sure I could sleep after watching Lights Out. You always drop by whenever I say I feel lonely. You bought me a tablet for my birthday present although you wanted a new camera… and this. Randomly appearing at 2A.M because you want to see me.”
Seungmin reached for your hands, intertwining your fingers together. “I do all of those things not because I’m trying to be romantic, but because I love you.”
You groaned in frustration, he had once again succeeded in making you feel giddy without meaning to. “I know,” you mumbled. “I don’t deserve you.”
He shook his head, pressing soft kisses on your fingertips. “You didn’t judge me for crying in front of you last year. You’re never mad at me although I’ve failed so many auditions. And you’re willing to see me no matter how late it is.”
“But you snagged a main role this time,” you argued. “And it’s for a webdrama!”
You suddenly remembered the time you wanted to tell him something when you two were in the library. “Wanna know something funny?”
Seungmin’s eyes lit up; they were a lot brighter now, especially after he told his parents how he really felt. The day after you two started dating, Felix almost cried when he saw his stoic best friend walked into the class with a lopsided grin on his face.
“I believe fate only affects 40% of my life. The rest are decisions. The thing is, I’ve made gazillions of bad decisions that I can’t trust myself.” You paused, glancing down to see Seungmin waiting for you to continue. “Working at the library was my don’t-even-talk-about-it decision, you know. But then I met you.”
“You’re the one being romantic now,” your boyfriend pointed out.
You ignored him, dramatically announcing, “I made one great decision.”
He snickered, pulling you closer so that he could rest his forehead against yours. “Let me guess, that’s me?”
You rewarded him with a peck on his nose. “Likewise,” he said, closing the distance between you, kissing you slowly and long. You curled your hands around his neck, smiling as he nibbled your bottom lip. You stopped him. “I love you, Kim Seungmin,” you whispered against his lips.
He didn’t respond, only pressing his lips on yours harder. Seungmin pulled away after a while, leaving your lips swollen and your cheeks flushed. “Hmmm,” he hummed, tracing the outline of your lips. “Tell me something I don’t know, baby.”
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jothriku · 5 years
tagged by @rikutrans (thank u king!!)
name: alex, but it’s not short for anything u.u
nickname: i don’t have one cause my name’s too short but sometimes my brother calls me ‘tiny fool’ or a cur so???
zodiac sign: leo babey!!! but my pisces moon is more dominant i think so 👀
height: .....5′0.....s..short ppl rights..... ;___;
hogwarts house: .................ravenclaw.
last thing i googled: sora ddd (cause i wanted to double check what his jacket looked like for a doodle lol)
fav musicians: GORILLAZ, mother mother, mitski, kali uchis, radiohead, daft punk, the smiths (tho i hate morrissey lol), i could probably keep going on forever honestly
last song i listened to: wave of darkness from the kh3 soundtrack!!
song stuck in my head: RIKU’S THEME
followers: 1457 (!!!!!💜💜💜💜!!!!!)
following: 255 ;u;
amount of sleep: LOL. um. not a lot on an average basis tbh
lucky number: i don’t really have one but i like 6 & 23!!
what i’m wearing: fukin... pyjamas cause it’s past midnight here and i’m gonna go to bed after drawing for a bit
dream job: hm. not sure. maybe something having to do with storyboards or character design or something?? idk but i’d love to publish my own graphic novel series or something u.u
dream trip: uhhh... either to hawaii or... not 2 be cliche and shit but kh puts me in a mood and i just wanna go to disneyworld LOL
instruments: used to play violin when i was much younger. i wanna learn the piano/keyboards
fav food: pupusas cause i’m a stereotypical salvi bitch i guess lol
languages: english & spanish. i took japanese and latin but i’m not fluent in either. i’d love to finish japanese & also learn mandarin, french, & greek
fav song: i really can’t narrow it down to just one bro like... who do i look like lol
aesthetic: seeing as i’m a prep passing emo, i love soft colored things, but i also still have my edgy roots and love things like teeth & bones and shit. i love cutesy things & flowers too!! forests and the ocean...  oh... and the moon.. always the moon. in general i love things aligned with the nighttime
random fact: uuuuhhhhh one time when i was like 4 i socked my brother in the face after he hurt my feelings and i gave him a black eye lol
i tag!!! @frogums, @ventusu, @terusmob, @sorikv, @5tylo, @tenya & @succubused but only if y’all haven’t already been tagged and of course, only if u wanna do it!!! and if anyone else i didn’t mention wants to do it, just do it & say i tagged you!! :)
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teleostuber · 6 years
Tagged By: @catchyartz
Rules: Answer 30 questions and tag 10 blogs you’d like to get to know better
Nicknames: Robyn, Rob, Seaweed (though I’m not sure why anymore), Spectral, Spec, Speckles, like one person calls me Ghost so that’s pretty cool
Gender: F
Sign: Karkat
Height: idk 5 something
Current Time: 9:37
Favorite Bands: Mother Mother, Ninja Sex Party, Tally Hall, Andrew Jihad Jackson, Starbomb, Rex Orange County, Caravan Palace, Glass Animals, and musicals
Favorite Solo Artist: My gf, Bo Burnham, Regina Spektor, i can't think of anymore
Song stuck in my head: Loving Is Easy- Rex Orange County
Last movie I saw: Ant-Man and the Wasp
Last show I watched: Adventure Time???
