#like i'll encourage them to be a better person and forgive them but like. not without thoroughly walloping them
orangeblobby · 2 years
I really love the way that fights/combat are written in the httyd books in general, but i have a big soft spot for when they turn comedic-- especially when hiccup is unarmed and decides that the only way forward is to start frantically throwing things at people.
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smiletimeisrunningout · 10 months
going to do a mass-follow (well, a SLOW mass follow, gotta read all the rules and pages before I click on that button) so expect more memes and starter calls and especially plotting calls to be posted soon! Which work for old mutuals too obviously, I need new threads!
[I think none of my regular mutuals need to be told that I'm extra focused on the Doctor, as always, the Shadow and Bone book/show verse, and Lost, so those things may take priority, while not forgetting all my other drafts, which I veeeery much love. A reminder that I wrote all promised starters, if you missed yours check your tag!]
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demilypyro · 5 months
I have a long history of self-hatred.
Hating myself is what used to drive me. The only thing on my mind was... fixing myself somehow. Finding a way to not be so hateable anymore.... And I've found that that was wrong. Because every time I failed, every time I made a mistake, lost a friend, said the wrong thing, I would just hate myself more. And I've found that while regretting your mistakes can put you back on the right path, hating yourself for them keeps you exactly where you are. I couldn't move forward, because I didn't think I deserved to.
Something happened recently that shocked me. A let's player I'd always admired got cancelled. I'd looked up to this person for years, I admired their work ethic, their personable vibe, and especially their ability to keep their nose clean. One reason to hate myself was because I couldn't stay away from controversy as well as this person could... so much for that, right? I've gotten a lot of shit flung at me, but at least I've never trended on twitter... But in a way, that opened a new door for me. It's like they were dragged down to my level. If even that person I admired had such big flaws, maybe having flaws wasn't a reason to hate myself. And if I got so much out of content by a flawed person, maybe what I do can still be worth something even if it's made by a flawed person like me.
At risk of getting even more corny, I recently played Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth on stream, and I cried through the ending. But maybe not on the scenes other people were crying over. What had me crying, spoilers, was the scene at the end where main character Ichiban.... forgives his villain. This is a man who has wronged him, a man who set basically all the events of the story in motion, a man who caused Ichiban and a lot of other people in the story a lot of pain and suffering... but Ichiban just doesn't hate him. The thesis of the game seems to be that no matter what you've done, no matter how far you fall, you can always start over and do better next time. And that's what I cried over. If Ichiban could forgive someone this horrible, someone whose mistakes are gargantuan next to mine, then surely he'd forgive me too. And if he could forgive me, then surely I must have something to offer. I felt like he was encouraging me in my efforts to be better.
So I'm trying to be kinder to myself. I can't fix my mistakes, and I can't get rid of all my faults, but I can dust myself off and try to do better next time, and not hate myself when I fail. I can hold fast in the belief that I'm doing the best I can, and that I'll be forgiven by people who recognize my effort. I can believe that being flawed is not the same as being worthless.
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mj0702 · 4 months
For @tasha95 ... I hope it meets your expectations 😅 I got a little carried away 😅😅
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“Bitsy I love you... I REALLY love you but this is ridiculous” Keira said one evening after training as you two were driving back to her home
“What?” you said absently as you looked up from your phone
“The situation between you and Ona” the blonde clarified
“There is no situation” you grumbled getting back on your phone
“There is... I don't know what happened and you know I'll never push you to tell me but I have eyes and the way Ona always looks over at you and you avoiding her like the pest is a dead give away that there is a situation” Keira said as she stopped at a red light
“There is no situation” you answered
“Bitsy” the blonde said softly
“I let a fan comment get the better of me and said some.. not so nice things” you mumbled
“What did the fan said that YOU of all people let it get to you?” Keira asked her hand finding your knee to calm you down
“They asked me if Lucy and Ona where a thing since Lstans wedding or before... you know.. back in Manchester” you mumbled getting even more ashamed
“Oh Bitsy... you started to overthink didn't you?” the blonde sighed
“Yeah... I called them hypocrites” you said looking down on your hands
“Why?” Keira asked confused
“Lucy was so upset about G and I and I really thought they started before....” you left the rest of the sentence open
“... you thought Lucy cheated on me with Ona?” Keira said confused and shocked
“Kinda... yeah” you mumbled
“And that would make Ona a hypocrite how?” the blonde started do push the answer out of you a little bit
“Don't know.... I was just so mad” you said honestly
“I DO understand where you're coming from Bits... and you know I'm always in your corner but you probably hurt Ona.. I know you didn't have it easy in the past but you need to suck it up and apologize” Keira said seriously her hand still on your knee squeezing it lightly
“I know.... I REALLY know... I just don't know HOW” you said your voice a little desperate
“Ona is very forgiving you know... pull her aside and apologize – a real honest apology and I can promise you she'll forget about it” the blonde smiled encouraging “... but you hurt her”
“I know... I feel very bad about it” you mumbled embarrassed
“Good.. you are an amazing person Bitsy – just show Ona” Keira smiled as she pulled into the driveway
That was one week ago. You still haven't apologized. Simply due to the fact that every time you talked some courage into yourself and you were on the way towards Ona to finally apologize someone called her, talked to her or swept her away for some media. So you retorted to you last resort which brought you to the current situation – slumped down against Lucys front door waiting for the familiar black Cupra to pull up. You were waiting now for two hours now and there was still no one in sight. Your phone nearly dead from all the texting with your girlfriend you were down to count the pedals of the roses in the small front yard. Finally there was a car coming down the street and you got some hope that it was Lucy but you soon realized that it wasn't. So you kept on waiting – you told Keira where you were so she wouldn't freak out but right now you wished for nothing more than someone familiar next to you. The sun began to set about 20 minutes ago and it started to get dark really quickly. You were tired – so so tired. Since you were back in Barcelona – and after you kind of worked through your trauma about your ACL and the realisation that you'll never ever play professional football again – you started to kick the ball around more often. Mostly with Mapí, Pina and Patri who never said a single word about how broken you looked. Even tho the three took it lightly with you it costed you a lot of Energy to keep up with them. The first time they saw you again when Lucy brought you back from Munich, your girlfriend right next to you not letting you out of her sight for a single second – they where shocked but never ever said a word about it and just accepted everything you were willing to give freely.
So you pulled the Barcelona Jacket you got from Alexia - in a small moment between the two of you – tighter around you and got a little more “comfortable” against the door. You didn't plan to fall asleep but eventually you did. That's how Lucy and Ona found you about one and a half hours later when they finally made their way home – having stopped for some dinner spontaneously on the way and then taking a little walk at the beach.
“Bubs? Hey Bubs” Lucy said softly and started to shake you lightly so she wouldn't startle you
“Hm??” you grunted lowly not really waking up
“Come on Bubs... it's getting cold here... let's get you inside” your sister said lovingly as she picked you up like you weight nothing
“Can't... need to wait for Ona.... need to pologize” you mumbled still three quarter asleep not realizing that Ona was right next to Lucy
“It's okay Bubs” Lucy mumbled into your hair holding you tightly against her while Ona unlocked the door “You can apologise tomorrow”
“No...” you whined as you drifted off to sleep again “... trying for a week now... always someone stealing her”
“She'll be right here when you wake up Bubs” your sister said as she carefully laid you down on “your” bed before leaving the room letting the door a small bit open so you wouldn't feel trapped if you'd wake up later
“She doesn't need to apologise” Ona said immediately as Lucy came back into the living room “I know she didn't mean it”
“She needs to... for her own sake... I saw how she tried the whole week to try and come over to talk to you” Lucy said as she opened a bottle of wine since they had a day off tomorrow
“When?” Ona asked confused not noticing how you struggled to find a way to talk to her “I kept an eye on her but every time I looked she was either deep in conversation or with the Trio of Trouble”
“Mhm...” your sister confirmed while passing a glass to her girlfriend “... and every time she looked over you were either in conversation or got stolen away for media – it drove me crazy to watch the two of you looking past each other for a week”
“Why didn't you say anything?” the spaniard said confused
“Not my place....” Lucy shrugged her shoulders “... that's something between her and you”
“Morning” you mumbled once you dragged yourself into the kitchen
“Bon dia Bebita” Ona said softly reaching you a cup of coffee
“I want to apologise” you mumbled lowly after you took a small sip of coffee
“No need Bebita...” the blonde started but you interrupted her immediately
“... yes need... what I did and say wasn't okay... not at all... Lucy and Keira always told me not to listen to fans or media... I don't know why this comment got to me the way it did.... maybe because Lucy was so... shitty about G and I... I don't know... but you had nothing to do with it... I'm sorry Ona... I'm sorry I pulled you into the shit I made up in my head” you said honestly but you couldn't bring yourself to look into her eyes
“Look at me...” Ona said firmly and you thought you really fucked up and your mind started to go a million miles an hour about how you just destroyed either the relationship between Lucy and Ona or even worse for you – the relationship between your sister and you
“... Bebita... I really appreciate your apology – I do...” the spaniard started softly “... but there is no need. I know how certain comments can hurt – especially if they're made to get a reaction out of you... and I followed some pages online and not one of them posted anything about Lucys and mine relationship other than the usual – so you didn't let that comment get to you until you were out of the situation and that's worth more than every apology... at least to me... you didn't comment on it you left and you didn't bring Lucy or I in a situation where we had to think about a plan to do “damage control”... you showed me that you accept me and our relationship... and that's the biggest gift you could give me”
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11rosebunny · 5 months
When you first meet them (SHISHITOREN)
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Tomiyama Choji
Togame had to hold him back from making you feel even more uncomfortable by his spontaneous, pocket of joy, personality.
You had bumped into the short beige-haired man-child in the section of the cold refrigerated isle of drinks, without thinking of your surroundings you had picked up the last milk tea bottled drink and didn't notice the sounds of hurried footsteps rushing to where you stood.
Your head turned to the side to be face to face with a small boy around your age blinking at you weirdly. And he wasn't the one that thought his staring was weird, it was you who thought that. Awkwardly, you began walking away but he continued to stare at you, regardless if you kept trying to avoid his eye contact.
Shortly after, a tall black-haired man walked past you as if he was in a hurry, he wore the same uniform as the shorter guy.
"There you are, jeez. Quit running off like that you're gonna make me have back problems..." A strong deep voice lingered past your ears as you walked away further, then suddenly, a loud boast of a higher but boyish voice belted out.
"Look, you made me lose the last drink of the milk tea!" Your nose twitched naturally, and eventually, your pace came to halt causing the two boys to peak their heads up at you. From there, you saw that the shorter one of the two had been pointing at your figure but was slapped away the second you turned your back to them by the much taller male out of respect.
Shyly, you spoke up, "Do you want the drink then?" You asked, you didn't mind giving it away, there were other drinks you could choose from.
Moments after, the unknown boy around your height jogged up to you as you held out the drink for him which he gladly took, "Thanks a lot kind lady!" His mouth turned into a smile which shifted his entire face. You could tell it was his most prominent feature.
"It's alright," You said softly brushing it off. He then hummed causing you to grow confused. The black-haired man began walking up to the two of you as the boy in front of you continued speaking.
"...Since you gave me this, I'll buy you a drink so it's 50/50!" Taken a back, your eyes widened slightly as an unsure flat smile appeared on your face, even though the atmosphere around you was more than calm, it was starting to rise with his expressive personality.
"I- okay," But before you knew it, the pressure of your right arm grew shallow when you had realized he now began dragging you all over the store making black-haired boy panic for your safety.
Once you finally choose a random drink the two strange boys encouraged you to take so he could pay, the three of you left the convince store.
"Thank you for the drink," You smiled softly looking at the beige-haired male who had already eagerly untwisted the milk tea bottle drink while the taller male drank his ramune drink.
"No problem, would you like to join me and Togame now?"
"Eurghk—?!" Your voice choked being surprised at how open and extroverted, not even having any shame when asking you out for the first time. From the sides, the two of you heard a snorting sound causing your heads to now place your attention on the tall male.
"That's not very polite y'know," He started off as he took another sip from his drink, "Asking out a girl without even getting to know her name? You should know better than that, Choji," He teased.
The beige-haired boy blinked, "Ohh, you're right!" His head turned towards you, "My name is Tomiyama Choji, and you are?"
The two boys noticed how you paused, assuming you were either in shock or still processing what was going on. After a few seconds, you finally replied.
"My name is [Full Name]."
Jo Togame
"I'm so sorry, please forgive my three idiot friends," The man before you had multiple veins all over his head with a strained smile while holding each of them by the backs of their clothing, making them raise in the air like two cats that had just been separated from fighting each other.
Earlier, you went to go out to buy an exclusive ingredient that was found in the Shishitoren area. The place was notorious for being a place of delinquents that trash and vandalize everything. Your journey there was making you almost regret going out of Kotoha as a favour to get the poor girl some groceries.
Stepping in there, you felt like a cat in a lions den, multiple stores were graffitied, as well as many of the townsfolk had hardcore personas.
As you were walking down the street clutching on your side back to quickly pull out your keys if anyone came to threaten you, what you weren't expecting was a group of three guys jumping out of no where scaring the living shit out of your soul, you let out a blood curdling scream as you fell to the floor shakily.
"O-oh, crap! Was our approach maybe to intense?" A boy with one side of his head shaved while his wavy hair fell to the side suddenly spoke out, looking back at his friend who was urgently biting his nails. His hair was set in a man bun. From the side of them stood another boy about the same age with beige-hair.
"I-I don't know...." The nervous guy said.
"Pfshh, everything is fine! We're Shishitoren now, we now help those who are in need just like Bofurin!" You heart began to pound, if these boys said they were trying to help you, why in the world did you feel like you were just getting jumped.
Without even getting to protest, the shortest out of the three lifted you up as you stared back at him flabbergasted on what just happened to you, "We are students from Shishitoren and we will protect you!"
You stood still on spot, trying to even process what was happening, you came to understand why Kotoha willingly sent you off to their territory with no remorse. Was this what she meant by saying their base was no longer a threat towards anyone?
You looked at each of them one by one, one of them stared at you trying his best to seem less scary, the one beside him was biting his nails obviously scared of who knows what, and finally, the one that had helped you up was staring back at you as if he was a puppy trying to get you to play fetch with him. Your brain was going to explode in any second now.
Suddenly, loud footsteps of wooden sandals hitting the floor marched their way over to the scene, and before you knew it, the wavy-haired man and the nervous boy were received a punch on their heads before he roughly picked up the two by the back of their shirts making the one in the middle widen his eyes. Even though he didn't look back, it seemed like he could already tell who approached them.
Your eyes lingered behind the boy before you and then you had made eye contact with an extremely tall male, with short black-hair, and downturns eyes with a faux sympathy atmosphere surrounding him.
"I'm so sorry, please forgive my three idiot friends."
Afterwards, you witnessed the man scolding the three of them in the middle of the street.
"Just because we changed our ways doesn't mean everyone will automatically view us differently!" He yelled in the street without much care.
Once he was done scolding and even threading them all, the shortest of the two lead them in defeat to go back to their turf. The boy then sighed with his back facing you until he realized you were watching the whole thing.
From there, he was now face to face with you. His hair was cut into a low taper, his eyes were downturn, as for his outfit resembled a bit of a more up to date monk outfit based on his traditional wooden sandals and airy baggy pants.
"Ah, I apologize again if any of us had startled you, we were currently patrolling the town to help people, turns out the first day was a total blow..."
You laughed at his sarcasm, "...It's okay, I was just a bit confused, I didn't know Shishitoren had changed," This time he laughed.
"Well, it's been a long time since, now May I ask what a person from Bofurin is doing here?"
"Ah, just passing by to get some groceries in a near by shop," He then hummed, before checking his watch and then where the sun set before looking back at you.
"I suppose I could guide you for the time being," He smiled while turning his body sideways, indicating you to walk beside him.
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bazpire · 12 days
Summary: Sweetie had a rough week. Good thing they have their personal... 'caretaker' ready to do whatever it takes to help them relax.
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Cw: yandere behaviour, stalking, home invasion, unconsensual undressing, unconsensual touch that becomes very consensual, sweetie is referred to only with gender neutral terms, highly suggestive, but nothing explicit. Sweetie is mostly nonverbal in this one.
Despite the warnings, this is, ironically enough, just self-indulgent fluff
Both taglist: @indigo-greer-collins @ch3zzz @kxemii @darlin-collins @plutocries @ambrose-mp4 @elles-roses
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They were exhausted.
With the week they had, 'Sweetie' was sure to be tired and worn out. Saturday rolled up like rain on a desert, and they finally got home, collapsing on the couch.
Barely a few moments after getting home, they heard the familiar ringtone of their phone and a call entering it. Lately, the sound made them jump, the fear wash over them as their body tensed up and straightened. However, after everything that had been going on for them, it was like even their defence mechanisms were exhausted as well, and the only thing they could muster up was a groan and a lazy movement of their finger, declining the call. If it was who they thought it was, he'd call again anyway.
And like perfect clockwork, barely seconds later, the music ringed in 'Sweetie's ears. With a sigh, once again, they lazily moved their fingers, but this time, it was to accept it. They put the call in speakerphone and carelessly placed it on the arm of the sofa, burying their face on the pillow.