When did I create this blog: fuckin,, i have no idea 2016??
What do I post: it’s mostly reblogs but my blog is meant for my art!!
Last thing I googled: gay vines
Do I have any other blogs: abandoned ask blogs, homestuck fan project, a ton of other abandoned ones
Why did I choose my irl: I like ghosts, I like drawings, I like alliteration
Following: 777
Followers: 1,863 (holy shit what????)
Average hours of sleep: I don’t know lmao
Lucky Number: 7
Instrument: piano, melodica, ukulele, I used to play cello I guess
What I’m wearing: some weird cryptid shirt, leggings
Dream job: storyboard artist, freelance artist, full time gay wife
Favorite food: uhhhhh crackers? Chips?
Nationality: Korean
Favorite Song: Can’t choose bro
Top 3 fictional universe I wanna join: The Adventure Zone (Balance or Amnesty), Harry Potter (even tho I’m not in the fandom it’s just cool as shit), Gravity Falls?
Tagging: UHHHHH @kiwikeve @clotted-scream @natoni you guys don't have to do it!!
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milominderbindered · 7 years
thirty days of skam fic: day three
beginning. accusation. restless. leaves. rainbow. flame. formal. under. move. silver. prepared. knowledge. soft. cans. order. thanks. pink. summer. transformation. tremble. tent. mad. thousand. paper. winter. luxury. letters. promise. simple. future.
There are two regular presences in Isak and Even’s bed -- Isak and Even -- but sleep does not always join them.
Some nights, it's fine. They fall asleep curled around each other within minutes of turning the light off, and don't wake up until sunlight is blaring through their badly-hung curtains or one of them tries to kiss the other one awake.  But other nights, things don't run so smoothly.  It's not always one thing; sometimes, Even’s brain is running just a little bit too fast to keep up with, and it won't let him lay down for long enough to fall into in unconsciousness, and other times his meds have just been adjusted and are keeping him up, or he's stressed about how soon he’s finishing school and what he's gonna do after that ends.  Sometimes his artist’s brain just only floods with inspiration at two AM, and he has to get up and draw portraits or sketch storyboards of movie ideas by the dim light of his phone so as not to wake up Isak.  Sometimes, he's just too distracted by the beautiful boy in his -- their -- bed, and he'd rather stay up for hours, watching Isak snuffle into the pillows and curl his fingers around nothing and twist his legs in the duvet, than close his eyes and miss a single second of it.
Then, sometimes, it's Isak who’s the one left awake.  His insomnia is a lot less frequent these days; he's out, he's happy, he's resolved to not stress about the little dramas of the world and just to focus on living him life.  But still, when Isak does find it impossible to get to sleep, it's usually because he's worried. If his mum has sent him a particularly fractured text that day, he worries, and it keeps him awake.  If some people made a few snide comments about him and Even holding hands, he worries, and if keeps him awake.  If he has a test coming up, or an essay he's not sure he’s done his best on, or just suddenly remembers how much pressure he has put on himself to do well at school -- he worries, and it keeps him awake.
Individually, they're both used to it.  And they can take some comfort from each other, just by lying there, listening to the steady breaths of another sleeping body, having someone warm and loving to curl up against in the darkness, even when their minds won't leave them alone.
One night, though, Even and Isak’s insomnia happens to coincide.
In a way, it's amazing it hasn't happened sooner.  They've been living together for months and spending most nights together for longer still; but other than the tremulous beginning of their relationship, they manage to make it until June before one of their sleepless nights lines up.
They'd tumbled into bed early, but that was all hot hands and pulsing kisses and frantic scrambling to get clothes off -- not for sleep.  After they'd finished and cleaned up lazily, they lay there, Even’s arm around Isak, Isak’s head on Even’s chest.  They both tried to fall asleep.