"Hi, sweetie." The familiar voice surrounded them, the usual fear they'd feel replaced with an odd sense of comfort, of company. He only got a sound that barely resembled a greeting out of them. "I'll forgive you declining my call, only because you seem... absolutely destroyed." Now, he got an affirmation out of them. "I know, dear, I know." He whispered in a loving and caring tone.
As they sat in silence for a couple minutes, 'Sweetie' felt themselves slowly and truly relax, like they weren't able to before. They moved their head so they could breathe better, their eyes still closed, even as they felt an unnatural, warm, minty wind blowing exclusively on their face.
They knew better than to open their eyes.
"Sweetie." He cooed. He gained an "mhm?" Sound, and he felt like he melted because it sounded so peaceful, so care-free. Not filled with their usual, poorly hidden anxiety. "How about you go to your bedroom? I'm sure your bed would be much more comfortable to fall asleep on than your couch." Now he got a groan. It was clear they didn't want to use their body, not after finally getting slightly comfortable and relaxed. "I know, baby, I know. I promise it'll be worth it."
They sighed, mentally preparing to move. Using their hands to push themselves up, they got on their knees and took their phone, finally getting off the couch and dragging their feet towards their bedroom. The phone vibrated on their hand. "Veeeeery good, that's it, go on, just a few more steps." The encouragement felt good, even though any other time they'd feel patronised and angry, they couldn't be bothered to at this moment.
At last, they opened their bedroom door and reached out to the light switch. "Don't." The voice called out, and they dropped their arm to their side. "Keep the lights off. I want... to try something."
With a weak mumble, they walked towards their bed, laying down (or rather, falling on it) and sighing in relief. "See? Didn't I tell you it'd be so much better like this?" They just nodded, aware that he was watching.
"What I was gonna try... turn around, face up, keep your eyes closed." He ordered, and obediently, they followed the instructions.
Even in the complete darkness of their room, they felt something moving around. Would it be him? They tensed up. "Ah, ah, ah. None of that. Not when we've gotten so far." He spoke into the phone, even though they heard him around them. But then again, they knew better than to open their eyes.
Their work shirt started to be unbuttoned as they gasped. "Shhh, Shhh, it's okay, I won't hurt you. Keep your eyes closed." The man tried to comfort them, even as goosebumps raised on their skin, and a slight shake took them over.
He took their shirt off with their help. Maybe it was the mix between exhaustion, fear, and a sense of self-preservation, but Sweetie complied and followed all the rules. Same thing when he took their pants off, leaving them in only their underwear. "Veeery good, good job, Sweetie. You're doing so well for me. You've done such a good job listening and obeying what I say. I think you deserve a reward." They felt the bed move and deepen, as if someone kneeled down on it. "Turn around."
That turned their defence mechanisms on, every part of their body suddenly begging them to run, to hide, to do anything. But they were frozen, with their eyes closed and half-naked, so tensed up it was like their muscles were ready to snap.
"It's not for the reasons you think it is, sweetie. Just listen to me." He finally touched them, and it was like small fireworks lit up under their skin. He trailed his hand up and down their arm, trying to reassure them. They could feel it, see it, visualise it. His hands were long and slender, yet rough, as if he took no care of them. 'Sweetie' didn't know if his attempts at comforting them were making everything worse or better. Scratch that, they knew, a deep part of themselves knew.
Maybe that part was their body because as soon as his hand reached their wrist, they did as told and turned around, their stomach pressed against the soft bedding.
"Well done, sweetie... well done..." They could hear it, hear the heavy and uneven breathing, the poorly contained lust and need, the heat emanating from his fingertips.
It was driving them insane.
Especially when he laid his slender hands flat on their back and pressed down with calculated strength, making their back pop and coaxing a surprised moan out of them.
"Oh, fuck..." They heard him whisper under his breath, but their mind couldn't focus enough on it, instead driving all their attention to the way his hands moved around their back, pressing down on the right spots and ripping more and more quiet moans and groans out of them.
"Hmm... mhm, mhm." Their voice started to become insistent as he got to a particularly nice place.
"Oh, right here? Of course, dearest, anything for you." He purred, focusing all his attention on that spot, making them more and more comfortable and relaxed as time went on. "You have no idea how much I adore doing this. How much I've waited to touch you, how much I've been wanting and desiring and needing to have my hands on you." He, again, hit a nice spot, making them sigh in pleasure. "There it is, that's it. This is everything I've ever wanted, sweetie, just to make you feel good. To have you melt and relax under my touch. To have you give yourself up entirely and completely to me. Won't you do that? Don't you want to be mine, so I'll make you feel this good every time you could ever desire?" They moaned out loud as he made the back of their right shoulder pop. "I could make you feel so much better than this, hun. Bring you so much more pleasure. So much rapture. All you have to do is say it. Say yes. Say you'll be mine."
Everything was turning dizzy, like it was spinning. Between his hands moving expertly on their back, with how long they've had their eyes closed, how good it felt to finally wind down and relax under the hands of somebody they knew would take care of them. They just couldn't give it up. They just couldn't give him up.
"Yes, fine, I'll be yours. Please."
He chuckled and leaned down right against their ear. "Very good, my love. I'm so very proud of you." He grabbed their arm, turning them around quickly and ripping a surprised squeal out of them. "You can open your eyes now, sweetie. Look at me."
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beeanca-writing · 9 months
That other anon was being an asshole, but I am curious about what you had planned for EfC? Not gonna lie, I'll miss the cast—would be nice to know what happens to who!
I'm still unsure what I'll do with EfC. I might come back to it once this current period of my life is over, though it'd likely be very different. First of all, it'd be a shorter story. I'd either get rid of some of the ROs, or find some way to better integrate them into the narrative (compare Harry, who you can have this huge, important backstory with vs Val, whom I love but is also just some guy, I guess?). It'd also probably be more focused on romance since that's usually what interests me the most in IF anyway.
I also might scrap a lot of it and stick to the storylines that interest me the most—mainly the Harry stuff. A shorter game dealing with The Hedonist returning to Court and having to face Harry sounds really fun to write, and it'd be a lot less complex to plan than this whole mess. Also, Harry is definitely a more developed character than some of the other ROs. For example, I love Camila to death, but she doesn't have much significance in the story other than "The Hedonist's friend" and I was never able to find her some meaning.
I'd also make The Hedonist even more of a fixed character by getting rid of all personality stats and focusing solely on their actions instead of worrying about personality. The stats were all carried over from CoG, and it's never been something I enjoy in their brand of IF. I was going to do this anyway when I first transferred the game to Twine, but stupidly asked Tumblr what they thought and, since most people preferred keeping the stats, I did that even though I didn't really want to.
As for to what would happen to the cast... In case I do come back to EfC, I don't think this would change much, so I'll put it into a read more in case someone doesn't want to know. If anyone has any more questions, don't hesitate to ask!
Grandma would die. Sorry!
Also, Cordelia was The Hedonist's twin who drowned in front of them, but that was a bit obvious, wasn't it? I'd definitely remove that from any rewrites, it's so unnecessary and cliché.
Henry would divorce Elizabeth to be with Nicholas. The Hedonist could either support him on this or not.
Due to the divorce, the rest of the family would be disgraced in Court. Evie's reputation is a little less affected if she's still with Harry.
As I mentioned in the past, The Hedonist can choose whether to stay in Court or not at the end.
The Hedonist and Evie can repair their relationship or not. Evie eventually makes an effort to become friends with The Hedonist, and you could choose whether to play nice or not. If The Hedonist romances Harry and you manage to have a good relationship, she forgives you, but asks for some time away from both The Hedonist and Harry.
I didn't really plan Camila's character arc well. She becomes a Republican rebel and can either still be friends with The Hedonist or have distanced herself a bit if they continue to be an asshole.
Sabina can choose to no longer be a nun if encouraged either by a friend or romanced Hedonist. If you romanced her but didn't encourage her to leave the convent, she dumps you. (Note: You later find out she was forced to become a nun by her family.)
Similarly to Sabina, Narcissa can choose to break things off with the Emperor if, again, encouraged either by a friend or romanced Hedonist.
Calvin's ending is the wildest one, actually. He finds out he's a father after the boy's mother passes away. The Hedonist can either tell him to abandon the boy or tell him to raise him (if Calvin is romanced, they kind of become a step parent).
Val can be encouraged to start studying to become a librarian. Also, his whole thing is that his father is the Emperor lol
Lastly, horse boy Harry will want to divorce Evie if romanced and marry The Hedonist instead. If you refuse to marry him, he divorces her anyway but doesn't stay with The Hedonist. A friend!Harry stays with Evie, I think? I don't know.
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frogs-and-books · 4 months
Hello everyone. I'm sure many of you seeing this post know what it's about, but for the ones that don't, yesterday I made a post saying, and I quote "Hey, this is your daily reminder that Riz is not canonically Aromantic! He is implied to be, and it's totally fine to hc that, but I've seen a lot of people stating he's aromantic like it's a fact, when that has never been confirmed! He is canonically Asexual tho, you can't take that away!" Since then, I have gotten called stupid, bigoted, and I have been told to kill myself. As anyone who read my bio knows, I am a seventeen year old high school boy who is just trying to get through AP exams.
I never wanted to start drama, and I've never had any bad intentions. I just wanted to clear up some common misinformation I saw. But it seems no matter how much I say that you can headcanon whatever you want and ask people to stop harassing people who have different interpretations of media than them, people only hear what they want to. I was asked what I expected to happen when I posted that, and honestly, what did I expect? Well, I didn't expect to be harassed by a community that I thought was full of love. We are queer DnD lovers, and I thought that would be the last group of people to hurt those who are different. I believed, perhaps naively, that my post wouldn't do much but encourage people to do their own research on what's canon.
Please do not take away the wrong message from this post. I am not asking for sympathy. I am asking for you, as a community, to do better. I don't hate anyone who has been a part of this mess. People are wonderful multidimensional beings with endless possibilities, and I choose to believe that everyone has good in them.
I am not perfect. I am sure there is a logical fallacy or two that I've had in my posts. I'm sure I've come across as too aggressive at some points. I'm sure that if any of these writings were submitted to the AP English exam I took today, I would've failed. I'm argumentive, extremely wordy, and not much to look at, but one thing I've always tried to be is kind.
I promise I tried to make sure everyone knew I was a safe space. Any opinions or headcanons you have are welcome and accepted as long as you respect other people. I have failed to make the community feel safe in my account, and for that, I ask your forgiveness.
Please do not search out or harass anyone who was related to this. If there's one thing I have learned from today, is that it can really mess with you. I love every one of you, even those who seem to believe I'm Satan himself. This was a learning experience for all of us, and I hope we can grow as people together.
And finally, to the person who told me to kill myself, I will not. I will live and I will be happy. I'll have a long, fulfilling life surrounded by my friends and family, and I will not let my opinions on a fictional goblin define me. Because I know I'm a good person and I hope one day you can say the same.
This will be my final post.
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the-cookie-of-doom · 6 months
split/kid! Kim AU as promised 😘
send me an ask and I'll tell you about one of these WIPs!
I haven't thought about this fic in so long I forgot it even existed, but I added it to the list just for you <3
In this fic, through ~magical handwaving~, Kim's younger self is split from his adult self. It was meant to only cut out his memories/trauma (bc Kim will turn to magic before therapy), but oops! Turns out all those memories became a whole person! So now there's a ~13 year old knife-wielding Kim running around the compound, and adult KimChay have no idea. The significance of that age is that's how old Kim was the first time he killed someone, and he sees that as the thing that ruined him as a person. So if he can get rid of the part of himself that decided to be a murderer, maybe he can become a better man for Chay. Spoiler, that's not how it works.
The whole idea behind the fic is Kim learning to forgive himself for the things he had to do to survive. It's a lot harder to blame yourself for life going wrong when you have to look that frightened child in the eyes and tell him everything is his fault. Kid Kim is also a darling, and the brother feels make me weep.
Chay’s phone is ringing on the nightstand. He reaches blindly for it, preoccupied with Kim’s mouth on his own.  “Ignore it,” Kim murmurs, giving Chay’s bottom lip a chastising little bite. He’s half on top of Chay, both of them naked, hands wandering, and well on their way to a second round. Kim is making a very compelling argument, but… “It’s hia,” Chay says, and finally grasps his phone, hitting “accept” on the second to last ring. Kim huffs at him and starts pressing warm kisses along his jaw instead. “Hello?” “Chay,” Porsche greets jovially. “Question for you. Why is your boyfriend a child?”  “... He isn’t?” Chay looks down at Kim, now mouthing at his collarbone, just to make sure. And yep, still the same twenty-three year old he’s been for the last four months.  “I’m literally staring at him, and he is.”  “I’m literally naked with him, and he isn’t. I think I would have noticed.” Porsche snorts on the other end of the line. Kim looks up at him curiously, his tongue tracing wet circles around a nipple. Chay tugs his hair to make him stop but it only encourages him to bite. “Want to tell me why you think Kim is a child, hia?”  “I’m a what?” Kim asks, his voice low and rough and dripping with judgment. “Has your brother lost his mind?”  “See for yourself.” Seconds later Chay gets a text alert. He pulls up the messages, and nearly drops his phone when he sees the picture that loads.  There, sitting beside Kinn, wearing obviously borrowed clothes and the stormiest scowl Chay has ever seen, is Kim. Unmistakably, irrefutably Kim. Chay, left gaping and unable to speak, turns his phone around to show his lover.  “... Hm.”  “What the fuck?” Chay whispers. Then, “Porsche, I’ve got to go. We’re on our way.”  He ends the call.  “You’re not surprised. Why are you not surprised?”  “I’m surprised.”  “Really? Because you sounded like I just told you the road flooded in monsoon season.” Chay pushes himself up to his elbows, dislodging Kim. “What gives? What did you do?” “Why do you think I did something?” “Because there’s two of you!” “... I didn’t do anything that would have done that.” “But you did do something.” Silence. Kim refuses to meet his eyes. “Kim.” “It wasn’t anything bad! I just… Look, don’t be mad, okay?” Chay takes a deep breath, and then another. They’ve been together for two years now. They’ve seen each other through a lot. Chay can confidently say they’ve reached a place where Chay would forgive him for anything, because he trusts Kim not to do anything unforgivable.  “Tell me what happened, then we can figure out what’s going on,” Chay says. “I might have… gotten rid of… my memories. Of my childhood.” “... What?”  Kim squirms. He pulls the blankets up higher, suddenly vulnerable in his nudity. At least he doesn’t try to run away.  “You’re always telling me to go to therapy. I thought I could go straight to the source, cut it out, then,” he takes a shuddering breath, “then I would be okay.” “Kim, you can’t—that’s not how it works.” Kim shrinks in on himself. Chay doesn’t let him hide, drawing Kim into his arms when he tries, clutching him close. “That’s—that’s half your life! And it’s just, what, gone?” “I thought it would be. Guess not. I promise I didn’t know this would happen.”  “And you were just going to hide this from me?” Kim shrugs. Chay’s heart clenches wondering how long Kim could have gotten away with it. He never talks about his childhood as it is, like he’s already locked that part of himself away. “When do your memories start, then?” “When I was thirteen, I think.” “Why that age?”  “That was the first time I killed a man.” Kim squeezes his arms around Chay’s middle, hiding away in his shoulders. Quietly, he adds, “That’s what broke me.”  The day he lost his innocence, Chay thinks. He stopped being a child when he took his first life.  Except he doesn’t believe that for a second. Trauma isn’t what makes someone an adult; Chay would know. Kim was still so young, and he must have been terrified. Alone. 
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sabo-has-my-heart · 1 year
Hi! Can I please request headcanons for Usopp and/or Sanji with a S/O who’s insecure about their laugh because everyone including their own family used to bullyy them for it sounding like some kind of demonic screeching? Thank you
Hey 🦇 anon, I'd actually really like to thank you for sending this in. I have a cackle when I'm really happy that everyone always hated so I stopped laughing as hard for very many years. So this request is a little personal. Because of this, I did the entire Monster trio and Usopp. I was gonna do more but I couldn't come up with anything at the moment. Send me another one if you want to see them though and I'll do my best! Also, I tried to make Sanji's and Usopp's longer since the request was for them.
Warnings: WCI and Dressrosa spoilers (are marked below), reader insecure about their laugh.
Word Count: 606
Loves your laugh
Does not care how it might sound, doesn’t care if it’s ‘annoying’, ‘obnoxious’, ‘screechy’, etc.
It’s your laugh, of course he loves it
Actively encourages you to laugh more
Will do whatever he can to make you laugh more
Will also punch anyone who makes fun of your laugh
Tells you that you have the most unique laugh ever
Never wants you to stop laughing
When you tell him about how people have made fun of it, he pouts before telling you he’d never do that and that you should laugh more.
Always tells you he loves your laugh
The first time he hears your laugh, he’s confused
Did that sound really come from you?
Smiles and says it’s interesting
He likes it when you laugh because it means you’re really happy
Does lightly tease you a little bit, but tries to keep it light hearted and fun
“The King of Hell and the girl/boy/them with the demonic laugh”
He’s made you cry accidentally before.
Immediately apologized and explained he was just trying to cheer you up. 