But Isak had an exam the next day and he'd drunk a red bull earlier trying to psych himself up for studying, and his brain still hasn't calmed down.  He finds himself shuffling his legs restlessly under the covers, tapping his fingers against Even’s chest in an uneven rhythm, trying to force himself to take deep breaths.  They're curled up under the warm duvet, the flat quiet, everything pitch black, and he's had a long day -- he should be tired.
But he's not.  And as Even shifts underneath him, one of his fingers relentlessly twisting a curl above Isak’s ear, Isak begins to suspect that Even isn't dropping right off to sleep either.
“My brain is buzzing,” he admits into the darkness, his words a little muffled by Even’s chest.
“Mine too.” Even’s voice is quiet, but sounds a little amused.
“Never let me drink red bull again.”
“Babe, you threatened to shove your pen into my eye if I took the can away from you earlier, remember?”
“ Ugh, Even, that’s no excuse.”
For a moment, they’re both quiet again.  Isak sort of hopes that admitting his sleeplessness outloud will miraculously help, and the darkness and the soft moment between them will suddenly lull him to sleep, but nope.  Nothing.  He feels as wide awake as if it was the middle of the day, and he starts tapping his fingers over Even’s chest again, restless.
“Why’s your brain buzzing?” he finally asks, sighing and sitting up.  He stretches over the top of Even’s body to switch on the little lamp that sits on their dresser on Even’s side of the bed.  It’s kind of crappy and needs a new bulb really, but it casts enough light that they can see each other’s faces, and being wide awake in the middle of the night doesn’t seem quite so bleak anymore.  Once he’s turned the lamp on, he flops down on top of Even heavily, laughing when Even makes an oof noise and pretends to be winded.
“Just one of those nights,” Even says, as he shoves Isak off, but then immediately follows him to the other side of the bed and starts cuddling him again.  “I handed in that film project today, and now all I can think about is how many shots I wish I’d done differently.  There’s this whole bit at the end where, fuck, I could have shot the entire thing at an angle through a doorway, like the viewer is really intruding on the moment, y’know?”
Isak nods into Even’s chest.  He doesn’t actually know a single thing about film composition, but living with Even is teaching him a lot -- and he knows about this film in particular, for Even’s media course, because Even had made Isak be one of the actors in it.  He didn’t have to talk, but he had to be filmed walking around Oslo and lying in a pile of leaves and making pasta on the balcony, things like that.  It’s abstract.
(He’s half convinced that most of the things Even made him do won’t end up in the film at all, but Even was just having fun making Isak do stupid things on film.)
“Regrets, regrets,” he mumbles.  “It’s okay, baby.  You can always reshoot some things if you wanna use it on your film school portfolio, right?”
Even makes a hmm sound.  Isak looks up at him, in the light of their crappy lamp; he’s mostly chin from this angle, but it’s a very cute chin.
After another long moment of silence, Even suddenly shifts against him.  “We should do something.  Since neither of us can sleep regardless.”
“Like what?   It’s two AM.”  Isak thinks he’s allowed to be skeptical -- Even often has terrible ideas of what’s appropriate to do in the middle of the night.  “Besides, studies show that if you can’t fall asleep, it’s still better to just lie in bed and rest.”
“Oh, yeah?”  Even’s voice is light and teasing, and Isak grins as he shuffles a bit further up the bed, putting his head on the pillow instead of Even’s chest so they can look right into each other’s eyes.  “Nah, bullshit.  I think that study was done by someone like you, just as an excuse to lie in bed all day and get cuddled.  Since that’s your favourite thing in the world.”
Sometimes, Isak thinks his boyfriend knows him too well.
“No, it’s real!  It’s still beneficial to your body to be restful, even if you’re not asleep.”  He pauses, and then adds, “It’s also totally beneficial to get cuddled.  One study said we need about seventeen hugs a day to fulfil our need for touch.”
Laughing, Even stretches his arms out and locks them tight around Isak’s shoulders, pulling their bodies even closer together.  Their noses bump on the pillow they’re sharing.
“Shit, I better start counting, then.  Do you think I’m giving you seventeen hugs a day?  Probably, right?  I wouldn’t want you to feel deprived.”
“Even, you give me about seventy hugs a day.  I think we’re good.”