He really does love your laugh though, more than he says
So startled the first time he hears it
Just, a complete “wtf was that?”
The moment you go quiet and apologize for it he does an immediate 180
Telling you it’s a beautiful laugh, that it’s so unique, that he was just startled that something so beautiful came from you
He begs to hear you laugh again
Tells you that your laugh sounds like something from divinity
Will kick the absolute shit out of anyone who makes fun of your laugh
Like, you want someone dead? Tell him they made fun of your laugh, he will kill them
If this is before WCI, this sparks a talk about his past in order to try and make you feel better
Whenever he’s feeling down, he asks to hear you laugh because hearing you so happy makes him happy.
Seriously, he loves it when you laugh because he knows it means you’re really happy to allow yourself to laugh like that
WCI spoilers below
If you join the rescue, you’re probably not going to let go of him that easily so he hits you where it hurts
He mocks your laugh.
After you save him, he’s literally on his knees begging for forgiveness
Even if you say you forgive him, he’ll kick himself everytime you hold your laugh back
Seriously, what he said haunts him
End WCI spoilers
Another one who is startled when he first hears you laugh
Makes up a bunch of stories to make you laugh
Also makes up a bunch of stories about laughter
The two of you are able to confide in each other, him about being a liar and you about your laugh.
Always tries to hype you up in his stories
“And then my amazing s/o split the very heavens with their laugh and everyone was in awe of how beautiful it was!”
Whenever you're in his workshop with him, you’re more willing to laugh because it’s just the 2 of you
Wishes he could beat people up for mocking your laugh
Not that you actually care, you’re just happy that he likes your laugh
If you ever stop laughing, he’ll do everything in his power to get you to laugh again.
Dressrosa Spoilers
The Tontattas would not leave you alone!
They wanted to hear the laugh of the lover of ‘God Usopp’
They now think that your laugh is the sound angels make when they laugh
End Dressrosa spoilers
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putschki1969 · 7 months
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Live Title & Promo Visuals Revealed
To commemorate the 5th Anniversary of Wakana’s solo debut, a special band live will be held for the first time in 3 years! The official title for the live was announced today!
Title: 『Wakana 5th Anniversary Live ~The “VOICE” Stories~』 Date: May 12, 2024 ◆1st Stage◆ Open 14:45 / Start 15:30 ◆2nd Stage◆ Open 18:15 / Start 19:00 Venue: I’M A SHOW (capacity: 398 seats) Starring: Wakana, Satoshi Takebe (Music Director/Piano), etc. 【Ticket price】 All seats reserved 8,500円 ※An additional 600円 drink fee will be charged at the venue Advanced Ticket Lottery: March 11~March 17 General Sale: March 30~
Botanical Land Post | Instagram Post | Tweet
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2024/03/08 Instagram post by Wakana
I went to a wonderful studio the other day🌿 It was a lovely room with lush greenery and plenty of light. It was fun to fantasise about where I would place my furniture if I lived there 😌💕(Source)
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2024/03/10 Blog post by Wakana おしゃべりガーデン第7回目‼︎〜卒業とチョコチップと「The “VOICE” Stories」〜
❗This is Fan Club EXCLUSIVE content❗ ❗PERSONAL USE ONLY❗ ❗Do NOT SHARE on other sites❗ ❗Join her FAN CLUB! Check out my detailed TUTORIAL ❗
Talk Garden Vol.7!! ~Graduation, Chocolate Chips, and 「The “VOICE” Stories」 ~
The 7th episode of "Wakana's Talk Garden" has been uploaded! Thank you for sending me your "graduation memories"~(((o(*゚▽゚*)o))) Maybe the topic was a bit tricky this time so there weren't a lot of submissions🤣 But I definitely related to a lot of your stories about things that you want to graduate from and finally leave behind 😭✨ (I certainly want to get rid of my late-night cravings for Korean food)
By the way, I was surprised that I couldn't recall which song our choir was singing at one of my graduation ceremonies even though I was sure that I would remember such a detail. I vividly remember singing at the graduation ceremony as a member of my junior high school choir. I had a pretty loud voice but most of the other members were rather quiet so I would always hide somewhere in the back because otherwise I would stand out too much with my singing😂 (Sorry teacher, please forgive the antics of an adolescent). However, back then there was a boy in our local boys' and girls' choir and he would always make sure to sing with a loud and firm voice. I looked up to him with great respect and thought he was incredibly courageous, he honestly was my hero✨😂 (I was still hiding in the back but he encouraged me to sing with all my might) All the parents mentioned that they were amazed by how well our voices could be heard (*´-`) Despite all of that, I totally forgot what song it was 🤣🤣 That's the most important part! ! *laughs* Oh well, that's how life is...(I'll ask a friend next time💌)
Before I read all of your graduation stories , I went on a tangent about Baskin-Robins ice cream. It went on for quite some time so please be prepared! ! 😂 It was about my favourite chocolate chip ice cream which I had to get as soon as it came out! ♡ it was my first time in years to eat this flavour ♡ (If you add your favourite ice cream flavour in the Baskin-Robins app, you'll receive a notification when it's released). I also tried the newly released matcha brownie flavour 🍨 It was so delicious! 😳 But for some reason...I can't really recommend this particular combination of flavours🤣 It’s better to eat them individually!!👍
Well, the next talk theme is... there will be NO talk theme! 😂 I feel like everyone was having a hard time thinking of stories for the talk themes🥺 I didn't intend to inconvenience anyone...😇Please forgive me...😇 So next time, just throw some random messages at me! Don't even think about it, no matter what it is, just submit it and let me talk about it. So if you have anything you want to ask me or want me to talk about, please don't hesitate! \\\\٩( 'ω' )و //// Really anything is fine! 🤗💕 I’ll be waiting💕
Also, the official title for my upcoming 5th Anniversary Live has been announced✨ The full title is Wakana 5th Anniversary Live ~The “VOICE” Stories~! The title of my first tour after my solo debut was ``VOICE'', it was about having my “voice” heard and expressing my “voice”. Back then, there were so many things that felt new to me, and I'm sure it was the same for all of you. Five years have passed since then and I have come across several new "voices" within me. New thoughts and feelings were born within my heart and expressed through my "voice". And of course I've been supported by the voices of encouragement from many people throughout all these years. For these reasons, I decided to name the live The “VOICE” Stories, I want to create an environment for people to hear my new “VOICE”. I will be sharing various thoughts and sing songs from the past five years. I would be happy if you came to experience this special moment together with me. Please come to “I'M A SHOW” in Yurakucho on May 12th! ! The live promo visual has also been released🤗✨
All right, that’s it for today! Until next time~☆( *'▽'*)/
Wakana’s Talk Garden #7
❗This is Fan Club EXCLUSIVE content❗ ❗PERSONAL USE ONLY❗ ❗Do NOT SHARE on other sites❗ ❗Join her FAN CLUB! Check out my detailed TUTORIAL ❗
Episode #7 »»—— CLICK ME 🎁 CLICK ME ——««
Vol 7 Topic “Memories of Graduation”
For next month’s episode which is scheduled to air on April 10th, the topic is “Something I Want to Ask Wakana/Something I Want Wakana to Talk About” The submission deadline is 03/31.
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glazemeda · 2 years
aster first of all congrats on 200 dear! you deserve those and many many more <3 your writing always puts me at ease and makes me super happy /gen 🥺💕 for your event, how about i, k, l, o, x for kazuha please? thank you so much and please dont overwork yourself! remember to take breaks, sleep enough and stay hydrated mwa!! 💗
note; tysm hori! i'll do something better, here you go, the full alphabet for the pretty samurai<3 tags; slight angst here and there, mostly cheesy and fluffy, not edited.
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A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
Kazuha is someone who enjoys being outside, even more with you by his side. He’d like to take trips with you, whenever you want to go, and he keeps those memories close to his heart. The memory of the sun caressing your skin so beautifully will be one he’ll think of when he needs inspiration.
But, your lover likes to be close to you no matter what you’re doing. If you prefer to stay inside, he’s okay with that, he should take a break from traveling sometimes, so he’ll stay with you, reading together or writing a sweet haiku for you. Quiet evenings where he can rest his head on your lap are his favorites.
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
Your lover can’t answer a question like that. Is there something not to admire about you? Is there something about you that isn’t beautiful? The answer to both of those questions is a no. He admires everything that makes you, you, be it bad or good.
Kazuha thinks you’re the very meaning of beautiful, you’re the most gorgeous sight in his eyes, your smile shines more than the sun, the red on your cheeks reminds him of the prettiest roses… Don’t ask him what he likes about you, unless you can listen to him for hours and don’t mind ending up with a completely red face.
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
He’ll stay by your side, leaving enough space as to not make it worse, and tell you that he’s there for you. If you’re alright with touch, the ronin will gently place his hand on your back or your arm, and encourage you to take slow, deep breaths.
One his fingers will softly repeat shapes on your skin, or gently tap with a certain rhythm to help you focus. Take your time, he’ll remind you, he won’t go anywhere. He’ll also encourage you to match his breathing, if doing it alone it’s difficult at that moment.
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
Kazuha focuses more on the present, rather than past or future. His dream is simple: to stay by your side and give you a reason to smile. He just wants to hold your hand, to have you in his arms, and kiss your lips.
He prefers to not think too much about the future, as many things could happen. He wants to enjoy your time together, right now, without caring about anything else. But of course, he hopes you’re still there, waiting for him to return from his travels, as years pass.
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
Right in the middle. Your lover is good at adapting, so if you want him to be more dominant or passive, he’s alright with both. You’re pretty equal most of the time, though, but it’s more of your personal preference.
Kazuha doesn’t mind that kind of thing, as long as your relationship goes well and the two of you enjoy being together. It may depend on the day, your mood, or any other factors.
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
Fights with Kazuha are extremely uncommon, as he makes a big effort to communicate with you and keep calm whenever there’s a disagreement. Unless it’s something really serious, he’ll most likely forgive you rather easily if you’re honest when you apologize.
If it’s something more… personal, something that deeply hurt him, it’ll take time. If you’re sincere about regretting what you said and what happened, he’ll end up forgiving you, but it mostly depends on you.
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
Your lover is so grateful for you, and he makes sure to show it. He appreciates how you wait for him to come back to you, how you trust him to do so, and how you help him during his weakest moments.
Kazuha is well aware of what you do for him, and he tries to do the same for you. After a long journey, you’re always there for him, you help him relax and listen to him as he talks about his trip. You look at him like he’s your whole world, and you’re his.
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
In the beginning, there are things Kazuha prefers to keep for himself. Not because he doesn’t trust you, he loves you dearly and trusts you with his life, but he needs time to organize his thoughts and feelings before he opens up.
Slowly but surely, he’ll tell you everything about himself, hoping that you’ll do the same. He’ll talk about his childhood, his family, his friend, his most difficult experiences… He wants you to know him, especially if he thinks about proposing to you.
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
Kazuha didn’t change much on the outside, but inside, you were able to make his worst memories go away. Thanks to you, he finds it easier to remember his friend with a bittersweet smile, wondering if he would be happy to know that Kazuha found someone as wonderful as you.
You help him during his worst moments, making him feel safe and warm. He has someone’s shoulder to cry on when he can’t continue bottling his feelings. You helped him realize that he doesn’t have to hold in the tears all the time, and he’s forever grateful to you.
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
Jealousy and Kazuha in the same sentence is a strange occurrence. Your lover trusts you a lot, and knows that you wouldn’t betray him in any way. Besides, he knows how to control his temper and doesn’t let any intrusive thoughts blind him.
But, if someone is going too far and touching you without your consent, even though you’re clearly uncomfortable and trying to get away, he won’t hesitate to step in. He won’t resort to violence, unless it’s self-defense, he’d rather walk away with you. You’ll notice your lover is a bit more touchy than usual, and if you ask him, he’ll admit that he felt a little jealous. The pink on his cheeks is adorable.
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
He’s definitely a good kisser, he takes his time and makes sure that you enjoy it as much as he does! Kazuha usually gives you a small sign when he wants to kiss you, especially in public, be it a simple glance or playing with your fingers until you realize what he wants to do.
The first kiss you shared was nothing short from one from a fairy tale or a poem. His lips gently touched yours, moving slowly as his hand caressed your cheek. It wasn’t a long kiss, even if he yearned to claim your lips again and again… he feared that, if he did, he wouldn’t be able to stop himself from stealing kiss after kiss.
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
It would depend on where you are and your own preferences. Still, he would take you out on a date, visiting places he knows you enjoy, then asking you to stop for a minute before you go back home.
Kazuha would gently hold your hand in his, slowly intertwining your fingers. His touch is loose enough for you to step back if you wanted to, but of course you didn’t. He’ll tell you about his feelings, about how his heart beats faster when you’re around, and about how you’re in his mind whenever he sees something beautiful… He can wait for your answer, just as you wait for him to come back every time.
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
He wants to spend the rest of his life with you, married or not. Kazuha will bring up the topic with you first to know your preferences before he does anything. If you want to get married, he won’t doubt.
He’ll propose to you with the sweetest poem you’ve ever heard, every word full of love and wonder. He’d like a nice wedding, inviting your family and close friends. It may get a little rowdy with Beidou and her crew, but it’ll be a really fun and wonderful event!
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
Oh, Kazuha uses the loveliest nicknames for you. Dove, my love, beloved, dear, darling, maple leave, my heart, flower, my breeze… There are so many, and even more, but he can’t help him when every nickname comes from his heart.
He’ll watch your reaction to every single one. The ones that make you react the most will be kept for private, or moments when he wants to tease you a little bit, while the other can be used in public as long as you’re alright with it.
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
Anyone who has known him for at least a day can see how smitten this man is with you. He’s surprisingly obvious, as some had expected him to not change much after falling in love. The samurai is pretty good at keeping a kind smile on his face and look calm all the time… but he’s not exactly subtle when he stares at you from afar.
Kazuha writes about you. There are so many poems, haikus and even letters about his feelings for you in his room. Each of them are full of love, making clear just how wonderful you are and how much he wishes to be by your side. Some of them express how he dreams of holding your hand as you watch the sunset together. Maybe, he’ll be able to show them to you one day.
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
Bold of you to think Kazuha wouldn’t tell anyone who’s willing to listen about how wonderful you are. There are times when Beidou even tries to avoid the ronin because she’s too tired to listen to him talk for hours about you.
He isn’t shy at all, he’s happy to be your boyfriend and won’t ever reject a kiss from you, no matter who’s in front of him. His cheeks will turn a pretty pink, his smile even softer as he watches you go after leaving a peck on his lips. Then, he’ll continue talking like nothing happened, ignoring any looks from others.
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
He’s a really good cook. Kazuha can make delicious dishes without many ingredients, and even the simplest recipes taste like a delicacy. If you’re traveling with him, you’ll stare as he prepares everything for your meal. For some reason, it’s hypnotizing.
And he loves to cook for you! If you’re tired or simply don’t want to cook, leave it to him. There’s nothing better than arriving home to see your boyfriend in the kitchen with a cute apron on, a gentle smile on his lips as he tells you to sit at the table while he finishes with the food. It’s your favorite dish, and it tastes better than usual, all thanks to your lover.
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
There’s no doubt that Kazuha is a romantic man, he enjoys the soft touches, kissing your hand, whispering promises of love in your ear… He’d do many things to make you happy, just say the word, and the ronin will give his all.
He likes to be creative with the haikus he writes for you, searching for the most beautiful metaphors to try and describe your beauty, although he knows that no words can do so. He does enjoy romantic clichés though, if it makes you smile or blush, it’s good.
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
Your lover supports you a lot! He believes in you, don’t even doubt it. Kazuha knows you’ll achieve your goals, and even if you don’t, he’s there for you. Sometimes, it’s not the right time, but don’t let failure blind you.
He’ll be there to help you when you need it, and he’ll tell you how brave and wonderful you are. Try your best, and even if it’s not enough, it will some day if you keep trying. He’ll stay with you in every step of the way, and he’ll offer you a hand if you ever fall.
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
While he enjoys to try different things, he’s also okay with a routine. Kazuha would like to take a few trips with you from time to time, maybe take you to a place he found in one of his travels and thought you’d like it too.
Still, a routine is comforting. After wandering, having to keep his guard up to avoid any nasty surprises, a routine is a nice break, especially if it’s with you. It’s domestic, sweet and makes his chest feel warm.
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
Sometimes you wonder if Kazuha knows you better than yourself. He learned about your quirks and how to read your mood without you saying a word, he knows what to do when you’re upset, how to push your buttons and how to make you melt against him with a simple kiss.
If you’re upset, he can’t help but worry. If you’re crying, his chest hurts, and he wants nothing more than hold you in his arms and comfort you. If you smile, no matter how bad his day was, it’ll feel like the rainy clouds disappeared to let the sun shine. So, yes, he’s pretty empathetic when it comes to you.
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
Your relationship is one of the most important things in his life, along with his freedom to wander and the close friends he found. It’s difficult to explain how important it is for him, but you have a permanent place in his heart.
Every morning, he wakes up wishing to see your sleeping face beside him, or find you close with a smile. When he travels, you rarely leave his thoughts, and he’s excited to go back home, to go back to you, and tell you about everything.