Isak tries to make his voice snarky, but it just comes out hopelessly soft.  Despite his whirring mind and the way he still feels jittery from his energy drinks, there’s no way he can ever feel tense in Even’s arms; he slides his hands up the back of Even’s t-shirt, rubbing along his warm skin, and smiles a bit.  It wasn’t always this way.  Before Even, nobody really hugged Isak at all, apart fromquick bro-hugs from Jonas, and a few cuddles with Eskild against Isak’s will.  Sometimes Isak feels greedy, wanting his boyfriend to touch him absolutely all the time, but then he remembers all those years of wishing anybody would hold him like this, and he decides he’s earned this.
“Seventy hugs a day,” Even repeats, nuzzling their noses together a bit more.  He stretches out and drops a tiny kiss onto Isak’s lips, his chin, his cheek, before dropping back onto the pillow.  “Yeah.  I think that’s the number we should aim for.”
Isak is okay with that.  And he thinks he might be okay with not sleeping, too.  When Even is awake as well, stroking his shoulders and twirling his hair and teasing him about cuddles, a restless night suddenly doesn't seem so bad at all.
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sometimesrosy · 8 years
Hi Rosy, I really liked your answer saying it's Clarke who's not platonic in the "special" scene, mainly because she's showing her physical affection through admiring Bellamy's body. But I've also heard it's just a thing Eliza does, that she has "wandering eyes". Confronting these two points of view got me thinking: wouldn't they edit it out if they didn't want us to see it? I'd be happy to hear your opinion.
They would edit it out if they didn’t want us to see it. Of COURSE they would edit it out. They have a whole team of writers/filmmakers/editors who are intent on telling the SPECIFIC story they want to tell to the audience. Professionals who are paid to do this, who have experience and educations and assistants to make sure they’re on track and people who they have to run it by, and storyboards to follow. If they didn’t want us to see it, why would they spend so many minutes of screen time showing it to us? Who are these people who say these things?
It is not an unrelated actress habit.
This idea that an actor or actress in a tv show or movie does things that are unrelated to the script is ridiculous.
First of all, I’m betting those people who are saying that are also saying that Eliza hates Bellamy/Bob, so that doesn’t make any sense. That Eliza wouldn’t be able to keep her ogling to herself. My god, do you think people actually have no control over their bodies? That a person whose JOB it is to use her body, her face, her voice, her eyes as the MEDIUM for her art does not know that when she’s being filmed what her body does is part of the story?
I just….
WTF? Making a film or tv show is a business, a craft and an art. They’re not just throwing things at the screen to see what sticks. They work on this ALL YEAR LONG. How disrespectful that people are like, ‘yeah they don’t know what they’re doing, I, sitting in front of my computer, stanning Cupcake Lxa, understand it all better than the professionals who are making the show and know the truth and telling the story. that was an accident.’
People claim that Bellarke is purely platonic. But when they see canonical interest on screen that they have trouble ignoring, they then say that Eliza is a bad actor and it is an accident and it wasn’t supposed to be there at all. Because neither Eliza, nor the directors, nor the camera men, nor the editors, nor Tree Adams know what they are doing or how to do their jobs. 
con·fir·ma·tion bi·as
the tendency to interpret new evidence as confirmation of one’s existing beliefs or theories. (GOOGLE IT)
How am I supposed to stop being condescending if people keep saying such GODDAMN STUPID SHIT? And I’m getting it in my inbox, too, which might be why I’m being so snarky right now, because I’m fed up with the willful ignorance and delusion.
You want your fantasies where Clarke will never move on from Lxa and never has loved and never will love Bellamy as more as a bro, you keep em. Go have fun on your blog and A03.  It’s awesome. 
You wanna analyze the show like that, you are being delusional and I’m getting tired of taking blatantly stupid, ignorant and biased theories as if they were valid and worth arguing over.
If you invalidate every bit of canon evidence that doesn’t fit your theory, if you decide everything that doesn’t fit your headcanon is because the actors or writers are ignorant and bad at what they do– then YOU’RE NOT LOOKING AT THE SHOW. YOUR THEORY IS BAD. You can’t just write off canon as stupid because you don’t like it. 
It’s not up to you to invalidate the story being told as false, because the story on the screen is THE STORY THAT IS BEING TOLD. That is the fact of the story. That is TRUE and that is CANON. Might it be a bad story? It sure might. Maybe you don’t like it. Absolutely possible and a valid interpretation and reaction.
But if you are UNABLE to put the pieces together to fit your theory, and you write off everything that doesn’t fit as “bad writing” or “eliza being a bad actress” then you’re just fucking wrong. You’re the one who is a bad audience and bad at interpreting and bad at understanding, because you are ONLY following your head canons, and NOT what is happening on screen. 
It’s not bad writers. It’s not Eliza can’t act. It’s you.
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