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
Kazuha lets you do whatever you want with his hair. Feel free to try any hairstyles on him, he won’t complain if he ends up with a pair of pigtails. He loves when you run your hands through his hair, and he might fall asleep after a while.
When he’s feeling down, he’ll plop down on your lap. His hair is down, snowy locks falling on his face, waiting for your warm, loving hand. It’s quiet, and with every caress from you he can feel his worries disappear.
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
As long as you’re okay with it, Kazuha is pretty affectionate! He isn’t exactly handsy, but he just loves to hold your hand when you’re walking side by side. Feel free to put your hands on his arm even, he finds it cute.
But yes, he loves to kiss and cuddle with you. Every touch from you makes his heart jump and he has the sweetest smile on his face. He’s addicted to your lips, and doesn’t even try to hide it when he chases after them whenever you kiss him. He can write so many poems about how your touch feels like home, how your body fits so perfectly against his… He loves you so much, and he wants to show you in all the ways he can.
Y earning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
He writes. Haikus, poems, letters, anything. If he finds something beautiful, be it a flower or even a place, he’ll try to compare it to your beauty. A pretty red flower for the color of your cheeks, a warm drink for the warmth in his chest when he’s with you.
He’ll send you those letters, even if they’re a bit messy. Those are his thoughts, that way you’ll be aware that he’s still thinking about you, even if you’re far away from the other. Some nights, Kazuha looks up at the night sky, wondering if you’re also looking at the moon and thinking of him.
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lenghts for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
He’s willing to fight for you, to defend you, and give his all for you to stay by his side. If there’s something threatening your relationship, Kazuha will try to find a way to deal with it. He doesn’t have many limits when it comes to this.
If you want to stay by his side, he won’t hesitate to fight for you. He won’t lose you, not unless you wish to leave him. He won’t let anyone or anything take someone dear to him, not again, he promises to protect you with his life.
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glazemeda 2022
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himebushou · 2 years
One of Buddy Daddies' central themes is the concept of change. The series explores both whether it's possible for people to change and whether they should be allowed to change.
In Episode 7, Kazuki openly admits to Karin that he fears changing because that, to him, is the same as forgiving himself for what happened in the past.
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However, Karin encourages Kazuki with the words, "I bet you can make [Miri] happy too!" The rain promptly stops and the sun comes out, symbolising that Kazuki can now walk towards a brighter future.
Then, in Episode 8, Rei tentatively asks Kazuki, "You think we can change?" Once again, change is presented positively: we see Rei and Kazuki driving through darkness, but their path is paved with light the entire way.
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This conversation takes place a few months after Kazuki meets Karin; therefore, Kazuki's already had time to commit himself to changing. For Rei, however, the conversation in Episode 8 serves as a vehicle for allowing the audience to know, explicitly, that he wants to change.
So: Kazuki didn't want to change but was convinced that he is allowed to. Rei didn't know if he could change but was prompted to try.
However, if we go back to the start of the series, the person who is most invested in the pair changing is Kugi Kyuutarou.
In Episode 1, as Kazuki leaves Mistletoe Café, Kyuu-chan pointedly asks:
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From Kyuu-chan's perspective (and we see Karin reiterate the same idea), Kazuki has mourned for a long time — long enough that he can now be merciful with himself and think about his own happiness. The fact that Yuzuko died five years ago is significant: had she died 'too recently' (e.g. a year ago), there is a risk that the audience would have accused Kazuki of moving on too quickly and therefore failed to sympathise with his pain. However, with Yuzuko's passing taking place half a decade ago, both Kyuu-chan and Karin could be positioned to say to Kazuki, "You've been unhappy for a long time: I give you permission to move on." Of course, the five years also allows for the exploration of other ideas, such as the parallel of Kazuki's unborn child being the same age as Miri — but this is a seperate matter and I'll try to avoid going on a further tangent just now.
The scene in Episode 1 is the first indication we receive that Kyuu-chan doesn't simply care for Kazuki and Rei as colleagues. In fact, he wants to see them living better, more fulfilling lives.
Then, in Episode 5, Kyuu-chan looks after Miri and comes to the conclusion that her influence is a positive one. He does have some reservations, but he shares these with Kazuki and Rei, stating that he's unsure of whether Miri's presence will be good or bad for the pair.
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Ultimately, however, Kyuu-chan gives his blessings for the trio to continue living chaotically — and let's not forget that he's indulgent enough to babysit Miri while Rei and Kazuki undertake a reconnaissance mission.
Next, in Episode 7, Kazuki 'runs away'. He whines to Kyuu-chan about his living conditions and Kyuu-chan notes, "You've really changed," with a small smile on his face.
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Kyuutarou is pleased. He's wanted to see his friends happy for years — he introduced Kazuki and Rei to each other in the hopes that they would be good for one another in some capacity (and, as knowledgeable as Kyuu-chan is, I doubt he could have predicted that Kazuki would take over Rei's life in such a dramatic way). As he listens to Kazuki whinge about domestic life, Kyuu-chan comments, "Sounds like you're having a lot of fun." Kazuki protests, but it's clear thst he enjoys what his life has become.
Nevertheless, at the end of Episode 10, Miri — who has been presented as Kazuki and Rei's light — leaves with Misaki. Kazuki and Rei believe that they are doomed to return to their old, empty lives and Kazuki says, "Guess we weren't able to change." Rei agrees, offering a resigned, "Yeah." Here, the pair are too absorbed in their grief to realise that they have already changed.
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When Kazuki and Rei believed that change was possible, they were both basked in light. Here, however, the shining Ferris wheel (which now represents what they believe will be their last ever happy memory with Miri) is behind them. Even the bright stars are behind them. Rei and Kazuki are locked in darkness and the idea of being able to change is consigned to their past — a foolish, naïve past where they believed that they, two men with bloodied hands, could ever be truly happy, like normal people. Once again, light and shadow are used to juxtapose the past and the future.
But this post is about Kyuutarou, so we must ask the question: how does Kyuutarou feel about all of this?
My guess is that he's devastated.
In Episode 10, Kyuutarou uses some forthright language to convince Rei and Kazuki that their life with Miri is over. He reminds them, "We're the ones who killed her father." From his standpoint, Kyuutarou needs to speak these harsh truths and intervene (by calling Misaki) in order to save lives. It's easy to perceive Kyuutarou in a negative light — however, we can understand that his hand was forced. In Episodes 5 and 10, Kyuutarou warns Rei and Kazuki that the Organisation does not show leniency; it is probable that Kyuutarou fears for his own life, also.
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So when Kyuutarou shows the pair a picture and states, "All of this was only ever a dream," he isn't simply addressing Kazuki and Rei. He's also talking to himself. For Kugi Kyuutarou, too, a precious dream — one where his friends can change, one where they can be happy — is dead.
And having to be the one to sound the death knell? Having to bear the burden of driving nails into a coffin?
Kugi Kyuutarou is in mourning.
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monochromatictoad · 8 days
You know what, I've said it once, and I'll say it again.
Everything NFCV and Nocturne wishes it could be, was done SO much better in the Lords of Shadow Trilogy. These are in no linear order, I'm just writing them as I think of them.
Sad boy Dracula who gets redeemed and wife back? Dracul not only did it better, but wasn't the equivalent to a piece of wet tissue paper while he was depressed. No, he continued to try his best and sacrificed his humanity for humanity, which resulted in him growing enraged and betrayed by everyone who backstabbed him. He grew stronger, learned more skills with magic, and uses his own blood as a weapon. God also still loves him, and he has special privileges of being God's Champion.
Marie. She has more character than any of the women in any part of NFCV combined. And she's dead half the time! She encourages Gabriel to continue his mission. She helps him where she can along the way! And the only reason she lies to him about Trevor, is because she was trapped between a rock and a hard place! She wasn't given an option, and in the end, she chose to potentially let her son live. It wasn't an easy decision for her, and you can see it in her body language in MoF and the Castle portions of LoS2.
Speaking of Trevor, LoS Trevor is everything Tiddiecard wishes he could be. LoS Trevor is smart, but incredibly emotional, like his father. He wanted revenge, and failed, which resulted in him becoming Alucard, but also for his wife to lose her life, his son to be orphaned, and the village he lived in to be destroyed. By the way, he has a breakdown after he comes out of his tomb, and finds out he's been turned. But despite this, he still partners up with his son, who is now Thirty-seven (37). Also, Dracula buried Trevorcard in custom armor and a weapon, crafted solely for him.
Also, Trevor only got turned, because he was staked by Dracul, who used the VK against him. As in, Dracul disarmed Trevor and then staked Trevor with it. Dracul, once finding out that he just killed his son, tries to force blood in his mouth, to save him. Dracul thinks he failed, and has another on screen sob. It's unclear whether or not Dracul knew Alucard was going to awaken, considering that he knew his kin was to defeat him, thus being the theory behind the baby skull mountain.
Also, did I mention that Dracul is an unhinged bastard in MoF? There's two ways you can interpret the baby skull mountain. One, the in game theory of Dracul impregnating women and killing the babies. Two, Dracul kidnapping babies, maybe lost in a delusion that he can bring the son he didn't get to know back. Personally, I think it could be the latter, however, those are just theories, and it's never explicitly stated in any of the main campaigns. (I'm not counting the DLC on this, because I have not read the notes in any of the DLC.)
You root for Dracul in LoS2. You watch his downfall from Gabriel to Dracul, from Angel to Demon. His redemption arc was deserved, and he fought for redemption. He killed his inner darkness for his family! He defeated Satan, a second time, to protect Humanity! He's still God's Champion! Not only did he work to earn his family's and God's forgiveness, he forgives himself!
Gabriel loves Marie. He adores her. He also loves Trevorcard. It's so blatantly obvious when he interacts with them in LoS2.
Fucking, Carmilla. She was a founder of the Brotherhood of Light! She was kickass, while being described as a kind soul when she was human! In LoS1, her Lord of Shadow form is monstrous. She doesn't need a cocktail gown nor anime hair. She is simply shrouded in a black gown, that if MercurySteam could've gotten away with her being nude, they would've. But it works, because Lords of Shadow are the unholy counterparts that couldn't go to heaven with their holy counterparts. But back to her monstrous form, she is kickass in this form. She doesn't need to be fancy, because why would she? Carmilla has an entire army of vampires, that also consist of Demons who were turned! Plus, she doesn't die from being staked, she dies because Gabriel was just strong enough to keep her in place long enough for the sun to fry her.
Death. Simply put, it's hard to surpass Patrick Stewart voiced, asshole Death, who is incredibly powerful in his own right, though not physically. Zobek plays a manipulating ally so well, I didn't think hard about his weird dialogue until he revealed himself as Death!!
Laura. Oh, poor Laura. She is an incredibly sympathetic vampire, because she was a child kidnapped and turned by Carmilla. She was still threatening, almost killing Gabriel before a cutscene happens, and she watches Marie come down and comfort Gabriel. There, she states that she's jealous of them, before saying that she doesn't want to play anymore. She calls to Gabriel in the DLC, because she knows she can't fight the Forgotten One by herself! Laura is a scared child, and is doing what she can to help! Her sacrifice of giving her blood to Gabriel to turn him SAVED HUMANITY.
Also, it has wonderful commentary, of you actually pay attention to the lore! Such as, it's take on religion is basically, Religion itself isn't bad, but it's the people in power of said religion who are the problem. It encourages questioning, because God is forgiving and loving, and will always welcome you back if you need to step away. The Acolytes in LoS2 are modeled and influenced by Western Politics. It's especially noticeable with Nergal Meslamstea, the second Acolyte, who, and I quote, "Gave people the rights to bare arms" thus making the robotic Police force that turns on civilians. I wonder who that's based off of. Raisa Volkova does Biased science and human experimentation, being the one who starts and spreads the virus that turns people into demons. Guido Szandor, who is based around cult leaders.
That's it for now. It's almost 12 AM for me, and I'm tired. I'll add when I think of more. Also, this kinda went on a tangent, so I apologize, I just have a lot of emotions.
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I agree with all of this pretty whole heartedly (except for the Marvel hates her part, I just think screenwriters for the studio don’t know how to write her because of how much the comics writer truly despise Wanda as a character. House of M sucks and you’ve been dooped lol). But to your point of Wanda trying to find help, and find people who will still accept her (which definitely makes the monumental task of changing easier), and I’ve always thought that the X-Men would be pretty perfect for that part of her story.
I say this because the X-Men are very well known for some of their members having done some extremely awful things (for some of them, worse than what Wanda did in MoM), but the thing about those members is the fact that they’re not only trying to be better and redeem themselves, but in some way have a found a pseudo family or found some form of relationship where they feel seen and aren’t alone. With Wanda, I always think of Rogue, someone who was raised as a rather villainous force, who joined the X-Men, and hasn’t felt like a good person, but she still tries, and is never alone, and I think that’s something Wanda needs at this point. More than reuniting with Vision or finding her kids, it’s finding a good, stable support system, one that’ll encourage her to do better and get therapy, have empathy for her and her past, and just generally give her a safe space to be seen and fuck up.
I’m sorry for the rant, I know it’s also extremely X-Men pilled, so my bad. But I genuinely want Wanda to be treated with empathy from people who will see her for who she is.
Hey sorry again for the late reply,
I was being sarcastic (is that the right word😭) on the mcu hating Wanda thingy, it's like a running joke eversince dsmom... since they keep making her suffer :(
I agree with ur comment about Wanda being with the mcu X-Men but I don't think X-Men is coming to the mcu soon, it seems Feige keep dilly dollying about them (and also....I don't think x men fans would want mcu Wanda's character to be with them...and the discourse would be annoying) mcu writing kind of sucks right now...and let's be realistic .....Wanda is mostly likely gonna come in the next avengers movie as a shock value and probably...oh god probably gonna be captured by RDJ's doom or some annoying shit like that...and I hate the fact that's mostly like is gonna happen...💀[annoyed screaming] Since mcu knows how to disappoint us with always making the worst choice possible
Okay enough with negativity let me be positive, 🙏
With Agatha all along releasing...and her having a coven, if Wanda returns... somewhere in the future I am hoping for her to be with Agatha and her friends...I know Wanda and Agatha have issues with each other, but them both being free of the darkhold influ...maybe they will understand each other, try to forgive each other and then be friends and then mentor her? I want Wanda to learn more about magic I am upset that Wanda literally just got into magic in the mcu and they killed her quickly...:((((( we really need a scarlet witch movie, tbh I don't think Wanda actually died in the dsmom even tho I always makes a post about it (I am dramatic ass hell) you know since the witches road is getting used in Agatha,
you know I have a idea for a scarlet witch movie
its mixing the original writing from mcu writers ( Jac Schaeffer save us) and a bit of Scarlet witch (1994) storyline, trust me I already think this through it could work with the right writer and director [I'll make a separate post why I think so let me just edit it in the drafts if anybody is interested] also gives Wanda a villains to fight that could work with her mcu storyline
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creativeimpetus · 3 months
I would love to learn more about the hazmat suited nuns and such.
Hello! Thank you for the ask. I have been holding off on this answer because I haven't made any illustrations for it yet, but I haven't forgotten! I'll go ahead and send some information your way:
A dendie nun is any person associated with the Order of Sanctimonious. This includes but is not limited to: clergy, researchers, lake laborers, educators, doctors, missionaries, and servants employed to a Duchess.
This is a broad term that spans an entire hierarchy. Nuns come from all social backgrounds. They may seek personal or societal betterment. The most common reasons for becoming a nun are social mobility, escape, or education. Unfortunately, born class tends to follow. Many hopefuls find that their vows simply lead to a dead-end scraping muck. Meanwhile, daughters of nobility are chosen as standouts and climb their way to Reverend in only a few years! (This is no coincidence, as the Church and the nobility rule hand in hand.)
Unless they are a doctor or clergy, most dendies would assume a nun is a layperson. The lake is vast and requires hundreds of different jobs to maintain. Thousands of dendie nuns live and work in buildings cloistered throughout the dark caverns of the lakeside. The monastery is like its own city-state with its own set of rules and rhythm.
One of the lowest, most grueling forms of labor is the Nursery. Nursery laborers are sometimes known as fishernuns. They must wear heavy full-body suits of leather proofed with tar, navigate small boats around dimly-lit columns, and drag their metal pole-nets through the lake to filter out gruesome little development sacs.
Besides the physical labor, the lake itself also has a few nauseating properties. It's not polite to say, but the Nursery stinks. This dedicated section of the lake is a living culture of viscera and symbiotic bacteria.
It is also uncomfortably warm. All those living things giving off heat makes a suit highly unpleasant! Fishernuns change shifts regularly to prevent accidents from heat exhaustion.
Dendies are unable to drown in the holy lake. It simply puts them in a stasis. However, the weight of the suit would drag them down long enough for an unwanted ascension. The victim is often difficult to recover, until the suit disintegrates, and they float somewhere visible.
This outcome is terrifying to dendies. Not that their god wouldn't take care of them, but falling into the lake means they would be stuck in their job forever! Illegitimate matriarchs are favored, since they do not have to wear a suit. They also might be taller and physically stronger. They're not encouraged to exist, but the Order is willing to 'forgive' them as long as they put their skills to use!
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